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Master Control 150-4

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Model MC150-4
Master Controller
Automatic Paralleling Interface
Isolated Bus System Applications

Gen set range 25 - 2500 kVA

System Function
The MC150-4 is a Configurable
Controller designed to operate as a
fully automatic interface system to
facilitate automatic starting, set to
set synchronising and load sharing
of up to four PCC (PowerCommand
Control) equipped generating sets Features ● BMS (Building Management
of equal, or unequal, ratings for ● Automatic control for 2 to 4 Systems) interface.
continuous Load operation. generating sets. ● Configurable “Ready to load”
● Load add-Load shed priority status and signaling.
Operation Modes
● Four load stages of control and
Load Demand control. Automatic
● Control of Automatic Transfer Operating from a remote command
Switches (ATS). signal each generator can be
started, run, synchronised and put
● Microprocessor based system.
on load.
● Generator sequence
Sets can be started from their
● Configurable controller with LCD
PCCP controllers by a remote
display interface.
signal should the MC 150-4 fail for
● Digital Multimeter. any reason.
● Visual annunciation of all system Manual
faults and status condition.
Manual override control of the
● Set and system testing. system. Permits manual set
● Manual control-individually or starting, synchronising and loading
collectively. the generators.
● System and sequence restart

A Single Source for all Power System Solutions

Specifications May Change Without Notice 09/01 CPG MC150-4
Standard Features

Features Set-to-Set Paralleling

● Master Controller for up to four generators fitted with PowerCommand™ The MC150-4 is fitted with a device
Controllers. called a Master First Start Sensor (or
● Isolated Bus application, Set-to-Set paralleling system. MFSS). It is a PowerCommand™
component that interfaces with each
● Generator Load demand control. generator’s PCC and coordinates
● Load add/shed control for up to four stages. “dead bus” connection and
● Generator sequence configuration. synchronization. Although fitted inside

the MC150-4 it functions independently
Contact start.
of the Master Controller.
● System restart function.
Remote Start
● “Ready to load” status.
The system has been designed to
● Manual control. permit the operation of the generators
● Configurable controller with LCD display interface. by their PCCP controllers from a
● Digital multimeter. remote start signal in the event of (and

despite) a failure of the MC150-4 Logic
Annunciators giving status/fault indications.
● BMS interface.
The normal operation of the system
requires that a single contact start
Automatic Operation signal be received at the MC150-4,
which is then relayed to each
The MC150-4 controller is capable of operating in several automatic modes. User generator’s PCC to call every available
selections and configuration are possible from the front panel via the display generator. Cancellation of the contact
interface. signal will cause all running generators
Note: to stop (following the appropriate

cooling sequences).
The PCCP mode switches must be selected to “Auto” before the MC150-4 will
function correctly. This is because the MC150-4 uses the PowerCommand System Restart
Control – Paralleling (PCCP) remote start function to call the generator. Once a contact start has been
● Each generator’s switchgear is interlocked with a generator local MCCB (if fitted, received, a system restart signal may
else link-out), so it is not possible to close the former unless the latter is closed be initiated. It will have the effect of
first. recalling any available generators (in
the event of a subsequent ATS failure,
Sequence of Operation for instance) and forcing the MC150-4
When operating in automatic, the MC150-4 awaits a remote start command. The to re-enter the load add/shed control
remote start signal is distributed by the MC150-4 to all the connected generator sequence.
The sequence is basically: Ready to Load
● Each healthy generator will be started, run (and synchronized if required) by its This is a configurable condition that
own PCC if in auto mode. controls the point at which load addition
initiates. It receives a visual
● Closure of synchronizing switchgear is controlled by each PCC and the Master confirmation and is also made available
First Start Sensor (MFSS) Switchgear control is marshalled via the MC150-4. as a volt-free contact. Once activated, it
● The PLC will establish the “ready to load” condition (configurable). remains true for the duration of the
● The PLC will add each load control stage (based on the configured timings, remote start signal. (Unless all
priority and quantity). generators become disconnected from

the standby bus, in which case all load
If a load dump signal is received from any PCC when all available generators
related functions will deactivate and
are connected, load shedding will occur (any load addition process is
suspended first). The priorities for shedding are automatically the reverse of
those for load addition, but the timings are configured separately. The load with It may be configured to initiate on the
the highest priority is not shed until cancellation of the remote start signal. connection of all available generators to

the standby bus or the connection of a
When the load add/shed sequence is complete, the PLC will commence load
specific number of generators to the
demand control. The load on the generator common bus is monitored via the
standby bus. Alternatively, a “ready to
digital meter and individual generators will be stopped/run based on the
load” may be initiated directly via the
prevailing load (and the configurations for rating, timing, priority, pick-up and
MC150-4 display interface.
drop-off percentages).

Specifications May Change Without Notice 09/01 CPG MC150-4

Standard Features

Load Add/Shed Load demand features

The primary function of the MC150-4 is to provide load demand control. The system The MC150-4 uses a digital multi-
also includes a simplistic method for controlling load addition/shedding. function meter, connected to the
The implementation of Load add/shed control is designed for standby or base load generator common synchronizing bus,
applications with up to four load stages or for systems with up to four (or multiples to determine the total load connected to
of four) intelligent Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS). In the case of ATS systems, the generators. A comparison is made
the load control relays would be used to enable closure of each ATS to the between the actual load and the
standby position. available generator system capacity.
Whilst under control of the configurable
The MC150-4 will supply control signals for up to four power distribution breakers to load pickup and load drop-off
enable step loading of the generators. A single contact is provided for each stage, parameters, the MC150-4 will send or
which will close to add the load or open to shed the same load. The load addition remove “load demand stop” signals to
sequence is configurable (shedding automatically reverses the order) and there is a each generator’s PCC in the configured
feature that permits the load add/shed sequence to be disabled altogether (if the sequence. This ensures that a
remote start is inactive). minimum number of generators are
Load addition connected to the load and that no
The operation of the load add/shed sequence depends upon the status of the load generators are lightly or overloaded.
dump (overload/under-frequency) signal from any generator’s PCC. Once the If any generators have been stopped
“ready to load” condition occurs, a single pass of the load add sequence will and a load dump signal is detected
commence. from any PCC, the load demand logic
Loads are added in sequence via individually configurable time delays (adjustable will release all available generators until
1-120s), with each stage resulting in a check for any generator overloads prior to they are synchronized and connected
continuation. A detection of a load dump signal from any PCC will suspend the load (whereupon the load shedding
add sequence. sequence will take over if the overload
A system restart condition will command the controller to return to the load add
sequence and continue from the last stage of load addition. There is also a feature that provides a
delay before any “load demand stop”
Load shedding signals are generated (useful for
With all available generators synchronized and the load add sequence over, the unstable sites).
MC150-4 will (upon detection of a load dump signal from any PCC) cancel the least Any generator that has been issued a
significant load after a configurable time delay (adjustable 1-120s). With a persistent “load demand stop” signal will
overload signal, the system will cancel the next least significant load dependent immediately ramp off load, open its’
upon its time delay and so on. The load shedding sequence will freeze once the synchronizing breaker, perform a
overload condition has disappeared, but will pick-up again at any time on cooling run and come to rest in
subsequent overloads with all available generators synchronized. readiness for the removal of the stop
The last (highest priority) load is the only stage that will not be shed whilst the signal. Each generator’s PCC will
remote contact start signal is present. If the remote start signal is removed the remain aware of the prevailing remote
MC150-4 will immediately shed all (or remaining) loads. start signal and still be monitoring bus
Once the load add/shed sequence has been satisfied, the MC150-4 will thereafter
default to generator load demand control (unless a system restart or a load dump The load demand sequence may also
signal is encountered). be disabled altogether (only if the
remote start is not already active).
The setting of time delays for each stage of load add/shed is a practical
Additionally, the generator load demand
consideration depending upon site stability, the degree of control required for
sequence may be specified, enabling
successive levels of load, etc.
certain generators to be given priority
Load Demand over others (typical criteria for priority
This is the primary function of the MC150-4 controller. It will be in operation once selection are running hours, size, etc.).
the load add/shed procedures are completed or until either the remote start is Pick-up and Drop-off method
cancelled, a system restart occurs or a load dump signal is detected when all
The load demand logic will make
available generators are synchronized and connected.
decisions on whether the generators
Load demand control means that the MC150-4 will send “load demand stop” signals should be stopped/run based upon
to each generator’s PCC to instruct generator availability to match the load demand prevailing load conditions, their priority
(i.e. if the required load demand can easily be met by three out of four running in the sequence and the configured
generators then the fourth generator will be stopped). settings for pick-up and drop-off. For
Alternatively, certain increases in load will determine that the MC150-4 must release reference, individual generators are
generators that have previously been stopped via load demand or were subject to a identified by a letter and their priorities
shutdown fault. are indicated by numbers.

Specifications May Change Without Notice 09/01 CPG MC150-4

Manual Operation

Manual Operation Start

All available generators are called by
Please note: the start command, hence individual
Selecting manual mode on the MC150-4 represents a decision by the operator to generators that have been stopped
override control of the system. There are two possible consequences: manually prior to starting under manual
● Generators previously running in automatic will continue to run whilst
“system control” will also be started.
generators stopped under load demand will be released (and therefore will Generators that were already running in
also run). automatic (via remote start) prior to
● Generators will remain stopped if they were not called by a remote start when
changing the MC150-4 mode to manual
will continue to run in the manual mode.
the system was in automatic.
But operation of the manual “system
control” start command will have the
Other important notes: effect of a system restart.
● The PowerCommand Control – Paralleling (PCCP) mode switches must be Stop
selected to “Auto” before the MC150-4 will function correctly. This is because All available generators are stopped.
the MC150-4 uses the PCCP remote start function to call the generator. Generators are stopped collectively
● Manual operation is confined to the control of the generators and the from the “system control” screen).
synchronizing switchgear. Direct manual control of the individual load stages is Restart
not provided.
Only functional from this screen if the
● The status of the load stages prior to selection of manual mode will be retained generators have been started using the
as manual mode is selected. However, neither load adding nor load shedding manual “system control” start command.
logic (ie:load dump requests) will function in manual mode (with the exception of
“System control”). Has the effect of recalling any available
generators (in the event of a
● Each generator’s switchgear is interlocked with a generator local MCCB (if fitted, subsequent ATS failure, for instance)
or alternatively a link-out), so it is not possible to close the former unless the and instructing the MC150-4 to re-enter
latter is closed first. the load add/shed control sequence
from the last completed stage of load
addition (and hence follow with load
Alternate PCCP Operating Modes demand control).
Each PCCP mode switch has three control positions – RUN, OFF and AUTO.
The MC150-4 controller requires that each PCCP be selected to “AUTO” before Individual generator control
it can function correctly. This is because the MC150-4 uses the PCCP remote Load add, shed and demand control will
start function to call the generators. Therefore, the following PCCP operational not function in manual override mode.
conditions will not afford MC150-4 functionality.
Manual Run Under manual control, the MC150-4 can
For each generator, this is achieved by placing the PCCP mode switch in the connect/disconnect remote start signals
“RUN” position, which will cause the generator to run immediately. The generator to each of the generators individually.
may be synchronized and the generator switchgear closed using the PCCP’s Changing the MC150-4 operation from
display synchronizer and pushbuttons (as long as the local MCCB is also closed automatic to manual will not change the
– if fitted). status of the generators (generators
previously running in automatic will not
Automatic Run be stopped unless the operator chooses
This is achieved when each PCCP mode switch is in the “AUTO” position and it to do so via the individual start/stop
receives a network start when using PowerCommand™ for Windows™ software. function). If all generators are stopped
The generator will be automatically synchronized and the generator switchgear individually, the system will be deemed
closed (as long as the local MCCB is also closed – if fitted). However, the to have stopped and hence all loads will
MC150-4 is not a network component and will not have received a remote start be shed.
condition – hence it will not provide load add, shed and demand control. Switchgear inhibit/enable
Under manual control the MC150-4
System control can add or remove an inhibit signal
This is manual in instigation only since the full complement of load add, shed and to open or close each generator’s
demand features will function as if the system had received a remote start in synchronizing switchgear respectively.
automatic mode. Selected from the MC150-4 display interface, all generators will The actual closure of any generator
receive a remote start signal and function exactly as described in section “Automatic synchronizing breaker is still controlled
operation”. automatically from each PCC.

Specifications May Change Without Notice 09/01 CPG MC150-4

System Hardware

The primary components in the system Display Interface

comprise: The MC150-4 controller is configured using an alphanumerical display interface.
Master Controller Features
The MC150-4 includes: ● 2 line 20 character message display with 25 lines of information per page.
● Programmable Logic Controller
● LCD with backlight.
● Display interface
● 12 function keys, 10 service keys and 12 numeric keys.
● Digital Metering1 (Generator bus)
● 256Kb Flash EPROM.
● Panel batteries3
● Programmed with context-sensitive help messages.
● Constant potential battery charger2

● Master First Start Sensor

● Annunciator x2
Voltage sensing : direct 277VAC 3
phase L-L maximum, 50Hz or high 1
accuracy PTs with the same 3
secondary voltages. Current sensing 2
: use instrument class CTs with 5A 6
secondary, 5VA burden.
Supply : 240VAC 1 phase L-N, 50Hz,
2A. 4
Rating : 2x12VDC, 7Ah (24VDC 7Ah
The power equipment must include the
following: 1. Communications monitoring lamp.
● Generator synchronizing switchgear
2. Keypad activity indicator.
(ie: ACB) – controlled by each PCCP.
3. LCD backlit display.
● Current transformers for sensing the
generator common bus (refer note1 4. Functions keys - LED indicates active.
section 5.2). 5. Service keys - MC150-4 uses MOD, ENTER, ESC and arrow keys
● Potential transformers, where (MOD=change, ENTER=confirm entry). Arrow keys used for navigation and
applicable for sensing the generator increment/decrement.
common bus (refer note1 section 6. Numeric keys (DEL=delete).
Navigation and Configuration
The generator must be fitted with: Access to load add/shed configuration functions are prevented if the generators
● Paralleling PCC (12 or 24VDC) have been committed via the MC150-4.
● Bus PT interface board

● Load share interconnections

Display pages may be scrolled to reveal context-sensitive help messages for the
current key functions. Active function and service keys are also illuminated to aid
operation. Three function keys have a global function and these are as follows:
F6 = Reset PCC
F11 = Back one page
F12 = Go to “home page” (current session of restricted access ends)
The PLC in the MC150-4 contains a RAM back-up battery that retains the
application software and any held in memory registers.

Digital metering.

Specifications May Change Without Notice 09/01 CPG MC150-4

System Hardware

Annunciator No.1 Characteristics

● Generator 1 not in auto – Amber LED Ratings:
● Generator 1 running – Green LED Panel Wall mounting, 1000h x 800w x 300d (mm),
indicating that the generator is ready base cable entry, ventilated, IP23.
to load.
● Generator 1 load demand stop – Temperature range 0-50°C.
Green LED Integral DC supply 2x12VDC, 7Ah batteries (24VDC 7Ah total).
● Generator 1 breaker closed – Green Battery Charger supply required 240VAC 1 phase L-N nominal, 50Hz, 2A.
LED – generator synchronizing
Voltage Sensing 480VAC 3 phase L-L nominal, 50Hz.
switchgear is closed.
● Generator 1 alarm – Amber LED – Current Sensing 5A.
common warning signal from the Interconnections:
PCCP. Battery charger supply 3 AC terminations (TB20).
● Generator 1 shutdown – Red LED –
common shutdown signal from the PCCP control/feedback 22 DC terminations x4 (TB11,12,13 & 14).
PCCP. System control 8 DC terminations (TB21), including
● Generator 2 not in auto – Amber LED Remote Start, System Restart, Ready to
● Generator 2 running – Green LED – Load and Remote Emergency Stop
generator is ready to load.
Equipment control/feedback 8 terminations x4 (TB31,32,33 & 34), including
● Generator 2 load demand stop – Generator switchgear volt-free close signal
Green LED Generator switchgear position auxiliary (DC)
● Generator 2 breaker closed – Green Load Add/Shed control
LED Generator local MCCB position aux. (DC).
● Generator 2 alarm – Amber LED
MC150-4 contact indications 41 volt-free terminations (TB41), including
● Generator 2 shutdown – Red LED
Common Shutdown x4 (changeover)
● MC150 in automatic – Green LED Generator Running x4 (changeover)
● Remote start – Green LED – remote Common Warning x4 (changeover)
start contact signal is present Common Shutdown (PCC or MC150plte)
● Ready to load generator bus – Green PLC Failed (changeover, refer section 11.1)
LED Load Dump request (terminal pair)
● System restart request – Green LED
Generator Bus Sensing 10 AC terminations for digital meter (TB10)
● Load dump request – Amber LED
● PLC fault – Amber LED – Display interface 2 line, 20 character, LCD with backlight
communications failure between PLC Power Meter LCD with backlight, 8 configurable display
and Magelis display interface screens, measurements ; V, A, kW, kVA,
● Modbus fault – Amber LED – kVAR, cos Ø, Hz, kWh, kVAh and kVARh.
communications fault between the
MC150-4 logic controller and digital
Annunciator No.2
● Generator 3 not in auto – Amber LED
● Generator 3 running – Green LED
● Generator 3 load demand stop –
Green LED
● Generator 3 breaker closed – Green
● Generator 3 alarm – Amber LED
● Generator 3 shutdown – Red LED
● Generator 4 not in auto – Amber LED
● Generator 4 running – Green LED
● Generator 4 load demand stop –
Green LED
● Generator 4 breaker closed – Green
● Reset PCC - Press Magelis F6 –
Green LED is illuminated when the
MC150-4 itself has determined a
particular fault and signaled it to the
PCCP as a common fault
Specifications May Change Without Notice 09/01 CPG MC150-4
Typical Configuration of MC150-4
Isolated Bus Master Control System

Annunciator No.1 Annunciator No.2

Specifications May Change Without Notice 09/01 CPG MC150-4

Model MC150-4
800mm 300mm




3) 8 10mmø MOUNTING
Gland plate for cable PANEL
(bottom entry).

Codes and Standards

The MC150-4 Master Controller meets or exceeds the requirements of the following codes and standards.
● BS EN 60204-1 1998, IEC 60204-1 1997 (Safety of machinery; Electrical equipment of machines; General requirements).

● BS EN 50081-2 1994 (Electromagnetic compatibility; Generic emission standard; Industrial environment).

● BS EN 61000-6-2 1999,IEC61000-6-2 1999 (Electromagnetic compatibility; Generic standards; Immunity for industrial


Power See your distributor for more information.


Cummins Power Generation Limited

Manston Park, Columbus Avenue
Manston, Ramsgate
Kent CT12 5BF, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1843 255000
Fax: +44 (0)1843 255902
Email: cpg.uk@cummins.com

Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Engine Company

Specifications May Change Without Notice 09/01 CPG MC150-4

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