The Project For Developing Countermeasures Against Landsliders in The Abay River Gorge

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January 2012


Location of Study Area

Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia

Study Area

Detail Map

Goha Tsiyon

Study Area

Main road 3

Addis Ababa

0 100km

Location Map
Rate of Currency Translation

1 USD = 17.29 ETB

= 77.73 JPY

1 ETB = 0.0578 USD

= 4.4955 JPY
ETB: Ethiopia Birr

As of December 1st, 2011

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

Executive Summary

The report describes the results of Project on Developing Countermeasure against

Landslides in Abay River Gorge. The project formulated for the technical transfer of
landslide mitigation techniques which focused on the investigation, monitoring, analysis and
the formulation of comprehensive countermeasures. The project period is from April 2010 to
January 2012.

At the initial phase of the project, the drilling work could not be implemented in the proper
time period (before rainy season) due to some misunderstanding of the protocol of JICA
project. However, through several discussions with stakeholders, major concern was
resolved. Since than, the project were smoothly implemented and well managed by JICA
Study team and their counter part staff – members of Geo-hazards Investigation Business
Process of Ethiopian Geological Survey.

Natural Conditions

The project site of Abay Gorge has the elevation deference of 1,060m within the two major
city of Goha Tsiyon and Dejen (distance of 40.45km). There the national road 3 passes this
gorge with tremendous winding road along the cliffs and steep slopes. Four major critical
landslides observed within the project site namely, L/S00, L/S05, L/S27 and L/S28. The study
and the technical transfer have been focused on this four landslide area.

The rainy season of the site is from June to September, with July and August accounting for
about 50% of annual precipitation. Annual average rainfall is 1,394mm/year (49 years at
Dejen) and 1,195 mm/year (34 years at Filiklik village)

The geology of the site is characterized by the stratified sedimentary rocks capped by the
basaltic plateau.

Landslide Survey

The survey entails hydrological, topographic, geomorphologic, geological, drilling survey

and geophysical exploration. Those results are compiled into Final Report with GIS and

The techniques and measurements used especially for landslide are; new installation of rain
gauge (at Abay bridge and Gabrielle church) for detailed observation rainfall to identify the
relationship of rainfall and landslide movement. Other four devices installed to detect the
landslide movements which are; inclinometer (for detection of slip surface), extensometer
(for detection of landslide surface movement), borehole extensometer (for detection of
vertical movement of landslide) and water level gauge (accurate groundwater level meter).

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

The gorge is mainly made by thick Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and overlain by series of
basaltic lava flows and pyroclastics. The detailed surveys on the topographic, geological,
geophysical and drilling revealed that the most common materials of landslide areas are
colluvial deposit, pyroclastc rock, basalt, limestone, silt and shale.

In addition, rock failure and debris flow survey is also conducted at the site. The result of the
survey was compiled into the table showing the risks of occurrence by the site.

Landslide Analysis and Interpretation

In combination with the hydrological, topographic and geological analysis, the hazard map
was prepared at the project site. The area under the risk of the hazard was indicated on the
map in the deferent categories with deferent colors. The assessment of the risk has been made
to the general risk and the risk influence to the road. Assessment was conducted using the
score of seriousness on A: Causes (topographical and geological conditions), B: History of
landslide and C: Effectiveness of current countermeasure. The hazard map and the risk
category table has been prepared. Altogether 22 landslides (or slopes) categorized as high
risk to the road, and which four landslides was considered to be most serious case.
Interpretation of these landslides is as follows;

1. L/S00 (ST.0+200 – 1+100)

Three deferent slip surfaces were predicted by the geological survey, drilling core log and
monitoring result. The biggest one is rock slide composed by colluvial deposits. Second
landslide is part of former landslide and this is also composed chiefly by colluvial deposits.
Most active landslide block is at the part of embankment. Main triggering factor of this
landslide is water level rising. The largest surface movement during the rainy season was
42.4mm. Depth of slip surface (at the drilling point) is 16.2m depth (at B00-12) and 10.5m (at
B00-22). Water level is between the depths of 20 to 24m.

2. L/S05 (ST.4+800 to 5+600)

Two possible landslide mass can be observed. The one is upper side of the road which are
composed of colluvial deposit provided from past landslide residue. The drilling cannot be
made to this landslide due to the steep and rough surface, the limestone was initially
considered to consist as a part of slip surface. The other is at the lower side of the road and
also composed of colluvial deposit. Active portion is the lower one, the slide occur due to the
accumulation of several subsurface water way. The largest surface movement during the
rainy season was 57.6mm. Depth of slip surface (at the drilling point) is between 7.5 to
17.02m depth (at 4 drilling result). Water level is between the depths of 22 to 32m.

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

3. L/S27-28 (ST.27+200 to 28+800)

This is the largest landslide block in the area with at least more than 20 sub blocks. Initial
landslide occurs at the weathered portion and followed by the debris like material covers the
entire block. Active landslide bodies are composed of basaltic and/or limy soil and gravel as
colluvial deposit. There seems to be several shallow and deep slip planes with the movement
of smaller blocks triggers the instability of entire landslide block. The largest surface
movement during the rainy season was 294.9mm. Depth of slip surface (at the drilling point)
is between 8.9 to 24.5m depth (at 7 drilling result). Water level is between the depths of 15 to

The relation between the movement of the landslide and the rainfall is obvious. There are two
factors of rainfall to be considered. The one is intensity and the other is accumulation. From
the monitoring result, extensometer moves gradually with the rainfall accumulation. But the
intensity of the rainfall seems more serious cause for the triggering the movement of the
landslide. For example, at L/S27-28, a day maximum movement is 7.7mm recorded on
17/Aug/2011 and this trend extended until 8/Sep/2011 (total movement of 136mm). During
this period, intensive rainfall has been recorded including the maximum daily rainfall of

The stability analysis using the Jambu method was demonstrated. In case of Japan, for the
economical and systematic calculation of the countermeasure, the method of calculation is
standardized by the government agency. The technical now how of the stability analysis has
been transferred by utilizing back calculation of the important parameters of c and φ. The
condition of safety (safety factor) was set as 0.98 in accordance with the Japanese standard.

Rock fall and debris flow analysis was also conducted, and the interpretation and measures
are indicated using simulation software.

Landslide Countermeasure

There are major two deferent measures commonly used. One is control works and the other is
restraint works. The first one is mainly to reduce the triggering factor or causes (such as
lowering groundwater table, surface water drainage) and the other is to against the sliding
force by using piles, anchors etc. In Ethiopia, the application of control works should come
first to prevent the landslide by controlling groundwater.

The first method is drainage of water from the landslide mass using horizontal drilling
technique. If the groundwater can be reduced into certain level, the pore pressure of the slip
surface will be reduced which lead to prevent the movement of the landslide. Second measure
will be the surface drainage system and surface treatment to prevent the rainfall penetrates
into the landslide mass. This method also contributes the accumulation of rainfall into the
landslide mass, and also reduces the pore pressure.

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

Consideration of the countermeasure is often setup by the practices of long term try and
error. Therefore, the first application in this country shall be follow this step towards the
setup of system for the design realistic measures. The drawings of the countermeasure (draft)
have been shown in this report.

Technical Transfer

The project is aimed to upgrade the skills of counterpart on landslide protection measure.
The step by step approach was applied for the technical transfer. For the phase 1, the on site
job training has been applied. In house joint analysis has been done in phase 2 followed by
their own demonstration by the counterpart staff.

On demand structure of JICA expert team was requested for the support of above mentioned
procedure. During the project period, 3 in house technical seminars, 11 workshops and more
than 20 on site technical transfer has been conducted. As the most technology on landslide
was mainly transferred on the on site or on demand bases, seminars and workshops are
conducted as a mile stone of entire project.

Further more, from 18/June/2011 to 8/July2011, four counterpart members visit Japan to
ensure the technical transfer has been successfully operated during phase 1 and 2 of the
project and experience and learn the techniques at sites and research institutes of several

For ensure the progress of their achievement, PDM has been applied to ensure the outcome
of the project. The result of review of the output and activities of PDM, the project operation
has been implemented successfully.

Capacity assessment is also conducted to review the progress of the counterpart’s knowledge
on the landslide investigation and analysis. The result indicates the scores on important
indicators (project implementation, geomorphological survey, geological survey, landslide
monitoring and stability analysis) were upgraded (the skills of counterparts on landslide
survey, analysis were advanced).

Total of 5 Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) was held during the project period. The
committee has well functioned to understand the policies of JICA and resolve the project
problems (such as drilling, budget preparation, etc.) through the discussion among all
stakeholders. It should be also mentioned that the involvement of Ethiopian Road Authority
(ERA) was the center of the success of this project.

The counterpart (GSE) started the additional drilling by themselves to ensure their earned
skills from November 2011, and their continuous challenge for the landslide survey with high
motivation makes promising on their sustainability and progress of the landslide
investigation/analysis for the future development.

Photos of the Project (1)

After the sign for commencement of the Project, 14th Apr. Second Joint Coordinating Committee Meeting,
2010 1st Jul. 2010

Seismic exploration at the landslide site Digging trench for extensometer

Installed extensometer at the landslide Drilling work at ST.0.800

Photos of the Project (2)

Downloading the rain fall data Technical transfer on site (Measurement method
of cracks), 25th Jan. 2011

Technical transfer on site (Mapping of the location Technical transfer on site (Data collection of
of cracks), 27th Jan. 2011 monitoring devices), 18th Feb. 2011

Workshop of the landslide, debris flow and rock Workshop of the landslide, debris flow and rock
fall analysis (Lecture of landslide stability analysis), fall analysis (Drawing of landslide cross sections),
25th Feb. 2011 25th Feb. 2011
Photos of the Project (3)

Workshop of GIS utilization for landslide Technical transfer on drilling.

18th Mar. 2011 4th Jun. 2011

Monitoring data collection of borehole

Technical transfer on drilling. Installation of casing
extensometer, 21st Jun. 2011
pipes for inclinometer, 12th Jul. 2011

Monitoring data collection of extensometer Technical transfer for connecting casing pipe for
21st Jun. 2011 inclinometer, 13th Jul. 2011
Photos of the Project (4)

Technical transfer for connecting casing pipe Installation of groundwater level meter, 22nd Jun.
for inclinometer, 13th Jul. 2011 2011

Slip surface on the core at B05-13 Workshop for landslide, debris flow and rock fall
analysis, 7th Oct. 2011

Workshop of monitoring and early-warning system, Workshop for field survey and integrated
11th -16th Oct. 2011 analysis, 28th -30th Oct. 2011
Location Map
Executive Summary
List of Figures
List of Photos
List of Tables
List of Related Persons
1 Introduction................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 General ........................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Background of the Project ............................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Objectives of the Project ................................................................................ 1-2
1.3.1 Superior goal ........................................................................................ 1-2
1.3.2 Project purpose ..................................................................................... 1-2
1.3.3 Project outputs ...................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Scope of the Project ....................................................................................... 1-2
1.4.1 Counterpart ........................................................................................... 1-2
1.4.2 Project area ........................................................................................... 1-3
1.5 Work plan and schedule ................................................................................. 1-4
1.5.1 List of JICA experts and counterparts .................................................. 1-6
1.5.2 Notable Events in the Project ............................................................... 1-6
1.6 Landslide survey/analysis manual preparation .............................................. 1-7
2 Natural Condition of Abay Gorge ................................................ 2-1
2.1 Topography .................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Climate ........................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 Rainfall ................................................................................................. 2-2
2.2.2 Temperature ......................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Geology .......................................................................................................... 2-4
3 Landslide Survey .......................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Hydrological Survey ...................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Existing data interpretation .................................................................. 3-1
3.1.2 Precipitation monitoring ...................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Topographical Survey .................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.1 Satellite Imaginary ............................................................................... 3-3
3.2.2 Topographic mapping .......................................................................... 3-4
3.3 Preliminary Geomorphologic Survey ............................................................ 3-5
3.3.1 Vicinity of ST.0+000 to ST.1+200 ...................................................... 3-5
3.3.2 Vicinity of ST.28+200 to ST.29+700 .................................................. 3-6
3.4 Geological Survey .......................................................................................... 3-7
3.4.1 Geology of the landslide area .............................................................. 3-7
3.4.2 Surface anomalies of the landslides ................................................... 3-10

3.5 Monitoring ................................................................................................... 3-12
3.5.1 General devices for landslide monitoring .......................................... 3-12
3.5.2 Plan of monitoring devices installation ............................................. 3-13
3.5.3 Landslide monitoring in Abay Gorge ................................................ 3-13
3.6 Geophysical Exploration .............................................................................. 3-15
3.6.1 Elastic wave Exploration ................................................................... 3-15
3.6.2 Two-Dimensional Resistivity Exploration ........................................ 3-16
3.7 Drilling Survey............................................................................................. 3-18
3.7.1 Drilling plan ....................................................................................... 3-18
3.7.2 Drilling results ................................................................................... 3-21
3.8 Rockfall Survey/Debris Flow Survvey ........................................................ 3-22
3.8.1 Rockfall Survey ................................................................................. 3-22
3.8.2 Debris Flow Survey ........................................................................... 3-24
3.9 GIS/Database ............................................................................................... 3-27
3.10 Preliminary interpretation for each landslide ............................................... 3-28
3.10.1 Location L/S 00 ................................................................................. 3-28
3.10.2 Location L/S 05 ................................................................................. 3-29
3.10.3 Location L/S 22 ................................................................................. 3-29
3.10.4 Location L/S 27 ................................................................................. 3-30
3.10.5 Location L/S 28 ................................................................................. 3-30
4 Landslide Analysis and Interpretation ........................................ 4-1
4.1 Hydrological Interpretation ............................................................................ 4-1
4.1.1 Characteristics of rainfall ..................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Landslide occurrence and triggering mechanisms ............................... 4-1
4.1.3 Hydrological monitoring data interpretation ....................................... 4-1
4.2 Hydrographic System..................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.1 Drainage network................................................................................. 4-3
4.2.2 Groundwater distribution and flow ...................................................... 4-3
4.3 Landslide area Identification and Assessment ............................................... 4-4
4.3.1 Satellite imagery interpretation............................................................ 4-4
4.3.2 Landslide distribution .......................................................................... 4-4
4.3.3 Characteristics of landslide blocks ...................................................... 4-6
4.3.4 Landslide hazard assessment ............................................................... 4-7
4.3.5 Priority landslides ................................................................................ 4-8
4.4 Landslide Block Interpretation....................................................................... 4-9
4.4.1 Geological character of landslides by block ........................................ 4-9
4.4.2 Cross sectional interpretation ............................................................ 4-10
4.4.3 Monitoring data interpretation ........................................................... 4-17
4.4.4 Rock and soil properties .................................................................... 4-17
4.4.5 Discussions on the slip surface .......................................................... 4-19
4.5 Stability Analysis of landslides .................................................................... 4-23
4.5.1 General............................................................................................... 4-23
4.5.2 Safety factor in landslide analysis ..................................................... 4-23
4.5.3 Selecting parameters .......................................................................... 4-23
4.5.4 Stability analysis method ................................................................... 4-24
4.5.5 Result of stability analysis ................................................................. 4-25
4.6 Utilization of slope stability analysis ........................................................... 4-26
4.6.1 Principle of using result of stability analysis ..................................... 4-26
4.6.2 Initial assessment of effect of countermeasure works ....................... 4-26

4.6.3 Verification of effect of countermeasure works ................................ 4-27
4.6.4 Modification of shear strength parameter of soil ............................... 4-28
4.6.5 Trial calculation on effect of countermeasure ................................... 4-28
4.7 Rockfall Analysis ......................................................................................... 4-30
4.7.1 Methodology ...................................................................................... 4-30
4.7.2 Rockfall Interpretation ....................................................................... 4-31
4.7.3 Analysis result ................................................................................... 4-32
4.8 Debris Flow Analysis................................................................................... 4-34
4.8.1 Methodology ...................................................................................... 4-34
4.8.2 Debris flow Interpretation.................................................................. 4-34
4.8.3 Analysis result ................................................................................... 4-35
5 Landslide Countermeasure ......................................................... 5-1
5.1 General countermeasure for landslide............................................................ 5-1
5.2 Landslide countermeasures in Abay Gorge ................................................... 5-2
5.2.1 Interpretation of stability analysis........................................................ 5-2
5.2.2 Expected countermeasures in each landslide block ............................. 5-2
5.2.3 Remarks in practice ............................................................................. 5-5
5.2.4 Requirements for setting appropriate countermeasure ........................ 5-5
5.3 Early warning and evacuation ........................................................................ 5-7
5.3.1 General relationship between rainfall, groundwater and landslide ...... 5-7
5.3.2 Response of landslide deformation to groundwater level variation..... 5-7
5.3.3 Case study of hydrological analysis..................................................... 5-8
5.3.4 An example to set the criterion for early warning and evacuation .... 5-10
5.4 Rockfall/Debris Flow Countermeasures ...................................................... 5-11
5.4.1 General Countermeasures .................................................................. 5-11
5.4.2 Application of countermeasure on rockfall/debris flow .................... 5-13
5.4.3 Requirement for setting appropriate countermeasure ........................ 5-15
6 Technical Transfer........................................................................ 6-1
6.1 Methodology .................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1.1 Improvement of the capacity of C/P regarding landslides ................... 6-1
6.1.2 Effective technical transfer on landslide.............................................. 6-1
6.1.3 Support investigation into effective landslide countermeasures .......... 6-1
6.2 Structure of technical transfer ........................................................................ 6-2
6.3 Main contents of technical transfer ................................................................ 6-3
6.3.1 Technical Transfer Seminar ................................................................. 6-3
6.3.2 Work shop............................................................................................ 6-3
6.3.3 On site training .................................................................................... 6-4
6.3.4 Training in Japan ................................................................................. 6-4
6.4 Capacity assessment....................................................................................... 6-6
6.4.1 Contents of Questionnaire ................................................................... 6-6
6.4.2 The Result of CA ................................................................................. 6-6
6.5 PDM ............................................................................................................... 6-7
6.6 JCC................................................................................................................. 6-9
6.7 Biweekly Meeting .......................................................................................... 6-9


1. Scope of work for the project

2. Minutes of meeting on the inception report for the project

3. Minutes of meeting of joint coordination committee for the project

4. Topographic map

5. Satellite image

6. Drilling log

7. Core sample photo

8. Satellite image interpretation for geomorphologic survey

9. Geophysical exploration and profile

10. Rockfall survey and analysis

11. Debris flow survey

12. Monitoring result

13. Photo of monitoring condition

14. Geological map

15. Landslide, rockfall and debris flow distribution map

16. Table of landslide hazard assessment result

17. Hazard map (Rank of landslide and debris flow by score)

18. Hazard map (Rank of landslide and debris flow for roads)

19. Landslide cross section

20. Laboratory test

21. Questionnaire and its result of technical transfer workshop

List of Figures
Figure 1.4.1 Project Area Map 1-2
Figure 1.4.2 Location map of the landslide area 1-3
Figure 1.5.1 Flowchart summarizing survey/analysis for landslides 1-4
Figure 1.5.2 Detailed implementation schedule flowchart 1-5
Figure 2.2.1 Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification Map 2-2
Figure 2.2.2 Mean of Monthly Precipitation 2-3
Figure 2.2.3 Annual temperature at variation of the Addis Ababa town 2-3
Figure 2.3.1 General geological map of Ethiopia 2-4
Figure 2.3.2 Schematic geological section in the Abay Gorge 2-5
Figure 3.2.1 Acquired imaginary 3-3
Figure 3.2.2 The area of the topographic mapping 3-4
Figure 3.3.1 Satellite image interpretation ST.0+000 to ST.1+200 3-5
Figure 3.3.4 Satellite image interpretation ST.28+200 to ST.29+700 3-6
Figure 3.4.1 Geological map of Abay Gorge 3-8
Figure 3.4.2 Geological schematic section of the Abay Gorge (not to scale) 3-9
Figure 3.4.3 Surface anomalies in L/S00 (ST.0+200 to 1+100) 3-10
Figure 3.5.1 Various kinds of devices for landslide monitoring 3-12
Figure 3.5.2 Conceptual diagram of Extensometer 3-13
Figure 3.5.3 Conceptual diagram of Borehole Extensometer 3-14
Figure 3.5.4 A principle of Borehole Extensometer 3-14
Figure 3.5.6 Measurement of Borehole Inclinometer 3-14
Figure 3.5.5 Borehole Inclinometer 3-14
Figure 3.7.1 Survey locations in L/S00 3-20
Figure 3.7.2 Survey locations in L/S05 3-20
Figure 3.7.3 Survey locations in L/S22 3-20
Figure 3.7.4 Survey locations in L/S27, L/S28 3-20
Figure 3.8.1 Conceptual diagram of debris flow flooding 3-24
Figure 3.8.2 Sediment forms based on bed gradients 3-24
Figure 3.10.1 Relationship between plain map and geophysical cross section on L/S00 3-28
Figure 3.10.2 Summarized cross section on L/S05 3-29
Figure 4.2.1 Drainage network 4-3
Figure 4.3.1 Examples of old landslides (L/S05-01) 4-4
Figure 4.3.2 Satellite imagery interpretation and mapping of landslides (L/S26 to L/S27) 4-4
Figure 4.3.3 Schematic Diagram of Landslide Landforms 4-6
Figure 4.3.4 Comparison of Contour Lines in Landslide Area and Non-landslide Area 4-7
Figure 4.3.5 Flowchart of Landslide Hazard Assessment 4-7
Figure 4.4.1 Schematic geological column in the landslide in L/S00 4-9
Figure 4.4.2 Schematic geological column in the landslide in L/S05 4-9
Figure 4.4.3 Schematic geological column in the landslide in L/S22 4-10
Figure 4.4.4 Schematic geological column in the landslide in L/S27-28 4-10
Figure 4.4.5 Geological cross section in L/S00 (B0-12) 4-10
Figure 4.4.6 Geological cross section in L/S05 (above:B0-04, bottom: B0-05) 4-11
Figure 4.4.7 Survey locations in L/S27 4-12
Figure 4.4.8 Survey locations in L/S28 4-12
Figure 4.4.9 Geological cross section in L/S27/28 (B0-08) 4-13
Figure 4.4.10 Geological cross section in L/S27/28 (B0-09) 4-14
Figure 4.4.11 Geological cross section in L/S27/28 (B0-14) 4-15
Figure 4.4.12 Geological cross section in L/S27/28 (B0-15) 4-16
Figure 4.4.13 Cumulative distribution of grain size analysis 4-18
Figure 4.4.14 Flow of landslide survey and landslide analysis 4-19
Figure 4.6.1 Using slope stability analysis to evaluate the effect of countermeasure works 4-26
Figure 4.6.2 Changes in the factor of safety in response to decrease in groundwater level 4-28
Figure 4.7.1 Topography/Geology and Rockfall Type 4-31
Figure 5.1.1 Landslide countermeasures 5-1
Figure 5.1.2 Schematic figure of landslide countermeasures 5-1

Figure 5.2.1 Schematic figures of expected countermeasure for landslide on L/S00 5-3
Figure 5.2.2 Schematic figures of expected countermeasure for landslide on L/S05 5-3
Figure 5.2.3 Schematic figures of expected countermeasure for landslide on L/S27 5-4
Figure 5.2.4 Schematic figures of expected countermeasure for landslide on L/S28 5-4
Figure 5.3.1 The relationship between rainfall, groundwater and landslide 5-7
Figure 5.3.2 Time series change of pore water pressure and deformation velocity 5-8
Figure 5.3.3 Schematic model between rainfall, groundwater and landslide 5-9
Figure 5.4.1 Representative Debris Flow Countermeasure Facilities 5-13
Figure 5.4.2 Guideline for Applicable Range of Rockfall Countermeasures 5-14
Figure 6.2.1 Structure of Technical Transfer 6-2
Figure 6.3.1 Outline of the training in Japan 6-5

List of Photos
Photo 3.10.1 Landslide 22-01 from opposite side terrace cliff 3-29

List of Tables
Table 1.5.1 List of JICA experts and counterparts............................................................................. 1-6
Table 1.6.1 Content of the landslide survey/analysis ......................................................................... 1-7
Table 2.3.1 Geological classification in the Abay Gorge (Tefera et al., 1996) .................................. 2-4
Table 3.1.1 Existing data List ............................................................................................................ 3-1
Table 3.1.2 Newly Installed Rain Gauges List .................................................................................. 3-2
Table 3.1.3 The duration of the precipitation monitoring .................................................................. 3-2
Table 3.4.1 Rock appearance height and its thickness ....................................................................... 3-7
Table 3.5.1 Type of landslide monitoring ........................................................................................ 3-12
Table 3.5.2 Monitoring sites ............................................................................................................ 3-13
Table 3.7.1 Quantities for the drilling and monitoring .................................................................... 3-19
Table 3.7.2 The quantities for the core drilling................................................................................ 3-21
Table 3.10.1 Comparison of seismic exploration and drilling survey on L/S00 .............................. 3-28
Table 3.10.2 Comparison of seismic exploration and drilling survey on L/S27 .............................. 3-30
Table 3.10.3 Comparison of seismic exploration and drilling survey on L/S28 .............................. 3-30
Table 4.1.1 Landslide Occurrence in Abay Gorge............................................................................. 4-1
Table 4.1.2 Monitoring sites and parameters ..................................................................................... 4-2
Table 4.3.1 Landslide Density by Geology ........................................................................................ 4-5
Table 4.3.2 Landslide Hazard Assessment Categories and Scores .................................................... 4-8
Table 4.3.3 Landslide Risk Assessment of the Road ......................................................................... 4-8
Table 4.4.1 Outline of the monitoring results .................................................................................. 4-17
Table 4.4.2 The results of XRD ....................................................................................................... 4-18
Table 4.4.3 Summary of the hydro-geological structure and landslide movement .......................... 4-22
Table 4.5.1 Definition of safety factor for landslide ........................................................................ 4-23
Table 4.7.1 Classification of Slopes and µ (equivalent friction coefficient) value .......................... 4-30
Table 4.7.2 Dr. Spang’s Version – Parameter Selection Table for Rockfall Simulation ................. 4-30
Table 4.7.3 Cross Sections to be Examined and the Size of Rockfall ............................................. 4-32
Table 4.7.4 Maximum energy and bounce height on the roadside .................................................. 4-33
Table 4.8.1 Parameters Required for Debris Flow Simulation ........................................................ 4-34
Table 4.8.2 Cross Section to be Examined in Debris Flow Simulation ........................................... 4-35
Table 4.8.3 Parameters Selected for Debris Flow Simulation ......................................................... 4-35
Table 4.8.4 Examination Results in Debris Flow Simulation .......................................................... 4-36
Table 5.2.1 Design of countermeasures ............................................................................................. 5-2
Table 5.3.1 An example to set criterion for landslide warning, alerting and evacuation ................. 5-10
Table 5.4.1 Examples of Rockfall Prevention works....................................................................... 5-11
Table 5.4.2 Examples of Rockfall Protection Works....................................................................... 5-12
Table 5.4.3 Types of Debris Flow Countermeasure Facilities ......................................................... 5-13
Table 6.1.1 Method of capacity development in each stage of development .................................... 6-1

Table 6.2.1 The Study Team Members by Group of Expertise ......................................................... 6-2
Table 6.3.1 Summary of landslide work shop ................................................................................... 6-3
Table 6.3.2 Summary of on-site-type technical trainings .................................................................. 6-4
Table 6.3.3 Contents and purpose of training .................................................................................... 6-5
Table 6.5.1 Achievements of Technical Transfer .............................................................................. 6-7
Table 6.5.2 Results of activities ......................................................................................................... 6-8


C/P Counterpart
CA Capacity Assessment
DED District Engineer Division
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DRMC District Road Maintenance Contractor
EMA Ethiopian Mapping Agency
ERA Ethiopian Roads Authority
GIS Geographical Information System
GOE Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
GOJ Government of Japan
GPS Global Positioning System
GSE Geological Survey of Ethiopia
IC/R Inception Report
ITR(IT/R) Interim Report
JCC Joint Coordination Committee
JICA Japanese International Cooperation Agency
L/S Landslide
M/M Minutes of Meeting
MM Ministry of Mines
MME Ministry of Mines and Energy
MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
NGO Non Governmental Organizations
NMSA The Ethiopia National Meteorological Services Agency
PCM Project Cycle Management
PDM Project Design Matrix
PR (P/R) Progress Report
S/C Steering Committee
S/W Scope of Work
The Project Developing Countermeasures against Landslides in the Abay River Gorge
The Study Team Japanese Study Team organized by JICA
WWIS World Weather Information Service

List of relative persons

Organization Name Title Mobile Email

Koji OOTA Chief Representative
JICA Ethiopia
Makoto SHINKAWA Senior Representative
Atsushi NAKAGAWA Representative 09 11 21 37 85
Kensuke ICHIKAWA Chief Advisor 09 12 06 67 87
Shigekazu FUJISAWA Hydrological Survey/Analysis 09 20 53 88 86
Takeshi KUWANO Geological Survey/Analysis 1 09 20 53 87 34
Kazuo FURUKATA Project Coordinator 09 20 72 18 16
Takashi SUZUKI Drilling Techniques 09 10 37 17 95
Shozo SHIMODA Topographic Survey 09 20 72 18 15
Masami TAKAHATA Project Coordinator 09 20 53 87 33
Yoshimuzu GONAI GIS/Database
Geomorphological Analysis 1/
Hazard Map
Mitsuya ENOKIDO Geomorphological Analysis 2
Makito NODA Geological Survey/Analysis 2
Naohiro ISOGAI Geophysical Exploration
Landslide Monitoring/Early
Warning system
Masao YAMADA Landslide Integrated Analysis
Rockfall/Debris Flow
Yerom Moges Assistant 0913-355055
Masresha G/ Selassie Director General
Head of Geo-hazard Core
Getnet Mewa 0911-428675
Leta Alemayehu Engineering Geologist 0911-147429
Haile Selassie G/Selassie Geophysist 0911-168391
Melkamu Tegegne Engineering Geologist 0913-879062
Yewubnesh Bekele Geologist 0913-047332
Solomon Gera Mapping and Remote Sensing 0913-499358
Tekalegne Tesfaye Geologist 0910-923686
Demis Alamirew Hydrologist 0911-476280
Tadesse Lema Engineering Geophysist 0911-767008
Sisay Alemayehu Engineering Geologist 0920-476280
Ezra Tadesse Seismologist 0910-584903
Bayu Wedajo Drilling Engineer 0911-940969 Wedaj,
Biruk Abel Engineering Geologist 0911-874620
Habtamu Eshete Geologist 0911-103980
Debebe kifle Engineering Geologist 0910-510288
Head, Ground water resource
Yohannes Belete 0911-156512
Samuel Molla Engineering Geologist 0911-422676 Samgreat96@yahoo.c
Head, Mineral exploration &
Berehe G/Sellassie 0911-363817
Tadesse Alemu Head, Basic Geoscience
Yeheyis AmdeBerhan Head, Drilling Service Center 0911-393524
Head, Geothermal Resrouce
Solomon Kebede
Alemayehu Ayele Highway Research Team 0911- 638033
Central Region Design
ERA Solomon Shanko
Kalid Abdurazak Landslide Unit 0911-808806
EMA Degelo Sendabo Head RS&GIS 0916-825673
Director, Institute of
AAU Elias Lewi Geophysics, space science and 0911-110744

Chapter 1
The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

1 Introduction
1.1 General
This Report covers the results for the Project on Developing Countermeasures against
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (hereinafter the Project) according to the Minutes of
Meeting (hereinafter M/M) agreed upon between the Geological Survey of Ethiopia
(hereinafter GSE), of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (hereinafter Ethiopia) and
the Japan International Cooperation Agency (hereinafter JICA) witnessed by the Ministry of
Finance and Economic Development (hereinafter MoFED) and Ethiopian Roads Authority
(hereinafter ERA) of Ethiopia.

JICA organized a Japanese Study Team (hereinafter the Study Team) consisting of 18 experts
of the major fields relevant to the landslide investigation and analysis. The Project
commenced in April 2010 and was completed at the end of December 2011. Phase 1 of the
Project was executed from April to November 2010. Phase 2 was from December 2010 to
April 2011. Phase 3 was from May to December 2011. The Project is implemented during
this term based on cooperation with the implementation and counterpart (hereinafter C/P)
organizations, mostly from GSE.

1.2 Background of the Project

Main road 3, a major arterial road in the Federal Demographic Republic of Ethiopia
(hereinafter, Ethiopia), connects the capital Addis Ababa with Sudan, is part of the
Trans-African Highway Network, and is vital to its economy and the livelihoods of its
citizens. The stretch of main road 3 that passes through the Abay Gorge steeply climbs nearly
1,500 meters over 40 kilometers. It is plagued by landslides in the rainy season from June to
September. Some of these are up to two kilometers wide, putting into jeopardy this vital link.
To fundamentally solve this problem it is necessary to implement appropriate
countermeasures after clarifying the mechanisms that trigger landslides in this stretch of road.

Despite landslides occurring throughout Ethiopia, until now there has been no organization
responsible for surveying landslides. In April 2009, the Geo-hazards Investigation Division,
specialized in investigating geo-hazard processes, was established in the Geological Survey
of Ethiopia, of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (hereinafter, MME). In light of this
background, MME made a request to the Government of Japan for the technical and
personnel development of this division so that it can undertake geological surveying,
mapping, investigating landslide causes and mechanisms, and planning landslide

In response, discussions—based on the detailed planning survey implemented by the Japan

International Cooperation Agency in December 2009—were concluded on 12 December,
2009; wherein the Scope of Work (S/W) and Minutes of Meeting (M/M) were signed. This
Project is implemented according to this Scope of Work. Furthermore, the countermeasures,
based on the outcomes of this Project, is implemented by the organization responsible for
maintaining Ethiopia's roads, the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA).

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

1.3 Objectives of the Project

1.3.1 Superior goal

To figure out the mechanisms triggering landslides in the Abay Gorge along main road 3; and
to mitigate human suffering and economic losses by implementing appropriate

1.3.2 Project purpose

¾ To clarify landslide mechanisms in the Abay Gorge

¾ To assist GSE to acquire skills to analyze and investigate landslides

1.3.3 Project outputs

The implementation of this Project is expected to achieve the following outputs:

¾ The project implementing system is established.

¾ The situation of landslides is identified.

¾ The geomorphological and geological condition of landslides is identified.

¾ The landslide characteristics due to seasonal changes are identified.

¾ The landslide mechanisms are figured out.

¾ The survey and analysis of disasters other than landslides are conducted.

¾ The counterpart agencies become familiar

with landslide survey and analysis work.
38°10'0"E 38°15'0"E

410000 415000





1.4 Scope of the Project


1.4.1 Counterpart KURAR WE A


Counterpart organization
• Geological Survey of Ethiopia (GSE), Ministry ABAY



of Mines

Main Road 3

Relevant organizations
• Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) GEDARA



• Ethiopian Mapping Agency (EMA) and others


Beneficiary Goha Tsiyon TSIYON
0 1 2

• Direct beneficiary: ERA

410000 415000
38°10'0"E 38°15'0"E

Figure 1.4.1 Project Area Map

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

1.4.2 Project area

1 L/S00 area
2 L/S05 area
3 L/S22 area
4 L/S27 area
5 L/S28 area
38°10'0"E 38°15'0"E

410000 415000



L/S28 B








0 1 2
410000 415000
38°10'0"E 38°15'0"E

Figure 1.4.2 Location map of the landslide area

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

1.5 Work plan and schedule

This Project was implemented according to the Scope of Work and Minutes of Meeting
agreed upon in Addis Ababa on December 16, 2009; and a method of implementation will be
formulated upon fully understanding and considering the content of these documents.

The general work flow of the implementation of the Project for effective and efficient
technical transfer, fully taking into account the surveys and analyses for landslides, is
summarized in the following Figure 1.5.1. A detailed implementation schedule flowchart
based on this is shown in Figure 1.5.2.

Project Scope
【Preparation in Japan】
Document collection/analysis
Literary survey

【Main survey】

《Topographic analysis》 《Geological survey》

Aerial photograph Reconnaissance
Topographic map Drilling survey
Geophysical exploration
Slip surface investigation
《Movement observation》 Groundwater survey
Extensometer Geotechnical test

【Hydrological monitoring】
Groundwater level
Rain gauge

Volume/landslide block
Basic factors/ inducing factors
Stability analysis

Activity/ vulnerability/ susceptibility
Integrated analysis

Structural measures (Hard)
Early-warning system (Soft)

Figure 1.5.1 Flowchart summarizing survey/analysis for landslides

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

Phase Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Fiscal Year 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011
Month 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
▲IC/R PR/R(1) ▲ IT/R ▲ PR/R(2) ▲ DF/R ▲ F/R ▲
A.1 Collection/analysis of relevant documents D.18 Draft Final Report: preparation
Work in Japan A.2 Formulation of basic policy E.1 Final Report:
A.3 Preparation of Inception Report preparation/submission
A.4 Preparation for field survey
B.1 Inception Report: explanation/discussion
B.2 Grasp situation of GSE personnel/equipment
B.3 Preparation of implementation structure with GSE D.1 Hydrological survey 2
B.4 Preparation of landslide survey plan D.2 Geomorphological/geological reconnaissance 2
B.5 Installation of monitoring equipment D.3 Movement measurement 2
B.6 Gather/arrange basic geographic information D.4 Main slip surface survey 2
D.5 Groundwater monitoring 2
B.7 Aerial photointerpretation/geomorphological analysis
Delay by cloudy weather (see p.1-7) D.6 Precipitation monitoring 2
B.7.1 Aerial photography
B.7.1 Aerial photography
B.7.2 Topographic mapping mapping
B.7.2 Topographic D.7 Identification of landslide scale/micro-landform units 2
C.1 Development of a GIS database
B.7.3 Geomorphological analysis D.8 Investigation of basic factors of landslides 2
B.7.4 Aerial photointerpretation D.9Investigation of landslide inducing factors 2
C.2 Drilling survey 2
B.7.5 Landslide map
C.3 Physical test for drilling core D.10 Stability analysis 2
Work in Ethiopia B.8 Analysis of danger zones/hazard mapping D.11 Susceptibility of landslide micro-landform units 2
C.4 Geophysical exploration 2
B.8.1Assessment of danger zones/prioritising D.12 Landslide integrated analysis 2
B.11 Topographic survey B.8.2 Hazard mapping Delay by C.6 Investigation of basic factors of landslides
B.9 Hydrological survey misunderstandings on D.13 Progress Report 2: explanation/discussion
C.7 Investigation of landslide inducing factors
S/W discussion (see
B.10 Geomorphological/geological reconnaissance C.8 Stability analysis
B.12 Drilling survey B.12Drilling survey C.10 Landslide integrated analysis D.14 Rockfall survey/analysis 2
B.13 Geophysical exploration D.15 Debris flow survey/analysis 2
C.5 Identification of landslide scale/micro-landform units
B.14 Movement measurment
B.14Movement measurment D.16 Analysis of danger zones/hazard mapping 2
B.15 Main slip slip surface C.9 Susceptibility of landslide micro-landform units D.16.1 Evaluation of danger zones/prioritising 2
B.16 Groundwater monitoring
monitoring C.11Planning next phase survey D.16.2 Hazard mapping 2
B.17 Precipitation monitoring D.17 Landslide survey/analysis manual creation
B.21Lanslide survey/analysis field training 1&2 C.13 Interim Report: preparation/explanation/discussion
B.19 Rockfall survey/analysis B.22Planning training in Japan
B.20 Debris flow survey/analyis B.18 Establishing an early warning system C.12 Landslide survey/analysis field training 3

B.23 Progress Report 1: prepartion/explanation

JCC JCC B.24 JCC meetings JCC

Chief Advisor
Geomorphological analysis 1/ hazard map
Topographic survey
Geomorphological analysis 2
Geological survey/analysis 1
Geological survey/analysis 2
Hydrological survey/analysis
Geophysical exploration/analysis
Landslide monitoring/early warning system
Landslide stability analysis
Landslide integrated analysis
Drilling techniques
Rockfall/debris flow survey/analysis
Figure 1.5.2 Detailed implementation schedule flowchart
The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

1.5.1 List of JICA experts and counterparts

The names of the Study Team members and counterparts are listed below. The table indicates
the role of each member and their field of expertise.

Table 1.5.1 List of JICA experts and counterparts

No JICA Experts Field of Expertise Counterpart (GSE) Position

Team leader
1 Kensuke ICHIKAWA Dr. Getnet Mewa Senior
(Project Management)
Geomorphological analysis1
2 Satoru TSUKAMOTO Leta Alemayehu Senior
/hazard map
3 Shozo SHIMODA Topographic survey Haile Selassie G/Selassie Senior
4 Mitsuya ENOKIDA Geomorphological analysis 2 Melkamu Tegnge Junior
5 Yoshimizu GONAI GIS/Database Yewubnesh Bekele Junior
6 Takeshi KUWANO Geological survey/analysis 1 Solomon Gera Senior
7 Makito NODA Geological survey/analysis 2 Zulfa Abdurahman Senior
Landslide Monitoring
8 Shoji TSUCHIYAMA Tesfaye Shewa Senior
/Early-Waning system
9 Shigekazu FUJISAWA Hydrological Analysis Demis Alamerew Senior
Geophysical exploration Tadesse Lema Senior
10 Naohiro ISOGAI
/analysis Sisay Alemayehu Junior
11 Shigekazu FUJISAWA* Landslide stability analysis Zulfa Abdurahman Senior
12 Masao YAMADA Landslide integrated analysis Yewbnesh Bekele Junior
13 Takashi SUZUKI Drilling Techniques Bayu Wedajo Senior
Rockfall/debris flow survey
14 Yoji KASAHARA Biruk Abel Junior
15 Kazuo FURUKATA Project Coordinator (Tadesse Lema)
16 Masami TAKAHATA Project Coordinator (Leta Alemayehu)
17 Yosuke YAMAMOTO Project Coordinator (Leta Alemayehu)
* Mr. Fujisawa is assigned to two roles of Hydrogeological Analysis and Landslide Stability
Analysis. Therefore, the total number of experts is 17s.

1.5.2 Notable Events in the Project

Most of the planned schedule and tasks were executed in a satisfactory manner and the
technical transfer was implemented smoothly. However, some activities were delayed due to
natural conditions and a lack of mutual understanding on aspects written in the M/M and S/W,
which were signed in December 2009. These issues are described as follows;

a. Delay in Topographic Mapping.

b. Delay in Drilling Program
c. Budget Allocation for the Fiscal Year 2012
d. Preparation and Execution of Additional Drilling

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

1.6 Landslide survey/analysis manual preparation

A manual on landslide surveys and analysis, based on the results of the Project will be made.
The basic outline of the manual is given in Table 1.6.1.

Table 1.6.1 Content of the landslide survey/analysis

Subject Manual content

1.Preliminary Summary and purpose of the preliminary survey. Basic survey methods such as
survey documentation research and geomorphological analysis.
2.Planning Summary and purpose of the planning. Method of determining facilities to be
preserved in the field reconnaissance, and confirming scale and extent of
landslides and their movement aspect. Also, methods regarding the type and
location of monitoring equipment installation.
3.Survey Summary and purpose of the surveys. Detailed description of the types,
methods and purpose of observation equipment for surveys of topography,
geology, slip surface, ground movement, groundwater, and soil property
4.Analysis Method of handling and analyzing the data acquired in the surveys. And overall
analysis techniques for the field survey results.
5.Countermeasures Method of reflecting analysis results in road countermeasures.
6.O & M Method of operating and maintaining the observation equipment

Chapter 2
Natural Condition of the Abay Gorge
The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

2 Natural Condition of the Abay Gorge

2.1 Topography
Macro landforms consist of a basaltic lava plateau (Eocene period flood lava), with an
elevation of about 2,400 m, and slopes that are dissected by the Abay River. The elevation of
the valley bottom at Abay Bridge is 1,060m above mean sea level. The width of the valley is
approximately 15 to 20 km at the edge of the lava plateau. The average slope angle from the
edge of the lava plateau at the narrowest section is about 9 degrees.

Lateral slopes of Abay Gorge consist of several levels of cliffs, colluvial slopes and
denudation slopes. There are seven steps of cliffs observed, and those cliffs are highly
resistant to erosion. Three cliffs at the top consist of basalt lava, three cliffs in the middle
consist of limestone and shale, and two cliffs at the lower part of the valley consist of
sandstone. Many denudation terraces have been formed above the cliffs. Very thin soil layers
and some debris washed out from the upper slope have deposited on these denudation
terraces. At the foot of the cliffs, gentle slopes with fallen rocks from the cliffs form wide
colluvial slopes. Though there are a lot of boulders on the slope surface, the size of the debris
becomes smaller as the distance from the slope becomes further. Gentle slopes spread out
widely mid-way down the Abay Gorge. These gentle slopes develop on the areas of
limestone and shale, which are covered by residual soil and colluvial deposits. Several
landslides are apparent at these slopes.

Major tributaries on the slope of Goha Tsiyon side are the Mekentuta River and unnamed
river. The Mekentuta River crosses the road at ST.1+150 and flows down in another westerly
direction. Several small channels cross the road at Filiklik Village. As the whole slope of this
area forms a concave slope, most of the small channels disperse and join the Abay River. The
unnamed river flows parallel to the road between ST.17km and ST.18km with steep cliffs of
sandstone. The main tributary on the slope of Dejen side is the Ado Wedeb River and its
branches. From ST.20km to ST.22km the river flows down parallel to the road with steep
cliffs of sandstone. From ST.22km to Dejen, small channels are distributed through the
catchment area of Wedeb River and cross the road at several points.

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

2.2 Climate

2.2.1 Rainfall

Ethiopia lies between latitudes 3°00’ to 15°00’ north, and longitudes 33°00’ to 48°00’ east. It
is a landlocked country surrounded by five nations (Somalia, Sudan, Kenya, Eritrea, and

Two thirds of the country is alpine, at altitudes over 1,500 m to 4,000 m, and has very steep
mountains. The Ethiopian alpine belt could be classified in Koeppen's climate zones (Figure
2.2.1). In a revised version by Trewartha, alp climate (sign H) was added. The alp climate in
a low latitude area has a small annual range of temperature, and although it maintains the
characteristics of low land tropical climates, the temperature is generally low. Moreover, it is
comparatively cool throughout a year for its latitude. This kind of climate is called "eternal

Figure 2.2.1 Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification Map

Abay Gorge, the target area of the Project, is in the upstream of the world's longest river, the
Nile, and about 85% of its total volume of water comes from the Blue Nile of Ethiopia. The
rainy season in the Abay Gorge is from June to September, with July and August accounting
for about 50% of annual precipitation.

Existing rainfall observation records in the Abay Gorge area are 49 years and 34 years for
Dejen town and Filiklik village respectively. In addition, the annual average rainfall is 1,394
mm/year and 1,195 mm/year for Dejen and Filiklik respectively (Figure 2.2.2).

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

Mean of Monthly Precipitation




200.0 Dejen(1957~2005)
150.0 Fliklik(1975~2005)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 2.2.2 Mean of Monthly Precipitation

2.2.2 Temperature

According to the data of WWIS (World Weather Information Service), the temperature in
Addis Ababa ranges from a minimum of 15℃ and a maximum 25℃ (Figure 2.2.3).

The Abay Gorge has an altitude difference of about 1,000 m from its highlands to lowlands.
Given the common calculation of temperature change, 0.6℃ to 0.7℃ per 100m, there will
be a difference of 6℃ to 7℃ between high and low lands.

Temperature at Addis Ababa Max


Temprature (degree)




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 2.2.3 Annual temperature at variation of the Addis Ababa town

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

2.3 Geology
The geology of the Abay Gorge area is characterized by stratified sedimentary rocks capped
by basaltic plateau. Figure 2.3.1 indicates a general geological map of Ethiopia (Tefera et al.,

Study Area

Figure 2.3.1 General geological map of Ethiopia (Tefera et al., 1996)

According to Jepson and Athearn (1961) and Tefera et al. (1996), the geology in the area is
mainly classified into four formations. Table 2.3.1 shows the geological classification in the

Table 2.3.1 Geological classification in the Abay Gorge (Tefera et al., 1996)

Era Name Geology/ Descriptions

Tertiary Deeply weathered alkaline and transitional basalt flows with
Ashangi Formation
(Paleogene) rare intercalations of tuff
Antalo Formation Limestone
Jurassic Abay Formation Middle Jurassic limestone, shale and gypsum
Adigrat Formation Triassic to middle Jurassic sandstone

Although the sedimentary and volcanic rocks in the area are exposed largely as symmetrical
stratigraphy on both sides of the Abay River, the detailed sequences are unevenly distributed.
The sequence in the area is not disturbed due to major faults and is generally horizontally
stratified. However, there are a lot of minor normal faults with a down throw of 1-2 meters.
Figure 2.3.2 shows a schematic geological cross section of the Abay area (Ayalew and
Yamagishi, 2003). The characteristics of the stratigraphy on the major sequences are also
described by Almaz and Tadesse (1994).

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

Figure 2.3.2 Schematic geological section in the Abay Gorge (Ayalew and Yamagishi, 2003)

Chapter 3
Landslide Survey
The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

3 Landslide Survey
3.1 Hydrological Survey

3.1.1 Existing data interpretation

The five following meteorological observation stations are in the vicinity of the target area.

Table 3.1.1 Existing data List

Observation Latitude Longitude Height

station name (N) (E) (m)
Goha Tsiyon 10° 00.408’ 38° 14.755’ 2,500 rainfall, temperature
Filiklik 10° 03.200’ 38° 14.886’ 1,860 ditto
Dejen 10° 10.2638’ 38° 09.0359’ 2,420 ditto
Abay Sheleko 10° 06.7507’ 38° 09.4057’ 1,819 ditto
rainfall, temperature, radiation, sunshine,
Yetnora 10° 14.696’ 38° 14.696’ 2,430
evaporation, humidity, wind direction/velocity

The above-mentioned observatories are under the jurisdiction of the Ethiopia National
Meteorological Services Agency (NMSA), which receives observation data, recorded daily at
9 am, from each observatory on a monthly basis.

NMSA manages the collected observation records with a personal computer, and handles
their sale. The data management, however, involves insufficient checks, with abnormal
values apparent in the records that are possibly measurement mistakes.

Monthly rainfall data and return period in Goha Tsiyon station are shown in Figure 3.1.1.

Goha Tsiyon
Month ly Rainfall

350.0 2003
Rain fall(mm)

100.0 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mon th

Figure 3.1.1 Monthly Rainfall (Goha Tsiyon)

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

3.1.2 Precipitation monitoring

The study team installed two rain gauges (tipping bucket type). The existing rain gauges are
mostly installed near the main road. Locations were selected so as to be easy to make
observations while being able to be protected against theft, and also being part way between
the existing rain gauges. The locations of the newly installed rain gauges are as follows.

Table 3.1.2 Newly Installed Rain Gauges List

Observation station name Latitude (N) Longitude (E) Elevation (m)

Abay Bridge 10°04.6498′ 38°11.4483′ 1,079
Gabrielle Church 10°06.4308′ 38°09.5496′ 1,739

The duration of the precipitation monitoring on the two sites is as follows.

Table 3.1.3 The duration of the precipitation monitoring

Station name Starting day Missing period Remarks

15 Feb. 2011~26 Mar. 2011 Data missing
Abay Bridge 29.Jun.2010
24 Ari. 2011~ 4 Jul. 2011 Cable disconnected
27 Jul. 2011~ 18 Aug. 2011
No battery
Gabrielle Church 2.Jul.2010 Bad electrical contact
7 Dec.2010~1 Feb.2011 Data logger trouble
3 Aug.2011~19 Sep.2011

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

3.2 Topographical Survey

3.2.1 Satellite Imaginary

New satellite imagery from the high resolution Geo-Eye1 (resolution 0.5 m) was taken for the
topographic mapping (1/10,000 and 1/5,000).

Imagery was acquired, after waiting for a chance since April, on two days when there was
almost no cloud cover, June 3 and 6, 2010. The imagery taken is shown in the figure below.
Details of the data are as follows.

• 2 color stereo pairs (total: 4 sheets)

• Coordinate system: WGS84
• Projection method: UTM
• File type: GeoTiff
• Including RPC file

Figure 3.2.1 Acquired imaginary

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

3.2.2 Topographic mapping

a. Ground control point survey for topographic mapping

Ground control points, horizontal (ground control point survey) and height (ordinary
leveling), necessary for aerotriangulation were established along 42 km of Route 3 between
Goha Tsiyon and Dejen. The field work was undertaken over 51 days, from May 12 to July 1,
2010; and the number of points established is as follows:

i) Control point survey by GPS: 10 points

ii) Control traverse survey by total station: 60 points
iii) Ground control point survey: 20 points
iv) Ordinary leveling: 84 points

b. Digital topographic mapping

The digital topographic mapping implementation - generally using the stereo imagery data
acquired in the abovementioned manner - involved various processes such as
aerotriangulation, digital plotting and digital editing.

Figure 3.2.2 The area of the topographic mapping

c. Cross-section survey
The purpose of the cross-section survey was to obtain base data for planning the geophysical
exploration and considering the landslide stability analysis. The basic specifications and work
amount of the cross-section survey were as follows.

¾ Survey area: Monitoring sites presented after consideration by the Study Team
¾ Survey items (cross-section location specifications): A maximum area of 500 m from slip
surface origin to toe was surveyed
¾ Outputs: Cross-sections (scale of 1/100 length; 1/200 width)

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

3.3 Preliminary Geomorphologic Survey

3.3.1 Vicinity of ST.0+000 to ST.1+200

A horse-shoe shaped depression surrounds the S-curve in the road near ST.0+000, which is
the scarp of an old landslide (A). Within that, several smaller landslides, thought to have
occurred more recently, can be identified. Within this large landslide there is a smaller
landslide formation (B).

Landslide (C) is interpreted as moving in-line with or obliquely - west-southwest - to the road,
judging from the mound near the foot of the moving mass. There is only one river system
here (D), which flows from Goha Tsiyon Town.





00_08 00_09







0 200m

Figure 3.3.1 Satellite image interpretation ST.0+000 to ST.1+200

The Project for Developing Countermeasures against KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD.
Landslides in the Abay River Gorge (Final Report) JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS CO., LTD.

3.3.2 Vicinity of ST.28+200 to ST.29+700

There are many landslides in this area. Amongst the larger landslides there are overlapping
secondary-landslides, many of which continue to be active. There are also many new
landslides with main scarps. There are large river systems (A) and (B) surrounding the
landslides, while amongst them, there are only a few systems.



B)) 28_03

28_04 28_02 27_01



27_06 26_07
27_07 26_06
27_05 26_03

26_02 26_01

0 200m

Figure 3.3.2 Satellite image interpretation ST.28+200 to ST.29+700


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