2324 22 Siii Og 0
2324 22 Siii Og 0
2324 22 Siii Og 0
Note:- There is one Supplement to the Official Gazette, digging/cutting of all types of roads in Tiswadi and
Series III No. 21 dated 24-08-2023 namely Bardez Taluka in North Goa from 21-08-2023 to
Supplement dated 25-08-2023 from pages 757 to 24-08-2023.
770 regarding Notifications from Department of
Finance (Goa State Lotteries). Any person, agency or department etc.,
contravening this order will be liable for
GOVERNMENT OF GOA punishment under Section 188 of the Indian Penal
Department of Transport Code. This order shall come into force immediately
and shall remain in force till 24-08-2023.
Given under my hand and seal on this 21st day
Office of the District Magistrate, North Goa,
of August, 2023.
Magisterial Branch
__ Panaji.— The District Magistrate, Mamu Hage,
IAS (North).
No. 23/5/2023-MAG/2320
Read: 1. Order No. 8/32/2016-MAG/2052 dated Notification
31-07-2023 issued by District Magistrate No. 23/6/2023/MAG/TISW/2324
North Goa.
Read: 1. Letter No. PWD/Div.II/R/F. 40/ASW/2023-24/
2. Letter No. PGMTDG/DGM/VVIP-Corr/2023- /57 dated 09-05-2023 from Executive
-24/105 dated 18-08-2023 of General Engineer, WD. II (Roads), PWD Junta
Manager, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, House, 3rd Floor, 4th lift, Panaji-Goa.
EDC Plot Patto, Panaji-Goa.
2. Letter No. VP/CUM/3/2023-24/79 dated
Whereas, the Asstt. Manager, BSNL, EDC, Plot 09-05-2023 from the Village Panchayat
Patto, Panaji-Goa has requested to impose a ban on Cumbarjua, Tiswadi-Goa.
road digging and cutting of all types of roads in
3. Letters No. DYSP/TRF/NORTH/862/2023
North Goa from 20-08-2023 to 24-08-2023.
dated 01-06-2023 and No. DYSP/TRF/
And whereas, it is expedient to impose a ban on /NORTH/889/2023 dated 07-06-2023 from
digging and cutting of all types of roads, including the Deputy Superintendent of Police, Traffic
National Highways, State Highways, Major District (North), Panaji.
roads, road-shoulders, lanes, etc., in Tiswadi and In exercise of the powers conferred on me under
Bardez Taluka of North Goa in order to avoid damage Section 112 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and
to the BSNL UG cable, OF cable etc., due to digging/ Rule 264A of the Motor Vehicles Rules, 1991 as
/developmental activity by the concerned agencies amended in 2005 and as recommended by the
as the Hon’ble President of India is visiting Goa Dy. Supdt. of Police, Traffic (North), Panaji and the
from 22-08-2023 to 24-08-2023. Executive Engineer, WD.II (Roads), PWD, Panaji, I,
Now, therefore, I, Mamu Hage, IAS, District Mamu Hage, IAS, District Magistrate, North Goa
Magistrate, North Goa in exercise of the powers District, hereby order the construction of hump type
vested in me under Section 144 of the Code of “Speed Breakers” at the place mentioned in Column
Criminal Procedure, 1973 and having satisfied No. 2 of the schedule below in the jurisdiction of
myself and do hereby impose the ban on road Village Panchayat of Cumbarjua in Tiswadi Taluka.
Suggestions are welcomed on e-mail: dir-gpps.goa@nic.in
SCHEDULE September, 1989 and Rule 264-A of the Goa Motor
Sr. Location Traffic
Vehicles (Amendment) Rules, 2005, I, Asvin Chandru
No. signboard A., IAS, District Magistrate, South Goa, Margao, in
public interest do hereby notify Rumbler strips, as
Erection of speed breaker (near ‘Y’ junction of the
indicated in the schedule below and direct the
bridge), Tiswadi-Goa
erection of cautionary signboards thereof:
1. First hump type speed breaker to be
constructed at a distance admeasuring SCHEDULE-A
05 mts. away from the height barrier Sr. Details of road Type of No. of
on the road leading from Marcel towards No. improvement signboards signboards
Old Goa.
Salcete Taluka
Second hump type speed breaker to be Speed 1. Thick Rumbler strips, as per “Rumbler 2
constructed at the end of last delineator Breaker IRC: 99-2018 specification strips”
on the road leading from Old Goa towards (20 to 25 mm. height, 200 to 300
Marcel. mm. wide with gap of 1000 mm.
Third hump type speed breaker to be between each strip) on road 10
constructed at a distance admeasuring meters from entrance of the
03 mtrs. away from the Electricity pole Elvis Chicken Centre on right
on the road leading from Gaundalim ferry hand side, way towards Margao
towards ‘Y’ junction. at Seraulim, Salcete (rough
sketch enclosed).
The above Speed Breakers shall be painted with
2. Thick Rumbler strips, as per “Rumbler 4
white thermoplastic fluorescent paint and fixed a. IRC: 99-2018 specification strips”
with blinkers for better visibility. (20 to 25 mm. height, 200 to 300
Further, in exercise of the powers conferred on mm. wide with gap of 1000 mm.
me under Section 116 of the above Act, I also between each strip) on road
authorize the erection of cautionary signboards opposite Palmira Bar, near the
left side divider, road facing
“Speed Breaker Ahead”, at about 40 mts. on either
towards Palmira Bar, Seraulim,
side of the speed breaker in advance of the speed Salcete (rough sketch enclosed).
breaker and traffic signboard showing the sign speed
b. Thick Rumbler strips, as per
breaker at the placement of the speed breaker in IRC: 99-2018 specification
order to regulate the motor vehicular traffic. (20 to 25 mm. height, 200 to 300
The Secretary, Village Panchayat Cumbarjua, mm. wide with gap of 1000 mm.
Tiswadi-Goa is directed to publish this notification between each strip) on road 10
through the Director of Information and Publicity meters from entrance of Palmira
Bar road leading towards Rail-
and in local newspapers and P. W. D. (Engineering
way gate Seraulim, Salcete-Goa
Cell) to make necessary arrangements to erect the (rough sketch enclosed).
signboards at the places indicated above as per
3. Thick Rumbler strips, as per “Rumbler 2
the specification laid down by the Ministry of Road
a. IRC: 99-2018 specification strips”
Transport and Highways and as published in the (20 to 25 mm. height, 200 to 300
Official Gazette by the Government of Goa and mm. wide with gap of 1000 mm.
report compliance within thirty days time. between each strip) rumbler
Panaji, 21st August, 2023.— The District strips on road infront of gate
Rodney Roses Seraulim, Salcete
Magistrate, Mamu Hage, IAS (North).
(rough sketch enclosed).
———¿——— b. Thick Rumbler strips, as per “Rumbler 2
Office of the Collector & District Magistrate, IRC: 99-2018 specification strips”
(20 to 25 mm. height, 200 to 300
South, Magisterial Section
mm. wide with gap of 1000 mm.
__ between each strip) on road
Notification 60 meters away from gate of
Rodney Roses after curve
No. 37/35/2023/MAG/TRF/Speed Breaker/M.O.2138 road leading towards Footsal
In exercise of the powers conferred under Seraulim, Salcete (rough sketch
Sections 112 and 116 of the Motor Vehicles Act, enclosed).
1988 (Central Act 59 of 1988) read with Government Executive Engineer, W. D. VI (Roads), P.W.D.,
Notification No. 5/28/88/TPT/(PART) dated 26th Fatorda, Margao-Goa, shall take necessary steps for
erection of “Rumbler strips” on the above locations Temple, Paliem, Bardez-Goa and Respondent Shri
along with installation of cautionary signboards Santosh Shivaji Naik, age 26, service, Indian
i.e. speed breaker ahead, road markings of National, son of late Shri Shivaji Naik, resident of
thermoplastic luminous paint/strips, median H. No. 144, Ward No. 3, Codqui, Sattari-Goa 403506
markings for better visibility, guidance of motorists is hereby annulled and cancelled.
and embedded cat-eyes as per IRC specifications The marriage between the Petitioner and
laid down by the Ministry of Road Transport and Respondent registered before the Office of Civil
Highways and as published in the Official Gazette, Registrar of Sattari under entry No. MR-STR-21-2022
Series I No. 15 dated 15th July, 2005 by the on 17-01-2022 of marriage registration book for the
Government of Goa. The signboards shall be year 2022 stands annulled and cancelled. The Civil
installed as per specifications laid in the Scheduled Registrar of Sattari is directed to cancel the said
under the Goa Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Rules, marriage registration accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
Action taken report including photographs of this 17th August, 2023.
the work executed must be submitted to this office
within 30 days. Shubhada A. Dalvi,
Senior Civil Judge,
Non compliance of order shall attract penal ‘A’ Court, Bicholim.
provision under section 188 of I.P.C., 1860.
V. No. AP-587/2023.
Given under my hand and seal of this office on
21st day of August, 2023.
Margao, The District Magistrate, Asvin Chandru In the Court of the Senior
A., IAS (South). Civil Judge, ‘B’ Court at Mapusa
———¿¿¿——— Matrimonial Petition No. 51/2023/B.
Mrs. Sweta Ranga Bagli
Advertisements @ Ms. Sweta Manaji Gawas,
--- w/o Mr. Ranga Rama Bagli,
In the Court of the Senior 32 years of age, housewife,
Civil Judge at Bicholim Indian National,
presently r/a H. No. 114,
Matrimonial Petition No. 57/2022/A.
Chimbel, Killwada,
Ms. Ashwini Rajesh Singh Tiswadi Taluka-Goa
also known as Ms. Sailee Santosh Naik, 403006 .... Petitioner No. 1.
aged 26 years, Indian National,
service, d/o late Rajesh Singh,
r/a H. No. 40/1, near Sateri Temple, Mr. Ranga Rama Bagli,
Paliem, Bardez-Goa ...... Petitioner. s/o Rama @ Jairam Ranga Bagli,
36 years of age,
Indian National, Employee,
Shri Santosh Shivaji Naik, r/o H. No.155/2, Bagliwada,
age 26, service, Indian National, Village Agarwada,
s/o late Shri Shivaji Naik, Pernem Taluka-Goa
r/o H. No. 144, ward No. 3, 493512 .... Petitioner No. 2.
Codqui, Sattari-Goa 403506 ...... Respondent. Notice
Notice 2. It is hereby made known to the public that by
It is hereby made known to the public that by Judgment and Order dated 3rd day of May, 2023,
Order and Decree dated 17-04-2023 passed by the passed by this Court in the above mentioned
Hon’ble Senior Civil Judge at Bicholim in Matrimonial Petition, the marriage between the
Matrimonial Petition No. 57/2022/A, whereby the Petitioner No. 1 Mrs. Sweta Ranga Bagli @ Ms. Sweta
marriage between the Petitioner Ms. Ashwini Manaji Gawas and Petitioner No. 2 Mr. Ranga Rama
Rajesh Singh also known as Ms. Sailee Santosh Naik, Bagli, registered in the office of the Civil Registrar
aged 26 years, Indian National, service, d/o late of Pernem against entry No. 17/2017 of the marriage
Rajesh Singh, residing at H. No. 40/1, near Sateri registration book of the year 2017 stands dissolved
by way of divorce and the entry is liable to be In the Court of the Senior
cancelled. Civil Judge, ‘B’ Court at Mapusa
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, Matrimonial Petition No. 18/2020/B.
on this 5th day of August, 2023. Smt. Gauri Sagar Samant
alias Gauri Jaiwant Kamat,
Ms. Vaishali Lotlikar,
d/o Jaiwant Pandari Kamat,
Ad hoc Senior Civil Judge,
aged 33 years, housewife,
‘C’ Court, married, r/a H. No. 439,
I/c of ‘B’ Court, Mapusa. Sakla Waddo, Assagao,
V. No. AP-575/2023. Bardez-Goa .... Petitioner.
_________ V/s
Mr. Sagar Rama Samant,
In the Court of the Senior
s/o late Rama Govind Samant,
Civil Judge, ‘B’ Court at Mapusa aged 37 years, service, married,
Matrimonial Petition No. 55/2023/B. r/o H. No. 82, Nanoda,
Mr. Suraj Gurudas Naik, Latembarcem, Assnora,
Bicholim, North Goa .... Respondent.
s/o Gurudas Naik,
aged 46 years, married, Notice
r/o H. No. 5/195, Umta Vaddo, 4. It is hereby made known to the public that by
Calangute, North Goa .... Petitioner No. 1. Judgment and Order dated 10th day of April, 2023
passed by this Court in the above mentioned
Matrimonial Petition No. 18/2020/B, the marriage
Mrs. Sneha Suraj Naik, between Petitioner Smt. Gauri Sagar Samant and
d/o Santosh Kumar Yadav, Respondent Mr. Sagar Rama Samant registered in
w/o Suraj G. Naik, the Office of the Civil Registrar of Bicholim, under
39 years of age, married, entry No. 189/2015 of the marriage registration book
r/o H. No. 5/195, Umta Vaddo, for the year 2015 is dissolved.
Calangute, North Goa, Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
presently r/a Flat No. FF 1, on this 19th day of July, 2023.
second floor, Bhagat Residency,
Shilpa S. Pandit,
Mangaddo, Corlim,
Civil Judge Senior Division,
Old-Goa, Ilhas-Goa .... Petitioner No. 2. ‘A’ Court, I/c of ‘B’ Court,
Notice Mapusa.
3. It is hereby made known to the public that by V. No. AP-593/2023.
Judgment and Order dated 2nd day of May, 2023, _________
passed by this Court in the above mentioned
Matrimonial Petition, the marriage between the In the Court of the Senior
Petitioner No.1 Mr. Suraj Gurudas Naik and Civil Judge, ‘B’ Court at Mapusa
Petitioner No. 2 Mrs. Sneha Suraj Naik, registered in Matrimonial Petition No. 63/2023/B.
the office of the Civil Registrar cum Sub-Registrar Freda Antonio Tavares,
of Bardez at Mapusa against entry No. 1092/09 of d/o Antonio Francis Tavares,
the marriage registration book 15, stands dissolved aged 34 years,
by way of divorce and the entry is liable to be r/o E-3, Phoenix Plaza,
cancelled. Feira Alta,
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, Mapusa-Goa .... Petitioner No. 1.
this 11th day of August, 2023. And
Anish John K. K.,
Ms. Vaishali Lotlikar,
s/o Kurian John,
Ad hoc Senior Civil Judge,
aged 34 years,
‘C’ Court,
r/o Sumit Province II,
I/c of ‘B’ Court, Mapusa. A wing Flat No. LG-1,
V. No. AP-578/2023. Dhavli, Ponda-Goa .... Petitioner No. 2.
Notice In the Court of the Civil Judge,
5. It is hereby made known to the public that by Senior Division at Vasco da Gama
Judgment and Order dated 17th day of April, 2023, Mat. Pet. No. 23/2023/B.
passed by this Court in the above mentioned Launa Agnes Mascarenhas,
Matrimonial Petition, the marriage between the d/o late Joachim Prakash Mascarenhas,
Petitioner No. 1- Freda Antonio Tavares and r/o H. No. Flat No. 4, First Floor,
Petitioner No. 2- Anish John K. K., registered before Tukaram Apartments, Tonca,
the Civil Registrar of Ponda at Ponda, entry No. 461/ opp. Kamat Estate Main Gate,
/2017, stands dissolved by way of divorce and the Caranzalem, Panaji-Goa,
entry is liable to be cancelled. age 30, service, married ..... Petitioner.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, V/s
this 17th day of August, 2023. Mr. Ervin Agnelo Ivo D’costa,
Ms. Vaishali Lotlikar, s/o Philip D’Costa,
Ad hoc Senior Civil Judge, r/o H. No. 137/S/1 “Shalom”,
Holy Cross Colony,
‘C’ Court,
Alto Chicalim, Mormugao-Goa,
I/c of ‘B’ Court, Mapusa.
age 32, service, married .... Respondent.
V. No. AP-595/2023. Notice
7. It is hereby made known to the public that by
In the Court of the Senior Judgment and Decree dated 17-05-2023, it is hereby
Civil Judge, ‘B’ Court at Mapusa ordered that the petition is decreed in toto.
age 28 years, H. No. 490-A, stands allowed by Judgment, Order and Decree
Don Bosco Street, dated 8th day of the month of March of the year
behind Pasty Villa, 2022, in Matrimonial Petition No. 52/2021/A. The
Fatorda, South Goa .... Respondent. marriage between the Petitioners stands allowed.
Notice The Civil Registrar of Mormugao-Goa, is hereby
8. It is hereby made known to the public that by directed to cancel the marriage of the Petitioner
Judgment and Decree dated 28-04-2023, it is hereby and the Respondent under the entry No. 41/2019,
ordered that the petition is decreed in terms of in the marriage registration book of the year 2019.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
Consequently, the marriage between the this 14th day of the month of August of the year
Petitioner and Respondent registered before the 2023.
Civil Registrar, Mormugao, under entry No.
507/2019 stands annulled. Shahir S. Issani,
Ad hoc Civil Judge,
The Civil cum Sub Registrar of Mormugao at Senior Division (A),
Vasco-Goa, to make endorsement of annulment and Vasco.
cancellation against the entry No. 507/2019 in the
marriage registration book of the year 2019 relating V. No. AP-585/2023.
to the registration of marriage between Petitioner
and Respondent.
In the Court of the Civil Judge,
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, Senior Division at Vasco da Gama
this 21st day of August, 2023. Matrimonial Petition No. 14/2021/A.
Shahir S. Issani, Mr. Jose Antonio Fernandes,
Ad hoc SCJ, s/o Mariano Roque Paulo Fernandes,
‘A’ Court, Vasco, 60 years of age, retired,
I/c ‘B’ Court, Vasco. r/o H. No. 246/1,
V. No. AP-584/2023. Premerio waddo,
_________ Velsao-Goa ..... Petitioner.
In the Court of the Civil Judge,
Senior Division & JMFC at Vasco da Gama Smt. Maria Filomena Rodrigues,
d/o Pedro Rosario Rodrigues,
Matrimonial Petition No. 52/2021/A.
major in age, housewife,
Mr. R. Shineraj, r/o H. No. 4, Baga,
s/o Mr. S. Rajagopalan & P. O. Cansualim-Goa .... Respondent.
Mrs. Soja Rajagopalan, Notice
aged 35 years, Indian National,
r/o Panamoottil, 10. Notice is hereby given to the public and the
Aradhanan Nagar 8, litigants that by Judgment and the Decree dated
behind S. S. M. Hospital Kollam, 06th May, 2023 passed by this Court in Matrimonial
Kollam-Kerala 631 001 ..... Petitioner. Petition No. 14/2019/A the petition is decreed. The
marriage between the Petitioner and the
Respondent is dissolved by divorce in terms of
Mrs. Afra Fernandes, Article 4(5) of the Civil Code.
w/o R. Shineraj &
d/o Mr. Francisco Joao Fernandes, The Civil Registrar of Mormugao is directed to
35 years of age, Indian National, cancel the marriage entry number 158/1998 after
r/o behind Sea Scan, following the prescribed procedure.
H. No. 307(I), Airport Road, Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
Chicalim-Goa 403 711 .... Respondent. this 9th day of August of the year 2023.
Shahir S. Issani,
9. Notice is given to the public and the litigants Ad hoc Senior Civil Judge,
that the suit for Divorce under section 28(2) of the ‘A’ Court, Vasco,
Special Marriage Act, 1954, for dissolution of
marriage by mutual consent, filed by the Petitioners V. No. AP-596/2023.
In the Court of the IIIrd Addl. Ad hoc Cuncolim, Salcete,
Civil Judge Senior Division at Margao South Goa .... Respondent.
Marriage Petition No. 59/2022/III. Notice
12. It is hereby made known to the public that
Mrs. Pearl Andrea Gomes,
the marriage between the Petitioner and the
aged 36 years, Indian National,
Respondent registered before the Jt. Civil
r/o H. No. 696/C-12,
Registrar II at Salcete at Margao-Goa under entry
near St. Joaquim Chapel,
No. 2278/2013 dated 06-11-2013 stands dissolved
Borda, Fatorda, Salcete-Goa ..... Petitioner. by way of divorce for all legal purposes vide
V/s Judgment and Decree dated 15-12-2022 passed by
Mr. Glen Baptista, this Court in the above petition.
aged 36 years, Indian National, Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
r/o Seagull Apartment, C-3, this 5th day of August, 2023.
Pajifond, Margao, Artikumari N. Naik,
Salcete-Goa .... Respondent. Senior Civil Judge & JMFC,
Notice Quepem.
11. It is hereby made known to the public that V. No. AM-276/2023.
by Judgment and Decree dated 28-03-2023, the _________
marriage petition is allowed.
In the Court of the Senior
The marriage between the Petitioner and the
Civil Judge at Quepem
Respondent registered before the Civil Registrar
cum Sub-Registrar of Salcete-Goa, against entry No. GASG 04-000936 2022.
1860/2018 in the marriage (10) registration book for Marriage Petition No. 48/2022/A.
the year 2018 is dissolved for all legal purposes. Mrs. Soniya Satyavan Naik
The Civil Registrar cum Sub-Registrar of Salcete- @ Soniya Shri Naik,
Goa is hereby directed to cancel the marriage d/o Satyavan D. Naik,
between the Petitioner and the Respondent aged about 28 years, married,
registered in his office against entry No. 1860/2018 service, r/o H. No. 43, Cotto,
of the marriage (10) registration book for the year Balli, Tiloi, Quepem-Goa ..... Petitioner.
2018. V/s
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, Mr. Shri Arjun Naik,
this 19th day of August, 2023. aged about 27 years,
s/o Arjun Naik, married,
Sunita A. Gaunekar, service, r/o H. No. 125/1A,
Ad hoc Ist Addl. Senior Civil Judge, Chandegal, Xeldem,
Margao. Quepem, South Goa,
I/C IIIrd Addl. Senior Civil Judge, 403 705 .... Respondent.
Margao. Notice
V. No. AP-591/2023. 13. It is hereby made known to the public that
———¿——— the marriage between the Petitioner and the
Respondent registered before the Civil Registrar of
In the Court of the Civil Judge
Quepem at Quepem-Goa under entry No. 434/2017
Senior Division at Quepem of the marriage registration book for the year 2017,
Matrimonial Petition No. 16/2022/A. stands dissolved by way of Divorce for all legal
Mrs. Asmita Madhu Naik, purposes vide Judgment and Decree dated
29-04-2023 passed by this Court in the above
aged 27 years,
w/o Mr. Madhu Shashi Naik,
c/o H. No. 49, Tariwada Betul, Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
Quepem, South Goa ..... Petitioner. this 5th day of August, 2023.
V/s Artikumari N. Naik,
Senior Civil Judge, A Court,
Mr. Madhu Shashi Naik,
s/o Shri Shashi Dessai,
H. No. 1553(3), Culwado, V. No. AM-277/2023.
In the Court of the Senior Civil five children namely, (one) Ms. Bilkis Banu Bi,
Judge at Quepem unmarried, (two) Ms. Zakiya Banu Bi, unmarried,
(three) Ms. Miss Akila Banu Beg, unmarried, (four)
CNR No. GASG04-000828 2022.
Mr. Imran Ali Beg, unmarried, all resident of H. No.
Marriage Petition No. 39/2022/A. 159, Nanus Valpoi, Sattari-Goa and (five) Mrs. Afsari
Mrs. Manda Ladu Naik Beg, housewife, married to Mr. Arfan J. Gujir,
alias Nandita Nitesh Cudchodkar, resident of Bicholim-Goa as universal legal heirs.
d/o Ladu Naik, That besides the said heirs there does not exist
age 46 years, any other person or persons according to Law of
r/o H. No. 142, Succession prevailing in Goa who may concur with
Xelvon, Baag, them to the estate left by the deceased persons.
Curchorem-Goa ..... Plaintiff.
Any person having objection to this deed may
file the same in this office within one month from
Mr. Nitesh Magan Kudchadkar, the date of publication of this notice.
s/o Magan Kudchadkar,
major of age, service, Valpoi, 9th August, 2023.— The Civil Registrar-
-cum-Sub-Registrar and Special Notary Ex Officio,
r/o Guddemol,
Sanvordem-Goa .... Defendant. Smt. Malini P. Sawant.
Notice V. No. AP-579/2023.
14. It is hereby made known to the public that ———¿———
the marriage between the Plaintiff and the Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and
Defendant registered before the Civil Registrar of Special Notary (Ex Officio) of Bardez Judicial
Sanguem at Sanguem-Goa under entry No. 67/2002 Division at Mapusa
of the marriage registration book for the year 2002 ___
stands dissolved by way of Divorce for all legal
purposes vide Judgment and Decree dated Shri Gouresh Bugde, Jt. Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-
17-5-2023 passed by this Court in the above Petition. Registrar and Special Notary II of Bardez Judicial
Division at Mapusa-Goa.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
this 25th day of August, 2023. 16. In accordance with Section 346 (11) of “The
Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
Artikumari N. Naik,
Proceeding Act, 2012”, it is hereby made public
Senior Civil Judge A-Court,
that by a Notarial Deed of Succession and
Qualification of Heirs dated 17-08-2023 drawn by
V. No. AM-285/2023. and before me Shri Gouresh Bugde, Joint Civil
———¿——— Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar II and Special Notary
Ex-Officio Bardez at Mapusa at page 15v onwards
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and
in the Notarial Book No. 884 of this office the
Special Notary (Ex Officio) of Sattari Judicial
following is recorded:-
Division at Valpoi
___ That on 08-10-2023, Shri Luis Caetano Mendes,
died at J.M.J. Hospital, Alto Porvorim, Socorro, who
Smt. Malini P. Sawant, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub- was married to Mrs. Maria Conceicao Isabel Joao
Registrar and Special Notary (Ex Officio) of this Mendes alias Maria Conceicao Isabel Joao as first
Judicial Division of Sattari at Valpoi. and only marriage and without pre-nuptial
15. In accordance with Section 346 (11) of the agreement and therefore under the communion of
Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory assets and said Luis Caetano Mendes expired
Proceeding Act, 2012, it is hereby made public that without making any Will or any disposition of his
by Deed of Succession dated 21-07-2023 recorded estate and leaving behind him (1) his wife and
before me in Deed book No. 22 at pages 96v to 98v moiety holder or half sharer Mrs. Maria Conceicao
of this office the following is recorded:- Isabel Joao Mendes alias Maria Conceicao Isabel
Joao, widow of late Luis Caetano Mendes, daughter
That Mr. Goni Beg who hailed from Nanus Valpoi, of Camilo Miguel Caetano Joao, 65 years of age,
Sattari-Goa expired on 10-04-2021 his last wish housewife, resident of 188/2, Bella Vista, Sangolda,
leaving behind him his moiety holder, Smt. Aixam North Goa, Goa, 403511 and as universal heir his
Bi, housewife as his moiety holder/half sharer and only son Mr. Gilbert Anthony Mendes, son of Luis
Caetano Mendes, 31 years of age, married, service, universal heirs the declarants further stated that
resident of House No. 188/2, Sangolda, Valley besides the said heirs there does not exists any
Apartments, Bela Vista, Sangolda, North Goa, Goa other person or persons who according to law
403511, married to Mrs. Melissa Mary Araujo, as his prevailing in this State of Goa could prefer or concur
only legal heir. And that there does not exist any or leave better claim to the estate/inheritance left
other person or persons who according to law may by the said late Bhikaji Fondu Kamat Ghanekar alias
have a legal right of succession or would prefer in Bicagi Fondu Camotim Ganecar and besides that
the succession or could concur with the heirs to there does not exist any other person or persons
the inheritance left by the said deceased late Luis who according to the prevailing law in force in the
Caetano Mendes. State of Goa may have a legal right of succession
Any person having objection to this deed may or would prefer in the said succession or would
file in this office within 30 days from the date of its concur to the inheritance left behind by said
publication. deceased persons.
Mapusa, 28th August, 2023.— The Special Notary Any person having objection to this deed may
Ex Officio, Gouresh G. Bugde. file their objection in this office within one month
from the date of its publication.
V. No. AP-592/2023.
Panaji, 18th August, 2023.— The Special Notary
———¿——— Ex Officio, Maria Aquila F. Araujo.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and V. No. AP-577/2023.
Special Notary (Ex Officio) of Tiswadi Judicial _________
Division at Panaji
___ Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and
Special Notary (Ex Officio) of Tiswadi Judicial
Smt. Maria Aquila F. Araujo, Joint Civil Registrar- Division at Panaji
cum-Sub-Registrar and Special Notary (Ex Officio) ___
of Tiswadi Judicial Division at Panaji-Goa.
Smt. Maria Aquila F. Araujo, Joint Civil Registrar-
17. In accordance with the Section 346 (11) of
cum-Sub-Registrar and Special Notary (Ex Officio)
“The Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
of Tiswadi Judicial Division at Panaji-Goa.
Proceeding Act, 2012”, it is hereby made public
that by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 11th 18. In accordance with the Section 346 (11) of
August, 2023 recorded before me in Book No. 761 of “The Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
Notarial Deeds at page 93 onwards the following is Proceeding Act, 2012”, it is hereby made public
noted:- that by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 2nd
That on 28-02-2022 Shri Bhikaji Fondu Kamat August, 2023 recorded before me in Book No. 761 of
Ghanekar alias Bicagi Fondu Camotim Ganecar, son Notarial Deeds at page 62 onwards the following is
of late Fondu Bhiko Kamat alias Fondu Kamat noted:-
Ghanekar alias Fondu Bicu Camotim Ganecar That Jose De Souza alias Joze Anton De Souza,
expired at Raj Complex, Villa No. 6, New by pass son of late Antonio de Souza, expired on 15-12-1994
road, Odlem Bhat, Taleigao-Goa, without making at Nause-Bambolim and his wife, Piedade Azavedo,
any Will or Gift or any other disposition in respect wife of Jose De Souza expired on 07-01-2019 at Flat
of his estate and has left behind his wife, Mrs. No. AC/2, Edenwoods Taleigao, Tiswadi-Goa,
Sunanda Bhikaji Kamat Ghanecar alias Sunandabai leaving behind the following children of his legal
Naique Counto alias Sunanda Ganecar alias heirs (1) Mr. Walter De Souza, son of Jose De Souza
Sunanda Camotim Ganecar alias Sunanda alias Joze Anton De Souza, service, bachelor, major
Ghanekar, daughter of late Rajarama Dotu Naique of age, 36 years (2) Mr. Stephen De Souza, son of
Counto, aged 76 years, retired, as his moiety sharer Jose De Souza alias Joze Anton De Souza, service,
and his only child Manoj Bhikaji Kamat Ghanekar, bachelor, aged 30 years, both resident of H. No.
son of late Bhikaji Fondu Kamat Ghanekar alias 17/205/24, Eden Woods, behind Taleigao Church,
Bicagi Fondu Camotim Ganecar, aged 50 years, Taleigao, Caranzalem-North Goa and besides them
service, married to Rakhi Ramesh Kuvelkar alias there are no other person or persons who as per the
Rakhi Manoj Kamat Ghanekar, daughter of late prevailing law in force in this state may be entitled
Ramesh Shankar Kuvelkar, aged 46 years, housewife, to any property as their heirs or who may be
all Indian Nationals and residing at Villa No. 6, Raj concerned with the estate of the deceased persons
Complex, Odlem Bhat, Taleigao-Goa as his sole and and that there does not exist any other person or
persons who according to the prevailing law in wife of late Joao Roldao Bruno Pereira, widow, Indian
force in the State of Goa may have a legal right of National, residing at H. No. 99, Pether, near Krishna
succession or would prefer in the said succession Temple, Corlim, Carambolim, North Goa (vide special
or would concur to the inheritance left behind by power of attorney dated 05-08-2023 duly executed
said deceased persons. before Notary Advocate Sudha S. Lad at Panaji-Goa
under Reg. No. 506/2023 dated 05-08-2023, the partie
Any person having objection to this deed may
stated that their all right in the inheritance of the
file their objection in this office within one month
estate leavers their mother/mother-in-law and
from the date of its publication.
father/father-in-law respectively, that they by this
Panaji, 18th August, 2023.— The Special Notary do hereby renounce and relinquish freely and
Ex Officio, Maria Aquila F. Araujo. voluntarily in favour of the other co heirs interms
V. No. AP-576/2023. of Section 346 and 30 of the Goa Succession, Special
_________ Notaries and Inventory Proceeding Act, 2012 in
force in Goa that the late Mrs. Maria Francisca
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Severina Fernandes alias Maria Severina Fernandes
Special Notary (Ex Officio) of Tiswadi Judicial alias Maria Francisco Severina Fernandes alias Maria
Division at Panaji Francisca Severina Fernandes E Pereira, expired on
___ 22-12-2000 at Carambolim and her husband late
Mr. Carmo Andre Martinho Pereira alias Cosmo
Smt. Maria Aquila F. Araujo, Joint Civil Registrar-
Andre Martinho Pereira alias Audre Martinho
cum-Sub-Registrar and Special Notary (Ex Officio)
Pereira expired on 08-11-2004 at Carambolim
of Tiswadi Judicial Division at Panaji-Goa.
respectively intestate without leaving any Will or
19. In accordance with the Section 346 (11) of any other deposition of his last wish leaving behind
“The Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory them as their sole and universal heirs their children,
Proceeding Act, 2012”, it is hereby made public (one) late Joao Roldao Bruno Pereira who expired
that by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 21st on 11-07-2015 at Goa Medical College, Bambolim-
August, 2023 recorded before me in Book No. 761 of Goa, interstate without executing any Will or any
Notarial Deeds at page 122 onwards the following other disposition of his last wish but leaving behind
is noted:- as his wife as moiety holder/half sharer, Smt.
There appeared as relinquishing parties of the Bernardina Dias, aged 55 years, widow and two
first part (1) Mrs. Feliciana Fernandes alias Feliciana children namely, (1) Mr. Joslon Pereira, aged 24
Pereira, daughter of late Mr. Carmo Andre Martinho years, unmarried, both Indian National, r/o H. No. 99,
Pereira alias Casmo Andre Martinho Pereira, aged Pether, near Krishna Temple, Corlim, Caramobolim,
71 years, married and her husband, Mr. Domingos North Goa, (2) Mrs. Josilda Pereira, aged 29 years
Vincent Fernandes, son of Mr. Sacratisio Fernandes, married to Mr. Hazel Mendes, aged 40 years, son of
aged 71 years, married, both Indian National, Mr. Luis Teotonio Mendes, both Indian National,
residing at H. No. 354, near Saibaba Temple, Morrod, residing at 94 Gavant Pether, Ilhas, Camabolim,
Sangolda, Bardez-North Goa, (2) Mrs. Graci Tiswadi, North Goa, (2) Mrs. Feliciana Fernandes
Margarita Pereira alias Gracy Margarida Pereira, alias Feliciana Pereira, daughter of late Mr. Carmo
daughter of late Mr. Carmo Andre Martinho Pereira, Andre Martinho Pereira alias Casmo Andre
aged 63 years, married and her husband, Martinho Pereira, aged 71 years, married and her
Mr. Sebastiao Pereira, son of Mr. Antonio Pereira husband Mr. Domingos Vincent Fernandes, son of
alias Antonio Manel Pereira, aged 68 years, married, Mr. Sacratisio Fernandes, aged 71 years, married,
both Indian National, both residing at H. No. 190/1, both Indian National, residing at H. No. 354, near
Moddelem Bhat, Azossim, Naroa, Neura, North Goa, Saibaba Temple, Morrod, Sangolda, Bardez, North
Tiswadi-Goa, (3) Mrs. Lidia Fatima Pereira, daughter Goa (3) Mrs. Graci Margarita Pereira alias Gracy
of late Mr. Casmo Audre Martinho Pereira alias Margarida Pereira, daughter of late Mr. Carmo Andre
Carmo Andre Martinho Pereira, aged 61 years, Martinho Pereira, aged 63 years, married and her
married and her husband, Mr. Miguel Nicolau Vales, husband Mr. Sebastiao Pereira, son of Mr. Antonio
son of Mr. David Vales, aged 66 years, both Indian Pereira alias Antonio Manel Pereira, aged 68 years,
National, both residing at H. No. 197/2, Pereira married, both Indian National, both residing at
ward, Calata, Majorda-South Goa the parties stated H. No. 190/1, Moddelem Bhat, Azossim, Naroa, Neura,
that they have all authorized to register and sign North Goa, Tiswadi-Goa (4) Mrs. Lidia Fatima Pereira,
on our behalf a Deed of Relinquishment to their daughter of late Mr. Casmo Audre Martinho Pereira
sister-in-law, Smt. Bernardina Dias, aged 55 years, alias Carmo Andre Martinho Pereira, aged 61 years,
married and her husband Mr. Miguel Nicolau Vales, son of late Ajit Mandrekar, aged 22 years, unmarried,
son of Mr. David Vales, aged 66 years, both Indian Indian National, both residing at House No. 434/C,
National, both residing at H. No. 197/2, Pereira Voilem Bhat, Merces, Tiswadi-Goa and besides them
ward, Calata, Majorda, South Goa, that the there is no other person or persons competent in
declarants have perfect knowledge of all these facts law to succeed to the aforesaid deceased persons
well known and considering that they the and that there does not exist any other person or
declarants have been in close contact with the persons who according to the prevailing law in
family of the said deceased that in the present force in the State of Goa may have a legal right of
deed they the declarants do hereby affirm and succession or would prefer in the said succession
confirm that the above mentioned persons are the or would concur to the inheritance left behind by
only sole surviving universal legal heirs of the said said deceased person.
deceased and there is no other person or persons
who as per the prevailing law in force in this State Any person having objection to this deed may
of Goa may prefer to this aforesaid heirs or may file their objection in this office within one month
have better claim to the estate of the said deceased from the date of its publication.
and that there does not exist any other person or Panaji, 23rd August, 2023.— The Special Notary
persons who according to the prevailing law in Ex Officio, Smt. Maria Aquila F. Araujo.
force in the State of Goa may have a legal right of
succession or would prefer in the said succession V. No. AP-599/2023.
or would concur to the inheritance left behind by ———¿———
said deceased persons.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and
Any person having objection to this deed may Notary Ex Officio, Ponda
file their objection in this office within one month ___
from the date of its publication.
Shri Hanumant G. Dessai, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-
Panaji, 25th August, 2023.— The Special Notary
Registrar and Special Notary Ex Officio of this
Ex Officio, Maria Aquila F. Araujo.
Judicial Division of Ponda-Goa.
V. No. AP-588/2023.
_________ 21. In accordance with Section 346 (11) of “The
Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Proceeding Act, 2012”, it is hereby made public
Special Notary (Ex Officio) of Tiswadi Judicial that by Notarial “Deed of Succession” dated 18th
Division at Panaji day of August, 2023 recorded before me Shri
___ Hanumant G. Dessai, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-
Registrar and Special Notary ex officio, Ponda at
Smt. Maria Aquila F. Araujo, Civil Registrar-cum-
Sub-Registrar and Special Notary (Ex Officio) of pages 102 to 107 of the Book No. 438 it has been
Tiswadi Judicial Division at Panaji-Goa. declared as follows:
That on 23-10-2019 at Goa Medical College,
20. In accordance with the Section 346 (11) of
Bambolim-Goa, expired Shri Xarad Xantarama Prabu
“The Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
alias Sharad Shantaram Prabhu alias Xarad alias
Proceeding Act, 2012”, it is hereby made public
that by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 30th Sharad Xantaram Prabhu, without making Will or
June, 2023 recorded before me in Book No. 760 of any other disposition in respect of his estate,
Notarial Deeds at page 135 onwards the following leaving behind him, his wife Suvarna Sharad
is noted:- Prabhu alias Suvarna Prabhu alias Suvarna Xarad
Prabhu as his moiety holder/half sharer (Moeira)
That on 18-08-2005 expired at Goa Medical and his universal legal heir daughter Sailee Sharad
College, Bambolim-Goa, one late Anisha Mandrekar Prabhu, changed to Sailee Sarvesh Prabhu
alias Anisha Ajit Mandrekar and on 11-11-2010 Velguekar, aged 27 years, married to Sarvesh
expired at GMC one late Mr. Ajit Madhu Mandrekar
Gurudas Prabhu Velguekar, son Gurudas Prabhu
alias Ajit Mandrekar without any Will or any
Velguekar, aged 27 years, both residents of H. No.
testamentary disposition of their estate or of their
27 E, Saterimol, Nirankal, Ponda-Goa, as universal
last wish, leaving behind their following legal heirs
legal heirs.
two sons namely (1) Mr. Madhu Ajit Mandrekar, son
of late Ajit Mandrekar, aged 25 years, unmarried, That besides the said heirs there does not exist
Indian National and (2) Mr. Amey Ajit Mandrekar, any other person or persons according to Law of
Succession prevailing in Goa who may concur with 23. In accordance with Section 346(11) of the
them to the estate left by the deceased persons. Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
Any person having objection to this deed may Proceeding Act, 2012, it is hereby made public that
file their objection in this office within one month by Deed of Qualification of Heirship dated
from the date of its publication. 22-08-2023 duly recorded under Book No. 1713 at
page 7 to 9 of the office, the following is recorded:
Ponda, 21st August, 2023.— The Special Notary,
Hanumant G. Dessai. That on third day of July of the year two thousand
and twenty one at Flat No. a-2, Amaral Apts., Comba,
V. No. AP-583/2023.
Margao-Goa, expired Cynthia Nagvenkar, daughter
———¿——— of late Narcinva Nagvenkar and late Urmila
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar Nagvenkar, in the status of unmarried, died intestate
Mormugao and without executing any Will, Gift or any other
___ disposition of her last wish and without any
ascendents and descendants but leaving behind
Shri Manuel Vales, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar her collateral heir namely, 1. Mrs. Pushpa Nagvenkar
and Special Notary in the said Judicial Division. alias Mrs. Pushpa Sarvesh Madkaikar alias Pushpa
22. In accordance with Section 346(11) of “The Sar vesh Modkoikar married to Mr. Sar vesh
Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory Ranganath Modkoikar alias Sarvesh Raghunath
Proceeding Act, 2012”, it is hereby made public Madkaikar and 2. Mrs. Gheeta Narcinva Nagvencar
that by a Deed of Qualification of Heirship dated alias Geeta Mahesh Valco alias Geeta Mahesh Walke
18-08-2023, drawn by and before me Shri Manuel married to Mahesh Janordona Valco. The said
Vales, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Special Mahesh Janardhan Walke died on tenth August
Notary, Mormugao at Vasco-da-Gama, at pages 44V two thousand and fifteen at Goa Medical College,
to 46V of Notarial Book No. 200 of this office, the Bambolim-Goa, without executing any Will, Gift or
following is recorded: any other disposition of his last wish but leaving
behind his wife, Mrs. Gheeta Narcinva Nagvencar
That 05-09-2012 at T. B & Chest Hospital, alias Geeta Mahesh Valco alias Geeta Mahesh
St. Inez, Panaji-Goa, died Shri Pratap Yeshwant Walke, widow as his moiety sharer and his following
Narvekar and his wife also expired on 06-09-2022, children namely, (a) Miss Umali Mahesh Walke,
at Bhagyoday Hospital, Dattawadi, Mapusa-Goa, major in age, spinster and (b) Mr. Pratik Mahesh
Smt. Saju Pratap Narvekar, both intestate and Walke, major in age, bachelor, as his “sole and
without any Will or Gift or any other testamentary universal heirs”, there being no one else or no other
disposition of their last wish but leaving behind person or heir who in terms of Law of Succession
their only daughter, namely Miss Pratiksha Pratap in force in this State of Goa may prefer the estate
Narvekar, unmarried, as their sole and universal left by the deceased persons.
heiress, of the deceased persons. And besides them
there being no one else in terms of Law of Any person having objection to this deed may
Succession still in force in this State of Goa who file in this office within one month from the date of
may prefer or concur along with them to the its publication.
inheritance left by the said deceased person. Margao, 24th August, 2023.— The Jt. Civil
Any person having objection to this deed may Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar II and Special Notary,
file their objection in this office within one month Shri Kiran Harish Mesta.
from the date of its publication. V. No. AM-279/2023.
Mormugao, 18th August, 2023.— The Special _________
Notary, Manuel Vales.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
V. No. AP-586/2023. Salcete
———¿——— ___
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar Shri Kiran H. Mesta, Jt. Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-
Salcete Registrar II and Special Notary in the said
___ Judicial Division of Salcete, Margao.
Shri Kiran H. Mesta, Jt. Civil Registrar-cum-Sub- 24. In accordance with Section 346(11) of the
Registrar II and Special Notary in the said Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
Judicial Division of Salcete, Margao. Proceeding Act, 2012, it is hereby made public that
by Deed of Declaration of Heirship dated Furtado alias Francisco Edgar Furtado and his wife,
18-08-2023 duly recorded under Book No. 1712 & Hazel Philoteia Tovar Dias are their “sole and
1713 at page 99V to 3 of this office, the following universal heirs”, there being no one else or no other
is recorded: person or heir who in terms of Law of Succession
in force in this State of Goa may prefer the estate
That upon the death of late Ludovico Pizarro
left by the deceased persons.
Antonio Joaquim Alvaro do Rosario Purificacao
Furtado alias Alvaro Fur tado who died on Any person having objection to this deed may
01-06-2008 at Guneavaddo Varca, a Deed of file in this office within one month from the date of
Succession was drawn on 08-08-2012 recorded at its publication.
folio 89V to 92 of deed book No. 1578 thereafter his Margao, 23rd August, 2023.— The Jt. Civil
wife Maria Francisca Adelina Alda Monteiro e Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar II and Special Notary,
Furtado died on 15-02-2022 at H. No. 444, Shri Kiran Harish Mesta.
Guneavaddo Varca, Salcete-Goa, leaving behind
Public Will of her first and last wish drawn before V. No. AM-281/2023.
the Notary Ex-Officio on 13-03-2000 at Folio 6 to 9
of Wills Book No. 270 along with the Deed of
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
Acquiescence or consent drawn on the same day
13-03-2000 in favour of her son, Mr. Francisco Edgar
Joao Roque De Maria Adriao Furtado alias Edgar
Furtado and leaving behind her following children/ Shri Kiran H. Mesta, Jt. Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-
/heirs, namely (1) Mrs. Maria de Fatima Terezinha
Registrar II and Special Notary in the said
Laura Furtado married to Mr. Luis Antonio Savio
Judicial Division of Salcete, Margao.
Euclides Cotta, (2) Mrs. Maria Suzette Ermelinda
Anita de Jesus Furtado married to Mr. Antonio 25. In accordance with Section 346(11) of the
Caetano Jose Augusto Shiral Vicente Agnelo Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
Perpetuo Socorro Souza Monteiro, (3) Mrs. Tereza Proceeding Act, 2012, it is hereby made public that
Maria Lume Furtado married to Mr. Eugene Marian by Deed of Qualification of Heirship dated
Gerard De Souza and (4) Mr. Francisco Edgar Joao 11-08-2023 duly recorded under Book No. 1712 at
Antonio Roque De Maria Adriao Furtado married to page 74 to 77 of the office, the following is recorded:
Mrs. Hazel Philoteia Tovar Dias as her heirs/ That Sitaram Damodar Divkar, son of late Mr.
/successors. Damodar Divkar and late Mrs. Narmadabai Damodar
In view Deed of Relinquishment of Inheritance Divkar expired in the status of bachelor on
made on dated 15-01-2009 at folio 86 to 87 of deed 22-01-2014 at Borda, Margao-Goa. Thereafter his
book No. 1533, dated 23-07-2009 recorded at folio brother Dattaram Damodar Divkar, expired on
37 onwards of deed book No. 699, and dated 13-03-2022 at Trimurti General Hospital, Gogol,
07-04-2022 recorded at folio 54 to 55V of deed book Margao, both died intestate without executing any
No. 1695 by said their daughters along with their Will or any other disposition of his last wish, in the
spouses namely, (1) Mrs. Maria de Fatima Terezinha status of bachelor leaving behind no descendants
Laura Furtado and her husband, Mr. Luis Antonio nor ascendants but leaving behind his collateral
Savio Euclides Cotta, (2) Mrs. Maria Suzette heirs (one) Manavendra Damodar Divkar who
Ermelinda Anita de Jesus Furtado and her husband expired at Mapusa on 11-12-1986 and his wife, Mrs.
Mr. Antonio Caetano Jose Augusto Shiral Vicente Meena Manavendra Divkar expired on 26-03-2020
Agnelo Perpetuo Socorro Souza Monteiro and at Goa Medical College, Bambolim-Goa, both
(3) Mrs. Tereza Maria Lume Furtado and her intestate without executing any Will or any other
husband, Mr. Eugene Marian Gerard De Souza have disposition of their last wish, leaving behind as
relinquished and renounced all their illiquid and their “sole and universal heirs” their only daughter
undivided rights in the estate left behind by their Mrs. Darshana alias Darshana Mahadev Vadkar
parents/parents-in-law late Ludovico Pizarro married to Mr. Mahadev Yeshwant Vadkar, (two) Mr.
Antonio Joaquim Alvaro do Rosario Purificacao Rajendra Damodar Divkar who expired on
Furtado alias Alvaro Furtado and late Maria 13-11-2015 at Goa Medical College, Bambolim-Goa,
Francisca Adelina Alda Monteiro e Furtado in favour intestate without executing any Will or any other
of co-heirs. Thus at present, Mr. Francisco Edgar disposition of his last wish, leaving behind his wife,
Joao Antonio Roque De Maria Adriao Furtado alias Mrs. Rajeshri Rajendra Divkar alias Vishranti
Francisco Edgar Joao Roque De Maria Adriao Raghuvir Teli, as his “moiety sharer” and as his
“sole and universal heirs” his two daughters namely, heirs”, there being no one else or no other person
(a) Mrs. Deepti Rajendra Divkar alias Siya Sangam or heir who in terms of Law of Succession in force
Karmalkar married to Mr. Sangam Mahabaleshwar in this State of Goa may prefer the estate left by the
Karmalkar and (b) Mrs. Kamini alias Trupti Rajendra deceased persons.
Divkar alias Trupti Mayur Alve married to Mr. Mayur Any person having objection to this deed may
Mahendra Alve, (three) Bhagwant Damodar Divkar file in this office within one month from the date of
who expired on 24-10-2009 at Hospicio Hospital, its publication.
Margao-Goa, intestate without executing any Will
or any other disposition of his last wish, leaving Margao, 24th August, 2023.— The Jt. Civil
behind his wife, Mrs. Pushpa Boguvonta Divcar alias Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar II and Special Notary,
Pushpa Shankar Shet Parkar as his “moiety sharer” Shri Kiran Harish Mesta.
and as his “sole and universal heir” his only V. No. AM-283/2023.
daughter namely, (a) Miss Neha Bhagwant Divker, _________
spinster, (four) Mr. Yeshwant Damodar Divkar, who
expired in status of bachelor on 13-07-2012 at Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
Hospicio Hospital, Margao-Goa as their “sole and Salcete
universal heirs”, there being no one else or no other ___
person or heir who in terms of Law of Succession
in force in this State of Goa may prefer the estate Shri Kiran H. Mesta, Jt. Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-
left by the deceased persons. Registrar II and Special Notary in the said
Judicial Division of Salcete, Margao.
Any person having objection to this deed may
file in this office within one month from the date of 27. In accordance with Section 346(11) of the
its publication. Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
Proceeding Act, 2012, it is hereby made public that
Margao, 24th August, 2023.— The Jt. Civil by Deed of Qualification of Heirship dated
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar II and Special Notary, 16-08-2023 duly recorded under Book No. 1712 at
Shri Kiran Harish Mesta. page 81 to 83V of the office, the following is
V. No. AM-282/2023. recorded:
_________ That Diogo Mascarenhas died on twentieth May
year two thousand and his wife Antonia Dias died
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
on twenty fifth November two thousand and twenty
two at H. No. 837/1, Mugalli, Sao Jose de Areal,
___ both died intestate and without executing any Will
or Gift or any other disposition of their last wish
Shri Kiran H. Mesta, Jt. Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-
but leaving behind as their legal heirs their children
Registrar II and Special Notary in the said
namely (1) Felipe Mascarenhas, who died in the
Judicial Division of Salcete, Margao.
status of bachelor on second September two
26. In accordance with Section 346(11) of the thousand and sixteen at Mugalli at St. Jose de
Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory Areal, (2) Mrs. Andreza Mascarenhas married to
Proceeding Act, 2012, it is hereby made public that Mrs. Sebastiao Moura, (3) Niquela Mascarenhas
by Deed of Qualification of Heirship dated married to Milagres Gomes and (4) Fatima
17-08-2023 duly recorded under Book No. 1712 at Mascarenhas married to Franky Carvalho as their
page 91 to 93 of the office, the following is recorded: “sole and universal heirs”, there being no one else
That Narayan Rayu Raikar expired on 30-06-2006 or no other person or heir who in terms of Law of
at Goa Medical College, Bambolim-Goa and his wife, Succession in force in this State of Goa may prefer
Pramila Narayan Raikar expired on 11-10-2011 both the estate left by the deceased persons.
died intestate and without executing any Will or Any person having objection to this deed may
Gift or any other disposition of their last wish but file in this office within one month from the date of
leaving behind as their legal heirs their children its publication.
namely, (1) Mrs. Usha Narayan Raikar married to
Margao, 24th August, 2023.— The Jt. Civil
Vinaica Naguiencar, (2) Mrs. Simita Raicar married
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar II and Special Notary,
to Bartholomeu Godfrey Soccorro Mazarello, (3) Miss
Shri Kiran Harish Mesta.
Hema Narayan Raikar, spinster, (4) Miss Sima
Narayan Raikar, spinster as their “sole and universal V. No. AM-287/2023.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar died the mother of the interested party Vatsala
Salcete Vithal Naik alias Votsol Naique alias Vatsal Naique
___ alias Emuna Naique at colony No. 1 Vaddem,
Sanguem without making any Will or any other
Shri Kiran H. Mesta, Jt. Civil Registrar-cum-Sub- legal disposition of their last wish but leaving
Registrar II and Special Notary in the said behind them four children, (one) Cossumo Naique
Judicial Division of Salcete, Margao. alias Kusum Shrikant Janodkar, aged fifty eight
years, daughter of Vitol Naique, housewife, married
28. In accordance with Section 346(11) of the
to Shrikant Chandru Janodkar, both residents of
Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
Gogol, Margao-Goa, (two) Ananda Naique, aged
Proceeding Act, 2012, it is hereby made public that
sixty two years, retired government service, married
by Deed of Qualification of Heirship dated
to Sureka Dendu Hoble alias Arti Ananda Naique,
25-08-2023 duly recorded under Book No. 1713 at both residents of Vaddem colony No. 1, Vaddem,
page 28 to 30 of the office, the following is recorded: Sanguem-Goa, (three) Yamuna Naik, daughter of
That on 13-08-2022, Mr. Shawan Francis Pinto, Vithal Naik, aged seventy two years, married to
died at Hospicio South Goa District Hospital, Pundolica Naique, housewife, both residents of
Margao-Goa, in the status of bachelor intestate Costi Kalay, Sanguem-Goa and (four) Anjani Naik
without executing any other disposition of his last alias Rupa Rama Naique, daughter of Vithal Panglo
wish, but leaving behind his father, Mr. Santana Naik, aged fifty eight years, married to Rama Naique,
Carmo Pinto and his mother, Mrs. Gilbertina Pinto both residents of Cormonem, Dabal, Darbandora-
as his “sole and universal heirs”, there being no Goa, as their sole universal heirs. The declarants
one else or no other person or heir who in terms of further stated that there is no one else except the
Law of Succession in force in this State of Goa may above mentioned persons qualified to concur, prefer
prefer the estate left by the deceased persons. and succeed to the inheritance, estate, legacy, left
by the above mentioned deceased person namely
Any person having objection to this deed may Vithal Panglo Naik alias Vitol Naique alias Vithal
file in this office within one month from the date of Naik and Vatsala Vithal Naik alias Votsol Naique
its publication. alias Vatsal Naique alias Emuna Naique. The
Margao, 30th August, 2023.— The Jt. Civil declarants further stated that they are fully aware
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar II and Special Notary, of all the above facts stated in this act since they
Shri Kiran Harish Mesta. are in close contact to the family of the deceased
V. No. AP-600/2023.
That the declarants are not relatives of the
deceased persons nor of the qualifying heirs and
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and that they the declarants have no interest or
Special Notary Ex Officio, Sanguem intension of whatsoever nature in making the
___ present statement other than the one of testifying
the truth, therefore they the declarants declared
Shri Piedade Dias, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub- and affirm for all legal purposes.
-Registrar and Special Notary Ex Officio in the
Any person having any objections to this deed
said Judicial Division.
may file the same in this office within one month
29. In accordance with Section 346 (11) of the from the date of this publication.
Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory
Sanguem, 22nd August, 2023.— The Civil
Proceeding Act, 2012, it is hereby made public that
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Special Notary Ex
by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 26-05-2023
Officio, Shri Piedade Dias.
drawn by and before me Shri Piedade Dias, Civil
Registrar and Special Notary Ex Officio, Sanguem- V. No. AM-284/2023.
Goa at pages from 148 to 152 of Notarial Book No. ———¿———
20 of this office, the following is recorded:
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
That the father of the interested party Vithal
Panglo Naik alias Vitol Naique alias Vithal Naik ___
died at Curdi, Sanguem, on ninth day of the month
of January in the year nineteen hundred and eighty Shri Pramod M. Velip, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-
four and thereafter on seventeenth day of the month Registrar and Special Notary Ex Officio of this
of August in the year two thousand and sixteen Judicial Division of Quepem-Goa.
30. In accordance with Section 346 (11) of “The Vencatexa Narayan Shenvi Bellaye, major of age,
Goa Succession, Special Notaries and Inventory bachelor, resident of H. No. 114/A, Tamnem, Loliem,
Proceeding Act, 2012”, it is hereby made public Canacona-Goa, as his only legal heir and besides
that by Deed of Succession, dated 22-08-2023 duly the above mentioned legal heir there been no one
recorded under Book No. 612 at pages 26 to 27 of else or no other person who according to the Law
this office the following is recorded: of Succession prevailing in the State of Goa could
That Shevanti Vithoba Adel alias Rucmini Vitoba prefer or concur the said successors or may have a
Naik Adel alias Rukmini Vithoba Adel died on better claim to the estate or inheritance left by the
eighteenth June two thousand nineteen at said deceased person.
H. No. 126, Maad Bansai, Curchorem-Goa and her Therefore any person having objection to this
husband Vithoba Babusso Adel alias Vitoba deed may file in this office within one month from
Babusso Naique Adel alias Vithoba Adel died on the date of its publication.
sixth July two thousand twenty at Bansai Kakoda Canacona, 27th July, 2023.— The Civil Registrar-
both died intestate, without executing Will or any cum-Sub-Registrar and Special Notary (Ex Officio),
other disposition of their last wish, but leaving Freeda B. J. Gomes.
behind their children namely, (one) Manini Vithoba
Adel after marriage Simran Surendra Tivrenkar V. No. AM-278/2023.
married to Surendra Gajanan Tivrenkar, (two) Kiran ———¿———
Vithoba Adel married to Kanika Kiran Adel, (three)
Dharma Vithoba Adel married to Chhaya Dharma Office of the Administrator of Comunidades
North Zone, Mapusa
Adel (four) Lalaji Vithoba Adel, bachelor as their
sole and universal heirs, there being no one else or
no other person or heirs who in terms of Law of Notice
Succession still in force in this State of Goa may
32. In accordance with the terms and for the
prefer to the estate left by the deceased person.
purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of
Any person having objection to this deed may Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that
file in this office within one month from the date of the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of
its publication. which are given below, has been applied on lease
Quepem, 28th August, 2023.— The Special (Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential
Notary Public ex officio, Shri Pramod M. Velip. house.
1. Name of the Applicant: Smt. Surekha M.
V. No. AM-286/2023. Shirodkar, r/o Porbawado, Calangute, Bardez-
———¿——— Goa.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar 2. Land named -----, Lote No.-----, Survey No. 31/1,
Canacona Plot No. 94, situated at village Pilerne of Bardez
Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of
Pilerne, 363.00 square meters.
Smt. Freeda B. J. Gomes, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub- 3. Boundaries:
Registrar and Special Notary (Ex Officio) in the East: By Plot No. 46 of same sub-division.
Judicial Division of Canacona.
West: By existing road.
31. In accordance with Section 346 (11) of the North: By Plot No. 49 of same sub-division.
Goa Succession, Special Notary and Inventory
Proceeding Act, 2012, it is hereby made public that South: By existing 8.00 mtrs. road.
by Deed of Succession dated 25th July, 2023 duly File No. 1-05-2023-ACNZ/2023.
recorded under Book No. 76 at pages 32 to 36 of the If any person has any objection against the
office, the following is recorded:- proposed lease he/she should submit his/her
That Mr. Vencatexa Shenvi Bellaye alias objection in writing to the Administrator of
Vencotexa Sinai Belio expired on 05-10-2022 at Comunidades of North Zone, within 30 days from
Margao without any Will of Gift or any other the second publication of this notices in the Official
testamentary disposition of his last wish leaving Gazette.
behind him his moiety holder, Smt. Suxma Durgaram Mapusa, 22nd August, 2023.— The Acting
Sinai Cacodcar also known as Vijay Vencotexa Secretary, Naresh N. Salgaonkar.
Shenvi Belio, widow, housewife, major of age and
his sole and universal legal heir his only son, V. No. AP-571/2023.
Mr. Kishor Vencatexa Shenvi Bellaye, son of late (Repeated).
Office of the Administrator of Comunidades Affidavit
North Zone, Mapusa
35. Mrs. Melvena Pereira, wife of Mr. Maklino
Ubaldino Carvalho, aged 42 years, married,
Notice housewife, Indian National, having Aadhaar card
(Under Rule 12 of Notification No. 17/25/85-RD, bearing No. xxxx xxxx xxxx, resident of H. No. 56/A,
dt. 28-11-85 ) Murda Grande, Nuvem, Margao, South Goa, Goa-
33. Notice is hereby given that plot No. 15 of 403601, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath
Survey No. 64/0 of Sirsaim Village and belonging to as under:-
the Comunidade of Sirsaim of Bardez Taluka is 1. I say that on my birth certificate, Aadhaar card
hereby declared vacant on the base of affidavit bearing No. xxxx xxxx xxxx and on my Election
produced by Shri Sitakant K. Parab, s/o Kashinath
card bearing No. AQI0347732 my name is
Parab, the Attorney of Comunidade of Sirsaim
recorded as Melvena Pereira.
stating that the said plot admeasuring an area of
225 sq. mtrs. has not been allotted to any person till 2. I say that on my Indian Passport bearing No.
date the said plot is vacant (the plots are also H4917722 my name is recorded as Melvena
declared vacant subject to the condition that the Pereira E Carvalho.
same are approved by the Town and Country 3. I say that Melvena Pereira and Melvena Pereira
Planning Department, Mapusa). E Carvalho both the names belong to one and
The interested eligible persons may submit their the same person. i.e., myself Melvena Pereira.
applications in the prescribed format available in 4. I say that on my Indian Passport bearing No.
the Office of Administrator for the above plots along H4917722 my address is recorded as H. No. 44,
with all the relevant documents as per said format Calata-Godinho Waddo, Majorda, Salcete-Goa
through the Attorney of the Comunidade of Sirsaim 403713.
for further process along with the requisite
processing fees as fixed. 5. I say that I want to change my address from
H. No. 44, Calata-Godinho Waddo, Majorda,
In no circumstances incomplete application will Salcete-Goa 403713 to H. No. 56/A, Murda
be accepted by the Office of the Administrator of Grande, Nuvem, Margao, South Goa, Goa-403601
North Zone, Mapusa. as per my Aadhaar card and Election card.
Mapusa, 29th August, 2023.— The Administrator 6. I say that I am swearing this Affidavit to publish
of Communidades of North Zone, Shivprasad S. Naik. it in the Official Gazette inorder to verify my
V. No. AP-594/2023. names and to enable me to produce it before
the concern authorities to do the necessary
corrections of my name i.e., Melvena Pereira and
Private Advertisements my address i.e., H. No. 56/A, Murda Grande,
Nuvem, Margao, South Goa, Goa-403601 on my
--- Indian Passport.
34. I, Mr. Arminio Anthony Ribeiro, resident of 7. I say that the contents of paras 1-6 are true and
Altinho, Panjim is in possession of 32 (thirty two) correct to the best my knowledge and no part
Shares viz. Sr. No. 645 to 654 titled No. 67 Ren-Let-A, of it is stated false.
Sr. No. 655 to 664 titled No. 67 Ren-Let-B, Share Sr.
Solemnly affirmed here at Margao-Goa on this
No. 665 to 674 titled No. 67 Ren-Let-C, Sr. No. 675
18th day of August, 2023.
title No. 68 & Sr. No. 677 title No. 70 belonging to
Comunidade of Paliem registered in the name of my Sd/-,
late mother, Smt. Maria Lira Arthimizia De Sa Ribeiro Deponent.
of Mumbai, wish to transfer the same in my name. Adv. Omega Afonso,
If any person having any objections/suggestions, Notary.
then he or she should submit before the V. No. AM-275/2023.
Administrator of Comunidades of North Zone,
Bardez, Mapusa-Goa, within 30 days from the date
of publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. Affidavit
Place: Mapusa. 36. I undersigned, Mrs. Annie Thomas, wife of
Date: 24-08-2023. Mr. Alex K. Joshua, major of age, permanent resident
V. No. AP-581/2023. of House No. 4464, Rajesh Nagar, Gogol, Fatorda,
Salcete, South-Goa, Indian National, do hereby Bertha Rodrigues but my assumed name of Elba
solemnly states on oath as under:- Bertha Noronha.
2. For the purpose of evidencing such my
1. I say that my maiden name is Annie Thomas.
determination declare that I shall at all times
2. I am holding Aadhaar card No. xxxx xxxx xxxx hereafter in all records, deeds and writings and
in the name Annie Thomas. in all proceedings, dealings and transactions
3. I am holding PAN card No. AYNPT7471M in the private as well as public and upon all occasions
name Annie Thomas. whatsoever use and sign the name of Elba Bertha
Noronha as my name in place of and in
4. I say that I am married to Mr. Alex K. Joshua and substitution of my former name Elba Bertha
after my marriage I started using my name as Rodrigues.
Annie Alex.
3. I expressly authorize and request all persons at
5. I say that I, on my own wish and accord I shall all times hereafter to designate and address me
use my name as Annie Thomas and not Annie by such assumed name of Elba Bertha Noronha
Alex for all purposes. accordingly.
6. I say that I shall be known as Annie Thomas for In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed
all purposes herein after. my former and adopted names of Elba Bertha
Rodrigues and Elba Bertha Noronha and affixed my
7. I say that I shall sign as Annie Thomas in future
seal this 21st day of August, 2023.
for all the purposes.
Signed, sealed and delivered by the above named Elba
8. I say that this Affidavit is sworn to produce
Bertha Noronha formerly called Elba Bertha Rodrigues.
before competent authority to enable them to
correct my name from Annie Alex to Annie Sd/-,
Thomas. Deponent.
9. I say that “Annie Thomas” and “Annie Alex” is Adv. Elsa S. Fernandes,
one and same person that is me/myself. Notary.
I say that all the facts and contents of the forgoing V. No. AP-572/2023.
paras 1-9 of the Affidavit are true to my own ———¿———
Solemnly affirmed at Margao on this 25th day of
August, 2023. 38. I, Mr. Bhupendra T Prekh, son of Mr.
Trambaklal Parekh, major, married, service, Indian
Sd/-, National, resident of G-4, Dada Vaidya Road, near
Deponent. Samrat Hotel, Panaji, Tiswadi-Goa 403001, do hereby
Adv. Savita G. Kurtarker, solemnly affirm and state as under:-
Notary. 1. I say that I am the father of Krunal Bhupendra
V. No. AM-280/2023. Parekh.
———¿——— 2. I say that my son’s name is Krunal Bhupendra
Parekh and same stands recorded in his Passing
Deed Changing Name/Surname
Certificate cum Statement of Grade/Marks
37. By this Deed I, the undersigned Elba Bertha issued by Goa Board of Secondary and Higher
Noronha, previously called Elba Bertha Rodrigues, Secondary Education, Alto-Betim on 25-05-2017.
employed as a Teacher at Government High School, 3. I say that my son’s name is recorded as Krunal
Balli, Quepem-Goa, do hereby: Parekh in Marks Statement issued by National
Institute of Open Schooling on 05-09-2020.
1. Wholly renounce, relinquish and abandon the
use of my former name of Elba Bertha Rodrigues 4. I say that Krunal Bhupendra Parekh and Krunal
and in place thereof do assume from the date Parekh is one and the same person i.e. my son.
thereof the name of Elba Bertha Noronha and so 5. I say that present affidavit is sworn by me in
that I may hereafter be called, known and order to produce the same in the Office of
distinguished not by my former name of Elba Competent Authority.
6. I say that contents of the foregoing paras are Affidavit
true and correct to my knowledge and belief. 40. I, the undersigned, Ms. Sandhya Prem Kumar
Solemnly affirmed at Panaji-Goa, on this 24th day Sahani, daughter of Shri Prem kumar Sahani, major
of August of the year 2023. of age, unmarried, Indian National, resident of House
No. 34, Sasti Wada, Taluka Bicholim-Goa do hereby
Sd/-, state on solemn affirmation as under:-
Adv. Meera Medhekar, 1. I say that I am the resident of above mentioned
Notary. address.
2. I say that my name is recorded as Sahane
V. No. AP-582/2023. Sandhya Premkumar on my SSC, HSSC and
———¿——— Graduation certificates in the official records of
Bicholim Municipal Council.
3. I say that my name is recorded as Sandhya Prem
39. I, Mr. Muttappa Gumati, son of Basavantappa Kumar on my birth certificate.
Gumati, age 39 years, married, service, permanent
4. I say that my name is recorded as Sandhya Sahani
resident of 2585, ward No. 07, Chavannavar Oni,
Registration Certificate of Scooter, Election card
Banhatti (rural), Banahatti Bagalkot, Karnataka payment slip issued by DCB Bank Ltd. and
587311, presently residing at Flat No. 2, Ground
5. I say that my name is recorded as Sandhya Prem
Floor, Parag Co-operative Housing Society, Shanti
kumar Sahani on my PAN card, Adhaar card and
Nagar, Ponda-Goa, Indian National do hereby on
letter of appointment issued by Health Care
solemn affirmation and declares as follows:
1. I say that I am residing on the above given 6. I say that my name is recorded as Sandhya P.
address. Sahane on offer letter issued by DCB Bank.
2. I say that my name is recorded as Mutturaj 7. I say that my name is recorded as Sanandhya P.
Gumati on Aadhar card and pay slip and on my Sahani on our family Ration card.
Pan card my name is written as Muttappa 8. I say that Sahane Sandhya Premkumar alias
Gumati. Sandhya Prem Kumar alias Sandhya Sahani alias
3. I say and declare that my name is written Sandhya Prem kumar Sahani alias Sanandhya P.
Sahani are the names of one and the same person
wrongly in Aadhar card and pay slip as Mutturaj
i.e. myself and I am known by all above
mentioned names in our family and locality.
4. I say and declare that my names, Mutturaj 9. I say that I am swearing present Affidavit of one
Gumati and Muttappa Gumati belongs to one and the same person to be submitted before
and same person i.e. myself only on the strength concerned authority/office/employer in order to
of this Affidavit. avoid confusion in my aforementioned names.
5. I am making this Affidavit cum Declaration to 10. I say that the contents of the foregoing paras
prove that the above mentioned are true facts are true and correct.
and submit the same before the concerned Solemnly affirmed at Bicholim-Goa on this 25th
competent authority (IKYA Staff In.) to take above day of August, 2023.
facts in their records in my name on the strength
of this Affidavit.
6. Whatever stated hereinabove are true to my Adv. Sawli S. Arolkar
personal knowledge. alias Milan Banaulikar,
Solemnly affirmed at Ponda on this 5th July, 2023. Notary.
Sd/-, V. No. AP-590/2023.
Deponent. ———¿———
Adv. Chetan P. Shirodker, Affidavit
41. I, the undersigned Mr. Domnick Fernandes,
V. No. AP-589/2023. son of Mr. Martin Fernandes, resident of H. No. 219/1,
Dodiyal Waddo, Xelvona, Quepem, South-Goa, i.e. Domnick Martin Fernandes and Domnick
403706, Indian National, do hereby or solemnly Fernandes are of one person i.e. myself.
affirm, state and submit as under:- 4. I say that this Affidavit is given is sworn for its
publication in the Official Gazette, Government
1. That I am replacing my Passport No. R9888817, of Goa for producing before Government
issue on 09-10-2018 and also Aadhar card No. Shipping Office, Government of India, Mumbai.
xxxx xxxx xxxx. 5. I say that what is stated hereinabove is true and
2. That I have applied for replacement of correct to my knowledge.
Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC), I have Solemnly affirmed at Curchorem on this 29th day
found that my name is written as Domnick of 2023.
Martin Fernandes in the CDC bearing Code No. Sd/-,
MUM 299777 instead of Domnick Fernandes as Deponent.
mentioned in the passport. Adv. Rajendra T. Naik,
3. That I say that CDC authorities have raised on Notary.
query as above and I say that both the names V. No. AP-597/2023.
Published and Printed by the Director, Printing & Stationery
Government Printing Press,
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Panaji-Goa 403 001.
Price–Rs. 20.00