Summary 1
Summary 1
Summary 1
Jordan McLeod
Fluid and Electrolytes I [L2]
Fluid Balance
• Work out net fluid intake = total intake – total
total losses
• Is it sufficient enough to balance the insensible
1. Water Regulation
• Water Loss = ↑ ECF osmolality
1. Stimulation of vasopressin release = renal water retention
2. Stimulation of hypothalamic thirst centre = ↑ water intake
3. Redistribution of water from ICF = ↑ ECF water potential
= restoration of ECF osmolality
Fluid Loss
Low osmotic pressure + high water potential lost = Water content
in relation to sodium is greater
• ↑ Osmolality of ECF
• movement of water from ICF to ECF
• Signs of reduced ECF vol minimal = circulatory failure is
late sign
1. Diabetes Insipidus
2. Diabetes Mellitus - Osmotic diuresis
3. Excessive sweating
4. Cessation of water intake with ongoing obligatory water loss
5. Hyperventilation or assisted ventilation
1. Haemorrhage
2. Burns
3. GIT loss – diarrhoea, vomiting
4. Renal loss – diuretics
5. Effusion of ECF into body spaces – hematoma, ascites
2. Sodium Distribution
• ECF = 135-145 mmol/L
• ICF = 4-10 mmol/L
• intake = 100-200 mmol/24h
• obligatory sodium loss < 20mmol/24h
• maintained by active pumping of Na+ (out of cell) from ICF → ECF by Na+,K+-ATPase
Understand the concept of osmolality and osmolarity and how they can be useful in the patient
• Osmolality
o physical property of a solution
o [solutes] millimoles
kg of solvent (w/w)
o parameter to which the hypothalamus responds
o Exclusion of pseudohyponatraemia
• Osmolarity
o Measure of solutes reported in milliosmoles per liter (w/v)
o 2[Na+] + [urea] + [glucose]
• Osmolal gap (OG)
o Osmolality – osmolarity
o OG elevated with ↑ in other osmoles
▪ Renal Failure
▪ Lactic acidosis (OG > 10)
▪ Ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol (OG > 15)
• Most common
• < 130mmol/L = clinically significant
• Assess:
1. Serum [Na+]
2. Serum Osmolality
3. Volume Status
4. urine [Na+]
• Losing Sodium vs Gaining Water
u-[Na+] < 25
1. Diarrhoea
2. Hypotonic
skin losses
3. 3rd space
NB: skeletal
#, GIT
1. Diuretics 1. Replace 1. Rehydration
2. Fluid Restriction deficient using NaCl
3. Dialysis for hormones
renal failure 2. Fluid restriction /
vaptans (ADHR
3. SIADH =
1. Carcinoma [NB]
a. Bronchus
b. Carcinoid
c. breast pancreatic
2. Pulmonary
a. TB
b. Pneumonia
c. Aspergillosis
3. CNS disorders
a. Encephalitis
b. Meningitis
c. Brain tumour / abscess / haemorrhage
Diagnostic Criteria
1. Hyponatraemia (<135 mmol/L) *follow the approach
2. ↓ s-Osmolality (<270 mOsm/kg)
3. Clinically euvolemic
4. u-[Na+] > 40 mmol/L
5. u-osmolality > 100 mOsm/kg
6. No evidence of renal, cardiac, adrenal, pituitary or thyroid disease and pt not taking diuretics
• > 160mmol/L = clinically significant
• less common
o Hypernatraemia seldom occurs in:
▪ Alert patients
▪ Intact thirst mechanism
▪ Access to water
▪ ability to drink water
• Assess
1. Serum [Na+]
2. Volume status
3. Urine [Na+]
• Losing water vs gaining sodium
1. Iatrogenic u-osmolality < 500 u-[Na+] > 40
- Hypertonic NaCl Renal Losses Renal Losses
- Dialysis 1. Diabetes Insipidus: 1. Osmotic Diuresis
- NaHCO3 - Central: ADH deficiency 2. Polyuric phase of acute
2. Sea water ingestion - Nephrogenic: resistance tubular necrosis
[Na+] = 350 – 500 mmol/L to ADH
3. Overconcentrated milk u-[Na+] < 25
formula u-osmolality > 500 Extra-renal causes
Extra-renal losses 1. Osmotic diarrhoea
1. Insensible Losses 2. Insensible losses
Cerebral Adaptation
• Hyponatraemia in ECF = ↑ water potential therefore water will move into ICF
• Influx of water and swelling of brain cells → Cerebral Oedema
• within hrs → ADAPTATION starts → 2-3 days established
o Secreting osmolytes out of brain cells into ECF to ↑ its water potential in order to prevent
influx of water
o RAPID CORRECTION → Central pontine myelinolysis
• Hypernatraemia in ECF = ↓ water potential therefore water will move into ECF
• efflux of water and dehydration of brain cells
• ADAPTATION Established by 2-3d
o Accumulating intracellular osmolytes to ↓ its water potential and avoid water moving out
of the cell
Cerebral Complications
1. Acute Hypernatraemia
a. Cerebral dehydration causes the brain to pull away from the meninges → rupturing
meningeal vessels
2. Cerebral Pontine Myelinosis
a. spastic quadriplegia
b. pseudobulbar palsy
c. cognitive changes
3. Cerebral Oedema
a. compression of the brain against the rigid vault of the skull
Fluid and Electrolytes II [L4]
Identify the FACTORS driving the redistribution of potassium between extracellular and intracellular
1. pH effect
a. Acidosis = HYPERkalaemia
i. H+ ions displace K+ into ECF
ii. Competition between K+ and H+ ions for
renal excretion = ↑↑H+ will be excreted and
the less K+ will be excreted
b. Alkalosis = HYPOkalaemia
i. Metabolic alkalosis
ii. In attempt to correct alkalosis → H+ shifts
into ECF in exchange for K+ (into cell)
c. *Exception: Acidosis with HYPOkalaemia
i. Diarrhoea
ii. Renal Tubular Acidosis
2. Temperature effect
a. Na/K ATPase pump is energy dependent ↓pH = ↑ K+ ↓temp = ↑K+
b. Recommended storing temp = 25°
c. ↓ temp inhibits glycolysis = HYPERkalaemia ↑pH = ↓K+ ↑temp = ↓K+
d. ↑ temp at 37° glycolysis occurs = HYPOkalaemia
↑ glycolysis = ↑ energy = ↑ pump activity = ↑ INTRACCELLULAR K+ = HYPOkalaemia
3. Insulin
a. K+ INTO cells = HYPOkalaemia
i. ↑ activity of Na/K pump
ii. K+ phosphorylated to glucose-6-phophate
4. B adrenergic agonists
a. enhance uptake INTO cells by stimulating
glycogenolysis = HYPOkalaemia
5. Digoxin
a. Na+K+ATPase pump inhibition = HYPERkalaemia
6. Hypokalaemia
a. enhances K+ efflux
b. Hyperpolarizes cells → difficult to initiate action
potential → SLOWS / BLOCKS nerve conduction
i. muscle weakness
ii. diastolic cardiac arrest
7. Hyperkalaemia
a. Opposes K+ efflux
b. Depolarises cell → Hyperexcitable state
i. Ectopic beats
ii. Ventricular fibrillation
iii. Asystole
Hypokalaemia Causes:
• s-K+ <3.5 mmol/L • Metabolic Alkalosis
• Insulin
• Catecholamines: B adrenergic
• Leukemia
agonists and alpha antagonists
o uptake of K+ by abn leucocytes
• Seasonal Hypokalaemia
o temperature effects → high temperature
1. Excess losses from GIT or kidney >> most common
GIT losses
s-[K+] ↓
• Chronic Diarrhoea → more direct loss → metabolic acidosis
• Chronic laxative abuse u-[K+] ↓↑
• Vomiting → metabolic alkalosis → hypokalaemia
metabolic alk / acidosis
• Gastric suction
• Fistula – discharge small intestinal contents u- [Cl-] ↓
• Villous adenoma of colon (massive K+ loss) → rare
Renal losses
• Direct mineralocorticoid effects on K+ secretion by DCT
o Primary hyperaldosteronism
s-[K+] ↓
o Cushing syndrome
o CAH u-[K+] ↑
o Renin-secreting tumour
metabolic alkalosis
• Congenital and acquired renal tubular diseases
o Renal Tubular Acidosis u- [Cl-] ↑
o Fanconi Syndrome (wasting K+, glucose, UA, amino acid and
• Drugs
o Diuretics >> most common
o Amphotericin B
2. Inadequate dietary K+
• Severe malnutrition
o starvation
o alcoholism
• Pareneral nutrition without adequate K+ supplementation
o TPN ++ glucose → release insulin → ↓ K+
Clinical Manifestations
Mild hypoK+ (3-3.5) rarely causes symptoms
<3.0 mmol/L:
1. Muscle weakness, cramps, fasciculation → risk of paralysis and respiratory failure
2. Polyuria dt impairment of renal concentration (can’t reabsorb water)
3. Cardiac block
ECG Changes
1. Prolonged PR interval
2. T-wave flattening / low ST segment
3. U-waves
• K+ administration
o replace
▪ orally ideally
▪ slowly IVI < 20mmol/hr in dilute solution < 40 mmol/L
o monitor plasma K+ regularly
• ± Continuous ECG monitoring
• Treat the cause
1. s-K+ levels
2. u-K+ levels
3. pH – metabolic alkalosis or acidosis?
4. u-Cl- levels
• plasma K+ > 5.5 mmol/L
1. From excess total body K+ stores / intake
a. rarely occurs unless
i. In renal impairment
ii. K+ sparing diuretics
2. Abnormal movement of K+ out of cells
a. Metabolic acidosis
b. Hyperglycemia dt insulin deficiency
c. Moderately heavy exercise
d. Digoxin intoxication
e. Cell damage from trauma → K+ leaks
f. Acute intravascular hemolysis *lysis of cells release K+
g. Rhabdomyolysis
h. Tumour lysis syndrome
3. Impairment of renal K+ excretion → OLIGURIA *↑s-creat ↑s-urea
i. Hypovolaemic shock → ↓ renal perfusion → acute tubular necrosis → ↓ excretion of
b. Chronic Renal Failure
c. K+ sparing diuretics – Spironolactone: inhibit aldosterone action (inhibits sodium retention
therefore excretion of sodium and spares K+)
d. Adrenal insufficiency – aldosterone deficiency
i. Addisons Disease
1. Orthostatic hypotension → ↓ ECF volume due to Na+ and H2O loss
2. Pigmentation of buccal mucosa, palmar creases and scars
3. ACTH stimulation test +ve
4. Anti-adrenal antibodies detected
e. Hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism – DM
4. Drugs
a. ACE inhibitors – inhibits conversion of Angiotensin I → Angiotensin II therefore aldosterone
not stimulated to retain Na+ and excrete K+
b. B blockers - ↓ uptake of K+ during glycogenolysis
c. Spironolactone - K+ sparing diuretics
d. Digoxin – NA/K ATPase inhibitor
f. Cyclosporine
g. Lithium
h. Heparin
i. Succinylcholine
Clinical Manifestations
• Muscle Weakness, tingling, numbness
• Mental confusion*
• Cardiac Toxicity
o ventricular fibrillation
o Asystole in marked hyperK+ > 6.5
ECG Changes
1. Absent P waves
2. Prolonged PR interval
3. Widened QRS complex
4. ST depression
5. Peaked T wave
Know the pathophysiology of Zollinger Ellison syndrome and what diagnostic lab test to use
Zollinger Ellison
• Caused by gastrin secreting tumour → often malignant
o Pancreatic
o Bowel wall
• Severe duodenal ulceration with diarrhoea
• s-[Gastrin] > 500 ng/L 40% have 100 - 500
• 20% have parathyroid and pituitary adenomas → MEN I (3Ps: pancreatic, parathyroid, pituitary)
• Treatment:
o Surgical
o H2 receptor antagonists
Select the appropriate diagnostic lab test for coeliac disease Autoimmune intestinal disorder
• epithelial damage → tissue
Coeliac Disease transglutaminase
• sensitivity to gliadin in gluten in wheat → • immune response by gut derived T
Clinical Picture • Inflammation of small intestine
• Chronic Diarrhoea with malabsorption
• Malabsorption
• Weight Loss Anaemia Workup:
• Failure to thrive • MCV and MCH
• Abdominal Distension • Reticulocytes Production Index
• Fe deficiency anaemia → Workup • Peripheral Smear
• A/w: Type 1 DM and other autoimmune d/o • Iron, folate + B12
• Serology while on gluten-containing diet
o Antibodies:
▪ IgA EMA = IgA endomysial antibody → mostly IgA because it is the mucosal Ab
▪ IgA tTG = IgA tissue transglutaminase antibody
▪ (Anti-gliadin Ab no longer advised)
▪ In selective IgA deficiency → IgG tTG or EMA
• Confirm Diagnosis
o At least 3 jejunal biopsies
▪ Villous Atrophy
▪ ↑ intraepithelial lymphocytes
▪ Hyperplasia of the crypts
• Treatment
o Gluten free diet
Secretory Diarrhoea
• input exceeds reabsorption of fluids in colon → solutes derived from GIT secretions
1. Bacterial toxins (cholera, salmonella)
2. Tumour secreting peptide hormones eg. VIPoma, carcinoid tumour
a. U-5-hydroxy indoleacetic acid excretion*
b. Look for liver mets → ↑ ALP + GGT
3. Irritant laxatives (senna)
4. Malabsorption of BA and their conjugation to potent cathartics by bacterial flora (morning diarrhoea)
Osmotic Diarrhoea
• Diet-derived osmotically active particle
1. Osmotic laxatives (lactulose)
2. Impaired digestion of normal food constituents eg lactase deficiency, gastrinoma
3. Impaired absorption of digested food products
a. Mucosal damage → IBD
b. Rapid food transit through small bowel (IBS)
Acute Chronic
• ≤ 1 wk • ≥ 4 wks
• typically dt infectious causes • requires investigation
• self-limiting or easily managed with
• Hyperthyroidism
• Carcinoids
• VIPoma
• Pheochromocytoma
• pale, loose, floating, foul smelling stool
• Fat maldigestion / absorption
o pancreatic insufficiency
▪ Cx: Hyperglycaemia
o Lack of bile salts → obstructive jaundice
• Microscopic inspection of stool stained with lipohilic stain (sudan III)
• CONFIRMATION TEST: Low fecal elastase and ↑ fecal fat
Know how to calculate stool OSMOLAR GAP and its utility in the evaluation of chronic diarrhoea
i. Fecal pH: < 5.6 suggests carbohydrate malabsorption
1. H2 breath test – lactose
2. Lactase assay
ii. Fecal laxative Screening
1. High Mg output = inadvertent ingestion / laxative abuse
i. Exclude Infection = Fecal MC&S
ii. Imaging Studies
1. Chron’s
a. narrowing and ulceration of terminal ileum with an ileo-ileal fistula
iii. Selective testing:
1. Gastrin
2. Calcitonin
3. VIP
4. Somatostatin
5. Urine: 5-HIAA, metanephrine, histamine
6. TSH
7. ACTH stimulation
8. Serum protein electrophoresis
9. Immunoglobulins
iv. Trial of bile-acid-binding resin for BA diarrhoea
i. Fecal occult blood
1. IBD
2. Colon ca
d. Fecal fat & fecal elastase
e. Deficiency in:
i. Folate, Vit B12, Fe
Pernicious Anaemia
↓ Vit B12
Antiparietal Cell Antibodies
ii. Ca2+, Mg, PO4, total protein, pre-albumin & albumin
iii. Zinc
iv. Vit A, D, E, K (fat soluble)
Know the relevant biochemical abnormalities associated in severe acute or chronic diarrhoea
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
• Sporadic
• Familial
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
• Malignant disease
o humoral hypercalcaemia of malignancy (PTHrP)
o Widespread skeletal metastases (breast ca common)
o Haematological malignancy (multiple myeloma, adult T cell leukemia, lymphoma)
Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism
Occasionally the parathyroid glands become AUTONOMOUS → tertiary hyperparathyroidism
• massively elevated [PTH] → severe hypercalcaemia
• Rx: calcimimetic drugs or parathyroidectomy
Calcium PTH
Primary ↑ ↑
Secondary ↓/N ↑
(hyperparathyroidism dt
hypocalcaemia = could be
Tertiary ↑↑ ↑↑
Clinical Features
*be able to recognise clinical picture for case scenarios
Describe important considerations in MEASURING plasma calcium.
1. Hypoalbuminaemia
2. Renal Impairment
3. Hypomagnesaemia
4. Hypoparathyroidism
5. Vit D deficiency
6. VDDR type I and II
7. Osteoblastic mets
8. acute pancreatitis
9. multiple blood transfusions
10. inhibitors of bone resorption
11. Hyperphosphataemia
12. Cell lysis
13. Pseudohypoparathyroidism
• Fibroblast growth factor 23 → FGF23
o hormone secreted by OSTEOCYTES
when circulating concentrations of calcitriol and phosphate are INCREASED
o does NOT affect plasma calcium directly
o produced in hyperphosphataemia
o ↑ LOSS of phosphate through the kidneys by inhibiting the sodium-phosphate cotransporter
o Inhibits renal 1 alpha hydroxylase
o NET EFFECT → ↓ serum phosphate, phosphaturia and ↓ serum calcitriol
Describe CAUSES of hyperphosphataemia and hypophosphataemia.
1. Chronic Kidney Disease → renal insufficiency
2. Catabolic states: tumour lysis syndrome
3. Hypoparathyroidism / pseudohypoparathyroidism
4. Acromegaly
5. excessive phosphate intake / administration
6. Vit D intoxication
*↓ intestinal absorption, ↑ renal excretion or redistribution from ECF to ICF
1. Redistribution
a. DKA in recovery phase: increased uptake of phosphate into recovering tissues
b. Malnourished patients are given high energy intake
2. Renal Loss
a. primary hyperparathyroidism
b. renal tubular disease
c. diuretics
3. Decreased intake or absorption
a. vit D deficiency
b. alcohol withdrawal (and renal loss, alkalosis and refeeding)
c. Respiratory alkalalosis = formation of phosphorylated glycolytic intermediates
Clinical Effects
• SEVERE cases < 0.3 mmol/L
o muscle cells: muscle weakness or rhabdomyolysis
o red and white blood cells
o platelets
by limiting the formation of essential phosphate containing compounds such as ATP*
• Chronic hypophosphataemia: rickets and osteomalacia
• essential cofactor for many enzymes
• urinary excretion regulates its [] in ECF
Describe clinical and biochemical FEATURES of magnesium deficiency.
• similar to those of hypocalcaemia and indeed can cause hypocalcaemia because the secretion
of PTH is magnesium dependent
• Causes:
o prolonged diarrhoea, malnutrition and malabsorption
o alcoholis
o cirrhosis
o Hypoalbuminaemia leads to low plasma [Mg] → Mg binds albumin
Porphyrias [L8]
• Partial DEFICIENCY of one of the enzymes of porphyrin synthesis = ↓ HAEM
• ↑ metabolites before the enzyme block
• Result = excessive quantities of porphyrin precursors = ALA and PBG or porphyrins
Porphyrin Pathway
Need to know this pathway = Enzymes!!
→ Neuro-visceral manifestations
Negative feedback
→ Cutaneous manifestations
* ↑ Porphyrins = photosensitivity
• Major site of abnormal metabolism = hepatic or erythropoietic
2. Variegate Porphyria
• Protoporphyrinogen oxidase
o Cutaneous photosensitivity
o ↑↑ Protoporphyrinogen IX
• BUT protoporphyrinogen IX inhibits PBG deaminase
o ALSO get neuro-visceral manifestations
3. Hereditary Corporphyria
• Coproporphyrinogen oxidase
o Cutaneous photosensitivity
o ↑↑ Coproporphyrinogen IX
• BUT Coproporphyrinogen oxidase inhibits PBG deaminase
o ALSO get neuro-visceral manifestations
• ONLY present with cutaneous manifestations
Clinical Picture
• Shortly after birth with red-brown urine staining of nappies
• SEVERE photosensitivity
o extensive blistering + tissue destruction
o mutilation of digits and fcaes
• Abn hair growth – HYPERtrichosis
Secondary Porphyrias
1. Liver disease
a. impaired excretion of porphyrins
2. Bleeding ulcers may cause ↑ faecal porphyrins
a. breakdown of Hb in the gut
3. Lead poisoning
a. inhibits ALA dehydratase
b. inhibits Coproporphyrinogen oxidase and ferrochelatase
c. ↑↑ ALA, coproporphyrins AND red cell zinc protoporphrin
• ALA, PBG + uroporphyrin → WATER SOLUBLE
• Coproporphyrin is BOTH WATER and FAT soluble → urine AND feces
• Prorporphyrin is only FAT soluble → feces
1. Removal of precipitating factors
2. Supportive:
a. Maintenance fluids and electrolyte balance
b. adequate carb intake
c. IV haem arginate
d. Pain relief and anti-emetic
3. Avoid precipitants
4. Avoid direct sunlight
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology[L13]
The Purpose of TDM
2. Digoxin
• Mx of atrial fibrillation
• Renal Clearance*
• Acts by inhibiting the Na/K-ATPase pump
o Hypokalaemia potentiates digoxin
• Signs of Toxicity
o Dysrythmias* → confused with Cx of disease
• Assay Interference
o Digoxin toxicity → Rx antidigoxin antibodies → interfere with assay (endogenous substances
which bind to Ab used in immunoassays)
3. Lithium
• Rx: Hypomania, Mania, Prophylaxis in bipolar d/o
• Variable optimum therapeutic range
• Nephrotoxic* → diabetes insipidus
o excreted through kidneys
• Toxicity Rx → ↑ urinary excretion = Dialysis may be necessary
Metabolic Derangement of substances commonly assessed for toxicity
1. Paracetamol
• Metabolised→ glucuronidation and sulphation = harmless metabolites excreted in urine*
o NAPQI (N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine) formed and DETOXIFIED by conjugation with
o BUT glucuronidation and sulphation are saturable → excessive paracetamol intake =
↑ NAPQI → hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic
Signs of Toxicity
• < 24 h
o anorexia, nausea, vomiting
• 24-48h
o abdominal pain
o hepatic tenderness
o prolonged PT
o ↑ plasma aminotransferases and bilirubin
• > 48 h
o Jaundice
o Encephalopathy (NH3)
o Liver Failure
1. Acetaminophen levels sample < 4 hrs after ingestion
2. ↑ Prothrombin time → marker of severity
3. ↑ s-creat and metabolic acidosis → poor prognosis > 24 hrs after overdose
4. Always Test: acetaminophen levels, liver and renal function
5. Antidote: N acetylcysteine (promotes hepatic glutathione synthesis)
2. Salicylates
• Aspirin → hydrolysed to active metabolite *salicylic acid* excreted unchanged in urine
• ULN therapeutic range = 350 mg/L (higher doses → toxicity)
Signs of Toxicity
• Tinnitus → early sign
• Metabolic disturbances:
o Stimulation of resp centre → Respiratory Alkalosis
o Metabolic Acidosis
o Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation
o Stimulation of central emetic effect → vomiting → electrolyte disturbances
• Alkalanise urine → ↑ excretion in urine = salicylic acid is not ionized in an acidic environment and
unionized salicylic acid can be reabsorbed through tubular cells
o NaHCO3
o Urine pH > 7.5 but < 8.0
• Plasma Salicylic levels measured
3. Lead
• Common in children – ingestion of paint
• Adults – occupational inhalation
• Levels > 0.5 umol/L warrant further investigation
• Factory workers > 2.9 umol/L
• Symptoms at > 5 umol/L → in children MUCH lower
Signs of toxicity
• N+V
• Abdominal colic
• Severe → encephalopathy
• Convulsions
• Coma
• Intereferes with several steps of the porphyrin synthesis
1. Tests:
a. U-coporphyrin III
b. U-aminolaevulinic acid
c. Protoporphyrin in RBC
2. Rx: chelatin therapy - DMSA
4. Iron
• Toxicity → necrosis of GIT mucosa = haemorrhage, fluid and electrolyte loss
Signs of Toxicity
• Encephalopathy
• Circulatory Collapse
• Renal Failure
• Liver Necrosis
• Desferroxamine – iron chelating agent
• Hydration and avoid hypoglycaemia
5. Ethanol
• CNS depressant
Clinical Picture:
• metabolism ↑ lactate/pyruvate ratio
• hyperlactaemia
• inhibits gluconeogenesis → hypoglycaemia
• Chronic Ingestion:
o Ketoacidosis
o Hypertriiglyceridaemia
o Hypoglycaemia
o Hypogonadism
o Hyperuricaemia
o Pseudocushings
o Pophyria cutanea tarda
1. ↑ ethanol levels
2. ↑ GGT and ↑ mean cell volume
3. ↑ carbohydrate deficient transferrin → gold stnd for chronic ingestion
1. Alcohol dehydrogenase
Hormone functions:
• ↓ blood glucose
o insulin
• ↑ blood glucose
o glucagon
o cortisol
o catecholamines
o growth hormone
• Pancreatic B-cells when BG ↑
• Incretins also stimulate release (stimulated by food)
o GLP-1
• glycogen
o GIP (glucose dependent insulinotropic peptide)
• glucose → pyruvate
• lipids
o GLUT4 transporters and ↑ glucose uptake
• protein
o Glycogen synthesis → ↑ glycogen synthase
o Glycolysis = glucose → pyruvate --
(glucokinase, pyruvate kinase and • Glucose
phosphofructokinase) • Ketones
o Lipid synthesis → glycerol and fatty acids • Breakdown of glycogen,
o Protein synthesis → aa from Krebs cycle lipids, proteins
o ↓ Glycogenolysis, lipolysis, proteolysis
o ↓ Gluconeogenesis, ketogenesis
WHO guidelines:
• Shows glycaemic status → over 2-3months
• Normal HbA1c < 42 mmol/mol
• Diabetes likely > 48 mmol/mol
• Levels dependant on RBC lifespan and average BG
• 3 monthly HbA1c
o AIM < 53
• SELF monitoring with glucometer
o 5-7 mmol/L in morning
o 4-7 mmol/L before meals
o 5-9 mmol/L after meals
• Measure Urine or plasma ketones
o Urine Dipstick = may underestimate ketone load and severity of DKA
o Better → Plasma 3-OH-buturate at bedside with point of care ketone meter
(3-OH-B > acetoacetate in DKA because acetoacetate converts to 3-OH-B in acidosis)
• Screen for hyperlipidaemia
o ↑ LDL ↑ Triglycerides ↑ VLDL ↑ Chylomicrons
o ↓ Lipoprotein lipase
o ↓ Hormone sensitive lipase
o All diabetics should get STATINS
• Screen for diabetic nephropathy
o Urine albumin:creatinine ratio > 3 mg/mmol
o Serum creatinine and eGFR
• Screen for retinopathy and neuropathy → clinically
1. Replace insulin with short acting IV insulin
2. Replace lost electrolytes: Na+ and K+
3. Support kidney function
4. Maintain tissue perfusion
5. Treat precipitating cause
1. Reactive Hypoglycaemia
• Follows a stimulus
o Drugs
▪ Insulin
▪ Anti-diabetic
▪ B-blocker
▪ Salicylates
o Stress or illness
o Alcohol
o 90-150 min after a meal in post gastric surgery pts → dumping syndrome
o galactosaemia → inborn metabolic disease
2. Fasting Hypoglycaemia
• Insulinoma → tumour of pancreatic B cells
o BG < 3 with ↑ serum insulin, ↑ serum C-peptide and ↓ ketones
• MUST collect blood when pt has symptoms
o try after overnight fast or 6hrly during a 72 hr fast
• MUST exclude surreptitious use of anti-diabetic drugs
o urine sulphonylurea screen
o c-peptide ↓ if pt is secretly injecting insulin
Any serious illness, cancer or disease affecting counterregulatory hormones can cause hypoglycaemia
1. Hepatitis
2. Liver Cirrhosis → hypertension in portal venous system and cholestasis
3. Tumours
1. Albumin
a. Causes:
i. Chronic liver disease
ii. Negative acute phase reactant – decrease in [albumin] in inflammation
b. Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient
i. SAAG = serum albumin – ascites albumin
1. HIGH gradient > 1.1g/dL = PHTN and non-peritoneal cause of ascites
2. Low SAAG <1.1 g/dL = peritoneal cause
2. Clotting Factors
a. Prothrombin time → reflects activity of vit K dependent clotting factors synthesized by the
liver: II, VII, IX, X
i. Acute liver disease ↑ PT
ii. Vit K deficiency ↑ PT
iii. Malabsorption of fat
iv. ↓ BA synthesis
1. ↑ ALP / GGT
a. dt hepatocyte swelling compressing intra-hepatic bile ducts →
2. ↑ conjugated bilirubin
2. γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT)
• T1/2 = 4 days
>> ISOLATED GGT increase → usually dt enzyme induction (ethanol or drugs) NOT liver damage
NB: Urea cycle is impaired in patients with liver cirrhosis → AMMONIA enters the systemic circulation
• Porto-systemic shunting delivers ammonia straight into the systemic system
Lab Findings:
2. Conjugated Hyperbilirubinaemia
• Dark urine and pale stools
o ↑ urobilinogen into circulation
o ↓ stercobilin – obstruction does not allow bilirubin to reach gut
3. Delta Bilirubin
• Conjugated bilirubin covalently bound to albumin
o Longstanding CONJUGATED hyperbilirubinaemia
o ½ life similar to that of albumin therefore explaining why jaundice persists even with absence
of bilirubinuria
Interpret the biochemical patterns in liver disease.
Analyse and interpret a patient case study in conjunction with a LFT result.
Describe the clinical utility of catabolic and anabolic markers produced by the liver.
1. Jaundice?
a. Unconjugated or conjugated bilirubin?
2. Protein
a. Albumin – synthetic function
b. Total protein
c. Gamma globulin gap = If HIGH IGs
3. Clotting factors
a. prolonged PT – synthetic function
4. Hepatocyte damage
a. ALT predominantly
5. Cholestatic jaundice
a. mostly ALP and GGT
b. *malignancy → GGT shows hepatic origin
6. Haemolytic jaundice
a. LDH ↑
b. Haptoglobulin ↓
7. Acute liver failure
a. ↑ NH3
Renal Function Tests [L17]
Common Laboratory Tests
Urinalysis 1. Protein
2. Blood glucose
3. Ketones
4. Bilirubin
5. Hb
6. pH
7. SG
8. Nitrite
Routine Lab Tests 1. Blood urea and creatinine
2. Electrolytes
Others 1. Creatinine clearance and eGFR
2. Beta- 2 microglobulin
1. Proteinuria
3 choices to measure Proteinuria
1. Disptick
2. Total protein corrected for creatinine
3. Microalbuminaemia
• Dipstick → mostly +ve tests are benign
• GRADING of proteinuria is nb
• N urine protein < 150mg/day
o 20 % LMW → Igs
o 40 % HMW → albumin
o 40 % tubular mucoproteins
• Persistent proteinuria ≥ 1+
o Early sign of CKD
▪ diabetes nephropathy
▪ HT
▪ GN
• Proteinuria > 300 mg /day
o Random fresh urine sample
o Correction using creatinine
• Benign
• ↑ SENSITIVE test compared to dipstick
• detects low [albumin] in urine
• 30-300 mg/day or 20-200 ug/min
• Indication of EARLY nephropathy → used in screening for diabetic nephropathy
Tests Used
1. Urine Protein Electrophoresis
2. Electophoresis coupled with Immunofixation
2. Creatinine
• More SENSITIVE and SPECIFIC test of renal function than urea
o mainly filtered by the kidney
o small amount actively secreted too
o NO tubular reabsorption
• Dependant on muscle mass:
o Female = 45 - 90 umol/L
o Male = 60 – 110 umol/L
• alternative to CrCl → calculate estimate of the clearance from the s-creatinine
• Formula = MDRD (modification of diet in renal disease)→ 4 variables
o creatinine
o age
o corrective factors for:
▪ ethnicity
▪ gender
Midleading eGFRs
1. AKI
2. increased vol of distribution for creatinine → oedema of heart failure or nephrotic syndrome
3. pregnancy
4. ↑/↓ in muscle mass
5. extremes of age
6. ethnic groups
7. malnutrition and obesity
8. meat rich meal
9. drugs interfere with renal secretion of renal tubules
3. Cystatin C
>>Provide better estimated of GFR than those based on creatinine alone
• Correlates better with measured GFR than original MDRD formula esp for values > 60mL/min
• Variables: serum creatinine, sex, race
• Addition of [cystatin C] to the CKD-EPI improves the accuracy of eGFR BUT high cost restricts
• MAJOR USE of CKD-EPI: Screening Tool for CKD
5. B2-Microglobulin (B2M)
• good as a measure of GFR → similar to creatinine
• Prognostic marker in multiple myeloma
6. Urea
• Less specific than s-creat in assessing renal function:
o ECF vol
o protein intake and catabolism
o renal blood flow
• Plasma urea and creatinine more complete estimation* → urea:creatinine ratio
o HIGH urea>creat = pre-RF
▪ dehydration
Biochemical Indices
• Fractional excretion of Na (FENa)
o 100 x (uNa x PCr)
(PNa x UCr)
• Renal function index (RFI)
o (UNa x PCr)
• Urea:Creat
• Urinary Na: mmol/L
• Urinary Osmolality: mosmol/kg
• Urea:Creat ratio > 70
o Common in elderly
o Marker of ill health
• FE Na < 1 %
o diuretics increase excretion Na
o Secondary hyperaldosteronism (cirrhosis) → Na excretion is decreased
Renal Pathologies
Acute Kidney Injury
Pre-renal Intrinsic renal Post-renal
↓ renal blood flow Damage to kidneys Urinary tract obstruction
• Dehydration • glomerulonephritis • bilateral obstructing
• Hypotension • SLE kidneys tones
• Haemorrhage • Vasculitis • prostatic enlargement
• Septiceamia • Nephrotoxins: NSAIDs, • other urinary tract
• ↓ CO aminoglycosides, xray neoplasms
• Burns contrast • retroperitonela fibrosis
• Intra-renal obstruction: • neurogenic bladder
Bence Jones protein
• The higher the level of creatinine and the longer the
duration of oliguria = the worse the prognosis of AKI
• don’t need to memorise
Post-renal AKI
• obstruction to flow of urine = ↑ hydrostatic pressure in collecting ducts → secondary renal
tubular damage
• Obstruction that occurs above the level of urethral insertions in the bladder must be bilateral to
have a major effect on urine flow
• Complete anuria is rare with AKI from other causes and thus is strongly suggestive of obstruction
• More often, obstruction is either intermittent or incomplete, and urine production may even be
normal in obstruction with overflow
• The degree of reversibility of renal damage in obstructive kidney injury depends to some extent on
how longstanding the obstruction is
• More likely to be reversible if obstruction is acute
• ↓ eGFR
• ↑ albumin:creatinine ratios
1. ↓ Erythropoeitin
2. Calcitriol
3. Thyroid functions ± clinical abnormalities
4. Insulin
Interpretation of blood gas results → be able to identify simple acid base abnormalities
Metabolic Alkalosis
• Volume depletion
o pyloric stenosis
• Chronic alkali intake
• Potassium depletion
o inadequate intake
o mineralocorticoid EXCESS
▪ Conn syndrome
▪ Cushing’s syndrome
Respiratory Acidosis
“retaining CO2”
• Airway Obstruction
o Bronchospasm → asthma
o Aspiration
• Pulmonary disease
o Pulmonary fibrosis
o Severe pneumonia
• Depression of respiratory centre
o Anaesthetics
o Cerebral trauma
• Neuromuscular disease
o Guillian Barre syndrome
o Motor Neuron disease
Respiratory Alkalosis
“breathing off too much CO2”
Tyrosine residues
1. Trapping Iodine “trapped” → pumped into cell via Na/I transporter
• Activated: TSH ++ binds to TSH receptor, Graves Ab
• Inhibited: Iodine (-ve feedback), ClO4-
2. Iodide Oxidation TPO (thyroid peroxidase)
+ Organification → oxidises iodide
→ binds it to tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin Thyroglobulin:
→ Iodotyrosine: Protein made in
2 iodines = DIT ER + produced in
1 iodine = MIT vesicles →
TPO: exocytosed: ↑
Activated: TSH thyroglobulin in
Inhibited: Carbimazole, Propylthiuracil, Methimazole colloid
Iodides (Lugol’s solution) → interferes with
3. Coupling TPO catalyses → Iodotyrosines couple up: TPO catalyses:
DIT + DIT = 4 iodines → T4 • Oxidation
MIT + DIT = 3 iodines → T3 • Organification
• Coupling
4. Endocytosis Thyroglobulin + conjugated iodotyrosines
5. Proteolysis Thyroglobulin molecule is degraded
• Triiodothyronine (T3)
• Thyroxine (T4)
6. Secretion Activated: TSH
Inhibited: Iodine (Iodides: Lugol’s solution), Lithium
Taken up by carrier proteins:
1. Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG) –
↑↑ affinity: 70% + has 1 binding site
++ : estrogen → ↑ total T3 T4 but still euthyroid
- - : congenital TBG deficiency → ↓ total T3 T4 but still euthyroid
2. Transthyrotine
3. Albumin
Metabolism: Deiodinase
• T4 → T3
Causes and features of thyroid dysfunction and the INVESTIGATIONS that should be performed
when thyroid disease is suspected
Hypothyroidism vs Hyperthyroidism
CNS 1. Tiredness/lethargy 1. Hyperactive
2. Mood changes (depression) 2. Mood changes (anxiety, irritability)
3. Cold intolerance 3. Heat intolerance
4. Bradycardia 4. Tachy, Palpitations
CVS 5. Dyspnoea (CF)
5. Weight gain despite 6. Weight loss despite
6. ↓ appetite 7. ↑ in appetite
GI 7. Constipation 8. Diarrhoea
8. Menorrhagia 9. Oligomenorrhoea
10. ↓libido
9. Muscle weakness 11. Tremors
GU 12. Proximal weakness
Inspection Inspection
1. Facial and eyelid oedema 1. Staring/ unblinking
Msk 2. Obesity 2. Eye Sx:
3. Dry thin hair [5] Lid retraction, Exopthalmos,
4. Loss of outer 1/3 of eyebrow chemosis, opthalmoplegia,
5. “Peaches & cream” complexion proptosis
Palpation 3. Thin (↓BMI)
6. Muscle weakness 4. Alopecia
7. Cold peripheries 5. Face appears flushed
8. Oedema Palpation
9. Hyporeflexia 6. Proximal myopathy
10. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 7. Warm + sweaty palms
Auscultation 8. Tremors
11. Bradycardia 9. Clubbing / onycholysis
10. Pre-tibial myxoedema
11. Hyperreflexia
12. Tachycardia @ rest ± Afib
Causes Hypothyroidism
1° Hypothyroidism
Acute Sub-acute Subacute Hashimoto’s Reidels
Granulomatous Lymphocytic Thyroiditis
Bacterial infection Viral infection Autoimmune Autoimmune Fibrous tissue
- staph - coxsackie / (atrophic) inflammation – replaces thyroid
mumps ± postpartum dense lymphocytic tissue (rare)
De Quervain’s Microsomal Microsomal auto-Ab
disease autoantibodies - anti-TG
- anti-TPO
Initially = Thyroid Damage and inflammation→ ↑ thyroxine release –
Later = Hypothyroidism as the gland is progressively destroyed
Therefore: Hypothyroidism is preceded by hyperthyroidism
Pain ++ URTI → painful a/w: a/w
Fever thyroid - vitiligo other sclerosing
Cervical - pernicious
Lymphadenopathy anaemia
- Addisons
- Down Syndrome
- Turners
- Klinefelter
PAINFUL painless
↓ Iodine uptake Mutinucleated Microsomal auto-
giant cells Ab
- lacks germinal
Rx: penicillin / Self limiting ↑↑ risk of B cell Rx:
ampicillin malignant corticosteroids
lymphoma with Tamoxifen
longstanding Surgery
Other Causes:
• Drugs
o Amiodarone → inhibits D1 → ↓ uptake of iodine by the cell
o Lithium → ↓ secretion
o Sulphonylureas
• Iodine deficiency → most common cause of goitre
• Neoplasms
• Iatrogenic → post-thyroidectomy + irradiation
2° Hypothyroidism
• Hypopituitarism
• Hypothalamic Dysfunction
• Isolated TSH deficiency
Causes Hypethyroidism
1° Hyperthryoidism
Graves Disease Toxic Multinodular Goitre Toxic Adenoma
Autoimmune disease IODINE deficiency Solitary secreting adenoma,
Antibody (thyroid stimulating IgG Longstanding non-toxic goitre→ TSH secretion + the remainder
antibody) targets TSH receptor constant hyperplasia + evolution of the gland is suppressed
(anti-TSH)→ activates it and → autonomous nodules become
STIMULATES ++ TSH hyperactive and function
independently of TSH levels
o Exophthalmos: adipose + “Plummer’s Disease”: single
glycosaminoglycan toxic nodule (adenoma) present
deposition behind eye with the b/g of a suppressed
- proptosis + mm weakness multinodular goitre
o Myxoedema: deposition of
multipolysaccharides in Eye signs are rare in these pts
o Thyroid acropathy: ↑
deposition in extremities
o Bruit: vascularity
↓ TSH ↑ iodine uptake: hot nodules – ↑ iodine uptake: 1 hot nodule
↑ T4 multiple patchy areas and remainder of the gland is
↑ iodine uptake: cold
1. Medical
o Antithyroid Drugs → Thioamides: Carbimazole, Propylthiuracil, Methimazole
➔ Inhibit TPO: oxidation, organification, coupling
➔ PTU also inhibits D1 which inhibits T4 → T3 conversion
Hypersensitivity reaction: rash
Cholestatic hepatitis
MMI not used in pregnancy → cretinism
PTU can be used “p for pregnancy”
o Iodine
o Destroy gland using radioactive iodine
→ Pt rendered euthyroid then:
2. Surgical
o Thyroidectomy
o Toxic adenoma – hemithyroidectomy
o + adjuvant radioactive radio-iodine ablation
Thyroid storm:
1. Propanolol: Beta blocker + blocks deidonase
2. Lugol’s solution
3. Thioamides
4. Glucocorticoids
5. Diltiazem (CCB)
2° Hyperthyroidism
• TSH secreting pituitary adenoma – TSH ↑ despite ↑ T3 + T4
• Gestational thyrotoxicosis - ↑ HCG stimulates TSH receptors
• Neoplasms – metastatic thyroid ca
When is TSH first line not ideal? (should do more tests – not TSH alone)
• Symptomatic pt on first presentation
• Optimising treatment
• Screening and monitoring in pregnancy
• Dx and monitoring of hypopituitarism
• Dx of TSHoma and thyroid hormone resitance
Other tests:
1. Thyroid ca – follicular ca: thyroglobulin used as a marker
2. TRH test – secondary hyperthyroidism
a. TSH oma or thyroid hormone resistance
b. TRH injected and assess TSH level
3. Antithyroid peroxidase antiobodies: auto-immune thyroiditis
4. TSH receptor antibodies: Graves disease
How to interpret the results of thyroid function tests both for diagnosis and monitoring the patient
1. T4 replacement therapy
2. Once stabilised annual check*
Subclinical Disease
The concept of subclinical thyroid disease and when treatment should be implemented in such pts
• Calcitonin + CEA
• Screen: serum / urine metanephrines / normetanephrines
• Hypocholesterolaemia
• Hyperglycaemia / impaired glucose tolerance
• Hypercalcaemia
• ↑ SHBG
• Abnormal liver function tests
• Hypercholesterolaemia
• Hyperprolactinaemia
• ↑ CK
• Hyponatraemia
• ↓ SHBG
*BIOTIN SUPPLEMENTS → can affect immunoassay lab results – think of it if you get an abnormal result
that doesn’t match the clinical picture
Bones and Joints [L23]
Metabolic Bone Disease
**NB: alkaline phosphatase
Calciopenic rickets
• Dietary deficiency
• Lack of sunlight
• Malabsorption of Vit D
o Vit D dependent type I = ↓ 1 ᾳ hydroxylase Inheritance of type I
o Type II – resistance to calcitriol actions and II = AR
▪ Impaired production of calcitriol or resistance to its
• In CKD → impaired production of calcitriol
• Anticonvulsants
• Fanconi syndrome
• RTA type 1
• Hypophosphataemic “vit D resistant” rickets
>> these disorders activate fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) → NB stimulator of renal phosphate loss
and ↓ calcitriol formation
• Measurement of plasma FGF23 and tubular reabsorption of phosphate:
o tumour induced osteomalacia
o genetic disorders
• Ddx: Hypophosphatasia
o rare inherited d/o → resembles rickets
o ↓↓ ALP
List clinical and biochemical features of rickets and osteomalacia
• Bone pain and tenderness + skeletal deformities
• proximal muscle weakness
• 50% Hypocalcaemia
• 50% Normal [calcium] dt secondary hyperparathyroidism
• Biochemical monitoring is through measurement of
o plasma calcium
o plasma phosphate
o For rare inherited disease: plasma 25 hydroctcholecalciferol or calcitriol
2. Osteoporosis
• reduced bone mass and abnormalities of bone
• defined as a bone mineral density > 2.5 standard deviations
below mean for young people or by the occurrence of atypical
o vertebral, neck
o colles fracture of distal radius
o femoral neck
• bone loss as a result of ↓↓ in osteoblastic activity in relation
to osteoclastic activity
Risk Factors
• Ageing
• Postmenopausal oestrogen deficiency
Provide an approach to the biochemical work-up of a patient with osteoporosis.
*International osteoporosis foundation → endorsed use of CTX and P1NP in clinical trials
1. RF management
2. Oral cholecalciferol
3. Dietary calcium > calcium supplements (increase cardiovascular risk)
4. Bisphosphonates → reduce osteoclastic activity
3. Pagets Disease
• unknown aetiology → ?paramyxovirus
• ↑↑ osteoclastic activity
• new bone formed is abnormal and laid down in disorganized fashion
• Bones become thickened, deformed and painful
o Pelvis, spine, skull, femurs
• Disease of the elderly
Clinical Picture
List features of Paget’s disease.
1. Deformity
2. Pathological #
3. Compression of adjacent tissues → auditory nerves = deafness
4. Steal syndrome: increased vascularity of abnormal bone diverts blood from tissues → ischaemia
5. Osteosarcoma
Metabolic Picture
1. Plasma ALP is ↑↑ → markedly (10 x ULN)
2. Plasma calcium and phosphate are usually normal
a. ± Hypercalcaemia if pt is immobilized
5. Osteopetrosis
• affects number or function of osteoclasts
• present in infancy with poor growth ad blindness or deafness → CN entrapment
Articular Disease
• OA, RA and GOUT
o role of biochemistry in Mx is limited
▪ Measurement of CRP to monitor inflammatory conditions
>> mediated by a host of cytokines (eg. IL-6), tumour necrosis factor and vasoactive substances
↑↑ in plasma [CRP]
↑↑ plasma [procalcitonin]
↑↑ protease inhibitors
↑↑ caeruloplasmin
↑↑ ᾳ1 acid glycoprotein
↑↑ fibrinogen
→ at the same time there are decreases in negative acute phase proteins
↓↓ albumin
↓↓ prealbumin
↓↓ transferrin
as a result of ↑ vascular permeability, mediated by prostaglandins and histamine
• can ↑↑ 30 fold from normal value of < 5 mg/L during acute phase response. → valuable marker
o esp in monitoring pts with inflammatory conditions such as RA and Crohns Disease
• more sensitive and more specific than ESR and plasma viscosity
• begins to rise at about 6hr after the initiation of an acute phase response
• reaches peak after 48hr
• then falls if inflammatory stimulus remits
• Raised CRP:
o Evidence of an inflammatory response!!
▪ NOT viral infections or autoimmune
o “High sensitivity CRP” (measuring lower concentrations] → useful marker of cardiovascular
Procalcitonin is an APR
• plasma concentration increases to particularly high levels in response to infection
• NOT a substitute for CRP BUT
o can provide additional information because higher sensitivity and specificity for bacterial
infection than CRP and to be a better prognostic indicator
List biochemical features of gout and other crystal arthropathies.
1. Monitored:
a. plasma calcium, phosphate, PTH, Alkaline phosphatase
2. Avoid Hyperphosphatemia and Hypocalcaemia
a. oral phosphate binder
b. oral calcitriol
Interpretation, analysis and evaluation of clinical cases and biochemical data in case-based format
Acute Coronary Syndrome [L24]
Draw an annotated diagram describing the processes involved an atherosclerosis
Give 3rd universal definition of acute myocardial infarction.
• Typical rise and fall in troponin with at least 1 value > 99th percentile measured with highly
sensitive assay
1. Symptoms of ischaemia
2. New significant ST-T changes or new LBBB
3. Development of pathological Q waves
4. Imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocard or new regional wall motion abnormality
5. Identification of an intracoronary thrombus by angiography or autopsy
Know the different investigations and diagnostic tests used in the assessment of patients
presenting with an acute coronary syndrome.
1. ECG!!
a. do ECG on any pt > 45yr with thoracoabdominal discomfort
b. Confirms STEMI > 80% BUT not a good rule out test →need cardiac biomarkers to rule out
ACS if ecg is unremarkable
2. Cardiac Troponin is the ONLY biomarker to be tested in pts with suspected MI
List the reasons why troponin is the only recommended biochemical test used to diagnose acute
myocardial infarction.
1. Superior sensitivity and accuracy
2. Cardio-specific, heart is the only source
3. Serum levels start increasing within 3-12 hrs of onset of chest pain, peak at 24-48hrs and normalize
over 7-14 days
a. elevation in troponin visible 2-4 hrs after initial occlusion event
b. 80% pts with ACS have elevated troponin within 2-3 h of emergency department arrival
c. can be diagnosed in late presenters → remains elevated for 7-10 d
Classify the different acute coronary syndromes using ECG and troponin results
Troponin ECG
Unstable Angina N Non-specific
Non ST-elevation MI ↑ ST depression
ST-elevation MI ↑ ST elevation
• Actin-Myosin Complex
Name the different troponins and describe how they are associated with the contractile apparatus.
• TnT
Understand that there are different troponin assays each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
What is the 99th percentile and why is it important when looking at troponin results?
Discuss why it is important for a doctor to know which assay is being offered in his/her local laboratory.
Understand how to use ECG and troponin testing to diagnose and manage patients with acute
coronary syndromes.
• ECG:
▪ Pathalogical Q-wave
▪ ST elevation
▪ ST depression → followed by:
▪ T inversion
▪ *no development of Q wave
• Troponin:
o ↑
Draw a diagram of the recommended testing algorithm to be followed when evaluating a patient
with an acute coronary syndrome
Troponin Testing:
Understand the different mechanisms that may be responsible for symptoms in patients presenting with an
1. Heart Diseases
a. Myocarditis
b. Pericarditis
c. Tachyarrythmia
d. Acute heart failure
e. LVH
f. Cardiomyopathy
g. Endocarditis
2. Others:
a. Hypotension / Shock
b. PE
c. Stroke
d. Acute aortic dissection
e. Sepsis
f. Pulmonary hypertension
g. Chronic Kidney Disease
What is the mechanism for troponin elevation in patients with chronic renal
Describe how acute myocardial infarction should be ruled out in patients with persistent troponin
Understand the exogenous and endogenous pathways involved in transportation of lipids in the body.
Functions of apoproteins
• ApoA I-II structural protein for HDL
▪ Apo I activates LCAT
• ApoB 48 structural protein for CM
• ApoB 100 structural protein for VLDL, LDL, IDL, Lp
▪ Binding ligand to LDL receptor
• Apo C II Cofactor for LPL
• Apo E Ligand for binding to LDL → CM, IDL, HDL
• ApoA-I
• ApoA-II
• ApoC-I
• ApoC-II
• ApoE
• reduces LDLR levels on the plasma membrane. Reduced LDLR levels result in decreased
metabolism of LDL-particles, which could lead to hypercholesterolaemia
1. Total Cholesterol
2. Triglycerides
3. HDL cholesterol
4. LDL cholesterol
Describe how the lipogram results should be used to determine a patient’s 10-year risk of an
adverse cardiac event.
• ↑ Chol
• ↑ TGs
• or both
Know how to diagnose the primary dyslipidaemias.
Know the common secondary causes of dyslipidaemia and how to diagnose them.
List the medical conditions that can result in secondary dyslipidaemia, and indicate which
lipoprotein fractions are elevated in each.
1. Hypothyroidism ↑ LDL TG
2. Insulin resistance ↑ LDL TG
3. Uncontrolled DM ↑ LDL TG
4. Obesity ↑ LDL TG
5. Alcohol abuse ↑ TG
6. Obstructive liver dis ↑ LDL TG
7. CKD ↑ LDL
8. Nephrotic Syndrome ↑ LDL
List the medications that can result in secondary dyslipidaemia and indicate which lipoprotein
fractions are elevated in each.
1. Thiazide diuretics
2. B blockers
3. Anticonvulsants
5. COC
6. glucocorticoids
7. Anabolic steroids, androgen
8. Retinoids
9. Immunosuppresants
1. Control cause of secondary hypercholesterolaemia
2. diet and lifestyle counselling
3. address other risk factors
4. primary prevention of atherosclerotic heart disease
a. establish treatment targets based on Framingham score
List the primary dyslipidaemias and indicate which lipoprotein fractions are elevated in each.
1. ↑ LDL
a. Familial hypercholesterolaemia
b. Familial defective apoB-100
c. FH dt PCSK9 activating mutations
d. Familial combined hyperlipidaemia (VLDL + LDL)
e. Polygenic hypercholesterolaemia
2. ↑ VLDL and CM
a. Familial hypertriglyceridaemia
b. Familial hyperchylomicronaemia
c. Familial combined hyperlipidaemia (VLDL + LDL)
3. IDL and CM remnants
a. Familial dysbetalipoproteinaemia
List the 3 primary dyslipidaemias that are commonly found in South Africa.
1. Familial Hypercholesterolaemia
Describe the pathogenesis of familial hypercholesterolaemia.
Describe the clinical presentation and lipogram findings of patients with familial
1. Clinical Presentation
a. Chronic xanthelasma
b. Tendon xanthomas
c. Arcus cornealis
2. Heterozygous more common
a. symptomatic CAD from early 20’s
b. total cholesterol 8 – 15 mmol/L
3. Homozygotes
a. childhood onset CAD
b. total cholesterol 20 – 26 mmol/L
3. Tendon xanthomas in pt or family member (parent, sibling, child, grandparent, aunt, uncle)
3. Familial hypertriglyceridaemia
• ↑ chylomicorns with
1. eruptive xanthomas,
2. retinal lipaemia
3. acute pancreatitis
• lipid-laden foam cells
4. Familial Hyperchylomicronaemia
• lipoprotein lipase or apoC-II deficiency
• Clinical picture
o eruptive xanthomas,
o retinal lipaemia,
o acute pancreatitis,
o hepatosplenomegaly
• Lipaemic plasma
• plasma TG > 10 mmol/L
5. Familial Dysbetalipoproteinaemia
• defective apoE causing remnant hyperlipoproteinaemia (IDL and CM remnants)
• Clinical picture:
o fatty palmar streaks
o eruptive xanthomas
• Additional test:
o lipid electrophoresis
o ApoE genotyping
Understand the role of laboratory testing in the therapeutic monitoring of patients receiving statin treatment.
1. Myopathy
2. Hepatopathy
1. CK
2. LFT
Myopathy Hepatopathy
1. Document pre-treatment muscle complaints 1. Document baseline LFT
2. Baseline CK must be normal 2. Baseline ALT must be < 3 x ULN
3. Test CK during Rx if pt develops myalgia 3. ↑ ALT < 3 x ULN: monitor
4. TAKE STATIN in morning (worse myopathy at 4. ↑ ALT > 3 x ULN = change to alternative Rx
night) 5. Can try to re-introduce later if unrelated liver
5. ↑ CK < 5 x ULN = MONITOR disease
6. ↑ CK > 5 x ULN or intractable pain =
change to alternative Rx
Disorders of the adrenal gland [L28]
1. Glucocorticoid Excess
• Cholesterol
o Aldosterone synthase → Aldosterone
o 17a hydroxy-progesterone → Cortisol
o DHEA → Testosterone → Oestradiol
Feedback Mechanisms
• Excess cortisol from adrenals → neg feedback to Hypothalamus to ↓ CRH
1. ACTH dependent
a. Cushings Disease (pituitary) ↑ ACTH
b. Ectopic ACTH secretion
c. Ectopic CRH
d. ACTH therapy
2. ACTH independent (adrenal cause) ↓ ACTH
a. Adrenal adenoma / ca
b. Glucocorticoid therapy
c. Hyperplasia
1. Screening test = ↑ cortisol
2. ACTH level = ↑/↓
a. ↑ = ACTH dependent cause
b. ↓ = adrenal cause
3. if ACTH dependent = CRH test
a. if ACTH ↑ → pituitary cause = Cushings disease
b. if no response → ECTOPIC source
Other tests:
1. Hypokalaemic alkalosis
a. ↑ aldosterone
2. Selective venous sampling
3. Pituitary function tests
4. Tumour markers
5. Glucose intolerance → steroid induced diabetes = why? glucocorticoids ↑ gluconeogenesis
2. Adrenal Insufficiency
• ↓ cortisol
• ↑ ACTH
Primary Secondary
1. Autoimmune – hashimotos 1. Congenital
thyroiditis 2. tumours
2. Infective 3. infection
3. Secondary tumour 4. secondary tumour deposits
4. Infiltrative 5. trauma
5. CAH 6. iatrogenic
6. Adrenoleukodystrophy 7. Secondary to hypothalamic disease
7. Drugs
1. Confirm adrenocortical insufficiency
a. Morning cortisol
i. at a time when it is expected to
be high = therefore +ve test
result if LOW
b. Short synacthen test
i. Synthetic ACTH stimulation (no
response +ve test)
c. Urea and electrolytes
2. ACTH levels
i. Adrenal insufficiency
b. LOW
i. Secondary
– pituitary function tests
3. Secondary Hypertension
List 2 causes of secondary HT
1. Hyperaldosteronism
2. Phaeochromocytoma
1. Hyperaldosteronism
1. Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
2. Unilateral adenoma – Conns syndrome
1. Plasma aldosterone: renin ratio ↑
a. ↓ renin if primary hyperaldosteronism
2. Urine 18 hydroxycortisol
3. Genetic testing CYP11B2 → Conns syndrome
Secondary Hyperaldosteronism
• high renin → diuretic therapy
2. Phaeochromocytoma
1. Demonstrate excessive production of catecholamines:
a. plasma free or urinary fractioned metanephrines
b. OR less sensitive:
i. urine catecholamines
ii. urine total metanephrine
iii. urinary VMA
2. Clonidine suppression test
Metabolic Aspects of Malignant Disease [L38]
Neuroendocrine Tumours
• Different types BUT all have prominent secretory granules and
secreting biogenic amines and peptide hormones Net Clinical Syndrome:
• Remember hormone secretion by tumours does NOT always 1. Hormone combination
cause and endocrine syndrome. → dominant hormone
o may not be sufficient secretion to cause persistently raised 2. Biological activity
concentration 3. Concentration
o secretory product may be an inactive precursor of
1. Cushing Syndrome
3. Hypercalcaemia
1. Cushing Syndrome
• High circulating levels of glucocorticoids
o Adrenal carcinomas
o Non-adrenal carcinomas
▪ Ectopic ACTH secretion: functions
autonomously → consistent outflow of
ACTH from tumour regardless of
levels of cortisol in body
• ↑ ACTH
• ↑/↓ cortisol
Clinical Picture
*classical picture not always seen → usually seen in
longstanding disease (concentration and activity of hormone)
Screening Tests
1. 24h urinary cortisol excretion
2. 48h low dose dexamethasone suppression test
3. midnight salivary cortisol
*Loss of diurnal variation of cortisol secretion → early feature (Dx can be excluded if N plasma cortisol
concentration at 11pm or midnight*
• Plasma levels → false positives because stressful event*
• replaced by salivary cortisol on a midnight sample which pt can do at home
• With confirmed ↑ cortisol secretion
o ↓ ACTH = Adrenal cause
o ↑ ACTH = pituitary-dependent Cushing disease
o ↑↑↑ ACTH = Ectopic secretion
2. Dilutional Hyponatraemia
Tumours that ↑ ADH secretion
1. Small cell carcinoma of bronchus
2. Carcinoid tumours
3. Breast cancers
4. Pancreatic adenocarcinomas
3. Hypercalcaemia of Malignancy
*Parathyroid hormone related peptide
• ↑ s-[Ca]
• ↓s-[Pi]
• ↓ PTH → what is driving hypercalcaemia?
• ↑PTHrP
4. Tumour-associated Hypoglycaemia
• Primary Insulinoma → most common cause
• Rarely due to ectopic insuling secretion by non-B-cell tumours
o Mesenchymal tumours
o Adrenal
o Carcinoid
• What are the factors driving insulin release?
o Insulin-like-growth factors – IGFs / somatomedins
▪ Specifically IGF-2 = IGF-1 / IGF-2 ratio is decreased
o Cytokines: TNFᾳ
1. AKI or CKD
Tumour Lysis Syndrome
a. Hyperkalaemia
b. Hyperuricaemia → false -ve result (↓uric acid) with some drugs eg rasburicase
c. Hyperphosphataemia
d. Hypocalcaemia
>> Mx: maintain adequate hydration, give ALLOPURINOL to inhibit uric acid synthesis
2. Hypomagnesaemia
3. Hypokalaemia → cytotoxic drugs
Cancer Cachexia
• COMMON feature of malignant disease
• Causes
o Malabsorption (pancreatic, biliary obstruction)
o Infection (immunosuppressed)
o Tumour consumes nutrients
o Secretion of cachetin (TNFᾳ) → ↑ metabolic rate
o Obstruction* → early satiety and ↓ food intake
o Loss of protein (from ulcerated mucosa)
o Treatment with cytotoxic drugs
Carcinoid Tumours
• Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP-NET)
o arise from neuroendocrine cells derived from the embryological gut
o low -grade malignancy
o 50% are CARCINOID tumours
o Non-carcinoid types mostly pancreatic* but anywhere along GIT
o Chromogranins → useful tumour markers because many GEP-NETs produce it
1. Screening test:
a. 24h urine 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HiAA) ↑
i. > 2 x ULN
2. Chromogranin A ↑
a. more sensitive but less specific
3. Whole blood serotonin ↑ → bronchial carcinoid but N 5-HIAA
NB clinical features:
• Diarrhoea + colicky
pain (GI sx)
• Flushing
• Bronchospasm
• Pellegra
1. Screening
2. Diagnosis
3. Prognosis
4. Treatment monitoring
5. F/U detect recurrence
• not helpful in dx of pts with non-specific sx
• concentrations are raised in variety of cancers and can even be raised in BENIGN conditions
o ↓ Specificity
• Normal plasma concentrations do NOT exclude ca
• Most appropriate use = SERIAL MONITORING of treatment
• Valuable marker in:
o HCCs
o Testicular germ cell tumours
1. HCC
• The concentration is predictive of tumour mass and probability of having cancer
• BUT:
o Lacks specificity:
▪ high concentrations can occur in cirrhosis in the absence of malignancy
o BUT in histologically confirmed HCC → serial measurements of AFP are valuable
▪ normal hepatic regeneration that occurs after partial hepatic resection may cause
transient ↑AFP
1. Low sensitivity
2. Low specificity
a. ↑ in prostate ca
b. ↑ with age
c. ↑ with age
d. ↑ BPH
e. DRE
f. acute urinary retention
3. Efforts to improve S+S
a. age related ranges
b. relating pSA to prostatic volume
c. rate of change of concentration with time
d. free vs bound psa → free:total PSA
i. BOUND proportion is higher in prostate cancer
1. Free PSA > 25 % → more likely to have beign condition = biopsy NOT
2. Free PSA < 10 % → indication for biopsy
o to SHBG → high affinity
o albumin
o free → bioavailable
Hypogonadism in males
• PRIMARY (testes)
o ↓T
o ↑ LH FSH
• SECONDARY (pituitary)
o ↓T
• *Seminiferous tubule dysfunction
o ↑ FSH
o ↓ Sperm count
• Leydig cell dysfunction
o ↑LH
o ↓ Sperm count AND masculinization
• 1st line tests
o TOTAL T *highest level @ 9am → measure FASTING
▪ Normal = >12.1
o LH and FSH
• Free T in men with:
o low end T 6.9-13.1
o 3 sexual symptoms
o Total T < 8-11
o Free T < 0.22
• 2nd line tests:
o HCG stimulation test
▪ DISTINGUISHES primary from
• PRIMARY: no response
• SECONDARY: normal
o Semen analysis
• To distinguish pituitary cause from
hypothalamic cause = GnRH stimulation test
o Normal response = DOUBLES
o If minimal response → PRIME the pituitary gland and then repeat the test
Kallman Syndrome
• abn migration of OLFACTORY and GnRH neurons from olfactory bulb*
o Gynaecomastia
o Osteoporosis
o Genital Infantilism
Female Hypogonadism
o ↓ 17B estradiol
o ↑ LH FSH
o ↓ 17 B estradiol
1. Oligo/amenorrhoea
1. ALWAYS start with pregnancy test
2. Signs of hyperandrogenism? – hirsutism
3. Measure: (hypothalamic / pituitary route)
a. Prolactin
3. Hirsutism
• HYPERandrogenism, ↓SHBG
o produce excessive androgens
▪ DIAGNOSTIC!! T = 2.5-5 nmol/L
▪ BUT = normal T does NOT
exclude PCOS
• FAI: free T:estrogen ratio
• FAI>4.97
o NB: test for metabolic syndrome
Diagnostic Approach
2 ways to detect a virus:
• First to rise *7-10d • *10-14d → TEST QUESTION
• NB: repeat IgM after a few days if -ve • Persists indefinitely
• Persists 3 months
• Indicates: • Indicates:
• ACUTE infection • PAST infection / exposure or
• Reactivation / re-infection immunization
• Titre ↑ > 4 x in acute infection
• Prone to non-specific / cross reactions • Can cross the placenta
→ may cause false positives (usually low Q: +ve in newborn does NOT indicate infection
values) • Can test avidity : because increases over T
• LOW = primary infection
• HIGH = past infection
1. Test for immunity (Total / IgG) 1. “False” negative results
• vaccinated • early after exposure
• before / during pregnancy • SEVERE immunosuppression
• contacts after exposure • No Ab stimulation = HPV
• sexual partner 2. False positive results
2. Diagnosis of acute disease • Cross reactions = esp herpes viruses
• IgM like EBV
• IgG Avidity • Serum factors = rheumatoid factor,
3. Diagnosis of chronic disease auto-immune disease, pregnancy
• HIV, HTLV, HBV, HCV • Recipients of blood products
4. Relatively cost effective 3. Maternal IgG cross the placenta =
5. Rapid assays available present in newborn ≤ 18mo of age
→ ONLY confirms exposure
• Suspect disease in mother? → serology testing
• Suspect disease in infant <18mo? → PCR
o because detection of HIV specific antibodies in a child <18mo old does NOT = infection it
only confirms exposure
• Aplastic crisis (severe immunosuppression)→ PCR
Indications for the use of quantitative NAAT/molecular assays
1. Mainly to guide or monitor treatment
a. assess progression of viral disease, indication for Rx and prognosis
b. Monitor efficacy of antiviral Rx and identifyy Rx failure or emergence of drug-resistant
2. To identify the most likely pathogens that are causing disease
a. distinguish active “pathogen” vs latent “passenger” disease
3. High viral load may be an indication of a poorer prognosis
• Simultaneous detection of > 1 type of specimen
• Particularly useful for dx in case of SYNDROMES (similar signs and symptoms) where it may be
difficult to distinguish between causative pathogens clinically
• across disciplines, not just virology --> bacteria and fungi too: do multiplex --> most often used for respiratory
• Respiratory infections (respiratory swab, others)
• Aseptic meningitis/encephalitis (cerebrospinal fluid)
• Gastroenteritis/infectious diarrhea (stool)
• Sexually transmitted infections (swab/urine)
• Viral haemorrhagic fever & arboviruses (blood)
✓ Faster detection of a larger number of microorganisms → promise to improve health care & expand
• Challenges include cost, ideal test utilization strategies (ie optimal ordering) & test
What test?
• Molecular diagnostics → real-time multiplex PCR or GeneXpert for influenza A + B
o GeneXpert → 3 targets
o FastTrack→ 18targets
o Biofire → 20-21 targets
• rapid point of care or IF tests for influenza A are NOT recommended
• Lab testing should NOT delay administration of treatment when indicated*
Interpretation of results
• Significantly ↑ proportion of pts in whom an aetiological agent can be found =80% → mainly viral
and atypical pathogens
• CAUSALITY → passenger vs pathogen
o up to 15% of HEALTHY PERSONS harbour resp tract virus at ANY point of time
o sampling site nb
o contamination of URT when sampling LRT
• interpret all results in the context of clinical observations
• ALWAYS consider disease pathogenesis
• If you identify a pathogen on multiplex PCR it ALWAYS indicates disease? → FALSE
o Passenger* vs pathogen
New Developments in Virology and virus
vaccines [L7]
HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
• The use of ARVs by HIV -ve people BEFORE POTENTIAL EXPOSURE to prevent acquisition
of HIV
o SHOULD be considered for people who are at significant risk of acquiring HIV infection
as part of a combined HIV prevention strategy (with condoms, abstinence, circumcision)
o 1 tablet once a day
o FDC of 300 g tenofovir (TDF) and 200 mg of emtricitabine (FTC)
Who gets PrEP?
• High risk (sex workers, men who have sex with men, any other at risk)
- Is acceptable to use rapid test at clinic according to DOH guidelines
- Pregnant/breastfeeding is high risk for seroconversion thus regular test 3 monthly
- Birth PCR FNB
Recommended intervals for infant and child testing Can test with rapid after 18 months
HIV self-testing
• HIV self-testing or self-screening is a process in which a person collects his/her own specimen (oral fluid/blood) & then
performs an HIV test & interprets the result, often in a private setting, either alone or with someone he/she trusts.
• Recommended to reach key & under-tested populations as a complementary approach to existing HIV testing services
• HIVST does NOT provide a definitive diagnosis: a reactive (positive) result always requires
further confirmatory testing from a trained health professional using relevant validated national HIV
testing algorithm, typically performed at a clinic
• processes and activities (quality improvement processes) that identify and reduce the risks of
acquiring and transmitting infections among individuals (healthcare workers, pts and others) in the
healthcare setting and community
• Pathogens may be transmitted from other pts, hospoital personnel, hospital environemnt
1. Contact precautions
a. DIRECT – hands, injection, ingestion
b. INDIRECT – equipment, environment
2. Droplet precautions
a. 1-2m*
3. Airborne precautions
a. remain suspended in the air for extended periods → MASK
i. Confirmed TB
ii. Measles
iii. Varicella
iv. Smallpox
v. Severe acute respiratory syndrome
5.Understand the 5 moments for Hand Hygiene and the recommended technique
6.Differentiate the types of transmission based precautions
• choose the correct set of test to verify or eliminate said conditions
• what laboratory tests to requisition should he/she suspect Autoimmune diseases, Primary
Immunodeficiency Diseases, or Infectious Diseases
• clinical picture
• successful interpretation of the reported results.
Lab Investigations
Screening Procedures:
1. FBC and differential
2. Total serum Igs
a. IgG, IgA, IgM, total IgE
b. → IgG subclasses
3. Total haemolytic complement
a. C3 and C4
4. Flowcytometric analysis of:
a. T cells / subsets (CD3, CD4, CD8)
b. Circulating B cells (CD19)
c. NK cells (CD56)
Follow-Up Procedures:
• Neutrophil functions – antimicrobial activity
• Monocyte / macrophage functions – production of
• T-lymphcytes functions – proliferations, cytokine production
Secondary Immunodeficiency
• Acquired on a transient ot permanent basis
Infectious Diseases
• detection of SPECIFIC ANTIGEN is definitive and preferable to serological procedures
o isolation and culture
o observation by microscopy
o Detection of pathogen-specific nucleic acid (PCR)
Limitations of Serological Procedures
1. Many antigenic sub-types
2. High pre-existing levels of Abs
3. Ab production compromised
a. immunodeficiency / immunosuppressive therapy
b. acute phase disease precedes production of specific Abs
→ false +ve
→ +ve test = TREATMENT
→ Latent Syphilis: prev Rx
→ No evidence of syphilis
2. Chlamydia
• C. psittaci, C.trachomatis, C.pneumoniae
Can get a question like this without the normal values
Normal Values:
• IgG < 1:64
• IgA < 1:16
• IgM < 1:10
C. Burnetti
• Acute vs Chronic
Serodiagnosis of Autoimmune Diseases [L19]
Extractable Nuclear Antigens and Associated Diseases
TEST Questions:
Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome
• Clinical Picture
o Arterial / venous thrombosis
o recurrent foetal loss
o thrombocytopenia
o F>M
• Anti-Cardiolipin Antibodies (ACLA)
Neurological Diseases
• Classic paraneoplastic neurological syndrome
• Autoimmune encephalitis
• Neuromyelitis optica
• Polyneuropathies
• Myasthenia gravis
• Alzheimers? theorise
How is it regulated?
• Rate is controlled by erythropoietin produced by the
• Homeostasis is maintained by negative feedback
from blood oxygen levels
Structure of Hb and the Hb/O2 dissociation curve
Pathophysiological Morphological
Increased Red Cell Loss (↑reticulocytes) ↓MCV ↓MCH
- Blood Loss Hypochromic, microcytic anaemia
- Haemolysis - Fe deficiency
- Anaemia of Chronic Disease
- Thallasaemia
Decreased red cell production (↓reticulocytes) N MCV N MCH → MOST COMMON
- Stem cell abn = aplasia Normochromic Normocytic
- ↓ erythropoetin (renal failure) - Anaemia of chronic disease
- Defective DNA synthesis (↓B12/folate) - Acute blood loss
- Defective haemoglobin synthesis (↓Fe, - Chronic renal failure
- Displacement of normal progenitor cells
Malignancy, fibrosis, granulomas
Multifactorial ↑ MCV
- Anaemia of chronic disease Macrocytic Anaemia
(oval macrocytes, MEGALOBLASTIC
hypersegmented (round macrocytes)
neutrophils) - reticulocytosis
- Vit B12 / folate - liver disease
deficiency - alcohol
- drugs
- pregnancy
- hypothyroidism
- myelodysplasia
Hypochromic Anaemia
What is the role of Fe in the RBC
What is anaemia of chronic disease and how is it differentiated from iron deficiency
Causes of Reticulocytosis
1. Haemorrhage
2. Hamatinic Therapy
3. Erythropoetin therapy
4. Haemolysis
Causes of lymphopenia
1. Inherited and acquired IMMUNODEFICIENCY (HIV)
2. Irradiation
3. Acute stress (trauma, surgery, burns)
4. Drugs → ATG, steroids
5. Auto-immune disease → SLE
Causes of lymphocytosis
1. Infection – viral /bacterial
2. Lymphoproliferative disease
1. Decreased production
2. Increased destruction / consumption → most common
a. ITP + HIV associated thrombocytopenia
b. DIC
c. HUS / TTP
3. Hypersplenism
4. Dilution (post transfusion)
>> Platelets < 10 x 109/L
1. Spontaneous bleeding
2. Mucosal bleeding
3. Ecchymoses and petechiae
Pt who is bleeding with normal platelet count and normal coagulation screen
1. Bleeding time / PFA – 100
2. Platelet function defect
a. Von Willebrand disease
Haematological malignancy
What modalities are available for the lab investigation of haematological malignancy
Risk Factors
• Family Hx
• Male
• Hyperlipidaemia → lipogram
• HT → BP
• Smoking
• DM → glucose
• Gout → uric acid
• Polycythaemia → FBC
• ↑↑ HOMOCYSTEINE = acts like
• NB to treat with Vit B12 + B6
• Common clinical picture = heart
attack in young person
2. Venous Thrombosis
• Virchows Triad
o Stasis
o Hypercoagulability
o Vessel wall damage
Risk Factors
List the genetic risk factors
Deficiency of Antithrombin
anticoagulant Protein C
Protein S
Abnormal protein Factor V Leiden
Increased Prothrombin G20210A
PROcoagulant Factor VIII
Abnormal metabolism Homocystinuria
Putative Mechanisms Thrombomodulin defects
Fibrinolytic defects
Coagulation Cascade *look at surgery notes
Anticoagulation Pathway:
1. Protein C → protein S
2. Antithrombin
3. Plasmin
1. Antithrombin Deficiency
• Inactivates Factors
o IIa, VIIxa, IXa, X, XIa → 2, 7, 9, 10, 11
o esp in presence of heparin*
• Pts may be resistant to heparin therapy
• Inherited
• TEST: Antithrombin level
2. Protein C + S deficiency
• C: Vit K dependant protein
o Inactivates Factors:
▪ Va and VIIIa →5+8
▪ In the presence of PROTEIN S
• Inherited but can also be acquired → Liver pathology*
• TEST: protein C+S levels
o Prove abnormal levels 3 times before making a diagnosis
3. Factor V Leiden
• most common thrombophilic factor*
• FV → resistant to inactivation by protein C
o PCR test for FV Leiden
4. Prothrombin G20210A
• Overproduction of thrombin*
o prothrombin level
o PCR testing
Patients to be tested:
• Recurrent thrombosis
• Thrombosis while ON anticoagulant therapy
• Thrombosis at young age < 50y
• Children
• +ve Fam Hx
• Recurrent foetal loss
• Thrombosis at unusual site
Conventional Tests
1. Platelet count → Thrombocytopenia/cytosis
2. PT/INR →
3. aPTT – activated partial thromboplastin time
4. Fibrinogen
5. D-dimer
Common Aetiologies
1. Platelet Count
Decreased production Bone marrow disease
Nutritional deficiencies
Increased Destruction Medications
Autoimmune disease
Reactive Infection
Post surgery
Post splenectomy
Acute blood loss
3. Fibrinogen
• formation of plt plug → ultimate step in coagulation
High levels
• Acute phase reactant
• pregnancy
Low levels
• liver failure
4. D-Dimer
• degradation product of cross-linked thrombin
• *not specific outside clinical context
both pathways
both pathways
intrinsic pathway
intrinsic pathway
Blood Transfusion [L40]
Informed consent!!
1. Red cell concentrate
a. acute blood loss
b. surgery
c. symptomatic anaemia
2. Washed red cell
a. for pts allergic reaction to transfusion before
3. Irradiated red cells
4. Leucodepletion
a. Pts on chronic transfusion regimens
b. risk of CMV infection
c. organ and stem cell transplant pts
d. infants <1y
e. pts undergoing cardiac surgery
5. Gamma irradiation
a. transfusion from relatives
b. HLA matched platelets
c. Hodgkins disease
d. pts treated with purine analogues
6. Platelets
a. bone marrow failure
b. massive transfusion
c. acute DIC
d. congenital d/o of platelets
e. C/I
i. ITP
ii. TTP
iii. HIT
7. Plasma products
a. FFP
i. coagulation deficiency
ii. Vit K def
iii. reversal of warfarin
Which modalities use radiation and which does not use radiation.
• Does NOT use radiation
o Ultrasound
• Uses radiation
o Xrays (small amount)
o Fluoroscopy
o CT scan (more radiation through bone vs other tissue)
o Mammography
o Interventional radiation (loots of radiation)
• All the relevant clinical history, presenting symptoms, relevant laboratory findings, the
number one clinical diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
• Without the above information, the clinical question might not be answered after imaging.
• Radiologist might end giving clinicians a long list of differential diagnosis instead of simply giving the
• Radiologists are Clinical Radiologist
CT Scan
Contrasted CT SCAN Pre-requisite
• allergy to iodine
• allergy to penicillin
• have they taken Glucophage prior to examination? → LACTIC ACIDOSIS
CT scan pre-requisites
• U+E creatinine*
• good for soft tissue imaging
o If you want to see spine or nerves - do MRI
• no radiation, therefore safe to use in pregnancy and paeds
• Lie very still → movement blurs or distorts pics
• claustrophobic sensation
1. Pacemakers
2. Metal implants/chips/clips
Mammogram is low radiation and us for older than 40. If younger than 40 do U/S.
know what fast stands for and what a positive fast means.
uses will just help with when to order what
Radiation Dose
• tells us about the effect the radiation has on a tissue
• different tissues have varying sensitivity to radiation exposure → the actual radiation risk to
different parts of the body varies
• an exposure to low-dose radiation may not cause immediate harm to patients but may potentially
have long term biological effects
• Females are more sensitive to develop radiogenic cancer than males
Effects of Radiation
What is Stochastic effect and Deterministic effect.
o likelihood that an effect/cancer will occur in the long term – there is no threshold below
which the effect does NOT occur
o Varies with the dose, there is a threshold below which the effect does not occur
ALARA Principle
What is ALARA principle?
Emergency cases
Radiological approach to emergency cases - A trauma patient, acute abdomen, widened mediastinum,
blunt abdominal trauma, vascular injury, head, cervical spine injury and chest trauma.
1. A. AP Chest Radiograph
a. to exclude: tension pneumo, widened mediastinum
2. B. AP pelvic radiograph
a. #
3. C. FAST
a. free fluid in pericardium, peritoneal cavity, hemopneumothorax
b. +ve FAST must be followed by CT scan
4. D. long bone XR
a. #
5. E. Doppler
a. vascular injury
6. F. CTA
a. vascular injury
b. if in doubt and PATIENT IS STABLE
7. G. neuro examination
a. head injury / intracranial injury TRAUMA → Pre-contrast CT brain
b. C-spine injury: XR order whenever chance of cervical injury, high risk and signs of
neurologic injury require CT and possibly MRI
c. If neurological fallout but no xr or ct findings → do the mri!
i. MRI is most sensitive method for detecting this type of ST injury
Acute Abdomen
• Clinician and the radiologist have to be familiar
with all the diagnoses listed in the table to be able
to recognise them (clinically or radiologically)
• Focus on the most common disease and make a
firm diagnosis to exclude them
• 1st cost effective investigation: U/S
• if inconclusive → CT scan
• XR only indicated for:
o kidney stone detection
o pneumoperitoneum
• NB NB:
o RLQ: appendicitis → U/S → CT
▪ appendiceal abscess → U/S
o LLQ → Diverticulitis → barium enema
o RUQ → cholecystitis → U/S
o Ureteric stones → CT scan pre-contrast BEST for small stones
• U/S
• CT
Blunt Trauma
1. CXR: evaluate for penumo and widened mediastinum
2. AXR: pneumoperitoneum
3. FAST: free fluid
a. CT scan abdomen and pelvis
4. Cystogram / CT cystogram: bladder injury
5. U/S: pericardial effusion
Widened mediastinum
• CXR → CT scan → Angiography
• Haemothorax
• Pneumothorax
• C-spine
• widened mediastinum
Acid-Base Disorders
Acid-Base Homeostasis
Buffer systems in blood and urine
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
1. Principle buffer system in all cells: Henderson-Hasselbach equation
a. H++ HCO3- ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H2O + CO2
>> Carbonic Anhydrase
2. Urinary Buffers:
a. HPO4- + H+ ↔ H2PO4-
b. NH3+ H+ ↔ NH4+
3. Red blood cell
a. Hb- + H+ ↔ HHb
Normal Values
• pH 7.35-7.45
• PaCO2 35-45mmHg
• PaO2 80-100 mmHG
• HCO3- 22-26 mmol/L
• Anion gap 14 –18mmol/L
• [H+] 35 –45 nmol/L
Acidosis Alkalosis
1. Is PaO2 and O2 saturation normal?
2. Is pH Normal?
PO2 = Hypoxia = O2 Therapy
3. Is PaCO2 Normal?
4. Is HCO3- Normal? HCO3-
5. Match PaCO2 or HCO3-to pH RO-ME
6. Compensation: Does CO2 or HCO3- go in opposite direction to pH Respiratory = Opposite to pH
Metabolic = Equal to pH
1. PaO2 = Oxygenation
• Transfer of adequate Oxygen from a;veoli to Blood
• PaO2 = Hypoxia
as O2 PaO2
1. Hypoventilation 1. Hyperventilation
2. R –> L Shunt 2. O2 Therapy
3. Alveolar Capilary Block
4. VQ Mismatch
pH HCO3 (Kidney)
PaCO2 (Lung)
• Respiratory: Fast (minutes)
• Renal: Slow (8-24hrs)
3. PaCO2 : Ventilation
Respiratory Acidosis
Acute Respiratory Acidosis
N HCO3 → Not enough Time for kidneys to compensate
1. Respiratory
a. Airway obstruction
b. Bronchospasm → asthma
c. Aspiration
d. Chest Trauma
e. Pneumothorax
2. Depression of respiratory centre
a. Anaesthetics: sedatives, narcotics
b. Cerebral trauma
3. CNS
a. Head Trauma
Chronic Respiratory Acidosis
N pH
HCO3- → Kidneys have compensated
“retaining CO2”
1. Chronic Lung Disease
2. Pulmonary disease
a. Pulmonary fibrosis
b. Severe pneumonia
3. Neuromuscular disease
a. Guillian Barre syndrome
b. Motor Neuron disease
4. Chest Wall Deformity
a. Kyphosis
5. Extreme Obestiy
Respiratory Alkalosis
“breathing off too much CO2”
N HCO3- → Kidneys have not compensated
1. Hyperventilation
a. Anxiety
b. Pain
2. Over-aggressive Mechanical Ventilation
3. Lung Volume Salicylates:
a. Restrictive Lung Disease, • Resp Alkalosis: initial presentation
b. Pregnancy dt HYPER ventilation
4. Fever, Sepsis
• Later metabolic acidosis
5. Increased respiratory drive
o high altitude
o severe anaemia
o pulmonary disease → PE, pulmonary oedema
o Respiratory stimulants eg salicylates
4. HCO3 : Renal Acid Excretion
Metabolic Acidosis
PaCO2 → Lungs have compensated
High Anion Gap:
1. Lactic Acidosis → perfusion– O2 M ethanol
2. Ketoacidosis: U remia
b. Starvation
H+ Production
3. Ingestions P ropylene glycol
a. Ethylene Glycol I ngestions: Cocaine, excstacy
b. Methanol L actic Acidosis
c. Salicylates E thylene Glycol
4. Renal failure S alysalites
H+ Excretion
Cations Anions
- Na+ = 140 - Cl- = 105 • Na represents majority of of +ve ions
- K+ =4 - HCO3- = 27 • But there are many other CATIOJS other than
Cl- and HCO3-than are being measures
- Ca = 4.5 - Protein = 15 • + 12 = Represents all of the unmeasured -ve
- Mg = 1.5 - PO4- =2 charges in the blood
- Proteins - SO4- =1
- Acid =5
High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
• Organic Acids
o = release H+ which bind to HCO3-
o HCO3 gets used up
o CALCULATED -- ve anions
=> (Na+ + K+) - (Cl- + HCO3-)
o Therefore Anion Gap gets more positive
• of UNMEASURED anions
o Causes:
▪ Hyperphosphatemia = PO4-
▪ Hyperalbuminemia = Albumin
▪ Iga producting multiple myeloma = Immunoglobulins
o To keep total charge in balance Cl- and HCO3- decrease
o = Anion Gap goes up
Metabolic Alkalosis
PaCO2 → Lungs have compensated
• Rare
• Loss of H+ and gain in HCO3-→ lose H therefore no H to bind HCO3- which s
→ in vomiting pt is volume depleted = Aldosterone = HCO3- reabsorbtion by kidneys
1. Volume depletion
b. pyloric stenosis
c. Excessive NG Suctio
2. Chronic alkali intake or Alkali Administration
3. Potassium depletion
a. inadequate intake
b. mineralocorticoid EXCESS
i. Conn syndrome
ii. Cushing’s syndrome
4. Contraction Alkalossi: ECF Vomume
Base Excess
• Magnitude of Metabilic Component of Acid Base Imbalance
• Measure Total Body bases
o Haemoglobin
o Cl-, PO4, SO4
o Albumin
• Normal = -2 - +2
Common clinical conditions giving rise to metabolic or respiratory acidosis or alkalosis → Differentiate respiratory
from metabolic causes