Research 1
Research 1
Research 1
D.M.R. Dissanayake
Senior Lecturer, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Abstract: Small & Medium Enterprises (SME’s) constitutes for over 75% of the number of
enterprises in Sri Lanka and contribute to 52% of the GDP of Sri Lankan economy. In any case,
the development and extension of SME's are constrained due to a multitude of factors that are yet
to be investigated. Competition is often intense for SME’s in Sri Lanka and they can neither
influence price nor quantity. The standard view of competitive advantages on differentiation or
cost is a challenge for SME’s. They are probably not going to have the option to "lock" in clients
and providers, build entry barriers or altogether lower cost. SME’s usually have limited resources
in finance, skilled employees, in-house knowledge or management. Meanwhile, digital
transformation is featured in many businesses enabling reshaping the strategy and business
models. SMEs are also found as empirically investigated context with the concept of digitalization,
but still further studies are claimed on it. Accordingly, this paper investigates how SMEs could be
benefitted with digital transformation as a strategic initiation whilst challenges and cases are
discussed in line within. It has followed comprehensive literature review as the main research tool
and the paper is framed as a concept paper with the discussion on empirical insights. Authors
made an attention on Sri Lankan SME sector as a specific context. Finally, it concludes the paper
with some research directions and priorities for the future studies.
KEYWORDS: business models, competitive advantages, digital transformation, SMEs, Sri Lanka
Across every industry, Digital transformation is having positive impacts on the barriers between
individuals, enterprises and processes and is disrupting the industry eco system. They are changing
the relationships between customers, workers and employers as the technologies reach and invades
almost everything people do from buying groceries online to finding a life partner on a website
(Mühleisen, 2018). By eliminating these barriers, digital transformation (DT) can enhance and
help innovate products and service offerings and find proficient methods of working together.
These innovations evolve across organizations irrespective of their size and industry. Lately, firms
in practically all industries have directed various initiatives to investigate new digital
technologies and to exploit their advantages (Matt, Hess, & Benlian, 2015) . Pierre Nanterme,
Chief of Accenture states “Digital is the main reason just half of the companies on the fortune 500
Print ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), Online ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review
Vol.7, No.4, pp.59-76, June 2019
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
have disappeared since the year 2000”. This transformation is influencing the manner in which the
economy and social orders work, moving changes in the scale, degree and speed of organizations
and the structure of business sectors (Goldfarb & Exhaust, 2017; Youngjin, Jr., Lyytinen &
Majchrzak, 2012). In digital transformation (DT), enterprises are not only focussing on the
exploitation of technology to improve operational efficiency but also exploring the potential of
digital innovation (Berghaus & Back, 2016). Digital transformation includes both procedure
digitization with an emphasis on effectiveness and digital innovation with an attention on
improving existing physical products with advanced abilities (Youngjin, Jr. et al, 2012).
Additionally, digital innovation is concerned with changes in strategy, process and company
offerings and as such requires the enterprises to revisit the organizational logic. Enterprises today
understand the potential value and focusses on data driven innovation (Berghaus & Back, 2016).
An enterprise that does not realize, embrace and transform with digital technologies is vulnerable
to their own survival, whilst those who adopted to digital technologies to transform themselves
have leapfrogged and experienced exponential growth in the business world, which eventually
contributes to the growth of the nation and the transformation of the society as a whole (Golfarb
& Tucker, 2017; Matt, In general, e-commerce provides a base for many business
models including SMEs to revitalize traditional forms of doing businesses into a digitalized option
(Hofstede.2011), and enabling strategic advantages ( Kohli & Johnson, 2011).
SMEs play an important role in employment creation, innovation, and in the economy in general.
Their part as a noteworthy source in development has been stressed in research (Braunerhjelm,
2008). However, SME’s are vulnerable and prone to failure (Storey, 1994).One of the major
challenges for SME’s are the limited resources e.g. Human resources, capital, that reduces the
capability of these organisations to respond to competition and market changes (Toni, 2003). In
this backdrop, the use of information communication technologies (ICT) will certainly provide
SME’s timely and valuable information, knowledge, better relationships with suppliers and
customers, better collaboration and increase productivity and efficiency (Ensaria & Karabay,
2014). Therefore, how far the business community transforms their businesses to digital
technologies has been a decisive factor of the socio-economic development of a country. There
are explicit evidences, where large scale business entities are embracing the digital transformation
and where Fortune 500 Companies are placing Digital Transformation at the centre of their
Innovation Strategies (Holtz, 2018). Further the emerging start-up companies are also showing the
same trend (Andersson, Movin, & Mähring, 2018;Cuenca & Llorente, 2015).
Additionally, competition is often intense for SME’s in Sri Lanka and they can neither influence
price nor quantity. The standard perspective on rivalry (Porter, 1980) where firms contend on
differentiation or cost is a test for SME's. They are probably not going to have the option to "lock"
in clients and providers, fabricate boundaries to passage, or fundamentally lower cost (Kohli &
Johnson, 2011).SME’s usually have limited resources in finance, in-house knowledge and
Print ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), Online ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review
Vol.7, No.4, pp.59-76, June 2019
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
management. However, from a competitive perspective, their advantage exists in processes and
products that are hard to replicate. Based on the resource-based view which argues that competitive
advantage can be developed by organisations that collect resources which are unique, valuable,
non - substitutable and difficult to duplicate (Barney, 2001), these competencies form the basis of
a business strategy. DT can be a critical and substantial part of such competencies (Goldfarb &
Tucker, 2017).
This research follows a deductive approach in which explanations and arguments are supported by
empirical evidences and associated theories. A deductive methodology, which is a Qualitative
research is worried about the changing idea of reality made through individuals' encounters – an
evolving reality in which the researcher and researched are mutually interactive and inseparable
(Phillips, 1988). The researcher reviewed journal articles, industry publications to understand
“What are the key enablers for SME’s in Sri Lanka to Digital transformation (DT) in the Industries
4.0 era?”. Accordingly, literature review was employed as the main research tool. This paper
attempted to discuss cases found within the application of digital transformation in SME’s and
extract practice related insights for readers. Sri Lanka was chosen because it is an emerging
economy and is in the journey of transforming itself digitally enabled. The research could be useful
to other developing countries of a similar nature. The paper is organised as a concept paper whilst
arguments were empirically supported. Finally, authors discuss and conclude the paper postulating
future research directions in line with the synthesized discussions.
Paper presents the empirical evidences and some important cases on how DT is considered in many
perspectives whilst challenges are also highlighted with literature-based justifications.
Globalization and Information communication technologies (ICT) are radically changing the way
business is conducted. ICT is used so extensively that they have become an essential element in
Print ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), Online ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review
Vol.7, No.4, pp.59-76, June 2019
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
doing business. Their adaptability gives better approaches for overseeing business connections and
new models of working together in the progressing computerized economy (Antlova, 2009). DT
in business is the joining of new advanced innovations and technologies into all business areas
prompting a key change in the manner the enterprise works. These digital technologies in the
industries 4.0 can be cloud, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, additive
printing, drones, blockchain and robotics. Due to the many opportunities offered by these digital
technologies, virtual companies and E commerce markets were proposed as new disruptive models
of organizations and transactions, where digital technologies will be considered as the driver of an
organization’s competitiveness (Kelly, 1998). Enterprises need to find innovative ways to integrate
these digital technologies and their capabilities to improve process, human resource engagement
and skill, and drive new business models to compete and thrive in the digital economy. DT is a
journey and is not about using many technologies as possible. It must have a clear vision for the
enterprises development and be supported by technologies that provides the best possibility, that
is related to the chosen strategy of achieving the vision.
The researcher reviews how SME’s in Sri Lanka would digitally transform themselves by
analysing theories leading to a theoretical framework of digital transformation. Numerous theories
have explained the firms and individual’s acceptance of new technologies and their intent to use
(Lai, 2017). According to (Besson & Rowe, 2012), in the last 20 years DT has received a
considerable amount of research efforts based upon the research theme organizational
transformation. Earlier the focus for companies were primarily internal to the organization and as
such enterprise resource planning (ERP) or customer relationship management (CRM) was key
(Boersma, 2013). The transformations they introduced were improvements in business process
improvements, reduction of costs and efficiency improvements (Ash & Burn, 2003). However,
with the emergence of the Internet and developments in ICT, which are more external to the
organisation, it has opened new markets and will considerably alter existing ones (Brynjolfsson
& Kahin, 2002).
According to Mckinsey’s preliminary studies, if organizations are spurred to move towards digital
transformation in Sri Lanka, there could be a 1-3% growth contributor to GDP. Internet and mobile
connectivity are creating enormous change in the business environment. With the increasing
penetration of digital technologies in everyday life (Youngjin, Jr., Lyytinen, & Majchrzak, 2012)
the need to innovate business models with Information systems is increasing. Inter-organizational
policies that exploit IT capacities are becoming more common (Bensaou & Venkataraman, 1996).
Lately, organizations in almost all sectors have taken measures to explore digital technologies and
to utilize their advantages. According to (Matt, Hess, & Alexander, 2015), the utilization and
inclusion of digital technologies often affects and transcends businesses by impacting products,
company processes, marketing channels, and production chains. Potential advantages of
digitization include rises in revenues or efficiency, advances in value development, as well as new
ways of customer interaction, among others. As a consequence, whole company models can be
reshaped. Digital transformation is helping organizations to adopt to different business models that
truly offer value for e.g. Product companies are slowly adopting to service business models
(Cusumano, Kahl, & Suarez, 2014). According to (Neely, 2008), approximately two thirds of the
product companies in advanced nations have embraced a service approach. Through servitization,
companies can distinguish their offer and improve customer commitments (Vandermerwe & Rada,
1988). Research also show that companies that create ideal use of information communication
technology (ICT) have the chance to access fresh economies, acquire fresh understanding of their
clients and enhance fresh brand creation procedures more efficiently and effectively (Neirotti,
Cantamessa, & Paolucci, 2008; Pankaj Setia, 2013).
A study sent to CIOs of 204 big Italian businesses showed that they were more inclined to use IT
to enhance their customer understanding and the efficiency of new product design. Thus, by
investing in IT, these businesses were prepared to reinforce their pre-existing competitive benefit
(Paolo & Cantamessa, 2013). Their study also revealed ICT adoption and the DT was distinctly
influenced by industry development and turbulence and depended on the size of the organization.
In particular, medium-sized organisations were inclined to use IT to enhance their product
Print ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), Online ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review
Vol.7, No.4, pp.59-76, June 2019
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
development and expand their company during times of turmoil and growth. On the other side,
smaller firms benefit from DT owing to pressure from customer demand supply chain (Chen, Jaw,
& Wu, 2013). Studies in the fabric sector of small and medium- sized enterprises in Taiwan
endorsed favourable and substantial results of service-oriented portal features, links between portal
utility, portal interface, service-oriented portal function and perceived organisational performance
(Paolo & Cantamessa, 2013). In a research concerning technology- based small companies it was
discovered that companies were more uneasy using ICT applications when there was inter-
organisational communication, due to the levels of trust required and the implementation of ICT
for cooperation may not be appropriate (Parida, 2010).
The digital gap between companies is described as the difference between the efficient use of ICT
for productivity increases (Wielicki & Arendt, 2010). His comparative study conducted among
SME’s in the USA, Spain, Portugal and Poland verified a hypothesis that the more knowledge-
based a given market is the more probable that the ICT implementation barriers will move away
from lack of finances and technology to absence of knowledge, education and information systems
planning. For this reason, European Union (EU) has evolved their slogan from “access to all” to
the “skills for all” (Arendt, 2007). In which case, the study may well serve how governments will
allocate its resources to overcome the digital divide that limits the productivity of SME’s. Previous
studies report a significant link between cultural dimensions and different facets of ICT usage
(Davison & Harris, 1999; Mahmood, Burn, Gemoets, & Jacquez, 2000; Loch, Straub, Karhanna,
Evaristo, & Srite, 2000). A recent study done by Singapore Management University – Executive
Development (SMU-ExD), Tata Communications, DBS Bank and KPMG in Singapore have
launched a report on a new study entitled “Cultural Transformation in the Digital World” that
looks at the digital transformation journeys of major businesses (Enterprise Innovation editors,
2011). The report confirms that Culture determines transformation, not technological know-how
and is based on 87% of respondents agreeing that the “way of life” created larger limitations to
Print ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), Online ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review
Vol.7, No.4, pp.59-76, June 2019
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
digital transformation than technological know-how and 70% agreed that their leaders had the
ability to provide leadership on digital transformation, but solely 50% believed that they had been
appreciative of implementational issues. The study also confirms that Digital transformation solely
succeeds if it’s rooted in behavioural alternate and teams will solely embrace change if they
understand why transformation is wanted and if they have faith in their leaders. Each path of
conversion is distinctive, but the study indicates prevalent cultural characteristics for effective
people – openness, flexibility, and agility. Additionally, four dimensions of culture (power
distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity) were highlighted to show cultural
difference between countries has its own cultural values that influence the adoption of ICT
(Hofstede 2001; Iman, Khaled, Donald, & Musa, 2006).
The era of network intelligence is said to be a phenomenon that is all- encompassing and
revolutionizing. This fresh era is gradually pushing us to rethink our perception of traditional
economic concepts, wealth development, company organisations, and other organizational
buildings. Such a change in financial and social relations is promising and dangerous. The
electronic economy is taking shape and undermining standard concepts of how companies are
organized; how companies communicate; and how customers get facilities, data and products
(Mićić1, 2017). However, Europe's technological map shows that those nations with elevated
levels of ICT investment are the nations with elevated per capita GDP as well. However,
technological map of Europe identifies that those countries with high level of ICT investment are
those countries that also have high GDP per capita (Mićić1, 2017). We illustrate DT's position in
strategizing effective business models such as "TechCrunch," a news website for the electronic
economy, "Uber," the world's biggest cab firm that uses no cars, "Facebook," the most famous
media proprietor in the world but produces no material, "Alibaba," the most precious distributor
without stock. These business models won the competitive edge via widely validated concept of
customer engagement which enables effective long-term results for a business (Siriwardane &
Dissanayake, 2018). There are fundamental areas of digital transformation central to business
success in the digital economy. Today, where and how we work has changed, people regularly
work from different offices, their home, or a local coffee shop (Araujo, 2019). This requires
businesses to control a dynamic ecosystem of intelligent and enable next-generation digital
commercial enterprise procedures that show to be effective, even when dispensed across a range
of locations and time zones. Customer experience within B2B as well as B2C alike favour to
interact with businesses when and where they desire and in a manner that is most suitable to them.
Customers also want to engage with products through seamless, omnichannel, direct, contextual
and customized (Westerman, Bonnet, & McAfee, 2014). Such engagements are strategically
supported by digitalized communication options (Siriwardane & Dissanayake, 2018).
The evidence of labour disruption outcomes in emerging economies are still not certain due to DT,
but the evidence points out that new digital technologies have an unfavourable effect on less skilled
Print ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), Online ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review
Vol.7, No.4, pp.59-76, June 2019
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
workers (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2014). However, as DT have shifted across a broader spectrum
of jobs and sectors, the demand for analytical, interactive and problem-solving employees has
increased (Autor, Levy, & Murnane, 2003). In this sense (Acemoglu & Autor, 2011), it is estimated
that the availability of qualified human resources does not meet the requirement created by the
technological shift and this in turn has led to a rise in salaries of highly qualified people. This will
then involve policy-making that combines the development of creative ability, "learning ability"
and the generation of human resources. Implement strategies directed at lowering the cost of
acquiring technology, coaching staff and providing consultancy facilities to businesses wishing to
start a DT cycle (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2014). The challenge of going forward is that digital
transition encompasses the need to reconsider particular sector-based policies established within
organizational silos. Governments need to create cross-institutional connections to foster
education ICT, economic advancement, scientific and technology cooperation in the development
and joint implementation of strategies. Furthermore, the potential range of government strategy
must extend considerably beyond traditional fields such as taxation, competition and electronic
literacy to include fresh fields such as privacy, cyber safety and the promotion of digital adoption
such as confidence and improved client experience. The difficulties for policymakers are, of
course, enormous, but so are the advantages for people and the need to mitigate any future
Industry 4.0 Digital transformation is still at its infancy, connected to technologies such as robotics,
3D printing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, drones, and big data
analytics. Researches acknowledge that living standards will not improve if productivity does not
increase (Baumol,1996). In this sense, taking into account the benefits and threats involved,
authorities need to devise the correct policy tools that can maximize their benefits while restricting
the risks of disruption. In specific, strategies directed at encouraging development in advanced
technologies while mitigating disruption of the workers in developed countries where there is a
need to improve government spending on training to boost the abilities (including digital skills)
obtained through training (Aghiona, David & Foray, 2009). Implementing labor measures aimed
at allowing employees to maintain their present employment or migrate into latest areas of demand
(work placement facilities, unique labour market programs, apprenticeship programs) and
subsidizing low skilled employees work disruption (tuition free education, temporary reduction in
salary taxes, basic salary guarantees) and enforce measures to increase geographic mobility
(reduction of relocation expenses, subsidized homes) and to encourage supply for qualified
employees by accelerating the pace of development in fields expected to be impacted by work
Print ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), Online ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review
Vol.7, No.4, pp.59-76, June 2019
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
In the digital era, digital transformation (DT) has gained considerable attention by practitioners
and scholars alike. It presents a further advancement of using digital technologies to deliver
excellent engagements with clients or find ways in which the enterprises benefit from efficient
processes. The preliminary study explores the digital transformation of SME’s in Sri Lanka,
understands the key strategic enablers for digital transformation, the support activities required to
overcome barriers. The study indicates that DT puts SMEs in an excellent position to improve on
the productivity levels when it comes to digitally transforming and evolving to digital maturity
stage. However, the key strategic enablers both internal and external to the organization could
differ in its impact from country to country Evidence is also found for the successful DT of SME’s
in many international cases. However, the success of DT in developed countries to transform the
business value through the use of digital transformation has not reflected in emerging countries
like Sri Lanka due to the substantial impact of the key enablers. The ICT policy of Sri Lanka has
been attributed by initiation on knowledge-based society enabling new forms of business
approaches (Dissanayake, 2011). However, challenges are still found on how such digitalization
is operationally connected to business processes of emerging economies including Sri Lanka.
Future studies may focus on such hands-on research issues whilst SMEs are considered as a curtail
context depending on its impact on holistic economy. Since there are limited studies that have
examined DT on SME’s in Sri Lanka, the study first attempts to identify and understand the key
strategic enablers effecting digital transformation. We suggest that the next step would be to
develop a practical strategic framework that will help SME’s in emerging countries like Sri Lanka
to digitally transform their business. Empirical studies could investigate both people and technical
perspectives when it examines the digital transformational challenges found in SMEs.
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International Journal of Business and Management Review
Vol.7, No.4, pp.59-76, June 2019
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