CMM Coordinate Measuring Machines

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Your competent partner for

Coordinate Measuring Technology

User-friendly measuring software

Precision „Made in Germany“

THOME Precision GmbH Tel.: +49-(0)6159/7093-0


Manual Coordinate Measuring Machine SMART

 Single clamping of all axes

 Two-stage fine drive

Stage 1: Fast positioning for fast probing
of easily accessible contours.
Stage 2: Fine positioning for touching
very small geometries.

Air-bearing granite
guides for highest
accuracy and thermal

Double passive vibration damping

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The technical data of the manual Coordinate Measuring Machine SMART:

Measuring area X/Y/Z [mm] 600/400/280 800/400/280 600/500/280 800/500/280 800/600/280

Machine weight [kg] 410 500 500 600 730
Permissible Workpiece weight 200 250 200 250 300
Length L [mm] 1.015 1.215 1.015 1.215 1.215
Width B [mm] 760 760 860 860 960
Height H [mm] 1.845
Table height TH [mm] 850
Length measurement deviation
MPEE = 3,0 + (L/250) with TP20 and TP8 Touchprobe
according to ISO 10360-2 [µm]
Probe deviation according to ISO
MPEP = 3,5 with TP20 and TP8 Touchprobe
10360-2 [µm]
Resolution of the scales [µm] 0,5
Without temp. Compensation: 20°C +/-2°C, max. 1°C per hour and 1.5 ° C per day.
Temperature to ensure the length
With online temp. Compensation: 15°C – 28°C, max. 1°C per hour and 3°C per day.
measurement uncertainty
Spatial temp. Gradient: Max. 1°C per meter.
Air consumption 25 [l/min] Air source: min. 120 [l/min]
Air quality Cleaned and filtered compressed air at 6 bar. Air quality according to ISO 8573 Part 1 Class 2.
Electrical connection 4 earthed Schuko sockets 220V with 16A fuse. Power consumption: max. 700 watts.

The manual measuring machine SMART is a very robust, reliable and precise measuring machine with an optimized price /
performance ratio.

In addition to the dimensions mentioned here, we also like to create your own individual offer, with the optimal solution for

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CNC Coordinate Measuring Machine RAPID-Plus

Covered guides
For protection against dirt and thermal influences. User-friendly measuring software

Air-bearing granite
guides for highest Fast and easy inspection with excellent
accuracy and thermal graphical support.

Joystick and
controller by

Double passive
vibration damping

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The technical data of the CNC Coordinate Measuring Machine RAPID-Plus:
Measuring area X/Y/Z [mm] 500/700/500 600/800/500 700/1200/600 800/1200/700 800/1500/700
Machine weight [kg] 750 1.100 1.500 2.100 2.700
Permissible Workpiece weight 500 600 700 800 900
Length L [mm] 1.460 1.560 1.960 1.960 2.260
Width B [mm] 1.071 1.171 1.271 1.371 1.371
Height H [mm] 2.450 2.450 2.650 2.850 2.850
Table height TH [mm] 1.900 1.900 2.000 2.100 2.100
Length measurement deviation
according to ISO 10360-2 [µm]
Probe deviation according to MPEE = 1,9 + (L/350) with TP200 and SP25 Touchprobe
ISO 10360-2 [µm] MPEE = 2,2 + (L/350) with TP20 and TP8 Touchprobe
MPEP = 2,1 with TP200 and SP25 Touchprobe
Table height TH [mm]
MPEP = 2,5 with TP20 and TP8 Touchprobe
Scanning probe deviation MPETHP = 3,5
according to ISO 10360-4 [µm] Required measurement time MPTτ = 68 [s]
Resolution of the scales [µm] 0,5
Joystick speed 0 – 150 [mm/s]
Max. speed 1.000 [mm/s]
Max. acceleration 400 [mm/s2]
Temperature to ensure the Without temp. Compensation: 20°C +/-2°C, max. 1°C per hour and 1.5 ° C per day.
length measurement With online temp. Compensation: 15°C – 28°C, max. 1°C per hour and 3°C per day.
uncertainty Spatial temp. Gradient: Max. 1°C per meter.
25 [l/min] Air source: min. 120 [l/min]
Air consumption
Cleaned and filtered compressed air at 6 bar. Air quality according to ISO 8573 Part 1
Air quality
Class 2.
Electrical connection 4 earthed Schuko sockets 220V with 16A fuse. Power consumption: max. 1.000 watts.

The RAPID-Plus can be delivered in many different axis lengths combinations! Each in 100 mm steps. The above mentioned
measuring lengths are preferred standard dimensions with shorter delivery times.

Maximum reliability, high precision and an optimized price / performance ratio make this Coordinate Measuring Machine to
the ideal choice for the inspection of your workpieces.

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CNC Coordinate Measuring Machine TETA

Covered guides
For protection against dirt and thermal influences.

Air-bearing granite
guides for highest
accuracy and thermal

Double passive
vibration damping

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The technical data of the CNC Coordinate Measuring Machine TETA:
Measuring area X/Y/Z [mm] 900/1.200/800 900/1.500/800 1.000/1.800/800 1.100/1.800/900 1.100/2.200/1.000
Machine weight [kg] 3.750 4.300 5.000 5.500 6.500
Permissible Workpiece
1.100 1.400 1.700 2.000 2.300
Length L [mm] 2.500 2.800 3.100 3.100 3.500
Width B [mm] 1.900 1.900 2.000 2.100 2.100
Height H [mm] 3.350 3.350 3.350 3.550 3.750
Table height TH [mm] 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.400 2.500
Length measurement
deviation according to ISO 700
10360-2 [µm]
Probe deviation according MPEE = 3.1 + (L/350) with TP200 and SP25 Touchprobe
to ISO 10360-2 [µm] MPEE = 3.5 + (L/350) with TP20 and TP8 Touchprobe
Table height TH [mm]
MPEP = 3.5 with TP200 and SP25 Touchprobe
MPEP = 3.9 with TP20 and TP8 Touchprobe
Scanning probe deviation MPETHP = 4.2
according to ISO 10360-4 [µm] Required measurement time MPTτ = 72 [s]
Resolution of the scales [µm] 0,5
Joystick speed 0 – 150 [mm/s]
Max. speed 540 [mm/s]
Max. acceleration 400 [mm/s2]
Temperature to ensure the Without temp. Compensation: 20°C +/-2°C, max. 1°C per hour and 1.5 ° C per day.
length measurement With online temp. Compensation: 15°C – 28°C, max. 1°C per hour and 3°C per day.
uncertainty Spatial temp. Gradient: Max. 1°C per meter.
Air consumption 35 [l/min] Air source: min. 180 [l/min]
Air quality Cleaned and filtered compressed air at 6 bar. Air quality according to ISO 8573 Part 1 Class 2.
Electrical connection 4 earthed Schuko sockets 220V with 16A fuse. Power consumption: max. 1.000 watts.

The TETA is a very robust, reliable and precise Coordinate Measuring Machine with an optimized price / performance ratio.
In addition to the dimensions mentioned here, we are pleased to create your own individual offer, with the optimal solution
for you.
THOME Precision GmbH Tel.: +49-(0)6159/7093-0 7 / 16

The user-friendly measuring software for Coordinate Measuring Machines

ThomControl impresses with its simple operation. Extensive graphical support allows inexperienced operators to
measure efficiently and quickly after a few days. With the teach-in method, measuring programs can be taught
in with a joystick. On a CAD model, the elements can be clicked directly and automatically measured. The
measuring program is created automatically in the background. For all elements, CNC probing strategies are
available. These strategies are displayed and can be modified as needed.

ThomControl is based on the I++ DME communication interface and can be used with all hardware components
that support this interface. As a result, the modernization (RETROFIT) of old measuring machines of any
manufacturer is possible very cost-effectively.

ThomControl is subject to constant further development. The most important modules of ThomControl are
briefly presented below. Our engineers are also happy to answer any questions you may have.

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ThomControl | Basic geometry

Simple, intuitive operation with graphic support through a clear user


All elements are displayed graphically in 3D and can be displayed

graphically in the measurement report for better interpretation of
the measurement results.

The nominal values of the elements can be entered in clear

windows and then the actuals can automatically be measured by
using a CNC strategy.
CAD strategies for already measured or defined
elements are available.
A tolerance database with ISO tolerances according to DIN ISO 286
is integrated.

The last measurement result is displayed directly in the result

window with a graphical trend bar. So the operator sees all
deviations at one view.

Easily create alignments using 3-2-1 orientation or geometric

orientation, each with a graphical preview.

When creating an alignment, you get a real-time The alignments can be rotated and moved as desired.
graphical preview.

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Extensive shape and position evaluations such as parallelism,
squareness, position, coaxiality, concentricity, symmetry,
concentricity, total runout, flatness, straightness, roundness and
cylindricity are available.

The measuring programs can be created very easily and changed by

double-clicking on a program line.

Both CNC and manual measuring programs can be generated. All

measurement results are saved and can be running again at any
Simple operation due to clear arrangement and
easy-to-understand dialogues. In addition to the internal file format of ThomControl, the
measurement protocols can also be saved in Word, Excel and PDF

The measurement protocols are easily adaptable to individual

needs. Several standard protocol templates are included.

Various constructions of geometric elements allow extensive

calculations of theoretical dimensions. Thus, best-fit elements can
be generated from points or midpoints.

The constructions of intersections, middle elements and parallel

elements are also available.
Part of a measurement protocol in tabular form.

ThomControl | Basic geometry with CAD

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In addition to the functionalities of the basic geometry module,
CAD files in IGS and STEP format can be imported with the CAD

Geometry elements can be selected via the CAD file with a mouse
click and automatically measured. ThomControl proposes a
measuring strategy and displays the travel paths graphically in
advance. The measurement strategy can be changed as needed.
For all elements, CNC strategies are displayed.

The measuring program is created by simply clicking on the CAD

elements. The nominal values are generated automatically and
taken over from the CAD file. The optimal vectorial approach of
the measuring points is thereby ensured. Any number of
measuring points can be approached also in difficult areas.

The offline programming and simulation of the program

sequences allows a better utilization of your measuring machine.

The RPS alignment allows quick and easy alignment against CAD.
The CAD models can be switched to transparent with
one click.
The graphical view of the CAD models can be switched with one
click between the various display options (mesh, transparent,

When printing the measurement reports, the output can be sorted

according to different criteria. The operator can also specify the
printout of an element individually.
The measurement protocols can be saved in PDF, WORD and
With the RPS-alignment the operator can align the EXCEL format. The clearly arranged protocol editor enables quick
workpiece very quickly and accurately against CAD.
and easy creation of measurement reports in various individually
designed variants.

The print and save command can be integrated into the measuring
program so that the printout is created automatically. In doing so,
user queries can also be generated.

Measurement protocols can be designed individually.

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ThomControl | Basic geometry with CAD and freeform surfaces

The 6-surfacepoint alignment, the RPS alignment, and the Best-fit

alignment can be used for a quick and accurate alignment against
a CAD-Part.

The measurement of sections is done simply by clicking Start and

End points. The point density can be set individually. The cutting
plane is displayed graphically and the cutting process is previewed
and can be changed if necessary.

The workpiece can be aligned very quickly at first over

a 6-surface-points-alignment. Then all elements can be
measured by clicking on the CAD model.

During the definition of a section the cutting plane is

shown and the start and end points are clearly visible. The analysis of the sections can be done directly in the CAD

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Any views in the graphic can be saved. These views are listed in a
database and can be reactivated if required or printed out in the
measurement report. Deviations can be represented graphically
by deviation vectors and by color mapping.

But you can also get a detailed view of the section via a one-click
button. In this detailed view, the highest and lowest points are
marked and labeled with their deviations.

Surface points can be measured

using automatically generated point
grids. To create the grid, the user
clicks 3 points on the CAD-Part. The
number of measuring points can be
Detail of a section. The point with the smallest and the
set individually for the grid. All
largest deviation are marked and labeled with the measuring points are first displayed
actual value. in a graphical preview and can then
be adjusted individually.

Line and surface tolerances can be

calculated quickly and easily from
the measured surface points. In the
form of graphic result windows, all
form and position tolerances can be
displayed in the graphic window.

A grid of surface points can be generated

automatically and placed over a CAD surface.

Graphical inspection protocols can be easily created and evaluated clearly.

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Clamping system SPANNFIX

The modular clamping system from THOME Präzision is a highly effective and simple clamping system. A wide
range of components, such as pillars and swivel brackets, allow quick, flexible and easy assembly of devices. This
allows the most diverse parts economically to clamp.

All SPANNFIX components are compatible with the T-slot clamping plates and all other plates that have an M6
thread. All items are made of corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel and anodized aluminum.

All clamping plates have T-slots and engraved markings at a distance of 25 mm. They serve as an orientation aid
in the construction of reproducible devices.

Flexible touch probes from RENISHAW

As a competent partner of RENISHAW we rely on the highest quality standard of the market leader.

The range of touch probes is so comprehensive that the RENISHAW systems meet all customer requirements.
From the simple, inexpensive entry-level model to the complex 5-axis scanning probe with automatic probe

Our engineers will be pleased to support you when choosing the most suitable clamping system for your

THOME Precision GmbH Tel.: +49-(0)6159/7093-0 14 / 16


PH10T / PH10M motorized rotary head

Motoriced Rotating probehead.
Moving in 2 axis in 7.5°-steps (Max. 720 positions).

Reproducibility of position 0.5 m at about 100 mm turning radius.

Max. Length of extension 300 mm.

PH10T: Can be combined with touch probes TP20 and TP200. (No Scanning probes!)
PH10M: Can also be combined with the scanning probe SP25.

PH20 stepless five-axis touch-trigger probe with "Head Touch“

PH20's infinite positioning capability guarantees optimal feature access, minimising stylus changes.
The 5-axis simultaneous motion allows larger parts to be measured on the CMM by minimising the
space required around the part for head rotation. PH20 automatically aligns itself with the part co-
ordinate system, avoiding stylus collisions and the requirement for accurate fixtures..
Each angular position in the room is adjustable with an angular resolution of 0.08 arcseconds
(0.04 μm in relation to 100 mm radius).
Adjustment ranges: A-axis +/- 115 ° B-axis continuous.
Max probing speed: 50 mm/s.

REVO 5-axis scanning technology

Unlimited positioning capabilities with REVO ™ and high-speed scanning with 5-axis
technology make this scan head a superstar in this discipline.

Our engineers will gladly advise you on your application requirements.

Services for our Coordinate Measuring Machines

Customized service solutions for our Coordinate Measuring Machines. We are pleased to offer you allround
support or even individual support components for your Coordinate Measuring Machine.

 Machine maintenance contract, for the maintenance and calibration of your measuring
machine every year or every two years.
 Software maintenance contract, includes regular new updates and expert support from our
service team.
 Modernization of older Coordinate Measuring Machines. Make your old "sweetheart" fit for the
future by modernizing with new electronics and modern measurement software.

Contact us. We would be happy to explain you the individual components in a personal conversation.

THOME Precision GmbH Tel.: +49-(0)6159/7093-0 15 / 16


THOME Precision GmbH: The enterprise

THOME Precision is a family business. We develop and manufacture Coordinate Measuring Machines and the
userfriendly measurement software ThomControl in-house.

Since 1996 we develop and produce high-precision Coordinate Measuring Machines at our company location
near Frankfurt / Germany.

The development and production takes place exclusively in Germany.

For the probes and controllers, we rely on the high quality from RENISHAW.

As a medium-sized company, our customers like our high level of flexibility, good service and the willingness to
implement special requests. Our experienced developers are happy to create a customized solution as well for

We look forward to seeing you!

Your THOME precision team.

THOME Precision GmbH

Zeilharder Str. 31,
D-64409 Messel / Germany
Tel +49-(0)6159/7093-0, Fax -10

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