Structure of Should
The main verb is always the bare infinitive (infinitive without "to").
+ He should go.
? Should he go?
Notice that:
He should to go.
There is no short form for should. The negative should not can be shortened
to shouldn't.
Use of Should
You should see the new James Bond movie. It's great!
You should try to lose weight.
People often say "They should..." Usually, the "they" is anonymous and means
the government, or the company, or somebody else - but not us!
should: Conditionals
We sometimes use should (instead of would) for the first person singular (I) and
first person plural (we) of some conditionals:
We often use the conditional structure "If I were you I should..." to give advice.
Note that we can omit "If I were you..." and just say:
In these cases, the phrase "I should" really means something like "you should".
The president insists that the prime minister attend the meeting.
Subjunctive Using should
typically American English typically British English
It was necessary that everyone arrive It was necessary that everyone should
on time. arrive on time.
If we don't understand (or agree with) something, we may use "Why should..?":
"Why should..?" and "How should..?" can also indicate anger or irritation: