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Abstract―Telkom transformation paradigm by Innovating and sales service. The post-paid system implemented by the
disrupting the fast-changing industry is the main challenge right company makes this service have a high enough interaction
now. There is external challenging such as changing customer so that the service stays of quality and is well maintained as
behavior and high performing Customer Experience (CX) offered. Therefore, customer experience is one of the issues
focused industries that seeing customer and business growth. In
currently discussed by management. In an era of rapidly
PT Telkom itself, internal challenges there is a financial
performance on a decreasing trend and for Net Promoter Score
developing customer experience, companies need to ensure
(NPS) is below best in class benchmark globally. The objective that the customer is focus to all digital initiatives including
is elevating CX as a corporate strategic priority, engaging all the customer experience of the products and services
stakeholders to achieve CX transformation. PT Telkom every provided. Consumers are looking for the next way user
year doing Net Promoter Score and Net Emotional Value (NEV) experience - personalized, interconnected, easy, fast, and
to measuring the loyalty of a firm's customer relationships and smooth.
customer satisfaction that correlated with revenue growth. The A. Customer Experience
author takes the model from secondary data from NPS and NEV Customer experience is defined as a combination of
Report from 2014 – 2018 of PT Telkom Indonesia, focused in interactions from all different customer experiences at each
Telkom Regional 3 West Java and assign relationship and
point of contact in a customer-company relationship. This is
satisfaction dimension and attribute. Using predictive analytics
is a method that analyzing current and historical facts to make a targeted effort on the part of the company to develop and
predictions about the future to determine an accurate strategy maintain a good experience that is distinguished from
and can improve customer experience based on the appropriate competitors, consistent at every touch point and most
level of correlation. From NPS and NEV report the dimensions importantly valued by customers. Meyer and Schwager
and attributes are processed by predictive analysis using (2007) define customer experience as the internal and
correlation and regression. The fact-finding that based on that subjective response customers have to any contact (direct or
analytics will be a strong correlation attributes that would indirect) with a company. Customer experience is a holistic
become the key to strategic planning for a customer experience concept that encompasses every aspect of a company’s
that in a lining with corporate strategy. The strong correlation
offering 363 (Zomerdijk and Voss, 2009). According to
attribute from this statistical processing is the installation
process is long, friendliness of the technician, and ease of (Kulbytė,2018) measuring customer experience is important
accessing points. Then the strategic planning for customer because, if the customer are not satisfied, 13% of them will
experience is from the result from predictive analytics combine tell to 15 or even more people that they are unhappy. On the
with benchmarking with other telco’s company to propose other hand, 72% of customers will share a positive experience
strategic program end-to-end customer journey and integrated with 6 or more people.
to back end system, digitalization and digital ecosystem will be B. Predictive Analytics
impacted and gave a result business and revenue. Predictive analytics are data analytic classifications that
focus on estimating possible future results in various
Keywords―Net Promoter Score, Net Emotion Value, Customer
Satisfaction, Customer Engagement, Strategy Transformation.
industries based on past data and analytic methods that
include statistical modelling and machine learning. Predictive
analytics might make estimates with substantial accuracy.
I. INTRODUCTION Predictive analytics allows organizations to use past and
mainly and second related subjective data. The analysis is and NPS Good is a brand with NPS values are below 10%
divided into three levels: and are still positive in each category. The results of the NPS
1. Descriptive. Descriptive research method aims to describe survey will be continued by detecting the Costumer
the character a variable, group or social phenomenon that Experience value which aims to see which customer
occurs in the community (Martono, 2011: 17). Traditional experiences are truly satisfied through the moment of truth.
customer loyalty and satisfaction metrics are mostly Net Emotional Value. NEV is a method to analyse
efficiency metrics (churn rate, service time,). The main experiences such as feeling, thinking, acting, and relating that
focus here is cost reduction and process improvement. will involve customers to make memorable relationships and
Descriptive customer analytics reveal and illustrate connect them emotionally with the company or brand (Pine
current and historical relationships and data patterns. This and Gil, 1998, Schmitt 1999). Without experience and
is the basis of analytic efforts for products and services. emotional value, customers will lack encouragement,
This includes, for example, customer segmentation; data motivation, and trigger decisions and purchases. It is
mining for basic customer service patterns; and periodic important for companies to know how they can connect with
reports. emotional customers (Surdak and King, 2015) In contrast to
2. Predictive analysis includes various techniques (statistics, the NPS survey with one question, at the NEV survey
modelling, data mining) that use current and historical considers various touch points (MOT) that show taste
facts to make predictions about the future based on respondents about the experience they received such as happy
probabilities and potential impacts. Among them are, the or not happy from a product / service. Furthermore, the
model used to increase the likelihood of improving average of the touch points will be calculated at each the
service levels, customer satisfaction and an accurate categories and results will be visible on which touch point
service program according to customer needs. Predictive makes the most memorable customer experience. NEV is
analytics is a classification of data analytics focused on obtained by finding the difference between emotions positive
forecasting the possibility of future outcomes in various with negative emotional. Measurement of moment of truth
industries based on past data and analytics methods which varies depending on respective industry experience. NEV is
includes statistical modelling and machine learning. a very simple calculation that takes average of the emotions
Predictive analytics may be able to create forecast with which are :
substantial accuracy. Predictive analytics, enables a. Positive emotions : Happy, Pleased, Trusting, Valued,
organizations use past and present data to project patterns Cared for, Safe, Focused, Stimulated, Energetic,
and behaviours days, months or years ahead. For every Interested, Exploratory, Indulgent.
organization, big or small, the ability to anticipate the b. Negative emotions : Stressed, Unhappy, Neglected,
future is the key to sustainable growth and sometimes Hurried, Dissatisfied, Disappointed, Irritated,
even the very existence of the organization depends on it. Frustrated, Dissatisfied.
Usually, data patterns are utilized in building a model that D. The Service Profit Chain Methodology
tracks key trends after the data collected has been This model starts with internal service quality which refers
analysed. The result can subsequently be used by decision to the extent to which an organization is able to provide its
makers to propose steps to follow for getting the best employees with the type of quality support that will enable
result. them to serve customers effectively which can be valued in
3. Prescriptive analytics goes beyond predictions and the form of employee engagement. This will affect the quality
outlines decision choices and optimizing services of operations that will be provided by employees in each
according to customer desires. This is used to analyse business process such as work responsibilities, work
complex data to predict results, provide appropriate environment, training and clarity of orders High level of
decision choices in a service program, and show internal service quality will result in a level of customer
alternative business impacts of each strategy satisfaction where service is designed and delivered to meet
implemented. targeted customer needs, which will affect the level of churn,
C. Net Promoter Score and Net Emotion Value customer loyalty and customer retention. Loyal customers
NPS is an effective method for measuring and controlling will be advocates for these products and services that will buy
the level of satisfaction customers and calculate the level of back products and services, referrals that will enhance a good
customer loyalty in a Brand or company. NPS is measured on brand reputation.
a scale of 0-10 where: Promoter (9-10), Passive (7-8), E. Customer Journey
Detractor (0-6). (Reichheld, 2011) decided to take the The evolved complexity of the consumer decision-making
percentage of Promoter customer percentage and reduced the journey and the difficulty and challenges posed when
percentage of the Detractor. Passive category respondents are marketers attempt to map it can be seen on Figure 1. In
not counted in the formula. The result is a Net Promoter score. particular, there is a compelling need for marketers to develop
After the Net Promoter Score results are obtained, the NPS is improved understanding of buyer behavior in the digital age
divided into four categories namely NPS Star, NPS Leader, so that meaningful interventions can be made at critical
NPS Excellent, and NPS Good. NPS Star is a brand with the stages in the decision-making process. Many authors have
best NPS values in all categories, NPS Leader is a brand with highlighted the changes in consumer behavior that have
values The highest NPS in each category, NPS Excellent is a occurred in the digital age but a widely accepted model has
brand with NPS positive minimum of 10% in each category, yet to emerge, although, a few valuable contributions such
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (1) (2020), ISSN (2354-6026) 459
The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM 2020)
February 1st 2020, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Table 1.
Conclusion of Benchmarking
as, for example, Edelman (2010) have been made. Delivering best customer experience transformation
Touchpoint interactions and Telkom way of working are strategy for Indihome will become research focus. In
digitized to best customer experience by fundamentally company side, PT. Telkom Indonesia should define what
transform that will provide seamless experience across customer journey point in critical and it drives actions to
different touchpoint. improvement and in customer side, company should know
1. Explore : Company personalize services offered for each current customer satisfaction that will be effecting customer
customer and allow easy access and selection experience.
2. Buy : Company can digitize the buying process so that it
is seamless and interactive
3. Activate : Company can make the installation process
dramatically faster and more convenient A. Research Methodology
4. Use : Company can provide a superior quality of This study will use some customer experience based on
experience on our network, in terms of speed and data NPS and NEV to make statistic strategy for predict the
reliability future of customer experience program for making great
5. Pay : Company can digitize the payment process so that it satisfaction and loyal for customer.
is significantly more convenient B. Relationship Attribute of Net Promoter Score (NPS) and
6. Get Support : Company can empower customers to get Net Emotional Value (NEV)
support in an effective and efficient manner When assign customer satisfaction and loyalty dimension
7. Terminate : Company can retain customers or increase and attribute, researcher take the model from secondary data
like hood for them to return. from NPS and NEV Report. Then the dimensions and
F. Business Issues attributes are processed into statistical processing as done in
In doing its business, where the customer is currently the predictive analytics, using two analytic techniques,
main point-of-view for all companies, it is necessary to make correlation and regression.
an effort to increase customer experience based on customer Correlation is a statistical to examines and measure that
journey. The existence of a higher customer experience determines co-relationship or association of two variables
points will certainly give positive things for the company, for that to represent linear relationship between two variables
example the company’s competitive ability that other when regression examines how an independent variable that
competitor will increase in the market because many numerically related to the dependent variable. Correlation
customers became more loyal and satisfaction to company analysis aims to measure "how strong" or "degree of
from the product itself. Manager Touch Point of TReg 3 closeness", a relation that occurs between variables.
stated that PT. Telkom Indonesia, through customer Regression analysis is used to study and measure the
experience, expect process to be a way of company that can statistical relationships that occur between two or more
measure customer satisfaction in comprehensive way. And variables. These variables are the X variable (independent
also IndiHome customers themselves can bring more variable / influencing variable / known variable), and Y
feedback to company. However, companies need to know variable (dependent variable / influenced variable / unknown
current customer experience from current customer to variable)
company (Personal Interview, 21/09/2019).
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (1) (2020), ISSN (2354-6026) 460
The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM 2020)
February 1st 2020, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Table 3.
Regression Result for in NPS
Table 4.
Regression Result for in NEV
Table 5.
List of Discussion
Table 6.
List of Questions and Answers from New Customer Indihome
Table 7.
Interview Result from Current Customer Indihome
Table 8.
Customer Journey Moment of Truth
friendliness of the technician, and ease of accessing points. information services, and availability of disturbance
All three of these attributes have a Pearson correlation value complaint services. However, only the installation process is
greater than 0.878 and the Sig. (2-tailed) is smaller than 0.05 long, friendliness of the technician, and ease of accessing
2) Net Promoter Score points have a correlation value with NEV and NPS, so a
The requirements for Pearson Correlate are seen from the regression test for these three attributes will be carried out.
distribution table r. Because of the author used 2014-2018 (5 Based on Table 4, multivariate regression results obtained
years) for samples, the value must be more than 0.878 with the value of Sig. of 0.049 < 0.05 so that the three
(minimum R square condition for strong relationship attributes can affect NEV. Therefore the regression equation
attribute) for strong correlation in Table 3. obtained is
Based on appendix 1. obtained attributes that have a value Y = 3.798 – 0.018X1 + 0.138X2 + 0.47X3
of R > 0.878 with NPS that is poor customer service, Y = Net Emotional Value
consisting of services that are not needed, the installation X1 = installation process is long
process is long, friendliness of the technician, and ease of X2 = friendliness of the technician
accessing points. However, only the attributes of the X3 = ease of accessing points
installation process is long, friendliness of the technician, and B. Internal Focus Group Discussion
ease of accessing points have an exchange rate with the NPS Internal focus group discussion is done by gathering some
and NEV, so a regression test for the new attribute will be of employees who relate to the customer experience for
carried out. Indihome in CFU Consumer, Unit Consumer Care TREg 3.
3) Net Emotional Value The FGD consist of Operation Senior Manager Consumer
Same as NPS, the requirements for Pearson Correlate are Care TREg 3, Manager Touch Point, Manager Retention and
seen from the distribution table r value must be more than Loyalty, 5 Assistant Manager of Consumer Care from Witel
0.878 (minimum R square condition for strong relationship (Bandung, Bandung Barat, Cirebon, Sukabumi, Karawang,
attribute) for strong correlation for NEV. Tasikmalaya). The FGD start with the questions of their
It is found that the attributes that have a value of R > 0.878 opinion about current customer journey and customer
with NEV are the installation process is long, friendliness of
the technician, schedule as desired, ease of accessing points,
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (1) (2020), ISSN (2354-6026) 463
The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM 2020)
February 1st 2020, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
experience, and from the answer lead to the another students, S1 college, S2 college and workers. The result of
questions. The resume of the FGD are shown in Table 5. the interview are shown on Table 7.
C. Interview with customers Indihome D. Strategic Planning Initiative
Interview with the new customers and current customer For the further development of Telkom customer care of
with a minimum subscription period of 6 months who use Indihome, with the aim of customer enthusiasm as part of the
Indihome service to understand the need, wants and CEM initiative, the design elements of the customer. Proven
satisfaction Indihome service. In this research, the interview touchpoints and the customer journey: In the The core idea is
is done by interviewing the new customer in Table 6, and considered from the customer perspective, in what form the
current customers in Table 7. customer contacts the brand and how the individual brand
For current customers, researcher do the interview to some experiences come together to form a complete brand or
people with different background who are actively a support perception. In four steps, the process of achieving
Indihome users. The interviewee consists of high school customer enthusiasm according to the plan along the
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (1) (2020), ISSN (2354-6026) 464
The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM 2020)
February 1st 2020, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
customer journey implemented at Indihome as part of the important sales markets. Indihome now need to complete
CEM initiative): picture of through which contact points and in the quality
1. The first step was to record the got in touch with the of the Indihome product and service is experienced along
customer and the customer side. Customer journey across the customer journey.
contact points. At the same time there were first 2. In the second step, the actual customer journey was
indications of the time and content optimization of contact compared with the customer expectations: not at every
points. Over 7 millions current and former customers and customer contact point are customer needs similar.
other competitive brands were in Indonesia especially in Extreme examples are the breakdown, at who is focused
West Java and asked about their individual support on rapid and timely replacement internet speed, while
experiences about internet and the competition brands. In when subscribe for Indihome, detailed advice with
the meantime, there is an overall view of the customer internet speed, content and value added. At the same time,
contact points (the "Customer Touchmap") for the most the external benchmark and from customer market
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (1) (2020), ISSN (2354-6026) 465
The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM 2020)
February 1st 2020, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Figure 8. Close The Loop: Beginning and Ending With The Customer in Mind.
research (step 1) suggestions other innovative customer particularly high satisfaction and ideally there was
contact points and support processes with enthusiasm. potential for enthusiasm.
This alone gave valuable insights: The almost complete 3. In the third step, the potential was identified. Step 2
overview of all customer contact points showed where implemented in action and activity plans: On the one
and how - from a customer perspective, on the other hand, hand, the further development of individual contact points
were very positive, according to customer feedback high was carried out based on the findings of the second step.
degree of customization of customer communication for On the other hand, there was potential for optimization the
selected customer groups. From the comparison of the further development of the interaction of customer contact
current customer journey (Step 1) with the customer points or the new development of parts of the Customer
expectations (Step 2) resulted prioritization of customer journey: not the single customer contact point, but entire
contact points and customer care processes, their further sections along the customer journey were the focus. For
development or, if necessary first-time establishment of this purpose, the so-called MyIndihome.
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (1) (2020), ISSN (2354-6026) 466
The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM 2020)
February 1st 2020, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
4. Also, for the implementation of the action plan the fourth month's billing. At this point the most crucial. Because
step was and is the commitment of all areas and markets when the offer and when the activation will differ the
crucial. The individual measures were developed together information provided, an integrated system is needed here
with the participating division or promoted by these on because customers need to be given information openly
their own initiative, after by the preparatory work in step and in detail about their invoices.
3 was given a corresponding impetus has been. In parallel, b. t2: The bill will come out every 4th of the month. This bill
a measuring instrument was set up to the effectiveness of will be integrated into any online payment system. The
measures based on key indicators to investigate. These obstacle at this point is the existence of a system that is
have been and will be in the context of a Scorecard not automatically integrated and only makes payments
reports (yearly doing by Telkom). A top management without a back end information system informing the
reporting for the CEOs of the individual national system at Telkom that the customer has already made a
companies as well as the member The Board of payment. Because this system is through a subsidiary's
Management for Sales and Marketing is supplemented by system that requires time for integration.
detailed reports for the individual functional areas. 2. t3: If the customer is informed not to make a payment
Overall, it is the "Customer Experience Management" until the time limit specified, the service will be isolated.
initiative, in which the above four. Steps are bundled At this point it is very crucial, whether the isolator will
together to create a continuous activity. succeed or not depends on the NCX system which is still
E. Service Experience Blueprint (Moment Of Truth) in the process of migrating services and information
The SEB method was developed specifically for designing systems.
multi-interface service experiences. SEB builds on existing F. Implementation Plan
methods, joins service management contributions and 1) Customer Experience Transformation
software engineering to create a unifying method for McKinsey & Company found that when companies have
overcoming the entry of technology into services. SEB clear view of the building block and reference throughout the
enables the integrated design of multi-interface services, transformation journey to make better decision and
enhancing the advantages of each channel to enhance the coordinate more efficiently can be seen on Figure 5.
overall customer experience. Table 8 explain about MoT a. Establish critical enablers
(Moment of Truth) from customer journey in Indihome Customer experience is an excellent starting point for
product services. Based on 2.2.4. Customer journey, there is digital transformation because it determines satisfied
7 step of customer journey that indicates the MoT of every customers and will also resolve many of the inefficiencies
stage inherent in a product and service. Focus on value and bottom-
The following is SEB from Fulfilment Service where there line value delivery is also important, such as the ability to
are 5 points identified to be 5 main points on Figure 3: generate extensive excitement in the organization.
1. t1: When customers register they need to do feasibility b. Transform the business
and port reservation or network availability. This process Designing new experiences helps employees connect with
is time consuming and there must be a matching system the value they create for customers, unite teams across
data and field data. functions, and function as a shared language that allows
2. t2: The process of pushing data to a system where the departments to communicate more easily. Future customer
implementation of a new system that is NCX was only experience can also be designed to create a guide to guide the
applied in mid-2019 is still an obstacle due to the process organization on a destination-based trip.
of migrating data from the previous system c. Build aspiration and purpose
3. t3: After the registration process is systemically Effective customer-experience transformation requires a
successful, work orders for technicians are sent via WFM clear vision and articulation of customer-centered and
according to the technicians' conditions and work ambitious goals. Metrics are very important for
schedules. Constraints that often occur are installation understanding customer needs and performance levels, but
rescheduling, installation constraints, conflicting leaders also need to take a holistic view of end-to-end
schedules customer experience. A typical transformation can take two
4. t4: After installation, the possibility of fallout or error is to three years and depends on attracting or increasing talent
still high, due to the need for a system that is systemically to maintain the continuous improvement needed for success.
pushing to perform PS (Put in Service) or on service (Building blocks A, C.)
5. t5: PS data or on service will enter the billing system 2) Customer Experience Measurement
which will adjust to the type of package and service used. It's important to evaluate systems based on how well
The obstacle is that the system has not been well company can carry out measurement strategies. In addition,
integrated. Where there is still a manual system three strategic criteria are also worth considering can be seen
The following is SEB from Billing Support Service where on Figure 6 – 7.
there are 3 points identified to be 5 main points on Figure 4: a. Flexibility. Some system providers can make changes to
a. t1: Sales data for the current month will go to the billing survey questions and dashboards in minutes, while others
system where this system will bill the PS customers take days or weeks, or leave them to you to find out. Think
according to the activation date with the value of the carefully about the frequency you expect to make changes
prorated package that will be different from the following
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No. (1) (2020), ISSN (2354-6026) 467
The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM 2020)
February 1st 2020, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
and the level of your resources to make these changes 1. Customer enthusiasm is a key entrepreneurial. Objective
yourself. to achieve customer loyalty.
b. Scalability. Choose a system that has been tested in a 2. The design of excellently perceived plays. Customer
broad spectrum of complex multinational environments experiences with every brand contact as possible Triggers
with proven capacity to scale in response to the needs of customer enthusiasm play a central role.
your organization. 3. It is important to optimize the customer journey, and
c. Costs. Companies regularly face tight budget pressure or above all align the critical contact points in the best
have a cost-conscious culture that manifests itself in a do- possible way towards customer expectations and needs
it-yourself mindset. If your approach to the customer and towards each other vote.
experience is serious, beware of all-dancing, all-dancing 4. Best practices from other industries provide valuable
measurement systems that are much cheaper but may fail impulses and ideas for moments of enthusiasm.
to have the desired effect. Weigh the return on investment, 5. Customer enthusiasm is equal to customer satisfaction
not just the lowest cost. continuously monitor and control.
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The 1st International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (IConBEM 2020)
February 1st 2020, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia