9822218c523b Anuar Resume
9822218c523b Anuar Resume
9822218c523b Anuar Resume
anuarshaidenov@gmail.com | +77010131298 | github | linkedin |medium | portfolio
I’m a Frontend Developer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering. Graduated from the Microverse
Bootcamp and mastered my skills as a Full-Stack Web Developer, while working remotely with 20+ coding partners
on 50+ projects of different complexity.
Passionate about working with components, UI, and UX. Love writing maintainable code, that helps me keep my
projects modular, and clean while opening opportunities to scale the projects as the complexity grows. I am also
passionate about following design fundamentals since I believe that user interface and user experience are some of
the most important things about an application.
Front-End: JavaScript, NextJS, React, Redux, Vue, Nuxt, HTML5, CSS3
Back-End: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Scala + Play, Firebase, MySQL, MongoDB
Tools & Methods: BEM, Component-Based development Git, GitHub, Heroku, Netlify, Mobile/Responsive
Development, TDD, Chrome Dev Tools
Professional: Remote pair-programming, Teamwork, Mentoring
Torre Labs Remote
Software Engineer July, 2022 – Present
● Successfully provided a number of new features that are being used by 1 000 000+ users.
● Resolved a number of bugs across the code base consisting of 10 different repositories that lead to an increase
in the performance of the platform.
Front-End Developer - UI/UX Designer June 2022 – July, 2022
● Fully redesigned the platform from scratch, and built a strong online presence.
● Using semantic code, made the website rank high and have 100% SEO scores.
Mentor (Volunteer) November, 2021 – Present
● Mentored junior web developers, providing technical support through code reviews.
● Proposed improvements to code organization to improve code quality and overall performance.
● Provided advice and tips on how to maintain motivation to maintain longevity in the program.