Community Health Nursing: Goals and Objectives
Community Health Nursing: Goals and Objectives
Community Health Nursing: Goals and Objectives
of health care
The term community health Multiple factors of health
nursing is synonymous with considered
public health nursing. Active participation of clients
Community health nursing encouraged
relies heavily on the systematic Nurse considers availability of
process of designing and resources
delivering health services and Interdependence among health
nursing care to improve the team members practiced
health of the entire community. Scientific and up-to-date
Community health nursing is a Tasks of CHN vary with time
specialty in nursing. According and place
to the American Nursing Independence or self-reliance
Association (ANA), public health of the people is the end goal
nursing is the practice of Connectedness of health and
promoting and protecting the development regarded
health of populations using
knowledge from nursing, social Goals and Objectives
and public health sciences The primary goal of community
(Waldorf, 1999). health nursing is to help a
Community health nursing community protect and
involves the identification of preserve the health of its
high-risk aggregates in the members, while the secondary
community, and the goal is to promote self-care
development of appropriate among individuals and families.
and workable policies and In the health-care reform
interventions to ensure environment, the community
accessible services for all health nurse will probably
groups of the population. continue to care for individuals
and families, particularly high-
PHILOSOPHY risk clients and those with
“The philosophy of CHN is communicable diseases.
based on the worth and dignity
on the worth and dignity of GOALS OF CHN
man.”(Dr. M. Shetland). To promote health and
A philosophy is defined as a efficiency.
system of beliefs that provides Prevention and control diseases
a basis for a guides action. A and disabilities.
philosophy provides the Need based health care to
direction and describes the prolong life.
whats, the whys, and the hows
of activities within a profession.
The first 81 rural health units through Department Order #
were organized. 29.
A community nurse is 2. Assessment of Health needs
responsible for providing and Health problems
general and comprehensive The community health nurse
public health and nursing comes to know the health
services to the people at large needs and problems of the
in a defined community. community as she explores the
He/she is vested with the community.
responsibility of helping people 3. Setting objectives
to solve their health and Once the problems are
nursing care problems in their prioritized, it is very important
place of living and work. to set up objectives relevant to
Community Health Nursing each of the problems identified.
Process is a systematic, 4. Planning and
scientific, dynamic, ongoing implementation of
interpersonal process in interventions
which the nurses and the This is otherwise called the
clients are viewed as a system action plan.
with each affecting one and 5. Evaluation of action plan
other and both being affected Evaluation of interventions
by the factors within the determines the effectiveness of
behaviour. actions implemented –
Community Health Nursing i.e.whether the desired results
Process refers to a intended are achieved or not.
systematic series of steps
which are followed by public PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY
health nurses in community HEALTH
health and nursing problems 1) Community health nurse must
using community approaches explore and know various
and resources”. aspects of a defined community
Community Health Nursing to be able to plan and
process is an effective tool implement health services.
to help people solve their 2) Community health nurse must
health problems and meet their make a map of the community
health and nursing needs. showing the geographical
boundaries, important roads,
STEPS IN NURSING PROCESS streets, housing networks,
1. Establishing and church/temple/mosque, school,
maintaining working post office. This helps in
relationship plotting the house for care.
Community health Nursing 3) Community health nurse must
process is helping community establish good working
people and families identify relationship as it helps in
their health problems and providing need based care.
4) Community health nurse must all without any discrimination of
know the health care delivery age, gender, colour, caste,
system, health policies, health nationality, political affiliation,
goals, health actions, national religion, as every individual has
health care programmes while a right to optimum health.
rendering health services.
5) The community health nurse 13) The community health
should provide realistic health nurse must not interfere with
services ( in terms of available people’s religious, political
resources, funds). beliefs, but respect every one
6) community health nurse must without any prejudice.
organize health services at 14) Community health
large for the community and nurse should work in close
render the services to the consultation with employing
family which is the unit of authority (Govt, public trust,
community. NGO).
7) Community health nurse must 15) Community health nurse
continuously keep in touch with should develop and maintain
the community and provide professional relationship with
wellness oriented health and health allies
comprehensive services agencies (Block Development
continuously. Office, Panchayats, Voluntary
8) community health nurse must Organizations)
work in collaboration with other 16) Community health nurse
team members… therefore she must never accept any bribe or
needs to know the roles and gift against professional ethics.
responsibilities of the other 17) The community health
team members. nurse must have an active
9) Community health nurse participation with the
educates in giving care to community people in taking
individual, family and care of their own needs and
community. The health health problems. (This can be
education should aim at done by mass awareness
providing a comprehensive campaign).
health knowledge to the 18) The community health
community. nurse must be aware and
10) Community health nurse closely co- ordinate with the
must maintain proper health local formal and informal
records, registers. (These are leaders.
legal documents) These records
help in planning and evaluation EPIDEMIOLOGY
of the services. Epidemiology is the study of the
11) The community health distribution and determinants of
nurse must evaluate her health and disease in human
services to find out populations (World Health
achievement. Eg., population Organization, 2017) and is the
covered, actions planned and principal science of public
recorded. health.
12) The community health It entails a body of knowledge
nurse must provide services to derived from epidemiological
research and specialized outbreak and to implement
epidemiological methods and control measures to prevent
approaches to scientific additional illness.
Secondary Prevention
The action which halts the
progress of a disease at its COMMON HEALTH PROBLEMS
incipient stage and complaints AMONG SCHOOL CHILDREN
Intervention: Dental problems
Early detection Malnutrition
Prompt treatment GI problems
Skin problem
Tertiary prevention Vision problems
All measures available to Respiratory problems
reduce or limit impairment and Behavioral problems
disabilities, minimize suffering Other problems
caused by existing departures
from good health and to HEALTH PROMOTION AND
promote the patient adjustment PROTECTIVE SERVICES
irremediable conditions. Wholesome school environment
Interventions Maintenance of personal
Disability limitation hygiene
Rehabilitation Nutritional services
Rehabilitation Recreational services
Medical rehabilitation Mental health of children
Vocational rehabilitation Health education
Social rehabilitation Immunization
rehabilitation Therapeutic measures
Health appraisal
SCHOOL HEALTH NURSING Treatment and follow-up
School First aid and emergency care
Is defined as an educational Rehabilitative services
institution where group of School health records
pupils pursue studies.
Refers to the state of complete Principal
physical, mental and spiritual Set up school health committee
wellbeing and not merely Ensure teachers training
absence of diseases or infirmity School teacher
Daily inspection of children
Giving first aid emergency
Providing information regarding
past and present history of
medical problems and
immunization status
Help in correction of defects
Providing suitable land for
school building
Participation in school health
committees and contributes
the information activities
Learn values of medical and
health examination, personal
hygiene, good nutrition and
environmental sanitation
Medical officer
Making diagnosis
Prescribe the treatment
Initiating promotive and
preventive program
School nurse
Health promotion and specific
Prevention of complications and
Training and guidance