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Facies characteristics and depositional models of highly

bioturbated shallow marine siliciclastic strata: An example
from the Fulmar Formation (Late Juras....

Article  in  Geological Society London Special Publications · January 1996

DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.1996.114.01.09

80 686

1 author:

Stuart Gowland
Petrostrat Ltd


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Facies characteristics and depositional models of highly bioturbated
shallow marine siliciclastic strata: an example from the Fulmar
Formation (Late Jurassic), UK Central Graben
Ichron Limited, 16 Dalby Court, Gadbrook Business Centre, Rudheath, Northwich,
Cheshire, CW9 7TN, UK

Abstract: An extensive core database from the Late Jurassic Fulmar Formation illustrates
the practicalities of facies analysis and depositional modelling in highly bioturbated,
heterolithic, shallow marine siliciclastic strata. Twelve major sedimentary facies (1-12) are
defined on the basis of lithology, grain size, visually estimated sand-silt content and the
presence or absence of primary sedimentary structures. Ichnofabric characteristics are also
defined and have proved to be not always facies specific. For purposes of depositional
modelling the 12 facies types are resolved into six facies associations (A-F), each
representative of distinct shoreline/shallow marine environments. From these associations
three broad depositional models have been constructed: storm-influencedshoreface (model
1), bioturbated shoreface (model 2) and a speculative bioturbated shelf model (model 3).
Stratigraphical and palaeontological criteria suggest that models 1 and 2 are shoreline-
attached; sedimentological data indicate that they occur as end-members to a spectrum of
shoreline settings constrained by incident wave energy 'bands'. For shorefaces subject to
significant storm influence, well-preserved event beds occur seaward of the upper
shoreface. In the bioturbated shoreface model, however, the lower shoreface and adjacent
shelf deposits are characterized by intense infaunal reworking. The bioturbated shelf model
displays no clear evidence of shoreline connection, with the resultant facies often exhibiting
highly abundant siliceous sponge spicules, together with other open marine indicators such
as belemnites and rare ammonites. Unlike the shoreface sand bodies, which received
sediment from basin-margin fluvial systems, shelf sand bodies in the Fulmar Formation are
more likely to have been intrabasinally sourced along relay ramps or other forms of transfer
zone. This sediment may have undergone a long transit/residence period on the shelf prior
to eventual burial in hanging-wall depocentres strongly influenced by Zechstein salt
This study demonstrates that an ichnofabric approach (as opposed to one of simple
ichnodiversity) is highly significant with respect to the description and modelling of highly
bioturbated shallow marine siliciclastic strata. In the Fulmar formation, ichnofabric analysis
is capable of providing sensitive information on fluctuations in depositional energy levels,
water depth, sedimentation rates, erosion rates, substrate consistency and dissolved oxygen
levels. Evidence of these fluctuations is often apparent at intra-facies scale, but would
largely go unnoticed using a conventional sedimentological approach to data gathering,
based on ichnodiversity at best. Depositionally significant changes in ichnofabric may occur
without any significant change in ichnodiversity. Ichnofabric analysis also plays an
important role in the hierarchical assessment of key stratal surfaces for purposes of
sequence stratigraphic modelling.

Over the past three decades many workers have however, has focused on the detailed analysis of
developed sedimentary facies schemes for allu- highly bioturbated, shallow marine siliciclastic
vial, deltaic and relatively deep marine siliciclas- strata, particularly those of a heterolithic (mixed
tic systems. Based mainly on stratification styles sand-silt) composition. This situation probably
and bounding surface characteristics (rather prevails for two main reasons: (1) the highly
than facies sensu stricto) advances have also restricted preservation of diagnostic primary
been made in the description and interpretation sedimentary structures, and (2) a general lack of
of aeolian sediments. Much less attention, expertise in trace fossil analysis amongst sedi-

From Hurst, A. et al. (eds), 1996, Geology of the Humber Group: CentralGrabenand Moray Firth, UKCS, 185
Geological Society Special Publication No. 114, pp. 185-214.


Uplifted and eroded Jurassic highe

Largely slable Jurassic platfo,'ma

Weakly deformed marginal laull blocks

1-3 Sandstone-dormnated Late Jutssslc

successions here assigned generally
to the Fulmar Formalion
1 'Lower Fuimar Member' of Oonovan et e l (1993)

% 2
Puflin Formation of Price e t el

'UpperFulmar Member' of Donovan

at e1.(1993)

(4 'Angus Sands' of Hall 1992 which contatn

elements with strong 'Fulmar' affinities)
-!1-- Extensional fault
Post-Jurassic inversion fault
ArE Argyll Embeyment
AnE Angus Embeymenl
GN Grensen Nose
O Dogger High
M Mendel


c,y~ ~ , ,

- ~ ~~29 30 1 ,;E
Fig. 1. Late Jurassic structural configuration of the North Sea Central Graben as defined by Roberts et al.
(1990), but also including structural information from Hall (1992). Field areas and other areas for which
published stratigraphical data exists for the Fulmar Formation are highlighted.

mentologists. The last three years have seen an Geological setting of the Fulmar Formation
increasing application of trace fossil concepts
(derived from the study of animal-sediment The Fulmar Formation of the North Sea Central
relationships) to subsurface facies analysis and Graben constitutes the main producing interval
sequence stratigraphy (Pemberton 1992; Taylor in a number of oil fields, including the Fulmar,
& Goldring 1993). Increasingly, petroleum Clyde and Kittiwake fields (Johnson e t a l . 1986;
exploration companies are recognizing the use Stevens & Wallis 1991; Stockbridge & Gray
of ichnology in stratigraphic correlation and 1991; Glennie & Armstrong 1991) (Fig. 1). It
reservoir prediction. Despite this progress, also constitutes a secondary reservoir elsewhere
however, there is still a dearth of published in the Central Graben (e.g. within the Gannet
subsurface examples of facies analysis in highly Cluster) and is still the focus of considerable
bioturbated, shallow marine siliciclastic suc- exploration interest. Comprising highly biotur-
cessions. This paper provides such an example, bated sandstones and siltstones of shallow
based upon core-derived data from a North Sea marine origin (Johnson e t a l . 1986), the for-
Late Jurassic interval of continuing economic mation may exceed 1000ft in thickness (Stock-
importance to the oil sector: the Fulmar For- bridge & Gray 1991) and may occur at depths in
mation. excess of 18 000 ft (TVSS).

Fig. 2. Stratigraphical summary of the topmost Triassic - Base Cretaceous interval in the UK Central Graben.
Note those sandstone dominated successions (1-3) which for the purposes of this paper are assigned to the
Fulmar Formation. (1) Lower Fulmar Member of Donovan et al. (1993); (2) Puffin Formation of Price et al.
(1993); (3) Upper Fulmar Member of Donovan et al. (1993); (4) 'Angus' sands of UK blocks 31/21 and 31/26a
(Hall 1992) which, in addition to comprising turbidity current deposits, display shallow-marine intervals with
strong 'Fulmar' affinities.

T h e lithostratigraphic f r a m e w o r k of the Cen- contentious; the spatial and t e m p o r a l distri-

tral G r a b e n Late Jurassic succession remains bution of the Fulmar F o r m a t i o n , and the

sub-division of the formation itself, is still open Despite the prominence of the coarsening-
to question (see the collection of papers in upward motif, fining-upward retrogradational
Parker 1993). In this paper the term Fulmar intervals are also recognized and attributed to a
Formation is used in its original and broadest steady increase in the creation of accommo-
sense (cf. Johnson & Stewart 1985). It describes dation space through time. This latter form of
dominantly shallow marine siliciclastic strata of development is most commonly developed at
Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian age (although Do- the top of the Fulmar Formation, where it
novan et al. 1993 also record Callovian strata) reflects the failure of sediment input rates to
typified by high levels of bioturbation and counteract the effects of Late Jurassic eustatic
showing a distinct assemblage of sedimentary sea-level rise.
facies. A significant aspect of the Fulmar Formation
The Fulmar Formation was deposited along is that certain intervals contain abundant sili-
the western flank of the North Sea Central ceous sponge spicules referable to the genus
Graben in a complex basinal setting attributed to Rhaxella. Locally, these spicules are the domi-
the interplay between Late Jurassic structural nant rock-forming component, giving rise to
extension and differential salt withdrawal true spiculites. Abundant Rhaxella spicules
(Zechstein evaporites) at depth (Roberts et al. suggest a strong open-marine influence during
1990). The extensional regime produced a series deposition. In broadly time-equivalent deposits
of predominantly ENE-dipping tilted fault in the UK, for example the Corallian beds of
blocks bounded by faults striking NNW-SSE Yorkshire and Dorset, spicules occur in cal-
(Fig. 1). This configuration resulted in a complex careous sandstones, micritic carbonates, oolites
topography of linked sub-basins and intrabasinal and coral beds, all of which contain ammonites
highs which exerted a profound control upon (Hemingway 1974; Fiirsich 1976; Sellwood 1978;
sites of sediment accumulation (Hodgson et al. Wright 1986).
1992). Deposition occurred in sub-basins in- High concentrations of siliceous sponge spi-
variably floored by Triassic (Smith Bank and cules have important implications for reservoir
Skagerrak Formations) or Middle Jurassic quality as a result of the inherent instability of
(Pentland and Rattray Formations) strata (Fig. biogenic silica. Easily dissolved, this silica
2). A Triassic sediment source is envisaged, component may locally reprecipitate in the form
derived mainly from the Western Platform but of nodular chert cements characterized by high
with local contributions from intrabasinal struc- microporosity and low permeability (Stevens &
tural elements (e.g. Forties-Montrose High and Wallis 1991).
Josephine Ridge). The precise mode of sedi-
ment input to the basin margins is uncertain,
although a number of unreleased wells show
Sedimentary facies characteristics
evidence of broadly contemporaneous coastal At first glance, a typical core through the Fulmar
plain development. According to Roberts et al. Formation appears to comprise a monotonous
(1990), the good correspondence between sites assemblage of bioturbated, heterolithic, sand-
of sand deposition and the location of transfer silt deposits showing little in the way of building
zones between active fault strands, suggests that blocks necessary for facies characterization.
these zones could have acted as conduits for More detailed study usually reveals some varia-
fluvial feeder systems. By analogy, they may also bility within the cored section, notably subtle
have acted as conduits for large volumes of associations of grain size, silt/clay content, trace
shallow marine sediment undergoing reworking fossil types, ichnofabric development and, oc-
in intrabasinal areas. casionally, primary sedimentary structures. Ich-
Typical Fulmar Formation deposits occur in nofabric characterization (Ekdale & Bromley
the form of large-scale coarsening-upward suc- 1983) is of particular significance in that it
cessions evolving from siltstone into fine- provides a powerful insight into all aspects of
medium-grained sandstone. Up to 180 m thick, infaunal reworking, including bioturbation in-
and with sequence-stratigraphic attributes tensity, ichnodiversity, burrow ordering, bur-
ranging from discrete parasequences to more row orientation and tier development (Taylor &
complex, composite sequence sets, these inter- Goldring 1993). This study also demonstrates
vals indicate basin-fill through a combination of that changes in ichnofabric (and therefore
progradation and aggradation, punctuated by bioturbation history) may occur without any
periods of marine flooding. Sand body develop- significant change in ichnodiversity.
ment occurred against a background of coeval Detailed evaluation of over 30 000 ft of Ful-
shelf mud deposition represented by the mar Formation core (taken from seventy-five
Heather and Kimmeridge Clay Formations. wells over UK North Sea Licence Quads 21, 22,
F A C I E S & D E P O S I T I O N A L M O P D E L S , F U L M A R FM. 189

29 and 30), shows that the succession comprises

twelve main sedimentary facies types (Fig. 3).
These facies types are designated on the basis of
",~ lithology, grain size, visually estimated sand-silt
content and the presence or absence of specific
primary sedimentary structures. Mud-
o .~ dominated deposits (facies 1-3) grade into
b, 'clean' bioturbated sandstone (facies 11) via a
continuum of heterolithic sand-silt deposits
(facies 4, 5 and 6). Facies 7, 8 and 9 retain well
o e,
defined primary sedimentary structures, whilst
massive sandstones comprise facies 10. A range
of pebbly deposits is also recognized (facies 12).
The most distinctive feature of the Fulmar
Formation is that over 95% of recovered
sand-dominated sections comprise high biotur-
bated deposits (facies 4, 5, 6 and 11). A detailed
E account of these 12 facies types is presented in
the Appendix.
o= "~
Facies associations
The 12 sedimentary facies types recognized (Figs
o ~ ~
3-6; Appendix) can be grouped into six broad
facies associations (A-F: Table 1). These associ-
ations represent distinct shoreface and shallow
marine shelf environments distinguished by
lithology, grain size, silt/clay content, primary
sedimentary structures, siliceous sponge spicule
Z .~o o abundance and the degree and form of biogenic
reworking. The characteristics of these associ-
ations are discussed below as a prelude to a
section modelling sand body development.
Facies association A (upper shoreface) rep-
~ ~.~ resents the highest energy facies belt. It is
~ ~ < relatively rare, accounting for less than 5% of
most recovered sections. Where present, it
invariably defines the upper parts of medium- to
large-scale coarsening-upward successions (Figs
~-~o 7 & 8), or appears in the middle parts of more
symmetrical coarsening- to fining-upward de-
velopments. Two factors account for its under-
--7 representation in the sedimentary record: (i)
relatively low preservation potential and (ii) the
fact that certain sand-prone depocentres were
clearly located beyond the progradational
maxima of this, the highest energy facies belt.
Facies association A records the deposition of
belts of 'clean', moderately to well sorted sand
ranging from fine to very coarse sand grade.
b Vigorous wave and current activity is indicated
~'~ o by the range of primary sedimentary structures
present, the paucity of detrital silt and also the
trace fossil assemblage. The presence of hori-
zontal stratification, low-angle planar cross-
o~ x..,, stratification, combined flow ripple cross-
lamination, and occasional swaley laminae-sets
190 S. G O W L A N D

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Fig. 3. Sedimentary facies nomenclature for Fulmar Formation strata.




Sandstone ,JL, Asterosoma/ Phoebichnus

Helminthopsis horizontalis
~ Heterolithics .... Macaronichnus segregatis

~ Sandstone with Ophiomorpha

clay/silt <<5%

o Coarse sand-granL~les ==, Planolites

Pebbles ===, P/anolites (cf. montanus )

~, Sandstone Siphonichnus
o Siltstone/claystone

M Mica U Teichichnus rectus

G Glauconite Teichichnus zigzag (well-defined)

~.-.~ Teichichnus zigzag (diffuse)

o Prominent nodular
chert cements c:= Terebellina

== Zoophycos
PRIMARY SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES \~, General burrow mottling

Horizontal lamination 9:. Silty faecal pellets

Parallel lamination/low-
angle cross-stratification
Trough cross-stratification
~I In situ deep-burrowing bivalves
Dune-scale bedforms 9-- Bivalves

Ripple-scale bedforms Gastropods

%%% Siliceous sponge spicules
,~=== Hummocky cross-stratification
<> Serpulids
Ripple forms, lenses and pinstripes ,X Crinoid/echinoderm remains
in heterolithic lithologies
.,~ Ammonites

BIOTURBATION INDEX .,==--- Belemnites

--~ Fine plant debris
O. No bioturbation
Coarse plant debris
:1. Occasional burrows
2. Bioturbated; bedding dominant ~- Rootlets
3. Bioturbated; bioturbation dominant
4. No primary structures evident
192 S. G O W L A N D

(subfacies 7a, 7b and facies 8) reflects fluctu- wave energy; McCubbin 1982). An intermediate
ations in wave climate ranging from fairweather wave energy setting is thus preferred.
to storm magnitude (Harms et al. 1975; Leckie & Certain examples of facies association A
Walker 1982; McCubbin 1982). Medium-scale display abundant siliceous sponge spicules. A
angle-of-repose cross-stratification (facies 9) speculative model (model 3) for the deposition
records the migration of sinuous-crested dunes of these spicule-rich deposits in a more open
in shallow water. Some examples of this stratifi- shelf environment is presented in a subsequent
cation type may have developed in a channelised section.
environment, for example ephemeral rip-
current cells or the mouths of tidally influenced Facies association B (storm-influenced lower
distributary channels. Other significant sedi- shoreface/offshore transition zone) is of even
mentological features are winnowed lags of more restricted occurrence than facies associ-
pebble to granule grade (intraclasts and re- ation A. However, it shows good development
worked Triassic clasts; facies 12) and shell in the Kimmeridgian deposits of the Clyde Field
veneers composed of convex-upward bivalves. (block 30/17b) where it occurs below the main
Bioturbation (Table 2) is largely restricted to hydrocarbon-producing horizon. The associ-
non-diagnostic burrow mottles (ichnofabric D; ation usually comprises coarsening-upward/
Table 3) together with Ophiomorpha, Thalassi- thickening-upward sandstone packages (parase-
noides, Skolithos and Planolites. Ophiomorpha quences; Van Wagoner et al. 1990) up to 12.0 m
nodosa is the most prominent trace fossil, with thick, developed against a background of highly
the traces tending to become fewer, larger and bioturbated heterolithic deposits (facies associ-
showing better developed shafts with increasing ations D and E) (Fig. 9). Locally it is observed
grain size (ichnofabric Or). A well established passing upwards into facies association A.
deposit-feeing community would appear to have In the lower parts of the parasequences
been precluded by the restricted organic content sandstones are represented by thin (<10cm)
of the sediment, itself a function of vigorous very fine-grained beds exhibiting horizontal
wave climate. lamination and wave ripple cross-lamination
The above sedimentological and ichnological (subfacies 7a and 7b). Occasionally, these
characteristics compare favourably with those appear as distinct laminated-bioturbated
reported from the upper shoreface zone of couplets interbedded with biogenically re-
beach--offshore profiles developed along present worked heterolithic sand-silt deposits (facies 4).
day intermediate-high wave energy coasts The sandstone beds thicken upwards (to 10-
(Reineck 1976; Howard & Reineck 1981; Num- 30 cm) and display a combination of hummocky
medal & Penland 1981; Short 1984). Given the cross-stratification and horizontal lamination
rather limited wave fetch across the narrow attributed to storm activity (Harms et al. 1975;
Central Graben it is considered unlikely that the Dott & Bourgeois 1982; Duke 1985). Ulti-
'Fulmar' coastline was ever a high energy shore mately, these sandstones pass upwards into
(i.e. characterized by high average incident fine-medium grained sandstones belonging

Fig. 4. (a) Rare example of facies 1 which is here present to a thickness of only 0.15 ft (defined by arrows). It
comprises Chondrites-bioturbated calcareous silty claystone and passes transitionally into adjacent silty
sandstones/sandy siltstones assigned to facies 4. The latter have been thoroughly reworked by Helminthopsis
horizontalis (ichnofabric H). (b) Typical example of an argillaceous siltstone referable to facies 2. Relict
stratification is defined by fluctuations in the abundance of subordinate quartzose silt and very fine sand. The
ichnofabric comprises prominent Terebellina burrows (T) developed against a diffuse background of
Chondrites (C) and H. horizontalis (H) (ichnofabrics C and H-C2). (c) Facies 3 argillaceous siltstone showing
well-developed millimetre-scale pinstripes of coarse quartzose silt and very fine sand. Note the low incidence of
bioturbation; infaunal reworking is confined to sporadic non-diagnostic burrow mottles (M) (ichnofabric D).
(d) Highly bioturbated sandy siltstone/silty very fine grained sandstone referable to facies 4. The bulk of the
ichnofabric comprises H. horizontalis with subordinate Chondrites (H-C), although Terebellina (T) and a
longitudinal section through a large Teichichnus zigzag burrow (Tz) are also present (ichnofabric H-C1). (e)
Typical example of facies 5 in the form of a highly bioturbated, silty and micaceous, moderately to well-sorted
very fine-grained sandstone (dip of bedding approximately 45~ The ichnofabric is dominated by a mosaic of
large Teichichnus zigzag burrows (Tz), the spreiten of which are enhanced to varying degrees by drapes
composed of dark grey silt and/or mica (ichnofabric Tz). (f) Less silty and micaceous example of facies 5 in
which T. zigzag burrows are much more diffuse, many having been reworked by a later generation of silt-filled
Helminthopsis/Chondrites. An inclined Teichichnus rectus burrow (Tr) is also apparent (ichnofabric Tz). (Scale
bars in metric feet).

to facies association A. Carbonaceous debris is indicated by laminated-bioturbated couplets

found in the majority of examples. (subfacies 7a and 7b) and by centimetre- to
A range of ichnofabrics is recognised in facies lower decimetre-scale beds defined by fluctu-
association B, controlled by substrate character- ations in grain size and/or silt content. Periods of
istics and hence depositional energy levels. elevated wave and current energy are also
Sandy siltstones and silty sandstones present in indicated by granule/pebble lags, shell coquinas
the lower parts of the parasequences (facies 4) and relict medium-scale cross-stratification at-
display Teichichnus (T. rectus and T. zigzag), tributed to pulsed subaqueous dune migration
Thalassinoides, Helminthopsis horizontalis, (facies 9).
Chondrites, Palaeophycus, Planolites and As- Ichnotaxa recorded include Ophiomorpha
terosoma/Phoebichnus. H-CI, H-C2 and Tz are nodosa, Macaronichnus segregatis, Skolithos,
the dominant ichnofabrics (Fig. 4d). In contrast, Planolites, Siphonichnus, Thalassinoides, and
the overlying storm-emplaced sandstones diffuse Teichichnus zigzag. Where the detrital
display Ophiomorpha, Thalassinoides, Palaeo- silt content is only 1-2% a highly mottled
phycus, Skolithos and non-diagnostic burrow- Ophiomorpha-Macaronichnus ichnofabric is
mottling within ichnofabrics Oh, Ov, T-S and D frequently developed (ichnofabric O-M; Table
(Figs 5e and 6a; Table 3). 3; Fig. 5a). With increasing silt content (3-5%)
Facies association B reflects the progradation the ichnofabric develops a strong horizontal
of storm-influenced lower shoreface belts into a component dominated by Ophiomorpha galler-
muddy shelf environment. Thin sandstones ies, but possibly including Macaronichnus, Pla-
interbedded with bioturbated sandy siltstones in nolites, Siphonichnus, and diffuse T. zigzag
the lower parts of the parasequences are (ichnofabric Oh; Table 3). Deep-tier reworking
considered typical of the offshore transition by the Ophiomorpha producing crustacean is
zone. The succeeding sandstone beds, which are probably the main reason for the limited
characterized by hummocky cross-stratification preservation of sedimentary structures. Omis-
and show a marked tendency to amalgamate, are sion surface colonisation is sometimes clearly
the product of vigorous combined flows over the indicated by a local overprint of Thalassinoides
lower shoreface during major storm events. and/or Skolithos (ichnofabric T-S; Table 3;
Taylor & Gawthorpe 1993).
Facies association C (bioturbated lower shore- The remains of bivalves and occasional crin-
face) is of widespread occurrence and commonly oids and serpulids form the bulk of the shelly
the highest energy facies association present. component. In the majority of bivalves primary
Dominated by highly bioturbated, moderately aragonitic shell layers have been replaced by
to well sorted, slightly silty sandstones (facies 6), thin clay films. These films are commonly
it reflects deposition within fairweather wave misidentified as burrow-walls, sometimes result-
base. Fine sand predominates, with very fine and ing in major under-estimation of the skeletal
medium to very coarse sand units recognized content of the original sediment. Some thick
locally (Fig. 10). Occasional event beds are coquinas (1.0-2.0 m), however, contain thick-

Fig. 5. (a) Typical example of facies 6 in the form of a highly bioturbated, slightly silty, moderately to well
sorted very fine to fine grained sandstone. The ichnofabric comprises Ophiomorpha (0), Macaronichnus (M)
and Thalassinoides(Th) (ichnofabric O-M). (b) Further example of facies 6, this time showing nodular chert
cementation attributed to the remobilisation of biogenic silica derived from siliceous sponge spicules. The
white patches are spicule-rich burrow-fills accumulated through the passive infiltration of burrow networks
open to the sea-floor (possibly Thalassinoides). (c) Photomicrograph of a well-sorted fine-grained sandstone
referable to facies 6 which is of feldspathic arenite composition (dark minerals are k-feldspar grains). In
monochrome view porosity resolution is poor, but petrographic observations indicate a 'clean' well connected
pore network bounded by syntaxial quartz and epitaxial k-feldspar overgrowths (modal porosity 11.0%; helium
porosity 22.20%; horizontal permeability 265 mD). (Scale bar in microns). PPL. (d) Photomicrograph of a
facies 6 example rich in siliceous sponge spicules. Spicules show both spherical Rhaxella and numerous elongate
monaxon elements, many of which have been leached out of the rock fabric. The vast bulk of the sample is
cemented by microporous chert cements (C) which reduce the horizontal permeability to negligible
proportions. (Scale bar in microns). PPL. (e) An example of facies 7 in the form of a sharp-based very fine
grained sandstone unit. Above a sharp erosive base the bed exhibits horizontal lamination (after removal of
tectonic dip/well deviation) throughout and may be assigned to subfacies 7a. Note the diffuse Skolithos burrows
(S) perforating the top of the bed. The bed is underlain by facies 2 sandy siltstones and overlain by silty very
fine grained sandstones referable to facies 5. (Scale bars in metric feet).
196 S. G O W L A N D

shelled calcitic oysters assigned to the genus shell beds tend to be much less common,
Ostrea. In common with facies association A probably due to reduced current winnowing.
some examples of association C contain massive Since facies association D may grade con-
volumes of siliceous sponge spicules. As pre- formably into association C it was clearly
viously indicated, such examples are not easily deposited in an adjacent facies belt. With the
assigned to a lower shoreface setting and may exception of spicule-rich examples, a distal
need to be viewed within a more open shelf lower shoreface/proximal offshore transition
environment. zone setting is considered appropriate. Sand
grade sediment is likely to have been derived
Facies association D (distal lower shoreface/ from the contemporaneous upper shoreface
proximal offshore transition) is dominated by during storm events and bioturbated during
highly bioturbated, micaceous, moderately to intervening fairweather periods. Time-averaged
well sorted very fine- to fine-grained sandstones rates of sedimentation were clearly low as
(facies 5). A detrital silt content of around indicated by the restricted preservation of event
5-20% indicates periods of reduced current beds.
activity during which fines settled out of suspen-
sion and were subsequently incorporated into Facies association E (offshore transition) is
the sediment by an active infauna. The preser- conformable with facies association D in vertical
vation of only occasional event beds (facies 7) succession, confirming deposition in an adjacent
reflects low rates of deposition whilst rare facies belt (Figs 7, 9, 10 and 11). It is strongly
examples of hummocky cross-stratification in- heterolithic in nature; highly bioturbated, mi-
dicate deposition above storm wave base. More caceous silty sandstones and sandy siltstones
protracted periods of seabed quiescence are prevail (facies 4). Detrital silt content is around
indicated by cm-scale sandy siltstones (facies 4). 20-60%. Within this heterolithic assemblage
High levels of bioturbation are reflected in a relict centimetre to lower decimetre-scale fining-
diverse ichnofauna: Teichichnus (both T. zigzag upward units indicate the biogenic reworking of
and T. rectus), Palaeophycus, Thalassinoides, thin sand-silt couplets emplaced by storm ac-
Ophiomorpha, Skolithos, Asterosoma/ tivity. Rare sandstone event beds (facies 7)
Phoebichnus, Planolites, Siphonichnus, Chon- exhibiting horizontal lamination or hummocky
dries (sand- and silt-filled forms) and Hel- cross-stratification reinforce this interpretation.
minthopsis horizontalis. The most prominent Thin siltstone beds (facies 2) reflect periods of
ichnofabric comprises large superimposed very much reduced current energy.
spreiten-bearing traces assigned to T. zigzag, Ichnodiversity in facies association E com-
supplemented by Planolites montanus and H. pares with that found in association D. How-
horizontalis (Bromley 1990) (ichnofabric Tz; ever, changes in both substrate characteristics
Table 3; Fig. 4e and f). Since no primary (i.e. sand-silt ratio) and depositional history
stratification is retained this Teichichnus- (deposition v. erosion or hiatus) often result in
dominated ichnofabric clearly reflects reworking new ichnofabrics. The 'cleaner' examples of
by a highly active deposit feeding community. facies 4 are texturally gradational with facies 5
The shelly fauna present compares with that and therefore commonly display the same T.
found in facies association C, although discrete zigzag dominated ichnofabric (ichnofabric Tz;

Fig. 6. (a) Subfacies 7b developed in the form of a fining-upward laminated-bioturbated couplet. Hummocky
cross-stratified fine grained sandstones pass upwards into horizontally laminated, micaceous very fine-grained
sandstones and, ultimately, into silty sandstones bioturbated by Thalassinoides(Th). (b) Example of facies 8
comprising moderately to well sorted fine grained sandstone and showing prominent horizontal/low-angle
stratification (after removal of tectonic dip/well deviation). Note the absence of bioturbation in this example.
(c) Facies 9 represented by moderately sorted, fine-grained sandstones characterized by medium-scale trough
cross-stratification attributed to the migration of sinuous-crested subaqueous dunes. Note the prominent
vertical Ophiomorpha burrows (ichnofabric Ov). (d) Structurally massive, moderately sorted, fine- to
medium-grained sandstone assigned to facies 10. (e) Example of facies 11 as developed in moderately to
well-sorted fine-grained sandstone. Note the relatively 'clean' nature of the sandstone; silt is present only in the
form of Ophiomorpha wall-linings (O) and as disseminated faecal pellets. Inclined silt-filled fractures occur in
the lower part of the field of view (F). (f) Subfacies 12b comprising a matrix of moderately sorted, fine-grained
sandstone, with sporadic light grey claystone pebbles (P), numerous granules of dark grey siltstone (G) and
coarse abraded shelly debris (S). The bulk of the silt component is a replacement of leached bivalve shells, a
number of which show a convex-upward orientation (B). (Scale bars in metric feet).

o GR 1so STRt.K;TtJ:ES
! ' i I i E N ~
140 DT 40
c m,f f st,





~dino surface

Fig. 7. Parasequence reflecting the progradation of a sandy shoreface system characterized by relatively weak
storm influence and high levels of bioturbation seaward of the upper shoreface (model 2).

Table 3). However, with a reduction in sand 40-60%) sees a denser Helminthopsis and
content (to around 60-70%) the T. zigzag fabric Chondrites fabric disrupted by a combination of
is often replaced by one dominated by H. T. rectus, Zoophycos and, locally, Terebellina
horizontalis and Chondrites (mainly silt-filled- (ichnofabric H-C2; Table 3). Cross-cutting re-
forms) (ichnofabric H-C1; Table 3; Fig. 4d). A lationships suggest that Helminthopsis was pro-
further reduction in sand content (to around duced at a shallow depth in the sediment.


E N ~
~4o BCSL 0

Ol 2 34
~ c c m t f st c

I i |

5 D
:: i:::;ii! i: iil Oh R~
~ ~,~ " ~ : ~

......... n ~.~,::== .- . --~ ,,: . "".:.;,:.:.'.'.;,:.:.'/=s

. . . . . . . . . ":i~ LOWER SHOREFACE
9 T.s- t ~.:~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.:, 7_~=~,~,,,,

6 t Oh I "-'- ~ --~='.'.'.'~'.'.'.~M, 10

~T-S- 9 "--~=~ " " " '"" -- F ~ .,,a..,

^ ~: o-,, ~ ~ : - : ~ 1 SHOREFACE
i :: ~ ~ - - " ".':::::::I DUNE FIELD
::i:: ~::::::::::::I (May include some
i!i: ~ "~':.'.::'." 9 - " "~
tidaly influenced
o .

""""'"'"""'"" 3o interaction)
~ < ~-~ :::::::::::::::::::::
I : O-M

1 ! 440

9 . . :?!

. . . . . ~ . - ........ . . . . . . ...:. i LOWER

6 C ::: ' ' ~.:-./-~, - ".._~" L'""'""'"'"'"':'I~ - so SHOREFACE

~ ~ o~,. .
~ . ..

' I
Fig. 8. Relatively rare example of a physically stratified upper shoreface succession indicating deposition in the
form of subaqueous sinuous-crested dunes. The sharp base of the upper shoreface package may be viewed as a
candidate sequence boundary (model 2).

Indeed, a further ichnofabric is one comprising siltstones (facies 3) and, locally, silty claystones
only pervasive Helminthopsis, suggesting the (facies 1) (Fig. 11). Waning storm-generated
colonisation of thin (centimetre-scale) event flows and hemipelagic 'fall-out' were probably
beds in a highly opportunistic manner (ichno- responsible for the bulk of deposition. However,
fabric H; Table 3). low density turbidity currents may also have
Shelly faunas present include the remains of been active during the latter stages of Fulmar
bivalves, serpulids, crinoids, locally common deposition; they almost certainly prevailed dur-
belemnites and rare ammonites. Some examples ing deposition of texturally similar muds in the
are rich in siliceous sponge spicules. Facies lower parts of the Heather and Kimmeridge
association E is indicative of the offshore Clay Formations.
transition zone, with storm-induced currents the Mud deposition occurred well below mean
main agent of deposition. storm wave base, although the presence of sandy
siltstones (facies 2 and 4), silty sandstones (facies
Facies association F (muddy offshore shelf) is at 4 and 5) and thinly bedded sandstones (subfacies
the lower end of the depositional energy 7a and 7c) indicates that bottom currents
gradient, dominated as it is by dark grey occasionally transported sand grade sediment.
argillaceous siltstones (facies 2), pinstriped Only the most severe storms ever proved

Table 2. Distribution and relative abundance of ichnotaxa with respect to sedimentary facies types designated for
the Fulmar Formation
1 2 I 3 I , ~lmlP 6 7 8 9 10 11 i12
Asterosoma/ I ~ : !

(silt-filled) I I

Helminthopsis I
horizontalis t I I I

segregatis I

noclosa I

Palaeophycus ~

(sand-filled) t I I
Planolites !
cf. montanus p-

(silt-filled) I

Siphonichnus =. ---4





, I
Zoophycos I I I
d i I
burrow mot ties - ~
L l , ;

Note that facies 12 ichnotaxa distribution applies only to shoreface/shallow marine environments; it does not
include clast-rich turbidity current or debris-flow deposits

capable of projecting oscillatory currents to the The pattern of bioturbation in this mud-
seafloor (evidenced by rare wave modification of dominated facies association is variable; thick
sandy pinstripes; facies 3). developments may either be very weakly biotur-

o GR 1so STR.X3TURES D~a~sx.qnlE~'~JL
1~ DT




= "-' ~ STORM-
- ~F~.tO~

R1 ~.~1-t_~,\~,~-: PROC~ADATIONAL

k'~ ~ "t~: TRANSITION


Fig. 9. Example of stacked coarsening-upward parasequences reflecting multiple progradational phases in the
history of a storm-influenced sandy shoreface complex (model 1).

bated (Fig. 4c) or display alternating cm-scale Due to its mud-dominated nature, evidence
bioturbated and non-bioturbated horizons. The for periodic, if not sustained, dissolved oxygen
former situation suggests dissolved oxygen de- depletion, and a prominent nektonic fauna,
pletion at the seafloor, whilst the latter indicates facies association F is assigned to a muddy
periodic oxygenation, possibly due to thermo- offshore shelf/basin environment.
cline decay in the overlying water column.
Ichnofabrics tend to be poorly defined due to
Depositional models
insufficient grain contrast (ichnofabric D). How-
ever, ichnofabrics H-C2, H and C are sometimes Three depositional models for the Fulmar
evident where the ichnotaxa include H. horizon- Formation are proposed on the basis of sand
talis, Chondrites and Zoophycos (Table 3). body modelling within proprietary biostrati-
Shelly remains present include belemnites, graphically calibrated sequence stratigraphic
fish debris, occasional thin-shelled bivalves and, frameworks:
locally, abundant sponge spicules. (1) storm-influenced shoreface model;

o I=

.o C


9. ~ ~ 9

:.e -~ .~ ~ ~
=.~ = ~
_o ~. ~
~? ~
~ o
~ ~ ~ ~
"'b'~ ~'~ "I ~ ~- ~ "~ 0 ~
.~ = ~ ~

. ~ .~ ~. ~..~ o.~.~ ~ 9 ~

9- ~ ~ "~ ~ ~.~ b

9- . "~-~ ~.~. s

~ ~ ~ - .,~

.., ~ t~ t::~ --~ "~ .

~"~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~=o

.,..~ 9

~o~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 0



G R ~ & ~TARY
1so BCSL o





Y Floodingsurface


Fig. 10. Example of a major progradational shoreface package characterized by intense levels of bioturbation
and systematic substrate-related ichnofabric development. Physically stratified upper shoreface deposits are
absent either through non-deposition or subsequent erosion (model 2).

(2) bioturbated shoreface model; dismissed without serious consideration. The

(3) bioturbated shelf model. three models are described below, supported by
The models have validity for different parts of actual well data.
the succession in different geographic areas,
thus highlighting the localised influences of
tectonic setting, sediment flux and incident wave
(1) Storm-influenced shoreface model
energy. Of the three models, models 1 and 2 are Facies association B (storm-influenced lower
the most robust; they can be regarded as shoreface/offshore transition), the pivotal as-
end-members to a spectrum of shoreline settings sociation in this depositional model, appears
in which facies architecture is strongly influ- more common in the older, mainly Late Ox-
enced by wave climate. Model 3 (bioturbated fordian part of the succession (e.g. northern
shelf) is more speculative in that it does not Quad 29). It is, however, well represented in the
readily comply with certain sequence strati- Clyde Field (30/17b; Kimmeridgian) below the
graphic principles. However, it should not be main hydrocarbon-producing zone. At parase-

h I ~h~ I ~ I ~ I~1

~: I ~ . ~:~ ~:~'t.~,. ~

'~ I ~ ~ I

.~ j~ i~iI ~il

' [

J Ii _ _
. #el - _

L 30N3nt)~ --I~
I- L 3ON3n03s

quence scale facies association B either directly ment, located below mean storm wave base,
overlies association E or a thin intervening passes landwards into facies belts associated
development of association D is present. In both with the offshore transition and shoreface zones
cases the palaeoenvironmental implication is the (Fig. 13). The upper shoreface zone (facies
same; storm-influenced shoreface sands pro- association A) was characterized by the de-
graded across a muddy shelf (Fig. 12). Tran- position of 'clean', well winnowed, fine to
sition zone response is seen in the form of medium, but locally coarse to very coarse, sand.
alternating physically stratified sands and highly Fairweather wave surge was the main depo-
bioturbated silty sands and sandy silts. The sitional agent here, producing horizontal stratifi-
essence of the model is that during storms cation, low-angle planar cross-stratification and
powerful oscillatory wave motions suspended ephemeral trains of combined flow ripples of low
sand over the upper shoreface prior to rede- preservation potential. Fields of sinuous-crested
positing it over the lower shoreface and adjacent subaqueous dunes also evolved, migrating
transition zone. Where storm waves interacted alongshore at rates determined by the velocities
with bottom currents hummocky cross-stratifi- of longshore currents. These dunes may even
cation and horizontal lamination reflect con- have been organized into low amplitude bar-
ditions of intense oscillatory sheet flow. Below forms orientated parallel to the shoreline.
storm wave base horizontally laminated sands Dune fields may also have developed within
were produced through simple suspension 'fall- the mouths of any tidally-influenced distributory
out' or plane bed deposition from storm-induced channels cutting through the shoreface, or
bottom currents flowing obliquely offshore. within tip-current cells discharging to seaward
Fairweather periods were characterized by silt water piled up along the shoreline during
deposition over the distal lower shoreface and storms. The incidence of storm activity was
adjacent shelf, and widespread bioturbation significantly lower than in the storm-influenced
seaward of the upper shoreface. The upper shoreface model, with the upper shoreface (and
shoreface zone (facies association A) accreted foreshore) response to such events dominantly
through the addition of sand transported on- erosional. Winnowed pebble lags (not to be
shore by fairweather wave oscillations. confused with drapes to ravinement surfaces),
coquinas composed mainly of thick-shelled
oysters, and the localized reworking of very
(2) Bioturbated shoreface model fine/fine sand into swaley laminae-sets, marked
This model has widespread applicability within the passage of these high energy events.
the Fulmar Formation. Where facies association The geological record of biogenic activity over
A is present, it is more likely to be conformably the upper shoreface is restricted to occasional
underlain by facies association C (bioturbated traces of shrimp-like crustacea (Ophiomorpha)
lower shoreface) than by association B (storm- and various polychaetes (Skolithos and Pla-
influenced lower shoreface/offshore transition). nolites). Large vertical Ophiomorpha burrows
Thus, in the majority of coarsening-upward predominate since they reflect deep-tier re-
successions, there may be no significant preser- working at depth which ensured their preser-
vation of primary sedimentary structures below vation throughout all but the highest magnitude
facies association A. Such examples demon- storms. The intensity of infaunal reworking
strate the full continuum of shallowing-upward increased seawards towards the boundary with
facies associations, ranging from muddy off- the lower shoreface.
shore shelf to upper shoreface end members The substrate of the lower shoreface (facies
(facies associations F, E, D, C and A in vertical association C) was composed largely of moder-
sequence). The relative positions of the facies ately to well-sorted fine sand deposited within
associations with respect to the time-averaged fairweather wave base. Derived largely from the
palaeoenvironmental energy gradient are the upper shoreface during storm events, and
essential aspects of the bioturbated shoreface possibly subject to some degree of longshore
model. transport, sediment was deposited over the
In model 2 a muddy offshore shelf environ- lower shoreface as distinct event beds. During

Fig. 11. Two-well example of bioturbated open-shelf deposits in which proximal-distal relationships are
constrained within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Sequence 1 is defined by a basal transgressive surface
with the overlying maximum flooding surface dated as eudoxus. The base of sequence 2 is picked at a point of
deepening with coincident transgression and maximum flooding. Sequence 3 is picked on a major transgressive
surface defining the onset of retrogradation. SB, sequence boundary; TS, transgressive surface; cFS, candidate
flooding surface; MFS, maximum flooding surface.

l~n, mahm ammmt ProMle~al Distal
~ ~ octlhofe MUDDY
~ ~ ~ e
trer.k t o r m OFFSHORE

~ . . _ . . . ~ ~ ~ ........ :4---:~ - :=..~.:~.:~.~:~:-:-.~:: ...... . ....... ,-.-.: .-..--:-:-: 9 -:-: : - - : -

9[ | . _ _ _ _
1 4 k N ~.lllL T (~tATIO

" ~ , = ~ " ' 71---~-, - -


Fig. 12. Schematic representation of the storm-influenced shoreface model (model 1) during a major storm
episode. Incision of the foreshore and upper shoreface zones by intense wind-generated wave and current
activity has provided a ready source of sand grade material for deposition on the lower shoreface and adjacent

the most severe storms the lower shoreface itself sponsible for the large spreiten-bearing trace
underwent phases of winnowing, resulting in Teichichnus zigzag.
granule/pebble lags and coquina-scale concen- Further offshore, transition zone deposition
trations of shelly material. Unlike the more featured strongly heterolithic sediments pro-
strongly storm-influenced shoreface model, the duced by the biogenic reworking of storm-
preservation of event beds here was extremely emplaced sand-silt couplets (facies association
limited due to intense reworking by infauna. E). Deposit feeding organisms again dominated
Deep-tier reworking by Ophiomorpha (crus- the infauna, with Teichichnus zigzag dominant
taceans) and Macaronichnus (polychaetes) was in the more proximal, sand-dominated facies,
particularly disruptive; it also accounts for the and Helminthopsis horizontalis and Chondrites
highly restricted preservation of bedforms de- reworking siltier sediments. Even further off-
posited in equilibrium with the fairweather wave shore mud accumulation prevailed, with sand
climate (almost certainly combined flow only being introduced as mm-cm scale layers
ripples). High levels of bioturbation were also during the most severe storms (facies association
responsible for introducing a significant faecal F).
pellet component to the sediment, and for
dispersing minor amounts of detrital silt derived
from suspension. (3) Bioturbated shelf model
Towards the toe of the shoreface, into the Unlike the previous two models, which relate to
more proximal offshore transition zone, waning shoreline-attached sand bodies, this latter model
energy levels dictated a subtle grain size reduc- describes shallowing-upward successions
tion (to very fine/fine sand), the influx of (ranging from simple parasequences to more
appreciable amounts of mica and an increase in complex sequence sets) which exhibit no clear
detrital silt content (to around 5-20%; facies evidence (stratigraphic or faunal) of linkage to a
association D). Again, sand grade sediment was contemporaneous shoreline (Figs 11 & 14).
introduced during storms prior to intense biotur- Current sequence stratigraphic theory predicts
bation; only rare examples of hummocky cross- that such 'shelfal' sand bodies, particularly those
stratification are preserved. The increased detri- enclosed in offshore mudstones, are the prod-
tal silt content fostered substrate colonization by ucts of falling sea level (forced regression) or
deposit-feeding organisms, notably those re- lowstand deposition (Posamentier et al. 1992;

=---.-----,------ POOR ~ POTENTIAL ~ grakl-size



~ ~ ~ ~ '

-- ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . MSWB

...... : I

t,,~lcles,lUIIOCI/mON -.----= A -- e -- o == E r e

Fig. 13. Schematic representation of the bioturbated shoreface model (model 2) during fairweather conditions.
This model differs from model 1 in that the frequency and magnitude of major storms is very much reduced,
resulting in a highly bioturbated substrate seaward of the upper shoreface. Note that the distribution of
ichnofabric H-C1 is much more constrained than in model 1, presumably reflecting the decreased significance
of laterally extensive event style stratification.



SHELF 9 -0


w . A . ~ ,~ ~ , m ~ ~, . . . .

FACilE8 A -*- : C D- ~:e E F


v y _

O" ~ ~ T, . ~
mm'rmm,n'm~ o.u o H-c, D
v.r ~ ,,,,,,ew=~

Fig. 14. Representation of the speculative bioturbated shelf model (model 3) with the palaeoenvironmental
energy gradient expressed as a function of shelf water depth. The high energy facies belt (facies association A)
may relate to a discrete shoal-crest setting, in addition to a more laterally extensive, highly proximal, sandy
shelf environment. Unlike shoreface sand bodies, more open-shelf examples often comprise abundant siliceous
sponge spicules.

Walker & Plint 1992; Hunt & Tucker 1995). plain and adjacent sandy shelf deposits. Conse-
Stratigraphic isolation is thus due to relative quently, the bioturbated shelf model is ex-
sea-level changes and not to deposition in a more pressed simply in terms of a proximal-distal
open shelf environment distal to sources of palaeoenvironmental energy gradient based on
fluvial input. However, some Fulmar Formation a time-averaged decrease in depositional energy
successions show features which do not readily levels (Table 1, model 3; Fig. 14). The energy
comply with this concept. gradient is presented as a function of increasing
Firstly, some apparently isolated coarsening- water depth, although it is conceivable that a
upward successions may achieve thicknesses of significant portion of the gradient, particularly
over 100 m (Johnson et al. 1986). Even allowing that represented by facies associations A, C, D
for the effects of synsedimentary subsidence, and E, could occur along a waning current
these examples are much thicker than the transport path with no dramatic increases in
'stranded parasequences' reported from forced water depth involved. This latter scenario would
regressive systems tracts. The latter also tend to be partly analogous to the modern tidal current
be biased in favour of sharp-based sand bodies transport path of the present day Southern
(due to low accommodation potential) rather North Sea (Stride et al. 1982). However, the
than gradational coarsening-upward profiles. rather restricted evidence for tidal cyclicity in
Secondly, stratigraphically isolated sand- the Fulmar Formation is more in keeping with
bodies in the Fulmar Formation invariably along-shelf wind-driven flows which, during
contain (or display evidence of the dissolution storms, may have taken on the characteristics of
of) abundant siliceous sponge spicules. In some geostrophic storm currents (Swift et al. 1986a).
cases Rhaxella spicules are the dominant rock- Although establishing likely water depths for
forming component, giving rise to true spi- the various facies belts recognised is problematic
culites. Abundant Rhaxella spicules indicate it is tentatively suggested that the bulk of sand
normal marine salinities and thus deposition deposition occurred in water depth of perhaps
well away from points of distributary dilution. no more than 20 m. This interpretation is based
Their association with micritic carbonates, oo- on equating what must have been limited wave
lites, coral beds and ammonite-rich horizons (at fetch across the Central Graben, with data
outcrop onshore) is compelling evidence for acquired from present day shoreline and shelf
deposition in a more open shelf environment. systems, including epicontinental examples
This relationship is also supported by palyno- (Howard & Reineck 1981; McCubbin 1982;
facies data which demonstrate that spicule-rich Nelson 1982; Shipp 1984; Short 1984; Drake et
Fulmar deposits display an increased marine al. 1985; Vincent 1986; Swift etal. 1986a, b).
dinocyst component and relatively more abun- In the bioturbated shelf model, coarsening-
dant saccate pollen than 'high confidence' upward parasequences record the progradation
shoreface successions (M. F. Whitaker pers. of proximal sand-dominated facies belts across a
comm. 1993). Sporomorph content is also distal muddy shelf (Fig. 14). Given the restricted
greatly reduced, indicating deposition distal to evidence for tidal activity, it is envisaged that
coastal plain dwelling pteridophytes. maximum sand transport occurred during storm
Sediment input to the site of deposition is events, when powerful oscillatory wave motions
inferred to have occurred after transport across and prevailing along-shelf currents combined to
essentially non-depositional shelves (probably significantly increase bed shear stress. Accord-
elevated fault block crests) or along relay ramps ing to Swift et al. (1986b), 95% of sediment
or other forms of transfer zone (Gawthorpe & transport on the strongly storm-influenced
Hurst 1993) (Fig. 15). There is a distinct Middle Atlantic shelf of North America is
possibility that intrabasinal uplift related to salt accomplished by several major storms each year.
migration led to remobilization and dispersal of Facies association A (Figs 11 & 14) represents
previously deposited shoreface/shelf sands. the highest-energy facies belt, invariably com-
Sediment may therefore have undergone a long prising mobile subaqueous dune complexes
period of transit on the shelf, which would propagated by wind-driven flows and low relief
account for both the abundance of siliceous 'shallows' constructed by shoaling waves and
sponge spicules and the high levels of grain associated currents. Although this high-energy
sorting normally encountered. facies belt is inferred to have occupied a position
For the open shelf model (model 3) the proximal to the point of sediment input to the
shoreface-offshore terminology adopted for the basin, it may also reflect the development of
two shoreline models (models 1 and 2) is discrete sand shoal or sand ridge features which
considered inappropriate, there being no map- nucleated upon lower energy sand sheets.
pable association of contemporaneous coastal However, facies association A is relatively rare;

e,a~w t~Ja ~ ~ lae~ ~ma~

system traversing basin-margin
trane~r ;lone. CIII~Ito ouffl~mtly
humid to promote thin coal
ofcoaslal shelf to uNimately accumulate in the
. 1 ~ e]tllnlmeb/;~':low due .:2
to-"~" ~ik-~"
- ~ ~ ~ .', , . ' N ~ hanging wall of an Intrablmln~ hmult.
~ t t , ~ r ~ l l ,plm.

~ k~rlrm mmdll int reduced Io depocmltrc

>~--~r.::':':':':') ~ - " ~ v i i ImrldNmlnal relay ramp. May have
. . . . . . . . . .. i: " undergone long realdenne time on
===================== ~ * - ~i ,'~' ~'" ' ?~. . . . . . . . i.~. ' \\\ ,htflf, possibly being derived from
/ nccumu Ited sediment packages

~ \ ~ Major buildups of siliceousspongesin

~ ~ - ? i' ? . ~ ~ " op. . . . . i . . . . I. . . . . . .
Progradatlonal shorefeca . . . . . "~. ".-. ". ". ". '. '. '. " . - - . . . . . - . ' '. ' . . . . . . - \

o.-..,. ,. ..... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

storm-influenced ehoreface

with deposltlonal sequence

architecture controlled largely by

~ . ~ .cccura
. * ~~. ..~ h ~

$E lo km

Fig. 15. Conceptual model of key elements of the Fulmar Formation depositional setting. In this model the
western margin of the North Sea Central Graben comprises intrabasinal depocentres within which shoreline or
open-shelf sand bodies accumulated and depositional sequence architecture was strongly influenced by
intrabasinal aspect. Eroded fault block crests may have acted as essentially non-depositional shelves,
contributing sediment to adjacent hanging walls. Significant volumes of sediment may also have entered the
sub-basins along relay ramps. The interplay between sediment flux and subsidence history ensured that within
any one sub-basin progradation, retrogradation, and even erosion, could occur simultaneously.

the majority of coarsening-upward successions characterized by all three forms of sedimentary

terminate in facies association C, with parase- development there is a tendency for progra-
quences demonstrating gradational passage dational packages to reflect significant early
from distal muddy shelf to inner proximal shelf phases of basin-fill, for aggradational packages
facies belts. to reflect continued basin-fill under 'balanced'
Although progradational (coarsening- subsidence conditions, and for retrogradational
upward) successions tend to be most promi- packages to reflect the final failure of sediment
nent, aggradational and retrogradational shelf input rates to counteract the effects of Late
packages of similar scale are also developed. Jurassic eustatic sea-level rise.
Aggradational packages show a relatively The time-averaged palaeoenvironmental
uniform grain-size profile and indicate no energy gradient for the shelf model defines a
marked lateral shift in facies belts, whereas relative distribution of facies belts (and coloniz-
retrogradational examples display fining- ing infauna) that is directly comparable with
upward development indicating a shift in facies that previously described for the bioturbated
belts towards the basin margin. These alterna- shoreface model (model 2) below the level of
tives to the progradational theme reflect differ- the upper shoreface. Indeed, the only signifi-
ences in the sediment flux-accommodation cant substrata response to the more open-shelf
space equation. Aggradational packages in- hydraulic setting would appear to have been the
dicate that the creation of accommodation was inclusion of abundant siliceous sponge spicules
balanced by the rate of sediment input. Given which, hydrodynamically, probably behaved in
the mobility of underlying Zechstein evaporites a similar manner to sand grains. The strong
it is conceivable that subsidence was driven by similarity between the two models is not really
sediment loading to the extent that accommo- surprising when one considers that any signifi-
dation potential was kept largely constant. cant variations in hydraulic regime would be
Retrogradational packages clearly indicate a more likely to manifest themselves in the high-
steady increase in the creation of accommo- est energy facies belt (facies association A),
dation through time. In those successions which is poorly represented in the succession.

Conclusions thanked for granting the author permission to publish

core logs from their operated acreage. The author is
(1) Fulmar Formation deposits have been sub- also indebted to Shell UK for allowing the publication
divided into twelve major sedimentary facies of core photographs relating to key sedimentary facies
types which become the building blocks for six types. F. Wehr, H. Johnson and an anonymous referee
facies associations. Facies designation is based greatly improved the original manuscript.
on grain size, visually estimated silt/clay content,
intensity of bioturbation and the presence of Appendix: Sedimentary facies descriptions
specific primary sedimentary structures.
(2) In those facies characterized by high This section provides a detailed account of the twelve
levels of bioturbation (>95% of sand- main sedimentary facies types recognized in this study
dominated successions fall into this category) of the Fulmar Formation (Fig. 3). Emphasis is placed
upon trace fossil attributes, particularly ichnofabric
changes in facies type are often mirrored by
changes in ichnofabric content. Indeed, ichno-
fabrics in the Fulmar Formation are generally so
sensitive to fluctuations in grain size and silt/clay Facies 1: silty claystone
content that it is often possible to make fairly Description. Extremely rare. Light to dark grey silty
accurate grain size predictions based on ichno- claystone, ranging from laminated to highly biotur-
fabric criteria alone. It is also important to note bated. Sometimes calcareous and pyritic (Fig. 4a).
that changes in ichnofabric can occur without Only ichnofabrics C and D recognized to date.
any marked change in ichnodiversity.
(3) The six facies associations recognized in Interpretation. Slow deposition of suspended 'fines'
this study constrain three depositional models: in a very low energy setting. May include hemipelagic
storm-influenced shoreface (model 1), biotur- fall-out.
bated shoreface (model 2) and bioturbated shelf
(model 3). The first two models display evidence Facies 2: argillaceous siltstone
of shoreline connection and differ principally in
Description. Dark grey argillaceous siltstone,
the incidence and magnitude of wave activity ranging from well laminated to highly bioturbated with
over the lower shoreface and offshore transition up to 40% admixed very fine sand (Fig. 4b).
zone. In the case of the storm-influenced Chondrites (both sand- and silt-filled forms), Hel-
shoreface model, well-preserved event beds are minthopsis horizontal& (comparable with An-
recognized seaward of the upper shoreface, conichnus horizontalis), Teichichnus rectus and
whereas in the bioturbated model the lower Zoophycos are the prominent ichnotaxa. These occur
shoreface and adj acent shelf deposits are charac- in ichnofabrics H-C2, H and C. Fish debris, belem-
terised by intense infaunal reworking. The nites, occasional bivalves and, locally, siliceous sponge
bioturbated shelf model displays no clear evi- spicules present.
dence of shoreline connection and is somewhat
Interpretation. Slow deposition of silt and clay
speculative in that it is inconsistent with current during the final stages of waning flow; low-density
sequence stratigraphic theory. Stratigraphically turbidity currents and/or distal storm-generated cur-
isolated coarsening-upward successions rich in rents most likely.
siliceous sponge spicules could conceivably
reflect deposition in an open shelf environment
rather than relate to detachment within forced Facies 3: pinstriped siltstone
regressive systems tracts. Aggradational and Description. Dark grey argillaceous siltstone with
retrogradational aspects of the shelf model are pinstripes, flattened lenses and rare low-amplitude
also recognized and reflect fluctuations in the ripple-forms composed of coarse quartz silt and/or
sediment flux-accommodation space equation. very fine sand (sand content 0--40%; Fig. 4c).
Bioturbation variable; frequently non-bioturbated
intervals alternate with bioturbated horizons on a
The author would like to thank a number of people for centimetre-scale. Trace fossils mainly represented by
their stimulating discussion on the Fulmar Formation Chondrites (sand- and silt-filled forms). H. horizon-
in recent years. Chief amongst these are J. Marshall, J. talis, T. rectus and Zoophycos. Ichnofabrics H-C2, H,
Veldkamp and B. LeveU (Shell UK Exploration and C and D locally developed. Fish debris, belemnites,
Production Limited), A. Leonard, R. Wallis, P. siliceous sponge spicules and thin-shelled bivalves are
Turner and A. Brayshaw (BP Exploration Operating sometimes present.
Company Limited), H. Auld (Phillips Petroleum
Company UK Limited), D. Jones (Texaco Limited), Interpretation. Slow deposition of silt and sand from
M. Whitaker (Geochem Group Limited), J. Pollard suspension with modification by bottom currents and,
(Manchester University) and A. Taylor (Ichron rarely, oscillatory wave motions. Periodic dissolved
Limited). Shell UK, BP and Texaco must also be oxygen depletion in bottom waters.

Facies 4: highly bioturbated sandy siltstone/ Facies 6: highly bioturbated, slightly silty
silty sandstone sandstone
Description. Mid to dark grey, burrow-mottled, Description. Light to mid grey-brown sandstone
heterolithic sand-silt deposits (c. 40--80% sand) in- with a silt content of 5% or less (Fig. 5a-d).
variably devoid of primary sedimentary structures Moderately to well-sorted fine sand predominates,
(Fig. 4a and d). Occasional relict centimetre- to lower although intervals characterized by very fine or
decimetre-scale depositional units characterized by a medium to very coarse sand may be locally developed.
vertical increase in silt content. Sand component Sorting level may decrease to poor at coarser end of
dominantly moderately to well-sorted very fine sand. the grain size spectrum. Occasional granule/pebble
Variable glauconite content and commonly mi- horizons comprising intraclasts and/or reworked Tri-
caceous. Trace fossil assemblage includes Teichichnus assic clasts. Much of the silt component is in the form
(T. rectus and T. zigzag), Chondrites (sand- and of faecal pellets (not primary suspension fall-out).
silt-filled forms), Terebellina, Asterosoma/Phoebich- Variable glauconite content. Primary sedimentary
nus and H. horizontalis. Wide range of ichnofabrics structures usually destroyed by intense bioturbation,
may be developed, including Tz, H-CI, H-C2, H, C, although subtle fluctuations in grain size and/or silt
and D. Bivalve, serpulid, crinoid and siliceous sponge content may reveal vestiges of centimetre- to lower
spicule remains. Occasionally belemnites and ammo- decimetre-scale depositional units. Trace fossil assem-
nites. Scattered pellets and occasional fine woody blage usually dominated by Ophiomorpha nodosa and
debris. May display nodular chert cements derived Macaronichnus segregatiswith subordinate Planolites,
from the dissolution of siliceous sponge spicules. Thalassinoides, Siphonichnus and diffuse T. zigzag
(ichnofabrics Oh and O-M). Often the facies simply
Interpretation. Relatively slow deposition of silt and displays pervasive non-diagnostic burrow mottling
sand surpassed by the rate of infaunal reworking. (ichnofabric D). Bivalves sometimes occur in coquina-
Modes of sediment emplacement equivocal, although scale concentrations characterised by a high percen-
deposition from waning storm-generated currents tage of convex-upward valves. In situ Pleuromya-type
below fairweather wave base is considered most bivalves also recognised. Siliceous sponge spicules
appropriate. Turbidity currents probably take on locally so abundant that the facies becomes a true
greater significance in thick mid-reservoir shale breaks spiculite. Serpulid, crinoid and very rare ammonite
(e.g. Clyde Field) and where a transitional contact and belemnite remains. Occasional fine woody debris.
exists with the Heather and Kimmeridge Clay For-
mations. Interpretation. Moderate rate of sand deposition
accomplished above storm wave base (probably within
fairweather wave base) by high energy wave and
Facies 5: highly bioturbated, silty very fine- current activity. Primary sedimentary structures often
obliterated by an extremely active infauna.
to fine-grained sandstone
Description. Light to mid grey-brown, moderately Facies 7: thinly bedded (<30 cm thick)
to well sorted, very fine to fine grained sandstone with
c. 5-20% detrital silt (Fig. 4e and f). Scattered coarse sharp-based sandstone
sand to granule grade sandstone and siltstone/ Description. Light to mid grey-brown, thinly bed-
claystone clasts. Variable glauconite and mica con- ded (<30cm thick) sandstone. Units are typically
tent. Primary sedimentary structures obliterated by sharp-based and occur either in isolation or in stacked
intense reworking. Occasional centimetre- to lower and amalgamated successions. Invariably moderately
decimetre-scale units (either uniform or fining- to well sorted with a grain size of up to fine sand (rarely
upward) defined by subtle fluctuations in grain size medium sand). Fining-upward profiles and silty and/or
and/or silt content. Trace fossils dominated by large T. bioturbated tops sometimes preserved. Three sub-
zigzag, silt-filled Planolites(cf. P. montanus), Thalass- facies recognized:
inoides cf. suevicus and Palaeophycus; frequently a
mosaic consisting entirely of superimposed T. zigzag Subfacies 7a: horizontally laminated sandstone (Fig.
burrows prevails (ichnofabric Tz; Fig. 4e). Bivalve, 5e);
serpulid, crinoid and siliceous sponge spicule remains. Subfacies 7b: hummocky cross-stratified, wave or
Latter locally so abundant that derived chert cements combined flow ripple cross-laminated sandstone
impart a nodular fabric to the facies. Scattered faecal (Fig. 6a);
pellets and occasional fine woody debris. Subfacies 7c: massive sandstone.
Subfacies 7a and 7b show evidence of bioturbation,
Interpretation. Moderate to slow deposition of sand notably Ophiomorpha, Thalassinoides, Skolithos,
and subordinate silt exceeded by the rate of infaunal Palaeophycus and Teichichnus (T. zigzag and T.
reworking. Deposition was probably largely ac- rectus). Oh, Or, Tz, D and T-S are the most common
complished by storm-generated wave and current ichnofabrics.
activity. Possibility of deposition from moderate/high
density turbidity currents in the topmost Fulmar Interpretation. Rapid but episodic deposition of
Formation and the base of the Heather and Kimmer- sand involving the following.
idge Clay Formations. Storm-generated currents: horizontal lamination

reflects either upper flow regime plane beds or Facies 10: massive 'clean' sandstone
accretion beneath vigorous oscillatory sheet flow
(subfacies 7a). Hummocky cross-stratification and Description. Light grey-brown, moderately to well
wave ripple cross-lamination attributed to oscillatory- sorted, massive sandstone (Fig. 6d). Level of sorting
dominant combined flows (subfacies 7b). improves with decreasing grain size.
Turbidity currents: horizontal lamination achieved
through suspension fall-out and/or traction current Interpretation. Equivocal; difficult to determine
deposition (subfacies 7a). Massive examples probably (without x-ray photography) whether facies is depo-
reflect rapid suspension sedimentation (subfacies 7c). sitionally massive or reflects the biogenic homogenis-
Generally most applicable to the topmost Fulmar ation of 'clean' stratified sand. Experience and context
Formation and basal Heather and Kimmeridge Clay (often intimately associated with facies 6 and 11)
Formations. suggest that the latter may be more realistic. De-
position from high-density turbidity currents also
appropriate in the topmost Fulmar Formation, basal
Facies 8: thickly bedded (>30 cm thick) Kimmeridge Clay Formation and parts of the Heather
parallel stratified sandstone Formation.

Description. Light to mid grey-brown sandstone Facies 11: bioturbated 'clean' sandstone
ranging from very fine to coarse sand grade. Generally
moderately to well sorted, although poor sorting may Description. Light grey-brown, moderately to well
arise where laminae of contrasting grain size have been sorted fine to coarse grained sandstone. Level of
homogenized through bioturbation. Characterized by sorting improves with decreasing grain size. Silt
low-angle parallel stratification in which slight changes content negligible; present only as disseminated faecal
in dip angle may occur across sharp discontinuities pellets and in situ Ophiomorpha burrow-linings (Fig.
(Fig. 6b). In very fine- to fine-grained examples, 6e). Widespread non-diagnostic burrow mottling
horizontal lamination, hummocky/swaley laminae- (ichnofabric D), although discrete Ophiomorpha,
sets and combined flow ripple cross-lamination are Skolithos and Planolites are locally recognised (ichno-
sometimes defined; definition of the laminae in such fabric Or). Variably abundant bivalve shell debris and
instances may be enhanced by mica, faecal pellets, occasional siliceous sponge spicules. Sometimes fine
shelly debris and fine woody remains. Coarser ex- woody debris present.
amples tend to exhibit a less well defined internal
fabric and are often characterized by diffuse horizontal Interpretation. Moderate rate of sand deposition
stratification. Bioturbation is usually weak to moder- resulting from high-energy wave and current activity.
ate, with Ophiomorpha, Skolithos and Planolites Detrital silt component retained in suspension. High
prominent (ichnofabric O~). Some developments rate of infaunal reworking.
contain abundant siliceous sponge spicules.

Interpretation. Vigorous wave and current activity Facies 12: matrix- or clast-supported pebbly
in relatively shallow water. Consistent with the deposits
shoreface, but could conceivably originate in an
offshore shoal/bar setting. Description. Matrix- or clast-supported pebbly de-
posits with a coarse fraction which may comprise one
or more of the following: intraformational clasts,
Facies 9: medium-scale cross-stratified sandstone and siltstone/claystone clasts with Triassic
sandstone affinities and a wide range of terrigenous clasts of
unknown derivation, some of which may be phos-
Description. Light to mid grey-brown, moderately phatic in nature. Coarse woody debris may also be
to well-sorted, fine- to coarse-grained sandstone present. Deposits are generally structureless, although
characterized by medium-scale angle-of-repose cross- pebble alignment sometimes results in crude horizon-
stratification (Fig. 6c). Foresets are tangentially based tal stratification. Weak normal grading and inverse
and locally truncated by reactivation surfaces. grading are sometimes developed. Bivalve shell debris
Generally 'clean' although some foresets display may be locally abundant (Fig. 6f). Two subfacies are
mm-scale 'drapes' composed of detritai silt, ductile recognized:
faecal pellets, mica, organic debris and/or a finer sand
fraction. Bioturbation invariably weak to moderate; Subfacies 12a: sandy conglomerate
only Ophiomorpha, Skolithos and Planolites usually Subfacies 12b: pebbly sandstone
recognised against a background of general burrow
mottling (ichnofabrics Ov and D). Interpretation. Context with other facies types is
critical with regard to determining mode of sediment
Interpretation. Cross-strata attributed to the down- emplacement. In the shallow marine environment
current migration of sinuous-crested subaqueous possibilities include high energy storm-generated
dunes. Certain foreset drapes and reactivation surfaces flows and wave/current winnowing associated with
suggest that some examples were subject to tidal forced regression and transgressive surfaces. High-
influence. Channellized origin of some intervals cannot density turbidity currents and even debris flows would
be ruled out. Depositional rates moderate to high. be compatible with a deeper setting.

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