Tar Cessna f150 f152 Series
Tar Cessna f150 f152 Series
Tar Cessna f150 f152 Series
Executive Summary
New Zealand Type Acceptance has been granted to the Cessna F150/F152 and Aerobat
Series based on validation of FAA Type Certificate number A13EU. There are no special
requirements for import.
All models listed under the FAA type certificate have been type accepted in New Zealand,
and are now eligible for the issue of an Airworthiness Certificate in the Standard Category
in accordance with NZCAR §21.177, subject to any outstanding New Zealand operational
requirements being met. (See Section 5 of this report for a review of compliance of the
basic type design with the operating Rules.)
NOTE: The information in this report was correct as at the date of issue. The report is
generally only updated when an application is received to revise the Type
Acceptance Certificate. For details on the current type certificate holder and any
specific technical data, refer to the latest revision of the State-of-Design Type
Certificate Data Sheet referenced herein.
1. Introduction
This report details the basis on which Type Acceptance Certificate No. 96/09 was granted
in the Standard Category in accordance with NZCAR Part 21 Subpart B.
(a) Specify the foreign type certificate and associated airworthiness design standard
used for type acceptance of the models in New Zealand; and
(b) Identify any special conditions for import applicable to any models covered by the
Type Acceptance Certificate; and
(c) Identify any additional requirements which must be complied with prior to the issue
of a NZ Airworthiness Certificate or for any subsequent operations.
The report covers all models included on the State-of-Design type certificate which have
been granted type acceptance in New Zealand. Appendix 1 details which models have been
type accepted in accordance with the provisions of CAR Part 21B and which were
certificated prior to that under NZCAR Section B.9 and are now type accepted under the
transitional arrangements of Part 21 Appendix A(c).
Type Acceptance Certificate No.96/09 was granted on 13 September 1996 to the 1982
Reims Aviation FA152 based on validation of DGAC Type Certificate number 38. There
are no special requirements for import into New Zealand.
Revision 1 to this report added all the other variants and model years of the F150/F152
Series not previously included. This was at the request of the type certificate holder, who
has provided access to all technical publications.
Reims Aviation was a French company that manufactured US-designed Cessna aircraft
under license, using a kit of parts supplied by Cessna. These included the F150, F152,
F172, F177RG, F182, F337, F406 and their variants. These aircraft were identical to the
US-built aircraft, but because they were produced in France they were given DGAC Type
Certificates. Reims-produced models had the same designation as the Cessna model,
except for the addition of an F prefix. The certification basis of the FA152 was stated on
the French TCDS as AIR 2052 with amendments at 5.11.65. However it is known that the
French type certificate was issued on the basis of the FAA type certificate. Reims Aviation
stated the first-of-type aircraft, S/N 0379, was eligible for certification under A13EU,
although only TC 38 was referenced on the aircraft dataplate.
The Reims FRA150 model, for which there is no Cessna equivalent, was a version with a
130 hp engine and was developed for Reims by Miles Aviation & Transport (R & D) Ltd
and approved by the UK CAA, and subsequently adopted under the DGAC type certificate.
A new flight manual was approved for the model, and there were amendments to the MM
and IPC. The FAA TCDS just calls up the same year A150 Flight Manual, which
presumably had a Supplement to cover the new engine. The O-240 engine could also be
fitted to the FA150 model under a Reims modification. For the 1972-77 years Reims only
produced the FRA150 version of the Aerobat. No FA150M at all were manufactured. (See
Cessna Service Newsletter 94-6 serialisation list.) The DGAC type certificate also has a
Model FRA150N which was approved on 6 June 1977. This was clearly overtaken by the
Model 152, as there are no production examples of the FRA150N listed.)
Following the bankruptcy of Reims Aviation Cessna assumed responsibility for all the
license-built models except the F406, and the DGAC type certificates were transferred
back to the FAA as State-of-Design.
There have been previous examples of the FRA150L [ZK-FWW and ZK-TDI] and the
F152 [ZK-JCP] on the New Zealand Civil Aircraft Register.
Report ET-82-12 – Flyover Noise Analysis for FAA Certification Model 152/A152
See Advisory Circular 36-1H Appendix 7 and Flight Manuals (Section 4).
AIR 2049 D1107-13 Model 152 (1978) POH s/n F152-1429 thru F152-1528
AIR 2745 D1136-13PH Model 152 (1979) POH s/n F152-1529 thru F152-1673
AIR 2746 D1170-13PH Model 152 (1980) POH s/n F152-1674 thru F152-1808
AIR 2156 D1190-13PH Model 152 (1981) POH s/n F152-1809 thru F152-1893
AIR 2180 D1210-13PH Model 152 (1982) POH s/n F152-1894 thru F152-1928
AIR 2197 D1229-13PH Model 152 (1983) POH s/n F152-1929 thru F152-1943
AIR 2246 D1249-13PH Model 152 (1984) POH s/n F152-1944 thru F152-1952
AIR 3040 D1270-13PH Model 152 (1985) POH s/n F152-1953 thru F152-1980
AIR 2032 D1108-13 Model A152 (1978) POH s/n FA152-0337 thru FA152-0347
AIR 2684 D1137-13PH Model A152 (1979) POH s/n FA152-0348 thru FA152-0357
AIR 2685 D1171-13PH Model A152 (1980) POH s/n FA152-0358 thru FA152-0372
AIR 2148 D1191-13PH Model A152 (1981) POH s/n FA152-0373 thru FA152-0377
AIR 2181 D1211-13PH Model A152 (1982) POH s/n FA152-0378 thru FA152-0382
AIR 2329 D1230-13PH Model A152 (1983) POH s/n FA152-0383 thru FA152-0387
AIR 3670 D1271-13PH Model A152 (1985) POH s/n FA152-0388 thru FA152-0425
(7) Agreement from manufacturer to supply updates of data in (5), and (6):
Textron Aviation Publications are now available through the Textron Aviation
Technical Publications website at https://ww2.txtav.com
Compliance with the following additional NZ operating requirements has been reviewed
and were found to be covered by either the original certification requirements or the basic
build standard of the aircraft, except as noted:
NOTES: 1. A Design Rule reference in the Means of Compliance column indicates the Design Rule was
directly equivalent to the CAR requirement, and compliance is achieved for the basic aircraft type
design by certification against the original Design Rule.
2. The CAR Compliance Tables above were correct at the time of issue of the Type Acceptance
Report. Rules may have changed since then and compliance should be checked individually.
3. Some means of compliance above are specific to a particular model/configuration. Compliance
with Part 91/119 operating requirements should be checked in each case, particularly oxygen system
capacity and emergency equipment.
The following documents form attachments to this report:
Three-view drawing Reims/Cessna Model FA152
Copy of FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet Number A13EU
Sign off
…………………………………….. ……………………………...............
David Gill Checked – Jason Ashworth
Team Leader Airworthiness Team Leader Product Certification
Appendix 1