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Introduction to Risk
The term ‘Risk’ can be broadly defined as the degree of uncertainty about future net returns. Following
are the related terms:
Credit risk relates to the potential loss due to the inability of a counterpart to meet its obligation.
Operational risk takes into account the errors that can be made in instructing payments or settling
Liquidity risk is caused by an unexpected large and stressful negative cash flow over a short period.
Market risk estimates the uncertainty of future earnings, due to the changes in market conditions.
Broadly, the standard deviation of the variable measures the degree of risk inherent in the variable.
Say, the standard deviation of returns from the assets owned by you is 50%, and the standard deviation of
returns from assets I own is 0%. We can say that risk of my assets is zero.
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Introduction to Risk (Cont.)
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Mean – Variance Framework
Return = Mean
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Return and Risk
As the volatility of the portfolio can be calculated from the following expression:
22 22
σportfolio = wσ+
aa wσ + bb
2w w ∗ σabab
∗σ∗ρ ab
The Portfolio Mean with n investments can be calculated as: μP = � wiμi
The Portfolio Standard Deviation (Volatility) with n investments can be calculated as:
σP = � � wiwjσiσjρij
i=1 j=1
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Mean – Variance Framework Limitations
Minimum Variance Portfolios:
Mean, Standard Deviation, and correlation between different investment returns is consistent.
Standard deviation is not the right measure for risk for non-normal distributions (non – symmetrical).
In real world, financial assets may have fatter tails and skew which defies the assumption of normal distribution
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Value at Risk (VaR)
Value at Risk (VaR) has become the standard measure that financial analysts use to
quantify this risk.
VAR represents maximum potential loss in value of a portfolio of financial instruments with a
given probability over a certain time horizon.
In simpler words, it indicates how much a financial institution can lose with probability (p)
over a given time horizon (T).
Say, the 95% daily VAR of your assets is $120, then it means that out of those 100 days
there would be 95 days when your daily loss would be less than $120. This implies that
during 5 days you may lose more than $120 daily.
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Visualizing VAR
0.45 Probability
95% daily-VAR
0.05 Z values
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Mean = 0
The colored area of the normal curve constitutes 5% of the total area under the curve.
There is 5% probability that the losses will lie in the colored area, i.e., more than the VAR number.
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Visualizing VAR
Confidence (x%) ZX%
90% 1.28
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Measuring Value-at-Risk (VAR)
-4 -2 0 2 4
Mean = 0
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Measuring Value-at-Risk (VAR) (Cont.)
ZX% : the normal distribution value for the given probability (x%) (normal distribution has mean as 0 and s
VAR in absolute terms is given as the product of VAR in % and Asset Value:
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Measuring Value-at-Risk (VAR) (Cont.)
This comes from the known fact that the n-period volatility equals 1-period volatility multiplied by the squa
2 2 2 2
VaRportfolio(in 𝑋) = 𝑤𝑤(
a 𝑋VAR a )+ w(𝑋VA
b R ) + b2w w ∗ (ab
𝑋VAR )∗ (𝑋aVAR )∗ 𝜌𝜌b ab
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Value-at-Risk Measurement Methods
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Linear and Non-Linear Assets
Linear: When the value of the delta is constant for any change in the underlying –
Non Linear: When the value of the delta keeps on changing with the change in the
underlying asset –
Options are non-linear assets, where delta-normal method cannot be used as they assume the
linear payoff of the assets.
To calculate the VAR for non-linear assets, full revaluation of the portfolio needs to be done.
Monte Carlo methods or Historical Simulation are commonly used to fully reevaluate the portfolio.
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Delta Normal VAR: VaR for Linear Derivatives
k Share/asset price
Long position
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Delta Normal VAR: VaR for Non-Linear Derivatives
Full Valuation method is the process of measurement of risk of a portfolio by fully re-pricing it
under a set of scenarios over a time period. It can be used to cover a large range of values
of the portfolio returns in order to provide more accurate results. It generally provides more
accurate results compared to delta normal approach, but it is a complicated process.
Two popular methods under full revaluation approach have been explained in the
subsequent slides.
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Quantifying Volatility in VAR Model: Fat Tails
Market conditions may cause the mean and variances to change over the period of time, which leads to fa
-4 -2 0 2 4
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Quantifying Volatility in VAR Model: Fat Tails (Cont.)
The fat-tailed unconditional distribution can be broken down into two conditional distributions, either with
Many a times, when we observe marked differences between the estimated and actual volatilities, it’s a re
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VAR Methods for Estimating Risk
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