A Dedicated Seismic Early Warning Network: The Mexican Seismic Alert System
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8 authors, including:
Gerardo Suárez
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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382 Seismological Research Letters Volume 89, Number 2A March/April 2018 doi: 10.1785/0220170184
▴ Figure 1. Distribution of Mexican Seismic Alert System (SASMEX) strong-motion stations. The first stations installed in 1991 on the
Guerrero gap are shown as red triangles; the Oaxaca early warning network, Sistema de Alerta Sísmica de Oaxaca (SASO; blue triangles);
the stations added during the expansion of the SASMEX network in 2012 (black triangles). White circles indicate cities where the seismic
early warning system is now operational.
earthquakes. This time of opportunity allows putting in place became the first early seismic warning system worldwide to
public measures designed to reduce human losses in the city. issue alerts publicly (Lee and Espinosa-Aranda, 2003).
For example, schools conduct regular evacuation exercises to Almost 10 yrs after the disastrous earthquake of 1985, SAS
benefit from this long warning time. SAS started operations correctly identified the Copala earthquake of 14 September
in an experimental manner in 1991 and began to function for- 1995 (M w 7.3) as potentially damaging to Mexico City. An
mally as a public service to the city in 1993. Alerts would be alert was issued, giving a warning time of 70 s to the population
given out whenever two or more stations recorded ground- of Mexico City, prior to the arrival of the strong shaking. Many
motion amplitudes above M b 5.5. The system, originally called schools were promptly evacuated in a timely manner, proving
SAS, was composed of 12 strong-motion sensors distributed the usefulness and functionality of the system. A few years later,
along the southeastern end of the Guerrero gap (Fig. 1). In a damaging earthquake on 15 June 1999 (M w 6.7) caused im-
this part of the subduction zone, immediately to the south of portant damage in the state of Oaxaca, in southeastern Mexico.
Mexico City, the last earthquake with magnitude M w > 7:0 As a result, the government of Oaxaca gave CIRES the respon-
took place in 1911. Therefore, it is assumed that an important sibility to build a seismic early warning system in this region
accumulation of stress exists in this segment of the coast of (Espinosa-Aranda et al., 2009). This system became known as
Guerrero (McCann et al., 1979; Singh et al., 1981). Sistema de Alerta Sísmica de Oaxaca (SASO) (Fig. 1). SASO
On 14 May 1993, the Mexican early warning system de- and SAS were fused in 2012 to form the integrated Mexican
tected an M 6 earthquake in the subduction zone and gave an seismic early warning system called SASMEX (Cuéllar et al.,
advanced warning to Mexico City of ∼60 s, prior to the arrival 2014).
of the strong-motion seismic waves. This successful result dur- In 2010, SASMEX initiated a project to expand its cover-
ing the testing phase prompted the local authorities of the city age. From the 12 original stations commissioned in 1991 along
to disclose the early earthquake warnings publicly. Thus, SAS the southern coast of the state of Guerrero, the system now
procedures and environmental and security protection as the at least two neighboring FS stations to confirm the presence
FS stations of the system. of an earthquake of the established magnitude range to broadcast
The radio transmitters are kept offline to save power. They an alert. EASAS are installed in all cities subscribing to SAS-
are automatically turned on when the algorithms running in the MEX. In addition, based on the scheduled state of health
FS stations detect the need to issue an early warning broadcast. messages sent by the FS stations, the EASAS generate logs sum-
Once open, the radio link offers a high-power communication marizing information on the operational performance of the FS
path to relay the coded alerting message. The alerting message is station based on the state of health reports.
coded to prevent hacking of the system and the broadcast of false
or spurious alerts. The same communications protocol holds for
Dissemination of Seismic Early Warning Alerts
the routine transmission of the state of health parameters from
In 1991, CIRES was instructed by the Mexico City authorities
all FS and radio repeater sites. The standby capability of the
to broadcast preventive alerts to owners of dedicated receivers
radio links is designed to reduce the electrical power demand, of the system in case of an earthquake with body-wave mag-
making it possible to operate exclusively with an independent nitude 5:0 < mb < 6:0. In the case of earthquakes M b ≥ 6:0,
energy supply based on solar panels. SASMEX was instructed to relay public alerts that, in addition
The alert messages sent by the sensing stations are received of being received by the dedicated receivers, would be broadcast
by central control and broadcasting systems called EASAS (acro- via the radio and television stations that volunteered since
nym in Spanish of Alternate Emission Stations of the Seismic 1993 to disseminate the seismic alert to the public (Espinosa-
Alert System). One of their functions is to receive and decode Aranda et al., 1995). Since 2012, the preventive alert threshold
the digital messages sent from the FS stations. These data are was raised to M b ≥ 5:5. Local authorities in other cities define
then used to make the decision whether or not to activate an their own alerting levels according to their particular situation;
earthquake early warning. As explained in more detail below, for example, in Oaxaca, the preventive alert was defined for
when two or more stations confirm the required magnitude magnitude estimation of 5:0 ≤ mb < 5:5, and for public alert
range an alert is disseminated. In other words, the EASAS need when M b ≥ 5:5. All alerts share the same siren sound.
MEX, which is a modified version of the National Weather Emergency Management Agency in the United States, to en-
Radio of the NOAA (Fig. 5). These radios use NOAA sure that alerts are received only by radios located in the tar-
Weather Radio-Specific Area Message Encoder technology geted locations. CIRES modified and improved these radio
(NWR-SAME) based on the norm established by Federal receivers to be able to receive and to broadcast the seismic
warning signals in less than 3 s. SARMEX were used for the
first time during the earthquake of 27 March 2009 (M 5.3).
All schools in Mexico City that are located on the soft lacus-
trine soils have SARMEX radios in every classroom. Today,
89,000 SARMEX devices are in use in the cities of Acapulco,
Chilpancingo, Morelia, Puebla, Oaxaca, and Mexico City. In
2013, this radio was used in a pilot test by the Mexican Navy
(Secretaría de Marina) as the means of transmitting alerts from
the Mexican Tsunami Early Warning System.
On 19 September 2015, as part of the activities com-
memorating the destructive 1985 earthquake, more than 6700
loud speakers installed throughout Mexico City were incorpo-
rated to the SASMEX dissemination system. The loud speakers
prioritize seismic warnings over any other task. Ten days after
the system was inaugurated, a preventive alert was issued of an
M 5 earthquake off the cost of Guerrero. These loud speakers
broadcast both preventive and public alerts and 98% of the
▴ Figure 5. SARMEX radios used by the SASMEX to broadcast loudspeakers are turned on within 5 s. In downtown Mexico
seismic early warnings. The SARMEX radios are modified Weather City, one of the more vulnerable parts of the city, the loud-
Radios of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency that allow speakers emit the alert in less than 2 s. It is estimated that the
the broadcast of SASMEX alerts without delay in a predefined area. loudspeakers may reach up to 25 million people.