(Ajay Singh) Review On Control Techniques For VSWT New

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Review on Control Techniques for VSWT(Variable

Speed Wind Turbine)

Prof. Alok Pandey Ajay Singh
Electrical and Electronics Department Electrical and Electronics Department
KIET Group of Institutions KIET Group of Institutions
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
alok.pandey@kiet.edu ajay123.msg@gmail.com

Abstract— Wind energy utilization for power generation Wind turbines are fabricated in two axis types (vertical and
purposes is becoming high interest in electrical power horizontal) and in a wide variety. The smallest types of wind
production because of easy access to the wind and it does not turbines are used as a means of charging battery units used for
affect the environment and it is a sustainable source of energy. generation of back-up power. Larger turbines are used to
In this research modeling of wind turbines and different control generate power for domestic use. Wind power can be
techniques used in VSWT are studied. As we know that the classified as:
speed of wind is not constant which leads to the variable speed
of the wind turbine. This makes the control of wind turbines a • Utility-scale wind systems; wind systems that
very important part of the wind energy system. These control generate power larger than 100 kilowatts (kW) to provide
techniques can be used to maximize the power output of the power to a grid system.
wind turbine which increases the efficiency of the wind system,
and the maximum of the wind energy can be converted to • Distributed or small wind systems use wind turbines
electrical energy. Various control techniques like torque control, of 100 kW or lower than that to power directly a home, farm,
pitch control, and grid integration control are studied in this etc.
research paper. Different modeling based on aerodynamics and
• Offshore wind systems, are turbines mounted on
materials is also discussed in this paper.
water bodies around the world. Depending on the speed of
Keywords--- efficiency of the wind turbine system, modeling of wind in that area, they can be used to power whole
wind turbines, control of wind turbines, pitch control, grid communities.
integration control Wind energy is of course, one of the cheapest renewable
sources per unit of energy produced, as well its technologies
is one of the fastest-rising technologies in the energy
Demand for renewable energy has been increasingly justified generation industry across the world.
over the last couple of years as world powers turn to clean,
green energy while overdependence on fossil fuel generation Understanding wind properties is very important for wind
is still prominent in developing countries. Nevertheless, there energy exploitation. The speed of wind is highly variable both
is an expectation that renewable energy sources will play a geometrically from place to place and temporally, seasonal
wider role over the next two decades in energy with wind and in hourly means. In addition to seasonal changes in the
energy projected to contribute 1.1 trillion kilowatt-hours wind speed, there are some variations on the shorter time
(kWh) of a total of close to 4 trillion kWh of renewable energy scale. These variations are called synoptic variations and they
expected to be generated by the year 2030. Furthermore, have a peak at around 4 days. Beside the seasonal and synoptic
research suggests that solar and wind energy are currently the components in the wind speed, there is a turbulence
most likely to provide economically affordable alternate component. This turbulence refers to fluctuations in wind
energy sources because other renewable energy sources like speed on relatively fast time-scale, typically less than 10 min.
tidal remain costly and inefficient. In studying the wind energy affection into a wind turbine, it is
very important to know the mean wind speed determined by
It is obvious that wind and solar energy studies will be the the seasonal, synoptic and diurnal effects, which varies on a
main focus of future renewable engineering efforts. Solar time, with turbulence fluctuations.
energy is becoming more dominant, especially in the Arab
world where their massive deserts have already seen II. EFFICIENCY OF THE WIND TURBINE SYSTEM
investigations into the possibility of generating solar energy The conservation of mass demands that the measure of air
with enough capacity to power entire countries. With wind in and out of a turbine must be equivalent. Consequently,
energy, however, developing offshore wind turbines fit for Betz’s Law defines maximum achievable wind power drawn
tackling the substantially higher wind speeds accessible by a wind turbine as 16/27 (59.3%) of the aggregate kinetic
offshore while avoiding the issues of horizon and noise energy of the air entering the turbine. The best hypothetical
pollution is the way to go. power yield of a wind turbine is therefore 16/27 times the
Wind turbine is designed to convert wind energy into kinetic energy of the air entering the turbine effective area [1].
electric energy. The wind turbine system consists of three A wind turbine captures energy from moving air and
main parts the rotor which includes the blades to convert wind converts it into electricity. Air density, power coefficient, air
energy to low-speed rotational energy. The second part is the density and turbine swept area are parameters that affect the
generator which includes the electrical generator, which captured energy as shown in the following equation [1]:
include all control circuits with a gearbox that convert the
rotational low speed into electric power, and finally the P = 0.5CpV3 A ………….(1.1)
structure that holds all the previous components and that is the Where:
tower and nacelle. Wind turbine is classified into two main
groups depending on their axis in which the turbine rotates. P = Mechanical power in the moving air (W).
 = Air density (kg/m3 ). Where,
A = Area swept by the rotor blades (m2 ) air is the air density,
V = Velocity of the air (m/s) 𝜐w is the free wind speed experienced by the rotor,
Cp= Power coefficient.
Tip speed ratio (TSR) of a wind turbine is defined as:
=(R)/V ………….(1.2)
= Mechanical speed at the rotor shaft of the wind turbine
R = Radios of the blade (m).
V = Velocity of the air (m/s).
The TSR, and blade pitch angle β, are used to calculate the
power coefficient, denoted by Cp. The rotor power
coefficient can
be calculated as: Figure 1

Cp= (Extracted power)/ (Power in wind) .…...(1.3) 𝐴 is the swept rotor area, and

or Cp is the power coefficient.

Cp= Protor / Pwind ……(1.4) The power coefficient depends upon the pitch angle 𝜗 and

So we can write power as: the tip-speed-ratio 𝜆 :

𝜔𝑟𝑜𝑡 . 𝑟
Power = 0.5Cp (,)V3 A ...….(1.5)  = 𝜐𝑤
Variable-speed wind turbines are equipped with a pitch
change mechanism (Pitch angle control) to adjust the blade
pitch angle and obtain a better power coefficient profile
because it controls its rotation speed[1]. The power coefficient 𝑐𝑝 is typically given in a form of
Figure 2:
Before Since vertical axis wind turbines have very low starting
torque, as well as dynamic stability problems they are
commonly found in small wind applications. On the other
hand, horizontal axis wind turbines are the most common
wind turbines and are most commonly used for wind farms,
community wind projects, and small wind applications. In this
paper, we only discuss the modelling and control methods of
horizontal axis wind turbines.
A. Modelling Based on the Aerodynamic
The aerodynamic modelling of the wind turbine has been
studied and is presented in several research papers as. The
kinetic energy obtained by the blades of the wind is
transformed into mechanical torque at the rotor shaft of the
wind turbine the model can be described of in Figure 1.
The blades are attached to the rotor with the tip speed 𝜔rot ⋅ 𝑟,
where 𝑟 is the length of the blade.
The profile of the blade experiences a relative wind speed Figure 2
generated by overlapping the tip speed and wind speed 𝜐𝑤.
Wind is introduced from the lift profile (𝐿) and drag forces (𝐷) The torque on the rotor shaft , which is important for the axis
on the blade, resulting in the movement of these forces blade model, can be calculated from the power with the aid of the
wind energy which is called the aerodynamic power 𝑃𝑤 given rotational speed:
as: 𝑃𝑤
1 𝑇𝐴 = ……(2.3)
𝑃𝑤 = 𝜌𝑎𝑖𝑟 . 𝐴𝑟 . 𝐶𝑝 (, 𝜗) . 𝜐𝑤 3 …..(2.1) 𝜔𝑟
where 𝜔r is the wind turbine speed (velocity of the rotor) the wind speed changes, wind torque increases or decreases,
and 𝑇A is the aerodynamic torque. and the generator torque must be the actuator for taking the
dynamic system to the optimal operating point. The early WTs
IV. CONTROL OF THE WIND TURBINE had not torque control. WTs used Squirrel Cage Induction
In a variable speed wind turbine, the wind speed is used for Generator (SCIG) connected directly to the grid, thus the
regulating the torque and the output power. It is difficult to generator torque was not controllable, and the generator speed
control the torque of the wind turbine at rated wind speed, so was tied to the grid frequency. The possibility of variable
generally torque control is implemented for low wind speed speed operation emerged due to the advances in solid state
regime. The output power is regulated through pitch control devices. Electronic power converters (PCs) became suitable to
of the wind turbine blade. The pitch angle is used to turn in or be used in WTs. The PCs are devices that interface the
turn out the blades according to the control system of the wind generator with the grid, by decoupling the generator speed
turbine. The pitch control by which all the blades are turned in from the grid frequency. PCs execute the electronic switching
or out at the same instant is termed as collective pitch control of stator and rotor voltages to produce the desired voltage
(CPC). The performance of the wind turbine depends not only frequencies, making possible to control generator torque and
on hardware, also on the wind turbine control technique. the active/reactive power produced in the generator.
Nowadays, most of the generators used in variable-speed
The main control objectives of the wind turbine are as follows: operation include the Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
(i) capture the wind power as possible as it can, (DFIG) and the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
(PMSG). The WT torque control is realized by a two-layer
(ii) maximize the wind harvested power in partial load controller in a cascaded structure. The external control loop
zone, determines the torque set-point via MPPT strategy. The inner
control loop, also called the electrical control loop, is
(iii) guarantee a certain level of resilience of the implemented via PCs and receives the torque set-point from
mechanical the external control loop. Since the generator electrical
dynamics is much faster than the WT mechanical dynamics,
parts by alleviating the variable loads,
the electrical control loop is an actuator and to have no
(iv) meet strict power quality standards (power factor, significative control concerns. Control must be focused on the
implementation of MPPT strategy. The torque set-point
harmonics, flicker, etc.), should take the
(v) transfer the electrical power to the grid at an imposed WT to the optimal operation point while maintaining
level in wide range of wind velocities. reduced loads. To execute the task, there are many MPPT
strategies such as:
The control system has three subsystems: aerodynamic
control, variable speed control, and grid connection control. (i) Optimal Torque Control (OTC)
The generator torque control sets the WT rotor speed to obtain
maximum power production, via variable speed operation. (ii) Power Signal Feedback (PSF)
The controller must adjust the generator torque for
(iii) Hill Climb Search (HCS)
accelerating or decelerating the turbine. The WT can be
modelled as a system subjected to both wind torque and (iv) Sliding Mode Control (SMC)
generator torque and with inertia, damping and stiffness. As
(v) Optimum Relation Based (ORB), etc.

Table 1 :- The comparison of different MPPT strategies is given in below table[2]:

Type of WSR Complexity Memory Convergence Performance Dynamic Training Efficiency

algorithms speed at varying response knowledge (%)
wind speed
OTC Not Simple No Need Fast Excellent Fast Provided 90.66
PSF Required Simple Necessary Fast Good Moderate Provided 91.50

HCS Not Simple Not Slow Slow Slow Not 81.33

Required Necessary Required
TSR Required Simple Not Fast Excellent Moderate Not 92.32
Necessary Required
ORB Not Simple Not Medium Medium Medium Not 80.24
Required Necessary Required
V. WIND TURBINE PITCH CONTROL A. Collective Pitch Control (CPC)
Pitch control allows to change the pitch angle of WT’s
blades in order to control its aerodynamic efficiency. The This is the most commonly used method of pitch control,
pitch angle is a major WT parameter as it determines the which is largely implemented in commercial turbines. The
wind’s angle of attack. Thus, turning the blades around commanded pitch is sent collectively for the blades,
their own axes changes the relative wind flow and meaning that the same control action is taken in each one
consequently the aerodynamic loads exerted on the rotor. of them. Usually, CPC implementation relies on a simple
Moreover, the power coefficient varies according to the PID (proportional-integral-derivative) control law, with
pitch angle and consequently the power capture varies as rotor speed variation being the error signal for the closed-
well. Therefore, pitch angle control has a twofold role: loop control. A systematic simulation-based procedure for
power regulation and load reduction[2]. selecting the PID control gains can be found in. As the WT
is a nonlinear system, applying a linear control law such as
this simple PID requires linearization around an operating
point. Different operational conditions degrade controller’s
performance and hence gain scheduling techniques are
necessary for improving efficiency Such techniques are
widely present in the literature. Although PID control with
gain scheduling is the classical CPC implementation, the
constant pursuit for load reduction has motivated the rise of
modern CPC approaches in many research works. Robust
and adaptive methods are used to overcome modelling
uncertainties. Develop adaptive pitch control with concerns
to disturbance rejection. This work is followed by, where
this adaptive controller is extended with a Residual Mode
Filter (RMF) to avoid modal WT subsystems that can be
excited during operation especially in turbulent conditions.
Figure 3 On the other hand, nonlinear modelling is used in, where
fuzzy methods develop a T-S model for pitch control
These are prominent in operation on region 3, purposes. A hybrid Fuzzy-PI control is considered in
where the power production must be limited to the rated Duong et al. (2014), where the focus is CPC to smooth
one and the high wind speeds imposes severe loads to WT power fluctuations. Controllers based on neural networks,
structure and rotor. Different concepts have been proposed although less present in the literature, can also be
along the years for power regulation and load reduction of envisaged. CPC with fault tolerant control (FTC) has been
WTs. The early WTs were controlled by passive means researched for installations of hard maintenance, as
using the blades’ aerodynamic characteristics. The air foils offshore WT. Fault tolerant capability is essential to reduce
were designed to stall when subjected to high wind WT downtimes and fault detection and FTC are pointed as
regimes, which is called passive stall control. critical research fields for the wind industry. In Sloth et al.
Nonadditional actuator was necessary; thus a simple and (2011), authors propose both active and passive fault
low-cost power control was realized. However, the tolerant pitch controllers, which can perform well even in
controllability was very limited as it was based on a natural the presence of leakage in the pitch hydraulic system. The
stall phenomenon without any active control. In passive active FTC (AFTC) relies on information from a fault
stall control, the WT is subjected to more power diagnosis system while passive FTC (PFTC) does not
fluctuations, torque spikes and varying load effort. For depend on such a system but is less performant. A more
overcoming these drawbacks, modern WTs use active pitch sophisticated approach is used by Luzar and Witczak
control, with electrical or hydraulic pitch actuators. In (2014). System identification is proceeded by neural
Region 3, the generator torque is usually imposed to be network for assembling a Linear Parameter Varying (LPV)
constant while the pitch control should be working to system, which allows handling system nonlinearities and
maintain constant rotor speed. While changing the pitch develop an AFTC[3].
angle the control system is also changing the wind torque
and accelerating or decelerating the turbine. As torque and Another promising field of research is predictive
speed are set to be constant, the power production is limited and feed forward CPC, due to the advances in LIDAR
and mechanical loads are reduced, reaching the control (Light Detection and Ranging) applications. LIDAR is a
objectives of region 3. Typically, the pitch control loop sensing technology used to remotely measure the wind
uses only the rotor speed as feedback signal and the pitch speed based on laser diffraction. An early work considering
commanded value is the same for the three blades. This is feedforward-CPC has simulation proven significant load
the so-called collective pitch control (CPC). A modern reductions, in order of 10%. Since then, many papers have
researched pitch control with the specific aim of load demonstrated such benefits. considers LIDAR
reduction is the method of individual pitch control (IPC). measurements to design a feedforward controller using a
Both CPC and IPC techniques are reviewed in the non-causal series expansion for inverse-model control.
following. Inverse-models aim on cancelling disturbances affecting
controlled outputs. The proposed controller has performed
better than baseline CPC feedback control. More recent implementations. Feedforward strategies using MPC,
research conducted by Koerber and King (2013), suggests which is a MIMO method in nature, are also very suitable
a Model Predictive Control (MPC) designed using LIDAR for IPC[3].
measurements as preview information. MPC is a
multivariable and constraint handling method. Authors use
torque and pitch as control signals and consider constraints VI. GRID INTEGRATION CONTROL FOR FREQUENCY
on pitch rate. MPC allows an optimization procedure, and REGULATION
the simulations show better performance than the
traditional PID controller. Finally, field tests proving The integration of WT into grid power systems presents
effectiveness of feedforward CPC can be found in Schlipf important challenges due to the characteristics of wind
et al. (2014)[3]. generation. The randomness and fluctuating nature of the
wind can cause problems for both power system stability
and power quality. Power quality refers to concerns such as
B. Individual Pitch Control (CPC)
flicker and harmonics, which implies controlling the
voltage within a strict range of values. On the other hand,
IPC is the most recent development in pitch control, which power system stability encompasses frequency regulation,
has been intensively researched in the last years, but still which requires maintaining the power system’s nominal
not completely implemented in commercial WTs. It is frequency regardless the variations of electrical load
expected to be largely applied in the next generation of demand. Thereby, grid integration control of WT is a
turbines to shift WT’s design for more and more larger and twofold problem. Regarding to power quality, much
flexible blades. IPC is a technique frequently pointed in the research has been done and advances in power electronics
literature as capable of reducing loads and fatigue damage. are improving WT power quality using reactive power
It makes the WT control system an inherently Multiple- compensation and voltage control. Frequency regulation
Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) system since it requires requirements emerge as the wind power becomes
individual pitch commands for each blade and the presence increasingly widespread. It is easy to prove that problems
of additional sensors. These could be strain gauges or related to frequency stability may arise due to increasing
accelerometers enabling measuring of variables such as participation of WT in power systems. In the last years,
blade root moment or tower displacement. Based on the with the strong growth of wind power, frequency regulation
additional measures, the controller performs an additional has become a main concern in WT grid integration. It is
control action that is individual to each blade. The aim is to also the most recent development in WT control. Many WT
adjust the pitch angle to reduce the blade root moment or manufacturers have recently reached the minimal
damping structural modes. Individual pitch command requirements of frequency regulation capabilities, but
works in a different frequency range from the collective research is still ongoing to understand the limits and
pitch one. The pure CPC has the objective of regulating possibilities of this technology. WTs are different from
rotor speed while IPC envisages little adjustments in pitch conventional power plants, where the fuel is controllable
angle for reducing stresses. Although simulations prove the and can be adjusted according to the frequency needs. The
benefits of using IPC, the field tests and practical main objective of a power system is to provide electrical
implementation remain in course. In the point of view of power guaranteeing the balance between power demand
hardware, the challenge remains about sensors reliability, and power supply. If there is an imbalance, the frequency
as the modern WTs are already equipped with individual will suffer a drop, when the demand is larger than the
pitch actuators for each blade. Sensors installed at the supply, or an increase, when the supply is larger than the
blades would operate under several conditions and difficult demand. Alterations on frequency can damage devices
maintenance. There is also a concern about the wear in connected to the grid and can even lead to a grid fault with
individual pitch mechanisms due to the increased actuation system blackout. Therefore, an increased level of wind
cycle. Despite these practical questions, IPC papers energy penetration must be accompanied by frequency
generally focus on control methods, and this is a fertile regulation capability of WT and some utilities grid codes
research field[3]. already impose it. One can classify the frequency
adjustments provided by WT according to different time
Early proposals of IPC relied on feedback control based scales. Inertia emulation is the shorter one and is used to
on structural sensors. The most recent development slow down the initial rate of change in frequency. Primary
consists in using LIDAR technology for feedforward frequency control (PFC) is the next and is used to bring
control. The preview information about wind inflow frequency to a steady level [4].
provided by LIDAR allows the control system to act in
advance to incoming wind events, as gusts or disturbances. The last one corresponds to automatic generation
Laks et al. (2011) compare feedforward IPC to the IPC control (AGC), used to bring frequency back to its nominal
feedback only, based on H∞ techniques. Simulations level. As frequency depends on balancing load and supply,
results show reductions in damage equivalent loads (DEL), the electrical power generated by WT should be controlled
a standard measure of fatigue damage. A technical report to certain values. This is the so-called active power control.
from the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory It could be implemented using both torque or pitch
(NREL) deals with different LIDAR-based strategies for controllers on different WT operational regions. According
IPC, comparing preview time and LIDAR to these, there are many research papers developing WT
frequency regulation capabilities. The early proposals for
frequency regulation were made by Rodriguez-Amenedo et [2] Review on control techniques and methodologies for
al. (2002), where pitch control was used to follow a variable maximum power extraction from wind energy systems
power reference and thus implement AGC. Torque control ISSN 1752-1416 Received on 4th May 2018 Revised 31st
for the same purposes was considered in Pudjianto et al. July 2018 Accepted on 3rd August 2018 doi: 10.1049/iet-
(2007). More recently, the torque methods have been rpg.2018.5206 www.ietdl.org Mekalathur B. Hemanth
considered for de-rated operation, which consists in Kumar1, Balasubramanian Saravanan1 , Padmanaban
maintaining a power reserve that can be used for PFC Sanjeevi kumar, Frede Blaabjerg School of Electrical
purposes. However, modern multivariable control Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
strategies are the newest approaches for PFC [4].
[3] Review on Frequency Control of Power Systems with
In Camblong et al. (2014), multivariable control is Wind Power Penetration Yuan-zhang SUN, Senior
developed for frequency regulation via a MIMO LQG Member, IEEE, Zhao-sui ZHANG, Guo-jie LI, Member,
controller, which considers also individual pitch and torque IEEE, and Jin LIN.
controllers acting simultaneously in full-load region. MPC
is another multivariable control used for frequency [4] A review on wind turbine control and its associated
regulation, in different contexts. In Kassem (2012), pitch methods Eduardo Jose Novaes Menezes, Alex Maurício
control based on MPC is considered for load-frequency Araújo, Nadege Sophie Bouchonneau da Silva UFPE e
adjustments. A frequency control for a multi-area power Federal University of Pernambuco, Department of
system using MPC is developed in. Hybrid power systems Mechanical Engineering, Recife, Brazil.
e.g. wind-diesel can also be frequency-controlled by MPC.
Despite the above modern methods for PFC and AGC,
inertia emulation has been traditionally studied according
to simple proportional-derivative control. However, In a
recent research presents an optimization procedure based
on particle swarm optimization (PSO). To sum up the
above papers, one can state that, although the multiple
focus of research, the main strategy is to develop frequency
control by operating WT in a speed higher than the optimal,
as shown in the complete report by Elaet al. (2014). Due to
this non-optimal operation, there is a power reserve that can
be enabled changing the operational point to the optimal
one. The power reserve is used when necessary to balance
frequency drops. At last, beyond the research works, it is
remarkable the effort of wind industry R&D for achieving
high levels of WT’s frequency reliability. The technology
is proprietary, but it is worthy to note that patents are
already being registered [4].

The Green energy has opened an important branch and
shows in the rise of technology. The wind turbines and
related techniques, environment, structure, and control
methodology, are paid more attention recently. This paper
presents the most common used wind turbine models which
are classified with respect to different objectives as are more
production energy, safety of turbine, connection to grid;
consequently, the wind turbine dimensions are increased
and the control methods are required to respond quickly and
effectively to the important task of the power generation.
The previous fact results in high cost of the sensors as well
as the instability of the system; therefore, more complex
identification techniques are required to help the control.

[1] Modeling and Simulation of Wind Turbine Generator

Using Matlab-Simulink Roshen T. Ahmad
roshen62@yahoo.com University of Technology Mahdi A.
Abdul-Hussain mahdiobaydi@yahoo.com University of

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