Ufgs 32 11 26.19沥青路面基层
Ufgs 32 11 26.19沥青路面基层
Ufgs 32 11 26.19沥青路面基层
Preparing Activity: USACE Superseding
UFGS-32 11 27 (August 2008)
SECTION 32 11 26.19
2.1.1 Bituminous Material Bituminous-Stabilized Mixture Prime Coat
2.1.2 Material to be Stabilized Select Material for Bituminous Stabilized Base Course Aggregate for Bituminous-Stabilized Subbase Course
2.1.3 Stockpiling Materials
2.1.4 Water
Preparing Activity: USACE Superseding
UFGS-32 11 27 (August 2008)
SECTION 32 11 26.19
NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for bituminous stabilization of base
and subbase courses for airfield pavements, roads,
streets, and parking areas.
NOTE: Delete these paragraphs when lump sum payment
is desired.
NOTE: Delete the reference to select material when
select material is not required.
Select material will be measured by the [cubic meter yard] [metric 2000
pound ton] of material placed and used in the completed and accepted
stabilization. Measurement will not be made for select material that is
wasted or used in work determined to be defective.
NOTE: Delete reference to select material when
select material is not required.
Submit copies of waybills and delivery tickets during the progress of the
work. Before the final payment is allowed, furnish waybills and certified
delivery tickets for all bituminous materials [and select materials]
NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list, and corresponding submittal
items in the text, to reflect only the submittals
required for the project. The Guide Specification
technical editors have classified those items that
require Government approval, due to their complexity
or criticality, with a "G." Generally, other
submittal items can be reviewed by the Contractor's
Quality Control System. Only add a “G” to an item,
if the submittal is sufficiently important or
complex in context of the project.
1.5.1 Qualifications
NOTE: Include bracketed sentence for Corps-managed
1.5.3 Aggregate
1.7.1 Tolerances
Attribute Tolerance
NOTE: Select asphalt emulsion type for the bituminous-stabilized mixture
Subbase Course
NOTE: Specify imported select material for 80 CBR
bituminous base course.
2 mmNo. 10 50 80 100
2.1.3 Stockpiling Materials
NOTE: Delete this paragraph when select material is
not required or when small quantities do not justify
the inclusion of select materials.
2.1.4 Water
NOTE: For base courses, specify a CBR of 80.
For subbase courses, specify CBR value on the basis
of the gradation chosen.
NOTE: NOTE: Specify a central plant and mechanical
spreader for mixing and placing bituminous
stabilized base course and delete the
mixer/reclaimer and traveling plant provisions. For
bituminous stabilized subbase, include central
plant, mixer/reclaimer, and traveling plant
2.3.3 Mixer/Reclaimer
2.3.6 Rollers
2.3.7 Straightedge
Furnish and maintain at the site, in good condition, one [3.05] [3.66]
NOTE: Delete this paragraph when select material is
not required or when small quantities do not justify
the inclusion of select materials. Delete sentence
in the first set of brackets when onsite material is
not available.
Select aggregate sources than can produce the quality and quantity of base
course materials meeting these specification requirements in the specified
time limits. [Upon completion of the work, condition aggregate sources on
Government property to drain readily and leave in a satisfactory
condition.] [Obtain aggregate material from offsite sources. Condition
aggregate sources on private lands in agreement with local laws or
NOTE: Delete inapplicable subparagraph.
Clean area and dispose of debris and unsatisfactory in-place material [as
directed] [in waste disposal areas indicated]. [Visually inspect area for
adequate compaction and capability of withstanding, without displacement,
compaction specified for the bituminous-stabilized base course mixture.]
[Visually inspect the exposed material to be stabilized prior to mixing.]
When the stabilized course is constructed in more than one layer, clean
the previously constructed layer of loose and foreign matter by sweeping
with power sweepers or power brooms, except that hand brooms may be used
in areas where power cleaning is not practicable. Provide adequate
drainage during the entire construction period to prevent water from
collecting or standing on the area to be stabilized or on pulverized,
mixed, or partially mixed material.
Grade and shape the entire area to conform to the lines, grades, and cross
sections shown prior to being processed. Make soft or yielding areas
stable before construction is begun.
[Remove and replace or rework soft or yielding areas on the surface prior
to placing bituminous-stabilized mixture. Aerate material in the affected
area and remove all unsatisfactory materials. Add material as directed.
Shape to line, grade, and cross section and compact the new work to the
specified density.] [Conform subgrade to Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK.]
[Conform subbase course to Section 32 11 20 [BASE COURSE FOR RIGID][ AND
NOTE: Delete paragraph if select material is not
NOTE: For base courses, specify central plant
mixing method and delete requirements for traveling
plant and mix-in-place mix methods.
NOTE: Mixing the materials by the mixed-in-place
method should be considered for those jobs where the
thickness of the stabilized layer is 150 mm 6 inches
or less. Because the maximum layer thickness is 150
mm 6 inches, constructing a thicker layer by this
method would require removal of the top portion of
material. The lower portion would then be mixed and
compacted, and the top portion mixed, replaced and
Once soils have been scarified and pulverized, shape to cross sections and
grades indicated and determine moisture content of the soils. Add water
in increments and partially incorporate each increment of water in the mix
to avoid concentration of water near the surface. After the last
increment of water has been added, continue mixing until the water is
uniformly distributed throughout the mixture, including satisfactory
moisture distribution along the edges of the section. Mixing
Load and haul select material from pits or stockpiles so that a uniform
grade of each material is delivered to the central-mixing plant. Feed
properly batched or proportioned aggregate and soil binder materials into
the mixing unit together with the bituminous material and the quantity of
water needed to obtain the required optimum moisture content. Continue
mixing until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Haul mixture to the job
in trucks equipped with protective covers. Place mixture with mechanical
spreaders. Placing
NOTE: If central plant is not specified, delete the
first sentence. Density will be based on the
material being stabilized.
Finish the surface of the top layer to grade and cross section as shown on
the drawings and to a uniform texture. Light blading during compaction
3.7.1 Smoothness
NOTE: For subbase stabilization, delete this
NOTE: When subbase or base courses are constructed
less than 150 mm 6 inches in total thickness, a
deficiency of 13 mm 1/2 inch in thickness is
considered excessive. Applicable to job conditions,
the thickness tolerance provisions may be modified
as required, restricting all deficiencies to not over
6 mm 1/4 inch. Coordinate changes with Table 1.
NOTE: A bituminous stabilized course should be
waterproof without an additional prime coat. Retain
prime coat provisions if sanding or dusting of the
bituminous-primed surfaces is required or if it will
be at least 7 days before an asphalt mixture is
constructed on the stabilized course.
Before dust settles on the area, apply a prime coat of bituminous material
to the finished surface. Uniformly apply bituminous material at the rate
NOTE: Delete the bracketed reference to source of
materials when select material is not required.
Perform a minimum of 1 analysis for each [1000] [_____] metric tons tons
of material to be stabilized until the course is completed. When [the
source of materials is changed or] deficiencies are found, repeat the
analysis and retest the material already placed to determine the extent of
unacceptable material. Replace all in-place unacceptable material at no
additional cost to the Government.
Perform one liquid limit and plasticity index for each sieve analysis in
accordance with ASTM D4318.
NOTE: For subbase stabilization, delete this
3.9.7 Thickness
-- End of Section --