Sepam 20 Modbus From UM2017

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Modbus communication Presentation

Presentation 102
Modbus protocol 103
Configuring the communication interfaces 104
Commissioning and diagnosis 106
Data addresses and encoding 108
Time-tagging of events 117
Access to remote settings 122
Disturbance recording 132
Reading Sepam identification 134

PCRED301005EN 101
Modbus communication Presentation

Modbus communication allows Sepam to be connected to a supervisor or any other
device with a master Modbus communication channel.
Sepam is always a slave station.

Sepam is connected to a Modbus communication network via a communication

There is a choice of two types of communication interface:
b communication interfaces to connect Sepam to a single network:
v ACE949-2, for connection to a 2-wire RS 485 network
v ACE959, for connection to a 4-wire RS 485 network
v ACE937, for connection to a fiber-optic star network.
b communication interfaces to connect Sepam to two networks:
v ACE969TP-2, for connection to:
- one 2-wire RS 485 Modbus S-LAN supervision communication network
- one 2-wire RS 485 E-LAN engineering communication network.
v ACE969FO-2, for connection to:
- one fiber-optic Modbus S-LAN supervision communication network
- one 2-wire RS 485 E-LAN engineering communication network.

Data available
The data available depend on the type of Sepam.
Measurement readout
b phase and earth fault currents
b peak demand phase currents
b tripping currents
b cumulative breaking current
b phase-to-phase, phase-to-neutral and residual voltages
b frequency
b temperatures
b thermal capacity used
5 b starts per hour and inhibit time
b running hours counter
b motor starting current and time
b operating time before overload tripping
b waiting time after tripping
b operating time and number of operations
b circuit breaker charging time.
Program logic data readout
b a table of 64 pre-assigned remote indications (TS) (depends on the type of
Sepam) enables the readout of program logic data status
b readout of the status of 10 logic inputs.
Remote control orders
Writing of 16 impulse-type remote control orders (TC) in either direct mode or SBO
(Select Before Operate) mode via 16 selection bits.
Other functions
b reading of Sepam configuration and identification
b time-tagging of events (synchronization via the network or externally via logic input
I21), time-tagging within a millisecond
b remote reading of Sepam settings
b remote setting of protection units
b remote control of the analog output (with MSA141 option)
b transfer of disturbance recording data.

102 &5('(1
Modbus communication Modbus protocol

Characterization of exchanges Protocol principle

The Modbus protocol may be used to read or write one master
or more bits, one or more words, the contents of the
event counters or the contents of the diagnosis
Modbus functions supported
The Modbus protocol used by Sepam is a compatible
sub-group of the RTU Modbus protocol.
The functions listed below are handled by Sepam:
b basic functions (data access):
v function 1: reading of n output or internal bits
v function 2: reading of n input bits
v function 3: reading of n output or internal words
v function 4: reading of n input words slave slave slave
v function 5: writing of 1 bit
v function 6: writing of 1 word Exchanges are initiated by the master and include a request by the master and a
v function 7: high-speed reading of 8 bits reply by the slave (Sepam). Requests by the master are either addressed to a given
v function 8: reading of diagnosis counters Sepam identified by its number in the first byte of the request frame, or addressed to
v function 11: reading of Modbus event counters all the Sepam (broadcasting).
v function 15: writing of n bits
v function 16: writing of n words.

b communication-management functions:
v function 8: Modbus diagnosis
v function 11: reading of Modbus event counter
v function 43: sub-function 14: reading of identification. broadcasting

The following exception codes are supported:

b 1: unknown function code
b 2: incorrect address
b 3: incorrect data
b 4: not ready (cannot process request)
b 7: not acknowledged (remote reading and setting).
slave slave slave

Response time Broadcast commands are necessarily write commands.

The communication coupler response time (Tr) is less No replies are transmitted by the Sepam.
than 15 ms, including a 3-character silence
(approximately 3 ms at 9600 bauds).

This time is given with the following parameters:

b 9600 bauds
b format: 8 bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit.
master slave

It is not necessary to have a detailed knowledge of the protocol unless the master is
a central computer which requires the corresponding programming. All Modbus
exchanges include 2 messages: a request by the master and a reply by the Sepam.
All the frames that are exchanged have the same structure. Each message or frame
contains 4 types of data:
slave function data CRC 16
Synchronization of exchanges number code zones check zone
Any character that is received after a silence of more
b slave number (1 byte): this indicates the receiving Sepam (0 to FFh).
than 3 characters is considered as the beginning of a
If it is equal to zero, the request concerns all the slaves (broadcasting) and there is
frame. A silence of at least 3 characters must be left on
no reply message
the line between two frames.
b function code (1 byte): this is used to select a command (read, write, bit, word) and
Example: at 9600 bauds, this time is equal to
to check that the reply is correct
approximately 3 milliseconds.
b data zones (n bytes): these zones contain the parameters relating to the function:
bit, address, word address, bit value, word value, number of bits, number of words
b check zone (2 bytes): this zone is used to detect transmission errors.

PCRED301005EN 103
Modbus communication Configuring the communication

Access to configuration parameters

The Sepam communication interfaces are configured using SFT2841 software.

The configuration parameters can be accessed from the Communication

configuration window in SFT2841.
To access this window:
b open the Sepam configuration window in SFT2841
b check the box for ACE9xx (communication interface)
b click : the Communication configuration window appears
b select the type of interface used: ACE949/ACE959/ACE937, ACE969TP or
b select the Modbus communication protocol.

The configuration parameters will vary depending on the communication interface

selected: ACE949/ACE959/ACE937, ACE969TP or ACE969FO. The table below
specifies the parameters to be configured depending on the communication interface
SFT2841: Sepam Configuration screen. chosen.

Parameters to be configured ACE949 ACE969TP ACE969FO

Physical layer parameters b b b
Fiber-optic parameters b
Modbus advanced parameters b b b
E-LAN parameters b b

Configuring the physical layer of the Modbus port

Asynchronous serial transmission is used with the following character format:

b 8 data bits
b 1 stop bit
b parity according to parameter setting.

5 The number of stop bits is always fixed at 1.

If a configuration with Parity has been selected, each character will contain 11 bits
(1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1parity bit + 1 stop bit)
If a No Parity configuration has been selected, each character will contain 10 bits
(1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1 stop bit).
The configuration parameters for the physical layer of the Modbus port are:
b slave number (Sepam address)
b transmission speed
b parity check type.

Parameters Authorized values Default value

Sepam address 1 to 247 1
Speed 4800, 9600, 19200 or 19200 bauds
38400 bauds
Parity None, Even or Odd Even

SFT2841: communication configuration window for ACE949.

Configuring the ACE969FO-2 fiber-optic port

The configuration for the physical layer of the ACE969FO-2 fiber-optic port is
completed with the following 2 parameters:
b link idle state: light-on or light-off
b echo mode: with or without.

Fiber-optic parameters Authorized values Default value

Link idle state Light Off or Light On Light Off
Echo mode Yes (fiber-optic ring) No
or No (fiber-optic star)
Note: in echo mode, the Modbus master will receive the echo of its own request before the
slave's reply. The Modbus master must be able to disregard this echo. Otherwise, it is impossible
to create a Modbus fiber-optic ring.

104 &5('(1
Modbus communication Configuring the communication

Configuring Modbus advanced parameters

The Sepam remote control mode is selected from the Advanced parameters window.

Advanced parameters Authorized values Default value

Remote control mode Direct or SBO (Select Direct
Before Operate) mode

SFT2841: Modbus advanced parameters window.

Configuring the physical layer of the ACE969-2 E-LAN port

The E-LAN port on the ACE969TP-2 and ACE969FO-2 communication interfaces is

2-wire RS 485 port.
The configuration parameters for the physical layer of the E-LAN port are:
b Sepam address
b transmission speed
b parity check type.
The number of stop bits is always fixed at 1.
If a configuration with Parity has been selected, each character will contain 11 bits
(1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1parity bit + 1 stop bit)
If a No Parity configuration has been selected, each character will contain 10 bits
(1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1 stop bit). 5
Parameters Authorized values Default value
Sepam address 1 to 247 1
Speed 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 bauds
38400 bauds
Parity None, Even or Odd Odd

SFT2841: communication configuration window for

Configuration tips
b The Sepam address MUST be assigned before Sepam is connected to the
communication network.
b You are also strongly advised to set the other physical layer configuration
parameters before making the connection to the communication network.
b Modifying the configuration parameters during normal operation will not disturb
Sepam but will reset the communication port.

PCRED301005EN 105
Modbus communication Commissioning and diagnosis

Installing the communication network

Preliminary study
The communication network must first be the subject of a technical study to
determine the following, according to the installation characteristics and constraints
(geography, amount of information processed, etc.):
b the type of medium (electrical or fiber optic)
b the number of Sepam units per network
b the transmission speed
b the ACE interfaces configuration
b the Sepam parameter settings.
Sepam user manual
The communication interfaces must be installed and connected in accordance with
the instructions in the Installation chapter of this manual.

Preliminary checks
The following preliminary checks must be made:
b check the CCA612 cord connection between the ACE interface and the Sepam
base unit
b check the ACE Modbus communication port connection
b check the complete configuration of the ACE
b for the ACE969, check the auxiliary power supply connection.

Checking the operation of the ACE interface

You can use the following to check that an ACE interface is operating correctly:
b the indicator LEDs on the front panel of the ACE
b the information provided by the SFT2841 software connected to Sepam:
v on the Diagnosis screen
v on the Communication configuration screens.
Link activity LED for ACE949-2, ACE959 and ACE937
The link activity LED for ACE949-2, ACE959 and ACE937 interfaces flashes when
Sepam transmission or reception is active.

5 Indicator LEDs on the ACE969

b green "on" LED: ACE969 energized
b red "key" LED: ACE969 interface status
v LED off: ACE969 configured and communication operational
v LED flashing: ACE969 configuration error or ACE969 not configured
v LED on: ACE969 error
b link activity LED: S-LAN Tx flashing, Sepam transmission active
b link activity LED: S-LAN Rx flashing, Sepam reception active.

Diagnosis using SFT2841 software


Sepam diagnosis screen

When connected to Sepam, the SFT2841 software informs the operator of the
general Sepam status and of the Sepam communication status in particular.
All Sepam status information appears on the Sepam diagnosis screen.
Sepam communication diagnosis
The operator is provided with the following information to assist with identifying and
resolving communication problems:
b name of the protocol configured
b Modbus interface version number
b number of valid frames received (CPT9)
b number of invalid (mistaken) frames received (CPT2).

SFT2841: Sepam series 20 diagnosis screen.

106 &5('(1
Modbus communication Commissioning and diagnosis

Link activity LED Modbus diagnosis counters

The ACE interface link activity LEDs are activated by Counter definition
variations in the signal on the Modbus network. When Sepam manages the Modbus diagnosis counters. These are:
the supervisor communicates with Sepam (during b CPT1: Number of valid frames received, whether the slave is involved or not
transmission or reception), these LEDs flash. b CPT2: Number of frames received with a CRC error or physical error (frames with
After wiring, check the information given by the link more than 255 bytes, frames received with at least one parity, overrun, framing or
activity LEDs when the supervisor operates. line-break error)
Note: Flashing indicates that there is traffic passing to or from In the 2-wire RS 485 mode, the counter must not be taken into account
Sepam; it does not mean that the exchanges are valid. (meaningless).
CPT3: Number of exception responses generated (even if not transmitted, due to
Functional test receipt of a broadcast request)
If there is any doubt about correct operation of the link: b CPT4: Number of frames specifically addressed to the station (excluding
b run read/write cycles in the test zone broadcasting)
b use Modbus diagnosis function 8 (sub-code 0, echo b CPT5: Number of valid broadcast frames received
mode). b CPT6: Not significant
The Modbus frames below, transmitted or received by b CPT7: Not significant
a supervisor, are an example of a test performed when b CPT8: Number of frames received with at least one character having a physical
communication is set up. error (parity, overrun, framing or line break)
b CPT9: Number of valid requests received and correctly executed.
Test zone Counter reset
Read The counters are reset to 0:
Transmission 01 03 0C00 0002 C75B
b when they reach the maximum value FFFFh (65535)
b when they are reset by a Modbus command (function 8)
Reception 01 03 04 0000 0000 FA33
b when Sepam auxiliary power is lost
Write b when communication parameters are modified.
Transmission 01 10 0C00 0001 02 1234 6727
Using the counters
Reception 01 10 0C00 0001 0299 Modbus diagnosis counters help to detect and resolve communication problems.
Read They can be accessed by the dedicated read functions (Modbus protocol functions
Transmission 01 03 0C00 0001 875A 8 and 11).
Reception 01 03 02 1234 B533 CPT2 and CPT9 counters can be displayed on SFT2841
Function 8 - Modbus diagnosis, echo mode
Transmission 01 08 0000 1234 ED7C
("Sepam Diagnosis" screen).
An incorrect speed (or parity) increments CPT2.
Non-reception is signaled by the lack of change on CPT9.
Reception 01 08 0000 1234 ED7C

Even in echo mode, Sepam recalculates and checks Operating anomalies

the CRC sent by the master: It is advisable to connect the Sepam units to the Modbus network one by one.
b If the CRC received is valid, Sepam replies Make sure that the supervisor is sending frames to the relevant Sepam by checking
b If the CRC received is invalid, Sepam does not reply. the activity on the RS 232 - RS 485 converter or the fiber-optic converter if there is
one, and on the ACE module.
RS 485 network
b check the wiring on each ACE module
b check the tightness of the screw terminals on each ACE module
b check the connection of the CCA612 cord linking the ACE module to the Sepam
base unit
b check that polarization is only at one point and that impedance matching is at both
ends of the RS 485 network
b check the auxiliary power supply connection to the ACE969TP-2
b check that the ACE909-2 or ACE919 converter used is connected, powered and
set up correctly.
Fiber-optic network
b check the connections on the ACE module
b check the connection of the CCA612 cord linking the ACE module to the Sepam
base unit
b check the auxiliary power supply connection to the ACE969FO-2
b check that the converter or fiber-optic star used is connected, powered and set up
b for a fiber-optic ring, check that the Modbus master can handle the echo of its
requests correctly.
In all cases
b check all the ACE configuration parameters on SFT2841
b check the CPT2 and CPT9 diagnostic counters on the SFT2841 ("Sepam
Diagnosis" screen).

PCRED301005EN 107
Modbus communication Data addresses and encoding

Data which are similar from the monitoring and control application viewpoint are
grouped together in adjacent address zones:

Hexadecimal Ending Modbus functions

starting address enabled
Synchronization zone 0002 0005 3, 16
Identification zone 0006 000F 3
First event table
Exchange word 0040 0040 3, 6, 16
Events (1 to 4) 0041 0060 3
Second event table
Exchange word 0070 0070 3, 6, 16
Events (1 to 4) 0071 0090 3
States 0100 0105 3, 4
1, 2*
Measurements 0106 0131 3, 4
Remote control orders 01F0 01F0 3, 4, 6, 16
1, 2, 5, 15*
Remote control confirmation 01F1 01F1 3, 4, 6, 16
1, 2, 5, 15*
Test zone 0C00 0C0F 3, 4, 6, 16
1, 2, 5, 15
Protection settings
Reading 2000 207C 3
Reading request 2080 2080 3, 6, 16
Remote settings 2100 217C 3, 6
Disturbance recording
Choice of transfer function 2200 2203 3, 16
5 Identification zone
Fault rec. exchange word
3, 6, 16
Fault rec. data 2301 237C 3
Configuration FC00 FC02 3
Application identification FC10 FC22 3
N.B. Non-addressable zones may reply by an exception message or else supply
non-significant data.
(*) these zones may be accessed in word mode or in bit mode.
The address of bit i (0 y i y F) of address word J is then (J x 16) + i.
e.g. 0C00 bit 0 = C000 0C00 bit 7 = C007.

108 &5('(1
Modbus communication Data addresses and encoding

Data encoding
For all formats
If a measurement overruns the maximum permissible value for the related format,
the value read for the measurement will be the maximum permissible value for the
Format 16 NS
All information is encoded in a 16-bit word, in absolute value (unsigned), binary
format. The zero bit (b0) is the least significant bit in the word.
Format 16 S signed measurements (temperatures, …)
The information is encoded in a 16-bit word as a complement of 2.
b 0001 represents +1
b FFFF represents -1.
Format B: Ix
Rank i bit in the word, with i between 0 and F.

Examples F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Logic Word address 0105
inputs 26 25 24 23 22 21 14 13 12 11
Bit address 105x
TS1 to Word address 0101
TS16 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Bit address 101x
TS49 to Word address 0104
TS64 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49
Bit address 104x
TC1 to Word address 01F0
TC16 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Bit address 1F0x
STC1 to Word address 01F1
Bit address 1F1x
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Format X: Sepam check-word
This format applies only to the Sepam check-word that may be accessed at the word
address 100h. This word contains various items of information relating to:
b Sepam operating mode
b time-tagging of events.
Each data item contained in the Sepam check-word may be accessed bit by bit, from
address 1000 for the bit b0 to 100F for the bit b15.
b bit 15 event present
b bit 14 Sepam in “data loss” status
b bit 13 Sepam not synchronous
b bit 12 Sepam time not correct
b bit 11 S-LAN communication monitoring active
b bit 10 Sepam in local setting mode
b bit 9 major fault in Sepam
b bit 8 partial fault in Sepam
b bit 7 setting group A in service
b bit 6 setting group B in service
b bit 4 remote indication of tripping by protection function
b bit 3-0 mapping number (1 to 16).
Other bits reserved (undetermined values).
Status changes of bits 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 14 of this word trigger the transmission
of a time-tagged event.
Bits 3 to 0 encode a “mapping number” (from 1 to 15) which is used to identify the
contents of the Modbus addresses, the assignment of which varies depending on the

PCRED301005EN 109
Modbus communication Data addresses and encoding

Synchronization zone
The synchronization zone is a table which contains the absolute date and time for
the time-tagging function. Time messages should be written in a single block
containing 4 words, using function 16: write word.
Messages can be read word by word or by groups of words using function 3.

Synchronization zone Word address Access Modbus function

Binary time (year) 0002 Read/write 3, 16
Binary time (months + days) 0003 Read 3
Binary time (hours + minutes) 0004 Read 3
Binary time (milliseconds) 0005 Read 3
See "time-tagging of events" chapter for data format.

Identification zone
The identification zone contains system-type information pertaining to the
identification of the Sepam equipment.
Some of the information in the identification zone is also found in the configuration
zone at the address FC00h.

Identification zone Word address Access Modbus function Format Value

Manufacturer identification 0006 R 3 0100
Equipment 0007 R 3 0
Marking + equipment type 0008 R 3 Idem FC01
Modbus version 0009 R 3 Idem FC02
Application version 000A/B R 3 Not managed 0
Sepam check-word 000C R 3 Idem 0100
Synthesis zone 000D R 3 Not managed 0

Command 000E R/W 3/16 Not managed Init. to 0
Extension address 000F R 3 FC00
This zone is provided to ensure compatibility with existing equipment. A more complete description is available starting at address FC00h in the configuration zone
or using the identification read function.

First events zone

The events zone is a table which contains a maximum of 4 time-tagged events.
Events should be read in a single block containing 33 words using function 3.
The exchange word can be written using functions 6 or 16, and read individually using
function 3.

Events zone 1 Word address Access Modbus function

Exchange word 0040 Read/write 3, 6, 16
Event n°1 0041-0048 Read 3
Event n°2 0049-0050 Read 3
Event n°3 0051-0058 Read 3
Event n°4 0059-0060 Read 3
See "time-tagging of events" chapter for data format.

Second events zone

The events zone is a table which contains a maximum of 4 time-tagged events.
Events should be read in a single block containing 33 words using function 3.
The exchange word can be written using functions 6 or 16 and read individually using
function 3.

Events zone 2 Word address Access Modbus function

Exchange word 0070 Read/write 3, 6, 16
Event n°1 0071-0078 Read 3
Event n°2 0079-0080 Read 3
Event n°3 0081-0088 Read 3
Event n°4 0089-0090 Read 3
See "time-tagging of events" chapter for data format.

110 &5('(1
Modbus communication Data addresses and encoding

Status zone
The status zone is a table which contains the Sepam check-word, pre-assigned
remote annunciation bits (TS), and logic inputs.

Status Word address Bit address Access Modbus function Format

Sepam check-word 100 1000 R 3/4 or 1, 2, 7 X
TS1-TS16 101 1010 R 3/4 or 1, 2 B
TS17-TS32 102 1020 R 3/4 or 1, 2 B
TS33-TS48 103 1030 R 3/4 or 1, 2 B
TS49-TS64 104 1040 R 3/4 or 1, 2 B
Logic inputs 105 1050 R 3/4 or 1, 2 B

Measurement zone
(S20, S23, S24, T20, T23, T24 and M20 types)
Measurements Word address Access Modbus function Format Unit
I1 phase current (gain x 1) 106 R 3/4 16NS 0.1 A
I2 phase current (gain x 1) 107 R 3/4 16NS 0.1 A
I3 phase current (gain x 1) 108 R 3/4 16NS 0.1 A
I0 residual current (gain x 1) 109 R 3/4 16NS 0.1 A
Im1 average phase current (x 1) 10A R 3/4 16NS 0.1 A
Im2 average phase current (x 1) 10B R 3/4 16NS 0.1 A
Im3 average phase current (x 1) 10C R 3/4 16NS 0.1 A
I1 phase current (gain x 10) 10D R 3/4 16NS 1A
I2 phase current (gain x 10) 10E R 3/4 16NS 1A
I3 phase current (gain x 10) 10F R 3/4 16NS 1A
I0 residual current (gain x 10) 110F R 3/4 16NS 1A
IM1 average phase current (x10)
IM2 average phase current (x10)
IM3 average phase current (x10) 113 R 3/4 16NS 1A
IM1 peak demand phase current 114 R 3/4 16NS 1A
IM2 peak demand phase current 115 R 3/4 16NS 1A
IM3 peak demand phase current 116 R 3/4 16NS 1A
Reserved 117 R 3/4 - -
Itrip1 tripping current 118 R 3/4 16NS 10 A
Itrip2 tripping current 119 R 3/4 16NS 10 A
Itrip3 tripping current 11A R 3/4 16NS 10 A
Itrip0 tripping current 11B R 3/4 16NS 1A
Cumulative breaking current 11C R 3/4 16NS 1 (kA)2
Number of operations 11D R 3/4 16NS 1
Operating time 11E R 3/4 16NS 1 ms
Charging time 11F R 3/4 16NS 1 sec
Reserved 120 R 3/4 - -
Running hours counter 121 R 3/4 16NS 1 hr
Thermal capacity used 122 R 3/4 16NS %
Operating time before overload tripping 123 R 3/4 16NS 1 min
Waiting time after overload tripping 124 R 3/4 16NS 1 min
Unbalance ratio 125 R 3/4 16NS % Ib
Starting time / overload 126 R 3/4 16NS 0.1 sec
Starting current overload 127 R 3/4 16NS 1A
Start inhibit time delay 128 R 3/4 16NS 1 min
Number of starts allowed 129 R 3/4 16NS 1
Temperatures 1 to 8 12A/131 R 3/4 16S 1 °C
Reserved 132/1EF Prohibited
Note: Only the measurements related to the Sepam function are significant. The values of the others are zero.

PCRED301005EN 111
Modbus communication Data addresses and encoding

Measurement zone (B20, B21, B22 types)

Measurements Word address Access Modbus function Format Unit
U21 phase to phase voltage (x1) 106 R 3/4 16NS 1V
U32 phase to phase voltage (x1) 107 R 3/4 16NS 1V
U13 phase to phase voltage (x1) 108 R 3/4 16NS 1V
V1 phase to neutral voltage (x1) 109 R 3/4 16NS 1V
V2 phase to neutral voltage (x1) 10A R 3/4 16NS 1V
V3 phase to neutral voltage (x1) 10B R 3/4 16NS 1V
V0 residual voltage (x1) 10C R 3/4 16NS 1V
Positive sequence voltage (x1) 10D R 3/4 16NS 1V
Frequency 10E R 3/4 16NS 0.01 Hz
U21 phase to phase voltage (x10) 10F R 3/4 16NS 1V
U32 phase to phase voltage (x10) 110 R 3/4 16NS 1V
U13 phase to phase voltage (x10) 111 R 3/4 16NS 1V
V1 phase to neutral voltage (x10) 112 R 3/4 16NS 1V
V2 phase to neutral voltage (x10) 113 R 3/4 16NS 1V
V3 phase to neutral voltage (x10) 114 R 3/4 16NS 1V
V0 residual voltage (x10) 115 R 3/4 16NS 1V
Positive sequence voltage (x10) 116 R 3/4 16NS 1V
Reserved 117/131 R 3/4 init. to 0
Reserved 132/1EF Prohibited

Accuracy Examples
The accuracy of the measurements depends on the I1 Unit = 1 A Accuracy = 1/2 = 0.5 A
order of the unit: it is equal to the value of the point U21 Unit = 10 V Accuracy = 10/2 = 5 V
divided by 2.

5 Remote control zone

The remote control zone is a table which contains the pre-assigned remote control
bits (TC). The zone may be read or written using the word functions or bit functions.
See section on remote control orders.

Word address Bit address Access Modbus function Format Unit

Remote controls
TC1-TC16 01F0 1F00 R/W 3/4/6/16 B
STC1-STC16 01F1 1F10 R/W 3/4/6/16 B
Control of analog output 01F2 R/W 3/4/6/16 16S
Reserved 01F3 Prohibited
S-LAN communication monitoring
Time delay 01F4 R/W 3/6/16 16NS 0.1 sec
Reserved 01F5/0BFF Prohibited

Protection setting zone

The protection setting zone is an exchange table which is used to read and set

Protection settings Word address Access Modbus function

Setting read buffer 2000/207C R 3
Setting read request 2080 R/W 3/6/16 -
Remote setting request buffer 2100/217C R/W 3/16
See section on protection settings.

112 &5('(1
Modbus communication Data addresses and encoding

Fault recorder zone

The fault recorder zone is an exchange table which is used to read records.

Disturbance recording Word address Access Modbus function

Choice of transfer function 2200/2203 R/W 3/16
Identification zone 2204/2228 R 3
Fault rec. exchange word 2300 R/W 3/6/16
Fault rec. data 2301/237C R 3
See section on fault recorder.

Test zone
The test zone is a 16-word zone that may be accessed via the communication link
by all the functions, in both read and write modes, to facilitate communication testing
at the time of commissioning or to test the link.

Test zone Word address Bit address Access Modbus function Format
Test 0C00 C000-C00F read/write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16 none init. to 0
0C0F C0F0-C0FF read/write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16 none init. to 0

Configuration zone
The configuration zone contains information pertaining to the hardware and
software configuration of the Sepam.

Configuration zone Word address Access Modbus function Format

Modbus address FC00 R 3
(slave no.)
Sepam type (MSB) / FC01 R 3 (1)
hardware config. (LSB)
Coupler type (MSB)/
version (LSB)
FC02 R 3 (2) 5
application identification
Type of application FC10/15 R 3 ASCII 12 characters
(S20, M20, etc.)
application version FC16/18 R 3 ASCII 6 characters
application marking FC19/22 R 3 ASCII 20 characters
(1) FC01 word:MSB = 10h (Sepam )
LSB = hardware configuration
(2) FC02 word:MSB = 01h (Sepam )
LSB = XY (communicationversion X,Y)

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Option UD/UX reserved MES114E/ DSM303 MSA141 MET148-2 (3) MES114 MES108
UX model 0 0 z x x x y y
UX model 1 0 z 0 x x y y
(3) or MET148.
x = 1 if option included
y = 1 if option included, exclusive options
z = 1 if Vac set up.

PCRED301005EN 113
ModModbus Data addresses and encoding

Use of remote annunciation

Sepam provides the communication link with 64 remote annunciation bits
The TS are pre-assigned to protection and control functions which depend
on the Sepam model.
The TS can be read using the bit or word functions.
Each TS transition is time-tagged and stored in the event stack (see
section Time-tagging of events).

Address word 0101: TS1 to TS16 (bit address 1010 to 101F)

TS Use S20 S24 T20 T24 M20 B21 B22
1 Protection 50/51 relay 1 group A b b b b b
2 Protection 50/51 relay 2 group A b b b b b
3 Protection 50/51 relay 1 group B b b b b b
4 Protection 50/51 relay 2 group B b b b b b
5 Protection 50N/51N relay 1 group A b b b b b
6 Protection 50N/51N relay 2 group A b b b b b
7 Protection 50N/51N relay 1 group B b b b b b
8 Protection 50N/51N relay 2 group B b b b b b
9 Protection 49 RMS alarm set point b b b
10 Protection 49 RMS tripping set point b b b
11 Protection 37 b
12 Protection 46 b b b b b
13 Protection 48/51LR/14 (locked rotor) b
14 Protection 48/51LR/14 b
(locked rotor on start)
15 Protection 48/51LR/14 (excessive starting time) b
16 Protection 66 b

5 Address word 0102: TS17 to TS32 (bit address 1020 to 102F)

TS Use S20 S24 T20 T24 M20 B21 B22
17 Protection 27D/47 relay 1 b b
18 Protection 27D/47 relay 2 b b
19 Protection 27 relay 1 b b
20 Protection 27 relay 2 b b
21 Protection 27R b b
22 Protection 59 relay 1 b b
23 Protection 59 relay 2 b b
24 Protection 59N relay 1 b b
25 Protection 59N relay 2 b b
26 Protection 81H b b
27 Protection 81L relay 1 b b
28 Protection 81L relay 2 b b
29 Protection 27S phase 1 (1) b b
30 Protection 27S phase 2 (1) b b
31 Protection 27S phase 3 (1) b b
32 Protection 81R b
(1) Not available on the B20 application.

Note: Applications S24 and T24 perform the functions of applications S23 and T23 respectively
and, in addition, the phase overcurrent and earth fault cold load pick-up functions.

114 &5('(1
Modbus communication Data addresses and encoding

Address word 0103: TS33 to TS48 (bit address 1030 to 103F)

TS Use S20 S24 T20 T24 M20 B21 B22
33 Protection 50BF b b
34 Recloser in service b b
35 Recloser in progress b b
36 Recloser permanent trip b b
37 Recloser successful trip b b
38 Send blocking input b b b b b
39 Remote setting inhibited b b b b b b b
40 Remote control inhibited b b b b b b b
41 Sepam not reset after fault b b b b b b b
42 Remote control/position discrepancy b b b b b b b
43 Matching fault b b b b b b b
or Trip Circuit Supervision
44 Disturbance recording memorized b b b b b b b
45 Control fault b b b b b b b
46 Disturbance recording inhibited b b b b b b b
47 Thermal protection inhibited b b b
48 RTD fault b b b

Address word 0104: TS49 to TS64 (bit address 1040 to 104F)

TS Use S20 S24 T20 T24 M20 B21 B22
49 Protection 38/49T alarm set point sensor 1 b b b
50 Protection 38/49T tripping set point sensor 1 b b b
51 Protection 38/49T alarm set point sensor 2 b b b
52 Protection 38/49T tripping set point sensor 2 b b b
53 Protection 38/49T alarm set point sensor 3 b b b
54 Protection 38/49T tripping set point sensor 3 b b b
Protection 38/49T alarm set point sensor 4
Protection 38/49T tripping set point sensor 4
57 Protection 38/49T alarm set point sensor 5 b b b
58 Protection 38/49T tripping set point sensor 5 b b b
59 Protection 38/49T alarm set point sensor 6 b b b
60 Protection 38/49T tripping set point sensor 6 b b b
61 Protection 38/49T alarm set point sensor 7 b b b
62 Protection 38/49T tripping set point sensor 7 b b b
63 Protection 38/49T alarm set point sensor 8 b b b
64 Protection 38/49T tripping set point sensor 8 b b b

Address check-word 0100: bit 4 (bit address 1004)

Use S20 S24 T20 T24 M20 B21 B22
Bit 4 Tripping by protection function b b b b b b b

Note: Applications S24 and T24 perform the functions of applications S23 and T23 respectively
and, in addition, the phase overcurrent and earth fault cold load pick-up functions.

PCRED301005EN 115
Modbus communication Data addresses and encoding

Use of remote control orders Address word 01F0: TC1 to TC16 (bit address 1F00 to 1F0F)
Remote control orders are pre-assigned to protection, TC Use S20 S24 T20 T24 M20 B21 B22
control and metering functions. 1 Tripping b b b b b b b
Remote control orders may be carried out in two 2 Closing b b b b b b b
modes: 3 Switching to setting group A (3)
b b b b b
b direct mode 4 Switching to setting group B (3) b b b b b
b confirmed SBO (select before operate) mode.
5 Sepam reset b b b b b b b
6 Peak demand current zero reset (3) b b b b b
All the remote control orders can be inhibited by logic
input I25 on the MES114 module. 7 Inhibit thermal protection (3) b b b
According to the parameter setting of logic input I25, 8 Inhibit disturbance recording triggering (OPG (1)) b b b b b b b
the tripping remote control order TC1 can be activated 9 Confirm disturbance recording triggering (OPG (1)) b b b b b b b
at any time or can be inhibited. 10 Manual disturbance recording triggering (OPG (1)) b b b b b b b
Logic input I25 can be set up according to 2 modes: 11 Enable recloser (3) b b
b Inhibited if the input is set to 1 ("POS" prefix) 12 Disable recloser (3) b b
b Inhibited if the input is set to 0 ("NEG" prefix) 13 Confirm thermal protection (3) b b b
14 Reserved
The device tripping and closing and recloser enable 15 Activate S-LAN communication monitoring (2) (3) b b b b b b b
and disable remote control orders are acknowledged if 16 Inhibit S-LAN communication monitoring (3) b b b b b b b
the “CB control“ function is validated and if the inputs (1) OPG : French acronym for disturbance recording.
necessary for the logic are present on the MES114 (or (2) TC15 Remote control order follows the same TC1 inhibition mode.
MES108) optional module. (3)The maximum number of remote controls is limited to 1,000,000 over the life of the product.
Note: Applications S24 and T24 perform the functions of applications S23 and T23 respectively
and, in addition, the phase overcurrent and earth fault cold load pick-up functions.
Direct remote control order
The remote control order is executed when it is written
in the remote control word. The program logic resets it Analog output remote control
to zero after the remote control order is acknowledged. The analog output of the MSA141 module may be set up for remote control
Confirmed SBO remote control order (Select Before via the Modbus communication module (word address 01F2). The working
Operate) range of the numerical value transmitted is defined by the parameter
In this mode, remote control orders involve two steps: setting of the "min. value" and "max. value" of the analog output.
b selection by the master of the order to be sent by This function is not affected by remote control inhibition conditions.

5 writing of the bit in the STC word and checking of the

selection by rereading the word
b execution of the order to be sent by writing of the bit
in the TC word.
The remote control order is executed if the bit in the
STC word and the bit in the associated word are set;
the program logic resets the bit STC and TC bits to zero
after the remote control order is acknowledged.
Deselection of the STC bit takes place:
b if the master deselects it by writing in the STC word
b if the master selects (write bit) a bit other than the
one already selected
b if the master sets a bit in the TC word which does not
match the selection. In this case, no remote control
order is executed.

116 &5('(1
Modbus communication Time-tagging of events

Presentation Initialization of the time-tagging function

The communication system time-tags the data Each time the communication system is initialized (energizing of Sepam), the events
prcessed by Sepam. The time-tagging function assigns are generated in the following order:
a date and precise time to status changes so that they b appearance of "data loss"
can be accurately classified with over time. Time- b appearance of "incorrect time"
tagged data are events that can be processed in the b appearance of "not synchronous"
control room by the remote monitoring and control b disappearance of "data loss".
system using the communication protocol for data The function is initialized with the current values of the remote annunciation and logic
logging and chronological reports. input status without creating any events related to these data. After the initialization
Sepam time-tags the following data: phase, event detection is activated.
b logic inputs It can only be interrupted by saturation of the internal event storage queue or by the
b remote annunciation bits presence of a major fault in Sepam.
b information pertaining to Sepam equipment (see
Sepam check-word). Date and time
Time-tagging is carried out systematically. Presentation
Chronological sorting of the time-tagged events is An absolute date and time are managed internally by Sepam, consisting of the
performed by the remote monitoring and control information Year: Month: Day: Hour: minute: millisecond.
system. The date and time format is standardized (ref: IEC 60870-5-4).
Time-tagging Backup
Sepam time-tagging uses absolute time (see section The Sepam internal clock is backed up for 24 hours. After a power outage lasting
on date and time). When an event is detected, it is
longer than 24 hours, the time will need to be reset.
tagged with the absolute time given by Sepam’s
The duration of the Sepam date and time backup if the power supply fails depends
internal clock.
on the ambient temperature and age of the Sepam.
All the Sepam internal clocks must be synchronized so
Typical backup periods:
as to avoid drifts and all be the same to allow inter-
Sepam chronological sorting. Sepam has two b at 25° b at 40°
mechanisms for managing its internal clock: v 24 hrs for 7 years v 24 hrs for 3 years
b time-setting: v 18 hrs after 10 years v 16 hrs after 10 years
for initializing or modifying the absolute time. A special v 14 hrs after 15 years v 10 hrs after 15 years
Modbus message, called “time message”, is used to Setting the time
time-set each Sepam Sepam's internal clock can be set in one of 3 ways:
b synchronization:
to avoid Sepam internal clock drifts and ensure inter-
b by the supervisor, via the Modbus link
b by the SFT2841, "General characteristics" screen
b from the display unit of Sepam units equipped with the advanced UMI
Sepam synchronization.
Internal clocks can be synchronized according to two
principles: The time associated with an event is encoded on 8 bytes as follows:
b internal synchronization: 0 0 0 0 M M M M 0 0 0 D D D D D word 2
via the communication network without any additional 0 0 0 H H H H H 0 0 mn mn mn mn mn mn word 3
cabling, ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms word 4
b external synchronization:
via a logic input with additional cabling.
Y - 1 byte for years: varies from 0 to 99 years.
At the time of commissioning, the user sets the
The remote monitoring and control system must ensure that the year 00 is greater
synchronization mode parameter.
than 99.
M - 1 byte for months: varies from 1 to 12.
D - 1 byte for days: varies from 1 to 31.
H - 1 byte for hours: varies from 0 to 23.
mn - 1 byte for minutes: varies from 0 to 59.
ms - 2 bytes for milliseconds: varies from 0 to 59999.
This information is encoded in binary form. Sepam is time-set via the “write word”
function (function 16) at the address 0002 with a mandatory 4-word time message.
The bits set to “0” in the description above correspond to format fields which are not
used and not generated by Sepam.
Since these bits can be transmitted to Sepam with random values, Sepam performs
the necessary disabling.
Sepam does not check the consistency or validity of the date and time received.

Synchronization clock
A synchronization clock is required for setting the date and time of Sepam.
Schneider Electric has tested the following equipment:
Gorgy Timing, ref. RT 300, equipped with the M540 module.

PCRED301005EN 117
Modbus communication Time-tagging of events

Reading of events Exchange word

Sepam provides the master or masters with two event The exchange word is used to manage a special protocol to be sure not to lose
tables. The master reads the event table and events following a communication problem. The event table is numbered for this
acknowledges by writing the exchange word. purpose.
Sepam updates its event table. The exchange word includes two fields:
b most significant byte = exchange number (8 bits): 0..255.
The events sent by Sepam are not sorted
chronologically. b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b09 b08

Structure of the first event table:

b exchange word 0040h
Exchange number: 0 .. 255
b event number 1
0041h ... 0048h
b event number 2 Description of the MS byte of the exchange word.
0049h ... 0050h
b event number 3 The exchange number contains a numbering byte which identifies the exchanges.
0051h ... 0058h The exchange number is initialized to zero when Sepam is energized.
b event number 4 When it reaches its maximum value (FFh), it automatically returns to 0.
0059h ... 0060h Sepam numbers the exchanges and the master acknowledges the numbering.

Structure of the second event table: b least significant byte = number of events (8 bits): 0..4
b exchange word 0070h
b event number 1 b07 b06 b05 b04 b03 b02 b01 b00
0071h ... 0078h
b event number 2
0079h ... 0080h
b event number 3 Number of events: 0 .. 4
0081h ... 0088h
b event number 4 Description of LS byte of the exchange word.
0089h ... 0090h
The master necessarily reads a block of 33 words
Sepam indicates the number of significant events in the event table in the least
starting at the address 0040h/0070h, or one word at the
5 address 0040h/0070h.
significant byte of the exchange word. Each non-significant event word is initialized
to zero.
Event table acknowledgment
To inform Sepam that the block read by the master has been correctly received, the
master writes the number of the last exchange made in the “Exchange number” field,
and resets the "Number of events" field of the exchange word to zero. After
acknowledgment, the 4 events in the event table are initialized to zero and the old,
acknowledged events are erased in Sepam.
Until the exchange word written by the master becomes “X,0” (with X = number of
the previous exchange that the master wishes to acknowledge), the exchange word
in the table remains at “X, number of previous events”.
Sepam only increments the exchange number when new events are present
(X+1, number of new events).
If the event table is empty, Sepam performs no processing operations when the
master reads the event table or the exchange word.
The data are encoded in binary form.
Clearing an event queue
Writing a value "xxFFh" in the exchange word (any exchange number, event
number = FFh) reinitializes the corresponding event queue (all stored events not yet
transmitted are deleted).
Sepam in data loss (1) / no data loss (0) status
Sepam has an internal storage queue with a capacity of 64 events. If the queue
becomes saturated, a "data loss" event is inserted by Sepam when each event table
is read.
The detection of events stops and the most recent events are lost.
Data loss is managed independently for each of the two event tables. When the
tables are read at different rates, data loss may occur at different times for each table
or even, in some cases, appear only on the slowest channel.
Note: the "data loss" bit of the Sepam check word corresponds to the status of the first reading
table (compatibility with earlier versions).

118 &5('(1
Modbus communication Time-tagging of events

Description of event encoding

An event is encoded in 8 words with the following structure:

Most significant byte Least significant byte

Word 1: type of event
08 00 For remote annunciation, internal
data, logic inputs
Word 2: event address
Refer to bit addresses 1000 to 105F
Word 3: reserved
00 00
Word 4: falling edge: disappearance or rising edge: appearance
00 00 Falling edge
00 01 Rising edge
Word 5: year
00 0 to 99 (year)
Word 6: month-day
1 to 12 (month) 1 to 31 (day)
Word 7: hours-minutes
0 to 23 (hours) 0 to 59 (minutes)
Word 8: milliseconds
0 to 59999

PCRED301005EN 119
Modbus communication Time-tagging of events


Sepam accommodates two synchronization modes:

b "internal via the network" synchronization mode by the broadcasting of a "time
message" frame via the communication network. Slave number 0 is used for
b "external" synchronization mode via a logic input.
The synchronization mode is selected at the time of commissioning via SFT2841.

Internal synchronization via the network mode

The “time message" frame is used for both time-setting and synchronization of
Sepam. In this case, it must be sent regularly at brief intervals (between 10 and
60 seconds) in order for synchronous time to be obtained.
Sepam’s internal clock is reset each time a new time frame is received, and
synchronization is maintained if the difference in synchronism is less than 100
With internal synchronization via the network, accuracy is linked to the master and
its mastery of time frame transmission in the communication network.
Sepam is synchronized without delay at the end of the receipt of the frame.
Time changes are made by sending a frame to Sepam with the new date and time.
Sepam then switches into a transitional non-synchronous status.
When Sepam is in synchronous status, if no "time message” is received
for 200 seconds, the appearance of the “not synchronous” event is triggered.

Architecture for "internal synchronization" via the

communication network.

120 &5('(1
Modbus communication Time-tagging of events

Synchronization (cont’d)

External synchronization via a logic input mode

Sepam can be synchronized externally by means of a logic input (I21) (the MES114
module is required).
The synchronisation pulse is determined by the rising edge of the logic input.
Sepam can adapt to all synchronization pulse periods from 10 to 60 s, by 10 s steps.
The shorter the synchronization period, the more accurate time-tagging of status
changes is.
The first time frame is used to initialize Sepam with the absolute date and time (the
following frames are used for the detection of any time changes).
The synchronization pulse is used to reset Sepam’s internal clock. In the initialization
phase, when Sepam is in "non-synchronous" mode, resetting is allowed, within an
amplitude of ±4 seconds.
In the initialization phase, the resetting process (switching of Sepam into
"synchronous" mode) is based on a measurement of the difference between
Sepam’s current time and the nearest ten second period. This measurement is taken
at the time of the receipt of the synchronization pulse following the initialization time
frame. Resetting is allowed if the difference is less than or equal to 4 seconds, in
which case Sepam switches to "synchronous" mode.
As of that time (after the switching to "synchronous" mode), the resetting process is
based on the measurement of a difference (between Sepam’s current time and the
nearest ten second period at the time of the receipt of a synchronization pulse),
which is adapted to match the synchronization pulse period.
The synchronization pulse period is determined automatically by Sepam when
Architecture for "external synchronization" via a logic input.
it is energized, based on the first two pulses received: the synchronization
pulse must therefore be operational before Sepam is energized.
The synchronization function only operates after Sepam has been time-set, i.e.
after the disappearance of the "incorrect time" event.
Any time changes greater than ±4 seconds in amplitude are made by sending a new
time frame. The switch from summer time to winter time (and vice versa) is made in
this way as well.
There is a temporary loss of synchronism when the time is changed.
The external synchronization mode requires additional equipment, a
"synchronization clock " to generate a precise periodic synchronization time pulse.
If Sepam is in "correct time and synchronous" status, and if the difference in
synchronism between the nearest ten second period and the receipt of the
synchronization pulse is greater than the synchronism error for 2 consecutive
synchronization pulses, it switches into non-synchronous status and generates the
appearance of a "not synchronous" event.
Likewise, if Sepam is in "correct time and synchronous" status, the failure to receive
a synchronization pulse for 200 seconds generates the appearance of a "not
synchronous" event.

PCRED301005EN 121
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

Reading of remote settings (remote reading)

Settings accessible for remote reading
Reading of the settings of all the protection functions may be accessed remotely.
Exchange principle
Remote reading of settings takes place in two steps:
b first of all, the master indicates the code of the function for which it wishes to know
the settings by means of a "request frame". The request is acknowledged, in the
Modbus sense of the term, to free the network
b the master then reads a reply zone to find the required information by means of a
"reply frame".
Each function has its own particular reply zone contents. The time needed between
the request and the reply is linked to Sepam’s low priority cycle time and may vary
by several tens to several hundreds of milliseconds.
Request frame
The request is made by the master using a "write word" (function 6 or 16) operation
at the address 2080h of a 1-word frame consisting of the following:
B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B09 B08 B07 B06 B05 B04 B03 B02 B01 B00
Function code Relay number

The content of the address 2080h may be read using a Modbus "read word"
(function 3).
The function code field may have the following values:
b 01h to 99h (BCD encoding) for protection functions.
The relay number field is used as follows:
b for protection, it indicates the relay involved, varying from 1 to N, N being the
maximum number of relays available in the Sepam
b when only one relay is available, this number field is not controlled.
Exception replies
In addition to the usual cases, Sepam can send Modbus type 07 exception replies

5 (not acknowledged) if another remote reading request is being processed.

Reply frame
The reply, sent back by the Sepam, fits into a zone containing a maximum of 125
words at the address 2000h which is composed the following:
B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B09 B08 B07 B06 B05 B04 B03 B02 B01 B00
Function code Relay number
(special field for each function)

This zone is read by a "read word" operation (function 3) at the address 2000h.
The length of the exchange may include:
b the first word only (validity test)
b the maximum size of the zone (125 mots)
b the usable size of the zone (determined by the function being addressed).
However, reading must always begin at the first word in the zone (any other address
triggers an exception reply "incorrect address").
The first word in the zone (function code and relay number) may have the following
b xxyy: with
v function code xx different from 00 and FFh
v relay number yy different from FFh.
The settings are available and validated. They word is a copy of the "request frame".
The zone contents remain valid until the next request is made.
The other word are not significant.
b FFFFh: the "request frame" has been processed, but the results in the
"reply frame" are not yet available. It is necessary to repeat "reply frame" reading.
The other words are not significant.
b xxFFh: with function code xx different from 00 and FFh. The function for which the
remote reading request has been made is not valid. The function is not included in
the particular Sepam, or remote reading of it is not authorized: refer to the list of
functions which accommodate re&5('(1

122 PCRED301005EN - 07/2012

Modbus communication Access to remote settings

NOTICE Remote setting

RISK OF UNINTENDED OPERATION Data that can be remotely set
b The device must only be configured and set by Writing of the settings of all the protection functions may be accessed remotely.
qualified personnel, using the results of the Exchange principle
installation protection system study. Remote setting is allowed for Sepam units.
b During commissioning of the installation and Remote setting is carried out for a given function, relay by relay.
following any modification, check that the Sepam It takes place in two steps:
configuration and protection function settings are b first of all, the master indicates the function code and relay number, followed by
consistent with the results of this study. the values of all the settings in the a "write request frame". The request is
Failure to follow these instructions can result acknowledged to free the network
in equipment damage. b the master then reads a reply zone to find the required information by means of a
"reply frame", a reply zone designed for checking that the settings have been
processed. Each function has its own particular reply zone contents. The contents
are same as those of the reply frame.
To use remote setting, it is necessary to make all the settings for the function
concerned, even if some of them have not changed.
Request frame
The request is made by the master using a "write n words" (function 16) operation at
the address 2100h. The zone to be written contains a maximum of 123 words.
It contains the values of all the settings. It consists of the following:
B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B09 B08 B07 B06 B05 B04 B03 B02 B01 B00
Function code Relay number
(special field for each function)

The content of the address 2100h may be read using a "read n words" (function 3).
The function code field may have the following values:
b 01h to 99h (BCD encoding) for the list of protection functions F01 to F99.
The relay number field is used as follows:
b for protection, it indicates the relay involved, varying from 1 to N, N being the
maximum number of relays available in the Sepam. It may never be equal to 0.
Exception reply
In addition to the usual cases, Sepam can send type 07 exception replies
(not acknowledged) if:
b another remote reading or setting request is being processed
b the remote setting function is inhibited.

PCRED301005EN 123
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

Reply frame
The reply sent back by the Sepam is the same as the remote reading reply frame. It
fits into a zone containing a maximum of 125 words at the address 2000h and is
composed of the effective settings of the function following a semantic check:
B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B09 B08 B07 B06 B05 B04 B03 B02 B01 B00
Function code Relay number
(special field for each function)

This zone is read by a "read n words" operation (function 3) at the address 2000h.
The length of the exchange may unclude:
b the first word only (validity test)
b the maximum size of the reply zone (125 words)
b the usable size of the reply zone (determined by the function being addressed).
However, reading must always begin at the first word in the address zone
(any other address triggers an exception reply "incorrect address").
The first word in the reply zone (function code and relay number) has the same
values as those described for the remote reading reply frame.
b xxyy: with:
v function code xx different from 00 and FFh
v relay number yy different from FFh.
The settings are available and validated. The word is a copy of the "request frame".
The zone contents remain valid until the next request is made.
b 0000h: no "request frame" has been formulated yet, as it is the case, in particular,
when the Sepam is switched on.
The other words are not significant.
b FFFFh: the "request frame" has been processed, but the results in the "reply
frame" are not yet available. It is necessary to repeat "reply frame" reading. The other
5 words are not significant.
b xxFFh: with function code xx different from 00 and FFh. The function for which the
remote reading request has been made is not valid. The function is not included in
that particular Sepam, or access to settings is impossible, both in read and write

124 &5('(1
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

Description of settings
Data format
All the settings are transmitted in signed 32-bit whole number form
(encoding, as a complement of 2).
Particular setting value:
7FFF FFFFh means that the setting is outside the validity range.
1 The Enabled or Disabled setting is encoded as follows:
0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
2 The tripping curve setting is encoded as follows:
0 = definite
1 = standard inverse time 9 = IEC VIT/
2 = long time inverse 10 = IEC EIT/C
3 = very inverse time 11 = IEEE Mod. inverse
4 = extremely inverse time 12 = IEEE Very inverse
5 = ultra inverse time 13 = IEEE Extr. inverse
6 = RI 14 = IAC inverse
7 = IEC SIT/A 15 = IAC very inverse
8 = IEC LTI/B 16 = IAC extr. inverse
3 The setting of the timer hold curve is encoded as follows:
0 = definite time
1 = IDMT
4 The H2 restraint variable is encoded as follows:
0 = H2 restraint
1 = no H2 restraint
5 The tripping curve setting is:
0 = definite time
1 = IDMT
6 The negative sequence factor is:
0 = None (0)
1 = Low (2.25)
2 = Average (4.5) 5
3 = High (9)
7 Acknowledgment of the ambient temperature is encoded as follows:
0 = No
1 = Yes
8 Not used
9 The inhibition input setting is encoded as follows:
0 = No inhibition
1 = Inhibit recloser by logic input I26
10 Not used
11 The activation mode of each of the cycles is encoded as follows:
Correspondence between bit position and protection according to the table below:
Bit Activation by
0 Inst O/C 1
1 Time-delayed O/C 1
2 Inst O/C 2
3 Time-delayed O/C 2
4 Inst E/F 1
5 Time-delayed E/F 1
6 Inst E/F 2
7 Time-delayed E/F 2
The bit status is encoded as follows:
0 = No activation by the protection
1 = Activation by the protection.
12 The time delay unit for the CLPU functions is encoded as follows:
0 = millisecond
1 = second
2 = minute

PCRED301005EN 125
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

General characteristics settings (read only)

Function number: 3002
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Rated frequency 0 = 50 Hz
1 = 60 Hz
2 Remote setting enabled 1 = disabled
3 Sepam working language 0 = English
1 = Customized language
4 Number of period before 1
disturbance recording
5 Active setting groupe 0 = Setting group A
1 = Setting group B
2 = setting group A and B
3 = Choice by input I13
4 = Choice by remote control
5 = Logic discrimination
6 Setting mode 0 = TMS
1 = 10I/Is
7 Type of phase current sensor 0 = 5 A CT
1 = 1 A CT
2 = LPTC
8 Number of CTs 0 = 3 TC (I1, I2, I3)
1 = 2 TC (I1, I3)
9 Rated current A
10 Base current A
11 Residual current mode 0 = 3I sum
1 = 2 A rated CSH
2 = 20 A rated CSH
3 = 1 A CT
4 = 5 A CT
5 = ACE990 Range 1
6 = ACE990 Range 2
12 Rated residual current Ino A
13 Integration period 0 = 5 mn

5 1 = 10 mn
2 = 15 mn
3 = 30 mn
4 = 60 mn
14 Reserved
15 Rated primary voltage Unp V
16 Rated secondary voltage Uns 0 = 100 V
1 = 110 V
2 = 115 V
3 = 120 V
4 = 200 V
5 = 230 V
6 = Numerical value, see
setting 19
17 Voltages mesured by VTs 0 = 3 V (V1, V2, V3)
1 = 2 U (U21, U32)
2 = 1 U (U21)
18 Residual voltage mode 0 = none
1 = 3 V sum
2 = external VT — Uns/3
3 = external VT — Uns/3
19 Secondary rated voltage Uns V

126 &5('(1
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

Protection settings
They are organized according to increasing ANSI codes.

ANSI 27 - Phase-to-phase undervoltage

Function number: 10xx
Relay 1: xx = 01
Relay 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Us set point % Unp
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms
4 to 8 Reserved

ANSI 27D/47 - Positive sequence undervoltage

Function number: 08xx
Relay 1: xx = 01
Relay 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Vsd set point % Unp
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms
4 to 8 Reserved

ANSI 27R - Remanent undervoltage

Function number: 0901
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Us set point % Unp
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms
4 to 8 Reserved
ANSI 27S - Phase-to-neutral undervoltage
Function number: 1801
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Vs set point % Vnp
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms
4 to 8 Reserved

ANSI 37 - Phase undercurrent

Function number: 0501
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Is set point % lb
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 38/49T - Temperature monitoring

Function number: 15xx
Relay 1: xx = 01
Relay 2: xx = 02
Relay 3: xx = 03
Relay 4: xx = 04
Relay 5: xx = 05
Relay 6: xx = 06
Relay 7: xx = 07
Relay 8: xx = 08
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Alarm set point °C
3 Trip set point °C
4 to 8 Reserved

PCRED301005EN 127
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

ANSI 46 - Negative sequence / unbalance

Function number: 0301
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enable or disabled 1
2 Tripping curve 5
3 Is set point % Ib
4 Tripping time delay 10 ms

ANSI 48/51LR/14 - Locked rotor, excessive starting time

Function number: 0601
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Is set point % Ib
3 Excessive starting time delayB (ST) 10 ms
4 Locked rotor time delay (LT) 10 ms
5 Locked rotor on start time delay (LTS) 10 ms

ANSI 49RMS - Thermal overload

Function number: 0401
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enable or disabled 1
2 Negative sequence factor 6
3 Is set point for switching from group A/group B % Ib
4 Accounting for ambient temperature 7
5 Maximum equipment temperature °C
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Group A - heatrise alarm set point %
9 Group A - Heat rise tripping set point %
10 Group A - heating time constant minutes
5 11
Group A - cooling time constant
Group A - initial heatrise value
13 Group B - enabled or disabled 1
14 Group B - heatrise alarm set point %
15 Group B - heatrise tripping set point %
16 Group B - heating time constant minutes
17 Group B - cooling time constant minutes
18 Group B - initial heatrise value %

ANSI 50/51 - Phase current

Function number: 01xx
Relay 1: xx = 01
Relay 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Reserved
2 Group A - tripping curve 2
3 Group A - Is set point 0.1 A
4 Group A - tripping time delay 10 ms
5 Group A - timer hold curve 3
6 Group A - timer hold delay 10 ms
7 Group B - H2 restraint 4
8 Group B - Isc min 0,1 A
9 ON/OFF 1
10 Group B - tripping curve 2
11 Group B - Is set point 0.1 A
12 Group B - tripping time delay 10 ms
13 Group B - timer hold curve 3
14 Group B - timer hold delay 10 ms
15 Group B - H2 restraint 4
16 Group B - Isc min 0.1 A

128 &5('(1
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

ANSI 50BF - Breaker failure

Function number: 2101
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 ON or OFF 1
2 Is set point 0.1 A
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms
4 Use close position of circuit breaker 0 = No
1 = Yes

ANSI 50N/51N or 50G/51G - Earth fault

Function number: 02xx
Relay 1: xx = 01
Relay 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Reserved
2 Group A - tripping curve 2
3 Group A - Is0 set point 0.1 A
4 Group A - tripping time delay 10 ms
5 Group A - timer hold curve 3
6 Group A - timer hold delay 10 ms
7 Group A - H2 restraint 4
8 Reserved
9 ON/OFF 1
10 Group B - tripping curve 2
11 Group B - Is0 set point 0.1 A
12 Group B - tripping time delay 10 ms
13 Group B - timer hold curve 3
14 Group B - timer hold delay 10 ms
15 Group B - H2 restraint 4
16 Reserved

ANSI 59 - Phase-to-phase overvoltage

Function number: 11xx
Relay 1: xx = 01
Relay 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Us set point % Unp
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms
4 to 8 Reserved

ANSI 59N - Neutral voltage displacement

Function number: 12xx
Relay 1: xx = 01
Relay 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Vs0 set point % Unp
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms
4 to 8 Reserved

ANSI 66 - Starts per hour

Function number: 0701
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Period of time hours
3 Total number of starts 1
4 Number of consecutive hot starts 1
5 Number of consecutive starts 1
6 Time delay between starts minutes

PCRED301005EN 129
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

ANSI 79 - Recloser function

Function number: 1701
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Recloser — enabled or disabled 1
2 Recloser inhibition by input I26 9
3 Number of cycles 1 to 4
4 Recloser — disengaging time delay 10 ms
5 Recloser — inhibition time delay 10 ms
6 Reserved
7 Cycle 1 — activation mode 11
8 Cycle 1 — isolation time delay 10 ms
9 Reserved
10 Cycle 2 — activation mode 11
11 Cycle 2 — isolation time delay 10 ms
12 Reserved
13 Cycle 3 — activation mode 11
14 Cycle 3 — isolation time delay 10 ms
15 Reserved
16 Cycle 4 — activation mode 11
17 Cycle 4 — isolation time delay 10 ms

ANSI 81H - Overfrequency

Function number: 1301
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Fs set point 0.1 Hz
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms
4 to 8 Reserved

ANSI 81L - Underfrequency

Function number: 14xx
5 Relay 1: xx = 01
Relay 2: xx = 02
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 Fs set point 0.1 Hz
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms
4 to 8 Reserved

ANSI 81R - Rate of change of frequency

Function number: 1601
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Enabled or disabled 1
2 dFs/dt set point 0.1 Hz/s
3 Tripping time delay 10 ms
4 to 8 Reserved

130 &5('(1
Modbus communication Access to remote settings

CLPU 50/51 and CLPU 50N/51N function parameter settings

Function number: 3006
Setting Data Format/Unit
1 Time before activation (Tcold) 10 ms
2 Pick-up threshold CPUs % In
3 Global action CLPU 50/51 setting 0 = blocking
1 = multiplication
4 Global action CLPU 50N/51N setting 0 = blocking
1 = multiplication
5 Unit 1/Group A 50/51: pick-up time delay T (1)

6 Unit 1/Group A 50/51: pick-up time delay T unit 12

7 Unit 1/Group A 50/51: multiplying factor M % Is
8 Unit 1/Group A 50/51: ON or OFF 1
9 Unit 1/Group B 50/51: pick-up time delay T (1)

10 Unit 1/Group B 50/51: pick-up time delay T unit 12

11 Unit 1/Group B 50/51: multiplying factor M % Is
12 Unit 1/Group B 50/51: ON or OFF 1
13 Unit 2/Group A 50/51: pick-up time delay T (1)

14 Unit 2/Group A 50/51: pick-up time delay T unit 12

15 Unit 2/Group A 50/51: multiplying factor M % Is
16 Unit 2/Group A 50/51: ON or OFF 1
17 Unit 2/Group B 50/51: pick-up time delay T (1)

18 Unit 2/Group B 50/51: pick-up time delay T unit 12

19 Unit 2/Group B 50/51: multiplying factor M % Is
20 Unit 2/Group B 50/51: ON or OFF 1
21 Unit 1/Group A 50N/51N: pick-up time delay T0 (1)

22 Unit 1/Group A 50N/51N: pick-up time delay T0 unit 12

23 Unit 1/Group A 50N/51N: multiplying factor M0 % Is0
24 Unit 1/Group A 50N/51N: ON or OFF 1
25 Unit 1/Group B 50N/51N: pick-up time delay T0 (1)

Unit 1/Group B 50N/51N: pick-up time delay T0 unit
Unit 1/Group B 50N/51N: multiplying factor M0
% Is0 5
28 Unit 2/Group B 50N/51N: ON or OFF 1
29 Unit 2/Group A 50N/51N: pick-up time delay T0 (1)

30 Unit 2/Group A 50N/51N: pick-up time delay T0 unit 12

31 Unit 2/Group A 50N/51N: multiplying factor M0 % Is0
32 Unit 2/Group A 50N/51N: ON or OFF 1
33 Unit 2/Group B 50N/51N: pick-up time delay T0 (1)

34 Unit 2/Group B 50N/51N: pick-up time delay T0 unit 12

35 Unit 2/Group B 50N/51N: multiplying factor M0 % Is0
36 Unit 2/Group B 50N/51N: ON or OFF 1
(1) numerical value, see time delay T (or T0) unit setting.

PCRED301005EN 131
Modbus communication Disturbance recording

Presentation Reading the identification zone

The disturbance recording function is used to record Given the volume of data to be transmitted, the master must ensure that there are
analog and logical signals during a time interval. data to be recovered and prepare the exchanges when necessary.
Sepam can store two records. The identification zone, described below, is read by the reading of N words starting
Each record comprises two files: at the address 2204h:
b configuration file with suffix .CFG b 2 reserve words forced to 0
b data file with suffix .DAT. b size of record configuration files encoded in 1 word
The data of each record may be transferred via the b size of record data files encoded in 1 words
Modbus link. It is possible to transfer 1 or 2 records to a b number of records encoded in 1 word
remote monitoring and control system. The record may b date of record (most recent) encoded in 4 words (see format below)
be transferred as many times as possible, until it is b date of record (least recent) encoded in 4 words (see format below)
overwritten by a new record. b 24 reserve words.
If a record is made by Sepam while the oldest record is All of these data are consecutive.
being transferred, the oldest record is altered.
If a command (e.g. a remote reading or remote setting Reading the contents of the different files
request) is carried out during the transfer of a Request frame
disturbance recording record, the record is not The master makes the request by writing the date of the record to be transferred
disturbed. (function 16) in 4 words starting at the address 2200h.
Time-setting It should be noted that requesting a new record amounts to stopping the transfers
Each record can be dated. which are in progress. This is not the case for an identification zone transfer request.
Time-setting of Sepam is described in the "Time- 2200h
tagging of events" section. B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B09 B08 B07 B06 B05 B04 B03 B02 B01 B00
Transferring records O O O O M M M M O O O D D D D D
The transfer requests are made record by record, i.e.
O O O H H H H H O O mn mn mn mn mn mn
one configuration file and one data file per record.
ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms
The master sends the commands in order to:
b find out the characteristics of the records stored in an
identification zone Y - 1 byte for years: varies from 0 to 99 years.
b read the contents of the different files The master must ensure that the year 00 is later than 99.
b acknowledge each transfer M - 1 byte for months: varies from 1 to 12.
b reread the identification zone to ensure that the
5 record still appears in the list of records available.
D - 1 byte for days: varies from 1 to 31.
H - 1 byte for hours: varies from 0 to 23.
mn - 1 byte for minutes: varies from 0 to 59.
ms - 2 bytes for milliseconds: varies from 0 to 59999.
Reply frame
Reading of each portion of configuration and data file records by a reading frame
(function 3) of 125-words starting at the address 2300h.
B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B09 B08 B07 B06 B05 B04 B03 B02 B01 B00
Number of usable bytes
Exchange number
in the data zone
Data zone

Reading should always begin with the first word in the address zone (any other
address triggers an exception reply "incorrect address").
The configuration and data files are read in their entirety in Sepam. They are
transferred adjacently.

132 &5('(1
Modbus communication Disturbance recording

If the master requests more exchanges than necessary, the exchange number
remains unchanged and the number of usable bytes is forced to 0. To guarantee the
data transfers, it is necessary to allow a response time of about 500 ms between
each reading operation at 2300h.
The first word transmitted is an exchange word. The exchange word comprises two
b the most significant byte contains the exchange number. It is incremented by 1 by
the Sepam each time a successful transfer takes place. When it reaches the value
FFh, it automatically goes back to zero
b the least significant byte contains the number of usable bytes in the data zone. It
is initialized to zero after energizing and must be different from FFh.
The exchange word may also have the following values:
b xxyy: the number of usable bytes in the data zone yy must be different from FFh
b 0000h: no "read requeste frame" has been formulated yet, as it is the case in
particular, when the Sepam is switched on. The other words are not significant,
b FFFFh: the "request frame" has been processed, but the results in the reply zone
are not yet available.
It is necessary to repeat "reply frame" reading.
The other words are not significant.
The words which follow the exchange word make up the data zone.
Since the configuration and data files are adjacent, a frame may contain the end of
the configuration file and the beginning of the data file of a record.
It is up to the remote monitoring and control system software to reconstruct the files
in accordance with the transmitted number of usable bytes and the size of the files
indicated in the identification zone.
Acknowledging a transfer
To inform the Sepam that a record block that it has just read has been received
correctly, the master must write the number of the last exchange that it has carried
out in the "exchange number" filed and set the "number of usable bytes in the data
zone" of the exchange word to zero.
The Sepam only increments the exchange number if new acquisition bursts are
Rereading the identification zone
To ensure that the record has not been modified, during its transfer by a new record,
the master rereads the contents of the identification zone and ensures that the
recovered record date is still present.

PCRED301005EN 133
Modbus communication Reading Sepam identification

The "Read Device Identification" function is used to access in a standardized manner
the information required to clearly identify a device.
The description is made up of a set of objects (ASCII character strings).
Sepam series 20 accepts the "read identification" function (conformity level 02).
For a complete description of the function, go to The description
below covers a subset of the function, adapted to Sepam series 20.

Request frame
The request frame is made of the following components.
Field Size (bytes)
Slave number 1
43 (2Bh) 1 Generic access function code
14 (0Eh) 1 Read device identification
01 or 02 1 Type of read
00 1 Object number
CRC16 2

The type of read is used to select a simplified (01) or a standard (02) description.
Sepam series 20 identification Reply frame
The objects making up the Sepam series 20 The reply frame is made of the following components.:
identification are listed below. Field Size (bytes)
Number Type Value Slave number 1
0 VendorName "Merlin Gerin" or 43 (2Bh) 1 Generic access function code
"Schneider Electric" 14 (0Eh) 1 Read device identification
1 ProductCode Application EAN13 code 01 or 02 1 Type of read
2 MajorMinorRevision Application version number 02 1 Conformity level
(Vxxyy) 00 1 Continuation-frame flag (none for Sepam)
3 VendorURL "" 00 1 Reserved
4 ProductName "Sepam series 20" n 1 Number of objects (according to read type)
5 5 ModelName Application name
(e.g. "M20 Motor")
Number of first object
Length first object
6 UserAppName Sepam marking txt1 lg1 ASCII string of first object
..... ...
objn 1 Number nth object
lgn 1 Length nth object
txtn Ign ASCII string of nth object
CRC16 2

Exception frame
If an error occurs during request processing, a special exception frame is sent.
Field Size (bytes)
Slave number 1
171 (ABh) 1 Generic access exception (2Bh + 80h)
14 (0Eh) 1 Read device identification
01 or 03 1 Type of error
CRC16 2

134 &5('(1

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