Final PR 2 Module 2nd SEM 2022 - 1
Final PR 2 Module 2nd SEM 2022 - 1
Final PR 2 Module 2nd SEM 2022 - 1
II. Course Overview: Practical Research 2 is an applied subject for grade 12 senior high
school students across all strands in the academic track.
A. Introduction. The subject aims to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills through
quantitative research. Through this subject, the students are trained to ask people for their
opinions in a structured way so that they can produce hard facts and statistics to guide them in
their quest for knowledge.
B. Course Learning Outcomes: To address the impact of the current health crisis on the basic
education system in the country, the Department of Education (DepEd) has released the
following Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) that you must acquire.
2 March 21-25 MODULE 4: Performance March 28-April 1
Understanding Task 1 Writing NB: Due date
and the Research depends on the
Systematically Methodology scheduled SC
3 March 28-April MODULE 5:
1 Finding
through Data
4 April 4-8 MODULE 5: Written Task 3 April 18-22
Finding Analysis and NB: Due date
Answers Application depends on the
through Data scheduled SC
April 11-16 HOLY WEEK
April 18-22 Finding
through Data
6 April 25-29 MODULE 6: Performance May 2-6
Reporting and Task 2 NB: Due date
Sharing Questionnaire depends on the
Findings scheduled SC
1. Manage your time. Properly schedule your reading assignments and activity
accomplishments. Have your planner or calendar of activities ready. Remember
that you have other modules to accomplish for this semester. Try to anticipate
possible conflicts between personal and study schedules and make appropriate
adjustments. Be very conscious of your study schedule and always remind
yourself of deadlines.
2. Focus your attention. Make sure that you do things one at a time.
Read each material over and over until you are able to get the gist of the lesson.
3. Owe it to yourself. In doing the assessment tasks, whether formative or
summative, target the highest standards because you are a better learner. You
have the knowledge and skills needed to finish a quality work.
4. Work independently. It is expected that you work on the modules on your own.
You can ask help from others but do your best first.
5. Answer confidently. You are encouraged to dutifully follow instructions. You can
answer more confidently when you know that you are following instructions.
6. Motivate yourself. Whatever knowledge, skills, or values and insights you gain
from this subject will definitely be of help in your life and future plans. Enjoy what
you do and everything else will follow.
7. Submit on time.
OBL students, promptly upload your outputs to Genyo on the due dates of
submission. Referring to the Study Schedule, you are given a week to
accomplish each task; thereby if for instance PT #1 on Disconnected is of week 1
lesson, the due date is within week 2.
8. Be patient. I shall provide feedback on your work to facilitate the learning. While
waiting for my feedback, you can continue working on the other activities in order
not to miss any important part of each module.
9. Contact me. If you would need further help or some clarification in any of the
modules, please do not hesitate to send me a message through FB Messenger
within 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. on any day from Mondays to Fridays; however, kindly be
considerate when you get delayed replies as I may be conducting a synchronous
IV. Evaluation
Evaluation is a significant facet of learning. Without evaluation there is no learning. You
will expect your written works and performance tasks to be marked or graded.
There will be three (3) written works and three (3) performance tasks per grading period
which are all embedded in the modules. Each written work and each performance task is
thirty (30) points. No examinations will be conducted this semester.
There also are formative assessments in the modules which will not be submitted;
however, they must be accomplished for you to truly understand or appreciate the
lessons. Remember that the right attitude put into completion of tasks is more valuable
than the grade acquired.
V. Additional Reminders/Guidelines
A. Manner of Submission
OBL students
Upload accomplished tasks to Genyo – the Learning Management System of the Senior
High School. Tangible or physical (project) outputs are submitted in Image or JPG/JPEG
CBL students
Print your accomplished tasks if you decide to submit your outputs in school after every
grading period or upload accomplished tasks to Genyo – to avoid traveling in this time of
pandemic. Tangible or physical (project) outputs are submitted in Image or JPG/JPEG
Students will record themselves while answering the questions. They will have to make sure to
answer each question in a comprehensive manner and to employ the proper etiquette on video
presentation (with visuals of content).
Refer to the last module for more details about the mechanics.
To accomplish most, if not all, of the tasks in the modules, you are encouraged to use a smart
phone and a desktop or laptop. You will need the following software applications: Word
Processing, Presentation, Publication, and Spreadsheet etc.
DepEd’s Revised Assessment and Grading Policy for Students in Basic Education for Applied
The following are the teachers who shall handle Practical Research 2 for the second semester
of AY 2021-2022.
Please send your messages only to the assigned PR2 teacher for your class.
In the event that your subject teacher’s Messenger is inaccessible, you can contact the
Principal’s office at these numbers 0995 539 1234 or (074) 447 0664.
I fully understand that in submitting requirements in all my subjects, I follow the basic rules
on crediting sources and obtaining permission when using materials for academic purposes.
Hence, if I fail to do citation and acknowledgment of sources, it would merit an automatic
WARNING/REPRIMAND and because of which I shall get a Conduct Grade of Needs
Improvement (NI) or Unsatisfactory (U) in that particular grading period when the offense
was committed.
1. I will constantly observe proper citation and acknowledgment when using resources
for all my academic requirements for this AY 2020-2021; and
2. I will abide by the school’s rules and regulations.
Signed: Conformed:
_______________________________ ______________________________________
Signature over printed name of student Signature over printed name of parent/guardian
Learning Competencies
At the end of the module, the
students should be able to:
a. describe characteristics,
strengths, weaknesses, and
kinds of quantitative research;
Whenever you are reminded of the challenges
b. illustrate the importance of and struggles you are experiencing, you have to think
quantitative research across of your goals and objectives. We are neophytes in this
fields; and so-called life and those obstacles can make us feel
anxious – but in the long term they can help us to
c. differentiate kinds of variables develop our self-confidence and lead us to learn new
and their uses. skills. These should be your motivation to keep going,
to keep aiming and to keep soaring.
Performance Standard Dealing with problems in life is just like doing a
The learner should be able to research paper. Mastering the intricacies of performing
decide on suitable quantitative research appears as a challenging task. However,
research in different areas of though clear and easy-to-follow guidelines, evidence-
interest. based exercised, interesting activities, and constant
practice, this mastery can be achieved. The key
characteristics of research are an insatiable curiosity,
a sense of adventure, and commitment to value-laden
The Topics education. If you are committed and have the
v Quantitative Research and its determination and motivation you need, completing your
Characteristics research can be one of the most rewarding experiences
v Strengths and Weaknesses of of your life. And so, this is where your journey in
Research Practical Research 2 begins!
v Importance of Quantitative
Enjoy the ride learning all about Quantitative
v Variables
v Research Designs Research!
The issues we have in our community affect individuals and the society as a whole.
People need answers to describe these phenomena, their implications in daily living and
how can these be controlled or given solutions. All these is possible through Research.
Let us now enrich ourselves with the definition and characteristic of Quantitative
Quantitative Research
1. It is reliable and objective.
Statistical Methods:
• Pearson’s r measures the relationship between two variables;
• T-test examines the presence of a statistical differences between two means;
• Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) looks into the statistical difference among
the means of two or more group and multiple regression, which tests the
relationship between several independent variables and one dependent
4. It looks at the connections between variables and establishes cause and effect
relationships in highly controlled circumstances.
1. Standards are usually used in choosing 1. Results are limited and cannot provide
the instruments, in sampling in-depth information since they are
procedures, and in choosing the most usually based on the analysis of
appropriate statistical treatment, thus numbers and are not obtained from
making the research replicable. detailed narratives.
2. The result is reliable since the study 2. It provides less comprehensive textual
uses a big sample of the population. description of human experiences and
6. Data analysis using statistical software 6. Self-reported data may not be very
is faster. accurate as respondents may have the
tendency to underestimate or overestimate
their skills and behavior during self-
assessment tasks.
7. Data gathering techniques are typically 7. Having a large study sample requires
less demanding compared with those in researchers to spend more resources.
qualitative research.
1. In Education,
2. In Business,
It can improve the overall marketing strategy, and help the company make
informed decisions on how to be best move forward with a particular
product or services.
3. In Medical and Health Allied Services,
It yields statistics that can help improve the rate of recovery of patients with
illnesses and sicknesses, and the efficacy of medicines and drugs, among
4. In Science and Technology,
9. In Social Inquiry,
Let us now proceed to the purpose of variable in research.
A variable is any element or entity which can be measured for quantity or quality. It
is any factor or property that a researcher measures, controls, and/or manipulates. It
is also the changing quantity or measure of any factor, trait, or condition that can
exist in differing amounts or types.
When conducting a quantitative study, you are expected to measure or figure out the
relationship between your variables. You may also manipulate or control these
variables, depending on the kind of research you are conducting.
Classifications of Variables
a. Discrete variables
It can be counted. They can only be denoted by positive whole numbers and
are not described in ranges.
Some examples:
- Number of registered cars - Population of students
- Number of business locations - Total number of faculty
- Number of children in the family members
b. Continuous variables
It is also referred to as interval variables. They are measured in ranges
and can be denoted by non-whole numbers. It can have positive or negative
values. They can also be expressed as fractions.
Some examples:
- Time - Height
- Age - Weight
- Temperature
Ratio variables
These are special type of continuous variable. This type of variable cannot
have a negative value. The value of zero represents none or nothing.
Some examples:
- Age - Annual Family Income in
- Height Thousands of Pesos
- Weight - Number of students per
- Distance classroom
- Test scores - Voter turnout per presidential
2. Categorical variables
Despite lacking numerical value, these variables can still be used in quantitative
research. they involve assigning values to specific categories or groups. It
answers the questions “what type” or “which category.”
a. Ordinal variables
These variables can take a value which can logically ordered or ranked.
Some examples:
- Academic grades such as A, B, C
- Clothing size such as XS, S, M, L
- Measures of attitude like strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly
- Frequency is described as rare, seldom, sometimes, almost always, or
b. Dichotomous variables
These variable represent only two categories.
Some examples:
- Gender (male and female) - Veracity (true or false)
- Answer (yes or no)
c. Nominal variables
These variables can have more than two categories or values.
Some examples:
- Business types - Types of learners
- Eye colors - Hair color
- Kinds of religion - Blood type
- Various languages - Mode of transportation
3. Experimental variables
It is often best to refrain from using the terms “dependent variable” and
“independent variable” in non-experimental kinds of quantitative research, such
as descriptive, correlational and ex post facto studies.
a. Dependent variables
These are the variables examined for changes. It is also considered to be the
presumed effect in experimental research. thus, it is also called as response
or predicated variable.
b. Independent variables
These are the variables that are considered to affect the dependent variable.
As such, it is the presumed cause in experimental research. these variables
are usually manipulated to see whether it cause changes on the dependent
c. Extraneous variables
These variables are already existing during the conduct of an experiment and
could influence the result of the study. By knowing the extraneous variable,
you will be able to lessen their adverse effect on your study.
Some examples:
1. Research Title: An Experiment on the Method of Teaching and
Language Achievement Among Elementary Pupils
results may show a false correlation between the dependent and independent
variables, leading to an incorrect rejection of the null hypothesis.
For example,
A hypothesis that coffee drinkers have more heart disease than non-coffee
drinkers may be influenced by another factor. Coffee drinkers may smoke
more cigarettes than non-coffee drinkers, so smoking is a confounding
variable in the study of the association between coffee drinking and heart
disease. The increase in heart disease may be due to the smoking and not
the coffee. More recent studies have shown coffee drinking to have
substantial benefit in heart health and in the prevention of dementia.
Research Title: The Effects of Using Microsoft Word on the Writing
Performance of Students.
If the variable is not controlled, it may become the main factor behind the poor
writing performance of the students, and not the use of Microsoft. Then it
ceases to be an extraneous variable, and become a confounding
The five most common kinds of quantitative research. They may have similar goals,
descriptions and data collection techniques.
Descriptive To observe Variables are Questionnaire Assessing Nurses’
and report on measured as Attitudes Toward
a certain they occur. Observation Death and Caring
phenomenon for Dying Patients
Experimental in a
manipulation is Comprehensive
not used. Cancer Center
(Lange, M., Thom,
B., Kline, N.E.,
groups are Evidence from
used; individual Switzerland
subjects are (Boes, S., Marti, J.,
randomly Maclean, J.C.,
assigned to the 2014)
treatment and
control groups.
Experimental To establish Experimental Tests Effects of Mobile
cause-and- manipulation is Technology Use on
effect used. Walking
relationships (Permutter, S., et
Intact groups al., 2014)
are not used;
subjects are
assigned to the
treatment and
control groups.
The random
assignment of
provides more
as to the causal
between the
Evaluate Written Task and Performance Check 1
2. Vote-buying remains a substantial problem, and there are some indications that it
is growing. One potentially positive sign is the common perception that
verification of vote-buying is considerably more difficult under the automated
election system.
Dependent Variable:
Independent Variable:
4. Regulation and transparency in campaign finance are beginning to take root, but
their general acceptance will take time and require continuing commitment.
There is widespread consensus that campaign spending limits are too low, which
undermines the regulatory framework by creating pressure on candidates to file
false reports.
Dependent Variable:
Independent Variable:
5. A study was conducted to find out the effects of different study habits on
examination performance. They study followed student-participants who were
assigned randomly to one of two conditions. The first group was asked to study
individually using class lecture notes. The second group was asked to study
together, allowing discussions. The amount of time examinations given to both
groups were similar.
Dependent Variable:
Independent Variable:
II. Determine the type of variable of the following. Indicate the kind. Write A if the
variable is Interval, B if Nominal, C if Ratio, and D if Ordinal. (20)
1. Humanities and
Social Science
2. Education
3. Sports
4. Natural and
Physical Sciences,
Engineering and
5. Business and
6. Agriculture and
7. Information and
8. Social Inquiry
9. Health
II. One of the reasons why research studies are conducted is to contribute
to the understanding and in explanation of why things happen in certain
ways. In the cases written below, determine the value of the research to
the pertinent area of interest and identify the beneficiaries of the
research. (12 pts.)
1. A survey on the presidential preference of the basic sectors (farmers, fisher folks,
indigenous people, laborer, and urban poor) in the 2016 election.
a. What is the value of the research? Explain.
2. A study on the perception of the urban poor on the housing program of the
a. What is the value of the research? Explain.
Learning Competencies
Practical Research aims for the Research Proposal as
your culminating task, so which area of interest would you like to
study? Is there a research topic you have in your mind now? Is there
a problem which you would like to focus on?
Research problem?
If you still do not have any, let us consider the guidelines for
selecting the topic and writing title and the introduction.
Research topic
Creswell (2014) defines a research topic as “the issue or problem leading to the
need for the research”. The topic may be a real problem or issue that are assigned to
investigate in order to come up with solutions. Researchers are challenged to come up
with research topics that are both interesting and useful. This could be achieved through
the effective selection the research topic.
Sources of Topics
A theory is an organized body of concepts, You can also refer to your personal
generalization and principles that can be experiences to spell out a specific research
subjected to investigation. topic of your interest.
Replication can be done by reading published Teachers and professors and other
articles. You can repeat studying the same professionals can make suggestions relative
problem in different setting. You can also to the possible research topic you can work
adopt the methodology and processes used. on.
Talk to experts
Replication in the field
Upon considering the factors and sources, what topic do you consider for your research?
If you have come up with your research topic, let us have the guidelines in writing
the research title.
1. Summarize the main idea of the whole paper;
2. Be written using fewest possible words without compromising its clarity and
5. Include the main task of the researcher about the major variables under study;
2. In many cases, the general problem or even the specific question that the
researcher intends to answer, when rewritten in a statement form, can serve
as the title.
6. Employ either the declarative or question form in formulating your title, but
take note that the question form is used less frequently in research.
7. Use the current acceptable terminology in your field of study when writing
your research title.
4. Evaluation of the Services of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas: Basis for Service
Enhancement (Garcia, 2008)
Have you thought of tentative research title that you want to investigate yet? If there is,
write it down below.
After identifying your research title, let us now proceed to the first chapter of the
research study.
I. Introduction
The first chapter of the research study aims to introduce the research problem, clarify
important variables, discuss its delimitations, and specify its significance to the field of
study. It has the following elements:
It presents the rationale and background of your study and clearly indicate why it is worth
doing. The introduction is very important in establishing the cognitive setting of the
research and it involves:
c. Clarifying the important terminologies for the reader to easily understand what
the research is about;
d. Establishing the degree of seriousness of the problem which has prompted the
researcher to look for solutions; and
Here are the four components in establishing the research gap of your
1. The results of this study provide empirical evidence of the effectivity of immediate
corrective feedback to language learners; thus, providing language teachers an
evidence-based approach to improve students’ understanding of grammar topics,
particularly on conditionals. Furthermore, the study itself, may serve as a practical
guide for language teachers attempting to use educational technology in a
traditional classroom. The approach that was undertaken to overcome
technological difficulties such as internet connection and absence of computer
laboratories may provide ideas to language teachers who would like to implement 2
ICT-assisted language learning activities, materials, and strategies. As mentioned
in the various researches stated above and the identified gaps among these
researches, this study was conducted to address the concerns on the use of
technology and its effect on language teaching and feedback-giving. Moreover, the
scarcity of local studies on the effect of MALL on grammar teaching and learning of
Filipino students in basic education was considered as one of the gaps in local ESL
and Language Education research. To overcome the limitation on the internet
connectivity, the study implemented MALL and MOODLE without requiring an
internet connection, a way no other previous implementation may have done 4
** Refer to the Elaborate section of the module for the example of Background of the
Research problem
It refers to the particular issue which you will address in your study as well as the specific
area of concern of the research. It may exist in various settings such as schools, houses,
restaurants, clinics or any place in the community.
1. a trend or pattern;
Examples: Classmates failing in a lesson in Algebra, increasing tardiness in
English class or misbehavior during PEHM classes.
An article read in the library or from the internet can be a source of an interesting
issue, new terminology or possible conflict. Even new findings can rise to another
Here are some steps that you can follow in identifying your research
1. Conduct preliminary research using all available resources (print and non-print) in
identifying research problem. You may visit the library or use online resources
such as Google Scholar, EBSCO, ProQuest, Science Direct and JSTOR. You
may also use newspaper and magazines.
3. Identify your general research problem from the clusters. You can also
think of specific research problem based on the general research problem.
1. Issue or concern:
Difficulty of Transportation
2. Concept Map:
Concern Difficulty of Issues
Allowances Time
Performance Attitudinal Concerns
3. Select the concepts that influence or are influenced by the issue or concern:
Parental Concern and Academic Issues
4. You can use the issues to construct the title for your problem:
Research Title: Parental Concern, Difficulty of Transportation, and Academic
Issues Among High School Students.
It will be difficult to conduct any research unless a clear problem is initially stated. Stating
the problem helps the researchers clarify various essentials elements of research such
as the major variables, the general and specific questions, and the appropriate
The opening paragraph of this part of the research paper contains the general problem
of the study. It has to be restated with specific details on the participants, setting, and
period of study.
1. The main problem of this research is to look into the influence of video games and
the utilization of social media on the language proficiency of the freshman
students of Leyte National High School for the first semester of academic year
2014-2015. The results of this investigation will be the basis of the formulation of
the guidelines in the development, organization, and the implementation of
effective study habits.
2. The study aims to assess the behavioral traits of senior high school students and
to relate them to the productivity level in the reviewing lessons and passing the
long examinations. This study is to be conducted during the first semester of SY
2016-2017 in the Division of Palo, Leyte.
3. This investigation aims to assess the level of performance of technical-vocational
instructors and relate it to the efficiency level of senior high school management
students undergoing on-the-job training in selected businesses in Palo, Leyte
during the school year 2014-2015.
4. The general problem of this study is: How do student, teacher and school-related
factors affect the performance of secondary students in Chemistry Laboratory
among schools in Balanga City during the school year 2008-2009?
Research Questions
2. They must define the population and the sample (that is, the respondents
or subjects) of the study;
3. They must identify the variables (major and minor) being studied; and
There are two general types of questions formulated in research. These are the non-
researchable and researchable questions.
1. Will the students from a broken family prove their worth in the community?
2. Should all mothers breastfeed their babies?
3. Should master teachers be watchful over their new students?
4. Should senior high school students taking Accountancy be good in Mathematics?
5. Do all high school teachers have a Master’s Degree?
6. Are parents and other family members helping senior high school students pass
the needed requirements?
2. Researchable questions are questions of value, opinions, or policy raised to
gather data. Formulating clear and significant questions prepares the researcher for
subsequent decision-making over research design, data collection, and data
analysis. The basis form of a research questions involves the use of question words
such as who, what. where, when, why and how.
b. completion rate; instructors, and academic
c. survival rate; coordinators in four selected
d. achievement rate; and colleges in the City of Manila?
e. awards received by students?
Examples: Examples:
1. What are the effects of traditional 1. Based on the findings, what human
method of teaching on the level of relation intervention program can
performance of the ABM students? be adopted to enhance or improve
school effectiveness?
2. How do the management
procedures applied by the store 2. How can counselling services be
managers affect the level of organized to promote family
customer satisfaction as bonding among parents and
experienced by selected regular elementary school pupils?
clients of Jollibee stores in the
Province of Leyte?
3. What policy is to be formulated to
3. What is the difference between the manage the effective involvement
degree of assistance extended by of high school students in social
the male and female high school media?
students in the foundation day
celebration of Dr. Cristobal 4. What part of the curriculum should
Academy? be enhanced or improved to
prepare the senior high school
4. What is the most effective food students for the workplace?
supplements to be given to
increase the productivity of tilapia 5. What faculty development activities
farming? could be developed based on the
results of the study? (Landar, 2008)
Correlational research is interested in finding out the relationships among two or more
variables. However, it only established mere association and not causal relationships. It
usually begins with “It there a relationship?” or “What is the relationship?” In a study
about the length of preparation for examinations and the scores obtained by test-takers,
the following can be utilized as specific research questions:
1. What is the relationship between the length of the review and examination
2. Is there a relationship between the IQ of a test-taker and his/her performance in
review sessions?
3. Is there a relationship between the performance of a test-taker in a previous
examination and the length of review he/she takes for a new one?
Specific Research Questions for Ex Post Facto Research
Ex post facto studies attempt to discover the cause/s of a phenomenon. This cause
has already occurred or taken effect on the subject even before the conduct of the
study, or has not been introduced in the study itself.
The presumed cause that exists even before the study is undertaken must be
incorporated in the questions. This characteristic must also be observed when the
questions are comparative in nature. The questions must not suggest that an
experiment is to be conducted in the study. They must not imply that the manipulation
of a variable during the study will cause certain conditions to occur.
For instance, in an ex-post facto study involving digital literacy and the type of
information technology education that students obtain, the following can be used as
specific research questions:
The first two questions for both experimental and quasi-experimental studies should
be quantitative in nature. The next question, on the other hand, should have a
qualitative element to provide meaning to the numbers or statistical data that will be
analyzed. This is an example of mixed method combining elements of qualitative and
quantitative research in the analysis of data. The following are examples of research
questions for experimental and quasi-experimental studies on tutorial sessions and
academic performance:
Formulating the Research Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a tentative prediction about the relationship between two or more
variables in a population under study (Polit, 2007). It translates a research question into
a prediction of expected outcomes. Hypothesis formulation is employed when conducting
correlational, ex post facto, quasi-experimental and experimental studies. It should be
noted that there is no hypothesis when conducting descriptive research.
• In correlational studies, a null hypothesis merely states that this relationship is,
indeed, absent.
- There is no significant relationship between the reasons for using alternative
medicine and the level of comfort of the patients.
- There is no significant relationship between study habits and academic
performance of students.
A hypothesis can also state directions:
1. Directional hypothesis
It points out if the variables have a negative or positive relationship with each
other. It means that the increase or decrease of the value of a variable has a
relationship with the increase or decrease of another.
One-tailed direction if the direction explicitly suggests either a positive or
negative relationship between the variables.
- Lower levels of exercise are associated with greater weight retention than
higher levels of exercise.
- The types of promotional campaigns positively affect the level of patronage of
- The higher the intake of fiber, the lower is the weight of the physical mass.
2. Non-directional hypothesis
The hypothesis does not specify a particular direction.
Two-tailed direction if it merely states that there is a relationship between
two variables. This relationship is not specified as negative or positive.
- Women with different levels of postpartum depression differ with regard to
weight retention.
- The sources of stress are related to the different coping mechanisms among
- The number of hours spent in reviewing is associated with the level of
performance in periodical exams.
watching watching watching watching watching
Experimental, The effects Group study Group study Group study Group study
quasi- of group will not will not will improve will affect
study an improve the affect the the the
or ex post
facto academic academic academic academic academic
performance performance performance performance performance
of high of high of high of high of high
school school school school school
students. students. students. students. students.
1. Identify the hypothesis and dependent variable in your study, as they need to be
stated in your hypothesis.
2. Your hypothesis must be falsifiable. This means that your hypothesis can be
proven wrong through experiments or empirical data.
3. Your hypothesis must show a relationship between your variables. Will your
independent variable increase, improve, or decrease with the dependent
Scope of the study is determined by the major variables if the study while sub-variables
and their characteristics, attitudes, or indicators serve as the delimitation.
It describes the parameters to which the study is set. It sets the boundaries of your
research in terms of certain aspects. The components of the scope and delimitation
include (but are not limited to) the following items:
The scope and delimitation of the study must not be set merely for the sake of
writing them. You must make sure that there are reasons for the inclusion and exclusion
of some variables. These reasons vary depending on the nature of the study. For
example, you may choose to delimit the participants to a particular city/community due to
a large population. You may also choose to limit the objectives your study will
accomplish due to time constraints.
Sample Outline:
This research attempts to (state the general problem). Primarily the focus of this
research is on (state the scope or coverage of the research). (explain why the
study is delimited in that way.)
It should be noted that the present study did not cover (state the areas that were
not covered by the research). (Explain why the study excluded those areas.)
You may use the following phrases when writing this section:
- This study covers…
- This study focuses on…
- The coverage of this study…
- This study is limited to…
- This study does not cover…
This study focused mainly on the financial literacy, profile and work
performance of public elementary school teachers in the First Congressional
District of Bataan, School Year 2012-2013.
The study was delimited to seven (7) districts in the province of Bataan namely,
Abucay, Dinalupihan East, Dinalupihan West, Hermosa, Morong, Orani and Samal.
There was an exclusion of non-complete elementary schools due to problems such
as accessibility of transportation. Teachers teaching in the Pre-elementary schools
under the Provincial School Board and Local School Board and those who were
teaching as substitutes and did not have permanent items were not included.
Teachers teaching in private institutions were not included in this study because
most of these schools did not have the CB-PAST to rate the performance of their
D. Significance of the Study
This section details the contribution or benefit that your study provides to different
people. The beneficiaries include individuals like students, pupils, teachers, doctors,
principals, parents, and others; the government; non-governmental organizations; and
even private institutions.
The sequence of the beneficiaries of the research starts from the most benefited to the
least benefited. The benefits must be specific and arranged according to the degree of
Some of the useful phrases that you can use writing this section are
as follows:
• The findings of this study will be useful to the following entities:
• This stud will contribute to…
• This study will benefit the following groups or individuals:
The study of dehydration technology and fabrication can be a learning
paradigm in the secondary level and vocational schools to enhance the students’
knowledge and entrepreneurial skills as well. The project’s goal is designed to help
students improve academic competence, develop employability skills, implement a
career plan and participate in a career pathway in preparation for post-secondary
education or careers in the food manufacturing or services sector after graduating
from high school.
b. Enumeration format
Teachers/Mentors. The result of the study will help the teachers/mentors provide
encouragement to think of ideas that will give proper guidance to the
students/mentees. This may also increase their competency.
Guidance Staff. The result of the study may provide on assessment of the mentoring
program whether it is effective or not. This may also encourage the guidance staff to
think of other activities that will make the students/mentees as well as their
teachers/mentors enjoy the program.
Parents. The result of the study will help the parents of the respondents feel secured because
there are programs in the institution like the mentoring program that will help their children
cope and adjust with the adversities of college life.
Future Researchers. The findings of the study will serve as a reference material and a
guide for future reference material and a guide for future researchers who wish to conduct the
same experimental study or any study related to mentoring program and Adversity Quotient ®
next to attitude. Findings reveal that employers strongly consider communications
skills when hiring new employees even for a non-supervisory position.
Communication competence is much more important in a communication-based
occupation like call center agents and customer service representatives.
With a young population and low-cost manpower, the Philippines is fast becoming a
source for caregivers. Philippines Overseas Employment Administration (POEA)
reported that from January to May 2002, Canada and Israel hired the most number of
caregivers, 1, 033 and 1, 054, respectively. The UK is a far third with only 49.
Generally, Filipino workers stand out because of their skills in English and their
nurturing and patient personality. This is why most English-speaking countries that
need caregivers prefer Filipinos.
With all these developments, the country has to produce globally competitive
graduates to fill in these demands. However, in a recent study conducted by HA
Cervantes Knowledge Systems, Inc. (HACKSI), the Philippine-based firm that
administers the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC), many
graduating college students, particularly those who are taking up business and
education courses, are at a basic working proficiency level. this level indicates that a
person hardly understands native English speakers nor could they sustain fluency
and accuracy (Vanzi, 2002). Another study conducted by the Department of
Education has revealed that 65 percent of high school students could not even write a
three-sentence paragraph without making grammatical and spelling errors (Sifuentes,
2004). Similarly, the National Achievement Test administered by DepEd on March 18,
2004 revealed that public high school seniors posted a mean percentage score of
50.08 percent in English. This score is considered significantly below the mastery
level of 75 percent (Ronda, 2004). Even the National Diagnostic Test administered in
July 2003 testing Grade 6 competencies showed that only 18.38 percent got a score
higher than 50 percent (Luz, 2004). Unfortunately, even teachers are experiencing a
decline in English communicative competence. Based on the Self-Assessment Test
for English (SATE) administered by DedED, only 19 percent of 53, 000 public high
school teachers earned a score of 75 percent or higher (Ronda, 2004).
To develop and maintain the competitive edge of Filipino students and workers over
our foreign counterparts, the government is embarking on programs that would
improve their English skills and obligate Filipino overseas workers to attend English
proficiency courses. In the same way, applicants are mandated to undergo exhaustive
professional and communication training and pass English proficiency certification
tests to maintain the quality of Filipino health workers deployed abroad. Under
Section 343 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of
1996, nurses entering the US to work in clinical settings must submit themselves to a
pre-screening of education, training and pass language proficiency tests only shows
that communication proficiency is essential to get jobs abroad.
In line with the objective of the Philippine government to strengthen the country’s
English proficiency, C&E University is offering proficiency course for its graduating
and non-graduating students this course, which covers conversational English, basic
grammar skills, business writing, power dressing and interview techniques, aims to
develop basic communicating techniques for job application. In addition, C&E
University offers Intensive English Course to all freshman students. Despite this, the
administrators and faculty members still noticed the limited English communication
skills of the students (Del Monte, 2002).
Further, the findings of Del Monte’s language needs assessment of selected senior
high school students from feeder schools of C&E U (2002) revealed that respondents
show weakness in vocabulary and diction, and difficulties on general comprehension,
organizing paragraphs, and have worries about making mistakes. These difficulties
are true for many C&E U students and may worsen if taken for granted.
developing learners who can be competent communicators. One of the most effective
approaches in acquiring communicative competence is the Natural Approach, which 2. Current and
is designed to help beginners become intermediate and help intermediate become conventional...
advanced (Krashen & Terrell, 1983). This idea has instigated the researcher to
conduct a study on the effects of the integration of grammar and input classes using 3. Research
the Natural Approach on the improvement of the communicative competence of
selected first-year English class at C&EU. Specifically, the researcher determined the
students’ level of English proficiency and the difference between their performance 4. Contribution
during pretests and posttests. The researcher also looked into the reinforcement used
in both grammar and input classes using the Natural Approach.
1. Is there a difference between the pretest and the posttest scores of the
experimental group?
2. Is there a difference between the posttest gains of the control and treatment
3. How did the teacher-researcher reinforce the lessons using the Natural
Approach in helping students enhance their communicative competence?
English Department of C&E U. for the faculty members of the English Department,
this study provides ample insights in preparing instructional materials and executing
innovative teaching strategies using the Natural Approach. Moreover, this paper
shares ideas on building rapport between the teacher and students by lowering the
affective filter; hence, maximizing the learning potential. Also, this paper serves as
basis in evaluating the present syllabus of GRAMMAR100 class and COMARTS101
Subjects of the Study. After active participation in the experiment, subjects shall
discover, understand, and strengthen their facility in English communication
specifically speaking, writing, and grammar. Additionally, after bearing in mind the
positive result of this study, subjects shall develop their sense of pride and
confidence, and appreciate that learning English is a non-threatening experience.
Researchers. Other researchers can use the findings of this study as a basis for their
ongoing or future studies. Furthermore, by conducting similar studies, other
researchers can prove or disprove the effectiveness of the approach used in the
paper in developing language competence of learners.
Likewise, this study discussed the relationships between the level of students’
speaking, writing, and grammatical competence in the pretests and in the posttests.
Also, it talked about the way teacher-researcher reinforced the lessons in the
integration of input class and grammar class using the Natural Approach in helping
students enhance their communicative competence. Moreover, in this study, the
researcher did not intend to compare the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
with the Natural Approach.
This study was conducted at C&E U, first semester of SY 2016-2017. Thirty students
of BSA02 (Accountancy) enrolled in Grammar100 and COMARTS101 were made the
subjects of the study. To minimize the threat to validity, the teacher-researcher was
observed by two senior faculty members of the English Department to check if he was
employing the Natural Approach or not. The observation was made with the use of an
observation checklist.
B. Choose TRUE if the statement if true and FALSE if otherwise. (10 pts.)
1. Preliminary research is crucial in identifying your research topic and writing your
specific research questions.
2. The research problem is the statement of an issue in your chosen research topic
which your study aims to investigate.
3. A quantitative research questions may begin with who.
4. In a correlational study, the specific, the specific research questions usually start
with the phrase “what is the relationship...”
5. The specific research questions in quasi-experimental and experimental tend to
be similar to each other.
6. The specific research question does not have to be anchored on the general
research question.
7. In establishing the research gap, you are able to explain the issues in your field of
study which have yet to be looked into or addressed?
8. The significance of the study may be omitted from the introduction of the paper.
9. Since the research title summarizes the content of a study, it needs to be concise
and informative at the same time.
10. The set of specific questions is dependent on the types of quantitative research
being performed.
II. Among the listed title, choose those that are appropriate for
quantitative research by putting a check mark before each number. If you
think the title is inappropriately written, revise it to make it acceptable.
Write your revision below the title. (10 pts.)
• Significance 2
• Significance 3
1.6. Scope and Delimitation
• Inclusions and their justifications
• Exclusions and their justifications
II. References
Organization 7
The work uses an organizational pattern and structure appropriately.
Cohesive devices are effectively used.
Ideas are correctly outlines, thus improving the paper’s organization.
The flow of ideas is smooth and the work is easy to read.
Style 6
The work showcases the writer’s voice.
The work uses a variety of sentence structures.
The work eliminates negative bias in language usage.
The work uses languages appropriate to the context and the academic
The work eliminates wordiness.
Reference 4
The work uses an appropriate citation and reference format.
The sources used are reliable.
The sources used are relevant to the topic.
otal 30 pts.
Learning Competencies
At the end of the module, the
students should be able to:
Module 4 facilitates the
a. illustrate and explain the establishment or development of a
conceptual framework; Research Background critically
b. define terms used in study; engaging researches from refereed
and journals and other literatures that will
help establish the need to answer the
c. list research hypothesis
research problem.
Performance Standard
The Topics
The learner should be able to
present written review of related v Formulation of Concept Paper
literature and conceptual v Research Hypothesis
v Definition of Terms as
Used in Study
Read the
Read the case of Carlo as he embarks himself on this stage of research writing:
Carlo was able to choose a topic for his research. He has read a lot of articles about
the topic and was able to identify the problem and research questions that he would like
to be answered through his research endeavor. As he is about to write down his research,
the following questions crossed his mind:
How do I write down what I have read about my chosen topic in a clear and logical manner?
What do I need to include in my review of related literature write-up in order to surface the
arguments of the study?
Is there a need for me to frame my arguments graphically in order that I could convey my
research problem effectively? What is the proper way to do it?
Are you now ready to roll out your related review of literature?
Pause a moment and try to recall the steps that you have made in doing your Repertory
Grid and Review or Related Literature in Practical Research 1.
At this point, you realize that being aware and conscious as to what to write and
how to write the review of related literature will provide more consistency and
truthfulness in the study.
A literature review provides an overview of what has been written about a specific
topic. It helps identify what is known and not known about a certain subject of study. It
involves the use of higher-order thinking skills, such as the review, evaluation, and
synthesis of scholarly works. These scholarly woks include journal articles professional
books, online sources and specialized references.
Literature reviews may be great way to help you come up with enriching research idea.
Dempters and Hannah (2010) provide some reasons why a review is done. These are
the following:
• To indicate the research has been conducted in the area before, to ensure that
you are not “reinventing wheel”.
• To demonstrate that you are aware of important recent studies in your study area.
This way, you ensure that you have not missed an important study that makes your
research idea seem less brilliant that you first imagined.
• To ensure that you have not missed literature detailing a novel way for you to
conduct your study, or pointing you to a data-collection that is most appropriate for
your study.
• To demonstrate your ability to critically analyze the literature in your study area.
This indicates that your research idea is based on a good understanding of previous
research in the area and it also demonstrates your ability to highlight the existing
gap or any disagreements in the research area that your study addresses.
• A literature review is a written synthesis of the related reference materials read for
the study such as journal articles, books, and other documents that describes the
past and current state of information about the focus of the study. It lays down the
organization of the literature into subtopics so as to surface the need for the study
and arguments of the study (Creswell, 2005). Information included in the review
may also come from newspaper or magazine articles, conference papers and
government documents relevant for the study but not from any grey literature and
online predatory journals that are easily downloadable from the internet.
• On the one hand, grey literature refers to concept papers, thesis and dissertations
uploaded in the internet by an individual or an illegitimate group, which is not peer-
reviewed by experts in the field. While on the other hand, “journals have been
termed predatory when they present a seemingly legitimate face for an illegitimate
publication process that lacks basic industry standards, sound peer-review
practices or a solid basis in publication ethics. Such journal exploit the pressure to
publish and the desire for access, and create confusion on the part of prospective
authors and readers” (Christopher & Young, 2015).
• The literature review section of the research paper contains the theoretical basis of
the arguments of the study. It should be able to provide the readers with a concise,
objective, and logical summary of the current information about our topic of interest.
Structuring the review so that it is presented in a clear, coherent and consistent
manner is vital and it is necessary to develop an outline for this before stating to
A. Literature Search is the stage in which the researcher systematically looks for
and selects reference materials relevant to the study.
C. Drafting the Literature Review it is in this stage where you actually write
your literature review. In drafting review, you need to consider how these works
will be linked to one another, to better provide an overview of the topic you are
studying in your research.
1. One strategy that you may use in writing your literature review is to get a model
paper that deals with a topic similar to yours. You may pattern the sequence of your
ideas on your model paper.
3. Divide the literature review into two subsections: (a) the conceptual literature section
which explains concepts relevant to your study, and (b) the related studies section
which presents studies similar to yours.
4. When writing conceptual literature, you may use concepts from the title of the
reference or the specific questions and objectives of your research. For the related
studies, you may arrange them in three ways: by theme (i.e., similar studies are
grouped together), by chronology (i.e., form the earliest to latest), or by type (foreign
or local studies). These three ways of writing the related studies section depend on
the objectives and features of your review.
5. At the end of related studies section, write a synthesis that shows the research gap.
7. Use cohesive devices throughout the literature review to link one idea to another.
Examples of cohesive devices are transitional devices, conjunctions, pronouns, and
repetition of terms for referencing ideas.
8. Use headings and subheadings. This will help you organize the studies and
references you have gathered. This will also aid the reader in making sense of the
ideas and related studies to your research.
9. Be sure to apply the principle of cohesiveness when writing your literature review.
This means that each paragraph should focus only on one main idea and these
should be linked to one another.
10. Write a brief synthesis at the end of the literature review to show how these
scholarly works shape your paper, and to further reinforce the research gap that
these studies have yet to fill.
11. Survey all possible sources before claiming that no studies have been conducted
on a particular topic or saying that your topic is underexplored.
12. Cite your sources. Use the appropriate documentation and citation style in your
literature review.
Synthesizing involves examining and consolidating articles into one cohesive text.
Synthesis is a two-fold level of higher order thinking skill namely micro-level and macro-
level. These terms have been introduced to you; please refer to Practical Research 1
Module 4.
Synthesizing Strategies
1. Note any similarities and differences across your references that are relevant to
your paper.
2. Take note of issues that were not addressed by your references.
3. Arrange the related studies and references logically; this can be done either
thematically or chronologically.
After research topic intellectualization and specific problems identification, there is now
a need to show the basis of these decisions through the literature review, what needs to
be proven in the research through the conceptual framework and how the researcher can
go about it through theoretical framework.
A theory is selected on the basis of how best it can explain the relationships among the
variables. There should be connection between theoretical framework, conceptual
framework, research method, and survey instrument. Here are some steps that will guide
you in your choice of theory to be used as framework in your inquiry.
Examine the research topic, title, statement of the problem and research questions.
In one statement, what is the concern of the investigation
• Minority students in urban high schools are not doing well in achievement
tests inn mathematics.
List down the keywords that show the focus of your research
Read and review related literature on the topic using a keyword search to locate
research articles related to the topic
Identify prominent authors who have advanced the same area of inquiry
List down variables relevant in the study and label them as independent and
dependent variables.
Select a theory in your field or in other fields that can help how the identified
variables behave and serve as basis for the conduct of the research.
By virtue of its application nature, good theory is of value precisely because it fulfills
one primary purpose: to explain the meaning, nature and challenges associated with a
phenomenon, often experienced but unexplained in the world in which we live, so that we
may use that knowledge and understanding to act in more informed and effective ways.
according to how readily it can be measure and (2) hypothesized relationship between any
two variables.
There are three possible relationships exist between any two variables, namely:
correlations, differences, and effects. Relationships involving correlations and effects
either be direct or inverse. On the one hand, direct of positive relationship means the
behavior of the variables are either both positive or both negative, while on the other hand,
an inverse or negative relationship denotes opposite behavior between of the two
• Examples
Direct relationship: The more time a student devotes to his studies, the better his
grades will be.
Indirect relationship: The more involved parents are of their children; the lesser
chances they will be involved in bullying.
Relationships involving differences may involve two or more groups. The conceptual
framework should indicate the test variable and the grouping variable will show the clusters
or interventions being compared.
• Example
Express the following hypothesis as a conceptual framework:
There is a significant difference in students’ academic performance when grouped
according to the teaching strategy used.
Test variable: academic performance
Grouping variable: teaching strategy (e.g. lecture and modules)
Lectures Modules
Citing Sources
Documenting your sources is a crucial skill in producing any academic work including
research writing. Your ability to cite sources show your credibility, intellectual honesty, and
skills in reporting. As a writer you must cite facts and figures, original ideas of other
researchers and other people’s exact words. If you fail to do this, you can be accused of
plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. In addition, citing your sources
provides evidence of your claims and a trail which other researchers can use to identify
their possible sources relevant to the topic you studied.
*Refer to your notes in PR 1 Module Citing Sources (in-text citations and references
for the complete guide)
Writing your literature review does not only entail naming your sources and mentioning the
ideas that they contain. Writing the literature review requires honesty objectivity, and other
ethical principles observed in scholarly work. The following are ways to observe ethical
standards as writing your literature review and your research as a whole.
1. Report the findings in your cited studies objectively. Refrain from distorting the
findings of other research works.
3. Always cite your sources as a way of acknowledging the studies relevant to your
own and practicing intellectual honesty.
5. Avoid plagiarism
supposition, a reasonable guess, an educated conjuncture”,that is based on extensive
review of a literature.
You opened the faucet and there is not even a drop of water, what comes into your mind?
There is water supply disruption for the whole
community that day.
These above-stated reasons are products of the natural tendency of the human
brain to think of possible explanations of the current situation.
Hypotheses are intelligent, tentative guesses that tells us about how a research
problem may be resolved ( Leedy &Omron, 2013). Therefore, formulation of usable
hypotheses is of prime importance in an investigation. The entire study rests upon the
potential significance of the hypotheses.
Conceptually Capable of
being Empirical
referents Specific
Possible expected relationships between and among variable will focus only on three
possibilities namely: CDE (Correlations- Differences and Effects)
It deals with the relationships in the behavioral patterns between variables without
any implied causality
It deals also with behavioral patterns as well as but causality is implied. This
indicates that the independent variable has an influence on the dependent variable.
Behavioral patterns how the direction of the variable, as well as that of the hypothesis.
These are opposing adjectives that indicated the positive and negative direction of a
Increase Decrease
Higher Lower
Presence Absence
More Less
Better Worse
Greater Lesser
• To illustrate correlation: The more the student is good in English, the less is his
performance in Mathematics. Here we are not implying that the performance in
English is affecting the performance in Mathematics but the relationship is assumed
to exist.
• To illustrate effect: The more time spent on studying, the better the academic
Here there is the implication that academic performance had been better due to the longer
time spent on studying.
Hypothesizing on differences follows a different format from the first two types of
hypothesis. It should be explicitly state the test variable and the grouping variable. The
test variable indicates the variable to which differences are taken. This may be measured
using of the four scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ration. The grouping variable
indicates the number of grouping s or samples that are being compared. This is only
measure in the nominal scale.
Note that here should only once claim per hypothesis, either there is relationship or no
relationship. These two situations are mutually exclusive, which means that only one is
probably true. The researcher cannot claim both.
Example 1:
Research situation: The researcher would like to know the effect of private tutoring in the
academic performance of the students availing it.
Null Hypothesis: Private tutoring has no significant effect on the academic performance of
the students availing it.
Alternative Hypothesis: Private tutoring significantly affects the academic performance of
the students availing it.
Example 2:
Research situation: A researcher is interested in whether the order of questions in a
multiple-choice test affects the number of items answered correctly. There researcher
makes three forms of the test: One with easy items first and difficult items last; another with
easy items last, difficult items first; and third with no order at all, easy and difficult items
mixed together. The three forms of test were given to 60 students, with each student getting
only one form of test (20 students taking each form of test). The researcher then compares
the scores of the students taking the tree forms of test.
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in the test scores of the students when
grouped according to the test form taken.
Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant difference in the test scores of the students
when grouped according to the test form taken.
Definition of key terms which pertain to the main concepts and constructs
help clarify the purpose and direction of the study being conducted.
1. Theoretical Definitions
2. Operational Definitions
Based on the references you have read about your topic, with your assigned group
accomplish the repertory grid below. Use another sheet of paper for your output.
Title of the Major Salient Recommendations Limitations
study/Author/Publisher/Year Constructs/ Findings for further of the
of Publication investigation Study
Rubric for Written Task 3: Group Work
Criteria for 6 5 3 1
Organizati The following One of the Two of the (1) Ideas are
on are all present: aspect is following are incorrectly
somehow somehow outlined; thus,
(1)Ideas are
lacking: lacking: making the
organization of
outlined, thus (1)Ideas are (1)Ideas are
the paper vague
improving the correctly correctly
and confusing.
organization of outlined, thus outlined, thus
the paper. improving the improving the
(2)Flow of ideas organization of organization of
is smooth and the paper.(2) the paper.
the work is easy Flow of ideas is (2)Flow of ideas
to read. smooth and the is smooth and
work is easy to the work is easy
read. to read.
Style The following One aspect is Two of the The following are
are all present: lacking: following are clearly lacking:
(1)The work (1)The work (1)The work
uses a variety of uses a variety of uses a variety of
sentence sentence (1)The work sentence
structures. (2) structures. (2) uses a variety of structures. (2)
The work uses The work uses sentence The work uses
language language structures. (2) language
appropriate to appropriate to The work uses appropriate to
context. (3) The context. (3) The language context. (3) The
work eliminates work eliminates appropriate to work eliminates
wordiness and wordiness and context. (3) The wordiness and
ambiguity. ambiguity. work eliminates ambiguity.
wordiness and
citation and citation and (1)The work appropriate
reference reference uses an citation and
format. (2) The format. (2) The appropriate reference
sources used sources used citation and format. (2) The
are reliable. (3) are reliable. (3) reference sources used
The sources The sources format. (2) The are reliable. (3)
used are used are sources used The sources
relevant to the relevant to the are reliable. (3) used are
topic. topic. The sources relevant to the
used are topic.
relevant to the
Together with your research group, write the literature review of your research
paper. Accurately paraphrase, summarize, or directly quote the information you
have borrowed from your sources and cite them properly. Refer to your answer in
the Elaborate section of this module.
Here is the format for the heading, subheading, and content of your literature review.
• Definition
• Description (types, functions, importance, features, effects and/or causes,
advantages and/or disadvantages, if applicable)
Concept 2
• Definition
• Description (types, functions, importance, features, effects and/or causes,
advantages and/or disadvantages, if applicable)
Concept 3
• Definition
• Description (types, functions, importance, features, effects and/or causes,
advantages and/or disadvantages, if applicable)
Related Studies
Study 1
• General and specific objectives of study 1
• Research designs, participants, and instruments used
• Major findings related to your paper
• Conclusions related to your paper
• Weaknesses of study 1 that were addressed by Study 2
Study 2
Add reference list at the end of the document using APA style.
Submit your written review of literature to plagiarism scan or plagiarism checker
to ensure that you have properly identified and cited your sources.
Use the following format in typing your review: double-spaced, Arial 12 one-inch
margins on all sides.
Rubric for Performance Task 3: Related Review of Literature
Criteria for 5 4 3 2
detail about detail about attention to Research:
topic topic detail about Variety of
topic studies and
Analysis: Analysis:
attention to
Collection of Collection of Analysis:
detail about
studies studies Collection of
analyzed for analyzed for studies
differences differences analyzed for Analysis:
and and differences Collection of
commonalities commonalities and studies
about the topic about the topic commonalities analyzed for
about the topic differences
about the topic
APA Style & All the One is Two of the Three or more
Communication following are somehow following are of the following
present: APA lacking: APA somehow are clearly
Style followed Style followed lacking: lacking:
tone, word tone, word
APA Style APA Style
choice, choice,
followed tone, followed tone,
citation, and citation, and
word choice, word choice,
so on. so on.
citation, and citation, and
Information Information
so on. so on.
logically logically
organized with organized with Information Information
good flow. good flow. logically logically
Issues Issues organized with organized with
threaded threaded good flow. good flow.
throughout the throughout the Issues Issues
paper. They paper. They threaded threaded
engage. engage. throughout the throughout the
paper. They paper. They
engage engage.
Learning Competencies
a. Pretend that you are conducting a study on the academic challenges faced by the
students in your school. Come up with the procedure that you will follow in obtaining
the necessary data for this study. Prepare a procedural flowchart.
Tick the column that best describes your ability to understand and systematically
collect data. Answer this section as honestly as possible.
Table 1
I use appropriately statistical
tools in analyzing the
quantitative data
I ensure the confidentiality of
I use my research questions as
basis for analyzing the data
28 – 30 Advanced
25 – 27 Proficient
23 – 24 Approaching Proficiency
21 – 22 Developing
The study type, research question and hypotheses, independent and dependent
variables, and data collection methods are defined by the design of a study. It is easier to
understand the different types of quantitative research designs if you consider how the
researcher designs for control of the variables in the study.
The research design is the structure of any scientific work. It gives direction and
systematizes the research. The method you choose will affect your results and how you
conclude the findings.
A. Descriptive Design
Researchers use descriptive research designs to describe particular phenomena or
relationships within a single group sample. It aims to observe and report on a certain
phenomenon, type of behavior, or trait as it takes place or manifests itself. The researchers
achieve this objective by using rating scales and other means to measure the variables as
they occur. One limitation of the descriptive research design is its inability to establish
causal relationship, that is, one variable cannot be claimed as the cause of another
variable. This is why the descriptive research design is used when little is known about a
topic or when the study is exploratory in nature.
B. Correlational Design
This is the design to find out the relationship of two variables (X and Y) whether the
relationship is perfect, very high, high, marked or moderate, slight or negligible. The
aim of the correlational research design is to determine whether an increase or
decrease in one variable corresponds to the increase or decrease in another. It does
not seek to establish a cause-effect relationship but mere association among variables.
C. Ex Post Facto Design
This research design aims to infer a cause from the already existing effects. Although,
it attempts to establish a causal relationship between variables, the ex post facto research
design does not use experimental manipulation. Thus, it cannot be said that a change in
the variables takes place in the actual study.
E. Experimental Design (True Experiment)
Experimental research designs have the most control, and thus, allow
researchers to explain differences between groups. It also aims to establish a cause-
effect relationship. Unlike the quasi-experimental research design, however, the
experimental type applies variable manipulation more extensively. Moreover, it does
not only assign groups but specific individuals to the control and treatment groups.
This ensures greater control on the part of the researcher and less threats to the
validity of the study.
Despite the rigidness of the experimental design, it still has some limitations.
The researcher wants to find out if people react more quickly to an auditory stimulus
(like a bell) or to a visual stimulus (like a light). He can use the same participants and
try them out with both types of stimulus. This is called repeated measures design and
is often more accurate than the independent measures design. However, it introduces
other confounding variables which he must be careful to control namely practice
effects or fatigue (these are called order effects). Suppose the participants in the
above example were all asked to react quickly as possible to a light, it may be
because they were unfamiliar with the procedure and they were quicker with the bell
simply because they had practice. On the other hand, if they were quicker with the
light it may be because they had become tired or bored by the time the second lot of
trials were held. In order to control the effects of fatigue/boredom and practice the
researcher would give half the participants the light condition first, then the bell and
reverse the order for the other half. This is known as counterbalancing.
2. Control is used to prevent outside factors from influencing the study outcome.
When something is manipulated and controlled and then the outcome happens,
it makes us more confident that the manipulation “caused” the outcome.
4. Random Selection means that no matter who the participant is, he/she has
an equal chance of getting into the groups or treatments in an experiment.
F. Prototyping Design
Table 2: The following table summarizes the descriptions for each of the
quantitative research designs:
Experimental Comprehensive
manipulation is Cancer Center
not used.
Evidence from
Intact (i.e.,
groups are
used; there is no
assignment of
subjects to the
treatment and
control groups.
The random
assignments of
subjects provide
as to the causal
between the
(Karat, 2010
Generalizability refers to the extent your findings can be applied in other contexts.
When researching an aspect of the human mind or behavior, researchers simply
cannot collect data from every single individual in most cases. Instead, they choose a
smaller sample of individuals that represent the larger group. If the sample is truly
representative of the population in question, researchers can then take their results and
generalize them to the larger group.
**In general, the larger the sample size the smaller the level of error. This is simply
because as the sample becomes closer to reaching the size of the total population, the
more likely it is to accurately capture all of the characteristics of the total population.
Sampling errors can be minimized, however, by using randomized probability testing and
a large sample size.
Sample Size
There are various formulas for calculating the required sample size based upon
whether the data collected is to be of a categorical or quantitative nature.
A larger sample can yield more accurate results but excessive responses can be
Before you can calculate a sample size, you need to determine a few things
about the target population and the sample you need:
1. Population size – How many total people fit your demographic? For instance, if
you want to know about mothers living in the Philippines, your population size
would be the total number of mothers living in the Philippines. Don’t worry if you are
unsure about this number. It is common for the population to be unknown or
3. Confidence level – tells you how sure you can be. It is expressed as a
percentage and represents how often the true percentage of the population who
would pick an answer lies within the confidence interval. The 95% confidence level
means you can be 95% certain; the 99% confidence level means you can 99%
certain. Most researchers use the 95% confidence level.
The following are ways that you can use to determine the sample size of a research
a. If you take a population sample, you must use a formula to figure out what
sample size you need to take. Knowing the population can help you determine the
sample size. You can use Slovin’s formula to figure out what sample size you need
to take. The formula is:
Sample Problem:
Use Slovin’s formula to find out what sample of a population of 1,000 people you need
to take for a survey on their softdrinks preferences.
Step 1: Figure out what you want your confidence level to be. For example, you
might want a confidence level of 95% (which will give you a margin of error of 0.05), or
you might need better accuracy at 98% confidence level (which produces a margin of
error of 0.02).
Step 2: Plug your data into the formula. In this example, you use a 95 percent
confidence level with a population size of 1,000.
n = N/(1 + N e2) = 1,000/(1 + 1000*0.05 2) = 285.714286
Step 3: Round your answer to a whole number (because you can’t sample a
fraction of a person or thing) 285.714286 = 286
Table 3 below presents the results of one set of these calculations. It may be
used to determine the appropriate sample size for almost any study. Many researchers
suggest that the first column within the table should suffice (Confidence Level = 95%,
Margin of Error = 5%). To use these values, simply determine the size of the population
down the left most column (use the next highest value if your exact population size is not
listed). The value in the next column is the sample size that is required to generate a
Margin of Error of ± 5% for any population proportion.
Thus, if you have 5000 customers and you want to sample a sufficient number to
generate a 95% confidence interval that predicted the proportion who would be repeat
customers within pus or minus 2.5%, you would need responses from a (random)
sample of 1176 of all your customers.
Table 3: Sampling Size Calculation
c. Heuristics is a term normally used in qualitative studies as a research approach
that utilizes introspection. In quantitative research, heuristics refers to the rule of
thumb for the sample size used in a study. Below are the suggested sample sizes
in the different quantitative research designs (Lunenberg and Irby, 2008). The
survey indicated in the table refers to a research designs and not to a research
instrument (i.e., questionnaire used in surveys).
Table 4
Survey 800
Correlational 100 to 200
Ex Post Facto 30+
Experimental 30 or more
d. Another way to determine sample size is through literature review. You may want
to read studies similar to yours and check the sample size that they used. These
studies can serve as a reference in proving the validity of the sample size that you
plan to use.
Sampling Procedures
There are two major sampling procedures in research that have been developed to ensure
that a sample adequately represents the target population. These include probability and
nonprobability sampling. A few of the most common are described below.
Below are the five basic types of sampling procedures associated with probability
In this method, every individual in the target population has an equal chance
of being part of the sample. This requires several steps:
Figure 1
Figure 2
2. Systematic Sampling
In this method, the researcher selects very nth member after randomly
selecting the first through nth element as the starting point. For example, if
the researcher decides to sample 20 respondents from a sample of 100,
every 5th member of the population will systematically be selected.
Figure 3
Figure 4
In this method, the researcher first divides the population into groups based on a
relevant characteristic and then selects participants within those groups. In
educational research, stratified random sampling is typically used when the
researcher wants to ensure that specific subgroups of people are adequately
represented within the sample.
Figure 5
Figure 6
4. Cluster Sampling Procedure
Figure 7
5. Multi-Stage Sampling
first stage may use random sampling, the second stage may use purposive
sampling, and the third stage may use stratified sampling.
Figure 8
1. Organize the sampling process into stages where the unit of analysis is
systematically grouped.
2. Select a sampling technique for each stage.
3. Systematically apply the sampling technique to each stage until the unit of
analysis has been selected.
Instrument is the generic term that researchers use for a measurement device
or tool (survey, test, questionnaire, etc.). To help distinguish between instrument and
instrumentation, consider that the instrument is the device and instrumentation is the
course of action (the process of developing, testing, and using the device/tool).
that are completed by the participants. Researchers chose which type of instrument, or
instruments, to use based on the research question. Examples are listed below:
Validity of Instruments
Types of Validity
1. Face validity. An instrument has face validity when it appears to measure the
variables being studied. Hence, checking for face validity is a subjective process.
list of specifications. This list of specifications is provided by experts in your field of
Reliability of Instruments
Types of Reliability
upon computing the results, the items of the instrument are divided (or “split”) into
two sets; the results for these two sets are then compared with each other.
Instrument Development
No research study can achieve success without a well-designed and a well-thought
Survey Questionnaire
Table 6
There are 7 ways in which pollsters can create polling or survey questions for their
respondents to collect accurate statistical data. Following is a list of 7 types of closed-
ended questions that can be a part of your questionnaire design:
A. Leading Questions
Questions that force your audience for a particular type of answer are known as leading questions.
In a leading question, all the answers would be equally likely. An example of a leading question
would be a question with choices such as, fair, good, great, poor, superb, excellent etc. These
questions are meant to get an opinion from the audience in limited words.
Example of a Closed-Ended Leading
B. Importance Questions
In importance questions, the respondents are usually asked to rate the importance of a particular
issue, on a rating scale of 1 to 5. These questions can help you understand things that hold
significance to your respondents and allow you make business critical decisions.
Example of a Closed-Ended Importance
C. Likert Questions
Likert questions can help you ascertain how strongly your respondents agree to a particular
statement. Such type of questions also help you assess how your customers feel towards a certain
issue, product or service.
Example of a Closed-Ended Likert
D. Dichotomous Questions
These are simple questions that ask respondents to answer in a yes or no. One major drawback
with dichotomous questions is that it cannot analyze the answers between yes and no, there is no
scope for a middle perspective.
Example of a Closed-Ended Dichotomous Question
E. Bipolar Questions
Bipolar questions are the ones having two extreme answers written at the opposite ends of the
scale. The respondents are asked to mark their responses between those two.
Example of a Closed-Ended Bipolar
Example of a Closed-Ended Buying propensity
1 Asking a question Ö 1
3 Talking to classmate 0
Select sample Send advanced Make initial Screen and Collect Data
notification letter contact obtain consent
Now that you have learned the important factors to consider in developing your
research instrument, you can now plan the steps you will take in your actual data gathering.
These steps are typically clustered into three phases: before, during, and after the data
1. Provide instructions to the participants and explain how the data will be collected.
2. Administer the instruments, and implement the intervention or treatment, if
3. As much as possible, utilize triangulation in your method. Triangulation is a
technique for validating data using two or more sources and methods.
Topic 5: Data Analysis Procedure
For example,
You can calculate the mean response to a question or the percent of
respondents who answered a question in a particular way. If you asked
respondents to indicate how likely it was they will recycle batteries as a result
of your program (on a scale from 1=extremely unlikely to 7=extremely likely),
you may be able to report that the mean response was 6.5 or that 85%
indicated that they will (by adding those that selected 5 or above).
b. Standard deviation – This indicates how spread out a set of scores is around
the mean, that is, whether the scores are relatively homogenous or heterogenous
around the mean.
For example,
On the other hand, the most commonly used inferential statistics are:
a. T-test – It is used to determine whether the means of two groups are statistically
different from one another;
• Further analysis will build on these initial findings, seeking patterns and
relationships in data by comparing means, exploring correlations,
performing multiple regressions, analyses of variance.
Other researchers are not going to take your word for it, and they want to be able
to evaluate whether your methodology is sound. In addition, it is useful for the reader/s to
understand how you obtained your data, because it allows them to evaluate the quality of
the results. For example, if you were trying to obtain data shopping preferences, you will
obtain different results from a multiple-choice questionnaire than from a series of open
Writing methodology allows the reader/s to make their own decision about the
validity of the data. If the research about shopping preferences were built upon a single
case study, it would have little external validity, and the reader/s would treat the results
with the contempt that they deserve.
6. The specific tools that will be used to study each research objective.
That is the very basic structure of writing methodology, and it will clarify all of the
The writing for the method should be clear and direct, concise and straight to the
point. The major point is not to stray off into irrelevance, and this process is helped by
making a few basic assumptions. While not always possible, the methodology should
be written in chronological order, using a present tense when presenting only a
research proposal and past tense when the procedures have been conducted.
I. Research Design
• Quantitative approach and design
IV. Instrumentation
• Description of the instrument/s used for the purpose of the research
A well lay out and logical methodology will provide a great backbone for the entire
research paper,and will allow you to build an extremely strong results section.
I. Write TRUE on the blank if the statement is correct and FALSE if it tells
_____ 1. The correlational research design does not establish causal relationships
among variables
_____ 2. The descriptive research design aims to determine the relationship between
two variables.
_____ 3. The ex post facto research design uses experimentation.
_____ 4. A larger sample size improves the generalizability of one’s findings.
_____ 5. An instrument helps the researcher collect data that directly address the
research questions.
_____ 6. Reliability and validity are two important factors to consider in selecting and
preparing research instruments.
_____ 7. If the instrument has face validity, it will automatically have content validity.
_____ 8. To obtain internal consistency reliability, two tests having the same coverage,
difficulty level, test type, and format must be administered.
_____ 9. The informed consent form is given after the actual data gathering.
_____ 10. Previous research works can be used as basis for identifying the sample size
for your own study.
_____ 11. According to heuristics, correlational studies require larger sample sizes than
experimental studies.
_____ 12. Quantitative research typically uses purposive sampling.
_____ 13. In stratified sampling, whole groups are selected as participants of a study.
_____ 14. A flowchart makes your data-gathering procedure easier to understand.
_____ 15. A smaller sample can yield more accurate results but fewer responses can be
_____ 16. When writing the procedure for the treatment group, the researcher needs to
show how certain variables were controlled or manipulated.
_____ 17. As much as possible, utilize triangulation in your study and multiple sources or
methods in collecting or analyzing your data.
_____ 18. The procedure you used for the control group need not be included when writing
the Methodology of the research paper.
_____ 19. The higher the effect size, the greater the difference between the control and
treatment groups.
_____ 20. Usually, a big number of respondents are selected for the pre-test.
_____ 21. Accurate data collection is essential to maintaining the integrity of research.
_____22. Experimental research designs have the most control, and thus allow
researchers to explain differences between groups.
_____ 23. Questions that ask respondents details about their personal and private matters
are embarrassing questions.
_____ 24. The level of measurement can influence the type of analysis the researcher can
Q: Why is survey considered the most practical and useful data collection technique
for a nonexperimental research design?
I. Identify the sampling method used in each of the given situations. Write
your answer on the blank. (10 points)
__________ 1. Gina’s target population for her study are employees from the top 500
corporations in the Philippines. Because there are too many employees in these
corporations, she decided to randomly select ten corporations, she decided to randomly
select ten corporations and use all of their employees as participants in her study.
__________ 3. Ryan wants to know if the new curriculum has an effect on the academic
performance of science students. He took the list of all students in his school and selected
every 8th name in the class list participants.
__________ 4. Troy wants to survey principals and supervisors in Country X. All in all,
there are 12,000 principals and 24,000 supervisors in the country. Troy decided to select
350 from the total target population as participants in his study.
__________ 5. An entrepreneur orders t-shirts and wants to ensure that they were printed
properly. She randomly selects 3 out of the 12 boxes and checks every shirt in those 3.
What type of sampling design is this?
II. Choose the letter of the most appropriate answer. Write the letter in
uppercase before the number. (10 points)
2. The sum of the values of a variable for a set of observations, divided by the
number of observations in the set refers to:
A. Analysis of Covariance
B. Analysis of Variance
C. Multiple Regression
D. Factor Analysis
4. The term used to indicate the placebo effect in which the knowledge of being
included in a study causes people to change their behaviors, thereby
obscuring the variable of interest:
5. The probability that a given effect will be detected using a sample of specified
size. With the probability level of the statistical test being set at
predetermined level is:
A. Internal validity
B. Power of a statistical test
C. Reliability of a study
D. External validity
III. Identify the research design to be used in the following research
situations. Choose the letter of the most appropriate answer. (10 points)
A. Using the knowledge learned from this chapter, make a draft of your
methodology to be able to answer your research problem and to test your
hypothesis (if there is any). Accurately paraphrase, summarize, or directly
quote the information you have borrowed from your sources and cite them
1. Get additional reference materials that you might need for writing your paper. Make
sure that your references are taken from reliable sources.
2. Add a reference list at the end of your work using the APA 6th Edition.
3. Use appropriate heading and sub-headings to make your paper more organized.
4. Use the format provided for the writing tasks in the previous lessons. Print using
short bond paper.
I. Research Design
A. Explain the context of the study or the time and place where the study is conducted.
B. Explain relevant details about the participants. These include the number of
participants and their demographic characteristics such as age, gender, socio-
economic status, and other relevant background information.
C. Present the computation of the sampling size.
III. Instrumentation
Describe the instrument and justify its use. Explain how it is validated and revised. If it
is adapted, explain the reason for its adaption and describe its reliability and validity.
Explain the specific steps that you will undertake to complete the data gathering phase.
V. Data Analysis
Describe the statistical test that you will use to analyze your data. Justify your choice.
Learning Competencies
The Topics
Performance Standard
v Data collection instruments
The learner should be able to
v Data processing techniques
gather and analyze data with
intellectual honesty using v Non-prose materials
suitable techniques. v Statistical techniques
ENGAGE Coin Flipping Probability Graph
With this activity, you will be flipping a coin twenty times and
recording the results of each flip on a chart. (I'd recommend using a
five-peso coin, since it's the easiest to manage.) You will then total up
the results and discuss your findings with partners or as a class during
the synchronous meet. You will learn that there is a fifty percent (.50)
probability, or chance, of your coin landing on heads or tails with each
flip. You may also record the flips based on different series, such as
how many times did you get heads or tails after five flips, ten flips, and
so on. Look at the example charts to use for this activity.
Data Collection
When developing and utilizing a research instrument, you usually follow
these steps:
1. Be clear with your research questions and the purpose of doing the investigation.
2. Plan how you will conduct the investigation and data collection.
3. Use research instruments that are appropriate for the type of research you are
6. Report your findings based on the data you collected.
1. Questionnaire
In a quantitative study, a questionnaire typically uses a scale. One example
of this is the Likert Scale, which uses ratings to indicate participants’ level of agreement
with a specific statement. Another approach used in questionnaires is the conversion of
responses into numerical values. An example of this is when terms denoting of frequency
such as always, frequently, sometimes, seldom, and rarely are converted into 5, 4, 3, 2,
elines in
For the guid g a
constructin visit
re, please
questionnai searchgate.
s: //w w w .re
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net/public at _Design_G
st ionn aire
_Que hme
uidelines _f
2. Tests
Tests are quantitative research instruments used mainly for assessing
various skills and types of behavior as well as for describing certain characteristics. Two
of the main types of tests employed in quantitative studies are standardized tests and
non-standardized tests. Standardized tests are scored uniformly across different
areas and groups. They are used by official institutions to assess a wide range of groups,
such as students or test-takers. Non- standardized tests, on the other hand, are
administered to specific sets of people. Thus, they may not be scored uniformly across
different areas or groups. Standardized tests are often considered more valid and reliable.
However, non-standardized tests may be more appropriate for obtaining certain types of
responses or measuring specific skills. Read about achievement tests and aptitude tests.
Which do you think is an example of standardized test? Share your ideas during the next
synchronous meat.
The following table shows the subtypes of test questions/ items, their
definitions, and examples.
Open- Non- A test that requires the Discuss the importance of
ended performance- participant to provide a establishing friendship in the
based full length answer in
writing or orally, but
he/she is not expected to
prepare a presentation,
written composition, or a
similar output.
Performance- A test that requires the Present a role play about job
based participant to perform a interview.
task where he/she is
expected to prepared a
presentation, written
work, or a similar output.
3. Interviews
certain advantages over a questionnaire. One advantage is that quantitative interviews
allow the researcher to ask follow up questions. Furthermore, quantitative interviews are
also especially useful when the target participants do not have the capacity to answer a
printed or encoded questionnaire
4. Observation
Types of Observation
a. Tables
Non prose material that help condense and classify information using columns and
rows. Tables contain at least two columns with headings that indicate the important
information being examined. The headings on the top are called boxheads while the
headings on the far left columns are called stubs. The boxheads describe the items in
each column while the stubs describe the items in each row.
b. Graphs
III. Using Statistical Techniques in Analyzing Data
Spearman’s A non-
rho parametric
statistical Positive correlation
technique that
tests the
relationship Negative correlation
variable. It
uses rankings No Correlation
instead of
actual values.
groups of SSB= sum of squares between
samples. groups
T- Tests Parametric Mean
technique that Average score of a given set
tests the of values
between two
means. Variance
t-Test Table
IV. Hypothesis Testing
After utilizing one of the statistical techniques, you can now test the
hypothesis that you have made before collecting your data. Hypothesis testing is the
process of determining whether there is sufficient statistical evidence to support your
hypothesis. After collecting sufficient data, you have to determine through a specific
procedure if the alternative hypothesis you made is, indeed, valid. By the end of the
hypothesis testing, you need to decide whether or not you will reject the null hypothesis,
in favor of the alternative hypothesis.
B. P- value Approach
Under the P-value approach, you determine how extreme your findings
must be leaning to the alternative hypothesis. This will help you identify your if your
findings can be deemed statistically significant, leading you to reject the null hypothesis.
Evaluate Written Task 3 and Performance Check 2
To do this, she will use two intact groups: one control group and one
experimental group. There will be 98 participants in the study. Fifty will be
assigned to the experimental group who will be subjected to the new
counseling technique. The rest will be assigned to the control group who will
be subjected to the standard counseling technique.
Items Details (2 points each) Explanation (5points each)
Data gathering
Data processing
materials to present
the data
Statistical tests to
analyze the data
Performance Check 2: (30 pts.)
7 5 3 1
Reporting and
Sharing Findings
Learning Competencies
Performance Standard
I. Results
The results portion presents data that you have collected. This portion limits
itself to the representation of facts and key findings as they are. The results portion is
presented in textual and tabular or graphical forms. This is where you will apply the skills
you have learned in the previous lesson regarding presentation of data.
II. Discussion
The discussion portion provides the explanation for the results that you have
reported. At this juncture, you link your findings to the other studies related to your own, as well
as your research questions or objectives. The discussion portion is an important part of a
research paper because it tests your skills in thinking critically, solving problems, as well as in
understanding and explaining phenomena with enough depth.
Guidelines for writing the discussion
III. Conclusion
After writing the results and discussion, your paper needs to make a lasting
impression. This is where the conclusion section of your paper comes in.
It is composed of four subsections, namely:
A. Summary of findings
The summary briefly restates your major findings that correspond to each
of the research questions or objectives. Simply put, each research question or
objective should be accompanied by its own summary of findings. Each
summary must be written in only one or two sentences.
B. Conclusions
that can be obtained from your findings. The conclusion subsection does not
follow a one-to-one correspondence relative to your research questions or
objectives. Instead, each generalization or deduction that you write should be
applicable to your findings. Therefore, you need to have one conclusion that
directly addresses your general research problem.
Aside from making generalizations from your findings, the conclusions
state the implications of your findings in terms of different aspects. This means
that your need to identify what areas of concern or issues in your field of study
can be examined and addressed based on your findings. Note that the
implications of your findings differ from the significance of your study. The
implications of your findings relates to the different issues which can be looked
into in accordance with your findings. On the other hand, the significance of your
study focuses more on listing the people or entities that will benefit from your
The implications that you need to discuss can be classified as practical,
theoretical, and methodological. Practical implications to the issues of real life
context that can be addressed through the findings. Theoretical implications relate
to the issues concerning the support refutation and supplementation of existing
models and concepts in your field of study. Theoretical implications can also point
out how your findings can pave the way for new studies in the field.
Methodological implications relate to the issues concerning materials and
processes in research.
D. Recommendations
After drawing the conclusions and identifying the limitations encountered in your
study, you can now write your recommendations. The recommendation subsection
of your paper has two functions. The first functions relate to the implications of your
findings. While the implications identify the areas of concern that can be addressed
based on findings, the recommendations provide an actual course of action through
which these areas of concern can be addressed. The second function is considered with
stating how future studies can address the limitations encountered in your research. For
instance, if the sample size is one of the limitations of your study, you may state that
future studies can increase the number of participants involved.
4.2 Results
• Results corresponding to research question/objective 1
• Results corresponding to research question/objective 2
• Results corresponding to research question/objective 3
4.3 Discussion
• Discussion of overall results
• Discussion of results corresponding to Research question/objective 1
§ Link to related literature and studies
§ Link to existing theories
§ Alternative explanation (if there is any)
• Discussion of results corresponding to Research question/objective 2
§ Link to related literature and studies
§ Link to existing theories
§ Alternative explanation (if there is any)
• Discussion of results corresponding to Research question/objective 3
§ Link to related literature and studies
§ Link to existing theories
§ Alternative explanation (if there is any)
• Discussion an implications of the overall results 139
Structure of Conclusion
5. Conclusion
5.1. Summary
• Summary of findings of research question/objective 1
• Summary of findings of research question/objective 2
• Summary of findings of research question/objective 3
5.2. Conclusions
• Conclusion
§ Conclusion 1
§ Conclusion 2
§ Conclusion 3
• Implications
§ Practical Implications
§ Theoretical Implications
§ Methodological Implications
5.3. Limitations
• Limitation 1
• Limitation 2
• Limitation 3
5.4. Recommendations
• Future study and the current study’s limitations
• Practical recommendations
• Theoretical recommendations
• Methodological recommendations
Evaluate Performance Task 3
1. Now that you are done with Chapter 2, you are ready for your proposal
2. Record yourself while answering the questions below and you may send it through
whichever works best for you. (Google classroom, Genyo or USB)
3. Make sure to answer each question in a comprehensive manner and to employ the
proper etiquette on video presentation (with visuals of content).
4. You may send your video output through the assigned platform by your teacher or
save it on the flash drive given to you and send it back to us together with the other
answer sheets.
5. A rubric for the proposal presentation is attached.
1. Present the tentative title, introduction and background, related literatures, research
problems/hypothesis, and methodology of your study using PPT presentation or any
application most accessible for you.
Research Proposal Presentation Rubric
Introduction and 5 3 1
Background of the
Begins in a broad Presentation starts Focuses immediately
Study manner and clearly somewhat broadly on the literature
explains the and provides real review, or no context
problem to be world context for the for the research
investigated. main concept in the problem is provided.
study, but it could be
Related 5 3 1
At least 7 studies At least 5 studies are All studies are
are described described clearly. described in an
clearly and in Connection of study unclear manner;
enough detail for to thesis may be connection of studies
the audience to slightly unclear. to thesis is unclear.
Research 5 3 1
It is concise, it It includes one The Statement of the
includes descriptor descriptor variable Problem/hypothesis
variables and and informs the is unclear and does
informs the reader reader of the not include any
of the exact purpose of the study. descriptor variable.
purpose of the
Methodology 5 3 1
information that and/or represents
allows data that is
Response To 10 6 2
Demonstrates full Demonstrates full Can answer
knowledge of topic; knowledge of topic; questions but with
explains and explains questions lack of confidence.
elaborates on all very well.
Cristobal, A. P. & Cristobal, M. C. DLC. ( 2017). Practical reseach for senior high school
Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
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