SotA3 Composite WEB
SotA3 Composite WEB
SotA3 Composite WEB
between destruction and survival of these extraordinary beings.
Matthew V. Cassetta
Facilitator, Congo Basin Forest Partnership
U.S. Department of State
State of the Apes
Infrastructure Development and
Ape Conservation
This title is available as an open access eBook via Cambridge Core and at www.stateof
State of the Apes
Series editors
Helga Rainer Arcus Foundation
Alison White
Annette Lanjouw Arcus Foundation
The world’s primates are among the most endangered of all tropical species. All great ape
species – gorilla, chimpanzee, bonobo and orangutan – are classified as either Endangered or
Critically Endangered. Furthermore, nearly all gibbon species are threatened with extinction.
Whilst linkages between ape conservation and economic development, ethics and wider envi-
ronmental processes have been acknowledged, more needs to be done to integrate biodiversity
conservation within broader economic, social and environmental communities if those con-
nections are to be fully realized and addressed.
Intended for a broad range of policymakers, industry experts and decision-makers,
academics, researchers and NGOs, the State of the Apes series will look at the threats to these
animals and their habitats within the broader context of economic and community devel-
opment. Each publication presents a different theme, providing an overview of how these
factors interrelate and affect the current and future status of apes, with robust statistics, welfare
indicators, official and various other reports providing an objective and rigorous analysis of
relevant issues.
Arcus Foundation. 2018. La planète des grands singes: Le développement des infrastructures et la conservation des
grands singes.
Arcus Foundation. 2015. La planète des grands singes: L’agriculture industrielle et la conservation des grands singes.
Arcus Foundation. 2014. La planète des grands singes: Les industries extractives et la conservation des grands singes.
State of the Apes
Infrastructure Development and
Ape Conservation
ur world is on the verge of unprec- against climate change.
edented economic and environ- In other words, when apes are displaced
mental change. While access to —when their forests are degraded and their
technology and opportunity are dramatically lives are devalued—humans are too. When
improving many parts of the planet, we also we ignore the larger consequences of these
see climate change and widening inequal- massive infrastructure projects, especially
ity putting that progress in jeopardy. Even in the name of inequitable and unjust gain,
though new infrastructure investments—in the whole world suffers.
roads, dams, pipelines and railways—prom- Our planet and our communities are in
ise economic prosperity for poorer coun- urgent need of a more sustainable, equitable
tries, the risks such projects pose threaten kind of economic development—one that
to outweigh the benefits. empowers everyone, while protecting the
Look no further than what is happen- planet’s life and resources.
ing to the world’s population of apes across At the Ford Foundation, we understand
Africa and southeast Asia. The fragmenta- that all these issues are deeply intertwined,
tion and exploitation of tropical forests is a and to address them comprehensively, the
direct threat to apes—compromising their solutions must be similarly interconnected.
habitat, making food scarce, and bringing The question is: how do we strike a balance
dangers like poaching and disease. As a result, that enables development while also allowing
their numbers are decreasing everywhere. apes and other species, local communities,
Today, many ape species are on the precipice the environment and the economy to thrive?
of extinction. This book is aimed at helping us answer
As this latest volume of State of the Apes that difficult question. Through reasoned,
argues, our well-being is inextricably linked peer-reviewed science and practical exam-
to the well-being of our environment—and ples, State of the Apes shows that though
the well-being of all species that call our there may always be trade-offs, smart policy
planet home. comes from considering what will create
That is in part because this same forest long-term benefits for all. It offers real solu-
destruction is equally devastating to forest- tions for how we plan, organize and educate
dependent people. Industrial-scale infra- to produce socially inclusive and green
structure development has a significant, infrastructure. And it reminds us that both
detrimental impact on local communities long-term environmental sustainability
that have a long-term relationship with the and long-term economic progress are the
forest. These rural and indigenous com- result of equitable and just solutions—not
munities frequently don’t see the economic unsustainable or corrupt investments.
benefits brought by new roads and power Most importantly, this volume demon-
plants; instead they see their land taken away, strates how equitable development is not only
without any just compensation or respect a possibility, but a necessity.
for their voices or rights. We know we can’t stop the world from
Moreover, these developments have even developing, but we can make sure inevitable
wider ramifications for our environment. and necessary developments in infrastruc-
When we eliminate forests and fail to lift ture also contribute to the larger march of
up the communities that protect them, we progress for all people, and protect the
Darren Walker
Ford Foundation
Section 1
Infrastructure Development and Ape Conservation
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Towards More Sustainable Infrastructure: Challenges and
Opportunities in Ape Range States of Africa and Asia .......................................................................................... 11
Introduction 11
Infrastructure: A Game Changer 13
Drivers of Infrastructure Expansion 18
Emerging Threats to Ape Habitats 22
Social and Political Concerns 27
A Dire Need for Better Infrastructure Planning 28
Priorities for Change 31
6. Renewable Energy and the Conservation of Apes and Ape Habitat ......................................... 167
Introduction 167
Global Hydropower: Drivers and Trends 171
Impacts of Hydropower 172
Hydropower and Apes 174
Conclusion 195
Section 2
The Status and Welfare of Great Apes and Gibbons
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 198
7. Mapping Change in Ape Habitats: Forest Status, Loss,
Protection and Future Risk .................................................................................................................................................................... 201
Introduction 201
A Summary of the State of the Apes through the Lenses of Forest Cover and Protection, 2000–14 207
Forest Dynamics and Loss from 2000 to 2014 207
Annual Forest Loss Trends in Ape Habitat 216
Regular Monitoring of Forest Change 220
Conclusion 222
Notes to Readers
Photographs Acknowledgments
We aim to include photographs that are rele-
vant to each theme and illustrate the content
The aim of the State of the Apes series is to
of each chapter. If you have photographs that
facilitate critical engagement on conserva-
you are willing to share with the Arcus Foun
tion, industry and government practice and
dation, for use in this series, or for multiple
to expand support for great apes and gib-
purposes, please contact the Production
bons. We are grateful to everyone who played
Coordinator (
a part, including meeting participants, our
or the Cambridge office.
authors, contributors and reviewers, and
those involved in the production of the book.
The support of Jon Stryker and the Arcus
Foundation Board of Directors is essential
to the production of this publication. We
thank them for their ongoing support.
A key element outside of the thematic
content is the overview of the status of apes,
both in their natural habitats and in captivity.
We extend our thanks to the captive-ape
organizations that provided detailed infor-
mation and to all the great ape and gibbon
scientists who contribute their valuable data
to build the A.P.E.S. database. Such collabo-
rative efforts are key to effective and efficient
conservation action.
Authors, contributors, reviewers and
those who provided essential data and sup-
port are acknowledged at the end of each
chapter. We could not have produced this
book without them, and we thank them for
their enduring patience and participation, in
sickness and in health. Many of the photo-
graphs included were generously shared by
their creators, who are credited alongside
each one. Respect and thanks to those who
read and reviewed the whole publication—
no small task: Mihai Coroi, Cindy Rizzo and
Tommaso Savini.
Particular thanks go to the following
individuals, organizations and agencies:
Marc Ancrenaz, Iain Bray, Stanley Brunn,
Genevieve Campbell, the Center for Inter
national Forestry Research (CIFOR), Susan
Cheyne, Bruce Davidson, Eric Dinerstein,
the Ford Foundation, Forest Peoples Pro anonymous comments or strategic advice,
gramme (FPP), Getty Images, Hao Chunxu, and by helping with essential administra-
Matthew Hatchwell, Randy Hayes, Tatyana tive tasks. Marie Stevenson deserves par-
Humle, Jack Hurd, the Jane Goodall Insti ticular thanks for her logistical support. We
tute (JGI), Lin Ji, Anup Joshi, Justin Kenrick, also thank everyone who provided much-
Josh Klemm, Bill Laurance, Cath Lawson, appreciated moral support.
Liz Macfie, the Max Planck Institute for
Evolutionary Anthropology, Linda May, Helga Rainer, Alison White
Adriana Gonçalves Moreira, Mott Mac and Annette Lanjouw
Donald, Steve Peedell, Adam Phillipson, Editors
Refuge for Wildlife, RESOLVE, Martha
Robbins, Ian Singleton, Tenekwetche Sop,
Gideon Suharyanto, the Sumatran Orang
utan Conservation Programme (SOCP),
Bob Tansey, The Biodiversity Consultancy
(TBC), The Nature Conservancy (TNC),
Anne Trainor, University of Minnesota,
Steve Volkers, Darren Walker, Wildlife Con
servation Society (WCS), Laura Wilkinson,
Jake Willis and the World Wide Fund for
Nature (WWF).
Our thanks also to Katrina Halliday and
the team at Cambridge University Press for
their support and commitment to this series.
We are committed to ensuring that these
books are available to as many stakehold-
ers as possible, not least by providing them
in English, French and Bahasa Indonesia.
Our thanks go to our cartographer, copy
editor, graphic designers, indexer, proof-
readers, reference editor and translators:
Sarah Binns, Eva Fairnell, Tania Inowlocki,
Caroline Jones, Rick Jones, Hyacinthe Kemp,
Jillian Luff, Anton Nurcahyo, Islaminur
Pempasa, Hélène Piantone, Erica Taube,
Beth Varley and Rumanti Wasturini. All
language editions are provided on the State
of the Apes website, and our thanks go to
the Arcus Communications team for man-
aging this site, especially Stephanie Myers,
Sebastian Naidoo and Bryan Simmons.
Many others contributed in a number
of ways that cannot be attributed to spe-
cific content, by providing introductions,
Apes Overview
Bonobo (Pan paniscus)
Distribution and Numbers in the Wild
The bonobo is only present in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), bio-
geographically separated from chimpanzees and gorillas by the Congo River
(see Figure AO1). The population size is unknown, as only 30% of the species’
historic range has been surveyed; however, estimates from the four geograph-
ically distinct bonobo strongholds suggest a minimum population of 15,000–
20,000 individuals, with numbers decreasing (Fruth et al., 2016).
The bonobo is included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix I and is categorized as
endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red
List (Fruth et al., 2016; see Box AO1). The causes of population decline include poaching; habitat loss and degradation; disease;
and people’s lack of awareness that hunting and eating bonobos is unlawful. Poaching, which is mainly carried out as part of
the commercial wild meat trade and for some medicinal purposes, has been exacerbated by the ongoing effects of armed
conflict, such as military-sanctioned hunting and the accessibility of modern weaponry and ammunition (Fruth et al., 2016).
Male adult bonobos reach a height of 73–83 cm and weigh 37–61 kg, while females are slightly smaller, weighing 27–38 kg.
Bonobos are moderately sexually dimorphic and similar in size and appearance to chimpanzees, although with a smaller head
and lither appearance. The maximum life span in the wild is 50 years (Hohmann et al., 2006; Robson and Wood, 2008).
The bonobo diet is mainly frugivorous (more than 50% fruit), supplemented with leaves, stems, shoots, pith, seeds, bark, flowers,
honey and fungi, including truffles. Only a very small part of their diet consists of animal matter—such as insects, small reptiles,
birds and medium-sized mammals, including other primates.
Social Organization
Bonobos live in fission–fusion communities of 10–120 individuals, consisting of multiple males and females. When foraging, they
split into smaller mixed-sex subgroups, or parties, averaging 5–23 individuals.
Male bonobos cooperate with and tolerate one another; however, lasting bonds between adult males are rare, in contrast to the
bonds between adult females, which are strong and potentially last for years. A distinguishing feature of female bonobos is that
they are co-dominant with males and form alliances against certain males within the community. Among bonobos, the bonds
between mother and son are the strongest, prove highly important for the social status of the son and last into adulthood.
Together with chimpanzees, bonobos are the closest living relatives to humans, sharing 98.8% of our DNA (Smithsonian
Institution, n.d.; Varki and Altheide, 2005).
Male chimpanzees are 77–96 cm tall and weigh 28–70 kg, while females measure 70–91 cm and weigh 20–50 kg. They share
many facial expressions with humans, although forehead musculature is less pronounced and they have more flexible lips.
Chimpanzees live for up to 50 years in the wild.
Chimpanzees are mainly frugivorous and opportunistic feeders. Some communities include 200 species of food items in a diet
of fruit supplemented by herbaceous vegetation and animal prey, such as ants and termites, but also small mammals, including
other primates. Chimpanzees are the most carnivorous of all the apes.
Social Organization
Chimpanzees show fission–fusion, multi-male–multi-female grouping patterns. A large community includes all individuals who
regularly associate with one another; such communities comprise an average of 35 individuals, with the largest-known group
counting 150, although this size is rare. The community separates into smaller, temporary subgroups, or parties. The parties
can be highly fluid, with members moving in and out quickly or a few individuals staying together for a few days before rejoining
the community.
Typically, home ranges are defended by highly territorial males, who may attack or even kill neighboring chimpanzees. Male
chimpanzees are dominant over female chimpanzees and are generally the more social sex, sharing food and grooming each
other more frequently. Chimpanzees are noted for their sophisticated forms of cooperation, such as in hunting and territorial
defense; the level of cooperation involved in social hunting activities varies across communities, however.
The adult male of the eastern gorilla is slightly larger (159–196 cm, 120–209 kg) than the western gorilla (138–180 cm, 145–191 kg).
Both species are highly sexually dimorphic, with females being about half the size of males. Their life span ranges from 30 to 40
years in the wild. Mature males are known as “silverbacks” due to the development of a gray saddle with maturity.
The gorillas’ diet consists predominantly of ripe fruit and terrestrial, herbaceous vegetation. More herbaceous vegetation is
ingested while fruit is scarce, in line with seasonality and fruit availability, and protein gain comes from leaves and bark of trees;
gorillas do not eat meat but occasionally consume ants and termites. Mountain gorillas have less fruit in their environment than
lowland gorillas, so they feed mainly on leaves, pith, stems, bark and, occasionally, ants.
Social Organization
Western gorillas live in stable groups with multiple females and one adult male (silverback); in contrast, eastern gorillas are
polygynous and can be polygynandrous, with groups that comprise one or more silverbacks, multiple females, their offspring and
immature relatives. The average group consists of ten individuals, but eastern gorillas can live in groups of up to 65 individuals,
whereas the maximum group size for the western gorilla is 22. Gorillas are not territorial and home ranges overlap extensively.
Chest beats and vocalizations typically are used when neighboring silverbacks come into contact, but intergroup encounters
may escalate into physical fights. Mutual avoidance is normally the adopted strategy for groups that live in the same areas.
Apes Overview
Adult males can reach a height of 94–99 cm and weigh 60–85 kg (flanged) or 30–65 kg (unflanged). Females are 64–84 cm tall and
weigh 30–45 kg, meaning that orangutans are highly sexually dimorphic. In the wild, males on Sumatra have a life expectancy
of 58 years and females 53 years. No accurate data exist for the Bornean orangutan.
Fully mature males develop a short beard and protruding cheek pads, termed “flanges.” Some male orangutans experience
“developmental arrest,” maintaining a female-like size and appearance for many years past sexual maturity; they are known as
“unflanged” males. Orangutans are the only great ape to exhibit male bimaturism.
The orangutan diet mainly consists of fruit, but they also eat leaves, shoots, seeds, bark, pith, flowers, eggs, soil and invertebrates
(termites (Isoptera) and ants (Formicidae)). Carnivorous behavior has also been observed, but at a low frequency (preying on
species such as slow lorises (Nycticebus)).
Social Organization
The mother–offspring unit is the only permanent social unit among orangutans, yet social groupings between independent indi-
viduals do occur, although their frequency varies across populations (Wich, de Vries and Ancrenaz, 2009a). While females are
usually relatively tolerant of each other, flanged males are intolerant of other flanged and unflanged males (Wich et al., 2009a).
Orangutans on Sumatra are generally more social than those on Borneo and live in overlapping home ranges, with flanged males
emitting “long calls” to alert others to their location (Delgado and Van Schaik, 2000; Wich et al., 2009a). Orangutans are character-
ized by an extremely slow life history, with the longest interbirth interval (6–9 years) of any primate species (Wich et al., 2004, 2009a).
Hoolock genus
Distribution and Numbers in the Wild
Three species comprise the Hoolock genus: the western hoolock (Hoolock
hoolock), the eastern hoolock (Hoolock leuconedys) and the newly discov-
ered Gaoligong or Skywalker hoolock (Hoolock tianxing) (Fan et al., 2017). The
Mishmi Hills hoolock (Hoolock h. mishmiensis), the most recently discovered
subspecies of western hoolock, was officially named in 2013 (Choudhury, 2013).
The western hoolock’s distribution spans Bangladesh, India and Myanmar.
The eastern hoolock lives in China, India and Myanmar (see Figure AO2). To
date, the Gaoligong hoolock has only been seen in eastern Myanmar and
southwestern China (Fan et al., 2017).
With an estimated population of 2,500 individuals, the western hoolock is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List. The eastern
hoolock has a much larger population, numbering 293,200–370,000, and is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. Both
species are listed in CITES Appendix I, with the main threats identified as habitat loss and fragmentation, and hunting for food,
pets and medicinal purposes. The Gaoligong hoolock is likely to be categorized as endangered but has not yet been formally
listed on the IUCN Red List (Fan et al., 2017).
An individual hoolock can have a head and body length of 45–81 cm and weigh 6–9 kg, with males slightly heavier than females.
Like most gibbons, the Hoolock genus is sexually dichromatic, with the pelage (coat) of females and males differing in terms of
patterning and color. Pelage also differs across species: unlike the western hoolock, the eastern one features a complete separa-
tion between the white brow markings and a white preputial tuft.
The diet of the western hoolock is primarily frugivorous, supplemented with vegetative matter such as leaves, shoots, seeds, moss
and flowers. While little is known about the diet of the eastern hoolock, it most likely resembles that of the western hoolock.
Social Organization
Hoolocks live in family groups of 2–6 individuals, consisting of a mated adult pair and their offspring. They are presumably territorial,
although no specific data exist. Hoolock pairs vocalize a “double solo” rather than the more common “duet” of various gibbons.
Hylobates genus
Distribution and Numbers in the Wild
Nine species are currently included in the Hylobates genus, although there
remains some dispute about whether Abbott’s gray gibbon (Hylobates
abbottii), the Bornean gray gibbon (Hylobates funereus) and Müller’s gibbon
(Hylobates muelleri) represent full species (see Table AO1).
This genus of gibbon occurs discontinuously in tropical and subtropical for-
ests from southwestern China, through Indochina, Thailand and the Malay
Peninsula to the islands of Sumatra, Borneo and Java (Wilson and Reeder,
2005; see Figure AO2). The overall estimated minimum population for the
Hylobates genus is about 360,000–400,000, with the least abundant species
being the moloch gibbon (Hylobates moloch) and most abundant being, collectively, the “gray gibbons” (Abbott’s, the Bornean
and Müller’s gibbons), although no accurate population numbers are available for Abbott’s gray gibbon.
All Hylobates species are listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List and are in CITES Appendix I. Three hybrid zones occur
naturally and continue to coexist with the unhybridized species in the wild. The main collective threats facing the genus are
deforestation, hunting and the illegal pet trade (S. Cheyne, personal communication, 2017; Mittermeier et al., 2013).
Average height for both sexes of all species is approximately 46 cm and their weight ranges between 5 kg and 7 kg. With the
exception of the pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus), species in the genus are not sexually dichromatic, although the lar gibbon
(Hylobates lar) has two color phases, which are not related to sex or age.
Gibbons are mainly frugivorous. Figs are an especially important part of their diet and are supplemented by leaves, buds, flowers,
shoots, vines and insects, while small animals and bird eggs form the protein input.
Social Organization
Hylobates gibbons are largely socially monogamous, forming family units of two adults and their offspring; however, polyandrous
and polygynous units have been observed, especially in hybrid zones. Territorial disputes are predominantly led by males, who
become aggressive towards other males, whereas females tend to lead daily
movements and ward off other females.
Nomascus genus
Distribution and Numbers in the Wild
Seven species make up the Nomascus genus (see Table AO1).
The Nomascus genus, which is somewhat less widely distributed than the
Hylobates genus, is present in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and southern China
(including Hainan Island; see Figure AO2). Population estimates exist for some
Apes Overview
taxa: there are approximately 1,500 western black crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor), 130 Cao Vit gibbons (Nomascus nasutus)
and 23 Hainan gibbons (Nomascus hainanus). Population estimates for the white-cheeked gibbons (N. leucogenys and N. siki)
are not available except for some sites, yet overall numbers are known to be severely depleted. The yellow-cheeked gibbons
(N. annamensis and N. gabriellae) have the largest populations among the Nomascus gibbons.
All species are listed in CITES Appendix I; in the IUCN Red List, four are categorized as critically endangered (N. concolor,
nasutus, hainanus and leucogenys) and two as endangered (N. siki and N. gabriellae), while one—the northern yellow-cheeked
crested gibbon (Nomascus annamensis)—is yet to be assessed (IUCN, 2017). Major threats to these populations include hunt-
ing for food, pets and for medicinal purposes, as well as habitat loss and fragmentation.
Average head and body length across all species of this genus, for both sexes, is approximately 47 cm; individuals weigh around
7 kg. All Nomascus species have sexually dimorphic pelage; adult males are predominantly black while females are a buffy
yellow. Their diet is much the same as that of the Hylobates genus: mainly frugivorous, supplemented with leaves and flowers.
Social Organization
Gibbons of the Nomascus genus are mainly socially monogamous; however, most species have also been observed in poly-
androus and polygynous groups. More northerly species appear to engage in polygyny to a greater degree than southern taxa.
Copulations outside monogamous pairs have been recorded, although infrequently.
Symphalangus genus
Distribution and Numbers in the Wild
Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) are found in several forest blocks across
Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand (see Figure AO2); the species faces
severe threats to its habitat across its range. No accurate estimates exist
for the total population size. The species is listed in CITES Appendix I and
is classified as endangered on the IUCN Red List.
The siamang’s head and body length is 75–90 cm, and adult males weigh
10.5–12.7 kg, while adult females weigh 9.1–11.5 kg. The siamang is minimally sexually dimorphic, and the pelage is the same
across sexes: black. The species has a large inflatable throat sac.
Siamang rely heavily on figs and somewhat less on leaves—a diet that allows them to be sympatric with Hylobates gibbons in
some locations, since the latter focus more on fleshy fruits. The siamang diet also includes flowers and insects.
Social Organization
Males and females call territorially, using their large throat sacs, and males will give chase to neighboring males. One group’s
calls will inhibit other groups nearby, and they will consequently take turns to vocalize. The groups are usually based on monog-
amous pairings, although polyandrous groups have been observed. Males may also adopt the role of caregiver for infants.
All information is drawn from the Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Volume 3: Primates (Mittermeier, Rylands and Wilson, 2013), unless otherwise cited.
* For the Bornean orangutan, additional threats include forest fires and people’s lack of awareness that they are protected by law. For the Sumatran orangutan,
the current most important threat is a land use plan issued by the government of Aceh in 2013. The plan does not recognize that the Leuser Ecosystem is a
National Strategic Area, a legal status that prohibits cultivation, development and other activities that would degrade the ecosystem’s environmental functions
(Singleton et al., 2016).
Photo Credits:
Bonobo: © Takeshi Furuichi, Wamba Committee for Bonobo Research
Chimpanzee: © Arcus Foundation and Jabruson, 2014. All rights reserved.
Gorilla: © Annette Lanjouw
Orangutan: © Perry van Duijnhoven 2013
Gibbons: Hoolock: © Dr. Axel Gebauer/; Hylobates: © International Primate Protection League (IPPL); Nomascus: © IPPL;
Symphalangus: © Pete Oxford/
Detailed guidelines on their use are available at: Critically Extremely <250 >80% endangered high
Apes Overview
Table AO2
Great Apes and Gibbons
Pan genus
Gorilla genus
Pongo genus
Hoolock genus
Table AO2
Hylobates genus
Nomascus genus
Northern white-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus leucogenys Lao PDR Viet Nam
(a.k.a. northern white-cheeked gibbon,
white-cheeked gibbon)
Northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus annamensis Cambodia Lao PDR Viet Nam
(a.k.a. northern buffed-cheeked gibbon)
Southern white-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus siki Lao PDR Viet Nam
(a.k.a. southern white-cheeked gibbon)
Southern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus gabriellae Cambodia Lao PDR Viet Nam
(a.k.a. red-cheeked gibbon, buff-cheeked gibbon,
buffy-cheeked gibbon)
Western black crested gibbon Nomascus concolor China Lao PeDR Viet Nam
(a.k.a. black crested gibbon, black gibbon,
concolor gibbon, Indochinese gibbon)
Symphalangus genus
Sources: Susan Cheyne, personal communication, 2017; Elizabeth Macfie, personal communication, 2017; Mittermeier et al. (2013); Serge Wich, personal communication, 2017
Apes Overview
environments with little fruit and to maintain fatty cheek pads and large size, lead a semi-
stable groups, due to a lack of competition solitary existence (Emery Thompson, Zhou
over highly nutritious foods. and Knott, 2012). Compared to flanged indi-
Orangutans have loosely defined com- viduals, the smaller, unflanged adult males
munities. Flanged males, characterized by are more tolerant of other orangutans and,
Figure AO1
Ape Distribution in Africa8
Cross River
BURKINA FASO National Park
COAST Oba Hills
SIERRA Mt Peko Duekoue
Duékoué TOGO
Apes Overview
Figure AO2
Ape Distribution in Asia9
Bach Ma
THAILAND Thua Thien Hue
Ngoc linh
Sea Sea
Gulf of Nui Ong
Sulu Sea
Kudat No
ornean oranguta
M A L A Y S an I A
rn C
Bo tan
ora est
East Singkil
N N Born
ean oranguta n
Java Sea
0 500 1,000 km
Map sources: U.S. National Park Servic
Apes Overview
average (Singleton et al., 2009). The semi- 2008). Bornean orangutans living in highly
terrestrial African apes range considerably seasonal dipterocarp forests are most likely
longer distances and the most frugivorous to conceive during mast fruiting events,
roam several kilometers each day: bono- when fatty seeds are plentiful (Knott, 2005).
bos and western lowland gorillas average Sumatran orangutans do not face such
2 km, but sometimes 5–6 km, while chim- severe constraints (Marshall et al., 2009;
panzees travel 2–3 km, with occasional Wich et al., 2006). Meanwhile, gorillas show
excursions up to 8 km. Savannah-dwelling no seasonality in their reproduction, as they
chimpanzees generally range farther daily are less dependent on seasonal foods.
than their forest-dwelling counterparts. All great apes have slow reproductive
rates, due to the mother’s high investment
in a single offspring and the infant’s slow
development and maturation. Infants sleep
Male apes reach sexual maturity between with their mother until they are weaned
the ages of 8 and 18 years: chimpanzees (4–5 years in African apes; 5–6 years in
attain adulthood at 8–15 years, bonobos at Bornean orangutans; 7 years in Sumatran
10, eastern gorillas around 12–15 and west- orangutans) or a subsequent sibling is born.
ern gorillas at 18. Orangutan males mature Weaning marks the end of infancy for
between the ages of 8 and 16 years, but they African apes, but orangutan infants remain
may not develop flanges for another 20 dependent on their mothers until they reach
years (Wich et al., 2004). Female great apes 7–9 years of age (van Noordwijk et al.,
become reproductively active between the 2009). Females cannot become pregnant
ages of 6 and 12 years: gorillas at 6–7 years, while an infant is nursing because suckling
chimpanzees at 7–8, bonobos at 9–12 and inhibits the reproductive cycle (Stewart, 1988;
orangutans at 10–11. They tend to give birth van Noordwijk et al., 2013). Consequently,
to their first offspring between the ages of births are widely spaced, occurring on aver-
8 and 16: gorillas at 10 (with a range of age every 4–7 years in African apes, every
8–14 years), chimpanzees at 13.5 years (with 6–8 years in Bornean orangutans and every
a mean of 9.5–15.4 years at different sites), 9 years in Sumatran orangutans. Interbirth
bonobos at 13–15 years and orangutans at intervals can be shortened by the death or
15–16 years. killing of unweaned offspring. Infanticide,
Gestation periods in gorillas and orang typically by an unrelated adult male, has been
utans are about the same as for humans; observed in gorillas (Harcourt and Greenberg,
they are slightly shorter in chimpanzees and 2001; Watts, 1989). Infanticide has not been
bonobos, at 7.5–8.0 months. Apes usually observed in orangutans or bonobos, but if
give birth to one infant at a time, although a female chimpanzee with an infant transfers
twin births do occur (Goossens et al., 2011). to a different group, her offspring is likely
Births are not seasonal; however, concep- to be killed by a male in her new group,
tion requires females to be in good health. resulting in early resumption of her repro-
Chimpanzees and bonobos are more likely ductive cycle (Wilson and Wrangham, 2003).
to ovulate when fruit is abundant, so in some Long-term research on mountain goril-
populations there are seasonal peaks in the las and chimpanzees has allowed female
numbers of conceiving females, with contin- lifetime reproductive success to be evaluated.
gent peaks in the birth rate during particular The mean birth rate is 0.2–0.3 births per
months (Anderson, Nordheim and Boesch, adult female per year, or one birth per
2006a; Emery Thompson and Wrangham, adult female every 3.3–5.0 years. Mountain
gorilla females produce an average of 3.6 patterns were conducted in the Virunga
offspring during their lifetimes (Robbins et Volcanoes, the only habitat in which gorillas
al., 2011). Although female chimpanzees occa- eat almost no fruit as it is virtually unavail-
sionally have twins, they usually give birth able (Watts, 1984). These conclusions were
to a single surviving offspring approximately adjusted once detailed studies were con-
every 5 to 6 years. However, in their lifetime, ducted on gorillas living in lower-altitude
female chimpanzees typically produce only habitats (Doran-Sheehy et al., 2009; Masi
1 to 4 offspring who will survive to reproduc- et al., 2015; Rogers et al., 2004; Wright et al.,
tive age (Thompson, 2013). 2015; Yamagiwa et al., 2003).
Key points to be noted are (1) that doc- Gorillas incorporate a notable amount
umenting the biology of long-lived species of fruit into their diets when it is available,
takes decades of research due to their slow but they are less frugivorous than bonobos
rates of reproduction, and (2) that great ape and chimpanzees, preferring vegetative
populations that have declined in numbers matter even at times of high fruit availability
are likely to take several generations to (Head et al., 2011; Morgan and Sanz, 2006;
recover (generation time in the great apes is Yamagiwa and Basabose, 2009). They rely
20–25 years) (IUCN, 2014d). These factors heavily on terrestrial herbaceous vegetation,
make great apes far more vulnerable than which often increases in availability in dis-
smaller, faster-breeding species. Orangutans turbed landscapes, such as abandoned farm-
have the slowest life history of any mam- land or plantations, selectively logged land,
mal, with later age at first reproduction, and areas that border on human settlements.
longer interbirth intervals and longer gen- Mountain gorillas are primarily terrestrial.
eration times than African apes (Wich et Although western gorillas are more arboreal,
al., 2009a, 2009b); as a result, they are the they still primarily travel on the ground and
most susceptible to loss. not through the tree canopy. The distance
traveled per day by gorillas declines with
increasing availability of understory vegeta-
tion, varying between approximately 500 m
Gorillas live in a broad range of habitats and 3 km per day (Robbins, 2011).
across Africa. As a result of their dietary Eastern gorillas range over areas of
patterns, they are restricted to moist forest 6–34 km2 (600–3,400 ha) (Robbins, 2011;
habitats (at altitudes ranging from sea level Williamson and Butynski, 2013a); western
to more than 3,000 m) and are not found in gorilla home ranges average 10–20 km2
forest–savannah mosaics or gallery forests (1,000–2,000 ha), and potentially up to 50 km2
inhabited by chimpanzees and bonobos. (5,000 ha) (Head et al., 2013). Gorillas are
Across their range, gorillas rely more not territorial but have overlapping home
heavily than any other ape species on herba- ranges that they do not actively defend.
ceous vegetation, such as the leaves, stems However, there is evidence that they have
and pith of understory vegetation, as well non-overlapping, exclusive core areas (the
as leaves from shrubs and trees (Doran- zone used the most by a group), suggesting
Sheehy et al., 2009; Ganas et al., 2004; Masi, that groups do partition their habitat (Seiler
Cipolletta and Robbins, 2009; Wright et al., et al., 2017).
2015; Yamagiwa and Basabose, 2009). Early As the density of gorillas increases, the
research suggested that gorillas ate very degree of home range overlap can increase
little fruit, a finding that can be attributed to dramatically, as can the frequency of inter-
the fact that initial studies of their dietary group encounters (Caillaud et al., 2014);
Apes Overview
results can include increased fighting, inju- After a fight, victors may seize females or
ries and mortality. Encounters between territory from the vanquished.
groups can occur without visual contact, as Bonobo communities share home ranges
silverbacks may exchange vocalizations and of 20–60 km2 (2,000–6,000 ha) (Fruth et al.,
chestbeats until one or both groups move 2013). Bonobos exhibit neither territorial
away. Some encounters between groups defense nor cooperative patrolling; encoun-
involve more than auditory contact, how- ters between members of different commu-
ever, and can escalate to include aggressive nities involve excitement rather than conflict
displays or fights (Bradley et al., 2004; (Hohmann et al., 1999).
Robbins and Sawyer, 2007). Physical aggres- Chimpanzees and bonobos both live in
sion is rare, but if contests escalate, fighting multi-male and multi-female groups and
between silverbacks can be intense. Some are semi-terrestrial. The size of their home
gorillas have died from infections of inju- ranges varies in line with their group size,
ries sustained during such interactions the quality of the habitat and food avail-
(Williamson, 2014). ability, which may change from season to
season. Bonobos are not territorial, whereas
chimpanzees are generally highly intolerant
Chimpanzees and Bonobos
of neighboring groups; intergroup encoun-
Chimpanzees eat mainly fruit, although ters can result in lethal aggressive attacks
they have an omnivorous diet, which may among males in particular. The frequency
include plant pith, bark, flowers, leaves and of such encounters can be exacerbated by
seeds, as well as fungi, honey, insects and shifts in home ranges linked to habitat loss,
mammal species, depending on the habitat changes in habitat quality and disruptions
and the community; some groups may con- in their environment (e.g. roads, logging)
sume as many as 200 plant species (Humle, (Watts et al., 2006; Wilson et al., 2014b).
2011). Terrestrial and arboreal, chimpanzees Bonobos are generally frugivorous but
live in multi-male–multi-female, fission– are more dependent on terrestrial herba-
fusion communities. A single community ceous vegetation, including aquatic plants,
will change size by fissioning into smaller than chimpanzees (Fruth et al., 2016).
parties according to resource availability Wherever gorillas and chimpanzees are
and activity (food and access to reproductive sympatric, dietary divisions between the
females). Parties thus tend to be smaller species limit direct competition for food
during periods of fruit scarcity. Adult female (Head et al., 2011). If the area of available
chimpanzees frequently spend time alone habitat is restricted, such mechanisms for
with their offspring or in a party with other limiting competition are compromised
females. (Morgan and Sanz, 2006).
Chimpanzees have home ranges of 7–
41 km2 (700–4,100 ha) in forest habitats
and more than 65 km2 (6,500 ha) in savannah
(Emery Thompson and Wrangham, 2013; Male orangutans are the dispersing sex:
Pruetz and Bertolani, 2009). Male chimpan- upon reaching sexual maturity, they leave
zees are highly territorial and patrol the the area where they were born to establish
boundaries of their ranges. Parties of males their own range. A male orangutan’s range
may attack members of neighboring com- encompasses several (smaller) female ranges.
munities and some populations are known High-status flanged males are able to monop-
for their aggression (Williams et al., 2008). olize both food and females to a degree and
may thus temporarily reside in a relatively 2013). Consequently, orangutans are able to
small area—typically 4–8 km2 (400–800 ha) cross open artificial infrastructures to a cer-
for Bornean males (Mittermeier et al., 2013). tain extent. In Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, for
Orangutan home range overlap is usually example, orangutans have been seen cross-
extensive, but flanged orangutans establish ing sealed and dust roads when traffic is not
personal space by emitting long calls. As too heavy. Greater terrestriality in orang
long as distance is maintained, physical utans will increase the risk of contracting
conflicts are rare; however, close encounters diseases that the animals are not usually
between adult males trigger aggressive dis- exposed to when they live in the tree canopy;
plays that sometimes lead to fights. If an however, there is a dearth of information
orangutan inflicts serious injury on his about such new risks. When territories of
opponent, infection of the wounds can result resident individuals are destroyed, it is dif-
in death (Knott, 1998). ficult for them to establish a new territory if
Although they are primarily fruit-eaters, other animals already reside in nearby areas.
orangutans are able to adapt their diet to Indeed, resident animals who have lost their
what is available in the forest. In Borneo, territory, and cannot easily establish a new
they feed on more than 500 plant species range, slowly die off. However, adult unflanged
(Russon et al., 2009). The resilience of orang males do not have a territory and can thus
utans and their ability to cope, albeit tem- move away from a disturbed area and return
porarily, with drastic habitat changes is after the source of nuisance has been elimi-
further illustrated by recent records of spe- nated (Ancrenaz et al., 2010).
cies presence in acacia plantations in East
Kalimantan (Meijaard et al., 2010a); a mosaic
of mixed agriculture in Sumatra (Campbell- Gibbon Socioecology
Smith et al., 2011a); oil palm plantations in Gibbons are the most diverse and wide-
Borneo (Ancrenaz et al., 2015b); and in for- spread group of apes. Currently, 20 species
ests exploited for timber (Ancrenaz et al., of gibbon in 4 genera are recognized:
2010; Wich et al., 2016).
It must be noted, however, that orang 9 Hylobates species;
utan presence in these human-altered land
7 Nomascus species;
scapes does not imply the species’ long-term
survival. Orangutan survival is still depend- 3 Hoolock species; and
ent on a landscape mosaic with adequate the single Symphalangus species (Fan et
forest patches for food, shelter and other al., 2017; IUCN, 2017).
needs. Today, half of the wild orangutan
populations in Indonesian Borneo are sur- Gibbons inhabit a wide range of habitats,
viving outside of protected forests, in areas predominantly lowland, submontane and
that are prone to human development and montane broadleaf evergreen and semi-
transformation (Wich et al., 2012b). evergreen forests, as well as dipterocarp-
Orangutans are the largest arboreal dominated and mixed-deciduous (that is,
mammals in the world, but recent studies non-evergreen) forests. Some members of
have shown that they also walk on the the Nomascus genus also occur in limestone
ground for considerable distances in all karst forests and some populations of Hylo
types of natural and man-made habitats bates live in peat-swamp forest (Cheyne,
(Ancrenaz et al., 2014; Loken, Boer and 2010). Gibbons occur from sea level up
Kasyanto, 2015; Loken, Spehar and Rayadin, to around 1,500–2,000 m above sea level,
Apes Overview
although their distribution is taxon- and 1994). Notable exceptions include extra-pair
location-specific; Nomascus concolor, for copulations (mating outside of the pair bond),
example, has been recorded at up to 2,900 m individuals leaving the home territory to
above sea level in China (Fan, Jiang and take up residence with neighboring individ-
Tian, 2009). uals and male care of infants (Lappan, 2008;
All gibbons are heavily impacted by the Palombit, 1994; Reichard, 1995). Research
extent and quality of forest as they are also indicates that the more northerly Cao
arboreal. Only rarely do they move biped- Vit, Hainan and western black crested gib-
ally and terrestrially across forest gaps or to bons commonly form polygynous groups
access isolated fruiting trees in more degraded with more than one breeding female (Fan
and fragmented habitats (Bartlett, 2007). and Jiang, 2010; Fan et al., 2010; Zhou et
Gibbons are reliant on forest ecosystems al., 2008). There is no conclusive argument
for food. Gibbon diets are characterized by regarding these variable social and mating
high levels of fruit intake, dominated by structures; they may be natural or a by-
figs and supplemented with young leaves, product of small population sizes, compres-
mature leaves and flowers (Bartlett, 2007; sion scenarios or suboptimal habitats.
Cheyne, 2008; Elder, 2009). Siamangs are Both males and females disperse from
more folivorous than other gibbons (Palombit, their natal groups and establish their own
1997). Reliance on other protein sources, territories (Leighton, 1987); females have
such as insects, birds’ eggs and small verte- their first offspring at around 9 years of age.
brates, is probably underrepresented in the Data from captivity suggest that gibbons
literature. The composition of the diet changes become sexually mature as early as 5.5 years
with the seasons and habitat type, with of age (Geissmann, 1991). Interbirth inter-
flowers and young leaves dominating during vals are in the range of 2–4 years, with 7
the dry season in peat-swamp forests and figs months gestation (Bartlett, 2001; Geissmann,
dominating in dipterocarp forests (Cheyne, 1991). Captive individuals have lived upwards
2010; Fan and Jiang, 2008; Lappan, 2009; of 40 years; gibbon longevity in the wild is
Marshall and Leighton, 2006). Since gibbons unknown but thought to be considerably
are important seed dispersers, their frugiv- shorter. Due to gibbons’ relatively late age
orous nature is significant in maintaining of maturation and long interbirth intervals,
forest diversity (McConkey, 2000, 2005; their reproductive lifetime may be only
McConkey and Chivers, 2007). 10–20 years (Palombit, 1992). Population
Gibbons are highly territorial and live in replacement in gibbons is therefore rela-
semi-permanent family groups defending a tively slow.
core area to the exclusion of other gibbons. Group demography changes only in the
Their territories average 0.42 km2 (42 ha) event of a death of one of the adults, as there
(Bartlett, 2007); however, there is consider- is no regular immigration or emigration into
able variation and some indication that the these social groups. Gibbons in habitat frag-
more northerly Nomascus taxa maintain ments are isolated from other groups and
larger territories, possibly related to lower dispersal is compromised, which may cause
resource abundance at some times of year long-term issues regarding the sustainabil-
in these more seasonal forests. ity of these populations. There is insufficient
Gibbons have been typified as forming information about dispersal distances for
socially monogamous family groups. Some subadult gibbons to determine maximum
studies, however, reveal that they are not distances over which they could disperse
necessarily sexually monogamous (Palombit, (perhaps with the assistance of canopy
bridges). Gibbons have not been observed further to 47,000 individuals by 2025. [. . .] many
to crop-raid—either from plantations or populations will be reduced or become extinct in
the next 50 years (Abram et al., 2015).”
small-scale farms—but this lack of informa-
3 The Tapanuli orangutan was described and dis-
tion does not mean gibbons will not exploit tinguished from the Sumatran orangutan as this
disturbed areas if necessary. volume of State of the Apes was being finalized
for publication. As a consequence, this new spe-
cies is only mentioned in the Apes Index, Table AO2
of this Overview and Case Study 6.4, and not in
Acknowledgments the rest of the volume.
Principal authors: Annette Lanjouw, Helga Rainer 4 The distribution and population estimates for the
and Alison White Tapanuli orangutan are based on earlier surveys
in the area where the species occurs. Since these
Socioecology section: Marc Ancrenaz, Susan M.
individuals were still being identified as Sumatran
Cheyne, Tatyana Humle, Benjamin M. Rawson,
orangutans at the time of the surveys, the cited ref-
Martha M. Robbins and Elizabeth A. Williamson
erence does not mention the Tapanuli orangutan.
Reviewers: Elizabeth J. Macfie and Serge Wich 5 For more detailed information, refer to Emery
Thompson and Wrangham (2013), Reinartz,
Ingmanson and Vervaecke (2013), Robbins (2011),
Wich et al. (2009b), Williamson and Butynski
Endnotes (2013a, 2013b), and Williamson et al. (2013).
1 This estimate for Sumatran orangutans is higher 6 Some of these countries were erroneously omitted
than that of about 6,500 individuals cited in the in the previous volume of State of the Apes. Benin,
previous volume of State of the Apes because it Burkina Faso, Gambia and Togo have been removed
considers three new factors: “a) orangutans were from the list as Pan troglodytes verus are extinct/
found in greater numbers at higher altitudes than possibly extinct in these countries.
previously supposed (i.e., up to 1,500 m asl [above 7 See Endnote 3.
sea level] not just to 1,000 m asl), b) they were
8 The Arcus Foundation commissioned the ape dis-
found to be more widely distributed in selectively-
tribution maps (Figures AO1 and AO2) for this
logged forests than previously assumed, and c)
publication, so as to provide the most accurate
orangutans were found in some previously unsur-
and up-to-date illustration of range data. This vol-
veyed forest patches. The new estimate does not,
ume also features maps created by contributors
therefore, reflect a real increase in Sumatran orang
who used ape range data from different sources. As
utan numbers. On the contrary, it reflects only much
a consequence, the maps may not all align exactly.
improved survey techniques and coverage, and
hence more accurate data. It is extremely impor- 9 See Endnote 8.
tant to note, therefore, that overall numbers con-
tinue to decline dramatically” (Singleton et al., 2016).
2 This estimate for Bornean orangutans is higher
than the figure cited in the previous volume of
State of the Apes, which suggests that about 54,000
individuals inhabited 82,000 km² (8.2 million ha)
of forest (Wich et al., 2008). Modeling and the
latest field data available for Borneo were used to
revise the map of the current distribution of
Bornean orangutans; the range now covers an
estimated 155,000 km² (15.5 million ha), or 21% of
Borneo’s landmass (Gaveau et al., 2014; Wich et
al., 2012b). As Ancrenaz et al. (2016) explain: “If
the mean average orangutan density recorded in
2004 (0.67 individuals/km²) is applied to the
updated geographic range, then the total popula-
tion estimate would be 104,700 individuals. This
represents a decline from an estimated 288,500
individuals in 1973 and is projected to decline
Apes Overview
Photo: Large dams affect the political, social and environmental landscape of a region. Bakun Hydroelectric Dam, Malaysia © MOHD RASFAN/AFP/Getty Images xxx
Section 1: Infrastructure
Development and Ape
his, the third in the State of the Apes
series, focuses on the impact of infra-
structure—such as roads, railways
and hydroelectric power plants—on
ape conservation and welfare. While infra-
structure for transport, energy and other pur-
poses may be designed to improve peoples’
lives, it often has negative consequences for
local communities and biodiversity. The
first two volumes of State of the Apes briefly
considered the impact of infrastructure on
apes and their habitat in relation to extrac-
tive industries and industrial agriculture;
this volume explores that relationship more
explicitly, featuring in-depth analysis of
large-scale infrastructure projects.
Introduction Section 1
wider species conservation. bility due to climate change; and persistent
Infrastructure State of the Apes covers all non-human poverty and inequality.
encompasses bridges, ape species, namely bonobos, chimpanzees, Dams appear to offer a tempting range of
geothermal power gibbons, gorillas and orangutans, as well as benefits to meet development needs—they
plants, hydropower their habitats. Ape ranges are found through- can reduce floods, store water for irrigation,
dams, power lines and out the tropical belt of Africa and South provide energy for burgeoning populations
distribution networks, and Southeast Asia. Robust statistics on the and contribute to regional integration. The
ports and industrial status and welfare of apes are derived from social, environmental and economic costs
installations, such as the Ape Populations, Environments and and benefits of dams are not distributed
mines and pipelines, Surveys (A.P.E.S.) Portal (Max Planck Insti evenly, however, and oftentimes they are not
railways, roads and tute, n.d.-a). Abundance estimates of the
viable investments due to excessive cost and
tunnels. different ape taxa are presented in the Abun time overruns (International Rivers, n.d.-b).
dance Annex, available on the State of the Large dams also affect the political, social
Apes website at and environmental landscape of a region.
The annex is updated with each new volume Similarly, the development of road net-
in the series, to allow for comparisons over works is promoted as contributing to eco-
time. Details on the socioecology and geo- nomic and social development by providing
graphic range of each species are provided
in the Apes Overview.
Each volume in the State of the Apes
series is divided into two sections. Section 1 BOX I.1
focuses on the thematic topic of interroga- Definition of Infrastructure
tion, which in this case is infrastructure State of the Apes focuses on physical
development (see Box I.1). The immediate infrastructure and defines the term to refer
objectives are to provide accurate informa- to large, diverse structures that are built
to enable the provision of services for
tion on the current situation, present vari- households, industry and other entities
ous perspectives and, where applicable, (e.g., government buildings, state hospi-
highlight best practice. In the longer term, tals and schools) and that are closely
aligned with economic development. For
the key findings and messages are intended the purposes of this publication, infra-
to stimulate debate, multi-stakeholder col- structure refers to fixed assets that can
laboration and changes to policies and prac- form part of a large network. The term
encompasses bridges, geothermal power
tice that can facilitate the reconciliation of
plants, hydropower dams, power lines and
economic development and the conserva- distribution networks, ports and industrial
tion of biodiversity. Section 2 presents more installations, such as mines and pipelines,
railways, roads and tunnels.
general details on the status and welfare of
apes, in their natural habitat and in captivity.
access to markets and resources, without What makes potential investors want to
taking account of the environmental and invest and what makes them able to do so?
social costs. At least 25 million kilometers To arrive at meaningful answers, it is help-
of additional roads are anticipated world- ful to split the determinants of infrastruc-
wide by 2050—90% of them in developing ture investment into two broad categories:
nations, including many regions with excep- incentives and capacity. Factors that increase
tional biodiversity and vital ecosystem ser- incentives and capacity to invest while also
vices (Global Road Map, n.d.). As much of reducing disincentives can be expected to
the planned infrastructure is to be built in accelerate investment—and vice versa.
developing countries, ape habitat across the Incentives can be economic, political or
tropical belt of Africa and Asia will certainly both. Economic motives include generating
be affected. export revenues, opening land for agricul-
Before presenting chapter-by-chapter ture, accessing raw materials and moving
highlights of Section 1, this introduction goods between locations. Common political
explores the factors that influence the rate rationales are establishing government pres-
and extent of infrastructure development. ence, populating border regions, building
Summaries of Chapters 7–8 appear in the geopolitical alliances and capturing votes.
introduction to Section 2 (see p. 198). Key disincentives include high construc-
This volume describes various efforts to tion costs and political or local opposition.
mitigate the effects of infrastructure, such Even when elites want infrastructure, they
as roads and hydropower, across specific sec- will not get it unless they have the capacity
tors, including activism, planning, ecology, to produce and maintain it. That requires
legislation and advocacy. To understand and political support, funds, technical and man-
be able to address the adverse impacts of agerial capacity, and the ability to overcome
infrastructure development, it is important regulatory and administrative hurdles.
to know where these investments are likely to Generating new sources of tax revenue
occur and how rapidly they are developing. and implementing fiscal decentralization
The following sections explore the role of provide both incentives and capacity for
incentives, capacity, institutions, corruption infrastructure investment (Kis-Katos and
and finance in shaping infrastructure. Suharnoko Sjahrir, 2014).
Introduction Section 1
projects, corruption raises the costs and goals, strengths and weaknesses and oper-
slows progress (Collier, Kirchberger and ates in distinct environments. For decades,
Soderbom, 2015). national governments in developing coun-
In principle, strong judicial and regula- tries usually had to secure some funding from
In principle, tory systems, which ensure that projects MDBs and/or bilateral development agen-
strong judicial and meet environmental and social standards, cies if they wished to undertake large infra-
regulatory systems, can deter harmful infrastructure investments structure investment projects. Their weak
which ensure that in forest regions. That has certainly happened tax base limited their ability to finance
projects meet environ on some occasions. On balance, however, large projects on their own. Conversely, the
mental and social instability, institutional limitations and MDBs were interested in making large loans
standards, can deter corruption are probably greater constraints and had few resource constraints.
harmful infrastructure on infrastructure investments than well- After the World Bank and other MDBs
investments in forest functioning regulatory systems (Collier et adopted environmental and social safe-
regions. al., 2015; Galinato and Galinato, 2013). guards in the 1980s, the environmental
impacts of large infrastructure projects came
under greater scrutiny. It became harder
Political Support for national governments to borrow for pro-
and Opposition jects that were likely to harm the environment
(Currey, 2013). The MDBs were concerned
All the dominant economic paradigms see
about their reputation and pressure from
infrastructure investments as inherently
non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
positive. That applies as much to the more
Over the last decade or so, however,
developmental state visions as to the more
various trends have made it easier for
neoliberal, free-market views. This consensus
national governments to obtain funds for
gives these investments legitimacy and makes
controversial projects. Emerging-market
it easier to promote them. Nonetheless, in
development banks—such as the Asian
some regions, indigenous peoples and rural
Infrastructure Investment Bank, Brazilian
communities adamantly oppose such invest-
Development Bank, China Development
ments, particularly when they are linked to
Bank, Development Bank of Southern Africa
large-scale mining and energy projects or
and New Development Bank—have par-
plantations. National and international envi-
tially replaced the traditional MDBs. These
ronmental groups often support such oppo-
new banks put a premium on geopolitical
sition. Through demonstration, litigation,
considerations, such as gaining political
advocacy and other strategies, they have
allies, securing access to markets and raw
blocked or delayed many projects (see Case
materials, and supporting national compa-
Study 6.2).
nies. They tend to be less concerned about
environmental considerations and less
susceptible to pressure from NGOs (Kahler
Changes in Investment
et al., 2016). There has also been an upswing
Sources in private funding, as market-friendly ideol-
Most funds for infrastructure come from ogies and low international interest rates have
the governments of developing countries, led governments to work with private banks
multilateral development banks (MDBs), and construction companies. Meanwhile,
bilateral aid agencies, emerging-market to remain competitive, some believe that
development banks and private companies. the World Bank has weakened its own
Each type of agency or lender has different safeguard policies (see Box 1.4 and Box 5.1).
These evolving dynamics can greatly areas—in the face of large-scale infrastruc-
affect levels of investment, as can domestic ture development. Results suggest that as
instability. In Brazil, for example, corrup- roads spread across sub-Saharan Africa,
tion scandals and the national political and they will cut through one-third of all exist-
economic crisis recently forced the Brazilian ing protected areas. The chapter encourages
Development Bank to curtail its activities a more considered approach to land use
beyond the country’s borders (Molina et and infrastructure planning, as well as the
al., 2015). application of the “mitigation hierarchy” to
reduce threats to critical habitats. Chapter 5
presents three case studies on proposed road
Chapter Highlights: developments in the ape ranges of Cross River
State, Nigeria; the Dawei region connecting
Infrastructure Thailand and Myanmar; and the northern
Development and region of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Ape Conservation (DRC). In documenting the role of con-
servation organizations in these cases, the
The first six chapters of this volume of State chapter identifies a variety of approaches and Over the last
of the Apes interrogate the interface between common challenges. Chapter 6 considers decade or so, various
ape conservation and large-scale infrastruc- the engagement of social and environmen- trends have made it
ture development. Chapter 1 presents an tal actors in relation to energy development. easier for national
overview of proposed infrastructure pro- It presents case studies involving dam con- governments to obtain
jects in the ape habitats of Asia and Africa. struction projects in Cameroon and Sarawak, funds for controversial
It explores the role of major economies Malaysian Borneo, a geothermal project in infrastructure projects
such as China and multilateral financial Indonesia’s Leuser ecosystem, as well as a through emerging-
institutions in the expansion of infrastruc- planning approach developed by a conser- market development
ture in the tropical belt and considers the vation organization to mitigate the impacts banks and private
potential impacts of specific planned infra- of hydropower development. funding.
structure projects. Chapter 2 assesses the Section 2 provides updates on in situ ape
impacts of infrastructure development on conservation in Africa and Asia (Chapter 7)
apes and people, highlighting issues ranging and the welfare of apes in captivity (Chap
from displacement and loss of ancestral ter 8). The highlights for these two chapters
land, and habitat destruction and forest are included in the Introduction to Section 2
degradation, to disruptions in access to (see p. 198).
food, clean water and shelter, to road kills,
increased poaching and the introduction
of disease. Chapter 3 discusses the findings Chapter 1: Challenges and
of a historical analysis of road construc- Opportunities in Sustainable
tion in three ape sites and describes how
these infrastructure projects have affected
Infrastructure Development
ape forest habitat over time. The chapter pro- This chapter considers the current unprec-
poses approaches that can serve to mini- edented rate of global infrastructure expan-
mize environmental damage, as well as tools sion and the factors that typically prevent
that allow for effective forest monitoring. resulting benefits from being distributed
Chapter 4 explores the robustness of one equitably. It explores the role of multilat-
of the most commonly used conservation eral financial institutions and major econ-
strategies—the establishment of protected omies, such as China, in backing proposed
Introduction Section 1
infrastructure projects in the ape range states species ecology into infrastructure plan-
of Africa and Asia. Specifically, it examines ning is required. Significant knowledge gaps
the extent to which ape habitat is likely to remain, however.
be degraded by “development corridors” In assessing the social impacts of infra-
such as the LAPSSET (Lamu Port, South structure development, the chapter considers
Sudan, Ethiopia Transport) corridor, which road and rail projects in southern Cameroon,
is to slice through the Congo Basin; the as well as the Chad–Cameroon pipeline.
This volume Central African Iron Ore Corridor, which When undertaken in customary land, such
demonstrates the will cross the Republic of Congo, Cameroon infrastructure development can have a neg-
value of anticipating and Gabon, comprising road, rail and hydro ative impact on the livelihoods, cultural
development, planning power components; and the Simandou iron practices and norms of indigenous peoples,
early, forming partner ore project in southeastern Guinea. The who traditionally manage and utilize forest
ships, establishing chapter identifies promising alternatives to resources sustainably. Conservation efforts
robust monitoring such destructive development projects, high- designed to mitigate and offset adverse
and relying on lighting the advantages of “leapfrogging” effects of infrastructure development on bio-
empirical evidence traditional grid-based energy infrastruc- diversity can also have negative impacts on
to reconcile conserva ture in favor of decentralized renewables, as indigenous peoples.
tion objectives with well as the benefits of carrying out strategic
those of infrastructure land use planning to protect ape habitat and
development. biodiversity more broadly. Chapter 3: Effects of Road
Projects in Ape Landscapes
Chapter 2: Impacts of This chapter presents analysis of changes
in forest cover around roads that were sub-
Infrastructure on Apes stantially upgraded between 2000 and 2014
and People in ape forest habitat in Northern Sumatra,
This chapter assesses the environmental and Indonesia, and western Tanzania, as well as
social impacts of infrastructure develop- in Peru’s tropical forest, which is home to
ment, highlighting issues ranging from dis- primates but not apes. In these case studies,
placement, loss of land and habitat, and satellite imagery and associated spatial data
forest degradation to disruptions in access analysis tools are used to reveal changes
to food, clean water and shelter. Among the in canopy cover. The studies demonstrate
most serious environmental impacts is the that geospatial data can serve to inform
increased access that infrastructure-related road siting and the design of measures to
roads and settlements provide to critical minimize the impact of infrastructure on
habitat. Such access tends to exacerbate wildlife habitat.
illegal hunting, habitat loss and fragmenta- The findings show that forested areas
tion, degradation of ecological integrity, the near roads are highly vulnerable to defor-
frequency of disease outbreaks, and wild- estation. In particular, roads facilitate the
life mortality and injury rates. Projections development of uncontrolled settlements,
show that, by 2030, fewer than 10% of ape which tends to be accompanied by a rise in
ranges in Africa and only about 1% of poaching and farming; they also enable
those in Asia will remain untouched by illegal access to protected areas, such as the
infrastructure development and the asso- Leuser Ecosystem. The chapter argues that
ciated habitat disturbance. If this trajectory an integrated approach to infrastructure
is to be avoided, greater incorporation of planning is required if critical habitats are
Introduction Section 1
This expansion is likely to entail the con- most likely at the opposite extremes. At one
struction of thousands of new large dams end of the spectrum, weak, unstable and
and tens of thousands of small dams. The corrupt governments are unable to fund,
plans are proceeding despite the availabil- construct or maintain projects that would
ity of more sustainable, more cost-effective threaten forests, thus inadvertently pre-
energy alternatives, and notwithstanding serving habitat. At the other end, in stable
evidence that the oft-touted economic ben- countries with transparent governments
efits of dams rarely materialize for the vul- and effective regulatory systems, opposition
nerable sectors of society. The rapid growth forces and civil society can put a brake on
of hydropower is certain to have substan- harmful projects. The greatest risks to
tial environmental and social ramifications, wildlife and their habitat lie between these
ranging from the disruption of hydrological extremes, in countries where institutions are
connectivity and the destruction of upstream weak, rulers and officials are corrupt, and
terrestrial habitats to the emission of high conservation actors are silenced or treated
levels of greenhouse gases. The chapter indi- with indifference.
cates that hydropower development is likely Many ape range states sit in the middle
to impact apes in Asia more significantly of this spectrum. This volume of State of the
than in Africa, with gibbons identified as Apes seeks to avert situations in which the
particularly vulnerable. natural world is particularly vulnerable to
Two of the chapter’s case studies explore infrastructure development, by providing
the environmental and social impacts of dam accurate information on the current situa-
development in ape ranges in Cameroon tion, identifying challenges and possible
and in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. The first solutions, and leveraging the iconic status
considers the challenges of implementing of apes to contribute to the overall conserva-
best practices designed to protect apes once tion of tropical forest ecosystems. It demon-
a project shifts from the planning to the strates the value of anticipating development,
construction phase; the second explores planning early, forming partnerships, estab-
how community activism and collaboration lishing robust monitoring and relying on
between communities and scientists can empirical evidence to reconcile conserva-
block the construction of destructive dams. tion objectives with those of infrastructure
Given that hydropower is not the only form development in the ape ranges of Africa and
of renewable energy associated with adverse Asia—and in wildlife habitat elsewhere.
impacts, the chapter also features a case
study on the implications of a proposed
geothermal plant in Sumatra’s Leuser Eco
system. The chapter also presents a system-
scale hydropower planning and design Principal authors: David Kaimowitz1 and Helga Rainer2
framework—“Hydropower by Design”—
which was developed to mitigate the impacts
of hydropower development. Endnotes
1 Ford Foundation (
2 Arcus Foundation (
On a spectrum of government capacity to
undertake infrastructure development, the
conservation of ape habitat appears to be
Introduction Section 1
Photo: By 2050, an additional 25 million kilometers of paved roads are expected to crisscross the earth—enough to encircle the planet more than 600 times. © Waldo Swiegers/Bloomberg via Getty Images 10
We are living in one of the most dramatic
eras of infrastructure expansion in human
history. By 2050, an additional 25 million
kilometers of paved roads are expected to
crisscross the earth—enough to encircle
the planet more than 600 times. In addi-
tion to the growth in road networks, work on
other infrastructure projects—such as rail-
roads, hydroelectric dams, power lines, gas
lines and industrial mines—is expected to
increase sharply over the next few decades
(Laurance and Balmford, 2013; Laurance
and Peres, 2006).
Roads and other infrastructure have
strong and intimate links with economic
growth, frontier expansion, globalization,
land colonization, agriculture and economic
and social integration (Hettige, 2006; Roads and other infrastructure often open
Weinhold and Reis, 2008; Weng et al., up remote areas to a range of human
2013). Unfortunately, such projects can also pressures, such as deforestation, poach-
have severe impacts on many ecosystems ing, illegal mining and land speculation.
and species (Adeney, Christensen and Rising demands for natural resources
Pimm, 2009; Blake et al., 2007; Fearnside and energy, as well as the rapid growth
and Graça, 2006; Forman and Alexander, of multinational transportation net-
1998; Laurance, Goosem and Laurance, works, are providing a key impetus for
2009; Laurance et al., 2001; see Chapter 2). building new infrastructure.
Roads that penetrate into wilderness areas, The explosive pace of infrastructure
for example, often have profound and pro- development is partly the result of ambi-
liferating environmental effects—such as tious schemes to promote economic
promoting habitat loss and fragmentation, growth via increased access to land and
poaching, illegal mining and wildfires natural resources, and partly an indirect
(Adeney et al., 2009; Laurance et al., 2001, symptom of more fundamental driv-
2009; see Chapter 3). Even relatively narrow ers, such as rising population growth,
(10–100-m wide) clearings associated with increased per capita consumption, eco-
forest roads can hinder or completely halt nomic disparity and the heavy national-
the movements of some ecologically special- level focus on extractive industries.
ized fauna, such as forest-interior or strictly
Via its ambitious international policies,
arboreal species that require a continuous
China is having a dramatic impact on
canopy (Laurance, Stouffer and Laurance,
infrastructure expansion in developing
2004; Laurance et al., 2009).
nations. This expansion is designed to
The remarkable pace of infrastructure
gain access to natural resources.
expansion in developing nations—and its
Environmental assessment and mitiga-
very real potential to provoke profound envi-
tion efforts for many infrastructure pro-
ronmental harm—underscores an urgent
jects are inadequate, often seriously so.
need for better planning and management
of new infrastructure projects to allow for Alarmingly, major multilateral lenders
the mitigatation of their adverse effects are loosening some environmental and
(Laurance and Balmford, 2013). This chapter social safeguards. In target nations, large
identifies key issues revolving around the influxes of foreign capital for infrastruc-
proliferation of large-scale infrastructure, ture projects and extractive industries
often provoke a variety of negative eco-
focusing in particular on their potential
nomic and social consequences, unless
effects on critical ape habitats in equatorial
managed carefully.
Africa and Asia.
Innovative solutions, such as an increased
emphasis on “green” energy sources and
natural capital, could lessen the nega-
Key Findings
tive impacts of some infrastructure.
The contemporary pace of infrastructure In view of the rapid pace of infrastruc-
expansion is unprecedented. A majority ture expansion, two urgent priorities
of the projects are planned or underway emerge: the need for (1) strategic regional
in biodiversity-rich developing nations, planning, and (2) efforts to prevent infra-
including all ape range states in the structure from expanding into remain-
African and Asian tropics. ing wilderness and protected areas.
Environmental Impacts
The rapid proliferation of infrastructure is
having substantial and often irreversible
impacts on many ecosystems and species
(Adeney et al., 2009; Blake et al., 2007;
Clements et al., 2014; Fearnside and Graça,
2006; Laurance et al., 2001, 2009). In the
Brazilian Amazon, the construction of new
roads, hydroelectric dams, power lines and
gas lines is projected to cause major increases
in the rates of forest loss, fragmentation and
degradation (Laurance et al., 2001). In the
Congo Basin, more than 50,000 km of log-
ging and other roads have been built since
2000, greatly increasing access to forests for
poachers and hunters armed with modern
rifles and cable snares (Kleinschroth et al.,
2015; Laporte et al., 2007).
Status of Major Development Corridors in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2015
Northern (U)
Northern (A)
Dakar–Port Djibouti (F)
Harcourt (F)
Buchanan (F)
Infrastructure projects related to natural new dams planned for the Tapajós River
resource exploitation, such as mining, fossil alone are projected to increase deforestation
fuel and hydroelectric projects, have direct by nearly 10,000 km2 (1 million hectares
environmental impacts and also provide a (ha)), predominantly by increasing access
key economic impetus for road building to remote forests for colonists and land
(Edwards et al., 2014; Laurance et al., 2009; speculators (Barreto et al., 2014). Scores of
WWF, 2006; see Box 1.1). Consequently, new dams planned for Southeast Asia
such projects and roads cannot be planned might have comparably serious impacts on
or studied independently of one another. great ape and gibbon habitats (Grumbine
In the Amazon–Andes region, for instance, et al., 2012).
proposals currently envision more than 330
hydroelectric dams (with a total capacity
of more than 1 megawatt); these projects
Inferring Long-Term Impacts
would require extensive road networks for of Infrastructure
both the dams and associated power line In the wet and humid tropical forests that
construction (Fearnside, 2016b; Laurance serve as ape habitat, rivers are a conspicu-
et al., 2015a). In the southeastern Amazon, ous feature. Used as natural “highways” for
Photo: Illegal dwellings millennia, rivers facilitate human movement, Rivers can thus be considered ecological
along a river in the interior
of the Leuser Ecosystem settlement, trade and hunting. They also analogs to roads—but ones that have existed
in northern Sumatra,
form long-term biogeographic barriers for for many millennia. Rivers might provide
Indonesia—critical habitat
for the Sumatran orangutan apes and other species, promoting genetic long-term insight into road impacts, just as
(Pongo abelii) and two
gibbon species, 2016.
isolation and the evolution of distinctive new land-bridge islands have been used to provide
© Suprayudi species or subspecies (Gascon et al., 2000; long-term perspectives on rates of popula-
Harcourt and Wood, 2012). tion extinction in fragmented habitats, since
These investments have generated widespread environmen- management and other accepted environmental obliga-
tal and social concerns (Edwards et al., 2014; Grumbine et tions. Companies are also encouraged to implement prac-
al., 2012; Laurance et al., 2015b). A case in point is the tices such as “clean production, circular economy and
Myitsone Dam, a US$3.6 billion project in Myanmar that was green procurement” (GEI, 2015, p. 18).
halted because local communities believed the project Measures for Overseas Investment Management (2014).
would destroy natural landscapes and their livelihoods (Chan, Published by the Ministry of Commerce, this guidance
2016). In response to this fiasco, the Chinese government stipulates that foreign-funded enterprises must abide by
developed guidelines on environmental and social responsi- local laws, respect local customs, and perform social
bility, including: responsibility and effect measures for environmental and
A Guide for Chinese Enterprises on Sustainable Silvi labor protection and corporate-culture development
culture Overseas (2007). This manual was developed by (GEI, 2015).
the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and the State Forestry
Administration (MoC, 2007). Challenges and Limitations
Green Credit Guidelines (2012). Published by the China While these guidelines demonstrate the Chinese govern-
Banking Regulatory Commission, this document stipu- ment’s commitment to promoting sustainable foreign invest-
lates that operational practices of financial institutions ment, the policies remain weak at the implementation level,
must be consistent with international good practice stand- with poor policy promotion and a lack of compliance by
ards, including environmental protection, land, and health Chinese industries (GEI, 2015). Environmental organizations
and safety laws and regulations. Financial institutions and researchers have begun to address these problems by
are also required to establish green credit strategies and conducting policy field studies and training Chinese compa-
policies, abide by local laws requiring disclosure of signifi- nies and local communities to strengthen their capacity for
cant environmental and social impact risks, and accept effective policy action.
market and stakeholder supervision (GEI, 2015). Another challenge is the inoperability of some of China’s cur-
Guidelines for Environmental Protection in Foreign Invest rent policies. Policy effectiveness depends on the framework
ment and Cooperation (2013). Published by the Ministries and implementation of environmental safeguarding policies
of Commerce and of Environmental Protection, these in host countries, as well as information disclosure, transpar-
guidelines require companies that invest overseas to ency and public participation. To achieve these goals, Chinese
comply with the relevant local laws and regulations. The and host-country governments, civil society organizations,
guidance relates specifically to environmental impact Chinese financiers and local communities must work together
assessments, pollutant discharge standards, emergency more effectively (GEI, 2015).
(Gorilla beringei graueri) and mountain of this project include the Chollet Hydro
gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei). power Dam near the Dja Biosphere Reserve,
In Africa, corridors that penetrate into the Mekin Dam inside the Dja Reserve and
equatorial forests are the greatest concern the Memve’ele Dam near the Campo Ma’an
for ape conservation (see Box 1.5). Chief Reserve, all of which are located in southern
among these is the Central African Iron Cameroon (Halleson, 2016).
Ore Corridor. The backbone of this project The greater Congo Basin harbors the
is the M’Balam railway, which will stretch second-largest expanse of rainforest on
for more than 500 km and traverse the earth. It includes the vast (146,000 km2, or
equatorial rainforests of Cameroon, Gabon 14.6 million ha) Tri-National Dja–Odzala–
and the Republic of Congo. The corridor Minkébé (TRIDOM) landscape, which is
will also include a new highway linking jointly managed under an agreement by
Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo with Cameroon, Gabon and the Republic of
Yaoundé in Cameroon. Key components Congo. TRIDOM contains a complex of
BOX 1.5 plier effect on the local economy, increasing local demand
and employment. The use of local resources can also
Africa’s Integrated Resource Corridors stimulate industrialization and domestic value-adding,
Development corridors are not new concepts in Africa. In which can promote transformational economic growth.
fact, corridors such as the Maputo Development Corridor, the Bringing together stakeholders from the government,
Walvis Bay Development Corridor and TRIDOM have been private and community sectors, aligning their incentives
promoted to varying degrees in different regions for many and improving coordination. Such synergies can provide
years. The potential for such multinational infrastructure pro- opportunities to embed robust environmental standards
jects to support sustainable development has been widely and practices into the project.
discussed and debated (ASI, 2015). Benefiting landlocked countries and their neighbors, ena-
Many organizations tout development corridors as transform- bling both to gain from resources in the landlocked country
ative vehicles through which to ensure equitable distribution and their export via coastal states.
of benefits from sector-specific operations. Corridor propo- Spreading benefits away from the anchor project to pro-
nents include: the New Partnership for Africa’s Development; vide opportunities, such as shared-cost infrastructure, for
the mining policy framework developed for the United Nations isolated towns and villages. Such infrastructure is vital for
by the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals remote communities, which can find themselves cut off from
and Sustainable Development; and, more recently, the Africa economic opportunities and political processes or domi-
Mining Vision (AU, 2009; IGF, 2013; NEPAD, n.d.). Development nated by local patronage systems that inhibit development.
corridors are also on the agendas of regional entities such as
Allowing affected communities to have a seat at the nego-
the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank,
tiating table. Large-scale extractives and infrastructure
and the East African and Southern African Development
projects can generate high expectations around jobs and
Communities (AfDB, OECD and UNDP, 2015).
the role of companies to provide services that should be
the mandate of the state. Inclusion can improve under-
standing and help to manage the expectations of local
Ideally, development corridors should be able to leverage communities.
large extractive industry investment in infrastructure, goods
Allowing planners to concentrate linear infrastructure
and services to bring about sustainable, inclusive economic
(such as roads, railroads, pipelines and power lines) along
development and diversification for a specific geographic area.
shared corridors, thereby reducing the overall impact by
Potential opportunities include:
leaving other areas intact (ASI, 2015).
Increasing prospects for governments and the private
sector to work together. Challenges
Developing supply chains that encircle the extractive While the potential benefits of Africa’s development corridors
industry, such as a major mine at the heart of a corridor. may be considerable, they are far from fully realized. Key chal-
The direct procurement of local supplies can have a multi- lenges include:
seven protected areas and harbors criti- demise as a contiguous forest landscape
cally endangered western lowland gorillas (Halleson, 2016).
(Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzees In the imperiled forests of West Africa, a
(Pan troglodytes) (Ngano, 2010). The corri- global biodiversity hotspot, a major concern
dor is adding to stresses that the estimated is the massive Simandou iron ore project.
40,000 gorillas and chimpanzees in the Rights to explore the Simandou deposit were
region already face from industrial logging, first granted in 1997 and following a number
agro-industrial concessions and poaching. of issues and disputes, mining rights have
A combination of threats—including ongoing been held by the Aluminum Corporation of
forest loss and fragmentation, the increas- China Limited (Chinalco), Beny Steinmetz
ing isolation of protected areas, expanding Group Resources (BSGR), Rio Tinto Corpo
human settlements and now large-scale ration and Vale. The largest integrated mining
infrastructure projects—suggest that the and infrastructure project in Africa, it is
TRIDOM region may be facing imminent situated at the southern end of a biologically
of Borneo’s orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) have had much difficulty in distributing ben-
and 9% of Sumatra’s (P. abelii) (Lanjouw, 2014, efits from large foreign investments equitably.
p. 155; Meijaard and Wich, 2014, pp. 18–19). As a result, many people and sectors of the
Case studies illustrating the impacts of economy have struggled. Developing nations
infrastructure projects on Asian ape habitats with weaker institutions and governance can
are provided in chapters 3, 5 and 6. be greatly challenged and even destabilized
under such conditions (Venables, 2016). The
catchphrases “blood diamonds” and “blood
Social and Political gold” vividly illustrate this concept.
Third, inflation typically increases in
Concerns the developing nation because demand for
Inequitable Social and goods and services rises. Wealthy elites are
troubled little by such inflation but those
Economic Benefits
struggling to meet their daily rent and food
Large-scale foreign investment is driving costs can suffer greatly. As a result, economic
much of the ongoing expansion in infrastruc- and social disparity can increase, rather than
ture and extractive industries in develop- decline (Auty, 2002).
ing nations (see Boxes 1.3–1.5). A common Fourth, corruption is a serious problem
assumption is that these types of investment in many developing nations, including vir-
typically yield broad societal benefits for tually all ape range states (Laurance, 2004).
developing nations; in practice, such benefits Even projects that are socially and environ-
rarely materialize, for five main reasons. mentally ill advised may be approved by
First, influxes of foreign capital, such as decision-makers who stand to reap large
the major investments in infrastructure and personal rewards from bribery or other
extractive industries in African nations, illicit benefits. Decision-makers may also
typically elevate the value of the nation’s cur- borrow from international lenders to advance
rency relative to other currencies (Ebrahim- projects for personal or political gain, know-
zadeh, 2003). By increasing costs for foreign ing that future governments and taxpayers
consumers, higher currency values reduce will have to bear the burden of servicing and
the competitiveness of agricultural and man- repaying the loan. Documented examples of
ufacturing exports, tourism, higher educa- such corruption-driven environmental mis-
tion and some other economic sectors. The management are far too numerous to detail
economy then becomes less diversified and here (Collier, Kirchberger and Söderbom,
more reliant on a few extractive industries or 2015; Shearman, Bryan and Laurance, 2012;
large projects, and therefore more vulnerable Smith et al., 2003).
to shocks from commodity price fluctuations Finally, environmental damage resulting
or boom-and-bust cycles when key natural from large-scale developments is typically an
resources are depleted (Venables, 2016). economic externality borne by the entire
Second, the benefits of foreign capital population and domestic economy. Even
are rarely distributed equitably. A few indi- in the most advanced nations, mechanisms
viduals, such as those in politically powerful to compensate the public for deforestation,
positions, can benefit dramatically, whereas water and air pollution, and mining dam-
many others see little benefit (Edwards et age are often far from adequate (Daily and
al., 2014; Venables, 2016). Even nations with Ellison, 2012). In turn, the absence of effective
strong governance, taxation and resource compensation measures creates perverse
rent-capture mechanisms, such as Australia, incentives in favor of polluting industries,
as they do not bear the full costs of their and host nations while overstating their
activities (Myers, 1998). potential to yield large profits and societal
benefits. The University of Oxford econo-
mist Bent Flyvberg describes how deceptions
Risks to Project Proponents and an incessant “optimism bias” by propo-
and Investors nents create a dynamic in which megapro-
jects continually proceed despite being “over
Risks from large-scale infrastructure and budget, over time, over and over again” (Ansar
extractive projects are not confined only to et al., 2014; Flyvberg, 2009).
the target nations. Multilateral lenders, cor-
porations and investors are also exposed to
considerable financial and reputational
risks when projects go awry. For example, A Dire Need for Better
the reputation of Asia Pulp and Paper, an Infrastructure Planning
Indonesia-based corporation that caused
Advocates of massive forest loss in Borneo and Sumatra, Optimizing Infrastructure
major infrastructure became so toxic that it lost a considerable Costs and Benefits
projects often share of the market and suffered widespread
Not all infrastructure is inherently “bad” for
downplay the risks international condemnation. Along with a
the environment. In appropriate contexts,
to investors and number of major oil palm and wood pulp
new infrastructure can yield sizeable social
host nations while corporations operating in Southeast Asia,
and economic benefits with only limited
overstating their Asia Pulp and Paper has since made a “no
environmental costs. For instance, road
potential to yield deforestation” pledge to limit public criti-
improvements in already settled areas can
large profits and cism and avoid threatened boycotts (Arcus
facilitate increases in agricultural produc-
societal benefits. Foundation, 2015, p. 159; Laurance, 2014).
tion and improve rural livelihoods, as they
Large infrastructure and extractive pro-
give farmers better access to urban markets,
jects also face other risks. These can arise
fertilizers and new agricultural technologies
from political instability, project cost over-
runs, labor disputes, liability for environmen- (Laurance and Balmford, 2013; Laurance et
tal disasters and an almost infinite variety al., 2014a; Weinhold and Reis, 2008). Such
of “unknown unknowns” that can bedevil roads can also provide rural residents with
major projects (Garcia et al., 2016; Laurance, better access to health care, schools and
2008). The failure of a large project can lead employment opportunities, while encourag-
to “stranded assets,” whereby major invest- ing private investment (Laurance et al., 2014a).
ments are lost or offset by unanticipated In developing regions, those areas with
costs that outweigh the project’s benefits. improved roads might actually function like
In Aceh, Indonesia, for example, deforesta- “magnets,” attracting settlers away from
tion associated with road expansion has vulnerable forests and frontiers (Laurance
increased downstream flooding that is esti- and Balmford, 2013; Rudel et al., 2009).
mated to cost landowners US$15 million per In this way, improving transportation in
year (Cochard, 2017). Similarly, oil palm suitable areas could help to concentrate and
and wood pulp plantations on tropical peat- improve agricultural production, raising
lands are likely to incur long-term ecological farm yields while potentially promoting land
restoration costs that could exceed the value “sparing” for nature conservation (Hettige,
of the plantations (Bonn et al., 2016). 2006; Laurance and Balmford, 2013; Laurance
Advocates of major infrastructure pro- et al., 2014a; Phalan et al., 2011; Weinhold and
jects often downplay the risks to investors Reis, 2008).
However, efforts to plan roads strategi- First, agriculture is by far the dominant
cally to optimize their benefits and limit form of human land use globally (Foley
their costs face practical challenges. First, et al., 2005).
environmental impact assessments (EIAs) Second, global food demand is expected
often place the burden of proof on road to increase by 60%–100% from 2005 to
opponents, who rarely have sufficient infor- 2050 (Alexandratos and Bruinsma, 2012;
mation on rare species, biological resources
Tilman et al., 2001).
and ecosystem services to determine the
Third, vast areas of land, especially in Many road
actual environmental costs of roads (Gullett,
developing nations, have already been assessments focus
1998; Laurance, 2007; Wood, 2003). Second,
settled but support relatively unproduc- only on the direct
many road assessments are limited in scope,
tive agriculture (Mueller et al., 2012). effects of road
focusing only on the direct effects of road
building while ignoring their critical indirect Fourth, the amount of additional farm- building while
effects, such as the promotion of deforesta- land needed to meet global food demand ignoring their critical
tion, fires, poaching and land speculation by 2050 is projected to reach up to 1 billion indirect effects, such
(Laurance et al., 2014a, 2015a). Finally, until hectares—an area the size of Canada— as the promotion of
recently, there was no strategic system for unless production on under-yielding deforestation, fires,
agricultural lands can be improved poaching and land
zoning roads regionally, and thus road pro-
jects had to be assessed with little informa- (Tilman et al., 2001). speculation.
tion on their broader context. As the pace
In this context, strategic road improve-
of contemporary road expansion intensi-
ments are a key prerequisite for achieving
fied, road planners and evaluators thus
the needed increase in agricultural pro-
carried a growing burden (Laurance and
duction (Laurance and Balmford, 2013;
Balmford, 2013).
Laurance et al., 2014a; Weng et al., 2013).
For these reasons, a strategic scheme
With concerted improvements in trans-
for prioritizing road building was recently
portation, farming technologies and crop
devised (Laurance et al., 2014a). This approach
varieties, global food demand this century
has two components:
could be met with a far smaller amount of
an environmental values layer that esti- new farmland than if a “business-as-usual”
mates the natural importance of eco- approach were employed (Alexandratos
systems, and and Bruinsma, 2012).
Combining the environmental values
a road benefits layer that estimates the
and road benefits layers allows areas to be
potential for increased agricultural
grouped into three categories:
production, in part via new or improved
areas where roads or road upgrades could
The environmental values layer integrates have large benefits;
data sets on species richness and endemism, areas where road building should be
threatened species, key habitats for wildlife, avoided; and
wilderness attributes, ecosystem represent- “conflict areas,” where the potential costs
ativeness and important ecosystem services. and benefits of roads are both sizeable.
The road benefits layer focuses on the
role of new or improved roads for enhanc- An example of this analysis at the global
ing agricultural production—which is a scale demonstrates its potential for strategic
crucial priority due to four main reasons: road zoning, although planning of roads in
Notes: Green areas have high conservation values. In red areas, transportation improvements have a high potential to improve agriculture.
Dark areas are “conflict zones,” where environmental and agricultural values are both high.
Source: Laurance et al. (2014a, p. 231)
the rural areas of Central and West Africa, increases in the human footprint worldwide,
which harbor vital ape habitats (IRENA, 2015). intensifying human pressures on protected
areas and driving rapid declines in the extent
of remaining wilderness, especially in the
tropics (Laurance et al., 2012; Venter et al.,
Priorities for Change 2016; Watson et al., 2016).
This final section highlights six urgent priori- A key priority is “avoiding the first cut”
ties for improving infrastructure finance, into remaining wilderness areas by keeping
planning and environmental sustainability. them road-free wherever possible. This goal
recognizes that deforestation is highly con-
1. Avoiding new infrastructure construc- tagious spatially, in that forest loss tends to
tion in and near critical habitat. From expand along new roads and then spread
a nature conservation perspective, infra- farther afield as the initial road spawns
structure is going many places it should not. secondary and tertiary roads (Boakes et al.,
Infrastructure expansion is promoting large 2010). Once the first road goes in, forest loss
Photo: Today’s infrastruc- watchers surveyed the same area for two
ture projects must not
become tomorrow’s hours and documented 121 bird species,
environmental disasters.
Nam Ou Cascade Hydro
including several rare and threatened spe-
power Project, Lao PDR. cies (Laurance, 2007). EIAs for some major
© In Pictures Ltd/Corbis
via Getty Images
equatorial African and Amazonian highway
projects have been similarly inadequate
(Fearnside, 2006; Laurance, Mahmoud and
Kleinschroth, 2017b; see Case Study 5.1).
Not all EIAs are as weakly implemented as
these, but only a minority are truly robust
(Laurance, 2007; Laurance et al., 2015a).
One way to address the broader suite of
impacts that are often missed in localized
EIAs is to carry out strategic environmen-
tal assessments at an appropriate landscape
scale (see Box 1.4). Box 1.6 provides a check-
list of best practice in impact assessments
to enable developers to minimize adverse
impacts and to avert a net loss of biodiver-
sity, given that infrastructure development
in ape ranges, by its very nature, degrades
landscapes and habitats. As illustrated above
and throughout this publication, these best
practice actions are seldom fully or even
partially implemented; and sometimes, EIAs
are rather used as tools to greenwash destruc-
tive projects. Effective implementation of
EIA best practice can contribute to the con-
servation of biodiversity, including apes and
ape habitat, while also ensuring that financ-
ing is effectively allocated to preventive action,
rather than costly mitigation expenses.
4. Carrying out strategic land use plan-
ning for agriculture. Many observers call
for an increase in the productivity of agri-
culture in developing nations in order to
“spare” land for nature (Laurance et al., 2014a;
Mueller et al., 2012; Phalan et al., 2011). Yet
more productive agriculture is also more
profitable, and highly profitable agriculture
is likely to spread widely unless constrained
in some manner. An apt example is the
dramatic expansion of oil palm across the
humid tropics, where the crop is promot-
ing forest destruction both directly and
of an infrastructure project, habitat amelioration within the critically endangered species, meaning that a BAP is
remaining range of affected ape communities may be required if a project threatens any great ape habitat and
able to preserve populations at pre-construction levels. most gibbon habitats. Designed to help achieve the aims
In some cases, however, predicted or observed residual and objectives of a mitigation and monitoring program,
effects require offsite mitigation measures within the a BAP serves as a single working reference of a given
wider landscape. In these cases, measures can be applied project, pulling together all related studies and reports.
following established protocols, such as the Business The document sets out clear guidance on how each
and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP, 2009–2012). action is to be carried out, by whom and in what time
For information on the mitigation hierarchy, a set of guide- frame. Unlike other associated documents, such as the
lines established in the IFC’s Performance Standard 6, environmental statement, the BAP is a “living” report that
see Chapter 4, page 119. is updated as actions are completed, and modified as
Applying additional measures. In addition to direct miti- new data come to light or if mitigation measures are not
gation, supplementary measures may be employed, such as effective as anticipated.
as awareness raising and community engagement—to In practice, the environmental considerations and measures
reduce hunting pressure, for example. These strategies presented here are often overlooked or sidestepped, with
can be effective in contributing to the overall objective potentially detrimental repurcussions for developers’ finances
of achieving no net loss; however, it is not appropriate as well as affected fauna and flora. By making a conscious
to use to use them as primary forms of mitigation or as effort to integrate these considerations into their planning,
replacements for key mitigation measures, such as habi- however, infrastructure developers can play an active role in
tat reinstatement and creation. seeking to avoid both going over budget and a net loss of
Producing biodiversity action plans (BAPs). The pro- biodiversity. It is as important for developers to factor social
cess of implementing the above-mentioned steps and considerations into their activities to prevent harm to—and,
measures is commonly described in a BAP, a document ideally, to ensure benefits for—indigenous populations and
that many lenders require. Under the IFC’s PS6, for local communities that may be affected by an infrastructure
instance, a BAP is required if critical habitat may be project (see Chapter 2). In so doing, they can seek to har-
affected by infrastructure development (IFC, 2012c). The ness local support for a project and any related conservation
standard covers habitat that supports endangered and actions and initiatives.
ronmental disasters. Advocates of sustain-
We have rapidly 5. Encouraging China to require compli- able infrastructure will find it effective to
shrinking opportunities ance with its established development address a broad constituency of environ-
to help steer infra- guidelines. Of all nations, China is currently mental, economic, civil society and political
structure expansion the most ambitious and aggressive in terms stakeholders—emphasizing, for instance,
in directions that of advancing large-scale infrastructure pro- the enormous value of biodiversity, eco
meet human needs jects, often in concert with schemes to exploit system services, natural capital and climate
while promoting and access natural resources in developing regulation, as well as the primacy of sus-
greater sustainability nations. Such projects are funded by Chinese tainability for human welfare (Meijaard et
for critical ape public–private partnerships, corporations al., 2013). They can also build on the infra-
habitats. and lenders. Compared to projects that are structure sector’s aim to avoid financial and
underwritten by industrialized nations in the reputational risks.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation Moreover, researchers and land use plan-
and Development, Chinese-funded initia- ners must respond to a growing demand
tives are significantly more likely to create from businesses and private investors for
“pollution havens” (areas where pollution or guidance in determining the best locations
environmental damage are concentrated) for new infrastructure (Green et al., 2015;
in developing nations (Dean, Lovely and Laurance et al., 2015b; Natural Capital
Wang, 2009). In this way, China exports its Coalition, 2016; see Box 4.5). There is a
environmental degradation and pollution pressing need, in particular, to limit the
to poorer countries. rapid expansion of new infrastructure into
Having acknowledged these problems, remaining wilderness, protected areas and
China has devised a series of “green” guide- biodiversity hotspots. As noted above,“avoid
lines and operating principles for Chinese the first cut” into wild places should become
ventures operating internationally (see Box a clarion call for biodiversity and sustain-
1.3). Nevertheless, the Chinese government ability advocates.
has failed to accept any responsibility for the It is difficult to overstate the urgency of
lack of enforcement of its stated principles. the task at hand. We have rapidly shrinking
Instead, the recurring problems are being opportunities to help steer infrastructure
blamed on intransigence by its corporations, expansion in directions that meet human
a lack of general transparency and weak- needs while promoting greater sustainabil-
nesses in the governing frameworks of the ity for critical ape habitats. It is time for
host countries (see Box 1.3). Beijing could decisive action—for the protection of great
take a firmer hand in promoting environ- apes and nature in general.
Principal author: William F. Laurance5
Contributors: Adam Smith International, Iain Bray,
Neil David Burgess, Fauna and Flora International
(FFI), Global Environmental Institute (GEI), Matthew
Hatchwell, Jon Hobbs, Pippa Howard, Nicky Jenner,
Lin Ji, Fiona Maisels, Emily McKenzie, Tom Mills, Mott
MacDonald, United Nations Environment Programme
World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-
WCMC), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), World
Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), WWF International
and Rong Zhu
Text Box 1.1: Jon Hobbs
Text Box 1.2: Matthew Hatchwell and Fiona Maisels
Text Box 1.3: Rong Zhu and Lin Ji
Text Box 1.4: Pippa Howard and Nicky Jenner
Text Box 1.5: Tom Mills
Text Box 1.6: Iain Bray
Author acknowledgments: Mason Campbell and
Mohammed Alamgir provided useful comments on
the manuscript.
Reviewers: Stanley D. Brunn, Miriam Goosem, Matthew
Hatchwell and Wijnand de Wit
1 As predicted, since this content was provided in
2017, commodity prices have generally recovered,
resulting in increasing demand for infrastructure
development (J. Hobbs, personal communica-
tion, 2018).
2 This generalized description is derived from a
review of multilateral lender safeguard docu-
ments and author interviews with lender environ-
mental staff, conducted in late 2016.
3 “Critical habitats are areas with high biodiversity
value, including (i) habitat of significant impor-
tance to Critically Endangered and/or Endangered
species; (ii) habitat of significant importance to
endemic and/or restricted-range species; (iii) hab-
itat supporting globally significant concentrations
of migratory species and/or congregatory species;
(iv) highly threatened and/or unique ecosystems;
and/or (v) areas associated with key evolutionary
processes” (IFC, 2012c, p. 4).
4 IFC Performance Standard 6 has been reviewed
and will be relaunched in 2018 (I. Bray, personal
communication, 2018).
5 James Cook University –
Impacts of Infrastructure on
Apes, Indigenous Peoples and
Other Local Communities
Infrastructure is a common and expanding
feature of the anthropocene, with human-
altered landscapes across every part of the
world (Laurance, Goosem and Laurance,
2009). Roads, bridges and railways, as
well as hydroelectric dams, mining and
processing plants, and electrification pro-
jects cover much of the earth’s surface and
infringe on even the most remote land-
scapes. Collectively, roads cover a distance
of more than 83 round trips between the
earth and the moon (van der Ree, Smith and
Grilo, 2015, p. 3).
Fifteen years ago, an assessment of
infrastructure using the GLOBIO tool—
which models human impacts on biodiver-
sity—revealed that up to 70% of tropical
forest habitat in Africa and in Asia had been the ecological impacts on apes and other
affected by infrastructure development and species of fauna and flora across a range of
the associated human exploitation of the infrastructure types; the second section
forests around it. Projections based on the explores the social impacts of infrastructure
GLOBIO tool and more recent assessments via examples from Cameroon. The chapter
indicate that less than 10% of the habitat in then offers some lessons learned and steps
African great ape ranges and probably that can be taken to minimize the deleterious
closer to 1% of the habitat in orangutan effects of infrastructure development.
ranges in Asia will be left untouched by With respect to the ecological impact
2030, as a result of infrastructure develop- of infrastructure, this chapter’s key find-
ment and the associated habitat distur- ings are:
bance (Junker et al., 2012; Nellemann and
Newton, 2002). For apes and the majority Infrastructure development is a major
of other animal and plant species, infra- conservation threat for apes and for
structure development represents a major the majority of other animal and plant
conservation threat. species.
Strategies to Infrastructure also affects human pop- The major negative direct impacts of
mitigate damage to ulations living in or near tropical forest infrastructure development are habitat
forest ecosystems are habitats, and not only in the intended pos- loss, road kills, and noise pollution and
most effective when itive manner. Infrastructure development disturbance; indirect impacts include
they consider both fuels deforestation, affecting the complex increased human access to previously
the potential social dynamic of these ever-changing ecosystems remote areas, poaching, and the intro-
impacts of proposed and the diversity of species that dwell within duction of disease and invasive species.
infrastructure projects them. Human communities are among Some of these impacts are immediate,
and forest peoples’ those that depend on the forests and their such as road kills, while others can have
capacity to help resources. Forest peoples are part of the pernicious long-term and far-reaching
mitigate such dynamic ecosystems of forests, living in consequences for wildlife populations.
damage. them, adapted to them and shaping them— The anticipation of project implemen-
in stark constrast to the forces that are tation alone can exacerbate habitat loss
destroying forests. Strategies to mitigate and disturbance to wildlife in a locality,
damage to these ecosystems are most effec- particularly through the development of
tive when they take into consideration both roads to prospect areas and small-scale
the potential social impacts of proposed encroachment by local people, even if the
infrastructure projects and forest peoples’ project is not taken to completion.
capacity to help mitigate such damage. This Industry-specific certification bodies
approach serves not only to ensure the well- already exist, such as the Forest Steward
being of forest-dwelling and other local com- ship Council (FSC) and the Roundtable
munities, but also to garner their support on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), which
for proposed conservation measures, which require standards to be met for certifica-
are likely to fail without local backing.1 tion to take place, including those relat-
This chapter explores the ecological ing to associated infrastructure. There
and behavioral impacts of infrastructure on is thus scope to develop and implement
apes in the forest, as well as social impacts standards for other large scale infra-
of infrastructure development on forest structure development in relation to both
peoples and communities dependent on the ecological and social impacts of such
forest resources. The first section considers developments; and to monitor, maintain
and promote the uptake of these stand- increase mortality rates, and hamper gene
ards through the development of addi- flow. Indirect impacts and threats, such as
tional certification requirements. hunting or the risk of disease transmission,
In designing appropriate responses to are often linked to the presence of people
infrastructure development, it is impor- (see Table 2.1).
tant to factor in direct and indirect This section outlines the impacts of dif- When designing
impacts at both the local and landscape ferent types of infrastructure on apes. It appropriate responses
levels for all projects, be they expansive, covers transportation-related projects, such to infrastructure
such as roads, railways and transmis- as roads, railways and ports; broader devel- development, it is
sion lines, or characterized by relatively opment infrastructure, such as dams, power important to factor
small footprints. lines, processing plants and human settle- in direct and indirect
ments (including temporary or permanent impacts at both the
With respect to the social impact of infra- housing developments for workers); and local and landscape
structure, the chapter’s key findings are: other types of infrastructure, such as tour- levels for all
ist lodges.2 projects.
Infrastructure development in the tradi- Compared to industrial-scale agricul-
tional lands of indigenous peoples has a ture and logging, which typically result in
negative impact on their livelihoods, cul- the conversion of thousands of hectares of
tural practices and norms. forest or more, infrastructure such as roads
Indigenous peoples traditionally man- or tourist lodges may be expected to have a
age and utilize natural resources from relatively small impact on apes. Indeed, such
forests sustainably, but they can also linear and localized projects may pose a
become part of the cycle of destruction less significant immediate threat of habitat
that is exacerbated by infrastructure loss. Nevertheless, as forests are opened
development. up for infrastructure development, people
Conservation efforts designed to miti- increasingly disturb previously intact ranges
gate and offset the impact of infrastruc- by hunting, capturing live animals, degrad-
ture development on biodiversity can ing and destroying the forest, producing
further exacerbate negative impacts on noise, transmitting disease and polluting.
indigenous peoples. In connection with infrastructure develop-
ment, such human disturbance can have
significant negative impacts on apes, affect-
ing the landscape’s structural connectivity
Ecological Impacts of
(habitat type and composition) as well as
Infrastructure on Apes its functional connectivity, which involves
Impacts of different types of infrastruc- both the structure of the landscape and the
ture can vary in intensity on several scales. ways in which animals interact with their
Impacts can be direct or indirect; they can environment (Kindlmann and Burel, 2008).
occur during the construction, utilization, Various mitigating measures can be
production or decommissioning phases; developed and implemented to prevent
they can be felt in the short or long term. and respond to the negative impacts of
The main direct impacts of infrastructure infrastructure-related human disturbance
include habitat loss and fragmentation, in and around wildlife habitat. Designed to
behavioral disturbance and the creation of integrate conservation into infrastructure
artificial barriers, which in turn disrupt development, such measures can usefully
movement patterns and affect habitat use, be adapted to the characteristics of each
Photo: A common impact individual plan, be it managed exclusively The noise of heavy machinery during con-
of all infrastructure devel-
opment is the destruction by private companies, by a government or struction is also likely to affect and possibly
or degradation of habitat
by a combination of stakeholders.3 displace animals (see Box 2.1). In Uganda,
wherever construction is
taking place. Highway
construction between
Port-Gentil and Omboué,
Gabon. © Julie Sherman Impacts of Infrastructure
Each type of infrastructure project can be
expected to have a number of direct or
indirect impacts on the local landscape.
These impacts may differ in terms of their
duration and extent, as well as in relation
to the timescales required for the construc-
tion phase and the longevity of the infra-
structure (see Table 2.1).
Three phases can be distinguished for
infrastructure projects: their construction,
their use and, in some cases, their decommis-
sioning (as for dams, logging concessions
and mines). These phases require separate
consideration when it comes to assessing
their impact on wildlife in general, and apes
in particular.
Construction Phase
The overall impacts of infrastructure con-
struction on apes are similar across develop-
ment projects, but the scale of any impact
depends primarily on the type of infrastruc-
ture being built. For example, setting up
infrastructure that affects small areas of
land, such as a power line or a pipeline, and
that is mostly left alone after being estab-
lished in the middle of a rainforest is likely
to cause less disturbance than erecting a
major structure, such as a dam, power plant
or highway, in a similar area.
A common impact of the construction
of any type of infrastructure is the human
presence and the influx of workers to the
construction site. The arrival of people
increases indirect threats to wildlife, such
as hunting, physical and noise pollution,
risks of disease transmission and an influx
of invasive species (Burgess et al., 2007).
for instance, mountain gorillas in Bwindi office premises. In general, apes move away
National Park reportedly shifted their range and shift their range in response to human
when the park service was building new disturbance.4
Photo: No ape species can old. They typically have one offspring or have overlapping home ranges, so
swim: a dam, canal or a
wide drain without any every 4–9 years depending on the spe- that multiple groups occur in the same
natural bridge (such as
overarching tree branches)
cies. As a result, apes characteristically area. Therefore, as the construction of
represents an impassable experience very slow population growth infrastructure leads to a loss of habitat
barrier to any individual or
group. Grand Poubara
rates. Increased mortality rates can thus and apes are compressed into smaller
Dam, Gabon. © Steve have severely detrimental effects on
population size. Populations may take a
very long time to recover to their origi-
nal size, if they ever do.
Apes are susceptible to many diseases
that affect humans. As apes come into
increasingly close contact with people, the
risk of disease transmission is height-
ened, along with the risk of infection
and subsequent death among apes
(Carne et al., 2014; Köndgen et al., 2008;
Muehlenbein and Ancrenaz, 2009).
All apes are highly adaptable: many of
them will use new food resources planted
by people. Crop owners may identify
such apes as “pests” (Humle, 2015; Seiler
and Robbins, 2016); in this scenario,
it is not only difficult to harness these
people’s support for conservation ini-
tiatives, but the likelihood of retalia-
tion and killing of apes also increases
(Ancrenaz, Dabek and O’Neil, 2007;
Humle, 2015).
All ape species depend on forests for all
or a significant part of their behavioral
ecology. Even chimpanzees and some
bonobo populations that occur in
savannah-dominated landscapes need
forest for nesting sites and food. Gibbons
are exclusively arboreal and cannot cross
large distances on the ground. While
chimpanzees and gorillas typically trav-
el on the ground, and orangutans may
also do so to a certain extent (Ancrenaz
et al., 2014), any barriers in their habi-
tat may restrict their ranging patterns,
depending on the size and the level of
Except for orangutans, most apes live in
social groups and are either territorial
Table 2.1 presents information about human settlement in areas that previously
impacts of different types of infrastructure were not easily reached. Of all the types of
on apes. The list is not exhaustive; several infrastructure, new roads are the ones that
impacts are not included due to a lack of result in the largest increase in access
data (for example, dust and airborne pollut- (Clements et al., 2014). Access roads are
ants, and invasive species). The table also almost always needed for other types of
identifies to what extent apes tend to be infrastructure, which in turn open up areas
able to adapt to such impacts. to human settlement.
Research shows that the distance to
roads, villages and cities is a strong predictor
The Consequences of of the presence of apes; indeed, ape densi-
Infrastructure Development ties decrease as human presence increases,
largely because of hunting pressure.7 One
Increased Access, Immigration
study that compares the abundance of
and Human Settlement large mammals at varying distances from
Infrastructure development nearly always roads inside an oil concession (a non-hunted
leads to increased access, human influx and area that received extensive protection) and
Impacts of Infrastructure on Apes and the Likelihood of Ape Adaptability
Impact of infrastructure Impact Duration of Roads and Ports and Power Human
type impact railways dams cables settlements
Note: * Chances of ape adaptability are good if local settlements do not have access to electricity, limited or moderate if they do.
Likelihood of ape adaptability
Limited Moderate Good Unknown
in the hunted territory beyond the conces- enterprises that can have significant nega-
sion demonstrates that hunting—rather than tive impacts on apes. Such activities include
the roads themselves—leads to a decline in artisanal mining, small-scale logging and
gorillas (Laurence et al., 2006). Similarly, a subsistence or commercial hunting, which
recent study reveals that the distance from can be facilitated by increased access to
roads is the best predictor of bonobo nest ape habitat.
occurrence; distance is an indicator of hunt-
ing of apes, rather than of the displacement
Habitat Loss, Degradation
of bonobos, as hunting intensity is greatest
and Fragmentation
closer to roads (Hickey et al., 2013; Laurance
et al., 2009). All types of infrastructure development
As people settle into an area, land use lead to some level of habitat loss, degradation
practices change and subsistence agricul- and fragmentation. While infrastructure
ture generally expands, as does the extent itself can be relatively “small” compared to
of land under cultivation. These shifts can large tracts of forest, some types, especially
cause apes to forage on cultivars with roads, can transect extensive areas, and all
greater frequency and can lead to an types will have impacts at both the local and
increase in encounters between apes and the landscape level. In some cases, roads
people, which may result in increased con- can limit apes’ access to food and nesting
flict and aggression (Bryson-Morrison et trees (Bortolamiol et al., 2016). Such infra-
al., 2017; Campbell-Smith et al., 2011b; structure may lead apes to shift their range or
McLennan and Hill, 2012; McLennan and territory, thereby increasing intra- or inter-
Hockings, 2016). Crop foraging may be specific competition for food and nesting,
driven either by necessity, due to the loss of which causes social disruption and stress,
natural foods, or by opportunities linked to as well as a heightened risk of intergroup
agricultural expansion of palatable crops.8 aggression. This kind of aggression can sig-
It leads to a loss of income for local commu- nificantly raise the mortality rate, especially
nity members, stoking negative reactions among chimpanzees (Mitani et al., 2010;
and behavior towards apes (Ancrenaz et al., Watts et al., 2006).
2007; Naughton-Treves, 1997). For the more arboreal Asian ape spe-
Close cohabitation may be particularly cies, disruption to canopy connectivity can
problematic if the people in question have compel apes to travel on the ground and
no previous experience of living near apes. thus heighten their exposure to pathogenic
They may be afraid of the apes—due to agents, including viruses, bacteria and para-
their lack of experience or based on urban sites, which may be transmitted from humans
myths about apes—and may therefore be and domestic animals, such as via attacks
more antagonistic towards apes. Even by dogs (Das et al., 2009). In addition to
among people who have traditionally lived limiting the spatial distribution of apes, the
near apes, increased encounters with them loss of canopy connectivity also increases
may erode traditional or religious taboos and the risk of predation and food shortage,
beliefs that favor local ape conservation or particularly among gibbons (Channa and
tolerance of apes (Humle and Hill, 2016). Gray, 2009; Cheyne et al., 2013, 2016;
In addition, employment insecurity Hamard, Cheyne and Nijman, 2010; Turvey
associated with a significant influx of people et al., 2015).
into an area can exacerbate people’s engage- While more terrestrial apes are less con-
ment in alternative revenue-generating strained by the presence of railways and
Photo: Chimpanzees show roads, the latter may nevertheless act as bar- Cross River gorilla showed that the decline
flexible behaviour that
enables them to exploit riers, depending on the intensity of traffic, in functional connectivity was double that in
anthropogenic landscapes,
which puts them at risk of
road or rail width, travel speed and visibility structural connectivity over a 23-year period
injury or death when cross- (see Box 2.1). In Uganda’s Bwindi Impene (Imong et al., 2014).
ing roads. © Matt McLennan
trable National Park, three groups of goril-
las tend to cross a 15-km-long gravel road a
Disease and Pathogen
few times per year. There are plans to pave
the road, which is expected to increase vehic-
ular traffic and, in turn, heighten the risk of Apes are susceptible to many human dis-
vehicle collisions. If the gorillas stop cross- eases. Disease epidemics or parasitic infec-
ing the road once it is paved, their habitat will tions can negatively affect reproduction and
be fragmented, as about 10% of the 330 km2 kill apes, thereby changing demographic
(33,000-ha) park would effectively be elimi- patterns (Gilardi et al., 2015). An increased
nated as suitable habitat. Plans to pave a risk of disease and pathogen transmission is
road through the already fragmented habi- likely in areas where there is garbage, such
tat of Cross River gorillas in Nigeria would as tourist lodges, villages and roadsides.
have similar detrimental effects (see Case Artisanal mines, camps used by construction
Study 5.1). workers, and satellite communities typically
In estimating or assessing the impact of have unsanitary conditions that pose a large
infrastructure on great apes and other wild- health risk to apes (Plumptre et al., 2016b).
life, it is crucial to consider the anticipated or Habituated chimpanzees, gorillas and orang
sustained disruption of habitat connectivity utans may range very close to tourist lodges
and relationships among patches across the and may even come into very close contact
affected landscape. A study that compared with humans in unregulated settings, such
the amount of structural and functional as those not monitored by park staff, which
connectivity for the critically endangered can lead to an increased risk of transmission
of respiratory and other diseases (Gilardi This additional noise and disruption can
et al., 2015; Macfie and Williamson 2010; cause apes to avoid affected areas, leading
Matsuzawa, Humle and Sugiyama, 2011). to temporary displacement that can affect
Such contact puts both the apes and people, individual and group ranging, access to
including tourists and staff, at risk of injury food and shelter, and dispersal. The distur-
and pathogen infection in case of attack. bances can also cause heightened stress
levels, with possible impacts on health and
Injury and Death Due to Vehicle
Rabanal et al. (2010) measured the impact
and Equipment Collisions of dynamite blasts for oil exploration on
Terrestrial apes are at risk of injury or death gorillas and chimpanzees and found that
when crossing roads. There are reports of both avoided the area where the explosions
chimpanzees being injured or killed in had occurred for months after the explo-
vehicle collisions (McLennan and Asiimwe, ration work, even though there were strict
2016; see Box 2.1). Encounters with infra- regulations in place to minimize disturbance
structure can also be life-threatening for (for example, chainsaws and mechanized
arboreal apes, and poorly insulated and bare vehicles were not allowed, and transects
power lines pose a risk of electrocution for were very narrow). The dynamite blasts
all species (see Annex I). In Kinabatangan, and increased human presence presuma-
Malaysia, and in Assam, India, several cases bly caused the apes to keep their distance.
of gibbons and orangutans being electro- In Borneo, noise linked to timber extrac-
cuted have been recorded, some of them tion—such as from the use of machinery
fatal. In 2011 and 2014, two adult orang and chainsaws—drives orangutans away
utans were electrocuted when they used a from disturbance areas, although animals
power line to access a fruiting durian tree in may recolonize the same areas after the
the village of Sukau, Kinabatangan. In both disturbance is over (Ancrenaz et al., 2010;
cases, the orangutan fell to the ground and MacKinnon, 1974).
was unconscious for several minutes before
recovering from the electrical shock and Hydrological Impacts
fleeing to a nearby tree. The hands of the
In both intact and degraded landscapes,
animals showed marks of burning.Although
gallery, riparian and swamp forests often
neither orangutan died at the time, it is represent critical habitats for apes, be it
unknown whether they survived in the for food or nesting (McLennan, 2008;
longer term. Local villagers have reported Mulavwa et al., 2010). Riparian habitats are
that gibbons and monkeys have died after also vital to healthy freshwater ecosystems,
similar shocks (Das et al., 2009). fisheries, clean water and other essential
functions that support local people and
Disturbance Associated with agricultural productivity (Chase et al., 2016).
Noise and Vibration (including It is therefore crucial to preserve these hab-
itat types.
Blasting), Project Lighting and
Chimpanzee and bonobo populations
the Presence of Workers
that occur in more arid landscapes domi-
The construction phase of all types of nated by savannah can be severely con-
infrastructure is accompanied by noise and strained by water availability (McGrew,
human activity, both of which tend to be Baldwin and Tutin, 1981; Ogawa, Yoshikawa
reduced once the infrastructure is built. and Idani, 2014). In such water-stressed
Steps Forward
Learning from Environmental
Impact Assessments
Environmental impact assessments (EIAs)
are designed to identify measures to prevent
or reduce the negative impacts of infrastruc-
ture development on biodiversity.Appraisals
that also consider impacts on people are
known as environmental and social impact
assessments (ESIAs). Chapter 1 discusses
best practice in impact assessments (see
Box 1.6, p. 36).
Unfortunately, not all infrastructure
development projects require EIAs or ESIAs.
Whether an assessment is obligatory depends
primarily on a country’s laws and policies;
which, if any, lending or investment agen-
cies are involved (such as the International
Finance Corporation, the World Bank and
development banks); and what type of
infrastructure is being considered. In many
countries, assessments are not required for most effective when such aspects are con-
road or bridge construction. When they are sidered early on in the planning stages.
requested, EIAs and ESIAs often consider Activities associated with infrastructure
only the impact that infrastructure is likely projects can otherwise have aggravating
to have on the immediate vicinity of the consequences, as was recently the case with
specific project, although the impact typi- the Bumbuna dam expansion project in
cally extends far beyond the area under Sierra Leone. Small-scale logging activities
review and may contribute to cumulative increased in the dam’s potential inundation
impacts, depending on surrounding land zone as local people sought to exploit tim-
use and the proximity of other projects. ber resources that they anticipated would be
Furthermore, EIAs and ESIAs are often car- lost (R. Garriga, personal communication,
ried out too late to influence the decision- 2016). Such activities, which are generally
making process; in such cases, they become based on the assumption that a project will
tools for mitigating—as opposed to pre- go ahead, thus have a negative impact on
venting—environmental degradation (see local wildlife even if a project is not taken
Box 1.6). forward. If such a project is indeed aban-
Integrated, well- In addition to being undertaken late in doned, the prospect of its implementation
informed land use the process, the vast majority of EIAs and alone will have exacerbated habitat loss
planning is the most ESIAs are conducted over extremely short and disturbance to wildlife in the locality. By
effective way to periods of time. A short time frame pre- providing an accurate assessment of antic-
minimize the negative cludes a surveyor’s ability to establish a ipated social impacts in the early phases of
impact of infrastruc- proper understanding of the distribution a project, an ESIA can highlight these risks
ture development and conservation status of impacted ape and inform the development of effective
while enabling populations, as well as the potential sea- mitigating measures, typically more compre-
social and economic sonal or long-term impacts of any infra- hensively than an EIA.
development. structure development on these animals.
Indeed, surveying apes properly is time-
consuming and requires significant effort Mitigation Measures That
and resources, both of which are often lack- Can Reduce Negative
ing (Kühl et al., 2008). Companies have to
secure resources in advance to be able to
Impacts on Apes
hire qualified experts in ape population The following approaches can serve to miti-
surveys to carry out thorough assessments. gate the impact of infrastructure develop-
To capture seasonal variations, such assess- ment on apes. While some are not applicable
ments require data collection periods of at in all circumstances, others are used by sev-
least one full year, as well as sufficient time eral certification bodies, including the FSC
to analyze and report on the findings (see and the RSPO.
Box 1.6). In practice, these vital conditions
are rarely met. Applying strategic land use planning.
To avoid adverse effects on local people Integrated, well-informed land use plan-
and to help to manage their expectations, ning is the most effective way to minimize
ESIAs for any infrastructure project need the negative impact of infrastructure
to consider the expected impact on their development while enabling social and
lives and estimate how many external people economic development. There is an
are likely to be attracted to the area prior to urgent need for conservationists to iden-
and during implementation. The process is tify key priority ape ranges on maps and
to use these maps in efforts to prevent road networks, as long as such “recy-
infrastructure development in those cling” does not lead to increased
areas. Just as development takes place damage to forest canopy (Morgan
at the international, national and local and Sanz, 2007);
levels, so too does effective land use constructing well-designed and
planning. Such planning considers the -located wildlife crossing sites, speed
different stakeholders involved in various bumps and other structures (whether
types of infrastructure development: arboreal or terrestrial) to allow safer
local private industry may support passage for animals (Cibot et al.,
planning for a tourist lodge, while gov- 2015; McLennan and Asiimwe, 2016;
ernments may drive efforts to develop see Box 2.2);
road networks, and multinational cor- keeping road width to a minimum Just as
porations may back bids for hydro- since apes perceive wider roads as development takes
power projects, mining concessions, posing higher crossing-related risks place at the interna-
processing mills and industrial agricul- (Hockings et al., 2006; see Box 2.1); tional, national and
tural activities. and local levels, so too
Minimizing the length of road net- installing signs to alert drivers to the does effective land
works. Efforts to restrict the growth of presence of apes. use planning.
road networks help to limit impacts on Avoiding fragmentation. In land-
habitat and wildlife populations over- scapes that are already fragmented and
all, even if restrictions are only applied deforested, infrastructure—such as roads
on a temporary basis (Wilkie et al., 2000). and power lines—may become addi-
Strategic road planning can also reduce tional filters or barriers to wildlife move-
the number of roads that apes must ments. The construction of wildlife
cross in their home range, decreasing passages as linear corridors can serve
stress and risks. To minimize the impact to minimize mortality rates and restore
of road development on apes, stakehold- connectivity.
ers can apply best-practice measures, Controlling domestic animals and
such as by: invasive species. In areas adjacent to
undertaking road construction at infrastructure and ape habitat, strict
least 5 km from protected areas, controls and policies can be effective in
and ideally 10–20 km (Morgan and preventing the introduction of domestic
Sanz, 2007); animals and invasive species, and associ-
avoiding the construction of roads ated risks of disease transmission to apes.
in areas that are important to apes, Dismantling temporary infrastruc-
such as the core of their habitat or ture. The dismantling and destruction
areas with high densities of fruiting of temporary infrastructure—such as
trees, bearing in mind that construc- access roads, provisional camps and
tion in open or monodominant for- bridges—prevents its further use by
est will cause less disturbance and people after a project has been completed.
minimize the loss of tree species The FSC and other certification bodies
that are important to apes for food already encourage such dismantling as
and nesting (Morgan and Sanz, 2007); best practice (FSC, 2015; Rainer, 2014).
reusing old logging and similar road Any relocation of people from tempo-
networks instead of opening up new rary camps requires careful assessment
of relocation areas to minimize the are available, but they are rarely published or Photo: Gibbons rarely
come to the ground, so
potential impact on apes. Following easily accessible. Even when baseline data the construction of a road
dismantling and destruction, rehabilita- have been collected, they often become avail- dissects their habitat and
results in intense fragmen-
tion activities to promote natural regen- able only after the infrastructure has been put tation. Wildlife bridges allow
animals to cross artificial
eration help to support repopulation by in place. The lack of data is an impediment barriers. © Marc Ancrenaz/
apes and other wildlife. to informing infrastructure development. HUTAN–Kinabatangan
Orang-utan Conservation
Developing and implementing eco- There is a clear need to undertake more Project
logical and social standards for large- longitudinal research into the impacts of
scale infrastructure development and infrastructure development on apes. Studies
establishing certification criteria. will be possible and relevant only if there is
Certification can boost credibility, not collaboration among those who are involved
only by satisfying legal or contractual in the development, financing and use of
requirements, but also by enhancing infrastructure, namely private companies,
transparency and maintaining high governments and all other stakeholders. A
standards. The infrastructure sector first step in the promotion of studies that
could take the lead from other industry- assess clear, scientific data gathered before,
specific certification bodies, such as the during and after infrastructure development
FSC and the RSPO, which require adher- is dialog between those who plan, finance
ance to sustainable practices to mitigate and develop infrastructure and ape conser-
threats posed by industry and associ- vationists. Such collaboration can benefit
ated infrastructure. Other certification both sides (see Box 2.3).
bodies—including future ones that might Some information is available about the
be focused on the large-scale infrastruc- correlation between roads on the one hand,
ture sector—could adopt similar eco- and poaching and the decline of ape den-
logical and social standards as part of sity in the vicinity of large-scale infrastruc-
their certification processes. By requir- ture on the other. Overall, however, there is
ing such certification for large-scale a dearth of monitoring data on the short-
infrastructure projects, lenders and and long-term impact of infrastructure
donors would contribute to sustainable development on ape survival. In view of
development. such knowledge gaps and the issues high-
lighted in Table 2.1, urgent research ques-
Systematic monitoring of ape popula- tions include the following:
tions and people is a valuable means of
assessing and demonstrating the useful- How are apes using roads in relation to
ness of applied mitigation measures; it is traffic intensity and road width?
also a reliable method for gathering evi- What are the best road and rail crossing
dence to inform management decisions. mitigation strategies?
For details on the mitigation hierarchy, see At what point does traffic density on
Chapter 4 (pp. 119–128). roads turn them into impermeable bar-
riers for African and Asian great apes
and gibbons?
Reducing Knowledge Gaps Are canopy and rope bridges effective
To date, there is a paucity of longitudinal tools for ape conservation? How many
data that could allow for a more comprehen- individuals or groups use them and for
sive evaluation of the impacts of infrastruc- how long? What would be the ideal
ture on ape survival. At best, snap-shot data design for these bridges (see Box 2.2)?
What patterns emerge from short- and jects, such as hydropower dams and
long-term monitoring data on road kills geothermal plants, given that rivers and
and injuries; health patterns (including large bodies of water can be significant
human sanitary conditions); dust and natural barriers?
airborne pollutants; and noise levels? To what extent do satellite communities
What is the impact of power-line electro- that develop in proximity to infrastruc-
cution on gibbons and other apes? What ture projects affect the local environment
devices could be effective in the preven- and biodiversity?
tion of electrocution (see Annex I)?
How are great apes and gibbons affected In the absence of data needed to evaluate
by water-dependent infrastructure pro- the possible impact of infrastructure on ape
survival, a cautious and preventive approach
is necessary. It is difficult to predict the
impact of some types of infrastructure due
BOX 2.3 to the limited occurrence of certain struc-
tures, such as cable cars, in ape habitat. In
Private Industry and Ape Conservation
the Virunga Volcanoes in East Africa, a pro-
In 2006 a private company, the China Petroleum & Chemical Corpo
posed cable car would run through an area
ration, or SINOPEC, began an oil exploration concession in Loango
National Park, Gabon. Initially, the company was conducting explora- that was only recently re-inhabited by goril-
tion work (using dynamite explosions along a grid of transects cut las, members of one of the few ape popula-
through the forest) without any environmental regulations, even though
tions that are currently increasing in size
work was being carried out in a national park. Following discussions
with the Gabonese Ministry of the Environment, non-governmental (Gray et al., 2013). With such a small popu-
organizations (NGOs) and researchers, an environmental impact assess- lation living in such a small habitat—about
ment was conducted to inform the second phase of exploration in 2007.
The assessment resulted in guidelines that:
500 gorillas in 450 km2 (45,000 ha)—it seems
too risky to assume that the impacts will
forbade the use of chainsaws and mechanized vehicles;
not be great, in the absence of firm data to
called for narrow transects and allowed only trees with a diameter
of less than 10 cm at breast height to be cut down; the contrary.
forbade hunting; and
stipulated that a bridge providing access to a large area of the
park had to be destroyed after the exploration work was finished
(Rabanal et al., 2010). Social Impacts of
With the help of routine monitoring of the area, SINOPEC followed Infrastructure
these guidelines. Nevertheless, the disturbance caused by the noise
of dynamite explosions resulted in displacement of chimpanzees and Introduction
gorillas from the area for several months after the work. The explo
ration did not result in further exploitation of the area for petroleum Wildlife conservation and human welfare
extraction and, ten years after the exploration, the main access road is
cannot be considered in isolation from each
greatly reduced in width as the forest is slowly regenerating.
In some cases, a company’s interest in maintaining infrastructure may be
other; both rely on the well-being of tropi-
compatible with conservation goals. One example involves the oil giant cal forests as dynamic, ever-changing eco-
Shell, which, until mid-2017, operated one of the highest-producing systems. Such systems include human
onshore oilfields in sub-Saharan Africa—Rabi, located between two
national parks in Gabon. The company strictly limited access to this
communities that depend on and are part of
area; it also forbade hunting and implemented other regulations that forests. To be fully effective, wildlife conser-
reduced incentives for staff to hunt. These rules were in place largely vation initiatives also rely on the support
to protect the infrastructure of the petroleum concession, but they
resulted in higher densities of large mammals in this area, as compared of local communities. The consideration of
to nearby landscapes that do not receive such high levels of protection potential social impacts of infrastructure
(Laurance et al., 2006). development and the formulation of asso-
ciated mitigation measures are key steps in
designing more effective strategies to prevent complex tropical forests. By drawing on Photo: Wildlife conserva-
tion and human welfare
and minimize damage to these communi- examples of oil pipelines, roads and railways cannot be considered in
isolation from each other;
ties. At the same time, these steps can help in southern Cameroon, it examines the way both rely on the well-being of
to secure local support for efforts to protect industrial infrastructure development fuels tropical forests as dynamic,
ever-changing ecosystems.
wildlife and the environment. deforestation. Analysing the impacts not only © Jabruson (www.jabruson.
Rather than attempting to cover the vast of infrastructure, but also of conservation-
range of human societies affected by infra- oriented attempts to offset the adverse effects
structure development within ape range such infrastructure has on indigenous
states, this section focuses on some forest- peoples is critical to developing strategies to
dwelling communities that retain an inti- protect the forests on which both apes and
mate knowledge of, and interaction with, such peoples depend.
Africa and Asia are home to relatively values of forests and, despite standards to
few indigenous hunter-gatherer populations the contrary, in practice are failing to respect
that depend completely on forest resources, our internationally recognised human rights.
yet these continents are the most affected Contradictorily, many of these same agencies
by activities that impact forests, including are promoting the take-over of our peoples’
infrastructure. The prospecting, developing land and territories through their support
and operating of infrastructure have more for imposed development schemes, thereby
extreme impacts on forest-dwelling peoples further undermining national and global
than on other communities that live near initiatives aimed at protecting forests (FPP
forest boundaries. et al., 2014, pp. 117–18).
Wildlife conser- Forest peoples themselves have analyzed
vation and human the dynamics involved in infrastructure Numerous examples from around the
welfare cannot be development. In the Palangka Raya Dec world, along with multiple studies that high-
considered in laration on Deforestation and the Rights of light the role of indigenous peoples and
isolation from each Forest Peoples of 2014, representatives of other local communities in forest conserva-
other; both rely on the forest peoples from Asia, Africa and Latin tion, indicate that conservation can succeed
well-being of tropical America describe the situation as follows: if it is based on securing forest peoples’ rights
forests as dynamic, to their lands and supporting them in con-
ever-changing Global efforts to curb deforestation are failing serving their lands. The opposite approach
ecosystems. as forests are cleared faster than ever for agri- to forest conservation—one that destroys
business, timber and other land development indigenous peoples’ forests for “develop-
schemes. We, forest peoples, are being pushed ment” or evicts them from their forest for
to the limits of our endurance just to survive. “conservation”—has been shown to fail
[. . .] Deforestation is unleashed when our (Seymour, La Vina and Hite, 2014). A survey
rights are not protected and our lands and undertaken by the Center for International
forests are taken over by industrial interests Forestry Research compared 40 protected
without our consent. The evidence is com- areas and 33 community-managed forests
pelling that when our peoples’ rights are in 16 countries and found that community-
secured then deforestation can be halted and managed forests were more than 6 times
even reversed (FPP, Pusaka and Pokker SHK, better at avoiding deforestation than pro-
2014, p. 117). tected areas (Porter-Bolland et al., 2012).9
aside to compensate for forest loss restrict through major growth in export agribusiness,
our livelihoods and deny our rights (FPP et mining, commercial logging and infrastruc-
al., 2014, p. 118). ture development. Much of this economic
activity is geared to export-led growth, which
The major direct causes of deforesta- entails the supply of international markets
tion and forest degradation in Cameroon with timber, rubber, palm oil, minerals and
are commercial logging, cultivation of cash commodities (Dkamela, 2011, pp. 32–6;
crops (mainly cacao and coffee), agro- Republic of Cameroon, 2009a). To date, the
industrial plantations (rubber and oil palm) resulting impacts on forests, wildlife and
and the exploitation of minerals (FPP et forest-dependent communities have often
al., 2014, p. 42). More recently, forests have been exacerbated by poor governance and
been opened up and destroyed by infra- corruption, as well as by smaller companies
structure projects such as roads, railways and local elites who use the infrastucture
and oil pipelines, and hydroelectric power, opened up by export-led economic activity
including the aluminum smelter at Edéa to encroach on forests and generate income
(Dkamela, 2011, pp. 32–5). This section iden- on domestic markets, often at the expense
tifies the overall drivers and consequences of customary communities.10
of such infrastructure development and pre- The government’s development plans Numerous
sents specific examples from the rainforest do not make provisions for legal reform of examples and studies
areas of southern Cameroon. outdated land laws, nor for addressing gov- indicate that conserva-
Southern Cameroon is dominated by ernance and corruption issues. As stipulated tion can succeed if it
equatorial rainforest and is relatively sparsely in ordinances issued in 1974, land that is not is based on securing
inhabited by indigenous Bagyeli and Baka registered as private property (including forest peoples’ rights
forest hunter-gatherer communities (the any non-registered forest land) is under the to their lands and
minority) and Bantu farming communities administration of the state, a continuation supporting them in
(the majority) (Kidd and Kenrick, 2009, of the colonial terra nullius principle, under conserving their
p. 17; Nguiffo, Kenfack and Mballa, 2009; which lands owned by local communities lands.
Owono, 2001, p. 249). Although many Bantu were appropriated by colonial administra-
are also long-term inhabitants of the forest, tions (Alden Wily, 2011b, pp. 50–51).11 In
they nevertheless acknowledge the Bagyeli practice, this means that communities are
and Baka hunter-gatherers as the first inhab- denied any collective property rights to for-
itants of the forest (Dkamela, 2011, p. 27; Kidd ests and lands that they have customarily
and Kenrick, 2009, p. 16; van den Berg and occupied and used for their livelihoods.
Biesbrouck, 2000). Cameroonian government officials gen-
Between 1990 and 2010, Cameroon lost erally grant forest concessions to private
close to 20% of its forest cover, largely as a interests without consulting or compen-
result of commercial logging, the expan- sating impacted communities (Alden Wily,
sion of medium- and large-scale commer- 2011b; Perram, 2015). Based on the 1994
cial agriculture, and a major infrastructure Forestry Law, which allows for community
project, the Chad–Cameroon pipeline (de forests of up to 50 km2 (5,000 ha), some
Wasseige et al., 2013; Freudenthal, Nnah groups have been granted community for-
and Kenrick, 2011; Ndobe and Mantzel, ests, or temporary access or use rights in
2014, p. 5). protected areas and logging concessions.
In 2009, the government of Cameroon Community forests can be granted to and
set out its ambitious “Vision 2035” for becom- managed by customary communities, but,
ing an emerging economy within 25 years counterintuitively, they can also be granted
to and controlled by elite interests. Either example, makes provision for mining com-
way, communities generally gain little from panies to pay compensation to customary
these processes, since they are granted land rights holders, but it does not iden-
management but not tenure or property tify how these rights should be deter-
rights, and because they typically encoun- mined (Nguiffo, 2016; Republic of Cameroon,
ter widespread corruption and administra- 2001, art. 89).
tive barriers (Alden Wily, 2011b, pp. 66–83; Meanwhile, permits for mineral explo-
Cuny, 2011). ration frequently overlap with protected
At the international level, the principle land and established logging or commer-
of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) cial agriculture concessions (principally oil
is enshrined in the UN Declaration on the palm and rubber), reflecting not only dis-
Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) and in regard for legally binding conservation com-
International Labour Organization (ILO) mitments and community rights to FPIC,13
Convention 169 (1989),12 among other trea- but also a lack of coordination between the
ties. FPIC is embedded in the universal right ministries responsible for issuing different
to self-determination, which is itself embod- permits. Mining permits now reportedly
ied in legally binding instruments to which cover almost 100,000 km2 (10 million ha),
Cameroon is a party, such as the Interna or about 20% of the country’s total land
tional Covenant on Economic, Social and area (Nguiffo, 2016); many overlap with for-
Cultural Rights; the International Cove ested areas and designated permanent for-
nant on Civil and Political Rights; and the est estates, and 20% coincide with protected
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ areas, including national parks (Dkamela,
Rights. Moreover, under Article 45 of its 2011; Mitchard, 2012; see Figure 2.2). Mining
constitution, Cameroon is required to let its companies that have begun extracting or
international law obligations take prece- that are currently prospecting include:
dence over its national legislation (FAO et
al., 2016, pp. 12–13; Franco, 2014, p. 5; Perram, Caminex, a former Cameroonian sub-
2016, pp. 6–7). sidiary of Afferro Mining, which was
Although the government is thus legally taken over by the UK-based International
required to consult communities about any Mining and Infrastructure Corporation;
project that may affect their customary lands, Cam Iron S.A., a Cameroonian subsidi-
indigenous peoples typically learn that their ary 90% owned by the Australian com-
forest has been allocated to a concession or pany Sundance Resources Ltd.;
infrastructure project via the sudden arrival Civil Mining & Construction Pty Ltd.
of survey teams. Such teams may proceed of Australia;
to install concrete waymarkers to delimit a Geovic Cameroon PLC (GeoCam), based
concession boundary, cut trails to make a in the United States; and
new roadline, or dig pits and remove cores
G-Stones Resources S.A. of Canada
for mineral exploration. (KPMG, 2014; Meehan, 2013; Profundo,
Regulatory and administrative ambi- 2016; Sundance, 2016).
guities and challenges currently prevent
local people from accessing adequate, reli- For some forest-dependent individuals,
able information about development pro- the impact of Cameroon’s development tra-
jects on customary land and from asserting jectory is not entirely negative in the short
their rights with developers or the govern- term, even if the longer-term consequences
ment (Perram, 2016). The Mining Code, for for families, communities and the forest
Bagyeli Customary Land, Forests, and the Chad–Cameroon Oil Pipeline and Proposed Railway in
Southwestern Cameroon, as of November 2016
Chimpanzee Gorilla 0 15 30 km
range range
N Wildlife
Kribi l Par
Reserve na
Bagyeli customary
lands Protected area Proposed railway
Sales of standing forest Chad–Cameroon pipeline
Community forest
Ape ranges Agro-industrial area
Central chimpanzee Industrial logging concession Significant road
Western lowland gorilla Permitted mining area International boundary
itself often far outweigh immediate individ- Cameroon’s forest communities depend
ual benefits. Those benefits can involve paid on the forest to provide them with food,
(but often short-term) employment oppor- clean water, shelter and medicinal plants.
tunities, improved access to services and Forests are also the basis of the social and
markets (as forest roads are often main- cultural identity and spirituality of the
tained by logging companies) and the arrival Bagyeli and Baka. Their customary prac-
of mobile telephone masts in remote areas tices are based on low-intensity hunting,
of rainforest. In some instances, developers freshwater fishing, gathering of wild honey
promise to provide communities with health- and other forest products, and small-scale
care facilities or school buildings on the cultivation. For these communities, the neg-
basis of a “social contract” and, in princi- ative consequences of large-scale deforesta-
ple, logging companies pay forest taxes. As tion and infrastructure development are
observed by a Bagyeli man in 2014, however, varied and far-reaching (see Table 2.2).
such promises do not always materialize:
Infrastructure Developments and Impacts in Cameroon as of June 2017
Mining Pollution and siltation of watercourses, loss of G-Stones/BOCOM/MME Inc. mining Tsia
customary forests, destruction of sacred sites sacred hill; Cam Iron mining sacred hill for
and medicinal trees, displacement, in-migration, iron ore at Mbalam
commercial poaching, mining camps
Commercial agriculture Loss of customary forests, displacement, destruction Oil palm and rubber by companies such as
of sacred sites and medicinal trees, extreme poverty BioPalm Energy; Herakles Farms oil palm
plantations; SOCAPALM; Sud-Cameroun
Logging concession Road construction facilitating poaching, loss of Logging concessions and standing sales such
customary forests, destruction of sacred sites and as 625,253 ha attributed to French timber group
medicinal trees, siltation of watercourses, in-migration, Rougier and 388,949 ha to Pallisco from the
commercial poaching, mining camps Pasquet group
Sources: Corridor Partnership (n.d.); Environmental Justice Atlas (n.d.); FPP et al. (2014); MME (n.d.)
the coast, the pipeline enters the ocean to counteract any adverse impact on the
and, since 2003, the oil has been pumped to Bagyeli, a study conducted in 2001 found
a stationary floating storage unit, from where that the Bank itself had failed to provide
it is offloaded onto tankers bound for the adequate and culturally meaningful space
United States and Europe (IFC, n.d.). to enable Bagyeli participation in the design
Estimated at US$6.5 billion, the cost of of the indigenous peoples plan (Nelson,
construction was covered by the U.S. multi- Kenrick and Jackson, 2001, p. 3). Specifically,
nationals Exxon-Mobil and Chevron the plan did not address the Bagyeli’s main
Texaco, Petronas of Malaysia and the Inter priorities, but instead focused solely on
national Finance Corporation of the World supporting Bagyeli agricultural, health and
Bank. The southern portion of the pipe- education programmes. These programmes
line, between Lolodorf and Kribi, traverses rarely reached their intended beneficiaries
more than 100 km of rich biodiverse forest and ignored the fundamental need the
lands used by indigenous Bagyeli hunter- Bagyeli had expressed, namely the protec-
gatherer communities as well as local Bantu tion of customary rights to their forests,
farming communities (Nelson, 2007, p. 2). which would have helped to secure their
An 890-km stretch of the pipeline’s total access to the forest itself and to agricultural
length of 1,070 km is on Cameroonian terri- land (Nelson, 2007, p. 15).
tory, where the route is 30 m wide. Its final For the Bagyeli, the destruction of the
100 km have had a particularly destructive forest by the pipeline has had very direct and
impact, especially on the Bagyeli hunter- devastating consequences. As one Bagyeli
gatherers and on the forest itself, including healer explained:
apes (Planet Survey/CED, 2003). Research
has documented the adverse effects on the When the pipeline destroys the medicinal
Bagyeli: trees, it will destroy everything. I am a healer;
I don’t use the medicines of the hospital. I was
Hunting is the most important Bagyeli activ- born in the forest, I live in the forest, I will
ity, although they are also gatherers and die in the forest. I live from the forest—the
increasingly farmers [. . .]. Construction of the pipeline destroys the forest by which I live
pipeline brought large numbers of trucks, (Nelson et al., 2001, p. 12).
heavy equipment, workers, and work camp
followers, including poachers, into the region, Another Bagyeli described how the
negatively impacting this form of livelihood. process of constructing the pipeline inten-
The pipeline has resulted in making hunting sified the exploitation of the Bagyeli by their
increasingly difficult for the Bagyeli. They say dominant Bantu neighbors (referred to as
they now need to walk for at least three days the Myi):
in the forest before finding animals. Before
the pipeline, they say, the animals were right The Bagyeli work on the pipeline and the Myi
next door and easy to hunt. Poachers are one take the wages. The monkey travels on high,
of the problems, increasing competition for but the chimpanzee takes what the monkey
game, while not respecting the traditional finds. I don’t want to talk of the pipeline,
methods of hunting without irreparably dam- because the pipeline makes the Myi take from
aging the balance of the ecosystem (Horta, us (Nelson et al., 2001, p. 12).
2012, p. 221).
Meanwhile, the pipeline opened up the
While World Bank policy required the forest not only for poachers, but also for log-
development of an indigenous peoples plan gers. Together they combined to destroy the
rich biological diversity as well as the spe- from the global fund managed by the
cific paths and places that made up the eco- World Bank’s Global Environment Facility,
logical and cultural richness that the Bagyeli which described the park “as part of the
always depended on and that had been sus- environmental compensation for the Chad–
tained by their presence. A leading Bagyeli Cameroon pipeline project” (Owono, 2001,
spokesperson, Madame Nouah, observed: p. 248). As a result, hundreds of local Bagyeli
communities were banned from hunting
The forest is very rich for us Pygmies, for us and gathering in many forest areas on
to nourish ourselves. Now we are afraid that which they had always relied, and so their
things will be destroyed in the forest that livelihoods and ways of life became seriously
are necessary and useful for us (Horta, 2012, threatened. The impact of this “green land
p. 221). grab” on the Bagyeli was severe:
Logging also removes non-timber prod- Previously, life within the Wildlife Reserve
ucts, such as honey and seeds, as well as had been regulated, but with the creation of
other points of orientation. As a result of the park and the new funding which enabled
such losses, the Bagyeli are facing increas- the imposition of rules prohibiting access to
ing poverty and “are now more frequently the protected area and the use of any of the
losing their orientation in the forest they natural resources, the lives of the resident
used to know so well” (Horta, 2012, p. 221). populations, especially the hunter-gathering
In interviews, some Baka suggested that as Bagyeli Pygmies, have worsened. This is all
the forest habitat became unrecognizable the more paradoxical because the park was
and filled with noise, humans, apes and created as part of the environmental com-
other species most probably experienced pensation for the Chad–Cameroon pipeline
disorientation and related disturbances in which, according to the World Bank, would
comparable ways.14 help alleviate poverty. However, the estab-
When “development” leads to the destruc- lishment of the [park] will instead worsen the
tion of forests, the international community’s already precarious living conditions of the
standard response is to try to balance the local hunter-gathering population (Owono,
damage with forest protection in the name of 2001, pp. 246–7).
“conservation.” This is exactly what happened
in southern Cameroon: As a case study on the implementation
of the Chad–Cameroon pipeline notes, for
Since construction of the pipeline has led to the peoples such as the Bagyeli, the forest is
loss of important biodiversity in Cameroon’s not so much a resource to be exploited or a
coastal forest, the World Bank’s operational wilderness to be protected; it is a place that
policy on Natural Habitats (OD 4.04) required is home, the source of livelihood and well-
the establishment of protected areas or national being. The Bagyeli have experienced the
parks to compensate for these losses (Horta, construction of the pipeline and the setting
2012, p. 221). aside of land for conservation to compen-
sate for the destruction of forests as a two-
The pipeline project gave the final jus- fold existential threat. First, the Bagyeli—
tification and impetus for the establish- along with the rest of their complex forest
ment of Campo Ma’an National Park near ecosystem—were severely impacted by the
Cameroon’s coast (see Figure 2.2). The pipeline construction and concomitant
Campo Reserve had existed since 1932, but disruption; second, the “compensation” for
now funding for the national park came this disruption further marginalized the
community, impoverishing them and disrupt- dislocation that resulted from having their
ing their lives (Planet Survey/CED, 2003, p. 12). forests destroyed by the pipeline. A conser-
Like other forest peoples throughout the vation regime that excludes the Bagyeli from
Congo Basin, the Bagyeli have been resil- familiar places and from their hunting
ient despite centuries of discrimination by grounds effectively ignores their needs, their
their more powerful neighbors and outsid- rights and their ability to sustain and be sus-
ers. As long as they have been able to move tained by their forests (Kidd and Kenrick,
between the forests and the roadside Bantu 2011, pp. 16–21).
villages, the Bagyeli have traded with their
neighbors from a position of autonomy and
resilience (Kenrick, 2006; Kenrick and Lewis, Road and Rail: Impacts of
2004; Kidd and Kenrick, 2011). Once they
Extraction in South Cameroon
are no longer able to sustain their lives in
the forest, however, the structural discrim- It has long been pointed out that Africa and
ination will become as permanent a feature Latin America are not intrinsically poor, but
of their lives as the poverty and sociocultural that so many of their inhabitants are poor
Ape Ranges and Road and Rail Impacts in Southern Cameroon, as of November 2016
Chimpanzee Gorilla
range range
N Douala– Mbalmayo
Kribi Ebolowa Sangmelima
Kribi Ma Nki
o Ngoyla
Ape ranges Road Capital city
Central chimpanzee Completed
Proposed camp
Western lowland paved Proposed railway REPUBLIC
Not started Chad–Cameroon OF CONGO
Protected area
Baka roadside Mine
village International
0 30 60 km
Town boundary GABON
because far more powerful outsiders, along 2013). This activity has had a severe impact
with national elites, have sought to extract on the local Bagyeli, who were relocated
the plentiful resources of both continents and have since experienced reduced access
(Cotula, 2016). to the forest, an increasing scarcity of for-
The map of road and rail infrastructure est products, and noise and pollution from
is a clear indicator of whether the wealth of nearby construction work (FPP et al., 2014;
a country is being used to benefit its inhab- Tucker, 2011).15
itants. Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano In the words of an older Bagyeli man
points out that his continent’s infrastructure named Bibera:
was developed in order to suck its wealth
into the ports, and thence into the colonial The forest where we usually hunt and collect
and neo-colonial economy; that infrastruc- medicinal plants and non-timber forest prod-
ture, he argues, was designed to leave as little ucts is disappearing, especially as the deep sea
wealth behind as possible (Galeano, 2009). port, gas plant and roads are being constructed.
Similarly, in southern Cameroon, the The government has shown us a resettlement
proposed and developing roads and rail- area, which has no forest, not even where you
ways—and the Chad–Cameroon oil pipeline could find a tree to scratch the bark for med-
discussed above—very clearly run to the icine or hunt even a rat. We shall now be in
coast at Kribi so as to facilitate the extraction the centre of the town; the railway line will be
of inland wealth, such as tropical timber passing by us; roads are there; there is a gas
and iron ore (see Figure 2.3). Meanwhile, plant. The calmness of the forest has been
key local transport roads within a radius of replaced by noise of vehicles and machines.
100 km of Kribi remain unpaved and are Please tell the government to reserve us a
unpassable without a four-wheel-drive vehi- place to go and collect medicines to heal our
cle for parts of the year. sick children. No one allows us to decide if
The issue of impoverishment caused by we want to be resettled or not, and where.
wealth extraction cannot be considered Everything is being imposed on us (FPP et
simply in economic terms; it also needs to al., 2014, p. 45).
be assessed socioecologically. Can biodi-
versity and forest communities’ traditional Two major infrastructure projects are
livelihood patterns survive such a process? designed to feed the ports at Kribi and
More specifically, it is an open question Douala. The first, a transnational road
whether large-scale mining can coexist from Yaoundé to the Republic of Congo, is
with forest conservation. Baka community intended to allow for the transport of fin-
members interviewed by the Forest Peoples ished goods to Yaoundé and Douala, and
Programme (FPP) said that preparations the outbound conveyance of primary com-
for iron ore mining in the south-eastern modities. International civil engineering
town of Mbalam had entailed the felling of firms are currently building the road (AfDB,
large areas of forest. Meanwhile, Chinese- 2015). The second is a proposed railway line
funded expansion of West Africa’s first that aims to link several mining projects
deepwater port at Kribi, the administrative throughout southern Cameroon and deliver
capital of the Océan Department and the their resources to Kribi on the coast. Although
marine terminal for the Chad–Cameroon this project is currently on hold due to the
pipeline, has involved forest clearance to low price of iron ore, Cameroonians and
make way for roads, mineral terminals, a Australians are seeking funding to be able
gas plant and other infrastructure (Smith, to resume work once the price has increased.
Sundance Resources continues to request the road and rerouted railway run along-
support from China and other interna- side each other.
tional financial markets (Mining Review The settlement of Ntam is on a road that
Africa, 2016). has yet to be upgraded, more than 100 km
Figures 2.2, 2.4 and 2.5 highlight the away from the part of the road that is being
impact—and the potential impact—of these improved (see Figure 2.4). Nevertheless, in
two projects by overlaying the road and rail- anticipation of the road’s completion and
way line onto the community forests and arrival at Ntam, the settlement is gearing up
customary lands of the Bagyeli and Baka. Of to become a big trading post. A large cus-
particular concern is the area around Ntam toms building has already been constructed
in the far southeast, close to the Congolese in the town; moreover, local sources indicate
border and the Cam Iron mine at Mbalam. that significant tracts of nearby commu-
In this part of Cameroon, the concentra- nity forest land have already been “sold” to
tion of Baka roadside villages is high and incoming state functionaries, their families
Community Forests, Protected Areas, and Road and Rail Impacts in Southern Cameroon,
as of November 2016
Chimpanzee Gorilla
range range
Mengame Kom
Cam Iron
and others—not always lawfully (J. Willis, ronmental and social impact assessment of
personal communication, 2016). Ntam’s the railway is the effect of the construction
transformation shows that impacts of infra- camps (Cam Iron and Rainbow Environ
structure projects also precede—rather ment Consult, 2010). The space cleared to
than simply follow on from—development. build such camps and the number of people
Indeed, the mere anticipation of infrastruc- expected to populate the sites are indicators
ture development opens up the forest for of the likely impacts on the area, not least
exploitation by major players. Small traders, in terms of unsustainable wild meat extrac-
poachers, small-scale loggers and others tion. While the proposed line of the railway
also make their way into the area to start was rerouted to avoid the forest ranges of
exploiting the forest in the expectation of an gorillas and elephants, it was consequently
exponential increase in opportunities and in positioned to run through a series of villages
the demand for various services and products. along the road corridor, which is certain to
The dynamics involved in the railway are exacerbate disruptions to communities’ live-
similar to those of the transnational road lihoods and increase conflict over resources
but even more destructive because the rail- (see Figure 2.5).
way opens up swathes of forest far from Both the local communities and the
the road. A key point to notice in the envi- forest are extremely vulnerable in the face
Baka Customary Lands, Production Forests and Mining Permits near Ntam on
the Road–Rail Corridor in Southern Cameroon, as of November 2016
Ngoyla Faunal
Limabé Cam Iron
Assoumindélé Il
Karagoa Yate
of these developments. Affected communi- any economic benefits from the road, since
ties are rarely consulted with respect to such its construction and associated activities
projects; if they are informed, project pro- lead to the disappearance of the habitat on
ponents tend to focus exclusively on the which they depend.
positive aspects—substantially easier trans- Without the possibility of obtaining land
port options, opportunities to sell forest titles, the Baka and Bagyeli recognize that
products to those in transit, and reduced moneyed and authoritative outsiders can
costs for goods coming from outside the put pressure on them that is hard to resist,
community. Community members thus especially if the benefits they are promised
have a limited understanding of the nega- sound appealing.
tive impacts, including increases in crimi-
nal activity and significant pressures that
development-related activities will place on Conclusions and
the lands and forest in which they live. Strategic Approaches
During a recent meeting of Baka com-
Forest communities in southern Cameroon,
munity representatives in Assoumindélé,
particularly indigenous Bagyeli and Baka
12 km from Ntam, a Baka NGO staff member
communities, are unprepared for the radi-
raised the issue of Djoum, where the road
cal changes that large-scale road and rail
had already been paved, noting:
infrastructure projects impose on them.
The direct impacts include a reduction in
Djoum is already full—there is no land left,
livelihood opportunities; an increase in
and now it is starting to cause disputes within
commercial poaching; and restricted access
to land that has been allocated to different
concessions (including conservation offsets).
The social impacts of the destruction of
The social impacts outlined above, includ-
their socioecological context include grow-
ing disorientation, displacement, depression
ing rates of alcoholism and suicide among
and substance abuse, and intra-communal
the Baka, increased conflict within and
conflict, compound the situation.
between communities, displacement of
In Cameroon, the meaningful and
whole communities along development
effective inclusion of indigenous commu-
corridors and elite capture of community
nities in economic development planning
forest concessions by influential Bantu.17 is extremely rare. The country’s ten-year
The Baka communities along prime Growth and Employment Strategy, the cor-
transport routes targeted for “improvement” nerstone of Vision 2035, is focused solely
are in an extremely precarious position, as on building infrastructure for national and
are the Bantu. The Baka, and the Bagyeli in regional resource extraction. In the same
the west, still rely significantly on the forest vein, financial observers predict that “recent
for their livelihoods. They generally cannot developments in Cameroon’s road and rail
claim possession of their forests under networks are set to drive the region’s eco-
national law, and their customary use rights nomic growth” (Williams, 2015). Efforts to
are frequently violated in practice, particu- promote such infrastructure expansion—
larly if more powerful people stand to through economic policy and land use
profit financially. For the Baka and Bagyeli, planning—are being shaped at the national
the loss of forest areas translates into a loss level, among government and business
of livelihood. No suitable compensation can elites, international development banks and
restore that livelihood, nor can they expect international private capital.
These efforts aim to develop infrastruc- recognized in national law and practice
ture networks that will facilitate national and may also require an acknowledgment that
regional resource extraction. Put differently, such communities are the ones best placed
the infrastructure is not designed to enable to secure the forests. The Cameroon-
farmers and forest communities to bring based Centre pour l’Environnement et le
renewable resources to market, or to allow Développement (Centre for Environ
them to access social provisions. Such plan- ment and Development), FPP, the Rights
ning is arguably based on a model of eco- and Resources Initiative (RRI) and many
nomic growth that has failed to protect the other organizations support communities
environment, and that has been unable to in the use of mapping, the identifica-
create the conditions for secure and stable tion of legal strategies and the develop-
societies (Blaser, Feit and McRae, 2004; ment of the capacity needed to sustain
Edelman and Haugerud, 2005; Martinez- community lands to advance their goals.
Alier, 2002; Mosse, 2005). Central among these goals is the inclu-
The impacts The need to support indigenous com- sion of communities in infrastructure-
of infrastructure munities faced with such a bleak future is as related decision-making processes that
development include urgent and challenging as the need to sup- are likely to affect them, particularly in
a reduction in liveli- port non-human forest communities. Neither view of the fact that indigenous peoples
hood opportunities; is likely to be supported by an approach are rarely, if ever, consulted about infra-
an increase in that focuses on economic extraction along- structure development.
commercial poaching; side aggressive conservation tactics, rather Participatory mapping of customary
and restricted access than one focused on securing communities’ territories: In Cameroon and other
to land that has ability first to retain their lands and then, countries that do not recognize custom-
been allocated to on that basis, to pursue development that is ary land tenure as representing legal
different concessions compatible with their well-being. land title, presenting evidence of such
(including conserva- Below are some current and potential tenure can help to persuade developers
tion offsets). strategies that can enable government, to recognize land rights. Participatory
conservation organizations and industry mapping is a tool developed by interna-
to support communities to challenge and tional NGOs and communities to pro-
adapt to infrastructure development. More vide georeferenced maps of customary
fundamentally, these steps can help them land use boundaries and key resources
to reclaim their self-determination and an and sites within those boundaries (using
ability to sustain and be sustained by socio- GPS and GIS tools). Maps and sup-
ecologies on which all living beings ulti- porting information can be used by a
mately depend: community and its NGO allies to chal-
lenge a project (for example, to oppose
Securing community tenure: This step a development or reroute a roadline); to
is critical to enabling recognition in the protect key resources and sacred sites;
national legal system of indigenous and to make a case for compensation.
peoples’ and local communities’ rights In Cameroon, a project is under way to
to self-determination, self-governance, develop a common set of protocols for
FPIC and participation in decision- identifying and mapping community
making processes that affect them. As land use and tenure across the country’s
mentioned above, Cameroon is party diverse social and ecological landscapes.
to a number of conventions that recog- The project, part of the RRI Tenure
nize such rights; enabling them to be Facility, is starting to garner support for
information about infrastructure pro- tions and letter-writing campaigns.
jects and their human rights in relation Compensation: It is important to mon- The protection of
to infrastructure projects, as defined in itor social agreements and other forms community land rights
national and international laws. of compensation (such as logging taxes) is often a prerequisite
that developers and concessionaires for the protection of
Development of indigenous peoples’
representative structures: Combined have agreed to pay to communities, as the environment.
with capacity building, support for the they often fail to deliver on their part of
development of networks of forest com- the bargain.
munities (such as federations, local asso- Adaptation: Steps can be taken to sup-
ciations or advocacy platforms) enables port agriculture-based livelihoods in
indigenous community voices to reach order to compensate for the loss of for-
the elites, government officials and com- est resources; to develop microcredit and
pany shareholders. In Cameroon, the savings schemes; and to encourage added-
development of Bagyeli and Baka asso- value processing and market develop-
ciations and their convergence into the ment. These measures generally require
Gbabandi platform in 2016 is starting to partnerships between rights-based
open political space for their issues at the organizations that work on community
national and regional levels. self-determination and development
NGOs and international agencies that
Safeguard monitoring and complaints
are more focused on meeting the United
procedures: With training and appro-
Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
priate legal support, communities and
community-based organizations are
The protection of land rights is often a
monitoring safeguards that developers prerequisite for the protection of the envi-
and funders, such as the World Bank ronment, and community-based forest
and the African Development Bank, management works best when it is rooted in
are obliged to observe. They are also communities that are recognized as legiti-
lodging formal evidence-based com- mate owners of forest ecosystems.
plaints to their grievance procedures In contrast to Asia and Latin America,
whenever systemic or repeated failures Africa provides limited evidence on how
to implement safeguards are docu- forest communities’ customary tenure can
mented, including the right to FPIC. slow and reverse the loss of indigenous for-
Advocacy: Opposition to large-scale est. This poor performance reflects many
infrastructure development can take African governments’ reluctance to recog-
many forms, from direct mediation nize such customary rights, as well as the
between communities or community- fact that community forestry has largely
based organizations and developers been limited to co-management regimes
(using legal texts, participatory maps (Blomley, 2013). As the international land
itat and local populations. help to prevent and mitigate the harm.
In the applica- Specific recommendations to mitigate
tion of mitigation the negative direct and indirect impacts of
measures, particular infrastructure development before, during
care must be taken and after project construction include con- Acknowledgments
to avoid exacerbating ducting thorough environmental and social Principal authors of the ecological section: Marc
any adverse impacts impact assessments, as well as ongoing mon- Ancrenaz,21 Susan M. Cheyne,22 Tatyana Humle23 and
on indigenous itoring and data collection (see Chapter 1, Martha M. Robbins24
peoples. pp. 31–38 and Box 1.6); enabling and prior- Principal authors of the social section: Justin Kenrick,
itizing participation through free, prior and Jake Willis, Anouska Perram and Chris Phillips25
Reynolds (2005); among chimpanzees and goril- and that “they have chosen the least restrictive
las, see Rabanal et al. (2010); among gibbons, see option from a human rights perspective to satisfy
Cheyne et al. (2016); and among orangutans, see the stated public interest” (MacKay, 2017).
Ancrenaz et al. (2010). 14 Author interviews with Baka community members,
5 For information on chimpanzee road crossings in Lomie, Cameroon, February 2010
Bossou, Guinea, see Hockings (2011) and Hockings 15 FPP interviews with Bagyeli community members,
et al. (2006); in Bulindi, Uganda, see McLennan Cameroon, 2014.
and Asiimwe (2016); and in Sebitoli, Uganda, see
16 FPP staff member observation during a Baka com-
Cibot et al. (2015).
munity meeting, Assoumindélé, Cameroon, 2016.
6 For details on the impact of human disturbance on
17 FPP staff member observations during field trips
African apes, see Junker et al. (2012); on bonobos,
to the region, Cameroon, 2016.
see Hickey et al. (2013); on chimpanzees, see Brncic
et al. (2015) and Plumptre et al. (2010); on Grauer’s 18 See also Kigula (2015) and MNRT (2012).
gorillas, see Plumptre et al. (2016b); on mountain 19 See also Oxfam, ILC and RRI (2016) and RRI
gorillas, see Van Gils and Kayijamahe (2010); on (2016, 2017).
western gorillas, see Laurance et al. (2006); and on 20 For examples of the growth of community tenure,
orangutans, see Wich et al. (2012b). see FPP, IIFB and CBD (2016).
7 See, for example, Blake et al. (2007), Brncic et al. 21 HUTAN–Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation
(2015), Geist and Lambin (2002), Hickey et al. (2013), Programme ( and IUCN SSC
Junker et al. (2012), Marshall et al. (2006), Murai PSG Section on Great Apes.
et al. (2013), Plumptre et al. (2016b), Poulsen et al.
22 Borneo Nature Foundation (www.borneonature
(2009), Robinson et al. (1999), Wilkie et al. (2000). and IUCN SSC PSG Section on
8 For details on crop foraging by chimpanzees, see Small Apes.
Hockings, Anderson and Matsuzawa (2009),
23 Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology
Krief et al. (2014), McLennan and Ganzhorn (2017);
(DICE), School of Anthropology and Conserva
by mountain gorillas, see Seiler and Robbins (2016);
tion, University of Kent ( and
and by orangutans, see Ancrenaz et al. (2015b),
IUCN SSC PSG Section on Great Apes.
Campbell-Smith et al. (2011b).
24 Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthro
9 See also Chhatre and Agrawal (2009); Nelson and
pology ( and IUCN SSC PSG
Chomitz (2011).
Section on Great Apes.
10 Unpublished FPP trip reports, 2006–17.
25 All at Forest Peoples Programme (www.forest
11 See, for example, Ordinance No. 74-1 of 6 July at time of writing.
1974 on establishing the rules governing land ten-
26 Colobus Conservation
ure (especially articles 1, 2, 14, 16) and Ordinance
No. 74-2 of the same date on establishing the
rules governing state lands (Alden Wily, 2011b,
pp. 50–1).
12 Cameroon has not ratified ILO Convention 169;
doing so would help cement FPIC as a right. To
date, the Central African Republic is the only
African country to have ratified the convention,
and the island of Fiji the only Asian one (ILO, n.d.).
13 That FPIC is a legally enforceable right is appar-
ent in key regional rulings. Those who seek to
override community rights must prove that such
action is necessary, proportionate and in the pub-
lic interest. In a very practical sense, they have the
right to have their claim heard and judged in
relation to other rights claims. To justify non-
consensual conservation measures such as the
establishment of protected areas, states must dem-
onstrate that such actions are “strictly necessary”
The International Energy Agency predicts
that governments and development agen
cies will invest more than US$33 trillion to
build 25 million km of new paved roads
through 2050, a 60% increase over levels in
2010. Nearly 90% of new roadway infrastruc
ture is expected to be built in developing
nations (Dulac, 2013). The Asian Develop
ment Bank estimates that climate-adjusted
infrastructure “investment needs” from 2016
to 2030 will reach about US$16 trillion in
East Asia and US$3 trillion in Southeast Asia
(ADB, 2017, p. 43). Transportation, the second
largest sector, accounts for 32% of expected
climate-adjusted infrastructure investments
in Asia over the same period. In Africa, the
projected annual cost of infrastructure is
around US$93 billion, about a third of which see Chapter 2). Of particular importance to
is for maintenance, leading to US$1.4 tril apes, then, is determining whether “greener”
lion in expenditures over the next 15 years infrastructure development can help limit the
(AfDB, 2011a, p. 28). secondary clearing and resource extraction
The chronic failure of governments to associated with roads built through forest.
avoid degrading critical wildlife habitat In considering the role of roads in the
when planning and building infrastruc deforestation of ape habitat, this chapter
ture suggests that this massive investment in presents four original case studies and draws
transportation networks will have devastat on the authors’ extensive experience in mon
ing effects on remaining forests (Quintero itoring forest cover loss, placing particular
et al., 2010). emphasis on recent technological develop
More than other types of infrastructure, ments that have allowed for unprecedented
roads facilitate forest access that enables access to high-resolution satellite imagery.
logging, settlement, hunting and other The research conducted for this chapter
resource extraction, beyond direct damage reveals the following key findings:
to ecosystems (Trombulak and Frissell,
2000). In fact, many road networks in for The construction of new roads in intact
ested areas in the tropics are sited explicitly forest landscapes is frequently followed
to extract natural resources (Nellemann by major episodes of deforestation,
and Newton, 2002). By providing access to leading to negative consequences for
forested areas, roads also catalyze various forest-dependent species such as apes.
indirect disturbances to remaining habitat Deforestation occurs in forest along roads
—including charcoal production and over regardless of the protection status of the
hunting—that imperil apes and other arbo surrounding area.
real mammals (Coffin, 2007; Wilkie et al., Three case studies presented in this
2000). Greater contact between apes and chapter show that drivers of defor
humans also facilitates the spread of disease estation vary by location, but that road
between them (Köndgen et al., 2008; Leroy construction is consistently associated
et al., 2004). with a spike in forest loss, followed by
The World Bank proposed the concept elevated deforestation rates and a pro
of “smart green infrastructure” to minimize gression of forest loss outward from the
harm to tigers and their habitat, which are road over time.
facing a similar crisis (Quintero et al., 2010). In the case studies, illegal logging and
The tenets of the Bank’s mitigation hier smallholder agriculture occurred in
archy—avoidance, minimization, restoration small clearings close to roads. These
and offsetting of negative effects—could be activities are more strongly associated
applied to reduce the damage caused to ape with incremental expansion outward
habitat by infrastructure development (see from the road and the growth of settle
Table 3.3 and Chapter 4, p. 119). The special ment enclaves than the more organized,
izations of many forest-dependent species, and often legal, conversion of larger
including most apes, to the forest environ patches of forest to plantation.
ment’s stable, moist, shaded conditions and Planning to avoid critical areas, regular
complex architecture make them particularly monitoring of forest status and addi
vulnerable to the damage associated with tional conservation action are needed to
roads (Laurance, Goosem and Laurance, reduce the negative effects of roads on
2009; Pohlman, Turton and Goosem, 2009; wildlife habitat. Simple but powerful
approaches to detecting and measuring Proposed New Photo: More than other
types of infrastructure, roads
forest loss can help resource managers
monitor the construction and land use
Approaches to facilitate forest access that
enables logging, settlement,
change associated with legal roads and Road Monitoring hunting and other resource
extraction. © HUTAN–
Kinabatangan Orang-utan
halt the building of illegal road clearings Roads and other forms of transportation Conservation Project
in contiguous forest tracts. infrastructure can bring rural communities
Road design must address the access much-needed social and economic benefits,
provided to natural areas by roads that including access to markets and resources;
cannot be rerouted. Even if a road does however, this is not always the case (see
not hinder the movement of apes, the Chapter 2, p. 60). Ideally, these arteries con
associated conversion of formerly inac nect people to markets and resources while
cessible forest to other land uses can avoiding primary forest, sensitive habitats,
decimate resident ape populations, as animal dispersal and migratory routes, and
has been the case for western Tanzania’s unique natural communities. However, recent
chimpanzee populations. road planning often fails to consider these
In Peru’s primate-rich Amazon forests, factors. Without proper planning and post-
deforestation tracking combines weekly construction monitoring, roads can incur
alerts of tree cover loss with verification tremendous costs of time and money while
using high-resolution satellite imagery. devastating the surrounding environment
This useful model for combating illegal and creating public health issues (Clements,
road building and associated land clear 2013; Laurance et al., 2009; see Chapter 1).
ing activities could easily be adapted to This chapter provides three examples of
ape habitats. road construction projects that have affected
surrounding ape forest habitat. A fourth case survival (see Box 3.1). It can be applied to
study was conducted outside an ape range ape habitat in the same way.
but is relevant to monitoring primate habitat; Data and maps of expected tree cover
it shows how new data and tools available loss associated with proposed infrastructure
to the ape conservation community can routes can inform road siting and suggest
help detect, monitor, predict and minimize preventive actions to minimize deforesta
forest loss. Specifically, satellite imagery and tion, assuming that high-level decisions
associated spatial data analysis tools now incorporate environmental information.
permit resource managers to more effec These tools can also help to reduce damage
tively monitor changes in canopy cover of from roadways by:
ape habitat surrounding infrastructure and
other developments (see Annex II). This estimating potential impact within the
approach has already been used to assess area surrounding a proposed road;
remaining habitat for tigers and to influence detecting tree cover loss along a new
landscape-level planning to ensure their roadway before it expands;
BOX 3.1 The researchers estimate that forest clearing between 2000
and 2014—an area equivalent to nearly 80,000 km² (8 mil-
Applying Lessons from Tiger Habitat lion ha) or 7.7% of the tigers’ remaining habitat—resulted in
Analysis to Ape Habitat Monitoring the loss of habitat that could have supported an estimated
and Conservation 400 tigers, more than one-tenth of the global population
(Walston et al., 2010). Across the 76 TCLs, forest loss was
Like apes, tigers need large areas to survive. But loss of actually much lower than expected, given the region’s rapid
habitat, combined with overhunting of both tigers and their economic growth and high population densities.
prey, has diminished the global wild population to fewer than
Loss was also unevenly distributed: 98% of tiger forest habi-
3,500 individuals (Joshi et al., 2016). Nevertheless, sufficient
tat loss across the 29 most critical TCLs for increasing tiger
forested tiger habitat still remains across the species’ range
populations occurred within just ten of these landscapes,
to bring the tiger back from the brink of extinction.
primarily in Indonesia and Malaysia, where oil palm planta-
A recent assessment of critical tiger habitat utilized a new tions are driving deforestation. Many of these TCLs, especially
satellite-based monitoring system to analyze 14 years of in Sumatra, are also home to critically important ape popula-
forest loss data within the 76 landscapes that have been tions (IUCN, 2016c; see Chapter 7).
prioritized for the conservation of wild tigers (Joshi et al., The results of the habitat assessment allow scientists and
2016). Published in 2016, the study identifies enough forest tiger range authorities to improve their understanding of the
habitat within tigers’ geographic range to achieve the inter- spatial distribution of intact forest, tree cover loss and human
national commitment of doubling the wild tiger population development within the TCLs so that conservation resources
by 2022—an initiative known as Tx2 (World Bank, 2016b)— can be applied where they are most needed to avert further
with additional conservation investment. damage.
The researchers systematically examined forest cover change In Indonesia, more than 4,000 km² (400,000 ha) of unbroken
across globally recognized tiger conservation landscapes forest expanses in TCLs have been allocated for oil palm
(TCLs), which have a median area of 2,904 km² (290,400 concessions. Conversion of these forests would fragment
hectares (ha)) (Joshi et al., 2016; Wikramanayake et al., 2011). forest corridors and deplete habitat in protected areas. If this
They used high- and medium-resolution satellite data pro- faster rate of habitat loss is to be addressed, conservation
vided by Global Forest Watch and Google Earth Engine, along investment in these TCLs will need to be particularly intensive
with analysis from the University of Maryland (GFW, 2014; and targeted at commodity production practices.
Google Earth Engine Team, n.d.).
The tiger habitat assessment introduces tools that, had they
The open-access GFW platform provides tools that forest been part of the toolkit of forest and wildlife managers, could
managers and others can use to measure and monitor critical have helped detect and address forest change even at the
habitats, analyze risk and prioritize conservation efforts. The landscape level. Forest regrowth in Khata, one of Nepal’s
research team used annually updated GFW tree cover data at tiger corridors, coincided with a community-managed forestry
a resolution of 30 m × 30 m to detect and locate forest loss. program to restore forests for tiger dispersal in this region
identifying trends in tree cover loss over and interpretation of the raw information
time and effectiveness of various conser (Curran et al., 2004; Gaveau et al., 2009b;
vation actions (Clements et al., 2014); LaPorte et al., 2007; see Annex II).
helping decision-makers understand the Assessing deforestation at the landscape
patterns of loss and potential mitigation scale provided valuable evidence of the
options; and effects of human activity on forests, but the
highlighting best-practice examples of cost and effort needed to obtain the satel
road construction that are followed by lite data prevented widespread use of such
conservation action to contribute to approaches.
the growing trend towards smart green Global Forest Watch (GFW), a new for
infrastructure (Quintero et al., 2010). est change analysis platform, has trans
formed the process and increased access to
Until recently, the use of satellite data the power of satellite imagery. It provides
required substantial expertise and funding free access to spatially explicit tree cover
for the acquisition, processing, verification change data, derived from thousands of
(Joshi et al., 2016). Community-based anti-poaching teams extinction of wild tigers, has also endorsed the approach
now also patrol the forests to prevent wildlife poaching and (World Bank, 2016b).
habitat degradation. Timely knowledge of these positive results Doubling the tiger population by 2022 will require moving
would have allowed forest managers to assist the Khata com- beyond tracking annual changes in habitat. GFW’s new forest
munities and focus official protection work elsewhere. loss alert system (at a spatial resolution of 30 m) will soon gener-
In contrast, the clearing of forests by people in search of land ate weekly alerts for forests across the tropics (M. Hansen,
around Nepal’s Basanta corridor has impeded tiger dispersal personal communication, 2017). Once the system is in place,
to the north, resulting in the absence of previously seen tigers forest managers in range states will be able to receive alerts
from recent surveys. The human settlement process was of forest loss within a certain reserve, corridor or TCL in near-
identified by regional experts, whereas near-real-time forest real time and take appropriate action. Tiger range state officials
loss alerts would have notified managers far sooner and ena- have expressed interest in integrating the weekly forest loss
bled them to try to guide the settlement so as to reduce forest alerts into reserve managers’ regular monitoring and reporting
loss (Joshi et al., 2016). activities, as even rapid alerts still require immediate action
Updated forest cover information would also have helped on the ground to stop habitat degradation and loss.¹ For a
small, isolated reserves, such as India’s Panna National Park, relatively poor disperser such as tigers, community forestry
where tigers were wiped out by poachers and the lack of programs, government initiatives and other stakeholders
connectivity to other reserves precluded tiger recolonization should also monitor the extent to which forest connectivity is
(Wikramanayake et al., 2011). The park’s vegetation and prey regained. GFW’s weekly updating can help track and even
base were left intact, but the government had to transfer five promote these interventions.
tigers from nearby reserves to catalyze population recovery to Tracking and detecting forest change through tree loss is
more than 35 adult tigers. even more relevant to arboreal animals, such as apes. GFW
The tiger habitat assessment was presented at a meeting of alerts allow for a weekly assessment of the level of risk posed
environmental ministers from tiger range states in Delhi, India, by the fragmentation of thinly connected forest blocks, which
in April 2016. In the Delhi Pledge for Tiger Conservation, the is particularly important for the 20 species of gibbon (GFW,
conference delegates vow “to protect the tiger and its wild 2014). A continually updated, spatially explicit assessment of
habitat to ensure crucial ecological services for prosperity” forest change will help identify and refine key areas for apes
(PIB, 2016b). Delegates from five countries asked to use the and evaluate the type and degree of threat to enable author-
satellite-based monitoring tools presented in the assessment ities and resource managers to take appropriate action. By
to conduct and update their annual national tiger habitat making a population recovery commitment based on Tx2, but
analyses, and others described how this tool could help for great apes and gibbons, ape range states and conserva-
them to monitor habitat across the tiger range countries at tion groups could jointly create an opportunity to facilitate the
the same scale (PIB, 2016a). The Global Tiger Initiative, an flow of attention and resources to key areas within ape habitat.
alliance of governments, international agencies, the private The maps of tiger habitat and tree cover change can be found
sector and civil society groups whose aim is to prevent the online at
CASE STUDY 3.1 routes that were passable only during the drier seasons. The
Ladia Galaska road network cuts across the Leuser Eco
Roads Facilitate Industrial-Scale Agriculture system’s northern section, fragmenting formerly intact forest
Threatening the Leuser Ecosystem in and threatening forest biodiversity and water supply services
Sumatra, Indonesia for lowland communities.
Background Ladia Galaska has generated heated debate since it was pro-
posed in the mid-1980s (Eddy, 2015). Aceh’s governors have
Over the past 50 years, human activity has reduced Sumatra’s
pushed to speed up construction, and many local communi-
vast expanse of tropical rainforest to isolated remnants and
ties support the project because it would improve their options
a few large patches. Oil palm, pulpwood and other large-
for transporting palm oil and other commodities (Clements
scale plantations have rapidly replaced the island’s natural
et al., 2014).
forest and now occupy 20% of the land area (Abood et al.,
2015; De Koninck, Bernard and Girard, 2012). Forest clearing Critics have argued that Ladia Galaska threatens essential
in the north of the island began in earnest in the 1980s and ecosystem services provided by the intact forest, including
led to the loss of more than half of the formerly intact forests water supply for several million local residents, erosion and
in Aceh province by 2000 (De Koninck et al., 2012). flood control, fire suppression and tourism (van Beukering,
Cesar and Janssen, 2003; Wich et al., 2011). They also note
The Leuser Ecosystem encompasses 25,000 km² (2.5 million
the reduction and fragmentation of forest that is habitat to
hectares (ha)), including the Gunung Leuser National Park
numerous iconic and threatened species, including critical
(GLNP), and is by far the largest and most significant forest
orangutan and gibbon populations (Clements et al., 2014;
remnant in Sumatra. It occupies the last remaining lowland
IUCN, 2016a). Further, many of the roads are constructed
forests and the largely mountainous, biodiverse rainforests of
in forested areas with steep slopes that are prone to earth-
Aceh and North Sumatra province (De Koninck et al., 2012;
quakes and landslides (Riesco, 2005). Finally, the partially
GFW, n.d.-c). The Leuser Ecosystem comprises 78% of
completed project has met with opposition because it will
remaining habitat for the Sumatran orangutan and supports
expand access to the area’s forests, including the GLNP. By
more than 90% of the remaining population—an estimated
facilitating illegal logging, it will continue to have a negative
14,600 individuals (Wich et al., 2008, 2016). It is most prob-
effect on critically important habitat of all three ape species
ably a critical refuge for the Sumatran lar gibbon and siamang
as well as other unique Sumatran wildlife, including tigers
(Campbell et al., 2008; Nijman and Geissmann, 2008). All three
and elephants (Gaveau et al., 2009b; Panaligan, 2005; Wich
taxa are endangered by hunting and habitat loss and require
et al., 2008).
intact forest canopy to survive (Brockelman and Geissmann,
2008; Nijman and Geissmann, 2008). For this analysis, improvements to roads at two nearby sites
served as case studies (see Figure 3.1):
Established in 1995, the Leuser Ecosystem is a legal entity
managed for conservation of the region’s biological diversity the Tamiang Hulu–Lokop (TH–L) road in the Leuser Eco
and designed to contain viable populations of native spe- system’s eastern portion; and
cies (Van Schaik, Monk and Robertson, 2001). Even in this the Blangkejeren–Kutacane (B–K) road that runs through
protected area, however, people continue to clear forest and the Ecosystem’s center, separating portions of Gunung
large-scale plantations have come to cover much of the his- Leuser National Park.
torical ape habitat.
Roughly 54 km apart, they are two of roughly 16 sections
Hunting and the conversion of previously logged forests into
that comprise the Ladia Galaska road improvement scheme
monoculture plantations are the two principal threats to the
(De Koninck et al., 2012).
three ape species in the Leuser Ecosystem (Geissmann, 2007;
Wich et al., 2011, 2016). Quantifying local hunting pressure
is beyond the scope of this analysis. Therefore, road buffer- Tamiang Hulu–Lokop Road Development
zone distances were set to reflect the previous finding that The east–west TH–L route near the village of Tampor Paloh
wild meat hunting typically extends between 5 km and 10 km was initially a logging road, visible in the 1980s. It was inten-
from roads, as reported by Laurance et al. (2009; see also sively developed during 2009–10 (see Figure 3.2).
Annex III).
Effects on the Surrounding Area, as Identified by GFW
Incursion of the Ladia Galaska Road Network Roughly 1,072 km² (107,200 ha) of forest remained within
Ladia Galaska is a 1,650-km all-weather road expansion effort 10 km of the road in 2000 (see Table 3.1). Of this area, 243 km²
that is meant to link Aceh’s west and east coasts through the were within agricultural concessions zoned for conversion
province’s mountainous interior (De Koninck et al., 2012). to plantations. Prior to 2000, some lower-elevation forest
Since the mid-1990s, the mega-development project has where the road connected to a large oil palm plantation on
upgraded and connected previously built roads, including its eastern edge had already been cleared. Between 2000
The Tamiang Hulu–Lokop and Blangkejeren–Kutacane Roads in the Leuser Ecosystem, Aceh,
Sumatra, Indonesia, 2001–14
Tampor Paloh
m ian
k op
0 15 30 km
Road Gunung Leuser
Leuser Ecosystem National Park
Forest loss
2001 2014
Notes: Forest loss is color-coded by year. Yellow–orange colors represent earlier years, and purple–blue colors represent later years.
Data sources: Google Earth Engine Team (n.d.); Hansen et al. (2013)²
FIGURE 3.2 and 2014, additional natural forest was cleared within vari-
ous concessions.
Eastern Half of the Tamiang Hulu–Lokop
Most of the forest loss between 2000 and 2014 occurred
Road with Forest Loss, Aceh, Sumatra, within concessions that were still in natural forest in 2000 but
Indonesia, 2000–14 cleared by 2014. This included 129 km² (12,900 ha) primarily
in oil palm concessions within 0–5 km and another 114 km²
(11,400 ha) within 5–10 km (see Table 3.1).
Outside of the concessions, the area along the road experi-
enced scattered and limited deforestation before 2007.
Between 2000 and 2006, the areas 0–5 km and 5–10 km
from the road each lost less than 0.2% of the 2000 forest
cover per year (see Figure 3.3). Prior to the road’s improve-
ment, most clearing took place immediately along the road
or where it intersected rivers or prior clearings (roads, plan-
tations). Much of the initial 2007 spike in deforestation
occurred where the road intersected a river, due to an
improved crossing and expansion of a local main road along
the river’s edge.
Improvement of the road in 2009 corresponded to a sec-
ond surge in deforestation, as tree cover loss spiked again.
The area within 5 km of the road lost nearly 0.8% per year
for several years, after which the rate of loss declined
(although plantation reclearing expanded).
Between 5 km and 10 km from the road, tree cover loss
between 2009 and 2014 averaged 1.2% per year, a rate six
times higher than the pre-2009 average. Despite improved
access to interior forests all along the road, most loss took
place in the lowland forests within previously designated
concessions at the area’s eastern edge or at intersections of
the road with other roads or rivers. Deforestation within 10 km
along much of the length of the road was limited to scattered
small clearings that extended 100–200 m on either side of
the roadway.
Notes: Forest loss is color-coded by year. Yellow–orange colors represent earlier years, and purple–blue colors represent later years. The large clearing at the
eastern end of the road is an oil palm plantation established before the year 2000 and is excluded from the analysis.
Data sources: Google Earth Engine Team (n.d.); Hansen et al. (2013)³
Tree Cover and Loss in Tamiang Hulu–Lokop Road Buffer Areas, Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia,
as Identified by Global Forest Watch
Buffer Tree cover, Tree cover loss, Forest cover, 2000, excluding Loss excluding Total concession
2000 (km²) 2000–14 (km²) mature oil palm (km²) reclearing (km²) area (km²)
Notes: Values for tree cover in 2000 and tree cover loss in 2000–14 refer to the full extent of tree cover identified by GFW for those years. The values for forest
cover in 2000 exclude a 17-km² mature stand of oil palm within 5 km and another 4-km² stand within 5–10 km that GFW mistakenly counted as forest (see
Annex III). The reclearing of these areas between 2011 and 2014 was excluded from tree cover loss. Although nearly 25% (243 km² or 24,300 ha) of the total area
with tree cover was within large-scale concessions, some of it was still natural forest in 2000.
Data sources: GFW (2014); Hansen et al. (2013)
Forest Loss Within the Buffer Zones of the Tamiang Hulu–Lokop Road, Aceh, Sumatra,
Indonesia, 2000–14
Key: 0–5 km 5–10 km
2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14
Notes: Road improvements took place in 2009. Loss values exclude the reclearing of a major oil palm plantation in the western edge of the buffer zones between
2010 and 2014 (see Figure 3.2).
Addressing Effects of Road Development independent and comprehensive review across a given region
The findings suggest that, on its own, the upgrade of the (Meijaard and Wich, 2014).
TH–L road caused limited forest loss; however, it negatively However, the power of Indonesian logging interests and a
affected ape populations because of its role in reducing key lack of capacity to control them have minimized restrictions
lowland forest habitat. Orangutans and lar gibbons favor low- placed on logging and conversion to plantations (De Koninck
land forest below 1,500 m (Brockelman and Geissmann, et al., 2012; Robertson, 2002). Most proposed improvements
2008; Campbell et al., 2008; Van Schaik et al., 2001; Wich et have either disregarded findings of their required environ-
al., 2016). These species may persist at low densities within mental impact assessment or have ignored it altogether
Leuser’s remaining upland forest (Van Schaik et al., 2001; (Robertson, 2002; Singleton et al., 2004).
Wich et al., 2016). The improved TH–L road may have sped the There is an urgent need to develop a systematic and refined
conversion of lowland forest to oil palm within acknowledged land use monitoring system (De Koninck et al., 2012). The
plantation boundaries. Nevertheless, minimal settlement transparency afforded through regular monitoring by forest
occurred along this route, concentrated along intersections officials at various levels using tools such as GFW could
with an existing road and river (see Figure 3.2). The narrow greatly facilitate such efforts.
roadway clearing sits in a valley, and its hilly surroundings may
have limited the establishment of side roads, which presum-
ably would have led to additional forest clearing and hunt-
ing access.
Requiring agricultural concession holders to include in their
management plans a series of maps of the forest types,
endangered species, protected areas, roads and manage-
ment activities could help identify where critical habitat may
be in jeopardy. Accompanied by enforcement, such plans
would encourage thoughtful concession design and enable
CASE STUDY 3.2 Figure 3.4). The road was substantially improved in 2009,
and illegal logging and agriculture have since widened the
Roads Facilitate Small-Scale Agriculture deforested strip along the road, which divides two large sec-
and Encroachment into Gunung Leuser tions of the GLNP.
National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia The road has provided transport and market access to two
Blangkejeren–Kutacane Road Development settlement enclaves, Gumpang and Marpunga, which were
allowed to remain outside the boundaries of the GLNP (see
The Blangkejeren–Kutacane route, a section of the road that
bisects both the Leuser Ecosystem and the Gunung Leuser Figures 3.4 and 3.5). These settlements have since expanded
National Park, also runs through a valley, but it differs from the into National Park territory. The road has also provided forest
TH–L road in that it does not provide access to large-scale access to loggers, who have illegally cleared sections along-
plantations. Nevertheless, improved road access into the side the adjacent Alas River and into the surrounding pro-
middle of the Leuser forest has invited serious encroachment tected forest (McCarthy, 2002).
and deforestation problems over time. A lack of political will to enforce logging laws and collusion
Historically, the B–K road served as a pathway between between powerful government officials and timber companies
Blangkejeren and Kutacane. By providing access to the for- makes illegal logging in Leuser’s protected forests especially
est, it attracted settlers (Tsunokawa and Hoban, 1997; see hard to address (McCarthy, 2000; Wich et al., 2011).
Kutacane road
5-km road buffer Blangkejeren–
10-km road buffer Kutacane road
Gunung Leuser 5-km road buffer
National Park 10-km road buffer
Notes: The road separates the forest blocks of Gunung Leuser National Park Notes: Forest loss progresses over time outward from the road, including
(in green). Two settlement enclaves along the road—Gumpang to the north and outward from the concentration of loss in the enclave of Marpunga. The clear-
Marpunga to the south—are visible outside of the park boundary on the map. ing deep inside Gunung Leuser National Park at center left is a landslide.
Data source: Google Earth (n.d.)4 Data sources: Google Earth (n.d.); Hansen et al. (2013)5
Tree Cover and Loss in Blangkejeren–Kutacane Road Buffer Areas, Aceh, Sumatra,
Indonesia, 2000–14, as Identified by Global Forest Watch
Buffer Forest, 2000 Forest loss, Forest loss, Pre-2009 average Post-2009 average
(km²) 2000–14 (km²) 2000–14 (%) annual loss (km²) annual loss (km²)
Effects on the Surrounding Area, as Identified by GFW annually between 2009 and 2014 was more than double that
Roughly 1,464 km² (146,400 ha) of forest remained within 10 km for the period between 2001 and 2008.
of the road in 2000 despite decades of regular use (see Table Between 2000 and 2008, roughly 3.7 km² (370 ha) of forest
3.2). Forest loss between 2000 and 2006 was consistently was lost each year within the entire 0–10-km buffer area.
greater along the B–K road than around the Tamiang Hulu– This rate more than doubled during the years after the road
Lokop road, averaging 1–3 km² per year within 5 km of the improvement (see Table 3.2 and Figure 3.6). Most of the loss
road and 1.0–1.5 km² per year within 5–10 km. occurred within 3 km of the road. Part of the improved road
The B–K road was upgraded in 2009. Forest loss tripled that section runs through Blangkejeren, which was already well
year and remained high; the average area of forest lost settled before 2000 and which lost relatively little additional
Forest Loss Within the Buffer Zones of the Blangkejeren–Kutacane Road, Aceh, Sumatra,
Indonesia, 2000–14
Key: 0–5 km 5–10 km
2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14
Progression of Forest Loss Along a Section of the Blangkejeren–Kutacane Road, Aceh,
Sumatra, Indonesia, 2003–14
K e t a m b e K e t a m b e K e t a m b e
Bla Bla Bla
n gk n gk n gk
e je e je e je
r r r
0 2.5 5 km
K e t a m b e K e t a m b e K e t a m b e
Bla Bla Bla
n gk n gk n gk
e je e je e je
r r r
2010 2012 2014
Aceh Ac eh Ac eh
K e t a m b e K e t a m b e K e t a m b e
Note: Forest, shown in pale green, lies within Gunung Leuser National Park.
Data sources: GFW (2014); Hansen et al. (2013). All maps © OpenStreetMap and contributors (
forest cover during the study period. Nonetheless, forest loss The Leuser Ecosystem is officially protected by presidential
overall was more extensive on the two ends of the road sec- decree and provides water for millions of Aceh residents
tion, near the established towns. (Eddy, 2015; Singleton et al., 2004; van Beukering et al., 2003).
As with the TH–L road, the 2009 upgrade of the B–K road Nevertheless, some Ladia Galaska roads traverse the region’s
corresponded to a surge in deforestation (see Figure 3.6). steep slopes, cutting through protection forests, which have
The average rate of loss rose over the following years at both an average slope of 40% or more, as well as conservation
distances from the road, but particularly close to it. Within 5 km forests, including the GLNP and water catchment areas.
of the road, the 0.9% average annual rate of forest loss after Scientists at the Center for International Forestry Research
the 2009 upgrade was more than double the 0.4% loss rate have recommended redirecting Aceh’s road investment
prior to the upgrade. At a distance of 5 km to 10 km from the away from remote Leuser forests to existing roads that need
road, forest loss between 2009 and 2014 averaged 0.3% per improvements along the coast, where more agriculture and
year, also double the pre-2009 average. settlement occur and forests have been degraded. This shift
would benefit more residents and incur lower environmental
One explanation for the negative influence of roads on forest
costs (CIFOR, 2015; Laurance and Balmford, 2013).
cover is the shifting of loggers’ efforts once the road itself is
no longer a barrier. As soon as a good road is available, log- Projections based on economic and environmental data sug-
gers or settlers may be more willing to spend a day clearing gest that Aceh forests that are near roads have a higher risk
forest from a point on the road than if they had already had of deforestation, leaving viable ape habitat only in the more
to travel over 20–50 km of bad road that day. The upgrading remote sections of the Leuser Ecosystem (Gaveau et al.,
of the road facilitated access to interior forests inside the 2009b; Van Schaik et al., 2001). The indiscriminate spread of
GLNP, despite the hilly terrain that may have limited clearing clearings along the B–K road and other roads within the Leuser
in steeper areas. Ecosystem will increasingly fragment the GLNP and two of
the three largest remaining orangutan populations.
Incursions into the GLNP thus accelerated over time (see
Figure 3.7). Progression of forest loss within the park spiked As the hills within the GLNP are quickly becoming a last
in 2004, building on smaller incursions of the previous two refuge for apes on Sumatra, additional conservation action
years. Loss spiked again in 2008 and 2009, also after several must address not only the access provided by this road and
years of smaller incursions. This pattern of smaller but consist- associated settlement enclaves, but also the lack of law
ent, incremental clearing along the B–K road stands in contrast enforcement capacity, as both factors enable illegal logging
to the clearing of larger blocks within the concessions of the to continue within park boundaries (Eddy, 2015; Robertson,
TH–L road, where little settlement occurred. The images in 2002; Wich et al., 2011). Along established roads, posts estab-
Figure 3.7 show the spatiotemporal progression of deforesta- lished by local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and
tion inside the GLNP along the B–K road. resource managers at road and river checkpoints could help
to prevent loggers from entering the GLNP and to confiscate
Predictive models have shown that forest areas near roads in
wildlife and logs that are being removed from the park ille-
Aceh are increasingly vulnerable to deforestation. Researchers
gally (Singleton et al., 2004). Planning new roads so that they
expect the extent of orangutan habitat to decrease by another
avoid or minimize forest clearing will be crucial to apes’ per-
16% between 2006 and 2030, which would cause major
sistence in the Leuser Ecosystem (Jaeger, Fahrig and Ewald,
declines in the current global population (Clements et al.,
2006; Nijman, 2009).
2014; Gaveau et al., 2009b). Forest conversion and fires have
followed logging activity along many Indonesian logging
roads, heightening the vulnerability of resident ape popula-
tions (Clements et al., 2014; Laurance et al., 2009).
CASE STUDY 3.3 Construction plans foresee an extension of the road south-
ward, as a way of connecting Rukoma village, north of the
Stepwise Road Construction through MMNP, with remote villages south of the park. Narrow dirt
Chimpanzee Habitat in Western Tanzania roads of cleared vegetation already run from Rukoma for
20 km, connecting scattered settlements east and south of
the MMNP (Sections E and G). As of 2017, a 13-km segment
The Ilagala–Rukoma–Kashagulu (I–R–K) road in the west of of Section F of the road, along the eastern boundary of the
Tanzania has facilitated settlement of forests and woodlands MMNP, was still at the proposal stage (see Figure 3.8).
east of Lake Tanganyika (see Figure 3.8). The region contains
large tracts of intact woodland characterized by Brachystegia Effects on the Surrounding Area, as Identified by GFW
species (spp.) and Julbernardia spp. that provide high-quality
Before 2006, areas across the region experienced moderate
habitat for a diversity of species, including the eastern chim-
forest loss, even before road construction, as people were
panzee (Piel et al., 2015). Forested lands to the south of the
already living in the area and converting forests to farmland
Malagarasi River are under increasing threat from a human
(see Figure 3.9). The building and upgrading of the I–R–K
population growing at an annual rate of 2–5%, one of the high-
road, beginning in 2006–07, correlated with dramatic increases
est rates in Tanzania.
in forest loss, particularly within the 0–5-km buffer in the Lugufu–
The study area includes 20 villages, most of which lie along Ntakata area (5.5 km² or 554 ha), where the new road bisected
the lakeshore, and areas in six land tenure categories—village large patches of pristine forest and miombo woodland. In the
forest reserves, other demarcated village lands, Kungwe Bay Masito area, a smaller 2007 spike in tree cover loss (1.2 km²
Forest Reserve, local authority forest reserves, Mahale Moun or 121 ha) within the 0–5-km buffer reflected the area’s already
tains National Park (MMNP) and general land not reserved for diminished forest cover, as deforestation along the existing
a specific use or a particular village. Fishing and subsistence dirt road there had begun prior to 2000. In contrast, no spike
farming are the region’s main economic activities; hunting is in forest loss occurred in 2007 in the Mahale East area, as the
not a major economic venture in this region. corresponding road section was not yet built. The increase
The road runs along the shores of Lake Tanganyika, from the in forest loss in Mahale East after 2011 is probably due to a
Malagarasi River south to the southern border of the MMNP. gradual influx of settlers from shoreline villages north and
Fewer than one-third of Tanzania’s 2,500 chimpanzees live south of the MMNP via dirt tracks.
inside Gombe and Mahale Mountains National Parks, where Both high-resolution satellite images and community forest
they are well protected (Moyer et al., 2006; Piel et al., 2015; monitoring data indicate that the most important drivers of
Plumptre et al., 2010). Most chimpanzees in the region live deforestation within areas up to 10 km from the road are the
at lower population densities outside protected areas. The building of side roads and houses, farming, livestock grazing
most recent draft of the Tanzania National Chimpanzee Man and charcoal production. The improved road in Section A and
agement Plan considers infrastructure, settlements and new road in Sections B–D facilitated residents’ access to new
smallholder agriculture “very high” threats to chimpanzees agricultural and charcoal markets in Kigoma, north of the
and habitats at the national scale (TAWIRI, in preparation). study area, and made it easier for people from villages north
A previous analysis, carried out in 2011 using the same of the Malagarasi River to migrate south and settle in previ-
methodology, ranked settlements and infrastructure as “high” ously remote forest and woodland.
(Lasch et al., 2011); the reassessment suggests that the The road’s construction in 2006–07 corresponded to a wave
threat from infrastructure development increased from 2010 of forest loss reaching beyond the 10-km buffer in both the
to 2016. Masito and Lugufu–Ntakata areas (see Figure 3.10). In Lugufu–
Ntakata, the largest forest loss in all years occurred within the
Incursion of the Ilagala–Rukoma–Kashagulu Road 0–5-km buffer area, and forest loss decreased with distance
The I–R–K road is the primary infrastructure development in from the road. In Masito, greater forest loss occurred in
the region. It is being built in sections. Section A of the road— areas between 5 km and 10 km from the road. The road that
between the Malagarasi and Lugufu rivers—connected vil- existed in Masito before 2007 connected to an extensive
lages along the lakeshore long before 2000 (see Figure 3.8). network of footpaths. It is therefore likely that substantial
It was expanded during the main road construction phase in forest within 5 km of the main road had already been lost in
2006–07, when a bridge was built across the Lugufu. The Masito before 2007.
absence of a bridge prior to 2007 had limited travel between An alarming trend in both Masito and Lugufu–Ntakata is the
areas north and south of the river. Similarly, no road existed increase in forest loss 25 km to 30 km away from the I–R–K
south of the Lugufu River before 2007, when extension of road—at levels significantly higher than before 2007. Most of
the road began. Subsequent sections were built over the these areas lack roads, enabling chimpanzees to range and
next seven years, as funding became available. No road disperse across the landscape. The Ntakata Forest east of
planning or impact assessment of its design or implementa- Rukoma, the current terminus of the paved road, is critical
tion was conducted for Sections A–E (K. Doody, personal habitat for chimpanzees, as it allows dispersal of individuals
communication, 2017). from and to the MMNP chimpanzee population (see Annex V).
Distribution of Forest and Woodland Vegetation with 5-km and 10-km Buffers Along the
Ilagala–Rukoma–Kashagulu Road, Tanzania, 2000
Road section
M ala A Expanded in 2006
B Built 2007–09
TANZANIA A Songambele C Built 2009–11
Sunuka D Built 2013–14
Kirando Masito Area E Track/proposed road
F Footpath/proposed road
G Track/proposed road
Lyabusende N
Kaparamsenga D
Buhingu-Mgambo E Ntakata Forest
Mahale East
Notes: Letters refer to road sections built during different time periods. A dirt road in Masito (Section A) was improved and expanded in 2006. Between 2007 and
2013, Sections B–D in Lugufu–Ntakata were built, and a narrow dirt road cleared in Sections E and G. Section F surrounds a proposed future stretch of the road. The
analysis excluded areas inside the MMNP because habitats within the park were relatively well protected during the study period. Forest and woodland vegetation
were defined as areas with a tree cover density of more than 30% (see Annex III). ArcGIS Desktop (Esri, 2016) was used to digitize road construction based on
DigitalGlobe satellite images from 2003–16, using the ImageConnect 5.1 plug-in; Google Earth was used to digitize road construction based on Landsat satellite
images from 2000–16.
Forest Loss in the Ilagala–Rukoma–Kashagulu Road’s (a) 0–5-km and (b) 5–10-km Buffer
Zones, Tanzania, 2000–14
Key: Masito 0–5 km Lugufu–Ntakata 0–5 km Mahale East 0–5 km
2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14
Key: Masito 5–10 km Lugufu–Ntakata 5–10 km Mahale East 5–10 km
2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14
Notes: Lines correspond to the northern Masito, central Lugufu–Ntakata and southern Mahale East areas (Sections A, B–E and F, respectively, in Figure 3.8).
The road development expanded a road in Masito and involved the construction of a new road to the Lugufu–Ntakata area. Tree cover loss spiked in 2007 in
both Masito and Lugufu–Ntakata; deforestation continued at an elevated rate in Lugufu–Ntakata. The road has not yet reached the Mahale East area, to the
south of the existing road.
Forest Loss Before and After Road Construction Within 5–30 km of the I–R–K Road in the
(a) Masito and (b) Lugufu–Ntakata Areas, Tanzania, 2001–06 and 2007–14
Key: Pre-road (2001–06) Post-road (2007–14)
5 km 10 km 15 km 20 km 25 km 30 km
5 km 10 km 15 km 20 km 25 km 30 km
Note: In Masito, the original road was expanded in 2006; road sections in the Lugufu–Ntakata region were built between 2007 and 2013.
Tanzania’s National Roads Agency (TANROADS) has per- remaining and well-protected chimpanzee population in the
mission and funding to clear an 18-km stretch of forest and MMNP—about 550–600 individuals. It also threatens the
woodland to build Section F, the next planned segment of the large numbers of chimpanzees living outside the park, partly
road (see Figure 3.8). The potential impact of building this sec- because they depend on the zone of connectivity between
tion and upgrading existing footpaths and dirt roads along MMNP and the Ntakata Forest.
Section E is a cause of concern for chimpanzee conserva- The road itself will not stop chimpanzee movements; however,
tionists. The increased access provided by these tracks has it will attract settlers who will clear adjacent forest to farm,
already hastened forest loss north and northeast of the MMNP. graze livestock or burn charcoal in this otherwise remote
Unless it is properly planned and managed to restrict illegal region. Most of the area alongside the new road is general or
settlements, the construction of the new road east of the park village land and lacks any form of protection. Loss of intact,
is expected to increase rural population density, intensify roadless areas for the most densely populated chimpanzee
deforestation, and contribute to isolation of Tanzania’s largest habitats in the region will have disastrous consequences for
the overall health and viability of chimpanzees in Tanzania.
CASE STUDY 3.4 The MAAP team reviews the high-resolution imagery of a tar-
get spot from different time periods to confirm that the alert
Integrating Forest Loss Alerts with In-Depth represents deforestation. The team can then bring the alert
Analysis to Tackle Deforestation in Near- data into a geographic information system (GIS) to produce
Real Time a detailed map or to investigate drivers of the forest loss (see
Figure 3.12b–c).
An innovative forest mapping effort in primate-rich Amazo
At this writing, the MAAP team was improving its analysis of
nian forests may provide a useful model for monitoring ape the distribution and intensity of alerts to identify overarching
habitat at a fine scale. The Monitoring of the Andean Amazon patterns and drivers of deforestation (M. Finer, personal
Project (MAAP) integrates and applies a suite of remote sens- communication, 2016). MAAP analyzed the average size of
ing tools to detect and monitor the status of deforestation deforestation events in the Peruvian Amazon to help NGOs
events (MAAP, 2016, n.d.). The project team combines Landsat and national authorities understand deforestation patterns and
satellite images (which are of medium resolution) with high- prioritize response actions. The analysis found that large-
resolution images from DigitalGlobe and Planet, radar-based scale deforestation (more than 50 ha)—mainly from cacao and
imagery and Global Land Analysis & Discovery (GLAD) forest oil palm plantations—accounted for just 8% of deforestation
loss alerts to identify patterns and drivers of deforestation in events, while small-scale deforestation (fewer than 5 ha) from
near-real time (GLAD, n.d.; see Annex IV). clearings along roads made up more than 70% of deforestation
events (MAAP, 2016). Since larger-scale clearing can expand
The MAAP team’s first step in identifying deforestation hot-
rapidly, these monitoring activities need to remain a priority.
spots is receiving a GLAD alert in the area. On a weekly basis,
GLAD already operates in much of the Congo Basin, Indonesia
the GLAD system accesses and analyzes Landsat imagery
and Malaysia, and it should be available to help managers eas-
across the tropics. GLAD alerts are triggered when a threshold
ily and consistently monitor all tropical forests by late 2017
portion of a 30 m × 30 m pixel in a user’s area of interest
(GFW, 2014). By helping to detect habitat loss at the onset
changes from forest to non-forest cover (Hansen et al., 2016). of road building, alerts will facilitate more timely, and there-
The team allows the alerts of tree cover loss to guide their fore more effective and efficient, interventions (Hansen et al.,
investigations into deforestation events. Each of the thousands 2016). Since forest loss alerts provide rapid updates, they
of GLAD alerts is presented as a pink spot on a map (see can help guide associated development and enforcement, as
Figures 3.11 and 3.12). MAAP’s area of interest is all of Peru, they have in Peru, to ensure that no additional illegal devel-
but the selected area could instead comprise a specific pro- opment happens along roads where restrictions or planning
tected area, a road corridor or a multi-country region. regulations have been established.
Sample Set of GLAD Forest Loss Alerts Near Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo,
January–March 2017
Notes: The image shows deforestation along roads and rivers, emphasizing the relationship between the access provided by these transport corridors and
forest loss.
Sample Set of Images Showing the Process of Examining and Integrating GLAD Forest Loss
Alerts into Forest Trend Mapping Near Cordillera Azul National Park, Peru, January–July 2016
Notes: The images show illegal forest clearings in a protection forest. The initial (a) GFW alerts can be
downloaded and combined with other data in a (b) geographic information system (GIS) and examined in
greater detail with (c) high-resolution satellite imagery to help determine drivers of forest loss.
Data sources: (a) GFW (2014); Hansen et al. (2013); MAAP (2016); (b) and (c) DigitalGlobe (n.d.); MAAP
(2016); Planet (n.d.)
Photo: Siting a new road migratory routes and unique natural com If building new transportation infra
in areas with substantial
economic activity, such as munities. However, many decision-makers structure cannot be avoided, best practices
northern Aceh, rather than
through a large tract of
fail to consider these factors during road can help to minimize negative consequences
intact forest, could improve planning processes. The consequences can for the surrounding ecosystem (see Table 3.3).
farmers’ market access and
avoid a possible environ-
be devastating to natural environments while Monitoring logging roads and closing them
mental disaster. wasting time and money connecting areas in after extraction ends can restrict access to
© Joerg Hartmann/TNC
ways that help relatively few people (Laurance illegal loggers and animal poachers (Laurance
et al., 2015b; see Chapter 1, p. 28). et al., 2009). Following recommendations
Current road planning and mapping of environmental impact assessments that
efforts inadequately assess environmental consider both roads and associated clear
and socioeconomic impacts, and especially ing and hunting and conducting enhanced
the indirect effects, such as unplanned col patrolling and monitoring of forest on both
onization, hunting and secondary road sides of a road can further help to mini
building (Clements et al., 2014; Laurance mize the negative effects of infrastructure
et al., 2014a). Roads that stimulate uncon on forest ecosystems (Clements et al., 2014;
trolled immigration lead to greater satellite Quintero et al., 2010).
clearing and other forest damage by settlers Rerouting a proposed road may be the
(Angelsen and Kaimowitz, 1999; Liu, Iverson cheapest and most effective means of
and Brown, 1993). Chimpanzees and orang avoiding areas of critical wildlife habitat,
utans appear to tolerate some road pres but in poor countries covering this addi
ence. However, the subsequent conversion tional cost will probably require creative
of newly accessible forest to settlements, fundraising (Quintero et al., 2010). Fees
farming, charcoal and other uses encour from ecotourism income and visitors,
ages further forest clearing and hunting, a international payments for ecosystem
major threat to apes and other large-bodied services, public–private partnerships and
animals (Laurance et al., 2006, 2009). sales of sustainably harvested timber within
The Mitigation Hierarchy
Avoidance Measures taken to avoid negative effects from the outset. These include
careful spatial or temporal placement of elements of infrastructure in ways
that completely avoid harming certain components of biodiversity.
Minimization Measures taken to reduce the duration, intensity and/or extent of impacts
that cannot be completely avoided, as far as is practically feasible.
would call for avoiding a new road through The Potential of Remote
the single remaining habitat corridor for
chimpanzees and other woodland species
Sensing Tools to Detect
in and out of Mahale Mountains National and Monitor Changes in
Park. In that context, integrating road plan Ape Habitat
ning with village land use planning and data
Remote sensing imagery can serve as an
collection, as recommended by Tanzania’s
independent source of information. At some
CAP process, could help reduce local habitat
point over the course of new infrastructure
loss (Clements et al., 2014; see Annex V).
development, such imagery will capture the
Development Laurance and Balmford (2013) suggest
tree cover loss that results from construction
banks and other collaborative, multidisciplinary teams that
and subsequent human activity. Through
major funding bodies combine satellite data on forest cover with
the above-mentioned weekly forest loss
have a key role in information on transportation infrastruc
alerts, the detection of tree cover change
supporting efforts to ture, agricultural production, biodiversity
will be sped up dramatically (see Annex IV).
harness the capacity distribution and other relevant factors to
of roads to improve produce maps that can help government These data can be strengthened by under
local economies with- and other stakeholders plan roads in ways taking ape habitat mapping and analysis
out damaging natural that achieve environmental and societal goals. using landscape metrics to assess habitat
resources. Development banks and other major funding connectivity, fragmentation and patch size,
bodies have a key role in supporting efforts shape and richness in relation to ape distri
to harness the capacity of roads to improve bution and abundance (M. Coroi, personal
local economies without damaging natural communication, 2017).
resources. Open-access monitoring tools Resource managers in ape range coun
would allow such integrated, cross-agency tries can verify the effects of infrastructure
teams to analyze the effects of infrastructure- on forest cover by contrasting the status of
related development to improve monitoring surrounding forest before and after infra
and planning for future developments. structure projects in analyses similar to the
The dynamics of road infrastructure ones presented in this chapter’s case stud
and human activity are complex and often ies. Forest loss and land cover data can help
case-specific. Roads not only respond to, predict where ape habitat and populations
but also stimulate, increased human popu may already be degraded. Managers can
lation density. Some roads, such as those in complement data on a proposed road with
western Tanzania, are built specifically to lessons learned from previous case studies
support existing settlements. Elsewhere, to inform the process of determining the
speculators are known to purchase and new road’s location and design. Proposed
clear forested land to demonstrate ownership roads and other developments indicate
in anticipation of the progression of a new where remaining ape populations will be
road into hitherto intact forest (Angelsen most affected in the future (Laurance et al.,
and Kaimowitz, 1999). Moreover, deforesta 2006). Detecting and monitoring loss of
tion where roads are built to transport min forest habitat in ape range countries through
erals, logs or palm oil from vast cleared areas rapid analysis will also help managers to
that have few people may not depend directly reduce the effects of infrastructure presence
on population density (Curran et al., 2004; through targeted local action.
Kummer and Turner, 1994). Independent The drivers and patterns of deforesta
information sources are therefore essential to tion in these cases vary by location, yet the
understanding the deforestation that accom spike from road-associated development is
panies various categories of roads. seen consistently in all cases and at various
Principal authors: Suzanne Palminteri6, Eric Diner
stein7, Lilian Pintea8, Anup Joshi9, Sanjiv Fernando10,
Agung Dwinurcahya11, Serge Wich12 and Christopher
Annexes II, III, IV and V: The authors
Reviewers: Leo Bottrill, David Edwards and Wijnand
de Wit
Equatorial Africa sustains the continent’s
highest levels of biodiversity, especially in the
wet and humid tropical forests that harbor
Africa’s apes. This equatorial region, like
much of sub-Saharan Africa, is facing dra-
matic changes in the extent, number and
environmental impact of large-scale infra-
structure projects. A key concern is how such
projects and the broader land use changes
they promote will affect protected areas—a
cornerstone of wildlife conservation efforts.
This chapter assesses the potential impact
of new and planned infrastructure projects
on protected areas in tropical Africa, particu-
larly those harboring critical ape habitats. It
focuses on Africa not because tropical Asia
is any less important, but because analyses
African Ape Ranges and Where reasonably robust data have been
gathered, at least some ape taxa have been
Protected Areas shown to suffer serious population declines.
In Africa, several factors complicate efforts In the eastern Democratic Republic of
to conserve viable species and subspecies of Congo (DRC), for example, field surveys
apes. One concerns the limited geographic suggest that the critically endangered
ranges of many apes (see the Apes Over Grauer’s gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri), a
view and Figures AO1 and AO2). Another locally endemic subspecies, has declined
is the imprecision of published range maps, by 77% to 93% in abundance over the past
which typically overestimate ape distribu- two decades (Plumptre et al., 2015).
tions, reflecting the fact that most species are Although more than 6,400 protected
patchily distributed as a result of natural hab- areas occur across sub-Saharan Africa, only
itat variability and spatially varying human a limited number are considered “large”—
pressures. When such patchiness is taken meaning that few cover more than 10,000 km2
into account, many wildlife species are in (1 million ha)—especially in the continent’s
fact more seriously imperiled than suggested equatorial regions that harbor ape popula-
by the International Union for Conservation tions (Laurance, 2005; Sloan, Bertzky and
of Nature (IUCN) Red List classifications Laurance, 2016). In West and Central Africa,
(Ocampo-Peñuela et al., 2016). Political protected areas broadly coincide with ape
conflicts, remoteness and limited scientific ranges (see Figure 4.1 and Figure AO1).
resources further hinder efforts to identify African apes are represented by five species
key threats and monitor ape populations. and a number of restricted subspecies. They
Protected Areas in West and Central Africa
area 0 300 600 km
are separated by geographic features such such as the Congo, which separates bono-
as the arid Dahomey Gap, which splits the bos from other African apes; and two tall
West African rainforests and the extensive massifs that sustain populations of mountain
rainforests of Central Africa; major rivers, gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei).
Conservation Values of Habitats within 25 km of 33 Development Corridors in Sub-Saharan Africa
Northern (U)
Northern (A)
Dakar–Port Djibouti (F)
Harcourt (F)
Buchanan (F)
Notes: Conservation values are estimated based on biodiversity, threatened species, critical ecosystems, wilderness attributes, environmental services and human popula-
tion densities of habitats within a 25 km buffer zone around 33 proposed or existing development corridors. Values are shown on a relative scale, from 0 (low conservation
value) to 1 (high conservation value).
was revolutionized in 2005 with the launch of Google Maps increased impressively from 376 million to 430 million, in addi-
( and continued with subsequent data tion to many other features, such as buildings.
collection campaigns. These developments have generated Efforts are underway to focus OSM development on evolving
detailed coverage for urban roads worldwide, although data environmental crises and to improve data for areas that are
for rural areas are much more patchy. Google Maps data have inadequately mapped. Notable among these are two programs
commercial applications (linked to advertising and location- aimed at mapping roads in tropical forests. The first, Road
based search results); their use for nonprofit websites and less Forest (, is a European Union initiative
independent data analysis is thus restricted. to assess the benefits of road-free forests, strongly linked to
Despite their proprietary nature, Google Maps data are being EU policies on reducing illegal logging and carbon emissions
used to help generate the Global Roadless Areas Map, a from forest disruption (FLEGT, 2016; REDD+, n.d.). The sec-
collaboration among Google, the Society for Conservation ond is Logging Roads (, which focuses on
Biology and the European Parliament. This initiative began mapping logging roads in the Congo Basin. The good news
in 2012 under the aegis of RoadFree (, an is that all mapping improvements from these various initiatives
initiative designed to highlight the importance of roadless are being placed immediately on the publicly available OSM
wilderness areas for biodiversity conservation and the database. An OSM Analytics platform (,
reduction of atmospheric carbon emissions. RoadFree has released in 2016, enables tracking of this mapping activity for
helped to spur interest in improving maps of transportation roads and buildings at the global level.
infrastructure, using a variety of data sources and techniques.
In parallel with commercial road data, an initiative known as Technical Challenges and Advances
OpenStreetMap (OSM) ( has grown While the new road mapping initiatives are invaluable, many
dramatically. OSM aims to create a free and editable map of technical challenges remain (Laurance et al., 2016). For
the world. Since its launch in 2004, it has grown into a com- instance, the spatial resolution of available imagery can differ
munity of more than 4 million registered members, around greatly across particular areas of interest, compromising efforts
2,000 of whom are making daily edits. Between late 2016 and to create accurate and comparable infrastructure maps.
mid-2017, the number of road features in the OSM database Figure 4.3 illustrates that spatial resolution can vary across
Mapping Discrepancies in an Area of Rutshuru Reserve, Uganda, in OpenStreetMap
Recent and Ongoing Logging-Road Activity in the Congo Basin, near Ntokou-Pikounda
National Park, as Identified by Time-Series Analyses of Landsat Imagery
a l
u nd
P iko
images; it also shows inaccurate road positions derived from varying range of topographic, land use, sun-angle and road-
older coarse-scale maps. surface conditions that one encounters in the real world. For
A common assumption is that increasingly higher-resolution this reason, actual road mapping is usually done with human
satellite imagery is needed for better road mapping. However, eyes—by using the best available satellite imagery and man-
spatial data from the Landsat and EU Sentinel satellites, and ually tracing roads with a mouse onto a computer screen.
composite images produced by Google Earth, all have rea- Known as “armchair mapping,” this method is still the most
sonably high resolution, sufficient for many road-mapping effective for mapping roads and determining whether they are
applications. Furthermore, with each satellite pass, higher- paved or unpaved. Unfortunately, this is a very time-intensive
resolution sensors cover a narrower swath of land than do process. Even with hundreds of active mappers, several years
lower-resolution ones, and therefore they return to the same would be required to map all the roads on the planet. By the
area less frequently. This slow return time can be a major time the mappers had finished mapping Earth’s roads, it
constraint in the effort to find cloud-free images in the wet would be necessary to start anew to identify the many new
tropical regions that are key ape habitats. Fine-scale imagery roads that would have been created since the project began.
(<1 m resolution) exists but is expensive, requires massive For such reasons, a holy grail for those studying roads is an
data storage capacity and is rarely available for the remote automated system that can detect and map roads accurately
environments inhabited by apes. Finally, the long time period in near-real time (Laurance et al., 2016).
over which Landsat imagery has been available allows
changes in land use and roads to be observed for intervals Forest Monitoring
of up to several decades (given that Landsat commenced in As a result of vastly improved data accessibility and com-
1972 and Landsat Thematic Mapper, with 30-m resolution puting power, forest monitoring by satellites has advanced
sufficient for detecting roads in dense forests, began in 1982). impressively. In 2014, Global Forest Watch announced a
This long-term coverage is extremely valuable for assessing revamped website (, powered
the spatial patterns and drivers of land use change over time. largely by Landsat satellite data (see Chapter 7). The next
Until recently, high data costs, inadequate computing power generation of Earth-observation satellites—the Sentinel-2
and limited access to imagery precluded the systematic pro- series from the European Space Agency—will have even
cessing of remotely sensed data over periods exceeding 30 higher spatial resolution (10 m), better spectral data (red,
years. Prior to 2008, all Landsat data were provided on a green, blue, near infrared), and faster return times (5 days)
commercial basis; as a result, the use of the data was meager. than does Landsat. The image characteristics of the Sentinel
Once the data were made freely available, their use skyrock- satellites will lend themselves to forest- and road-mapping
eted. This has fuelled numerous innovations, of which Google applications (Verhegghen et al., 2016). The fact that their data
Earth Engine is perhaps the most notable. Launched in are entirely free and open access should help to stimulate
2010, it has allowed global-scale analyses using the power further innovations.
of Google’s own cloud-computing infrastructure.
With pricing and technical barriers for data and computing Next Steps
falling dramatically, opportunities for global-scale environ- Finally, there is a need to go beyond simple maps of trans-
mental analysis have grown rapidly. For example, researchers portation infrastructure and look more broadly at accessi-
at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre have bility. The World Bank and European Commission produced
developed techniques to identify forest disturbances at a a Global Accessibility Map that estimates the travel time
resolution of 30 m × 30 m as far back as 1982, using Google from any point on Earth to the nearest city exceeding 50,000
Earth Engine as the processing platform (Vancutsem and people (Nelson, 2008). Although focused on access to urban
Achard, 2016; see Figure 4.4). Similarly, the rapid repeat time services, the map highlights the limited and shrinking extent
of Landsat has allowed researchers to find enough cloud-free of wilderness worldwide (Ibisch et al., 2016; Laurance et
images to effectively monitor the expansion of tropical logging al., 2014a; Watson et al., 2016). With more and better roads,
roads. This technique can be used to highlight areas sus- advances in vehicle technology and a rapid increase in the
ceptible to road expansion and forest change (see Chapter 7), number of motorized vehicles, the globe is shrinking fast.
which in turn can feed into community-mapping programs Already, just one-tenth of the world’s land surface is more
such as OSM. The next step is to attempt to predict the envi- than 48 hours’ travel time from a major city (Nelson, 2008).
ronmental impacts of different road development scenarios Clearly, this is leading to increased pressure on ecosystems
on forests (Laurance et al., 2001). and biodiversity.
There is both enormous potential and an urgent need to
Needed: Road-Detection Algorithm devise better road-mapping tools, and to use these to assess
For all the sophistication of modern remote-sensing technol- road-related pressures to ape habitats. A logical next step is
ogies, researchers still lack an automated computer algorithm to identify critical areas that should remain free of roads to
that can reliably detect and map roads under the hugely help ensure the long-term survival of apes and their habitats.
(IGCP)³ partnered with the Conservation Strategy Fund and Based on the results, representatives from the Uganda chap-
the National Environment Management Authority of Uganda ter of the Poverty and Conservation Learning Group conducted
to assess the upgrade scheme and to contrast it with the consultations with affected communities and prepared a
earlier plan to divert the road outside the park, as part of position paper that supported diverting the road around the
the Biodiversity Understanding in Landscape Development park (U-PCLG, 2015). During a meeting in March 2015, local
project, funded by the United States Agency for International stakeholders supported the view that road development
Development. around Bwindi is extremely important, and the government
This analysis showed that an alternative route, while costing was urged to pursue the option of investing in diverting the
more initially, would provide greater benefits for twice as many road outside of Bwindi.
villages and would avoid the negative impacts on the park’s To date, however, the relevant government authorities have
gorillas. Furthermore, the study suggested that the govern- not changed their position. Government agencies claim they
ment’s plan would cost the economy upwards of US$214 lack the funds needed to divert the route and compensate
million in tourism revenue losses over the 20-year life cycle local land owners. Local and international stakeholders, includ-
of the road investment (Barr et al., 2015). These results were ing the IGCP, are continuing to urge the government to divert the
presented to the Uganda National Roads Authority and the road outside Bwindi and to take all steps necessary to protect
Uganda Wildlife Authority. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and its iconic wildlife.
Prospects for PADDD and that parks with many surrounding roads
would also have many internal roads.
As infrastructure and resource-extraction
For purposes of this research, road pres-
projects proliferate across Africa, the poten-
sure inside the park was defined as the total
tial for further PADDD events could increase
number of kilometers of road length (km)
dramatically. One tool that has consider-
divided by park area (km2). To quantify
able utility for monitoring threats to parks
external road pressure, a 30-km buffer zone
is a global database known as the Digital
was defined around each park and an inverse
Observatory for Protected Areas (DOPA).
distance–weight function was used to calcu-
DOPA provides a wide range of indicators
late pressure from all roads inside the buffer
of park features, habitats, species composi-
zone. This approach applies greater weight
tion, irreplaceability and threats (see Box
to roads near a park than to those farther
4.3). These metrics could be used to monitor
away. In all cases, gROADS was used to gen-
changes over time for a single park and to
erate data on roads (see Box 4.1).
assess national trends in park protection.
The analysis generated data for 656 pro-
Comparisons of environmental threats across
tected areas within ten countries in equato-
parks in different ecoregions or nations need
rial Africa:
to be conducted carefully because of poten-
tial differences in data quality and normal- Cameroon;
ization procedures.
the Central African Republic;
The research conducted for this chapter
involved an evaluation of the practical util- the DRC;
ity of DOPA for assessing threats to parks. Gabon;
To that end, the effects of two factors that Ghana;
could influence the proliferation of roads
Ivory Coast;
inside parks were compared: park area and
road pressure immediately outside the park. Liberia;
The study hypothesis held that larger parks Nigeria;
would have fewer roads than smaller ones, the Republic of Congo; and
Sierra Leone.
Effects of External Road Pressure and Park Area on Internal Road Pressure for
656 Protected Areas in Ten Nations in Equatorial Africa
Road pressure inside park Road pressure inside park
Notes: Curves show predicted values; shaded areas are 95% confidence intervals. Each curve shows the effect of the predictor variable
on internal road pressure once the effects of the other predictor and cross-national differences were statistically removed.
Baseline data
Design and
Avoidance of important
ape habitats
The Mitigation Hierarchy: Avoid Infrastructure location
Reconciling Infrastructure
and Ape Conservation
Stakeholder engagement
Mitigation measures
Monitoring and evaluation
Levels of Data Required to Inform Avoidance Measures in the Mitigation Hierarchy
Detailed data:
Available data: Inference:
Habitat use
Ape range layers Habitat proxies
Home range size,
Priority areas Presence/absence
group size, etc.
Level of data
Ape Range Countries with an Offset Policy (as of 2016) for (a) Bonobos, Chimpanzees and Gorillas;
(b) Orangutans; and (c) Gibbons
Sumatran orangutan
(Pongo abelii)
Bornean orangutan
(Pongo pygmaeus)
Offset policy
No policy
Enabled or required
Hoolock species
Hylobates species
Nomascus species
Offset policy
No policy
Enabled or required
Several ape species and subspecies have For projects associated with less serious
very restricted geographic ranges (see the residual impacts, the offset requirement is
Apes Overview). A project that would have guided by aspects of the biology and behav-
a negative impact over a significant extent ior of apes, although it is also important to
of a species or subspecies’ range would be consider uncertainty in estimates of both the
difficult or impossible to offset, and thus scale of impact and the scale of gains at the
would be unlikely to be supported by con- proposed offset site. Furthermore, the project
servation stakeholders. Similarly, impacts would need to demonstrate that planned
that compromise the viability of identified actions have an additional beneficial effect
regional priority areas for ape conservation (over and above the status quo) and that they
may not be considered eligible for offsetting. would contribute to an increase in the ape
population in the long term (Kormos et al., arising from other developments (such as
2014). These requirements mean that the loss infrastructure, extractive or agricultural
of even a few individual apes could translate activities) within the same geographic and
into very significant offset requirements to connected areas (IFC, 2012b). Cumulative
meet “no net loss” definitions (IUCN, 2014a). impacts often arise when a country is under-
Offset requirements to compensate for going rapid development, for example when
impacts of development projects are increas- multiple dams are planned for construc-
ingly becoming integrated in national legis- tion on the same river (Winemiller et al.,
lation (ten Kate and Crowe, 2014). In Asia, 2016). Environmental impact assessments
most orangutan and gibbon range states have for any single project often fail to adequately
legislation either requiring or enabling bio- consider the wider or additive effects of
diversity offsets, while many African ape other projects in the same vicinity (Laurance
range states are developing such national et al., 2015a; see Chapter 1, p. 32). This can
policies (TBC, 2016; see Figure 4.8). There be severely detrimental to species such as
is thus an opportunity for governments and apes, as numerous projects have large impacts
ape conservationists to work together to across populations and reduce population
ensure such policies provide appropriate connectivity.
protection for apes and their habitat. There has been increasing pressure
from stakeholders for individual projects
to take cumulative impacts into consider-
The Importance of
ation. Best-practice guidelines require
Stakeholder Engagement cumulative impact assessments (CIAs); in
Apes are iconic animals and any negative practice, this step often receives insufficient
impacts on them or their habitats attract high attention or is omitted completely. A major
interest and scrutiny from the general public, barrier is the lack of clarity about whose
stakeholders and lenders. Therefore, infra- responsibility it is to organize and pay for a
structure developers face potentially serious CIA, particularly in a landscape that com-
reputational risks when operating within ape prises multiple development projects with
habitat, which makes consultations with different timelines. However, if conducted
stakeholders and ape experts at an early stage rigorously and systematically, CIAs could
advisable. Stakeholders such as universities greatly strengthen regional and national
and conservation groups can provide special- planning processes (IFC, 2013).
ized knowledge that can be input into the When adhering to the mitigation hier-
project design and add credibility to a project, archy, projects should take cumulative
while reducing impacts on apes. Engagement impacts into account (see Case Study 4.1).
with stakeholders is most effective when it Ideally, neighboring projects would adopt
begins in the early stages of a project and coordinated mitigation measures and would
continues throughout its life span, through be designed to share common infrastruc-
every step of the mitigation hierarchy. ture (such as railways and access roads) to
reduce their footprint area. Governments
can facilitate the management of cumula-
Cumulative Impacts and the tive impacts by carrying out strategic land
use planning at the national or landscape
Mitigation Hierarchy scale, thereby preventing projects with com-
Cumulative impacts are defined as the incre- peting interests (such as ape conservation
mental impacts of one project, combined and industrial development) from operat-
with the past, present and foreseeable impacts ing in the same area. Additional case studies
CASE STUDY 4.1 They will share an existing railway so that they may reduce
their cumulative impact (see Figure 4.9).
The Mitigation Hierarchy and Cumulative
Following the mitigation hierarchy, both companies are con-
Impacts: A Case Study from Guinea sidering the option of setting aside a portion of their conces-
The Republic of Guinea in West Africa has large mineral sions to avoid sensitive chimpanzee habitat. Extensive surveys
deposits such as bauxite, gold and iron and its mining sec- for chimpanzees have been conducted to help inform mitiga-
tor is undergoing rapid development. Major deposits can be tion planning. Mitigation measures, which were developed to
found in different parts of the country, often inland, far from minimize both direct and indirect impacts, are outlined in each
the coastline. Large infrastructure projects, such as railways company’s biodiversity action plan.
and roads, are being planned to transport ore from mine sites GAC has also established a nursery with native tree species
to seaports for export to international markets (Republic of that are known to be used by chimpanzees for feeding and
Guinea, n.d.). nesting. These species will be used to rehabilitate areas
Bauxite reserves in Guinea are concentrated in the north- previously impacted by the project as well as other degraded
west of the country, where they overlap with the range of the areas that were cleared by the local population using slash-
critically endangered western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes and-burn cultivation.
verus) (Humle et al., 2016a). Several mining companies are Despite the various measures, preliminary assessments show
active in this region and hold adjacent concessions. Most that both companies will have residual impacts on chimpan-
projects are operating independently and have not yet effec- zees; offset requirements were thus estimated separately for
tively tackled the issues related to cumulative impacts. Two each company. As Guinea lacks national offset planning and
neighboring companies, however, are working towards imple- updated maps of priority areas for chimpanzees, GAC has
menting international best-practice standards and address- supported a nationwide chimpanzee survey to find the most
ing cumulative impacts. These companies—the Compagnie appropriate offset site. This site may be large enough to pro-
des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) and Guinea Alumina Corpora vide an aggregated offset, where other companies could also
tion (GAC)—need to develop or upgrade roads to transport contribute towards protecting a large population of the west-
their bauxite ore to a port site located about 140 km away. ern chimpanzee.
Locations of the CBG and GAC Mining Projects and the Railway to Be Shared, Guinea
0 20 40 km boundary
effects, such as the dysfunction of water
and sanitation infrastructure. Despite the
i o n
The Virunga Alliance’s Hydropower Plan
Along with the ICCN, a wider investment program known The hydropower feeds a grid, connecting consumers via a
as the Virunga Alliance draws on the resources of the park prepaid, smart metering system. Each megawatt of electric-
to deliver broad-based services to the community in a way ity is expected to produce as many as 1,000 jobs, based on
that is sensitive to the environment, focused on the needs of the results of the Mutwanga hydroelectric pilot project in the
the poorest and most vulnerable, and supportive of stability north of the park, which was completed in 2013. The Matebe
in the region. Established in 2009, the Virunga Alliance was plant and Rutshuru grid are expected to create 13,000 per-
developed as three programs that may be visualized as con- manent jobs, mostly in the small business sector.
centric circles. The innermost circle is focused on conserva- There is a sizeable waiting list of consumers and small busi-
tion and protection of the park, as well as tourism. The second nesses that want to be connected to the grid, as grid electric-
relates to socioeconomic development through the four main ity is substantially cheaper than the current power source—
sectors of development: sustainable energy, tourism, agro- diesel generators. Indeed, a typical small business would save
industry, sustainable fisheries, as well as measurable improve- US$17 per month on power costs by connecting to the grid.
ments in local infrastructure. These programs target the This is a saving of US$204, which is more than half the aver-
local population—principally the six million people in North
age annual income ($394.25; Tasch, 2015). At present, the
Kivu (MONUSCO, 2015). The third circle targets private-
Mutwanga hydroelectric facility, managed by the park author-
sector investment to stimulate the local economy and to
ity, provides electricity free of charge to schools and hospitals
help bring people out of the cycle of poverty. Using a busi-
in the region.
ness approach to service delivery, the Alliance generates
dividends from tourism and energy provision to industry, and The Virunga program assumes that increasing private-sector
reinvests these funds into the conservation and social infra- investment will accelerate economic development catalyzed
structure of the park. by the hydroelectric program. Until now, Virunga has lacked
a practical strategy to provide funding to small local busi-
Virunga’s program of socioeconomic development—the
nesses. Identifying a viable instrument for financing small
second circle—focuses on renewable energy, sustainable
Congolese-owned businesses is vital. The program is devel-
fisheries, agro-industry and tourism. The region has vast natu-
oping a Smart-Grid Small Business Loan Fund, capitalized
ral wealth, including fertile soil, regular rainfall and abundant
with equity funding (grants or unsecured loans); the fund
hydrological resources. The park’s rivers feed Lake Edward,
will approve, disburse, monitor and collect repayments on
which flows into the Semliki River to form the source of the
loans to small businesses that are also clients of the Virunga
Nile. Millions of people depend on the park’s healthy rivers
power grid.
and lake. There is very little infrastructure, however, to pro-
vide the local people with adequate water and energy sup- The overall goal of the Virunga Alliance is to contribute to
plies. The Virunga Alliance is working to supply hydroelectric peace and prosperity via responsible economic development
power to nine towns in North Kivu on a build–operate–transfer of natural resources for four million people who live within a
basis. Eight hydropower plants, with the effective capacity day’s walk of Virunga Park’s borders. Economic opportuni-
of 108 megawatts (MW), and two interconnected networks ties and access to social services are an important factor in
will be built over 9 years, with the first completed in 2012 maintaining a long-term solution to violence. For the Virunga
(see Figure 4.10 and Table 4.1). Two plants are already oper- Alliance, a minimum of 30% of the park’s revenues are
ational. Access to electricity is expected to provide a boost invested in community development projects, which have
to local agriculture, thus helping to create 80,000 to 100,000 been identified and defined by the local communities on the
new jobs. principle of free, prior and informed consent.
Using Natural Capital to Promote Impacts on natural capital and those who depend on it can
best be mitigated if they are centrally integrated into infra-
Sustainable Infrastructure
structure planning, assessment and development processes
The Idea from the outset. This early incorporation can build a pipeline
Healthy, intact ecosystems are essential for apes, gibbons and of projects that genuinely take into account interlinked envi-
other wildlife. People also rely on these ecosystems for myriad ronmental, social and economic considerations. There is con-
benefits, including: siderable demand for such projects: “patient” financial capital
is invested to produce high-yielding, stable, long-term, income-
medicinal plants; oriented returns (Roberts, Patel and Minella, 2015).
water supplies; Around the world, people are now developing, accessing and
areas of cultural and spiritual importance; sharing information about natural capital to inform develop-
carbon storage and sequestration; and ment planning (Brown et al., 2016; Guerry et al., 2015). These
approaches identify the manifold benefits that nature currently
pollination of crops (MEA, 2005).
provides and attempt to anticipate what might happen to
Reflecting human dependence on nature, natural resources those benefits in response to global climate change, and as
are increasingly viewed as “natural capital” that supplies resource management and human interactions with nature
“ecosystem services” (Kumar, 2011). These economic meta- change (Ruckelshaus et al., 2015). Tools are being devised
phors emphasize the importance of maintaining our stock of to help incorporate environmental priorities into real-world
assets over time to ensure a long-term supply of benefits. decision-making.9 Governments and businesses can use this
The concepts can resonate with groups that have previously type of information to identify areas that are important sources
had limited interest in conservation, including ministries of of natural capital and that should be avoided or protected to
finance and planning, private investors and business leaders minimize the negative impacts of built infrastructure (Laurance
(Guerry et al., 2015; Natural Capital Coalition, n.d.; NCFA, n.d.; et al., 2015b). Such knowledge can also be used to iden-
Ruckelshaus et al., 2015). tify positive impacts of ecological restoration—for example,
investing in reforestation around rivers to enhance fisheries.
The Challenge There is also demand from businesses and investors for
It has been estimated that achieving the United Nations help in determining the best locations for new infrastructure
Sustainable Development Goals and realizing the climate (Laurance et al., 2015a; Natural Capital Coalition, 2016).
commitments made in the Paris climate accord of 2016 will Environmental and social impact and risk assessments have
require approximately US$90 trillion in infrastructure invest- often ignored companies’ dependence on ecosystem ser-
ments, particularly in urban development, transportation and vices such as clean air, fertile soil and reliable water supplies.
clean energy (Global Commission on the Economy and This puts companies at risk—for example, from flooding,
Climate, 2016). A majority of these investments will be in the drought and shortages that could affect their supply chains.
developing world, including ape and gibbon range states. To lessen these risks, companies can incorporate natural
This new infrastructure is essential for economic develop- capital information in decision-making. The Natural Capital
ment, poverty reduction and human well-being. If the infra- Protocol is a decision-making framework that provides guid-
structure is poorly planned, however, it not only imperils ance for businesses looking to manage risks and seize oppor-
apes and gibbons, but also the benefits that are provided tunities by integrating the value of nature into their internal
by nature to humans, undermining the very human develop- decision-making (Natural Capital Coalition, 2016).
ment that the infrastructure was intended to support (Mandle
et al., 2016a). Some Examples
Environmental issues are typically considered late in the China provides an impressive example of strategic environ-
development planning process, and often when only marginal mental planning at the national scale, one from which lessons
changes to project design can realistically be considered can be drawn for ape conservation. In 1998, after decades of
(Laurance et al., 2015a; see Box 1.6). Even though such gaps deforestation and overgrazing, China instituted major reforms
can be addressed through strategic environmental assess- in response to devastating floods that left more than 4,000
ments, impacts on ecosystem services continue to be con- people dead and 13 million homeless in the Yangtze River
sidered late or not at all, even when an infrastructure project’s Basin (Spignesi, 2004). Information on how nature benefits
success depends directly on ecosystems, for example to people is being used to design restoration and protection
reduce the risks of flooding or erosion (Alshuwaikhat, 2005; measures for ecosystems across almost half of the country.
Mandle et al., 2016a). The transformation of this deeply flawed To date, about US$100 billion has been invested in eco
model of infrastructure planning and investment is a matter systems and to compensate 120 million people, with many
of critical urgency. millions of trees planted (Daily et al., 2013). China’s first
BOX 4.6 tracts of lowland forests, which make up more than 90% of
its surface today (ICCN, 2009).
The Bukavu–Kisangani Highway:
The park is one of the most important sites for biodiversity
A Threat to the Critically Endangered in the Albertine Rift and harbors 136 species of mammals,
Grauer’s Gorilla? including 14 species of primate, 2 of which are great apes:
the eastern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)
Extending over 6,000 km² (600,000 ha), the Kahuzi-Biega
National Park (KBNP) in the eastern part of the Democratic and Grauer’s gorilla (ICCN, 2009). In view of this exceptional
Republic of Congo (DRC) comprises dense lowland as well biodiversity, the park was designated a UNESCO World
as Afromontane rainforests. The protected area was originally Heritage Site in 1980. KBNP suffered major impacts during
created as a wildlife sanctuary to protect the small population the wars and civil conflicts in the DRC and has thus been on
of Grauer’s gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri) living in the moun- the list of World Heritage in Danger since 1997 (Debonnet
tain and bamboo forests between Mounts Kahuzi (3,308 m) and Vié, 2010).
and Biega (2,790 m). Having been upgraded to a national KBNP harbors the largest surviving population of Grauer’s
park in 1970, KBNP was extended in 1975 to comprise vast gorilla that is endemic to the DRC. However, these apes are
The Bukavu–Kisangani Highway (RN3) and the Kahuzi-Biega National Park
Other road to
National Park Kisangani
station Walikale
L u ka
Provincial capital
Other town/village
Mutandala II
Igi l Hombo
Ka im
hu bi
-B Lake
ie Kivu
Bunyakiri Kalehe
l P
Lugul u
Nzovu Lu Kanyola
Shabunda Walungu
0 20 40 km
Sources: René Beyers; vector data from CARPE (n.d.); digital elevation model from USGS (n.d.)
increasingly threatened as a result of poaching for wild meat, highly stressful for the animals. Ranger staff have docu-
an illegal activity that is linked to unlawful artisanal mining and mented that gorillas sometimes hide close to the roadside
the civil conflict. The population has declined by more than for long periods of time, waiting for humans to disappear
77% since 1994 and is now critically endangered (Plumptre before starting to cross. During the crossing, the silverback
et al., 2016c). typically takes up a position in the middle of the road and waits
Even before the outbreak of the civil conflict, the upgrade of for the family to cross safely10. It is therefore highly likely that
the RN3, a major road connecting the cities of Bukavu and a significant increase in traffic on the road would affect the
Kisangani, had raised concerns about possible adverse impacts current crossing patterns (Bynens et al., 2007).
on the park. The road bisects the highland sector of the The rehabilitation of the RN3 has been planned for a long
park for 18.3 km, cutting through the habitat of several gorilla time. At the end of the 1980s, rehabilitation started from
families (Bynens et al., 2007). After leaving the park, the road Kisangani, with funding from the government of Germany.
veers away from its boundaries before approaching it again Following concerns raised by environmental experts and by
in the vicinity of the village of Itebero, in the lowland sector the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, IUCN prepared an
(see Figure 4.11). environmental impact assessment, which advised against
The road predates the creation of the national park. Traffic rehabilitating the stretch through the park and recommended
densities remained low until it fell into complete disrepair in that it be rerouted around the northern boundary of the park
the 1990s, when it became virtually impassable. Today, traffic (Doumenge and Heymer, 1992). Based on the results of the
is mostly local, transporting goods and people between study, the German government informed UNESCO that it would
Bukavu and the villages to the west of the highland sector. not support the construction of the stretch through the park.
As a result of the freezing of German aid to the DRC in 1990,
The road’s poor condition beyond the village of Hombo has
the road was not built beyond the village of Walikale and thus
rendered through traffic to Kisangani virtually impossible
never reached the village of Itebero (Bynens et al., 2007).
since the early 1990s. To further mitigate the impacts, the
protected area authority—the Institut Congolais pour la In 2007, the European Union undertook a new feasibility study
Conservation de la Nature (ICCN)—has erected checkpoints for the rehabilitation of the road. Once again, the UNESCO
at the entry and exit of the park, where vehicles are registered World Heritage Committee expressed concerns that the meas-
and can be searched. The road is closed to all traffic between ures proposed to lessen the adverse effects of the road in
6 pm and 6 am. Nevertheless, vehicles frequently stay in the the park were insufficient and requested that the final report
park at night as a result of mechanical breakdowns or because include clear proposals for mitigation measures to reduce the
they get stuck due to poor road conditions. direct and indirect impacts (UNESCO, n.d.-a). The final study
concluded that while the road would bring important socio-
In spite of the inferior quality of the road, traffic on the stretch
economic benefits to the local communities, the likely steep
through the park has continued to increase. Data collected
increase in traffic on the stretch through the park could have
by the park show an upsurge from 1,485 motorized vehicles
adverse impacts on the resident gorilla populations and the
in 1999 to 47,489 vehicles in 2014—a 30-fold increase (Bynens
integrity of the World Heritage site. It thus recommended
et al., 2007; ICCN, 2015). Vehicle numbers vary widely
that the road be rehabilitated for through traffic to Kisangani
between years, reflecting prevailing security conditions, but
only if the stretch through the highland sector of the park could
the past few years show a clear upward trend, paralleling
be rerouted to avoid the park (Bynens et al., 2007). Kinshasa
gradual security improvements (ICCN, 2016). An upgrade of
accepted this recommendation at the time.
the road would allow vehicles to pass to Kisangani once
again and would invite non-local traffic, which could result in To date, the RN3 remains impassable and no traffic is pos-
a steep increase in traffic through the park. sible beyond the village of Hombo. A reopening of the road
would bring important economic benefits to communities,
The impacts of the road on the gorillas in the highland sector
which have lived in total isolation since the start of the civil
are not well understood. The road cuts through the territory
conflict, at the mercy of the different armed groups and ban-
of several gorilla families, which cross the road regularly,
dits who control the region. With the gradual return of peace
several times a week. The number of families living around
and stability, the discussion regarding the road’s rehabilitation
the road and therefore needing to cross it has more than will certainly be revived. A rehabilitated road would undoubt-
doubled over the years—from three in 2007 to eight in 2015 edly attract new threats to the lowland sector of KBNP, and
(ICCN, 2016). This increase may be partly linked to greater it might increase illegal logging and stimulate the wild meat
insecurity and human activities in the northern and southern trade. At the same time, it would reintegrate this region into
parts of the highland sector, where illegal artisanal mining the modern world, allowing park authorities to exert better
and farming are known to occur; these developments have control over illegal activities. It would also persuade people
led to a concentration of gorillas in the central region of the who had settled inside the park after fleeing the violence to
highland sector, which is safer. leave the park and resettle in the villages along the road; in this
Systematic follow-up of gorilla crossings in the early 1990s, way, a revitalized road could garner conservation benefits.
when traffic flows were low, suggested that the number of However, the rerouting of the stretch crossing the highland
crossings remained stable over time. However, the authors’ sector of the park remains an important condition that needs
field observations clearly indicate that road crossings are to be guaranteed before any rehabilitation is envisaged.
changes can have serious impacts on bio- Box 4.5: Emily McKenzie and Neil David Burgess Photo: KBNP harbors the
largest surviving population
diversity (Laurance et al., 2012). Box 4.6: Guy Debonnet and Sivha Mbake of Grauer’s gorilla. The pop-
ulation has declined by more
Favoring large protected areas, which Author acknowledgments: Mason Campbell provided
than 77% since 1994 and is
helpful comments and assistance with statistical analysis,
are superior to smaller protected areas now critically endangered.
and Sean Sloan assisted with preparation of imagery. © Jabruson 2018 (www.
because they typically (1) are less suscep-
Reviewers: Mark Cochrane and David Edwards
tible to human encroachment and exter-
nal land use disturbances (Maiorano,
Falcucci and Boitani, 2008; see Figure
4.5), (2) support larger wildlife popula- Endnotes
tions that are less vulnerable to local 1 Two additional proposed corridors came to light
extinction, and (3) provide a wider range during the study, making the total 35.
of habitats, elevational and topographic 2 Author correspondence with Tom Okurut, exec-
diversity, as well as climatic regimes utive director of the National Environment Man
that can help buffer species against heat agement Authority, Uganda, 2016.
waves, droughts and other severe climatic 3 IGCP is a coalition program of Fauna and Flora
events (Laurance, 2016b). International and the World Wide Fund for
Nature, alongside the protected area authorities
Defending protected areas for African in the DRC, Rwanda and Uganda and local partners.
apes and designating new reserves in crit-
ical habitats. Two immediate priorities 4 All variables were log10 transformed and then
are Cross River National Park in Nigeria standardized prior to analysis.
(see Case Study 5.1) and Kahuzi-Biega 5 Significance testing was carried out for external
National Park (see Box 4.6) and its road pressure (t=13.72, df=651, P<0.000001) and
nearby critical habitats in the eastern park size (t=−2.65, df=651, P=0.008).
DRC (Plumptre et al., 2015). Both parks 6 Internal calculation based on confidential ICCN
documents reviewed by the author.
harbor critically endangered subspecies
of gorillas. 7 Some figures have been adjusted based on internal
ICCN project update and assessment documents
reviewed by the author.
8 The average woman in Africa had 4.72 children in
Acknowledgments 2010–15, exceeding the global fertility rate of 2.52
by about 87% (UN Population Division, n.d.).
Principal author: William F. Laurance11
9 See the Natural Capital Protocol Toolkit for infor-
Contributors: Stephen Asuma, Ephrem Balole, The
mation on a variety of available tools (WBCSD, n.d.).
Biodiversity Consultancy (TBC), Neil David Burgess,
Geneviève Campbell, Guy Debonnet, European Com 10 In 1997, a soldier killed one of the park’s most
mission Joint Research Centre (JRC), Fauna and Flora famous silverbacks, named Nindja, while he was
International (FFI), International Gorilla Conserva standing in the middle of the road waiting for his
tion Programme (IGCP), Annette Lanjouw, Anna Behm family to cross.
Masozera, Sivha Mbake, Emily McKenzie, Emmanuel 11 James Cook University (
de Merode, Stephen Peedell, UNESCO World Heritage
Centre, United Nations Environment Programme
World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-
WCMC), Virunga National Park and World Wildlife
Fund (WWF)
Mitigation Hierarchy and Case Study 4.1:
Geneviève Campbell
Boxes 4.1 and 4.3: Stephen Peedell
Box 4.2: Anna Behm Masozera and Stephen Asuma
Box 4.4: Ephrem Balole and Emmanuel de Merode
As demonstrated throughout this volume,
road construction is a leading cause of hab
itat fragmentation and loss. It reduces wild
life connectivity, threatening the survival
of species by impeding their ability to move
across a landscape in search of food and
shelter and to mate. It also increases human
access to, and the destruction and degrada
tion of, previously remote and undisturbed
areas, including essential forests (Laurance,
Goosem and Laurance, 2009).
In addition to land use changes and loss
of connectivity, road development alters the
characteristics of habitats both close to and
distant from the road, thereby changing the
way wild animals use these habitats. Roads
affect the movement of water and the patterns
Chapter 5 Roads
and severity of erosion, while increased the High-Priority Roads Reopening and
vehicular movement produces air pollution, Maintenance (Pro-Routes) project of the
noise pollution, vibrations, light pollution Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
and wildlife–vehicle collisions. By facilitat
ing wildlife poaching, improved access has The first case study presents the context
a particularly significant impact on species of the proposed Cross River superhigh
survival (Laurence et al., 2009). way, which is to connect a new deep seaport
Increased human encroachment into at Calabar in southeastern Nigeria to land
ape habitat exposes apes to greater hunting locked Chad and Niger. While the rationale
pressure and an increased risk of disease behind the project appears to have some
transmission, while also confronting them merit, the proposed highway will stop about
with a loss of habitat and connectivity. In 1,000 km short of Nigeria’s northern border.
2002 the United Nations Environment Pro Furthermore, Nigeria already has eight
gramme (UNEP) projected that by 2030 only major seaports and experts doubt there is
10% of the original gorilla range would be sufficient economic justification for con
free of human impact, primarily as a result structing another one in Calabar (Shipping
of infrastructure development, agricultur
al expansion and logging (Nellerman and
Newton, 2002). This habitat destruction and
fragmentation is one of the major threats
to ape survival.
At the same time, roads can result in
substantial economic and social benefits,
which tend to form the cornerstone of
national economic development plans,
although these are not always realized (Berg
et al., 2015; see Chapter 2, pp. 60–77). There
are therefore trade-offs between improv
ing human well-being and protecting the
This chapter explores how advance plan
ning that is evidence-based, inclusive and
effectively implemented, monitored and
evaluated can help to minimize the negative
impacts of road development on biodiver
sity. To that end, it examines the interface
between road development and the environ
ment, focusing on the impact on apes in
particular. The chapter presents three case
studies on proposed and continuing road
development in ape ranges in Africa and Asia:
Position Online, 2016). Moreover, the tion of biodiversity conservation into all types Photo: Road construction
is a leading cause of habi-
Calabar River is relatively shallow and of infrastructure planning (see Box 1.6). tat fragmentation and loss;
one of the major threats
prone to siltation, which is exacerbated by The second case study focuses on the
to ape survival.
surrounding logging and deforestation, and proposed 138 km road from the Thai border © WWF Myanmar/
Adam Oswell
consequently the “deep seaport” will require to the planned Dawei Special Economic
periodic and expensive dredging (Vanguard, Zone (DSEZ), an area that is to cover 250 km2
2015). In addition to considering the pro (25,000 ha) in Myanmar’s southernmost
ject’s environmental and social impacts, the region, on the border with Thailand. The
case study examines the role that local and road’s planned route bisects crucial eco
international non-governmental organiza logical connectivity. Maintaining that con
tions (NGOs) can play, especially in relation nectivity in an area of weak governance,
to drawing attention to the lack of adequate competing transnational interests and civil
impact assessments, consultation and plan struggle urgently requires sustained, inno
ning. It also highlights that thoroughly con vative approaches to infrastructure plan
ducted environmental impact assessments ning and design, as well as to conservation
(EIAs) are key tools for ensuring the integra and environmental policy. In 2015 and 2016,
Chapter 5 Roads
a multidisciplinary team from the World critical role of external conservation spe
Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the cialists and the importance of timely and
University of Hong Kong (HKU) launched effective monitoring and evaluation.
a campaign to promote ecological connec Key findings of this chapter include:
tivity and sustainability in the region by
increasing awareness and building capacity In the case of conflicting priorities,
with stakeholders and decision-makers. In conservation organizations can play an
addition to several outreach strategies, the important role in building relationships
team released three reports: the first high between various stakeholders by work
lights the ecological systems at risk from the ing with government agencies, local
proposed road and argues for robust envi communities, industry, political actors
ronmental policies; the second, a manual and others who are sympathetic to con
of sustainable road design, focuses on mit servation objectives.
igating impacts on wildlife; and the last The fact that EIAs are required in rela
provides an explicit yet flexible method of tion to road development in all environ
locating wildlife mitigation measures and mentally sensitive areas is useful, but
crossings, despite extremely limited biologi not sufficient for ape conservation, as
cal and physical data for the area (Helsingen poorly conceived and conducted assess
et al., 2015; Kelly et al., 2016; Tang and Kelly, ments can enable ill-advised or poorly
2016). In light of Myanmar’s recent politi designed infrastructure development in
cal shift, this case study explains these and essential African and Asian ape habitats.
other regional conservation initiatives in the Modeling is a valuable method for eval
context of decades of conflict and recent uating potential impacts of infrastruc
economic development. ture, as it allows conservation actors to
The third case study traces the evolution illustrate various scenarios and options
of the Pro-Routes project, a major road to a wide range of stakeholders and
rehabilitation project in the DRC, funded decision-makers.
by the International Development Asso
By engaging with experts from relevant
ciation and the United Kingdom’s Depart
disciplines, project leaders can ensure
ment for International Development
that environmental factors are ade
(DFID). It focuses specifically on the 523 km
quately addressed in project planning to
Kisangani–Bondo segment of this rehabili
allow for the development of effective
tation project and its anticipated impact on
mitigation measures.
the Bili–Uélé Hunting Domain and the Bomu
Faunal Reserve, referred to hereafter as the In the context of infrastructure devel
Bili–Uélé Protected Area Complex (BUPAC). opment, integrated land use planning
At the outset, the project stakeholders aimed can serve to mitigate environmental and
to consider the potential environmental social impacts while also contributing
and social impacts of the road’s rehabilita to greater coordination, such as across
tion and planned to implement recom ministries and within national agencies.
mendations to mitigate projected negative Wherever landscapes do not have explic
impacts. As the case study reveals, however, itly delineated areas for more traditional
there is almost no evidence that recommen conservation planning, it is critical that
dations were implemented as planned. The conservation and environmental actors
study discusses the need for expertise in join forces, avoid overlaps in engagement
responsible infrastructure development, the and speak with one voice. p. 164
With a population of more than 180 million people and massive Ogoja
oil reserves, Nigeria is Africa’s giant, and, despite a reces- Cross River State
sion, Africa’s largest economy (The Economist, 2014). But
the country has failed to live up to expectations for growth 1
and development since independence in 1960 and now lags 3 Okwangwo
2 4 Division
far behind comparable countries, such as Malaysia and
Indonesia (Sanusi, 2012). The reasons behind this underdevel-
opment are complex, but endemic corruption and chronic Ikom
mismanagement by a series of military and civilian govern-
ments are most likely to blame (Ojeme, 2011). Promising to 5 6
tackle corruption, Nigeria elected a new leader, Muhammadu superhighway
4 20-km buffer
Buhari, in May 2015. New governors, who traditionally enjoy Oban Existing highway
Division Major town
unrivalled autonomy in Nigeria, were elected at the same time International
in all 36 states of the federation. boundary
Akamkpa Cross River State
The self-proclaimed environmentalist Benedict Ayade was Tropical high
appointed as the new governor of Cross River State. He
National park (NP)
or forest
soon announced a number of signature projects, including reserve (FR)
Afi Mountain
the construction of a six-lane, 20-km-wide, 260-km-long 1 Wildlife Sanctuary
superhighway to connect a new deep seaport with northern 2 Afi River FR
Nigeria. The governor further boasted that this “digital NIGERIA 3 Mbe Mountains
4 Cross River NP
superhighway” would be designed for the 21st century, with 5 Ukpon River FR
Cross River
Internet connectivity along its entire length. Although Nigeria 0 20 40 km 6 South FR
is in the grips of its biggest recession to date and Cross
River is one of the most indebted states in the country—due © WCS
to massive borrowing by previous governors to fund their
own signature projects—an estimated US$2.5 billion has Amid much pomp and ceremony, President Buhari arrived in
been budgeted for this ambitious project (Olawoyin, 2017; Calabar on October 30, 2015, and performed the ground-
PGM Nigeria, 2016a, 2016b). Funding sources have not breaking event. Through this act, Buhari tacitly gave the
been disclosed, however, and although some potential federal government’s consent for the superhighway project,
investors reportedly pulled out, perhaps due to delays and but Environment Minister Amina Mohammed would play a
controversy, it appears that a number of Chinese investors key role in ensuring that the state government had to produce
are still interested in the project (This Day, 2016). Designed an acceptable EIA (Akpan, 2016b).
to create jobs and sustainable revenue for Cross River State,
the superhighway and deep seaport are to be developed Background
and managed through a public–private partnership. At the UNESCO has proposed that Cross River National Park—
time of writing, the superhighway was to pass through some Nigeria’s richest site for biodiversity—be listed as a Man and
of the state’s most pristine remaining forests, including Cross the Biosphere Reserve and potentially a World Heritage Site.
River National Park, with catastrophic consequences for wild- WWF and the International Union for Conservation of Nature
life (Akpan, 2016a). (IUCN) recognize the park as a Centre of Plant Diversity, and
In September 2015, the initial groundbreaking ceremony for Birdlife International classifies it as an Important Bird and
the superhighway was canceled at the last minute when the Biodiversity Area (Fishpool and Evans, 2001).
federal government realized that no EIA had been undertaken. Within Cross River National Park lie the Oban Hills, whose
In Nigeria, the law requires EIAs for all major development biological importance was recognized as early as 1912, when
projects (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1992). This was a huge a large part of the area was gazetted as a forest reserve
political embarrassment for Governor Ayade. A compromise (Oates, 1999). In 1991, the reserve was upgraded to create the
deal was soon reached, however, and the Federal Ministry of Oban Division of Cross River National Park, through which
Environment issued an “interim EIA” to allow the groundbreak- the superhighway is now expected to pass (Oates, Bergl and
ing ceremony to go ahead, on the understanding that no Linder, 2004). Covering around 3,000 km² (300,000 ha) of
work would start until an EIA was submitted and approved. lowland rainforest, the Oban Division is the largest remaining
Chapter 5 Roads
area of rainforest in Nigeria and is contiguous with the Korup International Pressure Mounts
National Park in Cameroon. With peaks reaching between On October 20, 2015, ten days before the groundbreaking
500 m and 1,000 m, the Oban Hills are also an extremely ceremony, a coalition of 13 international and national NGOs,
important watershed, giving rise to numerous rivers that guar- including Birdlife International, the Wildlife Conservation
antee a perennial supply of freshwater to hundreds of down- Society (WCS) and the Zoological Society of London, sub-
stream communities in Cross River State (Caldecott, Bennett mitted a letter to President Buhari expressing concern about
and Ruitenbeek, 1989). the superhighway. In the letter, they conveyed support for
In addition to apes, Oban contains a number of rare and the ongoing EIA but declared their outrage concerning plans
endangered species, such as the Nigeria–Cameroon chimpan- for the superhighway to traverse Cross River National Park.2
zee (Pan troglodytes ellioti), drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus), The route of the superhighway was subsequently adjusted,
Preuss’s red colobus monkey (Procolobus preussi), leopard yet some argued that it was still too close to the edge of the
(Panthera pardus), forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), the national park and objected on the grounds that it would
slender-snouted crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus) and the pass through some important community forests and forest
reserves (Cannon, 2017b).
gray-necked rockfowl (Picathartes oreas), as well as 75 plant
species that are endemic to Nigeria (Oates et al., 2004). The On January 22, 2016, the Cross River government published
area is a center of species richness and endemism, particu- a notice of revocation of rights of occupancy within a 20-km-
larly for primates, birds, amphibians, butterflies, fish and small wide land corridor along the entire highway route (MLUD,
mammals (Bergl, Oates and Fotso, 2007; Oates et al., 2004). 2016; see Figure 5.1). This single act dispossessed more
But the same area is also subject to intense hunting pressure than 185 communities within the corridor of their land, sub-
to supply the wild meat trade, and rates of deforestation are jecting them to displacement at any time. With the notice,
among the highest in the world (Bassey, Nkonyu and Dunn, the state seized a land area of 5,200 km² (520,000 ha), or
2010; Fa et al., 2006; FAO, 2015; Okeke, 2013). Given that it about 25% of the state’s total area. Communities that had
combines high levels of species richness and endemism with initially supported the superhighway rose up in revolt when
they realized that they had been robbed of their ancestral
a high degree of threat, the area represents a biodiversity
lands overnight. Many people within the state began to call
hotspot of global significance (Myers et al., 2000).
the superhighway project an elaborate land grab in disguise
(Abutu and Charles, 2016).
Impact on Apes
Once freed of its occupants, this vast area of forest would
Two different apes are found in Cross River State: the criti- represent an opportunity to generate significant revenue,
cally endangered Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli), the first through the sale of the timber and then through conver-
most endangered taxon of ape in Africa, and the endangered sion of the land to oil palm plantations. Even though the EIA
Nigeria–Cameroon chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti), the had not yet been finalized, in February 2016 a number of
most threatened of four subspecies of chimpanzee (Morgan bulldozers started the clearing and felling of trees along the
et al., 2011). Due to hunting and habitat loss, these apes are proposed route. Some of the affected communities, such as
restricted to two protected areas within the state—Cross Old and New Ekuri, blocked the bulldozers from entering their
River National Park and the Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary— forest, but many more were powerless to prevent the destruc-
as well as a small area of community-managed land within tion of their forests.
the Mbe Mountains.
Direct intervention finally came in the form of a stop work
The Oban Division of Cross River National Park is expected order, issued by Environment Minister Mohammed in March
to bear the brunt of the impact of the superhighway, while its 2016. The order forced the governor to suspend activities on
Okwangwo Division will be relatively unaffected (see Figure the superhighway and await the outcome of the EIA (Ihua-
5.1). Although Oban supports an estimated 150–350 Nigeria– Maduenyi, 2016). That same month five ambassadors of the
Cameroon chimpanzees, it does not contain any Cross River UNEP–UNESCO Great Apes Survival Partnership sent a letter
gorillas, a species found only in the Okwangwo Division, the to the environment minister expressing concern regarding
Mbe Mountains and the Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary increasing threats to the integrity of the rainforests of Cross
(Dunn et al., 2014;, n.d.). The superhighway only River National Park and requesting that the Nigerian govern-
skirts the western edge of the sanctuary, however it directly ment respect commitments made as part of the 2005 Kinshasa
threatens the Afi River Forest Reserve, a critically important Declaration on Great Apes and UN-REDD (Reducing Emis
corridor that links the sanctuary to the Mbe Mountains (Dunn sions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation).3
et al., 2014). The loss of such corridors in the landscape
would be catastrophic for the Cross River gorilla and the Environmental Impact Assessment and Review Process
Nigeria–Cameroon chimpanzee, as both survive in small iso- The EIA law in Nigeria exists to safeguard the population
lated groups. The superhighway is expected to lead to massive and environment with regard to any form of environmental
deforestation along the entire route as farmers from neighbor- degradation resulting from development projects. This leg-
ing states move into the area, and as improved access facili- islation prohibits activities from being carried out in sensitive
tates hunting (Laurance et al., 2017a). areas in the absence of mandatory studies.
Photo: The Cross River gorilla survives in small isolated groups in the Cross River National Park, Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary and a small area of community-
managed land in the Mbe Mountains. © WCS Nigeria
The environmental management consultancy PGM Nigeria the superhighway or reasons for building a new road as
Limited prepared an EIA of more than 400 pages on behalf opposed to upgrading the existing highway;
of the government of Cross River State; in March 2016, it the EIA failed to consider the impacts of the superhigh-
was submitted to the federal government for approval (PGM way on nearby protected areas, namely Cross River
Nigeria, 2016a). Environment minister Mohammed appointed National Park, Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary, Afi River
an independent review panel to assess the EIA and the doc- Forest Reserve, Ukpon River Forest Reserve and Cross
ument was circulated for public comments in April 2016. A
River South Forest Reserve;
professional review of the EIA, completed by the consultancy
Environmental Resources Management on behalf of the stakeholder engagement was extremely limited and failed
international NGOs, identified 11 main flaws in the EIA. The to meet accepted standards as outlined by Nigerian
review found that due to these flaws, the assessment could legislation;
not be used as intended, namely to identify potential impacts the EIA failed to identify measures required to monitor
of the project or to recommend adequate mitigation measures effective mitigation of the impact of the superhighway;
(ERM, 2016). The 11 main flaws were that: mitigation measures were described at a conceptual
the scoping process was inadequate and provided no level only, with insufficient detail for implementation;
information on the rationale or analytical process that the EIA failed to mention the presence of many rare and
was adopted; endangered species within the area, such as the criti-
baseline data were unclear, inconsistent, frequently con- cally endangered Preuss’s red colobus and the slender-
tradictory and often incorrect; snouted crocodile;
the project description was fundamentally flawed, most although more than 185 communities are likely to be
critically in that it failed to consider any impacts due to affected by the proposed project, the socioeconomic
the 20-km-wide corridor of land acquired by the govern- study focused on only 21 communities and failed to
ment of Cross River State along the entire route of the assess the full impact on all affected communities, their
proposed superhighway; livelihoods and vulnerability; and
the EIA did not provide cost–benefit analyses for any of there was no consideration of any cultural heritage data
the proposed routes, a clear economic justification for (ERM, 2016).
Chapter 5 Roads
NGOs Increase the Pressure the EIA stated that there are no protected areas within
In May 2016 a second letter—this one from 13 international the project area or within 50 km of the proposed area
NGOs, including the Arcus Foundation, Fauna and Flora and that there are no protected areas within the sphere
International (FFI), WCS and WWF—expressed further con- of influence of the proposed project, yet there are no
cern about the quality of the recently concluded EIA, requested fewer than five protected areas within the project area
that it be redone and called for compensation to be paid to and the proposed route of the superhighway would
affected communities.4 In addition to these international pass directly through three different protected areas—
NGOs, a number of national NGOs have also played a key Cross River National Park, Ukpon River Forest Reserve
role in the campaign against the superhighway (Uwaegbulam, and Cross River South Forest Reserve—and the 20-km-
2016). Many local NGOs issued press releases or sent letters wide corridor would also impact the Afi Mountain Wildlife
of protest, some on behalf of local communities, and a num- Sanctuary and Afi River Forest Reserve (Dunn, 2016;
ber of local NGOs brought lawsuits against the state govern- Dunn and Imong, 2017; PGM Nigeria, 2016b).5
ment, although none was successful. Among the most In the absence of an approved EIA, tensions mounted and
active NGOs were the Ekuri Initiative, which has received the state government threatened to resume work on the
international accolades for forest stewardship, the Nigeria superhighway, even without approval from the federal govern-
office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the NGO Coalition for ment (Vanguard, 2017). During preparation of a third version
the Environment, and the Rainforest Resource and Develop of the EIA, the Cross River State government finally became
ment Centre (Akpan, 2017). attentive to the environmental concerns and approached
Rainforest Rescue in Germany organized an online petition WCS for help. After a number of meetings with WCS, the
against the superhighway, which drew more than 254,000 state government announced in February 2017 that it was
signatures—34,000 from Cross River State and 220,000 dropping all plans for the 10-km corridor on either side of the
from concerned individuals worldwide. In September 2016, highway (Ihua-Maduenyi, 2017). However, since the route
the petition was delivered to President Buhari through the was still due to pass through some important Ekuri, Iko Esai
Ministry of Environment in Abuja (Akpan, 2016c). Both the and other community forests on the edge of Cross River
traditional press and social media have carried numerous National Park, as well as Ukpon River Forest Reserve and
stories and updates on the issue (Ingle, 2016). By April 2017, Cross River South Forest Reserve, conservation groups
another 135,000 people had signed a separate WCS online called on the government to do more (Cannon, 2017c).
campaign against the superhighway (WCS, n.d.). Options for the superhighway were discussed, including
A public meeting was held in Calabar in June 2016 to allow rerouting it around the forests, even though such modifica-
all stakeholders to present their views and opinions to the tions would make the highway slightly longer and would
official review panel (Akpan, 2016b). The Federal Ministry of increase the overall cost. In March 2017 in Calabar, at a
Environment, which eventually gave the EIA a “D” rating for stakeholder forum convened by the Federal Ministry of
gaping oversights and errors, ordered the assessment to be Environment to review the third version of the EIA, Governor
redone (Dunn, 2016). It subsequently rejected the revised EIA, Ayade announced the willingness of the Cross River State
a document of more than 600 pages submitted in September government to reroute the highway around the Ekuri com-
2016, on the grounds that it still failed to meet basic interna- munity forest (Cannon, 2017a). While this was welcome
tional standards and that: news, stakeholders continued to demand that the highway
be rerouted away from the Ukpon River Forest Reserve and
there still had been no public consultation or dialog with Cross River South Forest Reserve. Finally, in April 2017, the
important stakeholders, such as Cross River National state government agreed to reroute the highway away from
Park; most of the remaining forest (Cannon, 2017b; see Figure 5.1).
baseline data were still absent or weak; The fourth version of the EIA and a new biodiversity action
there was no consideration of the impacts of the 20-km- plan were submitted to the Federal Ministry of Environment
wide corridor; in May 2017 (PGM Nigeria, 2017). Significant improvements
included the revocation of the 20-km-wide corridor and the
the economic justification for building a new superhigh-
rerouting of the superhighway to avoid important commu-
way, rather than simply upgrading the existing Calabar–
nity forests and forest reserves on the edge of the national
Ogoja federal highway, had not been clearly demonstrated;
park. However, this version of the EIA also relied on inade-
there was insufficient consideration of the negative impact quate data, and therefore its proposed mitigation measures
on local people; could not be considered valid. Moreover, the EIA failed to
the EIA used the proposed national park boundary, assess indirect long-term impacts of hunting and habitat
which was never gazetted, rather than the current legal loss on Cross River National Park despite its proximity to the
park boundary; superhighway and improved access to the forest.6
the EIA failed to acknowledge the fact that the superhigh- Although WCS and others recommended that both the EIA
way, as proposed, would pass through the national park; and the biodiversity action plan be rejected, the Federal
Photo: The superhighway is expected to lead to massive deforestation along the entire route as farmers from neighboring states move into the area, and as
improved access facilitates hunting. © WCS Nigeria
Ministry of Environment issued provisional approval of the climate change. The construction of the superhighway as
EIA in July 2017. In so doing, the ministry specified no fewer proposed would certainly conflict with the proposed REDD+
than 23 conditions to be addressed and requested that the program under pilot in Cross River State, threatening the
EIA be revised and resubmitted within two weeks. These continuation of future funding from the UN.
conditions included the development of a biodiversity offset;
a revised map on which the new route was to be clearly Conclusion
indicated; a resettlement action plan, including a list of
Nigeria’s Ministry of Environment has played an exemplary
affected communities; and compensation payments to
role in upholding the law, notably by insisting that the Cross
affected communities.7 At the time of writing, these condi-
River State government produce an EIA and by subjecting
tions had not been met and, despite some misleading
that EIA to critical review. In this respect, the leadership of
reports in the press, the ministry had not yet approved the
Amina Mohammed, federal minister of environment at the
EIA, nor had it issued an environmental impact statement or
an EIA certificate. time and currently Deputy Secretary-General of the United
Nations, was instrumental. Without the strong leadership of
the ministry, NGO concerns over the superhighway may
REDD, Climate Change and Conflicting Policies
have been brushed aside. The role of NGOs, both national and
In September 2008, the UN Development Programme, UNEP international, in opposing the superhighway has also been
and the Food and Agriculture Organization jointly estab- critical; NGOs were able to exploit social media and online
lished the REDD+ program in Nigeria, where it is being piloted
petitions to generate publicity for their campaign.
in Cross River State. Three years later, Nigeria received a
US$4 million REDD+ grant to realize the program’s Readiness Although the most recent EIA integrates an environmental and
Project, which includes the preparation and implementation social management plan as well as a biodiversity action plan,
of REDD+ strategies with the active involvement of indige- it still fails to evaluate the long-term costs of the project. Given
nous peoples, forest-dependent communities and other that every version of the EIA was paid for by the proponents
local stakeholders. In September 2016, the REDD+ program of the very project it was meant to assess, it is not surprising
in Nigeria approved a new US$12 million strategy, one that the analysis and results were unduly influenced. Despite
designed to deepen the initiative nationwide to combat climate significant environmental, social and financial concerns, the
change through improved forest governance (Uwaegbulam, federal government is likely to succumb to political pressure
2016). That same month, President Buhari signed the Paris and may eventually allow the superhighway to proceed with-
climate agreement and promised commitment from Nigeria out a comprehensive EIA and even though the construction
as part of the global effort to reverse the negative effects of of the deep seaport remains uncertain.
Chapter 5 Roads
CASE STUDY 5.2 Isolated politically and economically due to more than half a
century of civil war between ethnic groups and the Myanmar
Engineering Conservation: Stories and military regime, this region is now witness to intense pres-
Models of Infrastructure, Impact and sure from domestic and transnational development propos-
Uncertainty in Southern Myanmar als, weak land rights and large-scale exploitation of natural
resources (Hunsberger et al., 2015; Simpson, 2014). Since
Introduction 2012, a ceasefire has been in effect between the Myanmar
Tanintharyi, Myanmar’s southernmost region, shares an government and the Karen National Union (KNU), an oppo-
extensive border with Thailand along the Dawna and sition group that represents the Karen ethnic groups and still
Tenasserim mountain ranges and harbors some of the last controls large areas of Tanintharyi Region (KNU, 2012).
remaining large forest areas in the Greater Mekong sub
region. This landscape is home to several endangered spe- New Conservation Efforts along the Road Corridor
cies, including the lar gibbon (Hylobates lar), Asian elephant Starting in 2008, the governments of Myanmar and Thailand
(Elephas maximus), northern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca agreed to collaborate on a series of projects, including the
leonina), stump-tailed macaque (Macaca arctoides), langur Dawei Special Economic Zone. Critical to the planned
(Semnopithecus) and tiger (Panthera tigris) (WCS, 2015a; 250-km² (25,000-ha) DSEZ is a 138 km road link that will con-
WWF, 2016). nect the economic zone to the Thai border (see Figure 5.2).
The Dawei road link and deforestation East of Myitta
st of M
: Ea
m ple
Special Exa
A n d aman
This relatively short segment is the western end of the The reserve was drawn predominantly on lands governed by
Greater Mekong Subregion’s Southern Economic Corridor, the KNU ethnic armed group.
a largely completed major trade route connecting Bangkok Between 1996 and 2004, the local villagers’ landmark lawsuit
and Ho Chi Minh City (ITD, 2012). While the DSEZ and and settlement against Total’s partner Unocal in U.S. courts
Dawei road link are key projects for renewed investment in over the Yadana pipeline drew international attention (ERI,
Myanmar, political uncertainty related to the country’s 2011 2009). Given the Myinmoletkat Nature Reserve’s link to the
democratic transition, coupled with Thailand’s 2014 military Myanmar military government, suspected endorsement by
coup, KNU control of the border area and increasing civil multinational oil companies, unjustifiably large expanse, and
society presence, limited investment. As a result, the project’s a record of forced relocations and disregard for human rights
scope has varied greatly over time, alternating between in the protected area, the Myinmoletkat Reserve was heavily
eight-, four-, and two-lane alignments, with and without rail, criticized by the conservation community abroad (Brunner,
power lines and gas pipelines (ITD, 2011). Talbott and Elkin, 1998; Mason, 1999).
In view of these proposed development projects and the Within months of Myinmoletkat’s establishment in 1997, the
threats they pose to some of the most poorly documented yet Myanmar military made a violent sweep of the planned
biodiversity-rich forests in the Greater Mekong subregion, transport corridor in KNU-controlled Tanintharyi. A Western
several international and domestic NGOs began to increase aid worker noted that “bulldozers were flattening a broad
their presence throughout Tanintharyi in 2014. Their efforts swathe on the heels of the advancing army” (Moorthy, 1997).
have included: They destroyed at least eight Karen villages along the route
and, in collusion with Thai logging companies, forced repatria-
village and customary mapping by FFI and WCS;
tion of refugees from Thailand to Myanmar, into an area of
land cover change mapping by the Smithsonian Insti heavy fighting (Moorthy, 1997). In 1998, gas started flowing
tution and a Myanmar-based NGO, Advancing Life and in the Yadana pipeline, which has since accounted for a sig-
Regenerating Motherland, or ALARM; nificant portion of the national government’s export income
supporting forest management plans of the regional (Simpson, 2014).
government; and In 2005, Myinmoletkat was turned into the substantially smaller
biodiversity surveys completed by FFI and WCS, as well Tanintharyi Nature Reserve Project, about 30 km north of the
as by WWF in partnership with the Karen Environmental planned Dawei road link corridor; the reserve served as part
and Social Action Network and Karen Wildlife Con of Total’s contested corporate social responsibility program,
servation Initiative (Connette et al., 2016; WCS, 2015a; itself funded by the lawsuit settlement and characterized by
WWF, 2016). forced labor and other human rights abuses (ERI, 2009).
Chapter 5 Roads
Photo: The forests along the Dawei road, east of Myitta, February 2016. © WWF-Myanmar/Adam Oswell
Chapter 5 Roads
Deforestation within 5 km of the Planned
Dawei Road Link, 2001–13
Area of deforestation (ha)
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Photo: Deforestation along the access road for the Dawei road link, east of Myitta, February 2016.
© WWF-Myanmar/Adam Oswell
Chapter 5 Roads
Photo: The Dawei road link currently remains unpaved, and already the majority of adjacent slopes have been deforested. The project’s scope has varied
greatly over time, alternating between eight-, four-, and two-lane alignments, with and without rail, power lines and gas pipelines.
© Atid Kiattisaksiri/LightRocket via Getty Images.
game is reportedly becoming scarcer and the price paid for Scenario modeling is a process often used in regulatory
primate meat is rising (WWF, 2014). There is a need for further instruments such as EIAs to evaluate the potential impact of
studies in this area. infrastructure on the environment. An EIA typically describes
the proposed scenario and simulates the environmental,
Applying Algorithms and Strategic Road Designs in social and economic outcomes of a given project. It lays out
Scenario Modeling the threats and possible mitigation measures required to
This section outlines how scenario modeling can be used to encourage sustainable development. It also models alterna-
decide how and where on the planned Dawei road link to tive options such as a “no-build” scenario or “best-case”
implement road mitigation measures specific to primate scenario, along with associated outcomes, in order to aid plan-
habitat and movement patterns. ners and governments in making informed decisions.
However, while a typical scenario modeling process pro- (see Figure 5.4). Three land use scenarios were produced
vides options, it does not offer enough flexibility to support using selected inputs, including the likelihood of change, the
decision-making in rapidly changing contexts with poor legis- different kind of physical and environmental factors that influ-
lation enforcement, such as in Myanmar. The evolving eco- ence change and the quantity of change under different sce-
nomic, social and political context of the Dawei road link narios (McKenzie et al., 2012). In the “limited” and “more” land
requires an alternative approach to typical scenario modeling use conversion scenarios, expanding frontiers of deforesta-
(Alcamo, 2008). As described below, WWF and HKU under- tion are primarily concentrated around existing and planned
took several alternative approaches, both technical and roads and settlements. In contrast, the “high” land use con-
story-based, to support the sustainable development of the version scenario predicts a future with extensive forest con-
transport corridor and raise community and government version, at a rate similar to those of neighboring countries
awareness of sound environmental and engineering choices. (Helsingen et al., 2015). Future steps for this work would
include using additional participatory approaches to better
In three reports on the planned Dawei road link, WWF and
understand the different inputs, including likelihood and
HKU utilized different yet complementary methods of mod- quantity of change. However, for now they serve as a basis
eling scenarios. The first predicts land use conversion due for decision-making and understanding of different possible
to development and the resulting environmental threats; it futures and implications.
calls for a considered and transparent planning process that
These land use conversion scenarios are complemented with
involves multiple stakeholders. The second offers a toolkit for
a second approach, an illustrated design manual on sustain-
sustainable infrastructure design, construction and mainte-
able road construction techniques and mitigation measures
nance possibilities; it constructs scenarios and their impacts
that provides tools for decision-making across a wide range
for typical sites along the road link. While not scenario-
of stakeholders. The manual outlines sustainable principles
based, the third model was pioneered and used to predict
for the road’s alignment, alternative engineering technologies
multispecies movement patterns and to identify locations for
and road design guidelines specifically for wildlife endemic to
mitigating the road link’s impact on wildlife. the landscape surrounding the road corridor. As part of this
For the first approach, land use conversion was modeled design manual, three typical sites were chosen along the road
using Natural Capital Project’s InVEST (Integrated Valuation link. For each site, the following graphically illustrated sce-
of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) Scenario Generator narios were displayed:
Baseline Plus Three Conversion Scenarios for the Proposed Dawei Road Link
Limited conversion
More conversion
THAILAND High conversion
Dawei road link
Dawei Special boundary
Economic Zone
A n d aman
0 10 20 30 km
Chapter 5 Roads
a business-as-usual engineering approach with no con- proxy for wildlife) might flow—in this case, across a land-
sideration for wildlife or ecological connectivity; scape (McRae et al., 2008). To that end, a multidisciplinary
an upgrade of the current access road using minimal group of landscape planners, computation experts, conser-
construction standards; and vation geographers and wildlife specialists from WWF and
HKU’s network compiled information about individual spe-
an approach demonstrating the combination of “soft”
cies’ habitat preferences with regard to factors such as forest
engineering with vegetation (for slope retention), sustain-
cover, human settlement, rivers and roads, so as to model
able maintenance and mitigation measures for wildlife
individual species’ rates of movement across a landscape.
(Tang and Kelly, 2016).
However, while this technique for mapping critical areas for
These three scenarios were turned into 3D-printed models, wildlife connectivity is well established for single species, it
which are much more effective for communicating the various has frequently proved to be challenging to combine the move-
options for alignment and mitigation measures to lay audi- ment preferences of multiple species and limited in its poten-
ences in stakeholder meetings (see Figure 5.5). tial application to identifying sites for small-scale interventions,
such as wildlife crossings (Brodie et al., 2015; McRae et al.,
Locating Wildlife Crossings for Many Species 2008). To enable modeling multiple species and apply these
Up to this point, WWF and HKU had built an argument for methods to the specific landscapes along the road, the team’s
better planning processes and specified design guidelines landscape designers and computation experts developed a
to encourage and sustain wildlife habitat connectivity, but framework for optimizing identification of wildlife crossing loca-
there were insufficient data on wildlife populations to identify tions along the expected route of the road (Kelly et al., 2016).
crucial sites for mitigation measures that could link the land- Importantly, the final recommendations are flexible enough
scapes north and south of the road link corridor (Kelly et al., to accommodate pragmatic concerns such as alignment
2016). Consequently, the team opted for a modeling method adjustments, engineering options and construction costs,
using techniques that simulate how electric current (as a while still providing enough crossings and maximizing the
Infrastructure Design Scenarios as 3D-Printed Models
Notes: For a single site along the planned Dawei road link, these three models represent potential alignments, construction technologies, mitigation measures
and impacts on surrounding land cover. The models show (a) the developer’s likely alignment; (b) an upgrade of the existing access road; and (c) bioengineering
and wildlife mitigation (Tang and Kelly, 2016).
Multispecies Movement Prediction Modeling
Western Forest
Tanintharyi Nature Complex
Reserve Project
Se a
number of included species. As shown in Figure 5.6, the cross- and-simulation approach, a hybrid of quantitative simula-
ing locations are not merely points, but rather segments tions and qualitative narratives (Alcamo, 2008). For instance,
measuring approximately 1 km in length that can take into the creation of the design manual began with a series of
account local cost engineering and a variety of mitigation specific example sites along the planned Dawei road; each
measures. These measures are outlined for specific wildlife of these sites was then used to develop potential sustaina-
species in the accompanying design manual and are intended ble engineering principles that could be useful along the
for the identified critical corridors, as well as mitigation strat- entire route. In the end, these options were catalogued to
egies and sustainable construction technologies along the provide a useful set of tools and recommendations. For the
length of the Dawei road link. land use conversion scenarios, as an example of a story-
Analytical modeling is most effective when decision-makers— and-simulation approach, technical modeling was coupled
who are often non-specialists—are able to understand the with narratives of environmental destruction and economic
principles and factors involved. The Dawei road link com- loss, each of which fed back into the other and demonstrated
bines “design thinking,” which encourages scenario building the decision-making processes—not necessarily the factors—
with iterative approaches to problem solving, and the story- that were critical to the desired outcome.
Chapter 5 Roads
Wildlife and Ecosystem Services in the Infrastructure planning—especially with regard to infrastructure—and for
Development Process greater coordination both horizontally among ministries and
In 2015, the government of Myanmar formally adopted EIA vertically within national bodies.
procedures (Thant, 2016). This was an important step
towards better environmental management in the country. Last Resort: Offsetting Impact
However, these procedures do not incorporate specific guide- Finally, as a last resort, options for offsetting or compensating
lines for different sectors, which would ensure that design, for impact are under development. In April 2016, WWF showed
construction and mitigation measures are accounted for in the road developer an initial scoping study for one option
both the EIA and the environmental management plan (ECD, concerning a financial mechanism that could support sus-
2016; MCRB, 2016). The Ministry of Construction recently tainable management of forests north and south of the pro-
formed an environmental safeguards division, a sign of more posed Dawei road link. The road developer subsequently
sector-level attention that may be able to mainstream eco- requested a suite of options for a financial mechanism.
system services and wildlife considerations at the national According to WWF’s initial assessments, the forests north
level. Moreover, public participation guidelines for consulta- and south of the road provide important sediment retention
tions are under development, as is a system for the formal services that would protect planned bridges from damage
sharing of EIAs with the public.11 Ideally, these efforts will and scouring.12
improve consultations and access to EIAs, which currently
Considering the large amount of rainfall this region receives
lack transparency.
over short periods of time, the forests play a crucial role in
Nevertheless, in the EIA undertaken by the Dawei road link regulating water and reducing the risk of floods and land-
developer—ITALTHAI, Thailand’s largest engineering and slides. Erosion modeling undertaken by WWF in 2015 shows
construction company (ITALTHAI, n.d.)—the sections on a number of sections at high risk from landslides (see Figure
biodiversity and ecosystems are far from adequate. Perhaps 5.7). Investing in the management of forest ecosystems
most flagrantly, the EIA does not include biodiversity sur- adjacent to the road will help sustain the provision of ser-
veys for the area and only sets aside a very small amount of vices and reduce maintenance costs, while simultaneously
the budget for addressing negative environmental impacts.
reducing impacts from soil erosion and floods on surround-
In response, WWF provided constructive criticism directly to
ing communities and ensuring the long-term integrity of the
the road developer and the EIA consultant. The three reports
landscape. At the time of writing, further studies to identify
by WWF and HKU were also presented to the Myanmar
a set of design options for a financial mechanism were to be
EIA review committee and to the relevant ministries of the
presented to the road developer. Until then, consultations with
Myanmar government on several occasions, in efforts to
communities and civil society are necessary to understand
encourage sector-specific guidelines for infrastructure nation-
the immediate needs of local people.
ally. At meetings and during capacity building initiatives,
WWF presented Helsingen et al.’s A Better Road to Dawei
Conclusions and Lessons Learned
and ongoing work on the design of mitigation measures to
Dawei University and several government agencies, including Having emerged in response to the Yadana pipeline case
the Ministries of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development; and gained experience in frequent cross-border exchanges
Environmental Conservation and Forestry; Construction; with Thai counterparts, civil society in Tanintharyi has
Agriculture; and Planning. remained protest-oriented (ERI, 2009). Local groups seldom
seek or accept collaborations with international NGOs. Their
Building Capacity and Increasing Awareness overall position regarding the DSEZ and Dawei road link fre-
quently incorporates both rejection and acceptance, exempli-
To support capacity building on how to plan, design and con-
fying Harvey and Knox’s definition of an “impossible public”
struct more sustainable roads, WWF facilitated attendance
(Harvey and Knox, 2015).
at conferences and organized a workshop for reviewers of
EIAs from Myanmar’s Ministry of Natural Resources and In practice, Tanintharyi’s civil society has claimed that much
Environmental Conservation, as well as the Ministries of of WWF and HKU’s work has aided the developer and
Transport and Construction. In addition, in September 2015, argued “for the road”; however, this team did not see the com-
WWF, HKU and Stanford University’s Natural Capital Project parative advantage of arguing from a singular or “protest”-
took 19 regional government officials from nine departments oriented stance. A more suitable approach is to suggest
on a field visit to the project area to support their under- alternative options and innovative solutions that would help
standing of the connections between the environment, people mitigate and negotiate impacts. Opaque development plans,
and infrastructure. Government officials discussed what including a non-public EIA, also required more innovative
changes could be observed in the landscape, what factors approaches. Given this position, the team’s efforts were
were driving those changes, and how impacts might be developed to simultaneously offer toolkits in the form of
addressed and mitigated to better protect forests and veg- future land change scenarios, design and construction sce-
etation and prevent soil erosion and landslides along the narios, and wildlife prediction modeling to influence and build
road. This visit highlighted the need for integrated land use capacity with the national government, the local government,
Modeled Areas or “Servicesheds” that Impact the Proposed Dawei Road Link through
Erosion and Landslides
N Low
Dawei road link Serviceshed extent
(proposed)* Bridge locations* Sediment export
Protected areas (sized relative to bridge change‡ within
Population centers serviceshed sediment servicesheds
International boundary export change‡) High
* Road link alignment and ‡Change represents the difference in sediment export
bridge locations derived between baseline and “all-agriculture” land cover,
based on developer technical multiplied by the number of bridges impacted.
drawings and reports. Visualized using standard deviation.
Tanintharyi Nature
Reserve Project
Western Forest
0 10 20 30 km
civil society and the road developer. These tools are foremost practices. However opportunistic, the scope of these efforts
intended to influence upstream planning, yet with enough is also chosen to move beyond the uncoordinated and often
geographic, physical and technical description and flexibil- competitive nature of NGO work in the region. Importantly,
ity to negotiate infrastructural implementation in the absence given many competing and overlapping interests, they have
of strong governance and environmental legislation. not explicitly delineated areas for more traditional conserva-
Construction on the Dawei road link is anticipated to continue tion planning. Nor have they incorporated social and cultural
in 2018, as it has “continued” with or without necessary knowledge into the process; the work remains largely within
approvals, ambiguous land rights and tentative investment the technical and environmental silos. Nevertheless, these
since agreements were signed between Myanmar and studies and toolkits help support a multitude of stakeholders
Thailand in 2008. While it is too early to tell whether WWF in their different objectives. Critical to success for biodiversity
and HKU‘s spatially explicit strategies, designs and recom- conservation is flexibility, not only for land use and infrastruc-
mendations will be effective or implemented by the Thai ture planning, but also so that diverse stakeholders may
road developer, in all likelihood they will suffice to inform civil appropriate these tools for their own use in securing ecologi-
society and the government of alternative and sustainable cal connectivity across the region.
Chapter 5 Roads
CASE STUDY 5.3 in wild meat and young orphaned chimpanzees is thriving
locally, regionally and across the DRC’s borders, in the
Conservation in the DRC: Road Rehabilitation Central African Republic and South Sudan. The situation is
and the Bili–Uélé Protected Area Complex compounded by an increase in human encroachment,
growing social conflict and small groups of presumed Lord’s
Resistance Army members terrorizing communities in the
Aspiration 1 of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 envisions a region (Gauvey Herbert, 2017; Hicks et al., 2010; LRA Crisis
“prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustain- Tracker, 2016; Spittaels and Hilgert, 2010). The artisanal
able development” (AU, 2015, p. 2). As part of that aspiration, gold and diamond mining industries are also extensive,
the agenda pictures a continent on which “[c]ities and other especially in the western area of the BUPAC (Hicks and van
settlements are hubs of cultural and economic activities, Boxel, 2010). While biodiversity in the complex previously
with modernized infrastructure, and people have access to seemed secured by the area’s inaccessibility, this growing
[. . .] the basic necessities of life” (pp. 2–3). It goes on to visu- human encroachment—together with poor governance and
alize “Africa’s unique natural endowments, its environment law enforcement—has contributed to its depletion.
and ecosystems, including its wildlife and wild lands [as]
In 2014, the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) and the Con
healthy, valued and protected, with climate resilient econo-
golese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICCN) conducted
mies and communities” (p. 3).
a scoping mission in the region to support conservation
The continent is indeed experiencing a dramatic growth in action. The study resulted in a conservation and securitization
infrastructure development, a process that is often accom- program initiated by AWF, Maisha Consulting and ICCN in a
panied by serious, irreversible environmental changes core area of the BUPAC—the Bili–Mbomu Forest Savanna
(Laurance et al., 2015b). Donors and policymakers are Mosaic—which covers about 11,000 km² (1.1 million ha) (AWF,
increasingly aware of the need to factor in environmental 2015, 2016). Over the first year, 25 newly selected and trained
considerations at the onset of an infrastructure development rangers conducted reconnaissance walks covering more
project. In contrast, some current policies and guidelines than 2,000 km. Having georeferenced and destroyed about
appear to be lagging behind the growing intention to avoid 100 hunting camps, they were able to confirm that poachers
causing a net loss to biodiversity, and perhaps to advance had a substantial presence throughout the protected area.14
conservation goals in the process. In 2016, AWF and ICCN signed a co-management agree-
This case study examines the Pro-Routes project, a major ment to strengthen management of the protected area
road rehabilitation undertaking in the DRC that triggered the (AWF, 2016; Ondoua Ondoua et al., 2017). Without adequate
World Bank’s strictest environmental safeguards (see Box protection and conservation action, further losses to biodiver-
5.1 and Annex VI). In particular, this study considers the sity are inevitable.
523 km Kisangani–Bondo segment, the RN4, which is certain
to have an impact on the Bili–Uélé Protected Area Complex The Need for Infrastructure and the Birth of the
(BUPAC) (see Figure 5.8). Pro-Routes Project
In early 2000, the transport sector of the DRC was in a very
A Brief Description of the BUPAC poor state. Following a decade of conflicts and a quasi-
For the purposes of this study, the BUPAC comprises the absence of management, the formerly operational, multi-
Bili–Uélé Hunting Domain (32,748 km²/3.3 million ha), a par- modal transport network—which integrated roads, railways
tial faunal reserve with low protection status, and the Bomu and waterways nationwide—had collapsed. The majority of
Faunal Reserve (10,667 km²/1.1 million ha).13 With an area of roads were impassable, including more than 90% of the
more than 43,000 km² (4.3 million ha), this complex is the estimated 58,000 km national and provincial network (World
largest contiguous protected area in the DRC. Yet, very little Bank, 2008).
is known about it and, until recently, no conservation organi- This situation has exacerbated rural poverty, particularly by
zations were working in the landscape and no protected area impairing communities’ access to social services and mar-
management was being undertaken. kets. More generally, it has hindered post-conflict economic
The IUCN has identified the BUPAC as one of the most critical recovery. In response, the government has strongly empha-
chimpanzee conservation units, as it harbors an estimated sized the critical importance of investing in transport infra-
20,000 endangered eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes structure. It has presented a solid, well-maintained network
schweinfurthii). These individuals account for about half the as key to supporting the growth of the two pillars of the
DRC’s population and one of Africa’s largest contiguous country’s economy—the agriculture and extractive industry
populations (Hicks et al., 2010; Plumptre et al., 2010). sectors—and to fostering trade at the national and regional
The BUPAC is remote and the few existing roads are barely levels (World Bank, 2008).
accessible by car, if at all. Despite the near absence of infra- In 2004, the European Commission and the World Bank
structure and low human densities, the threats to biodiversity jointly created an infrastructure unit—the Cellule Infra
are high; hunting and poaching have spread and illegal trade structures (CI)—as a financially autonomous body under the
The Pro-Routes Project and the Bili–Uélé Protected Area Complex (BUPAC)
Deforestation, Major road CENTRAL
2001–15 Minor road
Provincial AFRICAN
boundary REPUBLIC
Bili–Mbomu Provincial
Forest Savanna capital
Mosaic Town
Zemio rve
omu B o mu Faunal
B il
i Bili Ango Uélé
Bondo Uélé
Bas-Uélé Titule
RN6 Buta
ing Domain
M oonnggaal a
la Hu t
OF CONGO Banalia
Ts h o p o
0 25 50 km Kisangani
authority responsible for infrastructure development, the the ministry, including capacity building. It also oversees the
DRC’s Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Recon Pro-Routes project, which DFID initiated in 2005 (World
struction. CI provides institutional and technical support to Bank, 2008).
Chapter 5 Roads
The main objective of the Pro-Routes project is to “re-estab- 20% increase in deforestation, primarily within a 2-km radius
lish lasting access between the provincial capital and districts, of the targeted road segments, and largely close to urban
and districts and territories [. . .] in a way that is sustainable centers such as Buta and Kisangani (Damania et al., 2016).
for people and the natural environment” (World Bank, 2008, The national roads that were identified for rehabilitation in
p. 7). To support the project’s implementation, DFID, together 2007—the RN4, the RN6 extension and the RN5—account
with the International Development Association, created a for about 1,800 km within a 9,135-km-long target network
multi-donor trust fund administered by the World Bank. In (World Bank, 2008; see Figure 5.9). Importantly, the RN4
2008, agencies contributed US$123 million to this funding crosses the Rubi-Télé Hunting Domain; at its northern end,
mechanism and to finance the rehabilitation of selected road it stops at Bondo town, just before reaching the Bili–Uélé
segments (World Bank, 2008). Hunting Domain of the BUPAC. The most severe negative
In the phase of upstream planning, the stakeholders concluded impact on the environment is thus expected in the Rubi-Télé
that the rehabilitation of existing roads would be the most protected area, which is already severely degraded, with
economical and timesaving approach. The existing network only 5–25 surviving elephants and virtually no ICCN presence
had already reflected patterns of human activities, as cor- (Hart, 2014; Thouless et al., 2016). As the BUPAC is consid-
roborated by deforestation trends in 2001–15 (see Figure 5.8). ered the most biodiverse protected area in the region, it is the
Upgrading the network is expected to lead to a typical 10%– focus of this case study.
RN 4
Major road R
ronmental and social management, or BEGES) (DFID, 2010).
Faunal reserve
The task of BEGES was to provide ICCN and the ministry
Hunting reserve ZAMBIA
Other protected with technical, operational and financial assistance to man-
area Haut- Kasomeno
Katanga age natural ecosystems and enforce related regulations and
boundary Lubumbashi laws with regard to wildlife and protected areas, as outlined
Provincial in the PAD (World Bank, 2008). In accordance with the pro-
boundary ject’s classification under the World Bank’s safeguard policy,
capital CI recruited experts for an environmental and social advisory
Town FOUNDATION panel (ESAP), which was to provide guidance with respect
to the management of environmental and social aspects (see
Data sources: UNEP–WCMC and IUCN, 2017; WRI and MECNT, 2010 Annex VI).
BOX 5.1 fragmentation, altered drainage patterns and wildlife road kills.
Induced impacts result from human activities that are made
The World Bank Infrastructure possible by new or improved roads, through improved access
Development Imperative to remote areas; these impacts include new settlements,
deforestation, logging and hunting of vulnerable species.
A Low Infrastructure Baseline
The most important planning decision available to address
When it comes to infrastructure, Africa lags behind the rest
both direct and induced impacts of road development is
of the world on almost every development metric. The region
careful site selection. In most cases, the World Bank requires
has the lowest road density and levels of electrification, and
that new roads—and major upgrades of existing ones—be
few of its urban dwellers have access to piped drinking water
located so as to avoid areas of high biodiversity value,
or adequate sanitation (Foster and Briceño-Garmendia,
including ape habitats. The one “special case” exception to
2010). At the same time, the infrastructure deficit is set to
this rule occurs when a road to a protected area might be
worsen with a burgeoning population that is expected to double
supported by conservation authorities because it would
by about 2050 (UN Population Division, 2017). Infrastructure
allow for improved management or sustainable tourism. By
development, including the provision of electricity, safe drink-
avoiding remote forested areas where apes reside, new and
ing water and transportation, is widely recognized as essential
improved roads are likely to benefit larger numbers of people
to reducing extreme poverty. It is also fundamental to achiev-
by traversing more densely settled rural areas.
ing sustainable development and boosting shared prosperity.
Approaches that consider potential road impacts at the very
outset of the planning process enable decision-makers to
The Challenge
steer development away from biodiversity hotspots towards
In Africa, as elsewhere, infrastructure investments undertaken areas where benefits can be maximized and adverse impacts
carelessly or without consideration of potential externalities can largely avoided (see Box 1.6). The tools now exist to conduct
be counterproductive and undermine many of the sources detailed assessments of likely road impacts; some were pio-
of growth and livelihood in an economy. Evidence suggests neered in a recent analysis in the DRC (Barra et al., 2016).
that in Africa, where poverty is predominantly a rural phenom- These tools offer a standardized and scientific way of
enon, the very poorest are the most dependent on forests for assessing the environmental risks of an infrastructure invest-
their livelihoods. In most cases, the poorest quintile derive more ment, while also offering alternatives that may be equally
income from forests and the commons than from agricul- beneficial, but less risky. A number of biodiversity-related
ture. An immediate implication is that forest income deserves databases—including the A.P.E.S. Portal, the Digital Observa
at least as much attention from policymakers and at the pro- tory for Protected Areas (DOPA) and Integrated Biodiversity
ject level as other sources of income. Neglect of such a sig- Assessment Tool (IBAT)16—provide easily accessible infor-
nificant component of economic value to the poor inevitably mation on the locations of ape habitats and other important
compromises the effectiveness of poverty reduction policies biodiversity areas. In planning roads and other infrastruc-
(Anderson et al., 2006b; Angelsen et al., 2014; Byron and ture, a landscape approach is the most effective way to con-
Arnold, 1999; IUCN, 2016d). sider ape habitats within and outside of protected areas, as
Environmental and natural resources contribute to economic well as the potential connectivity between them.
well-being and the ability to fight poverty sustainably. In that Dams. In many African countries, hydroelectric and other
sense, they play a pivotal role in development, one that can- dams are considered a key source of low-carbon electricity,
not be done justice if they are treated as mere afterthoughts potable water for cities and towns, and irrigation water to sus-
in the development dialog (PROFOR, 2012; Sunderlin, Dewi tain agriculture (see Chapter 6). As with roads, site selection
and Puntodewo, 2007). Renewable natural resources in Africa of dams is extremely important for avoiding and minimizing
merit particular scrutiny since the continent’s poor are espe- harm to apes and other biodiversity. A single proposed
cially dependent on them.
hydroelectric dam in Guinea, for instance, could adversely
affect a major stronghold of the critically endangered western
Biodiversity Implications chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus), unlike other dams in the
With respect to biodiversity in general and ape conservation same river system.
in particular, investments in two types of infrastructure—roads In some cases, dam projects can further conservation goals
and dams—are especially relevant.15 through biodiversity offsets. For example, the World Bank-
Roads. In the process of connecting people—including the supported Lom Pangar Hydropower Project in Cameroon
rural poor—with markets and services, roads are of funda- involved the establishment and on-the-ground strengthening
mental importance. Ideally, they help to reduce poverty and of Deng Deng National Park, which protects an important
stimulate economic development; in practice, however, population of the western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla
these goals are not always achieved (see Chapter 2, p. 60). gorilla) (Ledec and Johnson, 2016; see Case Study 6.1).
In sensitive locations, roads that are built or upgraded without Many dams depend on the conservation of upper catchment
adequate precautions can threaten apes and other biodiversity areas for their long-term functioning; that dependence pro-
through their direct and induced (indirect) impacts. Direct vides an important incentive for conserving upland forests and
impacts involve the footprint of the road itself, including forest other natural habitats. Well-managed hydroelectric and water
Chapter 5 Roads
supply dams also generate annual revenues, a fraction Assessments and Recommendations
of which can be devoted to recurrent costs of managing By establishing four posts on the Buta–Kisangani road to
associated conservation areas. control the illegal wild meat trade, BEGES immediately
Besides proper site selection and design, building infra- initiated implementation of the recommendations for-
structure that is biodiversity-friendly means paying close mulated by the environmental and social management
attention to the construction practices used (see Box 6.1). framework and the PAD. Another ESIA for the 125 km
The loss and degradation of natural habitats can be min- section connecting Dulia to Bondo was carried out
imized through the establishment and enforcement of between 2012 and 2013. In addition, WWF and the con-
strong environmental rules for contractors (see Box 1.6), sultancy TEREA released a study of Pro-Routes’ impact
especially if these are reflected in the bidding documents on protected areas (WWF and TEREA, 2014). These stud-
and contracts for large infrastructure projects. Particularly ies resulted in the development of a two-fold approach.
important for apes and other wildlife are strict prohibi- The first element of the approach—the “emergency
tions on hunting, wildlife capture and the purchase of intervention package”—focused on poaching, which was
wild meat by all contractors and construction workers. expected to increase in the western part of the BUPAC
due to the rehabilitation of the nearby RN4. The proposed
Getting It Right wildlife conservation activities required technical and
Since much of Africa has yet to develop a basic infra- financial support to ICCN for improved anti-poaching
structure stock, there is potential for the process to be measures in priority areas within the BUPAC, and sup-
undertaken with due concern for the conservation of port to communities to reduce dependence on the pro-
apes and other biodiversity, while avoiding many of the tected area. The latter component included the creation
of a local development fund, awareness building and
environmental mistakes that have often been made in
improved coordination between ICCN and communities
other parts of the world. Getting it right will require more
living adjacent to the BUPAC’s priority areas (WWF and
focused attention to biodiversity than has been the case
TEREA, 2014).
to date in many countries.
The second element—the “priority action plan”—pro-
The World Bank’s commitment to biodiversity conser-
vided guidance on how to implement an ICCN-led par-
vation as an integral part of infrastructure development
ticipatory process to assess the BUPAC’s status and
is underpinned by its safeguard policies, particularly the
revise the land use planning and management of the
Natural Habitats Operational Policy (OP) 4.04 and Forests
complex. The adjusted management objectives, govern-
OP 4.36 (World Bank, 2013b, 2013c). In July 2016, the
ance mechanisms and spatial delimitation of the protected
Bank’s board of executive directors approved a new
area complex would then be outlined in a management
Environmental and Social Framework, which will go into
plan for the BUPAC. This design phase was established
full effect in 2018; this framework includes Environ
as a key step towards the effective management of the
mental and Social Standard 6 on biodiversity conser-
complex over time (WWF and TEREA, 2014).
vation and sustainable management of living natural
resources (World Bank, 2017; World Bank, n.d.-d). The Although WWF and TEREA strongly recommended the
International Finance Corporation—the Bank’s private implementation of the full two-fold approach for the
sector affiliate—already operates under the very similar BUPAC, CI only prioritized the emergency intervention
Performance Standard 6 on biodiversity conservation package. In author interviews, stakeholders suggested
and sustainable management of living natural resources that BEGES had insufficient funding available for the
(IFC, 2012c). Beyond these mandatory environmental implementation of the priority action plan, but this study
standards, the World Bank Group’s Forest Action Plan was not able to corroborate this assessment.17
for 2016–20 seeks to ensure that forests—including
ape habitats—are effectively integrated within national Implementation and Evaluation
development planning efforts and that new infrastructure From an economic perspective, the road rehabilitation
investments follow a “forest-smart” approach to avoid project provided the expected benefits for users. Travel
or minimize any adverse impacts (World Bank, 2016a). time between Kisangani and Buta was reduced from
Balancing economic growth with environmental protec- 3–4 weeks by bicycle to six hours by car, and correspond-
tion is a challenge faced by every nation on earth. There ing travel costs plummeted. In towns along the road, the
is growing recognition that degrading natural resources knock-on effects were immediate: the price of fuel fell
for short-term economic gain is ultimately a counter- by 50%, that of salt by 30% (World Bank, 2016d).18
productive strategy that can undermine development Data are more elusive when it comes to evaluating the
and growth. Recent technological advances have made implementation of the mitigation measures designed to
available the information and analytical tools needed to minimize environmental and social impacts of the Pro-
avoid damage while harnessing and maximizing the net Routes project on the BUPAC. The safeguard policies,
economic benefits of infrastructure development. The recommendations and management approaches seem
challenge lies in ensuring that governments, donors and like a promising blueprint for the implementation of such
policymakers use these tools to make better-informed measures. In the event, however, CI did not formally
and more effective decisions. approve the approaches until after construction was
well under way. In fact, the rehabilitation of the Kisangani– project recommendations and AWF requested that BEGES
Buta and Buta–Dulia road sections was completed in 2013, finance the implementation of local development plans and
six months before WWF and TEREA’s recommendations were community-based management of natural resources, funding
approved (Radio Okapi, 2013).19 was not provided by the Pro-Routes project.21
Moreover, this study uncovered limited evidence that the
mitigation measures were actually being applied. Road check- Conclusion
points are the only visible sign of such activity, but the staff Nowadays, the availability of economic data and georefer-
does not appear to keep organized records. Beyond that, no enced information on forest cover renders upstream planning
reports or evidence is seemingly available on the implementa- both feasible and cost-effective (Damania et al., 2016). At its
tion of the emergency intervention package. In author interviews, inception, the Pro-Routes project involved sound upstream
various stakeholders indicated that ongoing activities included planning that took account of potential environmental and
anti-poaching patrols, meetings with local communities and social impacts of infrastructure development and identified
collaboration with community-based organizations, yet none options for the rehabilitation of habitat. Reinforcing this process,
of these assertions is supported by verifiable reports, nor were the World Bank’s safeguard policies called for thorough envi-
such activities evident on the ground during this review. ronmental and social impact assessments and recommenda-
In the absence of empirical evidence, it is difficult to confirm tions for the mitigation of adverse effects on the landscape.
whether mitigation strategies are being implemented as In practice, however, these efforts have not yielded verifiable
intended and, if they are, whether they are effective. The environmental mitigation measures within the reviewed aspects
project-wide lack of transparency may be partially attribut- of the Pro-Routes project. On the whole, efforts to mitigate
able to the insular nature of the organizations in charge of over- the impacts of the project lagged behind the roadwork, if
seeing the mitigation strategies. As discussed, CI delegated they were undertaken at all. This study found no evidence
assessment and implementation responsibilities to a consul- that BEGES and ICCN actually implemented the emergency
tancy firm, which took on the role of BEGES. In turn, BEGES intervention package, which had initially been prioritized for
delegated the responsibility for implementation to govern- action; nor did this study identify verifiable reasons that
ment institutions, such as ICCN. BEGES was also tasked might explain why the priority action plan was not selected
with contracting “an experienced and independent NGO of for implementation. In the end, neither component of the two-
international renown” to work alongside the ESAP, in line with pronged approach was pursued even though the goals of each
the PAD recommendation. This step was not taken for reasons dovetailed with those of the Pro-Routes project. The road
that remain unclear but that may be linked to capacity con- checkpoints remain the most visible concrete action, yet
straints or conflicting priorities (World Bank, 2008, p. 12). As evidence as to their impact and effectiveness is limited. The
a result, BEGES was relegated to playing an intermediary role results of this case study thus reveal that upstream planning
between government institutions, and was limited to facili- alone is not sufficient to ensure effective, timely and coordi-
tating the transfer of statements between the implementing nated implementation of mitigation measures.
and directing agencies, CI, ICCN and the World Bank. The study also demonstrates that the input of external environ-
A major weakness in the execution of this project, identified mental experts can be invaluable. In this case, AWF and Maisha
during the research for this case study, concerns the inertia Consulting joined forces with ICCN, launching a conservation
exhibited by BEGES. The unit was charged with the implemen- and securitization program that is contributing to the objectives
tation of the full array of policies and recommendations, both of the Pro-Routes project—albeit without its financial support.
environmental and social. The wide diversity of expertise If Pro-Routes had been developed as outlined in the PAD,
required to carry out this work would be difficult to gather in BEGES—or a specialized conservation NGO contracted by
any single organization. Had BEGES solicited the input of a BEGES—would have provided ICCN with technical, opera-
range of specialized organizations to implement specific aspects tional and financial assistance to manage natural ecosystems
of the project, as initially envisioned, it could potentially have and to enforce related regulations and laws with regard to
served as the linchpin of effective implementation (see Box 1.6). wildlife and protected areas. In reality, AWF played a role that
Meanwhile, AWF, ICCN and Maisha Consulting successfully BEGES should have played or facilitated, and financed.
followed the two-fold approach recommended by WWF and This examination of the Pro-Routes project shows that the
TEREA in implementing their conservation and securitization modernization of infrastructure and the protection of biodiver-
program in the BUPAC’s Bili–Mbomu Forest Savanna Mosaic. sity in Africa—focal points of Aspiration 1 of Agenda 2063—
The project prioritized technical, operational and financial require more than the establishment of goals and institutions,
support to ICCN for improved anti-poaching measures in and more than upstream planning and donor funding. The
identified priority areas. Largely in line with the priority action implementation of recommendations to reduce the negative
plan, AWF and ICCN also conducted a participatory land use impacts of such development projects calls for relevant exper-
planning process for the affected region, including the BUPAC, tise and capacity, a clear allocation of tasks, continuous
in 2016. AWF provided the technical and financial support monitoring and recordkeeping, and the prioritization of envi-
for staff selection, capacity strengthening, ecological monitor- ronmental and social considerations by all stakeholders. In
ing and anti-poaching efforts, the creation and operation of a this context, the potential contributions of external conserva-
steering committee, and baseline data collection (AWF, 2016).20 tion organizations cannot be overstated, regardless of whether
Although these activities overlapped with the Pro-Routes they work in parallel or jointly with state structures.
Chapter 5 Roads
vation goals, which may also compete with building that knowledge is conducting and
Only if decision- the need to ensure the welfare of affected
disseminating state- and country-wide
makers understand communities. The studies demonstrate that
assessments of natural capital, biodiversity
the various economic, the sustainable development of roads can
and ecosystem services needed by local
social and environ- not be addressed by state or subnational
people. Such analysis allows stakeholders
mental benefits and governments alone. Active and sustained
to consider potential cumulative impacts of
costs of a project participation by various stakeholders is
various projects, along with their viability.
can they take necessary to safeguard the environment and
A range of tools can be deployed to
informed planning ensure equitable planning and implemen
enhance our understanding of the risks and
decisions. tation of large infrastructure projects.
costs to the environment and society, includ
Specifically, this chapter highlights the
ing well-targeted scenario modeling. Also
importance of advocacy by local and inter
relevant is ongoing monitoring and evalu
national NGOs in Nigeria, civil society
ation of impacts and mitigation measures,
engagement with industry and government
as these activities permit stakeholders to
actors in Myanmar, and the inclusion of
respond to infrastructure development plans
specialized agencies in the planning and
with suitable, evidence-based actions or
implementation of mitigation measures in
the DRC. All case studies underscore the adjustments. By presenting varied and cost-
relevance of advocating for the integration effective solutions, an evidence-based
of ecosystem and wildlife considerations approach can help developers and policy
into the planning and design of roads. In makers plan and build more sustainable
the case of Myanmar, the inclusion of civil roads. Conservation actors therefore have a
society early in the planning process allowed role to play in ensuring adequate scientific
for engagement with engineers and the data are available to inform action. However,
production of multiple designs. This type unless political actors and decision-makers
of exploration may not have been fostered prioritize environmental considerations,
had conservationists not introduced environ conservation organizations will be left to rely
mental constraints prior to construction. The on financial institution safeguards, and reg
chapter also emphasizes that the building ulations around impact assessments, to pre
of relationships with local civil society groups vent biodiversity from being marginalized
requires respect and time, especially if there in large-scale infrastructure developments.
is a history of mistrust, as in Thanintharyi.
This chapter also demonstrates the var
ious options for such advocacy, which ulti Acknowledgments
mately relies on effective communication
Principal authors: Andrew Dunn,22 Jef Dupain,23
through a variety of channels. These include Hanna Helsingen,24 Ashley Scott Kelly,25 Cyril Pélissier,26
the media, direct engagement with govern Helga Rainer27 and Dorothy Tang28
ment officials and developers, and the pres Contributors: Hans Bekker, Nirmal Bhagabati, Ashley
entation of land use conversion scenarios Brooks, Isaac Ho Wan Chiu, Grant Connette, Nicholas
to raise awareness of how infrastructure Cox, Richard Damania, IENE (Infra Eco Network
Europe), Lazaros Georgiadis, Thomas Gray, Elke Hahn, and other species. These topics are examined in
HKU, George Ledec, Lisa Mandle, Natural Capital State of the Apes volumes 1 and 2.
Project, Kity Tsz Yung Pang, Smithsonian Institution, 16 For details on these databases, see European
Paing Soe, Robert Steinmetz, Amanda Ton, Joseph Commission (n.d.), IBAT (n.d.) and Max Planck
Vattakaven, A. Christy Williams, Stacie Wolny, World Institute (n.d.-a).
Bank and WWF
17 Author interviews with CI, ICCN and World Bank
Case Study 5.1: Andrew Dunn representatives, DRC, 2016.
Case Study 5.2: Ashley Scott Kelly, Hanna Helsingen 18 Author interviews with AWF field staff, CI and
and Dorothy Tang ICCN representatives, and community represent
Case Study 5.3: Jef Dupain and Cyril Pélissier atives, DRC, 2016–17.
Text Box 5.1: Richard Damania and George Ledec 19 Author interviews with ICCN and World Bank
Annex VI: Jef Dupain and Cyril Pélissier representatives, DRC, 2016.
Reviewers: Miriam Goosem, Ben Phalan and 20 Internal project reports and 2015 AWF project
Kate Newman report to Global Forest Watch, reviewed by the
21 Project correspondence and internal project reports
reviewed by the authors.
Endnotes 22 WCS (
1 This case study is adapted and updated from Dunn 23 AWF (
(2016) and Dunn and Imong (2017). 24 WWF Myanmar (
2 Copy of the letter reviewed by the author. 25 HKU (
3 Copy of the letter reviewed by the author. 26 Independent consultant.
4 Copy of the letter reviewed by the author. 27 Arcus Foundation (
5 EIA reviewed by the author. 28 HKU (
6 EIA reviewed by the author.
7 The letter from WCS to the Federal Ministry of
Environment was written by the author and he
reviewed the government’s response.
8 Based on author observations of multispectral
imagery and orthophotos acquired in 2013 and
9 Based on author meetings with authorities and the
road developer, Bangkok, Thailand, 2015; Dawei,
Myanmar, 2015; and Naypyidaw, Myanmar, 2015.
10 Author interviews with the road developer, Bang
kok, Thailand, 2015; author review of unpublished
technical documents.
11 Author interviews with authorities, Naypyidaw,
Myanmar, September 2016.
12 The WWF assessments were not published but
were presented to local stakeholders in Septem
ber 2016.
13 Experts disagree as to the precise area encom
passed by the BUPAC. This study relies most heav
ily on WRI and MECNT (2010).
14 Internal project reports and 2015 AWF project
report to Global Forest Watch, all reviewed by the
15 The extractive industries and industrial agricul
ture are also key drivers of habitat loss for apes
Chapter 5 Roads
Photo: Dam construction tends to have substantial environmental and social ramifications. Grand Poubara dam, Gabon. © Marie-Claire Paiz/TNC 166
For thousands of years, humans around the
world have been constructing dam-like
structures to impound water for drinking
and irrigation, to retain and control flood
waters, to provide hydroelectric power, to
allow for recreational amenities, and for
various other purposes (Willems and Van
Schaik, 2015). Yet, all too often, developers
and regulators fail to consider the collec-
tive environmental, social and economic
impacts of building dams, including the
displacement of communities and the loss of
ecosystem function and services (Babbitt,
2002; Poff et al., 1997; Stanley and Doyle,
2003; WCD, 2000).
In 2000, the World Commission on Dams
estimated that 40 to 80 million humans had
This chapter provides a review of the associated with them; in turn, the roads
projected expansion of hydropower and facilitate access to habitats, thus ena-
the potential effects associated with the pro- bling more widespread poaching and
liferation of dams, including the impact on other indirect impacts.
apes and their habitat. It presents an initial Hydropower development is likely to
estimate of the scope of this impact, assessed impact apes in Asia more significantly
by overlaying projected dam build-out with than in Africa, with gibbons identified
the geographic range of great apes and gib- as particularly vulnerable.
bons. The chapter also features three case
Engagement, sharing knowledge and
studies and a box that highlight best prac-
raising awareness of the potential
tices and strategies for avoiding and miti-
adverse effects of large hydropower and
gating impacts.
other renewable energy projects can
With reference to the Lom Pangar Dam
in Cameroon, the first case study considers help at-risk communities avoid expo-
the challenges of implementing best prac- sure to severe environmental and social
tices designed to protect apes once a project impacts.
shifts from the planning to the construction Cost–benefit analysis is a key step in the
phase. The second case study, which docu- planning phase of every large renewa-
ments recent events in Sarawak, in Malaysian ble energy project, particularly as it can
Borneo, explores how community activism reveal excessive environmental and social
and collaboration between communities costs, issues related to carbon emissions
and scientists can prevent the construction and potential problems regarding deliv-
of destructive dams. These case studies are ery on economic objectives.
complemented by a box that focuses on a The negative environmental and social
system-scale hydropower planning and impacts of dams and other large infra-
design framework—“Hydropower by Design” structure projects are more likely to be
—as a method to fuse planning for energy minimized when their development
and water infrastructure with planning to
planning incorporates a system-scale
maintain or restore environmental and
approach and draws on existing tools
social values. In recognition of the fact that
and processes, including the mitigation
hydropower is not the only form of renew-
able energy production associated with
adverse impacts, this chapter features a final Once dam construction is in progress and
case study on the implications of a proposed mitigation measures have been imple-
geothermal plant in Sumatra’s Leuser mented, ongoing monitoring and man-
Ecosystem, alongside planned hydropower agement of those measures are needed
projects. to verify that they remain effective. Given
The chapter’s key findings include: that both the life of a project and the
attention of financiers tend to be finite,
The negative impacts of dam construc- however, sustaining such activities rep-
tion on apes and their habitats across resents a foreseeable and critical chal-
Africa and Asia are likely to increase over lenge to indefinite conservation.
the coming years. Direct impacts include
habitat fragmentation and loss due to Annex VII presents the reasons for, and
the construction of dams and reservoirs, the ramifications, of the decommissioning
and of the roads and transmission lines of dams.
Global Installed and Projected Hydropower Capacity
Projected completion levels in 2050
Gigawatts (GWs) Under
Total: 1,850 GWs Installed construction Projected
1,000 182
500 997
Installed capacity in 2016 Projected capacity in 2050 0% 50% 100%
Hydropower Development in 2015: Dams Installed, under Construction and Planned
Total GW = 310
Total GW = 215
Total GW = 997
Total GW = 88
Total GW = 1,850
and natural ecosystems, such as wetlands hunting. During construction, major pro-
and forests (WCD, 2000). Perhaps more con- jects require thousands, or even tens of thou-
troversially, large dam development can sands of workers; in tropical forest regions
displace human communities, raising seri- of Southeast Asia and Africa, temporary
ous social justice questions, as those who settlements near dam sites have been asso-
are displaced are often poor and lack polit- ciated with an increase in wild meat hunting
ical influence (Scudder, 2005). Terrestrial (Laurance, Gooseman and Laurance, 2009).
species, such as apes, are directly affected Greenhouse gas emissions. Although
by impoundment; as reservoirs fill up and hydroelectric dams are widely considered a
forests are replaced by open water, animals low-carbon energy option, some reservoirs
who are not killed in the process suffer a produce high emissions of greenhouse gases.
permanent loss of habitat. Further, hydro- Reservoirs produce significant amounts of
power reservoirs can convert previously methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide
passable river channels into impassable bar- when the land is flooded and organic matter
riers for terrestrial apes and other species rots and decays. Large dams2 are the great-
(WCD, 2000). Thus, hydropower dams and est single anthropogenic source of methane,
their reservoirs fragment ape habitat and responsible for roughly 30% of all anthro-
affect dispersal. pogenic methane emissions (Lima et al.,
Impacts on downstream resources. The 2007, p. 201). The thermal, chemical and
impacts of dams on downstream environ- biological conditions in reservoirs in the
mental resources tend to be far greater than tropics lead to higher methane emissions
the upstream impacts, even if they attract than those associated with reservoirs else-
less attention. As human livelihoods and where (Fearnside, 2016a; Lima et al., 2007).
communities are often directly tied to func- Other dam-related greenhouse gas emissions
tioning river ecosystems, downstream envi- are linked to the use of fossil fuels during
ronmental impacts can have considerable site excavation and building materials such
social costs (Richter et al., 2010). Large reser- as concrete in dam construction, land
voirs trap nearly all sediment, except for clearing for reservoirs, resettlement sites,
the smallest grain sizes, thereby disrupting transmission lines and access roads, and the
the delivery of sediment and nutrients to expansion of irrigated agriculture (Houghton
downstream ecosystems, such as floodplains et al., 2012; Pacca and Horvath, 2002).
and deltas (Kondolf, Rubin and Minear, Studies of the impact of hydropower
2014). By altering river flows, dams also projects around the world can be instructive
impair biological processes on which fish, with reference to mitigating effects on great
floodplain forests, and other downstream apes and gibbons. As suggested above, the
species and ecosystems depend. process of impounding a reservoir behind
Impacts due to dam construction. In a hydropower dam involves the conversion
addition to a dam and a reservoir, hydro- of wildlife habitat, such as forest, into open
power development generally requires the water, and thus the direct loss of habitat. In
construction of access roads and transmis- addition, reservoirs fragment blocks of
sion lines, both of which can fragment for- habitat and potentially obstruct dispersal
ests and other habitats, affecting wildlife routes, as has been the case for giant pandas
habitat and movement (Andrews, 1990). (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in China (Zhang
Roads, in particular, facilitate access to pre- et al., 2007). A recent study of connectivity
viously inaccessible areas, leading to an corridors in Brazil shows that roads and
increase in settlement, forest clearing and hydropower reservoirs are among the most
Installed and Future Dams in the Ranges of Great Apes in Africa
Dams planned or
under construction
Installed dams
IUCN great ape
ranges 0 500 1,000 km
In great ape ranges In gibbon ranges
Data sources: IUCN (2016b); Lehner et al. (2011); Zarfl et al. (2015)
CASE STUDY 6.1 and increased access to their once-remote habitat (Dinsi and
Eyebe, 2016). Although Cameroon has made some effort to
The Lom Pangar Hydropower Dam: protect gorillas and chimpanzees—including by creating
Infrastructure and Ape Conservation protected areas such as sanctuaries, reserves and national
in Cameroon parks (Lambi et al., 2012)—the ongoing expansion of indus-
trial agriculture, logging, mining and infrastructure develop-
Introduction ment projects will result in massive losses of habitat unless
Cameroon forms part of the Congo Basin rainforest and is rapid, targeted action is taken.
home to some of the highest biodiversity on the continent. Its In order to achieve its goal of becoming an emerging economy
rich biodiversity, which represents 92% of Africa’s ecosystems, by 2035, Cameroon, a developing and still largely agrarian
includes significant populations of great apes, such as the country, has prioritized infrastructure development. Part of
western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and the central the plan is to add 3,250 km of tarred roads between 2010
chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes), two endangered and 2020, alongside the construction of new railway lines.
species whose habitats are in the rainforest (Republic of Meanwhile, the country aims to reduce the gap between the
Cameroon, 2012). By dispersing seeds and maintaining forest supply and demand for energy through the construction of
health, these “forest gardeners” help to sustain the rich bio- several hydroelectric plants and dams, a heavy fuel thermal
diversity in Cameroon. power plant and a natural gas power station (Republic of
Regardless of their role as keystone species, great ape pop- Cameroon, 2009b, pp. 59, 61–3). Expanding energy genera-
ulations are undergoing a dramatic decline, largely due to tion is central to the government’s ambitions.
poaching, disease and habitat loss, which are driven by Cameroon’s energy deficit is considered a serious impedi-
demands for wild meat, a lack of law enforcement, corruption ment to its economic growth and development. In 2010, the
The Lom Pangar Hydropower Dam and Surrounding Area
Protected area
Road or track
S an
ar Lom
a ga
0 10 20 30 km
country’s total installed electricity capacity—comprising the Wildlife Conservation Society estimated that 300–500
on-grid, self-generation and off-grid—stood below 2,000 MW. gorillas lived inside the DDNP and in an adjacent logging
Hydropower plants accounted for about 73% of the total elec- concession (Live Science, 2011). The DDNP is also home to
tricity produced in Cameroon in 2011, and thermal energy other threatened mammal species, including the central chim-
and solar sources made up some of the remainder. In order to panzee, black colobus (Colobe satanas), elephant (Loxodonta
increase installed hydropower capacity from about 719 MW africana), hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) and giant
in 2010 to 3,000 MW by 2020, the government intends to pangolin (Smutsia gigantea) (Boutot et al., 2005; EDC, 2011b).
invest heavily in the energy sector (Africa–EU Energy Partner When the World Bank agreed to finance the Chad–Cameroon
ship, 2013). The Lom Pangar Hydropower Project (LPHP) oil pipeline in 1998, it insisted that the pipeline be rerouted to
was a critical first step in expanding Cameroon’s energy avoid any impacts on the Deng Deng Forest and its biodiver-
production. This section explores the project’s environmental sity (Dames and Moore, 1997; World Bank, n.d.-c). In fact,
impacts as well as efforts to mitigate them. the potential impacts on the forest are among the reasons
the Bank was reluctant to support the LPHP when Cameroon
The Lom Pangar Dam first sought financing in the early 2000s. At that time, the
Cameroon relies on the LPHP as part of its efforts to provide World Bank requested an environmental and social impact
a long-term solution to its energy supply gap. The primary assessment (ESIA) to ensure that the LPHP would not have
purpose of the LPHP, which is designed to produce a modest adverse effects on the Deng Deng Forest. In its review of the
30 MW of electricity at the dam site, is to regulate the flow ESIA, the Bank cited concerns over potential impacts on great
of the Sanaga River so as to increase and secure year-round apes, especially during the construction phase, because of
power output for two existing downstream dams and an the large number of people expected to move to the area
additional planned dam. While some estimates show that (EDC, 2011a, 2011b).
fewer than 20% of rural Cameroonians have access to elec- In 2012, in a sudden reversal of its earlier position, the World
tricity, the main purpose of the Lom Pangar scheme and the Bank decided to help finance the LPHP even though a portion
dams that it facilitates downstream will not significantly of the Deng Deng Forest would be flooded by the dam’s
enhance rural electrification. Instead, the LPHP is geared reservoir. To offset 3 impacts, the Bank required that the forest’s
towards expansion of the aluminum smelters owned by Rio status be upgraded from a forest reserve to a national park
Tinto, the world’s largest mining company, which receives (World Bank, 2012a, 2012b). The Deng Deng National Park
electricity at preferential rates (Ndobe and Klemm, 2014). was thus created by decree on March 18, 2010; its surface
The management of the Lom Pangar Dam was handed over area, which initially covered 523 km² (52,374 ha), was extended
to the national Electricity Development Corporation in June to 682 km² (68,200 ha) in 2013. The Wildlife Conservation
2017. A second phase that includes the construction of a Society provides technical assistance in the management
30-MW hydropower plant and electrification of 13 localities of the DDNP, based on an ad hoc service contract with
in the East Region is ongoing (BRM, 2017; ESI Africa, 2017; Cameroon’s Ministry of Forests and Wildlife and its Electricity
World Bank, 2012a). The dam is located in a remote part of Development Corporation, with financial support from the
eastern Cameroon, near the confluence of the Lom and French Development Agency (WCS, 2015b).
Pangar rivers. Financing for the LPHP is drawn from a pool An enlarged Deng Deng functional ecosystem, referred to as
of donors, comprised of the African Development Bank, the the Deng Deng Technical Operations Unit, was created in
Development Bank of Central African States, the European 2010. Although it is yet to be gazetted, it includes the DDNP,
Investment Bank, the French Development Agency and the two forest logging concessions, close to 20 community for-
World Bank (ADF, 2011). The total cost of the construction of ests and two research forests. The Unit is spread out over
the dam and associated infrastructure is just under US$500 a surface area of about 5,000 km² (500,000 ha); it harbors
million (Ndobe and Klemm, 2014). an estimated 990 gorillas who are roughly equally divided
As the lead financier on the project, the World Bank assigned between the DDNP and the periphery of the park (IUCN,
the project its highest environmental and social risk rating, 2014c; Kormos et al., 2014). One proposal involves the creation
Category A (see Box 5.1 and Annex VI). This categorization is of an additional national park, the Lom Pangar National Park,
reserved for projects that are likely to have significant adverse to counteract hunting in the Mbam and Djerem National
environmental impacts. The project received this rating in part Park following development of the dam and the Chad–
since “the dam site is located next to portions of the Deng Cameroon pipeline. The proposed park would cover 1,775 km²
Deng Forest that are critical habitats, particularly because of (177,480 ha) within the dam project area and the pipeline
the presence of a viable population of gorillas, and a signifi- corridor (Haskoning (Nederland B.V. Environment), 2011).
cant population of chimpanzees” (World Bank, 2009, p. 5).
Threats to the Deng Deng Great Apes
The Deng Deng National Park While the creation and expansion of the DDNP were wel-
The Deng Deng National Park (DDNP), which overlaps with come conservation steps, significant threats to the great
the LPHP area, harbors a significant population of the north- apes, as well as their habitat, remain. These include flood-
ernmost population of the western lowland gorilla. In 2010, ing, poaching, electrocution, and habitat degradation and
Photo: The Chad–Cameroon pipeline cuts through the Cameroonian rainforest. It was rerouted to avoid the Deng Deng forest, a portion of which will be flooded
by the Lom Pangar Hydropower Project. © Gail Fisher/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
loss, coupled with hunting pressures associated with artisa- project contractor, China Water and Electricity Corporation,
nal mining. the Cameroon National Employment Fund agreed to facilitate
the recruitment of an estimated 2,000 Cameroonians to work
on the dam site (Agence Ecofin, 2012). Many others are likely
In September 2015, the contractors of the LPHP began a to move to the project area without guaranteed employ-
partial impoundment, or filling, of the dam’s reservoir (EDC, ment, giving rise to a peripheral economy that would prob-
n.d.-b). This step was highlighted in the project’s ESIA (EDC, ably depend in part on poaching for wild meat and ivory
2011b). Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) expressed trafficking, and that would also lead to further degradation of
significant concern that the full impoundment of the reser- natural habitats.
voir, which would cover approximately 590 km² (59,000 ha),
In addition to permitting an influx of people during the con-
about 320 km² (32,000 ha) of which is forest, would flood
struction phase of the dam, the Electricity Development
critical habitat of the gorillas, trapping them on islands or push- Corporation intends to allow commercial fishing in the waters
ing them into populated areas (GVC, BIC and IRN, 2006). As a of the reservoir, anticipating an annual production of 1,500 tons
result, gorillas would be more exposed to poachers, the risk of fish and an income of CFA 40 billion (US$65 million) (EDC,
of disease transmission would grow due to more frequent con- n.d.-a). Fishing opportunities are likely to draw even more
tact with people, and human–wildlife conflict would increase people into the region, which is certain to increase pressure
in line with crop raiding (Kalpers et al., 2011). Many other, on biodiversity, including threats to the great apes (Goufan and
slower-moving species would likely drown during this phase. Adeline, 2005; Mbodiam, 2016).
Poaching Transmission Lines
Large infrastructure projects tend to attract a huge influx of Although most tree species of high commercial value have
migrants in search of employment opportunities (WCS, 2011). already been exploited through illegal artisanal logging near
In fact, the LPHP’s own ESIA indicates that an estimated 7,000 the villages in the area, a further 5.28 km² (528 ha) of the
to 10,000 people were expected to move to the area seek- Deng Deng Forest are to be cleared for the construction of
ing jobs and secondary employment (Goufan and Adeline, transmission lines. Once the project goes live, it will present
2005, p. 6). In a 2011 memorandum of understanding with the a risk of electrocution to wildlife (see Chapter 2 and Annex I).
Construction activities and noise pollution during the build- There is clear evidence that poaching continues despite the
ing of the transmission lines will also disrupt and temporarily presence of ecoguards at the DDNP. In 2015, 1,270 kg of wild
displace local wildlife. A transmission corridor with a width meat was seized, including 20 kg of chimpanzee, and 290 kg
of up to 50 m will cut into ape habitat along the eastern edge of monkey and gorilla (MINFOF, 2015).
of the DDNP. Since this area represents a marginal strip of
their habitat, the impact will probably be limited, depending in The Viability of Deng Deng National Park
part on dispersal routes from the flooded land (AfDB, 2011b). In part to ensure the viability of the great ape populations,
the World Bank established the DDNP as a biodiversity off-
Artisanal Mining
set to be preserved in perpetuity. Yet, while the LPHP will
Although the project area holds important gold reserves, the facilitate access to the DDNP well beyond the period of con-
government abandoned its plan to ensure gold extraction struction, project financiers are expected to exit the project
from the reservoir area prior to impoundment as it would have and thus cease monitoring by the end of 2018 (World Bank,
delayed the project (Mbodiam, 2010). In view of the huge 2012c). Therefore, a key question revolves around long-term
mining potential of Cameroon’s East Region, however, the area viability and financial sustainability, including staffing and
is likely to attract artisanal and small-scale miners. Indeed, equipment for park surveillance.
anecdotal evidence suggests that unauthorized mining oper-
ations are already under way in the DDNP itself (Charles- The DDNP was expected to progress towards financial sus-
Innocent Memvi Abessolo, personal communication, 2016). tainability by drawing a growing number of ecotourists, but
Apart from disrupting behavior, altering habitat, reducing food recent figures cast doubt on that assumption. In 2015, the park
resources and dispersing wildlife populations, such mining received only 23 visitors—17 nationals and 6 foreigners—
activities are associated with increased hunting pressures yielding a total fee of CFA 88,500 (US$150). In addition to park
and disease transmission (ASM-PACE and Phillipson, 2014). visits that year, auction sales of seized illegal forest products
Similar links between artisanal and small-scale mining and from poaching and illegal logging raised only CFA 1.1 million
impacts on apes have been documented in the eastern (US$1,891) (MINFOF, 2015). The lack of investment in the
Democratic Republic of Congo (Spira et al., 2017). DDNP is evidenced by the ongoing absence of a dedicated
DDNP office building. The park’s temporary office is housed
Mitigation Measures and Outcomes in one of the control posts.
In light of the adverse impacts identified through the ESIA Acknowledging that revenue from ecotourism is likely to be
process, the project developer and financiers set in place a insufficient, the U.S. government insisted, as a condition of
number of mitigation measures. Nevertheless, environmen- approving the project at the World Bank, that a portion of
tal concerns persist with respect to the DDNP’s staffing and the water tariffs generated by hydropower installations be
viability. devoted to helping sustain the park financially. The installa-
tions are located downstream of Lom Pangar and pay-
Staffing of Deng Deng National Park
ments are expected once the LPHP becomes operational.
The LPHP relies on the deployment of rangers in and around These details are included in the project appraisal docu-
the DDNP to control access to the park and to discourage ment, which provides details on the World Bank’s proposed
and monitor poaching activities. The project put an empha- credit to the government of Cameroon for the LPHP (World
sis on higher numbers of staff during the construction period Bank, 2012c).
of the dam, when the area would be most heavily populated.
Once construction activities are complete, the number of Arrangements to allocate a portion of the water tariffs to the
rangers in the area is to be reduced to a base-case level. DDNP have yet to be made, however. The matter is of relative
urgency as construction activities are due to draw to a close
The proposed number of guards to monitor the DDNP is one
over the course of 2018. These arrangements were to be
ranger per 10 km² (1,000 ha) within the park itself, and one
finalized prior to full impoundment of the reservoir, which is
per 25 km² (2,500 ha) in areas that are less vulnerable to
also expected in 2018. Even once those arrangements are
poaching (EDC, 2011c; Charles-Innocent Memvi Abessolo,
made, it is unclear what role the project’s financiers will have
personal communication, 2016). Of the 58 managers and
in ensuring that the funds are utilized as intended, and what
other staff members involved in securing and monitoring the
means they have to ensure compliance, should the agree-
DDNP and its periphery, only 17 are permanently assigned to
the park; the rest are on temporary transfer from other services ment not be respected. The French Development Agency
(MINFOF, 2015). ceased payments to sustain the park in August 2016, the
anticipated deadline.
The number of permanent staff is modest for a protected
area of more than 680 km² (68,000 ha), not including the
periphery, especially given that the environmental and social
management plan calls for 70 community guards and eco The World Bank and other development financiers entered
guards (EDC, 2011c; MINFOF, 2015). Compounding the into the Lom Pangar Hydropower Project with full knowledge
problem of insufficient personnel is the inadequate training of that such massive infrastructure in a remote and ecologi-
most of the staff. cally sensitive part of Cameroon was likely to have adverse
Photo: The number of permanent staff involved in securing and monitoring the DDNP is insufficient to ensure the protection of the western lowland gorillas and
other species. © Chris Chaput
effects on important populations of great apes. Acknowledging the African Development Bank, the European Investment
the risks that the LPHP posed to these populations, the World Bank, the French Development Agency and other financiers.
Bank and other financiers stressed that instituting require- Meanwhile, the lack of progress in developing the arrange-
ments to guarantee the preservation of the Deng Deng ments to ensure that a portion of the water tariffs derived from
Forest, through the creation of an offset, was the only hope of hydropower production will be devoted to Deng Deng National
ensuring the survival of the region’s great apes (EDC, 2011a, Park suggests that the park’s viability is in danger.
2011b, 2011c; World Bank, 2012a, 2012b, 2012c). However, In conclusion, the DDNP and its great ape population remain
evidence of the viability of these measures is clearly lacking, at risk of further degradation once the project concludes,
and the few reports from site visits point to deficiencies in unless urgent action is taken to ensure oversight beyond the
efforts to guard the area against poaching. The lack of effec- project completion date and a secure revenue stream for the
tive and regular monitoring means that the current status of park. Given that the attention of financiers is typically finite,
great ape populations in the park is unclear. large infrastructure projects such as the LPHP can present
Furthermore, the financial sustainability of Deng Deng National critical, yet foreseeable, challenges to indefinite conserva-
Park remains uncertain. The completion of dam construction tion. This case study demonstrates that even when the adverse
means the World Bank will reduce its oversight of the project, impacts of an infrastructure project are acknowledged and
and the project completion date at the end of 2018 will signal assessed early on, they can nevertheless threaten the survival
the termination of the World Bank’s involvement, and that of of endangered species such as gorillas and chimpanzees.
CASE STUDY 6.2 prevented the realization of a large infrastructure project that
had been backed by the government.
Community Resistance Against
Infrastructure in Malaysian Borneo: Background
The Case of the Baram Dam The Bornean Rainforest
Introduction The third largest island in the world, Borneo is part of the
In 2006 the federal government of Malaysia embarked on a Sunda Shelf, which extends from Vietnam to Borneo and
series of proposed economic corridors in an attempt to Java. The rainforests of Borneo are a biodiversity hotspot
stimulate global and domestic investment in rural areas acknowledged to be among the world’s most species-rich
across the country. One of these corridors was the Sarawak ecosystems. At least 15,000 plants, of which 6,000 are found
Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE). It was to be estab- nowhere else in the world, grow in the swamps, mangroves
lished in Sarawak, one of two Malaysian states on the island and lowland and montane forests of the island. Borneo is
of Borneo, and the largest of Malaysia’s 13 states. home to an estimated 222 mammals (44 endemic), 420 birds
(37 endemic), 100 amphibians and 394 fish species (19
As part of SCORE, at least 12 dams were to be completed
endemic). Orangutans and gibbons share Borneo’s forests
in Sarawak by 2030 (Shirley and Kammen, 2015). Two of
with a number of other primate species, including langurs
these have already been completed: the Bakun and Murum
dams (see Figure 6.8). Plans for the Baram Dam, which was (Semnopithecus), macaques (Macaca), proboscis monkeys
next in line, were met with extensive community resistance (Nasalis larvatus), slow lorises (Nycticebus) and tarsiers (Tarsius)
from the indigenous communities in the Baram River Basin. (WWF, n.d.-a, n.d.-b).
Construction on the Baram Dam had been scheduled to start The Baram River Basin lies in northeastern Sarawak (see
in 2014 but, by March 2016, after several years of community Figure 6.8). The waters originate in the Kelabit Highlands
resistance, the state government legally withdrew its claim over along the border with Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), flow
the indigenous land earmarked for the dam site. This case through the mountain highlands and hills for more than 400 km,
study documents how a grassroots movement successfully and lead into the South China Sea (Encyclopaedia Britannica,
Baram River Basin and the Bakun and Murum Dams
Kuala Belait
K e la nd
Long Lama
la b s
Baram River
Baram Dam Long Selatong
B aram
M A L AY S I A Long Palai
1998). The forests of the Baram River Basin are home to a wide hydropower dams were primarily designed to power the expan-
variety of fauna and flora, including gray gibbons. sion of oil palm plantations and energy-intensive industries
(Shirley and Kammen, 2015).
Logging and Deforestation
After five decades of delays, the Bakun Dam was opened in
In the past several decades logging has had a great impact
2011, but since then it has only operated at half-capacity
on the forests of Sarawak; lush tropical rainforests are dis-
(Sarawak Report, 2014). This was the first of the SCORE dams
appearing at an astonishing rate. Between 2005 and 2010,
to be built; looming at a height of 205 m, it is the largest dam
forest loss in Sarawak exceeded 2% per year, a rate higher
in Asia outside of China (International Rivers, n.d.-a). The
than in any other major tropical forest territory. Between
Murum Dam, the second in the SCORE series, officially opened
2006 and 2010, about 9,000 km² (900,000 ha) of Sarawak’s in September 2016 (Then, 2016). The government began
forest was lost—43% was converted to oil palm and 21% to preliminary work on the Baram Dam in 2011 but officially
timber plantations (Lawson, 2014). canceled all works in March 2016, due to grassroots resist-
From 1981 to 2014 Sarawak was governed by Abdul Taib ance. The Baleh Dam is next in line to be built, and while the
Mahmud, who has been accused many times of gross envi- government approved its environmental and social impact
ronmental and human rights abuses for personal gain assessment in 2016, the details of the proposal and the ESIA
(Global Witness, 2012; Straumann, 2014). During his tenure, have not been publicly released.5
the state became one of the largest exporters of tropical The acronym SCORE stands for Sarawak Corridor of Renew
timber in the world. In 2010, Sarawak accounted for 25% of able Energy, but the adjective “renewable” is inaccurate in this
the world’s source-country exports of tropical logs, 15% of context, as the SCORE development plan entails the exploi-
global tropical lumber and almost half of all tropical plywood tation of coal reserves, the construction of new coal power
—quite a feat for a forest estate that represents just 0.5% of plants and deforestation to accommodate the expansion of
the global total. Fewer than 5% of Sarawak’s intact forests oil palm plantations (Shirley and Kammen, 2015). The power
remain in a pristine state, unaffected by logging or plantations, generated by the SCORE dams is intended to feed energy-
with dire consequences for its wildlife and indigenous com- intensive industries, such as aluminum and steel produc-
munities, which depend on the forests (Global Witness, 2012). tion. SEB, a state-owned electricity supplier under Sarawak’s
The Indigenous Population Finance Ministry, is responsible for the planning of all hydro-
power projects and coal plants in Sarawak. It is chaired by
The people of the Baram River are mainly indigenous Kayan, Abdul Hamed Sepawi, a cousin and one of the closest business
Kenyah and Penan, with a few Iban, Kelabit and Saban com- allies of Sarawak’s former chief minister, Taib Mahmud (Bruno
munities. They depend on healthy rivers and forests for their Manser Fonds, 2012a, 2012b).
livelihoods. The native customary rights (NCR) of indigenous
The Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL),
groups over their ancestral land are enshrined in the Sarawak
an independent energy research facility at the University of
Land Code and protected under the Malaysian Constitution
California, Berkeley, recently conducted an in-depth analysis
(Colchester et al., 2007). Nevertheless, the government has
to explore the implications of building the SCORE dams, and
proceeded to license nearly the entirety of Sarawak, includ-
the potential for clean energy solutions for Sarawak. The RAEL
ing land claimed for NCR, for logging and plantations, while
research agenda covered three main project areas: (a) mod-
simultaneously blocking attempts by communities to have
eling long-term, utility-scale electricity-generation alternatives
their NCR land mapped, recognized and gazetted (Global
for Sarawak to determine trade-offs across different technol-
Witness, 2012).
ogies; (b) exploring to what extent rural communities in dam-
The people of Baram have a history of resisting deforestation affected areas would be able to satisfy energy access needs
in the area. Since the late 1980s, when logging and agricul- using local resources; and (c) demonstrating a rapid assess-
tural expansion began to change the landscape of Sarawak, ment method for estimating the impact of mega-projects on
indigenous communities resisted through protests and block- biodiversity. RAEL’s research results call into question the
ades against logging companies. Resistance has often led to necessity of building additional dams in view of potential
arrests and political persecution, with the result that several lower-cost, lower-impact clean energy alternatives in the state
prominent activists fled Malaysia in the 1990s. In the past (Shirley and Kammen, 2015).
several years the government has relaxed its approach to
The RAEL results show that the energy that would be pro-
environmental and human rights activists; however, deadly
duced by the SCORE dams is unreasonably excessive, even
conflicts are still occurring between indigenous activists and
if the aims were to sustain aggressive growth in Sarawak. The
land developers.4
SCORE initiative assumes an energy demand growth rate of
more than 16% per year through 2030 (Shirley and Kammen,
SCORE Hydroelectric Dams 2015). To put this in perspective, China’s energy demand
The government of Sarawak and the dam builder, Sarawak growth rate barely exceeded 10% for three years during the
Energy Berhad (SEB), have claimed that the energy pro- height of its industrial boom (Dai, 2013). The RAEL models
duced by the SCORE dams would transform Sarawak into a show that there are a number of alternative choices to SCORE
developed state by the year 2020. Yet the project’s 12 large that meet future demand at an aggressive 7% energy demand
Photo: After five decades of delays, the Bakun Dam was opened in 2011, but since then it has only operated at half-capacity. Bakun
Hydroelectric Dam, Sarawak, Malaysia. © MOHD RASFAN/AFP/Getty Images
The dams also inflict considerable economic costs on the would perish because of loss of habitat from clear-cutting
state. The Bakun Dam was built over the course of two and inundation. The three dams alone would cause the loss
decades at a total cost that was astronomically higher than of an estimated 3.4 million individual birds and 110 million
projected. The dam was originally expected to cost MYR 2.5 individual mammals. To put this into perspective, that is more
billion (US$564 million), excluding transmission and all non- individual birds than were counted in the North American
dam-related infrastructure. While the official expenditure Breeding Bird Survey in 2012 and more individual mammals
figures have risen to MYR 7.4 billion (US$1.7 billion), research- than the entire inventory of cattle in the United States in 2012.
ers from the National University of Singapore put the cost of A minimum of 900 million individual trees and 34 billion indi-
the Bakun Dam at MYR 15 billion (US$3.5 billion), six times the vidual arthropods would also be lost (Kitzes and Shirley, 2015).
original estimate (Sovacool and Bulan, 2011). Construction
began in 1994 and the dam was meant to be operational in Community Resistance in Baram
2003. It was not completed until 2011, but even today, it is not
The Formation of Save Rivers
running at full capacity. The Murum Dam has also incurred
significant cost overruns. It cost Sarawak MYR 530 million In 2011 the state government began to hold briefing ses-
(US$120 million) more than the original price, according to the sions about the proposed Baram Dam and started construc-
2016 Auditor-General’s report (Kallang, 2016). tion of the road to the dam site. In October of that year, eight
Sarawak-based civil society organizations that were con-
Environmental Impacts cerned about the implications for the people and the forests
of Baram joined forces to form the Save Sarawak Rivers Net
If the SCORE vision were to be realized as initially planned, work (Save Rivers), whose mission is to build broad-based
2,425 km² (242,500 ha) of rainforest would be destroyed to
support to educate and mobilize the public against the plans
allow for the impoundment of reservoirs and the construction
to build dams.
of dams, and additional land would be cleared for resettle-
ment sites. The Bakun Dam reservoir alone covers 695 km² The first actions by Save Rivers were designed to raise
(69,500 ha)—about the size of Singapore (Kitzes and Shirley, awareness among the urban and rural populations about the
2015). Given that the rainforests of Borneo are among the dam and its implications. On February 16–18, 2012, the group
most biodiverse terrestrial ecosystems in the world, it comes organized an initial statewide conference in the city of Miri for
as no surprise that the three dams—Bakun, Baram and representatives from the Bakun, Baram and Murum river
Murum—would have a tremendous impact on the rich biodi- basins. Following the conference, delegations from Save
versity of the area. Rivers conducted roadshows, traveling by vehicle and boat
to remote villages throughout the Baram river basin to inform
The RAEL team conducted biodiversity impact studies for
communities about the proposed Baram Dam and its implica-
these three SCORE dams and uncovered alarming facts.
tions for them. At that point, the preliminary ESIA had been
Using global species range data, geographic information
completed by Fichtner, a German consulting company
system (GIS) tools and species area scaling relationships,
employed by SEB; however, the full ESIA had not yet been
the team predicted three distinct measures of biodiversity
initiated and the majority of impacted villages had not been
impact: the total number of species affected by the dams, the
informed about the plan to build the dam. The roadshows were
number of individuals affected and the number of potential
conducted in all of the villages that were at risk of inundation;
species extinctions that could result (Kitzes and Shirley, 2015).
most villagers heard about the dam construction plans for the
The study found that the dams would have a negative first time during these events.
impact on at least 57% of Bornean bird species and 68% of
Bornean mammal species. The affected species include Community Organizing, Nonviolent Direct Actions,
endangered and critically endangered birds and mammals, Awareness Building
such as Abbott’s gray gibbon (Hylobates abbotti), the Since its formation, Save Rivers has continuously organized
Bornean bay cat (Catopuma badia), the Bornean peacock- events and trips to build awareness and strengthen commu-
pheasant (Polyplectron schleiermacheri), the flat-headed nities. Roadshows are conducted regularly to provide villagers
cat (Prionailurus planiceps), the smoky flying squirrel with information and update them on the latest developments.
(Pteromyscus pulverulentus), Storm’s stork (Ciconia stormi), One of the largest trips occurred in January 2013, through
the Sunda otter civet (Cynogale bennettii) and the Sunda what is called the “Baram Wave.” A delegation from Save
pangolin (Manis javanica). In addition, the study found that two- Rivers travelled upriver in motorized canoes to distribute
thirds of all tree and arthropod species would be impacted, information and build solidarity. The group slowly made its
resulting in four tree and 35 arthropod species extinctions. The way downstream, distributing information and encouraging
number of species extinctions does not take into account the canoes from each village to join. A flotilla of around 50 canoes
potential extinction of subspecies or local populations, both arrived at Long Lama, the closest town to the access road
of which may be critical to species’ long-term viability (Kitzes for the dam site and, together with residents from around
and Shirley, 2015). Baram, they held a rally to demonstrate their opposition to
The study also provided numbers on individual organisms that the dam. The Baram Wave fulfilled several vital functions,
would be lost—arthropods, birds, mammals and trees that including raising awareness and solidarity among Baram
Photo: Long Lama blockade, the structure that blocks the access road to the Baram Dam site. © Jettie Word, The Borneo Project
communities and voicing the communities’ concerns to gov- maintained and managed since October 2013. They are the
ernment officials. longest-running blockades in the history of Sarawak, and their
The next large event occurred in May 2013, alongside the maintenance has required significant efforts. When the block-
International Hydropower Association (IHA) conference that ades were formed, Save Rivers also helped the communities
was hosted by SEB in Kuching, in western Sarawak. Save file a suit against the government, in which they collectively
Rivers brought together residents from Baram, local and demanded that their customary lands be returned.
international politicians, and local and international NGOs for In conjunction with blockades, rallies and roadshows, Save
an alternative conference on indigenous rights that included Rivers organized cross visits between Baram villages and
several protests and marches held outside of the IHA venue. communities that were forcefully relocated because of the
The alternative conference drew supporters from around the Bakun Dam. During these visits the people of Baram were
state and around the country, greatly increasing local and able to speak directly with individuals who had been evicted
national awareness about the issues and building solidarity. and witness for themselves what happens during resettlement.
In August 2013 the Sarawak government took the first steps Save Rivers also organized several large conferences in Baram
to extinguish the land rights of indigenous communities near to distribute information and strategize among communities,
the Baram Dam site—without their consent (Lee et al., 2014). as well as various acts of nonviolent direct action throughout
In response, Save Rivers traveled up and down the Baram the country. One of the larger events occurred in June 2015
River, helping the communities establish two blockades to during a visit by then chief minister Adenan Satem to the town
prevent dam workers from accessing the proposed site of the of Long Lama for a bridge inauguration. Save Rivers rallied
Baram dam. One blockade was built centrally among Baram hundreds of Baram residents to line the streets of Long Lama
villages as a rally point. The second blockade was con- and express their opposition to the dam. Their voices were
structed at the beginning of the access road to the dam site heard loud and clear, and the chief minister acknowledged
near Long Lama. The blockades prevented construction, sur- Save Rivers in his speech (Radio Free Sarawak, 2015).
veying work and logging at the proposed dam site, halting all
progress. The blockades not only physically disrupted work Research and Publications
on the dam, but also acted as community centers and obser- In addition to raising awareness and promoting community
vatories for monitoring illegal logging. In spite of numerous organization, the campaign against the Baram dam coordi-
government attempts to dismantle the structures and disperse nated with local and international experts to produce several
community members, the blockades have been continuously publications and studies about the situation.
A fact-finding mission to determine how SEB and the govern- Victory: Land Returned to Communities
ment had engaged with the communities of Baram was con- On March 15, 2016, the Sarawak government revoked its claim
ducted by local experts and supported by several local and to the land that would have been used for the Baram Dam,
international groups. Based on detailed interviews in 13 vil- thereby legally restoring indigenous land rights and officially
lages along the Baram River, the mission report reveals how stopping all progress on the dam (Mongabay, 2016a). Stopping
indigenous communities were denied information, prevented the Baram Dam was an unprecedented success for indige-
from participating in studies and decision-making, coerced into nous rights in Sarawak. This victory was won at a time when
accepting the dam through threats and intimidation, and thus dams around the world were under increasing scrutiny. For
denied their rights, as ascribed under international agreements Malaysia, where the space for civil society is constantly shrink-
and treaties, to their lands and territories, self-determination, ing, the success of Baram gives hope to other struggles for
and to free, prior and informed consent (see Chapter 2). The rights and the environment (HRW, 2016).
report, entitled No Consent to Proceed, received significant
media attention (Lee et al., 2014).
Challenges and the Path Forward
Save Rivers also worked with experts from the University of
The campaign experienced many challenges along the path
California to increase transparency on energy development
to defeating the dam. One of the principal divisive tactics of
in Sarawak. As mentioned above, the RAEL team produced
the government was to divide the communities and label the
three studies that greatly informed the campaign. The stud-
people who opposed the dam “anti-development.” The gov-
ies show in detail that the energy that would be produced by
ernment also removed anti-dam village leaders, or headmen,
SCORE is superfluous, and that the impacts on biodiversity
and replaced them with pro-dam headmen.
would be severe. They also lay out a plan to increase rural
energy through small renewable systems, such as solar and In Sarawak activists often face exclusion from society. Many
micro-hydro structures (Kitzes and Shirley, 2015; Shirley and people choose to remain silent for fear that the government
Kammen, 2015; Shirley, Kammen and Wynn, 2014). will withdraw support in the form of development projects and
education grants. Leaders of the opposition to the Baram Dam
The RAEL studies were used to strengthen community resil-
have been socially ostracized by friends and family members
ience, as well as to increase awareness in the government.
who do not agree with the campaign.
In March 2015 Save Rivers organized a trip to distribute the
RAEL studies throughout Baram. The results reaffirmed and Activists have also faced legal battles. SEB tried to sue 23
gave credence to the demands of the people. Three months activists for tampering with samples and equipment at the
later Save Rivers organized a meeting that brought together dam site. As the land for the dam site has now been legally
local activists, politicians, Dan Kammen, the founding direc- returned to the community, SEB has withdrawn the suit.
tor of RAEL, and Chief Minister Satem to discuss the energy In spite of the victory against the dam, the blockades remain
options and the demands of the Baram people. Following intact and running. The blockades now serve as a venue for
the meeting, Satem, who has since died, asked for an alter- community events instead of obstructing access to the dam
native proposal to the SCORE dams, which was submitted site. Communities are wary that a new government may try
in July 2015. In January 2018, the authorities had yet to to reinstate the project. To gear up for this possibility, Save
respond to the submission. The campaign was working to Rivers is now focusing on campaigns to build long-term land
resubmit the proposal and arrange a meeting with the new rights protection measures in Baram through the Baram
chief minister. Conservation Initiative. The Initiative actively seeks to facili-
tate development systems that are chosen and managed by
International Solidarity
rural communities, in harmony with their environment. At the
In addition to networking among stakeholders, researchers
time of writing, the two main program aims were to establish
and politicians, the campaign against the Baram Dam gen-
a community-managed conservation zone and to build sus-
erated considerable international solidarity. International
tainable village-scale electrification systems, such as micro-
organizations have provided funding, strategy, media and
hydro and solar systems.
networking support. In October 2015, Save Rivers, the Borneo
Project and the Bruno Manser Fund organized the World A key lesson from the campaign against the dam is the
Indigenous Summit on Environment and Rivers (WISER) to importance of raising awareness in communities. Without
mark the second anniversary of the blockades. WISER brought proper knowledge of the situation, communities cannot act.
together indigenous leaders who are fighting dams around Increasing awareness allows people to choose how to respond
the world, including the late Goldman Prize winner Berta to projects.
Cáceres. Together, the WISER participants wrote the Baram Fostering community-based development models is key to
2015 Declaration on Dams and the Rights of Indigenous avoiding the environmental and social destruction of large
People. The Summit rallied more than 1,000 people from Baram infrastructure projects. The promotion of community-based
at various events, building solidarity and drawing significant systems requires a paradigm shift away from top-down infra-
media attention. structure projects that harm rural communities and forests.
the planning and siting of new dams at the system scale Some progress has been made in the development of
(that is, at the scale of a river basin or a region); and approaches that serve to improve the environmental and
the design and operation of individual dams. social performance of individual hydropower dams. Among
these is a tool to measure the relative sustainability of pro-
Recognizing that the sustainability of hydropower is a func- jects—the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol
tion of the system and individual scales, The Nature Conser (‘the Protocol’) (IHA, 2010). However, a number of major
vancy (TNC) developed an approach that integrates both impacts from hydropower cannot be mitigated effectively at
scales: “Hydropower by Design.” The approach encompasses the scale of a single dam and project-level sustainability cannot
a range of methods and tools to improve the planning, siting, address the complex issues posed by multiple hydropower
design and operation of hydropower, as well as the mitiga- developments across a river basin or region.
tion of its adverse impacts (Opperman et al., 2015, 2017; TNC, With respect to apes, certain impacts from hydropower can
WWF and UoM, 2016). Hydropower by Design is a short- be addressed through best practices at the project scale, but
hand term for integrated, system-scale planning and man- some of the most important conservation objectives—such
agement using a number of existing tools and processes, as the maintenance of large blocks of intact forest or con-
including the mitigation hierarchy (see Chapter 4, p. 119). By nectivity between forests—can only be addressed through
applying this approach, hydropower developers can: system-scale approaches that influence the spatial configu-
avoid building dams at the most damaging sites by ration of hydropower development, encompassing dams,
directing development towards sites that result in less reservoirs, roads and transmission lines.
impact, specifically by identifying the spatial arrange- When applied to ape conservation, the principles of Hydro
ment of dams that can produce optimal outcomes across power by Design can be organized to follow the mitigation
social, environmental and economic values; hierarchy:
Photo: The negative environmental and social impacts of dams and other large infrastructure projects are more likely to be minimized when their development
planning incorporates a system-scale approach and draws on existing tools and processes, including the mitigation hierarchy. Proposed site of a hydropower
project, ‘Chutes de l’Impératrice Eugénie’ waterfalls, Ngounié River, Gabon. © Matthew McGrath
Avoid. National parks and other formally protected areas a stakeholder group includes representatives from communi-
should be maintained as no-go areas for dam develop- ties that may be directly or indirectly affected by the develop-
ment. System-scale planning can also be used to avoid ment of hydropower dams, as well as representatives with
siting or licensing projects that would impact high-value relevant expertise from academia and civil society. The stake-
ape habitat outside of protected areas, such as dispersal holder group is relied upon to identify social and environmental
corridors and large swaths of intact habitat. Multi-objective resources that may be impacted by the proposed hydropower
planning and analysis can identify investment options— development, determine whether the metrics used to assess
combinations of project site, design and operation—that those impacts are adequate through an iterative process, and
perform well across a range of metrics; such “win–win” participate in the decision-making process to select a hydro-
or “close to win–close to win” outcomes can contribute power build-out that best balances the trade-offs between
towards energy targets while protecting the most impor- development, conservation and social issues.
tant ape habitats. Ideally, areas that are “avoided” through If the stakeholder group is not collaborative and transparent,
a system-scale planning process would also receive the ultimate build-out of hydropower projects may not rep-
formal protection from future development, potentially resent the best trade-off, with possible repercussions for
funded via mitigation or compensation measures, as environmental and social resources, including great ape and
described below. The most effective spatial planning for gibbon habitat. However, the process of identifying environ-
siting focuses not just on dams and reservoirs, but also mental and social resources and quantitatively measuring
on the siting of associated roads and transmission lines. the impacts of a given hydropower build-out scenario on
Minimize impacts during development and operation. those resources inherently makes the planning process more
To protect apes, hydropower developers can implement transparent, even if the final decision is made in a political
management plans that minimize impacts during con- context that does not fully embrace the collaborative process
struction and operation. Construction management plans that is at the heart of Hydropower by Design.
can include best practices to prevent workers from hunt-
ing for wild meat or engaging in other activities that harm Implementing Hydropower by Design
wildlife. The environmental management plan for the Trung In practice, Hydropower by Design is most effective when it
Son Hydropower Project in Vietnam, for example, includes is incorporated into the policies and practices of the key
a ban on hunting and possession of wild meat in the actors within the hydropower sector. Key actors are govern-
construction camps (Integrated Environments, 2010). ments, financial institutions and hydropower companies,
During operation, a portion of revenue from a hydro- including developers and contractors.
power project could be dedicated to conserving intact
forest in the watershed upstream of a project. This type Governments
of management fund can benefit projects by ensuring Governments are generally in the best position to implement
that upstream land cover promotes reliable flows of water the concepts behind Hydropower by Design, particularly
and avoids excess sedimentation from land clearing because they direct the planning of energy systems and
and road construction. Wherever upstream watersheds license individual projects. A strong planning and site selec-
also provide habitat for wildlife, including apes, this man- tion role by the government can identify both the river reaches
agement fund can also be used to protect that habitat. or projects that should be developed, as well as the areas that
Compensate or offset. Even if efforts are made to avoid should be protected, thereby reducing conflicts and increas-
ing certainty for stakeholders, including hydropower devel-
and minimize impacts, the expansion of hydropower
opers, conservation organizations and local communities
systems will almost certainly result in net negative
(Opperman et al., 2017). For example, in the 1980s Norway
impacts to natural resources such as ape habitat. For
conducted comprehensive studies of undeveloped rivers and
these “residual impacts,” mitigation policies can promote
river basins and identified a subset that would be eligible for
compensation—investments in restoration or protection
hydropower development and another subset to be pro-
intended to “offset” residual impacts. For example, com-
tected from future development, thereby reducing conflict and
pensation funding could be used to support the durable
increasing certainty for energy development and other values
protection of high-quality habitats that may be threatened
(Wenstop and Carlsen, 1988).
by new development impacts by formally designating
them protected areas and providing funding for their man- In addition to planning, government licensing processes can
agement. Compensation funding could also be dedi- be influential in determining which projects are built and which
cated to reforestation of migration corridors for apes; priority habitats are granted protection. Licensing agencies
this type of funding was made available to reforest a can identify areas for which licenses will not be granted (a
corridor for jaguars with the Reventazón project in Costa categorization that is functionally equivalent to an “avoid”
Rica, for example (IDB, n.d.). designation); they can also determine mitigation requirements
for licenses, such as by setting compensation ratios based
The outcomes of Hydropower by Design analysis and imple- on impacts. However, such decisions are vulnerable to being
mentation are dependent on the participation and buy-in of overturned unless they are made durable through formal pro-
all relevant stakeholders over the duration of the development tected status. Particularly rare or important habitat types can
process. In addition to governments, developers and financiers, have high compensation ratios (such as 5 ha of protection
Photo: Low water levels at the Mae Guang Udom Tara dam. In 2015, Thailand’s key reservoirs fell to the lowest since 1987, and farmers were warned to delay
planting their main rice crop. A number of major impacts from hydropower cannot be mitigated effectively at the scale of a single dam and project-level sustain-
ability cannot address the complex issues posed by multiple hydropower developments across a river basin or region. © Dario Pignatelli/Bloomberg via Getty Images
or restoration per impacted hectare). Compensation funding that can be applied before its own safeguards (Liden and
generated for development that impacts habitats can then Lyon, 2014). The IIED review reported that only 10%–15% of
be used for acquisition or management of other high-value new hydropower projects around the world were covered by
habitats. Colombia is integrating this approach into its licens- international standards or safeguard processes. It concluded
ing process for large infrastructure projects, including hydro- that the Protocol “represents the best currently available
power (Opperman et al., 2017). ‘measuring stick’ for respect for the [World Commission on
Hydropower by Design does not necessarily require govern- Dams] provisions in individual projects” as it offers a set of
ments to adopt new policies or regulatory structures. Rather, principles that many civil society organizations see as the
existing policy or regulatory tools—such as energy master “gold standard” in terms of sustainability for dam develop-
plans, strategic environmental assessments, environmental ment and operation (Skinner and Haas, 2014, pp. xi, 44, 75).
and social impact assessments, and licensing—can be An “early planning facility” is an additional mechanism through
updated or refined to move hydropower development away which multilateral funders could help move hydropower devel-
from a single-project focus and towards a system approach. opment towards system-scale approaches (Opperman et al.,
2017). Such a facility would combine funding and technical
Financial Institutions and Developers
assistance to support governments in conducting system
A variety of financial institutions fund hydropower projects, planning with the goal of developing a pipeline of projects.
including private commercial banks and multilateral institu-
Projects that emerge through this process would represent
tions such as the World Bank and the Asian Development
low-risk opportunities for developers and investors that are
Bank. Financial institutions can apply environmental and
consistent with objectives for the sustainable management
social policies to determine which projects they will fund and
of river basins or regions.
to attach conditions to their financing, such as mitigation
requirements. Multilateral financial institutions have com- Developers generally do not have the ability to plan or man-
prehensive environmental and social safeguards. However, age at the scale of a system, with some exceptions (such as
these safeguards are generally applied at the project scale, when a single company has multiple concessions or projects
and a review of hydropower standards by the International in a basin or when a company secures a contract to conduct
Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) concluded a basin plan). However, companies can follow policies or
that few standards or safeguards address system planning or practices that support sustainable hydropower, for example
options assessments that can screen out detrimental projects by adopting corporate sustainability standards or by using
(Skinner and Haas, 2014). risk-screening tools such as the Protocol. Companies that
Specific hydropower-related risk screening tools can be used recognize the value of reducing risk and uncertainty for hydro-
as a complement to general safeguards. The World Bank has power development could signal their support for Hydropower
acknowledged that, for its projects, the Hydropower Sustain by Design to governments and funders and find ways to con-
ability Assessment Protocol is a useful risk-screening tool tribute to its adoption.
CASE STUDY 6.3 in the Kappi Plateau region of the park, in the northernmost
province of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia (Hanafiah, 2016;
Not All Renewable Energy is Sustainable: see Figure 6.9).
A Geothermal Project in the Leuser
Together, the Gunung Leuser, Bukit Barisan Selatan and
Ecosystem, Sumatra, Indonesia Kerinci Seblat national parks comprise the Tropical Rain
On August 16, 2016, the governor of Aceh province wrote forest Heritage of Sumatra World Heritage site (UNESCO
to the central government’s Ministry of Environment and WHC, 2017). Covering 8,630 km² (862,975 ha), the GLNP itself
Forestry, requesting that a “core area” of the Gunung Leuser is a UNESCO biosphere reserve and a Heritage Park of the
National Park (GLNP) be rezoned to allow development of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It is con-
a major new geothermal project. The location in question lies tained within the confines of the 26,000-km² (2.6 million-ha)
Proposed Large-Scale Energy Infrastructure Projects in the Leuser Ecosystem and Beyond
Seulawah N
Tampur o
Kappi r
geothermal site
Proposed hydro-
power dam site
Gunung Leuser Batang Toru
National Park
Leuser Ecosystem
Batang Toru
Provincial boundary 0 25 50 75 km
Map and Data Sources: © Rupabumi Digital Indonesia Map, Scale 1:50,000, BAKOSURTANAL, 1978; Ministry of Forestry Decree 190/Kpts-II/2001; About
Demarcation of Leuser Ecosystem in Aceh Province; Leuser Ecosystem spatial plan draft; Aceh Spatial Plan; and Secondary Data. Courtesy of SOCP.
Leuser Ecosystem, which experts, including the IUCN, con- though a 25 MW site is only likely to require 10–40 ha for the
sider one of the world’s “most irreplaceable protected areas”; power plant itself (Modus Aceh, 2016; T. Faisal, personal
it is ranked 33rd out of more than 173,000 protected areas communication, 2017).
worldwide (Le Saout et al., 2013). Protected under Indonesian Interestingly, the company has not made details of its plans
law as a national strategic area for its environmental protection public, so it is difficult to ascertain the true potential environ-
function, the Leuser Ecosystem is one of the largest contigu- mental impact of the geothermal plant throughout the phases
ous intact rainforests in the whole of Southeast Asia, and the of exploration and drilling, construction, operation and main-
last place on Earth where orangutans, rhinos, elephants and tenance, all of which will incur environmental impacts. During
tigers coexist in the wild (Rainforest Action Network, 2014). construction and drilling, transportation of heavy equipment
The proposed project site lies at the very heart of the Leuser is required, so an access road to the site will need to be built.
Ecosystem, in the Kappi Plateau. This area not only harbors Temporary workers will need access and housing. As an
some of the last remaining wild populations of all four of example, another geothermal plant of comparable size (20 MW)
these iconic and critically endangered species, but is also the at Lahendong in North Sulawesi recruited more than 900 work-
core of the only remaining major corridor between the east- ers for the construction phase (Rambu Energy, 2016).
ern and western blocks of the ecosystem. Degrading this
The target area in Kappi is forested and mountainous and has
region would dramatically reduce the long-term survival pros-
never had any form of prior road access. The nearest road is
pects for these and a multitude of other species. Indeed, any
more than 10 km away at its nearest point and, due to the
major development within the Kappi Plateau will only serve
mountainous terrain, access to it would require a new road
to denigrate the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra,
more than 10 km long. While such a new road could theoreti-
which has been inscribed on the list of World Heritage in
cally be removed after the construction phase, removal would
Danger since 2011. Given the extensive road and settlement
not prevent severe damage from occurring to the forests, as
infrastructure that would inevitably accompany construc-
roads open access for illegal logging, mining, encroachment
tion, the ecosystem’s Outstanding Universal Value would
and poaching of wildlife. Currently, the closest substation for
undoubtedly be severely depleted (UNESCO WHC, 2016).
transmitting electricity is more than 150 km away, in Takengon,
Destruction of the Leuser Ecosystem would also have far-
and overhead transmission towers (150 kV) would therefore
reaching consequences for valuable ecological services,
need to be built every 300 m from the plant to the substation,
such as water supplies, carbon storage and disaster mitiga-
necessitating substantial clearing along the entire length of
tion. A newly published study funded by the European Union
the route (T. Faisal, personal communication, 2017).
determined that the forests of Aceh, more than 50% of which
are in the Leuser Ecosystem, are worth approximately US$1 Land clearing, road construction, vehicle traffic and power
billion per year to Aceh’s economy—if fully conserved (Baabud plant construction can affect ecosystem services through
et al., 2016). increased erosion and runoff, increased risk of fire, toxic spills
and disturbance of water, and interference with seed dispersal.
The Geothermal Project and Its Environmental Impact These activities also pose a high risk to wildlife and species
diversity. In addition, noise pollution threatens to disrupt breed-
Despite its critical importance in Southeast Asia, the Kappi
ing, migration and foraging behavior in this previously undis-
Plateau is threatened by construction of a major new geo-
turbed area (Tribal Energy and Environmental Information, n.d.).
thermal power plant by PT Hitay Panas Energy, an Indonesian
subsidiary of the Turkish company Hitay Holdings (Hanafiah, On September 15, 2016, the managing director of PT Hitay
2016). This plan came to light after Indonesia’s president Panas Energy submitted a report requesting that the “core
publicly called for the country to become energy self-sufficient area” of the GLNP be rezoned as a “utilization area.” Kappi
and to increase the use of geothermal energy to 23% by 2025 is within a core area of the park by virtue of the fact that it
(Antara News, 2015; Tempo, 2017). Subsequently, the coun- meets stringent government criteria and regulations on bio-
try’s minister of energy and mineral resources announced, “I diversity and habitat composition. As part of the core area,
invite every stakeholder to study and make every effort to it cannot legally be exploited for geothermal development.
achieve these targets” (Antara News, 2015). In response to In contrast, permits may be approved for geothermal energy
these policies and statements, numerous “renewable energy” developments in utilization areas, so long as the land does
projects are being planned and developed throughout not harbor a concentration of priority biota communities
Indonesia. The Kappi geothermal project is among the most (HAkA et al., 2016).
pressing for those concerned about the continued conserva- Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry, through its
tion of the Leuser Ecosystem (Laurance, 2016c). Directorate General for Conservation of Natural Resources
As of 2015, Indonesia had an installed production capacity of and Ecosystems, publicly stated that the request to rezone
1,345 MW, derived from ten geothermal plants (Mansoer and the area, and thereby enable the geothermal plant to go
Idral, 2015). The PT Hitay Panas Energy project—one among ahead, would be rejected (Satriastanti, 2016). At the end of
several new sites under consideration in Aceh—is being September 2016, the ministry informed the head of the GLNP
proposed inside the Leuser Ecosystem. The governor of Aceh that no rezoning of any part of the park’s core area would
requested rezoning of an area covering 50 km² (5,000 ha) in be possible, regardless of recent Indonesian legislation, Law
Kappi for the purposes of geothermal development, even No. 21 of 2014 on Geothermal Energy, which allows for
Photo: Indonesia is pushing to become more energy independent and move away from traditional fossil fuels for electricity generation. New regulations opening
up the possibility of geothermal energy projects in conservation areas highlight the pressure for new energy projects in areas that render them unsustainable
and extremely damaging to the environment and conservation. Geothermal plant, Indonesia. © BAY ISMOYO/AFP/Getty Images
geothermal operations within the utilization area of conserva- Yet, even though data from the GLNP and local NGO affiliates
tion zones (Republik Indonesia, 2014; Satriastanti, 2016). strongly support the rejection of the rezoning request, the mat-
It later came to light that Hitay had previously commissioned ter is not yet fully settled (Satriastanti, 2016). Ongoing meetings
an Indonesian university—Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)— and correspondence indicate that neither Hitay nor the GLNP
to assess the feasibility of geothermal development on the site. considers the proposed project to be off the table, meaning
Contrary to expectations, given the above-mentioned back- that conservation NGOs and other civil society groups remain
ground, the assessment team made a “strong recommen- vigilant to ensure the development does not go ahead.7
dation for changing the zoning in the Kappi area” in a report
that was submitted to the Ministry of Environment and A Chance for Change?
Forestry on December 1, 2016. One week later, at a meeting The Indonesian government’s effort to move away from non-
held at the GLNP headquarters in Medan, North Sumatra, renewable energy sources, as part of its sustainable devel-
the findings of the UGM study were shared with a group of opment strategy, is to be lauded. Such a pathway, however,
NGOs and community members (PT Hitay and UGM, 2016). should not include the destruction of one of Southeast Asia’s
Subsequently, in a detailed review of the UGM surveys, a most valuable conservation areas. The geothermal potential
consortium of environmental NGOs identified poor survey of the Seulawah and Takengon regions of Aceh have been
design and other reasons why the UGM report was wholly thoroughly assessed and are already known. Both locations
inadequate, both for determining whether the requested rezon- are also far closer to existing transmission networks and
ing was permissible within the Kappi Plateau and for arriving major population concentrations. As such, they could provide
at the stated conclusions and recommendations. The review sustainable energy alternatives, meeting all of the president’s
emphasized that the core area status should be maintained goals, but without the destructive impact of development in
in view of comprehensive GLNP and other NGO data, which the irreplaceable forests of the Leuser Ecosystem.
had been ignored or misrepresented by the UGM team, and In addition to the proposed geothermal plant in the Kappi
based on current criteria and laws governing the zoning of Plateau area, the Aceh government is also seeking approval
conservation areas (Laurance, 2016a). and funding for several other large-scale infrastructure projects,
including plans for mega-hydropower
developments in the Jambo Aye, Kluet Hydropower represents a significant source
and Tampur water catchments (Gartland, of electricity for many countries and fea-
2017; see Figure 6.9). tures in many economic development plans
Beyond the borders of Aceh province are and projections. As this chapter shows,
additional sites of serious concern, in par-
ticular a major new hydropower project in
however, its negative impacts are concen-
the very fragile habitat of the recently iden- trated in areas—river valleys and forested
tified Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapan mountains—that have considerable environ-
uliensis)—the Batang Toru forests in North
mental and social value, such as helping to
Sumatra province. The proposed project
is especially worrying as this population buffer the effects of climate change, hosting
of orangutans is genetically unique and river fisheries, encompassing habitat for
among very few in Sumatra living outside apes and providing vital resources for local
of the Leuser Ecosystem. In fact, the new
species immediately became the most
communities. Furthermore, as research has
endangered great ape species in the demonstrated, the oft-touted economic
world, with fewer than 800 individuals benefits of dams rarely materialize for the
remaining. The planned project would
vulnerable sectors of society (see Annex VII).
devastate a river catchment in which the
highest densities of the Tapunuli orang Hydropower is expanding rapidly in
utan are found. It would also sever an remaining ape habitat, including in South
essential corridor linking two of the three east Asia and Central and West Africa. The
main forest blocks that still harbor the
new species, which could easily place the preliminary assessment presented in this
species on an irreversible path to extinc- chapter suggests that the impacts of hydro-
tion (Nater et al., 2017; Stokstad, 2017; power on apes and ape habitat will increase
Wich et al., 2016; see the Apes Overview).
considerably in the coming decades. In this
With the push for Indonesia to become
more energy independent and move away
context, stakeholder engagement can serve
from traditional fossil fuels for electricity to raise awareness, especially among indig-
generation, and with the passing of new enous and other local communities that are
regulations that open up the possibility of
likely to be adversely affected by the con-
geothermal energy projects in conserva-
tion areas, it is clear that there is strong struction of dams or geothermal plants.
pressure for new energy projects in areas Such engagement can also help to identify
that render them unsustainable and opportunities for avoiding or mitigating
extremely damaging to the environment
and conservation.
negative impacts.
Instead of relying on unsustainable,
Some progress has been made in the
large-scale energy generation schemes development of tools that can serve to
in unspoiled locations, Indonesia could improve the environmental and social per-
significantly increase its electricity pro-
formance of individual hydropower dams.
duction by investing in smaller-scale ‘run-
of-river’ hydropower schemes and other Nevertheless, many hydropower impacts are
renewable resources. These would have not effectively addressed at the scale of the
a negligible environmental impact and system. This is particularly true for hydro-
provide a more stable and resilient power
supply than would a few large, destruc- power’s impacts on apes, whose conserva-
tive schemes. tion requires large blocks of connected
habitat. A system-scale approach to hydro-
power planning and management—includ-
ing siting, licensing, mitigation and best
practice during construction and opera-
tion—provides the best opportunity for
hydropower expansion to be consistent with
the conservation of environmental and with his activism. In October of the same year, a
social values, including the protection of clash between NCR landowners and people
allegedly hired to intimidate them resulted in one
apes and their habitat. To be successful, the
death (Sarawak Report, 2016).
application of such an approach requires
5 The ESIA was open for comments, as stipulated in
collaboration among a range of actors in the Sarawak’s procedures; however, it was not openly
hydropower development process, includ- published or available to the public. Rather, a lim-
ing governments, funders, developers and ited number of copies were available in a few gov-
civil society. ernment offices, where the public could read them.
Comments had to be made within 30 days of pub-
lication. The ESIA was approved on March 13, 2015
(P. Kallang, personal communication, 2016).
Acknowledgments 6 Author interviews with residents, Tegulang, Sarawak,
Principal author: Helga Rainer8 Malaysia, October 2016.
Contributors: American Rivers, The Borneo Project, 7 Confidential information and correspondence pro-
Emily Chapin, Emma Collier-Baker, Jessie Thomas- vided to the authors.
Blate, David Dellatore, Earth Island Institute, Joerg 8 Arcus Foundation (
Hartmann, Erik Martin, The Nature Conservancy what-we-support/great-apes).
(TNC), Samuel Nnah Ndobe, Jeff Opperman, Ian
Singleton, the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation
Programme (SOCP) and Jettie Word
Hydropower and Apes: Emily Chapin, Erik Martin
and Jeff Opperman
Case Study 6.1: Samuel Nnah Ndobe
Case Study 6.2: Jettie Word
Case Study 6.3: David Dellatore, Ian Singleton and
Emma Collier-Baker
Box 6.1: Jeff Opperman, Joerg Hartmann, Emily Chapin
and Erik Martin
Annex VII: Jessie Thomas-Blate
Reviewers: Josh Klemm and Kate Newman
1 See, for example, Richter et al. (2010) and WCD
2 The International Commission on Large Dams
defines a “large dam” as one that has “a height of
15 metres or greater from lowest foundation to crest
or [. . .] between 5 metres and 15 metres impound-
ing more than 3 million cubic metres” (ICOLD, n.d.).
3 Both the Campo Ma’an National Park and the
Mbam and Djerem National Park were created to
“offset” the adverse effects of the Chad–Cameroon
oil pipeline. There is currently no evidence that
these offsets were created with the aim of achiev-
ing “no net loss” as defined by the Business and
Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP, 2012).
4 In July, 2016 an indigenous land rights activist was
killed in the city of Miri, purportedly in connection
wo chapters comprise this section of
State of the Apes. Chapter 7 focuses Chapter Highlights
on in situ ape conservation in Africa Chapter 7: Mapping Change
and Asia. It presents the findings of a
study of changes in ape habitats between
in Ape Habitats
2000 and 2014, based on in-depth analysis This chapter examines the status of forested
of thousands of satellite images. By extrap- habitats used by apes by quantifying the
Photo: © Jon Stryker and
olating current rates of deforestation, the rates of tropical forest destruction utilizing
Ronda Stryker chapter also projects future habitat loss, the Global Forest Watch platform. This is
Introduction Section 2
Photo: Until recently, quantifying rates of tropical forest destruction was challenging and laborious. © Jabruson 2017 ( 200
This chapter examines the status of forested
habitats used by apes, charismatic species
that are almost exclusively forest-dependent.
With one exception, the eastern hoolock, all
ape species and their subspecies are classi-
fied as endangered or critically endangered
by the International Union for Conservation
of Nature (IUCN) (IUCN, 2016c). Since apes
require access to forested or wooded land-
scapes, habitat loss represents a major cause
of population decline, as does hunting in
these settings (Geissmann, 2007; Hickey et
al., 2013; Plumptre et al., 2016b; Stokes et
al., 2010; Wich et al., 2008).
Until recently, quantifying rates of trop-
ical forest destruction was challenging and
laborious, requiring advanced technical
skills and the analysis of hundreds of satel- for all ape subspecies (Geissmann, 2007;
lite images at a time (Gaveau, Wandono Tranquilli et al., 2012; Wich et al., 2008).
and Setiabudi, 2007; LaPorte et al., 2007). In addition, the chapter projects future
A new platform, Global Forest Watch habitat loss rates for each subspecies and
(GFW), has revolutionized the use of satel- uses these results as one measure of threat
lite imagery, enabling the first in-depth to their long-term survival. GFW’s new
analysis of changes in forest availability in online forest monitoring and alert system,
the ranges of 22 great ape and gibbon spe- entitled Global Land Analysis and Dis
cies, totaling 38 subspecies (GFW, 2014; covery (GLAD) alerts, combines cutting-
Hansen et al., 2013; IUCN, 2016c; Max Planck edge algorithms, satellite technology and
Institute, n.d.-b). Launched in 2014, GFW cloud computing to identify tree cover
provides free access to spatially explicit, change in near-real time, thereby allowing
high-resolution forest change data derived those involved in ape conservation at the
from thousands of satellite images that are local level to monitor changes and gener-
updated annually. The global forest change ate critical information to enhance their
data set on GFW allows users to quantify conservation efforts.
annual change in forest cover within the The key findings show that gibbons are
geographic ranges of each ape subspecies in crisis:
and within protected and unprotected areas
in those ranges (Hansen et al., 2013; see Gibbons receive less attention in the
Figure 7.1). public eye than African apes and orang
This chapter presents the first assess- utans, yet gibbon habitats have been
ment of the distribution of forest habitat degraded to a far greater degree. By 2000,
in IUCN-defined ape ranges across Africa ten taxa of gibbons had already lost
and Southeast Asia. It also quantifies yearly more than 50% of their forest habitat, and
loss of ape-range forest from 2000 to 2014 in five gibbon taxa native to the Asian main-
land had each had their habitats reduced
a spatially explicit manner. Abundance data
to less than 5,000 km2 (500,000 ha).
are not available for all ape subspecies for
this period. In future assessments, combin- In Indonesia, three others—the agile
ing population and habitat data streams gibbon, Malaysian lar gibbon and sia-
will be essential because hunting threatens mang—lost more than 30% of their forest
ape population viability across taxa. Even cover between 2000 and 2014.
so, the integrity of ape habitat can serve During the period under review, the
as a useful threshold for estimating ape ranges of Asian apes lost up to 25% of
occupancy until demographic information their protected forests (median 5%), at a
becomes available. rate that must slow if apes are to persist
The chapter presents these data in com- over the next few decades. Eight gibbon
bination with current protected area (PA) subspecies lost more than 8% of their
coverage to assess the adequacy of protection protected habitat. Two of them—the
for each subspecies. Various lar gibbons Malaysian lar gibbon and Abbott’s gray
(Hylobates lar) and western black-crested gibbon—lost more than 13%.
gibbons (Nomascus concolor), as well as Plantations account for more than 75%
Grauer’s gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri), of the loss of forest habitat of three gib-
are already confined mainly to PAs (IUCN, bon subspecies—the agile gibbon (76%),
2016c; Maldonado et al., 2012). Protected Malaysian lar gibbon (87%) and the
areas are increasingly important refuges moloch gibbon (77%)—as well as more
than 50% of habitat loss of nine other agricultural plantations account for the
Asian gibbon and orangutan subspecies. majority of forest loss within ape ranges
Based on the trends of the period 2000– in Malaysia (84%) and Indonesia (82%),
14, nine ape subspecies, all gibbons, are as well as nearly 30% of loss in Cambodia.
expected to lose all their habitat by 2050 Altogether, ape habitat around the world
unless decisive action is taken to stop shrank by more than 10%—from nearly
or at least slow forest loss. Most of these 4.4 million km2 to under 4 million km2
species have enough area in legally defined (440 million ha to under 400 million ha).
conservation units to persist if reserves Ape forest habitat in Asia shrank by
are managed effectively. 21% (357,500 km2 or 35.8 million ha)
Better protection of existing reserves between 2000 and 2014. African habi-
within the ranges of 18 of the 25 gibbon tat fared relatively well, losing less than
subspecies should be able to support 4% (95,400 km2 or 9.5 million ha) of
more than 1,000 family groups. forest cover in that period, despite
increasing human population density,
Ape conservation faces grave challenges:
insurgencies and activities such as ille-
Between 2000 and 2014, Indonesia lost gal logging.
226,000 km2 (22.6 million ha) of forest Africa was home to two-thirds of the
cover, which constituted 63% of total remaining global ape habitat in 2014,
habitat loss in Asia and 50% of the total but major transportation infrastructure
loss of ape habitat globally. Large-scale has already begun to speed deforestation
Forest Cover and Loss in Ape Ranges and Protected Areas in Asia and Africa,
2000 and 2014¹
a. West Africa
SENEGAL Forest loss 2000–14
Protected areas
GUINEA- Chimpanzee
BISSAU (Pan troglodytes)
International boundary
% forest cover LIBERIA
in 2000
75–100 0 100 200 300 km
b. Central Africa
% forest cover in 2000
0–30 N R
Forest loss GABON
Protected areas
(Pan paniscus)
(Pan troglodytes) REPUBLIC
Cross River and
western lowland OF
gorilla (Gorilla g. diehli CONGO DEMOCRATIC
and Gorilla g. gorilla) REPUBLIC
boundary OF CONGO
c. East Africa
0 300 km SOUTH N
d. Northern Asia
e. Southern Asia
% forest cover in 2000
Forest loss
Protected areas BRUNEI
0 150 300 km
f. Southern Asia
% forest cover
in 2000 Northeast, northwest and
southwest Bornean orangutan
0–50 (Pongo pygmaeus morio,
50–70 Pongo p. pygmaeus and
Pongo p. wurmbii)
Sumatran orangutan
Forest loss Java (Pongo abelii)
Data sources for Figure 7.1
a–f: GLAD (n.d.); Hansen et Siamang (Symphalangus
Protected areas 0 150 300 km syndactylus)
al. (2013); IUCN and UNEP-
WCMC (2016)
of the Apes through the subspecies’ capacity to persist over time under varying degrees of can-
opy openness (see Table 7.1 and Annex IX). For example, eastern and
Lenses of Forest Cover western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii and Pan t. verus)
have evolved in forests that are drier than those of their central African
and Protection, 2000–14 conspecifics and are believed to tolerate a more open canopy (L. Pintea
and K. Abernethy, personal communication, 2016). To estimate forest
More so than other ape species, gibbons are change for each subspecies, this analysis applied values of “canopy
in peril. Prior to 2000—the year used as a density” that reflect the subspecies’ tolerance of canopy openness and
baseline for forest extent in this assessment the overall vegetation cover in their respective ranges (IUCN, 2016c;
see Annex IX). The GFW platform allows users to select canopy den-
—three gibbon taxa had each lost more sity values and thus recalculate the habitat assessment presented
than 60% of their historic habitat. The Cao here with different estimates of canopy density. For more details on
Vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) retained just methods, see annexes VIII, IX and X.
26% of its forest habitat in China and Viet
Nam; the Yunnan lar gibbon (Hylobates lar
yunnanensis) had 27% in China; and the 200,000 km2 (20 million ha) of potential
pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) had ape habitat (see Figure 7.4). The Democratic
40% in Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Indonesia,
Republic and Thailand (Hansen et al., 2013; in particular, retained large expanses of
IUCN, 2016c; see Table 7.1). Equally worrying tropical rainforest that supported multiple
are the situations of subspecies with highly ape taxa. Most ape ranges in Sumatra and
restricted geographic ranges and limited Borneo still contained high proportions of
forest cover, including the Hainan gibbon forest through 2000, despite high defor-
(Nomascus hainanus), with just 91 km2 estation rates in the two previous decades
(9,100 ha) in 2000, and the Central Yunnan (Gaveau et al., 2016).
black-crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor
jingdongensis), with just 672 km2 (67,200 ha;
see Figure 7.2).
Worldwide, ape ranges in 2000 con- Forest Dynamics and
tained 4.4 million km2 (440 million ha) of Loss from 2000 to 2014
forest habitat, about two-thirds of which
was in Africa and the remaining one-third Forest Dynamics in the
of which was in Southeast Asia (see Figure Geographic Ranges of
7.1 and Box 7.1). In 2000, the median area
of forest habitat within IUCN ranges of
Asian apes (48,608 km2 or 4.9 million ha) In 2000, ranges of the 38 ape taxa contained
was one-tenth the area of forest habitat a median of 78% forest habitat, based on a
found in ranges of African apes (400,983 km2 range of 26%–99% (see Table 7.1). Between
or 40 million ha; see Table 7.1). In 2000, 2000 and 2014, these ranges lost 1% to 44%
eight countries each contained more than of their forest habitat, with a median of 4.8%.
Kloss’s gibbon
(76%), the Malaysian lar gibbon (Hylobates lar
Yunnan lar gibbon
lar, 87%), and the moloch gibbon (Hylobates
Cao Vit gibbon
moloch, 77%). Plantations also overlap with
West Yunnan black-crested gibbon distributions of all four orangutan sub-
Central Yunnan black-crested gibbon species (Pongo species (spp.)), representing
Hainan gibbon 42%–59% of forest loss within their ranges.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Ape Subspecies and Forest Cover Status and Loss, 2000 vs. 2014
Name Range area Forest cover, % forest, Forest cover, % forest lost, % PA forest, % PA forest
(km²) 2000* (km²) 2000 2014 (km²) 2000–14 2000 lost, 2000–14
Bonobo (Pan paniscus)** 418,809 400,983 95.7 387,931 3.3 20.2 1.9
Cross River gorilla 3,648 3,388 92.9 3,363 0.7 53.5 0.5
(Gorilla gorilla diehli)**
Western lowland gorilla 695,076 610,453 87.8 602,982 1.2 27.1 0.6
(Gorilla g. gorilla)**
Northeast Bornean orangutan 32,931 32,149 97.6 29,163 9.3 19.9 7.1
(Pongo pygmaeus morio)
Northwest Bornean orangutan 14,119 13,965 98.9 13,492 3.4 56.3 0.4
(Pongo p. pygmaeus)
Southwest Bornean orangutan 81,148 77,542 95.6 66,065 14.8 12.8 6.7
(Pongo p. wurmbii)
Abbott’s gray gibbon 147,330 124,499 84.5 92,208 25.9 21.2 13.3
(Hylobates abbotti)
Agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis) 387,445 267,607 69.1 150,787 43.7 14.4 8.5
Bornean gray gibbon 276,487 245,352 88.7 202,593 17.4 14.0 8.5
(Hylobates funereus)
Carpenter’s lar gibbon 265,446 80,531 30.3 76,918 4.5 29.9 1.1
(Hylobates lar carpenteri)
Name Range area Forest cover, % forest, Forest cover, % forest lost, % PA forest, % PA forest
(km²) 2000* (km²) 2000 2014 (km²) 2000–14 2000 lost, 2000–14
Central lar gibbon 154,385 71,498 46.3 65,564 8.3 32.0 1.9
(Hylobates l. entelloides)
Malaysian lar gibbon 137,898 98,344 71.3 57,445 41.6 22.7 25.0
(Hylobates l. lar)
Sumatran lar gibbon 73,254 53,886 73.6 42,519 21.1 19.9 2.6
(Hylobates l. vestitus)
Yunnan lar gibbon 9,512 2,619 27.5 2,490 4.9 9.0 3.1
(Hylobates l. yunnanensis)
Cao Vit gibbon 8,332 2,161 25.9 2,107 2.5 16.2 5.8
(Nomascus nasutus)
Central Yunnan black-crested 1,270 672 52.9 659 1.9 23.1 0.1
gibbon (Nomascus concolor
Laotian black-crested gibbon 8,912 7,848 88.1 7,069 9.9 38.8 5.7
(Nomascus c. lu)
Tonkin black-crested gibbon 13,097 6,149 47.0 6,012 2.2 25.0 0.8
(Nomascus c. concolor)
West Yunnan black-crested 3,114 1,498 48.1 1,473 1.7 30.6 0.7
gibbon (Nomascus c.
Notes: * Forest cover in 2000 is defined using the canopy density associated with each subspecies. ** African apes.
Data sources: GLAD (n.d.); Hansen et al. (2013); IUCN and UNEP-WCMC (2016)
Forest Cover, Protection and Loss between 2000 and 2014 in (a) Asian, (b) African and (c) All Ape
Ranges, by Subspecies
Asian apes key: Hoolock Hylobates Nomascus All apes key: Gorilla Pan Hoolock Hylobates
Pongo Symphalangus Nomascus Pongo Symphalangus
500 km² 5,000 km² 25,000 km² 5,000 km² 50,000 km² 150,000 km²
Forest loss 2000–14 (%) Forest loss 2000–14 (%)
50 I II 50
a c
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Forest cover in 2000 (thousands of km²) Forest cover in 2000 (thousands of km²)
The graphs show forest cover in 2000 and forest loss evident in 2014 in the ranges
20,000 km² 80,000 km² 160,000 km²
of (a) Asian, (b) African and (c) all ape subspecies.
Forest loss 2000–14 (%)
The horizontal dotted lines in Figures 7.3(a)–(b) reflect the median percentage of
8 I II
b forest loss for Asian (8.3%) and African (2.1%) apes.
The vertical dotted lines in Figures 7.3(a)–(b) show the median forest cover in Asian
(48,600 km²) and African (401,000 km²) ape ranges in 2000.
The four resulting regions group subspecies according to the relative forest cover
security of their ranges, from: (I) insecure (limited forest cover in 2000, high forest
cover loss from 2000 to 2014) to (IV) secure (extensive forest cover, low forest
2 cover loss).
III IV Circle sizes in all graphs indicate the area of protected forest in each subspe-
0 cies’ range.
0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Forest cover in 2000 (thousands of km²) Data sources: GLAD (n.d.); Hansen et al. (2013); IUCN and UNEP-WCMC (2016)
orangutan species. Figure 7.3 combines greatest forest loss in ranges with the most
effects of forest loss prior to the year 2000 limited forest cover.
and ongoing deforestation by dividing the Habitat for several gibbons—the agile
data for each taxon into regions according gibbon, the Bornean white-bearded gibbon
to habitat remaining in 2000 and the per- (Hylobates albibarbis), the Bornean gray
centage of habitat lost since then. The size gibbon (Hylobates funereus) and the siamang
of the circles in Figure 7.3 indicates the area of (Symphalangus syndactylus)—was relatively
forest in PAs per range. In 2000, PAs covered extensive up to 2000 but decreased by 17%–
17 km2–50,470 km2 (5%–56% of each range’s 44% from then until 2014 (see Figure 7.3a).
forest cover) in Asia and 750 km2–177,300 km2 These and other subspecies in Region II
(15%–98%) in Africa (see Table 7.1). occur in areas where forest was relatively
The subspecies in Region I are of great- widespread in 2000 but was reduced sub-
est concern, as they have experienced the stantially over the following 14 years.
Photo: Is there enough The habitats of more than half of tural habitats primarily in the absence of an
habitat for gibbons? The
ranges of Asian apes lost up African and Asian ape taxa fall within alternative, if the natural forest in their range
to 25% of their protected
forests from 2000 to 2014.
Region III; these ranges had diminished is cleared for agricultural and other uses, yet
© Andrew Walmsley/ forest cover in 2000 and experienced lim- all need some natural tree canopy to find
Borneo Nature Foundation
ited subsequent forest loss. On the whole, food and nesting substrate (Ancrenaz et al.,
Asian apes lost roughly four times more of 2015a; Hernandez-Aguilar, 2009; Hockings
their forest habitat between 2000 and 2014 et al., 2015; IUCN, 2016c; W. Brockelman,
than did African apes (with a median loss personal communication, 2016).
of 8.3% vs. 2.1%, respectively). Overall, about 26% of African ape habitat
The few African subspecies in Region IV in 2000 was within PAs (median 81,152 km2/
have relatively large geographic ranges with 8.1 million ha of subspecies’ geographic
more extensive forest cover (see Figure 7.3b). ranges). A slightly lower median proportion
This group consists of the western lowland —21%, or 9,917 km2 (991,700 ha)—of the
gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and central habitat of Asian apes was protected that year.
chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes). From 2000 to 2014, forest loss was detected
Of great conservation concern is the combi- within all PAs, although at lower rates than
nation of limited forest cover and extensive outside PAs. In African ape ranges, forest
forest loss within Asian ape ranges. cover in PAs declined by less than 1%, which
resulted in a median 79,573 km2 (7.9 mil-
lion ha) of protected habitat in their ranges
Forest Dynamics Inside vs. in 2014 (see Table 7.2). Asian apes lost roughly
Outside Protected Areas 5% of protected forest during this period,
Protected areas are vital to the persistence which left their ranges with a median of
of ape populations. Evidence indicates that 9,255 km2 (925,500 ha) of protected habitat.
areas that have undergone large-scale clear- Median loss outside PAs in African ape
ing of forest, such as for plantations, will not ranges was three times higher than inside
sustain viable ape populations over time, PAs. While it is encouraging that the moun-
even though some ape species can make use tain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) expe-
of industrial plantations as supplemental rienced only a 0.3% decline in habitat outside
food sources or corridors in the short term PAs, such unprotected areas comprise less
(Ancrenaz, Calaque and Lackman-Ancrenaz, than 3% of this subspecies’ entire, highly
2004; Wich et al., 2012b). Apes use agricul- restricted range (see Table 7.1).
Percentage of Forest Loss in Ranges of Asian and African Ape Subspecies,
2000 vs. 2014
Data sources: GLAD (n.d.); Hansen et al. (2013); IUCN and UNEP-WCMC (2016)
of laws against forest encroachment and To remain viable in the face of reduced
poaching in PAs signals an urgent need connectivity among populations, some spe-
for improved management, protection, cies may need to be managed as metapopu-
patrolling and community involvement lations, linked by dispersal, by connecting
(Geissmann, 2007). reserves and buffer areas via forest corri-
The ranges of Asian apes lost up to 25% dors. However, results of this analysis also
of their protected forests (median 5%) from show that forest inside 10-km buffer zones
2000 to 2014, a rate that must slow if apes around PAs, which would necessarily form
are to persist over the next few decades (see the basis of dispersal corridors for apes, is as
Table 7.1). Other factors, such as hunting
and disease, will intensify the effects of these
projected habitat losses on population
densities. In parts of Africa, habitat loss BOX 7.2
may be less of a concern than hunting (see Hunting May Wipe Out Ape
Box 7.2). There is still enough time to prevent Populations Sooner than
the decline seen in Asia from being repli- Forest Loss
cated in Africa. Assessing forest loss alone may greatly
Based solely on the extremely limited underestimate changes in ape popula-
amount of habitat remaining, it is clear that tion densities. Increased hunting associ-
certain species will need more protected ated with fragmenting and opening up of
closed-canopy forest may, in fact, deci-
forest area to persist over time. The follow- mate ape populations before the loss of
ing gibbons are especially vulnerable: habitat quality does (Hicks et al., 2010;
Ripple et al., 2016).
Abbott’s gray gibbon; Deforestation facilitates access to previ-
the Hainan gibbon; ously intact forests, which, in turn, enables
poaching for wild meat, participation in the
the pileated gibbon; and wild animal trade, and disease transmis-
the southern yellow-cheeked crested sion from humans (Köndgen et al., 2008;
Leendertz et al., 2006; Poulsen et al.,
gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae). 2009). Indeed, once people start cutting
forest, they hunt game and target large
Gibbons and some great ape subspecies mammals, including apes. While a sub-
(mountain and Grauer’s gorillas) persist stantial decrease in forest cover in an ape
primarily in protected conservation areas; range—for example, from 90% to 30%—
they continue to face threats from hunting in might not wipe out local species on its
own, associated hunting may very well
PAs that are not well patrolled (Geissmann, do so (Meijaard et al., 2010b; Tranquilli et
2007; IUCN, 2016c; Maldonado et al., 2012). al., 2014). Western lowland gorillas, for
To be able to persist, the following species example, face a greater threat from hunt-
ing and disease than forest loss (Maisels
will, at a minimum, need better management
et al., 2016b; Walsh et al., 2003).
of existing reserves within their ranges:
Biologists are creating comprehensive
layers of data on ape population densi-
both species of orangutan;
ties and areas most affected by wild meat
the agile gibbon; hunting (Max Planck Institute, n.d.-b).
Once available, the data will be able to
the Malaysian lar gibbon; be used to complement information on
the West Yunnan black-crested gibbon forest change, thereby greatly improving
(Nomascus concolor furvogaster); our understanding of the trajectory of ape
populations and assisting the conserva-
the Central Yunnan black-crested gibbon; tion community in identifying and safe-
and guarding the most vulnerable sites.
Forest Dynamics by Country
Between 2000 and 2014, apes worldwide India
lost 453,000 km2 (45.3 million ha) of forest, Sierra Leone
or more than 10% of the 2000 baseline. Of
that loss, 79% took place in Asia. Asian ape-
Viet Nam
range countries lost 357,500 km2 (35.8 mil-
lion ha) of forest cover, or more than 20% of
South Sudan
their forest habitat, an area nearly four times
as large as that lost in African range states, China
ape habitat globally. Data sources: GLAD (n.d.); Hansen et al. (2013); IUCN and UNEP-WCMC (2016); see Box 7.1
overall loss of habitat regardless of the inclu- Figure 7.5a). The amount of remaining habi-
sion of plantation data, and each showed tat listed in Table 7.1 reflects the true 2014
even greater loss when plantations were fully habitat endpoint for subspecies whose ranges
included in the calculation (see Table 7.1 and overlap with plantations.
Ape Ranges that Experienced the (a) Highest and the (b) Lowest Cumulative Annual Forest Loss,
Key: Sumatran lar gibbon Bornean gray gibbon Southwest Bornean orangutan Pileated gibbon Müller’s gibbon
Bornean white-bearded gibbon Siamang Abbott’s gray gibbon Malaysian lar gibbon Agile gibbon
Cumulative annual forest loss (%)
0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Key: Cross River gorilla Mountain gorilla Western lowland gorilla Central chimpanzee West Yunnan black-crested gibbon
Central Yunnan black-crested gibbon Grauer’s gorilla Tonkin black-crested gibbon Cao Vit gibbon Nigeria–Cameroon chimpanzee
0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Notes: Plantation data were not available on an annual basis. Their inclusion would have increased the 2014 cumulative totals for all ten species in Figure 7.5a (plantations
did not affect the subspecies in Figure 7.5b). For total cumulative loss values for all ape subspecies, see Table 7.1.
Projecting Forward Figure 7.7). The increasing loss rate for habi-
tat of eastern chimpanzees stands in contrast
From 2000 to 2014, the annual rate of loss
to the decreasing loss rate of Hainan gib-
was relatively constant for most species,
bon habitat (see Figure 7.6). The latter was
providing a rationale for projecting this
severely diminished both before and during
same rate forward. Before future forest loss
the study period, due to massive deforesta-
could be estimated, a regression line was
fitted to the cumulative deforestation data; tion activities throughout Southeast Asia
Figure 7.6 shows two examples. The result- (Achard et al., 2014). Hainan gibbons cur-
ing equations were then used to predict the rently persist in a single island protected area.
amount of deforestation based on past The forest loss rates derived for each
trends, as discussed below. subspecies served as the basis for predicting
The tight fit of the regression function remaining forest habitat in the medium term
to the data allowed future losses to be pro- (2030) and longer term (2050), as shown
jected with a high degree of confidence (see in Figure 7.7. To avoid speculation about
Regression Lines Fitted to Cumulative Forest Loss for (a) the Eastern Chimpanzee and
(b) the Hainan Gibbon, 2000–14
Annual forest loss (%) Eastern chimpanzee regression equation: y = 0.010x² + 0.105x + 0.148, R² = 0.997
2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14
Annual forest loss (%) Hainan gibbon regression equation: y = -0.015x² + 60.528x - 61128, R² = 0.981
2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14
best fit the loss data for 2000–14. When Eastern hoolock
extrapolated, the tapering loss rate for the Carpenter’s lar gibbon
Western hoolock
a negative loss rate for the coming decades—
Yunnan lar gibbon
and possibly forest regeneration.
Northern white-cheeked crested gibbon
These forest loss projections are sim-
Western chimpanzee
plistic, and land use changes are dynamic
Northeast Bornean orangutan
within ape-range countries. Slower rates of
Central lar gibbon
forest loss within PAs, as shown in Table
Southern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon
7.3, suggest that as a higher percentage of
Laotian black-crested gibbon
a given taxon’s range is under protection— Sumatran lar gibbon
either because more area is protected or Bornean gray gibbon
less unprotected forest remains—the rate Southwest Bornean orangutan
of loss will be slower in the future. As dis- Pileated gibbon
cussed throughout this volume, however, Müller’s gibbon
massive transportation infrastructure invest- Bornean white-bearded gibbon
ments in Southeast Asia and central Africa Siamang
and extraction could affect forest loss rates Regular monitoring of remaining for-
even in current reserves. est cover will be a critical conservation tool
Regardless of the extent of forest cover, as surviving ape populations take refuge in
adverse impacts of human activities in ape increasingly isolated regions (IUCN, 2016c;
habitats—such as hunting, forest degrada- Junker et al., 2012). Early detection of the
tion and disease transmission—are major presence and location of forest loss can
conservation issues for apes. Even so, the guide further investigation of a target area
availability of sufficient forest with adequate through higher-resolution aerial images or
connectivity is a benchmark that must be
planned against if these species are to per-
sist into the future (Plumptre et al., 2016b;
Tranquilli et al., 2012).
A critical finding of this is that gibbon
subspecies with small geographic ranges
face a particularly uncertain future. These
taxa are little studied and poorly repre-
sented in conservation organization action
plans; moreover, their plight is less recog-
nized by the public and the media than that
of chimpanzees or gorillas. Conserving
remaining forest within gibbon ranges is
possible, but only if the conservation com-
munity replaces this apparent complacency
about the future of gibbons and dedicates
the same attention and resources to gibbons
that it does to the great apes.
Regular Monitoring of
Forest Change
Forest loss in remote areas, including within
and between PAs, often goes undetected
until large areas have been cleared, as forest
monitoring is typically limited to patrolling
on the ground by park staff (Dudley, Stolton
and Elliott, 2013). This chapter aims to help
range-state institutions and conservation
managers to:
by rangers on the ground (see annexes XII their analyses of population status and local Photo: Large-scale agricul-
tural plantations account
and XIII). threats. If PAs are losing forest, it is likely that for 52%–87% of detected
forest loss within the ranges
Repeating analyses in particular areas they are losing apes directly to hunting as
of at least 12 ape subspecies
would allow managers to monitor key perfor- well (Walsh et al., 2003; Wich et al., 2012a). in Malaysia and Indonesia.
© HUTAN–Kinabatangan
mance indicators of ape habitat over time. Regular monitoring of habitat change can lead Orang-utan Conservation
Updated forest cover data provide a tool for to more rigorous assessments once population Project
primatologists and conservationists to inte- and wild meat hunting data become spatially
grate current habitat status information into explicit across all ape species and habitats.
communication, 2017). loss within the ranges of at least 12 ape sub-
Protected areas A new collaboration between GFW and species in Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as
are becoming a last RESOLVE will make GLAD alerts in critical nearly 30% of loss of ape habitat in Cambodia.
stronghold for remain- ape regions easily accessible to the general Available data reveal that plantations in
ing populations of a public, along with a weekly feature called Africa corresponded to just 1% of habitat
growing number of “places to watch,” which highlights changes loss for only one African ape subspecies,
ape taxa, both in Asia, in tree cover that are of greatest concern to although nearly 60% of oil palm concessions
and, increasingly, ape conservation. Alternatively, subscribers occur within African ape ranges. Close to
in Africa. can receive these near-real-time alerts of 40% of unprotected ape habitat in Africa is
detections of forest loss for whatever areas land suitable for oil palm (Wich et al., 2014);
they select, be it a country, a forest reserve, as land available for expanding oil palm and
a conservation landscape, a road buffer, or other industrial-scale agriculture diminishes
a hand-drawn polygon on the platform’s in Asia, corporate demand for undeveloped
interactive map. land is likely to increase in Africa. Such
Future habitat assessments could eval- demand is likely to fuel a surge in both defor-
uate patterns of GLAD alerts as possible estation and degradation from associated
indicators of the intensity of imminent forest infrastructure development (Barber et al.,
loss. In areas for which GLAD alerts have 2014; Laurance et al., 2015b).
been set up, analyses could also track factors In 2000, African ape ranges were 94%
associated with forest loss, including slopes, forested (see Table 7.1). By 2014, African apes
distances to clearings, roads and towns (see still retained substantial forest cover in their
annexes XI and XII). ranges, but rates of loss had increased in the
Incorporating near-real-time GLAD previous five years. In contrast, ape ranges
alerts to improve the enforcement of existing in Asia were only 69% forested in 2000.
PAs would go a long way towards conserv- While the overall rate of forest loss in South
ing many ape populations, in particular the east Asia slowed somewhat in the following
small gibbon populations and their remain- decade—particularly when compared to the
ing forest patches in both mainland and extremely high rates caused by massive
insular Southeast Asia. For these and other deforestation during the 1990s (Achard et al.,
apes, the approach would allow managers to 2014)—apes there persist in isolated forest
identify critical forest corridors and buffer fragments and PAs.
zones that warrant conservation action and Protected areas are becoming a last
to enhance monitoring of forests within rec- stronghold for remaining populations of a
ognized corridors and buffer zones. growing number of ape taxa, both in Asia,
where forest loss continues to threaten ape 7 World Resources Institute’s Global Forest Watch
populations, and, increasingly, in Africa. PAs initiative (WRI-GFW)
experience lower rates of habitat loss than
8 University of Maryland (
unprotected areas, but, as this analysis under-
scores, losses are still considerable (Gaveau
et al., 2009a; Geldmann et al., 2013).
The need to act is most acute in Asia. If
the frontier of deforestation is around PAs,
where forest remains, and loss rates stay
constant into the coming decades, forest
connectivity will be lost, as will the chance
to ensure that PAs are large enough and well
protected enough to maintain viable popu-
lations of subspecies. Stabilizing expanses
of protected forest and improving PA man-
agement effectiveness are priorities for ape
conservation in the immediate future.
Principal authors: Suzanne Palminteri2, Anup Joshi3,
Eric Dinerstein4, Lilian Pintea5, Sanjiv Fernando6,
Crystal Davis7, Matthew Hansen8
Annexes VIII, IX, X, XI, XII and XIII: The authors
Reviewers: Leo Bottrill, Mark Cochrane, Mark Harrison
and Fiona Maisels
1 Circular representation of protected areas: The
authors used the April 2016 version of the World
Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) for global
spatial analysis. In the WDPA data layer, some
protected areas are provided only as points, with-
out boundaries. Circular buffers were created
around these points, based on area information
in the WDPA. These buffered points were then
merged to create one visual layer for protected
areas. This approach resulted in the circular repre-
sentation of some protected areas in these maps.
2 Consultant
3 University of Minnesota (
5 Jane Goodall Institute (JGI)
As a result of human population growth and
the attendant loss of natural habitats and
wildlife, people will increasingly encounter
apes only in captive settings. The contexts of
these settings influence how viewers per-
ceive the conservation status of apes (Leighty
et al., 2015).
Apes in range states are held in a variety
of captive settings: they are kept in private
homes; publicly displayed as tourist attrac-
tions, in zoos, safari parks and by individu-
als; and taken in by specialized, non-profit
care facilities. The latter facilities, which are
dedicated to providing care for orphaned,
confiscated and injured apes, are known as
sanctuaries, rescue centers or rehabilitation
centers. While rescue and rehabilitation
centers typically focus on short-term care
and treatment of injured animals, sanctu- welfare standards for existing and new
aries provide long-term or lifetime care residents.
(CITES, 2010a; Durham, 2015). Some zoos In the absence of legal consequences for
also hold orphaned or confiscated apes; perpetrators of wildlife crimes, rescues
since the provision of such care is not their and even confiscations do nothing to
primary function, however, zoos are not deter further illegal hunting of wild
discussed in this study. apes; in fact, they may contribute to ille-
In the absence This chapter comprises two main sec- gal ape poaching and trade.
of legal consequences tions. The first considers the history and
Increased collaboration and collective
for perpetrators of context of range state sanctuaries, focusing efforts by sanctuaries, conservation-
wildlife crimes, on 56 such facilities identified by the authors. focused non-governmental organizations
rescues and even It examines the outlook for sanctuary apes (NGOs), governments, industry and
confiscations do and explores the opportunities and chal- other parties are needed to address the
nothing to deter lenges for these sanctuaries in view of cur- habitat destruction, poaching and
further illegal hunting rent and emerging threats. Unless otherwise
human–wildlife conflict that drive apes
of wild apes. cited, information is based on the authors’ into sanctuaries.
knowledge and observations; accounts and
Sanctuaries can improve welfare and
data provided by sanctuary practitioners and
conservation impacts by: undergoing
external experts; and unpublished data, as
independent inspection, accreditation
well as details provided on official and facil-
and evaluation against robust welfare
ity websites.1 The key findings of this sanc-
and conservation standards; accepting
tuary review include the following:
external scientific review of reintroduc-
Conditions at range state sanctuaries tion or translocation methodologies;
vary widely. Many have exemplary pro- committing to intake polices that sup-
port welfare standards, contribute to law
grams, but few facilities have been inde-
enforcement and prevent corruption;
pendently inspected and accredited to
and increasing engagement to address
verify their performance against welfare
the root causes that lead apes to need
and care standards.
captive care.
Suitable habitat for reintroduction and
translocation is increasingly limited, Section II updates captive ape popula-
meaning that most of the thousands tion statistics and discusses the regulatory
of apes already in sanctuaries and the landscape affecting captive apes. The key
thousands more still in need of captive findings of the statistics update are:
care will spend their lives in captivity.
If reintroduction or translocation is While the United States is starting to
possible, careful site selection, proper witness a transfer of chimpanzees from
rehabilitation, candidate selection and laboratories to sanctuaries, the slow pace
post-release monitoring are critical to is of concern, in part because of the
prevent significant adverse effects on the number of older chimpanzees.
welfare and conservation of both wild Ensuring transparency regarding the
and rehabilitant apes. number, location and welfare of apes
Overcrowding and resultant poor wel- is an ongoing challenge. In the United
fare lower the quality of life for sanctuary States, the government recently removed
apes. Careful consideration is needed to considerable amounts of previously avail-
determine whether and when new apes able data from online databases, raising
can be accepted without diminishing concerns about accountability.
Regulatory changes and actions by fed- and care centered on quality of life. A 2011–12
eral agencies in one country sometimes survey of 22 Pan African Sanctuary Alliance
have an unexpected impact on sanctu- (PASA) centers—including three facilities
aries within and beyond that jurisdiction. that do not care for apes—demonstrated
A recent case in point concerns a permit the breadth of sanctuary projects beyond
application for exportation of chim- ape rescue and welfare. Most PASA sanc-
panzees from the United States to the tuaries conducted conservation education
United Kingdom. The move raised issues programs: 86% were organizing on-site
regarding the international impact of the activities and 82% were running off-site
U.S. Endangered Species Act, the man- conservation education. Cumulatively, these
agement of captive apes within Europe programs reached an average of 19,730
and the illegal international trade in wild people per sanctuary per year. Most educa-
animals—all of which affect sanctuaries tional messaging was around wildlife laws
and their missions. and biodiversity (Ferrie et al., 2014).
Other activities conducted by PASA sanc-
tuaries included:
I. Beyond Capacity: staff development, including support In the United
Sanctuaries and the to attend alliance workshops (at 86% of States, the government
Status of Captive Apes in all surveyed facilities) and exchange with recently removed
Shrinking Natural Habitats overseas zoos and sanctuaries (32%); considerable amounts
supporting or assisting in the construc- of previously available
Background tion of roads, bridges and boreholes captive apes data
(46%) and health clinics and sanitation from online databases,
History and Scope of Range
facilities (27%); raising concerns about
State Sanctuaries
supporting schools or education centers
Ape sanctuaries have been operational in
(87%) and community centers (27%);
range states for several decades. They are a
response to the specialized care needs of apes local grant programs or enterprise devel-
who have been confiscated from poachers opment assistance (36%);
or from the illegal trade, held as pets or population and habitat viability analysis
retired from unsuitable zoos. The authors and other censuses (64%);
identified 56 range state sanctuaries that research on ecology (55%) and social
care for apes, based on personal knowledge, behavior (46%);
expert accounts, and online descriptions
funding or staffing anti-poaching patrols
and photos. Most of these sanctuaries were
founded and are run by dedicated individu-
als or NGOs with an interest in improving regular monitoring of primate habitats
ape welfare and contributing to ape conser- (46%);
vation. Eight of the 56 facilities (14%) are conducting anti-logging patrols (14%);
currently government-owned. and
Many ape sanctuaries have evolved from tree-planting (59%) (Ferrie et al., 2014).
an initial focus on individual rescues to a
broader scope that includes local conserva- In addition to providing employment
tion and community projects, contributions worth more than US$1.3 million per year
to the understanding of species behavior, for 21 sanctuaries, PASA sanctuary contribu-
and the provision of behavioral enrichment tions to local economies totaled an average
Sanctuary Standards
Conditions at ape sanctuaries vary widely.
Importantly, standards of welfare, health
care and facility management have improved
over the past few decades alongside the
expansion of captive facility activities.
Relevant guidelines are now available for
both great apes and gibbons (Farmer et al.,
2009; GFAS, 2013a, 2013b; PASA, 2016a).
Through alliances, networks and advisory
groups, sanctuary collaboration among facil-
ity directors, staff and outside experts has
had a positive influence on the development
and implementation of standards and the
depth of expertise in sanctuaries, as described
in Box 8.1 (Ferrie et al., 2014; K. Farmer,
personal communication, 2016).
The Global Federation of Animal Sanc
tuaries (GFAS), the Orangutan Veterinary
Advisory Group (OVAG), PASA and the
Wild Animal Rescue Network (WARN) have
contributed to sanctuaries’ recognition of
ape captive care and welfare standards.
PASA was formed in 2000, prior to the
existence of published standards for in situ
care of captive African apes. The African
primate sanctuary community and outside
experts jointly led the development of
PASA’s standards for African apes and other
primates (Farmer et al., 2009). PASA also
published manuals to guide primate health-
care and conservation education practices
(Cartwright, 2010; Unwin et al., 2009). OVAG
sanctuaries. The Alliance’s revised standards OVAG, PASA and WARN bring outside
experts to sanctuaries and facilitate
no longer mandate regular on-site inde- information exchange and reciprocal
pendent inspection of member sanctuaries, visits among facilities. These collabora-
instead requiring sanctuaries to complete a tions provide sanctuaries with access to
experts on conservation education, stra-
questionnaire every five years; follow-up tegic planning, reintroduction, and veteri-
inspections are undertaken if deemed nec- nary medicine and health care. Funding
essary by PASA (PASA, 2016a). In contrast, raised by alliances, networks and advi-
sory groups has been used to pay for
GFAS requires on-site inspections for every
meeting space, accommodation and food
sanctuary verification or accreditation to host sanctuary staff, travel costs for
(GFAS, n.d.-a). outside experts and travel of sanctuary
staff to attend training.
Independent verification or accredita-
tion of captive facility standards is critical to
conservation activities (including reintro- are regularly poached for wild meat. In
duction) and collaboration in law enforce- addition, the demand for ape body parts for
ment efforts would improve verification and use in traditional medicine leads to poach-
accreditation practices. The relevance of these ing of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and
issues to sanctuaries is discussed through- gibbons in some range states (Campbell et
out the chapter. Developing and incorpo- al., 2008; Davis et al., 2013; Geissmann et
rating these standards could strengthen al., 2013; Lao MAF, 2011; Molur et al., 2005;
sanctuary and accreditation organization Moutinho et al., 2015; Rawson et al., 2011).
partnerships with conservation NGOs, gov- Infants captured by poachers are often oppor-
ernments, field researchers and donors. tunistically sold as pets. Poachers target
some gibbon species in particular for sale as
pets or to zoos and safari parks (Campbell
Drivers of Intake at et al., 2008; Geissmann et al., 2008; Molur
Ape Sanctuaries et al., 2005; Nijman and Geissmann, 2008;
Rawson et al., 2011). If confiscated or aban-
Drivers and proximate reasons for apes’ doned, these illegally captured apes are often
captive care needs differ across regions delivered to sanctuaries.
and range states. They include habitat loss The killing or capture of apes is also
and degradation, poaching and weak law common in the context of human–wildlife
enforcement. conflict (Davis et al., 2013; Rawson et al., 2011;
National laws prohibit the hunting of Williamson et al., 2014). Sanctuaries are
and trade in apes in all range states.2 With often called on to remove wild apes threat-
the exception of South Sudan, all ape range ened by these conflicts, and to translocate
states are parties to CITES, the Convention them to other natural habitat or place them
on International Trade in Endangered in captive care. If the apes are not removed,
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, they are often killed or captured, and the
2016a). All apes are listed in CITES Appen infants sold or kept as pets (Ancrenaz et al.,
dix I, which bans international commer- 2015a; Durham, 2015).
cial trade in listed species (CITES, 2017). Both poaching and human–wildlife con-
However, enforcement of these laws and of flict are associated with habitat destruction
CITES is inconsistent and transgressions and fragmentation, which are direct conse-
are common (Bennett, 2011; Campbell et al., quences of human activities such as log-
2008; Cotula et al., 2015; Imong et al., 2016). ging and forest clearance for the expansion
Weak law enforcement facilitates the of industrial, subsistence and small-scale
poaching of wild apes. In Africa, illegal agriculture, livestock grazing, extractive
hunting for wild meat (meat from wild industries and infrastructure (see Chapters
animals, often referred to as “bushmeat”) 1–6).3 As their habitats shrink, these apes are
is a significant threat to apes in Angola, exposed to a growing risk of being hunted,
Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR), captured or killed. Examples of habitat
the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), destruction abound. Across Indonesia and
Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia and Malaysia, forest conversions destroy and
the Republic of Congo (Fruth et al., 2016; fragment ape habitats, often isolating apes
IUCN, 2014d; Maisels, Bergl and Williamson, in tiny patches of trees, where adults can
2016a; Plumptre et al., 2010, 2015; Refisch and easily be killed and their infants captured
Koné, 2005). In some range states in Asia, (Ancrenaz et al., 2015a; Campbell et al., 2008;
including Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Lao Singleton et al., 2016). In Indonesia in par-
PDR and Viet Nam, orangutans and gibbons ticular, fires set to clear land for agriculture
(UN, 2015). Since important ape popula- seizures and rescues, a trend that tends to
tions occur outside of protected areas in persist unless law enforcement effectively
these five countries and human population deters poachers from further illegal activity
growth is sure to exacerbate illegal hunting (K. Farmer and D. Cox, personal commu-
and trade, apes will be placed at increasing nication, 2012). Meanwhile, international
risk (Indonesia MoF, 2009; IUCN, 2014d; media coverage of CITES and wildlife laws
Molur et al., 2005; Plumptre et al., 2010). has increased pressure on range states to
While improved enforcement of ape enforce bans on hunting CITES-listed spe-
protection laws is urgently needed, it is also cies, including apes (see Box 8.2). Ideally,
likely to increase demands on ape sanctu- such scrutiny will result in improved law
aries. In some African range states, better enforcement and better protection of wild
enforcement has entailed an increase in ape populations.
BOX 8.2 Notably, states can meet CITES requirements for national
legislation while still providing insufficient protection for apes,
The Illegal Trade in Apes as is the case in Thailand. A recent analysis of Thai wildlife
The fact that the Chimpanzee Conservation Center and the laws highlights several significant shortcomings that imperil
Centre de Réhabilitation des Primates de Lwiro recently took apes. The law currently places the burden of proof on the
in three chimpanzees confiscated from international trade government to demonstrate that wildlife was obtained ille-
indicates that trafficking in African apes continues, even if in gally, rather than requiring those possessing wildlife to prove
relatively low numbers. they obtained it legally. In addition, current criminal penalties
for illegally held or traded wildlife may not provide sufficient
A recent study shows demand for wild-caught apes in Penin
deterrence against wildlife crime. The study authors propose
sular Malaysia and Thailand, two regions where apes continue
detailed recommendations for improving a draft amendment
to be acquired by zoos and for wildlife attractions such as
to Thailand’s Wild Animal Preservation and Protection Act,
safari parks, tourist photo props and performances (Beastall
B.E. 2535 of 1992, which is under consideration (Moore,
and Bouhuys, 2016; see Table 8.1). Interviews of facility staff
Prompinchompoo and Beastall, 2016).
indicate that most of the apes whose origin was known had
been caught in the wild. The researchers found that Thai facil- In Indonesia, the government is considering revisions to its
ities held non-native apes in numbers far exceeding those Law for Conservation of Living Resources and Ecosystems,
recorded as legal imports, including a gorilla and gibbons for Law No. 5 of 1990, following government recognition that wild-
whom there were no legal import records. Zoo studbooks in life hunting and trade cases have typically resulted in short
Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand list dozens of orangutans prison sentences (under one year) and fines of less than 100
as wild-caught or of unknown origin, although some wild- million rupiah (US$7,500) (Jong, 2016).
caught individuals arrived as a result of enforcement actions Another issue undermining ape protection laws is fraudulent
(Beastall and Bouhuys, 2016). The data indicate that illegal international trade of apes under CITES, often with the use
trade in Asian apes remains a concern and needs to be of captive-bred source codes for wild-caught apes (CITES,
addressed through legislation, improved enforcement and 2014). Such fraud was particularly associated with trade
public awareness campaigns. cases from Guinea between 1999 and 2012. Guinea has no
Although prohibition of hunting and trade in apes is universal captive breeding facilities for apes; claims of captive-bred
across range states, legal protections for apes vary widely. apes from this state are thus inevitably fraudulent, and the
CITES depends on national laws for implementation. CITES has animals involved can be assumed to be wild-caught (CITES,
four requirements for each state party’s national legislation: 2012). CITES Trade Database records show that 122 chimpan-
zees and 10 gorillas were traded by Guinea as captive-bred
1. designation of at least one management authority and
(CITES, n.d.).
one scientific authority;
In 2016, the Conference of the Parties to CITES responded
2. prohibition of trade in species in violation of the Convention;
by approving a mechanism for CITES to review, investigate
3. ability to penalize such trade; and and enforce prohibitions on fraudulent uses of captive breed-
4. confiscation of specimens illegally traded or possessed ing codes (CITES, 2016b). This effort is intended to prevent
(CITES, 2010b). further laundering of wild-caught animals.
While the illegal trade in apes persists and presents a threat
Only 10 of the 26 ape range states have laws that satisfy all
to these species, it is typically a byproduct of illegal hunting,
four requirements: Cambodia, Cameroon, the DRC, Equato
involving the opportunistic sale of infants for additional
rial Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Senegal, Thailand
(see below) and Viet Nam. The remaining 16 range states do income. Among the threats to apes, the illegal trade is thus
not meet the four requirements. Eight range states have laws of a lower order of magnitude than the key drivers of popula-
meeting one to three of the four requirements: Bangladesh, tion declines, namely habitat loss and fragmentation, illegal
Burundi, Gabon, Guinea, India, Mali, the Republic of Congo hunting and human–wildlife conflict, all of which can facilitate
and Tanzania. Eight range states—Angola, Guinea-Bissau, the capture and sale of apes.
Ivory Coast, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), The trade poses a proportionally greater threat to some gib-
Liberia, Myanmar, Sierra Leone and Uganda—do not have bon species, however. Gibbon species that are specifically
legislation meeting any of the four requirements. Required targeted are Kloss’s gibbon (Hylobates klossii), the lar gib-
legislation is in development in all 16 of the above-listed range bon (Hylobates lar), Müller’s gibbon (Hylobates muelleri), the
states (CITES, 2016a). Once passed and promulgated, this Bornean gray gibbon (Hylobates funereus), the southern
legislation is expected to improve the states’ ability to con- yellow-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) and
fiscate illegally held apes and prosecute perpetrators. These the siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) (Brockelman and
steps, in turn, are certain to increase the number of apes in Geissmann, 2008; Geissmann and Nijman, 2008a, 2008b;
need of sanctuary care—and thus the demand for additional Geissmann et al., 2008; Nijman and Geissmann, 2008; Whittaker
sanctuary capacity. and Geissmann, 2008).
Apes in Peninsular Malaysian and Thai Zoos and Wildlife Attractions, 2016
Bornean orangutan 31 – 31
Sumatran orangutan 2 – 2
Agile gibbon 5 2 7
Moloch gibbon 1 – 1
Pileated gibbon – 34 34
Siamang 7 3 10
Notes: The agile gibbon, lar gibbon and siamang are native to Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand. The pileated gibbon is native to Thailand.
Data source: Beastall and Bouhuys (2016)
the international trade. The sanctuary took majority of wild ape species (Brockelman
in one orphaned chimpanzee from Senegal, and Geissmann, 2008; Campbell et al., 2008;
where there are no sanctuary facilities Davis et al., 2013; Indonesia MoF, 2009;
(C. Colin, personal communication, 2016). IUCN, 2014d; Plumptre et al., 2015).
The prevalence of hunting and local
trade as proximate causes for the intake of
Status and Outlook for Apes in
apes in range state sanctuaries corroborates
data showing that habitat destruction, poach-
Range State Sanctuaries
ing for wild meat and traditional medicine, Table 8.2 lists range states with ape sanctu-
and killing related to human–wildlife con- aries and the species they hold. Except for
flicts remain the most pressing threats to the Bangladesh and Myanmar, Asian ape range
Captive Center Capacity in Ape Range States, 2016
Data sources: Wildlife Impact (2015, 2016); online and unpublished facility accounts, reviewed by the authors
states have sanctuaries that hold apes of their lives, in these facilities. Many sanc-
(Wildlife Impact, 2016). The rescue center tuaries would need to invest heavily in infra-
at Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden in structure and staff to take on additional
Hong Kong is not currently known to hold lifetime residents. Overall, overcrowding
gibbons, but it is equipped to rescue and issues in sanctuaries are likely to worsen
quarantine them (KFBG, n.d.). given the number of apes in need, apes’ long
Nine African ape range states— life spans and current intake practices. Even
Cameroon, the DRC, Gabon, Guinea, now, sanctuaries would not be able to accom-
Liberia, Nigeria, the Republic of Congo, modate or provide minimum acceptable
Sierra Leone and Uganda—have sanctuar- welfare standards to the thousands of apes
ies that hold apes (Wildlife Impact, 2015, held illegally, nor the newly captured ones.
2016). More than half of the African ape Some countries without designated res-
range countries—namely Angola, Burundi, cue centers have shown a reluctance to con-
CAR, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Guinea- fiscate unlawfully held or traded live animals
Bissau, Mali, Rwanda, Senegal, South Sudan (André et al., 2008; Teleki, 2001). In per-
and Tanzania—do not have sanctuaries sonal communication with the authors in
that are currently equipped to care for apes November 2016, zoologist Tamar Ron and
(Wildlife Impact, 2015, 2016). Ivory Coast Maiombe National Park administrator José
does not have a sanctuary, but the Abidjan Bizi describe recent ape confiscations in
Zoo has accepted chimpanzees in need of Angola, a gorilla and chimpanzee range state
rescue. In 2014 it was at full capacity due to that lacks sanctuaries:
high rates of intake, including of pet chim-
panzees left at the zoo during the Ebola Of five infant chimpanzees and two infant
crisis (R. Champion, personal communica- gorillas confiscated by the Maiombe
tion, 2014). National Park in the past two years or
The number of apes in need far exceeds so, only one chimpanzee has survived.
existing captive facility capacity. Many facil- That one is being taken care of, together
ities are full and others have space for very with a number of other chimpanzees of
limited numbers of additional apes. More different ages, in a private facility of a
than 6,000 gibbons and between 25 and 126 person who has been trying to save
African apes are estimated to be illegally infant chimpanzees and gorillas over
held in range countries (Durham, 2015; several decades, with his own means,
Wildlife Impact, 2015). These numbers but unfortunately succeeds in providing
exclude the 66 chimpanzees abandoned them only with very substandard, inad-
by the New York Blood Center in Liberia equate conditions.
(Gorman, 2015a; see below). An estimate The [Maiombe National] Park staff does
for orangutans was not available. not have adequate capacity, means and
Many range state sanctuaries have the conditions to take care of confiscated
ultimate aim of reintroducing apes back into apes over time. There are no adequate
their natural habitats. In practice, however, facilities in the country, and the trans-
reintroduction is not always feasible, as it fer to facilities elsewhere would also
may be inconsistent with conservation aims. require resources that are not availa-
As noted by Durham (2015), the reality is ble. In addition to the abovementioned
that many apes entering captive settings will private initiative, there is an unknown
become lifetime residents. Even apes at number (estimated at several dozens) of
transit centers or other short-term facilities chimpanzees of different ages held pri-
often spend many years, or the remainder vately, mostly in Cabinda and Luanda,
Photo: Ape translocation all in quite inadequate and at times The creation of new sanctuaries might
or the release of captive
animals into natural habitats appalling conditions. The government appear an obvious solution. In practice,
can pose significant risks
has expressed strong interest in establish- however, they are very expensive and diffi-
to the health and welfare
of released and wild ape ing an ape sanctuary as part of its stra- cult to establish, requiring both specialized
populations, other wildlife,
tegic wildlife crime action effort, but expertise and a commitment for the life-
ecosystems and human
populations. would require substantial outside sup- time of long-lived, cost- and care-intensive
© Alejo Sabugo,
IAR Indonesia
port to fund development, running costs rescued apes. Few are willing or able to take
and staff capacity building, and to create on this challenge, especially in range coun-
the enabling conditions required for this tries with great need but with high levels of
ambitious endeavor. civil unrest or other challenges.
Further, the relationship between sanc- consequences, poverty and food availabil-
tuary presence or absence and the need for ity, access to employment and livelihoods,
ape rescues remains unclear, particularly the accessibility and ease of capture of wild
as ape seizures continue in states that have ape populations, and demand for and access
long had sanctuaries, such as Cameroon, to markets for wild meat, ape body parts
DRC and Indonesia. Numerous factors and live apes.
influence seizures and intake of apes by Certainly, the presence of sanctuaries
sanctuaries, including the presence and in range states makes ape confiscation more
effectiveness of law enforcement, corrup- practicable, in part because they can play a
tion, public awareness of laws and their key role in facilitating law enforcement
(Farmer, 2002; Teleki, 2001). Sanctuaries,
particularly those accredited as maintain-
ing high standards of care, also enable
improved welfare, lifelong care and, poten-
tially, reintroduction for rescued apes
(Trayford and Farmer, 2013). Thorough
analysis of need and feasibility, along with
collaboration among organizations, indi-
viduals and governments, may be a more
sustainable path to sanctuary development
than the ad hoc approach often used to
date. Integrating sanctuaries into broader
efforts to address habitat destruction, ape
killing and capture, and other factors that lead
apes to require care would further improve
sanctuary effectiveness.
Reintroduction and
Suitable Habitat in Range States
Suitable habitat is rapidly disappearing across
ape range states (Funwi-Gaba et al., 2014;
Williamson et al., 2014). Despite diminish-
ing populations of wild apes, the size and
carrying capacity of existing suitable habi-
tat currently make it impossible to release
all the captive apes in range states. In some
areas there may simply be no suitable hab-
itats that are not already occupied by viable
populations of conspecifics or that do not
first require forest restoration, protected
area designation, sustained anti-poaching
enforcement or other long-term conserva-
tion efforts.
Given the rapid rate of orangutan habi- Nevertheless, reintroduction and trans-
tat conversion, experts have long concluded location can create myriad risks. One is the
that suitable habitats that still support orang risk of spreading disease to conspecifics,
utans are already populated at or beyond other wildlife and humans, which can poten-
carrying capacity (A. Russon, personal com- tially undermine any positive conserva-
munication, 2016). The situation is similar tion impacts (Beck et al., 2007; Campbell,
for gibbons in Kalimantan, Indonesia, as Cheyne and Rawson, 2015; IUCN/SSC,
Where reintro- discussed in the previous volume of State 2013; Jakob-Hoff et al., 2014; Schaumberg
duction or translocation of the Apes (Durham, 2015). Cross River et al., 2012; Unwin et al., 2012). Further, wild
are feasible options, gorillas (Gorilla gorilla diehli) are limited populations generally fill suitable habitats
monitoring of by the extent of human encroachment and to carrying capacity unless conditions pre-
progress and habitat use within their range (Imong et al., vent their success (Moehrenschlager et al.,
impacts is essential 2014a). Under these circumstances, even 2013). As a consequence, captive apes are
to determine whether habitat restoration is unlikely to enable gorilla often released into areas that are already
a project is achieving reintroduction, as these human populations inhabited by conspecifics and where condi-
measures of conser- and activities would create risks for humans tions—such as hunting or deforestation—
vation success. as well as released apes. limit the size of wild populations.
Studies of wild chimpanzees and bono-
bos (Pan paniscus) indicate that individuals
Reintroduction and Translocation
released into populations of wild conspecif-
Benefits and Risks ics reduce the reproductive success of wild
The release of captive animals into natural females (Wrangham, 2013). Other research
habitats can pose significant risks to the suggests that male chimpanzees should not
health and welfare of released and wild be released into wild chimpanzee ranges, as
ape populations, other wildlife, ecosystems they are likely to be attacked or killed by wild
and human populations (IUCN/SSC, 2013). conspecifics. Data from chimpanzee releases
Nevertheless, reintroduction and transloca- in the Republic of Congo, for instance, show
tion are the only ways to re-establish spe- that many released males were killed by wild
cies in habitats from which they have been conspecifics (Goossens et al., 2005). For
extirpated. ex-captive female orangutans who have been
Used with appropriate precaution in translocated to habitats with wild orangu-
suitable circumstances, reintroduction and tans, establishing a home range is extremely
translocation can thus be valuable tools. difficult because they are ostracized by resi-
They can add genetic diversity, boost pop- dent females, who do not recognize them as
ulation numbers and provide a focus for part of their social network (M. Ancrenaz,
species and habitat protection (IUCN/ personal communication, 2016). Indeed, the
SSC, 2013). Another commonly recognized social pressure imposed on translocated
conservation value of release projects is an animals by resident individuals is huge; it
increased presence of both enforcement generates stressful situations that can be
authorities (rangers or ecoguards) and long-lasting and that may explain why many
wildlife monitors (including translocation translocations fail (M. Ancrenaz, personal
project staff), which deters poaching and communication, 2016). Superimposing
other illegal activities at the release site individuals onto viable conspecific popula-
(Humle et al. 2011). Released animals can tions is thus not sound conservation or wel-
also act as a catalyst for ecosystem conserva- fare strategy, as it can diminish space and
tion (Humle et al., 2011; King, Chamberlan resources for wild apes while compromising
and Courage, 2012). the welfare of released apes.
Numerous factors determine appro- and Farmer, 2015). Although some reintro-
priate reintroduction and translocation ductions and translocations are carefully
candidates, including sex ratios and social researched, monitored and documented,
groupings among wild conspecifics, behav- many are not, and overall there is little trans-
ioral health and socialization, age, temper- parency regarding issues and outcomes
ament, cognition and learning issues, human (Guy et al., 2014). Unmonitored projects
bonding and human-focused behaviors can overlook ape deaths and harm to wild
(Bashaw, Gullot and Gill, 2010; Russon, conspecifics, released apes and humans.
2009). Not all individuals who do well in Conversely, even among well-monitored
captivity are good release candidates. Once projects, some may intentionally avoid
apes are past infancy, human-focused behav- reporting on adverse outcomes for fear of
iors and human bonding pose serious safety losing funding or public trust.
risks and problems for individual welfare Funders and governments can promote
and successful release (Campbell et al., 2015; scientific evaluation and rigor in ape reintro-
Riedler, Millesi and Pratje, 2010; Russon, ductions and translocations by requesting or
Smith and Adams, 2016). Indeed, overly funding external scientific review of meth-
habituated apes are more likely to approach, odologies. Governments can also promote
harass or even attack humans, thereby effective reintroduction and translocation
increasing their own risk of being killed efforts by providing administrative support,
or captured (Macfie and Williamson, 2010; building law enforcement and monitoring
Russon, 2009). capacity, and enabling habitat protections.
As part of the feasibility assessment
required by IUCN guidelines, reintroduc-
tion and translocation should be compared Captive Facility Sector Impact:
with other conservation measures to deter-
Benefits and Risks to Ape
mine the most effective actions for species
and habitat protection under the circum- Conservation and Welfare
stances (Beck et al., 2007; Campbell et al., Benefits to Ape Conservation
2015; IUCN/SSC, 2013; Wilson et al., 2014).
and Welfare
Wilson et al. (2014) found reintroduction
and translocation to be significantly more The rising acceptance of GFAS verification
costly and labor-intensive than other habitat and accreditation and increasing interest of
conservation measures. funders in demonstrated impacts, coupled
Where reintroduction or translocation with the sincere desire of most sanctuaries
are feasible options, monitoring of progress to improve welfare and address conservation
and impacts is essential to determine whether issues affecting apes, provide an environment
a project is achieving measures of conserva- ripe for positive change. Several sanctuaries
tion success, whether animals are surviving are pursuing exemplary welfare standards,
and adapting under differing seasonal con- good governance and conservation program-
ditions and whether breeding success is ming that complement sanctuary operations.
leading to population viability (Guy, Curnoe Some sanctuaries that have historically been
and Banks, 2014; Osterberg et al., 2014). run by expatriates have recently handed
Long-term monitoring also enables identi- over leadership to local successors. Others
fication of animals who might need addi- are actively working to find and train local
tional support through provisioning or management-level staff. Many sanctuaries do
even removal back to a captive setting an exceptional job of rescuing and caring for
(Farmer, Jamart and Goossens, 2010; Humle apes, while also providing opportunities for
on welfare tied to GFAS standards would Photos of people hugging apes without Photo: Demand for sanctu-
ary space puts significant
help to ensure good care and welfare for apes safety gear (masks or gloves) elicited com- pressure on facilities—many
in all types of captive facilities. ments such as “Awhhh, I want one! They are of which are underfunded,
understaffed and operating
so adorable!!” (Sherman et al., 2016). Photos in difficult settings.
Photos Depicting Contact with Apes of new infants, particularly very young © Sanaga-Yong
Chimpanzee Rescue Center
Studies by Leighty et al. (2015) and Ross et captive-born infants, being held and fed
al. (2008) demonstrate that photos depict- by humans drew similar responses, such as
ing apes in contact with humans promote “I want!” (Sherman et al., 2016).
the perception that these animals are good These photos fuel arguments that sanc-
pets, and that they are not endangered. tuary media messages may reinforce interest
A review of publicly available images in apes as pets. Many sanctuaries have rules
on websites, Facebook and Twitter from 22 prohibiting volunteers and visitors from
African ape sanctuaries from 2013 to 2015 posting photos of themselves in contact with
shows that 19 sanctuaries (86%) publicly dis- resident apes. Sanctuaries need to pay equally
played photos of humans in direct contact close attention to social media reactions to
with (touching) apes. Sixteen sanctuaries sanctuary-posted photos and should scru-
(73%) had Facebook photos showing this pulously avoid posting photos of staff inter-
type of contact with primates. These 16 acting with apes in any manner that could
facilities posted 247 such photos between create the impression of apes as pets.
January 1 2013 and November 25 2015.
Written context for these photos, such as Sanctuary Capacity
explanations of veterinary care or rehabili- Breeding is a serious issue in many range state
tation, was present less than 70% of the time sanctuaries. Some sanctuaries purposefully
(Sherman, Brent and Farmer, 2016). breed apes, while others have what facility
managers consider “accidental births.” Captive that sanctuaries cannot always rescue addi-
births were confirmed at ten African ape tional apes without diminishing the welfare
sanctuaries between 2014 and 2016. Seven of existing residents.
of these ten posted about the births on Sanctuaries should clearly define their
social media—on their websites, Facebook maximum carrying capacity based on good
or Twitter—and in some cases used the welfare standards for resident apes, and then
births to fundraise. A review of social media develop intake policies designed to maintain
posts from January 1 2013 to November 25 those standards. As part of their decision-
2015, shows at least 19 births at these seven making process, sanctuaries need a realistic
sanctuaries (Wildlife Impact, 2015). Left understanding of their options to expand
Apes born in unchecked, this level of breeding will over- capacity, if any, and information on the
range state whelm sanctuaries or at least necessitate capacities of other captive facilities with
sanctuaries occupy significant expenses for facility expansion. appropriate standards, ideally within the
valuable space Good information on preventing accidental subspecies habitat region.
needed for victims of births and technical assistance on contracep- In the absence of such alternatives, a
poaching and habitat tion are readily available from zoo partners policy on euthanasia should be developed,
destruction. and veterinarians. as long as it is legal in the country. Such a
There is no conservation argument for policy can be designed to define circum-
the breeding of apes at range state sanctu- stances under which a sanctuary may make
aries, but there are clear arguments against a choice to end suffering and prevent con-
it. Ape conservation action plans do not signing an ape to a poor-quality life. Ending
recommend captive breeding in range state a life is never easy and never without oppo-
sanctuaries, except in the context of the nents; however, an ape in poorly operated
reintroduction of agile gibbons (Hylobates and overcrowded facilities can suffer from
agilis) and in case of emergency manage- increased aggression, increased stress (result-
ment scenarios for Hainan black-crested ing in lower immunity and increased illness),
gibbons (Nomascus hainanus).4 poor diet and abnormal behavior, while
Apes born in sanctuaries occupy valu- also causing greater physical harm to low-
able space needed for victims of poaching ranking members of the group. Conversely,
and habitat destruction. Models of PASA there can be social and conservation costs
chimpanzee sanctuary capacity show that to euthanizing otherwise healthy apes, par-
even occasional sanctuary births have large ticularly if it perpetuates public perceptions
impacts over time as they cause the total that apes are less valuable alive than dead.
population and costs to swell (Faust et al., In these difficult circumstances, an
2011). These effects are of particular concern important consideration is that apes and
given the continued influx of confiscated other native wildlife are the responsibility
apes and limited facility space. Current sanc- of the state, not of sanctuaries. Sanctuaries,
tuary populations already far exceed num- together with conservation and welfare
bers that could be released. Similarly, there groups, need to ensure that governments
is no welfare argument for breeding apes in are aware of the situations driving wild apes
range state sanctuaries, many of which suc- to need captive care, and to hold the state
cessfully manage non-breeding populations. responsible for the ultimate outcomes for
Demand for sanctuary space puts sig- those apes. Periodic independent inspections
nificant pressure on facilities—many of and evaluations would also help sanctuaries
which are underfunded, understaffed and assess viable options and make evidence-
operating in difficult settings—to make based decisions. Such analyses could be quite
painful choices. It is an unfortunate reality useful in helping sanctuaries ensure that
Some sanctuaries claim they must take every another ape. However, if the person or per-
ape delivered by the government. Others sons who sold or bought the ape are arrested To give the laws
have successfully negotiated agreements and sentenced, and the money is recovered, teeth, governments
with governments to require law enforce- then the law has been enforced and a deter- must publicize the
ment procedures as prerequisites for each rent message has been sent to poachers, traf- consequences of
new intake, or they have protocols to iden- fickers and buyers. To give the law teeth, holding and selling
tify solutions for animals they do not have the government must publicize the conse- apes and ensure that
space to accept. quences of holding and selling apes and offenders are convicted
Unless sanctuaries address such intake- ensure that convicted offenders serve out and serve out their
related concerns with governments, they their full sentences. full sentences.
may only perpetuate the failure of wildlife Unless their intake policies are tied to
law enforcement. While intake issues can legal consequences, sanctuaries may under-
grow thorny and divisive in the difficult mine ape conservation efforts by implying
operating environments of range state that it is acceptable to buy, transport and
sanctuaries—which are often compounded house apes. Moreover, if they do nothing to
by corruption, as discussed below—they are promote the enforcement of wildlife legisla-
nonetheless crucially important in defining tion in cases where it is clear that government
sanctuary purpose and assessing the impact officials are ignoring the law or involved in
on ape conservation and welfare. the illegal ape trade, sanctuaries are essen-
Community surveys undertaken in the tially allowing the government to flout the
Republic of Congo and Kalimantan, the law, thereby perpetuating the trade.
Indonesian portion of Borneo, demonstrate Tying the intake of animals to appro-
that public awareness of apes’ legally pro- priate legal consequences is a protocol that
tected status is generally widespread. Surveys the Eco Activists for Governance and Law
found that 90% of respondents in Congo Enforcement (EAGLE) Network, a coali-
and 73% of respondents in Kalimantan knew tion of law enforcement and conservation
that apes were protected under national laws NGOs in Africa, has long urged sanctuaries
(Cox et al., 2014; Meijaard et al., 2011). In to follow. The protocol is also in line with
Kalimantan this knowledge was associated the procedures used by the Humane Society
with a reduction in the killing of orangutans of the United States (HSUS) in rescuing ille-
(Meijaard et al., 2011). gally held animals. Prior to undertaking any
These findings have two key implica- such rescues, the HSUS works directly with
tions for sanctuaries. First, public aware- law enforcement to ensure the perpetra-
ness of apes’ protected status and the legal tors will be held accountable under the law
and to prevent them from simply acquiring conservation of apes and drawing up a
other animals and repeating their trans- division of responsibilities and financial
gressions (K. Nienstedt, personal communi- commitments among all parties, including
cation, 2016). While an analogous process governments, in a written agreement.
in developing countries is clearly more chal- Sanctuaries may benefit from being more
lenging, the international community could assertive in requesting financial and opera-
do more to support governments, sanctu- tional support from government partners.
aries and NGOs in their efforts to increase Governments that authorize the establish-
transparency, reduce corruption and improve
law enforcement effectiveness. Together,
these changes would help to encourage sanc-
tuaries to tie rescues to legal consequences.
Sanctuaries are rarely involved in pros-
ecutorial aspects of wildlife law, but they
can play a significant role in supporting
enforcement through partnerships and
outreach activities, as discussed below.
Some sanctuaries are demonstrating good
practice by ensuring that every animal they
receive has a legal history that can be traced,
thereby assisting law enforcement in hold-
ing suspects accountable and creating a
deterrent for people who are considering
wildlife crime.
ment of ape sanctuaries have historically animal trade, resulting in near-total impunity Photo: Sanctuaries, gov-
ernment partners and other
neglected to assume these important respon- for poachers, wildlife traders and influential stakeholders all must take
sibilities, although this step is ultimately individuals who participate in or facilitate additional action for the
confiscation and rescue of
needed to ensure the appropriate placement the trade in protected species (Lawson and apes to contribute to effec-
tive enforcement of wildlife
and long-term humane care of these ani- Vines, 2014; TRAFFIC, 2008; WWF and legislation and to the mainte-
mals. Moreover, range state governments Dalberg, 2012). In this way, governments nance of viable populations
of great apes in the wild.
have largely failed to enforce laws pertain- also fail to establish much-needed deter- © Jabruson 2017 (www.
ing to illegal activities that support the live rents to wildlife crime. At the same time,
governments continue to appeal to the sym- (Bennett, 2015; Smith et al., 2015). In some
pathetic nature of sanctuaries. By accepting cases, sanctuaries have prioritized animal
the long-term financial burden that comes welfare concerns over adherence to ape pro-
with caring for these animals, these facilities tection laws by skirting processes aimed at
further remove government partners from formally registering intakes and attempting
any sense of responsibility. At the very least, to bring offenders to justice. A typical form
a government’s role as a partner in a sanctu- of corruption is the willingness of govern-
ary should include the capacity and willing- ment agents to accept bribes not to arrest
ness to ensure appropriate enforcement of perpetrators or, more passively, simply to
wildlife laws. allow an animal to be released or “dumped”
The long-term financial burden on at sanctuaries without legal consequences
sanctuaries has become increasingly unten- (especially if the animal belongs to a govern-
able as they become overcrowded. Moreover, ment official, influential businessperson or
acquiring necessary operational funds is other prominent individual).
becoming more difficult as the demand for Indeed, corruption enters the picture
sanctuary space continues to rise and funding long before an ape ever reaches a sanctuary.
sources become increasingly rare or com- Infant apes are very recognizable; they are
petitive. Only when governments assume not likely to make their way from a distant
more responsibility and are obliged to forest block to an urban center without
become more involved will they begin to attracting the attention of a host of resi-
take a serious leadership role in enforcing dents and civil servants, including wildlife
national laws pertaining to protected spe- rangers, police officers, and military and
cies, as well as managing the operational and customs officials. It is quite common for traf-
financial challenges faced by sanctuaries. fickers to bribe authorities in order to avoid
This same scenario largely holds true for in arrest and to gain free passage to transport
situ conservation projects; however, govern- an ape. In many cases, apes end up with
ments have recently begun to assume some high-level individuals in the government,
of the financial burden of implementing the military, business or the expat commu-
costly conservation activities, including nity. These individuals or companies are
law enforcement. Government partners may often immune to arrest due to their strong
not become committed to conservation connections or because they paid bribes to
and welfare activities until they have made escape prosecution. Once they begin to see
a considerable financial investment, which an ape as a long-term financial burden or
should simultaneously support programs physical risk, they typically attempt to trans-
that aim to reduce the number of apes in fer the animal to a sanctuary. Given their
need of sanctuary care and provide better resolute concern for individual apes, the
protection to wild ape populations. sanctuaries have historically been open to
Although it is difficult to gather data on accepting such burdens, with few questions
instances of corruption due to their inher- asked. If this cycle of impunity, corruption
ently clandestine nature, a wealth of anec- and crime is to be addressed, governments,
dotal evidence suggests that high levels of sanctuaries and conservation NGOs must no
corruption characterize most incidents longer turn a blind eye.
through which apes are brought into cap- Prosecution, sentencing and effective
tivity. In addition, multiple publications deterrence against future crime are fun-
have linked poor governance and corruption damental to successful law enforcement.
with increases in illegal wildlife trafficking Deterrence is in place if an established
punishment for committing a crime is suffi- that sanctuaries should undertake this
cient to discourage a potential offender from work alone. Rather, it is incumbent upon
breaking the law. In corrupt legal systems, sanctuaries to accept protected wildlife on
the deterrent effects are rarely sufficient, the condition of enforcement follow-up,
such that the motivation to break the law and to ensure that such follow-up is indeed
to obtain future benefits remains intact taking place. To that end, they may decide
(Bennett, 2015). Prosecution and sentenc- to work more closely with government part-
ing for wildlife crimes is still nascent in some ners, NGOs that specialize in law enforce-
ape range states, and even when perpetrators ment efforts or local and international
are convicted and incarcerated, they may NGOs that support wildlife conservation
simply pay bribes to be liberated (Martini, efforts.
2013; WWF and TRAFFIC, 2015; Wyatt and Many sanctuaries conduct educational If sanctuaries
Ngoc Cao, 2015). In some cases, judicial per- outreach programs aimed primarily at are to play an impor-
sonnel need training in the prosecution of younger audiences in order to discourage tant role in species
crimes and the development of sentencing them from considering the illegal hunting of conservation efforts,
that will deter crime. To be effective, deter- and trade in wildlife as a future occupation they must either be
rents must also reflect national contexts. or source of additional income. Increased directly engaged in
Punishments that would deter Indonesian collaboration with stakeholders that are amplifying deterrence
villagers who might kill orangutans that raid more closely linked to forests where apes are against future wildlife
their crops may not be effective to forestall poached—such as conservation NGOs, gov- crime, or in assisting
wild meat traffickers in Africa. Prosecutors ernment partners, development workers and the government and
should establish deterrents that can be industry—could ensure that these educa- other stakeholders in
monitored and evaluated for effectiveness tional activities are delivered to targeted doing so.
in their jurisdictional context. Those who audiences for a more positive impact. Many
break wildlife laws—be it companies, paid sanctuaries are located near urban centers,
or traditional hunters, or pet traders—need which are not typically areas in which poach-
to be prosecuted consistently, and their cases ers reside. However, urban areas tend to be
should be publicized to ensure deterrence. home to wealthier individuals who finance
By securing an appropriate and humane the trade; these people are important targets
placement for animals confiscated by law who may be responsive to information about
enforcement officials, sanctuaries can play wildlife laws and related court prosecu-
a vital role in contributing to in situ field tions. Consequently, it may be worthwhile
conservation efforts. Conversely, if facili- to enhance collaboration with conserva-
ties accept animals from law enforcement tionists and researchers who are close to the
officials based solely on a legal document that rural origins and the urban centers of the
authorizes the transfer but lacks any infor- illegal trade chain.
mation on the prosecution or sentencing of Equally important is the ability of sanc-
those responsible, they do little to deter future tuaries, conservation NGOs and all others
confiscations and may even serve to encour- engaged in conservation education and
age the trade. awareness raising to monitor the extent to
If sanctuaries are to play an important which these activities help to achieve conser-
role in species conservation efforts, they vation objectives. To date, despite millions
must either be directly engaged in amplify- of dollars spent on these seemingly impor-
ing deterrence against future wildlife crime, tant themes, data that demonstrate the value
or in assisting the government and other of conservation education remain surpris-
stakeholders in doing so. This does not imply ingly scarce.
It is challenging to demonstrate that any investigation of the illegal act and has
single program or campaign has influenced arrested, is actively seeking to arrest, or
behavior in a way that has led to a decrease is planning to prosecute and sentence
in the illegal hunting of apes, or in the suspected individuals;
destruction of ape habitat and habitat con- sanctuary staff members request periodic
nectivity. Pre- and post-education campaign meetings with the appropriate govern-
surveys can reveal increases in awareness, ment enforcement agency to confirm that
but they do not prove changes in behavior adequate follow-up of all ongoing cases
(Carleton-Hug and Hug, 2010). Survey with pending judgments has occurred or
responses can also indicate that people is in process;
are consciously keeping quiet about illegal
sanctuaries work in partnership with
or unpleasant activities, or that they have
authorities and conservation organiza-
learned the “right” answers to survey ques-
tions that pursue legal outcomes of
tions (Nuno and St John, 2015; L. Pintea,
wildlife cases to ensure that adequate
personal communication, 2015).
sentencing guidelines exist and that
Sanctuaries To demonstrate that a change in behav-
sentences are indeed served by convicted
could further advance ior has led to a decrease in the demand for
ape conservation by apes, data on the behavior of people who
governments enforce legal consequences
becoming more buy and sell wild meat and apes are needed.
consistently for all perpetrators of wild-
active partners in Sanctuaries need to show that they have
life crime;
broader conservation reached appropriate demographic groups—
action and planning those comprising individuals who are most sanctuaries periodically share critical
efforts. likely to kill, sell or buy apes—and that these data and intelligence information with
audiences have not only gained relevant partners that are strategically placed
knowledge, but also modified the behaviors to help tackle the problem at the geo-
that led to ape poaching. To halt ape poach- graphic origin of the confiscations, and
ing behaviors, government partners must to facilitate coordinated intervention
also actively deter illegal hunting by conduct- efforts to prevent future poaching and
ing effective anti-poaching patrols, ensur- trafficking incidents; and that
ing that wildlife laws are properly enforced, sanctuaries regularly disseminate col-
and visibly prosecuting and sentencing lected data to strategic conservation and
offenders. advocacy partners and to media outlets,
In summary, sanctuaries, government or to partners that specialize in public
partners and other stakeholders all must communications designed to deter audi-
take additional action for the confiscation ences from involvement in the illegal
and rescue of apes to contribute to effective ape trade.
enforcement of wildlife legislation and to
the maintenance of viable populations of Habitat Protection and
great apes in the wild. These steps would Conservation Planning
require that: Sanctuaries could further advance ape con-
servation by becoming more active partners
sanctuaries do not accept apes that have in broader conservation action and plan-
been illegally held unless there is official ning efforts. At present, many sanctuaries do
documentation demonstrating that the not work closely with conservation organ-
government agency responsible for the izations, field researchers, businesses or
confiscation has conducted a thorough governments on management planning for
ape habitats (Wildlife Impact, 2016). These known whether the individual orangutans
plans determine the management of lands can adapt and survive after being translocated.
that are the source of many sanctuary apes. Scientists report that companies feel they
Significant populations of some apes—such have done a good thing and the issue is
as Bornean orangutans, western lowland resolved once they contact a sanctuary to
gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and central remove the “problem” ape (S. Cheyne, per-
chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes)— sonal communication, 2016). While com-
are mainly located outside of protected areas panies do take a positive step by notifying
(Ancrenaz et al., 2015b; IUCN, 2014d). The sanctuaries about apes, they typically lack Efforts by
importance of working closely with conser- awareness of the cost and long-term require- sanctuaries, NGOs
vation NGOs, field researchers, businesses ments of a translocated ape. Moreover, com- and industry are
and governments to engage the agricul- panies rarely contribute to translocation, needed to promote
ture and logging industries and traditional post-release monitoring or long-term care sustainable manage-
land owners within ape habitats thus cannot costs. Many translocations simply displace ment of mosaic
be overstated. a problem without addressing the reasons landscapes. Once
Further, sanctuaries and NGOs should apes need to be translocated in the first place, small forest “islands”
press governments to ensure that national such as poor land management by compa- are removed, animals
laws provide adequate protections for crit- nies or plantation managers (S. Cheyne, cannot use the land-
ical ape habitats. It is legal in some range personal communication, 2016). scape anymore.
states to destroy ape habitats, and in some Allowing industry actors to clear-cut
cases conservation laws protecting apes may forest patches within the landscape makes
be overridden or ignored in favor of com- the overall landscape less and less suitable
mercial concessions (Rainer and Lanjouw, for orangutans and other wildlife. Research
2015; Tata et al., 2014; E. Meijaard, personal shows that where hunting is not an issue,
communication, 2017). Sanctuaries that do orangutans can use oil palm and sustaina-
not have the capacity or time to focus on bly logged landscapes, but to do so they
these broader conservation issues could col- need corridors and forest patches (Ancrenaz
laborate with or help promote the work of et al., 2015b; Wich et al., 2012b). Once
conservation partners to deliver in situ pro- these small forest “islands” are removed,
jects aimed at ensuring the long-term sur- animals cannot use the landscape anymore
vival of wild apes in their natural habitats. and the population becomes extremely
One particular area of concern regarding fragmented and not viable in the long term
habitat conservation relates to how sanctu- (M. Ancrenaz, personal communication,
aries and private companies address wild-to- 2016). Sanctuaries, industry and govern-
wild Asian ape translocations. In Borneo, ments need to collaborate on solutions that
some translocations have actually led to incorporate established oil palm planta-
additional forest clearing (M. Ancrenaz, per- tions and logging concessions while also
sonal communication, 2016). Companies accommodating apes.
have been known to ask sanctuaries or Efforts by sanctuaries, NGOs and indus-
governments to remove what they call “prob- try are needed to promote sustainable man-
lem” orangutans living in small patches of agement of these mosaic landscapes. Instead
forest in mosaic landscapes. If sanctuaries of removing individual animals at the expense
agree to remove the orangutans, industry of habitat for local wild apes, sanctuaries
actors tend to clear the patches because they should encourage industries, government,
no longer contain species of high conserva- and other stakeholders to focus on saving
tion value (M. Ancrenaz, personal commu- natural habitat—whatever size the patches—
nication, 2016). In these situations, it is not as a way to help support ape populations.
or independent evaluation, even though falls. Collapse of peer facilities can create
these processes are essential to identifying enormous pressure on other national or
successful actions and addressing short- regional sanctuaries to find space for the
falls (Farmer, 2012; Ferraro and Pattanayak, failing facility’s animals, which could, in
2006; MEA, 2005). turn, overwhelm these sanctuaries’ capacity
Transparency about governance and to accept orphans.
outcomes is likewise uncommon. Indeed, Sanctuaries that struggle with a lack of
sanctuaries rarely document or share les- sustainability or risk complete failure are
sons learned from failure or near collapse not likely to be able to address the root
of facilities with other actors in the sector, problems of their instability without chang-
thus depriving the community of valuable ing their management structures and activ-
insight and the chance to avoid known pit- ities. Sanctuaries can increase transparency
and share knowledge through captive facil- are likely to build. Sanctuaries, govern-
ity alliances; they can also obtain fresh per- ments, donors, conservation NGOs and
spectives from outside experts, professionally other partners need to collaborate to iden-
led strategic planning, monitoring and inde- tify sustainable ways to ensure high stand-
pendent evaluation. These processes can ards of captive care for confiscated wildlife
help sanctuaries to identify problems and while simultaneously improving the protec-
potential solutions, focus efforts on project tion of wild apes and their habitats.
Explosive human goals, inform good governance and sus- The reintroduction or translocation of
population growth, tainability, provide empirical evidence of apes is often touted as a solution to captive
which is predicted impacts and guide the application of best facility overcrowding and ape welfare needs.
in several African practices. It is worth noting that planning, In fact, they are high-risk options that can
range states and in monitoring and evaluation require a contin- endanger the conservation of wild apes and
Indonesia, will uous commitment, which can be difficult for other wildlife, as well as the welfare of both
exacerbate threats sanctuaries in terms of time, funding and the wild ape populations and the released
to wild apes and expertise. Funder recognition and support apes. The ongoing destruction of forests
increase the need of these needs is thus important to their renders both options increasingly difficult,
for confiscations of uptake, as is knowledge sharing and guid- as little suitable habitat remains that is not
poached and trafficked ance from colleagues who have already gone already home to wild apes. Feasibility stud-
apes. through these processes. ies, comparisons of available conserva-
tion tools and a good understanding of the
local ecological, political and community
landscape can help sanctuaries determine
Conclusion whether reintroduction or translocation is
Ape sanctuaries can be found in most ape appropriate, or whether other conservation
range states in Asia, and in just under half tools would cost less and save more lives.
of African range states. Collaborations have Sanctuary accreditation organizations, inde-
enabled information sharing and training pendent evaluators and donors can play
among sanctuaries and with outside experts; an important role in creating accountability
they have also played a role in the evolu- on adherence to IUCN reintroduction and
tion of these facilities into organizations with translocation guidelines and best practices.
broad missions that encompass welfare, Granting foundations in particular can drive
conservation and community development. positive change by suggesting, or requiring,
Sanctuaries are currently under tremendous an independent scientific review of rein-
pressure to provide care for the many apes troduction methodologies or asking to see
rescued from the wild meat trade, habitat feedback from such efforts.
destruction, human–wildlife conflict and A significant number of apes currently
the pet trade. Explosive human population in sanctuaries or in need of rescue will not be
growth, which is predicted in several African releasable and are thus likely to need life-
range states and in Indonesia, will exacerbate time captive care. For many sanctuaries,
threats to wild apes and increase the need for securing operational funding is a signifi-
confiscations of poached and trafficked apes. cant hurdle, as are recruiting skilled staff
Moreover, international attention on and ensuring that facility space can provide
wildlife legislation is having a positive effect high welfare standards for increasing num-
on promoting the enforcement of laws that bers of residents. As confiscation numbers
forbid the capture of and trade in wild ani- increase, these issues will be compounded.
mals. With increased confiscations of apes, It is thus ever more critical that sanctuaries
overcrowding and pressures on sanctuaries ensure that their rescue and conservation
activities are carefully coordinated, targeted of protecting her rights (Tello, 2016). By con-
and evaluated to facilitate law enforce- trast, the enforcement of the U.S. Endangered
ment and to demonstrate progress in Species Act was the key issue in a lawsuit
addressing the root causes driving apes to against an unaccredited Alabama zoo that
need sanctuary. held a chimpanzee named Joe (USFWS, 2015).
Sanctuaries that fail to hold authorities After the case was filed, Joe was moved to
to account on the enforcement of wildlife the private sanctuary Save the Chimps, in
law may further discourage effective enforce- Florida, and the U.S. authorities subse-
ment, potentially exacerbating the illegal quently ordered the zoo to close (Brulliard,
ape trade. Conversely, improved engagement 2016; Sharp, 2016).
with governments on confiscation and
conservation planning and management
activities, targeted education programs Captive Apes in the United
and partnerships with conservation NGOs States, Japan and Europe
offer diverse opportunities for sanctuaries to
make a positive impact on these issues. While changes in the law and in law enforce- The ethical
Many facilities have already taken the ment are important, the benefits for apes imperative when it
lead on these efforts. They adhere to trans- are not always delivered swiftly (Durham comes to regulations,
parent standards and accreditation, includ- and Phillipson, 2014, p. 300). In the United actions and practices
ing non-breeding and no visitor–animal States, growing restrictions on breeding, designed to enhance
contact policies, demonstrated commitment invasive biomedical testing, use in entertain- apes’ quality of life is
to addressing the root causes of the need ment, private ownership and trade have to remove barriers
for sanctuary, the application of IUCN led to a drop in the number of chimpanzees and disincentives to
guidelines on reintroduction and transloca- used in various commercial endeavors. change so that the
tion, and a willingness to undertake moni- While these changes have been accompanied apes themselves
toring and independent evaluation. In so by an increase in the number in sanctuaries, benefit.
doing, they provide a pathway for all sanc- however, controversy surrounds delays in
tuaries to demonstrate their successes, a the transfer of chimpanzees to these facilities
critical step in attracting new funding and (Fears, 2016; see Table 8.3 and Figure 8.1).
the support they require to improve ape Given the age and health status of many
welfare and conservation. chimpanzees used commercially in labora-
tories and entertainment, such delays can
mean that some individuals will die before
they reach a sanctuary or shortly after arrival.
II. The Status of Captive
The ethical imperative when it comes to
Apes: A Statistical Update regulations, actions and practices designed
The regulatory landscape continues to shift to enhance apes’ quality of life is to remove
in a number of ways that impact how apes barriers and disincentives to change so that
may be kept or used in captivity. Some of the apes themselves benefit.
these changes have followed from legislation, The size and operations of chimpanzee
petitions and other regulatory mechanisms, sanctuaries in the United States vary consid-
or activism (Durham, 2015). Other changes erably. Some care for just a few chimpan-
have stemmed from law enforcement or zees alongside hundreds of other animals
lawsuits. In Argentina, for example, a judge ranging from chickens to tigers (Fund for
decreed that Cecilia, a chimpanzee living in Animals, n.d.); others specialize in chim-
isolation at a zoo, must be transferred to a panzees, holding anywhere from seven to
specialized sanctuary in Brazil as a matter more than 250 (see Table 8.4). As of October
Number of Chimpanzees in Different Forms of Captivity in the United States as of October 2016
Zoo accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) 261 258 259 -1
Entertainment 20 18 13 -35
Notes: * Exhibition comprises non-AZA zoos and other facilities that may or may not be open to the public. The category includes apes in sanctuaries that were not
accredited by GFAS or members of the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance.
Data sources: (a) Durham and Phillipson (2014); (b) Durham (2015); (c) ChimpCARE (n.d.)
2016, Chimp Haven, the sanctuary for fed- stated intentions to expand over a number
erally owned chimpanzees, and Save the of years to house more chimpanzees from
Chimps accounted for 76.4% of chimpan- a laboratory that is phasing out its opera-
zees in accredited sanctuaries; the remain- tion (Milman, 2016).
ing eight sanctuaries were housing 141 In earlier volumes of State of the Apes,
individuals (23.6%). A new facility called data extracted from U.S. government inspec-
Project Chimps opened in 2016 and had tion reports were analyzed to determine
nine chimpanzees in residence by October (1) the number of apes in different forms of
of that year (Baeckler Davis, 2016). While captivity, and (2) risks to ape welfare associ-
it was not yet accredited, the organization ated with violations of the Animal Welfare
Number of Chimpanzees in Different Forms of Captivity in the United States as of October 2016
Key: 2011 2014 2016
Number of chimpanzees
Biomedical labs GFAS sanctuaries AZA zoos Exhibition* Dealer or pet owner Entertainment
Notes: Exhibition comprises non-AZA zoos and other facilities that may or may not be open to the public. The category includes apes in sanctuaries that were not accredited
by GFAS or members of the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance.
Data sources: 2011: Durham and Phillipson (2014); 2014: Durham (2015); 2016: ChimpCARE (n.d.)
numbers appear to have dropped from 624 the disparity, the drop largely reflects the
to a significantly lower range of 374–97 lack of “private ownership” data for pets,
(Gibbon SSP, unpublished data, 2016; roadside zoos and entertainment. This
Species360, 2016). However, while differ- information was available on government
ences in taxonomy and species coverage in databases at the time of the previous review,
the cited sources may account for some of but that is no longer the case (see Box 8.3).
While the quality and coverage of
information available about apes and their
welfare remain of concern for specific forms
Apes in Captivity in the United States, of captivity and certain jurisdictions, steps
by Taxon, 2012 and 2016 are being made towards improving stand-
Key: Chimpanzee Gorilla Orangutan ards and practice. In 2015, for instance, the
European Commission released a good
Apes in captivity (%)
practices document for zoo compliance
397 (15%) (European Commission, 2015). In countries
90 624 (20%)
of the European Union, the vast majority
222 (9%)
246 (8%) of apes in captivity are found in zoos, sub-
340 (13%)
310 (10%) ject to regulation under Directive 1999/22/
60 EC (Council of the European Union, 1999).
50 The number of apes in European zoos
40 is significant when compared to the U.S.
1,926 (62%) 1,634 (63%) (see above), South American (33 apes) and
Australian figures (158 apes) (Species360,
2016). Figure 8.3 shows numbers and the
proportion of apes in each group in Euro
2012 2016
pean zoos. In total, the European data set
Note: Gibbon figures include all gibbons and siamangs; chimpan-
zee figures include bonobos.
contains information on 2,354 apes in 215
Data sources: Center for Great Apes (n.d.); ChimpCARE (n.d.);
member institutions, whose holdings range
Durham (2015, Figure 8.3); Durham and Phillipson (2014, Table from 1 to 65 apes per site. Gibbons were the
10.6); Gibbon SSP, unpublished data (2016); Gorilla SSP (n.d.); most common taxon in the sample, followed
Orangutan SSP (n.d.); Species360 (2016)
by chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and
bonobos. The number of solitary apes in
TABLE 8.5 the sample was small: 18 apes, or less than
Number of Apes in Captivity and Number of Facilities 1% of the total. Given their social needs and
Housing Apes in Japan, October 2016 capabilities, all apes in captivity should be
part of groups of compatible individuals.
Taxon Number of apes Number of facilities A small, slowly declining number of
Bonobos 6 1 apes and other primates are still used in
circuses or other unsuitable settings in
Chimpanzees 317 50
Europe, although Italy, Norway and Scotland
Gorillas 20 7 are set to consider or implement bans (Banks,
Orangutans 49 21 2016; Born Free Foundation, 2016a, 2016b;
Tyson, Draper and Turner, 2016). Other
Gibbons 181 43
countries have opted for “white lists” of
Total 573 64* species that are approved for private own-
Note: * Some facilities hold more than one type of ape. ership; these lists do not include apes, mean-
Data source: GAIN (n.d.) ing that private individuals or companies
Captive Apes in Range States fied as a sanctuary. From 1976 until 2007, it
had served as a research laboratory for the
and Surrounding Regions
New York Blood Center, carrying out invasive
Updated figures for sanctuaries in and near biomedical experiments on chimpanzees.
ape range states are presented in Tables As mentioned above, the Blood Center with-
8.6 and 8.7. While figures for chimpanzees drew funding for the chimpanzee colony in
remained relatively stable overall, there were 2015; the decision triggered public outcry
increases for both bonobos and gorillas for their care and the launch of an intensive
relative to 2011 figures reported in the first fundraising effort (Gorman, 2015a). The
volume of State of the Apes (Durham and fate of the surviving chimpanzees in Liberia
Phillipson, 2014, tables 10.7, 10.8). has since improved, particularly now that
Another change is the inclusion of a the sanctuary is taking shape and the
Liberian facility that was recently reclassi- NGO Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue has been
Number of Apes in African Sanctuaries, by Taxon and Country, 2011 vs. 2015
Gabon 3 20 20 0 9 45 400
Gambia 1 77 106 38
Guinea 1 38 49 29
Ivory 1 n/a 1
Kenya 1 44 39 -11
Liberia 1 n/a 63
Nigeria 1 28 30 7
Rwanda* 1 0 0 0 6 0 -100
South 1 33 13 -61
Uganda 1 45 48 7
Note: Figures account for total sanctuary population inclusive of births, deaths, transfers and new arrivals. The dark shaded rows are not range states. * Some 2011 figures
for DRC and Rwanda include counts from jointly ascribed transboundary operations. For details, see Durham and Phillipson (2014).
Data sources: Durham and Phillipson (2014); PASA (2015); Wanshel (2016)
launched to ensure their well-being (Palm, Menteng and 196 at Samboja Lestari. About
2015). Another chimpanzee, the lone sur- 150 of these apes were not in reintroduction
vivor of a group that the Blood Center training because of their health. Of the
reportedly abandoned on an island off the remainder, 114 were on pre-release islands
Ivory Coast in the early 1980s, is now receiv- and more than 400 had been deemed eligible
ing care funded by an organization, which for release—that is, healthy (N. Hermanu,
is also attempting to secure international personal communication, 2016).
transfer since placement with Chimfunshi In contrast, the GFAS-accredited sanc-
sanctuary in Zambia was denied in 2016 tuary IAR Ketapang saw an increase in its
(Wanshel, 2016; T. Calvi, personal commu- orangutan numbers in 2016. The team
nication, 2016). released 18 orangutans that year, yet 28
African zoos also hold apes, although were taken in, resulting in a total of 106
far fewer than sanctuaries; 59 apes were resident orangutans (K. Sánchez, personal
reported for zoos on the continent: 33 chim- communication, 2017). A similar pattern of
panzees, 5 gorillas, 20 gibbons and 1 orang growth was apparent for the gibbon- and
utan (Species360, 2016). Sanctuaries and siamang-focused sanctuary Kalaweit,
rescue centers thus account for more than which was featured in the second volume
95.5% of all apes reported to be in captivity of State of the Apes (Durham, 2015). In 2014,
within Africa. Kalaweit reported that it had rescued 16
Range state sanctuaries in Africa have apes over the prior year, and that the num-
received a slow but steady trickle of new ber of residents had thus grown by 6%, to
residents through rescue; in some cases, they 254 (Durham, 2015, pp. 237–9). By August
have transferred or consolidated apes among 2016, the apes in residence had increased
themselves. In contrast, Asian sanctuaries to 293—a rise of 15%—not counting apes
have continued to experience a staggering that had been released since 2014 (Kalaweit
demand for care. A recent analysis of data France, 2016).
on great apes seized between 2005 and 2016 As rescues and successful law enforce-
revealed that 67% of known cases were orang ment efforts continue, the obligations asso-
utans (GRASP, 2016). ciated with new arrivals are offsetting
The continuing challenges that face reintroduction efforts of Asian sanctuaries
orangutan rescue centers are illustrated in such as BOSF, IAR Ketapang and Kalaweit.
the first volume of this series, in a case Reintroduction is fraught with a series of
study on the Borneo Orangutan Survival complex challenges, as discussed above.
Foundation (BOSF), which at that time had Sanctuaries must juggle priorities such as
approximately 820 orangutans in its care field staffing, the garnering of representa-
(Durham and Phillipson, 2014, p. 303). Given tion at international stakeholder meetings
that Indonesia’s government aims to release and participation in land use planning, all
all healthy orangutans, BOSF efforts have con- while ensuring the health and welfare of
tinued to focus on rehabilitation (Indonesia apes in captivity and in their natural habi-
MoF, 2009). Since 2012, BOSF has reintro- tats. Table 8.7 lists the number of orangutans
duced 234 orangutans—39 of them between and gibbons in residence at sanctuaries and
January and November 2016; the organiza- rescue centers in Asia in 2016.
tion was aiming to release another 250 by the In Asia, much like in Europe, a substan-
end of 2017 (N. Hermanu, personal commu- tial proportion of captive apes resides in
nication, 2016). At this writing, 667 orang zoos. Excluding the data presented for
utans were at BOSF facilities: 471 at Nyaru Japan in Table 8.5, zoos that use Species360
Number of Orangutans and Gibbons in Asian Sanctuaries, by Country, 2016
Cambodia 77
Malaysia 98
Thailand 2 229
Viet Nam 45
Notes: Figures may include pre-2016 holdings. Median used in instances where a range was reported. Figures account for total sanc-
tuary population inclusive of births, deaths and new arrivals from rescue or transfer.
Data sources: Durham (2015); Highland Farm (n.d.); Kalaweit France (2016); OFI (n.d.); Orangutan Appeal UK (n.d.); Species360
(2016); personal communication: Gibbon Rehabilitation Project (2017); N. Hermanu (2016); M. Kenyon (2016); Orangutan Project (2017);
E. Pollard (2016); K. Sánchez (2017)
1 To protect the confidentiality of communication
conducted for this research, this review refrains
from citing certain sources that would reveal the
identity and location of reviewed facilities.
2 For more information, see Ancrenaz et al. (2016);
Campbell et al. (2015); Fruth et al. (2016); Humle
et al. (2016); Maisels et al. (2016a); Plumptre,
Robbins and Williamson (2016c) and Singleton et
al. (2016). The Wildlife Conservation and National
Parks Act predates South Sudan’s independence
but is still in force as a 2015 revision has yet to be
enacted into law (CANS, 2013; A. Schenk, personal
communication, 2017).
3 For details, see Ancrenaz et al. (2015b); Brou Yao
et al. (2005); Campbell et al. (2008); Geissmann
et al. (2013); Hockings and Humle (2009); Imong
et al. (2014a); Indonesia MoF (2009); Lao MAF
(2011); Molur et al. (2005); Rawson et al. (2011);
SWD (2011); Turvey et al. (2015); White and Fa
(2014); Wich et al. (2012b); Williamson et al. (2014).
4 For more information, see Campbell et al. (2008);
Dunn et al. (2014); Geissmann et al. (2013);
Gumal and Braken Tisen (2015); Indonesia MoF
(2009); Lao MAF (2011); Lu and Tianxiao (2012);
Maldonado and Fourrier (2015); Molur et al.
(2005); Morgan et al. (2011); Plumptre et al.
(2010); Rawson et al. (2011); SWD (2011); Turvey
et al. (2015).
5 Wildlife Impact –
6 WWF –
7 Save the Chimps –
Annex I
Power Grid Electrocution: A Risk to Primates in Rural,
Suburban and Urban Environments
Medium-sized mammals rarely endure in anthropogenic environments. Primates are an exception, as they occur
in a number of towns and cities in Africa, Asia, and Central and South America. In areas with a matrix of human
development, indigenous trees and green spaces, primates can successfully persist as either urban exploiters or
urban adaptors, often transforming such locations into important conservation centers. These settings are not free
from danger, however. Among the threats to primates is power infrastructure. While overhead distribution lines
may serve as aerial pathways for individual primates and groups, particularly in areas that are fraught with terres-
trial hazards, they also pose a substantial risk of electrocution.
Numerous anecdotes and reports attribute primate injuries and deaths to electrocutions (Ampuero and Sá
Lilian, 2012; Chetry et al., 2010; Rodrigues and Martinez, 2014; M. Ancrenaz, personal communication, 2017;
S. Cheyne, personal communication, 2017). Given the difficulty of recording electrocutions, few studies have been
able to quantify the impact of electrocutions on a population. Recently, however, researchers have begun to analyze
electrocution data, identifying patterns based on primate species, size, age, sex and locomotion of victims, as well
as seasonal variations in electrocutions (Katsis, 2017; Kumar and Kumar, 2015; Ram, Sharma and Rajpurohit, 2015;
Slade, 2016).
The findings show that electrocutions occur in at least 28 species across eight primate families ranging from
marmosets to orangutans (Slade and Cunneyworth, 2017, table 1). Electrocutions are not limited to arboreal spe-
cies; they also affect those classified as terrestrial in their natural habitat, albeit at a lower rate. Mortality rates are
generally high, as would be expected. Surviving individuals often have catastrophic injuries with poor to very poor
prognoses, even with veterinary intervention (Kumar and Kumar, 2015; Slade, 2016).
A number of mitigation methods can be applied to address the animal welfare issues associated with electro-
cutions. These vary in duration of effectiveness. As an emergency or short-term measure, pruning trees around
transformers and power cables can serve to disassociate vegetation from the power grid (Lokschin et al., 2007).
In the medium term, aerial bridges can be installed in strategic locations to provide alternatives to the use of
Uninsulated vs. Insulated Transformer
1. Hot clamp is
2. Primary inputs
(bushings) are exposed 5
3. Secondary output
(terminals) and wire
connection are 2 6
3 4
4. Cables are
5. Lightening arrestor
is uncovered
6. Fuse cutout is
Uninsulated Insulated
Source: Courtesy of Refuge for Wildlife (with protection equipment made of
( grey silicone rubber)
power cables (Jacobs, 2015; Lokschin et al., 2007). Insulating power cables and transformers in known electrocution
hotspots is a long-term measure that can nearly eliminate the risk of electrocution (Printes, 1999; Refuge for Wildlife,
n.d.; see Figure AX.1).
The financial burden of these mitigations generally lies solely with animal welfare organizations. As these
organizations rely mostly on grants and donations, the monitoring and implementation of such measures is
potentially unsustainable. Consequently, mitigations can have limited effectiveness, especially with the ongoing
expansion of power infrastructure into new areas. Nevertheless, two initiatives have had encouraging results.
The first, the Programa Macacos Urbanos in Porto Alegre, Brazil, lodged a legal complaint against the state
power company, citing primate electrocutions as an environmental crime. The judgment was entered in favor of
the plaintiff and obliged the company to install approximately US$30,000 worth of insulation materials on the grid
(Printes et al., 2010).
The second, Colobus Conservation in Diani, Kenya, worked with Kenya Power on identifying electrocution
hotspots. The parastatal voluntarily insulated cables at a cost of US$115,000. The negative impact of the power
infrastructure on primates violated Kenya Power’s code of ethics, which committed the company to addressing the
issue in a substantive manner (J. Guda, personal communication, 2017).
Primate electrocutions have a cost implication for power distribution companies in terms of power infra-
structure maintenance and associated customer power outages. Costs to a company for insulating cables can be
offset to an extent that is dependent on the number of electrocutions in an area. Increased power reliability leads to
improved customer good will, which is a benefit for a company.
Mitigation measures to prevent electrocutions are most effective when they are part of an integrated approach
involving the state, power companies, residents, and animal welfare, conservation and research organizations.
When these stakeholders work together, significant steps can be made towards creating valuable conservation areas
in anthropogenic habitats.
Annex II
The Potential of the Global Forest Watch Platform to
Transform the Use of Satellite Imagery to Monitor
Tree Cover Loss
The detection of tree cover loss over time using satellite imagery allows for the location, visualization and compari-
son of forest change before and after infrastructure development. However, using satellite data has historically
required substantial expertise and funding to acquire, process and interpret the raw information.
For example, Curran et al. (2004) compiled, classified and manually edited images of Gunung Palung National
Park in Indonesia at six time periods to document extensive “and accelerating” deforestation over 14 years.
Similarly, Laporte et al. (2007) tracked the progression of logging roads in the Republic of Congo over more than
25 years by compiling, geometrically correcting and visually enhancing more than 300 Landsat images, and then
manually digitizing and cross-checking each of the roads detected in the images. Gaveau et al. (2009a) analyzed
98 Landsat images to track deforestation in Sumatra from 1990 to 2000 and showed that protected areas lost some
forest but promoted protection overall, both inside and outside their boundaries. Each of these efforts provided
valuable evidence of the effects of human activity on forests, but the requisite effort and costs prevented widespread
use of satellite data.
Global Forest Watch (GFW), a new forest change analysis platform, has transformed the monitoring process
and increased access to the power of satellite imagery. It provides a publicly available tool for monitoring changes
in ape habitat in near-real time (GFW, 2014; see Chapter 7). The global reach of this information enables GFW to
provide a standardized way of analyzing change in tree cover, enabling comparison across sites.
Launched in 2014, GFW provides spatially explicit, high-resolution tree cover change data, derived from
thousands of satellite images that are updated annually for the entire world. GFW offers free access to annually
updated tree cover and tree cover change data at a resolution of 30 m × 30 m using Landsat imagery; by late 2017,
updates of tree cover change for most ape range states will be available on a weekly basis (Hansen et al., 2013;
M. Hansen, personal communication, 2017).1
Ape range stakeholders can use the online GFW tools to monitor ape habitat regularly, analyze tree cover loss
and gain data for a country or protected area, create custom maps or download data for their target region. Users
can upload or draw a specific area, such as a species range or road corridor, and analyze tree cover within it over
time. GFW thus allows those involved in ape conservation, including at the grassroots level, to monitor changes
and generate critical information at various spatial scales as a means of enhancing their conservation efforts.
Several communities within chimpanzee habitat have started to use the Forest Watcher mobile app to find
and validate GFW forest loss data on their village lands and report on human activities responsible for deforesta-
tion. The free app requires a smartphone but allows non-technical users to download data, go offline and collect
location data on forest change, and upload upon return to Internet access. The next version of the Forest Watcher
app will have a weekly forest loss alert capability, which will help community participants to monitor, verify and
manage road impacts in near-real time.
1. Satellite imagery technology and access are constantly developing; for example, the European Space Agency
now provides open access to Sentinel Online. This technical website includes 10-m resolution imagery for
most parts of the globe and one of their thematic areas is forest monitoring –
Annex III
Data Sets and Detailed Methods
The first three case studies in Chapter 3 examine the effects of road improvement projects on ape habitat in
Indonesia and Tanzania using open-access satellite imagery. The analysis quantified the extent of loss each year,
which enabled comparison of the area or percent of habitat loss in years before and after the construction or
upgrade of a road, as well as a comparison of loss rates at various distances from the road. The chapter explores
tree cover change in zones within 5 km and within 10 km of each road; in Tanzania, the buffer zone extends to 30 km,
as no other roads existed in the area to confound results. ArcGIS was used to create and display the buffer areas
and to overlay them with Global Forest Watch (GFW) tree cover data.
The global forest change 2000–14 data set, freely available at GFW, served as the basis for the analysis (Hansen
et al., 2013). Canopy cover in the year 2000 served as the baseline forest coverage, and cover in each of the subsequent
14 years provided annual change data. The annually updated 30 m × 30 m Landsat tree cover data allowed changes
in available habitat to be quantified over time. Each road project began after 2000, the initial year of the data set,
and concluded before 2014, the most recent year for which the global forest change data are available.
Definition of “Forest”
Each case study used a “canopy density” value—the percent tree cover in each pixel of the satellite image data—
that reflected the general forest type in the area and the species’ ecological requirements and tolerance of canopy
openness (GFW, 2014; IUCN, 2016a; see annexes VIII and IX).
The GFW platform allows users to select canopy density values. Ape habitat for the Sumatra case studies
included all pixels with 75% or more tree cover, which reflects the dense, interconnected canopy required for move-
ment by resident gibbons. Chimpanzees in Tanzania have evolved in drier forests than those supporting gibbons and
orangutans in Sumatra, and chimpanzees are believed to tolerate a more open canopy (Kano, 1972). Habitat in west-
ern Tanzania was therefore defined as pixels with 30% or more tree cover, to include dry forests and savannah–
woodland habitats of chimpanzees. Tanzanian roads were digitized on screen in ArcGIS Desktop using historical
DigitalGlobe satellite images; the Landsat satellite images were accessed through Google Earth and Earth Engine.
The global forest change data set measures “tree cover,” which in some areas may overestimate forest cover by
including mature tree plantations as well as natural forest (Tropek et al., 2014). Therefore, this analysis incorporates
boundaries of agricultural plantations in Sumatra, which were located and delineated using visual interpretations
of satellite imagery, primarily Landsat, supplemented by high-resolution imagery from Google Maps, Bing Maps
or DigitalGlobe, if available (Transparent World, 2015). Detectable areas of agricultural plantations were considered
tree cover loss in the first year of the study (2001). Dates of plantation establishment were unknown, however, and
some mature plantations may have been included in the 2000 forest cover values. In these cases, the inclusion of
some mature plantation land may have overestimated initial natural forest cover and loss in the 2000–14 period
(Tropek et al., 2014).2
In contrast, the data set may underestimate forest cover in dry forest, such as savannah–woodland chimpan-
zee habitats (Achard et al., 2014). Piel et al. (2015a) compare changes in chimpanzee density in Tanzania to local
forest loss assessed using GFW data. They find lower mean chimpanzee densities associated with increasing
habitat loss, suggesting that chimpanzee distribution and abundance may decrease with forest loss and that the
GFW platform could be useful for assessing their status in chimpanzee habitats.
2. Where accuracy is essential, when monitoring canopy cover using satellite imagery, ground truthing is
important. This is particularly relevant in areas that include plantations, as shaded coffee and cocoa planta-
tions resemble good forest habitat from above. Shaded coffee and cocoa plantations are used by many species
of animals, but this habitat is of limited or no value to arboreal primates, including gibbons and orangutans
(M. Coroi, personal communication, 2017).
Annex IV
Global Land Analysis and Discovery Alerts for Early
Detection of Forest Loss and Focusing of On-The-
Ground Response
Global Forest Watch (GFW) currently provides annual updates of forest cover and forest change at a resolution of
30 m. More importantly for detecting loss of ape habitat, managers will soon be able to use the power of Global
Land Analysis & Discovery (GLAD) alerts, products of an “as-it-happens” deforestation alarm system, which are
triggered when a threshold portion of a 30 m × 30 m pixel changes from forest to non-forest cover (GLAD, n.d.).
The platform allows users to receive forest loss alerts in their email inboxes for areas across the tropics at a 30-m
resolution, updated weekly. By helping to detect habitat loss at the very onset of road building, alerts can facilitate
more timely, and therefore more effective and efficient, interventions (Hansen et al., 2016).
Subscribers—such as NGO staff, concession holders, park directors or other officials—can receive these near-
real-time alerts of detections of large-scale forest loss for whatever areas they select—be it a country, reserve,
conservation landscape, road buffer or other stretch or expanse. Internet access is needed to receive alerts. GLAD
started with the Congo Basin, Indonesia and Malaysia, and is now available to help managers easily and consist-
ently monitor change across most tropical forest (M. Hansen, personal communication, 2017).
In the near future, assessments of infrastructure effects on forest habitat could include evaluations of patterns
of GLAD alerts as possible indicators of the intensity and direction of imminent forest loss. Analyses could also
compare areas experiencing GLAD alerts to factors associated with forest loss, such as slope or distance to clearings,
roads and towns. The rapid alert system can help guide associated development and enforcement to ensure no
additional illegal development happens along roads where restrictions or planning regulations have been established.
Annex V
Conservation Action Planning Review Process Results
for Chimpanzees in Tanzania
Tanzania’s National Chimpanzee Management Plan workshop has identified roads as a “high” threat to both core
chimpanzee habitats and chimpanzee corridors in the country. In some locations that are critical for chimpanzees,
the threat could be “very high” (TAWIRI, in preparation). Roads already cut through most chimpanzee corridor
areas in Tanzania. Roads alone are not a major threat to chimpanzee corridors since migrating chimps can cross
isolated roads, but they are much more of a threat if the forest on either side of the road is not maintained. The
roads of greatest concern are those that fragment core chimpanzee habitat areas, such as the road currently being
planned and constructed along the eastern border of Mahale Mountains National Park.
A key driver of deforestation across the region is the arrival of settlers via roads and footpaths, as they clear
riverine forests for farming. These forests are sought after because they grow on the region’s more fertile soils,
which are also suited for farming. Riverine forest represents a small but critical habitat for chimpanzees in western
Tanzania—roughly 2% of the total chimpanzee range. No chimpanzees in the region live in miombo woodlands
without some access to riverine forest patches (Pusey et al., 2007).
Findings from the 2016 conservation action planning review process reveal that efforts have successfully
protected chimpanzee habitats in dry forests and miombo woodlands (see Figure AX.2a). However, interventions so
far have been less successful at protecting the evergreen forest habitats that are critical for chimpanzee survival in
the region (TAWIRI, in preparation; see Figure AX.2b). Wildlife managers in the region will need to continue to
monitor and develop conservation strategies that prevent loss along and near these riverine forests.
In developing the plan, the authors applied the Open Standards methodology to assess and rank the threat
roads pose to chimpanzee core habitat conservation targets and corridor conservation targets. Specifically, they
looked at:
Scope: The proportion of the core habitat and corridors that can reasonably be expected to be damaged
within ten years if current circumstances and trends persist.
Severity: Within the scope, the expected level of damage to the core habitat and corridors if current circum-
stances and trends persist.
Irreversibility: The degree to which projected damage may be reversed and the damaged core habitat and
corridors restored (CMP, 2013).
The immediate footprint of a road is considered a threat of very high severity to chimpanzee core habitat
since it directly eliminates woodland and forest habitat. Very high severity ranking implies that the threat is
likely to destroy or eliminate chimpanzee core habitat in the near future. The area around a road is considered a
high- or medium-severity threat, depending on the degree to which other human activities can be controlled in
the area. Roads by themselves generally have a medium irreversibility rating since the road footprint itself could
be restored within 50 years.
Status of Core Chimpanzee Habitat Areas and Corridors, Tanzania, 2000 vs. 2014
Chimpanzee habitat health:
Evergreen forest
Kasulu % loss 2000 baseline
>5 Poor
Gombe 2.5–5 Fair
National 1–2.5 Good
Park <1 Very good
t Fo
Mahale Mountains
National Park
0 10 20 km
National Park
Chimpanzee habitat health:
Kasulu % loss 2000 baseline
>5 Poor
Gombe 2.5–5 Fair
National 1–2.5 Good
Park <1 Very good
t Fo
Mahale Mountains
National Park
0 10 20 km
National Park
Notes: Habitat health was estimated using Global Forest Watch data to show the percentage of loss of (a) forest and woodland and (b) evergreen forest.
Data sources: GFW (2014); Hansen et al. (2013); TAWIRI (in preparation); courtesy of JGI.
Annex VI
The World Bank’s Safeguard Policies and the
Pro-Routes Project
The World Bank’s safeguard policy framework is designed to avoid negative environmental impacts, or otherwise
to minimize, reduce, mitigate or compensate for them by integrating environmental considerations into project
planning. The policies also require best practice in regard to public participation in decision-making (World Bank,
n.d.-b). At the time of writing, the Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework included:
operational policies (OP): concise statements of policy objectives and operational principles, including the
roles and obligations of the borrower and the World Bank; and
Bank procedures (BP): mandatory OP-related procedures to be followed by the borrower and the World Bank.3
The World Bank screens each proposed project to determine what type of environmental assessment is
appropriate. As part of this process, the Bank classifies each project based on its potential environmental impacts
and related factors. In accordance with OP/BP 4.01 on environmental assessments, the World Bank classified the
Pro-Routes plan as a Category A project, which the Bank defines as “likely to have significant adverse environ-
mental impacts that are sensitive, diverse, or unprecedented.” For proposed projects in this category, borrowers are
responsible for preparing an EIA or comparable report (World Bank, n.d.-a, 2013a, p. 2).
In line with OP/BP 4.01, borrowers for Category A projects that are “highly risky or contentious or that
involve serious and multidimensional environmental concerns” are encouraged to “engage an advisory panel of
independent, internationally recognized environmental specialists to advise on all aspects of the project relevant
to the [environmental assessment]” (World Bank, 2013a, p. 1). Accordingly, the Pro-Routes project planners estab-
lished an environmental and social advisory panel.
With reference to the environmental assessment, under OP/BP 4.01, the borrowers for the Pro-Routes project
are also required to (World Bank, n.d.-b):
Under OP/BP 4.04, policies relating to natural habitats further require borrowers to:
contribute to sustainable development and meet the demand for forest products and services through sustain-
able forest management;
protect and maintain the rights of communities to use their traditional forest areas in a sustainable manner;
protect global environmental services and values of forests;
avoid encroachment on significant areas of forest; and
ensure forest restoration projects maintain or enhance biodiversity and ecosystem function.
3. The World Bank approved a new Environmental and Social Framework in August 2016. It will launch the
framework in 2018 and will apply it to all new investment projects; the Bank’s current safeguards are
expected to run parallel to the new framework for about seven years, in the context of projects approved
before the launch of the new framework (World Bank, n.d.-d; see Box 5.1).
Annex VII
The Decommissioning of Dams
Hydropower infrastructure, such as dams, provides energy to many communities, cities and countries around the
world. The ecological, economic and social impacts of dams are often inadequately considered, but they have been
well documented. Factors that often garner greater attention from decision-makers are the economic and safety
concerns associated with building and maintaining dam structures. As is the case with any type of hard infrastruc-
ture, dams must be maintained to certain standards in order to ensure the safety of downstream communities,
including animals living in riparian corridors (Brown et al., 2009; WCD, 2000).
Hundreds of thousands of people around the globe have perished following the failure of dams (Si, 1998);
such disasters can result from any number of design and deterioration issues (ASDSO, n.d.). In the United States
alone, hundreds of fatalities have resulted from people climbing on, paddling over, fishing near or otherwise
interacting with dam structures and ignoring risks associated with potential hydraulic undertows at the base of dam
structures (Tschantz, 2014).
Dam owners who decide to remove a structure typically cite socioeconomic concerns as the motivating factors
behind their decision (Engberg, 2002). For example, when a hydropower dam no longer produces enough power
to justify its existence on economic grounds, it is decommissioned.
In the United States, the Federal Power Act and the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management
Act require hydropower regulators to consult with agencies charged with protecting natural resources before issu-
ing hydropower licenses. These requirements exist to protect access to important habitat for migratory fish species
(McDavitt, 2016). If installing a required fish passage system is cost-prohibitive compared with the income from
power production, a hydropower producer may abandon a project and the dam might eventually be removed. A case
in point involves the removal of two dams on the Elwha River in Washington State. Both federal environmental
agencies and native tribes had insisted that the dams incorporate adequate fish passage for salmon, which would
have been difficult to ensure and cost-prohibitive (Gowan, Stephenson and Shabman, 2006). After years of delib-
eration, the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams were removed in 2011 and 2014, respectively.
A non-hydropower dam may become obsolete when associated mills shut down, an impoundment fills with
sediment, its structure breaks down, its design proves to be ineffective for its intended purpose or if it no longer
has an identifiable purpose. If a dam has become obsolete, the owner may be particularly unwilling or unable to
bear maintenance costs and shoulder liabilities associated with keeping it intact, and the dam may be removed
(Engberg, 2002).
Given that the cost of dam removal can vary widely, and that the economic valuation of the ecosystem
services provided by a free-flowing river can be difficult to quantify, conducting a true cost–benefit analysis
of dam removal can be challenging (Whitelaw and MacMullen, 2002). As of 2015, more than 1,200 of about
80,000 dams in the United States had been removed, but fewer than 10% of those removals were scientifically
studied—and most of the studies that were conducted did not examine broader ecosystem responses (Bellmore
et al., 2016).
Research that did consider ecosystem impacts has shown that the potential benefits of dam removal include
the following:
Ultimately, the removal of a dam means bringing a river closer to a more natural, functional state. When a
dam is constructed, the flow of animals, nutrients, sediment and other natural processes is stopped or limited
indefinitely (O’Connor, Duda and Grant, 2015). Downstream communities are the most impacted by dams; too
often, they are disadvantaged or disenfranchised, with no capacity to defend themselves against political pres-
sures to build new infrastructure (WCD, 2000). By taking the services provided by a functioning river into
account, along with the likely impacts to downstream communities, decision-makers can help to avert or at least
minimize negative impacts on local populations and biodiversity, be it with reference to the construction of a dam
or its removal.
Annex VIII
Data Sets Used
The assessment of the status of ape habitat at two spatial scales (see Figure 7.1) included the analysis of several
global data sets:
The Global Forest Change 2000–14 data set. Provided by the University of Maryland in association with
Google, Inc., and the foundation of GFW 2.3, these data on annual forest cover and tree cover loss are presented
at 30-m resolution. Development of this data set included verification using very high-resolution spatial data,
such as Quickbird imagery and existing percent tree cover data sets derived from Landsat data (Hansen et al.,
2013). Data are available online at:
IUCN Red List data on geographic ranges of each recognized subspecies. The range delineations vary in
terms of precision. Ranges of 22 subspecies—including most gibbons in mainland Asia and gorillas—reflect
the recent extent of their distribution, given the historical loss of forest cover. In contrast, ranges of the other
16 subspecies have less refined boundaries and reflect the apes’ historical distributions, which include areas of
urban development that are no longer home to apes (IUCN, 2016c).
The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). A joint effort between IUCN and the UN Environment
Programme (UNEP), the WDPA is managed by UNEP’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre (IUCN and
UNEP-WCMC, 2016). The 2016 PA boundaries may include areas that were not protected throughout the
study period. The analysis included all reserves and PAs within IUCN protected area categories I–VI, except
those with a status of “not reported” or “proposed” and those designated as UNESCO biosphere reserves
(IUCN, 2016c, n.d.-b; UNESCO, n.d.-b). The analysis retained all PAs and other reserves with no IUCN clas-
sification, including thousands of forest reserves and a large number of community reserves. The WDPA does
not yet contain all of the world’s community reserves, but it is the most comprehensive database currently
available at the global scale.
Unpublished data on industrial plantations. Mapped by the World Resources Institute and Transparent
World, these data were used to account for the tree cover created by mature oil palm, timber, pulpwood and
rubber plantations, particularly in Southeast Asia (GFW, 2014; see Annex XI).
Errors in any of these data sets could influence results, but the global scale of this analysis precludes inclusion
of finer-scale data for each ape range country. Annex XII suggests additional data layers that could refine this analysis.
Annex IX
Forest Habitat Definitions for 38 Ape Subspecies
Geographically unique ape subspecies have adapted to particular environmental conditions, including canopy
openness. This analysis uses different values of tree cover density to define habitat and to estimate forest change
in the ranges of each subspecies. For each subspecies, it defines a threshold canopy density (the percent tree cover
per pixel) below which the subspecies may not be viable.
The thresholds reflect each subspecies’ ecology, based on IUCN habitat data and scientific literature (IUCN,
2016c), tree cover within their range and in protected areas (PAs) with known occupancy; regional expert opinion
on chimpanzees, gibbons, gorillas and orangutans was also taken into consideration, as was the ability of certain
subspecies to survive in a variety of forest types, including habitat degraded by humans (see Annex X).
Chimpanzees. Among the apes, chimpanzees tend to have the most flexible ranging behavior (Maldonado
et al., 2012; K. Abernethy, personal communication, 2016). Western chimpanzees occupy areas ranging from
closed-canopy moist forest to wooded savannah, indicating a habitat threshold that included pixels with 15%
or more tree cover. A lower canopy density was thus selected for all chimpanzee subspecies (see Annex X).
Gibbons. Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests comprise most ape habitat. For gibbons, who require
canopy connectivity and a diversity of fruit trees (W. Brockelman, personal communication, 2016), recom-
mended canopy cover is at least 75% (Gaveau et al., 2014; D. Gaveau, personal communication, 2016).
Gorillas. Most gorillas occupy densely forested areas, although habitat for Grauer’s and mountain gorillas
contains substantial areas of bamboo (K. Abernethy, personal communication, 2016).
Orangutans. A wide range of canopy density was suggested for orangutan habitats. At the high end, based on
natural forest cover in Borneo, the proposed density was at least 75% (D. Gaveau, personal communication,
2016). Yet, based on the ability of orangutans to use partially disturbed habitat so long as they are not hunted,
the density could be as low as 30% (E. Meijaard, personal communication, 2016).
Where the ranges of subspecies overlap, forest was defined in the overlapping regions using the requirements
of the more exacting subspecies—that is, the one with the higher canopy density percentage.
The availability of IUCN ape range data and the Google Earth Engine scripts on GFW will enable other users
to run such analyses at a higher or lower percent tree cover per pixel and thus tailor the parameters to specific
environments (see Annex VIII).
In this analysis, a single taxon-specific threshold value of canopy density was used to exclude areas where
forest structure or composition may not be suitable for a given ape subspecies. This approach may not ade-
quately reflect the ecological variability found among populations of some subspecies, particularly chimpanzees.
Eastern and western chimpanzees occupy regions dominated by either denser forest or savannah woodlands and
forest mosaic.
In the range of western chimpanzees, most deforestation occurs in zones of higher canopy density, and the
low canopy density percentage assigned to this subspecies to reflect its ecological flexibility probably underestimates
forest loss in the wetter southern half of its range (L. Pintea, unpublished data, 2016). Use of a denser canopy thresh-
old (for example, 30%, instead of 15%) for western chimpanzees would have decreased detected habitat loss by 2.5%
over the period under review, mainly because the baseline forest in 2000 (564,000 km2 or 56.4 million ha at 15%
canopy cover) would have covered a much smaller area (355,000 km2 or 35.5 million ha at 30%).
Analysis of forest change for these and other ape taxa will therefore benefit from the addition of environmental
layers, such as potential or suitable habitat, ecoregions and elevation (see Annex XII).
Annex X
Canopy Density Percentages Used for 38 Ape Subspecies
Common name Scientific name Threshold percentage Source
Bonobo Pan paniscus 50 occupancy
Central chimpanzee Pan troglodytes troglodytes 30 occupancy, expert
Eastern chimpanzee Pan t. schweinfurthii 30 occupancy, expert
Nigeria–Cameroon chimpanzee Pan t. ellioti 30 occupancy
Western chimpanzee Pan t. verus 15 occupancy
Cross River gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli 50 occupancy
Grauer’s gorilla Gorilla beringei graueri 50 occupancy
Mountain gorilla Gorilla b. beringei 50 occupancy
Western lowland gorilla Gorilla g. gorilla 75 occupancy, expert
Northeast Bornean orangutan Pongo pygmaeus morio 50 expert, range
Northwest Bornean orangutan Pongo p. pygmaeus 50 expert, range
Southwest Bornean orangutan Pongo p. wurmbii 50 expert, range
Sumatran orangutan Pongo abelii 50 expert, range
Eastern hoolock Hoolock leuconedys 75 ecology
Western hoolock Hoolock hoolock 75 ecology
Abbott’s gray gibbon Hylobates abbotti 75 ecology
Agile gibbon Hylobates agilis 75 ecology
Bornean gray gibbon Hylobates funereus 75 ecology
Bornean white-bearded gibbon Hylobates albibarbis 75 ecology
Carpenter’s lar gibbon Hylobates lar carpenteri 75 ecology
Central lar gibbon Hylobates l. entelloides 75 ecology
Kloss’s gibbon Hylobates klossii 75 ecology
Malaysian lar gibbon Hylobates l. lar 75 ecology
Moloch gibbon Hylobates moloch 75 ecology
Müller’s gibbon Hylobates muelleri 75 ecology
Pileated gibbon Hylobates pileatus 75 ecology
Sumatran lar gibbon Hylobates l. vestitus 75 ecology
Yunnan lar gibbon Hylobates l. yunnanensis 75 ecology
Cao Vit gibbon Nomascus nasutus 75 ecology
Central Yunnan black-crested gibbon Nomascus concolor jingdongensis 75 ecology
Hainan gibbon Nomascus hainanus 75 ecology
Laotian black-crested gibbon Nomascus c. lu 75 ecology
Northern white-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus leucogenys 75 ecology
Southern white-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus siki 75 ecology
Southern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus gabriellae 75 ecology
Tonkin black-crested gibbon Nomascus c. concolor 75 ecology
West Yunnan black-crested gibbon Nomascus c. furvogaster 75 ecology
Siamang Symphalangus syndactylus 75 ecology
Notes: Percentages reflect overall vegetation cover and tolerance of canopy openness. IUCN geographic ranges of most gibbon species are highly fragmented; much of
their former range was already converted to non-forest land uses by 2000.
Annex XI
Value and Limitations of the GFW Tool for Monitoring
Forest Cover Change
Launched in 2014, Global Forest Watch provides access to spatially explicit, high-resolution forest change data,
which is derived from thousands of satellite images and updated annually for the entire world (GFW, 2014; Hansen
et al., 2013). GFW’s online forest monitoring and alert system combines cutting-edge algorithms, satellite technology
and cloud computing to identify where trees are growing and disappearing in near-real time.
In a few minutes, a user can obtain up-to-date information about the status of forest landscapes worldwide
or for a particular region, such as a country, species range or PA. The user can also modify the percent tree
cover per pixel (the canopy density) GFW uses to determine forest cover, so as to adjust any analysis to reflect a
more open or closed canopy. Users can generate regular, accurate summaries of forest extent and change, create
custom maps, analyze forest trends, subscribe to near-real-time alerts of forest loss or download data for their
local area, country or region.
GFW provides free access to the annually updated global forest change data at relatively high resolution,
along with tools with which to analyze tree cover loss and gain data. The analysis presented in Chapter 7 shows
the data’s broad application with respect to species
using both closed-canopy and more open-canopy
forest. GFW forest change information is highly scal-
BOX AX.1 able, from a forest corridor to all ape species’ ranges.
Detecting Plantations at a Broad Scale Applications include not only monitoring of PAs and
range polygons, but also identification and monitor-
A criticism of the Global Forest Change 2000–14 data set is that it
ing of forest corridors and other areas of concern. As
does not always distinguish between natural forest and industrial
discussed in the chapter, GLAD alerts will identify
plantations, such as oil palm. To address this issue and identify indus-
trial plantations in the areas under review, the analysis presented in
areas of likely forest loss on a weekly basis, facilitating
Chapter 7 incorporates data from an industrial plantation mapping each of these activities and helping resource managers
project undertaken by the World Resources Institute and Transparent to monitor forest cover consistently.
World (Transparent World, 2015). Overall forest loss figures in this Global Forest Watch Fires is a related platform
analysis include these plantations; to avoid double counting an area that provides near-real-time information on forest fires
once its forest was converted to plantation, any tree cover loss within in Southeast Asia. Fires have led to sweeping forest loss
plantations was ignored. in Indonesia, especially in peat forests that are critical
Areas under plantation are counted as “lost” as of 2001, so that cumu- orangutan habitat. The tool’s daily, spatially explicit
lative loss includes all plantation areas, regardless of whether an area updates on fire occurrence empower people to enhance
was developed. The map that shows forest cover in 2000 includes their monitoring of and responses to fires before they
any vegetation in these properties that was tall and dense enough to burn out of control and to hold accountable those who
be considered tree cover by GFW. An unknown proportion of forest may have burned forests illegally (GFW, n.d.-a).
within these areas had already been converted to tree plantations by
2000; without knowledge of the dates of initial conversion of each area,
it is impossible to discern whether the loss from 2000 to 2001 was all, Limitations
mostly, or only partially loss of natural forest. Despite its advantages, the use of GFW alone has cer-
Although the plantations were recently digitized from high-resolution tain limitations. For example, annual updates at 30-m
satellite imagery, the data lack information on the year in which each resolution or bi-weekly updates at 500-m resolution
plantation was established. Consequently, the annual forest loss data will not necessarily provide the precision needed to
in Figure 7.5 ignore the presence of plantations and thus show less
determine effects on a given primate population, the
loss than actually occurred in creating plantations in all cases.
cause of clearance or associated impacts, such as poach-
This limitation of the global forest change data may affect results in ing and non-timber forest product collection. Reliance
areas of high plantation density. Agricultural plantations (of oil palm, on remotely sensed information further constrains
rubber and timber) overlapped with portions of the ranges of 15 ape
the GFW platform’s ability to help explain drivers of
subspecies (13 of which are in Indonesia and Malaysia) and corre-
forest change.
spond with more than 50% of the forest loss in 12 of these ranges.
The Global Forest Change 2000–14 data set cre-
ated by Hansen et al. (2013) may underestimate forest
cover in dry forest habitats, such as those used by chimpanzees in Mali and Senegal (Achard et al., 2014). Setting
canopy density threshold values of 30% or 15% for regions with sparser tree cover helped control for this limitation,
while acknowledging that most deforestation occurs in zones of higher canopy density (K. Abernethy, personal com-
munication, 2016; L. Pintea, unpublished data, 2016). This looser definition of forest may lead to underestimating
of forest loss in more densely forested portions of the ranges of Pan spp.
Conversely, the data created by Hansen et al. (2013) measure “tree cover,” which in some areas may include
mature tree plantations as well as natural forest (Tropek et al., 2014). In addition to excluding known plantations
(see Box AX.1), setting a high canopy density threshold (50% or 75%) consistent with tropical moist forest canopy
helps to screen out young oil palm plantations, which have gaps in canopy cover due to the low height and small
crowns of palm saplings. For the ranges of some ape species, however, plantation data were unavailable; for others,
dates of plantation establishment were unknown (Transparent World, 2015). Consequently, mature plantations
may have been included in the 2000 forest cover values in some areas, causing both initial forest cover in 2000 and
loss in the 2000–14 period to be overestimated. Despite its limitations in distinguishing vegetation types at the
local scale, the global forest change data set developed by Hansen et al. (2013) may provide valuable forest cover
information for areas where local data may be lacking (Burivalova et al., 2015).
Annex XII
Future Refinements to the Ape Habitat Assessment
Aggregating and summarizing the data for 38 ape species and subspecies of 33 countries with varying canopy
cover requirements and numerous vegetation types for 2000–14 inherently involved accepting error. Given the
following unknowns and shortcomings, additional data or analysis would improve this assessment:
Forest use patterns by various subspecies within their range polygons are not fully known.
While IUCN geographic ranges represent the best available data on subspecies at the global scale, ape popula-
tions are not evenly distributed within them; range maps, therefore, are prone to commission (false presence)
errors (Rondinini et al., 2006). Moreover, updates to range map polygon boundaries rely on scarce species
presence data and are not consistent across subspecies (Wich et al., 2016).
The selection of a single canopy density threshold value for areas of range overlap of subspecies with differing
forest cover requirements created some discrepancy in the aggregations of forest presence and loss for coun-
tries and across all ape ranges.
PAs were created in different years, so certain forested areas may not have been fully protected until later in
the period under review.
Plantations were created in different years, so while they were considered a loss from 2001, they may have been
created before 2000 and would thus reduce the initial forest cover extent.
Assessing the status and trends in forest habitat is a first step in estimating the status of ape populations.
Future assessments of ape habitat will benefit from including additional data sets as they become available and
accessible. These may include:
species-specific habitat suitability maps that incorporate on-the-ground verification (Hickey et al., 2013; Jantz
et al., 2016; Torres et al., 2010; Wich et al., 2012b);
higher-resolution satellite imagery of important primate areas, via platforms such as Planet or DigitalGlobe,
which increasingly provide remotely sensed data that can help conservationists determine drivers of deforestation;
the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and other satellite-derived vegetation cover data, which could
help quantify forest degradation and may be particularly important for gibbons, as they require intact canopy;
elevation data (Tracewski et al., 2016);
information on forest structure, including cover, height, stand age and intactness;
land use data, including legal and illegal agriculture and settlements in addition to forestry;
zoning data from both official (government) sources and unofficial sources—such as Global Witness,
Greenpeace and MightyEarth—to help assess emerging or future drivers of forest loss, such as rubber, oil
palm or logging concessions that may not yet be active but that have been allocated;
ground-truthed information on land cover, species presence and human activity, including roads, to help
determine drivers of forest loss; and
important ape landscape boundaries (Max Planck Institute, n.d.-b), which were not available for Asia and
were not used in the analysis in this chapter, as these would allow future habitat assessments to be conducted
within their boundaries.
For this global-scale analysis, no attempt was made to determine suitable environmental conditions (SEC),
which suggest the occurrence of an ape subspecies within its range (Junker et al., 2012). An Africa-wide great ape
suitability analysis, published in 2012 and presented in the first State of the Apes volume, acknowledges various
limitations of a modeling approach at that scale (Funwi-Gabga et al., 2014; Junker et al., 2012). These included
presence locations geographically biased to PAs, outdated vegetation and road data, and a lack of true absence data,
each of which may have skewed determination of suitable habitat.
Habitat suitability models use a variety of factors, including forest canopy cover, to help predict and map
potential habitats, but integrating these data has limited previous modeling efforts to small regions or coarse
spatial and temporal resolutions. Jantz et al. (2016) combined global forest change data with other Landsat
Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) satellite imagery to model and map changes in habitat suitability
between 2001 and 2014 over the entire chimpanzee range at 30-m resolution (see Annex X). However, the animal
presence data on which suitability maps are based do not exist across the ranges of most ape subspecies, and current
global satellite data do not allow for refinement of these results to account for suitability.
Reliable habitat suitability maps will allow future assessments to exclude areas of unsuitable land cover—such
as illegal oil palm and other plantations, pressure from human activity and natural barriers—and reduce the
amount of commission errors (Beresford et al., 2011). With broad applicability to a range of ape taxa, this type of
assessment will allow for more effective and efficient interventions.
Annex XIII
Applying Habitat Assessment to Conservation Action
Plans for Apes
Transparency to reveal the relative condition of forest habitat at high spatial and temporal resolution will be
increasingly central—not only to halting forest loss directly, but also to planning effective conservation strategies
for apes and other forest-dependent species.
Conservation action plans (CAPs) have been developed for at least 30 ape taxa. Some CAPs have identified
conservation units that, if successfully implemented, would protect majorities of the subspecies’ range (Plumptre
et al., 2010). However, ape-range authorities and conservationists often lack the means to monitor forest cover
status of these critical areas (Kühl, 2008).
CAPs that use the Open Standards process developed for chimpanzees and gorillas in Tanzania and eastern
DRC have used GFW data to assess viability of ape conservation targets, prioritize threats and measure conservation
success (TANAPA et al., 2015). For example, the process in Tanzania considered chimpanzee habitats to be in very
good or good condition if the areas lost less than 1% and 2.5%, respectively, of their forest with tree cover density
greater than 30% (TAWIRI, in preparation). For the period 2000–14, forest loss between 2.5% and 5% or greater
than 5%, respectively, would lead chimpanzee habitat viability to be categorized as fair or poor.
Tanzanian authorities will apply these standardized criteria in continuous monitoring of the viability of
chimpanzee habitats in the country, as new forest loss data are added to the GFW platform. Together with the
chimpanzee conservation community, and with an eye to supporting the conservation action planning process,
GFW is developing its new Map Builder platform to allow for comparisons of thresholds of tree cover loss across
customizable areas (GFW, n.d.-b).
Algorithm: A set of instructions or rules for performing tasks such as calculations, data processing and auto-
mated reasoning.
Alternative energy: Usable power derived from sources other than fossil fuels, often with a focus on avoiding
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. See also: clean energy and renewable energy.
Anthropocene: A buzzword used to refer to the current geological epoch in view of humankind’s profound impact
on Earth. The term was popularized by atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen in 2000 and recommended for adop-
tion by a dedicated working group of the International Union of Geological Sciences in 2016. Scholars disagree about
the start date of the Anthropocene, with suggestions ranging from 8,000 years ago to about 1950.
ArcGIS Desktop: A mapping and spatial data analysis application produced by Esri.
ArcGIS Online: An Internet-based mapping platform developed by Esri that enables users to access, create and
share maps, scenes, apps, layers, analytics and spatial data. Available at:
Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services (ARIES): A suite of computer models that support science-based
decision-making to promote environmental sustainability. Available at:
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Heritage Parks: Sites throughout the ASEAN region—Brunei,
Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam—that
are designated conservation areas in recognition of their rich biodiversity; four of the 37 sites are also UNESCO
World Heritage sites.
Base-load demand: The power required to run facilities, electronics and appliances that are always on, such as
hospitals and refrigerators, in contrast to peak-load demand, which is the power needed to run appliances and
machines that can be turned on and off, such as computers and televisions.
Behavioral enrichment: Conditions or stimuli introduced to establish and support species-specific natural
behaviors and reduce aberrant ones, with the goal of improving the psychological and physiological well-being of
captive animals.
Bimaturism: Development characterized by differing stages or timings within a species or within a sex; among
orangutans, mature males are flanged or unflanged (see flanged).
Bing Maps: An online mapping service that is part of Microsoft’s Bing suite of search engines and that offers
worldwide orthographic aerial and satellite imagery. Available at:
Biodiversity: The variety of plant and animal life on earth or in a particular habitat.
Biodiversity hotspot: A significant reservoir of biodiversity that is threatened with destruction.
Biota: Plant and animal life of a specific region.
Blood diamond: A diamond mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency, an invading army’s war efforts
or a warlord’s activity.
Blood gold: Gold mined by enslaved or otherwise victimized populations, including brutalized Congolese and
the impoverished illegal miners of South Africa.
Boom-and-bust cycle: Alternating periods of economic growth and contraction. An increase in business activity,
for example in connection with exploitation of a valuable natural resource, may be followed by sharp price declines
for the resource or its overexploitation, a spike in unemployment and a drop in returns to investors.
Brachiation: Arboreal locomotion that relies exclusively on the arms to propel the body forward. Related term:
Catchment: A rural or urban area where the natural landscape collects water from rain, or other precipitation.
This gradually drains into a common outlet, such as a river, a bay or another body of water. Also referred to as a
drainage area, river basin or watershed.
Circular economy: An economic model that aims to transform waste into resources and to bridge gaps between
production and consumption.
Clean energy: Usable power generated with little or no pollution or greenhouse gas emissions, as derived from
renewable sources such as sunlight, wind, biomass and waves, in contrast to “dirty” sources of energy, such as fossil
fuels (coal, natural gas and oil). Not all geothermal and hydroelectric power is clean energy. See also: alternative
energy and renewable energy.
Cleaner production: Processes and services that are characterized by the continual application of strategies that
increase efficiency and reduce risks to the environment.
Cloud computing (or cloud technology): The use of a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store,
manage and process data.
Conspecific: A member of the same species.
Core area: The most heavily used portion of the home range of a group or individual.
Corridor: See Wildlife Corridor.
Cost–benefit analysis: A process by which the benefits of a given situation or action are summed and the corre-
sponding costs are subtracted; opportunity costs may also be factored in.
Cost engineering: The practice of managing project costs by using approaches such as estimating, cost control,
cost forecasting, investment appraisal and risk analysis.
Critical habitat: An area of high biodiversity value. The International Finance Corporation defines it as habitat
of significant importance to critically endangered, endangered, endemic, or restricted-range species; habitat that
supports globally significant concentrations of migratory or congregatory species; a highly threatened or unique
ecosystem; or an area associated with critical evolutionary processes (IFC, 2012a, p. 4).
Critically endangered: Facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
Cumulative impact: The incremental effects of one project, combined with the past, present and foreseeable
future effects arising from other developments (such as infrastructure, extractive or agricultural activities) in
selected areas.
Cumulative impact assessment (CIA): An evaluation that factors in the combined effects of past, present and
foreseeable human activities, over time and on the environment, economy and society in a particular place.
Customary title to land: Recognition of a community’s rights to access, use and control an area of land, usually
based on long-established, traditional patterns or norms. Customary forest and community territory fall within this
category. Customary or international law may be the source of such titles, particularly if relevant rights are not
enshrined in a country’s statutory legislation.
Deciduous: Pertaining to trees that lose their leaves for part of the year.
Decommissioning: In relation to dams, full decommissioning is the full removal of a dam; partial decommissioning
is the partial removal of a dam.
Delegated management contractor: A public or private entity that is hired to implement a specified aspect of a
development project on behalf of a state or other stakeholder.
Deterrent: A punishment or other measure established to discourage future attempts at breaking the law.
Developer: In the context of infrastructure, a firm that undertakes any of a variety of tasks related to developing
a project, such as planning, finance, engineering, construction, hiring and management of assessors, compliance
with regulations and coordination with partners.
Development corridor: An area characterized by major integrated infrastructure, such as paved roads, railroads,
power lines and gas lines that run in parallel and are designed to open up regions for increased economic activity
and land use, such as in Africa and other parts of the developing world.
Dichromatic: Exhibiting two color variations independent of sex and age.
DigitalGlobe: A commercial vendor of high-resolution satellite imagery and geospatial content. Available at:
Digital Observatory for Protected Areas (DOPA): A global database of protected areas and their characteristics,
operated by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. Available at:
Green procurement: The acquisition of products and services that cause minimal adverse environmental impacts.
The approach incorporates human health and environmental concerns into the search for high-quality products
and services at competitive prices.
Ground truth: Empirical evidence collected on location, as opposed to information inferred from other sources,
such as satellite imagery.
Habitat: The natural and required environment of an animal, plant or other organism
Herbivore: Any plant-eating animal. Related terms: herbivorous, herbivory.
Home range: An area that is used by an individual or group on a regular basis and, in territorial species, is
defended from others. Not to be confused with ape range, which is the extent of occurrence (EOO) of each species,
as explained in the Notes to Readers, p. ix.
Hybrid: The offspring of two different species or varieties of plant or animal; something that is formed by combin-
ing different elements.
Hydrological connectivity: The degree to which water, and the organisms, matter and energy within it, is able to
freely move with natural timing through the hydrologic cycle, including along and between longitudinal (river
length), lateral (floodplain) and vertical (groundwater) dimensions.
Impounding reservoir: An artificial lake formed by constructing a dam across a natural watercourse so that water
builds up behind it.
Impoundment: The accumulation of water in a reservoir or other storage area.
Indigenous: Originating from or occurring naturally in a certain place.
Induced access: Project-related encroachment into a landscape.
Infanticide: The act of killing an infant.
Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) for Business: A database for accessing biodiversity information,
including Key Biodiversity Areas and legally protected areas. Via an interactive mapping tool, decision-makers can
identify biodiversity risks and opportunities within a project’s boundary. Available at:
Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST): A suite of open source software models
used to map and value goods and services from nature. Available at:
Interbirth interval: The biologically determined period of time between consecutive births.
Karst: A landscape formed through the dissolution of soluble rocks, such as limestone, dolomite and gypsum, and
characterized by underground drainage systems with sinkholes, dolines and caves.
Keystone species: A species that plays a crucial role in the way an ecosystem functions, and whose presence and
role has a disproportionately large effect on other organisms within the ecosystem.
Landsat imagery: Medium-resolution (30 m × 30 m) satellite images acquired by any of the six satellites in the
Landsat program. Landsat images can be viewed and downloaded for free from the United States Geological Survey
Earth Explorer website. Available at:
Landsat program: The longest-running endeavor to capture satellite imagery of Earth. Since the program’s launch
in 1972, its satellites have acquired millions of images. See also: Landsat imagery and Landsat Thematic Mapper.
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM): A Earth-observing sensor placed aboard a satellite in the Landsat program. A
TM features seven bands of image data (in visible and infrared wavelengths), most of which have a resolution of 30 m.
An Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor, which includes an eighth (panchromatic) band with a spatial
resolution of 15 m, was onboard Landsat 7 when it successfully launched in 1999. See also: Landsat imagery.
Landscape metrics: Measurements of one or more sections of an area of land, such as patches of forest or mosaics,
used to quantify composition and spatial configuration, including forest size and fragmentation.
Logging Roads: By combining OpenStreetMap and satellite imagery, this initiative maps and dates logging roads,
particularly in the Congo Basin. Available at:
Mast fruiting: The simultaneous production of fruit by a large numbers of trees every 2–10 years, without any
seasonal change in temperature or rainfall.
Megawatt: A unit of power equal to one million watts.
Metapopulation: A group of spatially separated populations of the same species that interact at some level.
Miombo: An oak-like tree (genus Brachystegia); a type of savannah woodland found across eastern and southern
Africa dominated by these trees.
Mitigation: The act of making a condition or consequence less severe.
Mitigation hierarchy: A tool used to limit the negative impacts of development projects on biodiversity.
Monodominant forest: A forest in which more than 60% of the tree canopy consists of a single species of tree.
Monogamy: The practice of having a single mate over a period of time.
Morph: A distinct form of an organism or species.
My DigitalGlobe: A web-based application through which users can view, analyze and download DigitalGlobe’s
high-resolution satellite images. Available at:
National strategic areas: In line with Indonesia’s 2007 law on spatial planning, domestic conservation areas rec-
ognized for their rich biodiversity. In an effort to protect the ecosystems and curb rent-seeking among officials,
the law stipulates that individuals who engage in or facilitate illegal activities in such areas may be charged with
criminal offences.
Natural resource management: The application of scientific and technical principles to control environmental
assets such as land, water, soil, plants and animals so as to meet ecological, economic, social and policy objectives.
Net gain: In an ecological context, a positive outcome for biodiversity following a development project and the
application of targeted conservation measures.
No deforestation: A corporate policy aimed at protecting forest and peatland while minimizing the impact of
operations on biodiversity and local communities. Implementation of the policy requires assessments to be con-
ducted for high conservation value forest areas prior to the clearing of any land. Related term: zero deforestation.
No net loss: In an ecological context, an outcome that avoids an overall loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services
following a development project and targeted conservation activities. This term is often used in association with the
mitigation hierarchy.
Offset: Compensation for loss of biodiversity due to a development project.
Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation: An adaptive planning framework utilized by governments and
non-governmental organizations around the world to conserve flora and fauna collaboratively and systematically.
Available at:
OpenStreetMap (OSM): Launched in 2004, this free and editable map of the world is continually updated by
registered members. OSM data feeds into the Roadless Forest and Logging Roads mapping initiatives, among
other programs focused on environmental crises. Available at:
OpenStreetMap (OSM) Analytics: Released in 2016, this platform enables the tracking of mapping activity for roads
and buildings at the global level. Available at:
Optimism bias: A systematic tendency to underestimate the probability of negative events.
Outstanding Universal Value: A UNESCO designation used to recognize heritage of exceptional cultural or natural
significance and signal that its permanent protection is of the highest importance to the international community.
Pathogen: A virus, bacteria or other microorganism that can cause disease.
Pathogenic: Capable of causing disease.
Pelage: Fur; coat.
Pith: The spongy tissue in the stems and branches of many plants.
Pixel: The smallest unit of information in an image; the fundamental unit of data collection in remote sensing.
Planet: A commercial vendor of high-resolution satellite imagery and geospatial content. Available at:
Pollution haven: A jurisdiction that attracts polluting industries due to limited environmental restrictions, as
posited by the pollution haven hypothesis (or pollution haven effect).
Polyandrous: Pertaining to a mating system that involves one female and two or more males.
Polygynandrous: Pertaining to an exclusive mating system that involves two or more males and two or more
females. The numbers of males and females are not necessarily equal.
Polygynous: Pertaining to a mating system that involves one male and two or more females.
Roadside zoo: An unaccredited zoo or roadside attraction engaged in commercial exhibition and other activities
with animals, potentially including apes.
Run-of-river scheme: A hydroelectric power scheme that operates without water storage, using the flow of a
river channel.
Sanctuary: A non-profit facility dedicated to providing care for orphaned, confiscated or injured wildlife.
Sentinels: A family of satellites developed for the operational needs of Copernicus, an Earth-observation program
headed by the European Commission in partnership with the European Space Agency. The Sentinels provide
observations such as radar images, high-resolution optical images, and data for the monitoring of atmospheric
composition and global sea-surface height.
Silverback: An adult male gorilla that has reached maturity and developed silver hairs on the saddle of his back.
Smart green infrastructure: Facilities that avoid critical habitats, minimize and mitigate adverse impacts on
communities and biodiversity, and compensate for any inadvertent or unavoidable damage.
Spatial resolution: The level of detail in a digital (usually satellite) image; often expressed in meters, measuring the
edge length of a pixel, the smallest unit of the image. The smaller the pixel size, or the greater the number of pixels
in an image, the higher the spatial resolution. Satellite images tend to be grouped into three resolution categories:
low resolution (>30 m), medium (2–30 m) and high (<2 m).
Standing sale: The selling of timber as it stands in the forest, in advance of harvesting and generally by weight.
Stranded asset: An economic resource that has become obsolete or nonperforming before the end of its useful life
and that is recorded as a loss.
Structural connectivity: The makeup of a landscape based on ecological attributes of the area (habitat type and
composition) and its connectivity (vs. fragmentation) across a landscape, excluding behavioral patterns of organisms
in the area. See also: functional connectivity.
Subadult: A stage of development where an individual has not yet acquired all adult characteristics.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Seventeen global aims established by the United Nations to end poverty,
protect the planet and result in peace and prosperity for all. The SDGs were adopted by the 193 countries of the
UN General Assembly in 2015, with specific targets to be achieved by 2030.
Swamp forest (or freshwater swamp forest): Natural forest that stands in waterlogged soil and has more than 30%
canopy cover.
Sympatric: Pertaining to species or populations that occupy the same geographic ranges.
Taxon: Any unit used in the science of biological classification or taxonomy (plural: taxa).
Terawatt: A unit of power equal to one trillion watts, or one million megawatts.
Terra nullius: In international law, land that does not officially belong to anyone or any state, and that can be acquired
through occupation.
Terrestrial herbaceous vegetation: Species of herbs that are staple food items for apes, such as Marantaceae
and Zingiberaceae.
Terrestriality: Adaptation to living on the ground.
Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment (TESSA): Guidance on low-cost methods for evaluating
the benefits people receive from nature at a particular site to generate information that can be used to influence
decision-making. Available at:
Translocation: In conservation, the process of moving an organism from one area to another, in captive or
wild settings.
Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra: A 25,000-km2 (2.5 million-ha) conservation site that comprises three
of Indonesia’s national parks: Bukit Barisan Selatan, Gunung Leuser and Kerinci Seblat. It is home to many endan-
gered species, including the endemic Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii).
UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve: Any of the 669 sites around the word that are internationally recognized
for the simultaneous conservation and sustainable use of their ecosystems. Each reserve has three interrelated zones:
a strictly protected core zone; a buffer zone that is used in ways that facilitate scientific research, monitoring, training
and education; and a transition area that fosters sustainable human and economic development.
UNESCO World Heritage site: An area of internationally recognized cultural and natural significance, including
geological and physiographical formations and precisely delineated areas that constitute the habitat of threatened
animal and plant species that are of outstanding value to science or conservation.
Upstream: Towards the source of a river.
Upstream planning: Advance target setting and coordination of feasibility studies, design, implementation and
operation of an investment project, usually involving collaboration among public authorities and other stakeholders,
often with technical assistance.
UrtheCast: An Earth-imaging system company that specializes in geospatial analysis. Its high-resolution satellite
imagery is made available on Global Forest Watch. Available at:
Watershed: A tract of land drained by a river and its tributaries.
Wean: To accustom a young animal to nourishment other than the mother’s milk.
Wetlands: Areas where water is sometimes or always above, at or near the surface of the soil.
Wildlife corridor: Habitat that joins two or more larger areas of similar habitat and thus allows wildlife move-
ment, supports the viability of populations and maintains ecological processes. Corridors can occur naturally, such
as riparian forests, or be created through habitat management practices.
Zero-sum game: A situation in which each participant’s gain or loss of utility is exactly balanced by the losses or
gains of the utility of the other participants. Suggesting that the earth’s carrying capacity is a zero-sum game implies
that any land, food or resources consumed or degraded by humans must ultimately incur a comparable cost to
other species or ecosystems.
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Bagyeli people 63, 65, 66, 67–69, 70, 71, 73
Baka people 63, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75
A Bakun Dam, Borneo 182, 183, 184–86, 187
Abbott’s gray gibbon (Hylobates abbotti) xv, xix, Bangladesh 215, 231, 234
Bantu people 63, 67, 69, 73
xxii–xxiii, 186, 202, 206, 208, 209, 213, 214, 216–17,
Baram Dam, Borneo 182–88
219, see also gibbons (Hylobatidae)
Abundance Annex 2, 198,
artificial 43, 47, 48–49, 50, 52, 57, 58, 173, 232
natural 16, 17, 110
deforestation/habitat loss see Global Forest Change
“Belt and Road” initiative 15, 18, 26
2000–14 study
benefits from infrastructure
development corridors 13, 14, 15, 22–26, 108, 110, environmental 28
111, 134 social 2, 24, 27–30, 66, 83, 133, 138
distribution of apes xx–xxi Bili–Mbomu Forest Savanna Mosaic, DRC 158, 159, 163
human population boom 108, 128, 161 Bili–Uélé Protected Area Complex (BUPAC), DRC
hydropower expansion 170, 171, 172, 175, 176 140, 158–60, 162–63
monetary cost of infrastructure 81–82 biodiversity action plans (BAPs) 37, 125, 144–45
offset policies 122, 124 biodiversity impact assessments 161–62, 186
poverty 69–70, 161 Blangkejeren–Kutacane (B–K) road, Sumatra 87–88,
protected areas see protected areas in Africa study 91–94
roads 112–15 bonobo (Pan paniscus)
sanctuaries see sanctuaries captive 236, 240, 258, 259, 260
wildlife trafficking 233, 234, 235 diet xxi, xxvi
see also specific countries distribution xx–xxi
African apes see bonobo (Pan paniscus); chimpanzees distribution factors xviii, 17, 48, 53, 110
(Pan troglodytes); gorillas (Gorilla spp.) forest cover and loss in ranges 204, 208, 209,
agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis) xix, xxii–xxiii, 202, 206, 216, 219
208, 209, 211, 213, 214, 216–17, 219, 235, 236, 244, see habitat xxi
also gibbons (Hylobatidae); Hylobates gibbons home ranges xxvi
agriculture 29, 34, 38, 51, 63, 82, 91, 108, 215, 216, 219, overview xii
222, 231–32, see also oil palm plantations reproduction xxiv–xxv
Angola 215, 231, 232, 234, 237–38 socioecology xvii-xxvi
Ape Populations, Environments and Surveys (A.P.E.S.) threats to 22, 51
Portal 2, 120, 161 travel throughout range xxiv
Bornean gray gibbon (Hylobates funereus) xv, xix,
xxii–xxiii, 206, 208, 209, 211, 217, 219, 234;
community tenure of land 76
see also gibbons (Hylobatidae)
deforestation/habitat loss see Global Forest Change
Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)
2000–14 study
captive 235, 236
development corridors 15
diet xxvii
distribution of apes xxii–xxiii distribution xviii, xxii–xxiii
economic growth, rapid 18 outside protected areas 251
hydropower expansion 13, 15, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176 population xiv
infrastructure planned 13, 81 reproduction xxiv
offset policies 122, 123, 124 threats to 26–27, 182, 206, 208, 209, 213, 217, 219, 232
protected areas, forest loss in 205–6 see also orangutans (Pongo spp.)
sanctuaries see sanctuaries Bornean white-bearded gibbon (Hylobates
wildlife trafficking 234 albibarbis) xix, xxii–xxiii, 206, 208, 209, 211, 217,
see also specific countries 219, 236; see also gibbons (Hylobatidae)
Asian apes see gibbons (Hylobatidae); Borneo
orangutans (Pongo spp.) community activism 170, 182–88
Asian Development Bank (ADB) 24, 30, 81, 191 corruption 183
lar gibbon (Hylobates lar) xv, xix, xxii–xxiii, 149, 205, Mali 215, 234, 237
206, 234, 235, 236, see also gibbons (Hylobatidae); Maputo Development Corridor, Mozambique 24, 25
specific subspecies Mbalam–Kribi proposed railway 24, 66
law enforcement Mbe Mountains, Nigeria 141, 142, 143
improving 233, 234, 242–43, 245–46, 248–49, meat, wild 13, 72, 133, 150, 152, 158, 162, 214, 231
250, 254 minimization measures 82, 102, 121, 189, 190
lack of 94, 158, 177, 213–14, 231, 245 mining see extractive industries
working with sanctuaries 231, 239, 245–46, 249, mitigation hierarchy 36, 82, 102, 119–28, 189–90
250, 254–55 mitigation strategies 12, 36–37, 56–57, 58, 78, 140, 156,
Leuser Ecosystem, Sumatra 16, 87–94, 103, 170, 192–95 164, 264–65; see also mitigation hierarchy
Liberia 76, 215, 231, 234, 236, 237, 260–61 modeling 140, 152–57
light pollution 50, 53, 150 moloch gibbon (Hylobates moloch) xv, xix, xxii–xxiii,
Loango National Park, Gabon 60 202, 206, 208, 210, 219, 235, 236, see also gibbons
local communities (Hylobatidae)
advocacy 75, 164 mortality, infrastructure-linked 46–47, 48, 49, 51
awareness raising see awareness raising mosaic landscapes 251–53
broken promises to 66, 73, 184 Mount Nimba Biosphere Reserve, Guinea 116
capacity building 25, 75, 156, 160 mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) xiii,
community-managed forests 62, 84–85, 188 xviii, xx–xxi, xxiv–xxv, 24, 44–45, 116–17, 126, 204,
community tenure of land 74, 75–76 208, 209, 212, 214, 217, 219, 232, see also gorillas
compensation see compensation measures (Gorilla spp.)
dependence on forest 66, 67–68, 73, 161 Mozal aluminum smelter, Mozambique 25
distrust of NGOs/institutions 147, 156 Müller’s gibbon (Hylobates muelleri) xv, xix, xxii–xxiii,
engagement/participation 25, 37, 67, 74–75, 78, 206, 208, 210, 217, 219, 234, 235, 236, see also
162, 164, 170 gibbons (Hylobatidae)
impact mitigation strategies 74–76 multilateral lenders 4, 12, 18, 20–21, 33, 191
impacts of infrastructure see impacts on local Murum Dam, Borneo 182, 183, 184, 186
people, infrastructure Myanmar
land rights, protection of 75–76 dams 19
representative structures 75 Dawei road link 146–57
resistance/opposition 4, 75, 182–88 deforestation 149–52, 215
rights of 62–64, 69, 73, 74–75, 76, 142, 147, 183, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) 156
187, 188 human conflicts 146, 147
logging 56, 63–64, 66, 68, 82, 83–84, 87, 91, 94, 102, land policies 147
108, 113, 114, 115, 147, 178, 179, 180, 183, 184, 187 logging 146
Lom Pangar Hydropower Project, Cameroon natural capital 130
161, 170, 177–81 oil/gas extraction 146
protected areas 146, 147
Western Forest Complex 149
wildlife trafficking 234
M Myinmoletkat Nature Reserve, Myanmar 147
Mae Guang Udom Tara dam, Thailand 191
Mahale Mountains National Park (MMNP), Tanzania
95–99, 104
Mahmud, Abdul Taib 183 N
Maiombe National Park, Angola 237–38 Nam Ou Cascade Hydropower Project, Lao PDR
Malaysia 34–35, 168–69
Central Forest Spine 26 natural capital 12, 129–31, 153, 156, 164
dams xxvi natural gas extraction see extractive industries
deforestation 84, 202, 203, 215, 216, 220–21, 222, 231 natural resource exploitation see extractive industries
development corridors 26, 182 Nepal 84–85
electrocutions 46, 53 nests xxiii, 48, 51, 54, 212
offset policies 122, 123 Nigeria
sanctuaries 236, 262 corruption 141
wildlife trafficking 234 Cross River National Park 116, 135, 141–42, 143
zoos 234, 235 Cross River superhighway 52, 116, 138–39, 141–45
see also Borneo deforestation 208, 215
Malaysian lar gibbon (Hylobates lar lar) 202, 208, 210, human population 141
213, 214, 216, 217, 219; see also gibbons (Hylobatidae); oil reserves 141
lar gibbon (Hylobates lar) rainforest 141–42
vehicle/equipment collisions 46, 50, 52, 53, 149–50 Yadana pipeline, Myanmar 147
vibration pollution 50, 53 Yunnan lar gibbon (Hylobates lar yunnanensis) 207,
Viet Nam 207, 215, 231, 234, 236, 262 208, 210, 219; see also gibbons (Hylobatidae);
Virunga Alliance 127 lar gibbon (Hylobates lar)
Virunga National Park, DRC 60, 126–27
W Zambia 116, 260, 261
Walvis Bay Development Corridor, Africa 24 zoos 226, 230, 234, 235, 237, 256, 258–59, 261–62
water availability 53–54
West Africa 25–26, 31, 110, 195, 203, 216;
see also specific countries
west Yunnan black-crested gibbon (Nomascus
concolor furvogaster) 208, 210, 214, 217, 219; see
also gibbons (Hylobatidae); Nomascus gibbons
western black-crested gibbon (Nomascus
concolor) xvi, xix, xxii–xxiii, xxviii, 202, 205; see
also gibbons (Hylobatidae); Nomascus gibbons;
specific subspecies
western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) xii, xviii,
xx–xxi, 26, 125, 161, 207, 208, 209, 216, 219, 236, 259,
see also chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) xiii, xxv, 17, 122; see
also Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli);
gorillas (Gorilla spp.); western lowland gorilla
(Gorilla gorilla gorilla )
western hoolock (Hoolock hoolock) xiv, xviii, xxii–
xxiii, 205, 208, 209, 219, 236; see also hoolocks
(Hoolock spp.)
western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla )
xiii, xviii, xx–xxi, 13, 25, 37, 65, 69, 162, 177, 178–80,
181, 204, 208, 209, 212, 214, 217, 219, 235, 236, 251,
see also gorillas (Gorilla spp.); western gorillas
(Gorilla gorilla)
Wild Animal Rescue Network (WARN) 229, 230
Wild meat see meat, wild
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) 142, 144–45,
147, 178
wildlife crossing sites and bridges 57, 58–59, 121, 149,
wind power 30
World Bank
Africa, infrastructure development for 161–62
Deng Deng National Park, Cameroon 178, 180–81
environmental safeguard policies 4, 20, 21, 68,
162, 191, 271–72
Global Accessibility Map 115
indigenous people, failure towards 67
Lom Pangar Hydropower Project, Cameroon
178, 180–81
mitigation hierarchy 82, 120
Pro-Routes project, DRC 158–60, 271–72
smart green infrastructure 82
World Indigenous Summit on Environment and
Rivers (WISER) 188
World Wide Fund for Nature/World Wildlife Fund
(WWF) 140, 141, 144, 147, 152–54, 156–57, 162–63
between destruction and survival of these extraordinary beings.
Matthew V. Cassetta
Facilitator, Congo Basin Forest Partnership
U.S. Department of State