FlowForma - 6 Step Digital Process Automation EGuide
FlowForma - 6 Step Digital Process Automation EGuide
FlowForma - 6 Step Digital Process Automation EGuide
Automation Software
A 6-Step Guide
Table of
02 How Digital Process Automation (DPA) software is changing
the landscape of how work gets done
Operational excellence has become a ‘must have’ and key ingredient in any long-term
organizational strategy. The need for this tighter rein on business workflows is attributed
to many drivers one of which being general skills shortages, which was also highlighted in
the Forrester 2023 Predictions Report:
Efforts will pay off for those with the mettle to achieve
what most will not — an overwhelming competitive
advantage powered by automation.”
Customer Down
New Zealand
saved over 2,15
hours in under
12 months by
automating 3 k
7 | Digital Process Automation - 6 Step Guide
Identifying Where To Start and Which
Automated Processes Will Move the Needle
Like any tech project, it is often difficult to Taking baby steps is key to demonstrating
know where to start. As an organization success and then scaling at pace.
you know you need to be more efficient, Organizations will encounter the FOMO
you know Digital Process Automation will effect. The HR department might
help but you have a plethora of processes successfully automate a simple process
and it is difficult to identify where to start. such as leave requests then the Finance
team learn about efficiencies gained on
n’t try to
the grapevine. The data transparency,
T o p T ip : D o
n! consistent approach etc. may help
boil the ocea to visualize how other time-intensive
processes within their team could adopt a
It’s important to consider which processes similar approach e.g. PR approval/expense
are causing the most pain and weigh management. Transformation must take
that up against which of those could be place in an agile way led by the people in
automated in the shortest timeframe. the business domain.
Getting buy-in is key so, if you can,
ascertain which simple process is painful With the correct Digital Process
and extremely time-consuming. The Automation software the opportunities
benefits of automating that one process are endless and the beauty of it is that
first and using it as a benchmark for your it can be used within any industry for
first automated process success story is common business paper-intensive tasks.
that in a lot of instances the template used
for that process can be replicated across
many other workflows with tweaks here
and there depending on rules.
Lack of planning due to inaccurate data/lack of insights can lead to poor decision
Staff attrition rates linked to rudimentary procedures that detract from a key role
within an organization.
On average organizations are up and running with their first automated process within
2-4 weeks. ROI will differ from company to company, but financial gains are not the
only positive business outcomes to look forward to, with strategic differentiation and
enhanced customer satisfaction ranking high in terms of key drivers.
Use a checklist to help you identify the right Digital Process Automation
Implement changes and test again before rolling out to a wider team. Solicit ongoing
feedback and encourage users to tell you what is good and bad about the pilot
automated process. You will not take every recommendation on board, but it makes
sense to get a feel for how well this ‘new way of doing things’ is being received and
reflect on the positive and negative feedback. This will make future automated processes
stronger and instill confidence across the group of users which hopefully will have a ripple
effect and help with adoption from a wider group of users.