DLL Week3 LC39-40

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DAILY LESSON School Grade Level 10

Teachers Learning Area MATHEMATICS

LOG Teaching Dates Quarter THIRD


I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies.
These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable
children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of combination and probability.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to use precise counting technique and probability in formulating conclusions and
making decisions.
C. Learning Illustrates events, The learner illustrates
Competencies/Objectives and union and events, and union
Write the LC code for each. intersection of and intersection of
events. events. (M10SP-IIIf-
(M10SP-IIIf-1) 1)
a. Illustrate union a. Illustrate the
and intersection of probability of
events. simple events.
b. Determine the b. Solve the
union and probability of simple
intersection of two or events.
more events. c. Appreciate
c. Appreciate the the importance
importance of the of probability
lesson in the real life in decision making.

II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled
in a week or two.
Intersection and union of
Probability of Simple
Events (A Recall)


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp.290 288 – 289
2. Learner’s Materials pages
328 -329
pp. 332 Mathematics 8 Learners
Material, pp. 570-571

3. Textbook pages
e-math IV (Advanced
Algebra and
Trigonometry), page 494,
4. Additional Materials from PowerPoint Presentation
Learning Resource Powe Point White Board and Markers
(LR)portal Presentation Google Play Store (for the
electronic roulette/spinner)
Activity Sheets
B. Other Learning Resource

Google for the photos

A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson BRING YOURSELF
Mechanics: 1. Determine five
1. From your previous representatives from
groupings, send a each group.
representative in each 2. Give each group a
condition. white board and a marker.
2. Condition will be stated 3. Guess what the word is,
in which your as the clue is being read
representative should be by looking at the empty
able to satisfy. squares in which 1 square
3. The group/s that got stands for a letter.
the correct answer earns 4. One representative
2 points. answers one
4. The group with the problem.
most number of points 5. Write the guessed
wins the game. word on the white board.
6. The group/s that got
the correct answer earns
3 points.
Conditions: 7. The group with the
1. A girl… most number of points
(with the longest hair) wins the game.

2. A boy… Word 1 – (EVENT)
(with the smallest
Hint: It is a set of possible
outcomes resulting from
3. a representative…
a particular experiment.
(with earrings and a
watch) Word 2 – (EXPERIMENT)

4. 2 representatives… Hint: Activities such as
(a boy, a girl) tossing a coin, rolling a die
without looking which
5. from the group… could be repeated over
(one with the fairest and over again and which
complexion) have well- defined results.

* From the activity what Word 3 – (OUTCOME)

previous lesson have you
recalled? Hint: This is the result
* Which are examples of of experiments.
simple events?
Compound events? Word 4 – (CHANCE)

Hint: It refers to the

likelihood that
something will happen.


Hint: A branch of
mathematics that deals with
calculating the likelihood of
a given event's occurrence,
which is expressed as a
number between 1 and 0.

B. Establishing a purpose for the


In the next activity,

everyone is involved. Go a. Materials:
in front if you belong to the -electronic spinner/ roulette
given classifications to -Different color of flags

be mentioned.
b. Procedure:
You start moving when I - One representative
say, “Are you in or out” from each group.
- Each group will guess a
Classifications: color that will appear on
a) Math Lovers the wheel after spinning.
b) English Lovers - The group who
c) Math and English guessed the color
Lovers correctly will receive
d) Another subject please prizes.
(e.g. additional points,
*How many are Math candies/chocolates, etc)
Lovers? English
Lovers? Math and English Processing:
Lovers? 1. How many colors
are there in the wheel?
*What mathematical 2. Which color do you
concept was used in the think has the greatest or
activity? least chance to occur?
*What operation in sets 3. During the game, are
denotes the sum of you certain with your choice
“a” and “b”? the number of of color? Why?
“c”? 4. What is the game
all about?
5. Which particular topic
in Math deals with
C. Presenting examples/Instances TRY THIS… Consider the situations
of the new lesson Discuss among your below. Use your knowledge
groups the solution of on probability in filling up
each problem. No.1 the blanks that follow.
should be
1. A die is rolled once.
Find the probability
answered by of obtaining:
group 1, No. 2 by
group 2 and so
 Select a
representative to Sample
present and Space:
explain your
answer in a a. a 5
creative way (e.g. Sample
storey telling) Event: _

The extracurricular P(E) = =

activities in which the
senior class at General b. a 6
Mariano Alvarez Sample
Technical High School Event: _
participate are shown in
the Venn diagram below.
P(E) = =

c. an odd number
Event: _

P(E) = =

Extra-curricular activities 2. A box contains 3 red

participated by senior balls, 5 yellow balls, and 2
students of GMATHS blue balls. If a ball is picked
at random from the box,
1. How many students what is the probability that
are in the senior class? a ball picked is:

2. How many students
participate in athletics?

3. How many students

participate in drama or Sample Space:
band? _ ( D U B)

4. How many students a. yellow ball?

participate in drama and Sample
band? _ ( D Π B) Event: _

5. How many students P(E) = =

participate in drama, band
and athletics? _(D
b. red ball?
ΠBΠA) Sample Event:
* How were you able to
find the total number of
students in the senior P(E) = =

How does the concept of

set help you in finding the
intersection and union of
two or more events?

D. Discussing new concepts and THINK-PAIR-SHARE
practicing new skills # 1
Students enrolled in a
MAPEH class were
grouped depending on
their skills in dancing. This
is shown in the following
Venn diagram.


Direction: Name the sample

space, sample event and
solve for the probability of
an event.

*If a card is drawn from a

well-shuffled deck of
cards, find the probability
Answer the following: of drawing:
1. J Π S Π 20
2. J Π S a. an ace
3. S Π T b. a diamond
4. T Π J c. a face card
5. J U S
6. S U T
7. T U J
8. How many can dance
jive only?
9. How many can dance
salsa only?
10. How many can
dance tango only?

E. Discussing new concepts and 1. How did you
practicing new skills # 2 find the GUIDE QUESTIONS:
1. How many possible
How is union outcomes are there
and (number of cards in an
intersection ordinary deck of cards)?
of events 2. In an ordinary deck of
defined? playing cards, how
many (a) aces, (b)
How is the union diamond, and (c) face
and intersection of cards are there?
events determined?
3. What is the probability or
Using Venn diagram, how chance that you get (a)
are union and intersection of ace,
events illustrated? (b) diamond, (c) face

F. Developing mastery A survey was made on
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) students’s pets in a class Solve the following
of 40. The result is carefully, then write the
presented below. correct answer on the space
provided before each
Go over it and number.
answer the problems that
follow. _1. Earl Darenz is
asked to choose a day
from a week. What is the
probability of choosing a
day which starts from S?
_2. If a letter is
chosen at random from the
what is the probability that
the letter chosen is E?
_3. The sides of a
Answer the following: cube are numbered 11
1. C Π B Π D to
2. C Π D 16. If Jan Renz rolled
3. How many have birds? the cube once, what is
4. How many have 2 the probability of rolling
kinds of pets? a composite number?
5. How many have one kind _4. Of the 45 students
of pet only? in a class, 25 are boys. If a
student is selected at
random for a field trip, what
is the probability of selecting
a girl?

_5. A spinner is
divided equally and
numbered as follows:
2. What is the probability
that the pointer will stop
at an even prime?

G. Finding practical application of Solve each problem

concepts and skills in daily living accurately. Solve each
problem accurately.
1.) The municipal
government of Gen. 1. Out of 200 cellphones
Mariano Alvarez granted made by a certain
50 households a livelihood company in EPZA Rosario,
project, 18 took Kabute- Cavite, 5 are defective. If I
culture project, 26 in buy a cellphone from that
candle making, and 2 take company, what is the
both. How many probability that it is
households did not pursue defective?
with any of the 2 projects?
2. Aaron took an entrance
2.) A veterinarian surveys test in the University of
26 of his patrons. He Perpetual Help – GMA,
discovers that 14 have Cavite Campus. If the
dogs, 10 have cats, and 5 probability that he will
have fish. Four have dogs pass the test is 7/8, what
and cats, 3 have dogs and is the probability that he
fish, and one has a cat fails?
and fish. If no one has all
three kinds of
pets, how many patrons
have none of these pets?

H. Making generalizations and • Union---the union of two
abstractions about the lesson events A and B, denoted
as AUB , is the event that
occurs if either A or B or
both occur on a single Any event which consists
performance of an of a single outcome in the
experiment sample space is called an
elementary or simple event.
• Intersection---the
intersection of two events Probability is a measure or
A and B, denoted as AΠB estimation of how equally
, is the event that occurs if likely each event will occur.
both A and B occur on a It is denoted as P(E) and is
single performance of the given by
P(E) =
• There are different
possible ways that Events
A and B may happen in a
P(E) =
Space, these are
presented in the following
Venn diagrams.





(A) + (B)- A∩B) ∪





(A∩B) (A∩B)=0


I. Evaluating learning A group of players

In one half sheet of paper, identified themselves as
answer each problem within to what game/s they are
30 seconds. Choose the going to play. The result is
letter that corresponds to presented below.
the best answer.

1. Ms. Andrade, a Math

teacher, draws names to
see who will answer the
first problem. There are 10
boys and 16 girls in her
class. What is the Answer the following:
probability that he will draw 1. F Π B Π I
a girl’s name? A. 5/18 2. FΠ B
B. 8/13 C. 3. B Π I
5/8 D. ½
4. How many can
2. A set of cards includes play football?
15 green cards, 10 red 5. How many
cards, and 10 blue cards. plays baseball
What is the probability that only?
the card chosen at random
will be green?
A. 3/7 B. ¾
C. 2/7
D. 4/7
3. What is the probability
that the card chosen in
No. 2 at random will be
A. 2/3 B. 2/7
C. 3/7 D. 4/7
4. In scrabble, 2 of the 100
tiles are blank. Find the
probability of drawing a
blank tile from an entire
set of scrabble tiles?
A. 0.02 C. 1/50
B. 2% D. all
of the above

5. Rex is reading a 230-

page book. There are
illustrations on 48 pages. If
Rex opens the book at
random, what is the
probability that the page will
have an illustration?

A. 91/115 C. 24/91
B. 24/115 D. None of
the above

J. Additional activities for application A. Follow Up

or remediation
A. Follow Up Answer in your
Answer in your exercises exercises notebook.
notebook. 1. A box contains 7 red
110 Students were balls, 5 orange balls, 4
given the choice to join yellow balls, 6 green balls,
the English, Health and and 3 blue balls. What is the
Math Clubs. probability of drawing out an
orange ball?

2. Choosing a month from a

year, what is the probability
of selecting a month with
31 days?
Answer the following: 3. If one letter is chosen at
1. E Π H Π M random from the word
2. M U H TRUSTWORTHY, what is
3. E only the probability that the
4. How many joined 2 letter chosen is a
clubs? consonant?
5. How many are
members of club only? B. Study: pp. 330 – 331
-Define compound events.
B. Study: pp. 233 -Solve the following:
-How is the probability of
the union and intersection *N-Rich and Krisna are
of events determined? playing Snake and
- Find the probability of Ladder. N-Rich roll the die
Nos. 1 and 2 in A. twice.
What is the probability of
a. getting both
b. getting a sum of

2. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What
else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when
you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other


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