Siesmic Activity and Its Periphery: The Himalayan Physics
Siesmic Activity and Its Periphery: The Himalayan Physics
Siesmic Activity and Its Periphery: The Himalayan Physics
Siesmic Activity and its Periphery
the tectonic plates are moving very slowly but they get stuck
at their edges due to friction. So seismic waves are produced
which make the ground shake.
Plate tectonics embodies the idea that the earth’s surface is
broken into several rigid plates, like a huge cracked sphere.
The plates consist of portions of both continents and oceans
and are moving in various directions. The new molten
volcanic material from depth fills the void created by their
separation where the plates are pulling apart. The continental
rocks are often squeezed and buckled into mountain where
the plates come together eventually one plate descends under
the other and is absorbed back inside the earth.
Fig. 2 Measurement of Earthquakes
The Modified Mercalli Earthquake Intensity Scale is 4. Tectonic Plates
in common use. It is based on the observed effects of an
earthquake. At the lowest end, the numeral I means the shock
is felt by only a few people under special circumstances. A
shock felt generally, with minor breakages indoors is classed
as V. The general alarm is equivalent to VIII and ‘Panic’
with varying categories of total destruction are graded IX
to XII.
What causes of earthquake is a matter of discussion this days Fig 3 Tectonics Plate
and it can not be clearly explained scientifically with out any The exact number of plates is unknown but at least seven
knowledge of physics. There are two causes of earthquake. large ones and several small ones have been identified. The
According to religious concept, long ago, Great Spirit made largest plate is the Pacific Plate whose area is 103300000 km2
a beautiful land that turtles carried on their backs in lakes and carries most of the Pacific Ocean. The North American
and rivers. One day the turtles began to argue and started to Plate consists of that continent and the western half of the
move along different directions. Three of them swam east, Atlantic Ocean whose area is 75900000 km2 and the entire
the other three swam west. The earth shook and cracked. The unit is moving to the west where it is colliding with the Pacific
turtles could not swim far because their load was heavy. So Plate. The eastern side of the Atlantic is part of the Eurasian
they made up. But once in a while, the turtles argue again. Plate (area 67800000 km2 ) which is moving in the opposite
Each time, the earth shakes. Religion is a matter of faith direction and colliding with the western edge of the Pacific
and cannot be explained scientifically except a few aspects Plate. Thus, the Atlantic Ocean is opening and the Pacific
which have come to light. So, it will be futile to discuss the Ocean is closing. The size of African Plate is 61300000km2.
religious reasoning behind origin of earthquakes and find a Similarly, the sizes of Antarctic Plate, Indo-Australian Plate,
scientific analogue to it. Australian Plate and South American Plate are 6090000
According to modern concept, the plate tectonic theory gives km2, 58900000 km2, 47000000 km2, and 43600000 km2
the most convincing explanation for the cause of earthquakes. respectively. Since continental crust is composed of low-
According to this theory, there are so many tectonic plates density materials and is more buoyant than ocean crust, it
in the earth. When underground rocks or tectonic plates cannot be subducted. Consequently, the Pacific Plate, which
suddenly break along a fault in the earth’s rocky outermost is composed of oceanic crust, is descending under the North
crust then sudden release of energy takes place. Actually all American and Eurasian Plates carrying continental crust,