TG - Music 3 - Q4

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Lesson 1

Fastness and Slowness in Music

Fourth Quarter
Week 1

I. Objectives

1. Mimic animal movements according to speed

2. Sing songs with proper tempo based on conducting gestures

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Speed of Music

B. Song: “Mga Alaga Kong Hayop”, , G, re

C. Reference : Sanayang Aklat sa Musika 4 p. 167

D. Materials : pictures of animals, recorded music with different tempo

April 10, 2014

E. Values : Love of animals

F. Concept/s:

Tempo refers to the speed of music. It may be fast

or slow.

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Sing the song, “Quiet Voices” and let the children walk, tap, and
clap the beat/ pulse (slow then fast).

2. Review

Let the children march while singing the song “Quiet

Voices” with correct dynamics.

How did we sing the song “Quiet Voices”?

April 10, 2014

(We sang it softly and then loudly.)

Which part of the song is sung softly?

(first line and second line)
Which part is sung loudly?
(The third and fourth lines are sung loudly.)

How do we call the loudness and softness in music?

(We call it dynamics.)

Going back to our drill, how did we clap the beat/pulse?

(We clapped it fast and then slow.)

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation
Show pictures of the following animals:

DRAFT Let the children identify the animals in the pictures.

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How do these animals move?
(fast, slow)

2. Presentation

 Teacher sings the song to the class.

 Teacher teaches the song by echo singing or rote
 Teacher and pupils will sing the song together.

3. Discussion

Have the pupils identify the animals present in the song,

“Mga Alaga Kong Hayop”.
(rabbit, bird, cat, dog, and turtle)

Let the pupils imitate the movement or sounds made by

these animals.

How did the animals move in the song? (slow and fast)

Which of the following animals move fast?
Which of the following animals move slow?
(fast - rabbit, dog, cat, bird; slow - turtle)

In music, the fastness or slowness of a song is called

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Tempo can be shown through conducting gestures.

(Teacher shows different hand gestures showing fast and
slow tempo. The children will now sing the song by
following the hand gestures.)

4. Generalization
What is tempo?

5. Application

Teacher and pupils sing the song together.

Pupils will sing as they imitate the movement of each

animal mentioned in the song.

bird – spread arms as if flying

cat – jump

dog – run fast in place

turtle – glide/ crawl

rabbit – hop

What tempo can we use to compare the movements of the

following animals?


bird – fly (fast)

cat – jump (moderate)

dog – run (moderate)

turtle – crawl (slow)

rabbit – hop (fast)

Group the class according to the animals mentioned in the

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Let each group imitate the movements of the animal assigned

to them.

How did you feel as you went about the activity?

(I enjoyed the activity.)

Which of the animals has moderate movement? Which of the

animals has fast movement? Which of the animals has slow
(The dog and the cat have moderate movements. Birds and
rabbit move fast and the turtle moves slow.)

Which animals mentioned in the song do you have at home?

How do you care for them?

IV. Evaluation

Group the children into 4. Give each group a piece of paper

with an activity to do by drawing lots. The teacher will give
safety reminders before the activity.

Examples: Move fast

Fly slowly
Walk slowly
like a Gallop like a
like a bird in
kangaroo fast duck in a
tiptoe, in
in a like a straight
zigzag horse. line.

Paper 1 – Move fast like a kangaroo in a zigzag manner.
Paper 2 – Fly slowly like a bird in tiptoe, in any direction.
Paper 3 – Gallop fast like a horse in a circle.
Paper 4 – Walk slowly like a duck in a straight line.

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good Good Fair
4 3 2 1
1. Can imitate movements of
given animals correctly
2. Can perform animal
movements according to
fast and slow
3. Can differentiate the speed
of each movement
4. Can participate
cooperatively in group

V. Assignment

Draw animals that have fast and slow movements.

Animals that move fast Animals that move slow

April 10, 2014

Lesson 2
Slow, Moderate, and Fast Tempo

Fourth Quarter
Week 2

I. Objectives

1. Relate movement to tempo

2. Respond to tempo by moving
3. Distinguish fast, moderate, and slow speed of music
4. Use the terms fast, moderate, and slow to identify tempo

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic : Slow, Moderate, and Fast Tempo

B. Song: Engine, Engine No. 9

C. Materials: chart of songs, songs in CD/cassette/laptop

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D. Values : Obedience

E. Concept/s:

Tempo can be shown through different movements. It

can be slow, moderate, or fast. 

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Start the class with a warm-up activity using a chant
“Double Double”. (The teacher demonstrates how to do
the warm up activity.)

How to do it: Double - close fist

This - open palm with partner
That - back palm with partner

Double, Double

Double, double, this this

Double, double, that that
Double this, double that,
Double, double, this that

Do the warm up activity slowly the first time. As pupils become

familiar with the chant, gradually make the speed moderate
and then fast.

2. Review

Pupils sing “Mga Alaga Kong Hayop” using the appropriate

speed for each animal movement.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Look at the picture below:

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Tell something about the picture.

Have you experienced riding on a train?

What is the sound of the train?
(Totoot…, totoot …, totoot…)

2. Presentation
Train A Train B Train C

Recite the chant:

Engine, engine number 9

Going down the railroad line

If the train goes off the track

Will I get my money back?

Yes, no, maybe so

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3. Discussion

Where is train A going? (Going up)

How about train B? (Going down)

How about train C? (Going to the crossing)

If train A is going up the mountain, what will be its speed?


What will be the speed of train B if it is going down?


Train C is nearing the crossing and about to stop, what will

be its speed?
(Moderately getting slow)

Tempo can be shown through different movements.
Let us play a game. (The teacher will give safety reminders
before doing the activity)

Form three (3) groups. Each group will assign a leader

who will lead the train in their journey.
Leader will guide his members of the proper speed as
they go up, go down, and near the crossing.

4. Generalization

In what speed did we move to show the

different tempos? (We moved fast, moderate,
and slow)

5. Application

Listen to the recorded music of “Kalesa”. Ask the pupils to apply

the right speed or tempo to the different parts of the song.

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IV. Evaluation

Identify the movement of the following pictures. Write F for fast, S for
slow, or M for moderate.

1. (S)

2. (F)

4. (M)



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V. Assignment

Listen to different kinds of music and practice identifying tempo.

Lesson 3
Variations in Tempo

Fourth Quarter
Week 3

I. Objective

Sing songs with designated tempo

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Songs with designated Tempo

B. Song : “Ili-Ili Tulog Anay”, ,em, mi

“Look at Me”, , C, so

C. Materials : Song chart, recorded music

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D. Values : Appreciation of God’s creation

E. Concept/s:
Tempo in music can be shown through a combination of
locomotor / non-locomotor movements.

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Pupils recite “Engine, Engine Number 9 using fast, moderate,
and slow tempi.

2. Review
Give examples of animals that move fast, slow, and

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Let the pupils listen and move to the music. (Use songs with
fast, moderate, and slow tempo.)

2. Presentation

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What can you see in the pictures?
How do they move?
The teacher teaches the song by rote singing.
 Let the pupils sing the song.
 Let the pupils move and act out the song.

Animals Movements

butterfly fly

kangaroo hop

monkey climb

turtle walk

3. Discussion

What have you observed in the different movements of the


(Animals have different movements.)

Do they have the same speed when moving?

(They move at different speeds.)

How does the turtle move? (slow), bee?

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(fast)Kangaroo?(fast)monkey? (fast)

Let the pupils sing the song again with correct speed/tempo.

4. Generalization

What are the tempo used in the songs?

How did you show the slow, moderate, and fast tempo?
(The three tempo in the songs are slow, moderate, and fast. We
can show these tempo through body movements like flying,
walking, climbing, and hopping.)

5. Application
Listen to the music, “Alaga Kong Hayop”, “Ili-Ili Tulog Anay” and
let the children create movements following the speed
of the songs.

IV. Evaluation

Group the children into three. Each group will create their own
dance steps on the following songs.

Group A - Slow - “Ili- Ili TulogAnay”

Group B - Fast - “Leron, LeronSinta”
Group C - Moderate - “Bahay Kubo”

V. Agreement

Create actions/movements for the songs you hear on the radio

with slow, fast, and moderate tempo.


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Lesson 4

Two-Part Round

Fourth Quarter
Week 4

I. Objective

Demonstrate the concept of texture by singing “two-part round”

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Two-Part Round

B. Songs: 1. Pagbating May Ngiti , C, so
2. “Tayo Ay Magsaya”, , G, ti
3. “Are You Sleeping, Brother John”, , C, do

C. Reference: Music Time Upper Primary

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D. Materials: Song Charts

E. Values: Cooperation

F. Concepts : (For the Teacher)

A round is a musical composition wherein two or more

groups sing exactly the same melody. Here, the first group
starts ahead, while the second group follows after the first


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
a. Tonal:
Ask the pupils to sing the ascending and descending
scales using the hand signs.

b. Rhythmic :
Let pupils clap the pulse.

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2. Review
a. Greeting Song

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Let pupils listen to the song “Tayo ay Magsaya” in:

a. unison b. two-part round

Compare the two songs heard

(The first song has only one tune/melody; while the second song
has many tunes/melodies)

2. Presentation


April 10, 2014 Teacher sings the song.

Teacher teaches the song by rote method.
Pupils will sing the song in tune.

3. Discussion
Look at the song in the chart. How many lines do you see?(two.)

Sing the first line, then the second line.

Let’s sing the song together.
How did you sing the song?
(We sang together with the same melody.)
We call it singing in unison. It means that singers are singing
together the same melody at the same time.

Group the class in two.
Let the first group sing the first line, second group
follows/sings after the first line.
Repeat the song twice.

Did you notice differences in the way it was sung?

How do you describe the sound you heard?
(It was thicker the second time we sang it.)

Which has thinner sound, the first time you sang it or the
second time? (The first time we sang has thinner sound.)
Which one is thicker?
(The sound is thicker the second time because it has more
than one melodic line.)

What makes the sound thinner?
What makes the sound thicker?
(It is the number of melodic line that makes the sounds
thicker or thinner. The more melodic lines there are, the

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thicker the sound, the less melodic lines there are, the
thinner the sound.)

What do you call a song sung by two groups that do not

begin at the same time?
(Round song – two-part round)

4. Generalization

What is a two - part round?

 (A two-part round is a musical composition where two
groups sing exactly the same melody. Here, the first
group starts ahead, while the second group follows
after the first line.)

5. Application
Let the pupils sing “Are you Sleeping, Brother John?” in
two-part round.

1  2

3  4

IV. Evaluation



Skills good
Good Fair Improvement
3 2 1
1. Can sing in correct
2. Can differentiate

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unison singing from
round singing
3. Can demonstrate the
concept of texture in
music by singing two-
part round
4. Can sing in correct
5. Can participate
actively in all group

V. Assignment
Present a round. Sing with your group the song “Row, Row, Row Your

Lesson 5

Partner Songs

Fourth Quarter
Week 5

I. Objective

Demonstrate the concept of texture by singing partner songs

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Partner Songs

B. Songs : “Leron-Leron Sinta” – “Pamulinawen” ,G, re

C. Materials: Song Chart, CD of songs, pitch pipe

D. Values: Acknowledgement of Philippine Folk Songs

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E. Concepts: (For the Teacher)

Unison - performance of a single melodic line by more than one

instrument or voice at the same pitch

Partner song - two songs with the same meter and mood to be
sung at the same time

         Melody 1 

         Melody 2 

III .Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
a. Tonal drill – “Sing My Hand”

DRAFT Using the Kodaly hand signs, let the pupils sing

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Melodic phrases – so, la, so, mi
so, la, la, so, so mi
mi, re, mi, mi, so, mi
mi, re, mi, so, mi, re, do

b. Rhythmic Dictation
The teacher will clap a short rhythmic pattern. Pupils will write
the given rhythmic pattern using stick notation.

1. 3. 5.

2. 4.

2. Review Song –“Tayo ay Magsaya”

Let the children sing the song “Tayo ay Magsaya” in unison

and in round.

a. unison
b. round

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Present the picture.

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What does the picture show?
(The picture shows two pupils doing different tasks. One is
sweeping the floor and the other one cleaning the board.)

Are the two pupils in the picture doing their chores

(Yes, they are working together.)

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What do you see in the picture?
(spoon and fork, shoes and socks, jam and bread)
Where do you use these things?
(We use them in eating, in going to school.)

Do you use them at the same time, separately, or one after

the other?
(We use them together at the same time.)

Can you consider them partners? Why?

(Yes, because they are used as pair and they go together.)

2. Presentation
a. Ask the pupils to sing “Leron, Leron Sinta” in unison.

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One of our national heritages is our folk songs. Folk songs
are songs handed down from generation to generation.

Generally speaking, folk songs use simple melodies.

b. Ask the pupils to read the lyrics of “Pamulinawen”.

The teacher will guide the pupils in singing the song.

3. Discussion

How many songs do we have?

(2 songs)

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How many groupings of beats do we have in “Leron,Leron Sinta?
(16 groupings)
How many groupings of beats do we have in “Pamulinawen”?
(16 groupings)

What is the meter of the song, “Leron,Leron Sinta”?

(It is in duple or in 2s.)

What is the meter of the song, “Pamulinawen”?

(It is also in duple or in 2s.)

Divide the class into two groups. One group will sing “Leron,
Leron Sinta” while the other one will sing “Pamulinawen”. Both
groups will sing their respective songs at the same time.

Did you finish singing at the same time? Why?

(Yes, we finished at the same time because the two songs
have the same meter and number of groupings)
“Leron, Leron Sinta” and “Pamulinawen” are partner
songs. They are two different songs with the same number
of groupings.

What can you say about the quality of sound produced

when the two songs were sung together?
(The sound is thicker when the two songs were sung

What is the difference in sound quality when the songs

were sung in unison?
(The sound is thinner when then songs were sung in


4. Generalization

What is a partner song?

April 10, 2014

A partner song is composed of two songs with the
same meter and mood, that when put together
produce a pleasing sound.

5. Application

Let pupils sing the following songs in unison and as partner

songs. Have them observe singing in correct pitch and

“Leron, Leron Sinta”


IV. Evaluation


Skills good
Good Fair Improvement
4 1
3 2
1. Can sing in correct pitch
2. Can identify partner
3. Can demonstrate
concept of texture in
music by singing partner
4. Can sing in correct

5. Can demonstrate active
participation in all the
activities related to the

April 10, 2014

V. Assignment
1. Choose a partner. Practice singing the partner song.
2. Bring a flag that represents a country of your choice.

Lesson 6
Melodic Lines

Fourth Quarter
Week 6

I. Objective
Distinguish between single and multiple melodic lines which
occur simultaneously

II. Subject Matter

A. Topics: Single Melodic Line and Multiple Melodic Lines

B. Songs: “Its’ a Small World”, , G, mi
“He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands”, , F, do

C. Materials: Song Chart, CD of songs

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D. Reference: Music Time Lower and Upper Primary

E. Values: Friendship/Understanding

F. Concepts: (For the Teacher)

• Texture is determined by the timbre of voices or instruments,

the number or size of performers and the manner by which
one or more melodies are harmonized.

• Musical texture can be described as Single Melodic Line

(SML) or Multiple Melodic Lines (MML).

• Unison singing has Single Melodic Line (SML) while singing

partner songs produced Multiple Melodic Lines (MML).

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
a. Rhythmic Drill
 “Its’ a Small World”- One group will clap the steady beat in
 “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands” – The other group
will clap the rhythm of the song.

b. Tonal Drill - Neighboring tones do-re-mi, mi-fa-so

re–mi-fa, so-la-ti

2. Review Songs – “Leron, Leron Sinta” – “Pamulinawen”

(to be sung as partner songs)

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Show picture of a globe. Around the globe, there are groups of
children from different parts of the world holding each other’s

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What can you say about the picture?

(There are children from different parts of the world holding each
other’s hands)
What does it show?
(It shows unity and friendship among nations)

How can we have good relationship with our neighbors?

(by respecting others’ rights, being kind and understanding)

2. Presentation
Let’s sing “Its’ a Small World”. We will march around the room as
we sing the song.

How many melodic lines do we have in this song? (1
melodic line)

Bring out your flags.

Form a circle and tell the country you are representing.

We have a song that has something to do with your flags.

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Listen as teacher sings the song, “He’s got the Whole World
in His Hands”.

Teacher sings each line of the song and pupils repeat after

How many melodic lines do we have in this song? (one or

single melodic Line SML)

Sing the two songs together. Row I will sing “Its’ a Small World”
while Row II will sing “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands”.
Then, repeat with Row I singing “He’s Got the Whole World In His
Hands” and “Row II singing, “It’s a Small World”.

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3. Discussion
What did you notice about the sound produced when we sang
the songs one after the other? Compare it when we sang the two
songs simultaneously.
(It has thinner sound when we sang the two songs one after the
other and the sound became thicker when the two songs were
sung together.)

Look at the melodic lines of each song. What have you

noticed? How many melodic lines are there in the song “Its’
a Small World”?, “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands” ?
(One melodic line)
It has only one melodic line or single melodic line (SML)

Look at the third song. How many melodic lines do you see?
(Many melodic lines)

There are multiple melodic lines (MML).

If there are two songs being sung together, this is what we

call partner songs.

4. Generalization
When do we have single melodic line (SML) in singing?
When do we have multiple melodic lines (MML)?
(Unison singing produces one melodic line. Round song or

partner song produces two or more melodic lines.)

5. Application
Get a partner and sing the following songs.
A. “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands – It’s a Small World”

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B. “Leron, Leron Sinta – Pamulinawen”

IV. Evaluation

Very Needs
Knowledge/Skill Good
Good Improvement
1. Can identify single and
multiple melodic lines
2. Can sing partner songs
harmoniously with the group.
3. Can show mastery in singing
partner songs
4. Can participate actively in all
the activities

V. Agreement

Practice singing partner songs correctly. Sing the songs applying correct
dynamics and tempo.

Lesson 7

Texture in Music

Fourth Quarter
Week 7

I. Objective
Distinguish between thinness and thickness of musical sound
II. Subject Matter
A. Topics: Thinness and Thickness of Musical Sound
B. Songs: “Awit ng Buhay” , , C, do
C. Materials: Song Charts
D. Values: Unity

E. Concepts: (For Teacher)

• The kind of musical texture depends on the number of

musical lines found in one song.
• Melodies move horizontally that’s why they create a

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single melodic line.
• Melodies can also move vertically to create layers of
melodic lines resulting in various kinds of textures.

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill:
Echo Clapping

2. Review Song – “Are You Sleeping, Brother John” (In unison
then as round)

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
What makes your life happy?

2. Presentation
Let children listen as teacher sings the song, “Awit ng

April 10, 2014
How many lines do we have in the song, “Awit ng
(There are three (3) lines.)

Teacher divides the class into three (3) groups.

Let the pupils sing “Awit ng Buhay “ in three - part round.

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3. Discussion
When we sang the song “Awit ng Buhay” in unison, what kind of
melodic lines do we have? (Single Melodic Line)

How about when we sang it as a round song? What happened

to the melodic lines? (It became multiple melodic lines).

4. Generalization

When do we say that a song has a single or multiple melodic


(We have single melodic line when we sing songs in unison and
multiple melodic lines when we sing a song as round.)

What kind of sound do we produce if a song has a single

melodic line?
(With single melodic line, we have thin sound.)
What kind of sound do we produce if a song has multiple
melodic lines?
(We have thick sound if a song has multiple melodic lines.)

5. Application
Group Work

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Group I – Sing the song in unison.

“Tayo ay Magsaya” 

Group II -Sing these as partner songs.

“He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” / “It’s a Small World” 

Group III – Sing the song in unison.

“Awit ng Buhay” 

Group IV – Sing these as partner songs.

“Sarung Banggi” / “Dandansoy” 

IV. Evaluation

Very Needs
Knowledge/Skill Good
Good Improvement
1. Can sing in tune
2. Can demonstrate
understanding of
thinness and thickness
through round song
3. Can distinguish between
thinness and thickness of
musical sound
4. Can participate actively
in all the activities

V. Assignment
Get a partner and present a song in unison, round, or partner song.

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Lesson 8
Multiple Melodic Lines

Fourth Quarter
Week 8

I. Objective
Distinguish between thinness and thickness of musical sound
II. Subject Matter

A. Topics: Thinness and Thickness of Musical Sound

B. Song: Bahay Kubo, , C, so

C. Reference: Music Time Lower and Upper Primary

D. Materials: Song Charts, CD of songs
E. Values: Unity and Friendship
F. Concepts: (For Teachers)

• Musical texture may be light or thin, heavy or thick.

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• The more melodic lines there are, the thicker the sound is,
the lesser melodic lines there are, the thinner the sound is.

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Drills:

a. Rhythmic Drill
Let the children clap steady beats in 3s

b. Group Work
The class will be divided into three groups, Group I will clap the
steady beats in 3s. Group II will clap the rhythm of the song,
“Bahay Kubo” and Group III will sing “Bahay Kubo”.

c. Tonal Drill - Using the Kodaly hand signs, practice singing do

mi- so in tune.

2. Review Songs – “Awit ng Buhay”

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Ask the children to get crayons. Using different colors, let them
draw 3 groups of lines. On the upper portion of the paper, let them
draw a single horizontal line.

In the middle part of the paper, let them draw 2 horizontal lines
and at the bottom part, ask them to draw as many horizontal lines
as they can. Ask them to compare the colored lines they have

April 10, 2014

2. Presentation
Ask the children to compare the song charts and figure out which
melodic line is thin and which is thick.

Song chart # 1 - “Bahay Kubo” in unison

Song chart # 2 – “Bahay Kubo” in two voices

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Song chart # 3 – “Bahay Kubo” in two voices with rhythmic

Which song chart has thinner melodic lines? Why?
Which song chart has thicker melodic lines? Why?
What can you say about song chart number 3?

For song chart number 2, ask the question and guide the pupils in
analyzing the song.
How many melodic lines do we have on the first staff?
(There are 2 melodic lines on the first staff.)
Listen to the music of “Bahay Kubo”.
First, the teacher will play the upper melodic line of “Bahay Kubo”.
Then, the teacher will play the lower melodic line.
Next, the teacher will play both the upper and the lower melodic
lines of “Bahay Kubo”.

( Note: if the teacher cannot play the music, a recorded version of
“Bahay Kubo with the upper and lower melodic lines will be

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3. Discussion
What can you say about the sound you heard? Describe.
(The first music of “Bahay Kubo“ is thin while the second one
is thick.)

What do you think affects the sound?

(The number of melodic lines affects the sound.)

4. Generalization
How does melodic line affect the texture of the sound?
(Texture in music is affected by the number of melodic lines
in the song .The more melodic lines there are, the thicker the
sound is.)

5. Application
a. Sing the song “Bahay Kubo” in unison with guitar or any
available musical accompaniment.
b. Sing the song “Bahay Kubo” with rhythmic instruments as

Option 1 for the teacher:
Pupils will sing the melody while the teacher sings the
second voice or alto part.

Option 2 for the teacher:

Pupils will sing the melody while the teacher plays the
accompaniment. (Piano or Guitar)

IV. Evaluation

Write thin if the situation creates a thin sound and thick if it creates a
thick sound.

__________ 1. The whole class sings “Bahay Kubo” in unison.

__________ 2. Ana sings “Awit ng Buhay” with accompaniment.

__________ 3. The pupils of Jose Rizal Elementary School sing the

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National Anthem in unison without accompaniment.

__________ 4. The class of Ms. Santos sings the partner songs.

__________ 5. The Grade Three class was divided into two groups
for round singing.

V. Assignment

Form a group and present a song in unison, round, or partner song.

(Answers for evaluation)

1. thin
2. thick
3. thin
4. thick
5. thick

4th Quarter
Learning Competencies Level of Assessment No. of Item Percent
Knowledge Process Understanding Performance Items Placement
15% 25% 30% 30%
1. mimics animal
movements according to 5 5 1 -5 13%

2. sings songs with

proper tempo following
basic conducting 1 35 2%

3. relates movement to 5 5 21 -25 13%

changes and variations
in tempo

4. responds with 3 3 31 -33 7%

movement to tempo

5. distinguishes among
fast, moderate, and slow
in music 5 5 11 -15 13%

6. uses the terms fast,

April 10, 2014

moderate, and slow to
identify tempo changes
and variations

7. Sings songs with 1 1 34 2%

designated tempo

8. demonstrates the
concept of texture by 1 2 5 8 7, 26 -27, 36 - 20%
singing “two-part rounds” 40

9. demonstrates the
concept of texture by
singing “partner songs” 2 2 4 6, 10, 28 -29 10%

10. distinguishes
between single melodic 1 5 1 7 8, 16 -20, 30 18%
line and multiple melodic
lines which occur

10. distinguishes
between thinness and 1 1 9 2%
thickness of musical

TOTAL 10 (15%) 10 (25%) 10 (30%) 10 (30%) 40 1 - 40 100%

4th Grading Period

Name ____________________________ Date ____________

School ___________________________ Score ___________

I. Knowledge (15%)

A. Draw a star in the box if the picture shows fast

movement and triangle if it shows slow movement.



April 10, 2014 3.



B. Match column A with column B. In the box, write the
letter of the correct answer.


6. “Leron-Leron Sinta” – “Pamulinawen” A. sing with

7. “Tayo ay Magsaya” B. thinness
of sound

8. Unison C. partner
song of
“It’s a

April 10, 2014


9. Texture D. partner

10. “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands E. two-


II. Process (25%)

A. Listen to the recorded music of the following songs.

Identify the tempo of the songs. On the blank, write F for
fast and S for slow.

___________ 11. Ili-Ili Tulog Anay

___________ 12. When the Saints Go Marching In
___________ 13. Leron-Leron Sinta
___________ 14. Manang Biday
___________ 15. For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow
B. Listen to recorded music. Write SML if the sound has a
single melodic line and MML if it has multiple melodic lines.

___________ 16. choral group singing the national anthem

in 4 voices
___________ 17. solo singing a capella
___________ 18. singing with accompaniment
___________ 19. duet

___________ 20. group singing in unison
III. Understanding (30%)
A. Identify the movements shown in the pictures by
drawing a half moon for slow, star for fast and

April 10, 2014

diamond for moderate in the blank.




___________ 24.

___________ 25.
B. Write your answers.

(26-27) Explain how to sing a two-part round.

(28 – 29) Explain how to sing partner songs.

April 10, 2014

30. Explain the difference between single melodic line
(SML) and multiple melodic lines (MML).

IV. Performance (30%). Use the rubrics in evaluating the

A. Create movements appropriate to the given music.

(3 points)
Criteria Evident Not evident
32. Accurate
Appropriateness of
movements to


B. Sing Lupang Hinirang with proper tempo while

conducting. (2 points)
Criteria Evident Not evident

April 10, 2014

35. correct hand
gestures in

C. Sing two-part round with your group. (5 points)

Criteria Evident Not evident
36. Accuracy of
37. Correct tempo
38. Harmony of
39. Good quality
of voice
40. Correct

Grade 3 

4th Summative Test – Tempo and Texture 


1     6            D  11      S 16     MML 21 

2   7            E  12      F 17     SML 22 
3  8            A  13      F 18     MML 23 
4  9            B  14      S 19     MML 24 
5  10          C  15      F 20     SML 25 

26 ‐27. Two groups singing melody but the first group sings ahead by one 

28 ‐29. Two groups singing two different songs simultaneously 

30. It is single melodic line (SML) if there is only one melody and it is 
multiple melodic line (MML) if there is more than one melody 

April 10, 2014

31 – 40 Count the number of check items in the rubrics. 


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