Technical Information
Technical Information
Technical Information
The Isle of Man Ship Registry has informed ClassNK of Industry Circular No.6, "Periodic Inspection,
Testing and Maintemance of Compressed Gas Cylinders, Fire Extinguishers and Fixed Fire-Protection
Systems". As necessary, please refer to the original text of the Guideline which is available on Isle of
Man Government Internet Homepage (
This Circular sets out the requirements for inspection, testing and maintenance of compressed gas
cylinders, fire extinguishers and fire protection systems and appliances.
1. General
(1) All fire protection systems and appliances should at all times be in good order and available
for immediate use while the ship is in service.
(2) If a fire protection system is under repair the Ship Registry shall be contacted stating what
suitable arrangements have been made to ensure safety is not diminished. If the Ship Registry
is satisfied with the arrangements approval will be given and where necessary an exemption
shall be issued.
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ClassNK Technical Information No. TEC-0919
(2) Monthly
(i) All fireman's outfits, fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, hoses and nozzles are in place,
properly arranged and in a ready to use condition
(ii) All fixed fire-extinguishing installations using extinguishing gas are free from leakage.
(3) Quarterly
(i) The international shore connection is in a ready to use condition, and provided with
appropriate securing devices.
(ii) Lockers providing storage for fire-fighting equipment contain proper inventory and
equipment is in a ready to use condition.
(iii) All fire doors and fire dampers are tested for local operation.
(iv) All CO2 bottle connections for cable operating system clips should be checked for
tightness on fixed fire-extinguishing installation.
(v) All hydrants are tested for operation.
(4) Annually
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(i) Fire detection systems are tested for proper operation, as appropriate.
(ii) All fire doors and dampers are tested for remote operation.
(iii) All antifreeze systems (where fitted) are tested for proper solutions.
(iv) All fire hoses are hydrostatically tested.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher includes portable and semi-portable unit of all types.
Refer to Appendix 2 for the inspection guide for portable fire extinguishers.
(1) Inspection
(i) All extinguishers should be inspected monthly to check for proper location, charging
pressure and condition by a competent person.
(ii) Each extinguisher should be marked clearly to indicate the date upon which it has been
(2) Testing
(i) All types of portable extinguishers are to be hydraulically tested in accordance with a
recognized standard or the manufacturer's instruction at intervals not exceeding 10 years,
unless the extinguisher is found to be defective during an inspection.
(ii) The hydraulic test period for semi portable fire extinguishers should be conducted as per
the manufacturer's guidelines.
(iii) Hydraulic testing must be carried out by an accredited service agent or test facility.
(iv) At least one portable extinguishers of each type manufactured in the same year and kept
on-board a ship should be discharged at five yearly intervals (as part of a fire drill)
(v) Instructions for recharging extinguishers should be supplied by the manufacturer and be
available for use on-board
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(vi) Prior to recharging an extinguisher a thorough inspection and internal examination must
be carried out.
(vii) The test pressure and test date must be marked clearly on each extinguisher.
"Hard-stamping" is only acceptable for CO2 extinguishers and propellant bottles.
(viii)Test certificates or test records must be provided and retained on board for inspection.
(ix) Propellant cartridges for fire extinguishers (e.g. CO2 cartridges) with a capacity not
exceeding 600ml, do not require hydraulic testing. The shelf life is 20 years although it
is recommended they are not refilled after 15 years. The cartridges should be inspected
annually and weight-checked. Any bottles showing signs of wastage, deterioration or
weight loss in excess of 10% should be replaced.
(x) Propellant bottles in excess of 600ml for semi portable fire extinguishers should be
hydraulically tested every 10 years.
5. Cylinders for SCBA, Medical Oxygen and Compressed Air Cylinders for Survival Craft Air
SCBA cylinders includes compressed air cylinders for all breathing apparatus, escape sets and
rescue equipment.
(1) Inspection
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(i) SCBA cylinders should be inspected weekly to ensure there are no leakages.
(ii) All cylinders, high pressure fittings and hoses should be externally examined annually
by a competent person.
(iii) Medical oxygen has a limited shelf life of 3 years and should be landed ashore for
re-charging at the expiry date.
(iv) Breathing apparatus air-recharging systems should be checked annually to ensure the air
quality is to a recognized national standard. (e.g. BS EN 12021, or USCGA grade D or
(v) SCBA cylinders should be used on a rotation basis in drills and should have their air
charge used or blown-off and re-filled as per the manufacturer's guidelines.
(2) Testing
(i) Medical oxygen pressure regulators should be serviced at least every 5 years.
(ii) The maximum interval between hydraulic tests for solid drawn steel cylinders for SCBA
(as defined above) and for survival craft self-contained air support cylinders is 5 years.
Composite cylinders may require more frequent testing as stipulated by manufacturer's
(iii) Medical oxygen cylinders have a maximum interval between hydraulic tests of 5 years.
(iv) Hydraulic testing must be carried out by an accredited service agent or test facility.
(v) Following the hydraulic test, a thorough inspection and internal examination must be
carried out prior to recharging.
(vi) The test pressure and test date must be stamped clearly on each steel cylinder. Composite
cylinders will require a permanent marking or tag.
(vii) Test certificates must be provided and retained on board for inspection.
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(2) Testing
(i) The hydraulic pressure test period for these high-pressure cylinders:
(ii) First pressure test within 20 years of initial pressure test at manufacture, provided annual
inspections have been carried out with satisfactory results.
(iii) Subsequent pressure tests every 5 years thereafter.
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(iii) In order to extend the cylinder test period beyond 20 years, the Isle of Man require a
thorough examination of all cylinders be carried out by an accredited service agent.
Where each cylinder is found to be in a satisfactory condition with no significant signs
of pitting, corrosion, fretting or cracking, this Administration will permit the hydraulic
test of all the cylinders to be postponed for a further 5 years, i.e. 25 years from initial test
date for which a letter will be issued to the vessel upon receipt of the inspection report.
7. Foam Systems, to include all foam types: FP; AFFF; FFFP; ARFFF
(1) Foam sampling - Fixed systems:
(i) An analysis of foam samples must be undertaken after 3 years from date of manufacture
and annually thereafter.
(ii) Samples should be:
(a) As representative as practical, e.g. taken from top, middle and bottom of tanks
where arrangement permits, and placed in an uncontaminated container.
(b) Analyzed by an independent or manufacturer's laboratory and the results of
analyses must be kept on board and readily available for inspection.
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(f) 5 yearly, in addition to the annual tests indicated above, the pressure tank and all
check and control valves should be internally inspected. Also checks to be carried
out to confirm that distribution pipework is free from corrosion and blockage.
(4) In the case of sprinkler systems protecting passenger accommodation, an Isle of Man Ship
Registry Surveyor will inspect and test the system using the criteria stated above during
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate Renewal surveys.
11. Rejection
(1) Extinguishers or cylinders failing any inspection or test shall be rendered unserviceable and
disposed of accordingly.
(2) Any entry in the records must be made to show when any extinguisher or cylinder has been
irejected and for what reason.
12. Records
(1) Records of inspection, maintenance and testing of all extinguishers and cylinders must be
maintained and readily available on board for inspection.
(2) These records should clearly identify each individual extinguisher or cylinder and its
inspection status.
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Annually by a
competent person
(see Note 1)
5 years
Pressure Test date to
be hard-stamped on
PT certificates on
Annual inspection Pressure Test date to
Every 2 years by an
CO2 High Pressure and function checks Within 20 years be hard-stamped on
accredited service
Cylinders – Fixed by a competent and every 5 years cylinder.
agent + level check
installations person (see Notes 1 thereafter Inspection & PT
(see Note 4)
& 4) certificates on board
Pressure Test date to
Halon High Annual inspection Every 2 years by an External
be hard-stamped on
Pressure Cylinders and function checks accredited service examination at 20
- in accordance with agent + level check years to extend 25
Inspection & PT
Fixed Installations SMS procedures (see Note 4) years (see Note 5)
certificates on board
Up to 15 years Up to 15 years
Cylinders for Pressure Test date to
Periodically check (Refer to Industry (Refer to Industry
Refrigerant Gas, be hard-stamped on
condition Circular Number Circular Number
Nitrogen cylinder
20)) 20)
Fixed systems- an
Foam sample after 3
accredited service
years then annually
Foam agent to carry out a
thereafter Foam sample
Systems full inspection of -
(see Note 6) certificates on board
(fixed and portable) the system and
For portable foam
functionality every
(see Note 7)
2 years
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ClassNK Technical Information No. TEC-0919
a) A member of the ship's crew who has the necessary training and who carries out the work
on-board under direct supervision of a senior officer holding an advanced fire fighting
certificate (experienced person holding a Merchant Shipping STCW II/2 or III/2 certificate of
competency and an Advanced Fire Fighting certificate). All work should be carried out as part
of a planned maintenance system with all necessary procedures, work instruction, manuals,
tools, spares and calibrated test equipment readily available; or
b) an accredited service agent.
2. At least one portable extinguishers of each type manufactured in the same rear and kept on board a
ship should be test discharged at five yearly intervals (as part of a fire drill) .
3. Pressure test dates must be clearly marked. Hard-stamping is only permitted on CO2 extinguisher
cylinders and propellant bottles.
4. Annually at least 10% of the cylinders should be subject to a weight or liquid level check. Biennial
inspections should be carried out by an accredited service agent in conjunction with the service for
the entire system.
5. This relaxation from the 20 years test period is permitted on a ship by ship basis for which
application must be made to the Isle of Man Ship Registry. Any extension is granted subject to
thorough examination (including NDT) by an accredited service agent, the details of which will be
provided upon application.
6. Sample analyses must be carried out by an accredited service agent ashore.
7. Portable foam sampling; if the foam is within the manufacturer's recommended shelf life the
compound does not need to be tested provided the drums remain sealed with no visible signs of
degradation. If the drum has been opened or records are not available on-board testing should be
carried out on an annual basis per batch in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction.
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ClassNK Technical Information No. TEC-0919
Powder charges
Gas cartridge
Remove the charge to a clean container if to be reused and check if it is
still suitable for further use. Check any charge container.
Examine the powder for reuse. Ensure that it is free flowing and that there
is no evidence of caking lumps or foreign bodies.
Examine for damage and corrosion.
Inspection at five and ten year intervals
Inspection after discharge test
Prove clear passage by blowing through vent holed and vent devices in the
Air passages and operating cap. Check hose, nozzle strainer, discharge tube and breather valve, as
mechanism applicable. Check the operating and discharge control. Clean and lubricate
as required.
Operating mechanism Check that the safety pin is removable and that the lever is undamaged.
Examine for damage and corrosion. Weigh the cartridge to ascertain that it
Gas cartridge
is within prescribed limits.
O-ring washers and hose diaphragms Check O-rings and replace hose diaphragms if fitted.
Inspect the interior. Check for corrosion and lining deterioration.
Water and foam bodies
Check separate containers for leakage or damage.
Examine the body and check internally for corrosion and lining
Powder body
Inspection after recharge
Water and foam Replace the charge in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.
Reassemble the extinguisher in accordance with the manufacturer’s
Maintenance label Fill in entry on maintenance label, including full weight.
Mounting of extinguishers Check the mounting bracket or stand.
Report Complete a report on the state of maintenance of the extinguisher.
Note - For ease of reference this inspection guide has been reproduced from IMO resolution A.951(23)
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