A. RSQM (DQ-029)
A. RSQM (DQ-029)
A. RSQM (DQ-029)
GMF AeroAsia, PT
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
P.O. BOX 1303, BUSH 19130
Cengkareng Indonesia
Repair Station
& Quality Manual
Fo r
Aproval Ref:
GMF AeroAsia, PT
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
P.O. BOX 1303, BUSH 19130
Cengkareng Indonesia
The current version of this RSQM is Issue K Revision 11 and comprises of the pages listed below:
0.2 ISSUE/REVISION STATUS - 11 15 May 2023
0.2.1 Records of Revisions 1 – 17
0.2.2 Content of revisions & approval sheet 18
0.3.1 Introduction 1
0.3.2 Objectives 1
0.4 RSQM DISTRIBUTION - 10 5 Oct 2022
0.4.1 RSQM Distribution and control 1
0.4.2 RSQM Distribution list 2
0.5 CROSS REFERENCE MATRIX - 6 06 Jun 2017
0.5.1 FAR Part-145 Regulations Cross Reference Matrix 1–4
0.6 ACCESS TO LOCATIONS - 0 09 Aug.2011
0.6.1 Authority Access for Inspections 1
0.7 ABBREVIATIONS 1–2 9 16 Jan 2021
0.8 DEFINITIONS 1–5 8 5 Sep 2019
0.9 COMPANY PROFILE 1 3 11 Mar 2015
3.4.2 Certifying Staff & Support Staff Initial Assessment and 3–4
3.4.3 Certifying Staff & Support Staff Categories, Authorities 5–6
& Responsibilities
3.4.4 Continuation Training Program for Certifying Staff & 7–8
Support Staff
3.6.1 General 1
3.6.2 Audit Management Process 1
3.6.3 Training, Qualification and Experience of the Auditor 1–2
3.6.4 Assessing the Auditors Skills 2
3.6.5 Responsibilities of the Auditors 2
3.6.6 Authorities of the Auditors 2
3.7.1 Qualifying the RII Personnel 1–2
3.7.2 RII Execution & Activities of RII & Support Personnel 3
3.7.3 Qualified Receiving Material Inspection Personnel 4
3.7.4 Inspection Personnel other than RII Personnel 4
3.7.5 Continuation of Inspection Procedure 5
3.8 QUALIFYING MECHANICS - 9 16 Jan 2021
3.8.1 Personnel Training and Development Program 1–2
3.8.2 Non-Certificated A/C Technicians Training Program 3-4
and Activities
3.8.3 Certificated/Licensed Technicians Training Program 5
and Activities
3.8.4 Qualifications of Staff with a Short Term Contract 6
3.8.5 Maintenance Managers (Supervisor) Qualification, 7
Experience and Activities
3.9.1 General 1
3.9.2 Deferred Defects 1
3.10.1 Concession for Deviation from Quality Procedures 1
3.10.2 Procedure 1 -2
3.11.1 Qualified NDT Personnel Experience, Training and 1–2
3.11.2 Activities for Level 3 NDT Personnel 3
3.11.3 Qualified Special Processes Personnel (other than NDT) 4-5
Upon receipt of revisions, remove the deleted sections/ chapters of the manual and add the new
ones as instructed in amendments content and approval sheet (section 0.2.2).
Retain this record in the manual and return acknowledgment form to Quality Assurance & Safety.
To accommodate PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk’s quality system needs, here and
after PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk will be mentioned as GMF AeroAsia.
0.3.1 Introduction
This Repair Station & Quality Manual (RSQM) has been developed in a format to cover the
requirements of the FAR Part-145 in conjunction with the quality procedures (QP) and be suitable
for GMF AeroAsia’s quality system documentation needs.
The RSQM provides the relevant quality procedures and also gives reference to quality procedures
(QP) with respect to the quality control system as required by FAR-145.211. It is the interface
between the above-mentioned regulations and the documented quality system of GMF AeroAsia.
0.3.2 Objective
The objective of the RSQM is to demonstrate how GMF AeroAsia complies with FAR – Part 145.
The RSQM is distributed in both electronic and in hard copy format. For the electronic format, all
management and maintenance personnel have READ ACCESS via website address
https://gmfaeroasia365.sharepoint.com/. Quality Assurance & Safety is responsible to maintain
the electronic files in the current condition.
All management and maintenance personnel may access the electronic version of RSQM for
reference to the performance of their work provided:
Current hard copy and soft copy of the RSQM are distributed to selected workstations or
maintenance personnel as listed in RSQM 0.4.2. The Quality Assurance & Safety is responsible for
the updates, reproduction, and the distribution of the hard copies and soft copy on a controlled
basis using the revision transmittal acknowledgment sheet, form GMF Aeroasia/Q-067. The
certificate holding Authority (FAA) will receive an RSQM and subsequent revisions on soft copy
and/or hard copy.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will notify the Authority for each revision of the RSQM as per
RSQM Section 1.10 and will submit current major amendments for approval or acceptance.
Controlled copies are subjected to revision and will be marked:
When the proposed amendment of manual is approved or accepted, Quality Assurance and
Safety will update this revised manual to the company website address. The notification will be
shared to all GMF Aeroasia AeroAsia personnel through email announcement and the soft/hard
copy will be distributed shortly based on the list in section 0.4.2.
The manual holder, upon receipt of a revision, will insert the revised pages or sections in the
manual. Then he will return the revision transmittal acknowledgment sheet; form GMF
Aeroasia/Q-067 to the Quality Assurance & Safety as evidence that the manual has been revised.
Records of form GMF Aeroasia/Q-067 will be kept by the Quality Assurance & Safety for two years.
Quality Assurance & Safety may give uncontrolled copies of the RSQM to customers and/or for
training purposes. The uncontrolled copies will be stamped on the cover page as “Uncontrolled
The following table provides a cross-reference matrix of the FAR- Part 145 requirements with
RSQM. Management and maintenance personnel are required to become familiar with the FAR-
Part 145 and also to understand how its requirements apply to GMF AeroAsia as referenced to this
Part 145
Subpart A General
145.1 Applicability. N/A
145.3 Definition of terms. 0.8
145.5 Certificate and operation specifications requirements. N/A
145.12 Repair station records: Falsification, reproduction, alteration, or N/A
Subpart B Certification
145.51 Application for certificate 1.3
Part 145
145.101 General 1.8
145.103 Housing and facilities requirements 1.8
145.105 Changge of location, housing, or facilities 1.1
145.107 Satelite repair stations N/A
145.109 Equipment, materials, and data requirements 2.1
L 2.5
Subpart D Personnel
145.151 Personnel requirements 1.1
145.153 Supervisory personnel requirements 2.3
145.155 Inspection personnel requirements 2.22
145.157 Personnel authorized to approve an article for return to service 1.6
L 2.4
145.159 Recommendation of a person for certification as a repairman 3.5
145.160 Employment of former FAA employees N/A
Part 145
145.161 Records of management, supervisory, and inspection personnel 1.6
145.163 Training requirements 3.4
145.165 Hazardous materials training. 2.3
Part 145
145.211 Quality control system 0.4.1
The certificate holding Authority will be granted access to GMF AeroAsia facilities to perform
audits and other activities related to the approval.
A/C Aircraft
A/P Airframe and Power plant
AC Advisory Circular
AD Airworthiness Directive
AMEL Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License
AMO Approved Maintenance Organization
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
ASA Aviation Supplier Association
ATE Automatic Test Equipment
ASL Approved Supplier List
C of C Certificate of Competency
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CASR Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
CD Compact Disc
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine
CMM Component Maintenance Manual
CRS Certificate of Return to Service
DER Designated Engineering Representative
DGCA Director General of Civil Aviation
DT Department code for President & CEO
FADEC Full Authority Digital Electronic Control
FOD Foreign Object Damage
FTS Fuel Tank Safety
GMF PT. Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk.
IATA International Air Transport Association
IPC Illustrate Part Catalog
IMTE Inspection Measuring and Test Equipment
ISO International Standard Organization
LAN Local Area Network
MDR Maintenance Discrepancy & Rectification
MQ Department Code for Airworthiness Management of PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk.
MRI Maintenance Requirement Item
MRO Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul
NAA National Aviation Authority
NAS National Aerospace Standard
NCR Non Conformance Report
NDT Non Destructive Testing
NDI Non Destructive Inspection
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PCM Personnel Competency Manual
PD Planning Data
Abbreviations (Cont‘d…)
The following definitions are given to assist in the interpretation of this manual
Accountable The person designated by the certificated AMO who is responsible for and has
Manager the authority over all AMO operations that are conducted under part 145,
including ensuring that AMO personnel follow the regulations and serving as the
primary contact with Authority.
Alteration A permanent change to original airworthiness data.
Approved by the Approved by the Authority directly or in accordance with a procedure approved
Authority by the Authority.
Approved Standard A manufacturing/maintenance/quality standard approved by the Authority.
Bulk Material Such as material of liquid, paste, plastic, or comparable composition used in
random quantity, examples: Oil, chemicals, paints, cleaners, solvents, masking
tapes, scotch bright, emery cloths, and general maintenance support
consumable material. Consist of:
- Mandatory (100%) replacement items (standard parts / hardware): Discarded
and replaced at each assembly, overhaul pursuant to overhaul procedures.
Examples: Packing, seals, gaskets, rings, diaphragms, cotter pins, etc. Shop
requirements are forecasted using assembly production rates. Quantity of
articles per next higher assembly with an added allowance of loss, damage,
inspection rejection, etc
- Chemical / Shelf life material: The length of time a material is usable when
store under certain condition. A shelf life of particular material may be
designated as “indefinite” - which means it has no shelf life.
- Raw material: Is any material that requires further rework to make it, into a
component, part of the aircraft such as: metals, plastics, wood, fabric, carpets;
deco-sheets, tape, floor-covering, panels, honeycomb, etc.
Calibration Written instructions developed per approved standards to provide guidance for
Procedures the calibration of inspection, measuring and test equipment.
Certificated Is a subcontractor who holds an approval or acceptance from the Authority of
subcontractor A/C registration for the subcontracted maintenance or service
Certifying Agent Special processes personnel who acting on behalf of the Manager of Personnel
Qualification & Licensing to provide and/or arrange for special process personnel
training, certification and re-certification and approval of special process
personnel as necessary.
Definitions (Cont’d…)
Certifying Staff Those personnel who are authorized by GMF Aero Asia Quality Assurance in
accordance with a procedure acceptable to the Authority to certify A/C and A/C
components for release to service.
Component Any component part of an aircraft up to and including a complete powerplant
and/or any operational/emergency equipment.
Contracted The person is employed by another organization and contracted by that
Employee organization to the maintenance organization approved under Part-145"
Employed The person is directly employed as an individual by the maintenance
organization approved under Part-145
Engineering Written instructions developed by engineering as per Approved Standards to
Instructions direct personnel in performing specific repairs, inspections, tests or processes.
Expendables These are the items of which repair cost normally exceeds the cost of a new item
and are subject to one time use. These are further classified
External Origin Airworthiness Data received from OEM, TC Holder, Customer/operator and
Documents authorities. It includes standards and specifications, quality system standards and
aviation regulations.
Halt points Stages during repair, assembly, installation process where inspection and or test
is required to be performed to ensure safety and airworthiness.
Inspection The examination of an A/C or A/C component to establish conformity with an
approved standard.
Internal Origin All documents developed by GMF Aero Asia used to execute the required
Documents maintenance. These documents are: Job Cards, PD Sheets, Routing Cards,
Engineering Instructions and Calibration Procedures.
Job Card An internal origin document used to provide instructions to perform work
predominately on the aircraft as requested by customer/operator.
Line Maintenance 1) Any unscheduled maintenance resulting from unforeseen events; or
2) Scheduled checks that contain servicing and/or inspections that do not
require specialized training, equipment, or facilities
Definitions (Cont’d…)
Maintenance Data / Any information necessary to ensure that the aircraft or aircraft component can
Approved Data be maintained in a condition such that airworthiness of the aircraft, or
serviceability of operational and emergency equipment as appropriate as
Maintenance A form used by GMF Aero Asia to record any discrepancy found during
Discrepancy & maintenance process, and to give order and record for rectification
Maintenance Tasks Step by step instructions developed per approved standards as required to
performed maintenance.
Major Repair An important repair or a repair on A/C structure for which the Authority approval
is needed.
Manufacturer A company who designs and/or manufactures A/C or A/C components and sells
Modification The alteration of an A/C or A/C component in conformity with an approved
Non-certificated Is a subcontractor who does not hold an approval or acceptance from the
subcontractor Authority of A/C registration for the subcontracted maintenance or service
Non-conforming Are all parts, processes, and documents, activities that are not conforming to the
materials Quality System requirements, airworthiness data or aviation authority
On condition Includes parts or assemblies that are reused or replaced during overhaul based
replacement items / on inspection findings. Examples are: dowels, pins, inserts, bushings, bearings,
prediction springs, covers, brackets, etc. Include miscellaneous hardware items: such as
bolts, nuts, screws, and other fastening devises.
Overhaul The restoration of an aircraft or aircraft component by inspection/test, repair
and/or replacement of parts in conformity with the Overhaul Manual or the
detailed description of this task in the Overhaul Manual. The TSO becomes zero
after each overhaul.
Planning Data Sheet An internal origin document used to provide instructions to perform work
predominately on the aircraft components as requested by customer/operator.
Quality System Is the collective plans, activities and events that are provided to ensure that
product, process, or service will satisfy given needs.
Definitions (Cont’d…)
Required Inspection Items of maintenance and/or alteration which could result in a failure,
Items (RII) malfunction or defect which would endanger the safe operation of the aircraft if
not performed properly or if improper parts or materials are used. These items
require inspection prior to the release of an aircraft for flight.
Rotables An item that can be economically restored to a serviceable condition and, in
the normal course of operations, can be repeatedly rehabilitated to a fully
serviceable condition over a period approximating the life of the flight
equipment to which it is related. Almost without exception this is the type of
item, which for controlling purposes, bears a separate individual serial
number. They are assemblies which are subject to, and are capable of,
replacement on the aircraft or engine based on ''time between overhaul, or
''on condition''
Routine material Is the material that is routinely required to support maintenance based on known
work scope. And the materials required executing the customer's work order
excluding defects rectification.
Subcontractor Means any person or organization, where a contract has been made with, to
subcontract maintenance tasks and or services.
Supplier Means any person or organization that delivers a product or a service.
Support Staff For the purpose of this RSQM, support staff means the A/P & E/A staff who
support the certifying staff ensuring that all relevant tasks or inspections have
been carried out to the required standard before the certifying staff A/P(See
RSQM 3.4.3) issues the certificate of release to service.
Unscheduled Inspection and repairs to be carried out on aircraft/aircraft components when out
maintenance of defined time limits, and in accordance with the airworthiness data
Vendor Means any supplier or subcontractor.
The GMF AeroAsia is a Subsidiary company of Garuda Indonesia. GMF AeroAsia previously part of
the Strategic Business of Garuda Indonesia was established to provide aircraft maintenance
support for Garuda Indonesia operation since 1958 at Kemayoran airport Jakarta. Following the
development of new airport (Soekarno-Hatta International Airport), Garuda Indonesia base
maintenance was moved to Cengkareng airport area in 1984.
The facility includes 4 all steel framed hangars with a total floor space of 129.193 m2, workshops
covering 56.232 m2, Engine Shop 20.736 m2, Jet engine test cell of 2.560 m2, store 12.100 m2,
Office, Run-up bay and apron area of 318.000 m2 capable of handling Line Maintenance activities
and has the capability to accommodate 16 Narrow body aircraft and 8 Wide body aircraft at any
time. All is standing on a total land area of 692.241 m2.
The GMF AeroAsia is equipped to service and overhaul a wide range of aircraft for any carrier
international or domestic, looking for a quality and cost effective maintenance solution. The GMF
AeroAsia is also equipped with Industrial water waste treatment.
It employs approximately 3000 personnel, and continues to invest heavily in technical staff
training to ensure it has the requisite skills, dedication and experience to meet the rapidly
changing high technology in civil aviation environment.
GMF AeroAsia, PT
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
P.O. BOX 1303, BUSH 19130
Cengkareng Indonesia
The Chief Executive Officer of GMF AeroAsia has the overall responsibility for the accomplishment
of works under the requirements of the Authority requirements.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety has been assigned with responsibility for monitoring the
quality system, including the associated quality feedback system. The VP for Quality Assurance &
Safety shall have direct access to the Accountable Manager to ensure that the Accountable
Manager is kept properly informed on quality and compliance matters.
The corporate management commits the following activities to the Chief Executive Officer:
a) To ensure that the organization has sufficient personnel to plan, perform, supervise, inspect,
release to service and quality monitoring in accordance with the approval.
b) Responsible for any corrective action resulting from the quality compliance monitoring of
Authorities regulations.
c) Ensuring the maintenance of the aircraft and aircraft components, as well as operating
procedures are in compliance with relevant regulatory authority requirements and customer
The duties and responsibilities of senior management personnel are found in Section 1.4. For the
other management and maintenance personnel are found in GMF AeroAsia’s Personnel
Competency Manual (PCM).
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety shall retain full power to alter, revoke or suspend any
decision of GMF AeroAsia if:
a) The customer requirements as defined in the contract and in the associated, operator’s
specifications and approved quality plans, if any, are not followed;
The CEO is accountable to the GMF Aeroasia for ensuring the effective organization and
management of the company, including determining the direction and strategy of the company.
The CEO acts as the Accountable Manager for GMF Aeroasia and is accountable for ensuring that
the company’s safety, airworthiness and economic objectives are met in an efficient and effective
The Accountable Manager will provide leadership, direction and management in order to ensure
1. The safety & quality policy statement is implemented, understood and maintained at all
levels in the organization
2. The integrated safety management systems is effectively implemented in the GMF Aeroasia
3. Maintenance carried out by GMF Aeroasia meets the standards required by the Authority
4. The safety and quality policy are established and promoted.
5. The senior persons are nominated.
6. The necessary finance, manpower capital and facilities are available to enable the company
to perform the maintenance to which it is committed for contacted operators, and any
additional work which may be undertaken.
7. The progress of the remedial actions/review of the overall results in term of quality is
8. The competence of all personnel including management personnel has been assessed.
9. Everyone is responsible for Human factor and Safety issues
10. Realizing the achievement of sales
11. The marketing and business development effectively
12. The management of customer service and other aspects of commercial run effectively
13. The audit and management of communication run effectively
14. The administration and company secretarial run effectively
15. The supervisory of compliance in the administration of the company, legal protection for
enterprises and service contract company that carried out in accordance with the legal
aspects in line with the application of the principles of good corporate governance
16. Safety Committee Review is conducted with all relevant functional areas of the organization
being represented.
17. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge
The Director of Human Capital & Corporate Affairs is responsible for the management and
development of human resources, corporate culture, training, knowledge management, general
affair effectiveness, maintenance and service work facilities, procurement and supply of materials
that are generally (non-related aircraft part).
The Director of Human Capital & Corporate Affairs, with the Authority of the Accountable
Manager will:
1. Coordinate the activities of the human capital & corporate affair in the area of human capital
management and learning center & knowledge management to ensure that maintenance
activities in those areas are properly performed and in compliance with national
airworthiness regulation and the principles of aim of producing safe and reliable aircraft,
engines and components. Ensure the effectiveness of the management and development of
human resources and Corporate Culture
2. Monitor and control the plans to ensure proper execution based on established targets.
3. Ensure the VPs under his coordination transform the quality system documentation to an
effective & efficient process.
4. Be Responsible for training and knowledge management
5. Ensure the effective management of Home affair
6. Ensure maintenance and service facilities of the company, including the procurement and
supply of general materials (non-related aircraft part) to run in accordance with the terms
and conditions of the applicable Authority, and able to support the way business PT GMF
Aeroasia well as business growth.
7. Directing and controlling all logistics business activities, as well as asset management and
control through effective and efficient governance while still regulating the principles of
Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and follow applicable FAA regulation.
8. Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs.
9. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge.
The Director of Line Operation is accountable to the CEO (Accountable Manager) for ensuring the
management for Line Operation Services that consist of Line Maintenance, Cabin Maintenance
Services Engineering Services and another operational support which lead by Director of Line
The Director of Line Operation, with the authority of the Accountable Manager will:
1. Coordinate the activities of the operational management for Aircraft Line Maintenance,
Aircraft Cabin Maintenance, Company’s Assets and Aircraft Material Services (aircraft parts)
and Engineering Services are properly performed and in compliance with Authority
airworthiness regulation and the principles of aim of producing safe and reliable aircraft,
engines and components.
2. Monitor and control the plans to ensure proper execution based on established targets.
3. Coordinate and monitor all cross functional or departmental SMS activities in Line Operation
to ensure their relevant integration.
4. Ensure the VPs under his coordination transform the quality system documentation to an
effective & efficient process.
5. Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs
6. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge
The Director of Business & Base Operation is accountable to the CEO (Accountable Manager) for
ensuring management Base Operation services, consist of Widebody & Narrowbody Base
Maintenance, Engine Services, Components Services, Aircraft Support & Power Services, and
another operational support which lead by Director of Business & Base Operation.
The Director of Base operation with the authority of the Accountable Manager will:
1. Coordinate the activities of the base maintenance operation in the area Wide & Narrow Body
Base Maintenance, Engine Services, Components Services, and Aircraft Support & Power
Services are properly performed and in compliance with FAA’s airworthiness regulation and
the principles of aim of producing safe and reliable aircraft, engines and components.
2. Coordinate and monitor all cross functional or departmental SMS activities in Base Operation
to ensure their relevant integration.
3. Monitor and control the plans to ensure proper execution based on established targets.
4. Control and ensure Sales & Marketing achievement accordance to Company revenue target
5. Ensure the VPs under his coordination transform the quality system documentation to an
effective & efficient process.
6. Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs.
7. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety is responsible for establishing an independent quality
system to monitor compliance of the Maintenance Organization with Authority requirements and
to facilitate and administer the organization’s SMS. He reports directly to the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) of GMF Aeroasia and he/she will:
14. Be responsible for defect analysis in respect of aircraft undergoing maintenance so that any
adverse trends are identified and responded to promptly. Moreover, he is also responsible
for processing of feedback in the scope of continuous training
15. Be responsible for assessing sub-contractors for extension of the quality system and
maintaining the expertise necessary to be able to do so, to the satisfaction of Authority. He
is also responsible for assessing external specialist services required to be used by the
company in the performance of maintenance
16. Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He also
fully supports the human factor programs.
17. Be responsible to ensure base maintenance and line maintenance activity in accordance
with the standard and procedure by delegation to Quality Control function.
18. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge
Manage the Wide body base maintenance in a manner to achieve product quality, cost and TAT
targets. Ensure all necessary resources are available to accomplish maintenance in accordance
with Authority requirements applicable to each order. Ensure that all A/C maintenance required
plus any defect rectification performed during base maintenance is carried out to the designs and
quality standards specified by the Authority requirements. Ensure that any corrective action
resulting from the quality compliance monitoring according to authority requirements is
implemented and he/she will:
1. Be responsible for specific safety activities and the functional or operational safety
performance and outcomes in Wide body Base Maintenance including Aircraft cabin base
maintenance overseeing operational safety, managing the area’s hazard identification and
risk analysis activities, implementing mitigation or corrective actions, assessing the impact
of safety on operational changes and activating hazard and risk analysis process as
appropriate, maintenance and review of relevant performance indicators, managing safety
training and promotion activities within the area.
2. Be the Chairman of Safety Action Groups at Wide body Base Maintenance, which are
accountable to and takes strategic directions from the Safety Committee.
3. Be responsible for the satisfactory completion and certification of all work required by
contracted operators/customers, in accordance with GMF Aeroasia Approved Capability List
4. Be responsible for ensuring that the organisation's procedures and standards are complied
with when carrying out maintenance and with the result standard quality product.
5. Be responsible for ensuring the competence of all personnel engaged in maintenance by
establishing a program of training and continuation training using internal and external
6. Be responsible for ensuring that all sub-contract orders to purchasing are correctly detailed
and that the requirements of the contract/order are fulfilled in respect of inspection and
quality control;
7. Be responsible for responding to quality deficiencies in the area of activity for which he/she
is responsible, Ensuring follow-up on any findings of the audit can shall implement
effectively, a systematic, disciplined and professional.
8. Be responsible for ensuring, through the workforce under his/her control that the quality of
workmanship in the final product is to a standard acceptable to GMF Aeroasia and
9. Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs.
10. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge.
Manage the Narrow body base maintenance in a manner to achieve product quality, cost and TAT
targets. Ensure all necessary resources are available to accomplish maintenance in accordance
with Authority requirements applicable to each order. Ensure that all A/C maintenance required
plus any defect rectification performed during base maintenance is carried out to the designs and
quality standards specified by the Authority requirements. Ensure that any corrective action
resulting from the quality compliance monitoring according to Authority requirements is
implemented and he/she will:
1. Be responsible for specific safety activities and the functional or operational safety
performance and outcomes in Narrow Body Base Maintenance including Aircraft cabin base
maintenance overseeing operational safety, managing the area’s hazard identification and
risk analysis activities, implementing mitigation or corrective actions, assessing the impact of
safety on operational changes and activating hazard and risk analysis process as appropriate,
maintenance and review of relevant performance indicators, managing safety training and
promotion activities within the area.
2. Be the Chairman of Safety Action Groups at Narrow body Base Maintenance, which are
accountable to and takes strategic directions from the Safety Committee. Be responsible for
the satisfactory completion and certification of all work required by contracted
operators/customers, in accordance with GMF Aeroasia Approved Capability List.
3. Be responsible for ensuring that the organisation's procedures and standards are complied
with when carrying out maintenance and with the result standard quality product.
4. Be responsible for ensuring the competence of all personnel engaged in maintenance by
establishing a program of training and continuation training using internal and external
5. Be responsible for ensuring that all sub-contract orders to purchasing are correctly detailed
and that the requirements of the contract/order are fulfilled in respect of inspection and
quality control;
6. Be responsible for responding to quality deficiencies in the area of activity for which he/she is
responsible, Ensuring follow-up on any findings of the audit can shall implement effectively, a
systematic, disciplined and professional.
7. Be responsible for ensuring, through the workforce under his/her control that the quality of
workmanship in the final product is to a standard acceptable to GMF Aeroasia and Authority.
8. Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs.
9. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge.
Manage the Aircraft line maintenance in a manner to achieve product quality, cost and on time
performance targets. Ensure all necessary resources are available to accomplish maintenance in
accordance with Authority requirements applicable to each aircraft. Ensure that all line
maintenance required plus any defect rectification performed during line maintenance is carried
out to the designs and quality standards specified by the Authority requirements and operator
maintenance program. Ensure that any corrective action resulting from the quality compliance
monitoring according to Authority requirements is implemented and he/she will:
1. Be responsible for specific safety activities and the functional or operational safety
performance and outcomes in Line Maintenance. Including overseeing operational safety,
managing the area’s hazard identification and risk analysis activities, implementing
mitigation or corrective actions, assessing the impact of safety on operational changes and
activating hazard and risk analysis process as appropriate, maintenance and review of
relevant performance indicators, managing safety training and promotion activities within
the area.
2. Be the Chairman of Safety Action Groups at Line Maintenance, which are accountable to and
takes strategic directions from the Safety Committee.
3. Be responsible for the satisfactory completion and certification of all work required by
contracted operators/customers, in accordance with the work specification (Work Order and
approved RSQM procedures)
4. Be responsible for ensuring that the organisation's procedures and standards are complied
with when carrying out maintenance and with the result standard quality product;
5. Be responsible for ensuring the competence of its personnel engaged in maintenance by
establishing a program of training and continuation training using internal and external
6. Be responsible for ensuring that all sub-contract orders are correctly detailed and that the
requirements of the contract/order are fulfilled in respect of inspection and quality control;
7. Be responsible for responding to quality deficiencies in the area of activity for which he/she
is responsible, which arise from independent quality audits;
8. Be responsible for ensuring, through the workforce under his/her control that the quality of
workmanship in the final product is to a standard acceptable to the organisation and
9. Ensure that line maintenance required plus any defect rectification performed during line
maintenance is carried out to the designs and quality standards specified by the Authority
requirements and operator maintenance program.
10. Be responsible for responding to quality deficiencies in the area of activity for which he/she
is responsible, Ensuring follow-up on any findings of the audit can shall implement
effectively, a systematic, disciplined and professional.
11. Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs.
12. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge.
Manage the A/C components and emergency equipment maintenance activities in a manner to
achieve product quality, cost and TAT. Ensure the effective management of Component Services,
including but not limited to pooling and treatment components airplanes, Non-Destructive Test
(NDT, calibration of tools and equipment, so that have a positive contribution in acquiring the
company's revenue, in accordance with customer needs and meet the requirements of
airworthiness. Ensure all necessary resources are available to accomplish maintenance in
accordance with Authority requirements applicable to each order. Ensure that all component
maintenance required plus any defect rectification performed during maintenance is carried out
to the designs and quality standards specified by the Authority requirements. Ensure tools and
equipment are available and serviceable. Assign responsibility, Authority and relationship for
personnel who manage, perform, and verify work and he/she will:
1. Be responsible for specific safety activities and the functional or operational safety
performance and outcomes in Component Maintenance. Including overseeing operational
safety, managing the area’s hazard identification and risk analysis activities, implementing
mitigation or corrective actions, assessing the impact of safety on operational changes and
activating hazard and risk analysis process as appropriate, maintenance and review of
relevant performance indicators, managing safety training and promotion activities within
the area.
2. Be the Chairman of Safety Action Groups at Component Maintenance, which are
accountable to and takes strategic directions from the Safety Committee.
3. Be responsible for the satisfactory completion and certification of all work required by
contracted operators/customers, in accordance with the work specification (Work Order and
approved RSQM procedures)
4. Be responsible for ensuring that the organisation's procedures and standards are complied
with when carrying out maintenance and with the result standard quality product.
5. Be responsible for ensuring the competence of its personnel engaged in maintenance by
establishing a program of training and continuation training using• internal and external
6. Be responsible for ensuring that all sub-contract orders are correctly detailed and that the
requirements of the contract/order are fulfilled in respect of inspection and quality control;
7. Be responsible for responding to quality deficiencies in the area of activity for which he/she
is responsible, which arise from independent quality audits;
8. Be responsible for ensuring, through the workforce under his/her control that the quality of
workmanship in the final product is to a standard acceptable to the organisation and
9. Be responsible for Human factor issues in GMF Aeroasia Component Maintenance.
10. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge.
Manage the effectiveness of engineering services function in a manner to achieve cost effective
and product quality according to TC or STC standard design and authority aircraft registered
requirement to achieve aircraft readiness, reliable & airworthy, he/she will:
1. Be responsible for specific safety activities and the functional or operational safety
performance and outcomes in Engineering Services. Including overseeing operational
safety, managing the area’s hazard identification and risk analysis activities, implementing
mitigation or corrective actions, assessing the impact of safety on operational changes and
activating hazard and risk analysis process as appropriate, maintenance and review of
relevant performance indicators, managing safety training and promotion activities within
the area.
2. Be the Chairman of Safety Action Groups at Engineering Services, which are accountable to
and takes strategic directions from the Safety Committee.
3. Ensure all necessary engineering data and resources are available to accomplish
engineering activities meet applicable Authority and customer requirements.
4. Ensure that all data required supporting the maintenance and reliability and development
of operator maintenance programs plus any defect rectification is carried out to the
technical designs and quality standards specified by the Authority operator requirements.
5. Be responsible for availability of all necessary current maintenance data.
6. Be responsible for liaison with manufacturers or original equipment manufacturers (OEM).
7. Be responsible for ensuring, through the workforce under his/her control that the quality of
workmanship in the final product is to a standard acceptable to GMF Aeroasia and
8. Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs.
9. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge.
Manage the effectiveness of procurement (related aircraft parts and non-related aircraft parts) &
logistic services unit through the provision and management of material and tools required to
support aircraft maintenance and certain components in accordance with the requirements of
airworthiness, and he/she will:
1. Be responsible for specific safety activities and the functional or operational safety
performance and outcomes in Material & Logistic Services. Including overseeing operational
safety, managing the area’s hazard identification and risk analysis activities, implementing
mitigation or corrective actions, assessing the impact of safety on operational changes and
activating hazard and risk analysis process as appropriate, maintenance and review of
relevant performance indicators, managing safety training and promotion activities within
the area.
2. Be the Chairman of Safety Action Groups at Material & Logistic Services, which are
accountable to and takes strategic directions from the Safety Committee.
3. Be responsible for the management and control of corporate assets well-maintained and
safe, as well as to formulate strategies and tools material supply in order to remain in line
with company policies.
4. Ensure the procurement and supply of materials (aircraft parts, related aircraft parts and
non-aircraft part) in accordance with the applicable FAA regulation, and able to support the
way business GMF Aeroasia well as business growth.
5. Be responsible for ensuring the competence of all personnel engaged with GMF Aeroasia
Quality System in maintenance by establishing a program of training, indoctrination and
continuation training using internal and with external sources.
6. Be responsible for ensuring that all sub-contract orders are correctly detailed and that the
requirements of the contract/order are fulfilled in respect of inspection and quality control;
7. Ensure all logistics business activities, as well as asset management and control through
effective and efficient governance while still regulating the principles of Good Corporate
Governance (GCG) and follow applicable FAA regulation.
8. Be responsible for responding to quality deficiencies in the area of activity for which he/she
is responsible, Ensuring follow-up on any findings of the audit can shall implement
effectively, a systematic, disciplined and professional.
9. Be responsible for ensuring, through the workforce under his/her control that the quality of
workmanship in the final product is to a standard acceptable to GMF Aeroasia and FAA.
10. Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs.
11. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge
Manage the maintenance activity planning and aircraft maintenance planning in a manner to
achieve product quality, cost and on time performance targets. Ensure that aircraft planning and
maintenance activities are carried out in accordance with the design and quality standards set by
the Aircraft Manufacturer and the Authority where the aircraft is registered, in order to obtain
aircraft that are airworthy, ready to use, reliable and meet customer satisfaction. Maintenance
planning are responsible for Line Maintenance Production Planning, Line Maintenance
Production Control and Line Maintenance Support, in accordance to the maintenance planning
responsibilities, he/she will:
1 Be responsible for and ensure the implementation and planning of activities under the
Maintenance Planning, namely the process of planning and controlling aircraft maintenance
in the Line Maintenance area to be able to support the sustainability and growth of the
2 Be the Chairman of Safety Action Groups at Maintenance Planning, which are accountable
to and takes strategic directions from the Safety Committee.
3 Be responsible for aircraft maintenance planning activities carried out according to
contracted operator/customer needs, in accordance with the GMF Aeroasia Approved
Capability List.
4 Be responsible for ensuring that the maintenance organisation's procedures and standards
are complied with when carrying out maintenance planning and with the result standard
quality product.
5 Be responsible for ensuring the competence of all personnel engaged with GMF Aeroasia
Quality System in maintenance by establishing a program of training, indoctrination and
continuation training using internal and with external sources.
6 Be responsible for ensuring all necessary maintenance planning data and resources are
available to accomplish maintenance planning meet applicable authority and customer
7 Be responsible for responding to quality deficiencies in the area of activity for which he/she
is responsible, Ensuring follow-up on any findings of the audit can shall implement
effectively, a systematic, disciplined and professional.
8 Be responsible for performance and availability of qualified resources so that Maintenance
Planning can be carried out properly to achieve the set targets and comply with procedure
and regulation.
9 Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs.
10 Be responsible for ensuring aircraft maintenance planning effective and efficient.
11 In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge.
Manage the engine services in a method to achieve product quality, cost and TAT targets. Ensure
all necessary resources are available to accomplish maintenance in accordance with Authority
requirements applicable to each order. Ensure that all maintenance required plus any defect
rectification performed during engine maintenance is carried out to the designs and quality
standards specified by the FAA requirements. Ensure that any corrective action resulting from the
quality compliance monitoring according to FAA requirements is implemented and he/she will:
1 Be responsible for specific safety activities and the functional or operational safety
performance and outcomes in Engine Maintenance. Including overseeing operational
safety, managing the area’s hazard identification and risk analysis activities, implementing
mitigation or corrective actions, assessing the impact of safety on operational changes and
activating hazard and risk analysis process as appropriate, maintenance and review of
relevant performance indicators, managing safety training and promotion activities within
the area.
2 Be the Chairman of Safety Action Groups at Engine Services, which are accountable to and
takes strategic directions from the Safety Committee.
3 Be responsible for the satisfactory completion and certification of all work required by
contracted operators/customers, in accordance with GMF Aeroasia Approved Capability List.
4 Be responsible for ensuring that the organisation's procedures and standards are complied
with when carrying out maintenance and with the result standard quality product.
5 Be responsible for ensuring the competence of all personnel engaged with GMF Aeroasia
Quality System in maintenance by establishing a program of training, indoctrination and
continuation training using internal and external sources.
6 Be responsible for ensuring that all sub-contract orders to purchasing are correctly detailed
and that the requirements of the contract/order are fulfilled in respect of inspection and
quality control;
7 Be responsible for responding to quality deficiencies in the area of activity for which he/she
is responsible, Ensuring follow-up on any findings of the audit can shall implement
effectively, a systematic, disciplined and professional.
8 Be responsible for ensuring, through the workforce under his/her control that the quality of
workmanship in the final product is to a standard acceptable to GMF Aeroasia and
9 Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs.
10 In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge.
Manage the effective management of human capital development, employee services & payroll,
performance & rewards, Leader & talent development, corporate culture & knowledge
management and learning services to support GMF Aeroasia’s business in accordance with FAA
regulation, he/she will:
1. Be responsible to Manage to Become a Strategic Partner or Advisor in managing the Human
Resources (HR) and Corporate Culture.
2. Responsible for the performance and availability of qualified resources.
3. Be responsible for the implementation of a strategic partnership and collaboration with
approved training provider to develop high standards of training services.
4. Be the Chairman of Safety Action Groups at Human Capital Management, which are
accountable to and takes strategic directions from the Safety Committee.
5. Be responsible for ensuring competence of all personnel engaged with GMF Aeroasia Quality
System and/or customer requirement by establishing a program of training, indoctrination
and continuation training using internal and external sources.
6. Be responsible for ensuring that the organisation's procedures and standards are complied
with when carrying out training;
7. Be responsible for responding to quality deficiencies in the area of activity for which he/she is
responsible, Ensuring follow-up on any findings of the audit can shall implement effectively, a
systematic, disciplined and professional.
8. Be responsible for ensuring, through the workforce under his/her control that the quality of
workmanship in the final product is to a standard acceptable to GMF Aeroasia and Authority.
9. Be responsible for Human factor and Safety issues in GMF Aeroasia by improving human
factor aspect related with the safety and quality of aircraft and aircraft maintenance. He/She
also fully supports the human factor programs.
10. In case of absence for 30 days or more, deputy will be in charge.
Line Maintenance
Base Maintenance
Shop & Material
Aircraft Quality Safety Inspection
Quality Inspection
Line Maintenance
Qualification & AMO Learning
Aircraft Quality
Quality System Services
Maintenance Structure Structure Cabin Wide Cabin
Planning & Hangar 1 Hangar 3
Workshop Hangar Body Workshop
Maintenance Hangar Cabin Hangar Hangar
Planning & Narrow 4-A 4-B
Hangar Painting
Engineering Body
Manager on Duty
Station Affairs
Maintenance LM
LM Garuda LM Jawa,
Control & Sumatera &
CGK Bali & Nusa
Coordination Kalimantan
Maintenance Planning
The roster of Inspection personnel consists of a list of inspection personnel and RII personnel.
Inspection personnel is authorized personnel with an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME)
License or equivalent delegated by Quality Assurance and Safety.
RII Personnel is personnel authorized by the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety and air carriers to
perform required inspections. The performance of a required inspection is restricted to an
independent RII inspector who reports to the Quality Assurance & Safety, and that authorized
person was not involved in the performance of the work to be inspected. This appointment is
based on individual experience, education, and training, as described in Section 3.7 of this
Certifying Staff is authorized personnel who have been appointed by the VP for Quality Assurance
& Safety to return to service A/C and A/C components after maintenance, preventive
maintenance, and alterations for which the organization is rated. This appointment is based on
individuals' experience, education, and training described in Section 3.4 of this manual. The roster
of certifying Staff is kept by Quality Assurance & Safety, and certifying staff records specified in
Section 3.5 of this manual.
A summary of each individual's employment, whose name is on the personnel rosters 1.6.1, 1.6.2,
and 1.6.3. The summary must contain enough information on each individual listed on the roster
to show compliance with the experience requirements of this part and must include the
a. Present title,
b. Total years of experience and the type of maintenance work performed,
c. Past relevant employment with names of employers and periods of employment,
d. Scope of present employment, and
e. The type of mechanic certificate held and the ratings on that certificate, if applicable.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will update the roster within five working days to reflect changes
caused by the termination, reassignment, change in duties or scope of the assignment, or
addition of personnel.
Authorized persons will have access to the certifying Staff and RII personnel records.
Management will develop the production man-hours plan and will employ sufficient number of
skilled personnel to perform, inspect and supervise the work so that to enable the organization to
achieve product quality within the specified targets. The man-hours plan will be related to the
anticipated maintenance workload.
The plan will include personnel for planning the work, accomplishing the maintenance,
inspecting the work, checking and retaining maintenance records and controlling the production
and maintenance documents in process. The man-hours plan will be reviewed at least every 3
months and updated when necessary. Deviation more than 25% shortfall in available man-hours
during a calendar month shall be reported by each VP Production to the VP Quality Assurance &
Safety and the Accountable Manager for review.
The production and supporting functions will plan the man-hours required versus production
needs as described in RSQM 2.22
The Management may request to Human Capital Management Department to recruit short-term
contract staff to cover production shortfall provided:
a) The Manager, who requested such staff, will provide to Human Capital Management a job
description and the skills required. The short-term contract staff must provide evidence of
their qualifications and experience and records must remain in file.
b) They will work under the supervision of permanent skilled employees unless the Quality
Assurance & Safety has authorized otherwise;
c) Their number will not exceed 50% of the total staff required per Senior Manager;
d) They will not be responsible to perform required inspections or for releasing to service. Such
responsibility will remain to GMF AeroAsia certifying staff, unless the VP for Quality
Assurance & Safety after consultation with the Authority has approved such staff, providing
meeting the requirements of Section 3.4 & 3.7.
e) They are briefed about their intended work and they have been trained in GMF AeroAsia
procedures related to their assignment.
f) The Quality Assurance & Safety has assessed their training, qualification and experience.
Issue: K Revision No.: 9 Date: 16 January 2021 Page: 1 of 4
The following numbers of management and maintenance personnel are permanent employees in
GMF AeroAsia.
GMF will keep the number of its permanent employees updated, and the updating will be
performed by human resources management see http://portal.gmf-aeroasia.co.id .
The number of short-term contract employees depends on the workload from one period to the
other. A current list of short-term contracted employees is available at human resources
The Human Capital Management will develop and maintain in current condition and compile in
an easily retrieval manner and also make available to authorized auditors the personnel records
and rosters. Records will be maintained for each employee in the employee's training folder or in
the computer. The following records and rosters will be kept:
b) Rosters of:
• All VP’s, Senior Managers responsible for the management of the maintenance,
• Managers (supervisors) who oversee the maintenance functions.
The rosters of VP’s and Senior Managers will include their name, title, and scope of assigned work.
The rosters of Managers (Supervisors) will include their name, title, and scope of assigned work,
AMEL if any, and GMF authorizations.
NOTE: RII personnel and Certifying staff records and rosters are kept by the Quality Assurance &
Safety. See Sections 1.6 and 3.5 of this manual.
c) Administrative records
The records & rosters for permanent employees can be accessed at http://portal.gmf-
RII personnel and Certifying staff records and rosters are kept by the Quality Assurance & Safety
(see Sections 1.6 and 3.5 of this manual). Short term contract staff records are kept by respective
Manager or Senior Manager.
Human Capital Management will update the roster within 5 working days to reflect changes
caused by termination, reassignment, change in duties or scope of assignment, or addition of
The Human Capital Management will establish procedures relating to the human capital
management and establish the organization system in order to maximize employee competency
and motivation. Procedures will include:
The Safety Performance Monitoring under Quality Assurance & Safety will develop a workable
occupational safety and health program, which will include the following:
(Ref.: FAR 145.103)
➢ 129,193 square meters of four steel-framed constructed hangars (hangar 1, 2, 3, and 4) with
attached offices and a stock room for each hangar ,and component shops (hangar 4 only);
➢ 2,550 square meter painting hangar facility
➢ 56,232 square meter of Three component shops;
➢ 20,736 square meter engine shop;
➢ 972 square meters material receiving inspection area attached with an additional stock room
➢ 2,560 square meter Engine test cell.
➢ 2,268 square meter special store
➢ 5,832 square meters GSE Shop
➢ 1,215 square meters utility building
➢ 336,000 square meters of apron area
➢ 140,000 square meters of surrounding property
The total square area of the facilities is: 692,241 square meters
All Hangars, Workshops, Stock Rooms, and Offices are sufficiently lighted. Each hangar was lighted
with approximately 240 mercury light assembly, 400 watt, and 220 volt. All shops and offices are
sufficiently lighted with fluorescent light.
For base maintenance four hangars are available and large enough to accommodate the aircraft.
Hangar one is used for the Boeing 747 or Boeing 777 aircraft maintenance, hangar two for light
maintenance , hangar three is used for Airbus 330 and hangar four for narrow body aircraft
Hangar space is arranged based on aircraft visit plan. Hangar one can accept two Boeing 747 or
Boeing 777 aircraft for base maintenance, hangar three can accept three Airbus 330. Hangar 4 can
accept 16 narrow body aircraft at the same time.
For aircraft component maintenance, workshops are large enough to accommodate the
components on planned maintenance.
Hangars and workshops structures are to a standard that prevents the coming of rain and wind;
Aircraft hangar and aircraft component workshop floors should be sealed to minimize dust
Shop spaces are lighted with fluorescent light and air conditioner system. Fire extinguishing
equipment is installed in all hangars, offices and shops. For Test Cell is equipped with noise
Run-up bay equipped with the reflector to eliminate the engine trust is available far away from the
hangar used to performed aircraft engine run.
The GMF Aeroasia is restricted area; only authorized personnel may enter into GMF Aeroasia.
The Line Maintenance activities are limited only in the facility stated on part 1 section 1.8 of this
Office accommodation is properly lighted with fluorescent lights and properly air-conditioned for
the management, planning, technical records, quality or certifying staff, to carry out their
designated tasks in a manner that contributes to good aircraft maintenance standards;
Aircraft maintenance staffs are provided with a study area in the hangars and shops where they can
study maintenance instructions and complete maintenance records in a proper manner.
The Plant Maintenance function will establish document and maintain procedures to ensure that
the facility is properly maintained all the times. Maintenance and preventive maintenance
instructions will be developed together with maintenance schedules as required by each plant
equipment manufacturer and standard industry practices. The procedure will include the prompt
notification of the Plant Maintenance function by the users to rectify defects.
a. Storage facilities for serviceable/repairable components should be clean, well ventilated and
maintained at an even dry temperature. Manufacturers storage recommendations should be
b. Storage racks should be strong enough to hold aircraft components and provide sufficient
support for large components such that it is not distorted during storage;
c. All components, wherever practicable, should remain packaged in protective material to
minimize damage and corrosion during storage;
d. Storage conditions must ensure segregation of serviceable components and material from
e. Access to all storage facilities will be restricted to authorize personnel only.
Hangar 1 Layout
Hangar 2 Layout
Workshop 1 Layout
1.8.6 Line Maintenance Facilities – Related with FAA Part 145 Approval limited as state on section 1.9
PT GMF AeroAsia
Cengkareng Sukarno-Hatta Int’l Airport
Line Maintenance Station – Terminal 2 F
PT.GMF AeroAsia
Base Maintenance
GMF AeroAsia's Marketing, Production, Procurement and Quality Assurance functions will arrange
and ensure as necessary - based on each Unit's job descriptions - for the following:
§ Any article unless the maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration was performed
in accordance with the applicable approved technical data or data acceptable to the FAA.
§ Any article after a major repair or major alteration unless the major repair or major
alteration was performed in accordance with applicable approved technical data; and
§ Any experimental aircraft after a major repair or major alteration performed under Sec.
43.1(b) unless the major repair or major alteration was performed in accordance with
methods and applicable technical data acceptable to the FAA.
The approval rating and the operation specifications describe the scope of approvals
For the part(s) is intending to fabricate within the GMF AeroAsia of the parts the procedures in
section 2.9.3 of this RSQM must be follows.
Maintenance work under normal circumstances, perform at its present facility other than the
location identified in this Manual provided that:
1. Temporary Basis – Short Term. When a special circumstance arises such as a blown tire, radio, or
navigation equipment changes, etc.
2. Temporary Basis – Extended. GMF AeroAsia may perform maintenance away from fixed location
for extended period of time on certain conditions as follows:
• Special circumstances arise such as alteration or Supplemental Type Certificates (STC)
• Extended maintenance requests from operators at the location
• Extended contracted work away from station must not exceed 1 year
GMF AeroAsia shall perform such maintenance activity in the same manner as when performed at
the facility using manpower, equipment, materials and standards from the facility.
All correspondence is retained on file under the Quality Manager. The following will apply once
work performed at another location:
• Director of Maintenance shall forward the completed Work Away from Base form to Quality
• Prior to commencement of the work, approval from the Quality Manager must be obtained.
• The work scope will be determined and a Self-Audit Report. This Self Audit Report Form must
be completed to ensure that the capability is maintained when away from the main location is
carried out. The self-audit form will be filled out before work is performed and will be filed into
the work packages when work is completed. This will provide assurance that the appropriate
facilities, tools, equipment and technical data are available.
• Certifying Staff who will provide maintenance support and issue of certification authorization
is/are appropriately rated on the aircraft type and will be included on the Self Audit Report
approved by the Quality Manager.
• GMF AeroAsia will be the approved location. The Director of Maintenance and Quality Manager
will control and authorise the work.
• Certifications for return to service shall only be made by the company’s personnel listed on the
• Online copy of the RSQM that can be view thru GMF AeroAsia Intranet and will provide the
work policy the same as base maintenance. Job cards are generated in database. In case that
Internet access is not possible, a back-up soft copy of the RSQM manual will be provided to
• Self-Audit will be performed using Self-Audit Report prior to acceptance of the maintenance.
• Tools and Equipment that will be used for the work away from base are listed thru GMF
AeroAsia database which is the Calibrated Tooling List and Equipment List of GMF AeroAsia.
• Prior despatch, the Certifying staff will verify the calibrated sticker and control number
identified on the calibrated tool and equipment.
GMF AeroAsia will notify FAA if any exercises needed via email.
The appropriate production Senior Manager is responsible to develop the capabilities as requested
by Marketing. All functions mentioned in this section are responsible to provide the necessary
support to the Senior Manager for the effective development of the capabilities. The following
process will be followed for developing new capability:
a. The Marketing function will request to the relevant maintenance unit to develop new
capability for aircraft, engines and components.
b. The responsible Senior Manager will develop an action plan, including among other the
requirements listed in table of page 3 to initiate and monitor the capability development
process. He will coordinate with the planning engineering and Quality Assurance & Safety to
perform a capability study and determine requirements in terms of maintenance data, tools,
personnel training & qualifications, expertise, certifying staff and material.
c. The Planning Engineering will define the engineering requirements and the Quality
Assurance & Safety will define the Quality Assurance & Safety requirements related with the
capability. See matrix table on page 3.
d. The production and support functions (as mentioned in matrix of page 3) will take the
appropriate actions based on engineering and Quality Assurance & Safety recommendations.
e. The production Senior Manager will monitor the development of the capability process as
planned and he will verify upon completion that the capability is present ensuring that the
requirements mentioned in this section have been met before requesting approval from the
Quality Assurance & Safety.
f. When the Senior Manager is satisfied that the capability has been developed, he will collect
all relevant information which supports the presence of the capability and he will present to
Quality Assurance & Safety for review following with an official letter requesting approval.
g. The Quality Assurance & Safety will perform audits as per QP 301-01, to determine if capability
is present and approve or disapprove (if no present). If the capability is not present (as
revealed from the audits), the QA will provide written discrepancies for corrective action and
will assist as necessary the production and other support functions to effectively rectify the
h. In the case of developing component capability, make sure that GMF AeroAsia has
appropriate rating as mentioned on FAA Part-145 Approval Certificate. The Senior Manager
of component workshops together with respective quality control function will initiate a self-
evaluation to add component or remove component into/from existing capability list. The
result of self-evaluation will then be submitted to QSA for verification. The QSA, base on the
verification result will approve or disapprove. When a new capability is approved by QSA, it
shall be in effect without approval from Authority.
i. The QSA will revise the capability list as per section 1.9.3 and keep all supporting
data/information for each component in file that proves the capability is present. Initial and Periodic Evaluation for the A/C and Engine Capability
Initial evaluation for new A/C and Engine capability will be performed as instructed in section 1.9.2
of this manual. For periodic evaluations, product audits and annual procedures audits for each
workstation will be performed per Section 3.1 & 3.2 of this manual. Deficiencies are reported to the
responsible Senior Managers as required by Section 3.3 of this manual for corrective action.
The responsible Senior Manager of Quality Systems and Auditing for Components, upon satisfied
that a new capability is present or a capability has been terminated for any reason, s/he will revise
the capability list indicating the new components added or removed from the list. The revised
capability list will clearly show in the list of effective pages; the components added or removed, the
new revision number, and the revised page number. A vertical line on the left side of the page that
the revision takes place will indicate what has been revised.
The Vice President of Quality Assurance and Safety will approve the list of effective pages before
submitting the list to the Authority Inspector. If any revision during the consecutive year, Quality
Assurance and Safety shall submit the capability list to the Authority Inspector and keep all
supporting data in the file to show evidence the capability is present.
The first page of the capability list will indicate the list of effective pages. The second page will
indicate the issue number and date, the superseded issue number, and a description of the revision.
It will also include the name and the signature of the Vice President of Quality Assurance and Safety,
who revised the capability list. The subsequent pages will include: the component's name, the part
number of the component, the ATA number, the aircraft type, the maintenance location, and the
maintenance level. A specific code number is given to the capability list as document FAA No.: DQ-
Initial evaluation for new component capability will be performed as instructed in section 1.9.2 of
this manual. The responsible production's Senior Manager shall periodically review the current
capability list to assure that all requirements and resources of all components listed in the approved
capability list are fulfilled and updated.
Product audits and annual procedures audits are performed for each workstation as per Section 3.1
& 3.2 of this manual. Deficiencies are reported to the responsible Senior Managers as required by
Section 3.3 of this manual.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will remove any component from the capability list when for
any reason, the capability cannot be continued and/or violates the airworthiness requirements.
All production's Senior Managers is responsible to inform the Quality Assurance & Safety to remove
any component from the capability list when for any reason, the capability cannot be continued.
1.10.1 General
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety is responsible to notify the Authority as soon as possible in
any changes mentioned below. These changes will not be valid unless the Authority determines
continued compliance with the requirements and prescribe the conditions under which GMF
AeroAsia will operate during such changes. The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will also be
responsible for the coordination and implementation of any restrictions imposed by the Authority
as a result of those changes.
1.10.2 Changes
Managers, who intend to perform any changes as mentioned above, will inform the Quality
Assurance & Safety to assess the need of obtaining approval by the authorities before the changes
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will request for renewal of the certificate 30 days prior to its
expiration and he will arrange for the payment of any charges as prescribed by the Authority.
For the renewal of the certificate, GMF shall certify in writing that all hazardous material
employee, contractor and subcontractor are trained.
Request for renewals and or for additional rating must be done as instructed by the Authority
The RSQM describes how GMF AeroAsia meets the aviation regulations giving summary and/or
comprehensive information of the relevant FAR and other Authority of Aircraft registration
The Chief Executive Officer of GMF AeroAsia approves this manual by signing the commitment
statement in Section 1.1.1. The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety is responsible for the revisions and
the availability of the manual to the workstation and will approve the Section 0.2 (Issue/ Revision
Status) any time an issue/revision takes place.
The management and maintenance personnel may submit proposed revisions to this manual to
Quality Assurance & Safety using the “Issue Revision Request” form GMF/Q-035.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will keep the manual current to any revisions come from regulations
and GMF AeroAsia’s policy/objectives and business plans. The Quality Assurance & Safety will
periodically review this manual with personnel. This review will either confirm that the manuals are
still current and valid, or will identify changes.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will revise the manual any time the changes mentioned in Section
1.10. Such changes to this manual will be notified to the Authority as major changes and will not
be in effect until approved by the Authority.
Typing error and misspelling are classified as minor changes and may subject to revision by the
Quality Assurance & Safety without notifying the authorities
A list of effective sections/pages will be issued with each revision so each manual can be checked
and kept current. A vertical Line in the left margin of each revised paragraph will be used to indicate
the current revision.
When a revision takes place in any sections/pages of this manual, the revision will be marked by a
sequence number '1' as a first revision. If a second revision in the same sections/pages or different
sections/pages takes place, it will be marked as a sequence number '2'.
When the revisions of manual affect more than 50% of its content this manual may be reissued.
When an issue takes place, the revision number will start from zero and a next issue letter will be
assigned (from B to C for example). Issues are numbered in letters and revisions in numbers. The
Quality Assurance & Safety will have those revisions produced in a final form and approved by the
VP for Quality Assurance & Safety.
When revision of RSQM and RSTP takes place, the Quality Assurance and safety will notify the
Authority by sending a copy of the revised sections. A reply from the Authority is not to be expected
unless the Authority considers the revisions unacceptable and/or additional comments are
Spelling correction is not considered a revision and will not be handled as such
The authorized Quality Assurance & Safety personnel will keep the electronic version of the manual
current at all times. Security control using passwords will be applied for the maintenance and
control of the master back up files in database. Access and revisions will be performed by
authorized personnel. The Quality Assurance & Safety must:
a) Ensure that there is only READ ACCESS to the management and maintenance personnel and,
b) The manual is located only in the prescribed folders of the LAN.
Quality Assurance & Safety Department notifies Senior Manager when there is any revision of the
RSQM affected by updated regulations.
The related Senior Managers are responsible to familiarize their employees with the appropriate
content of this manual. The SM must ensure that each employee understands and follows the
manual in the area of their responsibility.
All management and maintenance personnel are responsible to become familiar with the contents
of this manual applicable to their function. They must fully follow the contents all the time and
report any errors, misunderstandings, or any other problems regarding the implementation to their
superiors and Quality Assurance & Safety for corrections or further clarification.
GMF AeroAsia, PT
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
P.O. BOX 1303, BUSH 19130
Cengkareng Indonesia
Suppliers and subcontractors will be selected on the basis of their ability to meet contractual and
Authority of A/C registration requirements. Distributors must be accredited suppliers such as but
not limited to ASA and listed in a valid registry. Except for TC & STC holder suppliers, an ASL
including scope of approval is kept by the Quality Assurance & Safety, document No.: DQ-005.
Note: For part/material obtained from country that has bilateral agreement with FAA regulation,
the original certificate can be used as long as reference of the eligibility indicated in the
appropriate block of the certificate.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will evaluate the suppliers and subcontractors prior to
engagement and will keep records for two years. Initial and on going evaluations will take the
form of:
a) Procurement will select suppliers and/or subcontractors from the ASL. When a potential
supplier or subcontractor is not in the ASL, the procurement will formally request to Quality
Assurance & Safety to evaluate the potential supplier per Section Procurement will
place a P.O only after approval and the supplier's or subcontractor’s name is in the ASL and
only for product and services indicated in the scope of approval.
b) The Procurement will clearly indicate on each purchase order the product or service to be
ordered and the certificates required to be submitted based on the Authority of A/C
registration requirements the part or component is intended for installation. All suppliers
and certificated subcontractors for aeronautical products will be asked to provide the
appropriate certificates or airworthiness approval tags as indicated in Section
c) For defected components to outside contractors, the procurement will follow the
requirements on Section 2.20 of this manual.
d) Procurement will arrange for supplied parts/materials not conforming to specifications as
found by the receiving inspection to be brought to attention of the suppliers.
Eligibility requirements
The procurement prior to placing purchase order will ensure that the parts and components are
eligible to be fitted when different modification and/or airworthiness directive standards may be
applicable. Consult the Engineering Services as appropriate depending on the purchase
The procurement, before placing a purchase order, must know the A/C registration the part or
component intended for installation to identify and request from the supplier the appropriate
certificate or airworthiness approval tag as shown below:
a) For the maintenance of A/C registered in the U.S.A. and maintained under the FAR 43 & 145
regulations and for A/C components (including engines) intended for installation on such
registered A/C (''N'' registered A/C).
Serviceable tag issued by a FAR 121 approved operator, released as per FAR 43.9 or
As per FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 00-56 as amended
b) For the maintenance of A/C registered in countries other than U.S.A and for A/C components
(including engines) intended for installation on such registered A/C as required by the
Authority of A/C registration.
Used components must be accompanied, in addition to the certificate mentioned above with the
following records as appropriate:
- Modification status;
- AD Notes compliance;
- Maintenance history;
- Remaining time - for time controlled components;
- Total life history for all life limited components; and
- A statement that the component has not been taken from an A/C subject to accident.
Origin Certificate Required
All material will be ordered, inventoried, controlled in the stocks, and distributed to operations
using the computerized system. The material planning will use database to develop and control
the spares provisioning in accordance with annual production schedules.
The Engineering Services is responsible to update the material master data on the computer
GMF AeroAsia may subcontract only components other than engines and APU under which the
GMF AeroAsia has the rating to non-certificated subcontractors provided an on site audit has
performed and it has been confirmed that the non-certificated subcontractor meets the following
d) GMF AeroAsia will need to assess to what extent it will use the sub-contractor's facilities.
GMF AeroAsia should require its own paperwork, maintenance data and material/spare
parts to be used, but it could permit the use of tools, equipment and personnel from the
subcontractor as long as such tools, equipment and personnel meet the requirements of the
e) In the case of non-certificated subcontractors who provide specialized services it may for
practical reasons be necessary to use their specialized services personnel, maintenance data
and material subject to acceptance by GMF Quality Assurance & Safety. Specialized service
personnel should meet any published by the Authority of A/C registration qualification
standards or GMF AeroAsia special processes procedures;
f) GMF AeroAsia will need to supervise the inspection and release to service the work by its
own certifying staff as per Section 2.20.4 of this manual and QP 202-01.
g) The subcontract control procedure will need to record audits of the non certificated
subcontractor, to have a corrective action follow up plan and to know when non certificated
subcontractors are being used. The procedure should include a clear revocation process for
sub-contractors who do not meet the GMF Aero Asia's requirements.
h) The Authority of the A/C registration and the customer must have the right to assess the
non certificated subcontractor;
i) The customer agrees to use such subcontractors.
j) GMF AeroAsia has properly trained and certified the non-certificated subcontractor's
employees per Part 3 of this manual as appropriate. Training should include GMF AeroAsia
procedures as appropriate.
k) All maintenance function to maintenance contract must be FAA approved.
Audit records for non-certificated subcontractors will be kept by Quality Assurance & Safety for
two years. Audits will be scheduled and performed as per QP 301-01 utilizing a customized
Note: Non-certificated subcontractors are not allowed out of the scope of work GMF AeroAsia has
been approved.
The Quality Control function will perform the acceptance inspection of A/C components and
material and the disposition, identification, traceability and record keeping requirements as
mentioned in QP 202-01 before they deliver to the stores. The Quality Control will ensure that all
material entering the stock will have a true copy certificate attached traceable to the received
certificates and traceable to the purchase order.
All parts, components and material must meet the P.O requirements and have the appropriate
certificates as mentioned in Section of this manual. Eligibility for installation on the
appropriate registered A/C will be determined based on the requirements mentioned on Section of this manual and QP 202-01.
The receiving material inspector will identify those parts or components for eligibility for
Installation to “N” Registered A/C as described in section, a) for “N” registered A/C, b) for
other than “N” registered A/C.
The QC, prior to releasing the parts to stores and to production must be satisfied that the
components/parts are in satisfactory condition and they been appropriately released to service. In
addition, the QC must ensure that the component/part meets the approved data/standard, such
as the required design and modification standard. This may be accomplished by reference to the
manufacturer's parts catalogue or other approved data (i.e. Service Bulletin). Care should also be
exercised in ensuring compliance with applicable airworthiness directives the status of any life
limited parts fitted to the aircraft component as well as Critical Design Configuration Control
Limitation (CDCCL).
2.2.3 Requirements for Accepting Standard Parts, Raw Material, Consumables and shelf
Life Material
All materials must meet the purchase order requirements and have the appropriate certificates as
mentioned in Section of this manual and QP 202-01
Shelf life material will be checked against their specifications. The receiving inspector will identify
the shelf life and storage conditions of such material. Such information will be indicated on
material certification label and will come to the attention of the stores manager and users.
2.2.4 Discrepant Material, or Material, which cannot be evaluated by the Receiving Inspector
The discrepant material or material which cannot be evaluated will be tagged with a Form No.
GMF/Q-018 and will be held in quarantine (hold area) until final disposition as per QP 202-01.
Material will be stored at the correct temperatures while in quarantine area.
The appropriate function (as mentioned in QP 202-01); will take the appropriate corrective actions
for the disposition of such materials.
Parts and components will be checked for being suspected unapproved parts as per QP 202-01
and the requirements of the authority. When suspected unapproved parts or components are
discovered, the following Authority Forms will be initiated depending on the concerned authority
FAA Form 8120-11: to report suspected unapproved part to FAA
Original certificates or airworthiness approval tags will be kept in the material receiving inspection
area and the certified true copies will be attached to the component/parts.
For the components/parts supplied by customer, the material receiving inspector will keep the
copy of the airworthiness approval tag and the original certificate will remain attached on the
GMF should acknowledge receipt of operator notification of hazardous material notification prior
to performing work for, or on behalf of the operator.
Prior to performing work for or on behalf of operator, GMF should notify its employees,
contractors, or subcontractors that handle or replace aircraft components of each certificate
holder’s operations specifications authorization permitting, or prohibition against, carrying
hazardous material. This notification must be provided subsequent to the notification by the
operator of such operations specifications authorization / designation.
All responsible Managers will arrange for the proper storage and protection to prevent damage
during process, after repair, after final inspection and test, waiting delivery and at the warehouses.
They will be stored in secured and controlled areas under specified temperature conditions and
protected as per manufacturer recommendations to avoid FOD injection, dust, moisture and
other contaminants. If the manufacturer does not give specific instructions, the ATA 300
specification will be used.
They will have the proper serviceable identification labels attached and/or airworthiness approval
tags as per Section 2.3.5 and they will be traceable to the next higher assembly and work order
(for those repaired in house) and or to the purchase order.
Dangerous goods must be received in the properly identified packages and they will be stored,
preserved and transported as required by IATA specifications.
The articles owned by customers will be stored in a separate location properly identified as such.
They may be labeled with the customer’s serviceable tag and the applicable airworthiness
approval tag.
As per section 2.11 of this manual, the Engineering Services will identify the parts, which become
obsolete or requiring repair due to an AD Note design change. Using the shared file as mentioned
in section 2.11, the material planning function will access the file biweekly to check if any part falls
within the AD Notes restrictions.
The store manager will remove from inventory the part found discrepant and will keep them in
quarantine awaiting disposition. He will record the discrepant parts on discrepant material log
form no. GMF/Q-108 and will inform Quality Control. After the disposition is done by the Quality
Control per below, move the part to PPC area.
In addition to the above, the material planning function will block all the part numbers in
computerized system to avoid re-order and their reception in stores. A list of blocked part
numbers will be kept in computerized database.
The QC Manager, when asked by the material planning and/or stores manager, will evaluate the
discrepant part held in quarantine, fill the form GMF/Q-108 as appropriate and make disposition
in accordance with the requirements given in the applicable AD Note and the Engineering
Services instruction as per 2.11.3. Issue a repairable tag' Form No.: GMF/Q-011 if the part can be
repaired as per AD Note or issue a "Condemned Tag". Form No.: GMF/Q-013 if the part is to be
scrapped as per the AD Note.
Non-aircraft parts will be stored separate from aircraft parts. When the same stores are used, a
physical segregation of aircraft parts from non-aircraft parts will exist. Identification signs will be
provided to indicate areas used for the storage of non-aircraft parts.
2.3.2 Activities for Managers responsible for Storing Components, Parts and Material
The Managers responsible for the storage will arrange for the following as appropriate:
b. Arranging for customers supplied parts to be properly identified and segregated. Keep
current lists of such parts;
c. Developing proper storage facilities for chemicals and/or shelf-life material in identifiable,
secured and temperature controlled locations according to manufacturer
recommendations. Having labels to identify the contents, the physical characteristics and
life duration on each shelf life material;
d. Checking the shelf life for expiration dates every month. Develop a warning system for their
identification and withdrawal of such material from the stores.
e. Segregating flammable and hazardous material in distance from the other material;
g. Using computerized system to assist in the quick identification and retrieval of the material
and inventory control in the stock and keep records show the number of parts consumed;
These requirements apply as appropriate to any location where parts, components and materials
are stored. Example: mini stores and warehouses, parts accumulation areas, temporarily storage
areas, parts at assembly waiting assembly installation, etc.
2.3.3 Long Time Storage of Engines and Other Rotables - Grounded A/C for Extended Time
For those engines and APU and other rotables under GMF AeroAsia responsibility, PPC and/or
stores managers (depending on where the product is stored) will establish a system to assure the
articles that are held in storage for long term (more than one month) are inspected for corrosion
For engines/APU without container, which has been in storage for 30 days or more, conduct
weekly inspections to assure there is no evidence of corrosion attack. If any corrosion attack is
found, notify engineering immediately. For other rotables, conduct periodic checks depending on
the rotables and the packaging and storage environment.
For container stored engines or rotables, which have been in storage for 30 days or more, inspect
containers for obvious damage and humidity indicator appearance.
For the A/C under GMF AeroAsia responsibility, they will be protected with appropriate covers
installed on the engine inlets and exhausts to avoid FOD injection and to prevent the free rotation
of the fan blades.
Also, the aircraft will remain protected during extended base maintenance works as necessary.
2.3.4 Control and Disposition of Shelf Life Material & Other Chemicals
Proper storage of chemicals and shelf life material will be in identifiable, secured and in
temperature controlled locations. A physical segregation between flammable and non-flammable
materials will take place.
All stores managers or users who store or use chemicals and shelf life material will monitor the
due date of such material and will remove from stores or from the place of use any material with
an expired shelf life or any chemical they have reasons to believe its quality may be inadequate
due to long storage. Storage of Expired Self Life Material and Other Chemicals While Waiting for Disposition
The stores Managers will store the expired shelf life materials and any other chemicals waiting
final disposition in a separate store or in a properly designated area ensuring the same
environmental conditions exist from those material that their shelf life has not been expired.
They will record such material on the ''Pending Disposition Log'' Form No.: GMF/Q-108 (see RSQM
section 2.9.2) and make the appropriate entries as indicated in the form. Every month if there is
material waiting for disposition, they will inform the material and process engineering by
submitting a copy of the ''Pending Disposition Log'' Form No.: GMF/Q-108.
The material and process engineering will evaluate the discrepant material and will decide if a
further extension of their life can be given based on the recommendations of the material
manufacturer or aircraft or component maintenance specifications applicable for the specific
Decision to extend their life beyond the recommended period is not allowed without
authorization from the manufacturer. Life vests and other emergency equipment may require
overhauls for further extension of their shelf life.
The material and process engineering will make the appropriate entries on the ''Pending
Disposition Log'' Form No.: GMF/Q-108.
When the disposition has been done by the material and process engineering, the stores Manager
will inform the material receiving inspector to follow up the disposition as follows:
a) If the shelf life is extended (for shelf life material) or if the chemicals are serviceable, using
the appropriate computerized system transactions perform the process per QP 202-01 to
enter the material back to the stores;
b) If the disposition is to further inspect/check the material to shops, send the shelf life material
or other chemicals to shops as per QP 202-01;
c) If the disposition is to scrap, attach a condemned tag Form No.: GMF/Q-013.
The stores Manager, after the final disposition by the material inspector will perform the
a) Enter the accepted for use material back to the stores ensuring the appropriate
computerized system transactions is performed.
b) Send the material requiring further inspection/checks to the shops.
c) Send the condemned material to the scrapped area
The stores Manager will record the scrapped material on a list including the material name, part
number, lot number, date scrapped and he will move them to scrap area. All scrapped material
will be handled as per section 2.19.2 of the manual. The stores Manager will keep a list of scrapped
material, which has been sent to the scrap area for two years.
2.3.5 Identification, Tagging & Traceability of Serviceable Parts/Components & Material Stores
and or in Use.
The following instructions apply to the store managers, PPC and the users.
For the parts, components and material in the warehouses or for those taken from the
warehouses, the store manager or the user will ensure that the appropriate identification tags are
attached with the parts before they enter into the stores or before they are used.
Should the parts components and materials are used (installed) on the next higher assembly, the
identification tags will be attached on the maintenance instructions such as Job Cards, MDR, and
PD Sheets.
a) For the maintenance of A/C registered in the U.S.A. maintained under the FAR 43 & 145
regulations and for A/C components (including engines) intended for installation on such
registered A/C (''N'' registered A/C).
b) For the maintenance of A/C registered in countries other that those mentioned above and
for A/C components (including engines) intended for installation on such registered A/C, as
required by the Authority of A/C registration
The certificates received from the suppliers are kept in the receiving inspection. In addition
to the above forms, each part or component in warehouses will have the material receiving
serviceable tag Form No. GMF/Q-008 attached as evidence that the part or component has
passed the receiving inspection.
c) For standard parts, raw material and consumables (see section of this manual), the
following identification will be required:
All purchased parts components and material will be traceable to the P.O. Identification and traceability of serviceable parts or components inspected & repaired
at GMF AeroAsia awaiting installation to next higher assembly
They are stored in temporary storages or in the accumulation areas and identified as follows.
a) For components and parts other than engines, the 'Serviceable Tag'. Form No.: GMF/Q-012 is
b) For engine maintenance (engine parts) the tag GMF/Q-131 ''ready for assembly tag'' is used.
c) For serviceable components removed for access purpose only, they are identified
individually or in-group with the component holding tag Form No GMF/Q-009.
All parts and components repaired in house will be traceable to A/C registration (from those
removed from A/C), to engine serial number (from those removed from engine or APU).
All life limited parts/components will have to be followed with a complete historical record
traceable to their previous usage (if not new) and stating the operating and remaining time and
2.3.6 Moving Serviceable Parts, Components & Material from Stores to Maintenance
Use computerized system transactions to execute the order and release materials to maintenance.
When all the administrative matters resolved perform the following:
In order the stores manager to give the appropriate part with the appropriate tag or
certificate, he must know the A/C registration on which the part intended for installation.
For material or component intended to be installed on US registered aircraft, the store
manager should ensure the certificate comply with section of this manual.
2. Split lot for multiple parts with one certificate. When a single certificate is used to certify
more than one parts/component, the store manager is responsible to issue certified true
copy and attach on the part/component delivered to maintenance.
3. Customer supplied parts may be identified by operator's tags or as above. They will be
routed to operations with the operator's tag or as otherwise mentioned above. This tag
will remain in work order file.
1. Accept only parts components and material received with all the appropriate, forms, tags,
labels and documents as mentioned in this procedure;
2. Ensure that the part and components including their documentation received such as
forms, tags and labels is eligible for installation to the specific Authority of A/C
registration A/C or A/C components intended for installation to such A/C.
3. Return any component, part or material back to stores if not accepted for use. Inform the
QC to perform disposition as per RSQM
4. Ensure all the parts and materials documentation is traceable to the PO number.
The PPC will arrange for the proper packaging and preservation following the applicable
maintenance manuals or ATA 300 specifications.
The protection will include delivery to destination using the appropriate means of transportation
as required by the maintenance manuals.
The product will be shipped to the customer or to maintenance with the appropriate
maintenance release certificates and records.
All Inspection measuring & test equipment will be sent to calibration laboratory. The calibration
laboratory will assign a registration number and will calibrate it as per QP 205-01. All other tools
and equipment will be inspected at the receiving inspection area if their size permits or at the
place of use. All appropriate documentation must be furnished with the equipment.
2.4.2 Renting of Tools and Equipment
The responsible Managers may rent tools and equipment, which are rarely required and/or has
been ordered, but pending delivery and the following requirements are met:
a) The rented equipment is the same as required by the A/C and/or A/C component
b) The equipment will be available at GMF AeroAsia as long as it is required;
c) The equipment has been loaned by a recognized source and it is supplied with its applicable
d) Incoming and administrative inspection are performed;
e) A special inventory number is provided and for measurement equipment registration
number is put onto the calibration list;
f) The equipment is periodically calibrated as per established intervals and or its maintenance
and preventive maintenance is arranged;
g) The equipment is appropriately calibrated to standards traceable to National/International
standards acceptable to the Authority;
h) Place a label indicating that the equipment is loaned and where it is loaned from;
All scraped tools and equipment will be collected and controlled as required by Section 2.19.2 of
this manual
QP 204-01 Control and acceptance of tools and equipment
If a tool or equipment required for aircraft and/or A/C components maintenance is not specified in
manufacturers' maintenance manuals, qualified maintenance personnel will determine what tool
will be used in accordance with standard practices and general maintenance on aircraft practices.
Reference procedure
QP 204-01 Control and acceptance of tools and equipment
The Calibration Laboratory function will control, calibrate and maintain IMTE used to demonstrate
the conformance of product to the specified requirements. IMTE will be calibrated in a manner,
which ensures that the measurement uncertainty is known and is consistent with the required
measurement capability.
The IMTE will be calibrated at calibration intervals and on the basis of stability, purpose and
degree of usage but not exceeding one year unless the equipment’s manufacturer allows.
Calibration intervals will be kept on equipment list database and Calibration Record Card.
All reference standards used will be traceable to a standard provided by the equipment
manufacturer or National/International standards acceptable to the Authority.
Calibrations will be done in a controlled environment meeting the required standards. When the
controlled environment departs from the standards, the calibration processes will be stopped
until the conditions re-established.
The Calibration Laboratory Function will refer to ISO 10012 and ISO 17025 requirements for the
calibration of IMTE.
The calibration will be performed in accordance with the QP 205-01 (Calibration of Inspection
Measuring and Test Equipment) requirements.
Where product acceptance test software or comparative references such as test hardware are
used as suitable forms of inspection, they will be checked and periodically calibrated as required
by ATE manufacturers. The ATE shall be evaluated by self-test program at a frequency required by
the ATE manufacturers for the purpose of verifying the accuracy and serviceability. See QP 209-13:
Avionics Maintenance Process Control
The Vice Presidents and Senior Managers are responsible for the proper selection and provision of
tooling and equipment. The tools and equipment will be selected based on A/C & A/C
components manufacturer’s instructions when applicable and general maintenance requirements
or standard industry if no special tools and equipment is given. Equipment maintenance &
operating instructions will be requested as necessary when purchasing the equipment.
All Managers will ensure that all required tools and equipment are available to perform
maintenance as specified in maintenance data.
The responsible Managers and maintenance personnel will ensure that each tool and equipment,
in order to be acceptable for use, will meet the following conditions:
The storekeeper will keep a register of tools handed over to maintenance personnel.
The register will include:
a) Name of personnel who picked up the tools from the store;
b) Tool identification/register number;
c) Quantity;
d) Date out and date in.
QP 204-01 Control and acceptance of tools and equipment
2.6.2 Calibration Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment by Users and
The Calibration Laboratory Manager will review the IMTE calibration status log and give a list of
IMTE which will require calibration to the production managers not less than fifteen days before
the equipment mentioned on the list are due.
The responsible managers will select those items requiring calibration and send for calibration
using Form No.: GMF/Q-085.
When the IMTE is proved that calibration is not required, Form No.: GMF/Q-086 shall be used.
Where test software or comparative references such as test hardware are used for product
acceptance, they will be checked to prove that they are capable of verifying the acceptability of
product, prior to release.
Any IMTE found without a current calibration label attached, or the due date is not visible, or with
an expired due date, or there is any suspicious about its precision, accuracy or its calibration status
shall be returned for re-calibration using Form No.: GMF/Q-085.
Loan tools must be inspected prior to use to ensure there is free from defect, complete and have
the current calibration status.
All IMTE are to be used, handled, transported and stored in a manner, which shall not adversely
affect their condition and serviceability. When not in use, all IMTE will be adequately protected
from environmental contamination (dust, rust, and corrosion) and stored in a safe and properly
located area.
All Senior Managers will develop a plan for the periodic cleaning of the facility and they will make
aware to personnel the importance of the facility cleaning, maintenance and safety.
Subcontracted cleaning activities will subject to periodic controls by the Senior Managers who
they remain responsible for ensuring the cleaning standards are met.
Each employee must keep his work-area clean, according to the developed plans. The periodic
cleaning plans and inspections will ensure that the following requirements are met:
a) Dust and any other airborne contamination is kept to a minimum and is not permitted to
reach a level where visible surface contamination is evident;
b) Where maintenance is performed, the working environment should be such that the
particular maintenance or inspection task can be carried out without undue distraction.
When the working environment deteriorates to an unacceptable level in respect of
temperature, moisture, wind, light, dust/other airborne contamination, the maintenance will
be suspended until satisfactory conditions are re-established;
c) For both base and line maintenance where dust/other airborne contamination results in
visible surface contamination, all susceptible systems should be sealed until acceptable
conditions are re-established;
e) The lighting will be such as to ensure each inspection and maintenance task can be carried
f) Noise levels will not be permitted to rise to the point of distracting personnel from carrying
out inspection tasks. Where it is impractical to control the noise source, such personnel
should be provided with the necessary personal equipment;
g) Segregation and storage of parts and material as per their inspection status;
h) The handling of scrapped parts and material as per section 2.19.2 of this manual.
c) The work and storage area shall be free of direct sunlight and free of corrosive fumes and or
other harmful contamination. Requirements for Electrical Shop (Especially for Batteries)
a) Separate facilities are used for nickel-cadmium and lead-acid batteries charging. Ventilation
arrangements are such that no cross contamination can occur.
b) Rooms used for purpose of charging batteries should be well lit and cool and should have a
good ventilation system. The floor surface is made of a material, which is impervious to acid
and alkali, has no-slips qualities and is quick drying and able to wash down easily.
a) Aircraft are painted in the hangar. Subsequently, precautions must be taken to avoid the
contamination of adjoining aircraft.
b) The technique used for painting the aircraft, the electrostatic painting, avoids the dispersion
of paint. Nevertheless, to avoid contamination due to over-sprays, all aircraft/aircraft
components/ tooling/ material located within a radius of 20 meters from the aircraft to be
painted will be covered with a plastic film. The film will be held in place by masking tape.
The Facility Maintenance function will establish, maintain and operate as necessary the fire
protection system. Preventive maintenance will be performed for all fire extinguishers (portable
and stationary) and periodic operational tests will be performed as required by the National
Trained personnel will be assigned as fire fighters and an alert system will be established. A
system to assure the prompt notification of fire fighters will be in place and will be validated from
time to time to ensure effectiveness when needed. A validation schedule will be in place.
The Facility Maintenance function will establish document and maintain procedures to ensure
that the facility is properly maintained all the times.
Maintenance and preventive maintenance instructions will be developed together with
maintenance schedules as required by each plant equipment manufacturer and standard industry
practices. The procedure will include the prompt notification of the Facility Maintenance function
by the users to rectify defects.
b) Technicians are reminded that electro static sensitive devises can be destroyed by only
momentary contact with any non-conducting or ungrounded object and that the damage is
inflicted at moment of contact.
1. Avoid having non-conductive items such as trays, bags, packaging material, drawings,
or personal effects that are not essential for the work at hand within the immediate
area of the component;
3. Prior to removing any component from a conductive package, the technician should
first touch the package. This also applies to re-packing the device. Care should also be
taken to insure that the electrical terminals on the device do not come in contact with
any plastic or paper outer containers;
5. Technicians should also aware that the use of conductive surfaces in Speed Handling
Areas (Static Fit Rooms) departs from the normal procedure of electrically insulated
work surfaces and appropriate care should be taken so that unauthorized electrical
equipment not used in the proximity work area;
In addition to the cleaning standards specified on previous chapters, the following facilities (other
than clean rooms) will require the temperature to be monitored and controlled to the standards
indicated below:
d) Store rooms for shelf life material, chemicals, including flammable material. As required by
manufacturer's specifications. Flammable material must be stored separate from other
e) Fuel controls and bearings maintenance shops. Standard temperature and other
environmental standards as described by Component Maintenance Manual;
f) Avionics shop (other than clean rooms). As required by the maintenance data for each
component maintenance;
g) Any other shop which a maintenance activity requires special temperature conditions to be
met as required by the manufacturer's maintenance data.
For the purpose of achieving a necessary level of quality, certain maintenance functions must be
performed in facilities where the environment is rigidly controlled in terms of temperature,
humidity and cleanliness. An environmentally controlled facility or a clean room is a shop where
the temperature, humidity, pressure and dust must be controlled. The following shops are
environmentally controlled:
1. Instrument shop;
2. Gyro shop;
3. Composites shop;
4. Calibration shop;
5. Any other facility where a maintenance task requires specific environmental conditions such
as clean room as instructed in the manufacturer's maintenance data.
The production engineering for each unit is responsible for evaluating maintenance data
requirements and determining the appropriate environmentally controlled conditions for the
specific maintenance tasks.
a) The temperature is to be monitored and kept between 21.1 C and 26.7 C.
b) The relative humidity is to be monitored and should not exceed a maximum of 50 %. The air
is to be filtered and a positive pressure is to be kept inside the work area.
c) The particles of dust allowed should contain no more than 20,000 particles per cubic foot
with maximum average particle size not exceeding 5 microns.
The personnel shall wear adapted and protective clothing. Coveralls and gloves (cotton) are
available. Work-clothes should be changed and laundered at least every week or when
b) The particles of dust allowed shall be at least the same as for a controlled area. (< 300.000
particles/cubic foot of 0.5 microns and < 700-particles/cubic foot of 5 microns).
All maintenance functions are responsible to keep the maintenance data current all the time as
appropriate for the maintenance they perform. They will order from the Technical Publication
Services and/or Engineering function any maintenance data needed to perform the maintenance.
The engineering is responsible to order the appropriate maintenance data (if not supplied by the
operator) in order to write the maintenance tasks and to distribute such data to the maintenance
All external origin data will have one entry point, which is the Technical Publication Services,
exclude for operator maintenance data use by line maintenance controlled as per
The Technical Publication Services is responsible to order from the supplier, receive and register
the external origin maintenance data and any subsequent revisions. The data required will be
ordered on an on-going basis to ensure that always the latest revision and update service from
the supplier is in place including supporting evidence. Contracts or agreement with the data
suppliers must be available as evidence that the maintenance data will be updated in the future.
The Technical Publication Services will keep the master documents and will establish the
document control and distribution system as required by QP 208-01. Distribution of maintenance
data can be either in electronic or hard copy format.
The Technical Publication Services will destroy obsolete documents, unless for historical purposes,
which will be identified as such and put separately.
Obsolete documents will be destroyed. For historical purposes Technical Publication may keep
and identify obsolete documents and put them separately.
The Technical Publication Services will monitor the amendment status of all documents. To
ensure that all amendments will be well received, Technical Publication Services will be a
subscriber to any document amendment scheme. Special attention should be given to Type
Certificate related data such as certification life limited parts, airworthiness limitations and
Airworthiness Limitation Items (ALI) etc.
Current manufacturer indexes will be maintained to identify the current revision of external origin
data and the current documents will be distributed to the users as applicable.
When the maintenance data is distributed electronically via the network, the Technical
Publication Services will ensure that a back up system will be readily available for use in case of
shutdowns or malfunctions.
All Senior Managers and Managers are responsible to make available to personnel current
maintenance data as required to ensure the proper functioning of the operations. Data being
made available to personnel means that the data shall be available in close proximity to the
aircraft or aircraft component being maintained for study.
Where computer systems or other electronic media are used, the number of computer terminals
should be sufficient in relation to the size of the work program to enable easy access, unless the
computer system can produce paper copies.
Each workstation will have access and use the following minimum current maintenance data:
All maintenance related FAR and associated Advisory Circulars;
All applicable national maintenance requirements, service bulletins and notices;
FAA airworthiness directives plus any national airworthiness directive required as per
Authority of A/C registration plus any non-national airworthiness directive supplied by a
contracted non-EU operator or customer as well as Critical Design Configuration Control
Limitation (CDCCL).
The aircraft base maintenance should have and use the following maintenance data as
The appropriate sections of the operator's aircraft maintenance program;
The aircraft maintenance manual, repair manual, supplementary structural inspection
Document, corrosion control document, service bulletins, service letters, service
Instructions, modification leaflets, NDI manual, parts catalogue;
Type certificate data sheet and any other specific document issued by the type certificate or
supplementary type certificate holder as maintenance data,
The Engine/APU should have and use the following maintenance data where published:
The appropriate sections of the engine/APU maintenance and repair manual;
Service bulletins, service letters, modification leaflets, NDI manual, parts catalogue;
Type certificate data sheet and any other specific document issued by the type certificate
holder as maintenance data.
The component workshops should hold the following maintenance data where published:
The appropriate sections of the vendor maintenance and repair manual;
Service bulletins and service letters plus any document issued by the type certificate holder
as maintenance data on whose product the component may be fitted when applicable.
The workstations with specialized services should hold following where published in respect of
the particular specialized service(s):
Specialized services process specifications;
Standards and specifications applicable to each special process as required by the aviation
The line stations should use the following data:
Operator’s Technical Procedures
Operator’s Aircraft Maintenance Manual, Wiring Diagram Manual, Illustrated Part
Others applicable data.
Engineering function for each workstation is responsible for data distribution and control and
subsequent amendments from the Technical Publication Services. After reviewing the
amendments and incorporating the revisions into the maintenance instructions, engineering
function will distribute the data to the maintenance personnel.
A document control system will be in place by Engineering Services, which identifying the
locations where the documents are distributed and their current revision status. They will be
responsible to control and monitor the revisions of the data, which is available to maintenance
The engineering function and the maintenance personnel will check on regular basis the current
revision status of the data against manufacturer’s current indexes, provided by Technical
Publication Services through LAN-Internet-Intranet access connection, to ensure current revisions
are in place. Temporary revisions shall be considered as normal technical data.
This data will be delivered and registered to the responsible engineering function on each
workstations or line maintenance managers where the work is to be performed. For the operators,
which have full maintenance contract, delivery and registry of the data must be performed by
Technical Publication Services.
GMF AeroAsia will use English for the performance of maintenance. When GMF AeroAsia receives
maintenance data published in other than English language, the document will be translated into
English. All Maintenance records given to the customer will be in English.
QP 208-01 (Document and Data Control) General
GMF AeroAsia will establish and maintain a documented quality system as a means of quality
assurance that the articles being maintained conform to specified quality requirements. The
primary objective of the quality system is to enable GMF AeroAsia to ensure that it can deliver a
safe product and that it remains in compliance with the Authority requirements. It will include:
The quality system procedures will be developed by all responsible functions at GMF AeroAsia.
They will cover all aspects of carrying out the maintenance activities and they will lay down the
standards on which GMF AeroAsia intends to work. The procedures will describe how GMF
AeroAsia intends to meet the Authority regulations and how GMF AeroAsia will achieve its
policies and objectives.
The responsibility for integrating the quality related activities to all functions and monitoring
compliance with the quality system requirements will be on the Quality Assurance. The Quality
Assurance will identify and report operating quality deficiencies to the Management and will
measure the effectiveness of the quality system. Below is the structure of the quality system
The RSQM contains a summary of the relevant procedures with respect to the Authority
regulations/requirements. The RSQM is the interface between the above mentioned regulations/
requirements and the documented quality management system of GMF AeroAsia.
The GMF Quality Management System consists of the RSQM and detail procedures laid down as
Quality Procedures (QP) and Work Instructions (WI). The Quality Procedures describe
interdepartmental quality related activities issued by the Department managers and accepted by
VP of Quality Assurance & Safety. The QP's describe how each element in the RSQM will be
performed and the responsibility of performing certain quality functions.
The Work Instructions are developed, approved and controlled by the Departments and
predominately describes administrative departmental procedures and these procedures
concurred by VP Quality Assurance & Safety. The Quality Assurance & Safety ensures through
auditing that the WI's do not violate any requirements set forth by the RSQM and the QP’s and the
NDT Procedures considered as the same level as Work Instructions.
The maintenance instructions including forms as appropriate describe the specific item work that
need to be done, by tailoring the customer’s and manufacturer’s quality requirements into the
specific maintenance tasks and recording those maintenance requirements.
(SEE Section 1.11)
(SEE Section 2.8.3)
Departmental Procedures & NDT Procedures
Job Cards, PD Sheets, MDR, Records, Engineering
(RSQM 2.8 & 5.1.1)
2.8.3 Issue/Revision & Control of Quality Procedures & Associate Forms Related with the
The Quality Procedures (QP) and the associated forms are issued and revised by the responsible
Senior Managers. They are the owners of the Quality Procedures and they remain responsible to
any changes and for their full implementation. The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety accepted all
Quality Procedures by signing the Procedures Issue Revision status Log and the List of Effective
The originator of the QP is responsible for - prior to each QP approval by him and prior to
submitting the QP for acceptance for any initial or subsequent issue/revision to:
The Quality Assurance & Safety, when receives from the originator the draft of proposed initial or
amended QP together with the appropriate forms mentioned in (d) above, will ensure the
changes do not violate the regulations and this manual requirements, comments as necessary
and will accept or reject the amendments or the new QP.
The Procedures Issue Revision status Log and the List of Effective Pages will be available for each
QP so it can be checked and kept current. A vertical Line in the left margin of each revised
paragraph will be added to indicate the current revision. When a revision takes place in any page
of the QP, the revised page will be marked by a sequence number '1' as a first revision. If a second
revision in the same page or different page takes place, it will be marked as a sequence number
When the revisions affect more than 50% of its content, the QP may be reissued. When an issue
takes place, the revision number will start from zero and a next issue letter will be assigned (from
B to C for example). Issues are numbered in letters and revisions in numbers.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will have those revisions finds necessary produced in a final form
and accepted by the VP of Quality Assurance & Safety. Upon accepted by VP of Quality Assurance
& Safety, the revised copies will be distributed to each manual holder per Section 0.5.4 and 0.5.5
Spelling correction is not considered a revision and will not be handled as such.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will keep a log of canceled Quality Procedures and an issue
revision status log. The logs will be kept updated and accessible via LAN.
The authorized Quality Assurance & Safety personnel will keep the electronic version of the QP
current at all times. Security control using passwords will be applied for the maintenance and
control of the master back up files in database. Authorized personnel will have access and make
the revisions.
The Quality Assurance & Safety must ensure that there is only READ ACCESS to the users and that
the Quality Procedures are located only in the prescribed folders of the LAN.
Addition instruction for generating and controlling the forms as well as form numbering system,
see Section 5.1 of this manual. QP Training
All Senior Managers are responsible to familiarize their employees with the appropriate content of
the Quality Procedures. The Senior Managers must ensure that each employee understands and
follows the Quality Procedures in the area of their responsibility.
All management and maintenance personnel are responsible to become familiar with the
contents of the Quality Procedures as applicable. They must fully follow the contents all the times
and they must report any errors, misunderstandings and any problems regarding the
implementation to their superiors and Quality Assurance & Safety for corrections or further
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety may issue a Quality Bulletin when he deems necessary in
order to communicate quality and safety related matters, to further clarify procedures and
Authority requirements and to communicate specific customer requirements. The Quality
Assurance & Safety will keep a log of the Quality Bulletins issued and will define the numbering
control system.
b) They are not allowed to carry out the engineering design of repairs and modifications.
c) All maintenance documents will accurately reflect the operator's maintenance program and
the contracted work scope and the article's configuration requirements.
The Engineering function in each department will take the following steps to develop a
customized work package of maintenance instruction to meet the intended scope of work per
operator's maintenance program. The customized work package will be developed using the
operator's furnished maintenance data or using references given by the operator and
manufacturer (for A/C components).
a) Defining operator's or maintenance data and other external origin maintenance data (see
section 2.8) and also defining tooling and equipment requirements.
3. Order through technical library the necessary documents based upon the official data
index provided by the manufacturers;
4. Obtain the new documents or revisions from library before being distributed. Evaluate
documents and document changes for validity, analyze the contents and make
changes to the computerized back up files as necessary;
6. Authorize the new documents or revisions for distribution after being evaluated.
Distribute the documents to the users;
a. Transcribe accurately all tasks in the approved maintenance data including CDCCL
into Job Cards, PD Sheets or MDR in a way the technician can understand. Refer to
decision-making diagram to determine when a required inspection is necessary.
(See RSQM 2.23). Write the maintenance tasks in the proper sequence as they are
going to be performed;
2. Enter inspection and checks required together with recording instructions. Prompt the
maintenance personnel to record both qualitative (measurement, limitation, etc.) and
quantitative (ok or not ok) inspection and test results by giving appropriate space and
guidance for recordings. When there is not enough space to record the inspection and
test results on the Job Cards, PD Sheets or MDR, develop appropriate inspection and
test data sheets properly customized for the specific inspection or test. The inspection
and test data sheets must be traceable to the Job Card, PD Sheet, or MDR;
3. Complex maintenance task shall be subdivided into clear stages to ensure a record of
the accomplishment of the complete maintenance task. For the task requiring double
check, it must be clearly described mentioning the correct and clear reference.
4. Use simple, clear and imperative words, when necessary, write the maintenance tasks
in both Indonesian and English language;
5. Define required inspections as given by the operator or as per RSQM 2.23. Refer to
decision-making diagram to determine when a required inspection is necessary (RSQM
6. Write on the Job Card, PD Sheet or MDR, the tools and equipment to be used (if
different but equivalent to those given in the maintenance approved data);
8. For Job Card, PD Sheet or MDR involving many units in its activities the process owner
remains responsible, the process owner of Job Card, PD Sheet or MDR is respective
planning engineering. Determine the workstation, skills required from the technician
to perform specific tasks. For examples: flight control checks, compass swing, run up,
etc, must be performed by technicians holding appropriate licenses.
See RSQM 2.21 for “Security of Computer Generated Job Cards & PD Sheets”.
See RSQM 2.13 for “Preparing the work package”.
All quality requirements addressed in the engineering instructions will be referenced to and be in
compliance with approved maintenance data.
a) Where the TC or STC holders original intent can be carried out in a more practical or more
efficient manner;
b) Where the TC or STC holder’s original intent cannot be achieved by following the
maintenance documents. For example, where a component cannot be replaced following
the original maintenance documents, Inform the author as per RSQM 2.27;
c) For the use of alternative tools/equipment.
Important note:
Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations (CDCCL) are airworthiness limitations. Any
modification of maintenance instruction linked to CDCCL constitutes an aircraft modification that
must be approved in accordance with NAA regulation in which the aircraft is registered.
The Engineering Services informs the manufacturer for the encountered problem (a), (b) above or
(c) as appropriate per RSQM 2.27. When the manufacturer agrees with that change, the
engineering services must give a written statement or additional instructions of how the change
will be done and distribute to planning engineer.
Upon approval by the manufacturer the engineer function in each department will modify the Job
Card, MDR, or PD Sheet to following the instruction given by engineering services.
Prior to distribute to maintenance The QC inspector will review the modified instructions and will
verify if a letter from manufacturer is in place. When satisfied, he will allow the practical
demonstration of the process using the modified instructions.
The Quality Control inspector will witness the maintenance process to verify that the proposed
modification of the process results in the same or higher output. When the Quality Control
inspector is satisfied, he and the mechanic will stamp on the modified maintenance instruction.
The modified maintenance documents will remain in the work order file attached with all
supporting reference including manufacturer's letter.
Additionally, the planning engineer will keep a copy of the modified maintenance documents and
all supporting data.
When the manufacturer does not agree with proposed changes or the QC/RII inspector is not
satisfied after demonstrating the proposed change in process, the planning engineer WILL NOT
changes the maintenance documents.
2.9.1 Control of Non-Conformities & Damage Assessment on A/C and A/C components
This Section is predominately related with damage assessment and for defining approved repair
solutions when the damage cannot be repaired per available approved maintenance data.
All repairs on aircraft or aircraft components will be accomplished in accordance with approved
maintenance data. The following requirements are covered:
Any aircraft defect or any deviation from TC/STC Holder design found on the aircraft, will be
properly identified with a Warning tag (form GMF/Q-104), recorded on MDR (form GMF/Q-003)
and reported to QC staff for further corrective actions as per the requirements of this procedure
and QP 209-05.
The Engineering Function will perform a damage assessment to assess if the defect or deviation
can be rectified per available approved maintenance data. If it can be rectified per available
approved data, he will write the instructions in the MDR (Form GMF/Q-003).
If the defect cannot be rectified per available approved data, the GMF AeroAsia Engineering
Services will seek a repair approval from TC Holder (or authority) as per RSQM 2.15.
Any component removed due to non-conformities will be tagged with a repairable tag Form
GMF/Q-011 and will be sent to PPC storage area and then to shops for repair.
Rejected components will be investigated, rectified and re-tested. Depending on the degree of
maintenance required based on the inspection or test results, further actions may be required
such as disassembly and detail parts inspection as necessary so that the component (or its break
down parts) to become airworthy. The disposition may be one of the following:
a) Accept (for break down parts). Ready for installation to the next higher assembly. Accepted
components or parts are tagged and routed to accumulation areas waiting installation to
the next higher assembly. For components and parts other than engines, the 'Serviceable
Tag'. Form No.: GMF/Q-012 is used. For engine maintenance (engine components and parts)
the GMF/Q-131 ''ready for assembly item'' tag is used. The serviceable tag will remain in the
work order file.
b) Repairable, per available maintenance data. Repairable components or parts are routed for
repair using the following PD Sheets:
For aircraft, which are maintained under the FAR-145 regulations, GMF AeroAsia Engineering
Services will classify a repair as minor or major as per operator's General Maintenance Manual
(GMM) requirements. If no requirements are given in the operator's GMM, the requirements of
FAR Part 43, AC 25.1529-1 and ATA 51-10-01 may be applied.
Should the repair be determined to be a major, an FAA approved repair procedure must be given
or a procedure must be approved by the TC Holder or FAA DER (Designated Engineering
When the repair is classified as minor, the planning engineering will search for a repair solution
through the standard practices manuals or other approved/accepted by FAA data. If the planning
engineering cannot find a repair solution from the above data, comply with the requirements of
the major repair.
GMF AeroAsia planning engineering is not allowed to perform the design engineering services for
both repairs design and/or STC design.
Issue: K Revision No.: 0 Date: 09 August 2011 Page: 2 of 7
2.9.2 Damage Assessment and Control of Components & Parts Pending Disposition
Process Flow
is documented
Ye Approved No
s repair scheme
No Beyond
Econo- mical
Repair. (Issue
Maintenance Discrepancy
Report, Job Card or PD sheet) Scrap
Repair Disposition. (Issue PD
Sheet referenced to approved
repair scheme)
Authorised repair
inspected and accepted Inspection for conformance to
STOP authorized repair scheme
by the operator before
incorporation to the
a. Issue a ''Pending Disposition Tag'' Form No.: GMF/Q-074 for any non-conforming part or
component which cannot be repaired per approved data and for which the approved data
does not explicitly requires scrapping it.
b. Move the defected part or component to the hold area if its size permit;
c. Submit a copy of the ''Pending Disposition Tag'' Form No.: GMF/Q-074 to QC Manager and
PPC Manager.
a. Register the material on the ''Pending Disposition Log'' Form No.: GMF/Q-108.
b. Maintain the non-conforming material hold area;
c. Be responsible for the security of the hold area;
d. Control the incoming and outgoing material by completing the appropriate blocks of the
''Pending Disposition Log'' Form No.: GMF/Q-108;
1. Accept, if all inspection characteristics fall within approved data requirements. Tick the
accept block on the Form No.: GMF/Q-074 and write on remarks the reason it is
considered acceptable;
2. Repair, if it can be repaired as per approved data. Tick the repair block in the tag No.
Form No.: GMF/Q-074 and write on remarks the reason the part is considered
repairable and the repair reference;
3. Scrap, if the manufacturers’ technical manuals say so, or if it is uneconomical to be
repaired. Tick the scrap block in the tag Form No.: GMF/Q-074 and enter reference;
4. Hold the item to hold area when it is still pending disposition waiting for a repair
approval. Tick the block “hold wait for repair approval” of form No.: GMF/Q-074 and
contact the planning engineer.
a) Obtain an approved repair scheme by the manufacturer or submit a repair scheme to the
manufacturer for approval;
b) When an alternative means of obtaining approved data is desired and it has agreed by the
operator, contact the aviation authority of the registration country and provide a repair
scheme for approval. This procedure should be in compliance with operator's procedures
and the application form should be as required by the operator;
c) Enter in the form GMF/Q-074 the final disposition and sign the form.
A proposed repair scheme must be followed by the complete proposed repair instructions,
description of the defects, photos, as any other supported data as required.
When a repair scheme received from the OEM, and/or an approval obtained from the aviation
authority, this repair scheme is applicable only for the specific Serial Number. The approved repair
will be valid only for the specific Serial Number and not for same part numbers unless the TC
holder agrees.
All repair instructions and communications with manufacturer and operator will be in writing and
appropriate records will be kept as an evidence of the proposed repairs.
When approved repair scheme or maintenance data is available, release the item for repair. After
repair, it will be re-inspected to ensure it meets the approved repair scheme requirements.
When a repair is not allowed by the TC holder, the part or components will be immediately
scrapped using the form No.: GMF/Q-013.
GMF AeroAsia may fabricate parts for use during repair or modification of Aircraft to a restricted
range of part if:
The fabrication, inspection assembly and test are clearly within the technical and procedural
capability of GMF AeroAsia.
All necessary data to manufacture the part is approved either by the Authority of aircraft
registration or the Type Certificate Holder or Design Organization Approval Holder. This
mostly implies to the requirements that an approved drawing from the above sources must
be available.
If any special process involved, GMF AeroAsia must have the capability including qualified
personnel, equipment, applicable special process and procedures and specifications. Limitations
GMF AeroAsia will only fabricate items within the following limitations:
Items manufactured will only be used by GMF AeroAsia in the course of overhaul,
maintenance, modifications, or repair of aircraft or component under going work within
GMF AeroAsia facility only.
GMF AeroAsia will not supply to any party, and those parts will not qualify for certification
on FAA Form 8130-3, or any other Airworthiness Approval Tag.
The data specified may include repair procedures involving manufacture of non-standard
parts provided the data for such parts is sufficient to facilitate manufacture. Care must be
taken to ensure that the data include details of part identifications, dimensions, materials,
procedures, and any special manufacturing techniques, special raw material specification.
Where special processes or inspection procedures are defined in the approved data and are
necessary for the fabrication of the parts which are not available, GMF AeroAsia cannot
manufacture the part. Example of part manufacturing under the scope of the GMF AeroAsia rating
but not limited to the following:
1. All the above parts manufactured, must be in accordance with data provided in overhaul or
repair manuals, modification schemes and service bulletins, or otherwise approved by the
Authority. Procedures
The planning engineering is responsible to ensure that all-necessary information; approved data
and approved drawings and capabilities are available. Should the availability of the data and
capability is satisfied, the production engineering will develop a PD Sheet, which will clearly
describe the steps to be taken for the fabrication of the parts. The PD Sheet should describe from
the Identification of materials, to the fabrication process step by step, the final inspection of the
parts, the identification and placement of GMF AeroAsia Number and final acceptance of the
parts. Also the PD Sheet must clearly identify the aircraft registration on which the parts will be
For Customer, which have full maintenance contract, the approval for fabrication of parts must be
issued by Engineering Services.
Any locally manufactured part will be subjected to an inspection stage before, separately, and
preferably independently from, any inspection of its installation. The inspection must establish full
compliance with the relevant manufacturing data and the part must be unambiguously identified
as fit for use by stating conformity to the approved data. Adequate records must be maintained of
all such manufacturing processes including, heat treatment and the final inspections. All parts,
except those having not enough space, should carry a part number, which clearly relates it to the
manufacturing/inspection data. Additional to the part number the GMF identification number
should be marked on the part for trace-ability purposes.
The certifying staff will be responsible to ensure that overhauls, repairs, modifications,
replacements, inspections and tests have been carried out in conformity with approved standards
/specifications /requirements for the aircraft and/or components listed on their Schedule of
Approval. These activities shall be carried out in accordance with the approved manuals, drawings
and schedules related thereto, and any documents approved by the NAA. This implies to the fact
that only those parts fabricated in accordance with approved drawings and other maintenance
The certifying staff will be responsible to ensure that all the requirements mentioned in this
paragraph have been followed. Before accepting the part for installation, will ensure that a GMF
identification number is engraved on it, a serviceable tag has been issued and such tag is
traceable to the fabrication records such as PD sheets, etc. He will also ensure that the records
used to fabricate the part will remain as part of the A/C maintenance records.
The objectives of the maintenance program is to bring the A/C or A/C component to an airworthy
condition in respect to the work requested by the customer/operator within the agreed timetable
and such work to be in accordance with the Authority of A/C registration regulations.
Upon the receipt of the customer’s work order and the maintenance program, the production
planning and control will plan the work as per RSQM 2.28, will launch the work package as per
RSQM 2.13 and will initiate the performance of maintenance with the following activities:
b) The preparation of the appropriate maintenance instruction for the repair of defects found
during the preliminary inspection. RSQM 2.8;
c) The disassembly of the article to the extend required for repairing defects found during
preliminary inspection plus to execute the customer's work scope;
f) In process Inspection;
h) The execution of the required inspections as appropriate. See RSQM 3.7 & 2.23.2;
The QC/Support inspection personnel will perform the preliminary inspection of the A/C and A/C
components. When a functional test is necessary as part of the preliminary inspection (A/C
systems, engine or components), such test will be performed by the qualified personnel.
All inspection and test results, including missing parts, will be recorded in the following forms
together with any additional test data sheets and other supplemented documents traceable to
work orders:
The records of the defects found will be submitted to the planning or production engineers or
AMEL staff who will supplement the customer's work order with the appropriate maintenance
instructions per RSQM 2.8 in order to rectify the defects.
Damage assessment of non-conformities pending disposition will be done per RSQM 2.9. All
defects found will be rectified per approved maintenance data.
Inspection for hidden damage may involve further disassembly as necessary to locate the
suspected damaged area. It will include a thorough and searching inspection for hidden damage
in areas adjacent to the damaged area and/or in the case of deterioration, a thorough review of all
similar materials or equipment in a given system or structural area.
Such inspection will involve visual non-destructive inspection to the suspected area and its
surroundings and predominantly will include the appropriate non-destructive tests (NDT)
methods given by the manufacturers.
Inspection results will be recorded on the appropriate documentation such as Job Cards, MDR,
and PD sheets.
NDT inspectors, as qualified by Section 3.11.1 will perform NDT. Results will be recorded on the
forms give below and will be traceable to the work order and the appropriate Job Card, MDR, or
PD Sheet.
The records will clearly indicate the kind of defect found such as crack, void, inclusion, corrosion or
any other kind of discontinuity, the length and the area the defect found.
The scope of this inspection will be governed by the type of article involved with special
consideration given to previous operating history such as Service Difficulty Report or Malfunction
or Defect Reports, service bulletins and AD Notes applicable to the unit involved.
The records of the defects found will be submitted to the planning or production engineers or
AMEL staff who they will supplement the customer's work order with the appropriate
maintenance instructions per RSQM 2.8 in order to rectify the defects.
Damage assessment of non-conformities pending disposition will be done per RSQM 2.9. All
defects found will be rectified per approved maintenance data.
Authorized production inspection personnel and QC/RII/Support personnel (per RSQM 2.23.2), will
be assigned to make inspections at various stages of maintenance and defects rectification.
This inspection will be accomplished with a frequency determined by the maintenance manuals
and Job Cards, MDR or PD sheets and will mainly consist of:
c) Specific inspections or checks required to be made and sign for by the inspector;
The maintenance must be held until the inspections and tests have been completed or necessary
reports have been received and verified.
The records of the defects found will be submitted to the production engineers or AMEL staff who
will supplement the customer's work order with the appropriate maintenance instructions per
RSQM 2.8 in order to rectify the defects.
Damage assessment of non-conformities pending disposition will be done per RSQM 2.9. All
defects found will be rectified per approved maintenance data.
Inspection and tests will be performed in accordance with the inspection and test criteria of the
manufacturers' maintenance manuals. Required equipment, instrumentation, methods,
instructions, parameters, and test cell correlation will be monitored. Software used for acceptance
of components undergoing test at the test cell and ATE will be monitored through software
program. Faults encountered during test will be monitored and corrected per TC Holder
recommendations. See RSQM 2.9.
Rejected components will be investigated, rectified and re-tested. Depending on the degree of
maintenance required based on the inspection or test results, further actions may be required
such as disassembly and detail parts inspection as necessary so that the component (or its break
down parts) to become airworthy. See RSQM 2.9
2.10.6 Work performed at the Aircraft by Shop Personnel & Work Performed for aircraft
Maintenance in Shops
When an aircraft component is sent to shops for maintenance, the PPC must ensure that the shop
has the appropriate capability and approvals from the Authority requirements for the
performance of such maintenance. The following requirements will apply:
The operator will request GMF AeroAsia to incorporate the AD Notes as applicable. Additionally,
the Engineering Services will perform an AD search on the website every two weeks to retrieve
biweekly AD Notes applicable to the A/C or A/C components. He will keep a list of biweekly AD
Notes together with all applicable AD Notes and also have available the NAA AD Notes as
applicable to such A/C or A/C component. The list should be able to be accessed by other
When the AD notes from authority of A/C registration are not available via the website and/or the
website is not a reliable course (not recommended by the Authority), Engineering Services will
subscribe to a recognized source.
The engineering function on each department will arrange for the incorporation of the AD Notes
as requested by the operator and will bring to the customer's attention any additional AD Notes
they require incorporation during the present ground time. Should the customer for any reason
not desire to incorporate the AD Note and that AD Note is due, while the A/C, engine and
components are under the maintenance and GMF AeroAsia is responsible for issuing the CRS, the
engineering will notify the certifying staff who is in turn will proceed as per Section 3.9 of this
2.11.2 AD Note & Service Bulletin Evaluation- Applicability and Capability Determination
The Engineering Services will evaluate each AD Note or Service Bulletin, which are provided by
operator, to determine A/C, engine and component applicability and the resources required such
as tools, material and man-hours, etc, for the development of the appropriate capability. If the SB
cannot be provided due to manufacturer’s policy, the AD evaluation should be ended without AD
Part Control. Engineering Services will enter the evaluation results on the Engineering Evaluation
Sheet (Form No GMF/Q -189). Ensure the SB issuance, specific to the revision level and/or date is
comply with, and no deviation within AD Notes. Noncompliance or deviation of SB issuance
application shall request an AMOC to FAA. The Evaluation Sheet and will pass this information to
production planning and procurement. The production planning and procurement will arrange
for the availability of the resources as necessary.
The Operator shall determine the applicable method of compliance being incorporated of AD
Notes and discussed with GMF engineering function. In case the operator does not explain the
method of compliance of the AD Notes, the engineering function will make an evaluation to
determine the method of compliance of AD Notes requested by customer work order and get an
approval from the operator.
The implementation method of compliance and an AMOC shall be recorded into form FAA-337
prior to issue Certificate Release to Service. Certifying Staff shall prepare the form FAA-337 and
make sure the specific method of compliance and or AMOC is completed and suitable with
customer work order. Engineering function shall prepare AD/SB compliance status record to
include detail method of compliance and AMOC of AD Notes if any.
The Engineering Services, in addition to the AD Note evaluation for determining and developing
the capability will evaluate if any part or component become obsolete or requires further rework
due to a design change coming from an AD Note. The Engineering Services will develop a file
(Form No GMF/Q-191), shared with read access to material planning department, engineering
function in each department and store manager and will list any such part or component. The list
will include corrective actions such as scrap or rework.
See RSQM 2.3.1 for “Disposition & Withdrawal of Parts and Components from Stores Due to AD
2.11.4 Writing the Maintenance Instructions for the Incorporation of the AD & SB
The engineering function on each department will prepare the accomplishment instructions (job
cards or PD sheets) for the incorporation of the AD Notes as required by RSQM 2.8.
The engineering function will develop for each work order an AD/SB Compliance Status Record
(Form No.: GMF/Q-071), which will include the following:
Prior to incorporation of the AD Note and Service Bulletin, the engineering function in
coordination with the Quality Control in each department, will brief the maintenance personnel
about the AD/SB requirements to ensure they have an adequate understanding of what is to be
done and also to ensure that they can incorporate the requirements of the AD/SB. For any special
case, the engineering functions may request Engineering Services to assist.
Qualified personnel will incorporate the AD Notes and Service Bulletins in accordance with the
maintenance instructions (Job Card or PD Sheets). The Qualified inspection personnel in charge
will physically check if all SB/AD Notes have been effectively implemented and will check the
SB/AD Note Compliance Status Records for proper entries. All AD Notes will be accomplished as
2.11.6 Control of Accomplished AD Notes and Service Bulletins for A/C, Engines and
Components Controlled by GMF AeroAsia
When GMF AeroAsia is contracted by the operator to control the AD Notes, the contract will
describe how GMF AeroAsia will perform such functions based on operator's maintenance
program. In this case, GMF AeroAsia will keep records of all AD Notes performed. Such records will
become available to the operator. The list of AD Notes will indicate either one-time compliance or
recurring compliance or the next due date, hours or cycles.
2.12.1 General
GMF AeroAsia will not determine (unless otherwise specified in chapter 2.12.4), what non-
mandatory modifications will be performed on operator's A/C or A/C components. The operator
under his maintenance program controls the non-mandatory modification (unless GMF Aero Asia
is delegated to perform such controls). GMF AeroAsia may suggest to the operator to comply with
some modifications and as far as its capability permits will perform all modifications requested by
the operator.
When modifications requested for compliance, the engineering services will follow the procedure
in Section 2.11 (airworthiness directive procedure) to analyze the resources required in terms of
tools, material and man-hours, etc for the development of the appropriate capability and also to
develop the maintenance instructions and recording system for the embodiment of the
The planning engineering will prepare the accomplishment instructions (Job Card or PD Sheets)
of the modifications as per RSQM 2.8 to guide the maintenance function to incorporate the
When GMF AeroAsia is contracted by the operator to control the optional modifications, the
contract will describe how GMF AeroAsia will perform such functions based on operator's
maintenance program. In this case, GMF AeroAsia will keep records of optional modifications
performed. Such records will become available to the operator.
This section is related with the preparation of the maintenance work package and any
amendments, the distribution of the work package to maintenance functions, the daily control of
routine and non-routine work records and signing off the work performed.
The planning engineer writes the job cards as per RSQM 2.8 After the job cards have been
developed, the planning engineer will assign a unique number of each job card and will inventory
all the Job Cards on the Job Card Inventory, Form GMF/B-011 traceable to Work Order Form
Before he released the work package to PPC, he will perform an adequacy check to ensure that
the prepared work package is sufficient for the scope of work and for the configuration of the
aircraft. He will check all Job Cards against the operator's work scope and Maintenance
Requirements Items, or Maintenance Planning Data, and he will ensure that:
a) All required routine maintenance tasks are included in the job cards. The total number of job
cards issued (as listed in the job card inventory form) and their content (the maintenance
tasks) must represent the full scope of work.
b) The maintenance data referenced to the job cards is the correct one for the proper aircraft
c) All the required inspection items by the operator have been planned;
d) All requirements mentioned in RSQM 2.8 are met, and
e) Any corrective actions on deficiencies from previous maintenance, from shop floor changes
or from any improvements requiring correction of maintenance instructions are
f) Comply with the requirements of (b) below as appropriate. Using the operator's job cards (or equivalent) or specific instructions for the
performance of maintenance
When the operator requires the use of his own job cards (or equivalent work cards/sheets) or his
own specific instructions as per his maintenance program, a customer’s quality plan will be
developed by production planning and control to assist the maintenance personnel for the
proper understanding and execution of the work and the signing off of such job cards or work
In coordination with the operator and using his maintenance program requirements, develop a
customer’s quality plan, which may include as necessary, but not limited the following:
1) Instructions to perform work using the operators job cards and other maintenance
2) Instructions to sign off work performed on operator's job cards (or equivalent)
including personnel skills authorized for claiming work performed;
3) Operator's forms and release to service documents to be used (if any) and instructions
for completing such forms;
4) Specific maintenance instructions required to be followed as per operator's
maintenance program;
5) Instructions for parts, components and material requirements including handling of
rotables and scrap parts;
6) Any other requirements from the operator, which defers from the GMF AeroAsia
The General Manager of quality control or his delegate and customer representative will sign the
customer’s quality plan.
The customer’s quality plan will be developed in any format suitable for the application and will
be issued, distributed, used and controlled with the same manner as the QPs are developed per
RSQM 2.8.
When the job cards (or equivalent work cards/sheets) are given by the operator, the planning
engineer is responsible to review those job cards for adequacy, define tools and equipment needs
and material requirements. Additional job cards may require to be written to complete the work
package. The planning engineering will perform the following:
1) Ensure an inventory is given together with the job cards and signed by the customer;
2) Check all the job cards (or equivalent) received against the inventory and ensure they
are all available and updated. If any job card is missing from the list or from the work
package inform the customer;
4) If the customer has not given an inventory, use the job card inventory, form GMF/B-
011 and list all the job cards received. Have the customer to sign the inventory, form
5) Review one by one the job cards (staring from the sequence of operations) and define
the resources needed for the execution of each job card:
▪ Maintenance data (drawings, ATA chapters, etc);
▪ Tools and equipment;
▪ Parts and material;
▪ Manpower and skills;
▪ Man-hours needed.
6) Register each job card number in the computerized system and enter the resources
defined above.
7) Create a bill of routine parts and material required as defined by each job card review.
Enter data for bill of materials to computerized system;
8) Define availability of tools and equipment versus actual needs. Create a list of tools
and equipment required and a separate list of tools and equipment they are not
available. Pass this information to the tooling and procurement functions;
The Production engineer will load each job card number to the computerized system database,
for any non-routine MDR entered by PPC. For monitoring and controlling the work and they will
provide the appropriate information and support. Both production engineer and PPC will perform
the following prior to maintenance and on daily basis as appropriate:
a) Register each job card number in the computerized system together with the following
b) Attach the appropriate maintenance data (ATA number) on each job card performing the
▪ Retrieve the correct ATA number as given in the Job card and copy or print;
▪ Place a stamp for one time use only on the maintenance data stating the A/C registration;
▪ Keep the job cards attach with the appropriate maintenance data.
c) Define and prepare tools and material for each job card.
During the defect rectification and when an MDR is issued, the PPC is responsible to comply
with the same requirements mentioned above for each MDR.
d) Utilizing the Tally sheets in the control room, register the job cards or non-routine cards
required on daily basis. Keep on separate Tally Sheets the open, close, pending, etc job cards
and also enter the appropriate information in the computerized system.
e) For any non-routine work generated, assign a control number on each non-routine card and
proceed with the steps a) to d) above.
II. Shop floor and/or emergency change to job cards, PD Sheets, MDR in process
Floor changes or emergency changes of the maintenance instructions during work in process may
take place any time a revision is necessary to correct improper statements, references, instructions
etc. The changes will be in hand writing, using black/blue ink, and will be done only by the
planning engineer or from the person who wrote the instruction.
When a statement is deleted (or replaced by another one), a line will draw over the deleted
statement, which will still be visible. Tipp-Ex or any other means of deleting the statement, which
completely obscures it, are not allowed. The person who made the change will enter his stamp or
his name and signature. A statement that will describe the reason of change will be written next
to the appraise name & signature or stamp.
When an emergency change or shop floor change occur the back up master document will be
revised to incorporate the revision.
The authorized person who made the revision must determine if this revision affects any other
maintenance instruction.
2.13.3 Reviewing records for completion and claiming the work performed General
In order to prevent omissions, every maintenance task or group of tasks will be signed-off. To
ensure the task or group of tasks is completed; it will only be signed-off after completion.
Work by unauthorized personnel (example: temporary staff, trainee, etc) will be checked by
authorized personnel before they sign-off.
Note 1:
A “sign-off” is a statement by the competent person performing or supervising the work that
signing or stamping and entering the date as appropriate have correctly performed the task or
group of tasks
Note 2:
''Authorized personnel” means personnel formally authorized by GMF AeroAsia under the RSQM
requirements to sign-off tasks as described in their Certificate of Competency and authorizations
each employee holds. “Authorized personnel” are not necessarily “certifying staff”
Note 3:
A person is not allowed to sign off work performed if such work is not mentioned in his certificate
of competency or his authorization.
Before the authorized person is signing off work performed - apart from ensuring that the work
has been satisfactorily performed - he must ensure that:
a) The technician who carried out the particular maintenance task will stamp that he has
accomplished the task only when he is satisfied by self-inspection that the task has been
properly carried out in accordance with the approved maintenance data.
b) If the Job Card, MDR, or PD Sheet requires an RII in addition to the one performed under
paragraph (a), the qualified and approved by the operator RII inspection person will stamp
for the second inspection when satisfied. Claiming work when defects found or work not satisfactorily performed
For PD Sheets, the authorized personnel shall write the word reject and stamp on the appropriate
step which the inspection took place. Enter on the back page or to another document traceable to
that one, the discrepancy found. The level 3 technician or the production engineer will enter the
rectification order on the back of the PD sheet, give reference to another document. When the
work is satisfactorily completed, the technician will stamp to indicate satisfactory completion of
the task and put date. Continue to the next step of the PD Sheet.
Work is not allowed to proceed to the next step until the previous step is satisfactory completed.
Claiming defects found during inspection and tests on routine A/C checks
When a defect is found, the mechanic or inspector will record the discrepancy using the
Maintenance Discrepancy and Rectification (MDR). On the Job Card he will write the MDR Number
and the defect statement and will use his stamp and the date to indicate that the inspection has
been completed and the inspection results are recorded on the Job Card.
If a multiple task Job Card is used, the next step will not be performed until the defects found on
the previous steps have been rectified.
When the MDR is used to record the discrepancies, the MDR Control List must be developed to
control the rectification of the defects found. Traceability of the Job Card with the MDR or any
other form used to record the discrepancy will be always established.
Prior releasing the aircraft to service the certifying staff must review the MDR issued to ensure that
all defects have been properly rectified.
2.14.1 General
Maintenance records are the records generated during the maintenance of aircraft, engine and
aircraft components and is related to customer's work order.
The records will remain legible throughout the required retention period. They will be stored and
retained in such a way that they are readily retrievable. A suitable environment will be provided
for the storage of the records in order to prevent damage or deterioration, fire, flood, alteration,
theft and loss. Customers and Authorities will have access to the records.
Maintenance records will be retained for at least three years. When the operator requires GMF
AeroAsia to keep the records as per operator’s maintenance program, such records will be kept as
per operator’s procedure and authority regulations.
The aircraft maintenance record function will keep whenever applicable the following:
Where the operator selects to keep all the maintenance records, a copy of all the records will be
made and kept in file.
The engine/component maintenance record function will keep whenever applicable the
Administration of records under this section means to prepare the relevant documents for filing.
This is done after the certifying staff has reviewed the records for completion as required by RSQM
Section 2.16 to determine readiness for release to service.
The production control will receive the record package and will perform the following:
a) Aircraft information;
b) Certificate of Maintenance;
c) Customer Work Order and Amendments;
d) Preliminary Inspection Report;
e) Job Card Inventory;
f) AD/SB Compliance & Additional Works;
g) Finding / Rectification Report;
h) Structure Repair Report;
i) Component Replacement;
j) Deferred Work;
k) Weighing Report;
l) Run up report;
m) Swing Compass Report;
n) Test Flight Report;
o) Redelivery Report.
The total work package for each work order will be traceable to the customer work order number
and A/C registration number, or engine serial number (for engines). The following traceability
must exist within the work package:
e) All purchased parts/components used for the maintenance must be traceable to the PO as
indicated in the goods issue slip.
a) Store only those records and forms which require retention as required by this Procedure;
b) Control loan of maintenance records by maintaining a withdrawal log of records loaned and
c) Arrange for the disposal or expired records. Prior to actual records disposal, develop a
disposal records list for records intended for disposal and forward a copy to QSA for
approval. Only after approval by QSA the records will be destroyed. Assure those records
that have been approved for destruction by QSA are either torn or burned. Keep the
disposal records list for a period of 2 years;
The following general support records (see table 1) will be retained as an evidence of the quality
of the work performed. The responsible functions to retain the records and the retention period
for each record are shown in the table 1.
The retention period of all purchased material starts by the time they installed on the end item.
The storage period of the material is not considered as a retention period.
2.15.1 General
All maintenance of the Aircraft will be performed in accordance with an approved maintenance
program and maintenance data as dictated by the operator. The maintenance is accomplished in
accordance with the selected work package called routine maintenance. Following the routine
maintenance/checks, a non-routine work will be generated if defects are found.
a. The inspection personnel will enter in the Job Card (Form No.: GMF/Q-002) the defects
found, will complete the MDR (Form No.: GMF/Q-003), assign MDR number and record such
number in the Job Card and they will request rectification order from Qualified Licensed
Personnel as per QP 209-05.
b. The Authorized Licensed Personnel will evaluate defects found and will write the
rectification order following approved maintenance data requirements. The rectification will
take place, based on the instructions in the aircraft Maintenance Manual, Structural Repair
Manual, Component Repair Manual, etc.
c. The maintenance personnel will rectify the defects following the repair order and approved
maintenance data requirements per QP 209-05.
d. Required inspections will be performed (depending on the rectification) to ensure proper
rectification of the defects.
Where structural repairs are required, detailed drawings will be developed by the Engineering
Services referring to SRM or other approved maintenance data to illustrate specific repair
conditions. A copy of the drawing will be included in the aircraft records.
2.15.3 Damaged Assessment for Defect Rectification not Described in the Manuals
When a defect cannot be rectified per available maintenance data (rectification is not covered in
the manuals), the planning engineering will assess the damage and obtain instructions of an
approved repair by the TC Holder. When a repair instruction is available by the manufacturer (TC
Holder), a rectification orders on the MDR Form No.: GMF/Q-003 will be written reference to the
manufacturing instructions. The maintenance personnel will perform the rectifications as per the
Defects found, they will be rectified during the current maintenance slot. GMF AeroAsia will not
postpone any defect rectification unless the customer wants to defer a repair as per Section 3.9 of
this manual.
2.16.1 Procedure for Releasing to Service A/C & A/C Components - General
Certifying Staff, as authorized per RSQM 3.4 will decide to release or not to release to service an
A/C or A/C component. The release to service procedure will consist of a final inspection of the
work and the issuance of a formal CRS when appropriate.
During the maintenance and before issuing a CRS for A/C or A/C component, the certifying staff
and support staff (see categories in RSQM 3.4.3) is responsible to:
At any scheduled or unscheduled maintenance task carried out to a fuel system feature classified
as a Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations (CDCCL) and before release to service, the
maintenance records shall reflect that the correct configuration is maintained and ensured.
Detailed procedures of CDCCL are described as per QP 304-06.
NOTES: For A/C and Engines, when the support staff authorized personnel do the inspections or
checks, the certifying staff having the responsibility for signing the CRS, remains fully
responsible to ensure that such inspections and checks have been effectively performed
and all defects are cleared out.
For components (other than engines) the certifying staff must witness the final inspection and
test and verify by self-inspection the proper functioning of the component.
Before issuing the CRS for A/C, the operator has to review and sign the list of deferred
defects/items (if any). See RSQM 3.9
The certifying staff, before issuing a CRS must ensure that the components, parts and material
installed on the A/C or A/C components are eligible for installation based on the regulations of the
Authority of A/C registration.
Eligibility status will be determined based on the appropriate airworthiness approval tags, aircraft
and components configuration requirements such as AD/SB or certificates furnished with the
parts, components or material as mentioned in RSQM 2.3.6 (b) and they must be in work order
record. A CRS will not be issued if the above requirements are not met.
2.16.3 Work Not Satisfactorily Performed - CRS Cannot Be Issued
After the work completed but the certifying staff has found defects, incomplete records, or any
other problem, which leads to the conclusion that the maintenance has not been performed as
per customer's work order and maintenance program and/or as per the Authority regulations, the
certifying staff will perform the following:
a) For A/C, enter on the Work Order Form No. GMF/Q-001 the discrepancies which must be
corrected before a CRS is issued.
b) For Engine/APU, enter on the Work Order Form No. GMF/Q-075 the discrepancies which
must be corrected before a CRS is issued.
c) For other components, enter on the final step of the PD Sheet the word ''reject'' and on the
back page of the PD sheet enter the discrepancies, which must be corrected before CRS is
d) Inform the PPC.
New defects or incomplete maintenance work orders identified during the above maintenance
shall be brought to the attention of the aircraft operator for the specific purpose of obtaining
agreement to rectify such defects or completing the missing elements of the maintenance work
order. In the case where the aircraft operator declines to have such maintenance carried out
under this paragraph, paragraph (e) is applicable. The requirements of RSQM 3.9 will be applied.
When GMF AeroAsia is unable to complete all maintenance ordered, the certifying staff may issue
a certificate of release to service within the approved aircraft limitations. The certifying staff will
enter such fact in the aircraft certificate of release to service before the issue of such certificate
provided the following would be considered:
a) The operator is informed in the case where full release to service compliance cannot be
achieved within the operator’s limitations. If the operator agrees to the deferment of full
compliance, then the certificate of release to service may be issued subject to details of the
deferment, including the operator’s authority, being endorsed on the certificate. See RSQM
b) In case of doubt concerning such a decision of the operator, the certifying staff will inform
the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety who in turn will discuss the issue and resolve with the
c) If there still no decision has been taken, the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will inform the
Authority of the aircraft registration of such doubt, before issue of the certificate of release
to service. This will allow the Authority to investigate the matter as appropriate.
See RSQM 2.17 for “Maintenance report”.
2.16.4 Certificate of Release to Service Statement & Forms under FAA Approval
The aircraft identified on the reverse side or above was repaired and inspected in accordance with
current Regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration and is approved for return to service
with respect to the work performed. Pertinent details of the repair are on file at this repair station
Signed _________________________________________
(Signature of authorized representative)
For ____________________________________________
(Repair Station name & certificate number)
NOTE: Inspection stamp/symbol will NOT be used on the maintenance release, only authorized
inspector’s signatures
This form is used to return to service the aircraft after inspection and conform to the applicable
standards and meet the applicable FAR.
Form entries:
Group Certification of
Compliance : Enter Signature, License number and date of acceptance of
each category, State the approve reference was used to
perform the works on the aircraft.
Signed : Enter the name and signature of certifying staff that perform
return to service the aircraft.
Authorized No./Stamp : enter authorized Number of certifying staff or certifying staff
The Airworthiness Approval Tag will be used if requested by customer for return to service any
part or component which have been inspected, tested and found conform with FAR’s
Airworthiness Directive and company standard.
1. Approving Civil Aviation 3. Form Tracking Number:
Authority/Country: 2.
6. Item: 7. Description: 8. Part Number: 9. Quantity: 10. Serial Number: 11. Status/Work:
12. Remarks:
13a. Certifies the items identified above were manufactured in conformity to: 14a. 14 CFR 43.9 Return to Service Other regulations specified in Block 13
Approved design data and are in a condition for safe operation. Certified that unless otherwise specified in Block 12, the work identified in
Non-approved design data specified in Block 12. Block 12 and described in Block 12 was accomplished in accordance with
Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, part 43 and in respect to that work, the
items are approved for return to service.
13b. Authorized Signature: 13c. Approval/Authorization No.: 14b. Authorized Signature: 14c. Approval/Certificate No.:
13d. Name (Type or Printed): 13e. Date (dd/mmm/yyyy): 14d. Name (Type or Printed): 14e. Date (dd/mmm/yyyy):
User/Installer Responsibilities
It is important to understand that the existence of this document alone does not automatically constitute authority to install the part/component/assembly.
Where the user/installer performs work in accordance with the national regulations of an airworthiness authority different than the airworthiness authority of the
country specified in Block 1, it is essential that the user/installer ensures that his/her airworthiness authority accepts parts/ component/assemblies from the airworthiness authority
of the country specified in Block 1.
Statements in Block 14 and 19 do not constitute certification. In all cases, aircraft maintenance records must contain an installation certification issued in accordance
with the national regulations by the user/installer before the aircraft may be flown.
FAA form 8130-3 (02-14) NSN: 0052-00-012-9005
Block-By-Block Instructions for Completing FAA Form 8130-3 for Approval for Return To Service.
b. Block 2. Authorized Release Certificate, FAA Form 8130-3, Airworthiness Approval Tag.
f. Block 6. Item.
When FAA Form 8130-3 is issued, a single item number or multiple item numbers (for example,
same item with different serial numbers) may be used for the same part number. Multiple items
must be numbered in sequence, although not necessarily beginning with the number one (for
example, 0040, 0050, 0062, 0063). If a separate listing is used, enter “List Attached” (refer to
paragraph 3-6e of FAA Order 8130.21H for further instructions).
g. Block 7. Description.
Enter the name or description of the product or article. Preference should be given to the term
used in the instructions for continued airworthiness or maintenance data (for example, illustrated
parts catalog, aircraft maintenance manual, or service bulletin).
part number of its own, enter the next higher assembly number followed by the word
i. Block 9. Quantity.
Enter the quantity of each product or article shipped.
Table 2—FAA Form 8130-3 for Approval for Return To Service Block 11 Terms
Enter— For—
“OVERHAULED” A process that ensures the product or article is in
complete conformity with the applicable service
tolerances specified in the type certificate holder’s or
equipment manufacturer’s instructions for
continued airworthiness, or in the data approved or
accepted by the authority. The product or article will
be at least disassembled, cleaned, inspected,
repaired as necessary, reassembled, and tested in
accordance with the approved or accepted data.
“See Block 12” Products or articles rebuilt or altered by authorized
PAHs in accordance with § 43.3(j). Refer to
paragraph 3-6l(3).
“REPAIRED” Repair of defect(s) using an applicable standard.
“INSPECTED” and/or “TESTED” Examination or measurement in accordance with an
applicable standard (for example, visual inspection,
functional testing, or bench testing).
“MODIFIED” Alteration of a product or article to conform to an
applicable standard.
Note: The applicable standard must be described in Block 12.
documentation. If necessary, a separate sheet may be used and referenced from the main
FAA Form 8130-3. Each statement must clearly identify which product or article in Block 6
it relates to.
(2) Below are examples of conditions that could necessitate a statement in this block. These
statements may or may not be appropriate depending on the form’s purpose.
(a) Data required by 43.9 of FAA Order 8130.21H, including the reference and revision
status. If other documents such as work orders, shop travelers, or FAA Form 337,
Major Repair and Alteration (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance), are used
by the certificate holder to comply with 43.9 and 43.11 of FAA Order 8130.21H, they
must be specifically referenced in this block.
(b) Compliance with ADs or service bulletins.
(c) Repairs carried out.
(d) Modifications carried out.
(e) Replacement articles installed.
(f) Life-limited parts status (for example, total time, total cycles, and time since new).
(g) If a specific batch or lot number is used to control or trace the product or article, enter
the batch or lot number in this block.
(h) Deviations from the customer work order.
(i) Release statements to satisfy a CAA maintenance requirement.
(j) Information needed to support shipment with shortages or re-assembly after
(3) When an authorized person completes Blocks 14a through 14e for the purpose of rebuilding
or altering a product they hold the approval for in accordance with 43.3(j) of FAA Order
8130.21H, the term “See Block 12” will be entered in Block 11, and one of the following
statements will be entered in Block 12: “Rebuilt to original PAH’s specifications” or
“Altered to original PAH’s specifications.”
m. Blocks 13a through 13e. Shade, darken, or otherwise mark to preclude inadvertent or
unauthorized use.
(Refer to paragraph 3-2a(3) of FAA Order 8130.21H for dual release instructions.) Attachments
should include the form tracking number of the corresponding FAA Form 8130-3.
(2) The phrase “Rebuilt (altered or inspected) to original PAH’s specifications” will be entered in
Block 12 when a PAH rebuilds, alters, or inspects their product in accordance with 43.3(j) or 43.7(d)
of FAA Order 8130.21H.
a. The recipient of the incorrect FAA Form 8130-3 must provide a written request and a copy of
the incorrect FAA Form 8130-3 to the originator.
b. The request for a corrected FAA Form 8130-3 may be honored without reverification of the
product or article condition. The reissued FAA Form 8130-3 is not a statement of current condition
and must refer to the FAA Form 8130-3 being corrected. Include this reference in Block 12 using
the following statement: “This FAA Form 8130-3 corrects the error(s) in Block(s) [enter block
number(s) corrected] of the FAA Form 8130-3 [enter form tracking number] dated [enter issuance
date] and does not cover conformity/condition/release to service.” The reissued form must be
marked as such. Both forms must be retained according to the retention period.
Major repair and alteration FAA Form 337 will be execute and submitted to the Aircraft
Registration Branch, AFS-750, and PO BOX 25504, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73125 as
prescribed in FAR section 43.9(a), FAR 43 Appendix B.
Instructions for Completing the FAA Form 337, MAJOR REPAIR AND ALTERATION
(References: FAR 43, Appendix B FAR 145.51 AC 43.9-1F)
To document the performance of a major repair or alteration; to approve for return to service of
the work performed; to notify the FAA and owner/operator of the performance. The form is used
for aircraft, engines and components.
In case of major alteration, the form shall be filled out in triplicate. The original is given to the
owner, the first copy is forwarded to FAA district office after the aircraft and/or component is
released for return to service. The second copy is retained by the Quality Assurance department.
FORM INSTRUCTIONS. The person who performs or supervises a major repair or major alteration
must prepare Form 337. The form is executed at least in duplicate and is used to record major
repairs and major alterations made to an aircraft, airframe, powerplant, propeller, appliance, or a
component part thereof. The following instructions apply to items 1 through 8 of the form as
illustrated in Appendix 1. The terms item_ and block_ are used synonymously in FAA documents
relating to data collection on Form 337.
a. Item 1 – Aircraft. “The nationality and Registration Mark” is the same as shown on. Aircraft
Certification (AC) Form 8050-3, Certificate of Aircraft Registration. An “N” prefix denotes the
nationality for U.S. registered aircraft. Information to complete the “Make,” “’Model” and
“Serial Number” blocks is found on the aircraft manufacturer’s identification plate. A
“Series” block has been provided to further identify the series of a specific model. Proper
segregation of the model and series will be useful in collecting data for safety related
NOTE: When the aircraft registry receives a completed Form 337 for the official aircraft file,
it is validated by matching the registration “N” number with the serial number. If an
application for a change to the “N” number has been made, it is important for the
submitter to receive verification of the change from the FAA registry with a new AC Form
8050-3. If the Form 337 must be submitted before receipt of the new registration then the
old “N” number must be used.
b. Item 2 – Owner. Enter the aircraft owner’s complete name and address as shown on AC
Form 8050-3. When work is performed during a change in ownership, it is permissible to
use the name and address shown on AC Form 8050-1, Aircraft Registration Application.
NOTE: When a major repair or major alteration is made to a component part, items 1, 2,
and in some cases 5 will be left blank and the original and duplicate copies of the form will
remain with the part until it is installed on an aircraft. After entering the required
information in items 1, 2, and if appropriate, 5, the person who installed the part will give
one form to the owner/operator and forward the duplicate copy to the FAA registry within
48 hours after the aircraft is approved for return to service. If a component part of an
airframe, powerplant, propeller, or appliance is repaired or altered and the unit
identification information is not known, it is appropriate to apply the preceding procedure
and leave item 5 blank until the airframe, powerplant, propeller or appliance is installed on
the aircraft.
c. Item 3 – For FAA Use Only. Indicate approval in item 3 when the FAA determines that data
used to perform a major repair or major alteration conforms to accepted industry practices
and is in compliance with current guidance and regulatory requirements. Approval is
indicated by one of the following methods. (See paragraph 7, Administrative Processing,
for further details.)
(1) Approval of Data by Examination Only. Enter the following statement on Form 337
when the data package is reviewed and a data approval is completed:
“The data identified herein complies with the applicable airworthiness requirements and is
approved for the above described aircraft, subject to conformity inspection by a person
authorized in section 43.7.”
(2) Approval of Data by Physical Inspection. Enter the following statement on Form 337
when a physical inspection, demonstration, or other type of test of an aircraft is
satisfactorily performed and an installation approval is completed:
“The alteration identified herein has been reviewed and found to be complete with
appropriate Designated Engineering Representative approvals. All aspects of the
alteration(s) are compatible and eligible for use on the above described aircraft, subject to
conformity inspection by a person authorized in 43.7.”
(Order 8300.10, vol. 2, ch. 1, section 1, paragraph 15c.)
(4) Overweight Aircraft Operating Under a Special Flight Permit. Enter the following
statement as part of the recordkeeping requirements for overweight flight permits
contained in the current edition of FAA Order 8130.2, Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft
and Related Products:
“No person may operate this aircraft, as altered herein, unless it has within it an
appropriate and current special flight permit issued under part 21.” (Order 8130.2F,
paragraph 196b.)
d. Item 4 – Type. Enter a checkmark in the appropriate column to indicate whether the unit
was repaired or altered. Use only one “Type” line per form.
e. Item 5 – Unit Identification. Use the information blocks under item 5 to identify the
airframe, power plant, propeller, or appliance that has been repaired or altered. It is only
necessary to complete the blocks for the unit repaired or altered. The procedure for repair
or alteration of a component part when the unit identification is unknown is detailed in
paragraph 6b above. Use only one “Unit Identification” line per form.
(2) “B” – Kind of Agency. Check the appropriate box to indicate the type of person or
organization that performed the work.
(3) “C” – Certificate Number. Enter the appropriate certificate number for the find of
Agency_ entered in item 6b of the form. Mechanics should enter their mechanic’s
certificate number. Certificated maintenance organizations and repair stations should
enter the number referenced on the air carrier, air operator, or air agency certificate issued
by the FAA as appropriate. Manufacturers should enter their Production Certificate or
Supplemental Type Certificate number as appropriate. When repairing or altering articles,
manufacturers holding Technical Standard Orders (TSO) approvals should enter the TSO
number of the affected article.
(4) “D” – Conformity Statement. Use this space to certify that the repair or alteration
complies with FAR part43. When work was performed or supervised by certificated
mechanics, they should enter the completion date of the repair or alteration and sign their
Issue: K Revision No.: 8 Date: 5 September 2019 Page: 18 of 26
full name. Repair stations and maintenance organizations are permitted to authorize their
employees to date and sign this conformity statement to comply with their FAA-approved
(5) Fuel Tank Modification. For modifications involving installation of extended range fuel
tanks in the passenger or baggage compartment as described in part 43, appendix B,
check the box provided to indicate the modification.
NOTE: In this instance, one copy of Form 337 must be placed onboard the aircraft as
specified in FAR part 91, § 91.417 when the aircraft is returned to service.
g. Item 7 – Approval for Return to Service. Part 43 establishes the conditions under which
major repairs or major alterations to airframes, powerplants, propellers, and appliances
may be approved for return to service. This portion of the form is used to indicate approval
or rejection of the repair or alteration and to identify the person or agency making the
airworthiness determination.
(1) Check the “approved” or “rejected” box to indicate the finding. Rejected forms will be
returned to the person who made the modification, as identified in item 6, for correction.
Approved forms will be completed, signed, and submitted to the aircraft registry.
(2) Check the appropriate box to indicate who made the finding. Use the box labeled
“other” to indicate a finding by a person other than those listed. This box is reserved for
any entity, not otherwise identified, that the FAA may authorize to perform that function.
The person who made the finding should sign and date the form. The person’s name
should also be typed or printed below their signature and the appropriate certificate or
designation number should be entered. If an aviation safety inspector (ASI) signs item 7,
the ASI’s office identifier is placed in the certificate or designation number block.
(3) Before approving Form 337, it is the responsibility of the person returning the product
to service to ensure that all the work described in item 8 matches approved data and that
the information presented on the form is complete.
(4) If the form is not accepted by the aircraft registry for any reason, it will be routed
through the FAA regional office back to the return to service agent identified in item 7.
(2) The description should refer to all applicable FAR sections and to the FAA-approved
data used to substantiate the airworthiness of the repair or alteration. Forms of FAA-
approved data are contained in Order 8300.10 and AC 43-210, Standardized
Procedures for Requesting Field Approval of Data, Major Alterations, and Repairs.
NOTE: Supplemental data such as stress analyses, test reports, sketches, or photographs
are often proprietary and not intended as part of the item 8 description. Supplemental
data submitted as part of the item 8 description should be identified as an attachment to
the form using the following procedure.
(3) If additional space is needed to describe the repair or alteration for item 8, check the
“Additional Sheets Are Attached” box at the bottom of the page. Attach sheets showing
the aircraft nationality, registration mark, and the date the work was completed. All
attachments to item 8 must be submitted on 81/2 ス- by 11-inch paper to allow for
proper processing into the aircraft historical record at the aircraft registry. If attachments
to Form 337 are received by the FAA in a format larger than an 8 1/2ス- by 11-inch page
then the submission will be returned to the person identified in item 7 for correction and
(4) Showing weight and balance computations under item 8 is not required but it may be
done. If weight and balance of the aircraft are affected by the work described on Form
337, the changes should be entered in the aircraft weight and balance records with the
date, signature, and reference to the form.
a. Approved Data. Complete the form as instructed in this AC, excluding item 3, and
ensure that items 6 and 7 have been properly executed. Give a copy of the form to the
aircraft owner/operator and send a duplicate copy to the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch
within 48 hours after the airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance is installed on an
aircraft and approved for return to service.
b. Unapproved Data. Complete the form as instructed in this AC, leaving items 6 and 7
blank. Both copies of the form and any supplemental data will be sent to the local FAA
district office. When the FAA determines that the major repair or major alteration data
complies with regulations and conforms to accepted industry practices, data approval will
be recorded by entering an appropriate statement in item 3. Both forms and any
supplemental data will be returned to the applicant who will then complete items 6 and 7.
The applicant will give one of the completed forms to the aircraft owner/operator and
submit the other completed form to the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch for inclusion in the
aircraft records.
NOTE: The electronic FAA Form 337 allows for electronic approvals and processing of Form
337 from the time it is used to describe the alteration or repair until it is forwarded to
the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch. At this time the FAA does not allow for the
mixing of the two processes. If Form 337 is started in the electronic format, it must be
completed that way and cannot be completed using the paper process. Further
information is supplied at the Web site shown in paragraph 4(b).
(1) An FAA inspector’s signature in item 3 indicates approval of the data described in
that section for use in accomplishing the work described in item 8 of the form. The
statement of completeness in item 3 by an appropriately rated designee is a “certification of
completeness” of required data. It is not a field approval or approval of data.
NOTE: Signatures in item 3 count as data approval or completeness of approved data only
and do not indicate the approval for return to service for the work in item 8.
(2) A signature in item 6 is a certification by the person performing the work that the
work complies with all applicable airworthiness requirements and FAA-approved data. The
certification is only applicable to the work described in item 8 or attached sheets.
d. U.S. Military and Foreign Use. Form 337 is not authorized for use with aircraft not
registered in the United States. The form may be provided to the U.S. Military or a
foreign civil air authority if it is requested as a record of work performed and should be
completed following part 43 and this AC. A note on the form should inform the U.S.
Military or foreign authority that the form is not an official record and that the FAA
aircraft registry will not record it.
2.16.5 Requirements for inspecting and releasing A/C components to service taken from
other aircraft or from stores
GMF AeroAsia is allowed to release to service components taken from other aircraft or from stores
only if it can meet the following requirements:
1. For components exclude engines intended for installation to FAA registered aircraft, GMF
AeroAsia is allowed to issue FAA Form 8130-3 only for the components listed in the FAA
capability list.
2. For components intended for installation to other than the above-mentioned registered
aircraft, as dictated by the authority of the aircraft registration.
3. The airworthiness approval tag will be issued by properly authorized certifying staff when
they satisfied that the requirements of this chapter are met by signing the block 20 and
stating ''inspected'' or ''tested'' in block 12. In addition, block 13 will specify the following
Any unused aircraft component in storage without an FAA Form 8130-3, the following will be
1) An acceptance test report or statement must be available for all used and unused aircraft
components that are subjected to acceptance testing after manufacturing or maintenance
as appropriate.
2) The aircraft component must be inspected for compliance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and limitations for storage and condition including any requirement for
limited storage life, inhibitors, controlled climate and special storage containers.
3) In addition or in the absence of specific storage instructions the aircraft component must
be inspected for damage, corrosion and leakage to ensure good condition.
4) The storage life used of any storage life limited parts should be established.
5) If it is not possible to establish satisfactory compliance with all applicable conditions
specified in subparagraph (1) to (4) inclusive the aircraft component must be disassembled
(when GMF AeroAsia holds the appropriate component approval rating) and subjected to
a check for incorporated airworthiness directives, repairs and modifications and
inspected/tested in accordance with the manufacturers maintenance instructions to
establish satisfactory condition and, if relevant, all seals, lubricants and life limited parts
replaced. On satisfactory completion after reassembly an FAA 8130-3 may be issued
stating what was carried out and the reference of the manufacturers maintenance
instructions included.
6) Meet the recording requirements of chapter 2.16.5 (4).
a) Serviceable aircraft components removed from an aircraft registered by the same country
with the aircraft on which the component is intended for installation, the following
requirements must be met:
b) Serviceable aircraft components removed from an aircraft having different registration from
the aircraft on which the component is intended for installation, the following will be
1) Meet the requirements of paragraph (a) above;
2) Perform a bench check;
3) If lime limited parts are involved and no satisfactory evidence of life used is available,
replacing of all service life limit components;
4) Meet the recording requirements of chapter 2.16.5 (4). Used aircraft components removed from an aircraft withdrawn from service
GMF AeroAsia must have the appropriate aircraft rating for the removal of a component from an
aircraft or for the complete dismantling of the aircraft for spares.
The removal from a single component to the complete dismantling of the aircraft will be
performed in accordance with approved maintenance data requirements using job cards
detailing the removal instructions. The following requirements will be met:
a) The planning engineer will develop the job cards for the removal of the components as
per RSQM 2.8;
b) The maintenance manager will ensure that each component is removed and tagged with a
repairable tag following the requirements of QP 209-05;
c) Proper facilities, tools, qualified personnel and maintenance data is used;
d) The components are stored waiting for inspection as per RSQM 2.19.1;
e) The component(s) are moved to shops for inspection, tests and disposition as per RSQM
2.9 and 2.10.5;
f) Meet the requirements of &
g) Meet the recording requirements of chapter 2.16.5 (4).
For used components maintained by maintenance organization not approved by the Authority of
A/C registration on which the component is intended for installation (the component does not
have the appropriate airworthiness approval tag), the following will be performed:
a) Disassembly the component for sufficient inspection in accordance with the appropriate
maintenance data;
b) Replacing of all service life limit components when no satisfactory evidence of life used is
available and/or the components are in an unsatisfactory condition;
a) The TC or STC Holder must be informed and give appropriate instructions for necessary
tests and inspections to be made as necessary by the accident or incident (unless such
instructions can be found in approved maintenance data).
b) Such components are processed and inspected as per chapter
c) The work performed must be referenced in block 13 of the airworthiness approval tag.
This section is related with the transmission of the maintenance records to the operator after the
performance of maintenance.
GMF AeroAsia customer service after getting the records from the records function will hand over
it to the operator as agreed by the contract as appropriate:
When waivers/deferred defects are included in the report, there must be supporting evidence
following the letter or reference to the letter requested/approved the waiver.
The records will be transmitted to the operator as soon as possible after the maintenance is
completed. The time period will not exceed that specified by the operator.
Where the operator selects to keep all the maintenance records, a copy of all the records will be
made and kept in file.
2.18.1 General
Any condition identified on aircraft or aircraft components that could seriously hazard the aircraft
will be reported to the appropriate authority, the TC Holder and the aircraft operator.
Reports will be made by the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety as soon as possible within 72 hours
since the defect was found, on a form using the following web site http://av-info.faa.gov/sdrx
Prior to submitting the report, the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will contact the Authority of
the A/C registration to ensure that such defect can be reported or not. The defect may not be
reported if such defect is known or it has been reported by any other organization. Defects, which
may be reported, are the following:
a) Damage on aircraft structure that could seriously hazard the aircraft or cause an
Unairworthy condition;
b) Severe cracks, heavy corrosion, burning or deterioration of aircraft structure, aircraft engines
and aircraft components exceeding allowed thresholds, detected during maintenance;
c) Failure of any emergency system during scheduled testing;
d) For FAA registered aircraft, any major defect is reported using the website above.
2.18.3 Reporting Deficiencies Caused by GMF AeroAsia during Maintenance after the Release to
Service is issued
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will determine the need to report and recall (if necessary)
any article which may subject to faults due to inappropriate process, incorrect use of material, etc.
He will inform the customer and the Authority as appropriate describing in detail the deficiency.
Such deficiencies may be identified from the following situations:
a) Records may reveal that an important maintenance task such as AD Note or defect
rectification has not been performed, or a component with improper configuration or
certification has been installed;
b) Similar maintenance tasks have resulted in deficiencies on A/C and components under
maintenance. The defects has been found by the customer during operation;
c) Any other reason that jeopardize the safety of the aircraft.
Prior to submitting the report, the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety shall discuss with the
operator about the possibility that an unsafe condition may exist on the aircraft. Depending on
the suspected defect, the operator may verify its existence or have GMF AeroAsia to verify and
rectify the defect. Should the suspected unsafe condition is related with an AD Note and the
operator is unwilling to cooperate for the prompt correction of the defect, the VP for Quality
Assurance & Safety will inform the Authority concerned and he will act accordingly. The reporting
procedure to the Authority may be the same as per RSQM chapter 2.18.2
Based on GMF AeroAsia Quality Policy, all employees are obliged to report defects created due to
GMF AeroAsia fault to their Managers in a manner that such reports will ultimately come to the
attention of the Quality Control personnel and certifying staff. Such staff will issue the appropriate
forms as described in chapter 2.18.5 for the initiation of the corrective and preventive actions
(RSQM 3.3 & 1.1.3).
The purpose of the report is to identify the factors contributing to deficiencies, and to make the
system resistant to similar errors. Management must establish the appropriate culture to
encourage all personnel for a free and frank reporting of any (potentially) safety related
The Management must also ensure that personnel are not inappropriately punished for reporting
or cooperating with occurrence investigations.
Corrective action on deficiencies will be taken as instructed in RSQM chapter 3.3.3 and 1.1.3. The
reporting procedure is also mentioned in RSQM chapter 2.18.5.
Operational defect (2.18.2) or defect due to Aircraft or
GMF AeroAsia fault (2.18.3) has been
component is
identified during the maintenance process released with a
potential defect as
Quality Control Staff: Issue Pending per 2.18.3
Disposition Tag (Form GMF/Q-074) for
components or MDR (Form GMF/Q-003) for Quality Assurance:
aircraft Inform the operator
and/or the
Quality Control Staff: Move the components to Authority as per
hold area (if the size permits) as per 2.9.3. 2.18.3
Identify the defected area on the A/C with the
Warning tag (Form GMF/Q-104) Quality Assurance:
Act as instructed
by the Operator or
Quality Control Staff: Inform the Quality Authority
Assurance. Submit a copy of the Pending
Disposition Tag (Form GMF/Q-074) or MDR (Form
GMF/Q-003) to Quality Assurance Yes
Defect Due to GMF No
Operating Defect as AeroAsia Fault as per
` per 2.18.2 2.18.3 QA: Initiate
corrective actions as
QA: Report to QA: Initiate per 3.3.1 & 3.3.3
Authority as per corrective actions as
2.18.2 per 3.3.1 & 3.3.3
Management & QA Define
route cause, take
Management & QA Define corrective &
route cause, take preventive actions.
corrective & Comply with 3.3.1 &
preventive actions. 3.3.3 & 1.1.3
Comply with 3.3.1 &
3.3.3 & 1.1.3 Sto
➢ Aircraft as per 2.15
➢ Components as per 2.9.3
➢ Aircraft as per 2.15 Stop
➢ Components as per 2.9.3
All parts and components after removed from aircraft or their next higher assembly are inspected
to determine required actions. Components/parts found defective are identified as follows:
a) Repairable
If repairable per available maintenance data, components/parts are routed for repair with
the 'Repairable Tag'. Form No.: GMF/Q-011. This tag will remain with the components/parts
until the repair is completed and replaced with a serviceable tag.
b) Pending disposition
If during inspection or test an inspection finding leads to a required repair not covered in
the maintenance manuals, the planning engineering will assist the maintenance personnel
in defining an approved maintenance data. In this case the maintenance function and the
planning engineering will follow the requirements of Section 2.9.3. Pending decision
components/parts are identified with the tag Form No.: GMF/Q-074.
c) Scrapping
Scrapped parts, due to lifetime expiration or defects, will be identified with a "Condemned
Tag". Form No.: GMF/Q-013. Scrapped parts are handled as per section 2.19.2.
The PPC will place the defective components/parts in the designated temporarily storage areas
waiting for maintenance work orders and to be transported to the designated units for
maintenance or to subcontractor. The PPC will arrange for the proper packaging and preservation
per section 2.20.3 of this manual.
For those components/parts requiring maintenance in house, the PPC will issue a Work Order
using the Form No. GMF/Q-152 and will move the components/parts to the designated shop for
maintenance. For those components/parts requiring maintenance to subcontractors, the
instructions on Section 2.20 will be followed.
Defective components/parts, which the customer is responsible for maintenance outsourcing, will
be temporarily kept by PPC in well preserved store area, packed and identified and will be
processed as agreed by the customer.
The PPC will segregate repairable, pending disposition and scrapped component/parts in the
temporary stores and will properly identify them.
All components/parts received for maintenance will be temporarily stored at designated store
areas, properly packed and preserved and properly identified with the following tags/forms
waiting for repair:
a) For the components/parts received from Base Maintenance, a repairable tag, (Form No.
GMF/Q-011) and base maintenance work order form (Form No.: GMF/Q-152.
b) For the components/parts other than engine received directly from customer, a customer's
repairable or unserviceable tag or equivalent shall remain attached and work order form
(Form No.: GMF/Q-042) is used. For Engine, Engine/APU work order form (Form No.: GMF/Q-
075) is used.
The responsible unit will perform the requested maintenance as required by this manual and the
appropriate quality procedures.
PPC will be responsible for controlling the components/parts received for maintenance as well as
for arranging the proper preservation, handling and segregation. While in stores awaiting
disposition/maintenance, segregation for repairable, pending disposition and scrapped
components/parts shall be carried out.
Depending on the reason, the held components/parts will be completed with any applicable
documentation. The PPC is responsible for the proper handling and preservation while in storage. Traceability
All components/parts will be traceable to the A/C, engine and customer work order.
When a component/part with a serviceable tag or equivalent tag is found non-conforming during
the installation/assembly, the Quality Control staff will inspect it and make disposition as per
2.19.1 and will attach the repairable tag form no.: GMF/Q-011. The PPC will process it as per this
procedure and depending on its disposition (scrap, repairable, pending disposition).
Furthermore, the quality control staff will report to the Quality Assurance & Safety to make a
preliminary determination of the source or cause of damage and request corrective actions to the
appropriate functions. Based on the severity of the situation, a non-conformance report may be
issued as per 3.3.
All workstations PPC Managers are responsible to collect and store definitively scrapped parts in
secured scrap containers identified per customer name and work order. The PPC will coordinate
with the customer service if the customer wants the scrapped parts to return back to his base. The
following will be performed by the PPC:
Make a list of scrap parts. Include in the list the customer's name, the part name, part number,
serial number and quantity. The list must be as detailed as possible. The scrapped parts should
have the Condemned tag Form No.: GMF/Q-013 attached.
Provide a list of scrapped parts to the customer and keep a copy for two years. If the customer
does not take the scrap parts within one week after the maintenance work order is completed,
send the parts to the scrap area.
Make another list for tools and equipment, which are scrapped and keep a list as mentioned
above. Move the scrapped tools and equipment to the scrap area.
The Facility Maintenance Function is responsible for their storage and mutilation as appropriate.
This function will list all mutilated parts, materials, tools and equipment and will arrange for the
further disposal to recycle facilities. The Senior Manager of the Facility Function will perform the
▪ Make a list of scrap parts, material, tools and equipment, which are to be mutilated. Include in
the list the customer's name, the part name, part number, serial number and quantity. The list
must be as detail as possible.
▪ Call the Quality Assurance & Safety to be present during the mutilation.
▪ Under supervision of the Quality Assurance & Safety, mutilate all the collected scraps as listed.
▪ After mutilation, sign the forms and have the Quality Assurance & Safety to certify on the list of
mutilated parts that the parts have been mutilated.
Scrapped dangerous material will be placed on sealed containers and will be disposed in
accordance with applicable Indonesian government regulations. Non-dangerous material will be
drained directly to the water waste treatment.
A Quality Assurance & Safety auditor will witness the mutilation of parts, material and tools will
sign the appropriate forms and will keep records for two years. He will ensure that in any case all
parts and material have been mutilated
The Scrapped Parts, Material & Tools shall be processes by the facility maintenance and witnesses
by Quality Assurance & Safety Auditor for mutilate in the mutilation area, and shall be recorded in
the form GMF/Q-223. The Senior Manager of Facility Maintenance or his delegate and the Quality
Assurance & Safety auditor must put their signatures and the date on the form.
After the mutilation those mutilated parts, material, tools should be place in the mutilated area for
disposal. Use of Scrapped Chemicals (other than the dangerous), for Non-Aircraft Use
The Facility Maintenance may use the scrapped shelf life material and other chemicals for non-
aircraft use provided a list will be kept to show where such material have been used.
The Procurement function will send the defective components to an Approved Maintenance
Organization listed in ASL FAA Approved Maintenance Organization will be selected depending
on the Authority of A/C registration where the component is intended for installation.
Appropriate certificates will be requested, together with other maintenance records, as required
on section of this manual.
a) The non-certificated subcontractor has been approved by the Quality Assurance & Safety as
instructed in Section 2.1.3 of this manual for the specific maintenance and listed in ASL.
b) The customer agrees to use such non-certificated subcontractor.
a. Part name;
b. Part number;
c. Serial number (if any);
d. Description of defect;
e. Work to be carried out;
f. Reference to Maintenance Data;
g. Turn round time;
h. Other documents required executing the maintenance (if any);
i. Records required and certifications to be delivered;
j. The documents of the defective component must be traceable to the work order and/or A/C
The Procurement shall ensure that the purchase order will clearly describe the work to be
performed. Attachments of the purchase order must include all the information required to
execute the maintenance.
GMF may send the engine, APU, component parts to non FAA certificated repair station provided
1. GMF must has the related engine, APU and Component rating
2. Parts will be installed into engine, APU or component that will be completely tested
according to the manual and GMF will issue AAT of the NHA
3. The repair station must issue FAA 8130-3 and/or EASA form 1 for the repaired parts
4. Such of the parts shall not be installed as an LRU or directly on an Aircraft
GMF shall directly control to such of non DGCA certificated repair station refer to 2.1.3 or indirectly
control the DGCA certificated repair station that having mutual agreement with GMF.
All defective components intended to be sent to subcontractors or to the customers are properly
preserved. The identification and traceability status from the next higher assembly will remain
attached all the times. For time/cycle limit components, operating and remaining time and cycles
must be indicated.
Respective Production Planning & Control is responsible for the collection of the appropriate
documentation from planning engineering and procurement and make the appropriate
arrangements with the Packaging and Shipping function.
The Packaging & Shipping function will properly pack and preserve the component following
appropriate packaging and preservation instructions ensuring the appropriate documentation is
included. The protection will be extended to include delivery to destination using the appropriate
means of transportation as required by maintenance manuals or customer requirements.
All components received from subcontractors after maintenance will pass through the receiving
inspection and will be inspected as required by QP 202-01.
Components received from non-certificated subcontractors as per section 2.1.3 of this manual will
be sent to shops by material inspector for additional inspection before the GMF AeroAsia
certifying staff issues a release to service.
2.21.1 Security of Computer Generated Back up Files of Job Cards & PD Sheets and Engineering
Such maintenance instructions are developed as per RSQM 2.8. Back up files of Job Cards and PD
Sheets will be secured by password to avoid access to unauthorized personnel. The name of the
planning engineer who develops the job card or PD sheet and the subsequent revisions will
appear on the footer of each document and it represents the signature of the writer.
Provisions are made to secure for loss of data resulting from system failure. In all cases a back up
file must be available and updated every 24 hours.
GMF AeroAsia does not use computerized maintenance records system for the purpose of
recording the maintenance activities performed and for electronically claiming the work. In some
instances, it may be appropriate for GMF to scan and keep in a CD, copy of the maintenance
For general support records, electronic means are used to store data such as SAP and LAN. There
is at least one backup system that is updated every 24 hours. Each terminal is required to contain
program safeguards against the ability of unauthorized personnel to alter the database. The
backup former programs and release of programs in use must be able to read the data for at least
two years.
Provisions are taken so that such computerized records to be accessible only to authorized
personnel using appropriate passwords.
Computer backup discs, tapes etc. are be stored in a different location from that containing the
working discs, tapes etc., in an environment that ensures they remain in good condition.
In case the computer system is shut down, the manual system (paper work) is used to
administrate any recordings and/or transactions. When the computer system is back to normal,
all the transactions and records, which have been generated in paper, are transferred to the
computer system.
In order the man-hours for each work order to be sufficient to perform the maintenance program
within the prescribed program visit, the following must be taken into account:
a) Determination of the total man power required based on the master production schedule;
b) Based of the existing available hours per employee, determine the number of man hours
c) Based on the required special skills, determine the required number of staff per type of skill;
d) Determination of sufficient number of quality audit personnel to carry out the quality
monitoring compliance functions;
e) Determination of sufficient number of skilled and qualified inspection personnel to carry out
Required Inspections as required by air carriers and/or skilled inspection personnel to carry
out required inspection item. These determinations will be made based on operator's or air-
carrier's maintenance program;
f) Determination of adequate number of qualified Certifying Staff for each product type;
g) The number of permanent employee of each hangar and workshop at least 50% of the total
required employee
Each General Manager will develop man-hours plan and will define the number of staff per type of
skill required accomplishing anticipated maintenance workload. These man-hours plan will be
crossed checked against hangar occupation plan and anticipated maintenance workload at least
every 3 months.
Man-hour plans will be submitted for approval to the Vice Presidents. The yearly man-hour plan
will be approved by CEO.
A deviation of more than 25% of manpower availability will be reported to the Quality Assurance
& Safety and CEO for corrective actions.
Critical tasks are defined as those tasks, which the past experience has shown the possibility of an
error being repeated to reassemble aircraft components after removal especially when several
identical aircraft components are to be fitted to more than one system of the same aircraft.
Examples of such possible errors could be the possibility of failure to reinstall engine oil filters,
gearbox access covers, engine borescope access ports, etc.
List of critical task items are provided by operator and can be determined by reviewing
Customer’s Continuous Aircraft Maintenance Program (CAMP). In case the owner or operator does
not specify in his CAMP, the critical task item list developed by engineering function based on
respective Maintenance Planning Data from manufacture.
When only one person is available to carry out these same tasks then the job card should include
an additional stage for re-inspection of the work by the person after completion of all the same
task and that person must have current Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License appropriate to the
type of aircraft being maintained.
a) Perform a risk analysis to determine the possibility of errors related to failure to re-install
similar components fitted to different systems of the same aircraft.
b) Utilizing past experience to determine other possible errors of incomplete maintenance.
c) Identify items that fall to steps a) & b) above and issue engineering instruction.
a) Develop one Job Card for each aircraft system for the removal and installation of parts,
which are identical to another aircraft system. For example, to check the oil filters for 747-
200 engines, utilize four job cards, one for each engine.
b) Write the maintenance tasks for each job card by including an additional step for inspection
in the job card as the example below:
1) Step one : Remove port;
2) Step two : Borescope;
3) Step three : Install/close port;
4) Step four : Inspect port for properly closed and secured.
The inspection step should not be at the same step with the install/close step.
c) Identify the job card as ''Critical Tasks Job Card'' by placing such statement on the header of
the job card.
This procedure applies also for the line maintenance tasks (RSQM L2.7)
Required Inspection Items (RII) as required by 14 FAR Part 121.369(b)(2) are items of maintenance
and/or alteration which could result in a failure, malfunction or defect which would endanger the
safe operation of the aircraft if not performed properly or if improper parts or materials are used.
These items require inspection prior to the release of an aircraft for flight.
Proper parts and materials must be used and the maintenance accomplished in accordance with
applicable aircraft manual specifications or other data acceptable to or approved by the
Each required inspection item will be accepted or rejected based on use of proper materials,
correct installation, security, and operation as applicable, and may be approved for return to
service only by a person with RII authority as authorized by VP Quality Assurance and Safety.
The appropriate number of personnel will be assigned as per RSQM 2.22 and RSQM 2.28. The work
performed will be claimed as required by RSQM 2.13.
As per FAR 121, RII staff must be approved by the operator. Ensure that such staffs are
appropriately trained and approved per RSQM 3.7 before they perform required inspections.
Discrepancies resulting from RII inspections must be re-inspected by an RII authorized individual.
When performing this buy-back inspection, if the RII inspector is not satisfied with the corrective
action a new discrepancy will be generated by that inspector. In such cases the resulting (new)
discrepancy must also be bought back by an RII authorized individual.
Instructions and procedures are established to prevent inspection decisions from being
countermanded by persons other than supervisory personnel of the Inspection Department or a
person at the level of administrative control that has overall responsibility for the management of
both the required inspection functions and other maintenance functions.
An authorized inspector's decision regarding inspection items can only be countermanded by
supervisory personnel of the Inspection Department.
Is work being No
RII does not apply as it is limited to
performed on the installation and repair on aircraft
Is a required test
performed on the item
that will simulate
operational functions and Yes RII does not apply as system
defect failures, operational integrity can be
malfunctions, or defect assessed
that would impact the safe
flight or landing of the
The engineering will develop engineering instructions reference to manufacturer instructions for
the docking, setting up access equipment, safety and support systems.
All scraped tools and equipment will be collected and controlled as required by Section 2.19.2 of
this manual.
The aims of this procedure are to identify the factor contributing to incidents or potential incident
and to make the GMF AeroAsia system resistant to such errors.
All members of staff are actively encouraged to submit reports using the GMF AeroAsia Internal
Occurrence Reporting (IOR) in accordance with QP 218-01.
GMF AeroAsia has establish an environment in which maintenance errors’ may be openly
investigated in order that the contributing factors and root causes of such errors’ can be
addressed. GMF AeroAsia believes that a full and free reporting system is the best method for
establishing how and why events happen. Every effort will be made to avoid action that may
inhibit reporting.
Un-airworthy Condition Reports should be raised in accordance with RSQM 2.18.2 which should
be completed within 24 hours. A copy of this document is held in the Quality Assurance & Safety
The Quality Assurance & Safety department led by the QA Manager will process and manage the
occurrence report in accordance with QP 218-01, raising the relevant report from and submitting
it to manager of the area for investigation and any corrective/preventive action.
All maintenance error occurrences are recorded on the Quality Assurance & Safety Department
database in accordance with QP 218-01and will be analyzed accordingly.
Once the root cause has been identified and corrective/preventive action carried out, feedback to
staff will be carried out by either a change in procedure(s) or by Quality Bulletin. Pertinent
information on occurrences is also fed back at engineers’ continuation training.
2.26.1 General
The primary objective of the shift/task handover is to ensure effective communication between
the incoming Manager and outgoing Manager at the point of handing over the continuation or
completion of the maintenance.
All production Managers will provide a Handover Maintenance Status Book located at each
production line in which the maintenance that is to continue from the previous shift will be
recorded and communicated with the next shift Manager.
The communication between the incoming and outgoing Managers must be sufficient and
effective in order the succeeding maintenance Manager to continue the work without leaving any
maintenance or inspection tasks unfinished due to misunderstandings.
2.26.2 Information exchange between outgoing and incoming Managers for base maintenance
a) Ensure that all completed work is stamped by the technicians or QC/RII staff.
b) Enter on the Hand over Maintenance Status Book what has been finished and what is to
continue by the incoming Manager. Include the following:
▪ Job Card/MDR/ PD Sheet number and the step which the incoming Manager must
continue the work;
▪ Work order number;
▪ Enter the next job card/MDR/PD sheet which is to continue if there is no any
unfinished one as a means of uniform continuation of the work;
▪ Give reference to the manufacturer's maintenance data for the maintenance of the
particular items;
▪ Give any other information as necessary;
▪ Sign and date on the hand over maintenance book.
c) Meet with the incoming Manager and brief him of the exact status of the work in progress
and show him at the site what is to be continued based on what is written on the book. This
briefing includes accounting for the in progress maintenance status of the work orders that
are to be used to assure continuation of the work.
The incoming Manager will:
a) Meet with the outgoing Manager and be briefed of the exact status of the work in progress.
Read and understand what was written in the handover maintenance book and ask the
outgoing Manager to show at the site what is to be continued based on what is written on the
book. This briefing includes accounting for the in progress maintenance status of the work
orders that are to be used to assure continuation of the work.
b) Sign and date on the hand over maintenance book.
2.26.3 Information exchange between outgoing and incoming Managers for line maintenance
a) Ensure that all completed work is signed by the engineers as per operator’s procedure.
b) Enter on the Handover Maintenance Status Book what has been finished and what is to
continue by the incoming Manager. Include the following:
▪ Operator’s name, aircraft registration and flight number;
▪ The step number of transit/pre-flight/daily check list the incoming manager must
continue the work;
▪ If there is any unfinished trouble shooting of defect / malfunction, enter the slip or
sequence number of aircraft technical log in which the defect reported and give
reference to the manufacturer's maintenance data for trouble shooting.
▪ Give any other information as necessary;
▪ Sign and date on the hand over maintenance book.
c) Meet with the incoming Manager and brief him of the exact status of the work in progress
and show him at the site what is to be continued based on what is written on the book.
a) Meet with the outgoing Manager and be briefed of the exact status of the work in progress.
Read and understand what was written in the hand over maintenance book and ask the
outgoing Manager to show at the site what is to be continued based on what is written on the
2.27.1 General
This section is referring to the procedure, which will be followed by engineering services when
inaccurate, incomplete or ambiguous practice or information, etc, mentioned in the maintenance
data has been found during maintenance.
Based on RSQM 2.25.4 procedure, the maintenance personnel will inform engineering through
their Manager when such incomplete or ambiguous information is found in the maintenance
Engineering Services will take the appropriate and immediate actions as per the requirements of
this procedure to ensure that such information will arrive to the manufacturer for corrective
2.27.2 Procedure
b) Notify the problem to the manufacturer/author of the maintenance data. Give information
as detailed as possible including necessary supporting data;
c) Retain the manufacturer’s letter and all supporting information received until the
manufacturer has revised the maintenance manual.
1. Engineering is not allowed to modify any maintenance data unless a written approval by the
manufacturer/author is obtained as per RSQM 2.8.7
2. In case the manufacturer or the author of the maintenance data notifies that the data is
correct and must be followed as is, the capability of the specific maintenance task must be
terminated until the appropriate training is received from the manufacturer or another
approved AMO. See RSQM 3.4 & 3.8.
a) Receive the information and the corrections of the maintenance data from the manufacturer
and transcribe that information to the Job Card/MDR/PD Sheet per RSQM 2.8 giving
reference to the manufacturer’s letter. Ensure that a copy of such letter is kept as a work
order maintenance record (2.14);
Date: 09 August
Issue: K Revision No.: 0 Page: 1 of 2
Date: 09 August
Issue: K Revision No.: 0 Page: 2 of 2
Prior to accepting a contract, GMF AeroAsia shall evaluate its capability and its capacity in order to
be able to fulfill the contractual requirements.
When the maintenance program is contracted, the maintenance units are responsible to execute
the maintenance within the agreed maintenance program and schedule.
For the aircraft maintenance or as otherwise required, the Senior Manager will assign a project
manager for monitoring and controlling the heavy maintenance works. The project manager, will
control the execution of the maintenance and will be the interface between maintenance
managers and customer.
The VP of every production unit ensures that all management has established measurable quality
objectives in line with the company's policy and customer's requirements when planning for
Production &Support
&Support functions: Customer
Referring to currentReferring to
master production agrees?
schedule, master
plan production
the manpower required
schedule, plan17,the
(RSQM 2.22)manpower No
required (RSQM 1.7, 2.22,
2.28.3) Maintenance
Production & PPC: Arranged not contracted
for adequate space, support
equipment, environmental
conditions and tooling (RSQM
1.8, 2.4, 2.7) STOP
The material planning and procurement will arrange for the provision of the right materials in the
right place and at the right time at reasonably cost for aircraft, engine and components
Having the right material in the right place at the right time requires an understanding of GMF
complete supply chain from consumption of the part for maintenance back through to the time
that the use of the part was forecasted. All functions mentioned in this procedure are required to
implement the requirements of this chart.
requisition issued
Purchase Order
a) The material planning function will manage inventories by anticipating their use and
production planning. Such anticipatory approach to inventory is to maintain the safety stock
levels and the turnover ratio.
b) For Components and Mandatory 100% replacement items, the Planning Engineering bears
the responsibility to determine routine material quality/ specification requirements and
quantity required based on confirmed contracts, customers' work orders and maintenance
manual requirements.
c) The material planning function will utilize the ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) system
(e.g.: SAP) to control the inventories. The ERP system will be updated on regular basis to
ensure a current material planning system is in place. A means to accurately update the ERP
system is to predict as accurate as possible the material required to cover the following
three months production schedules while low cost material (expendables) are always
available to handle unforeseen rectification.
RSQM 1.7 and 2.22 describes the procedure for the determination of the manpower required for
the execution of maintenance as well as manpower availability.
This chapter gives instructions for considering human factors performance and limitations when
the production and PPC managers plan the maintenance tasks and the production managers
organize the shifts for the execution of maintenance.
The production and support managers must consider the following requirement when they
assign personnel to work day shift:
▪ In an eight hours day shift, two breaks of accumulative one hour will be made. When
overtime is used, it may not be more than fourteen (14) hours per week.
II. Assigning manpower for second shift work - Guidelines to design a shift system
There are some general guidelines for decreasing the effects of shift work:
b) The amount of off-time should increase as does the number of consecutive workdays and
the length of the work shifts increase;
c) A shift system should aim to maximize the amount of off-time between work shifts;
d) The length of a work shift should be dependent on the type of tasks being performed and
workload on the job. Critical tasks will be planned on day shift whenever possible;
The PPC prioritizes and distributes the job cards as per daily controlled schedules (RSQM 2.28.5)
using the daily menu. This daily menu gives to maintenance personnel an overview of what job
cards have been accomplished, what will be accomplished and what Job Cards are still open. The
status of the work in progress is controlled by the data base system. The same requirements
apply for defects rectification using MDR (see Section 2.15).
Production meeting takes place at regular intervals headed by the project manager. Participants
will discuss the progress of the maintenance, bring up quality and production problems and
define corrective actions to bring the program in track. The customer representative will
participate in the meeting.
All Senior Managers & Managers are responsible to assign only qualified personnel to perform
maintenance and inspections including required inspections. No one person is allowed to
perform unsupervised work other than that allowed by his certificate of competency (C of C) or his
authorization. In addition, in order for the personnel to properly perform their maintenance tasks,
they should have available in close proximity and follow without deviation the:
Amendments means adding maintenance tasks and or deleting some tasks previously planned for
incorporation. In either case the customer will communicate any amendments using the GMF
Form GMF/Q -028. The customer must state in this form what is to be added or deleted, sign it as
appropriate and hand it over to the project manager or to PPC (if project manager is not being
The project Manager or the PPC is responsible to assign a control number of each amendment
and control the number of amendments issued. For additions, he will process each amendment to
the planning engineer for the development of the appropriate maintenance documents and also
to customer service for billing.
For the deletions, he will hand over a copy to certifying staff. The certifying staff will evaluate if
any airworthiness requirements are violated and he will proceed as per section 3.9. At the end of
the maintenance, all amendments will be handed over to certifying staff to determine appropriate
I. Defining the daily works (daily menu) based on the pre-established daily schedules &
Control Room Operations
The PPC controllers, project & program managers, QC manager and productions manager will be
part of the control room team having their responsibility to perform the following on a daily basis:
a) Monitoring the daily work ensuring problems have been identified at the early stages and
correcting them as soon as possible;
b) Ensuring the daily work is finished as planed and meets quality targets;
c) Obtaining evidence that all maintenance and inspection operations have been completed
as planned;
d) Defining contingency plans and applying as necessary;
e) Scheduling the next shift or next day production and ensuring it will be carried out under
controlled conditions. Controlled conditions shall include as applicable the following:
▪ The job cards and non-routine cards for execution;
▪ The applicable drawing and other approved maintenance data;
▪ The establishment of process controls for the next day by identifying the key inspection
▪ Determining manpower and skills based on the above requirements and considering
human factors;
▪ Determining tools and material needed;
▪ Monitoring and controlling the utilities and supplies such as compressed air, electricity
and chemical products, to extend they may affect product quality.
II. Scheduling of safety-critical tasks during periods when staff are likely to be most alert
The production managers will make any effort to minimize the impact of fatigue by:
▪ Allocating more critical tasks during day shifts when staff are likely to be more alert;
▪ Ensuring that appropriate checks are carried out after night shift work;
▪ Breaking up lengthy repetitive tasks into smaller tasks, with breaks in between;
▪ Consider the human performance limitations as instructed in RSQM chapter 2.28.3
The production and PPC Manager will make any effort possible so that the safety critical tasks as
per RSQM 2.23 as well as those tasks which are given by the operators as RII tasks to be performed
on the day shift.
GMF AeroAsia, PT
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
P.O. BOX 1303, BUSH 19130
Cengkareng Indonesia
General - Contracted Line Maintenance at Line Stations and/or Work performed at locations other
than GMF AeroAsia Facility
In order for GMF AeroAsia to perform line maintenance at line stations it will be required, to
obtain the necessary approvals from the Authority of the A/C registration. The VP for Quality
Assurance & Safety will request for the necessary approvals as per Section 1.10 of this manual.
Should the necessary approval from the Authority of A/C registration is obtained and the GMF
AeroAsia's operations specifications indicated, so the VP for Line Maintenance will arrange for the
performance of the line maintenance as indicated in the GMF AeroAsia operation specifications
and at the designated line stations or locations.
The VP for Line Maintenance will assign line station General Managers and Supervisors as
appropriate for managing, supervising, performing and inspecting the work and he will also have
the prime responsibility for ensuring the requirements of this manual are followed. The VP for Line
Maintenance, before executing the work, he will ensure that:
The Quality Assurance & Safety will schedule and perform audits at line stations as per QP 301-01
for ensuring that the requirements of this manual are met.
L.2.1.1 Special Request for One-Time Approval to perform work at another location
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety, prior to issuing a formal request to the Authority of A/C
registration for one time approval, he will ask the PMI of the Authority in concern for his
intensions. Should the Authority is indented to give such approval, The VP for Quality Assurance &
Safety will official apply for approval utilizing appropriate request forms from the Authority or as
required by the Authority. In addition to the above mentioned, the requirements of Section 2.10
of this manual will be followed as necessary. The work will be performed as required in Part L2 of
this manual.
Defects occurring during the aircraft operation are reported and recorded as per operator
requirements. Based on the contract between GMF AeroAsia and Operator, the qualified line
maintenance technicians will inspect/check for defects, record the defects on the A/C line
maintenance defect log and will perform the rectifications and clearing out all defects recorded on
the log as per applicable approved maintenance data.
The Line maintenance certifying staff will report to the operator any serious defects found. The
operator is responsible to report any serious defect to the Authority of the aircraft registry in
accordance with applicable requirements of the Authority of the aircraft registry.
When the operator does not desire to rectify a defect recorded at the maintenance log, and GMF
AeroAsia is responsible for the return to service, the operator must determine what defects may be
deferred and must provide an agreement or letter to GMF AeroAsia Certifying Staff that allows
deferring the defect identifying the authority for such action.
When the letter or agreement is present, the certifying staff will issue a certificate of release to
service (CRS), provided the deferred defects are within the limits of the operator's maintenance
program as approved by their operator's authority. The certifying staff will identify the defects not
rectified on the CRS and he will also identify on the CRS specific actions required by the operator
related to the deferred defect.
The certifying staff prior to issuing CRS must ensure that the deferred item is within the operator's
When such an agreement or letter is not present, or the letter/agreement does not identify the
Authority for such action, or the deferred item is not included in the operators maintenance
program the certifying staff will inform the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety for further actions.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will conduct the operator's Authority to clarify whether a CRS
must be issued indicating the defects not rectified. A non-compliance with an AD Note on due is to
be reported to Authority as well.
The technical log will be completed as required by each operator. Usually the Aircraft technical log
contains the release to service statement as required by each Authority.
The release of the aircraft has to be done as per section 2.16 of this RSQM.
Primarily, the operator is responsible for the supply of his own components for the installation of
his aircraft. When the customer wants to use GMF AeroAsia parts, the following will apply:
a) The supplied item must meet the minimum available service time required by customer. Each
loan/pool item will be in serviceable condition identified as per RSQM
b) The certifying staff will ensure that the component/part is compatible for installation to the
next higher assembly.
L2.6.1 Line Maintenance Procedures for Returning of Defective Parts Removed from Aircraft
After the operator returned the loaned components to GMF AeroAsia the following will apply by an
appropriate certifying staff:
a) Check the shipping ticket/tag issued by the operator and record the operating time of the
component while in use by the operator;
b) Depending on the component involved, it may require overhaul bench-check or repair. Sum
up the accumulating hours/cycles and take the appropriate actions;
c) Check the received component for any obvious damage;
d) Perform a visual inspection and if necessary a functional check to determine serviceability of
the component.
e) If applicable to the component involved, check filters and magnetic plugs and verify possible
contamination. If chips and other metallic particles found, consider the need for disassembly
and inspection as necessary to determine further defects.
L2.6.2 Inspection and Disposition of Components Removed from the Operator's Aircraft.
Upon removal of a component, the authorized certifying staff will perform and record the following:
1. The serviceable tag MUST indicate the remaining operating time since overhaul.
2. The removed component must be installed on an aircraft under the same Authority of aircraft
registration. It is not allowed for a component removed from PK registered aircraft, for
example, to be installed on a “N” registered aircraft unless GMF AeroAsia holds the approval
rating for the Authority of A/C registration for the specific component and an authorized
certifying staff inspects the component and issues the appropriate airworthiness approval tag
or release certificate.
Critical tasks are defined those tasks which the past experience has shown the possibility of an error
being repeated to reassemble aircraft components after removal especially when several identical
aircraft components are to be fitted to more that one system of the same aircraft. Examples of
such possible errors could be the possibility of failure to reinstall engine oil filters, gearbox access
covers, engine borescope access ports, etc
The performance of items identified by the operator maintenance program as critical/difficult task
will be in accordance with the operator requirements and Section 2.23 of this manual.
When only one person is available to carry out these same tasks then the job card should include an
additional stage for re-inspection of the work by the person after completion of all the same task
and that person must have current Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License appropriate to the type
of aircraft being maintained.
GMF AeroAsia, PT
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
P.O. BOX 1303, BUSH 19130
Cengkareng Indonesia
3.1.1 General
The Quality Assurance & Safety will plan and implement independent quality audits to verify
whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements, determine the
effectiveness of the quality system to ensure it can deliver a safe product and that GMF AeroAsia
remains in compliance with the requirements.
Records of quality audits and the corrective actions will be kept for at least 2 (two) years from the
date of the finding is closed.
An audit schedule will be developed to include all workstations and ensure that all procedures
are scheduled at least once a year. The schedule will be periodically adjusted on the basis of the
status and importance of the activity to be audited. That means some workstations with
significant non-compliances will be audited more than one time a year.
An audit checklist will be developed covering the Authority requirements and quality related
procedures (applicable for audited work station). The audit checklist together with the audit
results will become the audit report for each workstation.
Audits schedule will include audits during the night for those workstations that work at night,
which will be randomly selected.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will raise a report each time an audit is carried out describing what
has been checked and the findings against applicable requirements, procedures and products.
The report including corrective action request will be sent to the audited department(s) for
corrective actions. The audited department(s) shall reply the audit report within the time specified
on the audit report. The corrective actions plan including the date of implementations will be
submitted to Quality Assurance & Safety for acceptance.
The results of the quality audits will be an integral part of the input to management review
activities. The Quality Assurance & Safety will keep a log of recurrent significant non-compliance
and will be brought to the attention of the senior management during the management review.
The lead auditor who reports directly to VP for Quality Assurance & Safety and is independent of
those who have direct responsibility for the activity as well as the activity being audited shall carry
out the internal quality audits.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety shall ensure that the number of auditing personnel is
sufficient to carry out the audits, raise finding reports and perform follow up activities to verify
that findings being rectified are in accordance with applicable requirements and effective.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will plan and perform the following type of audits:
The Quality Assurance & Safety will plan and perform product audits for A/C components. The
product audits will be performed by sample checking one product on each of the following
workstations every 12 months as a demonstration of the effectiveness of the quality system. The
following workstations will be audited:
a) Engine shop;
b) Avionics shop;
c) Accessories shop;
d) Emergency equipment shop;
e) Sheet metal shop;
f) Wheels, brakes, & landing gear shop;
g) Composite shop.
Procedures will be combined by the selected component and sample checking all the
requirements associated with it, to ensure that the end result will be an airworthy component.
The auditor will witness any relevant testing and visually and dimensionally as appropriate and
will inspect the component and the associated documentation.
Aircraft audits will be performed once a year for each aircraft type inducted for base maintenance
and line stations. The following hangars and line stations will subject to aircraft audit:
To be effective, the audit for aircraft will be accomplished through the whole maintenance
process at different periods and maintenance phases. When product audit is performed on
aircraft, the audit may be extended to the shops where components are repaired for installation
onto aircraft being audited.
The product audits will be planned and performed as required by the QP 301-01. Product audit
records will be kept by the Quality Assurance & Safety for two years from the date of clearance of
the findings.
When non-conformity is found, it will automatically come to the attention of the responsible
function for immediate corrective action before further maintenance is performed.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety - primarily responsible for the audit process - will initiate
immediate actions when a serious deficiency in the quality system has been found having an
impact on product quality. This may require stopping the production until significant non-
conformities corrected. He will sign the 'Immediate Action Notice' (form No GMF/Q-073) and will
be submitted to the audited manager responsible for the deficiency found.
The audited VP - primarily responsible for the audited function - will initiate all actions necessary
to comply with the 'Immediate Action Notice' as submitted to him by the VP for Quality Assurance
& Safety when a serious deficiency in the quality system has been found having an impact on
product quality.
All Management personnel will take corrective and preventive actions to eliminate the causes of
actual or potential non-conforming products, systems and procedures to a degree appropriate to
the magnitude of problems and proportionate with the risks encountered. Quality, cost, turn
around time and conformance to airworthiness requirements will be taken into consideration.
When the corrective and preventive actions require long time period or high cost budget, the
Management personnel will set time-scales and activity plans to resolve the problems.
a) The effective handling of non-conformance reports issued by the Quality Assurance & Safety;
b) The effective handling of customer complaints of product non-conformities;
c) The Investigation of the cause on deficiencies for the articles under maintenance or in
operation (maintained by GMF AeroAsia) and the effective corrective and preventive actions.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will keep records of corrective and preventive actions resulting
from raised non-conformance reports including minutes of meetings with management for two
Each Senior Manager, will keep records of corrective and preventive actions he has taken to rectify
problems or to improve processes (see (a) to (c)) above for two years. Corrective Actions Request from Quality Assurance & Safety Audits
Upon completion of the audit, all deficiencies found will be discussed with the responsible
managers and agree with the required corrective actions and target dates. Then, the Lead Auditor
will initiate non-conformance report (NCR) Form No.: GMF/Q-045 to responsible Senior Manager
for any Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 findings.
When non-conformity is found which has a direct impact on product quality, the VP for Quality
Assurance & Safety will issue an 'Immediate Action Notice' (Form No.: GMF/Q-073) to the
responsible Senior Manager and Vice President stating the immediate actions, which must be
taken to correct deficiencies. Such actions may require disassembly; re-inspection, product recall
and/or even production halt or provide acceptable alternative means of performing work until the
appropriate conditions are established.
The Lead Auditors will issue NCR to responsible Senior Manager when non-compliance has been
found from one of the following parties:
a) Authority audits
b) Customer audits
c) Customer complaints
If necessary, the Authorities and the customer will be timely informed of the corrective actions
For corrective/preventive actions due to NCR, all Senior Managers as appropriate will:
Due to extenuating circumstances, it may become necessary to extend the due date. The Lead
Auditor may grant extensions on a situational basis.
d) For corrective actions rejected by QSA, appropriate actions will be taken by the audited
Function to resolve any problems or misunderstandings. QSA will communicate with the
Function for appropriate adjustments/additions.
e) Corrective actions that have not been received by the date specified on the NCR will result in
a delinquent notification or equivalent, issued to the audited Function. Delinquencies will
result in the situation being brought to higher levels of management and may result in the
issuing of an Immediate Action Notice per QP301-01 requirements.
f) Initiate all actions necessary to comply with the 'immediate action notice' (QP301-01)
submitted by the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety when a serious deficiency in the Quality
System have been found having an impact on product quality. Sign the immediate action
notice as indicated in the form. Compliance with the Immediate Action Notice Report (form GMF/Q-073)
The audited Senior Manager, will take all actions instructed by the VP for Quality Assurance &
Safety to comply with the 'Immediate Action Notice' when a serious deficiency of the quality
system has been found having an impact on product quality. Such actions may require
disassembly; re-inspection, product recall and/or even production halt or provide acceptable
alternative means of performing work until the appropriate conditions are established.
Furthermore, he will initiate corrective and preventive actions as mentioned in Section
The Quality Assurance & Safety will perform follow up audits to ensure, verify and record the
implementation and effectiveness of the corrective actions taken.
Depending of the follow up audit results and based on the significance and occurrence of
discrepancies at the workstations, the Quality Assurance & Safety will periodically adjust the audit
schedule to increase the audits periods. That means some workstations with significant non-
compliances or taking inadequate corrective actions will be audited more than one time a year.
Management review is a formal evaluation by top management of the status and adequacy of the
quality system in relation to quality policy and new objectives to ensure that (apart from the
required output mentioned below):
a) The quality system continues to be effective and suitable - fulfilling the changing and future
needs of the company and its customers;
b) The quality system is updated as necessary;
c) The results of internal audits are reviewed, to ensure that the defined quality system is being
The Management shall review the quality system twice a year to ensure its continuing suitability
and effectiveness. The CEO/Accountable Manager will chair the quality system review meeting.
The CEO/Accountable Manager and/or the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will identify the need
of quality system management review and will initiate the meeting based on any of the following
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will prepare the agenda of the meeting, which will include
but not limited to:
The output from the management review shall include the decisions and actions related to:
For all identified deficiencies, corrective actions will be defined and taken by the responsible
Management personnel within a timeframe as per RSQM 3.3. The Quality Assurance & Safety will
be responsible to ensure that the stated corrective actions have been properly implemented and
are effective. Records of management review shall be kept by the Quality Assurance & Safety for 2
years after the clearance of the corrective actions and will be distributed to the responsible Senior
All Production Senior Managers are responsible to make the appropriate investigations to define
the root cause of the deficiencies created to A/C and A/C components due to GMF AeroAsia faults
while is still under maintenance and during operation and take the appropriate corrective and
preventive actions.
The Quality Assurance & Safety is responsible to lead such investigations and ensure the
immediate and effective corrective actions are taken. The Quality Assurance & Safety will develop
quality measurement trends and will record each deficiency including recurring deficiencies and
will use them as a measurement of the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Investigations and corrective and preventive actions to correct a deficiency will be taken in two
Deficiencies due to GMF AeroAsia fault may come, but not limited to, the following:
1) Engine rejected at the test cell after it has been repaired/overhauled. The engine cannot be
repaired at the test cell and requires to return to shop;
2) Components rejected during repair due to wrong processes or personnel carelessness;
3) Components rejected during test due to wrong assembly, or handling;
4) Aircraft maintenance not properly performed resulting in systems malfunction during tests
and operations;
5) Parts damaged due to mishandling, lack of preservation and due to poor storage conditions;
6) A/C and A/C components malfunctioning during operation as claimed by customer;
7) Any other deficiency, which jeopardize quality and wasting resources. Deficiencies identified after the A/C or A/C component is release to service
Such deficiencies may be identified from the following situations:
a) Records may reveal that an important maintenance task (such as AD Note incorporation,
incomplete rectification of defects, etc), has not been performed;
b) Similar maintenance tasks have resulted in deficiencies on A/C and components under
maintenance. The same process was used, material, tools, etc.
c) Any other reason.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will determine the need to recall any article which may
subject to faults due to inappropriate process, material or, etc. He will inform the customer and
the authority of the A/C registration describing in detail the possible deficiency. Controlling the Investigation and Corrective Action Process by the Quality Assurance
(Ref: FAR -145.151, 153, 155 & 157)
For the purpose of this procedure, support staff means the A/P & E/A staff who support the
certifying staff ensuring that all relevant tasks or inspections have been carried out to the required
standard before the issue of the certificate of release to service.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety has the authority to issuing certifying staff authorizations
for GMF AeroAsia including scope of work.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety is also responsible for the proper training and qualification
of the certifying staff following the requirements of this manual. He must ensure that before a
person becomes a certifying staff and issue or re-issue the authorization, the candidate certifying
staff has an adequate knowledge of the relevant aircraft and aircraft components for the article
intended to release to service and the associated GMF AeroAsia procedures.
a) Has passed the examination of the product type and holds a valid Indonesian Authority
basic and type license (for A/C certifying staff), or he has the qualifications and experience
mentioned in QP 304-03 for other than A/C authorizations (components certifying staff);
b) Has relevant maintenance experience as mentioned in QP 304-03;
c) Has received training Aviation Regulation;
d) Has received quality system training relevant to his assignment;
e) Has received human factors training as required by RSQM Section 3.13;
f) Has received initial and continuation training in both quality system and engineering
modules and passed the examinations;
g) Understands how the product functions;
h) Knows what are the more common defects with associated consequences, and
i) Understand, read, and write English;
j) Has received Phase 2 training in Fuel Tank Safety (FTS). Detailed procedures of Fuel Tank
Safety will be described as per QP 304-06.
k) Be trained in safety management system and hazardous material training
Type training for candidate AMEL holder, who intends to become a certifying staff, will be
performed by an approved training school or a TC Holder training school before he is eligible for
type training exams, subject to appropriate maintenance experience mentioned in QP 304-03.
For engines, components and special process certifying staff, the training function will develop
the curriculum and standards for training as well as pre-qualification standards. The training will
be performed in house or outsourced.
The QP 304-03 has been developed to meet the requirements for the certifying staff qualifications
and training program.
The certifying staff components including engines will have the training, qualification and
experience required by QP304-03. All other requirements as given in this section are applicable
for the components certifying staff.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will keep experience, training and assessment records for all
certifying and support staff. The records will be kept for as long as the staff is employed by the
organization plus for three years after their retirement.
3.4.2 Certifying Staff, Support & RII Staff, Initial Assessment and Authorization
Before an authorization for certifying staff is issued or re-issued, the candidate person will be
assessed by the Quality Assurance & Safety for their competence, capability and qualification.
a) Qualification Assessment
Collecting and checking all relevant requirements such as education level, authority licenses, any
authorizations held, type/specialized training, examination results amount of experience in
respect to the required training and function) as laid down in QP 304-03. These documents if not
issued by GMF AeroAsia should be followed by a confirmation check with the organizations that
issued such documents. A comparison check for differences between the product type ratings on
the qualification documents and the relevant product types maintained by GMF AeroAsia will be
made. This assessment may reveal a need for product type differences training. All document
attest to qualification will be retained in file by the Quality Assurance & Safety.
When all qualification requirements are successfully fulfilled, additional assessment will ensure
that the personnel have the talent to successfully demonstrate to the degree necessary their
qualifications against their work requirements as certifying staff.
The mechanic who is intended to become a certifying person will work for a month or more under
the supervision of either another certifying person or a lead auditor until the QA assessor arrives
at a conclusion. That time counts from the time the mechanic's Senior Manager applied to Quality
Assurance & Safety for that mechanic to become certifying person. The mechanic before is
recommended, as certifying person he should work at the same type of aircraft.
c) Authorization
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will issue a certifying staff authorization to authorize those
personnel to issue CRS in accordance with the Authority requirements and the requirements of
this manual subject to the validity of the license the certifying staff and support staff holds. The
Quality Assurance & Safety will keep a copy of the authorization. Before the authorization is given
to the certifying person, the Quality Assurance & Safety will ensure that he has understood the
scope and limitation of his authorization. The certifying person must present within a reasonable
time his authorization to the Authority.
The validity of all certifying staff authorizations shall not exceed two years from the date of issue
or previous renewal of the document. Authorizations related to aircraft maintenance are invalid
when the holder does not work for at least six months on the respective aircraft in a period of two
years. The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety remains responsible to revoke any authorization
when a certifying person does not comply with the requirements set forth in this manual, and the
Authority requirements.
3.4.3 Certifying Staff & Support Staff Categories, Authorities & Responsibilities
The following are the certifying staff categories and their interrelations between FAA and GMF
They report to VP for Quality Assurance & Safety. They are responsible to take all necessary actions
to ensure that all the work is performed in accordance with current Authority of A/C registration
requirements, operator specifications, maintenance manuals and the requirements of this
manual. The authorization allows the certifying staff to independently perform or supervise
maintenance and for releasing to service A/C or A/C components.
They are responsible and have the authority to:
a) To decide if the aircraft or aircraft component is ready for release to service and if it is not
ready to release to service;
b) Not to release an aircraft or component to service if unairworthy conditions are found;
c) To issue a Certificate of Release to Service, according to the Authority requirements
following the requirements of this manual and operator's maintenance program;
d) To report mandatory significant defects to the relevant Authority, customers and original
manufacturers via the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety.
The Certifying Staff will NOT delegate his responsibilities to any personnel and he will not
exercise the privileges of his certification authorization if he knows or suspects that their
physical or mental condition makes him unfit to exercise such privileges.
The mechanic performing the task may not certify / issue a certificate of release to service for his /
her own work or task.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will limit, suspend or withdraw the authorization if for any reason
(including voluntary withdrawal) the authorized person cannot fulfill the requirements of this
procedure. See QP 304-03.
3.4.4 Continuation Training Program for Certifying Staff, Support and RII Staff
The objective of the continuation training program is to ensure that the certifying staff, support
staff and RII personnel remain current in terms of procedures, human factors, and technical
knowledge and that there is a feedback system on the adequacy of the procedures of this manual,
and any changes to aviation regulations.
The continuation-training program will cover the quality system training module and the
engineering training module. Both modules will cover as a minimum the following requirements:
The Quality Assurance & Safety is responsible for the continuation-training program for the
certifying staff personnel. Responsibility includes arranging with the training function for the
contents of the training, the duration and the frequency and for ensuring all the training
requirements as mentioned in this manual and the associated QP 304-03 are incorporated.
The training function is responsible to develop the training syllabus, prepare the training material
and conduct the training, unless some parts of the training are subcontracted to approve training
The continuation training will be performed every two years. Each training module may be
performed separately and at different periods provided the whole training program is covered
within the two years period. Certifying Staff, Support Staff Continuation Assessment for Renewal the Authorization or
Additional Authorization
Before an authorization is re-issued, the Quality Assurance & Safety will ensure that the candidate
staff for re-issuing the authorization complies with the following:
a) Appropriate recent maintenance experience in the last two years as per RSQM 3.4.2 (d). The
Quality Assurance & Safety assessor must accumulate the maintenance experience having
the responsible staff presenting a list of functions performed related to Certifying staff,
support staff functions;
The Quality Assurance & Safety will keep all authorization documents for certifying staff
personnel. The records will be kept for as long as the staff is under employment. For those
personnel who have ceased employment with GMF AeroAsia, the records will be kept for three
years on separate files.
Persons authorized to access the records will be maintained at a minimum to ensure that records
cannot be altered in an unauthorized manner or that such confidential records become accessible
to unauthorized persons.
The Authority is an authorized person when investigating the records system for initial and
continued approval or when the Authority has doubt about the competence of a particular
certifying person. The certifying person will be given reasonable access on request to his own
The following information will be kept in records in respect of each certifying staff person:
a) Name;
b) Personnel identification number;
c) Date of birth;
d) Present title;
e) AMEL/Authorized License;
f) General License;
g) Training Certificate;
h) Experience log book;
i) Assessment result / test result.
The certifying staff and support staff must be able to provide to the auditors their authorization
within a reasonable time not exceeding 24 hours.
The CEO/accountable manager has appointed the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety with
responsibility for monitoring the quality system, including the associated feedback system and
requesting corrective actions as necessary to any Senior Management. The VP for Quality
Assurance & Safety, as per his job description (RSQM Section 1.4), will have direct access to the
CEO / accountable manager to ensure that he is kept properly informed on quality and
compliance matters.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will select the appropriate number and skilled auditing
personnel for the performance of audits and will have the final responsibility for the proper
planning, auditing, follow up audit and reporting of the auditing management system. The VP for
Quality Assurance & Safety must:
a) Ensure the auditors and auditors are knowledgeable and suitably trained as required in this
b) Monitor and evaluate the performance of their audit team in order to improve
their efficiency and effectiveness;
c) Ensure that all auditors make the same observations and draw the same conclusions
when confronted with the same evidence;
d) Rotate the Auditors at periodic intervals to ensure the integrity of the independent audits.
The auditors must have at least seven years experience relevant to A/C and/or A/C components
maintenance and/or supporting functions.
Training and qualification requirement for the auditors is specified in the PCM.
All auditing personnel will be assessed for having the appropriate knowledge and skills and the
talent before they are allowed to perform audits.
The candidate auditor, the will participate with skilled auditors in the audit process until they
reach to the point where they can demonstrate and equal or better performance by drawing the
same or better conclusions of an experience auditor of a selected workstation with a given
procedure. A customized performance assessment plan will ensure that the auditors have the
appropriate skills and knowledge.
They report to VP for Quality Assurance & Safety and their responsibility is to:
a) Define Quality Assurance & Safety standards and aviation regulations applicable to GMF;
b) Ensure revisions to procedures do not violate standards and regulations;
c) Coordinate quality projects and activities in the units concern;
d) Advise the units in matters concerning quality related subjects;
e) Participate in investigations with responsible units;
f) Develop audit program and perform procedure and product audits;
g) Raise non-conformance reports to units concern;
h) Verify effectiveness of the corrective actions;
i) Communicate with the units regarding quality issues;
j) Escort customers and authorities within the units;
k) Handle quality audit records;
l) Perform vendor audits as required.
a. Accept or reject (if not effective) the corrective actions taken by audited managers;
b. To make arrangements with other functions to meet the quality objectives;
c. Approve or disapproved suppliers if there are written authorization by the VP for Quality
Assurance & Safety.
For the purpose of this procedure, inspectors means the A/P & E/A staff and the RII personnel who
support the certifying staff ensuring that all relevant tasks or inspections have been carried out to
the required standard before the certifying staff category B (See RSQM 3.4.3) issues the certificate
of release to service. It also includes the material receiving inspection personnel (chapter 3.7.3).
NOTE 1: Additional qualification procedures for RII and support staff are found in RSQM 3.4
The FAR 145 and 121 requires inspections for a particular operator to be performed by RII
inspection personnel designated by the air carrier. The performance of a Required Inspection is
restricted to independent RII inspection personnel who directly report to the Quality Assurance
and that authorized person was not involved in the performance of the work to be inspected.
Personnel who represent the repair station in the performance and approving the required
inspections must fulfill the following requirements:
a) The person must be a GMF AeroAsia employee unless a short term contract employee is
authorized by the Quality Assurance as per Section 3.8.3 of this manual;
b) The person must be authorized by the Operator or by the Quality Assurance if delegated by
the operator, through a valid GMF AeroAsia Authorization;
c) The person must be able to read, write and understand English;
d) The person must have a competency and qualifications for the specific A/C type (see Section
3.8.2, 3.8.3 of the manual);
e) Must have taken the operator’s RII training.
The Quality Assurance is responsible to ensure that prior to conducting work on an aircraft of
which the Authority of A/C registration requires the RII inspection personnel involved, they have
been properly trained on the Air Carriers procedures in general and specifically on procedures
regarding the performance and recording requirements of the required inspection items. The
training will be done by the contracted operator or, when authorized by operator the training
may be delegated, to GMF AeroAsia.
After satisfactory completion of the training, a list of recommended RII inspection personnel is
presented to the operator to authorize these persons in accordance with their manual. In cases
the operator has delegated GMF AeroAsia by letter to authorize the RII personnel. GMF AeroAsia
will authorize them as per operator’s procedures. Evidence of such qualification must be in place
before the work commences.
The VP for Quality Assurance will ensure that RII inspection personnel have adequate license
related to aircraft type training and have passed the RII inspector course prior to approval.
The scope of the RII Authorization will be limited to those Required Inspection Items whose skill
requirements fall within the scope of the issued GMF AeroAsia authorization.
For the items performed under the means of an RII authorization, RII personnel are solely
responsible to the VP for Quality Assurance. Any conflict of interest shall be reported and solved
by the VP for Quality Assurance, in order to guarantee full independence from production
management decisions.
The Quality assurance will keep the training records of the RII personnel and the roster as required
by Sections 1.6 and 3.5 of this manual.
The Operator’s maintenance manual contains among others the operator's required inspection
items and procedures. An RII, as stated in FAR Part 121 subpart L, is a designation of the items of
maintenance and alteration that must be inspected (required inspections), including at least those
that could result in a failure or defect, endangering the safe operation of the aircraft, if not
performed properly or if improper parts and materials are used.
With regards to RII’s incorporated in the operators’ General Maintenance Manual, only specially
trained personnel – the RII inspection personnel – are allowed to sign for the RII’s performed. The
performance of a required inspection is restricted to an RII authorized person who was not
involved in the performance of the work to be inspected.
The RII personnel must be present at the work site to physically verify the work performed by the
mechanics and effectively inspect all points related to the RII.
Any Required Inspection that could not be completed by the RII inspector as a result of a shift
change or other work interruption must be adequately turned over to the next RII inspector,
through written and verbal communications.
Available to all RII personnel will be the operator's maintenance program, current specifications
involving inspection tolerances, limits, and procedures as set forth by manufacturer of the
product undergoing inspection and other forms of inspection information such as airworthiness
directives, manufacturers bulletins, etc.
The RII personnel report to Quality Assurance for the performance of the required inspection
items. They are responsible to:
The RII Inspection personnel and support staff will NOT delegate their responsibilities to any other
The material receiving inspection personnel is formed by a selected group of personnel based on
their formal training status, experience and knowledge of maintenance and inspection functions
and having met the competencies for their specific job title in the organization.
The material receiving inspection personnel will receive initial training prior to their assignment as
material inspectors. The continuation training will be given every two years.
Current specifications involving inspection of shelf life material, instructions from Authorities
regarding suspected unapproved parts, IPC, purchase orders, GMF procedures related to their
work, and any other information aids will be available to the material receiving inspection
personnel to ensure proper inspection and disposition of the receiving material.
a) Visually inspect incoming material for conformance to requirements and for any obvious
b) Inspect for suspected unapproved parts;
c) Disposition all incoming material based on their inspection status;
d) Keep non-conforming material in quarantine area waiting disposition;
e) Keep records of all incoming material traceable to their sources.
Qualification requirements and activities for Inspection Personnel other than RII Personnel are
defined in Section 3.8.3 of this manual.
To ensure continuation of inspection tasks in case of the absent of authorized Inspector, VP.
Quality Assurance & Safety or his delegated will appoint a licensed technician who qualified as per
Section 3.8.3 of this manual to perform the inspection.
Prior to approval the VP. Quality Assurance & Safety or his delegated will ensure that the privileges
and limitations of replacement Inspector are equivalent to the one that is absent.
The Human Resources Management function will plan the training and development program
and will develop the training process in conjunction with other functions.
The Vice Presidents will assign trainers/training coordinators for their operation and they will
coordinate with Human Resources Management assisted by the Senior Managers for the
development units/elements of competencies and performance criteria. They will identify and
record the training needs for each job title as per Section 3.8.2 of this manual and they will ensure
that trained and qualified personnel perform activities affecting product quality.
The Human Resources Management function will develop the personnel competencies by
defining for each job title and competency level, the work requirements and the training and
qualifications required for the maintenance and inspection personnel.
The competencies will be developed to meet the FAR requirements and will be documented in
competency charts, which in turn, will be compiled in each unit's personnel competencies manual
(PCM) together with the unit's organization chart.
In order to determine the competencies and the necessary training, the Human Resources
Management, assisted by Senior Managers for each unit and trainers will perform a task analysis
for each job title and job grade in order to:
The Quality Assurance & Safety will monitor the development of the technical personnel
competency charts and will have the final responsibility to ensure maintenance personnel
training needs are in compliance with the authority of the aircraft registration and with the
requirements of this manual. The Quality Assurance & Safety will approve the PCM for technical
The Senior Managers are responsible to review the PCM every two years and revise it if necessary;
unless one or more of the following conditions are encountered it may be revised any time:
a) Changes to organization charts, job description / competency charts with new tasks are
required for the performance of maintenance;
b) New product and capabilities development requiring new training. This would be required
additional training (such as type training to be planned and perform;
c) Requirements from aviation regulation;
d) Requirements from quality assurance;
e) Changes to GMF AeroAsia procedures.
Human Resources Management will keep the complete master of PCM and be responsible to
control and distribute it.
Each unit / function will receive only the applicable Part of Personnel Competency Manual (PCM)
together with the training syllabus.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will receive the complete manual.
The following procedures are associated with the training and development program:
For A/C maintenance, non-certificated aircraft maintenance technicians are those technicians who
do not hold an aircraft maintenance engineer license but they may have a basic A/C license and
for Component and Engine/APU Maintenance, non-certificated component/engine/APU
maintenance personnels are those personnel who do not hold component/engine/APU
authorization as given by the Quality Assurance & Safety appropriate for their assigned work.
Non-certificated A/C technicians responsible to perform only the activities described in the scope
of their C of C, such as:
a) Perform minor maintenance tasks not requiring A/C systems removal and installation;
b) Open A/C panels and components;
c) Installing safety devises;
d) Perform lubrication and servicing;
e) Install components limited to certain A/C types;
f) Responsible to perform work following the technical manuals and quality procedures.
g) To properly claim the work performed after he has verified by self inspection that is has
been in accordance with approved maintenance data;
h) Report non-conformities, defects and malfunctions and any problems to his Manager for
investigation and corrective action before any further work is performed;
Non-certificated component technician responsible to perform only the activities described in the
scope of their C of C under supervision of supervisor and /or authorized person , such as:
Non-certificated engine personnel responsible to perform only the activities described in the
scope of their C of C under supervision of supervisor and /or authorized person, such as:
Certificated or licensed technicians are those personnel who hold an A/C or A/C component
maintenance engineer license as given by the Authority and/or an authorization as given by the
Quality Assurance & Safety appropriate for their assigned work.
Certain repair, inspection and test process and special process personnel are qualified as license
technicians for the purpose of supervising repair processes and releasing components to service
after maintenance including special process maintenance.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will grant a GMF AeroAsia authorization to those personnel
recommended by the production provided the individual meets certain qualification criteria as
per QP 304-03.
Depending on the scope of the authorization the following training are performed:
a) FAR - Part-21
b) FAR - Part-145
c) FAR - Part 39
d) FAR - Part 121
e) RSQM/Quality Procedures training in relation to their job function;
f) On the job training for the particular assignments;
g) Human factors training as per RSQM 3.13
h) Phase 2 training in Fuel Tank Safety (FTS) for mechanics who are involved in carrying
maintenance task on aircraft or components classified as FTS items or Phase 1 for mechanics
who are not involved. Detailed procedures of Fuel Tank Safety will be described as per QP
The licensed personnel will NOT delegate their responsibilities to any personnel when they
perform work described in the scope of their authorization.
Short-term staff recruited as per Section of this manual will have their qualifications,
training and experience presented for assessment by the Quality Assurance & Safety as per QP
a) The contracted staff will not be responsible to perform required inspections or for releasing
to service. Such responsibility will remain to GMF AeroAsia certifying staff, unless the VP for
Quality Assurance & Safety - after consultation with the Authority - has approved such staff,
(and providing they meet the requirements of Section 3.4 and 3.7 of this manual).
b) The short-term staff is briefed about their intended work and they have been trained in GMF
AeroAsia procedures related to their assignment.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will issue a special design stamp and C of C to those short-term
contracted staff if found competent to perform maintenance affecting product quality.
Supervisory personnel are selected among the senior employees in GMF AeroAsia who have been
qualified as competency and tasks they are assigned to supervise. All managers are required to be
thoroughly familiar with the requirements of this manual, aviation regulations, and any
maintenance data related to the maintenance tasks they supervise. All aircraft and aircraft
components maintenance supervisors must be able to understand, read, and write English.
Airframe & Power plant (A/P) supervisors as well as Electrical and Avionic (E/A) supervisors at the
base maintenance and line maintenance are required to have a valid A/C maintenance engineer
license in order to be eligible for supervisors.
3.9.1 General
GMF AeroAsia does not have the authority for exemption process for a maintenance interval
and/or to defer extension of defects that may be found during maintenance of customer's aircraft.
It is the responsibility of the operator to arrange for an extension of an interval or to defer a defect
with the Authority of aircraft registration.
The operator must determine what defects may be deferred and must provide an agreement or
letter to GMF AeroAsia and presented to certifying staff that allows deferring the defect
identifying the authority for such action.
When the letter or agreement is present, the certifying staff will issue a certificate of release to
service (CRS), provided the deferred defects are within the limits of the operator's maintenance
program as approved by their operator's authority. The certifying staff will identify the defects not
rectified on the CRS and he will also identify on the CRS specific actions required by the operator
related to the deferred defect.
The certifying staff prior to issuing CRS must ensure that the deferred item is within the operator's
When such an agreement or letter is not present, or the letter/agreement does not identify the
Authority for such action, or the deferred item is not included in the operator’s maintenance
program, the certifying staff will inform the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety for further actions.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will contact the operator's Authority to clarify whether a CRS
must be issued indicating the defects not rectified. A non-compliance with an AD Note on due is
to be reported to Authority as well.
Concession for deviation may be required whenever there is a need to deviate from quality
system procedures. The Quality Assurance & Safety remains responsible to ensure any
concessions do not violate any Authority requirements. Deviation from quality system procedures
requires concession if:
3.10.2 Procedure
Any General Manager may request a concession for deviation from procedures by sending an e-
mail titled: ''Request for Concession'' to VP for Quality Assurance & Safety. Concession may initially
by requesting verbally so that to be determined if the approval will be given before officially
request is issued.
The VP of Quality Assurance & Safety will evaluate the request for concession and will approve or
disapprove the concession. When the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety considers that a
concession is possible to be approved by the Authority, he will issue a Quality Bulletin to give the
appropriate instructions of how the deviation will be applied and submit to authority for approval.
The concession should clearly describe the purpose, procedures involved, justifications, required
conditions, applicability and the period of validity.
When the concession is approved by the Authority, the Quality Assurance & Safety will distribute
the Quality Bulletin to the production. All Management and maintenance personnel are
responsible to follow the instructions of the Quality Bulletin as written.
An authorization for NDT will be issued to personnel based on results of qualification exams and
written Quality Procedures describing qualification criteria for NDT personnel. All levels of NDT
personnel shall be re-certified periodically in accordance with evidence of continued satisfactory
performance and re-examination in the general written or specific written exams as determined
by the employer's level 3 NDT.
Level 1 and 2 personnel will be trained, qualified and re-qualified by the GMF AeroAsia level 3 NDT
employees or other approved sources. Level 3 employee who is re-qualified by external approved
is designated as responsible level 3. Responsible level 3 having qualified may qualify another
individual level 3 in accordance with his/her certified NDT methods based on NAS410.
An authorization for NDT will be issued to personnel based on results of qualification exams and
written Quality Procedures describing qualification criteria for NDT personnel. All levels of NDT
personnel shall be re-certified periodically in accordance with evidence of continued satisfactory
performance and re-examination in the general written or specific written exams as determined
by the employer's level 3 NDT.
NDT Levels
Level 1: Issued to NDT personnel who are capable to perform preparations for NDT inspections
in accordance with the documented procedures. He is not allowed to sign off any
relevant maintenance documents. Level 2 verifies and/or reads the inspection results.
Level 2: Issued to NDT personnel who perform the inspections in accordance with documented
procedures. He is allowed to sign off relevant maintenance related documents. He can
evaluate and interpret imperfections and inspection results, convert manufacturer data
into work instructions and train and supervise Level 1.
Level 3: Issued to personnel with college level knowledge regarding NDT methods and
techniques and capable to train and supervise Level 1 and 2. Level 3 personnel are
responsible for the training and examination of level 1 and 2 personnel.
Performance of NDT:
All non-destructive tests will be performed using NDT methods, maintenance data, tools and
equipment described by the manufacturer’s maintenance manuals. See quality procedures:
a) Developing and approving non-destructive test procedures for the control of NDT processes
using references from manufacturers manuals or current approved data;
b) Determining the kind of NDT required based on material, location, accessibility, etc, when
no clear instructions are given by the quality plans;
c) Coordinating NDT operations for indications such as internal and external cracks, voids,
inclusions, slams, laps, cold shuts, shrinkage porosity, gas holes, and shrinkage tears;
d) Assisting personnel to perform NDT and for the interpretation and evaluation of inspection
results. Ensure that the kind of defects found (cracks, voids, inclusions, laps, etc,) are
recorded in the inspection records together with the location and the length of the defects;
e) Evaluating and determine required amount of amperage and number of shots where not
clear instructions are given;
f) Determining and controlling the type and method of magnetic particle inspection to be
used. Mix and test inspection solution as required. Control all tools and equipment.
g) Planning the shielding requirements and barrier distances, danger areas, length of exposure,
and position of X-ray equipment so that all precautions have been met;
i) Detecting and identify and interpret defects in various types of metals and metal joints;
l) Setting up and assist for the operation of various types of ultrasonic and eddy-current
equipment and performing the appropriate calibrations verifying results against masters;
m) Developing NDT personnel training curriculum, schedule and train them or arrange for
training as necessary in order to obtain and/or retain NDT certification. Follow the
regulations as applied to national or international standards;
The NDT level 3 will NOT delegate his duties to any personnel.
The Welding, thermal spray, shot-peening, electroplating special process personnel are granted
authorizations following a qualification check based on periodic specimen evaluations and
approvals. Appropriate authorizations will be issued to personnel who perform those special
processes after passed the qualification checks. Activities for the special processes Managers (other than NDT):
a) Develop good welding and brazing techniques to welders working with quality plans and
welding related specifications. Maintain current welding certification on various metal groups
by submitting weld and braze test pieces for examination on the fusion welding and brazing;
b) Assist welders in setting up of welding machines according to specifications for rod type and
position, gas and oxygen flow, machine feed, amperage, voltage and pressures;
c) Observe initial set up during welding operations and techniques used and authorize
operational corrections or additional passes;
d) Verify fixtures needed for welding and assure that: parts are welded in fixtures, apply heat
sinks and holding devices, to retain the part in correct alignment and obtain proper heat
distribution to minimize distortion as described on the operation sheets;
e) Monitor the identification and traceability status against AMS specification numbers of
welding & brazing wire rods, and other consumables used for penning, metal spraying etc;
f) Submit for examination welding, plasma sprayed, penning, specimens to certify/re-certify
g) Prepare engine parts, tools and fixtures by grit blasting, cleaning and masking. Apply various
plasma spray coatings to these parts per quality plans;
h) Monitor the shot peen and glass bead peen operations by ensuring acceptable penning
results by making tests at regular intervals, proper gun pressure and feed and proper sprayed
i) Support the parts repair and welding by accomplishing various blending, polishing, cutting
and miscellaneous repairs as required on quality plans. Miscellaneous repairs will consist of
cutting away old damaged areas and fitting new details into correct position. Incorporating
radii, chamfers and blending to original contour on various engine parts;
j) Verify and assist as required for the proper preparation for welding like –V- grooving, and
polishing the area to be welded.
Personnel who carry out borescope and interpret defects are properly trained and assessed for
their competence as required by QP 304-03. Borescope is performed in accordance with
maintenance manuals requirements.
3.12.1 General
This procedure is to describe the communication between the manufacturer field representatives
and also for maintenance support teams that may occasionally contracted by GMF AeroAsia to
perform maintenance.
When maintenance-working teams are contracted to perform maintenance for GMF AeroAsia, the
VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will take actions to ensure the sub-subcontractor (the
maintenance working team) has been approved as required by Section 2.1 of this manual and that
the work is accomplished in an airworthy manner so as to permit certification.
The engineers and other Management personnel will request in writing any advice for the
representatives. In turn, they will advise and instruct production personnel based on written
instruction by the representatives. These instructions will be transferred into GMF AeroAsia's
maintenance forms such as Engineering Instructions, Job Cards, and PD Sheets, giving reference
to formal documents from the field representatives.
The VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will assign a certifying staff and support staff to ensure good
maintenance practices are followed and that all work meets the RSQM Section 2.16 requirements
before accepting the work from the maintenance working team.
The responsible maintenance Senior Manager will assign maintenance personnel to attend the
maintenance performed and be trained as necessary. Such training will be performed as per QP
3.13.1 General
In respect to the understanding of the application of human factors and human performance
issues, maintenance, management, and quality audit personnel will be assessed for the need to
receive Initial human factors training.
In any case all maintenance, management, and quality audit personnel should receive human
factors continuation training. This will concern to a minimum:
a) Arrange for the proper training and understanding of human factors training for the
trainers. If the training is subcontracted, ensure the training school or the trainer is an
accepted source.
The training curriculum and syllabus will be prepared by GMF AeroAsia training department
and not from the subcontracted source and it must meet the Authority requirements and
the requirements of this procedure.
b) Prepare the training program and the training syllabus. Initial human factors training will
cover all the topics of the training syllabus. The syllabus may be adjusted to reflect the
particular nature of the organization or workstation. The syllabus may also be adjusted to
meet the particular nature of work for each function within the organization.
c) Conduct complete training or differences training to existing employees as instructed in this
d) Conduct training to new employees not later than six months after their employment
e) Conduct training to short term contract employees not later than a week after their
The purpose of human factors continuation training is primarily to ensure that management and
maintenance personnel remain current in terms of human factors and also to collect feedback on
GMF AeroAsia human factors issues.
Human factors continuation training will be of an appropriate duration in each two-year period in
relation to relevant quality audit findings and other third party or Authority findings of
information available to the organization on human errors in maintenance.
The continuation training will cover knowledge and skills related to human performance,
including co-ordination with other maintenance personnel and flight crew, limitations relevant to
the duties of an aircraft maintenance authorization holder.
a) Ensure the non-conformities and deficiencies are properly analyzed and the root cause is
defined by the responsible managers
b) Accumulate corrective action reports as per RSQM 3.3
c) Provide deficiencies and non-conformities related to human error and also route causes and
corrective actions to the Quality Assurance & Safety personnel assessor and trainers.
d) Lead the human factors coordination meeting.
a) Analyze information caused from deficiencies in GMF AeroAsia related to human error;
b) Develop the training syllabus for the continuation program addressing human errors in GMF
AeroAsia organization.
c) Consider changes to initial training syllabus based on Authority changes and or in house
human factor issues;
d) Develop and distribute the training bulletin every three months to address human factors
problems in GMF AeroAsia;
e) Plan, and deliver human factors continuation training every two years. It will include the
human factors addressed in the training bulletin during the two years period plus any
updates come from authorities.
f) Adjust the training syllabus according to the personnel job descriptions. For example:
▪ Workstations not working in shifts may cover in less depth subjects related to
teamwork and communication;
▪ Planners may cover in more depth the scheduling and planning objective of the
syllabus and in less depth the objective of developing skills for shift working.
Every three months, the VP for Quality Assurance & Safety will assign a lead auditor to lead a
meeting with the personnel assessors, trainers and other related personnel to discuss human
factor issues at GMF AeroAsia. They will collect data regarding problem performance, personnel
behavior and any other information that is necessary to improve human performance. They will
develop a feedback system to collect and analyze information as described in the requirements
3.14.1 General
The Quality Assurance & Safety will assess the maintenance personnel based on the competency
chart requirements to ensure they have received the appropriate training and are competent to
performing maintenance tasks before unsupervised work is permitted.
All personnel changing positions will be trained and assessed by responsible managers for
competence to their new positions. Short term contracted employees will have their training
records and past experience assessed to ensure they fit for the specific assignment The QP 308-01
will be used for the assessment and issuance of stamp and certificate to personnel.
a) Planning engineers are able to interpret maintenance requirements into maintenance tasks,
and have an appreciation that they have no authority to deviate from the maintenance data;
b) Mechanics are able to carry out maintenance tasks to any standard specified in the
maintenance data and will notify supervisors of mistakes requiring rectification to re-
establish required maintenance standards;
c) Specialized services staff are able to carry out specialized maintenance tasks to the standard
specified in the maintenance instructions and will both inform and await instructions from
their supervisor in any case where it is not possible to complete the specialized maintenance
in accordance with the maintenance data;
d) Managers are able to ensure that all required maintenance tasks are carried out and where
not done or where it is evident that a particular maintenance task cannot be carried out to
the maintenance data then such problems will be reported to Quality Assurance & Safety for
further actions;
e) Certifying staffs are able to verify product acceptance characteristics and determine
conformance to specifications, TC Holder maintenance data and aviation regulations. Also
they must be able to decide when the aircraft or aircraft component is ready to release to
service and when it should not be released to service;
f) RII & support staff are able to verify product acceptance characteristics and determine
conformance to specifications as required by operators, TC Holder maintenance data and
aviation regulations;
g) Supervisors are able to ensure that all required maintenance tasks are carried out and where
not completed or where it is evident that a particular maintenance task cannot be carried
out to the maintenance data, and then such problems will be reported to the Quality
Assurance & Safety person for appropriate action. In addition, for those supervisors who also
carry out maintenance tasks that they understand such tasks should not be undertaken
when incompatible with their management responsibilities.
h) Quality audit staffs are able to monitor compliance with the regulations of the Authority of
aircraft registration and identifying non-compliance in an effective and timely manner in
order that the organization may remain in compliance with the regulations and quality
All maintenance personnel after they have passed the basic training, they are subsequently
located to their respective departments and they are assigned to perform specific maintenance
functions under the supervision of supervisors, trainers and or senior mechanics. While under on-
the-job-training, their progress is monitored on regular basis.
When his Manager is satisfied that the employee can perform unsupervised work, he requests to
the quality assurance assessor to assess the employee for competent against the performance
criteria set in the PCM applicable for the job title and job grade (see RSQM 3.8).
Upon satisfactory assessment as per QP 308-01, the quality assurance assessor issues a stamp; a
certificate of competency (C of C) or an Authorization describing the scope and limitation of the
work the employee can perform without being supervised.
The certificate of competency (C of C) is valid for as long as the employee maintains his job title
and job grade and effectively performs the functions described in the scope of his C of C. The
Authorization is valid for as long as the License given by the authority is valid but not more than 2
The criteria for personnel assessment and qualification are described in the appropriate PCM and
also for the authorizations in the QP 304-03.
The criteria of all authorization, the applicant must have physical and mentality health, and
submit the medical fitmess statement signed by General Physician.
QP 308-01 Personnel assessment and stamp & license issue use and control
GMF AeroAsia, PT
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
P.O. BOX 1303, BUSH 19130
Cengkareng Indonesia
4.1.1 General
For each individual operator there might be different procedures and requirements of how to
control the particular paperwork, forms, and overall procedures. For this reason the Business
cooperation and development will compile those requirements for each operator, with a listing of
the particulars as required by the operator and based on the contractual agreements.
The Account Manager and Customer Service functions as appropriate will arrange with the
Operator/Owner and ensure through the contracts the following depending on the
Operator/Owner, the kind of maintenance and the Authority involved:
a) Contact persons: Who is controlling the contract for the operator, who shall be contacted
when a problem arises, etc;
b) Scope of work: What type of maintenance is performed (Line/Base), does it include
maintenance of components, special services, etc.
c) Responsibility for pool parts, loan parts, replaced parts, etc.
d) The availability of the operator's approved and maintenance program, time and planning
schedule, etc. Maintenance personnel will require studying the maintenance program and
specifications and making the appropriate work preparation for the maintenance.
e) The availability of operator's maintenance data and the responsibility of the operator to
ensure that it will remain current all the times. Evidence can be established by:
f) Having a written confirmation from the operator/customer that all such maintenance data is
up to date; or,
g) The work order specifies the amendment status of the maintenance data; or,
h) It can be show it is on the operator/customer maintenance data amendment list.
i) It must be established whether the operator requires any specific maintenance procedure,
different types of servicing, etc;
j) The operator's forms may be used for any concluding maintenance, usually the operator's
job cards will be used;
k) Compliance with all mandatory AD Notes and optional modifications;
l) Required inspection item by the operator. The operator may require to train and approve
the Required inspections personnel. The required inspection list and Personnel must be
available at GMF AeroAsia;
m) At time of release, the operator's release procedures and forms/certificates may be observed
and/or used. Aspects like signing the Aircraft Log Book, issuance release to service, etc. It
must be considered that the work performed is based on contract (Purchase Order)issued by
n) After concluding any maintenance, agreements regarding delivery of the maintenance
documentation that must be observed with regard to the individual operator;
o) Customer representative accommodation and work interface with GMF AeroAsia functions
and personnel;
p) Any other requirements as appropriate.
When an operator is contracted with GMF AeroAsia, this paragraph (specific for each operator)
with describe the special procedures and paperwork as agreed.
When the operator provides the Logbook to record maintenance performed by GMF AeroAsia,
the certifying staff holding the appropriate rating is responsible for completion of such records on
the logbook as per operator procedures.
When GMF AeroAsia is contracted to keep the operator records, the records retention period as
well as the records which will be kept and method of retention will be determined by the
The sales & marketing function will negotiate the contract requirements with the customer and
will make those requirements available for review and coordination with the appropriate
departments and personnel to ensure that GMF AeroAsia has the capability to meet the
contractual requirements before the work starts. Records of contract reviews shall be maintained.
The sales & marketing will contract work based on the privileges and limitations given by the
Approval certificates and ratings held by the Authorities and only if GMF AeroAsia has the
capability to perform such work. See Section 1.9 of this manual.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will participate in contract reviews as appropriate to ensure that
contractual requirements do not violate any quality requirements and aviation regulations.
The sales & marketing function will take the lead in establishing the quality requirements of the
product or service to be delivered to the customer. Therefore it must:
a) Ensure that they have received a clear work order from the customer;
b) Nominate a technical person or persons as a customer service with responsibility for
communicating with the customer and ensuring that initial work order and any
amendments are properly executed;
c) Ensure that the customer has either provided the maintenance data or has confirmed that
the GMF AeroAsia's maintenance data is current and data is approved;
d) Ensure hangar space (slot) will be available at the time of maintenance.
GMF AeroAsia, PT
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
P.O. BOX 1303, BUSH 19130
Cengkareng Indonesia
GMF AeroAsia develops the forms as instructed in each Quality Procedure (Section 2.8.3) and in
this RSQM. Each form is exhibited in the Local Area Network and is accessible to users as necessary
for the execution of the inspection and maintenance.
The user is responsible for designing the form to meet the recording requirements complete with
the guidance which will included into TFM (Technical Form Manual). When the user recommends
a form revision, the appropriate QP or RSQM Section (where the form authorized) is revised to
authorize the revision of the form. When a revision takes place the letter ''R'' following with a
revision sequence number (R1, R2, etc) is added next to the form number.
The Quality Assurance & Safety prepares the current forms in full size and also its Technical Form
Manual (TFM), then distributes them to the users via the Network sharing data. The Quality
Assurance & Safety ensures that there is only one source for the users retrieving the forms.
The user is responsible to print out and use the current forms found in the Network sharing data
as required in its TFM. Forms taken from any other source is not allowed. Should a form be not
found in the Network sharing data; the user must inform the Quality Assurance & Safety
immediately and proceed as instructed.
A list of forms used is found in Section 5.1.2 of this manual and also in Network sharing data. The
list includes: a) Form Number, b) Title, c) the QP number, or the section of the RSQM or the
Authority of A/C registration (or both), which authorized the use of such form.
NOTE: The list of forms in section 5.1.2 of this manual and in Network sharing data does not
indicate the revision number of the form (such as R1, R2, etc) in order to avoid unnecessary
revisions of the RSQM. Only the appropriate QP or RSQM Section (for GMF AeroAsia forms)
shows the current revision number.
The Quality Assurance & Safety is responsible to assign a number to each quality related form
using the numbering system below:
GMF/Q-001, where:
GMF = Garuda Maintenance Facility,
Q = Quality (the form initiated by the QA) or,
B = (initiated by base maintenance) or
H = (Initiated by Personnel), etc.
001 = Sequence number.
The Quality Assurance & Safety will keep and maintain a log of such forms for controlling the
numbering system. Control and Use of Forms Given by the Authority of Aircraft Registration
Forms issued by the Authority of A/C registration for the purpose of releasing A/C and A/C
components to service, reporting suspected unapproved parts, for malfunction and defect
reports, etc, are listed in section 5.1.2 of this manual and in Network sharing data Folder No “TQ”
and are prepared in full size, controlled and retrieved with the same manner as the GMF AeroAsia
forms. The number of these forms is usually the number given by the Authority of A/C
registration except the A/C release to service forms which have GMF AeroAsia number.
Instructions to use such forms may be given by this manual directly and may not be in any
associated QP. When a QP does not give instructions to complete such form, the instructions are
found in the appropriate section of this manual. See also section 5.1.2 (''Authorized by'' column). Forms Required by the Customer - Customer Design & Use Forms
When a customer requires the use of his own forms, then these forms may be used provided that:
The forms will be used and all the blocks of the form will be filled as instructed by the appropriate
QP, which authorized the use of such form or the appropriate section of this manual. Unfilled
blocks are not allowed. If an entry is not necessary or not applicable, the user will enter ''N/A'' to
indicate that the requirements of the specific block is not necessary or not applicable for the
specific operation or process. The same will apply for maintenance support computerized forms -
which a print out is not necessary.
All inspection and maintenance forms including GMF AeroAsia serviceable tags and airworthiness
approval tags from in house and vendors associated with the specific contracted maintenance
and also customer or Authority design forms will be part of the maintenance records and will be
kept under the specific work order as required by section 2.14 of this manual.
All forms used to support the contracted maintenance which are not part of the work order
maintenance records, will be kept as general support records. Example: calibration records, audit
records, etc.
For detailed List of Form and Technical Form Manual will be provided in Document DQ-027:
Technical Form Manual.
GMF AeroAsia holds line maintenance approval at the following line stations:
FAA approval:
1. Cengkareng line maintenance station
The Quality Assurance & Safety keeps a list of approved or accepted by the authority sub-
contractors in computerized system. A hard copy is also available on document no. DQ-005. The
list includes the following information:
Quality Procedure (QP) has been developed in a format to cover the requirements of the FAR Part-
145 as appendices the Repair Station Quality Manual (RSQM) and be suitable for GMF AeroAsia’s
quality system documentation needs.
Quality Assurance & Safety will notify FAA for each revision of the QP and will submit current
major amendments. The list of Quality Procedures are:
GMF AeroAsia audits the non-certificated subcontractors as required by RSQM Section 2.1 An
Approved Vendor List (AVL) is kept by the Quality Assurance & Safety on document No.: DQ-005,
and also in Computerized system. The list includes the following information for non-certificated