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AIP Conference Proceedings 2576, 030013 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0106020
© 2022 Author(s).
Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) for S and X Band
Shielding in Electromagnetic Applications
Abstract: This article presents a frequency selective Surface (FSS) with stop band characteristics (transmission coefficient <-
10dB) for the ‘S’ (1.8 GHz-4 GHz.) and the ‘X’ (8 GHz-12 GHz) band. The proposed FSS has a square miniaturized unit cell
structure with optimized dimensions of 0.147λ0 ×0.147λ0 ×0.0185λ0 where λ0 stands for free space wavelength at lower
resonance frequency. This structure has fan shaped design enclosed by outer square loop structure of copper deposited on a
commercially available FR4 substrate (εr = 4.4). The proposed structure also achieved miniaturization of 98% in size when it
judges against the conventional structure of same resonance frequency. The proposed FSS designing, and simulation is carried
out using CST MWS V’16 with unit cell boundaries and flout ports conditions. The prototype of the proposed FSS is fabricated
and tested using Agilent’s E 5063A, a two-port vector network analyzer and two horn antennas with a calibrated gain of 12dBi
each (operating from 20 KHz to 20 GHz). The measured transmission parameters of the FSS that match well with the simulated
ones allow its practical applicability for filtering out unwanted signals also used for protecting S and X communication frequency
band applications.
Keywords: SE (Shielding Effectiveness), FSS (Frequency Selective Surfaces), S band, X band, transmission parameters
Electromagnetic (EM) contamination is as unfavorable for our society as other pollutions such as air and water
contamination. It is probable that, in last decade effect of EM radiation over daily life has been enlarged number of
times. Mobile phones, high power lines, electric circuits/apparatus and wireless devices etc. are consider as frequent
sources of electromagnetic radiation. In addition, Electromagnetic interference has grown to be as a serious issue for
all sensitive electronic and electrical devices and because of their malfunctioning. Thus, now days the demand for
the devices that can protect electric/electronics devices from such danger has been increased. To overcome this
issue, conductive barriers are used as a protective shielding from the outer interfering radiation sources. The
capability of the conductive materials to reflect the EM wave is also known as its shielding effectiveness. The
property of SE is the function the frequency of the EM radiation and the conductive and dielectric material. Thus,
metallic thin plates are implanted to weakening the undesirable signal that caused by electromagnetic sources. Here
in this article we introduce frequency selective surface as a dual stop band. A FSS structure in simple terms can be
defined as 2D periodically arranged array of conductive unit cell element imprinted on a dielectric substrate [1]. The
smallest part of the FSS that contains one or more elements is well known as a unit cell. These unit cell’s structure
are organized periodically, in required dimension such as one or two, to construct the entire structure of FSS [2-3].
The incoming EM impinging on the FSS structure either gets reflected or transmitted about its resonant frequency
for which it has been designed. Transmission or reflection characteristics of the FSS depend upon its designed
geometry. FSSs that contain conductive patch elements on substrate reflect the incoming EM wave of a specific
frequency while its complimentary i.e., aperture elements transmit the incoming EM waves of a certain frequency
band. There capability is to block the undesirable EM signal from the nearby frequency band and allows to pass only
specified frequency communication bands [4].FSS can act as a Band Pass filter , Band reject filter but along with
this it has some more applications like it can be used in high performance devices. Unit cell is mostly preferred to
have miniaturized elements since small unit cell element offers lesser distortions in transmission and thus gives
better results in terms of the FSS transmission parameters [5]. This miniaturization of elements of FSS can be
obtained through multilayer techniques but such techniques make the structure complicated and complex [6]. Many
researchers have been soughed different techniques to achieve miniaturization with dual-band transmission
characteristics. The patch type FSS is the bulkiest out of all the conventional FSS classifications. In the formers
years noteworthy research has been conceded in the designing of single, double and multiband FSS structures.
Author K. R. Jha [7] synthesized the FSS unit cell structure for 3 GHz resonance frequency. Given single loop
structure is consider as a reference to explain the miniaturization of the proposed and other FSS structures. Further
Silva PHF et. al presented a fractal geometry to achieve the dual band transmission characteristics, but
miniaturization could not be attained as patch type elements have need a quite large unit cell when compared to
single loop conventional structure that resonate at the same frequency [8]. Due to its proposed hybride structure,
dual-band operation is also achieved. Due to its compact size, the onset of grating lobes close to the frequencies of
interest can be avoided. Besides, a fabricated prototype is also measured to validate the simulated results. The
experimental validation of the transmission and reflection parameters for this FSS is done using a two port VNA and
two highly calibrated Horn Antennas with gain 12 dBi by placing the proposed FSS sheet between them. A
considerable similarities in the measured and simulated and measured performance make the proposed FSS sheet to
be practically relevant for microwave filter applications to filter out the unwanted interferences from nearby bands
of ‘S’ and ‘X’ bands, typically for the efficient working of WLAN, Bluetooth, ZIGBEE and Satellite
The next sections of this article are organized as follows: Section 2 mentions the design procedure of the FSS and its
methodology, section3 mentions the results and discussion of the proposed FSS, Section 4 gives the details of the
fabricated FSS, and comparison of simulated and measured results and section 5 presents the parametric
optimization procedure for the proposed FSS and section 6 presents the conclusions of the current article.
To better understand the design process of proposed unit cell element, the whole process is explained in step wise as
depicts in Fig. 1. In part (a) of the Fig. 1, FSS unit cell offers dual band pass frequency response, and the aim of this
article to discover the band stop FSS unit cell from this band pass FSS unit cell structure that will be work as a
shield to stop S and X band of communication frequency range. The next step in this process is to replace the
metallic area of part (a) with aperture and slotted part with metal one as depicts in Fig. 1(b) to get the complimentary
geometry. For getting the desire response from the complimentary Structure (Fig. 1(b)) it is needed to be further
optimized. The next step towards the optimization of the design is to wider its centre square of the unit cell element
as depicted in Fig. 1(c). For further refining the transmission characteristics, in the forth step a square slot has been
etched from the centre wider area of the unit cell structure. In addition to this one single loop of square shaped is
also imprinted at the flipside of the structure (Fig. 1(e)). Thus this combine geometry (step d-e) offers improves
performance in terms of band stop response of X band and also smoothen the stop band characteristics of S
frequency band. In addition one single square loop element imprinted on the back side of the substrate. Finally, for
further improvement in the bandwidth of both S and X frequency bands a small conductive patch (1×1 mm2) of
copper is added at the middle of the fan shaped structure as depicts in Fig. 1(f). The optimized parameters of the
proposed FSS are mentioned in table 1. Moreover final well optimized specified parameters are mentioned in table
Specification L W Lo Wo L1 W1 Li Wi L2 W2 w t1
Dimension(mm) 13 13 12.75 12.75 8.44 8.44 1 1 4.3 4.3 0.55 0.5
(A) (B)
FIGURE. 2. (A) Perspective and (B) Top view (i) / back view (ii) of the unit cell structure of FSSs
To examine the function of the proposed FSS unit cell structure, the whole design procedure is explained in six steps
briefly as shown in Fig. 1 (a-f) and their respective transmission coefficients are depicts in Fig. 2. From the
transmission parameters results it is clear that every parameter of the unit cell structure affects its performance. The
aim of this article is to realize the band Stop frequency response from the complimentary pass band FSS unit cell
design. Thus in the beginning of the design a single square loop along with another additional square loop structure
is imprinted on the dielectric substrate. In addition a pair of orthogonal stubs are interleaved at the edges of inner
square loop that form a fan shaped structure (Fig. 1 (a)). This structure posses pass band frequency response for both
S and X bands as depicts in the step_1 (dotted blue line) of Fig. 3. In the second step of optimization it is seen that
complimentary of the step_1 (Fig. 1(b)) is offering the band stop frequency response (S12) but it do not cover the
complete S and X bands. Thus this complimentary geometry (Fig.1 (b)) needs further parametric optimization. At
the third stage of evolution the centre square of the unit cell element make broaden that offers a slight shift in the
resonance frequency of X band towards the higher frequency shown in Fig. 3 (dotted green curve). Followed by this,
with the addition of a square ring (on the flip side of the substrate) along with a slot (etched in centre square) the
improvement in the X band in terms of bandwidth has been observed (Fig. 3 purple dotted line) and also shift the
resonance at frequency 10.25 GHz. At the final stage, a small tiny metallic square patch of dimension 1×1 mm2 is
added that enhance the frequency response performance of the proposed FSS in terms of bandwidth and sharpness
for dual S and X band. The final optimized proposed FSS unit cell structure offers band stop transmission
characteristics for the entire S(1.88 GHz- 4GHz) and X (8 GHz-12GHz) bands at the resonance frequency 2.9 GHz
and 10.2 GHz respectively as shown in Fig. 3 (solid red line) .
Fig. 3(a) depicts the two-port network model of the proposed FSS, as the FSS contain two ports i.e. input and output
thus come under the group of two port networks. Therefore, the S parameters S 11, S12, S21 and S22 can be used to
evaluate the performance of these structures. In this context, Fig. 3(b) depicts the S parameters of the proposed FSS
and its reflection phase curve of S11. It is clear that the designed FSS unit cell allows to stop S( 1.88 GHz to 4 GHz)
and X (8 GHz-12 GHz) communication frequency band.
FIGURE. 3. S12 characteristics (band stop) of FSS
FIGURE. 4(b). S parameter/ reflection phase response of the FSS unit cell element
The most significant parameter of the designed FSS unit cell structure is Shielding effectiveness (SE). The SE for
the proposed structure can be calculated by using equation (1) and the simulated results of the final structure are
shown in Fig. 4(c). This can be further simplified and interpreted in terms of |S12| as:
ܵܧௗ ൌ െʹͲ݈݃ଵ ȁܵଵଶ ȁ…… (1)
FIGURE. 4(c). Shielding Effectiveness (SE) performance of the Proposed FSS design
From the current distribution of the unit cell structure in Fig. 5, it is verified that at the frequency 2.9 GHz the entire
surface current is distributed along the outer single square loop. Thus outer loop is responsible for generating
resonance frequency of 2.9 GHz. Similarly, at frequency 10.4 GHz surface current is distributed at the slotted
portion of the surface of inner shape. Thus inner fan shaped structure is responsible for generating X band with
resonance frequency 10.4 GHz.
(a) (b)
FIG. 5 Current distribution diagrams (at 2.9-10.4 GHz respectively) at on the conducting surface of the top layer
(a) (b)
FIGURE. 6. Electric field distribution at (a) 2.9 GHz and (b) 10.4 GHz respectively
(a) (b)
FIGURE. 7(a) Equivalent circuit at 2.9 GHz FIGURE. 7(b) Equivalent circuit at 10.4 GHz
In order to understand the behavior of the proposed unit cell element of FSS structure, an equivalent circuit is build
up as depicts in Fig.. At frequency of 2.9 GHz resonance, the EC is split into left and right parts that portray the
replica of each other as depicts in Fig. 7(a). From the simulated current distribution at 2.9 GHz resonant frequency,
it is find that current is dominating at the left and right portion of the outer surface of the single square loop. Thus
outer loop is responsible for the resonance at 2.9 GHz frequency and added inductive affect L in EC. Fig. 6(a)
electric field distribution depicts the large amount of charges gathering at the horizontal strip of outer ring at the
frequency of 2.9 GHz. The gathering of these charges leading the capacitive effect in the equivalent circuit. Hence a
parallel arrangement of L1 and C1 is introduce in the EC for the proposed FSS at resonance 2.9 GHz. Besides the
variable resistance ‘Z0’ represents the losses. Similarly, at 2nd resonance frequency 10.4 GHz, the EC is breaks into
left and right parts that portray the replica of each other as depicts in Fig. 7(b). From Fig. 5(b) current distribution of
structure, it is seen that at the resonance 10.4 GHz that current is dominating at slotted portion of the inner fan
shaped structure. The inner portion of the FSS is accountable for resonance at 10.4 GHz frequency and added
inductive effect Ll in EC. Fig. 6(b) electric field distribution depicts the large amount of charges gathering in
between the slotted portion, thus introduce the capacitive nature with capacitance Cl. In addition the charges
distributed at the edges of the inner square slot introduce the capacitance C2.Similarly current distribution at vertical
region the inner portion produce L2. Thus the comparison of CST simulated design and lumped circuit based
Equivalent Models of the FSS unit cell element (both S and X stop band) are depicts in Fig. 7(c-d).
FIGURE. 7 (c-d). Comparison of S12 (Simulated and EC Results) of proposed FSS designs
To observe the consequence of individual geometry of the structure, a parametric study of the FSS structure as a
Shielding Effectiveness has been done. Every small change in the geometry of the pattern is exclusively accountable
for bandwidth and also for resonance frequency of FSS filter. The parametric analysis has been done by varying one
parameter at time and taking other parameters fixed at the normal incident angle.
Fig. 8(a) depicts the effect of inner slot’s thickness ‘t’ over the SE of the proposed design. Inner structure is
responsible for the SE of X band only thus not much affect the performance of S band. From the different curves of
the fig. 8(a) it is observed that there is increment in the thickness of the slot so resonance peak shift towards the
lower frequency side. This movement of resonance towards lower frequency side is because of the dominating
inductor effect over diminishing the Capacitive effect of the inner design and the best result observed at t= 0.5 mm.
Similarly, the outer square loop of the design is responsible for the SE of S band only thus not affect much the
performance of the X frequency band as shown in fig. 8(b). As the thickness of the loop ‘w’ increases there are the
appearance of the ripples take place in the SE. Thus, the best result is found in term of SE at w = 0.55 mm therefore
it is selected.
FIGURE. 8. Variation in the different parameters if the proposed FSS design
Fig. 8 (c) depicts the effect of length (L2) of inner square slot on the SE response of FSS structure. As size of the
slot increases from lower (4.1 mm) to higher (4.4 mm), it is observed that the resonant peaks of the X bands move
towards lower frequency. The movement of the resonance towards lower frequency is as a result of dominating
inductor effect L, as the size of slot increases inner width of inductor goes on decreases, thus resonance shifted
towards lower frequency as depicts in fig. 8. In addition to this, the frequency response of S band of FSS structure is
also affected but resonance remains at same frequency. A better result is found in terms of SE at length of 4.3 mm
and is therefore selected.
The dielectric constant of the proposed structure ɛr is also play an important role the performance of FSS in term of
SE and the related results are shown in Fig. 8(d). From the SE curves at different ɛr, it is observed that the resonance
peak of the respective curves tends to decrease with the increases in the value of ɛr. This is because the square-loop
length is inversely related to ; mathematically, it is represented as [9]:
ߝ ݎ ͳ
Ͷ݂ ξሺ ሻ
In order to validate the simulated shielding effectiveness and transmission characteristics a shield of an array of 15 x
15 with dimension 195x195x1.605 was fabricated on an FR4 sheet of height 1.57 mm and dielectric constant of 4.4 .
The unit cell design of copper (with thickness of 0.035mm) was printed on this FR4 sheet using the wet etching
process. Fig. 9(A) shows the snapshot of the proposed FSS with a measuring scale to validate the periodicity of unit
cell with dimensions of 13mm × 13mm.
To measure the transmission parameters and SE of the fabricated sheet of FSS, a slot of rectangular shape was
created in an aluminum sheet as shown in the diagrammatic arrangement of setup (fig. 9(B)). This was prepared to
make this sure that the incoming electromagnetic wave only impinging at the FSS sheet that is fixed in the slotted
area. For this purpose two horn antennas operating at the frequency range of 20 KHz to 20 GHz with a calibrated
gain of 12dBi are connected two the two ports of a Agilent’s VNA E 5063 (operating range 20 KHz to 20 GHz). A
free space measurement of the FSS sheet has been done for S12/ S21 parameters by placing it in between the two horn
antennas. Fig. 10 (a-b) depicts the transmission parameters and SE of the fabricated and simulated FSS sheet
respectively. It can be observed from fig. 10 that a satisfactory match between simulated and measured results.
A comparison between the simulated and measured results in terms of transmission characteristics and shielding
effectiveness for the proposed stop band FSS is depicts in fig. It can be observed from Fig. 10 that an acceptable
match between simulated and measured results is seen. From Fig. 10 it is seen that for first stop band i.e., 2.4 GHz to
4.8 GHz (measured) the return loss is different from simulated one this may be because of reflections from the
nearby reflecting objects in free space testing environment or because of some manufacturing errors and second stop
band i.e. from 8.2 GHz to 12.45 GHz (measured) is nearly matched with simulated one.
FIGURE. 9(a-b). Unit cell structures of FSS and Snapshot of the FSS prototype respectively, (B) diagrammatical view of the
experimental setup for measurements.
FIGURE. 10 (A-B). Comparison between simulated and measured results for Transmission parameters and SE respectively
As mentioned earlier, miniaturization of size of FSS unit cell with larger bandwidth are two vital factors that
affecting the performance of any FSS design. Hence, the proposed FSS design is compared in a tabular form with
some of the existing designs. The comparison basis number of bands cover by the FSS, bandwidth, and
miniaturization .As table 3 reports, reference 10 fractal Hilbert FSS that is, loop type was used for dual band
response and a miniaturization of 93.6% at 4.15 GHz was observed when compared to the conventional square patch
FSS resonating at the same frequency. In addition the researchers were also motivated by Minkowski island
fractal[11] FSS design to attain a miniaturization of 70% at 9 GHz. From the above-mentioned works, it can be
observed that the design for multi-band miniaturization becomes complex with decrease in resonant frequency. For
further miniaturization at lower frequencies hybrid model, FSSs were being studied. Recently, in reference [12-19]
convoluted FSS structures were used to attain 96%,92%,93%,98%,90%,87%,85%,92.8% miniaturization at resonant
frequencies of 5,2.4,2.89,3.2,5,6.3,5.7,4.24 GHz respectively. This work presents a strategy of realization of stop
band from pass band structure design. Thus, forming a compact fan shaped structure enclosed by closed square loop.
When compared to a conventional patch type unit cell, the proposed FSS obtains a miniaturization [7] of 98%.
The proposed design of the FSS structure is validated through the experimental analyses. The proposed design is a
hybrid type of FSS where outer single square loop and inner fan shaped structure are responsible for resonance at 3
and 10.4 GHz respectively. The proposed (13×13×1.605 mm3) FSS design seemed to be simple and compact which
provides dual stop band for S and X bands. The testing of the proposed FSS using a two port VNA validates its
transmission characteristics for the stop bands in the ‘S’ and ‘X’ wireless communication bands. Due to the excited
resonances of the fabricated FSS sheet frequency bands from 2.4 GHz to 4.8 GHz and 8.2 GHz to 12.45 GHz were
rejected by the current structure. Therefore the proposed FSS can be practically utilized to filter out unwanted
disturbances from the nearby wireless communication bands and also used as a Shield for S and X band
applications. Finally, the appropriate performance of the proposed FSS in real-world applications was confirmed by
the close agreements between the measurement and simulation results.
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