Divorce-Position-Paper (NEGATIVE)
Divorce-Position-Paper (NEGATIVE)
Divorce-Position-Paper (NEGATIVE)
Philippines are the only two states that reject the legality of divorce─
the legal dissolution of a lawful union for a cause arising after the
Vatican City has no procedure for the same. As for the Philippines,
the country prohibits the grant of divorce to its citizens as well. This
legal prohibition of divorce. But before that, there are few things to
note. Initially, it must be noted that the Philippines only allows legal
rites2 is granted. Thus, this (relative divorce) is the only divorce law
the Constitution puts in the family. Article XV, Section 2 states that
Strong families make great nations and the disintegration of the same
Republic of the Philippines vs. Manalo, G.R. No. 221029, April 24, 2018.
Pres. Decree No. 1083 (1977).
Const., 1987, Art. XV, §. 2.
is the root cause of the fall of cultures as attested by wisdom, common
legalization of divorce does not only go against the paramount law but
Existing Remedies
Albeit the premium value that the law places on marriage, the
marriage. Under the Family Code, Filipino spouses who do not wish
nullity of marriage─ declaring that the marriage was null and void ab
initio because the same lacks any of the essential and formal requisites
marriage is valid but voidable due to causes existing at the time of the
The Family Code of the Philippines, Exec. Order No. 209 (1987), Art. 4.
Id., Arts. 36-38, 40-41, 44.
influence, impotence, and affliction of serious and incurable sexually
allowed to live apart and separately own assets on the grounds of, to
year. However, the same are not permitted to remarry, since the
will not only counter the spirit of the Constitution and the Family
Code but will also put burden to already annulled or legally separated
Filipino spouses for they will be pushed to undergo the same process
Id., Art. 45.
In the case of Republic of the Philippines vs. Manalo, the
Supreme Court ruled that the divorce that was validly obtained abroad
the same ruling applies to mixed marriages where the divorce was
divorce does not conflict with the Constitution for the eligibility
the divorce; thus, the law is still binding to citizens of the Philippines
marriage does not work. In addition, under the law, the foreign
not applied automatically. The Filipino spouse must, first, get the
Republic, supra note 1.
The Family Code, supra note 4, Art. 26, as amended by Exec. Order 227.
Galapon vs. Republic of the Philippines, G.R. No. 243722 (Formerly UDK-16060), January 22,
Rules of Court (1997), § 48 (b).
Minoru Fujiki vs. Maria Paz Galela Marinay et al., G.R. No. 196049, June 26, 2013.
Aside from the reasoning that the Philippines is predominantly
arguments that the law should discourage divorce, the same should
proposed divorce bills provide financial support for the child, they do
not ensure safeguard to the mental and emotional aspect of the same 13
be too shallow to say that Filipinos take pride in being the only
Robert Cochran Jr. & Paul Vitz, “Child Protective Divorce Laws: A Response to the Effects of
Parental Separation on Children”, Family Law Quarterly
Vol. 17, No. 3 (Fall 1983): 1-2.
House Bill 100, 838 and 2263.
country, aside from Vatican City, where divorce is not legalized.
However, even with the separation of the Church and State 14, why is it
understood that the law is a product of culture i.e., culture shapes how
people perceive the society they live in and defines their place in it,
thus, defines how people what the society ought to be and the rules it
just to keep the status of illegality of divorce. This is also why despite
bill are yet to succeed. In history, after the Philippines was granted
independence from the American colonial rule and few years after the
end of the second World War, the country readopted the Spanish rule
culture and may result to backlash. Proposition may argue that even
Spain, the one who injected Catholicism into us, grants divorce to its
the trend in the contemporary world. Would that mean that the
can neither impose its beliefs and convictions on the State and the rest
of the citizenry nor can it demand that the nation follow its beliefs,
even if it is sincerely believes that they are good for country. 17 While
bereft of any theocratic influences but has the legitimate right and
interest to regulate.
A Mismatched Solution
second shot at marriage. However, this may not be the case for even
with the existing remedies, domestic abuse still exists and even in
protect children and spouses from domestic abuse, divorce will not
Senator Hontiveros, it was stated that the State shall assure that court
Sps. Imbong , et al. v. Hon. Ochoa , Jr. et al., 732 Phil. 1, 167 (2014).
Tilar v. Tilar G.R. No. 214529, July 12, 2017.
Sen. Bill 356 (2019)
does not really cater the majority of cases of irremediably broken
that poor families are twice as likely to breakup 20, and the Philippines,
issues. The reason why divorce cannot give the second chance for
love and in life for people is, even if divorce will cost less than legal
and poor families’ priority is to get food on the table at the end of the
“divorce for the rich” will also be applied to divorce itself because the
those who are financially capable in the first place and who are more
with it, one of which is marriage hitting rocks. However, people love
in order to secure that one who will share their life with another and
that they will not die alone. Individuals who are in love had the power
to let love grow or let love die─ it is a choice one had to face when
love is not the love they expected21 and implicitly, though the
let love stay and grow in trying times of marriage for it outweighs the
The Journal Times, “Poor families more likely to break up”, (1993).
Rumbaua vs. Rumbaua, G.R. No. 166738, August 14, 2009.
Catholic influence or as the proponents of divorce claim, remains
believes that its ways are good for the rest of citizenry, in this context,
for spouses and their children, the family. After all, it is its inherent
time to finally grant the same, this paper proved its practicability