DAILY LESSON LOG Grade 10 Week 3
DAILY LESSON LOG Grade 10 Week 3
DAILY LESSON LOG Grade 10 Week 3
I. OBJECTIVES The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine
Culture and those of other countries.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literatures and other text types serve as vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or
groups; also how to use strategies in critical reading, listening, and viewing, and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous
B. Performance Standards The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individuals or groups.
4. Additional Materials Power point presentation, Power point presentation, Power point presentation, Power point presentation, Power point presentation,
from Learning Resources Module with activity sheets, TV Module with activity sheets, TV Module with activity sheets, TV Module with activity sheets, Module with activity sheets,
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Task 1. Discuss the different Review and Recall What can you recall from the What can you recall from the What can you recall from
lesson or presenting the types of multimedia resources. discussion of the past lesson. discussion of the past lesson. the discussion of the past
new lesson Task 2. determine the lesson.
applicability of these
multimedia resources.
B. Establishing a purpose Task 2. Recall Video Clip of a news Presentation of a Video Group presentation of an / Action Song
for the lesson Directions: What can you recall advertisement
from the discussion of the past
C. Presenting examples/ Task 3. Word Hunt Reading of Sample of Read a sample of analytical Read a sample of persuasive Read a sample of
instances of the new lesson Search for words that you think Informative Essay essay and answer the given essay and answer the given argumentative essay and
are related to the lesson that questions questions answer the given questions
will be discussed.
D. Discussing new Discussion on the four types of Identify the qualities or Identify the qualities or Identify the qualities or Identify the qualities or
concepts and practicing essay. characteristics of Informative characteristics of Analytical characteristics of Persuasive characteristics of
new skill #1 Essay Essay Essay Argumentative Essay
E. Discussing new Discussion on the different Determine the techniques in Determine the techniques in Determine the techniques in Determine the techniques in
concepts and practicing characteristics of an essay. writing Informative Essay writing Analytical Essay writing Persuasive Essay writing Argumentative
new skill #2 Essay
F. Developing Mastery Analyzing the types of essay Compose an Informative Essay Compose an Analytical Essay Compose an Persuasive Compose an Argumentative
utilizing the different techniques. utilizing the different techniques Essay utilizing the different Essay utilizing the different
techniques techniques
Error analysis of others’ work. Error analysis of others’ work.
Error analysis of others’ work. Error analysis of others’
G. Finding practical Steps in writing an essay Utilizing the different techniques Utilizing the different Utilizing the different
applications of concepts & Utilizing the different techniques and step in writing an essay techniques and step in writing techniques and step in
skills in daily living Determining the different and step in writing an essay an essay writing an essay
techniques in writing an essay.
H. Making generalizations Asking students to Asking students to Asking students to Asking students to Asking students to
& abstractions about the conceptualize the essence of conceptualize the essence of conceptualize the essence of conceptualize the essence of conceptualize the essence
lesson expressing oneself through expressing oneself through expressing oneself through expressing oneself through of expressing oneself
writing an essay. writing an essay. writing an essay. writing an essay. through writing an essay.
I. Evaluating Learning Writing an essay about the Writing an essay about the Writing an essay about the Writing an essay about the Writing an essay about the
environmental issues on the environmental issues on the environmental issues on the environmental issues on the environmental issues on the
stewardship of teenagers to stewardship of teenagers to stewardship of teenagers to stewardship of teenagers to stewardship of teenagers to
nature. nature. nature. nature. nature.
J. Additional activities for Support the essay with facts Support the essay with facts Support the essay with facts Support the essay with facts Support the essay with
application or remediation through pictures or a sketch through pictures or a sketch through pictures or a sketch through pictures or a sketch facts through pictures or a