Office of The Mission Director Samagra Shiksha, Assam Kahilipara, Guwahati-781019
Office of The Mission Director Samagra Shiksha, Assam Kahilipara, Guwahati-781019
Office of The Mission Director Samagra Shiksha, Assam Kahilipara, Guwahati-781019
With reference to the subject cited above, I am to inform you that
like previous years,this year also Samagra Shiksha,Assam has planned to
conduct the Utsav Vidyarambha in all Govt. / Prov elementary schools
of state w.e.f 15 th March/23 to 1st April/23. During the days of the
programme, various activities will be carried out in the schools with the
support of SMCs, MGs, Teachers, Parents, Students, Alumni and others
Community members. A guideline is enclosed herewith in this regard.
The guideline is to be translated as per medium of instruction of the
You are therefore, requested to instruct all Govt./Prov.Elementary
schools under your jurisdiction to carry out Utsav Vidyarambha
activities in their school as per enclosed guideline.
Further you are requested to co-ordinate, guide & supervise for
smooth implementation of the programme in your district as per
prescribed schedule.
You are also directed to ensure maintain of records as per
Annexure-I & II.
Enclo: As stated above.
Mission Director
Samagra Shiksha,