1) Can we consider the "Tasadays" as a "stone-aged era" Filipino Indigenous Group? Why or Why
not? Support your answer by citing articles or researches.
The Tasadays' distinctive manner of life was also not a product of their being stuck in the past but rather
of their deliberate exclusion from mainstream culture. In order to preserve their traditional way of life,
the Philippine government moved them to a reservation in the 1970s [3]. Since their culture and identity
were at danger from rapid modernization, this was done in an effort to protect them.
In conclusion, it is incorrect to categorize the Tasadays as a "stone-age era" tribe, even though they may
exhibit some traits of a traditional Indigenous culture. Both the government and the Tasadays
themselves made a conscious decision to live this way, and they were not totally cut off from the
outside world.
2) Are the "Tasadays" a real indigenous group or are they a result of a Marcos era Propaganda
machine to profit on the "discovery" of the IP group?
Whether the Tasadays are an actual indigenous people or the product of Marcos-era propaganda is a
topic of intense discussion. The Tasadays' stone-age lifestyle is largely inferred from circumstantial
evidence, and there is no conclusive proof that they are descended from a stone-age people. As a result,
it is challenging to determine with certainty whether the Tasadays are an actual indigenous group. But it
is obvious that they are a distinct and isolated community that has survived modernisation while
continuing to live a traditional way of life.
3) What are the lessons that you have learned in knowing the story of the "Tasadays"?
The story of the Tasadays serves as a reminder of the value of maintaining ancient cultures. Also, it
serves as a warning about the risks of modernization and the push to follow Western practices. Although
the Tasadays were able to continue living in their traditional manner for many years, they were
eventually compelled to adopt new methods of life. This serves as a reminder that traditional cultures
should be honored and preserved because modernization is endangering them more and more.