Cuadernillo Básico Ingles

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2022 Cuadernillo

Nivel Básico



Dra. Alba Irene Guillén Domínguez



Tania Carolina Trujillo Vázquez


1. Personal Information ............................................................................................................. 5

Vocabulary .................................................................................................................................. 5
Alphabet ................................................................................................................................... 5
Numbers ................................................................................................................................... 5
What’s your name? .................................................................................................................... 5
2. Adjectives................................................................................................................................ 6
Vocabulary .................................................................................................................................. 6
Colors ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Shapes ..................................................................................................................................... 6
What’s this? ................................................................................................................................ 6
3. Nouns ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Nouns ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Plural nouns ................................................................................................................................. 8
Regular ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Irregular .................................................................................................................................... 9
4. In the classroom ................................................................................................................... 10
Vocabulary ................................................................................................................................ 10
Classroom .............................................................................................................................. 10
Prepositions ............................................................................................................................ 10
To Be (is) + location................................................................................................................. 10
To Be (are) + location .............................................................................................................. 11
5. Subject Pronouns ................................................................................................................ 13
Vocabulary ................................................................................................................................... 13
Emotions and feelings ............................................................................................................ 13
Subject Pronouns ........................................................................................................................ 13
6. Verb Be .................................................................................................................................. 15
Vocabulary ................................................................................................................................ 15
Places at home....................................................................................................................... 15
Jobs and Occupations............................................................................................................ 15
Be (To Be _ present) ................................................................................................................ 16
7. Like......................................................................................................................................... 18
Vocabulary ................................................................................................................................ 18
Fruits ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Like, don’t like or doesn’t like ................................................................................................. 18
Like and don’t like.................................................................................................................... 19
8. Have/has ................................................................................................................................ 20
Vocabulary ................................................................................................................................ 20
Family Vocabulary .................................................................................................................. 20
Illnesses.................................................................................................................................. 20
Adjectives ............................................................................................................................... 21
Have ........................................................................................................................................... 21
9. Simple Present Tense .......................................................................................................... 24
Vocabulary ................................................................................................................................ 24
Days of the week .................................................................................................................... 24
Verbs ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Simple Present Tense ............................................................................................................. 24
10. Can ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Vocabulary ................................................................................................................................ 26
Sports ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Can............................................................................................................................................. 27
11. List of Verbs .......................................................................................................................... 28
Let’s Review ................................................................................................................................. 30
1. Personal Information


Alphabet Numbers
0 : zero 3 : three 6 : six 9 : nine
1 : one 4 : four 7 : seven 10 : ten
2 : two 5 : five 8: eight

What’s your name?

Answer the questions following the example above. Responde las preguntas,
siguiendo el ejemplo anterior.
1. What’s your name? ___________________________________________________
2. What’s your last name? ________________________________________________
3. How do you spell Rodriguez? ___________________________________________
4. What’s your phone number? ____________________________________________
5. Where are you from? __________________________________________________

2. Adjectives



What’s this?

What’s this? What’s this?

- It’s a star. - It’s a pentagon.
What color is it? What color is it?
- It’s yellow. It’s a - It’s orange. It’s an orange
yellow star. pentagon.

“The Indefinite Article”

a + consonant sound (a pink circle)

an + vowel sound (an orange circle)

Look at the pictures, then write the correct question following the above examples
and answer the question. Observa las imágenes, escribe la pregunta correcta
siguiendo los ejemplos anteriores y responde.

3. Nouns


Complete the chart with nouns that are around you. Remember you can use a
dictionary. Completa la tabla con sustantivos que están a tu alrededor. Recuerda que
puedes utilizar el diccionario.
Person Place Animal Thing

Plural nouns

To make most nouns plural, add –s. If the singular noun ends in -s, -ss,
-sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add -es to the end
to make it plural.

pencil pencils watch watches

bag – bags cat –cats bus – buses
school – schools pen –pens match – matches
teacher - teachers ball - balls dish – dishes

Plurals: Regular
If the singular noun ends in Y, remove Y and If the singular noun ends in –f or fe,
replace –ies. remove -f/-fe, and add –ves.

leaf leaves
city cities
party - parties country – countries wolf - wolves
story - stories lady - ladies life – lives
penny – pennies butterfly - butterflies knife – knives

Change each of the singular nouns below into plural nouns. Cambia los
sustantivos singulares en sustantivos plurales.
book glass
table monkey
class table
dictionary desk
dwarf cellphone
map marker
board globe

Circle the words listed below.

Encierra las palabras enlistadas abajo.
Some plurals of nouns are irregular.

child children
man – men tooth – teeth
mouse- mice person - people
woman - women foot - feet

4. In the classroom




To Be (is) + location
Where’s the pencil?
- It’s on the table.
Where’s the eraser?
- It’s next to the pencil.
Where’s the sharpener?
- It’s next to the book.
Where is = Where’s / It is = It’s

Look at the pictures, then write the correct question following the above examples
and answer the question. Observa las imágenes, escribe la pregunta correcta
siguiendo los ejemplos anteriores y responde.

Where’s the eraser?


To Be (are) + location
Where are the scissors?
- They’re on the book.
Where are the books?
- They’re on the desk.
Where are the backpacks?
- They’re under de desk.
They are = They’re

Look at the picture, then write the correct question following the above examples
and answer the question. Observa las imágenes, escribe la pregunta correcta
siguiendo los ejemplos anteriores y responde.

pens / table balls / bookshelf students / floor

books / bookshelves books / table colors / table

5. Subject Pronouns


Emotions and feelings

Subject Pronouns

A pronoun takes the place of a noun as the subject of a sentence. Un pronombre toma
el lugar de un sustantivo como el sujeto de una oración.

I, You, He, She, It, We, and They are pronouns. I

I am happy.

You look angry.
You look excited.

He She

It We They They
1. My father is hungry. He is angry.
2. My mother is worried. She is 5. My friends and I are happy. We are
worried. happy.
3. The horse is tired. It is tired. 6. My father and uncles are sick.
They are sick.

Write in the blanks “You” "He", "She", "It", "They" or "We". Escribe en los espacios
“You” "He", "She", "It", "They" or "We".

1. The boy is excited. ___ is excited.

2. Lucy and Mari are worried. ___ are worried.
3. Hi! Lucy, how are ___?
4. My dad and mom are angry. ___ are angry.
5. Robert is sick. ___ is sick.
6. The dog is tired. ___ is tired.
7. Mary and John are nervous. ___ are nervous.
8. My brothers and I look surprised. ___ look surprised.
9. Lili looks good. ___ looks good.
10. The cat looks thirsty. ___ looks thirsty.
11. The little girl looks sad. ___ looks sad.
12. Robert and I are very happy. ___ are very happy.

6. Verb Be

Places at home

Jobs and Occupations

Be (To Be _ present)

Affirmative sentences
There are different forms of be:
I am a student. I am at home.
You are a teacher. You are in the kitchen.
He is a mechanic. He is in the bathroom.
She is a nurse. She is in the laundry room.
It is a ball. It is in the hall.
We are farmers. We are in the dining room. .
You are engineers. You are in the living room.
They are teachers. They are in the games room.

Write the correct form of be “am, is or are”. Escribe la forma correcta del verbo be,
“am, is o are”.

1. Cindy ____ a secretary. 6. Robert and Louis ____ in the

games room.
1. Peter and Kate ____ students. 7. I ____ in the bathroom.
2. Johnny _____ a painter. 8. My parents ____ in the living
3. You _____ a police officer. 9. The rabbit ____ in the laundry
4. They ____ housekeepers. 10. The children ____ in the study.

Negative sentences
Full form Short Form
I am not a student. I’m not at home.
You are not a teacher. You aren’t in the kitchen.
He is not a mechanic. He isn’t in the bathroom.
She is not a nurse. She isn’t in the laundry room.
It is not a ball. It isn’t in the hall.
We are not farmers. We aren’t in the dining room. .
You are not engineers. You aren’t in the living room.
They are not teachers. They aren’t in the games room.

Write the correct negative form of the verb “be”. You can use the full or short
form. Escribe la forma correcta del verbo “be” en negativo. Puedes hacer uso de la
forma completa o corta.

1. It _______ my dog. 6. Louis _______ in the hall.

2. Felicia and I _______ construction 7. My grandmother _______ in the
workers. kitchen.
3. I _______ her dentist. 8. Caroline and I _______ in the
dining room.
4. We _______ architects. 9. The cats _______ in the
5. You _______ a doctor. 10. My friends _______ in the
games room.

Yes/No Questions
Affirmative Negative
Am I a student? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Is he a mechanic? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
Is she a nurse? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
Is it a ball? Yes, it is. . No, it isn’t.
Are you farmers? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
Are we engineers? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Are they teachers? Yes, they are. . No, they aren’t.

Answer the questions. Responde las preguntas.

1. Is it a dog? 2. Is the cat in the living room?

__________________. (affirmative) __________________. (negative)
3. Are Mon and Peter architects? 4. Are Louis, Tom and Lia in the kitchen?
__________________. (affirmative) __________________. (affirmative)
5. Are you a student? 6. Is my father in his bedroom?
__________________. (affirmative) __________________. (affirmative)
7. Am I a teacher? 8. Are the dogs in the hall?
__________________. (negative) __________________. (negative)
9. Is Laura a housekeeper? 10. Is Mia in the study?
__________________. (negative) __________________. (negative)




Like, don’t like or doesn’t like

Affirmative sentences Negative sentences

I like apples. I don’t like apples.
You like apples You don’t like apples.
We like apples. We don’t like apples.
They like apples. They don’t like apples.
He likes apples. He doesn’t like apples.
She likes apples. She doesn’t like apples.
It likes apples. It doesn’t like apples.

Like and don’t like

According to the fruit vocabulary (18 words), write the fruit name in the correct
group so that is true for you. Con base al vocabulario de frutas (18 palabras),
escribe el nombre de la fruta de acuerdo a tus gustos o adversiones.

I like I don’t like

Following the examples on page 17, write sentences about people are around
you. For example, My father doesn’t like mango”. You can also check
vocabulary on page 18. Siguiendo los ejemplos de la página 18, escribe oraciones
sobre personas alrededor tuyo. Por ejemplo, “My father doesn’t like mango”. (A mí
papa no le gusta el mango).
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •

8. Have/has


Family Vocabulary




Have: Use have/has to talk about: Affirmative

Possessions (posesiones) Illnesses (enfermedades)
I have a car. He has a car. I have a fever. He has a fever.
You have a car. She has a car. You have a fever. She has a fever.
We have a car. It has a car. We have a fever. It has a fever.
They have a car. They have a fever.
Relationships (relaciones) To describe (para describir)
I have a sister. He has a sister. I have short hair. He has short hair.
You have a sister. She has a sister. You have short hair. She has short hair.
We have a sister. It has a baby. We have short hair. It has short hair.
They have a sister. They have short hair.

Write the correct form of have. Escribe la forma correcta del verbo “have”.

Possessions Illnesses

1. I _____ a new house. 6. The children _____ sore throat.

2. My teacher _____ a new computer. 7. My baby _____ a runny nose.
3. The babies _____ new toys. 8. Grandmother _____ a cough.
4. My aunt and I _____ new shoes. 9. Jorge _____ a headache.
5. Robert _____ a new pair of jeans. 10. The girl _____ a stomachache.

Relationships To describe:

11. My mom _____ two sisters. 16. Pablo _____ a big nose.
12. My parents _____ 3 children. 17. Your mom _____ big green eyes.
13. I _____ a baby. 18. The dog _____ black and brown hair.
14. My dad _____ 10 cousins. 19. I _____ long black hair.
15. Tom and I _____ two cousins. 20. You _____ beautiful eyes

Negative Sentences
I don’t have a car. He doesn’t have a car.
You don’t have a car. She doesn’t have a car.
We don’t have a car. It doesn’t have a car.
They don’t have a car.

Write the correct negative form of the verb “have”. Escribe la forma correcta del
verbo “have” en negativo.
1. My teacher _______ a new 6. My baby _______ a runny nose.
computer. 7. Grandmother _______ a cough.
2. The babies _______ new toys. 8. The dog _______ black and brown hair.
3. My mom _______ two sisters. 9. I _______ long black hair.
4. My dad _______ 10 cousins. 10. You _______ beautiful eyes.
5. Tom and I _______ two cousins.

Yes/no question
Do I have a car? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
Do you have a car? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Do we have a car? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
Do they have a car? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
Does he have a car? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Does she have a car? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
Does it have a car? Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t.

Write the questions and answer them following the example below. Escribe las
preguntas y responde siguiendo el ejemplo.

Mary has blue eyes. → Does she has blue eyes?

Yes, she does.
They don’t have children. → Do they have children?
No, they don’t.

1. My grandparents don't have white

hair. →
2. My sister has long hair. →

3. My cousin has a new sport car. →

4. The doctors don’t have patients. →

5. My aunt doesn’t have brothers. →

6. I have a fever. →

7. The teachers have a cough. →

8. My son has small ears. →

9. My daughter doesn’t have a round

face. →
10. My uncle doesn’t have children. →

9. Simple Present Tense


Days of the week

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Simple Present Tense

The simple present is a verb tense which is used to show repetition and habit. El
presente simple es un tiempo verbal que se usa para mostrar repetición y hábito.
Affirmative Negative Yes/no question
I sleep. I don’t sleep. Do I sleep? Yes, you do. / No, you
You see. You don’t see. Do you see? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
We sing. We don’t sing. Do we sing? Yes, you do. / No, you
They jump. They don’t jump. Do they jump? Yes, they do. / No, they
Add an –s to most verbs in Use the auxiliary does + not.
sentences with He, She, It or
singular nouns.

He sleeps. He doesn’t sleep. Does he sleep? Yes, he does. / No, he
She sings. She doesn’t sing. Does she sing? Yes, she does. / No, she
It runs. It doesn’t run. Does it run? Yes, it does. / No, it

More rules for he, she and it. Mas reglas para he, she e it.

Verbs ending in ch, s, sh, o, x watch-watches, fix-fixes, finish-finishes

add – es
Verbs ending in a consonant (b,c,d,f,g,y...) study-studies, carry-carries
change y to ies

Affirmative sentences

Write the correct verb form. Escribe la forma correcta de los verbos.

1. My mom _________ (get up) every 5. My sister and I _________ (make) our
day at 05:00 am. beds before school.
2. The girls _________ (study) from 6. My parents watch TV after lunch every
Monday to Thursday. day.
3. The family _________ (eat) dinner at 7. The children _________ (do)
03:00 p.m. every day. homework from 5 to 7 p.m.
4. I _________ (take a shower) after 8. The dog never _________ (eat) inside
school. the house.

Negative sentences

Write the correct verb form. Escribe la forma correcta de los verbos.

1. Lu and Lena _______________ (not get up early) on the weekends.

2. Mike _______________ (not watch TV) from Monday to Friday.
3. Mari and I _______________ (not take a shower) on Sunday.
4. The children _______________ (not study) on the weekends.
5. My father _______________ (not eat) breakfast at home.
6. My cousins _______________ (not go) to school on Friday.
7. My mom _______________ (not go) go to bed late.
8. My grandparents _______________ (not do) homework.

Yes/No questions
Answers the questions using affirmative and negative form. Responde las
preguntas de forma afirmativa y negativa.

1. Does your dad wake up at 5 a.m.?

2. Do your brothers take a shower in the morning?
3. Does your uncle go to school?
4. Do your parents eat dinner at home?
5. Do you go to school on the weekends?
6. Does your sister watch TV in the afternoon?
7. Do you brush your teeth every day?
8. Does your dog eat inside the house?





Modal Verb – Can/Can’t

Use can to talk about what you are able or know how to do.
Usa can para hablar sobre cosas que eres capaz o sabes hacer.
I can jump rope. I can sing. .
Use can’t to talk about what you aren’t able or don’t know how to do.
Usa can para hablar sobre cosas que no eres capaz o no sabes cómo hacer.
She can’t dance. He can’t the violin.
Question form
Can you jump rope? Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.
Can she dance? Yes, she can.
No, she can’t.

Following the explanation about the uses of “can” and the following example,
write 10 sentences about the sports you can or can’t play. Siguiendo la
explicación anterior sobre los usos de “can” y el ejemplo siguiente, escribe 10
oraciones sobre los deportes que puedes y no puedes hacer


1. I can’t ski.
2. I can play soccer.

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Answer the questions according to your skills. Remember you can always use
your dictionary. Responde las preguntas de acuerdo a tus habilidades. Recuerda
que siempre puedes usar tu diccionario.

1. Can you fly?

2. Can you ski?
3. Can you jump rope?
4. Can you run fast?
5. Can you ride a horse?
6. Can you drive a car?
7. Can you dance?
8. Can you sing?

11. List of Verbs

50 most common verbs in English

Base form Meaning Base form Meaning

(forma base) (significado) (forma base) (significado)
ask preguntar, pedir make hacer
be ser, estar mean significar
become llegar a ser move moverse
begin comenzar need necesitar
call llamar play jugar
can poder put poner
come venir run correr
could poder (formal) say decir
do hacer see ver
feel sentir say decir
find encontrar seem parecer
get obtener show mostrar
give dar start comenzar
go ir study estudiar
have tener take tomar
hear oír talk hablar
help ayudar tell decir
keep guardar think pensar
know saber try intentar
leave dejar think pensar
let permitir try intentar
like gustar turn girar
live vivir use usar
look mirar want querer
love amar work trabajar

Let’s review
what you have
Repasemos lo que has


Check the correct sentence
Let’s Review
according to the picture. Marcar la
oración correcta de acuerdo a la
Choose the right answer. Elige la imagen.
respuesta correcta.
1. What’s your last name? 9. Where’s the pen?
a. Laura a. It’s next to the chair. __
b. T–O–L–E–D-O b. It’s under the chair. __
c. Toledo c. It’s on the chair. __
2. Where are you from?
a. I’m Mexican. 10. Where’s the pencil?
b. I’m from Mexico. a. It’s next to the book. __
c. I’m not from Mexico. b. It’s on the book. __
3. People nouns: c. It’s in the book. __
a. Teacher, student, baby
b. Cat, dog, mouse 11. Where are the
c. School, park, house markers?
4. Places nouns: a. They’re in the
a. Doctor, police officer, nurse pencil case. __
b. School, clinic, restaurant b. They’re under the
c. Pencil, eraser, scissors pencil case. __
5. Plural nouns: c. They’re next to the pencil case. __
a. Mice, children, men 12. Where are the
b. Mouse, child, man books?
c. Foot, toot, person a. They’re next to the
plant. __
b. They’re on the plant. __
Follow the instructions. Sigue las c. They’re under the plant. __

6. Draw (dibuja) a pink circle. Complete the sentences according to

the options provided. Completa las
oraciones de acuerdo con las siguientes
7. Draw (dibuja) a gray diamond. A. Subject pronouns: I, You, He, She,
It, We, They, You.
13. Paloma is very happy. ___ is not
8. Draw (dibuja) a brown square. 14. Robert and I are excited. ___ are
not worried.
15. John is nervous. __ is not excited.

16. Students are hungry. __ are not 29. Do you get up at 05:00 a.m. every
bored. day?
17. The dog is angry. __ is not sick. a. Yes, I do.
b. Yes, she does.
c. No, you don’t.
B. Verb “Be”: am, is or are
30. Does your mom watch TV every
18. _____ you a student? day?
19. You _____ not a teacher. You a. Yes, I do.
_____ an engineer. b. Yes, she does.
20. _____ your father an electrician? c. No, he doesn’t.
21. _____ the doctor in the clinic? -
Yes, he _____.
31. Mike _______ at 07:30 every day,
22. _____ Michael and Josh in the
but he gets up at 08:00
living room? – No, they _____ not.
23. The cat ____ in the games room. a. Wakes up
b. Goes back to school
c. Gets dressed
Write the correct verb form: have,
has, like or likes. Escribe la forma 32. You _____________ home at
correcta de los verbos: have, has, like or 02:00 p.m., then you _____________
likes. lunch. You _______ and after that,
you _____________.
a. Go back / do homework / eat /
24. I ________ oranges and watch TV
peaches. b. Go back / eat / watch TV / do
25. My mom ________ long hair. c. Go back / eat / do homework /
watch TV
26. My sisters and I ________ a
33. Can Michael ski?
a. Yes, I can.
27. Esteban ________ apples and
bananas. b. Yes, he can.
c. Yes, we can.
28. My aunt ________ two brothers. 34. Can Michael ski?
a. Yes, I can.
b. Yes, he can.
c. Yes, we can.
Choose the right answer. Elige la
35. Can you ride a horse?
respuesta correcta.
a. No, I can’t.
b. No, he can’t.
c. No, we can’t.


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