Marine Emc Ebook 3-16-17 Submitted
Marine Emc Ebook 3-16-17 Submitted
Marine Emc Ebook 3-16-17 Submitted
4 Conformity Assessment
This guide describes the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and wireless device regulations that
apply to marine equipment and systems. It covers regulatory requirements for recreational boats
and commercial ships in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. The broader
application of the commercial shipping regulations also extend globally through individual country
agreements to follow the International Maritime Organization Convention for the Safety of Life At
Sea (SOLAS).
These regulations are developed by marine industry manufacturers along with national governments
to ensure the safety of boating and commercial shipping. In addition, this guide identifies national
spectrum agency regulations that ensure reliable radio communications for citizens.
Electromagnetic Compatibility for
1 the Marine Environment
Recreational Craft Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) addresses two concerns;
EMC Environment first, the ability of a device to limit its radio frequency emissions
• Internal combustion engines so it doesn’t interfere with other nearby devices (in particular
• Handheld wireless transmitters radio receivers); and second, the ability of a device to operate
• Close proximity to harnesses and as required in the presence of electrical and electromagnetic
electronic controls interference and other electrical threats.
• Non-metallic hulls and structures The electromagnetic environment for recreational craft is
unique. For instance, they’re typically small spaces and RF
Commercial Ship
transmitters and communications receivers used on board are
EMC Environment
in close proximity to controls, wiring harnesses, and other
• Receivers at 156-165MHz,
2.182Mhz wireless devices.
• High Power Navigation Radar The electromagnetic environment for commercial ships
• Long-range Communications includes high power communication radios and navigation
Transmitters radar. Unsurprisingly, the reliability of these devices is critical
• Heavy Electro-mechanical to the safety of the ship and to nearby passing vessels: radios
are used to communicate potentially life-threatening conditions
and to receive distress signals from other vessels, so it’s vital
that on-board radio receivers are not interfered with by other
electrical and electronic systems.
Automotive EMC Testing
Recreational Craft
2 EMC Regulations
American Boat and Yacht For recreational craft, the EMC requirements in the US, Canada,
Council (ABYC) and the European Union include standards for the entire boats, as
well as for electronic modules and wireless transmitters. Not all
ABYC S-31 includes electrical markets have the same requirements, so boat builders and other
and EMC requirements for marine equipment manufacturers need to identify the appropriate
recreational craft and marine standards and conformity assessment processes for the markets
equipment. This standard is they serve and for the types of equipment they provide.
voluntary and is a well
This guide addresses only EMC requirements. Many other marine
recognized industry practice. It
regulations exist for water craft, such as those for boat
is not truly a government
construction and certification, life-saving equipment, and fire
regulatory requirement or a
extinguishers (to name a few). For marine safety regulations other
“certification” . Compliance with
then EMC, manufacturers should consult with the US Coast
ABYC-S31 typically covers the
Guard, Transport Canada, and the European Union Recreational
requirements for most other
Craft Directive.
Recreational & Pleasure Craft
Recreational & Pleasure Craft
EMC Regulations
for Electronic Subassemblies
Electronic subassemblies (ESAs) are individual components and
controls placed on-board to provide propulsion, steering, and other
boat safety or enhancement functions. Electronic sub-assemblies
include modules integrated by the boat-builder at the time of initial
manufacturing; devices added by value-added resellers; as well as
aftermarket products added by the boat owner. ESAs may be digital
electronics or electronic modules with wireless functionality.
Different requirements apply for digital ESAs compared to devices
that are RF transmitters and receivers.
EMC Regulations
for Wireless Devices
Wireless devices used on recreational craft must comply with
spectrum agency requirements, such as those of the FCC; Canada
Innovation, Science, and Economic Development (ISED); and
European Union Radio Equipment Directive (RED). In certain
cases, marine safety agency regulations (i.e., USCG) and Marine
Equipment Directive also apply.
Commercial Ship EMC
3 Regulations
US Coast Guard The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is branch of the
46 CFR Part 161- for marine safety United Nations responsible for developing the regulatory framework
47 CFR Part 80- for spectrum for merchant ships engaged in international travel. In particular the
IMO treaty on the International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Transport Canada Sea (SOLAS) requires country signatories to comply with safety
RSS standards for Spectrum standards and processes, some of which reference to EMC
Marine Equipment Directive The IMO SOLAS requirements are comprehensive and cover all
(MED) 96/98/EC aspects of a ship’s design, construction, and functional systems
including communications, navigation, machinery, electrical
installations, and fire safety.
IACS Members In order to confirm that a ship’s electrical systems comply with the
• Lloyd's Register SOLAS Conventions, the maritime industry has adopted a type-
• Bureau Veritas approval process for the evaluation, test, and certification of
• Croatian Register of Shipping
electrical devices for regulatory compliance. The type-approval
• Registro Italiano Navale
• American Bureau of Shipping process is referred to as “marine classification” and the
• DNV GL organizations that perform the marine certifications in accordance
• Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) with SOLAS regulations are called “classification societies.”
• Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
• Polish Register of Shipping There are over 50 classification societies that engage in the type-
• China Classification Society approval of marine equipment. Of the 50, twelve are members of
• Korean Register of Shipping the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). The
• Indian Register of Shipping IACS is a non-governmental industry organization and provides
oversight to the type-approval process. The IACS also facilitates the
development of consensus standards and test methods that
enhance maritime safety. For EMC, the IACS unified requirements
UR E10 cover standards for equipment on commercial ships. Each
class society can set more stringent requirements, but the UR E10
are the minimum.
The IACS standard UR E10 along with most commercial ship EMC
regulations in the US, Canada, and the European Union follow IEC
60533 and IEC 60092-504 for electrical equipment and IEC 60945
for radio communication and navigation systems. These tests
evaluate a product from the EMC and safety perspective. Other
transmitter specific tests may also apply for radios and radar.
The EMC requirements specified in IACS UR E10 include both radio
IACS UR E10 frequency immunity and emissions. They also cover electrical steady
EMC Regulations state and transient immunity tests.
Tests, Levels, Limits Most marine classification societies have EMC standards that prescribe
test methods, levels, and limits, but they typically follow the IACS E10
requirements. For example,
Power Supply variations:
AC Combinations +/- 6 & 10 % Voltage , +/-5% Lloyd’s Register- Test Specification 1 July, 2015
Freq Variations
AC Transient Comb +/- 20% Voltage, +/- 10%
DNV-GL- DNVGL-CG-0339 Nov, 2015
Freq Variations
The immunity test levels and test methods are generally consistent with
DC +/-10% voltage tol, 5% voltage cyclic var, 10%
ripple the generic EMC standards for the industrial environment. The power
supply variations test and the conducted low-frequency test are unique
Electrostatic Discharge to the marine environment.
IEC 61000-4-2
Contact discharge: 6kV In addition to performing the test at the prescribed immunity levels,
Air discharge: 2kV, 4kV, 8kV manufacturers need to evaluate the performance of the device and
apply the correct performance criterion. Critical systems and for
Radiated Susceptibility continuous phenomena (Performance Criteria A) typically must
IEC 61000-4-3
80 MHz to 2 GHz, 10V/m continue to operate as intended during and after the test with no
80%AM modulated at 1kHz degradation of performance or loss of function. Performance criterion B
for transient phenomena allows degradation or loss of function or
Conducted Low Freq Immunity performance that is self-recoverable. However no change of actual
AC Mains- 10% of Vnom to 15th harmonic
reducing to 1% at 100th & 1% 100th-200th min operating state or stored data is allowed.
3Vrms, max 2W.
DC Mains- 50Hz-10kHz at 10% of Vnom max 2W.
The conducted (CE) and radiated emissions (RE) standards for marine
Electrical Fast Transients
IEC 61000-4-4 applications cover a wider frequency range than general purpose
2kV L-E, 1kV Signal & I/O leads Tr=5n / T50=50ns
commercial or industrial EMC standards. CE begins at 10kHz (to
30MHz) and RE begins at 150kHz (to 2GHz). Both CE and RE
Power Line Surge standards apply a more strict limit for equipment used on the bridge or
IEC 61000-4-5 deck zones (Class B) compared to equipment below deck and
1kV L-E, 0.5kV L-E. 1.2 x 50usec, SCC 8 x 20us.
considered general power distribution zone (Class A). The tighter
bridge and deck limits are applied to protect communications and
Conducted Emissions navigation equipment, which are typically in close proximity to these
CISPR 16-2-3
bridge and deck zones. In addition, the 156-165MHz range includes a
AC & DC Mains 10kHz-30MHz Class A or B
very tight emissions limit of 24dbuV/m to protect the marine VHF radio
Radiated Emissions communications.
CISPR 16-2-3
(24 dBμV/m 156-165MHz) Class A or B
Recreational Craft
1) Determine All Applicable
Conformity Assessment-
4 Recreational Craft
Canada Product Markings For recreational craft and pleasure boats, the EMC conformity
assessment process is a manufacturer’s self declaration.
• ICES-002 Compliance:
In Canada, a manufacturer declares compliance for boat level
emissions testing per ICES-002, and for electronic sub assemblies
per ICES-003. Compliant products need to be labeled with the
• ICES-003 Compliance:
appropriate statements and information. In Canada and the US,
* Class A or B
“CAN ICES-3 (*)/NMB-3(*)” intentional transmitters must be certified and labeled accordingly.
In Europe, the EMC conformity assessment process for an entire
EU Product Markings include : boat (EN 55012) and for electronic systems per the RCD or EMC
Directives is typically a manufacturers self declaration. Radio
“CE” Mark transmitters are also self-declared compliant, but a notified body
Manufacture Name may be required when a harmonized standard is not applied in full.
Manufacturer contact information
Product tradename
Commercial Ships
1- Determine Commercial 6- Perform EMC testing with
vs. Rec Type Approval vs. CE Class Society Surveyor for On-
site witness if required .
The process for commercial marine EMC type approval will depend
Canada Product Markings on the classification agency that is contracted for the service. Each
of the IACS agencies has their own requirements but at a minimum
• ICES-002 Compliance: a completed application is required along with submittal data such
“CAN ICES-2/NMB-2” as drawings, data sheets, and test plans.
5 Prepare for Testing
Manufacturers can take several steps to ensure their marine EMC
Typical Schedule Lead Times
test processes are successful. Good planning and test preparation
EMC Testing at Elite 2-4 weeks are the key.
ENV Testing at Elite 1-3 weeks One of the first is to develop a Test Plan and communicate the
IACS Surveyor Witness Services 8- plan details with the marine surveyors, test lab, and other
12 weeks. conformity assessment service providers. The test plan should
provide the following details:
Elite report completion times 10
days after completion of testing. • Detailed equipment description, photos, software, etc.
• Signal leads, I/O leads, output leads
• Simulated output loads and wired interfaces
• Input power requirements
• Modes of operation during test
• Allowable performance criteria and tolerances
• Sample quantities
Finally, communicate early with the marine surveyors and test lab
and confirm schedule and availability at least 8 to 12 weeks in
advance. Good planning will ensure your project is completed on
Contact Elite today…
Our Experts, Your Timing, Best Value
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Why Trust Elite?
• 60+ years of EMC testing John Schmit x 125
experience Robert Bugielski x 168
Dan Mon x 142
• 30+ EMC test engineers and Steve Laya x 119
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• 20+ years of continuous ISO
Adam Rohman, x 139
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• Combined EMC and Technical Support (Marine)
Environmental Testing in one
location to save time and Stan Dolecki, x 103
expense for test witnesses Brandon Lugo, x 163
Frank Bowes, x 106
Craig Fanning, x 112