Ufgs 32 11 26.19沥青路面基层

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USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC / NASA UFGS-32 11 26.19 (May 2020)

Preparing Activity: USACE Superseding
UFGS-32 11 27 (August 2008)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated October 2022




SECTION 32 11 26.19





1.1.1 Measurement for Payment Bituminous Stabilization Bituminous Material Select Material
1.1.2 Basis for Payment
1.1.3 Waybills and Delivery Tickets
1.5.1 Qualifications
1.5.2 Test Results
1.5.3 Aggregate
1.5.4 Bituminous Material
1.6.1 Environmental Requirements
1.7.1 Tolerances
1.7.2 Test Section


2.1.1 Bituminous Material Bituminous-Stabilized Mixture Prime Coat
2.1.2 Material to be Stabilized Select Material for Bituminous Stabilized Base Course Aggregate for Bituminous-Stabilized Subbase Course
2.1.3 Stockpiling Materials
2.1.4 Water

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 1

2.2.1 Mix Design Report
2.3.1 Central Plant
2.3.2 Mechanical Spreader
2.3.3 Mixer/Reclaimer
2.3.4 Traveling Plant
2.3.5 Bituminous Distributor
2.3.6 Rollers
2.3.7 Straightedge



3.2.1 In-Place Material to be Stabilized
3.2.2 In-Place Materials to Receive Stabilized Course
3.2.3 Select Material
3.4.1 Mixed-in-Place Method Scarifying and Pulverizing of Soil Application of Water Application of Bituminous Material
3.4.2 Traveling Plant Method
3.4.3 Central Plant Method Mixing Placing
3.6.1 Longitudinal Joints
3.6.2 Transverse Joints
3.7.1 Smoothness
3.7.2 Thickness Control
3.9.1 Sampling and Testing
3.9.2 Field Density
3.9.3 Sieve Analysis
3.9.4 Liquid Limit and Plasticity Index
3.9.5 Extraction Test
3.9.6 Smoothness Test
3.9.7 Thickness
3.9.8 Bituminous Material

-- End of Section Table of Contents --

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 2

USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC / NASA UFGS-32 11 26.19 (May 2020)

Preparing Activity: USACE Superseding
UFGS-32 11 27 (August 2008)


References are in agreement with UMRL dated October 2022


SECTION 32 11 26.19



NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for bituminous stabilization of base
and subbase courses for airfield pavements, roads,
streets, and parking areas.

Adhere to UFC 1-300-02 Unified Facilities Guide

Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard when editing
this guide specification or preparing new project
specification sections. Edit this guide
specification for project specific requirements by
adding, deleting, or revising text. For bracketed
items, choose applicable item(s) or insert
appropriate information.

Remove information and requirements not required in

respective project, whether or not brackets are

Comments, suggestions and recommended changes for

this guide specification are welcome and should be
submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).

The purposes of bituminous stabilization are to

waterproof and improve the cohesive strength of
non-cohesive granular soils and aggregates. This
specification is limited to soils and aggregates
with less than 30 percent passing the No. 200 sieve
and a Plasticity Index less than 10. For bituminous
subgrade stabilization, use UFGS 32 11 13.16.



NOTE: Delete these paragraphs when lump sum payment
is desired.

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 3

1.1.1 Measurement for Payment Bituminous Stabilization

Measurement will be by the square meter yard of work completed and

accepted. Bituminous Material

Submit quantity of residual bituminous material used in the job.

Bituminous material to be paid for will be measured in the number of [
liters gallons of the material used in the accepted work, corrected to
liters at 15 degrees C gallons at 60 degrees F in accordance with
ASTM D1250. Use a coefficient of 0.00025 per degree C F for asphalt
emulsion.] [metric 2000 pound tons of the material used in the accepted
work.] Select Material

NOTE: Delete the reference to select material when
select material is not required.

Select material will be measured by the [cubic meter yard] [metric 2000
pound ton] of material placed and used in the completed and accepted
stabilization. Measurement will not be made for select material that is
wasted or used in work determined to be defective.

1.1.2 Basis for Payment

NOTE: Delete reference to select material when
select material is not required.

Delete the last sentence in brackets if sanding or

dusting of the bituminous-primed surfaces is not
required or if bituminous-primed surfaces are to
receive bituminous surfacing under the contract.

Bituminous-stabilized mixture, constructed and accepted, [and the

quantities of bituminous material] [and select material] will be paid for
at the respective contract unit prices. Payment will not be made for any
material wasted, used for the convenience of the Contractor, unused or
rejected, or for water used. [Select material obtained from grading and
excavation operations at the project site will not be paid for under this
section but will be included for payment under other sections specifying
grading and excavating.] [Separate payment will not be made for sanding
or dusting the bituminous prime-coated surfaces. Costs for sanding or
dusting will be included in the contract unit price for bituminous

1.1.3 Waybills and Delivery Tickets

Submit copies of waybills and delivery tickets during the progress of the
work. Before the final payment is allowed, furnish waybills and certified
delivery tickets for all bituminous materials [and select materials]

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 4

actually used in the construction.


NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.

Use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature

when you add a Reference Identifier (RID) outside of
the Section's Reference Article to automatically
place the reference in the Reference Article. Also
use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature
to update the issue dates.

References not used in the text will automatically

be deleted from this section of the project
specification when you choose to reconcile
references in the publish print process.

The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by
the basic designation only.


ARRA FDR201A (2018) Recommended Mix Design Guidelines

for Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) Using
Emulsified Asphalt Stabilizing Agent


ASTM C117 (2017) Standard Test Method for Materials

Finer than 75-um (No. 200) Sieve in
Mineral Aggregates by Washing

ASTM C131/C131M (2020) Standard Test Method for Resistance

to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse
Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the
Los Angeles Machine

ASTM C136/C136M (2019) Standard Test Method for Sieve

Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates

ASTM D75/D75M (2019) Standard Practice for Sampling


ASTM D140/D140M (2016) Standard Practice for Sampling

Asphalt Materials

ASTM D977 (2019a; E 2019) Standard Specification for

Emulsified Asphalt

ASTM D979/D979M (2015) Sampling Bituminous Paving Mixtures

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 5

ASTM D1250 (2019; E 2020) Standard Guide for Use of
the Joint API and ASTM Adjunct for
Temperature and Pressure Volume Correction
Factors for Generalized Crude Oils,
Refined Products, and Lubricating Oils:
API MPMS Chapter 11.1

ASTM D1556/D1556M (2015; E 2016) Standard Test Method for

Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place
by Sand-Cone Method

ASTM D1557 (2012; E 2015) Standard Test Methods for

Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of
Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000
ft-lbf/ft3) (2700 kN-m/m3)

ASTM D1883 (2016) Standard Test Method for California

Bearing Ratio (CBR) of
Laboratory-Compacted Soils

ASTM D2172/D2172M (2017; E 2018) Standard Test Methods for

Quantitative Extraction of Asphalt Binder
from Asphalt Mixtures

ASTM D2397/D2397M (2019a) Standard Specification for

Cationic Emulsified Asphalt

ASTM D2419 (2014) Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and

Fine Aggregate

ASTM D2487 (2017; E 2020) Standard Practice for

Classification of Soils for Engineering
Purposes (Unified Soil Classification

ASTM D2488 (2017; E 2018) Standard Practice for

Description and Identification of Soils
(Visual-Manual Procedure)

ASTM D2940/D2940M (2020) Standard Specification for Graded

Aggregate Material for Bases or Subbases
for Highways or Airports

ASTM D3666 (2016) Standard Specification for Minimum

Requirements for Agencies Testing and
Inspecting Road and Paving Materials

ASTM D4318 (2017; E 2018) Standard Test Methods for

Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and
Plasticity Index of Soils

ASTM D6307 (2019) Standard Test Method for Asphalt

Content of Asphalt Mixture by Ignition

ASTM D6938 (2017a) Standard Test Method for In-Place

Density and Water Content of Soil and
Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 6


ASTM E11 (2022) Standard Specification for Woven

Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves


Degree of compaction is expressed as a percentage of the maximum density

obtained by the test procedure in accordance with ASTM D1557, abbreviated
in this specification as percent laboratory maximum density.


NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list, and corresponding submittal
items in the text, to reflect only the submittals
required for the project. The Guide Specification
technical editors have classified those items that
require Government approval, due to their complexity
or criticality, with a "G." Generally, other
submittal items can be reviewed by the Contractor's
Quality Control System. Only add a “G” to an item,
if the submittal is sufficiently important or
complex in context of the project.

For Army projects, fill in the empty brackets

following the "G" classification, with a code of up
to three characters to indicate the approving
authority. Codes for Army projects using the
Resident Management System (RMS) are: "AE" for
Architect-Engineer; "DO" for District Office
(Engineering Division or other organization in the
District Office); "AO" for Area Office; "RO" for
Resident Office; and "PO" for Project Office. Codes
following the "G" typically are not used for Navy,
Air Force, and NASA projects.

The "S" classification indicates submittals required

as proof of compliance for sustainability Guiding
Principles Validation or Third Party Certification
and as described in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL

Choose the first bracketed item for Navy, Air Force

and NASA projects, or choose the second bracketed
item for Army projects.

Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" or "S"

classification. Submittals not having a "G" or "S" classification are
[for Contractor Quality Control approval.][for information only. When
used, a code following the "G" classification identifies the office that
will review the submittal for the Government.] Submit the following in
accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES:

SD-03 Product Data

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 7

Plant, Equipment, Machines, and Tools

Mix Design; G[, [_____]]

Waybills and Delivery Tickets

Notification Of Selected Source

SD-06 Test Reports

Sampling and Testing


1.5.1 Qualifications

NOTE: Include bracketed sentence for Corps-managed

Perform sampling and testing using an approved commercial testing

laboratory or on-site facilities. Submit accreditation of the commercial
laboratory by an independent evaluation authority, indicating conformance
to ASTM D3666, including all applicable test procedures. Do not start work
requiring testing until the facilities have been inspected and approved.
Schedule and provide payment for laboratory inspections. Additional
payment or a time extension due to failure to acquire the required
laboratory validation is not allowed. Maintain this certification for the
duration of the project. [In addition, all contractor quality control
testing laboratories performing acceptance testing require USACE
validation by the Material Testing Center (MTC) for both parent laboratory
and on-site laboratory. Validation on all laboratories is required to
remain current throughout the duration of the paving project. Contact the
MTC manager listed at
for costs and scheduling.]

1.5.2 Test Results

Verify that materials comply with the specification. When a material

source is changed, test the new material for compliance. When
deficiencies are found, repeat the initial analysis and retest the
material already placed to determine the extent of unacceptable material.

1.5.3 Aggregate

Submit notification of selected source from which aggregates are to be

obtained, within 15 days after the award of contract. Perform tests for
determining the suitability of aggregate including, but not limited to:
sieve analysis in accordance with ASTM C136/C136M using sieves conforming
to ASTM E11, liquid limits and plasticity index in accordance with
ASTM D4318, and sand equivalent test in accordance with ASTM D2419. Do
not submit aggregate test data older than 6 months since the testing was
performed. Take aggregate samples for laboratory tests in accordance with
ASTM D75/D75M. Submit certified copies of aggregate test results, not less
than [30] [_____] days before the material is required in the work.

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 8

1.5.4 Bituminous Material

Submit notification of selected source of bituminous material within 15

days after the award of contract. Submit certified copies of the
manufacturer's test reports indicating compliance with applicable
specified requirements, not less than [30] [_____] days before the
material is required in the work.


1.6.1 Environmental Requirements

Do not apply bituminous material when the atmospheric temperature is less

than 10 degrees C 50 degrees F or to soils that are frozen or contain
frost. If the temperature falls below 2 degrees C 35 degrees F, protect
completed bitumen-treated areas against any detrimental effects of


1.7.1 Tolerances

Acceptance of bituminous stabilized [base course] [subbase] is based on

compliance with the tolerances presented in Table 1. Remove and replace
bituminous stabilized mixture represented by the failing tests or submit
repair plan for approval.


Attribute Tolerance

Field Density minimum of 95 percent

Asphalt Content plus/minus 0.5 percent of mix design

Smoothness maximum of 10 mm 3/8 inch

Thickness (individual measurement) maximum of 13 mm 1/2 inch

Thickness (average of all measurements) minimum of 6 mm 1/4 inch

1.7.2 Test Section

[Place a test section of at least 2.5 by 30 m 8 by 100 feet, utilizing the

equipment and procedures proposed for use, to demonstrate that bituminous
stabilized mixture conforming to this specification can be produced.
Acceptance of the test section is based on compliance with the tolerances
listed in Table 1.] [A test section is not required.]



2.1.1 Bituminous Material

NOTE: Select asphalt emulsion type for the bituminous-stabilized mixture

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 9

based on the classification of the soils evaluated during the site
geotechnical investigation.

Course Emulsion Type

Base Course MS-2h, HFMS-2h, HFMS-2s, SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h

Subbase Course

GP MS-1, HFMS-1, MS-2h, HFMS-2h, CMS-2, CMS-2h

GW MS-2h, HFMS-2h, HFMS-2s, SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h

SW, SP MS-2h, HFMS-2h, HFMS-2s, SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h

GM, SM MS-2h, HFMS-2h, HFMS-2s, SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h

Combinations of above MS-2h, HFMS-2h, HFMS-2s, SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h

************************************************************************** Bituminous-Stabilized Mixture

Provide emulsified asphalt conforming to [ASTM D977 Type [MS-1] [MS-2h]

[HFMS-1] [HFMS-2h] [HFMS-2s] [SS-1] [SS-1h]] [ASTM D2397/D2397M Type
[CMS-2][CMS-2h][CSS-1][CSS-1h]]. Prime Coat

Provide emulsified asphalt conforming to [ASTM D977, Type [SS-1] [SS1h]] [

ASTM D2397/D2397M, Type [CSS-1] [CSS-1h]]. Asphalt emulsion can be
diluted up to 1 part water to 1 part emulsion for prime coat use.

2.1.2 Material to be Stabilized

NOTE: Specify imported select material for 80 CBR
bituminous base course.

Specify in-place or imported materials for subbase.

The CBR depends on aggregate gradation as follows.
Delete inapplicable materials.

Gradation No. Design CBR

1 50 Max
2 40 Max
3 30 Max

Refer to UFC 3-250-11 and UFC 3-270-01 for further

information, including applicability of bituminous
************************************************************************** Select Material for Bituminous Stabilized Base Course

[Select material conforming to ASTM D2940/D2940M, base course gradation

Table 1. Verify select material has a liquid limit less than 25 [_____]

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 10

and a Plasticity Index less than 4 [_____] when tested in accordance with
ASTM D4318; the percentage of wear less than 40 [_____] percent in
accordance with ASTM C131/C131M; and a sand equivalent percentage greater
than 35 percent in accordance with ASTM D2419. Perform sieve analysis in
accordance with ASTM C117 and ASTM C136/C136M.] Aggregate for Bituminous-Stabilized Subbase Course

[In-place or imported soil or aggregate conforming to soil classifications

GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, SM, or combinations thereof. Soil classification in
accordance with ASTM D2487 and ASTM D2488. Verify material has a
plasticity index equal to or less than 10 in accordance with ASTM D4318
and a sand equivalent percentage greater than 35 percent in accordance
with ASTM D2419. Perform sieve analysis in accordance with ASTM C117 and
ASTM C136/C136M. Provide aggregates within the limits specified as follows:


Maximum Allowable Percentage by Weight Passing Square-Mesh Sieve

Sieve Designation No. 1 No. 2 No. 3

50 mm2 inch 100 100 100

2 mmNo. 10 50 80 100

0.075 mmNo. 200 30 30 30

2.1.3 Stockpiling Materials

NOTE: Delete this paragraph when select material is
not required or when small quantities do not justify
the inclusion of select materials.

Stockpile select material, including approved material available from

excavation and grading in the manner and at the locations designated.
Clear, drain, and level storage sites before stockpiling material.
Separately stockpile materials obtained from different sources. Maintain a
separation distance or barrier between stockpiles to prevent

2.1.4 Water

Furnish clean, fresh, and potable water.


NOTE: For base courses, specify a CBR of 80.
For subbase courses, specify CBR value on the basis
of the gradation chosen.

Specify soaked condition and surcharge load.

Default values are 24-hour soaked and 4.5 kg 10 lb

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 11

surcharge load.

Develop and submit for approval a proposed mix design prior to

stabilization work. Develop mix using samples of the material to be
stabilized. Conduct mix design in accordance with ARRA FDR201A. Verify
CBR bearing value of [80][50][40][30] or greater in accordance with
ASTM D1883 when tested in a [24-hour soaked] [unsoaked] condition under a
surcharge load of 4.5 [_____] kg 10 [_____] lb.

2.2.1 Mix Design Report

Perform trial design batches, mixture proportioning studies, testing, and

submit results demonstrating that the proposed mixture proportions produce
a bituminous-stabilized mixture of the qualities indicated. Submit test
results in a mix design report to include:

a. Gradation, sand equivalent, and Plasticity Index of soil or aggregate.

b. Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content.
c. Density, maximum specific gravity, air void content, dry and moisture
conditioned indirect tensile strength and level of saturation at each
emulsified asphalt stabilizing agent content.
d. Optimum emulsified asphalt stabilizing agent content as a percentage
of dry materials.
e. Density, air void content, dry and moisture conditioned indirect
tensile strength and CBR value at recommended moisture and emulsified
asphalt stabilizing content.
f. Emulsified asphalt stabilizing agent designation, supplier name and
g. Emulsified asphalt residue content and certificates of compliance.


NOTE: NOTE: Specify a central plant and mechanical
spreader for mixing and placing bituminous
stabilized base course and delete the
mixer/reclaimer and traveling plant provisions. For
bituminous stabilized subbase, include central
plant, mixer/reclaimer, and traveling plant

Submit list of proposed equipment to be used in performance of

construction work, including descriptive data. Plant, equipment,
machines, and tools used in the work are subject to approval. Maintain in
a satisfactory working condition at all times. Provide equipment with the
capability of producing the required compaction, meeting grade controls,
thickness control and smoothness requirements indicated.

2.3.1 Central Plant

Provide a batch or continuous flow type central plant capable of producing

a uniform bituminous stabilized mixture at the required asphalt emulsion
and moisture contents. Equip the mixer with calibrated metering and
feeding devices that introduce the aggregate, bituminous material, water,
and additives (if used) into the mixer in the specified quantities. If
necessary, use a screening device to remove oversized material greater
than 2 inches (50 mm) from the raw aggregate feed.

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 12

2.3.2 Mechanical Spreader

Provide a steerable, self propelled, mechanical spreader having variable

speeds forward and reverse. Mount the spreader on tracks, rubber tires, or
drum-type steel rollers that will not disturb the underlying material.
Provide a spreader containing a hopper, an adjustable screed, and outboard
bumper rolls; designed to have a uniform, steady flow of material from the
hopper; and capable of laying material without segregation, across the full
width of the lane, to a uniform thickness and to a uniform loose density so
that when compacted, the layer or layers conform to thickness and grade
requirements indicated.

2.3.3 Mixer/Reclaimer

Provide a self-propelled, four-wheel drive rotary mixer/reclaimer, capable

of pulverizing the soil in a single pass for the full depth to be
stabilized and providing a mixing action capable of uniformly blending and
mixing the required bituminous material content with the aggregate. Equip
with a rotor capable of up or down cutting. Equip the mixer/reclaimer with
an integrated additive injection system capable of introducing bituminous
emulsion into the cutting drum during the mixing process. Provide a
metering device capable of automatically adjusting the flow of the
bituminous emulsion to compensate for any variation in the amount of
reclaimed material introduced into the mixing chamber.

2.3.4 Traveling Plant

Provide a traveling plant capable of moving at a uniform rate of speed

and accomplishing thorough mixing of the materials in one pass. Deliver
water and bituminous material from supply trucks or bins at a
predetermined rate. Construct windrows of prepared bituminous stabilized
mixture to cover a predetermined width to the indicated compacted

2.3.5 Bituminous Distributor

Provide a distributor with pneumatic tires that prevent rutting, shoving,

or otherwise damaging other layers in the pavement structure. Provide
capability to spray bituminous material in a uniform double or triple lap
at the specified temperature, at variable widths, and at readily
determined and controlled rates from 0.15 to 6.5 L/square meter 0.05 to
2.0 gallons/square yard. Equip distributor to circulate and agitate the
bituminous material during the heating process. The bituminous distributor
is permitted only for applying tack, prime, and seal coats and not for
applying bitumen to be mixed into the stabilized mixture.

2.3.6 Rollers

Compact the bituminous stabilized mixture using one or a combination of

the following pieces of equipment: tamping or grid roller; steel-wheeled
roller; vibratory roller; pneumatic-tire roller, and/or vibrating plate
compactor (for areas inaccessible to rollers). Compact the bituminous
stabilized mixture using the number, type, and weight of rollers and/or
compactors sufficient to compact the mixture to the required density.

2.3.7 Straightedge

Furnish and maintain at the site, in good condition, one [3.05] [3.66]

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 13

meter [10] [12] foot straightedge for each bituminous paver, for use in
the testing of the finished surface. Make straightedge available for
government use. Construct straightedges of aluminum or other lightweight
metal having blades of box or box-girder cross section with flat bottom
reinforced to insure rigidity and accuracy. Equip straightedge with
handles to facilitate straightedge movement on the bituminous stabilized



NOTE: Delete this paragraph when select material is
not required or when small quantities do not justify
the inclusion of select materials. Delete sentence
in the first set of brackets when onsite material is
not available.

Select aggregate sources than can produce the quality and quantity of base
course materials meeting these specification requirements in the specified
time limits. [Upon completion of the work, condition aggregate sources on
Government property to drain readily and leave in a satisfactory
condition.] [Obtain aggregate material from offsite sources. Condition
aggregate sources on private lands in agreement with local laws or


NOTE: Delete inapplicable subparagraph.

Remove brackets and retain second sentence for

imported base course material. Remove brackets and
retain third sentence for in-place subbase material.

Clean area and dispose of debris and unsatisfactory in-place material [as
directed] [in waste disposal areas indicated]. [Visually inspect area for
adequate compaction and capability of withstanding, without displacement,
compaction specified for the bituminous-stabilized base course mixture.]
[Visually inspect the exposed material to be stabilized prior to mixing.]
When the stabilized course is constructed in more than one layer, clean
the previously constructed layer of loose and foreign matter by sweeping
with power sweepers or power brooms, except that hand brooms may be used
in areas where power cleaning is not practicable. Provide adequate
drainage during the entire construction period to prevent water from
collecting or standing on the area to be stabilized or on pulverized,
mixed, or partially mixed material.

3.2.1 In-Place Material to be Stabilized

Grade and shape the entire area to conform to the lines, grades, and cross
sections shown prior to being processed. Make soft or yielding areas
stable before construction is begun.

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 14

3.2.2 In-Place Materials to Receive Stabilized Course

[Remove and replace or rework soft or yielding areas on the surface prior
to placing bituminous-stabilized mixture. Aerate material in the affected
area and remove all unsatisfactory materials. Add material as directed.
Shape to line, grade, and cross section and compact the new work to the
specified density.] [Conform subgrade to Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK.]
[Conform subbase course to Section 32 11 20 [BASE COURSE FOR RIGID][ AND

3.2.3 Select Material

NOTE: Delete paragraph if select material is not

Utilize sufficient select material to provide the required thickness of

the bituminous-stabilized layer after compaction; process it to meet the
requirements specified, before bituminous stabilization is undertaken.


Excavate underlying material to sufficient depth for the required

bituminous-stabilized course thickness so that the finish stabilized
course and the subsequent surface course will meet the fixed grade.
Provide line and grade stakes as necessary for control. Place grade
stakes in lines parallel to the centerline of the area under construction
and suitably spaced for string lining. Verify the finished and completed
stabilized area conforms to the lines, grades, cross section, and
dimensions indicated.


NOTE: For base courses, specify central plant
mixing method and delete requirements for traveling
plant and mix-in-place mix methods.

For subbase courses, select mixing method based on

material source (imported or in-place).

3.4.1 Mixed-in-Place Method

NOTE: Mixing the materials by the mixed-in-place
method should be considered for those jobs where the
thickness of the stabilized layer is 150 mm 6 inches
or less. Because the maximum layer thickness is 150
mm 6 inches, constructing a thicker layer by this
method would require removal of the top portion of
material. The lower portion would then be mixed and
compacted, and the top portion mixed, replaced and


SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 15 Scarifying and Pulverizing of Soil

Prior to the application of bituminous materials, scarify and pulverize

the soil [to the depth shown on the drawings] [to a depth of [_____] mm
inches]. Control scarification so that the layer beneath the layer to be
stabilized is not disturbed. Do not exceed the depths indicated. Unless
otherwise noted, do not scarify or pulverize any area larger than can be
completed in 2 working days. Application of Water

Once soils have been scarified and pulverized, shape to cross sections and
grades indicated and determine moisture content of the soils. Add water
in increments and partially incorporate each increment of water in the mix
to avoid concentration of water near the surface. After the last
increment of water has been added, continue mixing until the water is
uniformly distributed throughout the mixture, including satisfactory
moisture distribution along the edges of the section. Application of Bituminous Material

Distribute the bituminous material at the specified rate of residual

asphalt by a spray bar integrated into the mixer/reclaimer cutting drum
within a temperature range of 25 to 55 degrees C 75 to 130 degrees F.
Uniformly mix bituminous material with the soil. If the bituminous
material is applied in more than one increment, partially mix each
application into the material as directed. After the required amount of
bituminous material has been added to the loose material, thoroughly mix
the bituminous material and soil. After mixing is completed, verify the
bituminous-stabilized mixture conforms to the mix design proportions and
the moisture content is within 1 percent of the mix design. Include the
water used to dilute the asphalt emulsion in the moisture content
calculation. Do not permit heavy equipment, except the soil mixer, to pass
over the freshly spread bituminous material.

3.4.2 Traveling Plant Method

Place the pulverized material in windrows of sufficient size to cover a

predetermined width to the indicated compacted thickness. Operate the
traveling plant at a constant speed and sufficiently slowly so that the
soils and bitumen are thoroughly mixed. Deliver water and bituminous
material separately or together at a predetermined rate.

3.4.3 Central Plant Method Mixing

Load and haul select material from pits or stockpiles so that a uniform
grade of each material is delivered to the central-mixing plant. Feed
properly batched or proportioned aggregate and soil binder materials into
the mixing unit together with the bituminous material and the quantity of
water needed to obtain the required optimum moisture content. Continue
mixing until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Haul mixture to the job
in trucks equipped with protective covers. Place mixture with mechanical
spreaders. Placing

Place the mixed material on the prepared subgrade or subbase in layers of

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 16

uniform thickness with an approved spreader. When a compacted layer 150 mm
6 inches or less in thickness is required, place the material in a single
layer. When a compacted layer in excess of 150 mm 6 inches is required,
place the material in layers of equal thickness. Do not place layers more
than 150 mm 6 inches or less than 80 mm 3 inches when compacted. When
compacted, provide layers true to the grades or levels required with the
least possible surface disturbance. Make such adjustments in placing
procedures or equipment to obtain true grades, to minimize segregation and
degradation, to adjust the water content, and to ensure an acceptable base


NOTE: If central plant is not specified, delete the
first sentence. Density will be based on the
material being stabilized.

[For plant-mixed, machine laid materials, begin compaction immediately

following placement.] [For mixed-in-place material, allow the
bituminous-stabilized mixture an adequate amount of time to cure. After
curing, shape the bituminous-stabilized mixture approximately to the
specified lines and grades and thoroughly loosen to its full depth and
width.] Begin rolling at the outside edge of the surface and proceed to
the center, overlapping on successive passes at least one-half the width
of the roller. Make adjacent passes of the roller at slightly different
lengths. Do not permit bituminous-stabilized materials to displace, pump,
or shove. Continue compaction efforts until the compacted mixture is at
least [95] [_____] percent of laboratory maximum density. Compact areas
inaccessible to rollers using mechanical tamping equipment.


3.6.1 Longitudinal Joints

For areas where plant-mixed bituminous-stabilized material is placed in

successive strips, remove 300 mm 1 foot of the edge of the material prior
to placing the adjacent strip. For the shoulders of the
bituminous-stabilized areas, place approved material along the edges of
the bituminous-stabilized course to compact to the thickness of the course
being constructed, or to the thickness of each layer in a multiple-layer
course. Compact at least 300 mm 1 foot width of the shoulder or previously
placed strip at the same time as compacting each layer of the
bituminous-stabilized course.

3.6.2 Transverse Joints

At the end of each day's construction, form a straight transverse

construction joint by cutting back into the completed work to obtain a
true vertical face free of loose or shattered material. Remove material
along construction joints not properly compacted and replace with
bituminous-stabilized mixture that is mixed, moistened, and compacted in
accordance with this specification.


Finish the surface of the top layer to grade and cross section as shown on
the drawings and to a uniform texture. Light blading during compaction

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 17

may be necessary for the finished surface to conform to the lines, grades,
and cross sections. If the surface becomes rough, corrugated, uneven in
texture, or traffic-marked prior to completion, rework or replace the
unsatisfactory area, as directed. If any areas become saturated by water,
immediately remove that portion, place in a windrow and aerate until a
moisture content within the limits specified is obtained. Verify the
moisture content is within the specified limits, replace the
bituminous-stabilized mixture in layers, and compact to the specified

3.7.1 Smoothness

NOTE: For subbase stabilization, delete this

Evaluate the finished surface with a straightedge. Limit deviations in the

surface of each layer to the tolerances shown in Table 1. Correct
deviations exceeding this tolerance by removing and replacing with new
bituminous-stabilized mixture, or by reworking existing material and
compacting, as directed.

3.7.2 Thickness Control

NOTE: When subbase or base courses are constructed
less than 150 mm 6 inches in total thickness, a
deficiency of 13 mm 1/2 inch in thickness is
considered excessive. Applicable to job conditions,
the thickness tolerance provisions may be modified
as required, restricting all deficiencies to not over
6 mm 1/4 inch. Coordinate changes with Table 1.

Build the compacted thickness of the stabilized course within 13 mm 1/2

inch of the thickness indicated. Where measured thickness of the
stabilized course is more than 13 mm 1/2 inch deficient, correct such
areas by removing the full depth of the layer, replacing with new material
of proper gradation, and recompacting as directed. Where the measured
thickness of the stabilized course is more than 13 mm 1/2 inch thicker
than indicated, consider the course as conforming to the specified
thickness requirements. Average job thickness is the average of all
thickness measurements taken for the job, but within the tolerances of
Table 1.


NOTE: A bituminous stabilized course should be
waterproof without an additional prime coat. Retain
prime coat provisions if sanding or dusting of the
bituminous-primed surfaces is required or if it will
be at least 7 days before an asphalt mixture is
constructed on the stabilized course.

Before dust settles on the area, apply a prime coat of bituminous material
to the finished surface. Uniformly apply bituminous material at the rate

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 18

of 0.22 to 0.91 L/square meter 0.05 to 0.20 gallons/square yard. [Protect
bituminous material by sanding or dusting the treated surface. Uniformly
apply sand at the rate of 3.5 to 4.5 kg/square meter 6 to 8 pounds/square


3.9.1 Sampling and Testing

Perform sampling and testing in sufficient numbers and at the locations

and times directed to ensure that materials and compaction meet specified
requirements. Furnish certified copies of test results within 24 hours of
completion of tests. Replace or repair all in-place unacceptable material.

3.9.2 Field Density

Express compaction as a percentage of the laboratory maximum density.

Prepare laboratory samples from an uncompacted mixture obtained
immediately prior to field compaction and compact the samples in
accordance with ASTM D1557. Perform a minimum of one laboratory compaction
test for each 4 hours of mixture placed. Determine as-built density of the
bituminous-stabilized and compacted course in accordance with [
ASTM D1556/D1556M][ASTM D6938. When a nuclear gauge is used, check the
calibration curves and adjust if necessary, using the sand cone method as
described in paragraph Calibration of ASTM D6938. ASTM D6938 results in a
wet unit weight of soil and is used to determine the moisture content of
the soil. Check the calibration curves furnished with the moisture gauges
along with density calibration checks as described in ASTM D6938. If
ASTM D6938 is used, check the in-place densities by ASTM D1556/D1556M at
least once per lift for each day's production of stabilized material.
Furnish calibration curves and calibration test results within 24 hours of
conclusion of the tests.] Perform at least one field density test for each
[200] [_____] square meters [250] [_____] square yards of each layer of
stabilized material.

3.9.3 Sieve Analysis

NOTE: Delete the bracketed reference to source of
materials when select material is not required.

Perform a minimum of 1 analysis for each [1000] [_____] metric tons tons
of material to be stabilized until the course is completed. When [the
source of materials is changed or] deficiencies are found, repeat the
analysis and retest the material already placed to determine the extent of
unacceptable material. Replace all in-place unacceptable material at no
additional cost to the Government.

3.9.4 Liquid Limit and Plasticity Index

Perform one liquid limit and plasticity index for each sieve analysis in
accordance with ASTM D4318.

3.9.5 Extraction Test

Conduct asphalt content tests in accordance with ASTM D2172/D2172M or

ASTM D6307, to confirm the amount of bitumen and moisture in the mixture.
Adjust operation as required to maintain the asphalt content within the

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 19

tolerances of Table 1. Conduct one test [for every 4 hours of placement]
[for every 275 metric tons 300 tons of mixture placed]. Take samples in
accordance with ASTM D979/D979M.

3.9.6 Smoothness Test

NOTE: For subbase stabilization, delete this

Test the entire area of the bituminous-stabilized course in both a

longitudinal and a transverse direction on parallel lines. Perform the
transverse lines 4.5 m 15 feet or less apart, as directed. Locate the
longitudinal lines at the centerline of each bituminous-stabilized pass
and at the 1/8th point in from each side of the pass.

3.9.7 Thickness

Measure thickness of the stabilized course at intervals of 1 measurement

for each [400] [_____] square meters [500] [_____] square yards of
stabilized course. Take measurements in 75 mm 3 inch diameter test holes
penetrating the stabilized course.

3.9.8 Bituminous Material

Sample the bituminous material used in accordance with ASTM D140/D140M.


Maintain stabilized area in a satisfactory condition until accepted.

Maintenance includes immediate repairs to any defects, repeated as often
as necessary to keep the area intact. Correct defects as specified.


Completed portions of the bituminous-stabilized area may be opened to

controlled traffic within 4 hours of completion of the course, if approved.

-- End of Section --

SECTION 32 11 26.19 Page 20

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