Irrigation Technologies

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Report to the


compiled by

Wayne Truter1, Omphile Sehoole1, Malissa Murphy1, Melake Fessehazion1,

John Annandale1, Caren Jarmain2, Mpendulo Dlamini1 and Colin Everson1,2
1 Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Pretoria
2 Centre of Water Resources Research, School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences,
University of KwaZuluǦNatal
3 Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Stellenbosch University

WRC Report No. TT 697/16

December 2016
Obtainable from
Water Research Commission
Private Bag X03
GEZINA, 0031 or download from

The publication of this report emanates from a project entitled Water use and crop parameters of
pastures for livestock grazing management (WRC Project No. K5/2173).

This report forms part of a series of two reports. The other report is Water Use and Crop Parameters
of Pastures for livestock Grazing Management (WRC Repot No. 2173/1/16).

This report has been reviewed by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and approved for
publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of
the WRC nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or
recommendation for use.

ISBN 978-1-4312-0839-5
Printed in the Republic of South Africa

© Water Research Commission



Ideal pasture management is the production of economically optimum forage yield and quality
without compromising the environment. Accurate irrigation scheduling plays an important role in
deciding the income of a dairy enterprise by affecting yield and quality; irrigation input and energy
usage; and environmental pollution. Improved knowledge of irrigation timing and amount can also
be of great value in scheduling other cultural operations.

The current irrigation guideline of most temperate grasses and legumes is 25 mm of irrigation water
per week regardless of season or region. Evaporative demand obviously differs between locations
and over time for a specific location, and as crop canopy cover varies, therefore a rigid guideline of
25 mm per week will lead to over or under irrigation in different seasons. There is clearly a need to
determine irrigation requirements of Lucerne and common grass/legumes mixtures by developing
site specific guidelines or charts that indicate when and how much to irrigate. The irrigation
requirements developed can be flexible by deducting measured rainfall since the last irrigation event.

Therefore, the objectives of this research were to determine water requirements of Lucerne and
common grass/legumes mixtures through testing and evaluation of the model and develop generic
guidelines for efficient irrigation management of grass/legume pastures.


The most important aspects of irrigation management are: 1) proper functioning of the irrigation
system, 2) knowledge of crop water use and its sensitivity to water stress, and 3) proper
measurement of rainfall and irrigation. The farmer can manage the soil water balance to his
advantage by minimising wasteful losses such as runoff, evaporation and deep drainage. This will
leave more water in the soil for crop water uptake which is regarded as a useful loss.

Atmospheric evaporative demand is the driving force for crop water use. Atmospheric demand
depends on the prevailing weather conditions at any time in the growing season. Crop water
requirements can, as a result of the weather, differ substantially between localities and different
seasons for the same locality. Therefore, it should be clear that fixed recipes for irrigation
management cannot be applied universally. Site specific irrigation management is necessary for each
field, taking into account the factors mentioned above.

2.1 When and how much water to apply?

Plant water usage can be monitored or estimated using several soil, plant or atmospheric based
scheduling methods. The irrigator can follow different strategies in making a decision on when and
how much to irrigate. The timing can be based on three strategies; namely to irrigate at a fixed
frequency (time interval), when a fixed amount (mm) is depleted or when a certain threshold
depletion has been reached. After making the decision when to irrigate, the irrigation manager has
the following three options in determining the irrigation amount: refill the soil to field capacity, apply
a leaching fraction or a deficit irrigation strategy.

2.2 Irrigation monitoring tools and approaches

Deciding when and how much to irrigate can be made with several approaches or tools. Most
methods attempt to measure or estimate one or more components of the soil-plant-atmosphere
system. In practice, soil or atmospheric methods are most often used for irrigation management.

2.2.1 Soil based approaches

Soil water content

The most popular soil water content measuring instruments currently used by irrigators are neutron
and capacitance probes. These can be very useful to assist the irrigator in monitoring soil water
response to current irrigation practices, and how to adjust irrigation amounts and frequencies
through adaptive learning.

Soil water potential

Tensiometers and gypsum block sensors are the most popular instruments used for soil water
potential measurements. The soil water potential gives an indication of when to irrigate, but does
not give a direct indication of how much to irrigate. However, farmers can adapt the optimum
management for their own site.

Depth of wetting
The FullStop® Wetting Front Detector (WFD) is a funnel shaped tool that is buried in the root zone
and gives a signal to farmers when water reaches a specific depth in the soil. WFDs tell a farmer
whether irrigation application was too little or too much. Soil solution can also be extracted from the
detector using a syringe and be used for nutrient and salt measurement. WFDs can be very useful for
irrigation management and through adaptive management the user can learn how to adjust
irrigation amounts and frequencies.

2.2.2.Atmospheric demand

The atmospheric evaporative demand is the driving force for crop water use and depends on
prevailing weather conditions. Atmospheric methods are useful to establish the upper limits of crop
water use. Automatic weather stations are used to measure the weather variables for different
localities. Then evaporative demand can be calculated from the weather data and can be for
determining crop water use.

Irrigation calendars
Calendar based irrigation scheduling tools spell out for a farmer in advance when and how much to
irrigate. These calendars are based on long-term measurements and modelling. Once developed the
calendars require no further input from the developer. Calendars can be developed for different sites
and soils to promote easy and ready adoption of improved irrigation management practices by
farmers who do not have access to any irrigation scheduling tools.

Real time irrigation scheduling models

Computer models or programs are used to calculate crop growth and water use processes with
mathematical equations. Mechanistic models take the supply of water from the soil-root system, the

demand from the atmosphere and the crop canopy size into account to accurately calculate crop
water use. Simulation models can, therefore, integrate the plant, soil and atmospheric systems to
simulate plant water usage. User-friendly models can make accurate, high technology approaches to
irrigation scheduling feasible on-farm. This approach can both reduce the costs and increase the
benefits of irrigation scheduling.


IMJ Consultants in collaboration with Dairy Australia and the University of Melbourne developed
DairyMod. DairyMod is a daily time-step model with modules for pasture growth in response to
• climate,
• pasture utilization by grazing animals,
• animal physiology,
• growth,
• metabolism and lactation,
• water dynamics including transpiration,
• soil evaporation,
• runoff,
• infiltration and deep drainage,
• soil organic matter, and
• nitrogen dynamics, including leaching and gaseous losses through volatilization and leaching.

There are flexible options for pasture management, irrigation, fertilizer application, stock
management and supplementary feeding strategies.

3.1 Pasture growth module

Includes calculations of :
• light interception and photosynthesis,
• growth and maintenance respiration,
• nutrient uptake and nitrogen fixation,
• partitioning of new growth into the various plant parts,
• development,
• tissue turnover and senescence, and
• the influence of atmospheric CO2 on growth.

The model allows up to five pasture species in any simulation, which can be annual or perennial, C3
or C4, as well as legumes.

3.2 Water module

• accounts for rainfall and irrigation inputs that can be intercepted by the canopy,
• surface litter or soil.

The required hydraulic soil parameters are
• saturated hydraulic conductivity,
• bulk density which is used to calculate saturated water content,
• field capacity or drained upper limit,
• wilting point, and
• air-dry water content.

3.3 Soil organic matter and nitrogen dynamics module

Are defined through the soil profile. Organic matter turnover and inorganic nitrogen mineralization
or immobilization, movement in the soil (leaching), adsorption in the soil, and atmospheric losses
through volatilization and denitrification are included. The supply of organic matter is from litter,
dung and dead roots. There are three soil organic matter pools (in addition to surface litter, dung and
live roots): fast and slow turnover, and inert. The only input to the inert pool is through fire.

3.4 Animal module

• animal growth,
• pregnancy and lactation as well in response to available energy, and includes
o body protein,
o water and fat.

Animal protein weight is taken to be the primary indicator of metabolic state, while fat is regarded as
a potential source of metabolic energy for physiological processes, such as energy requirements
during lactation. Animal intake in response to available pasture and pasture quality is described, as
well as intake from supplementary feed. Feed composition has a direct effect on growth and
metabolism, including lactation, as well as nitrogen dynamics and the nitrogen contents of dung and

This DairyMod model is comprehensive and has the ability to estimate water requirements of
different pasture species very well in relation to expected production.


SWB can estimate real-time crop water requirements (day-to-day water use during the growing
season) and recommend the irrigation amount and date, based on the current crop water usage and
set user preferences. If farmers do not have access to daily weather data, SWB can be used to
develop site-specific irrigation calendars. In such instances the long-term temperature, as well as soil
and management inputs for a specific locality are used to generate site-specific irrigation calendars
for a season. The calendar, which recommends irrigation dates and amounts, can be printed out and
used as a guide to manage irrigations. Calendar recommendations must be corrected by subtracting
rainfall from recommended irrigation amounts if applicable.
4.1 Input

The model can be used by farmers or consultants to develop their own calendars with relatively few
and simple inputs. The model requires input for crop, weather, soil and irrigation management. The
minimum required inputs are discussed briefly.

4.1.1 Field/Crop input

Two types of crop models can be selected in the Field form. The Crop growth model is based on the
calculation of dry matter partitioning to plant organs and leaf area. Crop specific input parameter
data sets for the mechanistic growth model or FAO crop coefficient model are available in the model.
Depending on circumstances, calendars for a single pasture can be easily developed with either

4.1.2 Weather input

The location and long-term weather data, including minimum and maximum temperatures from a
nearby weather station, are the minimum inputs required. The model will then use daily average
weather data for recommending irrigations.

4.1.3 Soil input

The model requires soil input parameters including soil depth, soil type and initial soil water content.
Soil water content at field capacity and wilting point and bulk density can be estimated from soil

Soil depth
Depth of soil can be determined by digging profile holes at representative sites in the field.

Soil type
Soil textural class or type can be determined by taking soil samples and conducting textural analyses
in any soil laboratory. In the irrigator version of SWB, soils can be grouped as very light (coarse sand),
light (sandy), medium (sandy clay loam) or heavy (clay).

Initial water content

Initial soil water content can either be set to dry (wilting point – WP), medium (moist) or wet (field
capacity – FC).

4.1.4 Irrigation management

Irrigation management includes irrigation system, delivery rate, irrigation timing and refill options.

Irrigation timing
Irrigation timing can be based on three strategies; namely to irrigate at a fixed time interval, when a
fixed amount is depleted or when a certain depletion level has been reached.

Refill option
For refill options, farmers can irrigate to the full point (field capacity), follow a form of deficit
irrigation (leave room for rain) or apply water exceeding the storage capacity for leaching salts.

Irrigation system
A range of irrigation systems can be selected including furrow, sprinkler, pivot, micro and drip.

Delivery rate
This depends on the irrigation system:
Sprinkler: mm per hour
Pivot: application rate (at 100%) in mm and hours required for one revolution (at 100%)

4.2 Run options

In order to run the model, the start and end date of the simulation or the intended duration of the
irrigation calendar to be developed needs to be specified.

4.3 Output/irrigation recommendations

The recommendation table includes: when the pasture should be irrigated, recommended water
requirement in mm, a column to enter rain since previous irrigation in mm and a column to calculate
recommended irrigation amount by subtracting rain from water requirement and a column to write


Monthly general irrigation intervals were developed for a deep, well drained and fertilised, medium
textured soils for most common high producing areas. General irrigation intervals were developed by
irrigating the lucerne and common grass/legume pastures when 25 mm soil water was depleted so
that 25 mm will be replenished (similar to farmers’ recommendation but scheduling the timing
according to long-term water requirement).

Key production areas for lucerne and mixed pastures were selected for the purpose of this study to
illustrate the difference in water requirements of different pastures in response to site specific
climatic conditions and pasture management.


DairyMod and SWB models can be used by farmers or consultants to determine their irrigation
requirements with relatively few and simple inputs. Therefore, irrigators can follow different
strategies for making a decision on when and how much to irrigate depending on particular
situations. In this study the models were used for developing irrigation guidelines using annual
lucerne and common grass/legume pastures as example.

In the absence of irrigation scheduling tools, site specific irrigation guidelines can be calculated using
the models, and would be better than a rigid guideline of 25 mm a week. It needs to be stressed,
however, that irrigation scheduling with the aid of real time modelling or measurements is the best

way of calculating irrigation guidelines using a models. The models are available on the web and can
be downloaded free of charge.

The mechanistic crop growth model cannot simulate mixed pasture which is commonly planted these
days. Owing to differences in numbers, types and proportions of species in mixed pastures the use of
an FAO approach would likely be a better option. It is also imperative to evaluate the mixed pastures
canopy cover rather than focussing on the predominant specie in the mixture. The latter is important
because the species composition changes in response to management inputs. These models have
been calibrated and tested for newly planted and already established pastures.


The research in this report emanates from a solicited project initiated, managed and funded by
the Water Research Commission, entitled: “Water use and crop parameters of pastures for
livestock grazing management”.

The research team would like to thank the following reference group members for their interest
and their helpful comments:

Dr S Mpandeli Water Research Commission (Chairman)

Dr GR Backeberg Water Research Commission
Dr R Mottram Mottram and Associates
Mr R Findlay Private
Mr Rob Walker Intelac
Dr Albert Smith Stats4Science
Mr Keith Ramsay Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

The project was only possible with the co-operation of many individuals and organisations, and
the authors wish to express their gratitude to the following:

Michael van der Laan, Carin for their help with the modelling work.

1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 4
1.3 Species evaluated 6


2.1 Factors affecting irrigation scheduling 10
2.1.1 When to irrigate? 10
2.1.2 How much water to apply? 11
2.1.3 Irrigation monitoring tools and approaches 11
2.1.4 Soil based approaches 12 Soil water content 12 Soil water potential 12 Depth of wetting 12
2.1.5 Atmospheric demand 13 Empirical crop factor 13 Real time irrigation scheduling models 13


3.1. Biophysical parameters 17
3.2 Crop 24
3.3 Soil 28
3.4 Climate data 32
3.5 Management 33
3.6 Paddocks 35


4.1 Input 38
4.1.1 Field/Crop input 38
4.1.2 Weather input 39
4.1.3 Soil input 39
4.1.4 Irrigation management 39 Irrigation timing 39 Refill option 39 Irrigation system 40 Delivery rate 40
4.2 Run options (Generate calendars) 40
4.3 Output/irrigation recommendations 40


5.1 Production areas 42
5.2 Estimated pasture crop water requirements – Mono specific pastures (ON STATION) 47
5.2.1 Kikuyu 47
5.2.2 Tall fescue 48
5.2.3 Lucerne 49
5.2.4 White clover 50
5.3 Estimated pasture crop water requirements – Mixed pastures (ON STATION) 51

5.3.1 Kikuyu – Lucerne pasture 51
5.3.2 Tall fescue – Lucerne 53
5.4 Estimated pasture crop water requirements – (ON FARM) 54
5.4.1 Lucerne (North West Province) 54
5.4.2 Mixed kikuyu/ryegrass pasture (Grazed) 55
5.5 Estimated water requirements 56


6.1 Conclusions 58


List of definitions

1. Adaptive management: A learning process through which a farmer is able to adopt practices
that make sense for his specific conditions to increase profits and reduce environmental
impacts at the same time (Lee, 1993).

2. Crop coefficient: the crop coefficient is defined as the ratio of ET from any specific crop or soil
surface to some reference ET as defined by weather data.

3. Crop coefficients are properties of plants used in predicting evapotranspiration (ET). The most
basic crop coefficient, Kc, is simply the ratio of ET observed for the crop studied over that
observed for the well calibrated reference crop under the same conditions.

4. ETo (Reference crop evapotranspiration): The evapotranspiration rate from a reference surface
(Calculated using grass as a reference crop). The reference surface is a hypothetical grass
reference crop with specific characteristics was introduced to study the evaporative demand of
the atmosphere independently of crop type, crop development and management practices. The
reference evapotranspiration as determined by the Penman-Monteith approach considers an
imaginative crop with fixed parameters and resistance coefficients.

5. ETr (reference evapotranspiration): ETr is defined as the rate at which water would be removed
from the soil and plant surfaces expressed as the rate of latent heat transfer per unit area, or as
a depth of water per unit time evaporated and transpired from a reference crop. The use of ETr
for a specified crop surface has largely replaced the use of the more general potential crop ET.
This is calculated using alfalfa as the reference crop.

6. Leaf Are Index (LAI): is a dimensionless quantity that characterizes plant canopies. It is defined
as the one-sided green leaf area per unit ground surface area (LAI = leaf area/ground area,
m2/m2) in broadleaf canopies.

7. Mixed pastures: are pastures comprising of different grasses or grass/legume combinations

growing together.

8. Monospecific pastures: are pastures comprising of a single species of grass or legume.

9. Overseeding: The process by which a seed is broadcast in to existing vegetation irrespective of

whether the existing vegetation is a pasture, a standing crop or stubble.

10. Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR): designates the spectral range (wave band) of solar
radiation from 400 to 700 nanometers that photosynthetic organisms are able to use in the
process of photosynthesis.

11. Soil water balance: It is the difference between inputs and losses that reflect a change in soil
water storage

12. Soil water (moisture) deficit: this is the amount of rain needed to bring the soil moisture
content back to field capacity.

13. Water use efficiency: A quantitative measurement of how much biomass or yield is produced
over a growing season, normalised with the amount of water used up in the process. It also
refers to the ratio of water used in plant metabolism to water lost by the plant through


1.1 Background

Currently, 60% of South Africa’s surface and ground water resources are used for irrigation (DWAF,
2004). Irrigated agriculture is facing fierce competition for this substantial share of water as the
water demand for industrial, domestic, municipal and other activities are increasing rapidly. There is
a need to increase water (and land) productivity, to meet the increasing demand for animal protein
as human populations increase and diets become more affluent. Natural veld cannot fulfil this need
alone and must be supplemented with irrigated and fertilised planted pastures. This requires
intensive use of fertilisers and water, which leads to a higher cost of production and a greater risk of
environmental pollution. Sustainable pasture production requires the best fertiliser and water
management possible, in order to attain high biomass yield with minimum inputs, which maximises
profit whilst the impact on the environment. Thus, farmers are under pressure to decrease their
share of water and fertiliser usage, whilst at the same time, produce sufficient pasture to supply the
protein demand of a growing population more efficiently. Therefore, innovations are needed to
increase the efficiency of water and nitrogen use.

Irrigation water, nutrients and electricity are considered to be the main limiting resources for
pasture production in South Africa. These resources can be optimised by selecting the appropriate
irrigation type and scheduling technique and pasture (i.e. N fixing legumes and/or crops with high
water use efficiency). According to the pasture and livestock budgets of 2009/2010 N and K
fertilisers stands for more than 50% of the total input. Fertiliser is the other major input which is
directly linked with irrigation water because managing one is also directly or indirectly managing the
other. The most appropriate and cost effective management strategy would therefore be to
integrate irrigation and nutrient (especially N) inputs, since nitrogen and water cannot be managed
independently. This projects focus will be to integrate both irrigation and nitrogen management in
order to improve the efficiency of both resources.

In South Africa, returns generated from animal production enterprises make pastures one of the
highest value crops produced under irrigation. It is estimated that the total area utilized for
irrigated pasture production is approximately 16% of the total area under irrigation. The most
common irrigated pastures are ryegrass, kikuyu and lucerne. Irrigated ryegrass and dryland kikuyu
with supplemental irrigation are the primary sources of feed in the pasture based dairy industry
and are mostly grown in the relatively higher rainfall areas.

The Water Research Commission initiated and funded a 5-year project to study the irrigation
management of ryegrass/kikuyu pasture under different pasture management conditions (WRC
K5/1650). From this project, irrigation guidelines of ryegrass including calendars for the major
pasture growing areas of South Africa were developed. In addition, a simple irrigation scheduling
model has been parameterised and tested and is now available to be used by farmers for their
own specific conditions (Fessehazion et al., 2012). However, only limited research was conducted
on kikuyu and kikuyu/ryegrass mixtures. Hence, in this project, we would like to focus part of our

research on these irrigated pastures in conjunction with important legumes such as clovers and
lucerne and relevant mixtures thereof.

The use of mixed grass/legumes is becoming integral in pasture based grazing systems. This will
reduce nitrogen inputs, which is the most limiting resource in pasture production after water. It also
balances forage nitrogen content, causing less bloat than pure legume pastures and is therefore safe
to graze by livestock. Due to the high cost of N fertiliser, some South African farmers have started
planting temperate legume/tropical grass- and temperate legume/grass mixtures in the Southern
Cape coast (Labuschagne, 2005) and KwaZulu-Natal (Eckard, 1994). Therefore, in this project, this
promising practice of temperate legume with tropical grass or temperate grass mixture and the most
commonly practised grazing mixture of kikuyu/ryegrass will be researched.

With respect to pure legume pastures, lucerne is regarded as the most important pasture legume
produced in the drier parts of South Africa for its high quality roughage (hay). This roughage is
extensively used in many animal production systems, including feedlots, dairy systems, the animal
feed industry and the wildlife industry, to correct for poor quality natural veld especially in winter.
Lucerne is planted on 240 000 to 300,000 ha (Gronum et al., 2000; National Lucerne Organization,
2011), about 80% of which is irrigated. It is mostly used for making hay, and selective grazing for
cattle, sheep, ostriches and other livestock in the game industry. It provides high yields with
excellent forage quality (high protein) compared to other legumes and tropical grasses. Its versatility
in utilisation and adaptation to a wide range of climatic and soil conditions, its capability of soil
improvement and symbiotic N2 fixation makes it the preferable choice for intensive forage
production systems (Truter et al., 2015).

Despite the above benefits, however, lucerne is known for its high water usage compared to other
pastures. Annual water requirements of 1100-1200 mm are quoted by the pasture handbook
(Kynoch pasture hand book, 2004), and various Provincial Departments of Agriculture and various
seed companies. According to Green (1985), water requirement ranges between 1200 2100 mm per
year depending on weather conditions. The current guideline of irrigation amount for lucerne is a
very rigid 150 mm per cutting cycle, applied in two equal applications of 75 mm, with the first
applied after hay making and the subsequent application 14 days later. Due to complications with
the harvesting, raking and baling processes, the second irrigation has to supply sufficient water for
the cutting cycle under consideration and the initial stages of the following growth cycle, because
normally the first irrigation will only take place 5-7 days after cutting (depending on the time
required for harvesting, raking, baling and bale removal).

In addition, the rate of lucerne stand mortality may increase as a result of disease (e.g. scald) when
irrigated immediately after harvest (especially when the temperature is high). Lucerne is also very
sensitive to over- irrigation during establishment and early growth may be affected through damage
to the tap root, which may turn to excessive yield reduction in subsequent years. There is a need,
therefore, to study irrigation management of lucerne, by addressing crucial management practices
(such as type of irrigation system and irrigation scheduling technique), which may have a direct or
indirect effect on water use of lucerne.

There is a close link between biomass production and water use of lucerne as studied in South Africa
by Landsberg (1967), De Kock (1978), Beukes and Weber (1981) and Beukes and Barnard (1985).
Reductions in lucerne transpiration due to water deficits were associated with decreases in biomass
production. Hence, it seems there is little opportunity to reduce its water consumption without
affecting yield. According to Tanner and Sinclair (1983), there is a direct relationship between
biomass production and transpiration when corrected for vapour pressure deficit. The need
therefore exists to study more efficient ways to increase yield and possibly improve quality of
lucerne with less water, so as to ensure more efficient use of, and higher returns from, each unit of
water. Since lucerne is a perennial pasture, it is possible to avoid or reduce its production when
there is excessive evaporative demand. Imposing stress during different growth stages or using
rainfall strategically to optimise yield and quality in a period of water scarcity could also be an
option. Therefore, a basic understanding of the effects water stress on the physiology and dormancy
of lucerne production is prerequisite for the development of sound water management strategies.

From the challenges listed above, despite the latest fertiliser and irrigation application equipment
and scientific guidelines, it can be seen that there are knowledge gaps between research and
lucerne farming practices. There is lack of data and reliable information pertaining to water
requirements of this valuable pasture legume. Methods to address these gaps, therefore, need to
be devised and applied in order to increase water use efficiency at farm level.

Therefore, water use of kikuyu/ryegrass, clover/ryegrass and lucerne will be monitored at research
stations representing summer rainfall and winter rainfall areas and commercial farms within the
selected regions. Detailed studies will include energy, nitrogen and water balances of kikuyu and
lucerne with soil water balance, micro-meteorological or remote sensing methods. Data collected
from controlled research sites and compared field measurements will be used to develop practical
on-farm strategies for monitoring irrigated pasture performance. Pasture systems are highly
temporal and spatially complex, as they involve interactions amongst crop growth, nutrient
dynamics between soil, plant and animal and pasture management systems. Hence, it is difficult to
evaluate the whole system with short-term monitoring experiments. Development of site-specific
pasture and irrigation management practices requires costly long-term trials. It is expensive and
impractical to test multiple irrigation and other pasture management strategies in all pasture
growing areas.

Models can be used to extrapolate research findings (irrigation and other pasture management
requirements) to pasture growing areas. Models can also be helpful in selecting best management
practices for specific sites and environmental conditions. However, models need to be
parameterised, calibrated and tested with measured data. In recent years, a wide range of soil-plant-
atmosphere type numerical models with different degrees of complexity have been developed. In
general, complex models have a wide range of input parameters and hence intensive data sets are
needed to run them accurately. A thorough survey of the current soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
type models was conducted during the previous WRC Pasture Project (WRC K5/1650). Based on
scope, input data requirements, adoption by farmers and consultant, and accessibility, the SWB and
the DairyMod crop/pasture models were selected. In this project, these two models will be
parameterised, tested and validated (Truter et al., 2012). Data sets collected in this project will also
be used to parameterise and test the SAPWAT model (irrigation planning model).

Currently, satellite-based remote sensing is showing promising results in estimating irrigation
requirements of fruit trees in the Western Cape. In the near future, this technology could become a
more affordable tool for managing irrigations of pastures. This study will take opportunity of an on-
going remote sensing satellite-based crop water use measurement project funded by the WRC
(K5/2079/4). The accuracy of the technology for pasture management will hereby be assessed. This
can therefore inform any potential future use of this technology for real time irrigation scheduling
for pasture management.

The studies to be conducted under controlled environments and at representative research stations
and commercial farms will be to: 1) determine water use and irrigation requirement of most
common farmers practices including kikuyu/ryegrass, clover/ryegrass mixtures and lucerne; 2)
evaluate applicable irrigation systems (such as flood, sprinkler and sub-surface drip) for lucerne
production; 3) conduct detailed physiological studies of lucerne as affected by different water stress
treatments, and 4) parameterise, test and validate selected crop growth/pasture model(s). As end
products, databases of irrigation requirements of kikuyu/ryegrass, clover/ryegrass mixtures and
pure lucerne under different pasture management practices will be developed. The validity and
practicality of irrigation tools developed will finally be assessed in conjunction with pasture
production stakeholders.

1.2 Problem Statement

Cultivated pastures play an important role in livestock production by providing roughage

throughout the year, improving fodder flow, carrying capacity of the farm and performance of
individual animals. Input costs in the pasture based systems are much lower than with a total
mixed ration system. However, availability of irrigation water cost of fertilisers and energy for
producing pastures may limit the pasture based system. Hence, there has been a movement of
milk producing enterprises from the central part of the country to the high rainfall areas of the
KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, and the Southern, Eastern and Western Cape Coasts.

In these regions, however, there are still limitations to pasture based systems due to irrigation
water availability. Despite the latest fertiliser and irrigation application equipment and scientific
guidelines, it can be seen that there are knowledge gaps between research and animal farming and
lucerne farming practices. There is lack of data and reliable information pertaining to water
requirements of valuable pasture legumes, such as lucerne and clover species which are often used
in mixed pastures. Methods to address these gaps, therefore, need to be devised and applied in
order to increase water use efficiency at farm level.

Irrigation technologies may be adapted by commercial and emerging rural farmers for more-
effective and wiser use of limited water supplies. Knowing how much water to apply through
irrigation and how often is no trivial matter. Irrigation scheduling is the main component of water
management by which irrigators decide when and how much water to apply. Proper scheduling
can lead to increased profits without compromising the environment, by increasing productive
water use and reducing unproductive water loss through run off, deep percolation below the root
zone with nutrient leaching and soil water evaporation. However, the tools required are relatively
expensive and complicated making the implementation of irrigation scheduling for the average

farmer difficult. Some monitoring tools may also not provide the most reliable method of
scheduling due to soil spatial variability or by giving little information either on the amount or
when water is to be applied.

Nutrient management, especially nitrogen, is inextricably linked to water management, as over-

irrigation leaches valuable nitrates from the profile out of reach of the growing pasture. As energy,
fertiliser and water costs increase and profit margins narrow, farmers are realising the necessity of
improved irrigation scheduling to obtain maximum yields for the lowest financial investment. Ideal
pasture management is the production of economically optimum forage yield and quality without
compromising the environment. Accurate irrigation scheduling plays an important role in deciding
the income of a dairy enterprise by affecting yield and quality; irrigation input and energy usage;
and environmental pollution. Improved knowledge of irrigation timing and amount can also be of
great value in scheduling other cultural operations (Truter et al., 2015).

Nitrogen fertiliser continues to be a major input influencing yield and quality of irrigated pastures
in South Africa. Improved productivity has been reported with the application of N fertiliser in high
rainfall areas and under irrigation in low rainfall areas. It has been increasingly used on pastures as
an effective and flexible management tool to help farmers meet the feed requirements of
livestock. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), N fertiliser use has increased
by 7-fold from 1960 to 2000. Commercial fertilisers are normally used as sources of nitrogen in
pasture production, but because of increasing energy costs and international demand, N prices
continue to escalate. Therefore, new ways for reducing N applications in order to have sustainable
and economical forage and animal production are required.

To date, leguminous pastures have been used with great success, often to exclude the cost of N to
provide high quality and not necessary high quantity forage. These leguminous pastures had also
been included in mixtures with other grasses, so as to benefit from this biological N fixation
process legume species are responsible for. This pasture management practice was not always
very economical from both a quantitative and qualitative perspective, but is becoming more
economical especially in the light of sustainability. Not only is there a free source of N being
produced, but this is often responsible by a more palatable, digestible and more nutritional
pasture species than grass species. The management of these species, especially in a mixture, is
however more intensive and challenging. The challenge however, it remains to establish how much
N is available under different irrigation scenarios in a mixed pasture of grass and legumes.

Sustainable pasture production requires optimal fertiliser and water management practices in
order to attain high biomass yield with minimum inputs to maximise profit. As a result, a basic
understanding of the effects of N and water stress in pasture production is a prerequisite for the
development of sound N and water management strategies. However, pasture systems are highly
complex involving interactions between crop growth, soil and plant nutrient dynamics, and animal
and pasture management systems. Considering temporal and spatial complexity, it is difficult to
evaluate the whole system with short-term monitoring experiments. Development of site specific
optimal N and irrigation management practices requires costly long-term trials. Since it is
expensive and impractical to test multiple irrigation and N application strategies, the use of models
can provide great insight and better understanding of the behaviour of the pasture system. Models

can also be helpful in selecting best management practices for specific sites and environmental

1.3 Species evaluated

Figure 1.1 Lucerne (Medicago sativa)

Figure 1.2 Tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae)

Figure 1.3 White clover (Trifolium repens)

Figure 1.4 Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum)

Figure 1.5 Mixture 1 – Lucerne/kikuyu

Figure 1.6 Mixture 2 – Tall fescue/Lucerne

Figure 1.7 Mixture 3 – Tall fescue/White clover


The most important aspects of irrigation management are: 1) proper functioning of the irrigation
system, e.g. uniform water application and the actual irrigation amount must match the amount the
irrigator intended to apply; 2) knowledge of crop water use and its sensitivity to water stress; and 3)
proper measurement of actual amounts of each rainfall and irrigation event.

The farmer can manage the soil water balance to his advantage by minimising wasteful losses such as
runoff, evaporation and deep drainage. This will leave more water in the soil for crop uptake which is
regarded as a useful loss.

Irrigation scheduling is one of the most important management decisions on the irrigation farm. It is
defined as when and how much water to apply. Farmers to a large extent, are able to manage their
water inputs. It is important to understand the different strategies that can be followed to ensure
good soil water management including timing, amount and method of irrigation.

2.1 Factors affecting irrigation scheduling

Crops differ in sensitivity to water stress and their management will consequently differ. The crop
growth stage also determines canopy size and rooting depth. Canopy size gives a good indication of
potential crop water use. Less water is required early in the season when the canopy is still small.
Early in the growing season the roots are still shallow and can only extract water from a small portion
of the soil reservoir. Therefore, lesser amounts must be applied more frequently in order to avoid
water stress. Water requirements increase as the crop grows and canopy size increases. As the crop
reaches maturity and leaves start to senescence towards the end of the growing season, crop water
use starts to decline gradually.

Soil type determines the plant available water capacity of the soil profile, in other words how much
water a specific soil can hold for use by plants. Plant available water is mainly a function of soil
texture and rooting depth. Sandy soils hold less water than loamy or clay soil.

Atmospheric evaporative demand is the driving force for crop water use (transpiration and
evaporation). Atmospheric demand depends on the prevailing weather conditions at any time in the
growing season. The important factors that play a role are temperature, wind speed, solar radiation
and relative humidity. Crop water requirements can, as a result of the weather, differ substantially
between localities and different seasons for the same locality.

Therefore, it should be clear that fixed recipes for irrigation management cannot be applied
universally. Site specific irrigation management is necessary for each field, taking into account the
factors mentioned above.

2.1.1 When to irrigate?

Plant water usage can be monitored or estimated using several soil, plant or atmospheric based
scheduling methods. The irrigator can follow different strategies in making a decision on when and
how much to irrigate. The timing can be based on three strategies; namely to irrigate at a fixed

frequency (time interval), when a fixed amount (mm) is depleted or when a certain threshold
depletion has been reached (Steyn and Annandale, 2008a).
• Irrigators sometimes use a fixed time interval between irrigations (e.g. every 7 days).
Farmers who receive water allocations on specific days, like those participating in irrigation
schemes usually follow this type of schedule.
• The fixed irrigation amount scheduling strategy is employed when the irrigator decides on a
certain fixed depletion amount before irrigation is initiated. The fixed amount is usually
based on practical on-farm limitations, such as the limited capability of the irrigation
system, storage capacity of reservoirs, etc. Irrigation is initiated when the cumulative crop
water usage reaches the fixed irrigation amount.
• When a fixed depletion level strategy is followed the crop is irrigated whenever a certain
predetermined percentage of plant available water is depleted from the root zone.

2.1.2 How much water to apply?

After making the decision when to irrigate, the irrigation manager has the following three options
when determining the irrigation amount: refill the soil to field capacity, apply a leaching fraction or a
deficit irrigation strategy. Several site-specific considerations need to be taken into account when
selecting a sensible refill strategy. The more important consideration here is to replenish crop water
use, and the challenge now is to accurately estimate daily evapotranspiration. Before a refill strategy
can be considered, an irrigator needs to have a basic but quantitative knowledge of the weather,
crop, soil and irrigation system (Steyn and Annandale, 2008b). For example, how much water can the
soil profile hold, and how full or empty is it? Are there salts in the profile that need to be leached?
What is the application rate of my irrigation system, and how much water can be applied during each
event (irrigation amount)? How fast is my crop using water? And finally, what are the chances of
getting rain, and what is a reasonable amount to expect?

2.1.3 Irrigation monitoring tools and approaches

Several approaches can be followed or tools available to estimate crop water use can be used to
assist the irrigator in the decision of when and how much to irrigate. Most methods attempt to
measure or estimate one or more components of the soil-plant-atmosphere system. Irrigation
scheduling methods are therefore plant, soil or atmosphere based. Preferably, a combination of
more than one approach should be used. In practice, soil or atmospheric methods are most often
used for irrigation management. With soil measurements, spatial variability within a field can be a
major problem. Site selection for measurement or instrument installation is critical. Measurements
should be made in areas that are representative of the field in terms of soil type, irrigation uniformity
and plant growth. Proper site selection for measurement position, correct installation and
maintenance are important to ensure reliable measurements. Some of the most popular irrigation
scheduling methods and equipment are discussed briefly.

2.1.4 Soil based approaches Soil water content

The most popular soil water content measuring instruments currently used by irrigators are neutron
and capacitance probes (Figure 1). These can be very useful to assist the irrigator in monitoring soil
water response to current irrigation practices, and how to adjust irrigation amounts and frequencies
through adaptive learning. However, if accurate soil water contents are required to enable more
precise irrigation deficit calculations, site specific calibration of the instrument is needed.

Figure 2.1 A neutron water meter (left) and Diviner 2000 capacitance probe (right) for measuring
soil water content Soil water potential

Tensiometers and gypsum block sensors (Figure 2) are the most popular instruments used for soil
water potential measurements. These tools give an indication of how difficult it is for plants to take
up water from the soil and thus, indirectly, the amount of water in the soil. The soil water potential
gives an indication of when to irrigate, but does not give a direct indication of how much to irrigate.
However, farmers can adapt the optimum management for their own site. Depth of wetting

The FullStop® Wetting Front Detector (WFD) is a simple user-friendly device designed to help farmers
with irrigation management (Figure 3). It is a funnel shaped tool that is buried in the root zone and
gives a signal to farmers when water reaches a specific depth in the soil (Stirzaker, 2003). Wetting
front detectors are usually used in pairs. The first is buried about one third of the way down the
active root-zone. The second is buried about two thirds the depth of the active root-zone. Wetting
front detectors will tell a farmer whether irrigation application was too little or too much. The
indicator is the part of the WFD that is visible above ground. If the indicator is up then a wetting front

has passed the buried funnel. If the indicator is down then it means that not enough water was
applied to produce a wetting front which the WFD could detect. It does not tell the farmer when to
irrigate, however, it can help with how much water to apply. Soil solution can also be extracted from
the detector using a syringe and used for nutrient and salt measurement. Wetting front detectors
can be very useful for irrigation management and through adaptive management the user can learn
how to adjust irrigation amounts and frequencies.

Figure 2.2 Wetting front detector (WFD) for managing irrigation and nutrients

2.1.5 Atmospheric demand Empirical crop factor

The atmospheric evaporative demand is the driving force for crop water use (ETc) and depends on
prevailing weather conditions. Atmospheric methods are useful to establish the upper limits of crop
water use. This means that crop water use cannot be higher than the atmospheric evaporative
demand dictates. Evaporative demand will be higher on hot, sunny, dry and windy days than when
conditions are overcast and still. It should, therefore, be clear that crop water requirements can
differ substantially from day to day and from one locality to another depending on the weather.
Automatic weather stations are used to measure the weather variables for different localities. When
these variables are measured, reference evaporative demand (in mm of water per day) can be
calculated with the Penman Monteith equation (ETo). The ETo in combination with water use can be
used for determining crop factors (Kc) for a particular crop. Water use can be calculated by
multiplying reference crop evaporation with an empirical crop factor as: ETc = ETo * Kc. Real time irrigation scheduling models

Computer simulation models have become increasingly popular during the past few decades as
computers and automatic weather stations have become more readily available and affordable.
Computer models or programs are used to calculate crop growth and water use processes with

mathematical equations. Mechanistic models take the supply of water from the soil-root system, the
demand from the atmosphere and the crop canopy size into account to accurately calculate crop
water use. Crop growth and development are simulated from temperature data, while atmospheric
demand is calculated from measured weather data as described above. Simulation models can,
therefore, integrate the plant, soil and atmospheric systems to simulate plant water usage.
Mechanistic models have previously been inaccessible to irrigators because they required great skill
to run. Today, however, user-friendly models can make accurate, high technology approaches to
irrigation scheduling feasible on-farm. This approach can both reduce the costs and increase the
benefits of irrigation scheduling.


Dairy Mod is a model that has been developed by and for IMJ Consultants, The University of
Melbourne, Dairy Australia and Meat and Livestock Australia under the leadership of Prof Ian
Johnson. The model has a strong focus on the integration of the soil, plant and animal factors (data)
to have a better understanding of how the entire grazing system functions (Figure 5.1) (Johnson et
al., 2008).

Figure 3.1 Overview of the parameters used for the model simulations (DairyMod

The model has the ability to incorporate local weather data and to adjust specific parameters related
to either the soil, pasture growth and animal management factors. It also has the option to have
nine different output screens (Figure 2) that provide simulations of the expected soil, water or
vegetation responses to climate and management factors.

Figure 3.2 Output from Dairy Mod simulation (DairyMod

The model provides the option of changing the Biophysical parameters where possible, but also
provides the opportunity to rely on well tested basic growth parameters of a range of species. Figure
3 illustrates which parameters can be changed according to data sets available locally.

Figure 3.3 Biophysical input parameters. (DairyMod

3.1 Biophysical parameters

The biophysical parameters that can be changed include:

• Pasture
• Crop
• Water
• Soil
• Stock

3.1.1 Pasture

With regards to the pasture parameters, the options exist to use templates for the different species
and adjust their values according to the data you have available (Figure 4). Plant parameter sets can
be defined for different plant characteristics. The new plant parameter sets are created by changing
all the individual parameters of each plant characteristic. These include:
• Canopy Structure
• Roots
• Photosynthesis
• Nitrogen
• Temperature Stress
• Transpiration
• Grazing
• Regrowth

If local data is unavailable for a parameter set, the template used provides well tested values that
one can rely on.

Figure 3.4 Plant parameter set options (DairyMod

The following section discusses the different plant characteristics that can be adjusted for better
simulation of the pasture responses.

a. Canopy Structure (Figure 3.5)

This parameter set includes:

• Canopy structure
o Plant structure during new growth
o Plant senescence
o Plant Height
• Plant nitrogen composition

Figure 3.5 Canopy structure input parameter set (DairyMod

b. Roots (Figure 3.6)

This parameter set includes:
• Root distribution
o Root depth
o Root depth for 50% distribution
c. Photosynthesis (Figure 3.7)
This parameter set includes:
o Plant response to defoliation
The only parameter to change here is the Effective Minimum LAI:

Figure 3.6 Root input parameter set (DairyMod

Figure 3.7 Photosynthesis input parameter set (DairyMod

d. Nitrogen (Figure 3.8)
This parameter set includes:

• Nitrogen uptake
• Potential nitrogen remobilization

Figure 3.8 Nitrogen input parameter set (DairyMod

e. Temperature Stress (Figure 3.9)

This parameter set includes:

• Low temperature stress

• High temperature stress

Figure 3.9 Temperature stress input parameter set (DairyMod

f. Transpiration (Figure 3.10)

The parameter set addresses the generic function for the reduction in transpiration in response to
soil water content. The function is applied to each soil layer for the particular soil water content.

g. Grazing (Figure 3.11)

This parameter set includes:

• Digestibility
• Grazing

This parameter set provides the opportunity to change the digestibility parameters of the pasture as
it has been analysed of both the living material as well as the dead material. The other important
factor to change includes the leaf to stem ration which affects the grazing value of the pasture.

Figure 3.10 Transpiration input parameter set (DairyMod

Figure 3.11 Grazing input parameter set (DairyMod

h. Regrowth (Figure 3.12)

This parameter set includes:

• Regrowth characteristics
• Regrowth starting residual
• Climate

This parameter set provides the opportunity to change the initial dry weights of pasture in
conjunction with the regrowth duration. All this date is integrated with the baseline climatic data of
the growing pasture.

Figure 3.12 Regrowth input parameter set (DairyMod

3.2 Crop

This part of the model makes provision for a winter or spring rotational crop. For the purpose of this
study it has no relevance at this stage. It could however be an option when pastures are entirely
removed and reseeded with a winter annual, as is the practice for the western Cape region with
their overseeding practices.

3.2.1 Soil Water

Soil water is a major factor that drives these systems. The new soil water parameter sets are created
by changing all the individual parameters of each factor that influences the soil water properties
(Figure 3.13). These include:

• Soil physical parameters

• Runoff
• Evaporation
• Leaching

Figure 3.13 Soil water parameter sets for different soil characteristics


a. Soil Physical properties (Figure 3.14)

This parameter set includes:

• Profile depths and characteristics

• Initial soil water content

Figure 3.14 Soil physical properties input parameter set (DairyMod

b. Runoff

This parameter set includes:

• Runoff characteristics (Figure 3.15)

Figure 3.15 Runoff input parameter set (DairyMod

c. Evaporation parameters (Figure 3.16)

This parameter set includes:

• Soil evaporation

• Litter

• Canopy and litter water interception

Figure 3.16 Evaporation input parameter set (DairyMod

d. Leaching (Figure 3.17)

This parameter set only concentrates on the dispersion coefficient. The rationale is that the higher
the dispersion coefficient the higher the leaching fraction.

Figure 3.17 Evaporation input parameter set (DairyMod

3.3 Soil

The new soil parameter sets are created by changing all the individual parameters of each factor
that influences the soil water properties (Figure 3.18). These include:

• Initialization
• Organic matter dynamics
• Inorganic nutrient dynamics
• Inputs
• Water and Temperature

Figure 3.18 Soil parameter sets as affected by different soil characteristics (DairyMod

a. Initialization (Figure 3.19)

This parameter set includes:

• Bulk density for illustration
• Clay fraction for illustration

b. Organic matter dynamics (Figure 3.20)

This parameter set includes:

• Organic matter dynamics parameters
• Display options of daily input and decay rate factors

Figure 3.19 Initialization input parameter set (DairyMod

Figure 3.20 Organic matter input parameter set (DairyMod

c. Inorganic nutrient dynamics

This parameter set does not provide an option at the moment to key in inputs. Since inorganic
nutrient dynamics involves many processes of mineralization, or immobilization of organic matter,
nitrification of ammonium as well as denitrification.

d. Nutrient inputs

This is normally maintained by fertilizer inputs, animal dung and urine as well as small amounts of
atmospheric inputs and senescence of plant roots. The fertilizer component is addressesed in the
management module.

e. Water and temperature (Figure 3.20)

This parameter set includes:

• Soil water effect
• Temperature effect

Figure 3.21 Water and temperature input parameter set (DairyMod

3.4 Climate data

Dairy Mod has the function to import local weather data representing a particular region for which
the simulation is to be run for (Figure 22). The model makes it easy to upload data from an excel
spread sheet. It also provides the function to identify the different climatic input parameters in the
spread sheet by selecting the parameter aligned in the programme dropdown menu.

Figure 3.22 Climate file upload function (DairyMod

This section also takes into account the global location (Figure 3.23) where the weather data is
captured, and allows the user to change latitude and elevation, etc.

Figure 3.23 Global location parameters (DairyMod

3.5 Management

Dairy Mod provides the option of changing various management factors such as:

• Livestock
• nutrient removal
• nitrogen fertilizer (Figure 3.24)
• Irrigation
• nitrification inhibition
• Fire

a. Nitrogen fertilizer

Figure 3.24 Nitrogen fertilizer input parameter set (DairyMod

b. Paddock management

The option to simulate single paddock (Figure 3.25) or multiple paddocks (Figure 3.26) in the model
exists too. This can further be linked to the defoliation function of cutting or grazing. With regards to
grazing the stocking rate can be adjusted to simulate various particular scenarios.

Figure 3.25 Single paddock input parameter set (DairyMod

Figure 3.26 Multiple paddock input parameter set (DairyMod

c. Irrigation

The irrigation input parameters (Figure allows the simulations to include the farmers own irrigation

Figure 3.27 Irrigation input parameter set (DairyMod

3.6 Paddocks

This component of the model provides the function of selecting the following input parameters
(Figure 3.28):
• Different pasture species used in either the single paddock or multiple paddock grazing or
cutting system. Various species defaults occur, and the option exists to alter the data
according to local data collected for better representation of a particular farming system.
• Soil hydraulic properties
• Soil organic matter and nutrients

Figure 3.28 Plant species parameter set (DairyMod


SWB is a mechanistic, real-time, generic, crop growth, soil water balance and irrigation scheduling
model, which has a user-friendly interface (Annandale et al., 1999). It was developed based on the
NEWSWB model by Campbell and Diaz (1988). Simulations can be done with two approaches: 1) an
FAO based model that calculates canopy cover using empirical crop factors and 2) a more
mechanistic simulation of crop growth. The FAO approach simulates crop water use and growth
relatively simply using crop coefficients for various growth stages (Jovanovic and Annandale, 1999).
On the other hand, the crop growth model simulates dry matter production more mechanistically.
The mechanistic crop growth model has the capability to simulate the effect of water stress on
canopy size (Jovanovic and Annandale, 2000), which cannot be done by the simple FAO approach.
However, this requires more detailed crop specific model parameters.

SWB estimates crop growth and water balance fluxes and storage using weather, soil and crop units.
A detailed description is available in Annandale et al. (1999). The weather unit of SWB calculates
Penman-Monteith grass reference daily evapotranspiration (ETo) according to FAO 56
recommendations (Allen et al., 1998). Water movement in the soil profile is simulated using a
cascading or finite difference approach.

In the Soil Unit of SWB, potential evapotranspiration is divided into potential evaporation and
potential transpiration by calculating canopy radiant interception from simulated leaf area. This
represents the upper limits of evaporation and transpiration and these processes will only proceed at
these rates if atmospheric demand is limiting. Supply of water to the soil surface or plant root system
may, however, be limiting. This is simulated in the case of soil water evaporation, by relating
evaporation rate to the water content of the surface soil layer. In the case of transpiration, a
dimensionless solution to the water potential based water uptake equation is used. This procedure
gives rise to a root density weighted average soil water potential, which characterizes the water
supply capabilities of the soil-root system. This solution has been shown to work extremely well
(Annandale et al., 2000). If actual transpiration is less than potential transpiration, the crop has
undergone stress and leaf area expansion will be reduced if the crop is still in the vegetative phase of
growth. In other words, there is feedback between the crop and the soil in SWB.

In the crop unit, SWB calculates a daily dry matter increment as either being radiation or water
limited. SWB estimates phenological development, growth and yield of a crop from emergence to
maturity based on soil water status and environmental conditions. Transpiration is assumed to be
equal to crop water uptake, which is a function of soil water potential, leaf water potential and root
conductance. The use of thermal time in the more mechanistic growth model negates the need to
specify length of developmental stages as crop factors modelling approach to express crop
development, which varies for different planting dates and regions (Olivier and Annandale, 1998).
Hence in the growth model, water-limited growth is calculated using parameters that directly limit
biomass accumulation including a crop stress index and leaf water potential (Annandale et al., 2000).
In addition, the growth model enables an accurate description of deficit irrigation strategies, where
water use is supply limited (Annandale et al., 1999).

SWB can estimate real-time crop water requirements and recommend the irrigation amount and
date, based on the current crop water usage and set user preferences. If farmers do not have access

to irrigation monitoring tools, SWB can be used to develop site-specific irrigation calendars. The
calendar, which recommends irrigation dates and amounts, can be printed out and used as a guide to
manage irrigations. Calendar recommendations must be corrected by subtracting rainfall from
recommended irrigation amounts if applicable.

The model has three versions: 1) Irrigator or farmer version used by farmers to develop irrigation
calendars, 2) Consultant version is applicable for those who want to use their own user defined
inputs (e.g. different soils in different layers) and/or simulate and display crop growth and soil water
balance components, and 3) Researcher version used by researchers for complex simulations
pertaining to specific research questions. In this report the simple irrigator vision is used to develop
irrigation calendars.

4.1 Input
The model can be used by farmers or consultants to develop their own calendars with relatively few
and simple inputs. The model requires input for crop, weather, soil and irrigation management. The
minimum required inputs presented in Figure 4 are discussed briefly.

Figure 4.1 Input screen of the SWB irrigator version model

4.1.1 Field/Crop input

Two types of crop models can be selected in the Field form. The Crop growth model is based on the
calculation of dry matter partitioning to plant organs and leaf area. Crop specific input parameter
data sets for the mechanistic growth model or FAO crop coefficient model are available in the model.
Depending on circumstances, calendars for a single pasture can be easily developed with either

model. If crop growth model parameters are not available for a specific crop, the FAO model, based
on FAO Kcb basal crop coefficients, may be selected. The model simulates growth and water use for
lucerne and does not simulate growth and water use for mixed pastures.

4.1.2 Weather input

The location and long-term weather data including minimum and maximum or mean temperatures
from a nearby weather station are the minimum inputs required. The model will then use daily
average weather data for recommending irrigations. If available, using other weather input
parameters like solar radiation, relative humidity or vapour pressure deficit and wind speed will
improve accuracy.

4.1.3 Soil input

The model requires soil input parameters including soil depth, soil type and initial soil water content.
Soil water content at field capacity and wilting point and bulk density can be estimated from soil

Soil depth
Depth of soil can be determined by digging profile holes at representative sites in the field.

Soil type
Soil textural class or type can be determined by taking soil samples and conducting textural analyses
in any soil laboratory. In the irrigator version of SWB, soils can be grouped as very light (coarse sand),
light (sandy), medium (sandy clay loam) or heavy (clay) soils.

Initial water content

Initial soil water content can either be set to dry (wilting point – WP), medium (moist) or wet (field
capacity – FC).

4.1.4 Irrigation management

Irrigation management includes irrigation system, delivery rate, irrigation timing and refill options. Irrigation timing

Irrigation timing can be based on three strategies; namely to irrigate at a fixed time interval, when a
fixed amount is depleted or when a certain depletion level has been reached. For example: a)
Farmers who receive water allocations on specific days (such as those participating in irrigation
schemes), often follow fixed time schedules (e.g. irrigate every 7 days). b) Farmers use fixed irrigation
amount due to practical on-farm limitations (such as the limited capability of the irrigation system,
storage capacity of reservoirs, etc.) and usually initiate irrigation when soil deficit reaches a fixed
threshold. c) Farmers could also prefer variable timing and amount to avoid crop water stress
(depletion level strategy whenever a certain predetermined percentage of plant available water is
depleted from the root zone). Refill option

Several site-specific considerations need to be taken into account when selecting a sensible refill
strategy. Such as: How fast is my crop using water? What are the chances of getting rain? What is a
reasonable amount to expect? Are there salts in the profile that need to be leached? For refill
options, farmers can irrigate to the full point (field capacity), follow a form of deficit irrigation (leave
room for rain) or apply water exceeding the storage capacity for leaching salts.

p.39 Irrigation system
A range of irrigation systems can be selected including furrow, sprinkler, pivot, micro and drip. Delivery rate

This depends on the irrigation system:
Sprinkler: mm per hour
Pivot: application rate (at 100%) in mm and hours required for one revolution (at 100%)

4.2 Run options (Generate calendars)

In order to run the model, the start and end date of the simulation or the intended duration of the
irrigation calendars to be developed needs to be specified (Figure 5).

Figure 4.2 SWB run options screen of the irrigator version

4.2 Output/irrigation recommendations

The recommendation table includes details of the irrigator, crop type, farm location, planting date,
weather station, irrigation system and irrigation management (timing and refill options) used (Figure
7). The table has the following four columns:

1. A column when the pasture should be irrigated ‘date and day’

2. A column of recommended water requirement in mm.
3. A column to enter rain since previous irrigation in mm
4. A column to calculate recommended irrigation amount by subtracting rain (if more than 3 mm) from
water requirement
5. A column to write comments

Figure 4.3 Irrigation calendar recommendation output

5.1 Production areas

Major lucerne production areas were identified and used in the study and data from these areas
were collected and used in the model simulation (Figure 5.1).

Figure 5.1 The areas where lucerne is planted and the intensity of lucerne production as
represented by the different colours (Van Oudshoorn et al., 2001 as cited by Nel, 2012)

During the study, data was collected from different regions were mixed pastures are used.




Malmesbury Middelburg


Figure 5.2 Main mixed pasture growing areas of South Africa used in the study

The sites show seasonal variations in rainfall and reference evapotranspiration (ETo) (Figure 9).
Long-term (50 years) rainfall and ETo for the two major milk producing areas of South Africa. ETo
was calculated according to FAO 56 (Allen et al., 1998) from weather data (including minimum
and maximum temperatures).
According to Green (1985), water use ranges between 1200-2100 mm per year depending on
weather conditions were reported (Table 5.1). Water use is lowest in the Southern Cape and
KwaZulu-Natal while is highest in the Northern Cape this is probably due to higher vapour pressure
deficit in the drier parts of the country (Northern Cape and North West). As expected irrigation
requirements were dependent on the water use and effective rainfall of a specific region. Similar to
water use the irrigation requirements were higher for drier parts of South Africa.

Table 5.1 Water use, irrigation requirement (25 mm per irrigation event) and effective rainfall of
lucerne pasture at different regions of South Africa (Green, 1983)
Site Water use Irrigation Effective rainfall Location
Northern Cape
Alexander bay 1802 1740 62 28',34'S 16',32'E
Rietfontein Gordonia 2402 2261 141 26',44'S 20', 2' E
Kakamas 2425 2331 94 28',47'S 20', 37' E
P.K. Le Roux dam 2352 2159 193 29',59'S 24', 44' E
Upington 2337 2187 150 28',24'S 21', 16' E
Douglas dam 2125 1908 217 26',28'S 29',56' E
Vioolsdrif 2091 2054 37 28',47'S 17',41'E
Okiep 2090 1977 113 29',36'S 17',52'E
Boegoeberg dam 2048 1719 329 28',10'S 28', 18' E
Sakrivier 2044 1999 45 30',51'S 20',26'E
Western/ Southern Cape
Lutzville 1846 1717 129 31',36'S 18',26'E
Keisiesvallei – Montague 1442 1274 168 33',42'S 20',0'E
Calvinia 1087 911 176 31',28'S 19'46'E
Citrusdal 2049 1824 225 32',34'S 18',59'E
Rentia – Klawer 1507 1360 147 31',51'S 18',38'E
Robertson 1215 1034 181 31',51'S 18',38'E
Oudtshoorn 1523 1359 164 33',38'S 22',15'E
Kammanassiedam 1759 1599 160 33',39'S 22',24'E
Paul Sauerdam 1106 635 471 33',45'S 24',35'E
Kromriver dam – Humansdorp 1187 831 356 34',0'S 24',30'E

Site Water use Irrigation Effective rainfall Location
Eastern Cape
ADDO 1293 1059 234 33',34'S 25',42'E
Aliwal Noord 1373 949 424 30',41'S 26',43'E
Cradock 1710 1486 224 32',10'S 25',37'E
Queenstown 1101 795 306 31',53'S 26',53'E
Middelburg – Grootfontein 1650 1439 211 33',58'S 22',25'E
Somerset East 1358 1014 344 32',44'S 25',35'E
Dohne 1376 942 434 32',31'S 27',28'E
Jansenville 1458 1279 179 32',56'S 24',40'E
Katrivier dam 1468 1140 328 32',34'S 26',46'E
Beaufort West 2008 1907 101 32',18'S 22',40'E
KwaZulu-Natal/Eastern Highveld
Estcourt 1204 962 242 29',1'S 29',52'E
Makatini 1597 1254 343 27',24'S 32',11'E
Charters creek 1275 811 464 28',12'S 32',25'E
Lydenburg 1238 804 434 25',6'S 30', 28' E
North west
Vredendal 1503 1401 102 31',40'S 18',29'E
Armoedsvlakte 1698 1373 325 26',57'S 24', 38' E
Barberspan 1759 1176 583 26',34'S 25', 35' E
Smart Syndicate – Britstown 1979 1860 119 30',37'S 23',18'E
Mafeking 1966 1616 350 25',51'S 25', 38' E
Kimberley 1857 1586 271 28',48'S 24', 46' E
Potchefstroom 1297 886 411 26',44'S 27', 5' E
Prieska 1579 1391 188 29',40'S 22', 45' E
Kuruman 1567 1285 282 27',28'S 23', 26' E
Free State
Balkfontein 1608 1208 400 27',24'S 26', 30' E
Bethlehem 1328 918 410 28',10'S 28', 18' E
Bloemfontein 1500 1165 335 28',57'S 26', 20' E
Fauresmith 1625 1337 288 29',46'S 25', 19' E

Site Water use Irrigation Effective rainfall Location
Kalkfontein dam 1406 1176 230 29',30'S 25', 13' E
Gauteng/Northern part
Marnitz 1793 1564 229 23',10'S 28', 23' E
Pietersburg 1711 1456 255 23',52'S 29', 27' E
Potgietersrus 1355 1006 349 24',11'S 29', 1' E
Roodeplaat 1621 1232 389 25',35'S 28', 21' E
Marico Bosveld 1651 1269 382 25',28'S 26', 24' E
Kroondal 1327 888 439 25',43'S 27', 18' E
Loskopdam – Groblersdal 1551 899 652 0',2'S 52', 52' E
Vaalharts 1483 1228 255 27',57'S 24', 50' E
Towoomba 1153 804 349 24',54'S 28', 20' E
Vaalwater 1324 980 344 24',17'S 28', 6' E
Zebediela 1480 1115 365 24',19'S 29', 19' E

180 Mooiriver (KZN)






20 Rain
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Riversdale (W.Cape)




Rainfall or ETO (mm)




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 5.3 Monthly long-term means (1950-2000) of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and
precipitation in two common grass/legume pastures growing areas

5.2 Estimated pasture crop water requirements – Mono specific pastures

5.2.1 Kikuyu

Table 5.2 Monthly Crop coefficients (Kc) and crop water requirements for mono specific and mixed
pasture crops

ETo ( 3.4 3.2 2.8 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.7 4.3 5.8
Calculated Water Use (ETc) ( 2.5 2.2 1.8 --- --- --- 1.5 2.7 4.4
Calculated Water Use (ETc) (mm.week- 15. 10. 18.
1 17.6 12.6 --- --- --- 30.5
) 7 2 8
Crop coefficient (Kc) 0.8 0.7 0.7 --- --- --- 0.4 0.6 0.8

The data presented for monospecific pastures illustrates the different water requirements per week,
which relates to the physiological growth stage (maturity) of the pasture at a specific period after
defoliation. It is evident that less water needs to be applied to a pasture in the first two weeks after
defoliation. In this time the evaporation factor is at its highest since there is a small canopy present
to cover the soil surface. Once the pasture canopy develops more water is available for pasture
growth. It is also interesting to note that some pasture species require less water once the pasture
stand goes into a reproductive phase.

Figure 5.4 Relationship between kikuyu yield (kg DM.ha-1) and weekly mean crop water
requirements ( for fixed monthly harvest cycles for the growing season
March to November on the Hatfield Experimental farm

5.2.2 Tall fescue

Table 5.3 Monthly Crop coefficients (Kc) and crop water requirements for mono specific and mixed
pasture crops


ETo ( ) 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.7 4.3 5.8
Calculated Water Use (ETc) ( ) 2.1 2.6 2.6 2.2 1.2 1.9 2.6 3.0 5.3
Calculated Water Use (ETc) (mm.week-1) 14.5 18.3 18.2 15.2 8.7 13.2 17.9 21.3 37.2
Crop coefficient (Kc) 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.9

It was interesting to observe that the perennial tufted and temperate tall fescue species had a
relatively uniform water use from after the day of defoliation to the day of next defoliation. It was
however evident that in the extreme warmer months (November), the pasture required more water
once the canopy had developed at 21 days and went into bloom quicker than normal. The following
week the plant used a significant amount of water to sustain the canopy developed.

Figure 5.5 Relationship between Tall fescue yield (kg DM.ha-1) and weekly mean crop water
requirements ( for fixed monthly harvest cycles for the growing season March
to November on the Hatfield Experimental farm

5.2.3 Lucerne

Table 5.4 Monthly Crop coefficients (Kc) and crop water requirements for lucerne (area without


ETo ( 4.0 2.7 2.3 1.9 2.5 2.7 3.7 4.3 5.8
Calculated Water Use (ETc) ( 2.8 3.3 2.2 1.5 2.7 1.9 2.6 3.1 5.6
Calculated Water Use (ETc) (mm.week-1) 19.8 23.3 15.5 10.4 18.6 13.2 17.9 21.9 39.2
Crop coefficient (Kc) 0.7 1.2 1.0 0.8 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0

Similarly to tall fescue, lucerne enters into a reproductive phase quicker and experiences an
increased water requirement in the last week of the harvest cycle in the extremely hot months. This
increased water requirement is to sustain the canopy in the climatic conditions with a high
evaporative demand.

Figure 5.6 Relationship between Lucerne yield (kg DM.ha-1) and weekly mean crop water
requirements ( for fixed monthly harvest cycles for the growing season March
to November on the Hatfield Experimental farm

5.2.4 White clover

Table 5.5 Monthly Crop coefficients (Kc) and crop water requirements for white clover pasture crop


ETo ( 3.4 3.2 2.8 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.7 4.3 5.8
Calculated Water Use (ETc) (
1 2.2 4.3 3.9 2.1 1.6 2.9 2.7 3.3 5.1
Calculated Water Use (ETc) 30. 15. 11. 19. 23.
15.2 27.4 20.0 35.4
(mm.week-1) 0 0 3 2 3
Crop coefficient (Kc) 0.7 1.3 1.4 1.0 0.7 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.9

White clover growth presented a similar response to climatic conditions as other temperate species.
Interestingly, white clover required more water in the actively growing months i.e. April, May and
October. Similarly white clover had a more uniform water use during different weeks in the harvest
cycle in the winter growing months.

Figure 5.7 Relationship between White clover yield (kg DM.ha-1) and weekly mean crop water
requirements ( for fixed monthly harvest cycles for the growing season March
to November on the Hatfield Experimental farm

5.3 Estimated pasture crop water requirements – Mixed pastures (ON

The data presented for the mixed pastures clearly highlights the value of combined species from a
water use perspective. It must be remembered that mixed pastures can mean the following: a) a
perennial subtropical pasture oversown with an annual/perennial temperate species providing
growth in both summer and winter months or b) two temperate species, either grass-grass or grass-
legume mixtures with slow to no growth in summer months.

5.3.1 Kikuyu – Lucerne pasture

Table 5.6 Monthly Crop coefficients (Kc) and crop water requirements for mixed kikuyu/lucerne
pasture crops



ETo ( 3.4 3.7 3.3 2.7 2.5 3.4 3.7 5.3 7.4

Calculated Water Use (ETc) (

1 2.3 3.3 2.6 2.3 1.6 2.2 2.4 3.7 5.9

Calculated Water Use (ETc) 23. 15. 11. 16. 25.

16.4 18.2 15.3 41.4
(mm.week-1) 2 8 3 6 9

Crop coefficient (Kc) 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8

Figure 5.8 Relationship between mixed kikuyu/lucerne yield (kg DM.ha-1) and weekly mean crop
water requirements ( for fixed monthly harvest cycles for the growing season
March to November on the Hatfield Experimental farm

It is always important to take note of the vigour of the individual species in the mixture, since certain
individual species become more dominant than others, as influenced by either preferential climatic
conditions or management intensity. The water requirement of a mixed pasture will depend on the
dominant component of the mixture in that species specific growth season. This holds true for the
subtropical/temperate species mixture, and very similar water use trends are noticeable for the
different species in the mixture as seen for the monospecific pastures.

5.3.2 Tall fescue – White clover

Table 5.7 Monthly Crop coefficients (Kc) and crop water requirements for tall fescue/white clover
mixed pasture crops



ETo ( 3.4 3.2 2.8 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.7 4.3 5.8

Calculated Water Use (ETc) (

1 2.0 3.4 3.3 2.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 5.3

Calculated Water Use (ETc) 23. 15. 11. 17. 22.

14.1 23.3 14.1 37.2
(mm.week-1) 5 2 3 9 7

Crop coefficient (Kc) 0.6 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9

Figure 5.9 Relationship between mixed tall fescue/white clover pasture yield (kg DM.ha-1) and
weekly mean crop water requirements ( for fixed monthly harvest cycles for
the growing season March to November on the Hatfield Experimental farm

The tall fescue/white clover mixture presented a different scenario, illustrating improved water use
and water use efficiency than the individual components. The data does however indicate that in
some months there is either a lower yield or slightly higher/lower protein value than the
monospecific pastures. It was also important to observe that the white clover species became
dominant in the mixture and is a function of the species growth habit (strongly rhizomatous and
stoloniferous) and becomes extremely vigorous due to intensive defoliation practices, i.e.
mechanical harvesting.

5.3.2 Tall fescue – Lucerne

Table 5.8 Monthly Crop coefficients (Kc) and crop water requirements for tall fescue/lucerne mixed
pasture crops


ETo ( 3.8 3.2 2.8 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.7 4.3 5.8
Calculated Water Use (ETc) (
1 2.4 2.9 2.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.4 2.9 5.1
Calculated Water Use (ETc) 20. 14. 13. 16. 20.
17.1 18.4 14.1 35.8
(mm.week-1) 2 2 9 6 6
Crop coefficient (Kc) 0.7 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.9

Figure 5.10 Relationship between mixed tall fescue/lucerne pasture yield (kg DM.ha-1) and weekly
mean crop water requirements ( for fixed monthly harvest cycles for the
growing season March to November on the Hatfield Experimental farm

This mixture presented a more balanced response to climatic conditions and management, but did
however become less efficient in the warmer summer months. The water use requirements of this
mixture were reflective of the growing seasons. Interestingly, the data for this mixture illustrated
that the temperate species will enter into the reproductive phase quicker in the harvest cycle than in
their actual growing season, and this results in the mixed pasture using more water to sustain the
canopy cover in these months.

5.4 Estimated pasture crop water requirements – ON FARM

5.4.1 Lucerne (North West Province)

Table 5.9 Crop growth parameters for lucerne production areas with frost

ETo ( 6.4 5.9 4.7 4.1 3 3.1 3.2 4 5.3 6.4 6.7 6.5
Crop coefficient (K c) 0.85 0.85 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.85 0.9 0.95
Calculated Water Use
5.4 5.0 4.2 3.3 1.8 1.6 1.6 2.4 3.7 5.4 6.0 6.2
(ETc) (

Figure 5.11 Relationship between measured dry matter yield (kg DM.ha-1) and pasture crop water
requirements (mm.week-1) and precipitation (mm.month-1) received over 2013-2015
growing season

5.4.2 Mixed kikuyu/ryegrass pasture (Grazed)

Table 5.10 Crop growth parameters for mixed kikuyu/ryegrass pastures

ETo ( 4.3 4.1 3.5 3 2.4 2 2.2 3 3.4 3.7 4.1 4.3
Crop coefficient (K c) 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.65 0.55 0.5 1 0.75 0.75 0.7 0.7
Calculated Water Use
3 2.9 2.1 1.8 1.6 1.1 1.1 3.0 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0
(ETc) (

Figure 5.12 Relationship between measured dry matter yield (kg DM.ha-1) and pasture crop water
requirements (mm.week-1) and precipitation (mm.month-1) received over 2013-2015
growing season

5.5 Estimated water requirements

Using calculated crop coefficients which are defined as the ratio of ET determined from researched
pastures and their soil surfaces to reference ET as defined by weather data, can help establish
pasture irrigation requirements (Allen et al., 1998).

ETc = Kc ETo Where: ETc crop evapotranspiration [mm d-1]

Kc crop coefficient [dimensionless]
ETo reference crop evapotranspiration [mm d-1]

Table 5.11 Calculated crop coefficients of various pasture species and their mixtures full canopy)
* Unknown

Monthly crop coefficients (K c)


ON-STATION (2 year research period)

* * 0.7 1.2 1.0 0.8 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 *
(without frost)
White Clover * * 0.7 1.3 1.4 1.0 0.7 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.9 *
Tall fescue * * 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.9 *
Kikuyu * * 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 *
Kikuyu/Lucerne * * 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 *
Tall fescue/White clover * * 0.6 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 *
Tall fescue/Lucerne * * 0.7 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.9 *
ON-FARM (2 year monitoring period + model simulations)
Lucerne (with frost) 0.85 0.85 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.85 0.9 0.95
Kikuyu/ryegrass 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.65 0.55 0.5 1.0 0.75 0.75 0.7 0.7

Research has provided the following general guidelines to irrigate various pastures.

Table 5.12 Estimated water requirements of various pasture species and mixtures thereof (full
Pastures Autumn Winter Spring Summer

(mm.week -1)
Subtropical (Warm season) pastures – ON STATION
Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) 17.0 12.0 # 20.0 30.0
Temperate (Cool season) pastures – ON STATION
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) 16.0 14.0 17.5 30.0 *
Lucerne (Medicago sativa) 21.0 15.0 15.5 30.5 *
White clover (Trifolium repens) 23.0 18.0 19.5 29.0 *
Subtropical (Warm season) grass – Temperate (Cool season) legume mixed pasture – ON
Kikuyu/Lucerne 20.0 15.0 19.0 34.0
Temperate (Cool season) grass – Temperate (Cool season) legume mixed pasture – ON
Tall fescue/Lucerne 18.5 15.5 17.0 28.0
Tall fescue/White clover 19.0 16.5 18.0 30.0
Temperate (Cool season) pastures – ON FARM
Lucerne (Hay crop) 28.0 12.5 32.0 44.0
Subtropical (Warm season) grass – Temperate (Cool season) grass mixed pasture – ON FARM
Kikuyu/Perennial ryegrass (Grazing) 14.6 9.5 21.0 29.5
* High evaporative loss (Dormant season)
Risk of increased drainage (Dormant season)


6.1 Conclusions

Significant data is being obtained from farmers and their own monitoring programmes. This data is
being captured and incorporated into a database which helps validate the models that are being
tested rather than developed. This research study has been able to incorporate lucerne crop
parameters and has been providing some good simulations. The mixed pasture crops however has
been the challenge. With the changing mixture components, each season there is a more prominent
species in the mixture. These challenges has led the research team to concentrate on the canopy
cover of the mixture rather than the individual components in the mixture themselves. These mixed
crops have therefore been a challenge for SWB.

DairyMod however, is a model that makes provision for such mixed crops, and has the option to
distinguish between the mixed pasture components, allocating the more dominant species to the
mixture. Where SWB cannot take the impact of grazing of pastures on water use etc. into account,
DairyMod has that function.

If available, accurate site specific measurements using soil water sensors that represent the whole
field could be preferable over model predicted irrigation requirements. In the absence of such
measuring devices, site specific calendars can be developed without considering rainfall using the
SWB crop growth model. These calendars should be modified when rain falls by subtracting rainfall
from the recommended irrigation amount.

These calendars can also be supported with the help of some simple irrigation scheduling tools such
as the wetting front detector (WFD). A WFD informs the irrigator when the required wetting depth
has been reached, but it does not tell one when to irrigate (Stirzaker, 2003; Geremew, 2008).
Therefore, combining the calendars (when to irrigate) and using a WFD (when to stop irrigation) can
be more beneficial than using calendars developed using a model alone. However, these calendars,
with or without correction, are clearly superior to the common ‘recipe’ of 25 mm per week.

The models can be used by farmers or consultants to develop their own calendars with relatively few
and simple inputs. Therefore, irrigators can follow different strategies for making a decision on when
and how much to irrigate depending on particular situations. In this study the model was used for
predicting water requirements and develops irrigation calendars using annual lucerne and common
grass/legume pastures as example. The model is available on the web and can be downloaded free of
charge. The water (irrigation) requirements of mixed and monospecific pastures can be determined
by the following the following recommendations:

Step 1: Determine the pasture components (which species) of the mixture and their
expected growth cycles according to production system (grazing intensity or
harvesting period)
Step 2: Derive/use available crop coefficients (Kc)
Step 3: Determine and use the areas ETo together with crop coefficients to calculate ETc
Step 4: Obtain RPM readings (Calibration important)

Step 5: Measure the canopy cover (PAR and LAI) – if possible
Step 6: Run DairyMod or SWB (generate irrigation calendars) with available resource
parameters including ETo


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