An 806
An 806
An 806
National Semiconductor
Data Transmission Lines Application Note 806
Kenneth M. True
and Their Characteristics April 1992
If the magnetic flux (φ) linking the two wires is variable with Therefore, the line model should include a series inductance
time, then according to Faraday’s law per-unit-length term. In summary, it is determined that the
model of a transmission line section can be represented by
two series terms of resistance and inductance and two shunt
terms of capacitance and conductance.
(5) From a circuit analysis point of view, the terms can be
A small line section can exhibit a voltage drop — in addition considered in any order, since an equivalent circuit is being
to a resistive drop — due to the changing magnetic flux (φ) generated. Figure 2 shows three possible arrangements of
within the section loop. This voltage drop is the result of an circuit elements.
inductance given as
For consistency, the circuit shown in Figure 2 will be used network. For the lumped model to accurately represent the
throughout the remainder of this application note. Figure 3 transmission line (see Figure 3 ), the section length must be
shows how a transmission line model is constructed by quite small in comparison with the shortest wavelengths
series connecting the short sections into a ladder network. (highest frequencies) to be used in analysis of the model.
Before examining the pertinent properties of the model, Within these limits, as differentials are taken, the section
some comments are necessary on applicability and limita- length will approach zero and the model should exhibit the
tions. A real transmission line does not consist of an infinite same (or at least very similar) characteristics as the actual
number of small lumped sections — rather, it is a distributed distributed parameter transmission line. The model in Figure 2
Transmission Line Model (Continued) IINis needed to produce a given voltage VIN across the line
as a function of the LRCG parameters in the transmission
3 does not include second order terms such as the increase line, (see Figure 4 ).
in resistance due to skin effect or loss terms resulting from Combining the series terms lR and lL together simplifies
non-linear dielectrics. These terms and effects are discussed calculation of the series impedance (Zs) as follows
in the references rather than in this application note, since
Zs = , (R + jωL) (7)
they tend to obscure the basic principles under consider-
ation. For the present, assume that the signals applied to the Likewise, combining lC and lG produces a parallel imped-
line have their minimum wavelengths a great deal longer ance Zp represented by
than the section length of the model and ignore the second
order terms.
Transmission Line
The purpose of this section is to determine the input imped-
ance of a transmission line; i.e., what amount of input current
a b
Input Impedance of a fundamental frequency in the 1-to-50 MHz area with har-
monics extending upward in frequency. The expressions for
Transmission Line (Continued) Z0 in Equation (13), Equation (14) and Equation (15) do not
contain any reference to line length, so using Equation (14)
Multiplying through both sides by (Z0 + Zp) and collecting
as the normal characteristic impedance expression, allows
terms yields
the line to be replaced with a resistor of R0 = Z0 Ω neglecting
Z02 − ZsZ0 − ZsZp = 0 (10) any small reactance. This is true when calculating the initial
which may be solved by using the quadratic formula to give voltage step produced on the line in response to an input
current step, or an initial current step in response to an input
voltage step.
Substituting in the definition of Zs and Zp from Equation (7)
and Equation (8), Equation (11) now appears as
Now, as the section length is reduced, all the parameters
( lR, lL, lG, and lC) decrease in the same proportion. This is
because the per-unit-length line parameters R, L, G, and C
are constants for a given line. By sufficiently reducing , , the
terms in Equation (12) which contain l as multipliers will
become negligible when compared to the last term
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Input Impedance of a of Zs and Zp in the model (Figure 5). Each small section of
the line ( , ) will contribute to the total phase shift and ampli-
Transmission Line (Continued) tude reduction if a number of sections are cascaded as in
Figure 5. So, it is important to determine the phase shift and
but the line is essentially resistive, so VIN/IIN = R0 = Z0 will
signal amplitude loss contributed by each section.
give the actual drive current needed. These effects will be
discussed later in Application Note 807.
, = 150, 300, 450, 1050, 2100, 3750 ft.
FIGURE 7. Input Current Into a 96Ω Transmission Line for a 2V Input Step for Various LIne Lengths
R0 = 96Ω, δ = 1.6 ns/ft.
FIGURE 8. Input Current Into Line with Controlled Rise Time tr > 2π
Phase Shift and Propagation and keeping in mind the
Using Figure 5, v2 can be expressed as value will be much less than one because the section length
is allowed to become very small, the higher order expansion
terms can be neglected, thereby reducing Equation (24) to
If Equation (26) is divided by the section length,
(17) (27)
and further simplification yields the propagation constant per unit length is obtained. If the
resistive components R and G are further neglected by
assuming the line is reasonably short, Equation (26) can be
reduced to read
Remember that a per-unit-length constant, normally called γ
is needed. This shows the reduction in amplitude and the
change in the phase per unit length of the sections. Equation (28) shows that the lossless transmission line has
one very important property: signals introduced on the line
γ , = α , = jβ , (19)
have a constant phase shift per unit length with no change in
Since amplitude. This progressive phase shift along the line actu-
v2 = ν1 −γ , = ν1 −α , + ν , −jβ , (20) ally represents a wave traveling down the line with a velocity
α, equal to the inverse of the phase shift per section. This
where v1 is a signal attenuation and v1 −jβ , is the change
in phase from v1 to v2, velocity is
(21) (29)
Thus, taking the natural log of both sides of Equation (18) for lossless lines. Because the LRCG parameters of the line
are independent of frequency except for those upper fre-
quency constraints previously discussed, the signal velocity
given by Equation (29) is also independent of signal fre-
quency. In the practical world with long lines, there is in fact
(22) a frequency dependence of the signal velocity. This causes
Substituting Equation (13) for Z0 and Ypfor , /Zp sharp edged pulses to become rounded and distorted. More
on these long line effects will be discussed in Application
Note 807.
(23) Summary—Characteristic
Now when allowing the section length , to become small, Impedance and Propagation Delay
Yp = , (G + jωC) Every transmission line has a characteristic impedance Z0,
will be very small compared to the constant and both voltage and current at any point on the line are
related by the formula
By using the series expansion for the natural log: Since R ! jωL and G ! jωC for most lines at frequencies
above 100 kHz, the characteristic impedance is best ap-
proximated by the lossless line expression
(25) 6
Data Transmission Lines and Their Characteristics
Impedance and Propagation Delay
(Continued) (30)
and a total propagation delay for a line of length , as
For a more detailed discussion of characteristic impedances
The propagation constant, γ, shows that signals exhibit an
and propagation constants, the reader is referred to the
amplitude loss and phase shift with the latter actually a
references below.
velocity of propagation of the signal down the line. For
lossless lines, where the attenuation is zero, the phase shift
per unit length is References
Hamsher, D.H. (editor); Communications System Engineer-
ing Handbook; Chapter 11, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967.
Reference Data for Radio Engineers, fifth edition; Chapter
22; Howard T. Sams Co., New York, 1970.
This really represents a signal traveling down the line with a Matrick, R.F.; Transmission Lines for Digital and Communi-
velocity cations Networks; McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
Metzger, G. and Vabre, J.P.; Transmission Lines with Pulse
Excitation; Academic Press, New York, 1969.
National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.