(Ajay Singh) Review On Control Techniques For VSWT New
(Ajay Singh) Review On Control Techniques For VSWT New
(Ajay Singh) Review On Control Techniques For VSWT New
Abstract— Wind energy utilization for power generation Wind turbines are fabricated in two axis types (vertical and
purposes is becoming high interest in electrical power horizontal) and in a wide variety. The smallest types of wind
production because of easy access to the wind and it does not turbines are used as a means of charging battery units used for
affect the environment and it is a sustainable source of energy. generation of back-up power. Larger turbines are used to
In this research modeling of wind turbines and different control generate power for domestic use. Wind power can be
techniques used in VSWT are studied. As we know that the classified as:
speed of wind is not constant which leads to the variable speed
of the wind turbine. This makes the control of wind turbines a • Utility-scale wind systems; wind systems that
very important part of the wind energy system. These control generate power larger than 100 kilowatts (kW) to provide
techniques can be used to maximize the power output of the power to a grid system.
wind turbine which increases the efficiency of the wind system,
and the maximum of the wind energy can be converted to • Distributed or small wind systems use wind turbines
electrical energy. Various control techniques like torque control, of 100 kW or lower than that to power directly a home, farm,
pitch control, and grid integration control are studied in this etc.
research paper. Different modeling based on aerodynamics and
• Offshore wind systems, are turbines mounted on
materials is also discussed in this paper.
water bodies around the world. Depending on the speed of
Keywords--- efficiency of the wind turbine system, modeling of wind in that area, they can be used to power whole
wind turbines, control of wind turbines, pitch control, grid communities.
integration control Wind energy is of course, one of the cheapest renewable
sources per unit of energy produced, as well its technologies
is one of the fastest-rising technologies in the energy
Demand for renewable energy has been increasingly justified generation industry across the world.
over the last couple of years as world powers turn to clean,
green energy while overdependence on fossil fuel generation Understanding wind properties is very important for wind
is still prominent in developing countries. Nevertheless, there energy exploitation. The speed of wind is highly variable both
is an expectation that renewable energy sources will play a geometrically from place to place and temporally, seasonal
wider role over the next two decades in energy with wind and in hourly means. In addition to seasonal changes in the
energy projected to contribute 1.1 trillion kilowatt-hours wind speed, there are some variations on the shorter time
(kWh) of a total of close to 4 trillion kWh of renewable energy scale. These variations are called synoptic variations and they
expected to be generated by the year 2030. Furthermore, have a peak at around 4 days. Beside the seasonal and synoptic
research suggests that solar and wind energy are currently the components in the wind speed, there is a turbulence
most likely to provide economically affordable alternate component. This turbulence refers to fluctuations in wind
energy sources because other renewable energy sources like speed on relatively fast time-scale, typically less than 10 min.
tidal remain costly and inefficient. In studying the wind energy affection into a wind turbine, it is
very important to know the mean wind speed determined by
It is obvious that wind and solar energy studies will be the the seasonal, synoptic and diurnal effects, which varies on a
main focus of future renewable engineering efforts. Solar time, with turbulence fluctuations.
energy is becoming more dominant, especially in the Arab
world where their massive deserts have already seen II. EFFICIENCY OF THE WIND TURBINE SYSTEM
investigations into the possibility of generating solar energy The conservation of mass demands that the measure of air
with enough capacity to power entire countries. With wind in and out of a turbine must be equivalent. Consequently,
energy, however, developing offshore wind turbines fit for Betz’s Law defines maximum achievable wind power drawn
tackling the substantially higher wind speeds accessible by a wind turbine as 16/27 (59.3%) of the aggregate kinetic
offshore while avoiding the issues of horizon and noise energy of the air entering the turbine. The best hypothetical
pollution is the way to go. power yield of a wind turbine is therefore 16/27 times the
Wind turbine is designed to convert wind energy into kinetic energy of the air entering the turbine effective area [1].
electric energy. The wind turbine system consists of three A wind turbine captures energy from moving air and
main parts the rotor which includes the blades to convert wind converts it into electricity. Air density, power coefficient, air
energy to low-speed rotational energy. The second part is the density and turbine swept area are parameters that affect the
generator which includes the electrical generator, which captured energy as shown in the following equation [1]:
include all control circuits with a gearbox that convert the
rotational low speed into electric power, and finally the P = 0.5CpV3 A ………….(1.1)
structure that holds all the previous components and that is the Where:
tower and nacelle. Wind turbine is classified into two main
groups depending on their axis in which the turbine rotates. P = Mechanical power in the moving air (W).
= Air density (kg/m3 ). Where,
A = Area swept by the rotor blades (m2 ) air is the air density,
V = Velocity of the air (m/s) 𝜐w is the free wind speed experienced by the rotor,
Cp= Power coefficient.
Tip speed ratio (TSR) of a wind turbine is defined as:
=(R)/V ………….(1.2)
= Mechanical speed at the rotor shaft of the wind turbine
R = Radios of the blade (m).
V = Velocity of the air (m/s).
The TSR, and blade pitch angle β, are used to calculate the
power coefficient, denoted by Cp. The rotor power
coefficient can
be calculated as: Figure 1
Cp= (Extracted power)/ (Power in wind) .…...(1.3) 𝐴 is the swept rotor area, and
Cp= Protor / Pwind ……(1.4) The power coefficient depends upon the pitch angle 𝜗 and
The Green energy has opened an important branch and
shows in the rise of technology. The wind turbines and
related techniques, environment, structure, and control
methodology, are paid more attention recently. This paper
presents the most common used wind turbine models which
are classified with respect to different objectives as are more
production energy, safety of turbine, connection to grid;
consequently, the wind turbine dimensions are increased
and the control methods are required to respond quickly and
effectively to the important task of the power generation.
The previous fact results in high cost of the sensors as well
as the instability of the system; therefore, more complex
identification techniques are required to help the control.
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