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Information technology (IT) refers to the combination of
hardware, software, and services that people use to
manage, communicate, and share information.
Although f ic titious, the bold headlines in Figure 1-1
illustrate the huge impact of IT on our society. More than
What Is e v e r, busine ss suc c e ss d e pe nd s o n info rmatio n
Information technology.

Technology? IT is driving a new digital economy, where advances in

hardware, software, and connectivity can provide
enormous benefits to businesses and individuals.
Although economic trends affect IT spending levels, most companies
give IT budgets a high priority, in good times or bad. The reason is simple:
During periods of growth, companies cannot afford to lag behind the IT
Conversely, when the economy slows down, f irms often use IT to reduce
operating costs and improve ef ficiency. The following sections provide a
sense of IT history, an overview of systems analysis and design, and a
description of the system analyst’s role.
 Systems Analysis and Design

Systems Analysis and Design is a step-by step process for developing high-quality
information systems.
An information system combines technology, people, and data to provide support
for business functions such as order processing, inventory control, human
resources, accounting, and many more. Some information systems handle
routine day-to-day tasks, while others can help managers make better decisions,
spot marketplace trends, and reveal patterns that might be hidden in stored data.
What Does a Systems Analyst Do?
A systems analyst is a valued member of the IT department team who helps plan,
develop, and maintain information systems. Analysts must be excellent
communicators with strong analytical and critical thinking skills. Because
systems analysts transform business requirements into IT projects, they must be
business-savvy as well as technically competent, and be equally comfortable
with managers and programmers, who sometimes have different points of view.
Information System Components
A system is a set of related components that produces specif ic results. For example,
specialized systems route Internet traffic, manufacture microchips, and control complex
entities like the Hubble Telescope. A mission-critical system is one that is vital to a
company’s operations. An order processing system, for example, is mission-critical
because the company cannot do business without it. Every system requires input data.
For example, a computer receives data when a key is pressed or when a menu
command is selected. In an information system, data consists of basic facts that are the
system’s raw material. Information is data that has been transformed into output that is
valuable to users. An information system has f ive key components: hardware, software,
data, processes, and people.
1 Hardware
Hardware consists of everything in the physical layer of the information system.
Fo r e xample , hardw are c an inc lude se rv e rs, w o rkstatio ns, ne tw o rks,
telecommunications equipment, f iber-optic cables, mobile devices, scanners,
digital capture devices, and other technology-based infrastructure. A large
concentration of servers working together is called a server farm. As new
technologies emerge, manufacturers race to market the innovations and reap the
2 Software
Software refers to the programs that control the hardware and produce the desired
information or results. Software consists of system software and application
software. System software manages the hardware components, which can include a
single computer or a global network with many thousands of clients. Either the
hardware manufacturer supplies the system software or a company purchases it
from a vendor. Examples of system software include the operating system, security
software th at protects th e compu ter from in tru sion , device drivers th at
communicate with hardware such as printers, and utility programs that handle
specif ic tasks such as data backup and disk management. System software also
controls the flow of data, provides data security, and manages network operations.
Application software consists of programs that support day-to-day business functions
and provide users with the information they need. Examples of company-wide
applications, called enterprise applications, include order processing systems, payroll
systems, and company communications networks.

System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer's

hardware and application programs. If we think of the computer system as a layered
model, the system software is the interface between the hardware and user
applications. The operating system is the best-known example of system software. The
OS manages all the other programs in a computer.
3 Data
Data is the raw material that an information system transforms into useful information.
An information system can store data in various locations, called tables. By linking the
tables, the system can display the specif ic information that the user needs—no more,
and no less. Figure 1-7 shows a payroll system that stores data in four separate tables.
Notice that the linked tables work together to supply 19 different data items to the
screen. A user can display any or all data items and f ilter the data to f it def ined limits. In
this example, the user requested a list of employees who live in a certain city and
worked more than 40 hours in the last pay period. Jane Doe’s name was the f ir st to
4 Processes
Processes describe the tasks and business functions that users, managers, and
IT staff members perform to achieve specif ic results. Processes are the building
blocks of an information system because they represent actual day-to-day
business operations. To build a successful information system, analysts must
understand business processes and document them carefully.
5 People
People who have an interest in an information system are called stakeholders.
Stakeholders include the management group responsible for the system, the
users (sometimes called end users) inside and outside the company who will
interact with the system, and IT staff members, such as systems analysts,
programmers, and network administrators who develop and support the system.
Each stakeholder group has a vital interest in the information system, but most
experienced IT professionals agree that the success or failure of a system
usually depends on whether it meets the needs of its users.
What Information Do Users Need?

Corporate organizational structure has changed considerably in recent years. In

an effort to increase productivity, many companies reduced the number of
management levels and delegated responsibility to operational personnel.
Although modern organization charts tend to be f la tter, an organizational
hierarchy still exists in most firms.
A typical organizational model identif ies business functions and organizational
levels, as shown in the next slide diagram. Within the functional areas,
operational personnel report to supervisors and team leaders. The next level
includes middle managers and knowledge workers, who, in turn, report to top
managers. In a corporate structure, the top managers report to a board of
directors elected by the company’s shareholders.
1 Top Managers
Top managers develop long-range plans, called strategic plans, which def ine the
company’s overall mission and goals. To plot a future course, top managers ask
questions such as “How much should the company invest in information
technology?” or “How much will Internet sales grow in the next f iv e years?” or
“Should the company build new factories or contract out production functions?”
Strategic planning affects the company’s future survival and growth, including
long-term IT plans. Top managers focus on the overall business enterprise and
use IT to set the company’s course and direction.
2 Middle Managers and Knowledge
Just below the top management level, most companies have a layer of middle
managers and knowledge workers. Middle managers provide direction, necessary
resources, and performance feedback to supervisors and team leaders. Because
they focus on a somewhat shorter time frame, middle managers need more
detailed information than top managers, but somewhat less than supervisors
who oversee day-to-day operations.
3 Supervisors and Team Leaders
Supervisors, often called team leaders, oversee operational employees and carry
out day-to-day functions. They coordinate operational tasks and people, make
necessary decisions, and ensure that the right tools, materials, and training are
available. Like other managers, supervisors and team leaders need decision
support information, knowledge management systems, and user productivity
systems to carry out their responsibilities.
4 Operational Employees
Operational employees include users who rely on transaction processing systems
to enter and receive data they need to perform their jobs. In many companies,
operational users also need information to handle tasks and make decisions that
were assigned previously to supervisors. This trend, called empowerment, gives
employees more responsibility and accountability. Many companies f ind that
empowerment improves employee motivation and increases customer
 Systems Development Tools
In addition to understanding business operations, systems analysts must know
how to use a variety of techniques, such as modeling, prototyping, and computer-
aided systems engineering tools to plan, design, and implement information
systems. Systems analysts work with these tools in a team environment, where
input from users, managers, and IT staff contributes to the system design.
Modeling produces a graphical representation of a concept or process that systems
developers can analyze, test, and modify. A systems analyst can describe and simplify
an information system by using a set of business, data, object, network, and process
models. A business model describes the information that a system must provide.
Analysts also create models to represent data, objects, networks, and other system
components. Although the models might appear to overlap, they actually work together
to describe the same environment from different points of view.

System developers often use multipurpose charting tools such as Microsoft Visio to
display business-related models. Visio is a popular tool that systems analysts can use to
create business process diagrams, f lowcharts, organization charts, network diagrams,
floor plans, project timelines, and work flow diagrams, among others.
Prototyping tests system concepts and provides an opportunity to examine input,
output, and user interfaces before f inal decisions are made. A prototype is an
early working version of an information system. Just as an aircraft manufacturer
tests a new design in a wind tunnel, systems analysts construct and study
information system prototypes. A prototype can serve as an initial model that is
used as a benchmark to evaluate the f inished system, or the prototype itself can
develop into the final version of the system. Either way, prototyping speeds up the
development process significantly. A possible disadvantage of prototyping is that
important decisions might be made too early, before business or IT issues are
understood thoroughly.
Computer-Aided Systems Engineering
(CASE) Tools
Computer-aided systems engineering (CASE), also called computer-aided
software engineering, is a technique that uses powerful software, called CASE
tool, to help systems analysts develop and maintain information systems. CASE
tools provide an overall framework for systems development and support a wide
variety of design methodologies, including structured analysis and object-
oriented analysis. Because CASE tools make it easier to build an information
system, they boost IT productivity and improve the quality of the finished product.
After developing a model, many CASE tools can generate program code, which
speeds the implementation process.
Systems Development Methods
Many options exist for developing information systems, but the most popular
alternatives are structured analysis, which is a traditional method that still is widely
used, object-oriented
(O-O) analysis, which is a more recent approach that many analysts prefer, and agile
methods, also called adaptive methods, which include the latest trends in software
development. Figure 1-17 provides an overview of the three methods, which are
discussed in the following sections. Although most projects utilize one approach, it is
not unusual for system developers to mix and match methods to gain a better
perspective. In addition to these three main development methods, some organizations
choose to develop their own inhouse approaches or use techniques offered by software
suppliers, CASE tool vendors, or consultants. Many alternatives exist, and IT experts
agree that no single development method is best in all cases.
An approach that works well for one project might have disadvantages or risks in
another situation. The important thing is to understand the various methods and the
strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Regardless of the development strategy,
people, tasks, timetables, and costs must be managed effectively. Complex projects can
involve dozens of people, hundreds of tasks, and many thousands of dollars. Project
management is the process of planning, scheduling, monitoring, controlling, and
reporting upon the development of an information system.
Structured analysis is a traditional systems development technique that is time-tested
and easy to understand. Structured analysis uses a series of phases, called the systems
development life cycle (SDLC), to plan, analyze, design, implement, and support an
information system. Although structured analysis evolved many years ago, it remains a
popular systems development method. Structured analysis is based on an overall plan,
similar to a blueprint for constructing a building, so it is called a predictive approach.
Structured analysis uses a set of process models to describe a system graphically.
Systems Planning
The systems planning phase usually begins with a formal request to the IT department,
called a systems request, which describes problems or desired changes in an
information system or a business process. In many companies, IT systems planning is
an integral part of overall business planning. When managers and users develop their
business plans, they usually include IT requirements that generate systems requests. A
systems request can come from a top manager, a planning team, a department head, or
the IT department itself.
Systems Analysis
The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new system.
The f ir st step is requirements modeling, where the analyst investigates business
processes and documents what the new system must do to satisfy users. Requirements
modeling continues the investigation that began during the systems planning phase. To
understand the system, fact-f in ding using techniques such as interviews, surveys,
document review, observation, and sampling is performed. The fact-f inding results are
used to build business models, data and process models, and object models. The
deliverable for the systems analysis phase is the system requirements document. The
system requirements document describes management and user requirements, costs
and benefits, and outlines alternative development strategies.
Systems Design
The purpose of the systems design phase is to create a physical model that will satisfy
all documented requirements for the system. At this stage, the user interface is
designed and necessary outputs, inputs, and processes are identif ie d. In addition,
internal and external controls are designed, including computer-based and manual
features to guarantee that the system will be reliable, accurate, maintainable, and
secure. During the systems design phase, the application architecture is also
determined, which programmers will use to transform the logical design into program
modules and code. The deliverable for this phase is the system design specif ication,
which is presented to management and users for review and approval. Management
and user involvement is critical to avoid any misunderstanding about what the new
system will do, how it will do it, and what it will cost.
Systems Implementation
During the systems implementation phase, the new system is constructed. Whether the
de v e l ope r s use st r uct ur e d a na l ysi s or O - O m e t hods, t he pr oce dur e i s t he
same—programs are written, tested, and documented, and the system is installed. If the
system was purchased as a package, systems analysts conf igure the software and
perform any necessary modif ications. The objective of the systems implementation
phase is to deliver a completely functioning and documented information system. At the
conclusion of this phase, the system is ready for use. Final preparations include
converting data to the new system’s f il es, training users, and performing the actual
transition to the new system. The systems implementation phase also includes an
assessment, called a systems evaluation, to determine whether the system operates
properly and if costs and benefits are within expectations.
Systems Support and Security
During the systems support and security phase, the IT staff maintains, enhances, and
protects the system. Maintenance changes correct errors and adapt to changes in the
environment, such as new tax rates. Enhancements provide new features and benef its.
The objective during this phase is to maximize return on the IT investment. Security
controls safeguard the system from both external and internal threats. A well-designed
system must be secure, reliable, maintainable, and scalable. A scalable design can
expand to meet new business requirements and volumes. Information systems
development is always a work in progress. Business processes change rapidly, and most
information systems need to be updated signif icantly or replaced after several years of
operation. For example, a web-based system may need more servers added to cope
with increased workload.
A systems analyst investigates, analyzes, designs, develops, installs, evaluates,
and maintains a company’s information systems. To perform those tasks, a
systems analyst constantly interacts with users and managers within and outside
the company. The following sections describe a system analyst’s role, knowledge,
skills, education, certifications, and career opportunities.
Role Of A Systems Analyst
A systems analyst helps develop IT systems that support business requirements. To 
succeed, analysts often must act as translators. For example, when they describe
business processes to programmers, they must speak a language that programmers
will understand clearly. Typically, the analyst builds a series of models, diagrams,
decision tables, and uses other descriptive tools and techniques. Similarly, when
communicating with managers, the analyst often must translate complex technical
issues into words and images that nontechnical people can grasp. To do this, the analyst
uses various presentation skills, models, and communication methods. Analysts are
often the company’s best line of defense against an IT disaster—a system that is
technically sound but fails because it does not meet the needs of users and managers.
When this occurs, poor communication is usually to blame.
Knowledge, Skills, & Education
A succe ssful syst e m s analyst ne e ds t e chnical knowle dge , oral and writ t e n
communication skills, an understanding of business operations, and critical thinking
skills. Educational requirements vary widely depending on the company and the position.
In a rapidly changing IT marketplace, a systems analyst must manage his or her own
career and have a plan for professional development.
Technical Knowledge
State-of-the-art knowledge is extremely important in a rapidly changing business and
technical environment. The Internet offers numerous opportunities to update technical
knowledge and skills. Many IT professionals go online to learn about technical
developments, exchange experiences, and get answers to questions. For example, the
IEEE Computer Society, shown in Figure 1-24, is one of the leading computing
organizations offering systems analysts a wealth of information, news, training, support
communities, and more. Analysts also maintain their skills by attending training courses,
both onsite and online. Networking with colleagues is another way to keep up with new
developments, and membership in professional associations also is important.
Communication Skills
A systems analyst needs strong oral and written communication skills, and the ability to
interact with people at all levels, from operational staff to senior executives. Often, the
analyst must work with people outside the company, such as software and hardware
vendors, customers, and government officials.
Business Skills
A systems analyst works closely with managers, supervisors, and operational
employees. To be effective, he or she must understand business operations and
processes, communicate clearly, and translate business needs into requirements that
can be understood by programmers and systems developers. A successful analyst is
business-oriented, curious, comfortable with f inancial tools, and able to see the big
picture. Chapter 2 describes some basic concepts, including strategic planning, SWOT
analysis, and feasibility tests.
Critical Thinking Skills
Most educators agree that critical thinking skills include the ability to compare, classify,
evaluate, recognize patterns, analyze cause and-effect, and apply logic. Critical thinkers
often use a what-if approach, and they have the ability to evaluate their own thinking
and reasoning. Critical thinking skills are valuable in the IT industry, where employers
seek job candidates who can demonstrate these skills and bring them to the workplace.
Figure 1-25 shows the website for Critical Thinking Community, a nonprof it organization
that provides encouragement and resources for critical thinkers.
Companies typically require systems analysts to have a college degree in information
systems, computer science, or business, and some IT experience usually is required. For
higher-level positions, many companies require an advanced degree. Sometimes,
educational requirements can be waived if a candidate has significant experience, skills,
or professional certifications.
Certif ication
Many hardware and software companies offer certif ication for IT professionals.
Certif ication verif ie s that an individual demonstrated a certain level of knowledge and
skill on a standardized test. Certification is an excellent way for IT professionals to learn
new skills and gain recognition for their efforts. Although certif ication does not
guarantee competence or ability, many companies regard certif ication as an important
credential for hiring or promotion.
The demand for systems analysts is expected to remain strong. Companies will need
systems analysts to apply new information technology, and the explosion in ecommerce
will fuel IT job growth. The systems analyst position is a challenging and rewarding one
that can lead to a top management position. With an understanding of technical and
business issues, a systems analyst has an unlimited horizon. Many companies have
presidents and senior managers who started in IT departments as systems analysts.
The responsibilities of a systems analyst at a small f irm are different from those at a
large corporation. Working at a small or large company is a matter of personal choice.
First, do not rely on job titles alone. Some positions are called systems analysts, but
involve only programming or technical support. In other cases, systems analyst
responsibilities are found in positions titled computer specialist, programmer,
programmer/analyst, systems designer, software engineer, and various others. Be sure
the responsibilities of the job are stated clearly when considering a position.
Information technology (IT) refers to the combination of hardware, software, and
services that people use to manage, communicate, and share information. Technology
is changing rapidly, and IT professionals must prepare for the future. IT supports
business operations, improves productivity, and helps managers make decisions.
Systems analysis and design is the process of developing information systems that
transform data into useful information, and systems analysts are IT team members who
help plan, develop, and maintain information systems.
Adaptive Method A systems development method that typically uses a spiral development model,
which builds on a series of iterations, to make adapting to changes easier for all stakeholders.

Agile Method Systems development method that attempts to develop a system incrementally, by
building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements. Related to
adaptive method.

App A software application that runs on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet.
Application Software programs, such as email, word processors, spreadsheets, and graphics
packages, used by employees in typical office scenarios.

B2B (business-to-business) A commercial exchange (e.g., products or services) between

businesses, typically enabled by the Internet or electronic means.

B2C (business-to-consumer) A commercial exchange (e.g., products or services) between

businesses and consumers conducted over the Internet.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) An equipment management model where employees are in charge of their devices
(e.g., computers, tablets, smartphones) at work, not the IT department. This includes device selection and setup,
program installation and updating, and network connectivity (including security).

Business Model A graphical representation of business functions that consist of business processes, such as
sales, accounting, and purchasing. business process A description of specific events, tasks, and desired results.

Business Process Model (BPM) A graphical representation of one or more business processes.

Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) A standard set of shapes and symbols used to represent events,
processes, and workflows in computer-based modeling tools.

Business Prof ile A def in ition of a company’s overall functions, processes, organization, products, services,
customers, suppliers, competitors, constraints, and future direction. business rules How a system handles data
and produces useful information.

Business Rules, also called business logic, ref lect the operational requirements of the business. Examples include
adding the proper amount of sales tax to invoices, calculating customer balances and f in ance charges, and
determining whether a customer is eligible for a volume-based discount.
Business Support System Provide job-related information support to users at all levels of a company.

CASE Tool Powerful software used in computer-aided systems engineering (CASE) to help systems analysts develop
and maintain information systems.

Certif ication A credential an individual earns by demonstrating a certain level of knowledge and skill on a
standardized test.

Class A term used in object-oriented modeling to indicate a collection of similar objects.

Computer-aided Software Engineering (CASE) A technique that uses powerful programs called CASE tools to provide
an overall framework for systems development. The tools support a wide variety of design methodologies, including
structured analysis and object-oriented analysis. Also referred to as computer-aided systems engineering.

Computer-aided Systems Engineering (CASE) See computer-aided software engineering (CASE). corporate culture A
set of beliefs, rules, traditions, values, and attitudes that define a company and influence its way of doing business.

Critical Thinking Skill The ability to compare, classify, evaluate, recognize patterns, analyze cause and effect, and
apply logic. Such skills are valued in the IT industry.

Data The raw material or basic facts used by information systems.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Graphical representation of the system, showing it stores, processes, and transforms data
into useful information.
Deliverable A polished, final product, suitable for its intended use. End products or deliverables often coincide with the
completion of each SDLC phase.

User Stakeholder inside or outside the company who will interact with the system.

Systems Planning Phase The first phase of the SDLC. During this phase the systems project gets started.

System A set of related components that produces specific results.

Supply Chain A traditional systems development technique that uses phases to plan, analyze, design, implement, and
support an information system. Processes and data are treated as separate components.

System Software Programs that control the computer, including the operating system, device drivers that communicate
with hardware, and low-level utilities.

Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Activities and functions that systems developers typically perform, regardless of
how those activities and functions fit into a particular methodology. The SDLC model includes five phases: 1. Systems
planning, 2. Systems analysis, 3. Systems design, 4. Systems implementation, and 5. Systems support and security.

Object In object-oriented analysis or programming, an object represents a real person, place, event, or transaction.

Management Information System (MIS) A computer-based information system used in business planning, control,
decision making, and problem solving.

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