SIP5 ComProt V9.60 Manual C055-H en

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Table of Contents

Communication Modules 1
SIPROTEC 5 IEC 61850 2
Communication Protocols
DNP3 3
V9.60 and higher
IEC 60870-5-104 4
Modbus 5
Manual IEC 60870-5-103 6
Optical PPS using USART Plug-In
Modules 8
Protection Interface 9
Additional Ethernet Services 10
Commissioning and Diagnostics 11
Troubleshooting 12




i For your own safety, observe the warnings and safety instructions contained in this document, if available.

Disclaimer of Liability Copyright

Subject to changes and errors. The information given in Copyright © Siemens 2023. All rights reserved.
this document only contains general descriptions and/or The disclosure, duplication, distribution and editing of this
performance features which may not always specifically document, or utilization and communication of the content
reflect those described, or which may undergo modifica- are not permitted, unless authorized in writing. All rights,
tion in the course of further development of the products. including rights created by patent grant or registration of a
The requested performance features are binding only when utility model or a design, are reserved.
they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.
Document version: C53000-L1840-C055-H.03 Trademarks
Edition: 07.2023
Version of the product described: V9.60 and higher and Insights Hub are trademarks of Siemens. Any unau-
thorized use is prohibited.

Purpose of the Manual

This manual contains information about:

• Communication within the SIPROTEC 5 family of devices and to higher-level control centers

• Installation of the modules

• Setting parameters in DIGSI 5

• Information on commissioning

Target Audience
Protection system engineers, commissioning engineers, persons entrusted with the setting, testing and
maintenance of automation, selective protection and control equipment, and operational crew in electrical
installations and power plants.

This manual applies to the SIPROTEC 5 device family.

Further Documentation

[dw_product-overview_SIP5_communication-protocol, 5, en_US]

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 3

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023

• Device manuals
Each Device manual describes the functions and applications of a specific SIPROTEC 5 device. The printed
manual and the online help for the device have the same informational structure.

• Hardware manual
The Hardware manual describes the hardware building blocks and device combinations of the SIPROTEC 5
device family.

• Operating manual
The Operating manual describes the basic principles and procedures for operating and assembling the
devices of the SIPROTEC 5 range.

• Communication protocol manual

The Communication protocol manual contains a description of the protocols for communication within
the SIPROTEC 5 device family and to higher-level network control centers.

• Security manual
The Security manual describes the security features of the SIPROTEC 5 devices and DIGSI 5.

• Process bus manual

The process bus manual describes the functions and applications specific for process bus in SIPROTEC 5.

• Product information
The Product information includes general information about device installation, technical data, limiting
values for input and output modules, and conditions when preparing for operation. This document is
provided with each SIPROTEC 5 device.

• Engineering Guide
The Engineering Guide describes the essential steps when engineering with DIGSI 5. In addition, the
Engineering Guide shows you how to load a planned configuration to a SIPROTEC 5 device and update
the functionality of the SIPROTEC 5 device.

• DIGSI 5 online help

The DIGSI 5 online help contains a help package for DIGSI 5 and CFC.
The help package for DIGSI 5 includes a description of the basic operation of software, the DIGSI princi-
ples and editors. The help package for CFC includes an introduction to CFC programming, basic examples
of working with CFC, and a reference chapter with all the CFC blocks available for the SIPROTEC 5 range.

• SIPROTEC 5/DIGSI 5 Tutorial

The tutorial on the DVD contains brief information about important product features, more detailed
information about the individual technical areas, as well as operating sequences with tasks based on
practical operation and a brief explanation.

• SIPROTEC 5 catalog
The SIPROTEC 5 catalog describes the system features and the devices of SIPROTEC 5.

Indication of Conformity

This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Commun-
ities on harmonization of the laws of the Member States concerning electromag-
netic compatibility (EMC Directive 2014/30/EU), restriction on usage of hazardous
substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU), and
electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low Voltage Directive
This conformity has been proved by tests performed according to the Council Directive
in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 (for EMC directive), the standard
EN IEC 63000 (for RoHS directive), and with the product standard EN 60255-27 (for
Low Voltage Directive) by Siemens.
The device is designed and manufactured for application in an industrial environment.
The product conforms with the international standards of IEC 60255 and the German
standard VDE 0435.

4 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023

IEEE Std C 37.90
The technical data of the product is approved in accordance with UL.
For more information about the UL database, see
You can find the product with the UL File Number E194016.



Additional Support
For questions about the system, contact your Siemens sales partner.

Customer Support Center

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Training Courses
Inquiries regarding individual training courses should be addressed to our Training Center:
Siemens AG
Siemens Power Academy TD Phone: +49 911 9582 7100
Humboldtstraße 59 E-mail:
90459 Nuremberg Internet:

Notes on Safety
This document is not a complete index of all safety measures required for operation of the equipment (module
or device). However, it comprises important information that must be followed for personal safety, as well
as to avoid material damage. Information is highlighted and illustrated as follows according to the degree of

DANGER means that death or severe injury will result if the measures specified are not taken.
² Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid death or severe injuries.

WARNING means that death or severe injury may result if the measures specified are not taken.
² Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid death or severe injuries.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 5

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023

CAUTION means that medium-severe or slight injuries can occur if the specified measures are not taken.
² Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid moderate or minor injuries.

NOTICE means that property damage can result if the measures specified are not taken.
² Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid property damage.


i Important information about the product, product handling or a certain section of the documentation
which must be given attention.

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in OpenSSL Toolkit (http://
This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (
This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (

6 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Table of Contents

Preface.......................................................................................................................................................... 3

1 Communication Modules........................................................................................................................... 15
1.1 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Devices.........................................................................................16
1.2 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Compact Device............................................................................20
1.3 Communication Applications of the Plug-in Modules and the Integrated Interfaces ........... 22
1.4 Network Topology.............................................................................................................25
1.4.1 Network Structures .....................................................................................................25
1.4.2 Network Structure-Dependent Parameters................................................................... 31
1.5 Ethernet Modules..............................................................................................................36
1.5.1 Ethernet Interface........................................................................................................36
1.5.2 Operation of Ethernet Modules.................................................................................... 36
1.5.3 ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 1).....................................................................................................38
1.5.4 ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2).....................................................................................................39
1.5.5 ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 1).................................................................................................... 40
1.5.6 ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2).................................................................................................... 41
1.5.7 ETH-BD-2FO................................................................................................................ 42
1.5.8 Integrated Ethernet Interface – SIPROTEC 5 Compact................................................... 44
1.6 Serial Modules for Short Distances.....................................................................................47
1.6.1 Unique Features of the Serial Electrical Modules...........................................................47
1.6.2 USART-AB-1EL............................................................................................................. 48
1.6.3 USART-AC-2EL............................................................................................................. 49
1.6.4 USART-AD-1FO............................................................................................................ 49
1.6.5 USART-AE-2FO.............................................................................................................50
1.7 Integrated Serial Interface for Short Distances (SIPROTEC 5 Compact)................................ 52
1.7.1 Special Features of the Integrated Serial Interface ....................................................... 52
1.7.2 Integrated Serial Interface............................................................................................53
1.8 Installation, Replacement.................................................................................................. 54
1.8.1 Fasteners.....................................................................................................................54
1.8.2 Installation.................................................................................................................. 54
1.8.3 Replacement............................................................................................................... 55
1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5...................................................................................... 57
1.9.1 Selecting the Communication Module..........................................................................57
1.9.2 Configuring Communication Interfaces........................................................................ 60
1.9.3 VLAN...........................................................................................................................64 Overview............................................................................................................... 64 Configurations in DIGSI 5....................................................................................... 64 Applications and Setting Notes............................................................................... 68
1.9.4 Parallel Running with IEC 61850.................................................................................. 72

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Table of Contents

1.9.5 Mapping Selection.......................................................................................................73

1.10 Adapting Mappings........................................................................................................... 75
1.10.1 Description ................................................................................................................. 75
1.10.2 Mapping of Data Types ............................................................................................... 75
1.10.3 Transmission Buffer..................................................................................................... 79
1.10.4 Columns in the Communication Mapping Matrix.......................................................... 79
1.10.5 Parameterization of Fault Records................................................................................ 82
1.10.6 Copying Mappings ...................................................................................................... 84
1.10.7 Exporting Mappings.....................................................................................................86
1.11 Time Synchronization........................................................................................................88
1.12 Operating Modes.............................................................................................................. 93

2 IEC 61850.................................................................................................................................................... 95
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................96
2.1.1 Use in SIPROTEC 5 Devices........................................................................................... 96
2.2 Protocol Characteristics in DIGSI 5..................................................................................... 98
2.2.1 Device Setting for IEC 61850........................................................................................98
2.2.2 Project Settings for IEC 61850......................................................................................99
2.2.3 Selecting the IEC 61850 Edition ................................................................................ 100
2.2.4 Security Settings........................................................................................................103
2.3 IEC 61850 Structure........................................................................................................ 104
2.3.1 Overview...................................................................................................................104
2.3.2 Functional Naming and Flexible Product Naming....................................................... 105
2.3.3 Adjusting a Data Model..............................................................................................106
2.3.4 Opening and Adjusting the IEC 61850 Structure Editor...............................................110
2.4 Exporting........................................................................................................................ 111
2.4.1 Export Formats in DIGSI 5.......................................................................................... 111
2.4.2 Exporting IEC 61850 Description Files........................................................................ 112
2.5 IEC 61850 System Configurator.......................................................................................115
2.5.1 Integration with the IEC 61850 System Configurator.................................................. 115
2.5.2 IEC 61850 System Configurator................................................................................. 116
2.5.3 Importing an SCD into DIGSI...................................................................................... 116
2.6 Protocol Properties and Implementation.......................................................................... 119
2.6.1 IEC 61850 Structure of a SIPROTEC 5 Device...............................................................119
2.6.2 IEC 61850 Services.................................................................................................... 123
2.6.3 Reporting.................................................................................................................. 123 What Is a Report?................................................................................................. 123 Datasets...............................................................................................................124 Static Reporting................................................................................................... 125 Testing Protection Indications...............................................................................128
2.6.4 Setting Parameters via IEC 61850...............................................................................129
2.6.5 Control via IEC 61850................................................................................................ 135
2.6.6 VLAN Priority for Fast GOOSE Tripping........................................................................137
2.6.7 Measured Values and Measured-Value Description..................................................... 137
2.6.8 Device Time...............................................................................................................139 Description.......................................................................................................... 139 Determining the TimeAccuracy Value................................................................... 142 Determining the ClockNotSynchronized Value...................................................... 142

8 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Table of Contents Determining the ClockFailure Value...................................................................... 143

2.6.9 Asset Management....................................................................................................143
2.7 File Transmission............................................................................................................ 144
2.7.1 Retrieving Fault Records and Logs.............................................................................. 144
2.7.2 Fault Records.............................................................................................................144
2.7.3 COMFEDE.................................................................................................................. 145 Overview............................................................................................................. 145 Description COMFEDE.......................................................................................... 146 COMFEDE Display.................................................................................................147
2.8 IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus.............................................................................................. 149

3 DNP3......................................................................................................................................................... 151
3.1 Protocol Characteristics................................................................................................... 152
3.1.1 Protocol Structure......................................................................................................152 Description.......................................................................................................... 152 Physical Layer.......................................................................................................152 Data-Link Layer.................................................................................................... 153 Pseudo Transport Layer........................................................................................ 154 Application Layer................................................................................................. 154
3.1.2 Transfer through Ethernet......................................................................................... 157 Requirements for the Physical, Transport, and Application Layers.......................... 157 Acknowledgments............................................................................................... 157 Message Transmission..........................................................................................158
3.1.3 Functional Scope....................................................................................................... 158
3.1.4 Fault Record Transfer................................................................................................. 159
3.1.5 Amount of Mappable Information..............................................................................160
3.1.6 Additional Information.............................................................................................. 160
3.2 Settings and Properties................................................................................................... 162
3.2.1 Settings for the Serial Connection ............................................................................. 162
3.2.2 Settings for Communication through Ethernet .......................................................... 165

4 IEC 60870-5-104........................................................................................................................................171
4.1 Protocol Characteristics................................................................................................... 172
4.1.1 Description................................................................................................................ 172
4.1.2 Selection of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite......................................................................... 172
4.1.3 Definition of Application Protocol Control Information............................................... 172
4.1.4 Selection of ASDUs.................................................................................................... 173
4.1.5 Redundancy.............................................................................................................. 175 General................................................................................................................175 Parameterization of a Redundant Communication................................................ 175 Redundancy in SIPROTEC 5................................................................................... 176
4.1.6 File Operation for Fault Record...................................................................................177
4.1.7 Amount of Mappable Information..............................................................................179
4.2 Settings and Properties................................................................................................... 180
4.2.1 Settings.....................................................................................................................180
4.3 Interoperability .............................................................................................................. 183
4.3.1 Overview...................................................................................................................183
4.3.2 System or Device....................................................................................................... 183
4.3.3 Network Configuration ............................................................................................. 183 Not Realized Features...........................................................................................183

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4.3.4 Physical Layer ........................................................................................................... 184 Not Realized Features...........................................................................................184
4.3.5 Link Layer ................................................................................................................. 184 Not Realized Features...........................................................................................184
4.3.6 Application Layer....................................................................................................... 185
4.3.7 Basic Application Functions........................................................................................189
4.4 Communication Mapping................................................................................................ 194

5 Modbus..................................................................................................................................................... 195
5.1 Protocol Characteristics................................................................................................... 196
5.1.1 Exception Response of Modbus Slave......................................................................... 196
5.1.2 Supported Modbus Functions.................................................................................... 196
5.1.3 Data Type Definition.................................................................................................. 197 Single-Point Indications: SPS, ACT, ACD, ENS ........................................................197 DPS (Double-Point Status).................................................................................... 197 BSC (Binary-Controlled Step) (Monitoring Direction)............................................. 198 SPC (Single-Point Control).................................................................................... 198 BSC (Binary-Controlled Step) (Command Direction)...............................................198 DPC (Double-Point Control).................................................................................. 198 APC (Controllable Analog Set) (Command Direction).............................................199 Measured Values: MV, CMV, DEL, WYE..................................................................199 BCR (Binary Counter Reading)...............................................................................199 SOE (Sequence of Events).................................................................................... 200 Device Information...............................................................................................201 Routing of the Data Types ................................................................................... 202
5.1.4 Amount of Mappable Information..............................................................................202
5.1.5 Additional Information.............................................................................................. 203
5.2 Sequence of Events.........................................................................................................204
5.2.1 Overview...................................................................................................................204
5.2.2 Properties of the Sequence of Event...........................................................................204
5.2.3 Structure Holding Registers for Event Recorder...........................................................204 Overview............................................................................................................. 204 Register No. of Event Recorder Entries.................................................................. 205 Handshake Register SOE_Control (Read Access).................................................... 205 Handshake Register SOE_Control (Write Access)................................................... 206
5.2.4 Message Blocks......................................................................................................... 208
5.2.5 Handshake Mechanism..............................................................................................208
5.2.6 Multi-Connection to Master via Modbus TCP.............................................................. 209 General................................................................................................................209 Parameterization of the Multi-Communication......................................................209
5.2.7 Operating Modes.......................................................................................................209
5.3 Configurations of Modbus TCP in DIGSI 5.........................................................................210
5.3.1 Activation of Modbus TCP.......................................................................................... 210
5.3.2 Application and Settings Notes.................................................................................. 210
5.3.3 Settings.....................................................................................................................211
5.3.4 Information List......................................................................................................... 211
5.4 Configurations of Modbus RTU in DIGSI 5........................................................................ 212
5.4.1 Activation of Modbus RTU..........................................................................................212
5.4.2 Application and Settings Notes.................................................................................. 212
5.4.3 Settings.....................................................................................................................213
5.4.4 Information List......................................................................................................... 214

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6 IEC 60870-5-103........................................................................................................................................215
6.1 Protocol Characteristics................................................................................................... 216
6.1.1 Protocol Structure......................................................................................................216 Description.......................................................................................................... 216 Physical Layer.......................................................................................................216 Data-Link Layer.................................................................................................... 216
6.1.2 Application Layer....................................................................................................... 217 Description.......................................................................................................... 217 Standard DUs in Monitoring Direction...................................................................218 Standard DUs in Control Direction........................................................................ 218
6.1.3 Redundancy.............................................................................................................. 219 Redundancy Aspects in a Communications System............................................... 219 Parametrization of a Redundant Communication.................................................. 219
6.1.4 Generic Services........................................................................................................ 220 Description.......................................................................................................... 220 General Interrogation of Generic Data.................................................................. 220 Reading an Individual Parameter.......................................................................... 221 Writing an Individual Parameter............................................................................222
6.1.5 Settings Group Switching...........................................................................................224
6.1.6 Test Mode................................................................................................................. 225
6.1.7 Fault Recording......................................................................................................... 226
6.1.8 Amount of Mappable Information..............................................................................226
6.1.9 Monitoring Direction Blocking....................................................................................227
6.1.10 Additional Information.............................................................................................. 228
6.2 Settings and Properties................................................................................................... 230
6.2.1 Settings.....................................................................................................................230

7 PROFINET IO..............................................................................................................................................233
7.1 Protocol Characteristics................................................................................................... 234
7.1.1 Description................................................................................................................ 234
7.1.2 Device Identification ................................................................................................. 236
7.1.3 Data-Type Definitions for IO Data Exchange............................................................... 237 Overview............................................................................................................. 237 Data Type Single-Point Indication (SPS, Input).......................................................237 Data Type Single Command (SPC, Output)............................................................ 237 Data Type Double-Point Indication (DPS, Input).....................................................238 Data Type Double Command (DPC, Output).......................................................... 238 Measured Values..................................................................................................239 Metered Values (BCR, Input)................................................................................. 240 Controllable Analog Process Values (APC, Output)................................................ 240 Binary-Controlled Step Position Information (BSC, Output)....................................240 Unit IDs, Units, and Unit Multipliers...................................................................... 240 Data Type Message Block for Event List (SOE, Input)............................................. 241
7.1.4 IO Modules................................................................................................................243
7.1.5 Assignment of IO Modules to SIPROTEC 5 Data Objects...............................................248
7.1.6 Event List.................................................................................................................. 251 Overview............................................................................................................. 251 Input Direction..................................................................................................... 251 Output Direction.................................................................................................. 252 Handshake Mechanism........................................................................................ 252
7.1.7 Acyclic Reading of Data..............................................................................................254 Reading Unit IDs of Measured Values and Metered Values.....................................254

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7.1.8 Executing Switching Operations via PROFINET IO....................................................... 254 Command Output Types for Switchgear Control................................................... 254 Recommended Transmission of Commands via PROFINET IO.................................255 Multiple Command Output...................................................................................255 Behavior During Special Operating Conditions...................................................... 256
7.1.9 Behavior When Communication to IO Controller is Faulted......................................... 256
7.1.10 Amount of Mappable Information..............................................................................256
7.1.11 Redundancy.............................................................................................................. 257 General................................................................................................................257 S2 Redundancy.................................................................................................... 258
7.2 Settings and Properties................................................................................................... 259
7.2.1 Settings.....................................................................................................................259
7.3 Parameterizing IO Controller........................................................................................... 260
7.3.1 PROFINET IO Configuration........................................................................................ 260
7.3.2 Siemens S7 PLC and Step7......................................................................................... 260 Overview............................................................................................................. 260 PLC in STOP during Communication with SIPROTEC 5 Device.................................260 Periphery Access Commands................................................................................ 261 Reading and Writing Data with SFC14 and SFC15..................................................261 Reading and Writing Acyclic Data with SFB52........................................................261

8 Optical PPS using USART Plug-In Modules................................................................................................263

8.1 Receiving of Optical PPS.................................................................................................. 264
8.2 Generation of Optical PPS................................................................................................265
8.3 Configuration................................................................................................................. 266
8.4 Application and Setting Notes......................................................................................... 268

9 Protection Interface..................................................................................................................................269
9.1 Information on the Protection Interface, PMU, and Web User Interface.............................270

10 Additional Ethernet Services.................................................................................................................... 271

10.1 Activation and Ability to Deactivate the Services.............................................................. 272
10.2 Ports of the SIPROTEC 5 Devices...................................................................................... 274
10.3 DIGSI 5 Protocol ............................................................................................................. 275
10.4 DCP Protocol................................................................................................................... 277
10.4.1 DCP........................................................................................................................... 277
10.4.2 Network Settings and Device Name........................................................................... 277
10.4.3 Reset to Default Settings............................................................................................278
10.5 SNTP...............................................................................................................................279
10.5.1 Protocol Description.................................................................................................. 279
10.5.2 Setting the Parameters for Time Synchronization....................................................... 279
10.6 IEEE 1588....................................................................................................................... 282
10.6.1 Protocol Description ..................................................................................................282
10.6.2 Structure of the Protocol............................................................................................284
10.6.3 Configurations of the IEEE 1588 Protocol in DIGSI 5................................................... 284 Activation............................................................................................................ 284 Application and Setting Notes.............................................................................. 285 Seamless Changeover.......................................................................................... 288 Signals................................................................................................................. 289 Settings............................................................................................................... 290 Information List................................................................................................... 291

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10.6.4 Time Synchronization in Redundancy Networks......................................................... 292 Line Mode or PRP Network ...................................................................................292 HSR or RSTP Network............................................................................................297 PRP-HSR Network or RSTP-HSR Network................................................................ 301
10.6.5 Time Source Configurations of the IEEE 1588 Protocol............................................... 302
10.6.6 Technical Data...........................................................................................................303
10.6.7 IEEE 1588 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)........................... 304
10.7 DHCP.............................................................................................................................. 306
10.7.1 DHCP.........................................................................................................................306
10.7.2 Activating DHCP........................................................................................................ 306
10.8 RSTP............................................................................................................................... 307
10.8.1 Description................................................................................................................ 307
10.8.2 Parameter Settings for Networks................................................................................307
10.9 PRP................................................................................................................................. 309
10.10 HSR.................................................................................................................................310
10.11 SNMP..............................................................................................................................311
10.11.1 Settings for SNMP......................................................................................................311
10.11.2 SNMP Standard MIBs................................................................................................. 311
10.11.3 Siemens Enterprise MIBs............................................................................................ 312 SNMP SIPROTEC 5 Enterprise MIB..........................................................................312 SNMP PRP/HSR MIB............................................................................................... 315 SNMP DGPI MIB.................................................................................................... 319 SNMP DGSM MIB..................................................................................................321
10.11.4 SNMPv3 Features...................................................................................................... 323
10.12 SUP.................................................................................................................................324
10.12.1 SUP........................................................................................................................... 324
10.12.2 Activating SUP........................................................................................................... 324
10.13 Homepage...................................................................................................................... 327
10.13.1 Content and Structure............................................................................................... 327
10.13.2 Homepage Activation................................................................................................ 330
10.13.3 Overview Section.......................................................................................................331 Structure .............................................................................................................331 Health .................................................................................................................332 Module Info......................................................................................................... 333 Network Stat ....................................................................................................... 334
10.13.4 Application Diagnosis Section for Ethernet Modules................................................... 336 Structure .............................................................................................................336 Network Protocols – IEEE 1588 for the Modules ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 1) and
ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 1).............................................................................................337 Network Protocols – IEEE 1588 on the Module ETH‑BD‑2FO,
ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), and ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2)...................................................... 338 Network Protocols – SNTP.................................................................................... 344 Redundancy Protocols – PRP................................................................................. 345 Redundancy Protocols – HSR................................................................................ 346 Redundancy Protocols – RSTP .............................................................................. 347 Communication Protocols – IEC 60870-5-104....................................................... 349 Communication Protocols – IEC61850.................................................................. 351 Communication Protocols – IEC61850 - GOOSE.................................................... 354 Communication Protocols – PROFINET IO..............................................................356 Communication Protocols – DNP3 Ethernet ......................................................... 359 Communication Protocols – Modbus TCP.............................................................. 360 Communication Protocols – SUP Ethernet.............................................................361

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10.13.5 Application Diagnosis Section for Serial Modules........................................................ 361 Structure..............................................................................................................361 Application Diagnostic – DNP3............................................................................. 362 Application Diagnostic – IEC 60870-5-103 ........................................................... 363 Application Diagnostic – Modbus RTU...................................................................365 Application Diagnostic – SUP Serial.......................................................................366 Application Diagnostic – Protection Interface ....................................................... 367

11 Commissioning and Diagnostics.............................................................................................................. 373

11.1 Diagnostic Information....................................................................................................374
11.1.1 Prerequisite............................................................................................................... 374
11.1.2 Additional Tests......................................................................................................... 375
11.1.3 General Information about the Diagnostic Information...............................................375
11.1.4 Communication Log.................................................................................................. 376
11.1.5 Diagnostic Information for IEC 61850........................................................................ 377
11.1.6 Diagnostic Information for DNP3................................................................................381
11.1.7 Diagnostic Information for IEC 60870-5-104.............................................................. 383
11.1.8 Diagnostic Information for IEC 60870-5-103.............................................................. 386
11.1.9 Diagnostic Information for Modbus TCP..................................................................... 387
11.1.10 Diagnostic Information for Modbus RTU..................................................................... 389
11.1.11 Diagnostic Information for PROFINET IO..................................................................... 390
11.1.12 Diagnostic Measured Values of the Protection Interface..............................................393
11.1.13 Diagnostic Data for the Protection Interface............................................................... 397
11.1.14 Test Editor................................................................................................................. 401
11.1.15 IEC 61850................................................................................................................. 402 Switching off GOOSE Messages............................................................................ 402 Quality Processing/Affected by the User for Received GOOSE Values......................403 Supervision of GOOSE Connections...................................................................... 407 GOOSE Simulation Mode......................................................................................409
11.1.16 Working in the IEC 61850 Browser............................................................................. 410 IEC 61850 Browser...............................................................................................410 Dynamic Datasets.................................................................................................411 Activating the Reports.......................................................................................... 417
11.2 Signals to the Communication Modules...........................................................................419

12 Troubleshooting....................................................................................................................................... 421
12.1 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................. 422

Literature.................................................................................................................................................. 423

Glossary.................................................................................................................................................... 425


14 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1 Communication Modules

1.1 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Devices 16

1.2 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Compact Device 20
1.3 Communication Applications of the Plug-in Modules and the Integrated Interfaces 22
1.4 Network Topology 25
1.5 Ethernet Modules 36
1.6 Serial Modules for Short Distances 47
1.7 Integrated Serial Interface for Short Distances (SIPROTEC 5 Compact) 52
1.8 Installation, Replacement 54
1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5 57
1.10 Adapting Mappings 75
1.11 Time Synchronization 88
1.12 Operating Modes 93

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Communication Modules
1.1 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Devices

1.1 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Devices

SIPROTEC devices can be ordered with factory-installed communication modules. The communication modules
can also be installed and replaced in the SIPROTEC devices afterwards. You do not have to open the device for


i The communication modules available for reordering are not preconfigured. Use DIGSI 5 to carry out the
functional adjustment to the required protocol application.

The communication modules can be installed in the base module or the 1/3 module and in the expansion
module with the plug-in module assembly CB202. A maximum of 2 communication modules each can be
installed. You can use only one CB202 in the device.
The plug-in module assembly CB202 is a printed circuit board assembly with an integrated power supply.
The plug-in module assembly CB202 communicates with the base module via a special connecting cable. This
connecting cable (CAT 5 FTP patch cable) is always included in the scope of delivery of the plug-in module
assembly CB202 or the devices containing the plug-in module assembly CB202 and needs not be ordered
Ensure that you route the communication lines separately from network circuits.

[le_cm201p, 1, --_--]

Figure 1-1 Plug-In Module Positions and Communication Terminals in the Base Module, with Modular

(1) Time synchronization G

(2) Plug-in module position E
(3) Terminal for detached on-site operation panel H

16 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.1 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Devices

(4) Plug-in module position F

(5) Integrated Ethernet interface J
(6) Connection to expansion module with plug-in module assembly CB202
(7) Protective grounding terminals

[le_lmnppo, 2, --_--]

Figure 1-2 Plug-In Module Positions and Communication Terminals in the Expansion Module with CB202

(1) 2-pole terminal to connect power supply

(2) COM link L (connection to interface K of the base unit)
(3) Plug-in module position M
(4) Plug-in module position N
(5) Plug-in module position P
(6) Protective grounding terminals


i You cannot insert any communication module at plug-in module position M. The plug-in module posi-
tion M is intended for a measuring-transducer module only.

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C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.1 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Devices

[le_slots and communication terminals, 2, --_--]

Figure 1-3 Plug-In Module Positions and Communication Terminals on the 1/3 Module, for Non-Modular
Devices (7xx81, 7xx82)

(1) Time synchronization G

(2) Plug-in module position E
(3) Plug-in module position F (not applicable to 7xx81)
(4) Integrated Ethernet interface J
(5) Protective grounding terminals

The following communication modules can be used for SIPROTEC 5:

• Serial modules
Application: Communication to the substation automation technology via substation-control protocols
Protection interface (only optical serial modules) for interfacing to external communication converters for
short direct connections.
2 different communication protocols or 2 different applications can be operated on serial modules with
2 connections. The IEC 60870-5-103 protocol for the substation automation technology as well as a
protection interface, for example, can be operated on a serial optical module for close range with
2 connections.
Assign the protocol application to the corresponding channel of the communication module with DIGSI 5.

18 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.1 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Devices

• Ethernet Modules
Application: Ethernet-based communication to the substation automation technology via substation-
control protocols (for example, IEC 61850 and DNP3)
– Secure communication to DIGSI 5
– Communication between the devices (IEC 61850-GOOSE)
– Synchrophasor protocol (IEEE C37.118 - PMU)
The modules can be operated with or without an integrated switch.

• Long-distance modules
Application: Direct protection interface communication over long distances using multimode or single-
mode optical fibers.

The designation of the modules corresponds to the following scheme, which is typically explained with the
module USART-AB-1EL. The module designation consists of 3 blocks.
1st block Type of module
USART = Serial module for short or long distance
ETH = Ethernet module
2nd block Unique code for the module in the product code of the device
The code consists of 2 letters.
3rd block Number and physical design of the connections
1 = 1 connection (1 channel)
2 = 2 connections (2 channels)
EL = Electrical connection
FO = Fiber-optic connection
LDFO = Long-distance transmission via optical fibers

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C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.2 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Compact Device

1.2 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Compact Device

USB Connections on the Front
The device can be accessed with the DIGSI 5 operating program by plugging a standard USB cable into the
USB-B socket on the front side of the base module. The complete configuration and setting of the device can
be carried out via this connection.

Integrated Interfaces on the Rear Panel of the Device

SIPROTEC 5 Compact provides a redundant Ethernet interface and an electrical serial RS485 interface on the
rear panel. For this, observe the connection plans in the SIPROTEC 5 Compact 7SX800 manual.

Integrated Serial Interface (Port E)

The integrated electrical RS485 interface can be used for serial protocol applications such as IEC 60870-5-103,
DNP3 serial, or Modbus RTU.

Integrated Redundant Ethernet Interface (Port F)

The integrated Ethernet interface is optical or electrical and can be configured with or without integrated
switch. It can be used for Ethernet-based protocol applications, for example IEC 61850, Modbus TCP, DNP3,
IEC 60870-5-104, PROFINET IO, time synchronization via SNTP, network management via SNMP, DIGSI 5 via
TCP. Several applications can run in parallel, whereby unused applications can be switched off for security


i The communication interfaces are not preconfigured. Use DIGSI 5 to carry out the functional adjustment to
the required protocol application.

20 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.2 Overview – SIPROTEC 5 Compact Device

Ensure that you route the communication lines separately from network circuits.

[le_SIP5Comp_communication_ports, 1, --_--]

Figure 1-4 SIPROTEC 5 Compact Communication Connections

(1) Protective grounding terminal

(2) Integrated redundant Ethernet interface F
(3) Serial interface/IRIG-B time synchronization E

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 21

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.3 Communication Applications of the Plug-in Modules and the Integrated Interfaces

1.3 Communication Applications of the Plug-in Modules and the

Integrated Interfaces
You can find information on communication applications for the plug-in modules and the integrated inter-
faces in the following tables.

Plug-in Modules and Integrated Interfaces for the Communication

Table 1-1 Communication Applications and Plug-in Modules/Integrated Interfaces

Integrated Serial Interface

for SIPROTEC 5 Compact
Time Synchronization

Integrated Ethernet

ETH-BB-2FO (rev. 1)

ETH-BB-2FO (rev. 2)
ETH-BA-2EL (rev. 1)

ETH-BA-2EL (rev. 2)
Front Interface

Port or Plug-in Module

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:


D-sub 9:


Physical connection
USB ■ – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
9-pin D-sub socket – ■ – – – – – – – – – – – – –
1 x electrical Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s,
– – ■ – – – – – – – – – – – –
1 x electrical serial RS485, RJ45 – – – ■ – – – – – – – – – – ■
2 x electrical serial RS485, RJ45 – – – – ■ – – – – – – – – – –
1 x optical serial, 820 nm, ST connector,
2 km via 50/125 µm or 62.5/125 μm – – – – – ■ – – – – – – – – –
multimode optical fiber
2 x optical serial, 820 nm, ST connector,
2 km via 50/125 μm multimode optical – – – – – – ■ – – – – – – – –
2 x electrical Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s,
– – – – – – – ■ ■ – ■2 ■2 – – –
RJ45, 20 m
2 x optical Ethernet 100 Mbit/s,
1300 nm, LC connector, 24 km via – – – – – – – – – – ■2 ■2 – – –
9/125μm singlemode optical fiber
2 x optical Ethernet 100 Mbit/s,
1300 nm, LC connector, 2 km via
– – – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
50/125 μm or 62.5/125 μm multimode
optical fiber
DIGSI 5 Protocol ■ – ■ – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
IRIG B, DCF77, PPS – ■ – – – – ■3 – – – – – – – ■4
IEC 61850-8-1 server (GOOSE included,
– – ■ – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
reporting to 6 clients)
IEC 61850-9-2 Merging Unit – – – – – – – – – – – ■ – – –

1 For modular devices only (not for 7ST85 or 6MD89)

2 For the 2 x electrical Ethernet and 2 x optical Ethernet over 24 km function, separate SFPs are necessary. These can be ordered as
3 PPS is only available for the USART-AE-2FO module.
4 DCF77 and PPS are not supported. IRIG B cannot be used in parallel with other serial protocols.

22 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.3 Communication Applications of the Plug-in Modules and the Integrated Interfaces

Integrated Serial Interface

for SIPROTEC 5 Compact
Time Synchronization

Integrated Ethernet

ETH-BB-2FO (rev. 1)

ETH-BB-2FO (rev. 2)
ETH-BA-2EL (rev. 1)

ETH-BA-2EL (rev. 2)
Front Interface

Port or Plug-in Module

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:

Module Type:


D-sub 9:

IEC 61850-9-2 Process bus client – – – – – – – – – – – ■ – – –
IEC 60870-5-103 – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – ■
IEC 60870-5-104 – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
DNP3 serial – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – ■
DNP3 TCP – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
Modbus TCP – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
Modbus RTU – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – ■
Synchrophasor (IEEE C37.118 - PMU) – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – – –
Protection interface (IEEE C37.94) – – – – – ■ ■ – – – – – – – –
PROFINET IO – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
S2 redundancy and SOE for PROFINET IO – – – – – – – – ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ –
SUP serial (Slave Unit Protocol) for
connecting external temperature or – – – ■ ■ ■ – – – – – – – – ■
20 mA measuring devices
SUP Ethernet (Slave Unit Protocol) for
connecting external temperature or – – ■ – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
20 mA measuring devices
Diagnostic homepage – – ■ – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ – – –
Additional Ethernet protocols and services
DHCP, DCP (automatic IP configuration) – – ■ – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
Line mode – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
PRP (Ethernet ring redundancy) – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
HSR (Ethernet ring redundancy) – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
RSTP (Ethernet ring redundancy) – – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
SNTP (time synchronization over
– – ■ – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
SNMP V3 (network management
– – – – – – – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ –
IEEE 1588v2 (PTP protocol over Ethernet
– – – – – – – ■ – ■ – – – – –
– ms accuracy)
IEEE 1588v2 (Precision Time Protocol via
– – – – – – – – ■6 – ■6 ■ – – –
Ethernet – µs accuracy)5
IEEE 802.1Q (VLAN) – – – – – – – – ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ –


i The USART and ETH plug-in module types may be used in slots E and F in the base module as well as in slots
N and P in the CB202 expansion module. They are not intended for use in slot M in the CB202 expansion

1 For modular devices only (not for 7ST85 or 6MD89)

5 SFP accuracy is 1 ms with optional RJ45
6 The grandmaster functionality is not supported.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 23

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Communication Modules
1.3 Communication Applications of the Plug-in Modules and the Integrated Interfaces


i For SIPROTEC 5 Compact devices, only the integrated interfaces ETH-YA-2EL and ETH-YC-2FO are available.
For SIPROTEC 5 devices, the interfaces ETH-YA-2EL and ETH-YC-2FO are not available.

24 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.4 Network Topology

1.4 Network Topology

1.4.1 Network Structures

The Ethernet communication modules and interface are available in both electrical and optical versions. Both
module types are provided with an integrated switch functionality. This makes it possible to integrate the
devices into almost all network structures together with third-party components.
The network structures are independent of the communication protocol (IEC 61850, DNP3,
IEC 60870-5-104, ...).
The interfaces on the devices can be used in different operating modes. A distinction is drawn between the
operating modes Line and Switch.


i In DIGSI, the Dual Homing operating mode is known as Line.

Superordinate Network Structures

SIPROTEC devices are always incorporated into superordinate network structures. This is not the case for
connections with only a single partner.
The basic element of superordinate structures is always a so-called switch. Switches have several ports. The
connections between these ports and the ports of other network switches form the superordinate network.
Today, superordinate network structures are formed from structures based on switches that operate using
RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol). This always means that the higher level network forms a ring or a
network of such network switches. This results in a variety of possible circuits. A superordinate network is
always included in the following figures of structures.
It can be seen that a network structure always consists of a higher level network structure and the connection
to a device.


i With RSTP, you must recall that, in the event of an error, this structure and the superordinate network
structure determine the time behavior. With Dual Homing, only the device-connection line that switches
very quickly is protected. Errors in the higher level network are always subject to the time behavior of the

In the following explanations, the superordinate network structure is always shown as a simple ring. Such a
ring can conceal a structure with several superimposed rings.

Dual Homing Interface Operating Mode

If you have not set a redundancy protocol, the Dual Homing operating mode will be active. In this operating
mode, both ports of the SIPROTEC device behave like one independent port. The 1st port that detects a
connection with another network component accepts it as active and handles the entire data transmission via
that connection.
The 2nd port on the device operates on standby, that is, only the link status is monitored. If the active port
fails, the device switches to the 2nd port within a few milliseconds.


i Keep in mind that the device or the network connection has only one MAC address, that is, only one of the
connected lines is active at any moment.

In the Dual Homing operating mode, redundant star structures (as viewed from the device) can be formed if
both device ports are connected with different ports of a network switch or with one port on each of the 2
different network switches.

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Communication Modules
1.4 Network Topology

If only one port is connected with a network port, then this connection has no redundancy and has only a
single connection, just like the network connection on a PC.
The following connections are possible:

[dw_dhansc, 3, --_--]

Figure 1-5 Single Connection

[dw_SIP5-0031, 5, en_US]

Figure 1-6 Dual Homing with 2 Switches

Redundancy Protocol Interface Operating Mode

Currently, RSTP is available as a redundancy protocol. In accordance with IEEE 802.1D-2004, RSTP is then set
as the redundancy protocol.
The Switch function in the device itself establishes interconnection of the components to one another as
a ring and to the superordinate switches. This ensures that all telegrams intended for the device reach it.
Telegrams sent from the device are incorporated into the data stream on the ring.
The Redundancy Protocol interface operating mode uses both ports on the device, which must be connected
with 2 ports of a network switch or with one port each on 2 different network switches. The actual connection
is similar to that of Dual Homing. In any case, the ports of the network switches support RSTP and are linked
in the network. Only activation of RSTP at the device interfaces permits incorporation of SIPROTEC devices into
ring or mesh structures.

Switch Function (Internal Switch)

The Switch function in the device itself establishes interconnection of components to one another as a
ring and to the superordinate switches. This ensures that only telegrams intended for the device reach it.
Telegrams sent from the device are incorporated into the data stream on the ring. The following figures show
the connections. The connections of the 2 network switches show their location in the network.

26 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.4 Network Topology

[dw_zwswpo, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-7 Redundant Connection with Different Network Switches

This figure shows the general use of the Switch function and the possibilities for connecting a device. The
redundant connection ensures connection in the event of failure of the link or of a switch. Usually, several
devices are arranged in a ring.

Interface Versions on the Modules

The interfaces of the Ethernet modules in the devices come in different versions for optical or electrical
connections. Siemens recommends using an optical fiber for longer connections (> 20 m (787.4 in)). For
physical reasons, the length of the connection between 2 switches or between a device and a switch is always
limited. The length can be increased by using several switches. For shorter connections, you can also select
electrical connections if the actual EMC is taken into account.

Single Structure
In a single structure, a ring consisting of network switches with electrical or optical connections forms the
superordinate network structure. In this case, the SIPROTEC devices are connected to the ports of the network
switch with a star connection. RSTP is not activated in the SIPROTEC devices.
The star-shaped arrangement of the connections yields a very simple structure which, however, provides no
redundancy for the connection between the device and network switch.

[dw_opring, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-8 Single Optical Ring

Redundant Star Structure (Dual Homing)

In contrast to a single structure, the devices in a redundant star structure are connected with the network via
both ports, in this case, with the ports of 2 different network switches.
In the Dual Homing operating mode, RSTP in the SIPROTEC devices is not activated/parameterized, but
there is a redundant connection between network switches and the SIPROTEC device. The redundancy of
the superordinate network is assured by the RSTP functionality there, but this does not affect the interface
function of the devices. Another redundancy procedure can also be active in the superordinate network. The
superordinate network can also be of a star shape.

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Communication Modules
1.4 Network Topology

[dw_duhome, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-9 Dual Homing Structure

Ring Structure
Ring structures are structures in which SIPROTEC devices are interconnected with devices from other manufac-
turers in a ring. The devices are incorporated into the ring structure via both ports. This yields rings consisting
of devices and network switches 3 and 4. These network switches have at least 4 ports that support RSTP.
Network switches 1 and 2 are connected with the SICAM PAS.

[dw_doprin, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-10 Ring Structure

Information is routed from participant to participant in the ring until it reaches its intended destination. If the
ring structure shown is cut at a point, a line results. Communication continues to function almost without
interruption, because network control with RSTP initiates a reconfiguration. A second fault in the line or in
one of the participants, however, cannot be overcome. Depending on the structure, keeping additional faults
under control is becoming less secure.

28 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.4 Network Topology

You must set the RSTP parameter Bridge Priority. This requires that you set one of the 2 switches connected
with the Substation Automation System to priority 0. As a result, the switch with priority 0 is then specified as
the root switch. You must set the other switch connected with the Substation Automation System to a lower
priority. A higher numerical value means a lower priority. Siemens recommends setting this switch to 4096.
This switch serves as the backup root switch in the event that the root switch fails.
Network switches 3 and 4 always have the next-lowest priority, that is, the priority value must be set higher.
The priority for both can be the same, however.
Siemens recommends using this topology for compact systems.

Multiple-Ring Structure
Multiple-ring structures can occur in succession in larger systems.
To create a multiple-ring structure, activate and set the settings for RSTP in the devices.

[dw_2rings, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-11 Dual-Ring Structure

The figure shows the possible arrangement in such a structure. Each ring can contain several switches. Even
the SICAM PAS is incorporated via its own switches.
The structure shown represents a Garland structure: The SIPROTEC devices are connected in a line. At its
ends, this line is connected with the switches. The line of devices is called a garland. The garland structure
occurs several times in succession here.
Detailed information on the special aspects of setting the parameters for such a structure can be found in the
following chapter.

Optical and Electrical Module Interfaces

In contrast to SIPROTEC 4 devices, there is no difference between modules with an optical interface and
modules with an electrical interface in SIPROTEC 5 devices.

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Communication Modules
1.4 Network Topology


i When setting parameters, note the following:

You can select between the Line, RSTP, PRP, and HSR structures.
The PRP and HSR protocols have no additional setting values.
The PRP and HSR protocols are supported by devices of version V3.00 and higher and by DIGSI 5. If your
devices, Ethernet modules, and DIGSI 5 use an earlier version, upgrade the components.

PRP Structure
The PRP structure (Parallel Redundancy Protocol according to IEC 62439-3:2012) provides communication over
2 independent networks (LAN A and LAN B) simultaneously. As shown in the following figure, the 2 networks
may not be connected to one another. Siemens recommends building both networks identically. Connect LAN
A to channel 1 and LAN B to channel 2.

[dw_prpstr, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-12 SIPROTEC Devices Connected via 2 Independent Networks (LAN A and LAN B)

If there is an interruption in communication on network A or network B, the data exchange continues without
problems on the other network. This means that there is no interruption.

Updating the Device Configuration via Communication Modules in the PRP Structure
If the device configuration contains IEC 61850 as communication protocol, then the device is set to the
Fallback mode during the update process. The module is switched to the Line Mode communication. If the
DIGSI PC is inserted to the PRP network via a RedBox (Redundancy Box), the communication to the terminal
device continues to function in the PRP structure with the Line Mode network redundancy protocol.


i Communication problems can occur if you insert a DIGSI PC as SAN (Single Attached Node) into a PRP
structure and a SIPROTEC 5 device goes into Fallback mode, for example, by loading the configuration
when using IEC 61850. In the Fallback mode, the devices switch over internally to Line Mode. Therefore,
Siemens recommends using a DIGSI PC in a PRP network with a RedBox (Redundancy Box).

30 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.4 Network Topology

HSR Structure
The devices are arranged in rings in the HSR structure (High Availability Seamless Redundancy Protocol
according to IEC 62439-3:2012) shown in the following figure. The procedure does not have its own parame-

[dw_hsrstr, 4, en_US]

Figure 1-13 SIPROTEC Devices Arranged in Rings

If an interruption in communication occurs in a network, a seamless switchover takes place. All components in
the HSR rings must support HSR.
If you want to connect non-HSR-capable devices, apply HSR RedBoxes or HSR-capable switches. For example,
if communication via Ethernet with a PC with devices in the HSR ring is to take place, the connection must be
established using a RedBox.

1.4.2 Network Structure-Dependent Parameters

RSTP needs the settings that are listed and described in the table under 10.8.2 Parameter Settings for
Networks in order to operate.

Detection of the Correct RSTP Settings

The RSTP diagnostic values can be displayed on the HMI (Human-Machine Interface) of the device and with
Also check the role of the ports.
For further information on the diagnostic values, refer to chapter Redundancy Protocols – RSTP .

Determining the Location of the Alternate Port

There must always be an alternate port in a ring, since such a port in a ring forms a logical cut that is necessary
to prevent continually circulating telegrams.
If the alternate port does not exist, it may still be possible to reach all devices, but there will no longer be any
redundancy. That means a line break has occurred that was already handled prior by RSTP. A break in the line
always leads to a reconfiguration and loss of the alternate port, since the alternate port must switch through
in order to bridge the break caused by an error.
The alternate port in a configuration can always be determined by querying the port roles. This is possible with
the aid of SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) or, with more effort, by means of the display of the
device. Establishing the location of the alternate port depends on the number of switches in the range.

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C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.4 Network Topology

In the simple ring structure in Figure 1-10, the situation is as follows:

• If Switch 1 is the root switch, then there are 3 rings:

– One ring consisting of Switches 1 to 4
– Two 3-device lines of SIPROTEC devices

• If Switch 1 is the root switch, the ring consisting of 4 network switches contains the ring from Switch 1 to
Switch 3 and Switch 2 and from there to Switch 4. If the priority of Switch 2 is lower than that of Switch
3, then the alternate port is set to the right port of Switch 4.

• If Switch 1 is the root switch, you obtain a 2nd ring: Switch 1 – Switch 3/Switch 2 – S11/Switch 4 –
S12/S13. This establishes the alternate port on the tie line S12/S13. If S13 has a lower priority, then the
alternate port is set to the right port of S12.

• The same holds for the 2nd ring of. SIPROTEC devices.


i Keep in mind that the MAC address is linked to the priority. If the switches are set to the same priorities,
then the MAC address is the determining factor.

In the dual-ring structure and when the alternate port is stationary, the situation is somewhat more complex:

• The primary ring is now Switch 1 – Switch 3/Switch 2 – Switch 4/Switch 6 – Switch 5/Switch 5. If Switch 4
has a lower priority than Switch 6, then the alternate port is set to the left port on Switch 5.

• The ring with the S1x switches is slightly different. The root switch (Switch 1) has a connection to Switch
3. This is where the subring Switch 3 – S11/Switch 4 – S12/S13 begins. In this case, the alternate port is
set to one port of the connection between S12/S13. If S13 has a lower priority7 than S12, then the left
port on S13 is established as the alternate port.

• The ring with S4x is an additional example. The left port on Switch 5 is the alternate port in the primary
ring. As a result, the connection to the root bridge runs through the right port on Switch 6, yielding:
Switch 6 – Switch 5/S43 – S41/S42. The alternate port is established on the ports used for the connection
S41-S42. If S41 has a lower valence than S42, then the right port on S41 is established as the alternate
Using this procedure, it is possible to determine the alternate ports for all structures and check them in the
real system.
These settings are shown in the following figure.

7 The priority consists of several components including, among others, the MAC address.

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1.4 Network Topology

[dw_statap, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-14 Structure with Alternate Ports

Setting the MaxAge Parameter

The MaxAge parameter is preset to 20. This setting is listed as the default setting in the Standard IEEE
Std 802.1DTM – 2004 and can be increased up to 40. The primary function of this parameter is to discard
telegrams with a greater or identical age. Aging itself is established by the number of switches passed.
The MaxAge parameter must be defined such that all switches can reach the root switch when taking this
definition into account, particularly in the case of a break in the line or device failure.
The alternate ports indicate the break points. If you consider the connections to the root switch, for example,
S23 – S22 – S21 – Switch 3 – Switch 1, then a setting of 4 suffices for the MaxAge parameter.


i The alternate port is included in the count!

If the entire network is considered, then you must set the MaxAge parameter to 5 (Switch 1 – Switch 2 –
Switch 6 – S43 – S42 – S41). This, however, represents the steady state.
Such a state must first be established. It must be possible to reach the root switch in all interruption scenarios.
If the line from the left port on Switch 1 to the left port on Switch 2 breaks, then the alternate ports shift.


i Switching on a device can also cause such reconfiguration effects, for example, the shifting of alternate

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 33

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.4 Network Topology

[dw_ub_port, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-15 Broken Connection with Shifting of the Alternate Ports

The worst case is when the connection from the right port on S13 to Switch 4 breaks as well. In this case, the
maximum setting is 8 (Switch 1 – Switch 2 – Switch 6 – Switch 5 – Switch 4 – Switch 3 – S11 – S12 – S13).


i The telegram age that results is 7, but since it must always be less than the MaxAge parameter, a setting of
8 is mandatory.
You can find more information on telegram age in chapter 10.8.2 Parameter Settings for Networks.

The optimum situation is thus a setting of 8.


i It is also possible to set 20, but in the event of a root failure, RSTP telegrams can remain in the network
until they disappear because of their age. These telegrams can cause temporary interruptions.
For this reason, you should not set the MaxAge parameter any higher than necessary.

Setting the HelloTime Parameter

You can set the HelloTime parameter to 1 s or 2 s. This value sets the interval between cyclically sent RSTP
If you wish to achieve a fast response, set 1 s. In this way, root failure is handled quickly.

Setting Priorities
Priority settings in a network establish the location of the root bridge. Establish the location of the root bridge
such that all switches, including the SIPROTEC devices, can reach the root bridge over almost identically long
paths. Using this approach, you also achieve a minimum setting of the MaxAge parameter, as described in the
section that discusses setting the MaxAge parameter. Normally, SIPROTEC devices should not form the root

34 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.4 Network Topology

Once the root bridge has been established, also specify a 2nd bridge as a backup root bridge in the event of
failure of the primary root bridge when the network is similar to that shown in Figure 1-14. For the MaxAge
parameter setting not to be increased unnecessarily, the backup root bridge should be in the immediate
vicinity of the primary root bridge. This results in the following: for Switch 1, a priority setting of 0; Switch 2 is
set to 4096; Switches 3 to 6 are higher, and the devices are all set to 32 768.


i The port priorities are changed only in special cases.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 35

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

1.5 Ethernet Modules

1.5.1 Ethernet Interface

Integrated Ethernet Interface (Port J)

This terminal is used to load the device with DIGSI 5 using Ethernet. This terminal also enables IEC 61850
Ethernet communication or communication with another protocol via Ethernet, for example, for connecting
an external RTD unit.
Interface Integrated Ethernet interface

(1) LED 1: Yellow

(2) LED 2: Green
Connector type 1 x RJ45
Baud rate 100 Mbit/s
Max. line length 20 m with Ethernet patch cable CAT 6 S/FTP, F/FTP, or SF/FTP
Insulation class SELV (acc. to IEC 60255-27)
Interface design Corresponds to IEEE 802.3, 100Base-TX


i The IEC 61850 protocol is an option that can be ordered for Port J (integrated Ethernet interface). This
protocol is displayed only if the corresponding product feature has been purchased.


i A client-server communication can take place via Port J (integrated Ethernet interface), for example, reports
can be transmitted.
In non-modular devices and modular devices, this interface can also support GOOSE communication as an
order option.

1.5.2 Operation of Ethernet Modules

The Ethernet modules of the SIPROTEC 5 series can be operated optionally with or without integrated switch
function. This applies for the electrical as well as the optical module. This function can be selected via the
parameterization. It is not necessary to make any indication in the order. The optical Ethernet modules are
compatible with the EN100 modules of the SIPROTEC 4 series. If the RSTP protocol or the HSR protocol is
active, the optical modules of the SIPROTEC 4 series and the SIPROTEC 5 series can be operated in a ring.
When using SIPROTEC 4 devices with module firmware ≤ V4.06 and SIPROTEC 5 devices, the maximum
allowable number of participants is 30 devices. When using SIPROTEC 4 devices with module firmware ≥ V4.07
and SIPROTEC 5 devices, the maximum allowable number of participants is 40 devices. When using SIPROTEC
5 devices, the maximum allowable number of participants is 40 devices.
Figure 1-16 shows operation of the Ethernet modules with integrated switch function. All devices of a station
are shown which are connected to one another by means of optical fibers. The devices form optical rings.

36 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

In addition, 2 switches are used on the substation controller for the SICAM PAS. The 2 switches take the
requirements for the redundancy into account.
Additional participants with electrical interfaces can also be connected to the SICAM PAS (for example, the
DIGSI 5 control PC). An external switch is sufficient. Optical communication modules are primarily used for this
topology, as there can be substantial distances between the devices.
If the Ethernet modules are installed in expansion modules with a CB202 PCB assembly, the power supply can
be provided with an independent battery. The integrated switch can maintain its function when the device is
switched off. The data are transmitted in optical and electric rings. This prevents opening of the ring. The ring
continues to operate when 1 or more devices are switched off.

[dw_eth1sw, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-16 Operation of Ethernet Modules with an Integrated Switch Function

Figure 1-17 shows the operating mode without integrated switch function. Optionally, the 2nd connection
can be connected to the 2nd switch. This connection is shown with a dashed line in Figure 1-17. The IP
communication is established using the 1st connection here. If this connection fails, the system changes
over to the 2nd connection within a few milliseconds. The IP connection is retained practically without
interruption using the 2nd switch. This hot-standby connection redundancy increases the availability in such
configurations, as shown in the following figure. The information on failure of the protection connection is
transmitted to the substation automation technology.

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C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

[dw_ethsw3, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-17 Operation of Ethernet Modules Without Integrated Switch Function with Single or Redundant
Connection to the Switch

1.5.3 ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 1)


i You can identify the revision number of the module by the product code and the name plate.

Description Communication module for the transmission of Ethernet protocols via

2 electrical interfaces
Product code P1Z4022

Connector type 2 x RJ45

Baud rate 100 Mbit/s

38 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

Protocol DIGSI 5 protocol (secure Web service protocol)

IEC 61850 (MMS and GOOSE)
Modbus TCP
IEC 60870-5-104
IEEE 1588v2/PTP
Synchrophasor protocol (IEEE C37.118 - PMU)
You can switch other network services like SNMP, RSTP, PRP, HSR, SNTP
and SUP Ethernet on and off.
Max. line length 20 m with Ethernet patch cable CAT 6 S/FTP, F/FTP or SF/FTP
Interface design Corresponds to IEEE 802.3, 100Base-TX

1.5.4 ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2)


i You can identify the revision number of the module by the product code and the name plate.

Description Communication module for the transmission of Ethernet protocols via

2 electrical interfaces, can be used for ultrafast GOOSE
Product code P1Z55

Connector type 2 x RJ45

Baud rate 100 Mbit/s
Protocol DIGSI 5 protocol (secure Web service protocol)
IEC 61850 (MMS and GOOSE)
Modbus TCP
IEC 60870-5-104
S2 redundancy and SOE for PROFINET IO
Synchrophasor protocol (IEEE C37.118 - PMU)
You can enable and disable other network services such as SNMP, RSTP,
PRP, HSR, SNTP, SUP Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2/PTP8
Max. line length 20 m with Ethernet patch cable CAT 6 S/FTP, F/FTP or SF/FTP
Interface design Corresponds to IEEE 802.3, 100Base-TX

8 The grandmaster functionality is not supported.

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C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

1.5.5 ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 1)


i You can identify the revision number of the module by the product code and the name plate.

Description Communication module for the transmission of Ethernet protocols via

2 optical interfaces
Product code P1Z4008

Connector type 2 x duplex LC

Wavelength λ = 1300 nm
Baud rate 100 Mbit/s
Protocol DIGSI 5 protocol (secure Web service protocol)
IEC 61850 (MMS and GOOSE)
Modbus TCP
IEC 60870-5-104
IEEE 1588v2/PTP
Synchrophasor protocol (IEEE C37.118 - PMU)
You can switch other network services like SNMP, RSTP, PRP, HSR, SNTP
and SUP Ethernet on and off.
Max. line length 2.5 km when using a 50 µm/125 µm or 62.5 µm/125 µm optical fiber

Transmitter Power Minimum Typical Maximum

50 μm/125 μm, NA9 = 0.2 -24.0 dBm -21.0 dBm -17.0 dBm
62.5 μm/125 μm, NA9 = 0.275 -20.0 dBm -17.0 dBm -14.0 dBm

Receiver sensitivity Maximum -12.0 dBm

Minimum -31.0 dBm
Optical budget Minimum 7.0 dB for 50 μm/125 μm, NA9 = 0.2
Minimum 11.0 dB for 62.5 μm/125 μm, NA9 = 0.275
Interface design Corresponds to IEEE 802.3, 100Base-FX
Laser class 1 as per EN 60825-1/-2 With the use of 62.5 μm/125 μm and 50 μm/125 μm optical fibers

9 Numerical Aperture (NA = sin θ [launch angle])

40 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

1.5.6 ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2)


i You can identify the revision number of the module by the product code and the name plate.

Description Communication module for the transmission of Ethernet protocols via

2 optical interfaces, can be used for ultrafast GOOSE
Product code P1Z390

Connector type 2 x duplex LC

Wavelength λ = 1300 nm
Baud rate 100 Mbit/s
Protocol DIGSI 5 protocol (secure Web service protocol)
IEC 61850 (MMS and GOOSE)
Modbus TCP
IEC 60870-5-104
S2 redundancy and SOE for PROFINET IO
Synchrophasor protocol (IEEE C37.118 - PMU)
You can enable and disable other network services such as SNMP, RSTP,
PRP, HSR, SNTP, SUP Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2/PTP10
Max. line length 2.5 km when using a 50 µm/125 µm or 62.5 µm/125 µm optical fiber

Transmitter Power Minimum Typical Maximum

50 μm/125 μm, NA11 = 0.2 -24.0 dBm -21.0 dBm -17.0 dBm
62.5 μm/125 μm, NA11 = 0.275 -20.0 dBm -17.0 dBm -14.0 dBm

Receiver sensitivity Maximum -12.0 dBm

Minimum -31.0 dBm
Optical budget Minimum 7.0 dB for 50 μm/125 μm, NA11 = 0.2
Minimum 11.0 dB for 62.5 μm/125 μm, NA11 = 0.275
Interface design Corresponds to IEEE 802.3, 100Base-FX
Laser class 1 as per EN 60825-1/-2 With the use of 62.5 μm/125 μm and 50 μm/125 μm optical fibers

10 The grandmaster functionality is not supported.

11 Numerical Aperture (NA = sin θ [launch angle])

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 41

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

1.5.7 ETH-BD-2FO

Description Communication module for the transmission of Ethernet protocols via

2 optical interfaces, suitable for Process-bus client, Merging Unit, and
ultrafast GOOSE
Product code P1Z3034

Connector type 2 x duplex LC

Wavelength λ = 1300 nm
Baud rate 100 Mbit/s
Protocol DIGSI 5 protocol (secure Web service protocol)
IEC 61850 (MMS and GOOSE)
IEC 61850-8-1 (9-2 Client and 9-2 Merging Unit)
IEC 60870-5-104
Modbus TCP
S2 redundancy and SOE for PROFINET IO
Synchrophasor protocol (IEEE C37.118 – PMU)
You can switch other network services such as HSR, SNMP, RSTP, PRP,
SNTP, SUP, and IEEE 1588v2/PTP on and off.
Max. line length 2.5 km for 50 µm/125 µm or 62.5 µm/125 µm optical fibers

Transmitter Power Minimum Typical Maximum

50 μm/125 μm, NA12 = 0.2 -24.0 dBm -21.0 dBm -17.0 dBm
62.5 μm/125 μm, NA12 = 0.275 -20.0 dBm -17.0 dBm -14.0 dBm

Receiver sensitivity Maximum -12.0 dBm

Minimum -31.0 dBm
Optical budget Minimum 7.0 dB for 50 μm/125 μm, NA12 = 0.2
Minimum 11.0 dB for 62.5 μm/125 μm, NA12 = 0.275
Interface design Corresponds to IEEE 802.3, 100Base-FX
Laser class 1 as per EN 60825-1/-2 With the use of 62.5 μm/125 μm and 50 μm/125 μm optical fibers


i The firmware must be updated to version ≥ V7.90 if using the ETH-BD-2FO module. If the module is
connected to a device with a previous version, a hardware failure is reported that disappears with an FW
update to V7.90. As this is not an actual hardware failure, there is no need to send in the device.

12 Numerical Aperture (NA = sin θ [launch angle])

42 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

To adapt the interface to longer transmission distances, for a transmission distance of up to 2 km, the modules
ETH-BD-2FO and ETH-BB-2EL (revision 2) offer the option to exchange the SFPs (Small Form-Factor Pluggable)
supplied as standard for 24 km Single Mode SFPs (order number P1Z3210).

SFP with Optical Interface for 24 Km, Single Mode

Description SFP for distances up to 24 km when using singlemode optical fibers

Product code P1Z3210
Connector type Duplex LC
Wavelength λ = 1300 nm
Baud rate 100 Mbit/s
Protocol See information for the modules ETH-BD-2FO, ETH-BA-2EL (revision 2)
and ETH-BB-2EL (revision 2).
Max. line length 24 km for 9 µm/125 µm optical fibers

Distance 24 km
Laser class 1 as per EN 60825-1/-2 With the use of 9 µm/125 µm optical fibers

Transmitter Power Minimum Maximum

Transmitter power coupled in -15 dBm -8 dBm
singlemode optical fibers
Receiver sensitivity -8 dBm -31dBm
Optical budget 16 dB –

SFP (Small Form-Factor Pluggable) with Electrical Interface

Description SFP with RJ45 connector, for Ethernet protocols via an electrical inter-
Product code P1Z3201
Connector type RJ45
Baud rate 100 Mbit/s
Protocol See information for 1.5.7 ETH-BD-2FO
See information for Integrated Ethernet Interface (Port F), Page 44
Max. line length 20 m with Ethernet patch cable CAT 6 S/FTP, F/FTP, or SF/FTP
Interface design Corresponds to IEEE 802.3, 100BaseTX

Removing SFP Pluggable Transceivers

Risk of burns due to high temperatures of the SFP pluggable transceivers
Noncompliance with the safety notes may result in medium or light injuries.
² The SFP pluggable transceivers can be disconnected and plugged in while in operation. Siemens
recommends switching off the device.
² Allow the SFP pluggable transceiver to cool as much as possible.

✧ Remove the connecting cables or the dust protection cap that was plugged on in the delivery state from
the SFP pluggable transceiver.
✧ In order to release the interlocking, open the bracket on the SFP pluggable transceiver.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 43

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

✧ Pull on the bracket in order to pull the SFP pluggable transceiver out of the slot. The removal must be
possible with free movement and without great exertion of force.
✧ Provide the SFP pluggable transceiver with the dust protection cap so that the optics are protected from

Mounting SFP Pluggable Transceivers

✧ Check whether the bracket on the SFP pluggable transceiver is closed.

The bracket must be closed.
✧ Insert the pluggable transceiver into the slot until it audibly locks in place.
The SFP pluggable transceiver is securely fixed in the slot.


i Check for secure positioning of the transceiver in the slot and whether it is locked in place in order to avoid
unintentional removal by pulling on the connection line.

1.5.8 Integrated Ethernet Interface – SIPROTEC 5 Compact

Integrated Ethernet Interface (Port F)

This connection is used to load the device with DIGSI 5 via Ethernet. This terminal also enables IEC 61850
Ethernet communication or communication with another protocol via Ethernet, for example, for connecting
an external RTD unit.
Interface Integrated electrical Ethernet interface

(1) LED 1 Yellow

(2) LED 2: Green
Connector type 2 x RJ45
Baud rate 100 Mbit/s
Protocol DIGSI 5 protocol (secure Web service protocol)
IEC 61850 (MMS and GOOSE)
Modbus TCP
IEC 60870-5-104
S2 redundancy and SOE for PROFINET IO
Max. line length 20 m with Ethernet patch cable CAT 6 S/FTP, F/FTP, or SF/FTP
Insulation class SELV (as per IEC 60255-27)
Interface design Corresponds to IEEE 802.3, 100Base-TX

Interface Integrated optical Ethernet interface

Connector type 2 x Duplex LC
Wavelength λ = 1300 nm

44 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

Baud rate 100 Mbit/s

Protocol DIGSI 5 protocol (secure Web service protocol)
IEC 61850 (MMS and GOOSE)
Modbus TCP
IEC 60870-5-104
S2 redundancy and SOE for PROFINET IO
You can switch on and off other network services such as SNMP, RSTP,
PRP, HSR, SNTP, and SUP Ethernet.
Max. line length 2 km via 62.5/125 μm multimode optical fiber

Transmit power Minimum Typical Maximum

50 μm/125 μm, NA13 = 0.2 -24.0 dBm -21.0 dBm -17.0 dBm
62.5 μm/125 μm, NA13 = 0.275 -20.0 dBm -17.0 dBm -14.0 dBm

Receiver sensitivity Maximum -12.0 dBm

Minimum -31.0 dBm
Optical budget Minimum 7.0 dB for 50 μm/125 μm, NA13 = 0.2
Minimum 11.0 dB for 62.5 μm/125 μm, NA13 = 0.275
Interface design Corresponds to IEEE 802.3, 100Base-FX
Laser class 1 as per EN 60825-1/-2 With the use of 62.5 μm/125 μm and 50 μm/125 μm optical fibers

SFP (Small Form-Factor Pluggable) with Electrical Interface

Description SFP with RJ45 connector, for Ethernet protocols via an electrical inter-
Product code P1Z3201
Connector type RJ45
Baud rate 100 Mbit/s
Protocol See information for 1.5.7 ETH-BD-2FO
See information for Integrated Ethernet Interface (Port F), Page 44
Max. line length 20 m with Ethernet patch cable CAT 6 S/FTP, F/FTP, or SF/FTP
Interface design Corresponds to IEEE 802.3, 100BaseTX

Removing SFP Pluggable Transceivers

Risk of burns due to high temperatures of the SFP pluggable transceivers
Noncompliance with the safety notes may result in medium or light injuries.
² The SFP pluggable transceivers can be disconnected and plugged in while in operation. Siemens
recommends switching off the device.
² Allow the SFP pluggable transceiver to cool as much as possible.

✧ Remove the connecting cables or the dust protection cap that was plugged on in the delivery state from
the SFP pluggable transceiver.
✧ In order to release the interlocking, open the bracket on the SFP pluggable transceiver.

13 Numerical Aperture (NA = sin θ [launch angle])

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 45

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.5 Ethernet Modules

✧ Pull on the bracket in order to pull the SFP pluggable transceiver out of the slot. The removal must be
possible with free movement and without great exertion of force.
✧ Provide the SFP pluggable transceiver with the dust protection cap so that the optics are protected from

Mounting SFP Pluggable Transceivers

✧ Check whether the bracket on the SFP pluggable transceiver is closed.

The bracket must be closed.
✧ Insert the pluggable transceiver into the slot until it audibly locks in place.
The SFP pluggable transceiver is securely fixed in the slot.


i Check for secure positioning of the transceiver in the slot and whether it is locked in place in order to avoid
unintentional removal by pulling on the connection line.

46 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.6 Serial Modules for Short Distances

1.6 Serial Modules for Short Distances

1.6.1 Unique Features of the Serial Electrical Modules

The serial electrical modules are equipped with RJ45 connections. These are not Ethernet connections. The
serial signals of the RS485 interface are routed to the RJ45 connections (see following figure).

[dw_rj45pb, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-18 RJ45 Terminals for the Serial Signals of the RS485 Interface

Cabling Examples of Devices with Serial Electrical Modules

Serial electrical RS485 connections of devices in the SIPROTEC 5 series can be cabled with low-cost Ethernet
patch cables. Special bus cables and adaptors are not needed. Pay attention to the following note if you
include devices from the SIPROTEC 4 series in the connection.


i The RS485 interface in devices of the SIPROTEC 4 series is a D-Sub 9 connection with a connected load
If you connect devices from the SIPROTEC 5 series with devices from the SIPROTEC 4 series, then use an
Y adaptor with the order designation 7XV5103-2BA00. Complete the connection on the last device with a
load resistor. For the SIPROTEC 5 device, use a load resistor with the order designation RS485 terminator

[dw_serma1, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-19 Communication with a Single Master Using an RS485 Bus

The preceding figure shows the cabling using the new RJ45 sockets in a simplified format. The serial RS485
bus can be extended by simply connecting Ethernet patch cables from device to device.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 47

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.6 Serial Modules for Short Distances

[dw_serma2, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-20 Redundant Communication with 2 Masters Using RS485 Bus (for Example, Redundant
IEC 60870-5-103 Protocol)

The preceding figure shows the use of both connections on one module for connecting the devices to 2
independent masters following the same principle as with a single master.

When reordering serial communication modules, specify the product code for the physical version of the
module. The order configurator (IPC configurator) shows you which applications are capable of running on the

• Serial

• 1-channel or 2-channel

• Electrical or optical

Serial Optical Fiber Communication Modules

For the connector polish types of the ST and LC connector types for multimode and singlemode optical fiber
connections, Siemens recommends:

• Flat fiber connector (Flat)

• PC fiber connector (Physical Contact)

• UPC fiber connector (Ultra Physical Contact)

For wide-range transmission optical fiber applications, the specified wavelength of the optical fiber cable must
match that of the wide-range transmission module (1310 nm or 1550 nm). Operation with other wavelengths
than specified may result in higher attenuation and thus lower achievable distances.

1.6.2 USART-AB-1EL

Description Serial asynchronous communication module with one electrical inter-

Product code P1Z79

48 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.6 Serial Modules for Short Distances


Connector type 2 x RJ45

Baud rate 1.2 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s
Protocol IEC 60870-5-103
Modbus RTU
SUP serial

1.6.3 USART-AC-2EL

Description Serial asynchronous communication module with 2 independent elec-

trical interfaces
Product code P1Z437

Connector type 4 x RJ45

Baud rate 1.2 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s
For 1 or 2 protocols or applications IEC 60870-5-103
(1 application per connector) DNP3
Modbus RTU
SUP serial

1.6.4 USART-AD-1FO

Description Serial asynchronous or synchronous communication module with 1

independent optical interface
Product code P1Z62

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 49

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Communication Modules
1.6 Serial Modules for Short Distances


Connector type 2 x ST
Wavelength λ = 820 nm
Baud rate Asynchronous: 1.2 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s
Synchronous: 64 kbit/s to 2 Mbit/s
For 1 protocol or application IEC 60870-5-103
Modbus RTU
SUP serial
Protection interface communication
Max. range 2.5 km when using an optical fiber 50 μm/125 μm or 62.5 µm/125 µm

Transmit Power Minimum Typical Maximum

50 μm/125 μm, NA14 = 0.2 -19.8 dBm -15.8 dBm -12.8 dBm
62.5 μm/125 μm, NA14 = 0.275 -16.0 dBm -12.0 dBm -9.0 dBm

Receiver sensitivity Maximum +1 dBm

Minimum -32 dBm
Optical budget Minimum 9.0 dB for 50 μm/125 μm, NA14 = 0.2
Minimum 13.0 dB for 62.5 μm/125 μm, NA14 = 0.275
Laser class 1 as per EN 60825-1/-2 With the use of 62.5 μm/125 μm and 50 μm/125 μm optical fibers

1.6.5 USART-AE-2FO

Description Serial asynchronous or synchronous communication module with

2 independent optical interfaces
Product code P1Z48

Connector type 4 x ST
Wavelength λ = 820 nm

14 Numerical Aperture (NA = sin θ [launch angle])

50 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.6 Serial Modules for Short Distances

Baud rate Asynchronous: Both connections 1.2 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s

Synchronous: Both connections 64 kbit/s to 2 Mbit/s
Asynchronous/Synchronous: 1 connector 1.2 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s and
1 connector 64 kbit/s to 2 Mbit/s
For 1 or 2 protocols or applications IEC 60870-5-103
(1 application per optical DNP3
connector) Modbus RTU
SUP serial
Protection interface communication
Max. range 2.5 km when using an optical fiber 50 μm/125 μm or 62.5 µm/125 µm

Transmit Power Minimum Typical Maximum

50 μm/125 μm, NA15 = 0.2 -19.8 dBm -15.8 dBm -12.8 dBm
62.5 μm/125 μm, NA15 = 0.275 -16.0 dBm -12.0 dBm -9.0 dBm

Receiver sensitivity Maximum +1 dBm

Minimum -32 dBm
Optical budget Minimum 9.0 dB for 50 μm/125 μm, NA15 = 0.2
Minimum 13.0 dB for 62.5 μm/125 μm, NA15 = 0.275
Laser class 1 as per EN 60825-1/-2 With the use of 62.5 μm/125 μm and 50 μm/125 μm optical fibers

15 Numerical Aperture (NA = sin θ [launch angle])

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 51

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Communication Modules
1.7 Integrated Serial Interface for Short Distances (SIPROTEC 5 Compact)

1.7 Integrated Serial Interface for Short Distances (SIPROTEC 5


1.7.1 Special Features of the Integrated Serial Interface

The integrated serial interface is equipped with 1 RJ45 connection. The serial signals of the RS485 interface
are routed to the RJ45 connection (see the following figure).

[dw_rj45pb_SIP5_Compact, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-21 RJ45 Terminals for the Serial Signals of the RS485 Interface

Cabling Examples of Devices with an Integrated Serial Interface

Serial electrical RS485 connections of SIPROTEC 5 Compact devices can be cabled with low-cost Ethernet patch
cables. A separately available Y-adapter cable (7XV5103-2CA00) is required to connect to the SIPROTEC 5
Compact devices. Complete the connection on the last device with a bus connector 7XV5103-5BA00.

[dw_serma2_SIP5_Compact, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-22 Communication with a Single Master Using an RS485 Bus

(1) SIPROTEC 5 Compact device

(2) SIPROTEC 5 device
(3) Y-adapter cable 7XV5103-2CA00
(4) Bus connector 7XV5103-5BA00

Cabling Examples of Devices with IRIG B for Time Synchronization

The serial interface in the SIPROTEC 5 Compact device can be used for IRIG-B time synchronization. The sepa-
rately available time-synchronization bus cable 7XV5104-0AAxx and the IRIG-B adapter cable 7XX8310-0CG00
are required to connect to the SIPROTEC 5 Compact devices.

52 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Communication Modules
1.7 Integrated Serial Interface for Short Distances (SIPROTEC 5 Compact)

[dw_serma2_SIP5_Compact_IRIG-B, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-23 Communication with IRIG B for Time Synchronization

(1) SIPROTEC 5 Compact device

(2) SIPROTEC 5 device
(3) IRIG-B adapter cable 7XX8310-0CG00
(4) Time-synchronization bus cable 7XV5104-0AAxx


i The IRIG-B connection cannot be used in parallel with another serial protocol.
The IRIG-B adapter cable 7XX8310-0CG00, in particular the D-Sub connection, must be protected against
mechanical stresses (tension or vibration) by suitable relief measures. Avoid sharp bendings when
connecting the RJ45 plug.

1.7.2 Integrated Serial Interface

Description Electrical serial asynchronous communication interface

Connector type 1 x RJ45
Baud rate 2.4 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s
Protocol IEC 60870-5-103
Modbus RTU
SUP serial

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Communication Modules
1.8 Installation, Replacement

1.8 Installation, Replacement

1.8.1 Fasteners

The fasteners of the plug-in modules are shown in the following figure regarding the example of an installed
module and an empty, covered slot.

[le_fxing_elements, 1, --_--]

Figure 1-24 Fasteners

(1) EMC spring contact

(2) Fastening screw
(3) Cut-out for prying out the modules
(4) Plug-in module
(5) Fastening screw
(6) Cover plate

1.8.2 Installation


i Reordered modules are not contained in the original device configuration. Use DIGSI to perform the
corresponding extension in the Hardware and Protocols Editor.

Preparing Installation

Danger due to live voltage when installing the plug-in modules.
Noncompliance with the safety notes will result in death or severe injuries.
² Install plug-in modules on the electrically deactivated device only.

54 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Communication Modules
1.8 Installation, Replacement

Exercise caution with laser beams of the optical plug-in modules.
Noncompliance with the safety notes can result in medium-severe or slight injuries.
² Do not look directly into the optical fiber terminals of the active optical plug-in modules, not even with
optical devices. The laser beams can damage the eyes.

² De-energize the device.


i When using optical communication modules, Laser class 1 is maintained in compliance with EN 60825-1
and EN 60825-2 when using optical fibers ≤ 62.5 μm/125 μm.

² In the case of a surface-mounted device with integrated on-site operation panel, remove the entire
on-site operation panel.
² Undo the fastening screw and remove the cover plate from the plug-in module position.

Installing the Plug-In Module

² Push in the plug-in module on the inner guide as far as it will go.
² Ensure that the EMC contact spring is seated correctly.
² Bolt down the plug-in module on the assembly frame to a torque of 0.4 Nm.
² Connect the lines to the terminals.
² Then check for secure attachment of the plugs.
² If necessary, fit the on-site operation panel again.

Completing Installation
² Resume operation of the device.

1.8.3 Replacement

Preparing for Replacement

Danger due to live voltage when replacing the plug-in modules.
Noncompliance with the safety notes will result in death or severe injuries.
² Install plug-in modules on the electrically deactivated device only.

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Communication Modules
1.8 Installation, Replacement

Exercise caution with laser beams of the optical plug-in modules.
Noncompliance with the safety notes can result in slight to medium injuries.
² Do not look directly into the optical fiber terminals of the active optical plug-in modules, not even with
optical devices. The laser beams can damage the eyes.

² De-energize the device.


i Laser class 1 is adhered to in compliance with EN 60825-1 and EN 60825-2, in the case of
≤ 62.5 μm/125 μm optical fibers.
When using the ARC-CD-3FO module, Laser class 1 is maintained in compliance with EN 60825-1 and
EN 60825-2 when using 1-mm plastic optical fiber.

² In the case of a surface-mounted device with integrated on-site operation panel, remove the on-site
operation panel before the base module.
² Remove all connecting lines.
² Undo the fastening screw with which the plug-in module is fixed on the device.
² Insert a screwdriver (DIN 4 x 0.8) in the cut-out underneath the elongated hole in the mounting frame
and disengage the plug-in module.
² Carefully pull out the plug-in module.

Fastening the Plug-In Module

² Push in the new plug-in module on the inner guide of the plug-in module position until it moves no
² Bolt down the plug-in module on the mounting frame to a torque of 0.4 Nm.
² Connect the lines to the terminals.
² Then check for secure attachment of the plugs.
² If necessary, fit the on-site operation panel again.

Completing Replacement
² Place the device is service again and perform a firmware update of the communication modules.


i If you have not cabled the optical fiber plug-in modules, then seal the terminals with protective covers. This
prevents soiling of the terminals.

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Communication Modules
1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

1.9.1 Selecting the Communication Module

If a product code was used to select the devices, they will be delivered with assembled communication
modules. You can install and replace additional communication modules afterwards.


i When doing so, you must ensure that both the protocol firmware as well as the parameterization of the
protocol are first transferred by DIGSI.

² In the Project tree, select the Devices and networks section.

[sc_projtr, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-25 Selection in the Project Tree

² Select the communication modules from the library in the Hardware Editor working area in DIGSI.


i The type of communication protocols to be used is the deciding factor when selecting the communication
The protocols require a certain interface (serial or Ethernet). You can find more information on which
protocol runs with which module in chapter 1.3 Communication Applications of the Plug-in Modules and
the Integrated Interfaces .

You have 2 possibilities to select the communication module and drag it to the plug-in module position:
² Move the communication module using drag and drop from the hardware catalog to the plug-in module
position of the device.
- or -

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

² Double-click the communication module in the hardware catalog.

[sc_modsel, 4, en_US]

Figure 1-26 Select Communication Module from the Hardware Catalog and Drag it to the Module Slot, for
Example, for a Serial Communication Module

For the communication modules ETH-BA-2EL and ETH-BB-2FO, you must select the revision via one of the
following ways:
² Select the revision when adding a device, as shown in Figure 1-27.
- or -
² Select the revision when selecting the communication module, as shown in Figure 1-28.

58 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

[sc_selecting_revision_adding_device, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-27 Select the Revision when Adding a Device

[sc_selecting_revision_commodule, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-28 Select the Revision when Selecting the Communication Module

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

After selecting the communication module, you can check the revision in Properties > Details.

[sc_checking revision, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-29 Check the Revision

1.9.2 Configuring Communication Interfaces

The communication interfaces are configured in the Hardware Editor working area in DIGSI 5.
² Select the communication module or the integrated Ethernet interface (Port J).
² Select the Properties tab.
² In the lower Editor section, under General, select the Protocols entry.
² Select the desired protocol in the respective sections.

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

[sc_parptj, 4, en_US]

Figure 1-30 Protocol Selection – Integrated Ethernet Interface (Port J)

[sc_select_protocol_serial, 4, en_US]

Figure 1-31 Protocol Selection – Serial Communication Module

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

[sc_select_protocol_Ethernet, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-32 Protocol Selection – Ethernet Module

There are modules with 1 or 2 serial interfaces. All communication channels from the communication module
must be configured individually.
Channel 1 is displayed for Ethernet modules. The selection applies to the communication module, however,
regardless of which redundancy protocol you have selected.
For some protocols, you can parameterize the redundancy on the 2nd channel. The serial protocols, you must
activate the redundancy for each channel.
You can route 1 or several network protocols for each channel.
You can also set the IEC 61850 protocol together with other communication protocols, for example with
DNP3, IEC 60870-5-104, and Modbus TCP. For more information, see 1.9.4 Parallel Running with IEC 61850.
The following table shows for each protocol whether multiple instantiation is possible within a single device:

Table 1-2 Possibility of Multiple Instantiation

Communication Protocol Multiple Instantiation Possible Yes/No

IEC 61850 Yes
DNP3 Yes
IEC 60870-5-104 No
Modbus TCP No
Modbus RTU Yes

62 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

Communication Protocol Multiple Instantiation Possible Yes/No

IEC 60870-5-103 Yes

With the selection of the communication channel, the parameters required for the protocol are shown. For the
description of the parameters see:

• DNP3:
3.2.1 Settings for the Serial Connection and 3.2.2 Settings for Communication through Ethernet

• IEC 60870-5-104:
4.2.1 Settings

• Modbus TCP:
5.3.2 Application and Settings Notes

• Modbus RTU:
5.4.2 Application and Settings Notes

• IEC 60870-5-103:
6.2.1 Settings

7.2.1 Settings

Setting the Network Protocols and the Network Redundancy Protocol

Except for DCP, all network protocols are deactivated in the default setting for safety reasons.
For further information on the network protocol and the network redundancy protocols see 10.1 Activation
and Ability to Deactivate the Services.
² You can select one or more of these network protocols.

Creating a Subnetwork
² If no subnetwork exists, click the Add new subnetwork button under Interface connected with in the
General section of the Properties tab.
- or -
² Highlight the communication module of a device in the Network view.
² While holding the left mouse button down, drag the cursor to the desired communication module of
another device.

[sc_subnet, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-33 Creating a Subnetwork


i When using SIPROTEC 5 devices with the IEC 61850 protocol, 2 communication modules configured with
IEC 61850 must not be placed in the same subnetwork.
To establish an IEC 61850-GOOSE connection, modules must be in the same subnetwork.

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

1.9.3 VLAN Overview
The Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a data-link layer technology and standardized in IEEE 802.1Q.
VLAN allows separation of different communication traffic types (for example, process data, engineering or
management, voice calls, and video surveillance) sharing the physical links of the Ethernet network.
Regarding VLAN, SIPROTEC 5 supports the following protocols and technologies:

• Pure layer 2 protocols, for example, GOOSE and SMV.

• IP-based protocols, for example, IEC 61850 MMS, DIGSI 5.

The following figure shows an example of the VLAN solution:

[dw_VLAN_solution_example, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-34 VLAN Solution Example Configurations in DIGSI 5

You can find the communication modules which support VLAN in 1.3 Communication Applications of the
Plug-in Modules and the Integrated Interfaces . To configure the IP settings and VLAN settings, proceed as

Configuring IP-Address Settings and VLAN Settings

² Open the Editor Hardware and protocols in DIGSI 5.
² Select the communication module in the tab Device view.
² Select the tab Properties.

64 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

² Select IP Interfaces under General.

[sc_VLAN_settings, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-35 IP-Interface Settings

² Configure the parameters in the section IP Interface 1 settings.

You can assign the IP address of the IP interface manually or by DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
² Activate Use VLAN tag in the section VLAN settings.
² Configure the relevant parameters.
² To configure multiple IP Addresses and VLANs per module, click Add Interface under the section VLAN
A new section of IP interface is available, including the IP-interface settings and its related VLAN settings.
² Configure the parameters.

Assigning IP-Interfaces
If you have defined multiple IP interfaces on the communication module, you can assign the IP interface to
one or several server protocols. It is not necessary to assign the IP interface to client protocols. The IP interface
is selected automatically by the module for client protocols (for example, SNTP, Syslog, RADIUS).
² Open the Editor Hardware and protocols in DIGSI 5.
² Select the communication module in the tab Device view.
² Select the tab Properties.
² Select Protocols under General.

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

[sc_IP_interface_assignment, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-36 IP-Interface Assignment

² Activate IEC 61850-8-1 under the section Communication.

² Select the desired IP Interface for the IEC 61850-8-1 protocol.

Configuring Static IP Routes


i You can configure static IP routes only when the default gateway address has been configured at IP
interface 1 or any IP interface has been configured with DHCP.

² Open the Editor Hardware and protocols in DIGSI 5.

² Select the communication module in the tab Device view.
² Select the tab Properties.
² Select IP routes under General.

66 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

[sc_IP_route_settings, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-37 Static IP Route Settings

² Click Add IP route.

A new section of IP route is available.
² Configure the parameters.


i If destination networks must be reached via multiple next-hop routers (and not only via the single default
gateway), the static IP routes are needed.

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5 Applications and Setting Notes

IP-Interface Settings

[sc_IP_interfaces_settings, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-38 IP-Interface Settings

68 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Communication Modules
1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

Table 1-3 Setting Notes for IP Address of IP Interface

Parameter Name Description Settings

Using the If the parameter Using the following IP Check box marked (default
following IP address is marked, you must assign the IP address, setting)
address the Subnet mask, and the default gateway IP address Check box unmarked
IP address With the parameter IP address, you set the IP The IP addresses have the
address of the IP interface. format x.y.y.x (x: 1 to 254, y:
0 to 254).
Not every possible combination
is permissible within the range
of value. Impermissible combi-
nations are indicated automati-
Subnetwork mask Subnet mask is a 32-bit value that enables the recip- Typically, the subnet masks use
ient of IP packets to distinguish the network ID and the format 255.x.x.x.
host ID portions of the IP address.
Default Gateway With the parameter Default Gateway IP Addr, The IP addresses have the
IP Addr you set the IP address of the default gateway. format x.y.y.x (x: 1 to 254, y:
Each communication module only has 1 default 0 to 254).
gateway IP address. You can configure this parameter Not every possible combination
only in IP interface 1. is permissible within the range
of value. Impermissible combi-
nations are indicated automati-
Obtain an IP If the parameter Obtain an IP address auto- Check box unmarked (default
address auto- matically (from DHCP server) is marked, the setting)
matically (from IP address, the Subnet mask, and the default gateway Check box marked
DHCP server) IP address are assigned by the DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol) server.


i Make sure that each module is only assigned to 1 default gateway IP address.

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

Table 1-4 Setting Notes for VLAN

Parameter Name Description Settings

Use VLAN tag With the parameter Use VLAN tag, you determine Check box unmarked (default
to activate the VLAN settings in DIGSI 5. setting)
If the VLAN settings are deactivated, the untagged Check box marked
frames are sent by the IP interface. Received
untagged and priority-tagged frames are accepted by
the IP interface.
If the VLAN settings are activated, the following
values are set by default:

• VLAN Mode = Tagged

• VLAN ID = 2
• PCP = 0
VLAN Mode With the parameter VLAN Mode, you define whether Tagged (default setting)
tagged or priority-tagged frames are sent by this IP Priority-tagged

• If you set the parameter to Tagged,

VLAN‑tagged frames with the configured
VLAN ID and PCP are sent via the IP interface.
Received tagged frames with the configured
VLAN ID are accepted by the IP interface.
• If you set the parameter to Priority-tagged,
priority‑tagged frames (VLAN ID = 0) are sent
via the IP interface. Received untagged and
priority‑tagged frames are accepted by the IP
VLAN ID The identifier of a VLAN. Setting range = 2 to 4094
The parameter VLAN ID identifies which particular Default setting = 2
VLAN the frame belongs to.

• If you have set the parameter VLAN Mode to

Priority-tagged, the parameter VLAN ID is
0 by definition. VLAN ID = 0 means that the
frame does not belong to any VLAN.
• If you have set the parameter VLAN Mode to
Tagged, you can set the parameter VLAN ID
from 2 to 4094.
VLAN ID = 1 is used internally as Port‑VLAN ID (PVID)
which will not be configured. VLAN ID = 1 cannot be
used for user traffic.
PCP Priority Code Point for frame prioritization according Setting range = 0 to 7
to IEEE 802.1Q. Default setting = 0

70 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

Table 1-5 Setting Notes for MTU Size

Parameter Name Description Settings

Size With the parameter Size, you determine the size of Setting range = 576 to 1500
MTU. Default setting = 1500
Reduce for If the parameter Reduce for tagged frames Check box unmarked
tagged frames is marked, the MTU size can be different from the Check box marked (default
configured MTU size value: setting)
• For IP packets sent via VLAN-tagged and priority-
tagged IP interfaces, the MTU size is reduced by
4 bytes compared to the configured value.
• For IP packets sent via the untagged IP interface,
the configured MTU size applies without reduc-
If the parameter Reduce for tagged frames is
unmarked, the configured MTU size value applies to
VLAN-tagged, priority-tagged, and untagged IP inter-

Multiple IP Interfaces with Multiple VLANs

You can add or delete IP interfaces in DIGSI 5 by clicking the button Add Interface or the button Delete Inter-
The IP interface 1 cannot be deleted. The maximum number of IP interfaces is 3.
Each IP interface can be configured independently. The IP interfaces must belong to separate, non-overlapping
IP subnetworks (determined by the IP address and subnet mask). If you have set the parameter VLAN Mode to
Tagged, each IP interface must have a separate VLAN ID.
Regarding the settings of Use VLAN tag and VLAN Mode for multiple IP interfaces, only the following
combinations are permitted:

• The parameter Use VLAN tag is unmarked for only 1 IP interface. For the other IP interfaces, the
parameter VLAN Mode is set to Tagged.

• The parameter Use VLAN tag is marked and the parameter VLAN Mode is set to Tagged for all IP

• The parameter Use VLAN tag is marked for all IP interfaces. The parameter VLAN Mode is set to
Priority-tagged for only 1 IP interface and is set to Tagged for the other IP interfaces.

Static IP Route Settings

The communication module can communicate with different remote networks via multiple next-hop routers
with the help of static IP routes.

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

The following figure shows an example of the IP route application:

[dw_IP_route_application, 1, en_US]

Figure 1-39 IP Route Application

(1) Traffic to the connected network: No IP route is needed.

(2) Traffic to the remote network: Static IP route is needed.
(3) Traffic to the remote network: Using the default route.

After the default gateway IP address in the IP interface section is assigned by the gateway configuration or
DHCP, you can configure the static IP routes.
You can configure up to 10 static IP routes besides the default route set in the gateway address of the

Table 1-6 Setting Notes for Static IP Route

Parameter Name Description Settings

Destination IP The combination of the parameters Destination The IP addresses have the
address IP address and Destina. subnetwork mask format x.y.y.x (x: 1 to 254, y:
Destina. determines the destination subnetwork that the static 0 to 254).
subnetwork mask IP route is related to. Not every possible combination
Gateway IP With the parameter Gateway IP address, you set is permissible within the range
address the IP address of the next-hop router (gateway). of value. Impermissible combi-
nations are indicated automati-
The IP route is used for sending IP packets to the
destination subnetwork via the next-hop router.

1.9.4 Parallel Running with IEC 61850

The SIPROTEC 5 device supports the protocols DNP3, Modbus, and IEC 60870-5-104 running in parallel with
IEC 61850 on the same communication module.

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

[sc_IEC61850_other_protocols, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-40 Setting the IEC 61850 Protocol in the Ethernet Communication Module with Other Communi-
cation Protocols

Restrictions for DNP3, IEC 60870-5-104, and Modbus TCP

The following restrictions are recommended for DNP3, IEC 60870-5-104, and Modbus TCP:

• IEC 61850 clients: A maximum of 2 clients communicate with the SIPROTEC 5 device at one time.

• GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event): A maximum of 5 GOOSE applications/datasets per
device, with 50 data objects in total. Set the Minimum monitoring time to ≥ 10 ms and use
the standard settings of the communication profile PriorityLow in the GOOSE parameters of the
IEC 61850 GOOSE application.
These recommendations are not binding. For example, you can configure more GOOSE applications with more
data objects as source and destination and download them into the device. A higher GOOSE load can lead to a
delayed transmission.

1.9.5 Mapping Selection

A mapping file contains prioritized indications, measured values, and commands.

At least one standard mapping is supplied for the protocol.

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1.9 Basic Parameterization in DIGSI 5

Selecting the protocols defines which mappings are available. You can select the mapping separately. The
routings defined in the mapping are displayed in the Communication Mapping working area for each
Routings in the communication matrix are also possible without selecting an existing mapping file.

[sc_mapping, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-41 Selecting Mapping – Example for DNP3


i After instantiating the protection functions, assign the standard mapping as the second to last step. After
this, you must set parameters for the time synchronization.
Data objects created later on are not automatically included in an existing mapping.

Changing Mappings


i If you change a standard mapping, all existing mapping information will be lost. DIGSI shows a message to
this effect.

[sc_chgmap, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-42 Message in DIGSI

74 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Communication Modules
1.10 Adapting Mappings

1.10 Adapting Mappings

1.10.1 Description

You can copy mappings within a device to other channels.

The prerouted signals are displayed in the Communication Mapping working area.
You can change the mapping on a channel with the following options:

• Routing additional signals by highlighting in the Receive or Transmit column and entering the protocol

• Deleting existing mapping entries

• Changing the protocol addressing

You can route all information which is not dimmed in the operating range Communication Mapping to the
protocol. The routing of some typical data types is explained in more detail below:
All data types can be routed to the protocols.

1.10.2 Mapping of Data Types

The indications are routed by highlighting the object in the Transmit column. Indications are information
transmitted to a master. After this, you must enter the parameters required for the protocol.
You can route the following IEC 61850 data types to indications (binary inputs):

IEC 60870-5-104

IEC 60870-5-103

Data Type

SPS (Single-point status – single-point indication) X X X X X
DPS (Double point status – double-point indication) X X X X X
ACD (Directional protection activation information) X X X X X
ACT (Protection-activation information) X X X X X
ENS (Enumerated Status, for example, mode) X X X X X
BSC (Binary controlled step position information) – X X – X
INS (Integer status value) – X – – –

You can map data types ACD, ACT, and ENS to SPS indications only via conversions. Conversions are used to
map individual information contained in the data types. This partial information is automatically provided by
the system; you do not have to convert it yourself.

You route the commands by highlighting in the Receive column.
You can route the following IEC 61850 data types to commands (binary outputs):

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

IEC 60870-5-104

IEC 60870-5-103

Data Type

SPC (Single Point Control) X X X X X
DPC (Double Point Control) X X X X X
BSC (Binary controlled step position information) – X X – X
APC (Controllable analog set point information) – X X – X
ENC (Controllable enumerated status) – – – X –
INC (Controllable integer status) – X – – –

If a command status signal should be mapped or if it is preset through the control model, the status signal
from the command will be parameterized in the same line under the Transmit column.

Supported Control Models

The SIPROTEC 5 device supports the control models (according to IEC 61850):

• Direct with normal security

• SBO (Select before operate) with normal security

• Direct with enhanced security

• SBO with enhanced security


i In the case of commands, the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol and PROFINET IO allow only direct switching.
Selection is not possible before switching. However, the protocol firmware simulates this cycle (select –
operate) internally.
In the case of negative acknowledgment of a command, the reason for the negative acknowledgment
cannot be distinguished. The possible reasons are listed in the following:

• Select negative

• Operate negative

• Other interlocking conditions in effect

Measured Values
The measured values are routed by highlighting the object in the Transmit column. After this, you must enter
the parameters required for the protocol.
You can route the following IEC 61850 data types to measured values:
IEC 60870-5-104

IEC 60870-5-103

Modbus TCP

Data Type

DEL (phase-to-phase related measured values of a 3-phase system) X X X X X

MV (measured value) X X X X X
WYE (phase-to-ground related measured values of a 3-phase system) X X X X X

You can map data types DEL and WYE to MV measured values only via conversions.

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

[sc_mapping_all, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-43 Mapping of Indications, Commands, and Measured Values

Setting the Measured-Value Threshold

When processing measured values via the protocol, there are measured-value thresholds that you can set.
The measured-value threshold for the individual measured values is not set in the communication matrix but
centrally in the routing matrix. The following thresholds are preset:
Measured-Value Threshold Setting Value
Deadband for values of the type frequencies: 0.1 %
(Neutral zone for values of the type frequencies)
Deadband for values of the type voltages: 2%
(Neutral zone for values of the type voltages)
Deadband for values of the type currents: 10 %
(Neutral zone for values of the type currents)
Deadband for values of the type power: 10 %
(Neutral zone for values of the type power)
Deadband for values of the type all others: 10 %
(Neutral zone for values of the type all others)
Deadband angle (dbAng) for values of all types: 1%
(Neutral zone angle (dbAng) for values of all types)

This setting value applies to the current measured value. If, for instance, the measured value is 110 kV and
the default setting is 2 %, then the measured value will be transmitted in the event that the measured values
changes by 2.2 kV.
Changes in the current value are compared with the value most recently transmitted and entered in an
absolute summation, that is, regardless of whether the changes are positive or negative. If this sum violates a
set threshold value that is value-dependent, the current measured value at that time is transmitted.


i All measured values are primary values. The unit for current is A or kA, the unit for voltage is kV, and the
unit for apparent power is MVA or kVA, depending on the transformer values or rated values.

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

Counter Values
The counter values are routed by highlighting the object in the Send transmit column.

IEC 60870-5-104

IEC 60870-5-103

Data Type

BCR (Binary Counter Reading) X X X X X


i For pulse counters, only the generated pulses are transmitted. The multiplier that can be set in DIGSI is not
taken into account. This can lead to deviations between the transmitted value and the value displayed in
the device.

Exemplary Calculations
The scaling of a power meter is defined by the following values:
60 000 pulses per hour correspond to V = Vprim and I = Iprim.
Vprim = Rated voltage
Iprim = Rated current
The measured performance value is calculated based on the following formula:

[fo_leismw, 2, en_US]

In the SIPROTEC 5 device, this measured performance value is stated from 0.00 MW to 9.99 MW, that is with
2 relevant decimal places.
Siemens recommends a scaling factor of 100 for the transmission as an integer measured value through
DNP3. With this, a value from 0 to 999 is transferred to the master.
If the scaling factor is less than 100, then important information about the decimal places is lost during
the transmission. A scaling factor larger than 100 does not create any precise information. The accuracy is
only simulated, but really non-existent. Thus, with a scaling factor of 100, there is an interpretation of the
integer measured value (measured value Integer) through DNP3 with: ±32 768. This corresponds to a value of
±327.68 MW.

IEC 60870-5-103
Counter values, for example, kWh, are not defined in the IEC 60870-5-103 standard; consequently, there is no
compatible data unit for transmission of the metered values. However, some SIPROTEC devices offer the ability
to transmit metered values on the basis of IEC 60870-5-103. Private data unit 205 has been defined for this
purpose. Metered values are transmitted as spontaneous indications. Each telegram contains a metered value
with its own function type and information number.

IEC 60870-5-104
You can use counter interrogation commands to interrogate the integrated total. SIPROTEC 5 supports TI
<101> with the functionality Reset. You can interrogate the integrated total with interrogation group 1 to
interrogation group 4 and the general interrogation counter. You can reset the counter values with general
interrogation counters as well as the interrogation group 1 to interrogation group 4. The interrogated inte-
grated total is transmitted with Cause of Transmission <37> to <41>.
You can find additional information on Cause of Transmission in the standard IEC 60870-5-101, chapter 7.2.3.

78 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

1.10.3 Transmission Buffer

The protocols IEC 60870-5-103, DNP3, IEC 60870-5-104, Modbus TCP, and Modbus RTU support the transmis-
sion-buffer feature with the following characteristics:

• The transmission buffer is a ring buffer.

• If the buffer overflows, the current entry overwrites the earliest entry.

• If all the supported event types for the indication (for example, SPS, DPS, ACD, ACT, ENS, or BSC) are
mapped to the communication protocol, they are used in the transmission buffer.

• When the object value changes, it is stored in the transmission buffer with a time stamp.

• After the device initialization or reboot, the transmission buffer is empty and then the startup values of
the objects are entered in the transmission buffer.

• If the communication fails, the transmission buffer is not erased. Once the communication connection is
re-established, entries are still saved and the protocol master reads the entries. If necessary, the buffer
overflow is indicated.

• Once the buffer has been transmitted to the master, the transmitted transmission-buffer entries are
deleted from the transmission buffer.


i For more information on the SOE properties, refer to the Modbus protocol in5.2.2 Properties of the
Sequence of Event.

1.10.4 Columns in the Communication Mapping Matrix

All protocols, except IEC 61850, have a communication address you can configure in the Communication
In the following table, you can find information concerning the columns that are only available for the
protocols IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104, Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, DNP3, and PROFINET IO. The
columns are not available if none of these protocols is configured.
Element Explanation
Toolbar The Toolbar of the communication mapping matrix allows fast access to actions and
Columns that are Always Present
These columns are always present regardless of whether a protocol is configured or not, or which protocol is
Signals This column contains the names of the signals. All signals are structured in a hierarch-
ical manner according to function groups and functions. The structure is an image of
the signal list. Click on the arrows to the left of the element names to show or hide
individual elements of the structure.
Number This column contains the unique number for each signal. If this column is not visible,
click in the toolbar of the Communication mapping matrix on the following button:

The column is shown.

Type This column contains the type for each signal, for example, MV, INS.
Fault record This column indicates whether a signal is routed to the fault record. If a signal is
routed to the fault record, the cell pertaining to the signal has an X. The cell is empty
if a signal is not routed.

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

Element Explanation
Columns Present for All Protocols
These columns are available only for the IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104, Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU,
PROFINET IO, and DNP3 protocols as well as for the protection-data communication protocol. The columns
are not available if none of these protocols is configured.
Receive You can route the input indications and commands in the receive direction in this
Transmit You can route the output indications and measured values in the transmit direction in
this column.
IEC 60870-5-103
These columns are available only for the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol. The columns are not available if this
protocol is not configured.
Function type Enter the number of a function type for a signal that has been routed in this column.
The function type identifies the functionality of a device. Certain numbers are not
used. You can use these numbers as you like, without affecting the IEC 60870-5-103
Information number Enter an information number for a signal that has been routed in this column.
The information number describes the signal category (Indication, metered value or
Data unit Enter the number of a data unit (DU) for a signal that has been routed in this column.
Depending on the signal type, you can select from different data units.
General interrogation Specify in this column for an indication that has been routed, whether it is subject to
general interrogation or not. You can select between Yes or No. If you select Yes, the
indication is additionally transmitted only within the scope of a general interrogation.
Position Specify in this column the position in the measured value telegram for a measured
value that has been routed. In a 3-frame DU, you can route up to 4 measured values.
In a 9-frame DU, you can route up to 16 measured values. In total, you can route one
3-frame DU and two 9-frame DU.
Fault channel In this column, you can route a measured value that has been routed to the analog
channel of a fault record. Enter the number of the fault-record channel for this
IEC 60870-5-104
These columns are available only for the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol. The columns are not available if this
protocol is not configured.
IOA With this column, you can specify the Information object address (IOA).
IOA 1 With this column, you can specify the 1st byte of the Information object address (IOA)
with low byte.
IOA 2 With this column, you can specify the 2nd byte of the Information object address
IOA 3 With this column, you can specify the 3rd byte of the Information object address (IOA)
with high byte.
TI This column indicates the Type identification.
GI group Specify in this column for an indication that has been routed, whether it is subject to
General Interrogation group (GI group) or not.
Threshold Enter a measured-value threshold in percent for a measured value that has been
routed in this column.
ScaledFactor This column indicates the scaled factor for the measured values.
NormalizedMaxValue This column indicates the maximum percentage value for the measured values.

80 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

Element Explanation
Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU
These columns are available only for the Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU protocols. The columns are not
available if this protocol is not configured.
Register type In this column, you can specify the Register type. It describes the function code to
retrieve the data of the signal.
Register address Enter a register address for a signal that has been routed in this column. The register
address has a certain range for different signal categories.
Event of Protection You can specify in this column whether an indication that has been routed is subject
to an Event of Protection or not.
These columns are available only for the PROFINET IO protocol. The columns are not available if this protocol
is not configured.
Value In this column, you can specify the address for a signal that has been routed. The
address has a certain range for different signal categories.
These columns are available only for the DNP3 protocol. The columns are not available if this protocol is not
Index Enter an index number ranging from 1 to 1,000 for a signal that has been routed in
this column.
Class Assign one of 3 classes to a signal that has been routed in this column. The class 1 is
reserved for critical events. You can assign the class 2 or 3 to the less critical events.
Threshold Enter a measured-value threshold in percent for a measured value that has been
routed in this column.
The measured-value threshold determines the transmission frequency of measured
values. If you select the value zero for the measured-value threshold, each measured
value is transmitted to the superordinate station.
A value of 1 is used to avoid a communication overload. A measured-value threshold
other than zero causes all changes of new measured values compared to the meas-
ured value transmitted last to be added. If the sum of the changes reaches the
percent value set, a new measured value is transmitted at the next possible point in
time. This measure prevents loading the communication path too much.
Protection-Data Communication Protocol
These columns are available only for the protection-data communication protocol. The columns are not
available if this protocol is not configured.
Priority level Select one of 3 priority levels for a signal that has been routed in this column. The
priority level decides on how often it is transmitted.
Bit position Set a bit position in the data bar for each signal that has been routed in this column.
Note that some signal types need more than one bit. Also take care to ensure that a
bit position is not already assigned to a signal of another device.
Fallback value Select a fallback value for a received signal in this column. The fallback value decides
what passes with the value of a signal if the connection is interrupted. Depending on
the signal type, various fallback values can be selected. For example, the signal value
can be set to a secure status or the last value received is retained.
IEC 60870-5-103 and DNP3
These columns are available only for the IEC 60870-5-103 and DNP3 protocols. The columns are not avail-
able if none of these protocols is configured.
Object group Enter the number of an object group for a parameter that has been routed in this
Scaling factor Enter a value for the measured scaling for a measured value that has been routed in
this column.

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

Element Explanation
Busbar-Protection Protocol
This column is only available for the busbar-protection bay units with busbar-protection protocol.
Transmit This column shows the fixed default settings for the routings for current measured
values and switch positions that are necessary for the busbar protection.

Columns for IEC 60870-5-104


i The Event of Protection column in the communication mapping only affects the types SPS and DPS:

• 0: SPS is mapped to TI <30>, and DPS is mapped to TI <31>.

• 1: ACT and ACD are mapped to TI <38>.

Columns for IEC 60870-5-103


i The function type 242 cannot be used. This function type is used for device-internal information, for
example, if the indication for the trigger event of the fault record has the function type Function-
Type:242/InfoNumber1 RcdTrg.

1.10.5 Parameterization of Fault Records

Fault records are routed in the information routing. The analog and binary signals routed there are displayed
in the communication matrix.
Highlight the Signal object in the information routing matrix.

82 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

[sc_fltrecpar_T104, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-44 Parameterization of Fault Records


i If the fault record for the serial protocol is selected, Siemens recommends 5 seconds as the setting for the
maximum length of a fault (default setting in device). If the fault record is longer, the connection to the
device could be broken because large data volumes have to be transferred serially. This constraint does not
apply for Ethernet protocols.

IEC 60870-5-103
You make a selection for IEC 60870-5-103 from the analog signals by entering the channel numbers for the
individual signals in the communication matrix. Using this channel number in a compatible range or in a
Siemens-specific extension, the fault record is transmitted to a substation control unit. The sampling rate is 1

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

The protocol requires additional settings. Sampled values as well as measured values can be routed and trans-
mitted. For binary signals, the function type and information number must be entered in the communication
matrix as well. All routed information is identified in the communication matrix by an X in the Recorder
column. If this information is also to be transmitted via the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol for fault records, then
you must specify the fault channel for the analog channels (Enter values column in DIGSI 5).


i With connection to SICAM PAS, the channel number 108 is reserved and must not be assigned here.

A maximum of 8 fault records can be prepared in the device for the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol. Since a
larger number is stored internally in the device, only the most recent fault records are prepared for the
IEC 60870-5-103 protocol in the device.

[sc_fltrec, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-45 Parameterization of Fault Records

IEC 60870-5-104
For the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol, the most recent 8 fault records are prepared in the communication module.

1.10.6 Copying Mappings

Once created, mappings can be copied to another channel on which the protocol also runs and also trans-
ferred to another device.

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[sc_copchn, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-46 Copying Mapping Settings from a Channel

[sc_paschn, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-47 Pasting Mapping Settings from a Channel

You can select a predefined mapping for a channel. You can then change the mapping and save it for this

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

[sc_mapping_overview, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-48 Changed Mapping

You can also copy the changed mappings between the channels, but you cannot save a changed mapping in
the DIGSI 5 library again and then select it for another channel.


i When copying to a different device, only the mappings are copied for which the same function groups/
functions/function blocks exist in the source and target device.
The mapping must match the application template of the device when copying to another device. The
devices must be of the same type.

1.10.7 Exporting Mappings

Once created, mappings can be exported to a data file. The master/client configuration software can be
configured using this export.
The Siemens parameterization software for SICAM PAS systems control can import this file directly.
To export a device mapping file, select the device and click the Project menu. Then select the menu item
Export. The Export dialog appears.
You can select from the following data formats for the export:

• Device-dependent data formats, for example, TEAX, DEX5

• Protocol-dependent data formats

For every protocol for which parameters are set, there is an own XML format with the appropriate file
extension DigT103, DigDNP, DigT104, and DigMod.
Finally, click Export.

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1.10 Adapting Mappings

[sc_map_exp_modbus, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-49 Exporting Mapping


i SICAM PAS does not support the import of the file with all function codes configured in DIGSI 5.
You can find more information in the SICAM PAS manual and in the DIGSI 5 Online Help.

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Communication Modules
1.11 Time Synchronization

1.11 Time Synchronization

In order to allow the correct time recording of events synchronously, SIPROTEC 5 devices need a time

Setting the Time Source

Parameters for 2 main clocks can be set in a SIPROTEC 5 device. If a communication protocol with time
synchronization possibilities is available in a device, then the time sources can be configured as desired.
Make the time synchronization settings in DIGSI 5 in the Time Settings section in the Parameters category.

[sc_time_synchronization_sources, 3, en_US]

Figure 1-50 Setting Possibilities for the Time Sources

Set the time sources for the parameters Time source 1 and Time source 2. If the protocol is parameter-
ized for a number of channels in the device, you can select this protocol for both sources.
Time source 1 is preferred over Time source 2. If Time source 1 is synchronized for a time longer
than specified via the parameter Fault indication after, this time source remains the active synchroni-
zation source.
You can select 2 time sources independent of each other for each SIPROTEC 5 device in the time settings.
Depending on the device and communication configuration, you have the following selection options:

88 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1.11 Time Synchronization

Time Source Description

None An external time source is not configured. The time component inside the device
takes on the time synchronization.
IRIG B An external IRIG-B receiver connected to port G takes on the time synchronization.
This time source is always available for selection, independent of the device and
communication configuration.
SIPROTEC 5 devices support several protocol variants of the IRIG-B standards:

• IRIG-B 002(003)
The control function bits of the signal are not occupied. The missing year is
formed from the current device time. In this case, it is possible to set the year via
the online access in DIGSI 5.
• IRIG-B 006(007)
The bits for the calendar year are not equal to 00. The calendar year is set
automatically by the time protocol.
• IRIG-B 005(004) with extension according to IEEE C37.118-2005
If in the time signal, other control function bits are occupied in addition to the
calendar year, then the SIPROTEC 5 device takes the additional information into
consideration for leap seconds, daylight saving time, time offset (zone, daylight
saving time), and time accuracy.
DCF77 An external DCF 77 receiver connected to port G takes on the time synchronization.
DCF 77 is only available in central Europe.
PI/Adv. PI Inside a protection topology, one of the devices involved can take on time synchro-
nization as a timing master. The time synchronization is done via the protection
connections and the configured protection interfaces of the SIPROTEC 5 devices.
Signal runtimes of the protection communication are calculated automatically.
This time source is only available for selection under the following prerequisites:

• In the SIPROTEC 5 device, at least 1 communication channel is configured as a

protection interface.
• The SIPROTEC 5 device is not the timing master. This prerequisite is met if the
parameter Local device is device in the group Device Combination Settings
has a value that is not 1 (value 1 is the index of the timing master).
SNTP The time synchronization is done via the Ethernet-based SNTP (Simple Network Time
Protocol), for example with IEC 61850 stations. You can address 2 timers independent
of each other in the group SNTP Settings, which feed their time signals into the
Ethernet network.
SIPROTEC 5 devices support both Edition 1 and Edition 2 in accordance with
IEC 61850-7-2. In Edition 2, the logical attributes LeapSecondsKnown, ClockFailure,
ClockNotSynchronized, and the value TimeAccuracy are maintained in each time
stamp. In Edition 1, these signals contain default values. Thus, the interoperability for
station-control technologies is ensured for both editions.
The SNTP service must be activated in the configuration of the Ethernet interface
in the group Ethernet Module – Channel x Settings, so that this service can be
selected as a time source.

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Communication Modules
1.11 Time Synchronization

Time Source Description

IEEE 1588 For time synchronization via Ethernet systems, you can use the protocol IEEE 1588.
In this case, besides the clocks, all other power-system components must also support
IEEE 1588, for example, switches as transparent clock (TC) or boundary clock (BC).
There must be a timing master in the system. If there are several timing masters in the
system, the actual master is set according to the IEEE 1588 best-master-clock (BMC)
The actual timing master transmits the time to the receivers using Ethernet multicast.
The SIPROTEC 5 device can be syntonized or synchronized by the master clock. The
SIPROTEC 5 device can operate as Ordinary Clock Slave Only (OCSO), Peer-to-Peer
Transparent Clock (P2P TC), or OC Slave Only and P2P Transparent Clock (OCSO
and P2P TC) while the IEEE 1588 option is activated. The 2 clocks types P2P TC and
OCSO and P2P TC, can only be configured on the modules ETH ‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2),
ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2), and ETH‑BD‑2FO. The SIPROTEC 5 device does not support the
PTP frames with the VLAN tag.
SIPROTEC 5 devices with an ETH-BD-2FO module can operate also as a Ordinary Clock
Grandmaster Capable (OCGC) or Ordinary Clock Grandmaster Capable and P2P
Transparent Clock (OCGC and P2P TC) to synchronize other OCSO or OCSO and P2P
IEC 60870-5-103 The time is synchronized via telegram with an appropriately configured communica-
tion interface in accordance with the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol.
IEC 60870-5-104 The time is synchronized via telegram with an appropriately configured communica-
tion interface in accordance with the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol.
DNP3 The time is synchronized via telegram with the appropriately configured communica-
tion interface in accordance with the DNP 3 protocol.
SIPROTEC 5 devices support 2 instances:

• Time synchronization via UTC

• Time synchronization with local time
The daylight saving time status is not transmitted. The device assumes that the
DNP3 master follows the same rules for the start and end of the daylight saving
time as those that were set for the device.

Time sync. error Indication

If both timing masters (Time Source 1 and Time Source 2) are not available or receivable anymore, the
synchronization does not take place anymore. After expiration of a set supervision time (parameter Fault
indication after), the device indicates a time-synchronization failure (Clock not synchronized indica-
tion). From this point in time, the status Clock failure is set in the time stamp of all indications. The bit Clock
not synchronized in the Standard IEC 61850-7-2 is set in the time stamp of the data object.
You can also set the time source on the device using Device Function > Date and Time.
To compare signal runtimes you can define a delay for each time source, which is added to the times received.

Setting the Time Zone

In the protocol, there is the possibility of executing time synchronization with local time or with UTC. The
selection occurs in DIGSI 5 with the parameters designated for this.


i If a time zone for time synchronization is already preset for the communication protocol, for example,
DNP3 or IEC 60870-5-104, the time zone of the time source must be identical.

90 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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1.11 Time Synchronization

[sc_timezone, 2, en_US]

Figure 1-51 Setting the Time Zone

You can specify separately for each time source, whether their time zone corresponds to universal time (UTC)
or to the time zone of the device.
The internal device time is maintained in universal time (UTC). To display time stamps, you can define the
local time zone of the SIPROTEC 5 device including the applicable rules for the daylight saving time. This
allows the display of the local time.


i During parameterization, the time in the parameter Fault indication after must be greater than
the synchronization interval of the master. If the parameter Fault indication after is set to 60 s,
the device switches to Time source 2 if no synchronization telegram has been received from Time source
1 for more than 60 s. If Time source 2 is not set or the last telegram from Time source 2 was received
longer ago than the time set under Fault indication after, the indication Time sync. error is
issued. In addition, all time stamps are marked with the flag Clock not synchronized.

The accuracy of the time synchronization of the communication protocols (IEC 60870-5-103,
IEC 60870-5-104, Modbus, DNP) is less than 5 ms. The achieved accuracy depends on the master station.


i If you require a more accurate time synchronization, perform the time synchronization via DCF/IRIG-B or
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) and IEEE 1588. A higher accuracy of 1 ms to 2 ms can be reached by
using another network-time server.

Indication Synchronization Error

A time master must be present in the network. If a time master is no longer present or cannot be received
anymore, the time is no longer synchronized. With the parameter Fault indication after, you set the
monitoring time. When this monitoring time has elapsed, the device reports a failure of time synchronization

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1.11 Time Synchronization

(Time sync. error). From this moment on, the status Clock not synchronized is set in the time stamp of all
This time fault remains until a new time-synchronization telegram is received.
You can find more information in chapter 2.6.8 Device Time.

92 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Communication Modules
1.12 Operating Modes

1.12 Operating Modes

The behavior of the protocol does not depend on the operating mode of the device. The protocol runs in the
Process, Simulation, and Commissioning operating modes of the device. The protocol is not activated in the
operating modes Fallback, Boot system, and Hardware test.

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94 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual
C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
2 IEC 61850

2.1 Introduction 96
2.2 Protocol Characteristics in DIGSI 5 98
2.3 IEC 61850 Structure 104
2.4 Exporting 111
2.5 IEC 61850 System Configurator 115
2.6 Protocol Properties and Implementation 119
2.7 File Transmission 144
2.8 IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus 149

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IEC 61850
2.1 Introduction

2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Use in SIPROTEC 5 Devices

The IEC 61850 protocol is implemented on an Ethernet module. This Ethernet module can be inserted into
module slots E, F, N, and P. In contrast to SIPROTEC 4, several Ethernet modules can be accommodated
in one SIPROTEC 5 device. This permits communication between the client and the server for substation
automation via the IEC 61850 MMS protocol (MMS – Manufacturing Message Specification) in one module.
Cross communication between devices takes place on a second module via GOOSE messages (GOOSE –
Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event). As an option, different networks can be used for communication.
Besides, via IEC 61850 GOOSE, a SIPROTEC 5 device can communicate with an AI unit which supports GOOSE,
such as 7XV5674-0KK00-2AA1, 7XV5674-0KK30-2AA1, and 7XV5674-0KK40-2AA1.


i You can also use a network like for SIPROTEC 4.

The Ethernet modules come with 2 RJ45 connectors or with 2 duplex-LC interfaces for a 1300-nm fiber-optic
connection. The physical interface is always duplicated to permit redundant networks. The Ethernet modules
each have 1 IP address.
You can find more detailed information on ring structures in chapter 1.4.1 Network Structures .
You can use DIGSI 5 to set the IEC 61850 protocol for the Ethernet module. DIGSI 5 is also used to make
all necessary network settings. Various editors are available for the different protocol services listed in the
IEC 61850 Standard. The IEC 61850 object image of a device can be configured flexibly to meet your require-
SIPROTEC 5 devices support the Editions 1 and 2 of IEC 61850. To provide complete compatibility with existing
Edition 1 devices, you can use DIGSI 5 to switch the IEC 61850 server of the device to the Edition 1 mode. The
IEC 61850 server then operates together with Edition 1 clients and exchanges GOOSE messages with Edition 1
Edition 2 supplies the following benefits, among others:

• Correction and clarity in the event of misunderstandings and interoperability problems that are docu-
mented in the Tissue database.

• Functional extensions in the engineering process, especially when exchanging configuration data
between system configuration tools

• Stronger test of SCL files during import

This test is implemented using another special SCL scheme.

• Extension of test equipment capabilities (data tracking and monitoring functions), device models, char-
acter strings

• Extension of the data model in terms of statistics data, power quality, conditional monitoring, hydro-
power, distributed energy resources, wind power, and communication between substations

• More standardized data classes (logical-node classes, CDC)

These data classes may not be used in an Edition 1 project in this manner.

• Support of several access points per device:

Several communication modules are possible with IEC 61850

• Usage of GOOSE Later Binding, that is, export of instantiated input signals for GOOSE application
If you would like to use the benefits of Edition 2, you can operate the devices in the Edition 2 mode.
More Ethernet-based protocols such as DNP3, IEC 60870-5-104, or Modbus TCP can be activated on the same
or on a different Ethernet module.

96 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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2.1 Introduction


i OPC UA PubSub (MQTT) configuration is not supported in the SIPROTEC 5 device after V8.70.

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2.2 Protocol Characteristics in DIGSI 5

2.2 Protocol Characteristics in DIGSI 5

2.2.1 Device Setting for IEC 61850

For IEC 61850, you can make the follow settings for IEC 61850 in DIGSI under Settings > Device settings:

[sc_IEC61850_device_settings, 5, en_US]

Figure 2-1 Device Settings for IEC 61850

Parameters Meaning
Used time stamp in GOOSE If a time stamp is sent via GOOSE, the receiver can use the signal without
subscriptions having to provide it with a time stamp when received.
The following settings are possible:

• On message reception
• Provided by GOOSE publisher
This parameter is only applicable if IEC 61850 is active.
To receive the time stamp, you must activate the data attribute t during the
parameterization of the GOOSE communication in the IEC 61850 System
Configurator. If you do not activate the data attribute, then no time stamp
will be received. You can activate individual data attributes or the whole
functional constraint. You can find more information on this in the IEC
61850 System Configurator Manual.
Visibility of settings in With this option, you save storage capacity and time.
IEC 61850 structure You have the following setting options:

• Show all settings

• Show all settings (customized)
• Hide all settings
• Hide all settings (customized)
If settings are to be read or changed via IEC 61850, set this parameter to
Show all settings. The data model is then expanded with all settings.

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2.2 Protocol Characteristics in DIGSI 5

Parameters Meaning
Visibility of SIPROTEC exten- With this option, you save storage capacity and time.
sions in IEC 61850 structure The following setting options are possible:

• Show all SIPROTEC extensions

• Show all SIPROTEC extensions (customized)
• Hide all SIPROTEC extensions
• Hide all SIPROTEC extensions (customized)
If the Siemens protection indications are to be exchanged, set this
parameter to Show all SIPROTEC extensions. The data model is
then expanded with all signals that are not defined in the standard
IEC 61850-7-4.
Use dynamic reporting With this option, you save storage capacity for buffer events in case of an
interruption of the communication connection.
If static reporting used and no IEC 61850 dynamic reporting is needed, no
empty Report Control Blocks remains.
Block IEC 61850 settings When settings are displayed in the IEC 61850 structure, you can read and
changes change these settings via IEC 61850. To block these changes, activate this
Access point used in Edition 1 With this option, you define the access point required for communication if
the IEC 61850 protocol is used in more than one module of the Edition 1
Enable GOOSE Supervision With this option, you can switch on or off the functionality of the GOOSE
connection supervision function.


i The parameters Visibility of settings in IEC 61850 structure and Visibility of

SIPROTEC extensions in IEC 61850 structure have no influence on:

• User-defined logical nodes

• User-defined signals

• Parameters in logical nodes, which begin with L, for example LTMS, LLN0

2.2.2 Project Settings for IEC 61850

For IEC 61850, you can set parameters for the project in DIGSI. To do this, right-click the project in the Project
tree and select the context menu Properties:

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2.2 Protocol Characteristics in DIGSI 5

[sc_project_settings, 3, en_US]

Figure 2-2 Project Settings for IEC 61850

Parameters Meaning
IEC61850 standard configRev The current time stamp is used as value for the configRev. If the option
mode Use standards-compliant mode is selected, additive changes, for example,
adding a data object to a logical node, lead to a change of the configRev.
Export alternative descriptions Some IEC 61850 Clients support description texts of any language (so-called
Unicode, incl. special characters). Other IEC 61850 Clients only support
ASCII characters that are used, for example, in the English language.
For IEC 61850 Clients with this limitation to ASCII characters, you have the
possibility to export SCL files in English. You must activate the parameter
in the project properties. To open the project properties, right-click the
project and select the context menu Properties…. Then select the section
IEC 61850 settings.

2.2.3 Selecting the IEC 61850 Edition

To begin the project engineering of SIPROTEC 5 systems with IEC 61850, create a project and specify the
IEC 61850 edition individually for each device.


i If you export project or device configuration data, they are exported in the established edition.

² Create a project in DIGSI.

Additional information can be found in DIGSI Online Help in the Creating a project chapter.
² Right-click the device in the Project tree.
² Select the Properties... context menu.
² Select the Details section.
In this section, specify the IEC 61850 Edition in the Edition list box.

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2.2 Protocol Characteristics in DIGSI 5

[sc_IEC_edt, 5, en_US]

Figure 2-3 Setting the IEC 61850 Edition

If you downgrade the IEC 61850 Edition, a warning indication appears.

[sc_IEC_61850_edition_downgrade_warning, 1, en_US]

Figure 2-4 Warning in Case of a Downgrade of the IEC 61850 Edition

Adding an IEC Station

² Open the project tree.
² Double-click the IEC 61850 stations folder in the project tree.
The element Add new station is displayed.
² Double-click Add new station.
The new station (for example, IEC station 1) is created.


i You can create a maximum of 1 IEC station. You cannot cut, copy, or paste IEC stations.

Assigning a Device to an IEC Station

In the IEC station Editor, the list of devices that can be assigned to an IEC station is displayed in the Device
name column under the Available devices group.

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2.2 Protocol Characteristics in DIGSI 5


i The following devices can be displayed in the Available devices group:

• Devices with activated IEC capability.

• Devices that do not yet belong to the IEC station.

• For an IEC station with Edition 1, only devices with Edition 1 are displayed.

• For an IEC station with Edition 2, devices with Edition 1 and Edition 2 are displayed.

• For an IEC station with Edition 2.1, devices with Edition 1, Edition 2, and Edition 2.1 are displayed.

² Select one or more of the devices displayed under Available devices.

² With the > button, you can assign an individual device.
- or -
² With the >> button, you can assign all devices to an IEC station.
IEC 61850 objects are validated (the compatibility of the device configuration is checked) and the selected
device or devices are added and displayed in the IEC station Editor in the Assigned devices group.

Upgrade of the IEC 61850 Edition of the IEC Station and the Contained Devices
You can upgrade or downgrade the IEC 61850 Edition of the devices within the IEC station.


i In devices that are not yet assigned to the IEC station, the Edition of the devices remains set as in the
devices. In this case, only devices that have the same Edition as the IEC station can later be assigned to this
IEC station.

To carry out an upgrade or downgrade of the IEC 61850 Edition, proceed as follows:
² In the IEC 61850 stations section, click the desired IEC station and select the context menu Properties.
² In the dialog, under IEC Edition, select IEC 61850 Edition 2 and click OK.

[sc_update_IEC_edition_station, 4, en_US]

Figure 2-5 Change of the IEC 61850 Edition in the IEC Station

102 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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2.2 Protocol Characteristics in DIGSI 5

2.2.4 Security Settings

The security settings allow you to restrict the access rights for each Ethernet interface (Port J and Ethernet
communication module).
You define the security settings in DIGSI 5 in the project tree under Safety and security → Restricted access.
You can assign the following access rights:

• Read-only access:
This interface only allows read access to the device.
The following services are not available in this state:
– Control model
– Select
– SelectWithValue
– Cancel
– Operate
– GenDataObjectClass model
– SetDataValues
– Generic substation event model
– SetGoCBValues
– SelectActiveSG
– SetEditSGValue

• Read and write access:

This interface allows read and write access to the device.

[sc_restricted_access, 3, en_US]

Figure 2-6 Security Settings in DIGSI 5

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2.3 IEC 61850 Structure

2.3 IEC 61850 Structure

2.3.1 Overview

The IEC 61850 structure indicates the hierarchical arrangement of the IEC 61850 elements in an application.
This process is also called Flexible Engineering.

Application Structure and IEC 61850 Structure

The following table illustrates the assignment between the application structure and the IEC 61850 structure:
Application Structure IEC 61850 Structure
Communication interface Access point
Function group FG Logical device(s) (LD)
Function FN Logical device(s) (LD)
Function block FB Logical node(s) LN
Data object DO Data object DO

An application in SIPROTEC 5 devices is organized into function groups and functions. The functions are
arranged within a function group. Functions can consist of one or more function blocks.
The IEC 61850 structure is created by generically converting the application structure:

• The function group and function form the logical device. From a function group Line1 with the function
87 Line diff.prot., the logical device becomes Ln1_87LineDiffProt in the IEC 61850 structure.

• The function blocks of the function are mapped as logical nodes. In the example above, these are the
logical nodes I_PDIF1 and IF_PDIF2. The prefix and suffix of a logical node are predefined. However, the
prefix and suffix can be changed.

• The settings and supervisory indications, for example, group indications, are contained in logical nodes
This IEC 61850 structure corresponds to the SIPROTEC 5 view. The SIPROTEC 5 view is the preset view for the
Edition mode of IEC 61850.
Another view is the SIPROTEC 4 similar view. In the SIPROTEC 4 similar view, the IEC 61850 structure is
arranged similar as in the SIPROTEC 4 devices. The logical devices PROT, CTRL, MEAS, and DR are predefined
as fixed values. In the logical devices the function blocks are logical nodes. A generic assignment of function
groups and functions to the IEC 61850 structure is no longer available in this view. Logical nodes and the
superordinate controlling nodes are, however, displayed in the correct sequence (Logical device, Logical node,
Data object and Data attributes).



i These settings should be done at the beginning of the configuration, directly after activation of the
IEC 61850 protocol.

The following tasks can be performed with the IEC 61850 structure editor:

• Switch between the SIPROTEC 5 view and the SIPROTEC 4 similar view.

• Adding logical nodes.

• Renaming logical devices and logical nodes.

• Adding signals.

• Transmitting and deleting structure elements.

• Showing or hiding the logical devices, logical nodes, and signals on the IEC 61850 interface.

104 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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2.3 IEC 61850 Structure

The following describes 3 example applications for working with the IEC 61850 structure editor:

• To avoid a high flexible engineering effort when using a specification with few Logical Devices, you can
switch from the SIPROTEC 5 structure to the SIPROTEC 4 structure using the IEC 61850 structure editor.

• If you want to adapt the structure and designations of the elements and devices regardless of the
manufacturer, this can be done using the IEC 61850 structure editor. You can, for example, name a
device according to its location or intended use. In the process, and also for all other elements, you
can adapt the name to comply with the terminology used within your company. This type of structural
adaptation is also called 2.3.2 Functional Naming and Flexible Product Naming.

• If you are familiar with IEC 61850, you can make allowed changes to the functionality in the IEC 61850
structure editor. Instead of adding a function to a single-line configuration, you can add a user-defined
logical node or user-defined signals directly to the IEC 61850 structure.

The variability of the IEC 61850 structure provides advantages including the following:

• Exchangeability of devices at communication level

• Typification of the device configuration independent of the device manufacturer

• Reduction of lifecycle engineering costs

• Longevity of the configuration data generated

2.3.2 Functional Naming and Flexible Product Naming

The engineering concept Functional naming and flexible product naming allows the device replacements
at the communication level. The configuration of the device communication interfaces ensures, that scope
of information to be transferred and the naming between devices of different versions and manufacturers
appears the same.


• Functional naming
A data model with functional structure based on SCL is manufacturer-independent and standardized. In
IEC 61850, this function-oriented naming is called Functional Naming (function-related addressing). A
system model according to IEC 61850 is formed by the modeling of the primary system structure with the
following elements:
– Logical nodes for the equipment
– Distributed functions
– Type classes of the logical nodes, data objects, and attributes

• Flexible product naming

The data models of the devices reflect the implemented functions of bay and protection devices of
the individual manufacturers. The product naming describes the actual configuration of the IEC 61850
naming, that means the object tree structure of the IEC 61850 data model. According to this naming,
telegrams are formed and sent via the communication interface configured for IEC 61850.
It means that IEC 61850 address is vendor-dependent:
– Logical Devices
– Function allocation between IEDs

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2.3 IEC 61850 Structure

Product Naming
With flexible product naming, you can change the object tree structure. You have the following possibilities:

• Flexibility of the implemented device data models

You can define the structures of logical devices by adding user-defined logical devices.

• Adding logical nodes

You can add user-defined logical nodes and completely use all data classes in IEC 61850.

• Custom naming
The attribute LDname is used instead of the combination of the attributes IEDname and LDinst as part
of the address in a GOOSE or report communication only in Edition 2 and the standard solution for
functional naming.
You can define the IED name, the instance name of the logical device, the prefix, and the suffix.

2.3.3 Adjusting a Data Model

In order to adjust a data model of the device to a desired interface configuration, you may implement the
following modifications:

• You can rename the existing Logical Devices, for example, CB1 to QA1.

• You can rename IEDnames, for example SIP to E1Q4FP1.

• You can add LDs by creating function groups.

• You can remove existing LDs from the visible data model.

• You can add an ldName (Logical Device name). This LDname will then be used in the communication
address instead of the IEDname (device name) and the Logical Instance ID (LDinst).


i You may not use the LDname twice within the entire Ethernet subnetwork. It exists only with Edition 2 of
the IEC 61850 protocol.

• You can configure an LN Prefix and the LN Instance number.

• You can create new Logical Nodes, your LN Prefixes, and your LN Instance number.
A newly added logical node is assigned the class USER.

• You can create data objects (DO).

• You can add data objects to new LNs.

• You can expand the data volume of a LN by one or several DOs.

• You can move one LN from one LD into another LD.

• You can remove existing LNs from the visible data model.

• You can remove existing DOs from the visible data model.

• You can adjust the namespace of LN and DO in order to clone new standard data models.


i The same data model is available via all communications models with IEC 61850.

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2.3 IEC 61850 Structure

[sc_IEC_str, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-7 IEC 61850 Structure

Examples of How to Adjust a Data Model

In a function-related system specification according to IEC 61346, you have assigned a group of LNs with DOs
to an equipment circuit breaker.
These data objects are to be transmitted during the communication with the following function-related

• Switchgear (Station): Sample system

• Voltage level: E1

• Bay name: Q3

• Equipment circuit breakers: QA1

• Phase (Subequipment): A

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2.3 IEC 61850 Structure

• Logical Nodes:
In order to illustrate this address structure in a product-related address scheme, configure a logical device with
the following LDname:
Sample system_E1_Q3_K1_SwitchRel
K1 means electronic control unit 1 and SwitchRel- refers to information related to the switching device.
LN instances are set with the prefix QA1A.
Implement the following changes in the IEC 61850 structure:
² Enter Sample system_E1_Q3_K1_SwitchRel into the Name(ldName) field.

[sc_IEC_st2, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-8 Changing the LD Name

² Enter QA1 into the field prefix LN XCBR0, XCBR1, XCBR2, XCBR3, CSWI0, CILO0.

[sc_IEC_cst3, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-9 Entering the Prefix

² Move the LN from the LD CB1_Synchronization into LD CB1.

If data objects are missing from the standard content of the IED, you can simply copy the user-defined
function (LN) and a user-defined signal (DO) from the library into the respective device.

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2.3 IEC 61850 Structure

[sc_coplns_01, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-10 Adding a User-Defined Object to LN

² Create an input signal for GOOSE Later Binding.

If you need data objects for GOOSE Later Binding, you can copy signals from the External Signals folder
to the corresponding logical device via Drag & Drop.

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2.3 IEC 61850 Structure

[sc_coplns, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-11 Creating an Input Signal for GOOSE Later Binding

2.3.4 Opening and Adjusting the IEC 61850 Structure Editor

A separate IEC 61850 structure editor is available for each offline configuration within a project.

Opening the IEC 61850 Structure Editor

In the project, open the folder of the affected offline configuration and double-click IEC 61850 structure. The
IEC 61850 structure editor is displayed in the working area.

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2.4 Exporting

2.4 Exporting

2.4.1 Export Formats in DIGSI 5

Export files permit interoperable data exchange of IEC 61850 data between the configuration tools of various
manufacturers. They can be used for documentation purposes or in other IEC 61850 configurators.
Export of IEC 61850-compliant SCL files is possible with DIGSI 5.
The following export formats are available at the device level to export device-specific IEC 61850 data:
Data Format Meaning Export Source Import Target
TEA-X Data exchange format containing infor- Device Project Device Project
mation of single or multiple devices
DEX5 Device archive with complete informa- Device — — Project
tion about an individual SIPROTEC 5
TCF Configuration file bundle for a single Device — — Project
PEX5 Data exchange format with complete — Project — Project
information of all devices
DSP5 Display pages for an individual Device — Device —
SIPROTEC 5 device
RIO Protection settings for an individual Device — — —
SIPROTEC 5 device for use in test equip-
XRIO Complete device settings for an indi- Device — — —
vidual SIPROTEC 5 device for use in test
equipment (OMICRON Test Universe)
ELCAD Topology information from CAD — — — Project
SEQ5 Test sequences for an individual Device — Device —
SIPROTEC 5 device
ST DIGSI 4 function charts — — Device —
ICD IED Capability Description Device — Device —
IID Instantiated IED Description Device — — —
SCD Substation Configuration Description — — — IEC Station
SSD System-Specification Description — — — Project
MICS Model Implementation Conformance Device — — —
DIGT103 IEC 60870-5-103 protocol settings for Device — — —
DIGT104 IEC 60870-5-104 protocol settings for Device — — —
DIGMOD Modbus TCP protocol settings for SICAM Device — — —
DIGMOD Modbus protocol settings for SICAM PAS Device — — —
DIGDNP DNP3 protocol settings for SICAM PAS Device — — —
SIM Simulation data format for single/ Device Project — —
multiple devices
UAT User-defined application template Device — Device Project

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2.4 Exporting

This file is the XML description of the device data model.
With this export format 3 files are exported: 1 XML description and 2 formatting files.
Both formatting files must be in the same directory as the XML file so that the XML files can be displayed
correctly in the browser. If this is not the case, the XML file is displayed in an unformatted way.
If you have selected an unchanged application template, for example, DIFF/DIS Overhead Line, 1.5 CB, the
MICS file of the application template corresponds to the functions preconfigured by Siemens. If you have
added functions and data objects in DIGSI 5, these values are imported 1:1 into the MICS file.


i Exporting data with the MICS format is only available if you have parameterized an Ethernet interface
(integrated Ethernet interface or an Ethernet communication module) with the IEC 61850 protocol.

SCL files are exported according to Edition 1 (SCL Scheme V1.7) or Edition 2 (SCL Scheme 2007 Revision B) of
the IEC 61850 protocol. The edition is set in the device properties.
You can find more information on the export of CID, SCD, and SED files in the IEC 61850 System Configurator

2.4.2 Exporting IEC 61850 Description Files

IEC 61850 description files include, for example, ICD and IID. They include descriptions of the performance
properties of an IED.
² In order to export IEC 61850 description files, highlight the device in the project tree.
² Select the Export function from the Project menu.
- or -
² In the context menu, select the Export function.
The export dialog appears. You can select from among various data formats.

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2.4 Exporting

[sc_export_IEC61850, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-12 Export Content

Exporting MICS
² Select the MICS – Model Implementation Conformance Statement data format.
The MICS file is an XML file. 2 other files are exported. These files enable formatting the MICS XML file for
visualization and for printing with a browser or for using an XML editor. Siemens recommends exporting
these files into a separate directory, for example, c:/Temp/MICS.
² Open the Internet Explorer, click File → Open and navigate to the directory in which you have stored the
MICS file.
² Select the All Files file type in order to display all file types, and click Open.
The homepage of the MICS file is displayed in the browser.
The subsequent pages show all IEC 61850 logical devices and logical nodes of the device. From there, you can
navigate via hyperlinks to the further details. You can navigate through the entire IEC 61850 data structure of
the device and find all the definitions of data objects in the chapters of the data types. The configured GOOSE
connections are also displayed. You can print out the HTML pages as a PDF document, for example, but the
browser view is more comfortable.

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2.4 Exporting

[sc_MICS, 1, --_--]

Figure 2-13 Homepage of the MICS File

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2.5 IEC 61850 System Configurator

2.5 IEC 61850 System Configurator

2.5.1 Integration with the IEC 61850 System Configurator

² Create a new IEC 61850 station by clicking Add New Station under IEC 61850 Stations in the Project
A new IEC 61850 station IEC station 1 is created.

[sc_new IEC station, 2, en_US]

² Right-click the IEC 61850 station IEC station 1 and select the IEC Edition in the properties.
² In the properties, specify the path for the IEC 61850 Substation Configuration Description file.
² Double-click the IEC 61850 station IEC station 1 and assign the devices. To do this, select the device in
the Available devices section and click the >> button.
IEC 61850 objects are validated (the compatibility of the device configuration is checked) and the selected
device or devices are added and displayed in the IEC station Editor in the Assigned devices group.


i If you attempt to assign a device that has an IEC 61850 Edition other than the Edition of the IEC station,
you will receive a warning. If the device has the IEC 61850 Edition 1, but the station has IEC 61850 Edition
2, the IEC 61850 Edition of the device is irrevocably switched over. A change from IEC 61850 Edition 2 to
IEC 61850 Edition 1 is not possible.

² Export the device changes to the IEC 61850 System Configurator.

[sc_export to IEC Syscon, 2, en_US]

² Changed devices are marked in the Assigned devices section with an arrow symbol.
All IDs are exported automatically.

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2.5 IEC 61850 System Configurator

2.5.2 IEC 61850 System Configurator

You can find more information on the following topics in the IEC 61850-System Configurator manual:

• GOOSE applications:
– GOOSE communication
– Creating a GOOSE application

• Report applications:
– Creating a report application
– Configuring the dataset
– Report control blocks

• Export of SCD/SED files

• VLAN priority for fast GOOSE tripping (see also chapter 2.6.6 VLAN Priority for Fast GOOSE Tripping)

2.5.3 Importing an SCD into DIGSI

² Double-click the IEC 61850 station IEC station 1.

Click the icon .

- or -
² Right-click the IEC 61850 station IEC station 1.
² In the context menu, select Import changes from IEC 61850 System Configurator.
The Importing dialog appears. The report window only displays devices that have changed. Click OK to
confirm the dialog.

[sc_IEC_61850_station_import, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-14 Import from the IEC 61850 System Configurator

The Import device... entries show that the corresponding device has changed.
The GOOSE indications are created automatically in an External Signals node in the Information routing.

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2.5 IEC 61850 System Configurator

[sc_GOOSE_signal_after_SCD_import, 3, en_US]

Figure 2-15 GOOSE Indication after Import


i Consider that signals that are not connected are displayed under Unassigned. If you do not want to use
these signals, you must delete them actively. Connected signals are sorted and displayed under the source

You can find the same GOOSE indication under the logical node you have selected in the System Configurator
for the target of the related GOOSE indication, for example, in the Interlocking logical node:

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[sc_GOOSE_signal_logical_node, 3, en_US]

Figure 2-16 GOOSE Indication in the Logical Node

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2.6 Protocol Properties and Implementation

2.6.1 IEC 61850 Structure of a SIPROTEC 5 Device

There are 2 possible structures:

• SIPROTEC 5 view

• SIPROTEC 4 similar view


i Select the basic structure at the beginning. If you subsequently change the structure, all report and GOOSE
configurations are lost.

A SIPROTEC 5 device is organized into function groups and functions. The protection functions are located
in a function group, for example, Line. Breaker, for instance, is an additional function group that contains
breaker-related functions.
The SIPROTEC 5 view contains the following components:

• Protection functions/functions
The protection functions/functions consist of one or several tripping stages and a superordinate stage
that controls the stages below it. In DIGSI 5, this view corresponds to, for example, information routing. A
generic conversion into the IEC 61850 protocol structure takes place.

• Logical device
The function group and function form the logical device. The following figure shows this, using the
differential-protection function as an example. Ln1 Is the function group Line1 that contains the 87 Line
diff.prot. protection function and additional protection functions.
The text of the logical device Ln1_87LineDiffProt consists of an abbreviation for the function group
Line1 and the protection function. In the column at the right in the following figure, you can see the
corresponding DIGSI 5 text that is used, for instance, in information routing. In information routing, the
IEC 61850 descriptions and the DIGSI 5 texts will always be displayed in table format. This will enable you
to always find the IEC 61850 object assigned to the DIGSI 5 objects.

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[sc_SIP5 view, 3, en_US]

Figure 2-17 Information Routing in DIGSI

• Logical nodes
The differential-protection stages appear as logical nodes (called PDIF per the Standard). These are the
logical nodes I_PDIF1 and IF_PDIF2. The prefix and suffix of the logical node are specified by Siemens.
However, you can change them at any time.
The logical nodes GAPC1 and PDIF_PTRC1 contain parameters that control the tripping stages as well as
superordinate indications, for example, group indications. If you open up the logical nodes, you will see
the information objects and settings contained therein.
This IEC 61850 structure is valid if you select the SIPROTEC 5 view structure in the IEC 61850 structure editor.

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[sc_iec_5st, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-18 IEC 61850 Structure of a SIPROTEC 5 Device (SIPROTEC 5 View), Using the First Tripping Stage
of Differential Protection as an Example

The SIPROTEC 5 view offers the following advantages:

• Uniform display with information routing

• Improved granularity of the functions for monitoring (Health indication) or for the test (mod).

SIPROTEC 4 Similar View

The SIPROTEC 4 similar view is an additional IEC 61850 structure. It is preferred in Edition 1 because the LD
texts are shorter.
The logical devices are given with the following designations, for instance:




• DR


i If you switch to the SIPROTEC 4 similar view, all user-defined function groups are moved into the logical
device CTRL.
If you add new function groups to the information routing, new logical devices are created. If you switch to
the SIPROTEC 5 view and then switch back to the SIPROTEC 4 similar view, all user-defined function groups
are moved back into the logical device CTRL.

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i The logical device EXT (Extended) is not available as default. However, you may create your own logical
devices by way of user-defined function groups in the Information routing.

The logical devices exhibit a great deal of similarity to the LD structure of SIPROTEC 4 devices.
The logical devices contain the tripping stages, for example, protection function stages, and the superordinate
stages that control them as logical nodes.
A generic assignment of function groups and functions to the IEC 61850 structure is no longer available in this
view. Logical nodes and the superordinate controlling nodes are, however, displayed in the correct sequence.
In addition, the DIGSI 5 text for an object or a parameter is always visible. You can also change this view in the
Structure Editor at any time.

[sc_iec_4st, 3, en_US]

Figure 2-19 IEC 61850 Structure of a SIPROTEC 5 Device (SIPROTEC 4 Similar View)

The SIPROTEC 4 view offers the following advantage:

• SIPROTEC 4 devices can be modeled faster in SIPROTEC 5 flexible engineering.

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i If you wish to change the IEC 61850 structure, you can begin with the SIPROTEC 5 view or the SIPROTEC 4
similar view and incorporate your changes via the IEC 61850 structure editor.

2.6.2 IEC 61850 Services

You can find details in PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement).

SIPROTEC 5 devices support the following IEC 61850 services:

GOOSE Messages
Datasets are created in the device by GOOSE applications. This takes place in the logical node LLN0 of a logical
device. You can specify where these datasets are created.
The first object configured in a GOOSE message from a logical device creates a dataset for a GOOSE message
in LLN0. Further objects are configured in this dataset and added to this dataset, even if they originated in
other LDs. Alternatively, if you wish to send objects in different datasets, you can also create a new GOOSE
application and thus a new dataset.


i Sending objects in different datasets generates unnecessary data traffic, since each dataset created is
transmitted via its own GOOSE message. GOOSE subscribers can handle up to 250 dataset changes per
second. Exceeding this limit can cause operation failures.

The dataset is sent as a GOOSE message and distributed to all network participants in the form of multicast
telegrams. If participants wish to receive specific objects in a GOOSE message, the user can select these
objects via the system configuration and receive them later online.
GOOSE messages are transmitted with high priority and repeated at an interval of a few milliseconds in the
event of a spontaneous change of the data object. You set the repetition time in the IEC 61850 System
You can find more information on GOOSE parameterization and on creating a GOOSE application in the
System Configurator manual.

Control Commands
You can control an object in a device with control commands. By using the control model Select Before
Operate, you can actuate a circuit breaker reliably, for instance. Commands without feedback can be
executed in the device as well, for example, resetting the LEDs (LED Reset) by the client.
You can find more information on the configuration and control of switching objects in chapter 2.6.5 Control
via IEC 61850.
Settings can be changed by using the Setting Services function.
You can find more information in chapter IEC 61850 Browser.

2.6.3 Reporting What Is a Report?

When using IEC 61850 in switchgear as well, you must test communication between protection devices and
the substation automation technology just as you do with the previous protocols. This requires, among other
things, the knowledge of the power system protection technician who selects and generates the signals sent
to the systems control. Testing these connections is a basic part of commissioning.
The IEC 61850 Standard defines various types of communication. For time-critical data such as tripping events
and transformer values initiated by a different IED, real-time transmission via GOOSE or sampled values is

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For classic communication, for example, between the systems control and a bay unit, the Standard describes
various services based on the data model:

• Control for controlling

• Log for event lists

• Report for transmission of indications and measured values

There are static and dynamic reports. You can find more detailed information on this in chapter Static
The following sections describe reports involving data exchange between a protection or bay unit (server) and
the substation automation technology (client) and its tests. Reports are transmitted over Ethernet connections
via TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).
Data objects (indications) of a device are summarized as a list in a report. For instance, indication changes,
caused for example, by a raising and cleared protection tripping event, are transmitted spontaneously from
server to client. Therefore, the client does not have to query the server cyclically, as is the case with serial
protocols, but automatically receives a notification of the event, for example, an indication change or a
change of the measured value.
If the server permits, it is also possible to have cyclic transmission of data and general interrogation. The event
control of data transmission is a property that is contained in the attributes of each report. You can affect
these properties by using the IEC 61850 System Configurator.

Buffered and Unbuffered Reports

The Standard distinguishes between Buffered Reports and Unbuffered Reports. The Buffered Report is used
most frequently today.

• Buffered Report
In the case of an Buffered Report Control Block (BRCB), internal events trigger immediate transmission
of reports. If the connection between the server and client is interrupted, indication changes in the
protection device are stored. As soon as the connection has been reestablished, these indications are
transmitted to the systems control with a time stamp and the attribute Historic. To enable saving to a
practicable limit – as recommended in the standard – the server must have adequate storage capacity. If
an uninterrupted connection exists between the client and server, for example, in the case of controlled
operation in a switchgear, then the behavior of both procedures appear identical from the user view of
the systems control.

• Unbuffered report
In the case of an Unbuffered Report Control Block (URCB), internal events trigger immediate transmis-
sion of reports. If there is no connection or if the transport data flow is not fast enough, events can be
Datasets are needed for reports.
Client LNs can be set. ICD files from the client are imported. Here, you will find the IP address. With this, you
can assign the report to the client. This ensures that only this client will receive the report. You can do these
settings in the System Configurator.
You can find information on subscribing to reports in the IEC 61850 Browser in chapter Activating
the Reports. Datasets

Static and Dynamic Datasets

Every IEC 61850 service relies on data from the data model. This requires Datasets that reference actual
values in the model.
There are report datasets with data for this report, for example, indication of the positions of the disconnector
switch and circuit breaker in the feeder. These datasets can be created statically or dynamically.

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Static Datasets
In the case of a static dataset, the number of indications and measured values is specified in the Report
Editor. Once these configuration data are loaded into the server, the client can no longer change the contents
of the configuration data. A fixed report that the client can retrieve is stored in the server. Changing the
number/scope of the indications requires new parameterization followed by loading to the server.
The benefit is that the data provided by a server are stored in an SCD configuration file (Station Configuration
Description). The drawback is that the settings in the server must be changed if the number/scope of indica-
tions is changed for the substation automation technology.

Dynamic Datasets
In the case of dynamic datasets, the settings in the server do not need to be changed when the number/scope
of indications changes. The client has 2 opportunities to read all data points that the server can potentially
make available:

• Offline with a configuration file (ICD or SCD file), for example, in a SICAM substation automation tech-

• Online by connection establishment to the server, for example, in the IEC Browser Testtool.
The client specifies the information that a report from a device should contain. Thus, the content of a report
is not fixed, but rather can be changed while the system is operating. The parameters set in the server do not
have to be changed.
In this way, the client can be set to watch for special indications or measured values, for instance, for only a
specific period. It can then create a report in the server, retrieve this report in order to obtain the information
and then delete the report. No classic protocol offers this flexibility.


i Siemens supports the concept of dynamic datasets.

You can find additional information on the creation of datasets in the System configurator manual.
You can find information on creating and checking datasets in the IEC 61850 Browser in chapter Dynamic Datasets. Static Reporting

What Is a Static Report?

In a static report, the datasets are generated by the configuration in the IEC 61850 System Configurator. Such
a dataset contains the data objects that are to be transmitted to an IEC 61850 client. You specify the content
of the dataset with the configuration setup in DIGSI 5. This dataset is associated with a report. There are
numerous possible configurations for a report.

IEC 61850 View in the System Configurator

The protection devices and bay units (server) provide a system configurator with all of the information that
can be transmitted to a client (systems control) or between servers in the form of an ICD or IID file. In the case
of protection functions, the manufacturer specifies the number/scope of the indications. For control functions,
you establish the number/scope of indications with the configuration tool of the server (for SIPROTEC devices
from Siemens, by means of DIGSI 5). The IEC 61850 Standard defines how this information is displayed in a
separate XML scheme called SCL (Substation Configuration Language).
The system configurator displays the indication texts (Description column) together with the IEC 61850 texts
(Name column).

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[sc_syscon_reports_structure, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-20 Structure in the System Configurator

Only names (designations) from the data model (IEC texts) are transmitted between client and server. In this
way, only the IEC texts can be seen in the case of eavesdropping of the Ethernet by a network sniffer.
Indications and measured values from the server of an IEC 61850 station are configured in a static report. For
this purpose, the devices are displayed as information sources in terms of their IEC 61850 structure.

Configuration of a Static Report in the System Configurator

Device View
Select only information from the Device view that you wish to configure in the report. For this, create
datasets. Describe the datasets using the properties dialog in the IEC 61850 System Configurator.

[sc_syscon_dataset_properties, 3, en_US]

Figure 2-21 Properties of the Dataset

Drag elements from the Source catalog into the dataset.

Right-click the dataset and select Insert report to add a ReportControlBlock (in this case: Protection) to this
dataset. You also select between a Buffered report and an Unbuffered report.

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[sc_propdl, 3, en_US]

Figure 2-22 Properties of a Static Report

You can find more detailed information on the Optional fields and the Trigger options in the chapter on
Report Control Blocks in the System Configurator manual.
The server specifies these properties for the report and they cannot be changed. Under Report number, you
can see the report ID (rptID). You can find the dataset under this ID to review.
All protection indications that are to be transmitted to the client are added to the dataset with the name

[sc_rpptin, 3, en_US]

Figure 2-23 Static Report with Protection Device Indications from the Overcurrent Protection


i You can create additional reports for information regarding command control or for measured values. A
SIPROTEC device has a maximum of 11 buffered reports.

The buffers in which the indications are located in the device are specified in the server on a manufacturer-
specific basis.
The properties of the report (dataset, trigger conditions…) are saved in so-called Report Control Blocks (RCB).
You can also change the dataset names that the system suggests (dataset + number) in the properties dialog
of the dataset.

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To make it easier to find the data during the subsequent review, Siemens recommends that you change the
dataset name. In the example, the name of the dataset is changed to Protection.

[sc_prd_set, 3, en_US]

Figure 2-24 Properties Dialog for a Dataset with Protection Device Indications

Test Mode
All data objects can be identified with a test flag. If the function block to which the data object belongs is in
Test mode, then the test flag for a date object has been set. However, not all objects that are received via
communication are marked with the test flag by the test mode of the function block. Input proxy objects, for
example, contain the test flag that was received via communication.
The Test mode of a function block can be simulated by the following actions:

• The function block has been placed in test mode by the parameter Mode or by the controllable Mod.

• The entire device has been placed in the application test mode (HMI: Device functions/Operating modes/
If the reports have been configured, the data are written to an SCD file (Substation Configuration Description
File) after the export. This file is important for loading the data in the device that is simultaneously the
IEC 61850 server. For SIPROTEC devices, the file is loaded with DIGSI 5. To import indication lists into the
client, use the SCD file. In this way, the client knows the scope of the reports and the datasets that contain the
information. This standardized data exchange is a great benefit compared to previous substation automation
protocols in which manufacturer-specific indication lists are exchanged in proprietary file formats or manually.
The SCD file can be exported from the IEC 61850 System Configurator and is available as an input to the test
program. Testing Protection Indications

Using Reports to Test Protection Indications

² Create a report for the protection indication and connect the dynamic dataset with the control block.
² Pick up the protection indication by using a tool that can change the signal inside the device, for
example, DIGSI 5 Test Editor.
You can find more information on the DIGSI 5 Test Editor in chapter 11.1.14 Test Editor.
- or -
² Use binary inputs that trigger the protection application in order to pick up the protection indication.

Protection Indication on the IEC Browser

² Select the Reporting field.
- or -
² Click the Auto Refresh button in the IEC client.
² Pick up the protection indication.
This will enable you to detect changes on the device via the client.

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2.6.4 Setting Parameters via IEC 61850

Settings in the device can be read and changed via the IEC 61850 protocol. This requires an IEC 61850 client,
for example, the IEC Browser provided on the DIGSI 5 DVD. All settings displayed in logical nodes can be read
and edited using the protocol.
The following stages are available:

• No parameters available

• Only reading order

• All
Consequently, an IEC 61850 client can change settings in the device independently of DIGSI 5 or the HMI
(Human-Machine Interface).
The IEC 61850 Standard defines a SETTING-GROUP-CONTROL-BLOCK model (SGCB). This model allows an
instance to have several values that can be used individually. It provides mechanisms for switching between
several values of one or more data objects. Related values form the settings group.
The device supports up to 8 different settings groups that can be configured with DIGSI 5.
The only SGCB of a SIPROTEC 5 device is found in the logical node LLN0 of the logical device (LD) PROT in the
SIPROTEC 4 similar view or the logical device Application in the SIPROTEC 5 view. All parameters of other
logical devices are also addressed via hierarchical references (GrRef) of this SCGB.
The following structure is defined for the SGCB model:
SGCB Class
Attribute Attribute Read and Write Access Description
Name Type
(Read (r)/Write (w))
NumOfSG INT8U r The attribute NumOfSG identifies the total number
of available settings groups.
n = NumOfSG
ActSG INT8U w (if the parameter The attribute ActSG identifies the values of the
Active settings group settings group that are in the active buffer.
is set in DIGSI to via Admissible range: 1 to n
EditSG INT8U w In order to edit a setting in a specific settings
group, the attribute EditSG must be set to the
appropriate value.
Admissible range: 0 to n
CnfEdit BOOLEAN w Siemens recommends using the attribute CnfEdit
to confirm the edit process.
LactTm TimeStamp r The attribute LActTm designates the time at which
the SelectActiveSG service was edited.
ResvTms INT16U r The attribute ResvTms defines the time interval in
seconds during which the reservation of an SGCB is
granted to a client.

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The following settings are supported and can be changed:

• Single-point setting (SPG)

• Integer status setting (ING)

• CDC ENS setting (ENG)

• Time settings group (TSG)

• Analog setting (ASG)

The following example shows you how to change the tripping delay OpDITmms of the overvoltage-protection
function (PTOV) with the aid of the IEC Browser.
In this example, the logical node PTOV 7 contains the parameters (BlkOp, DrpoutRat, etc.). The data object
(DO) OpDITmms is an integer status setting (ING) and defines the time delay in milliseconds prior to tripping
as soon as the tripping condition exists.

Establishing a Connection via the IEC Browser

² Use the IEC Browser to establish a connection to the device and make sure that the write function is

[sc_iecv_bg, 2, --_--]

Figure 2-25 Connection via the IEC Browser

Call up the GetSGCBValue Service

Use the GetSGCBValue service to read all attribute values from the SGCB.
² Set the number of settings groups in DIGSI using Settings > Device settings.

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[sc_nb settings groups, 2, en_US]

² Navigate to the SGCB, which can be found under LD PROT, LN LLN0, and FC SP.

[sc_gtsgcb, 1, --_--]

Figure 2-26 GetSGCBValue Service

In this example, 2 different settings groups are defined (NumOfSG=2). The currently active settings group
(SETTING GROUP) is SG 1 (ActSG=1).

Call up the SelectEditSG Service

Use the SelectEditSG service to select the settings group SG, which can then be edited after selection.
² To edit a parameter in the currently active settings group, write 1 in the Value field of the attribute
² Activate the check box next to the value.
² Right-click.
² Select Write tagged Lines.

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[sc_seedsg_02, 1, --_--]

Figure 2-27 SelectEditSG Service

Now you can edit the parameters in SETTING GROUP 1.

Call up the GetSGValue Service

Use the GetSGValue service to read the value of the settings group SG (FC = SE) that was selected to be edited
or the active settings group SG (FC = SG).
² To read the value of the currently active parameter, navigate to LD PROT LN PTOV1 FC SG DO
OpDITmms in the object-model project tree.
In this example, the parameter is to 3000 ms.

[sc_getsgv_01, 2, --_--]

Figure 2-28 GetSGValue Service

Call up the SetSGValue Service

Use the SetSGValue service to write the value into the settings group SG selected to be edited.
² Navigate to LD PROT LN PTOV1 FC SG DO OpDITmms in the object-model project tree.

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² Change the value, for example, to 5000.

² Activate the check box next to the value.
² Right-click.
² Select Write tagged Lines.

[sc_setsgv, 2, --_--]

Figure 2-29 SetSGValue Service

² As soon as the new value for the parameter has been written, confirm this value.
The current values in the settings group SG remain unchanged until the client has confirmed overwriting
of the values with the new values from the editing buffer.

Call up the ConfirmEditSGValue Service

Use the ConfirmEditSGValue service to confirm that the new value in the settings group SG that was selected
to be edited has changed to the value in the settings group SG.
² Navigate to the SGCB, which can be found under LD PROT, LN LLN0, and FC SP.
² Change the value of the attribute CnfEdit to 1.
² Activate the check box next to the value.
² Right-click.
² Select Write tagged Lines.

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[sc_cfsgva, 1, --_--]

Figure 2-30 ConfirmEditSGValue Service

The new value is now transferred from the editing buffer to the active buffer.
² If you read the current value of OpDITmms as described in the step Call up GetSGValue service, you will
see the new active value, that is, 5000 ms.


i For some settings, Restart required is marked. These settings are marked in DIGSI with the icon.
For these settings, the device executes a restart after the confirmation.

Call up the SelectActiveSG Service

Use the SelectActiveSG service to select which settings group SG should be the active settings group.
² To switch to the 2nd settings group SG, change the value of the attribute ActSG to 2.
² Activate the check box next to the value.
² Right-click.
² Select Write tagged Lines.

[sc_selact, 1, --_--]

Figure 2-31 SelectActiveSG Service

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2.6.5 Control via IEC 61850

SIPROTEC 5 devices support all 4 control models defined in the standard:

• Direct without feedback monitoring

• With reservation (SBO - Select Before Operate) without feedback monitoring

• Direct with feedback monitoring

• With SBO with feedback monitoring

The next figure shows the command sources, command types, and control models.

[dw_steuer, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-32 Command Sources, Command Types and Control Models

SBO control models support the operate-once variant. The command may only be interrupted if it conforms
with the standard.
A control model is preset for all objects, taking into consideration the necessary safety aspects (implementa-
tion of the command, reaching the limit position, and safety relevance). For this reason, Siemens recommends
retaining the preset control model. However, under certain circumstances it may be necessary to modify this
control model.

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[sc_control model, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-33 Control Model in DIGSI (Editable on Function-Block Level)

The Control function also checks the service parameters Synchrocheck and Interlocking check
according to IEC61850-7-2. If these parameters aretrue, the checks are performed. If they are false, the
checks are not performed in the device even if the respective functions are configured.
A function block User-defined function block [control] is available for the bay controller 6MD. If you use this
function block, all added commands inherit the properties of this function block.
For controllable objects that are coupled to the process, Siemens and the standard recommend always
selecting the control models with expanded safety (feedback monitoring).
According to the standard, commands with test state indicator are supported. This implies that a test
command can be only implemented if the object Beh of the associated LNs has the value test.
The IEC 61850 protocol permits testing the switching commands for their operability prior to implementation.
Test bits allow the interlocking devices to be switched on and off. The interlocking check bit affects which
command checks are to be performed.

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SIPROTEC 5 devices use test bits as follows:

• If the synchrocheck is not switched on for a circuit breaker and a switching command with the respective
test bit is transmitted via IEC 61850 to the device, this switching command will be rejected with a
negative acknowledgment OPR-. If the synchronization function is not a part of the Circuit-breaker
function group, the test bit will be ignored and the switching command will be executed if all other
command checks prove to be successful. More detailed command-check information can be found in the
respective chapter of the Device manual.

• If the test bit is not set, it will be treated like the non-interlocked switching mode. If the Interlocking
function block is not available in the Circuit-breaker function group, the interlocking conditions will
not be tested and the switching command will be executed if all other command checks prove to be
successful. More detailed command-check information can be found in the respective chapter of the
Device manual.


i For SICAM PAS/SCC parameterization, there are several SICAM SCC objects for each switching object, for
example, switching with interlock or switching with synchrocheck. For this reason, it is mandatory to
consider the specific treatment of the test bits during engineering of the system.

You can find more information on the switching authority in the manual SIPROTEC 5 High-Voltage Bay
Controller 6MD85/86.

2.6.6 VLAN Priority for Fast GOOSE Tripping

You can set the VLAN priority for each GOOSE control block. To enable the function to work efficiently, a
subscriber should receive only 1 GOOSE control block with the highest VLAN priority 7. In some cases, more
than 1 GOOSE control block with this priority value (7) can result in a high number of repetitions and thus to a
slow-down in the processing of GOOSE events.

[sc_syscon_VLAN_prio, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-34 VLAN Priority

2.6.7 Measured Values and Measured-Value Description

In order to detect the measured values in the buffer or transmission via reports, the application of the
deadband is important.
Measured values instMag are only forwarded with the deadband mechanism if they change outside of an
adjustable window. The window is defined as an upper and lower limit, a percentage of the actual measured

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IEC 61850
2.6 Protocol Properties and Implementation


i The summation takes place every 500 ms.

If the measured value instMag deviates from the deadband value mag, then the amount of the difference of
these 2 values will be added. If over time the accumulated sum exceeds the upper limit db (deadband value),
the deadband value mag will be set to the current value of instMag, and the sum will be reset to 0.
By using the trigger option TrgOp=dchg, the deadband value mag can be saved in the buffer or can be
reported. After setting the trigger option TrgOp=dchg, the device may wait several milliseconds before the
report is sent.

[sc_dia_iec, 1, --_--]

Figure 2-35 Diagram on the Behavior of Values

The diagram illustrates the relationship between the following values:

• Measured value instMag

• Deadband value mag

• Upper limit db (deadband value)

The upper limit db is used as a unit of 0.001 % and refers as a percentage to the currently measured

• Accumulated sum, referred to simply as sum

The deadband value mag changes significantly slower than the measured value instMag.

[sc_db_IEC_browser, 1, --_--]

Figure 2-36 Example of db Value

The figure shows the db value in the IEC Browser.

138 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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IEC 61850
2.6 Protocol Properties and Implementation

[sc_IEC_browser_instmag_and_mag, 1, --_--]

Figure 2-37 instMag and mag Values

Large differences between instMag and mag lead to the repeated updating of mag.
Small differences between instMagand mag lead to an infrequent change of mag.


i Since db is a percentage of the measured value, very small measured values and increased noise may cause
a flood of mag indications. An additional threshold in the device prevents a flood of indications.
If spontaneous changes do not need to be sent quickly, reports with measured values can also be trans-
mitted cyclically.

2.6.8 Device Time Description
The SNTP protocol or the IEEE 1588 protocol can be used for time synchronization via Ethernet networks.

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2.6 Protocol Properties and Implementation

[sc_device_time_LTIM, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-38 Device-Time Messages – Example LN/LTIM

140 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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IEC 61850
2.6 Protocol Properties and Implementation

[sc_device_time_LTMS, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-39 Device-Time Messages – Example LN/LTMS

SIPROTEC 5 devices support both Edition 1 and Edition 2 according to IEC 61850-7-2. In Edition 2, the
logical attributes LeapSecondsKnown, ClockFailure, ClockNotSynchronized, and the value TimeAccuracy
are maintained in each time stamp. In Edition1, these signals contain default values. Thus, the interoperability
for substation automation technologies is ensured for both editions.

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IEC 61850
2.6 Protocol Properties and Implementation

In the best case (highest quality), the following values are set:

• TimeAccuracy = 24 (2-24 s = 59.6 ns)

• ClockNotSynchronized = false

• ClockFailure = false
If the time quality decreases, first only the TimeAccuracy changes, for example, toTimeAccuracy = 10 (2-10 s
= 0.98 ms). The worst value that is possible for TimeAccuracy is 0 (2-0 s = 1 s). If the time quality becomes
even worse, this is indicated with the special value TimeAccuracy = 31 (unspecified).
With an unsynchronized device, the following values are displayed for all indications:

• TimeAccuracy = 31 (unspecified)

• ClockNotSynchronized = true Determining the TimeAccuracy Value

The accuracy of a received time stamp can be identified by the received telegram (see IRIG-B, Expanded
Protocol, Page 142). If this is not the case, the source is supposed to have a perfect accuracy (deviation = 0).
The measured deviation between the received time and device time (for a precise receive time) is added
to this value. As long as no other time telegram is received, the indicated accuracy of the SIPROTEC device
continually decreases at 0.2 ppm (0.2 µs/s). This accuracy has internal fine resolution. The accuracy is repre-
sented in the time stamps approximately as exponential in form (2-24 s to 2-0 s) as TimeAccuracy. This
representation is specified by the IEC.
If the value ClockNotSynchronized is set to true, TimeAccuracy is set to 31 (unspecified) (typically after a
time value according to the parameter Fault indication after after the last synchronization telegram).

IRIG-B, Expanded Protocol

An accuracy value (expansion acc. to IEEE C37.118-2005) contained in IRIG-B 005(004) is added to the
measured deviation between the received time and the device time.
If the special value locked is received, then only the deviation between the received time and the device time
is taken as the accuracy value.

SNTP contains an accuracy value with the aid of the stratum value. However, since this value cannot be
converted into a concrete deviation, it is ignored by the SIPROTEC 5 device. The receiving offset is taken into
account as with all sources.

IEEE 1588
The accuracy values from the Announce message (grandmasterClockQuality, TimeInaccuracy in profile-
specific IEEE_C37_238 TLV) are not evaluated.

Other Time Formats

These sources are considered as perfect – apart from a measured offset to device time. Determining the ClockNotSynchronized Value

After device startup, this value is first set to true. Through a 1st synchronization using one of the set sources,
it changes to false.
However, if no more synchronization telegrams are received for the set time Fault indication after
(default: 600 s), then the value is set to ClockNotSynchronized = true.
If the value ClockFailure is set, then also ClockNotSynchronized is always set.
The status of ClockNotSynchronized corresponds to the state of the message Time sync. error right up to
startup. However, the message status at startup is off. If no synchronization takes place, for parameterized
sources, this status changes to on after Fault indication after.

142 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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2.6 Protocol Properties and Implementation Determining the ClockFailure Value

If hardware errors occur on the time components, the logical value ClockFailure is set to true.
This value is set at startup until a valid time can be read from the clock module buffered with the button cell or
until the time can be set manually (HMI, DIGSI) or by a parameterized synchronization source.
If ClockFailure is set, ClockNotSynchronized = true and TimeAccuracy = 31 (unspecified) are also set.
The status of the message Clock fail corresponds to the status of the value.

2.6.9 Asset Management

You can monitor firmware and configuration statuses across the entire plant. Attributes of the devices are
used for this purpose.
The following versions and information are made available for asset management via the IEC 61850 interface.
Asset IEC 61850 Name Note
Mainboard Firmware Version LPHD.PhyNam.swRev Version 7.40 is displayed by V07.40, version
7.50 by V07.50 and so forth.
Communication Module Firm- LCCH.NamPlt.swRev Version 7.40 is displayed by V07.40, version
ware Version 7.50 by V07.50 and so forth.
Mainboard Configuration Every LN.NamPlt.swRev, Version 7.40 is displayed by V07.40, version
Version except LLN0 and LCCH 7.50 by V07.50 and so forth.
Single elements that have not been changed
in version V7.40 can have an older version.
Vendor LPHD.PhyName.vendor
BM Number LPHD.PhyName.serNum
Product Code LPHD.PhyName.hwRev
Device Type LPHD.PhyNam.model

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IEC 61850
2.7 File Transmission

2.7 File Transmission

2.7.1 Retrieving Fault Records and Logs

The MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification) file transfer can be used for the transmission of COMTRADE
fault records and COMFEDE event logs.
Therefore, the MMS file transfer provides a standard and automated way to retrieve all SIPROTEC 5 process
data without using DIGSI 5.
You can find 2 different methods of retrieving fault records and logs in the following figures.

[sc_process_data, 1, en_US]

Figure 2-40 Retrieving Fault Records and Logs via DIGSI 5

[sc_logs_via_MMS, 1, --_--]

Figure 2-41 Retrieving Fault Records and Logs via MMS File Transfer

2.7.2 Fault Records

File transfer is used to transmit fault records from a server to a client. The fault records, such as intended in
the COMTRADE standard, are stored in the server together with a configuration file (.cfg) and a binary data file
(.dat). When COMTRADE 2013 is used, the content comprises an information file (.inf) and a header file (.hdr).
A client reads both files and can then display the fault record with analog and binary traces. This requires
special analysis software, for example, SIGRA.

144 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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2.7 File Transmission

The configuration file contains, among other information:

• All analog and binary traces of the fault record

• Names of the traces

• Sampling rate
The raw data for these traces are contained in the data file, which is stored as a binary COMTRADE in the
Binary traces must be configured in the Recorder column in the DIGSI 5 Information routing.
Fault records are transmitted with a resolution of 8 kHz via the IEC 61850 protocol, except for 7KE85. 7KE85
can transmit fault records via the IEC 61850 protocol with a resolution of 16 kHz.


i Fault records can also be read from the device by DIGSI 5. They are available there at a maximum sampling
rate of 8 kHz. You can configure the sampling rate differently for DIGSI 5 and IEC 61850. The DIGSI 5
sampling rate is always identical to or greater than the IEC 61850 sampling rate. Transmission to DIGSI 5
does not use the IEC 61850 protocol, but instead uses a compressed and encrypted protocol.

Configure the sampling rate in DIGSI 5 as follows:

[sc_fault record, 2, en_US]

Figure 2-42 Configuring the Sampling Rate in DIGSI

An IEC 61850 Client can retrieve a directory of the fault record from the device. It can later transmit the
records from the device with MMS file transfer. You can find more information in the manual about PIXIT,


i The COMTRADE file must be generated internally before transmission. Thus the file size is initially unknown
and is reported as 0 in accordance with the IEC 61850 standard.

2.7.3 COMFEDE Overview

The SIPROTEC 5 device has the following operational logs that can be retrieved as a standard COMFEDE file
over MMS file transfer.

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2.7 File Transmission

• Operational logs

• Fault logs

• Ground-fault logs

• User-defined logs

• Setting-history logs

• Motor-starting logs

• Sequence-of-events log

• Communication-supervision log

• Switching device log

For more information on the content of the logs, refer to 8.5.1 General in the Operation Manual.


i For security reasons, the security logs are not accessible via COMFEDE. The security logs are accessible via


i The troubleshooting logs (device-diagnosis logs, communication log) are available only for the mainte-
nance personnel via DIGSI. Description COMFEDE

The IEEE C37.239-2010 defines the Common Format for Event Data Exchange (COMFEDE) for power systems.
COMFEDE is the format for file transfer in protection devices with the following main characteristics:

• COMFEDE consists of a XML file with the extension *.CED, following a defined XSD schema.

• The format of COMFEDE is able to at least hold the information related to the following log and reports:
– Sequence-of-events (SOE) log
– Fault-summary reports

• Additionally, a COMFEDE file contains the following device information data:

– Device name
– Product code
– Serial number
– Firmware version
– Configuration version

Downloading the COMFEDE File

IEC 61850 clients can download the COMFEDE file from the device.
If one of the following events occurs, an active download is not interrupted, but the new log is not included in
the current COMFEDE file:

• New fault logs are created.

• New ground-fault logs are created.

• New operational logs are created.

• New user-defined logs are created.

• New setting-history logs are created.

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2.7 File Transmission

• New motor-starting logs are created.

• New sequence-of-events log is created.

• The repeated download request is sent.

• The IEC 61850 client is disconnected from the device.

• New switching-device log is created.

If there is an interruption, the IEC 61850 client must restart the downloading.
After the download is finished, you can save the COMFEDE.ced on a local PC.


i When the device has many process data, the COMFEDE file download can take several minutes.

Interaction with the COMTRADE Download

If a communication module is downloading a COMFEDE file, an additional download request of a COMTRADE
file on the same module will be rejected.
If a communication module is downloading a COMTRADE file, an additional download request of a COMFEDE
file on the same module will be rejected.


i In either case, the device with MMS file transfer replies the error FILE_BUSY (02).

A new download request for COMFEDE or COMTRADE files is only possible once the current download is


i Each communication module can process the COMFEDE or COMTRADE file download independently from
each other. For example, a COMTRADE download on Port E and a COMFEDE download on Port J can be
processed at the same time. COMFEDE Display

Opening the COMFEDE File

To display the downloaded COMFEDE file on a local PC, proceed as follows:
² Download COMFEDE.css and COMFEDE.xslt from the Internet page.
² Rename the COMFEDE.ced to COMFEDE.xml.
² Put COMFEDE.css, COMFEDE.xslt, and COMFEDE.xml together in one folder.
² Open the COMFEDE.xmlwith the Web browser, for example, Internet Explorer.

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2.7 File Transmission

The following Internet page is displayed:

[sc_COMFEDE_display, 1, en_US]

Figure 2-43 COMFEDE Display

You can navigate to the more detailed information using the hyperlinks under Table of contents.

Display of Fault Logs and Fault Records

To display the fault log and fault record, proceed as follows:
² Click Fault log under Table of contents.
The fault-log table is displayed.
You can find the fault logs as hyperlinks in the table.
If there is a file name in the COMTRADE column, you can also find the fault record via the file name.

148 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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IEC 61850
2.8 IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus

2.8 IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus

The Ethernet communication module ETH-BD-2FO provides the IEC 61850-9-2 process-bus functionality for
SIPROTEC 5 modular devices, besides other communication protocols like IEC 61850-8-1 and IEEE 1588v2/PTP.
The following process-bus functionality is provided:

• Process-bus client functionality:

The process-bus client allows a subscription of current-sampled and voltage-sampled values published by
a merging unit (MU) complying with the IEC 61850-9-2 and IEC 61869-9 standards.

• Process-bus merging unit functionality:

The process-bus merging unit allows a publishing of current-sampled and voltage-sampled values on a
process-bus network according to the IEC 61850-9-2 and IEC 61869-9 standards.
Additionally to the process-bus functionality, the following main Ethernet functionality can be used at the
same time:

• IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE

• IEEE 1588v2/PTP

• Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) or Line Mode

• High Availability Seamless Redundancy Protocol (HSR)

The following figure shows the general approach of the IEC 61850-9-2 standard for interconnection of a
merging unit publishing sampled values (SV) and a process-bus client that uses these Sampled Values.

[dw_overview, 4, en_US]

Figure 2-44 System Overview

SE Sensor electronic
MU Merging unit
IED Intelligent Electronic Device

For more information regarding the connection possibilities of the different components and the configura-
tion, refer to the SIPROTEC 5 Process Bus Manual.
To measure currents and voltages in a primary system, a merging unit can use a vendor-specific primary
equipment. The merging unit provides the sampled measured values as Ethernet data packets as defined
in the IEC 61850-9-2 and IEE 61869-9 standards. To use these signals as voltage or current inputs in a
SIPROTEC 5 device, the device must subscribe to signals provided by the merging unit.

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2.8 IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus

In this document, you can find information on how to configure a SIPROTEC 5 device that subscribes or
publishes time-coherent data streams according to IEC 61850-9-2 and IEC 61869-9. To do this, IID files
(IID – Instantiated IED Description) provide a description of merging-unit streams (when a merging unit is
configured) or requested subscriptions (when a process-bus client is configured).
The IID files contain the following information:

• Self description of the signals provided by a merging unit

• Data-packet formats published by a merging unit in a standardized format

• Process-bus client inputs to be subscribed with a merging-unit signal by a system configurator

A SIPROTEC 5 client can receive and process data streams of merging units complying with the IEC 61869-9
standard. For a merging unit that only sends data streams according to IEC 61850-9-2, additional engineering
steps can be necessary, for example, if the parameters for the instrument-transformer ratios are not exposed
in the IID file of the merging unit.
In this manual, you can find the following information:

• Configuration of the SIPROTEC 5 device to act as a process-bus client

• Configuration of the SIPROTEC 5 device to act as a merging unit

• Export of the IID files to be used in a process-bus client

• Configuration of the sampled-value subscription using the Siemens IEC 61850 System Configurator
You can find a detailed description of how to use IEC 61850-9-2 in the SIPROTEC 5 Process Bus manual.

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3 DNP3

3.1 Protocol Characteristics 152

3.2 Settings and Properties 162

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3.1 Protocol Characteristics

3.1 Protocol Characteristics

3.1.1 Protocol Structure Description
DNP3 has a graded architecture. Instead of the OSI model, however, a simplified 3-layer model suggested
by the IEC is used. This model was named Enhanced Performance Architecture (EPA) by the IEC. However,
DNP3 adds a 4th layer, a pseudo transport layer, with which messages can be segmented. The graphics were
taken from the DNP3-Spec-V1-Introduction-20071215.pdf standard.

[dw_epadia, 1, en_US]

Figure 3-1 EPA Diagram

The SIPROTEC 5 device supports the DNP3, level 2 version.

You can find additional information in the standard IEEE 1815 at Physical Layer

The physical layer mainly deals with the physical media through which the protocol is transferred. The physical
layer deals with, for example, the condition of the media (free or occupied) and the synchronization through
the media (start and stop).
DNP3 most frequently uses a simple, asynchronous serial transmission like RS232 or RS485 with physical
media like pilot wires and optical fiber. Moreover, the transmission can take place through Ethernet.

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3.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_dalila, 1, --_--]

Figure 3-2 Physical Layer Data-Link Layer

The data link layer manages the logical connection between the transmitter and the receiver of the informa-
tion and improves the fault tolerance of the physical line. This is achieved with DNP3 by starting every data
transmission package with a data head, and a 16 bit CRC (cyclic redundancy check) is executed for every
16 bytes of the package.
A package is a part of the complete message transferred through the physical layer. The maximum size of a
data package is 256 bytes. Each package has a 16-bit source address and a 16-bit target address, which can
also be a general address (0xFFFF).
The 10-byte data link layer head contains:

• Address information

• 16-bit start code

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3.1 Protocol Characteristics

• Frame length

• Data link control byte

The data link control byte displays the cause of the data transmission and the status of the logical connection.
The data link control byte can have the following values:

• ACK (data link confirmation)

• NACK (negative confirmation)

• Connection needs to be reset

• Connection is reset

• Data link confirmation from the package required

If a data link confirmation is needed, the receiver must respond with an ACK data package if the package
was received and the CRC checks were successful. If no data link confirmation is requested, no response is
required. Pseudo Transport Layer

The pseudo transport layer segments application messages in multiple data transmission packages.
The pseudo transport layer implements an individual byte function code for every package. The byte function
code displays what the data transmission package is:

• The 1st package of a message

• The last package of a message

• Both (for individual message packages)

The function code delivers a running package number. This subsequent package number is increased with
each package and allows the receiver's transport layer to analyze the package.

[dw_trfnct, 1, --_--]

Figure 3-3 Pseudo Transport Layer Application Layer

The application layer responds to received messages and creates messages based on the necessity and
availability of the user data. As soon as messages are available, they are sent to the pseudo transport layer.
The messages are segmented here, sent to the data link layer and transferred through the physical layer.
If the data that is to be sent is too large for an individual application message, a number of application
messages can be created and sent in a sequential manner. Each message is an independent application
message. Their only connection with each other is the label in all messages that says that more messages will
follow. Only the last message does not contain this label. Each application message refers to a fragment due
to the fact that the user data may be fragmented. A message can thus be a single fragment message or a
multi-fragment message.
Application packages from DNP3 slaves are normally responses to queries. A DNP3 slave can also send a
message without a request, thus, an unsolicited response.
As in the data link layer, application fragments can be sent with a confirmation request. An application
confirmation indicates that a message was not only received, but rather it was also syntactically analyzed
without any errors. A data transmission confirmation or an ACK indicate only that the transmission package
was received and that the CRC checks were error-free.
Each application package begins with an application layer header, followed by one or more object heads/
object data. The application layer header contains an application control code and an application function

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3.1 Protocol Characteristics

If one of the following conditions is fulfilled, then the application control code contains labels:

• The package is a multi-package message.

• An application layer acknowledgment is requested for the package.

• The package is not requested.

The application control code contains a continual application layer number. With this application layer
number, the receiving application layer can recognize alien packages or lost packages.
The application function code in the header of the application layer indicates the cause or the requested
function in the message. While DNP3 allows a number of data types in a single message, it also allows only an
individual query for a data type within the message.
Examples for application function codes include:

• Acknowledgments for confirmation on the application layer

• Read and write

• Select and execute (SBO (select before operate), controls)

• Direct control (for switching objects without SBO)

• Save and delete (for counters)

• Restart (both cold and warm)

• Enable and disable non-requested messages

• Selection of the classes

The application function code in the header of the application layer applies for all object headers. Thus, the
application function code applies for all data within the message package.

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3.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_aplay_1, 1, --_--]

Figure 3-4 Application Layer – Part 1

156 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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3.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_aplay_2, 1, --_--]

Figure 3-5 Application Layer – Part 2

3.1.2 Transfer through Ethernet Requirements for the Physical, Transport, and Application Layers

The transmission through Ethernet takes place according to the same specifications as transmission through
serial connections. Only the method for the time synchronization through the network must be changed.
All requirements in the other protocol layers can be applied. Connection packages are transported in an
unchanged manner through the Ethernet protocol suite under the control of the data link layer. Acknowledgments
If the SIPROTEC devices communicate through Ethernet, they must not work with confirmations from the
physical layer (CONFIRMED_USER_DATE). If necessary, the confirmations must be used by the application
layer. For confirmations of the application layer, there is no difference between IP networks (IP = Internet
protocol) and serial channels.

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3.1 Protocol Characteristics Message Transmission

As soon as the data-link layer has established a TCP connection (TCP = Transmission Control Protocol), the
physical layer of DNP3 can transmit packages as needed. The type of query (requested or not requested) does
not depend on the type of connection.
The SIPROTEC 5 devices support dual DNP3 Ethernet masters on the same Ethernet module.
A typical case for each DNP3 master is as follows:

• TCP connection is established with a device

• Class 1, 2, 3, 0 request is executed once

The data integrity is checked.

• Non-requested transmission is made possible

• Work is continued in this mode.

3.1.3 Functional Scope

The DNP3 interface of the SIPROTEC 5 device supports the following functions:
Function Description
Binary inputs with status Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)
Object 01 and variation 02 describe the state of a digital input channel or internal
software information.
They are also used during the general interrogation by an RTU to synchronize
the database. The general interrogations are conducted after the run or cyclically
during the runtime.
Binary inputs with Object 02 and variation 02 describe the changes of a digital input channel or of
changed time internal software information with the associated change time. The binary inputs
are used for spontaneous process events.
Binary outputs with status Object 10 and variation 02 describe the current status of a binary output channel.
The control relay output block controls the binary output channels. See also
object 12.
Control relay output block Object 12 and variation 01 are used for commands for the process or for the
setting-up of internal functions.
32-bit binary meter with Object 20 and variation 01 are used for the display of metered values for active
marking and reactive power.
32-bit binary change Object 22 and variation 01 are used for the display of changed meter data for
meter without time active and reactive power.
32 bit analog inputs Object 30 and variation 01 describe signed 32-bit values for the digitalized analog
(measured values) signals or their calculated values.
16 bit analog inputs Object 30 and variation 02 describe signed 16-bit values for the digitalized analog
(measured values) signals or their calculated values. They are used for the general interrogation
during start-up. A measured value snapshot is also possible.
32-bit analog change Object 32 and variation 01 are used for the display of a changed analog value.
values without time
16-bit analog change Object 32 and variation 02 are used for the display of a changed analog value.
values without time
Time and date Object 50, variation 01
Write function The time and date object are used for time synchronization.
Time and date Read the system time of the device.
Read function Date and time are displayed in milliseconds.
Here midnight on January 1, 1970 is 00:00 hours, 00:00 minutes, 00:00 seconds
and 00:00 milliseconds.

158 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
3.1 Protocol Characteristics

Function Description
Data class Object 60, variation 01, 02, 03, 04
These objects indicate different classes of information elements:

• Class 0 contains all information objects that are not distinguished in terms of
class 1 to 3
• Classes 1 to 3 contain groups of events from information elements
• The data from class 1 has the highest priority, followed by class 2, class 3,
and the static data
• Class 1 always means class 0 + 1, class 2 means class 0 + 2
File transfer Object 70, variation 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07
Transfer of a fault record possible
Internal displays Object 80, variation 01
Writing the value 00 on index 7 leads to reset of the bit Restart in the flag byte
for all data objects.
Writing to Index 4 resets the Need Time Bit.


i These variations are set. You cannot change the variations in DIGSI.

3.1.4 Fault Record Transfer

The file transfer can be used to transfer a fault record (Object 70). The Rcd Made message is used to query
the availability of the fault record. When the message is mapped and there is a new fault in the device the
message is transferred. Cyclical reading of the directory is also possible. If there are files in the directory then
there are also fault records. Specifically, the transfer takes place as follows:
The following steps are required to read the directory:

• Reading of the directory with File Transport Object (obj 70 var 7)

• Waiting for the response

• If the read operation was successful, the master station increases the block number and reads the next

• If the status indicator Last is set in the response, the master station closes the file with File Operation
Status Object (obj 70 var 4).
Every fault record is identified by an existing file. The following information is transferred for this:

• File Name Offset

• File Name Size

• File Type

• File Size

• Time Of Creation

• Permissions

• Request ID

• File Name
The master station can now select the required fault. The transfer takes place in the same manner as with
reading the directory.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 159

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
3.1 Protocol Characteristics

3.1.5 Amount of Mappable Information

The following information can be mapped:

Information Maximum Mappable Amount
Indications + Controllables at Tx 500
Controllables at Rx 50
Settings at Tx Not supported
Measurements at Tx 100
Counters at Tx 20

3.1.6 Additional Information

The mapping of the commands occurs like the mapping of messages. Here, object group 12 is preset.

Scaling Measured Values

The measured values between the SIPROTEC 5 device and the DNP3 master are transferred as integer values
in 16-bit or 32-bit format. 16 bits correspond with a range from 0 to 65 535; 32 bits correspond with a range
from 0 to 4 294 967 295.
You can find more detailed information on this in chapter 1.9.5 Mapping Selection.
The measured values are available in the SIPROTEC 5 device in floating-point format, related to the parameter-
ized rated variables of the primary system in percentage.

Converting Measured Values

Before the transfer of a measured value through DNP3, the measured values must be converted in the
SIPROTEC 5 device. The measured values are scaled.
The scaling of a measured value determines the form of transmission. These forms of transmission are:

• Value type

• Scaling factor

Scaling Factor
The measured value is multiplied in the SIPROTEC 5 device by the scaling factor. The measured values are then
changed into integer measured values (for DNP3) in the floating-point procedure.
Through multiplication with a multiple of 10, decimal places can also be transferred into integer measured

Calculation Formula for Integer Measured Values

The following conditions must be met for the calculation:

• The floating-point number (measured value Float) is available in the corresponding value type (primary or
secondary value).

• The floating-point number (measured value Float) is available as a percent value.

The integer measured value (measured value Integer) for the transmission through DNP3 is calculated according
to the following formula:

[fo_mwintr, 2, en_US]

Mapping on the Object Status

The following table shows mapping on the object status.

160 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
3.1 Protocol Characteristics

Table 3-1 Mapping on the Object Status

IEC 61850 Implementation Preferred DNP3 Implementation

Attribute Name Attribute Type Value/Value Point Type Point Count or Comment
Range Note
validity CODED ENUM Good – ONLINE set if –
Questionable – COMM_LOST –
detailQual PACKED LIST – – – –
inaccurate BOOLEAN DEFAULT – – –
source CODED ENUM Process – – –
Substituted – LOCAL_FORCED –

Number Representation Depending on the Parameterization

If you determine the scaling of a measured value, then you first set the number format and the unit. The
number format contains the number of relevant decimal places.

Percent Values
For percent values, Siemens recommends a scaling factor of 100. This results in an interpretation of the
integer measured value (measured valueInteger) through DNP3 with a measured value from ± 32 767. This
corresponds with a percentage value of ± 327.67%.

Secondary Values
If, for example, the values from the transducer inputs are specified in mA, then the transmission of a meas-
ured value as a secondary value makes sense.
The number of significant decimal points depends on the system and transducer data.

Primary Values
The position of the decimal point and the respective unit are determined for primary values based on the
parameterized rated variables of the primary system.

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3.2 Settings and Properties

3.2 Settings and Properties

3.2.1 Settings for the Serial Connection

During the parameterization, make the following settings for the serial communication between the DNP3
master and the SIPROTEC 5 device via DNP3:

[sc_DNP3 serial communication, 1, en_US]

Figure 3-6 DNP3 Serial Connection Settings with the Setting Enable Unsolicited Trans. = Off

Parameter Name Description Settings

Slave address Link address of the SIPROTEC 5 device Setting range = 1 to 65 519
Default setting = 1
Master address Address of the DNP3 master Setting range = 1 to 65 519
Default setting = 10
Baud rate The DNP3 communication module supports baud Default setting = 9600 Bd
rates in the range from 2400 Bd to 57 600 Bd.
Data bit 7 data bits or 8 data bits can be set on the communi- 8 data bits must be set for the DNP3
cation module. protocol.
Stop bit The DNP3 communication module supports 1 stop bit. 1 stop bit
Parity You set the parity with this parameter. No parity (default setting)
Even parity
Odd parity
Light idle You determine the communication medium with this Not active: Communication via RS485
state (on/off) parameter. If the communication takes place via an On: Communication via optical fiber; rest
optical fiber, the rest position is specified at the same position light on
time. Off: Communication via optical fiber; rest
The light idle state is relevant only for optical position light off (default setting)

162 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
3.2 Settings and Properties

Parameter Name Description Settings

Time zone Time zone of the DNP3 device (must be the same as UTC (default setting )
the time zone of the SIPROTEC 5 device) Local
Superv. time If no communication with a master occurs in the para- Setting range = 0 ms to 3 600 000 ms
com. failure meterized time, an error message is issued. Default setting = 30 000 ms
Link retries The number of transmission attempts (LinkRetries) Setting: Sending with confirmation
If the receiver did not send a confirmation, a data Default setting = 2
package is transmitted again.
Link confirm. The receiver is asked to send a confirmation of the Not for any frame (default setting)
required required packages. Multiframe fragment
All frames
Link confirm. This parameter specifies a time interval. During this Default setting = 3000 ms
time-out time interval (in ms), the receiver waits for a confir-
mation from the opposite end until the last telegram
is repeated. This only happens, if the information has
been sent with confirmation. The time starts after the
last byte has been sent.
Appl. confirm. This parameter specifies when a confirmation of the Event-data messages:
required application layer is required. If messages contain event data, then a
confirmation of the application layer is
Non-final fragments:
If telegrams are divided into different frag-
ments, a confirmation of the application
layer is required except for the last frag-
ment, then a confirmation of the applica-
tion layer is required (default setting).
Appl. confirm. The receiver waits during a desired period of time (in Default setting = 9000 ms
time-out ms) until the previous response is confirmed.
If the confirmation of the application layer is used
together with the link confirmation, then make sure
that the time-out of the application layer (AppCon-
Time-out) is long enough to end all transmissions.
The following formula describes this requirement:

Time sync. Time interval (in ms) until the internal display Time 0 = The internal display is never set.
required required is set. This time interval is included in every Default setting = 60 000 ms
response message. The time interval signals to the
master to start a new time synchronization with the
Time betw. sel. A command must be selected and executed in this Default setting = 10 000 ms
& switch. time (in ms).
Enable unsoli- With this parameter, you determine whether unsoli- Off = The unsolicited transmission is not
cited trans. cited transmission is configured. configured and can never be switched on
from a connected master (default setting).
On = The unsolicited transmission is
configured and must be made possible
after the 1st unsolicited response from the
Min. time Minimum time of the telegram repetition following a Setting range = 0 ms to 100 ms
telegr. repet. collision Default setting = 50 ms

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 163

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3.2 Settings and Properties

Parameter Name Description Settings

Max. time Maximum time of the telegram repetition following a Setting range = 0 ms to 50 ms
telegr. repet. collision Default setting = 50 ms
Max. telegr. Maximum number of the telegram repetitions Setting range = 1 to 200
retries following a collision Default setting = 5

[sc_DNP3_serial_conection_settings_on, 1, en_US]

Figure 3-7 DNP3 Serial Connection Settings with the Setting Enable Unsolicited Trans. = on

The following parameters only make sense if the parameter Enable unsolicited trans. is set to on:

164 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
3.2 Settings and Properties

Parameter Name Description Settings

Unsolicited This parameter regulates a condition of the non- Default setting = 10
events class 1 requested transmission for every class of changed
Unsolicited events (class 1, class 2, and class 3).
events class 2 If the number of events per class equals or exceeds
Unsolicited this value, then an unsolicited response is sent.
events class 3
Unsolicited This parameter regulates a condition of the non- Default setting = 15 000 ms
time class 1 requested transmission for every class of changed
Unsolicited events (class 1, class 2, and class 3).
time class 2 If the time (in ms) after an event equals or exceeds
Unsolicited this value, an unsolicited response is transmitted.
time class 3 The unsolicited message is also sent if only 1 event
Unsolicited If no unsolicited response was sent within the time Default setting = 5
retry set under the parameter Unsolic. confirm.
time-out, then this parameter regulates how many
times a different unsolicited response is sent.
Unsolic. Time (in ms) for waiting for the receiver to confirm Default setting = 6000 ms
confirm. time- the non-requested response. If a query to read is
out received in the meantime, the read query is answered
first, and then the unsolicited response is not trans-

3.2.2 Settings for Communication through Ethernet

During parameterization, make the following settings for the Ethernet communication on the Ethernet
module between the DNP3 master and the SIPROTEC 5 device via DNP3.
The SIPROTEC 5 device supports 2 DNP3 Ethernet masters on the same Ethernet module. You can click Add
new master to add a new master in DIGSI.

[sc_DNP3_Ethernet_settings, 1, en_US]

Figure 3-8 DNP3 Ethernet Settings

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 165

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
3.2 Settings and Properties

[sc_DNP3_Ethernet_settings_master_2_added, 1, en_US]

Figure 3-9 DNP3 Ethernet Settings with 2nd Master

Parameter Name Description Settings

Slave address Link address of the SIPROTEC 5 device Setting range = 1 to 65 519
Default setting = 1
Connection Time monitoring setting Setting range: 0 s to 61 439 s
superv. time Default setting = 30 s
Time zone Time zone of the DNP3 device (must be the same as UTC (default setting)
the time zone of the SIPROTEC 5 device) Local
Superv. time If no communication with a master occurs in the para- Setting range = 0 ms to 3 600 000 ms
com. failure meterized time, an error message is issued. Default setting = 30 000 ms
Link retries The number of transmission attempts (LinkRetries) Setting: Sending with confirmation
If the receiver did not send a confirmation, a data Default setting = 2
package is transmitted again.
Link confirm. The receiver is asked to send a confirmation of the Not for any frame (default setting)
required required packages. Multiframe fragment
All frames

166 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
3.2 Settings and Properties

Parameter Name Description Settings

Link confirm. The parameter Link confirm. time-out speci- Default setting = 3000 ms
time-out fies a time interval. During this time interval (in ms),
the receiver waits for a confirmation from the oppo-
site end until the last telegram is repeated. This only
happens, if the information has been sent with confir-
mation. The time starts after the last byte has been
Appl. confirm. This parameter specifies when a confirmation of the Event-data messages: If messages contain
required application layer is required. event data, then a confirmation of the
application layer is required.
Non-final fragments: If telegrams are
divided into different fragments, a confir-
mation of the application layer is required
except for the last fragment, then a confir-
mation of the application layer is required
(default setting).
Appl. confirm. The receiver waits during a desired period of time (in Default setting = 9000 ms
time-out ms) until the previous response is confirmed.
If the confirmation of the application layer is used
together with the link confirmation, then make sure
that the time-out of the application layer (AppCon-
Time-out) is long enough to end all transmissions.
The following formula describes this requirement:

Time sync. Time interval (in ms) until the internal display Time 0 = The internal display is never set.
required required is set. This time interval is included in every Default setting = 60 000 ms
response message. The time interval signals to the
master to start a new time synchronization with the
Time betw. sel. A command must be selected and executed in this Default setting = 10 000 ms
& switch. time (in ms).
Enable unsoli- With this parameter, you specify whether unsolicited Off = The unsolicited transmission is not
cited trans. transmission is configured. configured and can never be switched on
from a connected master (default setting).
On = The unsolicited transmission is
configured and must be made possible
after the 1st unsolicited response from the
Master address Address of the DNP3 master Setting range = 1 to 65 519
Default setting = 10
Master IP IP address of the DNP3 master Setting range = to
address IPv4 address means that the slave can listen to
and contact every IP address. Default setting =
Port Port number in the range of 1 to 61 439 Default setting = 20 000

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 167

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3.2 Settings and Properties

[sc_DNP3_Ethernet_settings_on, 1, en_US]

Figure 3-10 DNP3 Ethernet Settings with the Setting Enable Unsolicited Trans. = on


i When either of the DNP3 master IP addresses is, the Port must be unique.
When both DNP3 master IP addresses are specified (not, the combination of Port and Master IP
address must be unique.

The following parameters only make sense if the parameter Enable unsolicited trans. is set to on:
Parameter Name Description Settings
Unsolicited This parameter regulates a condition of the non- Default setting = 10
events class 1 requested transmission for every class of changed
Unsolicited events (class 1, class 2, and class 3).
events class 2 If the number of events per class equals or exceeds
Unsolicited this value, then an unsolicited response is sent.
events class 3
Unsolicited This parameter regulates a condition of the non- Default setting = 15 000 ms
time class 1 requested transmission for every class of changed
Unsolicited events (class 1, class 2, and class 3).
time class 2 If the time (in ms) after an event equals or exceeds
Unsolicited this value, an unsolicited response is transmitted.
time class 3 The unsolicited message is also sent if only 1 event

168 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
3.2 Settings and Properties

Parameter Name Description Settings

Unsolicited If no unsolicited response was sent within the param- Default setting = 5
retry eter Unsolic. confirm. time-out, then this
parameter regulates how many times a different
unsolicited response should be sent.
Unsolic. Time (in ms) for waiting for the receiver to confirm Default setting = 6000 ms
confirm. time- the non-requested response. If a query to read is
out received in the meantime, the read query is answered
first, and then the unsolicited response is not trans-

The other required IP settings are taken from the module setting.

[sc_ethset, 1, en_US]

Figure 3-11 IP Settings in the Module Setting

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170 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual
C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
4 IEC 60870-5-104

4.1 Protocol Characteristics 172

4.2 Settings and Properties 180
4.3 Interoperability 183
4.4 Communication Mapping 194

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 171

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.1 Protocol Characteristics

4.1 Protocol Characteristics

4.1.1 Description

The protocol IEC 60870-5-104 is structured as shown in the following Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Protocol Structure

Selection of application functions

of IEC 60870-5-5 according to Initialization User process
IEC 60870-5-101
Selection of ASDUs (Application Service Data Unit) from IEC 60870-5-101 Application layer (layer 7)
and IEC 60870-5-104
APCI (Application Protocol Control Information) Transport interface
Selection of TCP/IP protocol suite (RFC 2200) Transport layer (layer 4)
Network layer (layer 3)
Data-link layer (layer 2)
Physical layer (layer 1)
NOTE: Layer 5 and 6 are not used

4.1.2 Selection of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite

As you know, IEC 60870-5-104 is a protocol based on TCP/IP (Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).
Table 4-2 shows the recommended selection of the TCP/IP protocol suite (RFC 2200) used in this standard. The
relevant RFCs (Request For Comments) are available at the Internet address

Table 4-2 Selected Standard Provisions of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite RFC 2200

RFC 793 (Transmission control protocol) Transport layer (layer 4)

RFC 791 (Internet protocol) Network layer (layer 3)
RFC 1661 (Peer-Peer Protocol) RFC 894 (Transmission of Data-link layer (layer 2)
RFC 1662 (Peer-Peer Protocol in high- IP datagrams over Ethernet
level data link control-like framing) networks)
X.21 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Physical layer (layer 1)
Electronics Engineers) 802.3
Serial line Ethernet

4.1.3 Definition of Application Protocol Control Information

The transport interface is a stream-oriented interface which does not define any start or stop mechanism for
the ASDUs of IEC 60870-5-101. In order to detect the start and end of the ASDUs, each APCI includes the
following delimiting elements, see Figure 4-1.

• A start character

• The specification of the length of the ASDU

• The control field

Either only the APCI field for control purpose or a complete APDU can be transferred, see Figure 4-2.

172 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.1 Protocol Characteristics

[sc_APDU_defined_telecontrol_comp_standard, 1, --_--]

Figure 4-1 APDU Definition

[sc_APCI_defined_telecontrol_comp_standard, 1, --_--]

Figure 4-2 APCI Definition

For more detailed information, refer to chapter 5 of the standard of Part 5-104:
Transmission protocols – Network access for IEC 60870-5-101 using standard transport profiles.

4.1.4 Selection of ASDUs

The ASDUs defined in IEC 60870-5-101 and in chapter 8 of the standard of IEC 60870-5-104
(Ed_2_57_812e_FDIS) are valid. Refer to the standards for detailed information. For the ASDUs supported
in SIPROTEC 5, refer to the following tables.

Table 4-3 Process Information in Monitoring Direction

Type Identification (TI) := UIB[1..8]<0..38> Abbreviation

<1> := Single-point indication M_SP_NA_1
<3> := Double-point indication M_DP_NA_1
<5> := Step-position indication M_ST_NA_1
<7> := Bit string of 32 bits M_BO_NA_1
<9> := Measured value, normalized value M_ME_NA_1
<11> := Measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1
<13> := Measured-value, short floating- M_ME_NC_1
point number
<15> := Integrated totals M_IT_NA_1
<30> := Single-point information with time M_SP_TB_1
stamp CP56Time2a

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 173

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IEC 60870-5-104
4.1 Protocol Characteristics

<31> := Double-point information with time M_DP_TB_1

stamp CP56Time2a
<32> := Step-position information with M_ST_TB_1
time stamp CP56Time2a
<34> := Measured value, normalized value M_ME_TD_1
with time stamp CP56Time2a
<35> := Measured value, scaled value with M_ME_TE_1
time stamp CP56Time2a
<36> := Measured-value, short floating- M_ME_TF_1
point number with time stamp
<37> := Integrated totals with time stamp M_IT_TB_1
<38> := Event of protection equipment M_EP_TD_1
with time stamp CP56Time2a

Table 4-4 Process Information in Control Direction

Type Identification (TI) := UI8[1..8]<45..47,49..50,58..60,62. Abbreviation

<45> := Single command C_SC_NA_1
<46> := Double command C_DC_NA_1
<47> := Regulating step command C_RC_NA_1
<49> := Set point command, scaled value C_SE_NB_1
<50> := Set point command, short floating- C_SE_NC_1
point number
<58> := Single command with time stamp C_SC_TA_1
<59> := Double command with time stamp C_DC_TA_1
<60> := Incremental command with time C_RC_TA_1
stamp CP56Time2a
<62> := Set point command, scaled value C_SE_TB_1
with time stamp CP56Time2a
<63> := Set point command, short floating- C_SE_TC_1
point value with time stamp

Table 4-5 System Information in Control Direction

Type Identification := UIB[1..8]<100..105> Abbreviation

<100> := Interrogation command C_IC_NA_1
<101> := Counter interrogation command C_CI_NA_1
<102> := Read command C_RD_NA_1
<103> := Time-synchronization command C_CS_NA_1

Table 4-6 File Transfer

Type Identification (TI) := UIB[1..8]<120..126> Abbreviation

<120> := File ready F_FR_NA_1
<121> := Section ready F_SR_NA_1
<122> := Call directory, select file, call file, F_SC_NA_1
call section

174 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.1 Protocol Characteristics

<123> := Last section, last segment F_LS_NA_1

<124> := Acknowledge file, acknowledge F_AF_NA_1
<125> := Segment F_SG_NA_1
<126> := Directory F_DR_TA_1

4.1.5 Redundancy General
SIPROTEC 5 supports multiple master groups. Multiple master groups can increase the availability of the
communications system. Only 1 communication module supports the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol in the device
at one time.
Each master group can be an independent redundancy group as follows:

• Only 1 active main master and 1 backup master connected to the slave (SIPROTEC 5 device)

• Only test telegrams between the backup master and the slave
If a communication network implements redundancy, the selected redundant bus topology is always a combi-
nation of the following redundancies:

• Master redundancy

• Media redundancy
The 2 redundancies can be combined flexibly with each other. Therefore, there can be different bus and
redundancy topologies.
A communications system which includes both master and media redundancies is designated as a redundant
system. If there is an interruption of the cables or disconnection of the main master, the redundant system
can take over the work of the interrupted component. Parameterization of a Redundant Communication

Media Redundancy
Media redundancy is the redundancy of the electrical or fiber-optic cable bus media and can be implemented,
for example, with the PRP protocol.
The following figure shows that an RTU communicates with a SIPROTEC 5 device via 2 cables. If the RTU or
SIPROTEC 5 device identifies an interruption in one cable, it can automatically switch to the other cable.

[dw_T104_media_redundancy, 1, en_US]

Figure 4-3 Media Redundancy

Master Redundancy
Master redundancy protects against a disconnection of the main master.
If the parameter Redundancy is on, a master redundancy is enabled. One master becomes the main master
while the other master is the backup master. You can find detailed configuration information in chapter

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 175

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.1 Protocol Characteristics

4.2.1 Settings. Both of the masters communicate with the SIPROTEC 5 device. The main master transmits the
process data, and the backup master only transmits the test telegram.
If a disconnection of the main master occurs during ongoing operation, the backup master becomes the main
master. The action can also be executed with an IEC 60870-5-104 command.

[dw_T104_master_redundancy, 1, en_US]

Figure 4-4 Master Redundancy

You must set several parameters for a redundant communication in SIPROTEC 5. You can find more informa-
tion on the settings in chapter 4.2.1 Settings. Redundancy in SIPROTEC 5

The following table shows several scenarios of master IP configuration when there is only 1 master.

Table 4-7 Scenarios of Master IP Configuration for 1 Master

Redundancy Disable/Enable IP-Address Setting Action

Redundancy is disabled Main master IP (by default) Any IEC 60870-5-104 master can
(Port number is 2404) communicate with the device.
Main master IP (for Only the main master with the
example) fixed IP can communicate with the
Redundancy is enabled Main master IP (for Only the main master and the
(Port number is 2404) example) backup master can communicate
Backup master IP (for with the device. The main master
example) and the backup master can only
communicate with the device via
port 2404. The IP address is

The following table shows the scenarios of master IP configuration when there are more than 1 master.

176 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.1 Protocol Characteristics

Table 4-8 Scenarios of Master IP Configuration for More Than 1 Master

Redundancy Disable/Enable IP-Address Setting Action

Redundancy is disabled Main master IP (for Only the main master and the
(Port number is 2404) example) backup master can communicate
Backup master IP (for with the device. The main master
example) and the backup master can only
communicate with the device via
Redundancy is enabled Main master IP (for
port 2404. The IP address is
(Port number is 2404) example)
Backup master IP (for

4.1.6 File Operation for Fault Record

In IEC 60870-5-104, the disturbance data are transferred as a COMTRADE file via file transfer.
The SIPROTEC 5 device supports COMTRADE 1999 and COMTRADE 2013. You can change the COMTRADE
revision with the parameter COMTRADE revision year.

• For COMTRADE 1999, a maximum of 8 pairs of the latest COMTRADE files (8 *.cfg and 8 *.dat files, 16
files in total) is available in the communication module.

• For COMTRADE 2013, a maximum of 8 pairs of the latest COMTRADE files (8 *.cfg, 8 *.dat, 8 *.inf, and
8 *.hdr files, 32 files in total) is available in the communication module.


i The maximum size of the fault record file is 4.8 MB. If the maximum size is exceeded, the file transfer via
IEC 60870-5-104 does not succeed.
The .dat file is the largest of the COMTRADE files. You can calculate the file size of the .dat file with the
following formula:
FileSize = [10 bytes + (NumberOfAnalogChannels) ⋅ 2 bytes + (NumberOfBinaryChannels/8) ⋅ 1 byte] ⋅
SamplingFrequency ⋅ RecordingTime

You can read the fault-record directory via IOA = 10000.

For file operation, proceed as follows:

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 177

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.1 Protocol Characteristics

• The IEC 60870-5-104 master sends a call directory command. The slave responds to this command and
shows all the disturbance-data files.

• The IEC 60870-5-104 master confirms the selected file. The transmission proceeds.

[sc_file_list, 1, --_--]

Figure 4-5 File List for COMTRADE 1999


i COMTRADE 1999 supports at maximum 16 files (8 *.cfg and 8 *.dat files). The files start from 10001 to
10032. The latest file overwrites the eldest one.
The following example is based on COMTRADE 1999:

• 10001, 10005, ..., and 10029 are saved as *.cfg files (configuration file).

• 10002, 10006, …, and 10030 are saved as *.dat files (data file).

• 10029 and 10032 are always the latest files.

• 10001 and 10004, 10005 and 10008, …, 10029 and 10032 are combined as 1 complete COMTRADE

• 10001 to 10032 are reserved for file transfer, which is not configured to IEC 60870-5-104 for other

178 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.1 Protocol Characteristics


i COMTRADE 2013 supports at maximum 32 files (8 *.cfg, 8 *.dat, 8 *.inf, and 8 *.hdr files). The files start
from 10001 to 10032. The latest file overwrites the eldest one.
The following example is based on COMTRADE 2013:

• 10001, 10005, ..., and 10029 are saved as *.cfg files (configuration file).

• 10002, 10006, ..., and 10030 are saved as *.dat files (data file).

• 10003, 10007, ..., and 10031 are saved as *.inf files (information file).

• 10004, 10008, …, and 10032 are saved as *.hdr files (header file).

• 10029, 10030, 10031, and 10032 are always the latest files.

• 10001, 10002, 10003, and 10004, …, 10029, 10030, 10031, and 10032 are combined as 1 complete

• 10001 to 10032 are reserved for file transfer, which is not configured to IEC 60870-5-104 for other

After the transmission is finished, the IEC 60870-5-104 master sends an acknowledgment request to the

4.1.7 Amount of Mappable Information

The following information may be mapped:

Information Maximum Mappable Amount
Indication + Controllable at Tx(Tx: transfer direction) 500
Controllable at Rx (Rx: receive direction) 50
Settings at Tx Settings via IEC 60870-5-104 is not supported
Measurements at Tx 100
Counters at Tx 20

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C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.2 Settings and Properties

4.2 Settings and Properties

4.2.1 Settings

During the parameterization, make the following settings for the communication between the controlling
station and the SIPROTEC 5 device via IEC 60870-5-104.

[sc_T104 general setting, 1, en_US]

Figure 4-6 IEC 60870-5-104 General Setting

IEC 60870-5-104 supports a maximum of 3 masters with redundancy. The 3 masters have the same mapping
and setting configurations. The following screenshots show the master 1 as an example. You can add a
maximum of 3 masters in DIGSI 5.

[sc_T104 master setting default, 1, en_US]

Figure 4-7 IEC 60870-5-104 Master Settings – the Parameter Redundancy Is off

180 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.2 Settings and Properties

[sc_T104 master settings redundancy, 1, en_US]

Figure 4-8 IEC 60870-5-104 Master Settings – the Parameter Redundancy Is on

The following table shows the setting notes of master 1 as an example.

Parameter Name Type Description Settings
Time zone UTC/Local Time zone of IEC 60870-5-104. The Default setting = UTC
time zone has to be the same as
the time zone of the SIPROTEC 5
Redundancy On/Off When Redundancy is off, all Default setting = Off
settings for the backup master are
Enable time sync. On/Off Determines whether the Default setting = Off
SIPROTEC 5 device expects and
evaluates time synchronization
from the IEC 60870-5-104 master.
Common address Uint16 IEC 60870-5-104 station address of Permitted range: 1 to 65 535
the SIPROTEC 5 device Default setting = 1
Common address 1 Int8 IEC 60870-5-104 station address of Permitted range: 0 to 255
the SIPROTEC 5 device Default setting = 1
Common address 2 Int8 IEC 60870-5-104 station address of Permitted range: 0 to 255
the SIPROTEC 5 device Default setting = 0
MV trans. type Enum Selection of the measured-values • Spontan.only
transmission type
• Cyclic only
• Spontan. and GI (standard setting)
• Spontan. and cyclic
• All

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 181

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.2 Settings and Properties

Parameter Name Type Description Settings

Cycle time Int16 Time for sending cyclic data. Rele- Permitted range: 1 s to 65 535 s
vant if Cyclic only. Default setting = 60 s
Grouped trans. Int16 The time for measurement trans- Permitted range: 0 s to 10 s
time mission as a group. Single changes Default setting = 0 s
of measurements are stored and
commonly sent out after this time.
Reduce of required bandwidth.
0 = deactivate group transmission
Double transmis- On/Off Sends indications with or without Default setting = Off
sion time stamp. If double transmission
is switched On, the indication is
sent twice to the Master. Once
with the time stamp and once
without time stamp.
Max. length of Int16 Maximum length of APDU (applica- Permitted range: 25 to 253 bytes
APDU tion protocol data unit) per master Default setting = 253 bytes
in the monitoring direction
Max. length of Int32 • When redundancy is disabled Permitted range: to
APDU and there is only 1 master: Default setting =
Ipv4 address means
that the slave can listen and
contact every IP address.
• When redundancy is disa-
bled and there are 2 or 3
masters: Ipv4 address cannot
be or cannot be the
same as the backup master IP.
• When redundancy is enabled:
Ipv4 address cannot be or cannot be the same
as the backup master IP.
Main channel t0 Int16 Connection establishment time-out Permitted range: 1 s to 255 s
Default setting = 30 s
Main channel t1 Int16 ASDU reply time-out Permitted range: 1 s to 255 s
Default setting = 15 s
Main channel t2 Int16 Wait next information transmission Permitted range: 1 s to 255 s
frame (I frame) time-out. Default setting = 10 s
t2 < t1
Main channel t3 Int16 Idle time-out Permitted range: 1 s to 255 s
Default setting = 20 s
Backup master IP Int32 Ipv4 address cannot be or Permitted range: to
be the same as the main master IP. Default setting =
Backup channel t0 Int16 Connection establishment time-out Permitted range: 1 s to 255 s
Default setting = 5 s
Backup channel t1 Int16 ASDU reply time-out Permitted range: 1 s to 255 s
Default setting = 15 s
Backup channel t2 Int16 Wait next information transmission Permitted range: 1 s to 255 s
frame (I frame) time-out. Default setting = 10 s
t2 < t1
Backup channel t3 Int16 Idle time-out Permitted range: 1 s to 255 s
Default setting = 20 s

182 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

4.3 Interoperability

4.3.1 Overview

This chapter is for IEC 60870-5-104 experts and is not translated to other languages. It contains an interopera-
bility list for the functions supported by IEC 60870-5-104.
This companion standard presents sets of parameters and alternatives from which subsets must be selected
to implement particular telecontrol systems. Certain parameter values, such as the choice of “structured“ or
“unstructured“ fields of the INFORMATION OBJECT ADDRESS of ASDUs represent mutually exclusive alterna-
tives. This means that only one value of the defined parameters is admitted per system. Other parameters,
such as the listed set of different process information in command and in monitor direction allow the
specification of the complete set or subsets, as appropriate for given applications. This clause summarizes the
parameters of the previous clauses to facilitate a suitable selection for a specific application. If a system is
composed of equipment stemming from different manufacturers, it is necessary that all partners agree on the
selected parameters.
The interoperability list is defined as in IEC 60870-5-101 and extended with parameters used in this standard.
The text descriptions of parameters which are not applicable to this companion standard are strike-through
(corresponding check box is marked black).
Note: In addition, the full specification of a system may require individual selection of certain parameters
for certain parts of the system, such as the individual selection of scaling factors for individually addressable
measured values.
Function or ASDU is not used
Function or ASDU is used as standardized (default)
Function or ASDU is used in reverse mode
Function or ASDU is used in standard and reverse mode

The possible selection (blank, X, R, or B) is specified for each specific clause or parameter.
A black check box indicates that the option cannot be selected in this companion standard.

4.3.2 System or Device

(System parameter, indicate the station function by marking one of the following with X)
Controlled station definition (Slave)
System definition
Controlling station definition (Master)

4.3.3 Network Configuration Not Realized Features

(Network-specific parameter, all configurations that are used are to be marked X)
Point-to-point Multipoint
Multiple point-to-point Multipoint-star

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 183

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

4.3.4 Physical Layer Not Realized Features

Transmission Speed (Control Direction)

Unbalanced interchange Unbalanced interchange Balanced interchange

Circuit X.24/X.27
Circuit V.24/V.28 Circuit V.24/V.28
Standard Recommended if >1 200bit/s
100 bit/s 2 400 bit/s 2 400 bit/s
200 bit/s 4 800 bit/s 4 800 bit/s
300 bit/s 9 600 bit/s 9 600 bit/s
600 bit/s 19 200 bit/s
1200 bit/s 38 400 bit/s
56 000 bit/s
64 000 bit/s

Transmission Speed (Monitor Direction)

Unbalanced interchange Unbalanced interchange Balanced interchange

Circuit X.24/X.27
Circuit V.24/V.28 Circuit V.24/V.28
Standard Recommended if >1 200bit/s
100 bit/s 2 400 bit/s 400 bit/s
200 bit/s 4 800 bit/s 4 800 bit/s
300 bit/s 9 600 bit/s 9 600 bit/s
600 bit/s 19 200 bit/s
1 200 bit/s 38 400 bit/s
56 000 bit/s
64 000 bit/s

4.3.5 Link Layer Not Realized Features

(Network-specific parameter, all options that are used are marked X. Specify the maximum frame length. If a
non-standard assignment of class 2 messages is implemented for unbalanced transmission, indicate the Type
ID and CoT (Cause of Transmission) of all messages assigned to class 2.)
Frame format FT 1.2, single character 1 and the fixed time-out interval are used exclusively in this companion
Link Transmission Procedure Address Field of the Link Frame Length
Balanced transmission Not present (balanced transmis- Maximum length L
sion only) (number of octets)
Unbalanced transmission One octet
Two octets

184 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

Link Transmission Procedure Address Field of the Link Frame Length


When using an unbalanced link layer, the following ASDU types are returned in class 2 messages (low priority)
with the indicated causes of transmission:
The standard assignment of ASDUs to class 2 messages is used as follows:

Type Identification Cause of Transmission

9, 11, 13, 21 <1>

A special assignment of ASDUs to class 2 messages is used as follows:

Type Identification Cause of Transmission

N.A. N.A.

Note: (In response to a class 2 poll, a controlled station may respond with class 1 data when there is no class 2
data available).

4.3.6 Application Layer

Transmission Mode for Application Data

Mode 1 (Least significant octet first), as defined in clause 4.10 of IEC 60870-5-4, is used exclusively in this
companion standard.

Common Address of ASDU

(System-specific parameter, all configurations that are used are to be marked X)
1 octect (not supported) 2 octets

Information Object Address

(System-specific parameter, all configurations that are used are to be marked X)
1 octet (not supported) 2 octets (not supported)
Structured Unstructured
3 octets

Cause of Transmission
(System-specific parameter, all configurations that are used are to be marked X)
1 octet (not supported) 2 octets (with originator address) Originator address is set
to 0 if not used

Length of APDU
(System-specific parameter, specify the maximum length of the APDU per system)
The maximum length of APDU for both directions is 253. It is a fixed system parameter
Maximum length of APDU per system in control direction (not supported)
Maximum length of APDU per system in monitor direction (not supported)

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 185

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

Selection of Standard ASDUs

Process Information in Monitor Direction

(Station-specific parameter, mark each Type ID X if it is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in
the reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
<1> = Single-point information M_SP_NA_1
<2> = Single-point information with time tag (not supported) M_SP_TA_1
<3> = Double-point information M_DP_NA_1
<4> = Double-point information with time tag (not supported) M_DP_TA_1
<5> = Step position information M_ST_NA_1
<6> = Step position information with time tag (not supported) M_ST_TA_1
<7> = Bitstring of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1
<8> = Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag (not supported) M_BO_TA_1
<9> = Measured value, normalized value M_ME_NA_1
<10> = Measured value, normalized value with time tag (not supported) M_ME_TA_1
<11> = Measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1
<12> = Measured value, scaled value with time tag (not supported) M_ME_TB_1
<13> = Measured value, short floating-point value M_ME_NC_1
<14> = Measured value, short floating-point value with time tag (not supported) M_ME_TC_1
<15> = Integrated totals M_IT_NA_1
<16> = Integrated totals with time tag (not supported) M_IT_TA_1
<17> = Event of protection equipment with time tag (not supported) M_EP_TA_1
<18> = Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag (not supported) M_EP_TB_1
<19> = Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag (not M_EP_TC_1
<20> = Packed single-point information with status change detection M_SP_NA_1
<21> = Measured value, normalized value without quality descriptor M_ME_ND_1
<30> = Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a M_SP_TB_1
<31> = Double-point information with time tag CP56Time2a M_DP_TB_1
<32> = Step position information with time tag CP56Time2a M_ST_TB_1
<33> = Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2a M_BO_TB_1
<34> = Measured value, normalized value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TD_1
<35> = Measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TE_1
<36> = Measured value, short floating-point value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TF_1
<37> = Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2a M_IT_TB_1
<38> = Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a M_EP_TD_1
<39> = Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a M_EP_TE_1
<40> = Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TF_1

The ASDUs of the set from <30> to <40> are used.

186 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

Process Information in Control Direction

(Station-specific parameter, mark each Type ID X if it is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in
the reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
<45> = Single command C_SC_NA_1
<46> = Double command C_DC_NA_1
<47> = Regulating step command C_RC_NA_1
<48> = Set point command, normalized value C_SE_NA_1
<49> = Set point command, scaled value C_SE_NB_1
<50> = Set point command, short floating-point value C_SE_NC_1
<51> = Bitstring of 32 bit C_BO_NA_1
<58> = Single command with time tag CP56Time2a C_SC_TA_1
<59> = Double command with time tag CP56Time2a C_DC_TA_1
<60> = Incremental command with time tag CP56Time2a C_RC_TA_1
<61> = Set point command, normalized value with time tag CP56Time2a C_SE_TA_1
<62> = Set point command, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a C_SE_TB_1
<63> = Set point command, short floating-point value with time tag CP56Time2a C_SE_TC_1
<64> = Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2a C_BO_TA_1

Either the ASDUs of the set from <45> to <51> or of the set from <58> to <64> are used.

System Information in Monitor Direction

(Station-specific parameter, mark X if it is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the reverse
direction and B if used in both directions)
<70> = End of initialization M_EI_NA_1

System Information in Control Direction

(Station-specific parameter, mark each Type ID X if it is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in
the reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
<100> = Interrogation command C_IC_NA_1
<101> = Counter interrogation command C_CI_NA_1
<102> = Read command C_RD_NA_1
<103> = Clock synchronization command C_CS_NA_1
<104> = Test command (not supported) C_SE_NB_1
<105> = Reset process command C_RP_NA_1
<106> = Delay acquisition command (not supported) C_CD_NA_1
<107> = Test command with time tag CP56time2a C_TS_TA_1

Parameter in Control Direction

(Station-specific parameter, mark each Type ID X if it is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in
the reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
<110> = Parameter of measured value, normalized value P_ME_NA_1
<111> = Parameter of measured value, scaled value P_ME_NB_1

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 187

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

<112> = Parameter of measured value, short floating-point value P_ME_NC_1

<113> = Parameter activation P_AC_NA_1

File Transfer
(Station-specific parameter, mark each Type ID X if it is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in
the reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
<120> = File ready F_FR_NA_1
<121> = Section ready F_SR_NA_1
<122> = Call directory, select file, call file, call section F_SC_NA_1
<123> = Last section, last segment F_LS_NA_1
<124> = Ack file, ack section F_AF_NA_1
<125> = Segment F_SG_NA_1
<126> = Directory {blank or X, only available in monitor (standard) direction}. F_DR_TA_1

Type Identifier and Cause of Transmission Assignments

(Station-specific parameters)
Shaded boxes are not required.
Blank: functions or ASDU not used.
Mark Type Identification/Cause of transmission combinations:
X if only used in the standard direction
R if only used in the reverse direction
B if used in both directions

188 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

[sc_104 interoperbility table, 1, --_--]

Figure 4-9 Interoperability Table

4.3.7 Basic Application Functions

Station Initialization
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is used)
Remote initialization

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 189

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IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

Cyclic Data Transmission

(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Cyclic data transmission

Read Procedure
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Read procedure

Spontaneous Transmission
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Spontaneous transmission

Double Transmission of Information Objects With Cause of Transmission Spontaneous

(Station-specific parameter, mark each information type X where both a Type ID without time and corre-
sponding Type ID with time are issued in response to a single spontaneous change of a monitored object)
The following type identifications may be transmitted in succession caused by a single status change of an
information object. The particular information object addresses for which double transmission is enabled are
defined in a project-specific list.
Single-point information M_SP_NA_1, M_SP_TA_1, M_SP_TB_1 and M_PS_NA_1
Double-point information M_DP_NA_1, M_DP_TA_1 and M_DP_TB_1
Step position information M_ST_NA_1, M_ST_TA_1 and M_ST_TB_1
Bitstring of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1, M_BO_TA_1 and M_BO_TB_1 (if defined for a specific project)
Measured value, normalized value M_ME_NA_1, M_ME_TA_1, M_ME_ND_1 and M_ME_TD_1
Measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1, M_ME_TB_1 and M_ME_TE_1
Measured value, short floating point number M_ME_NC_1, M_ME_TC_1 and M_ME_TF_1

Station Interrogation
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)

(Information Object Addresses assigned to each group must be shown in a separate table)
Group 1 Group 7 Group 13
Group 2 Group 8 Group 14
Group 3 Group 9 Group 15
Group 4 Group 10 Group 16
Group 5 Group 11
Group 6 Group 12

190 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

Clock Synchronization
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Clock synchronisation
Day of week used
RES1, GEN (time tag substituted/ not substituted) used
SU-bit (summertime) used

Command Transmission
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Direct command transmission
Direct set point command transmission
Select and execute command
Select and execute set point command
No additional definition
Short pulse duration (duration determined by a system parameter in the outstation)
Long pulse duration (duration determined by a system parameter in the outstation)
Persistent output
Supervision of maximum delay in command direction of commands and set point commands
Maximum allowable delay of commands and set point commands

Transmission of Integrated Totals

(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Mode A: Local freeze with spontaneous transmission
Mode B: Local freeze with counter interrogation
Mode C: Freeze and transmit by counter-interrogation commands
Mode D: Freeze by counter-interrogation command, frozen values reported spontaneously

Counter read
Counter freeze without reset
Counter freeze with reset
Counter reset

General request counter

Request counter group 1
Request counter group 2
Request counter group 3
Request counter group 4

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 191

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IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

Parameter Loading
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Threshold value
Smoothing factor
Low limit for transmission of measured values
High limit for transmission of measured values

Parameter Activation
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Act/deact of persistent cyclic or periodic transmission of the addressed object

Test Procedure
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Test procedure

File Transfer
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is used)
File transfer in monitor direction
Transparent file
Transmission of disturbance data of protection equipment
Transmission of sequences of events
Transmission of sequences of recorded analog

File transfer in control direction

Transparent file

Background Scan
(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Background scan

Acquisition of Transmission Delay

(Station-specific parameter, mark X if function is only used in the standard direction, R if only used in the
reverse direction, and B if used in both directions)
Acquisition of transmission delay (not supported)

Definition of Time Outs

Parameter Default Value Remarks Selected Value

t0 30 s Time-out of connection establishment Fixed
t1 15 s Time-out of send or test APDUs Configurable

192 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.3 Interoperability

Parameter Default Value Remarks Selected Value

t2 10 s Time-out for acknowledges in case of no Configurable
data messages t2<t1
t3 20 s Time-out for sending test frames in case of a Configurable
long idle state

Maximum range of values for all time outs: 1 s to 255 s, accuracy 1 s

Maximum Number of Outstanding I Format APDUs K And Latest Acknowledge APDUs (w)

Parameter Default Value Remarks Selected Value

k 12 APDUs Maximum difference receive sequence Fixed
number to send state variable
w 8 APDUs Latest acknowledge after receiving w I- Fixed
format APDUs

Maximum range of values k: 1 to 32767 (215-1) APDUs, accuracy 1 APDU

Maximum range of values w: 1 to 32767 APDUs, accuracy 1 APDU (Recommendation: w should not exceed
two-thirds of k).


Parameter Value Remarks

Port number 2404 Fixed

Redundant Connections

Number N of redundancy group connections used

RFC 2200 Suite

RFC 2200 is an official Internet Standard which describes the state of standardization of protocols used in the
Internet as determined by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). It offers a broad spectrum of actual standards
used in the Internet. The suitable selection of documents from RFC 2200 defined in this standard for given
projects has to be chosen by the user of this standard.
Ethernet 802.3
Serial X.21 interface
Other selection from RFC 2200

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 193

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-104
4.4 Communication Mapping

4.4 Communication Mapping

The following figure shows the IEC 60870-5-104 communication mapping of the 6MD device as an example.

[sc_T104 communication mapping, 1, en_US]

Figure 4-10 IEC 60870-5-104 Communication Mapping

The following table shows the details of the IEC 60870-5-104 communication mapping.

Table 4-9 IEC 60870-5-104 Communication Mapping

Mapping Settings Type Description Permitted Ranges and Values

IOA Uint24 Information Object Address of the information Permitted range: 1 to 16 777 215
IOA 1 Uint8 The first byte of IOA, low byte Permitted range: 0 to 255
IOA 2 Uint8 The second byte of IOA Permitted range: 0 to 255
IOA 3 Uint8 The third byte of IOA, high byte Permitted range: 0 to 255
TI Uint8 Type identification Permitted range: 1 to 126
GI group Uint8 Data objects of general interrogation Permitted range: 1 to 5; 20 to 36
MaxPercentageValue Uint32 Maximum percentage value for measured Permitted value: 120 or 240
ScalingFactor Uint8 Scaled factor for measured values Permitted value: 1, 10, 100, or
Threshold Uint8 Threshold value of a measurement in % Permitted range: 0 to 100


i You must configure the MV signals under WYE and DEL to the same TI. Otherwise, the measured value is
not an expected value.

194 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
5 Modbus

5.1 Protocol Characteristics 196

5.2 Sequence of Events 204
5.3 Configurations of Modbus TCP in DIGSI 5 210
5.4 Configurations of Modbus RTU in DIGSI 5 212

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5.1 Protocol Characteristics

5.1 Protocol Characteristics

5.1.1 Exception Response of Modbus Slave

If the Modbus slave receives a command from the Modbus master which cannot be processed (for example,
a request to read a non-existent register), then the slave answers with an exception-response message. The
following table shows the exception codes that are signaled in an exception-response message to the Modbus
master by the Modbus slave of the SIPROTEC device.

Table 5-1 Exception Response

Exception Code Exception Response Description

01 ILLEGAL_FUNCTION The Modbus slave of the SIPROTEC device does not support
the function code used in the query by the Modbus
02 ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS The register address is not configured in the Modbus slave.
03 ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE The Modbus master tries to write to a register with illegal

5.1.2 Supported Modbus Functions

The Modbus slave of the SIPROTEC 5 device supports the following Modbus functions:
Function Name Description Broadcast
Function Code
1 Read Coil Status Reading one or several coil-status no
registers of the Modbus slave. The
coil-status registers reflect the ON/OFF
status of discrete outputs of the
SIPROTEC device.
2 Read Input Status Reading one or several input-status no
registers of the Modbus slave. The
input-status registers reflect the
ON/OFF status of discrete inputs and
the status of the protection function of
the SIPROTEC device.
3 Read Holding Registers Reading one or several holding regis- no
ters of the Modbus slave. The holding
registers contain device-status indica-
tions, measured values, mean values
and metered measurand.
4 Read Input Registers Reading one or several input regis- no
ters of the Modbus slave. The input
registers contain recorded measured
5 Force Single Coil Writing (force to ON or OFF) one coil- no
status register.
15 Force Multiple Coils Writing (force to ON or OFF) multiple no
coil-status registers
16 Preset Multiple Registers Writing holding registers for APC no
(Controllable analog set point informa-

196 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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5.1 Protocol Characteristics

5.1.3 Data Type Definition Single-Point Indications: SPS, ACT, ACD, ENS

You can read single-point indications by function code 1, 2, 3, or 4. All these single-point indications are CDC
(Common Data Class) types defined in IEC 61850-7-3.
Different data structures are used with different function codes.
For more information, refer to the following tables:

Table 5-2 Reading SPS by Read Coil Status (FC1) or Read Input Status (FC2)

Bit x

Table 5-3 Reading SPS by Read Holding Register (FC3) or Read Input Register (FC4)

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Validity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value

Values and validity in the preceding tables are described as follows:

Validity: 0 = Valid
1 = Invalid
Range of values: 0 = Off
1 = On DPS (Double-Point Status)

You can read double-point indications, such as DPS (Double-Point Status), by function code 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Different data structures are used with different function codes.
For more information, refer to the following tables:

Table 5-4 Reading DPS by Read Coil Status (FC1) or Read Input Status (FC2)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 (LSB17)

Value Value Value Value

Values in the preceding table are described as follows:

Range of values: 0 = Intermediate position

1 = On
2 = Off
3 = Disturbed state

Table 5-5 Reading DPS by Read Holding Register (FC3) or Read Input Register (FC4)

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Validity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value

Values and validity in the preceding table are described as follows:

Validity: 0 = Valid
1 = Invalid

16 MSB: Most Significant Bit

17 LSB: Least Significant Bit

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 197

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5.1 Protocol Characteristics

Range of values: 0 = Intermediate position

1 = Off
2 = On
3 = Disturbed state BSC (Binary-Controlled Step) (Monitoring Direction)

You can read BSC (Binary-Controlled Step position information) by function code 3 or 4.
For more information, refer to the following tables:

Table 5-6 Valid BSC Value by Read Holding Register (FC3) or Input Register (FC4)

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value

Range of values: 1 to 63 (normal operational value)

If the transformer-tap signals are not mapped to binary inputs in DIGSI, the BSC value is invalid (see Table 5-7).
The value is -64 (0xFFC0).

Table 5-7 Invalid BSC Value

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPC (Single-Point Control)

You can send SPC (Single-Point Control ) by function code 5.

Table 5-8 Sending SPC by Force Single Coil (FC5)

Bit x

Range of values: 0 = Off

1 = On BSC (Binary-Controlled Step) (Command Direction)

You can send BSC (Binary-Controlled Step position information) by function code 5.

Table 5-9 Sending BSC by Force Single Coil (FC5)

Bit x

Range of values: 0 = Lower

1 = Higher DPC (Double-Point Control)

You can send DPC (Double-Point Control) by function code 15.

Table 5-10 Sending DPC by Force Multiple Coils (FC15)

Bit 7 (MSB) Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 (LSB)
Value Value Value Value

198 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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5.1 Protocol Characteristics

Range of values: 0 = Not allowed

1 = On
2 = Off
3 = Not allowed


i Siemens recommends using 2 registers in the command from the master controlling. It means the quantity
should be 2. All the other quantities are responded with exception code 02 (ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS). APC (Controllable Analog Set) (Command Direction)

You can send APC (Controllable Analog Set point information) by function code 16.

Table 5-11 Sending APC by Preset Multiple Registers (FC16)

Holding Register x+1 Holding Register x

Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0

Range of values (Integer 32): -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647


i Siemens recommends using 2 registers in the command from the master controlling. It means the quantity
should be 2. All the other quantities are responded with exception code 02 (ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS). Measured Values: MV, CMV, DEL, WYE

You can read measured values, such as MV (Measured Value), CMV (Complex Measured Value), DEL (Phase-to-
phase related measured values of a 3-phase system), and WYE (Phase-to-ground related measured values of a
3-phase system), by function code 3 or 4.

Table 5-12 Reading MV by Read Holding Register (FC3) or Read Input Register (FC4)

Holding Register x+1 Holding Register x

Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0

Range of values (Float 32): -3.4 * 1038 to 3.4 * 1038

0 x 7F8000001 = NaN (Not a Number) BCR (Binary Counter Reading)

You can read counter values, such as BCR (Binary Counter Reading), by function code 3 or 4.

Table 5-13 Reading BCR by Read Holding Register (FC3) or Read Input Register (FC4)

Holding Register x+1 Holding Register x

Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0

Range of values: -2 147 483 64818 to 2 147 483 647

18 The minimum value -2 147 483 648 indicates that the value is not valid.

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5.1 Protocol Characteristics SOE (Sequence of Events)

The complex data type Message block defines an entry in the event recorder. For further information
regarding the properties and the retrieval methods of the event recorder, refer to chapter 5.2.1 Overview.
Byte 1 Byte 2
Holding register xxxx
Register type Bit offset

Byte 3 Byte 4
Holding register xxxx+ 1
Register address

Byte 5 Byte 6
Holding register xxxx+ 2
Message cause Indication type

Byte 7 Byte 8
Holding register xxxx+ 3

Byte 9 Byte 10
Holding register xxxx+ 4
Milliseconds (0 to 59999)

Byte 11 Byte 12
Holding register xxxx+ 5
Hours (0 to 23) Minutes (0 to 59)

Byte 13 Byte 14
Holding register xxxx+ 6
Month (1 = January to 12 = December) Day (1 to 31)

Byte 15 Byte 16
Holding register xxxx+ 7
Clock status Year (0 = 1900)

Byte 1 to Byte 4: Identification

The first 4 bytes identify an indication and correspond to the parameters Register type and Register
address selected in DIGSI 5.
Byte No. Name Value
0 = Coil status register
Byte 1 Register type 1 = Input status register
4 = Holding register
Byte 2 Bit offset 0
Byte 3 Register address Indication of the register
Byte 4 Register address address configured in DIGSI 5

Byte 5: Message Cause

Byte No. Name Value

Byte 5 Message cause 0

Byte 6: Indication Type

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Information type:

• 0001bin = 1hex for single-point indications

Reserved (= 0)
• 0010bin = 2hex for double-point indications

• 0011bin = 3hex for transformer-tap indications

200 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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5.1 Protocol Characteristics

Byte 7 and Byte 8: Value of the Information Type

Information Type Value

Single-point indications 1 = off
2 = on
Double-point indications 0 = Intermediate position
1 = Off
2 = On
3 = Disturbed state
Transformer-tap indications Refer to BSC (Binary-Controlled Step) (Moni-
toring Direction) Device Information

Modbus TCP master can read the following device information fixed in the SIPROTEC 5 device.

Item Register Address Description

IP address 4000 to 4001 Example: C0 A8 64 68
Net Mask 4002 to 4003 Example: FF FF FF 00
Gateway 4004 to 4005 Example: 00 00 00 00
MAC address 4006 to 4008 Example: 00 A0 1E A0 A0 11
Means: 00:A0:1E:A0:A0:11
Configuration Mode 4009 to 4010 Example: 02 00 00 00
Means: refer to Table 5-14
Configuration State 4011 to 4012 Example: 01 00 00 00
Means: refer to Table 5-15
DCP Enabled 4013 Example: 00 00
Means: DCP Disabled
BF Number 4014 to 4019 Example: 42 46 42 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39
Means: BF999999999

Modbus RTU master can read the following device information fixed in the SIPROTEC 5 device.

Item Register Address Description

BF Number 4014 to 4019 Example: 42 46 42 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39
Means: BF999999999

Table 5-14 Description of the Configuration Mode

Value Mode Description

0 MODE_DISABLED The interface is disabled for IP traffic, so it has no IP
1 MODE_UNKNOWN If an error occurs, the mode is unknown.
2 MODE_STATIC The interface is parameterized with a static IP address.
3 MODE_DHCP The interface is parameterized via DHCP.

Table 5-15 Description of the Configuration State

Value Mode Description

0 STATE_IDLE Until now, the interface is not parameterized.
1 STATE_CONFIGURED The interface is configured with a reachable IP.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 201

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5.1 Protocol Characteristics

Value Mode Description

2 STATE_DISABLED For IP communication, the interface is disabled.
3 STATE_PENDING The interface is configured via DHCP, but the DHCP
server is unreachable so far.
4 STATE_FAILED For the IP interface, the IP configuration fails.
5 STATE_DUPLICATE The interface is configured with a static IP, but the IP
exists in the network. Routing of the Data Types

The routing of some typical data types is explained in more detail below:

Table 5-16 Routing the Typical Data Types

Type Address Direction CDC Type Function Register Quantity Data Type in
Range Code (RegisterAddr+1 SICAM PAS
Indication 1 ~ 1000 Tx Monitor SPS, ACT, 1,2 1 SP_FC1
3,4 1 SP_INT16_FC3
DPS 1,2 2 DP_FC1
3,4 1 DP_ INT16_FC3
BSC 3,4 1 ME_INT16_FC3
Command 1001 ~ 1200 Rx Control SPC 5 1 SC_FC5
DPC 15 2 DC_FC15
BSC 5 1 SC_FC5
APC 16 2 SE_INT32_FC16
Measured 2001 ~ 2200 Tx Monitor MV, DEL, WYE 3,4 2 ME_F32_FC3
value ME_F32_FC4
Metered 3001 ~ 3040 Tx Monitor BCR 3,4 2 IT_I32_FC3
value IT_I32_FC4


i The measured and metered values in the preceding tables are saved in the Big Endian 19 format.

The SIPROTEC 5 device provides device information with the following parameters. The register addresses are
specified. The Master can read all information with the function code 03.
For more information, refer to Device Information.

5.1.4 Amount of Mappable Information

The following information may be mapped:

19 For Big-Endian systems, the greatest value byte of a word is saved at the lowest address. The byte with the least value is saved at the
highest address.

202 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
5.1 Protocol Characteristics

Information Maximum Mappable Amount

Indication + Controllable at Tx 500
(Tx: transfer direction)
Controllable at Rx 50
(Rx: receive direction)
Settings at Tx Not supported
Measurements at Tx 100
Counters at Tx 20

5.1.5 Additional Information


i If the measured value or the metered value is 7F8000001, this means that the measured value is not a
number (NaN - Not a Number).
If the measured value or the metered value is 7F800000, this means that an overflow of the measured
value occurred.
If the measured value or the metered value is 80000000, this means that the measured value is invalid.

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5.2 Sequence of Events

5.2 Sequence of Events

5.2.1 Overview

For SOE configuration in DIGSI 5, refer to chapter Indications, Page 75.

5.2.2 Properties of the Sequence of Event

The Modbus communication module has a sequence of event with entries of the type Message block. For
more information, refer to chapter SOE (Sequence of Events).
A maximum number of 300 entries is allowed for SOE.


• The event recorder is a ring buffer.

• If buffer overflows, the current entry replaces the oldest entry.

The Modbus master is informed about a buffer overflow with a bit in the handshake register
SOE_Control. (refer to chapter 5.2.5 Handshake Mechanism).

• Events of the type single-point indication, double-point indication, and the transformer-tap indications
are accepted in the event recorder.

• When the object value changes, it is stored in the event record with a time stamp.

• After the device initiation or reboot, the event recorder is empty and then the startup values of the
objects are entered in the event recorder.

• If the communication fails, the event buffer is not erased. Entries are still saved and the Modbus
master reads the entries once the communication link is re-established (buffer overflow is indicated if

• The Modbus master reads the entries of the event recorder (Message blocks) via Holding registers. The
entries must be acknowledged.

• After reading and acknowledging by the Modbus master, the transferred event recorder entries are
deleted from the event buffer.

5.2.3 Structure Holding Registers for Event Recorder Overview
This chapter describes the Holding registers for reading and acknowledging the event-recorder entries.
The range in the Holding registers for reading and acknowledging the event-recorder entries consists of the

• One register No. of Event recorder entries (read-only access)

• One handshake register SOE_Control (read/write access)

• 3 entries of the data type Message block (24 Holding registers in summary) for reading the event-
recorder entries (read-only access).

Register Address Designation Comments

40601 No. of Event recorder entries Number of event-recorder entries
which are not read yet
40602 SOE_Control Handshake register (read/write

204 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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5.2 Sequence of Events

Register Address Designation Comments

40603 Register Type/Bit offset
40604 Register address
40605 Message block # 1 Message cause/ Indication type
40606 Value
40607 to 40610 Time stamp
40611 Register Type/ Bit offset
40612 Register address
40613 Message block # 2 Message cause/ Indication type
40614 Value
40615 to 40618 Time stamp
40619 Register Type/Bit offset
40620 Register address
40621 Message block # 3 Message cause/Indication type
40622 Value
40623 to 40626 Time stamp

Detailed information about the Time stamp in the preceding table is defined in the following table.
Register 0 Register 1 Register 2 Register 3
Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
Milliseconds Hours Minutes Month Day Clock status Year


i Only the following access to the event-recorders range in the Holding registers is permitted:

• SOE_Control (read/write)

• SOE_Control and Message block # 1 (read-only)

• SOE_Control, Message block # 1, Message block # 2, and Message block # 3 (read-only)

Additionally, the register No. of Event recorder entries can be read. Register No. of Event Recorder Entries

The register No. of Event recorder entries contains the number of event-recorder entries in the event buffer
and the Holding registers which are not read yet.
Range of values: 0 (no entry at present in the event recorder) to 300

If the 3 areas in the Holding registers for transmission of the message blocks contain message blocks for
reading and if these were not given a receipt yet, these 3 areas count as event-recorder entries (in addition to
the parameterized No. of Event recorder entries). Handshake Register SOE_Control (Read Access)

The individual bits of the handshake register SOE_Control have for read access the meaning indicated in
the following table. For detailed information about handshake mechanism, refer to chapter 5.2.5 Handshake

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 205

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5.2 Sequence of Events

Table 5-17 Handshake Byte SOE_Control (Read Access)

SOE_Control (Read Access / Out Direction)

Bit Position 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Meaning Buffer 0 Number
overflow Reserved of
Sequence number
(= 0) Message

Sequence Number (Bits 0 to 7)

• With each transmission of Message blocks (entries from the event recorder, a maximum of 3 entries
per query), the Sequence number increases sequentially by 1, starting with 1 (00000001bin) up to 255
(11111111bin) and thereafter starting with 1 again.

• Only during the initialization or reboot of the SIPROTEC device the Sequence number has the initial
value 0. No entries are available in the event recorder yet. For transmission of the first entry, the
Sequence number increases by 1 and then never assumes the value 0 again (unless another initializa-
tion start or reboot occurs).

• If no indication changes are to transmit during a number of master queries, the Sequence number
remains unchanged during this time. The Modbus master then reads repeatedly the same last trans-
mitted Sequence number until new entries in the event recorder come. The Sequence number
increases by 1 when the new entry comes.
At the same time, the value of the Sequence number provides the acknowledgment that the Modbus
master has evaluated the read entries by writing back the value of the Sequence number to the SOE_Control
handshake register.

Number of Message Blocks (Bits 8 and 9)

There are 3 Message blocks for transmission of event-recorder entries available. The Number of Message
blocks indicates how many of them contain valid entries.
If none or less than 3 events/entries are to transmit, then the Register type in the unused Message blocks has
the value FFhex = 255dec.

Reserved (Bits 10 to 14)

The bits of the register SOE_Controlin input direction indicated as reserved are not used now.
At these positions, the value = 0 is transmitted

Buffer Overflow (Bit 15)

A set bit indicates an overflow of the event buffer.
If no new buffer overflow occurs in the meantime, the bit Buffer overflow is reset after the acknowledgment
of the current transmitted Message blocks. Handshake Register SOE_Control (Write Access)

For write access, the individual bits of the handshake register SOE_Control have the meaning indicated in
the following table. For detailed information about handshake mechanism, refer to chapter 5.2.5 Handshake

206 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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5.2 Sequence of Events

Table 5-18 Handshake Byte SOE_Control (Write Access)

SOE_Control (Write Access / Output Direction)

Bit Position 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Meaning Clear 0 Number
List Reserved of
Sequence number
(= 0) Message

Sequence Number (Bits 0 to 7)

Acknowledgment of the reception is an evaluation of the read Message blocks.
The Modbus master reads SOE_Control and Message block. The master copies the Sequence number from
the SOE_Control and writes it back into SOE_Control as a reception.
As long as the Modbus master mirrors back the Sequence number to the registerSOE_Control in a faulty way,
the contents (Message blocks) read in last time are given back in the following query.
If a Sequence number is given for a receipt, further write accesses (without a renewed read access) are only
possible with the Sequence number read last or with Sequence number = 0.
The number of Message blocks is not evaluated at these write accesses.
An acknowledgment/write access with a faulty Sequence number (for example, unequal with the sequence
number read) is answered with Modbus exception 03 (ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE).
Write accesses with Sequence number = 0 are always possible.
Then only the command bit Clear List is evaluated. If the associated bit is set, the command is executed.

Number of Message Blocks (Bits 8 and 9)

Bit 8 and Bit 9 indicate the reception of the number of the read Message blocks.
Together with the valid Sequence number, the Modbus master tells the Modbus slave how many event-
recorder entries, provided in the 3 Message blocks of the Holding registers, were read and evaluated.
Receipt Value in No. of Message Blocks Reaction
Equal to 0 The present Message blocks are offered for reading.
Furthermore, the Sequence number is incremented.
If less than 3 Message blocks are offered when the
Sequence number was read for the last time and
further entries are entered in the Event recorder in
the meantime, then a maximum of 3 Message blocks
can be read.
Less than the value No. of Message blocks read from The number of message blocks in the receipt from
SOE_Control register the master indicates how many message blocks have
been confirmed. The confirmed message blocks can
be deleted in the event buffer.
Not read Message blocks are moved up in the Holding
registers range for Message blocks and the remaining
Holding registers are filled with new entries from the
event list for reading, if necessary.
The Sequence number is incremented.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 207

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5.2 Sequence of Events

Receipt Value in No. of Message Blocks Reaction

Equal to the value No. of Message blocks read from All read Message blocks are deleted from the event
SOE_Control register buffer.
If there are further entries in the event recorder, then
they are now offered for reading and the Sequence
number is incremented.
Greater than the value No. of Message blocks read The receipt value in No. of Message blocks is ignored.
from SOE_Control register All read Message blocks are deleted from the event
If there are further entries in the event recorder, then
they are now offered for reading and the Sequence
number is incremented.

Reserved (Bits 10 to 13)

The bits of the SOE_Control register in output direction indicated as reserved are not used now and are not
evaluated by the Modbus slave. At these positions, the value = 0 is transferred.

Start GS (Bit 14)

Always 0

Clear List (Bit 15)

Setting the bit Clear List deletes the event recorder.
All entries in the event recorder are lost. The register No. of Event recorder entries is set to 0.
The Modbus master transfers the bit in 2 ways:

• Transfer the bit in the next receiption of read Message block to the Modbus slave

• Transfer the bit by writing SOE_Control with Sequence number = 0

Deleting the event recorder does not lead to a reset of the Sequence number. The next (incremented)
Sequence number is used when the next Message blocks are to transmit.
The bit Clear list can be set to 1 by the Modbus master. That means, the Modbus slave can delete all the event
recorders without reception from the Modbus master.

5.2.4 Message Blocks

The entries of the event recorder are transferred via the Holding registers (with a maximum of 3 Message
blocks within one Modbus message).
The information in the handshake register SOE_Control shows how many Message blocks are offered for
reading in the Holding registers.
The data type Message block is described in the chapter Single-Point Indications: SPS, ACT, ACD, ENS .

5.2.5 Handshake Mechanism

The Modbus master reads the register SOE_Control cyclically to determine, whether the event recorder
contains entries.
An incremented Sequence number in the register SOE_Control indicates new entries which are ready for
If new entries in the event recorder are recognized, the Modbus master reads the register SOE_Control again
and with a maximum of 3 Message blocks.
The maximum number of Message blocks in the Holding registers is indicated in the Number of Message
blocks of the previous read register SOE_Control. The Holding register contains valid data.
If Message blocks are already read during polling of SOE_Control, then they can be evaluated first.

208 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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5.2 Sequence of Events

After evaluation of the Message blocks, the Modbus master gives a receipt to the Modbus slave. The Modbus
master gives the read Sequence number and the number of evaluated event-recorder entries back to the
register SOE_Control .
If further entries have to be read, the Modbus slave deletes the read and evaluated entries from the event
recorder and increments the Sequence number.
If a communication failure appears (for example, CRC error), then the master has to repeat the read access.
As long as no receipt is given with a write access to the register SOE_Control , event list data are not changed
or deleted in the Holding registers .
The described mechanism of polling, reading, evaluating, and giving a receipt continues now .
If the register No. of Event list entries is read with the register SOE_Control simultaneously, then it can be
estimated if and how many Message blocks are read with the next query to optimize read accesses.

5.2.6 Multi-Connection to Master via Modbus TCP General
SIPROTEC 5 supports multi-connection via Modbus as follows:

• Maximum 2 Modbus masters connect to the Modbus slave (SIPROTEC 5 device) simultaneoulsy.

• Only 1 communication module supports the Modbus protocol in the device. Parameterization of the Multi-Communication

The following table shows several scenarios of the master IP configuration.
Configuration IP-Address Setting Action
1 Master IP address 1 (by default) Any Modbus master can communicate
Master IP address 2 (by default) with the SIPROTEC 5 device.
2 Master IP address 1 (by default) Only the Modbus master with
Master IP address 2 (for the fixed IP address (for example,
example) can communicate with
the SIPROTEC 5 device.
3 Master IP address 1 (for Only the Modbus master with
example) the fixed IP address (for example,
Master IP address 2 (by default) can communicate with
the SIPROTEC 5 device.
4 Master IP address 1 (for Only the Modbus master with the fixed
example) IP address (for example,
Master IP address 2 (for or can communicate
example) with the SIPROTEC 5 device.


i For more information on the settings, refer to 5.3.2 Application and Settings Notes.

5.2.7 Operating Modes

The behavior of the protocol does not depend on the operating mode of the device. The protocol is running
in the modes process and simulation of the device and the protocol is not activated in the operating modes
fallback and commissioning.

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5.3 Configurations of Modbus TCP in DIGSI 5

5.3 Configurations of Modbus TCP in DIGSI 5

5.3.1 Activation of Modbus TCP

To enable Modbus TCP on the communication modules, proceed as follows:

² In the project tree, navigate to your device and double‑click Hardware and protocols.
² In the Device view tab, select an existing Ethernet communication module on your device.
If there is no Ethernet communication module on your device, drag and drop one from the Hardware
catalog to the device.
² In the Properties tab, select General > Protocols > Communication.
² Check Modbus TCP.

[sc_modbus_tcp_activation, 1, en_US]

Figure 5-1 Modbus-TCP Activation

² If a diagnosis is required, check Homepage under Service and set Homepage Mode to On in the
Homepage Settings.
For more information on the diagnosis homepage, refer to Communication Protocols –
Modbus TCP.

5.3.2 Application and Settings Notes

[sc_set_modbus_tcp, 1, en_US]

Figure 5-2 Settings of Modbus TCP

210 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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5.3 Configurations of Modbus TCP in DIGSI 5

Parameter: Connection superv. time

• Default setting Connection superv. time = 30 s

With the parameter Connection superv. time, you can determine the duration of the connection time. If
the connection time is expired, the Modbus-TCP connection stops.

Parameter: Slave address

• Default setting Slave address = 1

With the parameter Slave address, you can select the address of the Modbus TCP slave in the current
If the address is 255, the device does not check the request address from the master.

Parameter: Master IP address 1, Master IP address 2

• Default setting Master IP address 1 =

• Default setting Master IP address 2 =

If the master IP address is, the slave can listen to and contact all masters.

5.3.3 Settings

Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting

Modbus TCP
104 Modbus TCP: Port 502 to 65 535 502
105 Modbus TCP: Connection 0 s to 3600 s 30 s
superv. time
106 Modbus TCP: Slave 1 to 255 1
107 Master IP address 1 to
108 Master IP address 2 to

5.3.4 Information List

No. Information Data Class Type

52 Modbus TCP: Health ENS O
303 Modbus TCP: Channel Live SPS O

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 211

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
5.4 Configurations of Modbus RTU in DIGSI 5

5.4 Configurations of Modbus RTU in DIGSI 5

5.4.1 Activation of Modbus RTU

To enable Modbus RTU on the communication modules, proceed as follows:

² In the project tree, navigate to your device and double‑click Hardware and protocols.
² In the Device view tab, select an existing Ethernet communication module on your device.
If there is no Ethernet communication module on your device, drag and drop one from the Hardware
catalog to the device.
² In the Properties tab, select General > Protocols > Communication.
² Select Modbus RTU.

[sc_modbus_rtu_activation, 1, en_US]

Figure 5-3 Modbus-RTU Activation

² If a diagnosis is required, check Homepage under Service and set Homepage Mode to On in the
Homepage Settings.
For more information about the diagnosis homepage, refer to Application Diagnostic –
Modbus RTU.

5.4.2 Application and Settings Notes

[sc_set_modbus_rtu, 1, en_US]

Figure 5-4 Settings of Modbus RTU

Parameter: Slave address

• Default setting Slave address = 1

212 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
5.4 Configurations of Modbus RTU in DIGSI 5

With the parameter Slave address, you can select the address of the Modbus RTU slave in the current

Parameter: Baud rate

• Default setting Baud rate = 9600 baud

With the parameter Baud rate, you can set the speed of the data transmission.

Parameter: Data bit

• Default setting Data bit = 8

With the parameter Data bit, you can set the bit number of the valid data. You can only set this parameter
to 8 for the Modbus RTU.

Parameter: Stop bit

• Default setting Stop bit = 1

With the parameter Stop bit, you can set the bit number which indicates that the data transmission stops.
You can set it to 1 or 2.

Parameter: Parity

• Default setting Parity = none

With the parameter Parity, you can define the mechanism that checks the validity of the transmitted data.

Parameter: Connection superv. time

• Default setting Connection superv. time = 30 s

With the parameter Connection superv. time, you can determine the duration of the connection time. If
the connection time is expired, the Modbus-RTU connection stops.

Parameter: Light idle state (on/off)

• Default setting Light idle state (on/off) = off

With the parameter Light idle state (on/off), you can determine the light state of the Tx port when
there is no data transmission via the Modbus RTU connection. The light idle state is relevant only for optical
Parameter Value Description
on The communication is established via fiber optic. The Tx port is always
off The communication is established via fiber optic. The Tx port is light-off
when it is idle.

5.4.3 Settings

Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting

Modbus RTU
_:104 Modbus RTU:Slave 1 to 247 1

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 213

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
5.4 Configurations of Modbus RTU in DIGSI 5

Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting

_:105 Modbus RTU:Baud rate • 2400 baud 9600 baud
• 4800 baud
• 9600 baud
• 19200 baud
• 38400 baud
• 57600 baud
_:107 Modbus RTU:Data bit 8 8
_:108 Modbus RTU:Stop bit 1 1
_:106 Modbus RTU:Parity • none none
• odd
• even
_:111 Modbus RTU:Connection 0 s to 3600 s 30 s
superv. time
_:110 Modbus RTU:Light idle • off off
state (on/off)
• on

5.4.4 Information List

No. Information Data Class Type

Modbus RTU
_:53 Modbus RTU:Health ENS O
_:303 Modbus RTU:Channel Live SPS O

214 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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6 IEC 60870-5-103

6.1 Protocol Characteristics 216

6.2 Settings and Properties 230

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 215

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IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

6.1 Protocol Characteristics

6.1.1 Protocol Structure Description
The protocol IEC 60870-5-103 is structured on the 3-layer model:

• Physical layer

• Data-link layer

• Application layer Physical Layer

The physical layer specifies the transmission medium for the protocol.
Data transmission can be implemented as follows:

• Via optical fibers

• Via a wire-bound transmission system

The SIPROTEC 5 device supports both communication media. The wire-bound transmission takes place via an
RS485 interface. Data-Link Layer

The connections between a substation automation and the protection device must be executed via an unbal-
anced link. This thereby prevents several protection devices from transmitting simultaneously.
The IEC 60870-5-103 protocol uses exclusively the format class FT 1.2 defined in IEC 60870-5-1 (transmission
formats). At the same time, formats with fixed and variable length as well as the single character E5H are
The telegram with variable length is used for transmission of the user data between the monitoring and
monitored station and in the opposite direction.

216 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_tgrvlg, 3, en_US]

Figure 6-1 Telegram with Variable Length

The telegram with fixed length is intended for services of the data-link layer. In special cases, this format with
fixed length is used as an acknowledgment instead of an individual character.

[dw_tgrflg, 3, en_US]

Figure 6-2 Telegram with Fixed Length

The individual character is used to acknowledge service data of the data-link layer and user data.
E5H = ACK: Positive acknowledgment
You can find more detailed information on the link address in chapter 6.2.1 Settings.

6.1.2 Application Layer Description
The application layer describes the Data Units (Data Units (DU)) for the transport telegrams. The SIPROTEC 5
device supports the following functions:

• Standard DUs in monitoring direction

• Standard DUs in control direction

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 217

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IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics Standard DUs in Monitoring Direction

Table 6-1 Standard DUs in Monitoring Direction

Data Unit (DU) Meaning Comments

DU 1 Indication with time stamp –
DU 2 Indication with relative time –
DU 3 Measured values I See chapter Measured Values, Page 76
DU 4 Measured values with relative time –
DU 5 Identification indication Manufacturer (8 ASCII characters): SIEMENS
Software version (4 ASCII characters): for
example, 0102 = Version V01.02
The function-type numbers of DU 5 for
different devices are the same as the function-
type numbers of Block monitoring dir.. For
more information, refer to 6.1.9 Monitoring
Direction Blocking.
DU 6 Time synchronization –
DU 8 End of the general interrogation –
DU 9 Measured values II See chapter Measured Values, Page 76
DU 10 Generic data See chapter Description
DU 23 Fault overview –
DU 26 Ready for transmission of fault data –
DU 27 Ready for transmission of a channel –
DU 28 Ready for transmission of flags –
DU 29 Transmission of flags –
DU 30 Transmission of fault values –
DU 31 End of transmission –
DU 205 Metered values – Standard DUs in Control Direction

Table 6-2 Standard DUs in Control Direction

Data Unit (DU) Meaning Comments

DU 6 Time synchronization –
DU 7 General interrogation command –
DU 10 Generic data See chapter Description
DU 20 General command –
DU 21 Generic command See chapter Description
DU 24 End of the general interrogation –
DU 25 Acknowledgment of fault data –

218 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

6.1.3 Redundancy Redundancy Aspects in a Communications System

If redundancy has to be implemented in a communication network, the selected redundant bus topology will
always be a combination of the following redundancies:

• Master redundancy

• Media redundancy
These 2 redundancies can be combined independently of one another. As a result, several different bus and
redundancy topologies can arise.
If a communications system includes both redundancies, this will be designated as a redundant system. The
redundant system prevents an outage of the following components:

• Communication channel in the slave

• Power cable

• Communication master
The following table lists the functions of the primary channel as well as of the backup channel:
Service Primary Channel Backup Channel
Query class 1 X X
Query class 2 X X
General interrogation X X
Commands X –
Fault transmission X X
Time synchronization X X
Read parameters X X
Write parameters X –
GA20 of Generic Services X X Parametrization of a Redundant Communication

The SIPROTEC 5 device allows you to parameterize several communication channels via IEC 60870-5-103. In
this way, you can also parameterize a redundant connection. This redundancy can also be implemented via
various communication modules.
You can implement a master redundancy or a media redundancy. The selection is made via the parameter
Number of masters.
The parameter One master denotes media redundancy. The SIPROTEC 5 device is passive here. The master
communicates with the slave via a channel. If the master identifies an interruption in the communication
channel, it can automatically change to the other channel. The parameter Minimum duration of a
channel connection specifies the time until a new channel change by the master is possible.

[dw_medred, 1, en_US]

Figure 6-3 Media Redundancy

20 GA: General interrogation

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 219

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IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

If 2 masters are parameterized, this represents a master redundancy. One master forms the primary master
while the other master is the backup master. Both communicate simultaneously with the SIPROTEC 5 device.
However, the following restrictions apply for the backup master:

• The time synchronization is possible via the backup master only if this channel is parameterized as the
second time source.

• Control via the backup master is not possible.

The parameter Primary channel after startup specifies the channel on which the primary master is
expected after the startup. In ongoing operation, the backup master can become the primary master. The
changeover is executed with an IEC 60870-5-103 command. You must specify the parameters necessary for
this (function type and information number) in the settings.

[dw_maredu, 1, en_US]

Figure 6-4 Master Redundancy


i At full redundancy there are 4 channels with IEC 60870-5-103. However, you can only set parameters for
2 time sources.
For this reason, at full redundancy Siemens recommends selecting IEC 60870-5-103 as the 1st timing
master and a protocol-independent master, such as DCF, as the 2nd timing master.

6.1.4 Generic Services Description
The generic services can be used to transmit data with different types and formats. At the same time, this data
can be read and written as well.
In the SIPROTEC 5 device the generic services are used for reading and changing the setting parameters of the
protection device.
The following services are supported in detail:

• General interrogation of generic data

• Reading an individual parameter

• Writing an individual parameter

The mapping description of the relevant device contains a list of changeable parameters.
The parameters refer to the active settings group.
Reading and writing are possible only in the active settings group. General Interrogation of Generic Data

The general interrogation of generic data provides a list of all parameters which you can change via the
IEC 60870-5-103 protocol. The list also includes the current settings.
Siemens recommends that you carry out a general interrogation before any change to parameters.
The sequence is shown in the following figure.

220 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_gagedt, 2, en_US]

Figure 6-5 General Interrogation of Generic Data Reading an Individual Parameter

The function Reading an individual parameter prompts the protection device to read an individual
attribute of an entry. The attribute is represented by its generic identification number.
The mapping description contains the assignment between the generic identification number and the param-
eter for the relevant device.

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IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_gendat, 2, en_US]

Figure 6-6 Reading an Individual Parameter Writing an Individual Parameter

The function Writing an individual parameter prompts the protection device to record new values
for individual entries. The attribute is represented by its generic identification number.
The mapping description contains the assignment between the generic identification number and the param-
eter for the relevant device.


i The SIPROTEC 5 device only writes one value in a telegram. Only a generic data description is supported
DATATYPE: 4 (integral value)
DATATYPE: 7 (float value)

222 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

The following figures show typical example telegrams for writing parameters. This involves a float parameter
and a text parameter. The mapping data (GIN) are examples. The exact GIN can be found in the mapping
description of the relevant device.

• Setting a float parameter:

The setting values in the device are mapped via the protocol to the float values to be transmitted. The
device's mapping file contains this mapping.

[dw_wrdepa, 1, --_--]

Figure 6-7 Setting a Float Parameter

As only integral values are possible for the value indication (GID), you must indicate the values without a

• Setting a text parameter (for example, 50, 51 Phase Time Overcurrent) to OFF:

[dw_wrtxpa, 1, --_--]

Figure 6-8 Set Text Parameter

The assignment of the entry value to the relevant text can be found in the mapping description.

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IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_wrtpar, 2, en_US]

Figure 6-9 Writing an Individual Parameter

6.1.5 Settings Group Switching

In premapping of the protocol, 4 settings groups are premapped. You set the number of the parameterized
settings groups in DIGSI under Settings → Device Settings. Depending on the number of parameterized
settings groups, additional settings groups can be visible in the matrix. You use the private range of informa-
tion numbers for this purpose.
If you want to use the telecontrol protocol to switch the parameter, then also map the command direction
(Transmit) for the respective settings group in the communication matrix under the function block General.

224 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

[sc_sgsocd, 1, en_US]

Figure 6-10 Mapping Commands for Settings Group Switching

The indications for an active settings group are mapped in the device in transmit direction.

[sc_indasg, 1, en_US]

Figure 6-11 Mapping Indications for a Settings Group

6.1.6 Test Mode

For functional reasons, map the standards-compatible information Test mode on under the function block
General → Behavior → Test.

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IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

[sc_testmd, 1, en_US]

Figure 6-12 Mapping the Test Mode

6.1.7 Fault Recording

Individual information can be selected from the fault recordings in the device and transmitted in the fault
record via IEC 60870-5-103.
The SIPROTEC 5 devices transmit the fault recording with the configurable function type. For more informa-
tion, refer to 6.2.1 Settings.
The function type 253 can be used to request fault records in any case.
The following maximum number of items can be transmitted via IEC 60870-5-103:

• Analog signals: 40

• Binary signals: 100

Up to 8 latest fault records can be stored for IEC 60870-5-103. This number can decrease if large fault records
(long recording time) are stored.


i After the successful transmission, the fault records in the device are not deleted.

6.1.8 Amount of Mappable Information

The following information may be mapped:

Information Maximum Mappable Amount
Indications + Controllables at Tx 500
(Tx: transfer direction)
Controllables at Rx 50
(Rx: receive direction)

226 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics

Information Maximum Mappable Amount

Settings at Tx 500
Measurements at Tx 100
Counters at Tx 20

6.1.9 Monitoring Direction Blocking

Through the mapping settings for the signal Block monitoring dir. in DIGSI 5 Settings > General >
Communication mapping, you can decide whether to block the monitoring-direction transmission.

[sc_mapping_block_monitoring_dir., 1, en_US]

Figure 6-13 Mapping Settings for the Signal Block monitoring dir.

The mapping settings for the signal Block monitoring dir. are preconfigured. You can find the default
function-type numbers for different devices in the following table.
Device Function-Type Number
7UM8 70
7VK8 94
7SA8 128
6MD8 160
7SJ8 160
7SK8 160
7UT8 176
7SL8 192
7SD8 192
7SS8 194
7KE8 225
7ST8 230
7SX8 160
7VU85 201
7VE85 70

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 227

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IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics


i The information number 20 is reserved together with the data unit (DU) 1 for the signal Block moni-
toring dir.. It is not permitted to route the information number 20 together with DU 1 to another
information object.
For the signal Block monitoring dir., Siemens recommends using the information number 20
together with the DU 1. Otherwise, the function type 100, information number 20, and DU 1 are used by

6.1.10 Additional Information

Select Mapping
The standard mapping for IEC 60870-5-103 contains both routings specified by the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
and Siemens-specific routings.

The commands are mapped in the same way as the indications. Only the parameter General interroga-
tion is deleted.


i In the case of commands, the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol allows only direct switching. Selection is not
possible before switching. However, the protocol firmware simulates this cycle (select – operate) internally.
In the case of negative acknowledgment of a command, the reason for the negative acknowledgment
cannot be distinguished. The possible reasons are listed in the following:

• Select negative

• Operate negative

• Other interlocking conditions in effect

[sc_mapctr, 2, en_US]

Figure 6-14 Mapping Commands

228 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-103
6.1 Protocol Characteristics


i The function type 100 is reserved together with the information number 10 for the switch between the
primary channel and the backup channel. If the function type 100 together with the information number
10 is routed to another controllable information object, it does not take effect.

Position in the Measured-Value Telegram

Up to 4 measured values can be routed in a DU 3 telegram.
Up to 16 measured values can be routed in a DU 9 telegram.
In total, you can route 1 DU 3 and 10 DU 9 telegrams. You can route a maximum 100 measured values.
When routing DU3 and DU9, the position must be successive and the routing starts from position 1.

Scaling Measured Values

The measured values are transferred as a percentage between the SIPROTEC 5 device and the
IEC 60870-5-103 master.
A measured value is resolved with 13 bits in the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol. This is 212 - 1 = 4096. This integer
number is assigned to a measured value of 240 % (120 %) of the rated value. The maximum value (240 % or
120 %) can be set globally for all measured values.
The following example illustrates this situation: A current is to be transmitted. The rated current is 1000 A.
A current of 2400 A (240 %) corresponds to 8191. Therefore, the 1000 A current is transmitted with the
numerical value 1000/2400 * 4096 = 1707.
You can set parameters for the transmission threshold of every measured value independent of the protocol
A detailed description can be found in the Device Manual in the Measured, Energy and Statistic Values
chapter and in the Operating Manual in the Setting and Resetting Energy Values chapter.

Converting Measured Values

The range of values of a measured value that can be transmitted is usually ±240 % or ±2.4 times the
standardized value.
The value in data units 3 and 9 has 13 bits (one sign, 12 data bits). This means that ±4096 corresponds to
±240 % (or 120 %) of a measured value.
Some measured values, however, do not comply with this definition:

• cos phi: -4096 means cos phi = -1; +4096 means cos phi = +1

• Isens real, Isens reactive: -4096 corresponds to Isens = -800 mA; +4096 corresponds to Isens = +800 mA

• Frequency: The rated frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) is 100 % and thus corresponds to 1706 when 4096 =
240 % or 3413 when 4096 = 120 %.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 229

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-103
6.2 Settings and Properties

6.2 Settings and Properties

6.2.1 Settings

During the parameterization, make the following settings for the serial communication between the systems
control unit and the SIPROTEC 5 device via IEC 60870-5-103.

[sc_modpro, 7, en_US]

Figure 6-15 Settings for IEC 60870-5-103

Parameter Name Description Settings

Slave address Link address of the SIPROTEC 5 device. Permitted range = 1 to 254
Default setting = 1
Baud rate The IEC 60870-5-103 communication module Default setting = 9600 Bd
supports baud rates in the range from 2400 Bd to
57 600 Bd.
Parity You set the parity with this parameter. The following parities can be set:

• No parity
• Even parity (default setting)
• Odd parity
Data bit 7 data bits or 8 data bits can be set on the communi- 8 data bits must be set for the
cation module. IEC 60870-5-103 protocol.
Stop bit The IEC 60870-5-103 communication module 1 stop bit
supports 1 stop bit.
Light idle You determine the communication medium with this The following settings are possible:
state (on/off) parameter. If the communication takes place via an
optical fiber, the idle state is specified at the same
• On: Communication via optical fiber;
light idle state on
The light idle state is relevant only for optical • Off (default setting): Communication
modules. via optical fiber; light idle state off
Measure. stand- You set the measured value scaling with this param- You have the following setting options
ardization eter. here:

• 240 % (default setting)

• 120 %

230 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-103
6.2 Settings and Properties

Parameter Name Description Settings

Superv. time If no communication with a master occurs in the Default setting = 10 000 ms
com. failure configured time, the indication Fault communication
channel is then issued. The settable time is between
1000 ms and 3 600 000 ms.
Double command With this parameter, you specify whether the inter- The following settings are possible:
feedb. mediate position must also be transmitted for double-
command feedback.
• Compatible with standard21 (default
• V4 compatible22
Redundancy The parameter specifies whether the device is to The following settings are possible:
communicate via a redundant connection.
• On
• Off (default setting)
Identification The parameter specifies how the identification The following settings are possible:
message message with CoT start/restart must be transmitted
when the connection with a master is reset.
• Compatible with standard23 (default
• V4 compatible24
FUN for fault The parameter specifies where the function code for The following settings are possible:
rec. from fault record comes from.
• Block monitoring dir. (default setting)
For more information on the moni-
toring direction blocking, refer to
6.1.9 Monitoring Direction Blocking.
• User-defined
FUN value for The parameter specifies the function code of fault The possible settings are from 0 to 253
fault rec. record. The parameter is available only if the param- (default setting).
eter FUN for fault rec. from is set to User-

The following parameters are only important for redundant communication. These parameters are not
required for normal communication. These parameters are displayed only if you have set the parameter
Redundancy to on.
Parameter Description Settings
Redundant slot Slot location of the module on which the second Slot designation
(redundant) channel is configured.
Redundant Module channel on which the second (redundant) Channel number
channel protocol is configured.
Number of The IEC 60870-5-103 communication module Default setting = 1 master
masters supports connection to one master (media redun-
dancy) and to 2 masters (master redundancy). The
number of masters is specified here.
Primary channel This channel of the communication module receives Yes
the status primary after the module starts up. No
If this channel is set to yes, the other channel must
be set to no. The channel set to yes is the primary
channel; the other channel is the secondary channel.
Only one channel can be the primary channel.

21 Without transmission of disturbed position

22 With transmission of disturbed position and Cause of Transmission (CoT) 13 in the case of negative command feedback
23 After startup, only when the connection is first reset, the identification message with CoT start/restart follows the identification
message with CoT either RESET CU or RESET FCB.
24 After startup, every time the connection is reset, the identification message with CoT start/restart follows the identification message
with CoT either RESET CU or RESET FCB.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 231

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
IEC 60870-5-103
6.2 Settings and Properties

Parameter Description Settings

Fct.type The parameter specifies the function type for the The range of values is 1 to 254. command (DU 20) with which the status (primary/ Default setting = 100
change backup) of the channel can be changed. After the
change, an indication (DU 1) is sent. This indication
also has this function type. channel The parameter specifies the information number for The range of values is 1 to 254.
change the command (DU 20) with which the status (primary/ Default setting = 10
backup) of the channel can be changed. After the
change, an indication (DU 1) is sent. This indication
also has this information number.

232 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023

7.1 Protocol Characteristics 234

7.2 Settings and Properties 259
7.3 Parameterizing IO Controller 260

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 233

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
7.1 Protocol Characteristics

7.1 Protocol Characteristics

7.1.1 Description

PROFINET IO is an Ethernet-based communication protocol that can be used in all areas of communication
The data exchange of PROFINET IO follows the Provider/Consumer model. A configured PROFINET IO system
has the same look and feel as in PROFIBUS.

[dw_PRO_IO_device_new, 2, en_US]

Figure 7-1 Communication Paths for PROFINET IO

The following device classes are defined for PROFINET IO:

• PROFINET IO controller
A PROFINET IO controller is typically the programmable logic controller (PLC) on which the automation
program runs. The PROFINET IO controller provides output data to the configured IO devices in its role as
provider and is the consumer of input data of IO devices.

• PROFINET IO supervisor
A PROFINET IO supervisor can be a Programming Device (PD), a personal computer (PC), or a human-
machine interface (HMI). It serves for commissioning or diagnostic purposes and corresponds to a class-2
master in PROFIBUS.

• PROFINET IO device
A PROFINET IO device is a distributed IO field device that is connected to one or more IO controllers via
PROFINET IO. It is comparable to the function of a slave in PROFIBUS. The PROFINET IO device is the
provider of input data and the consumer of output data. The SIPROTEC 5 device works as the IO device.
System-level redundancy (S2) can only be achieved with the following modules with additional support of
transmission of sequence of events to the IO controller:


• ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2)

• ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2)




i The SIPROTEC 5 device is an IO device. The alarm is not supported. The SIPROTEC 5 device does not support
an IP assignment from the IO controller.

234 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
7.1 Protocol Characteristics


i The SIPROTEC 5 device supports to send LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) telegrams to the connected
devices per 5 s cyclically, and does not support to receive or analyze LLDP telegrams from the connected
devices. Therefore the topological view of TIA Portal (Totally Integrated Automation Portal) is not supported
in SIPROTEC 5 devices.


i The SIPROTEC 5 device supports the communication with the following PROFINET-IO cycle time:

• 8 ms

• 16 ms

• 32 ms

• 64 ms

• 128 ms

• 256 ms

• 512 ms


i PROFINET IO is not available when multiple IP interfaces or VLAN tagging is enabled in the communication

A plant unit contains at least 1 IO controller and 1 or more IO devices. IO supervisors are integrated only
temporarily for commissioning or troubleshooting purposes.
The device model in the PROFINET IO protocol is based on the principles of PROFIBUS. It consists of slots
and groups of IO channels (subslots). The technical characteristics of the field devices are described in an
XML-based GSD (General Station Description) file.
Data in PROFINET networks is highly varied. Cyclical PROFINET IO data can be transmitted with high priority.
Network topologies in PROFINET derive from the requirements of the system to be networked. The most
common topologies are star, line, tree, and ring-shaped. In practice, the system is usually a mix of these

Device Model of an IO Device

The device model describes all field devices in terms of their possible technical and functional features. It is
specified by the DAP (Device Access Point) and the defined modules for a particular device family. A DAP is the
access point for communication with the Ethernet interface and the processing program. In order to manage
the actual process-data traffic, a variety of IO modules can be assigned to it.
The following structures are standardized for an IO device:

• The slot designates the place where an IO module is inserted in a modular IO field device.
The configured modules containing 1 or more subslots for data exchange are addressed based on the
different slots.

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

• Within a slot, the subslots form the actual interface to the process (inputs/outputs). The granularity of a
subslot (bitwise, bytewise, or wordwise division of IO data) is determined by the manufacturer.
The data content of a subslot is always accompanied by status information, from which the validity of the
data can be derived.
The index specifies the data within a slot/subslot that can be read or written acyclically via read/write
services. For example, parameters can be written to a module or manufacturer-specific module data can
be read out based on an index. Certain indices are defined in the standard, and other indices can be
freely defined by the manufacturer.
Cyclic IO data are addressed by specifying the slot/subslot combination. These can be freely defined by
the manufacturer. For acyclic data communication via read/write services, an application can specify the
data to be addressed using slot, subslot, and index.

[dw_IO_module_slot, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-2 Addressing of IO Data in PROFINET Based on Slots and Subslots

7.1.2 Device Identification

Each PROFINET IO device requires a unique device identification. This device identification consists of the
Vendor_ID and the Device_ID, with the Device_ID comprising the device class and device family.
The device identification for a PROFINET IO device in SIPROTEC 5 devices is:
and is composed as follows:

Table 7-1 Device Identification

Vendor_ID Device_ID
Device class Device family
0x002A 0E 02
(Siemens AG) (Protection and PQ) (SIPROTEC 5)

The device identification is stored, for example, in the GSDML file, see chapter 7.3.1 PROFINET IO Configura-

236 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

7.1.3 Data-Type Definitions for IO Data Exchange Overview
The following data types and definitions are used to exchange data between the IO device and the IO
controller via PROFINET IO:

• Single-point indication

• Single command

• Double-point indication

• Double command

• Measured value

• Metered value

• Controllable analog process value

• Binary-controlled step position information

• Units and unit multiples

• Message block for event list

For SIPROTEC 5 devices with Ethernet modules ETH-BA-2EL or ETH-BB-2FO, the data type of the message block
for event list is not available. Data Type Single-Point Indication (SPS, Input)

Number of byte values: 1/8 (1 bit)
Range of values:
0 = OFF
1 = ON

[dw_data_type_single_point, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-3 Data Type: Single-Point Indication Data Type Single Command (SPC, Output)

Number of byte values: 1/4 (2 bits)
Range of values:
0 = intermediate state bit 1 = 0 and bit 0 = 0
1 = OFF bit 1 = 0 and bit 0 = 1
2 = ON bit 1 = 1 and bit 0 = 0
3 = disturbed state bit 1 = 1 and bit 0 = 1

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_data_type_single_command, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-4 Data Type: Single Command


i Single commands of the SIPROTEC 5 device are controlled via PROFINET IO using 2 bits (similar to double
commands, see chapter Data Type Double-Point Indication (DPS, Input)).
The switching direction OFF for single commands with pulse output is not permitted and is rejected in the
SIPROTEC 5 device. Data Type Double-Point Indication (DPS, Input)

Number of byte values: 1/4 (2 bits)
Range of values:
0 = intermediate state bit 1 = 0 and bit 0 = 0
1 = OFF bit 1 = 0 and bit 0 = 1
2 = ON bit 1 = 1 and bit 0 = 0
3 = disturbed state bit 1 = 1 and bit 0 = 1

[dw_data_type_double-point indic, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-5 Data Type: Double-Point Indication Data Type Double Command (DPC, Output)

Number of byte values: 1/4 (2 bits)
Range of values:
0 = intermediate state (not allowed to control with 0)
1 = OFF
2 = ON
3 = disturbed state (not allowed to control with 3)

238 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_data_type_double-command, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-6 Data Type: Double Command


i For the data type double command, you must parameterize the associated command feedback as double-
point indication in DIGSI 5. Measured Values

Number of byte values: 4 (32 bits)
Range of values: ±1.7 ⋅ 1038
Measured values are transmitted in 32-bit floating-point format. The format consists of a sign bit (S), expo-
nent, and mantissa as shown in the following:

[dw_data_type_measured_value, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-7 Data Type: Measured Value

Sign Bit (S)

If measured values are negative, the sign bit (S) is set.

Measured Values (Mantissa and Exponent)

The value of a measured value is obtained as follows:
0 < Exponent < 255 Resulting value = (-1)<sign> ⋅ 2(<exponent> - 127) ⋅ 1, <mantissa>
Exponent = 0 Resulting value = 0
Exponent = 255 Mantissa not equal to 0: invalid (Not a Number, NaN)

Quality Information

Table 7-2 Quality Information

Floating-Point Number Status Remark

0x7F800000 Overflow Overflow of the measured value
0x7F800001 Invalid Measured value invalid or not computable, for
example, frequency or cos ϕ when voltage or
current is too low.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 239

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics Metered Values (BCR, Input)

Number of byte values: 4 (32 bits)
Valid range of values: 0 to + 2 147 483 647

[dw_data_type_metered_value, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-8 Data Type: Metered Value

Sign Bit (S)

If the external error bit for the pulse metered values and the binary input is set, the metered value with the set
sign bit is invalid. Controllable Analog Process Values (APC, Output)

Number of byte values: 4 (32 bits)
Valid range of values: 0 to + 16 777 216

[dw_data_type_APC, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-9 Data Type: Controllable Analog Process Value Binary-Controlled Step Position Information (BSC, Output)

Number of byte values: 1/4 (2 bits)
Range of values:
0 = Invalid command bit 1 = 0 and bit 0 = 0
1 = Lower command bit 1 = 0 and bit 0 = 1
2 = Higher command bit 1 = 1 and bit 0 = 0
3 = Invalid command bit 1 = 1 and bit 0 = 1

[dw_data_type_BSC, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-10 Data Type: Binary-Controlled Step Position Information Unit IDs, Units, and Unit Multipliers

The following unit IDs are assigned to the units of the measured values:

240 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

Table 7-3 Units and Unit Multipliers

ID Unit, ID Unit, ID Unit,

Unit Multiplier Unit Multiplier Unit Multiplier
1 Dimensionless 33 kΩ 172 MWh
3 % 51 W 173 GWh
4 ° 53 kW 174 kvar
5 °C 54 MW 175 Mvar
11 A 61 VA 176 Gvar
12 mA 63 kVA 177 kvarh
13 kA 64 MVA 178 Mvarh
17 h 71 Hz 179 Gvarh
21 V 92 km 184 GVA
22 mV 95 miles 185 °F
23 kV 170 GW 203 MΩ
31 Ω 171 kWh

The unit IDs can be read via acyclic telegrams, see chapter Reading Unit IDs of Measured Values and
Metered Values. Data Type Message Block for Event List (SOE, Input)
Number of byte values: 10
The complex data type message block defines an entry in the event list via PROFINET IO, see chapter Overview.
A message block contains the identification of a single-point or double-point indication which is sent in the
event list, plus the value and the associated time-stamp information.

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[dw_data_type_message_block, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-11 Data Type: Message Block

Byte 1: Identification
Byte 1 in the message block identifies a single-point indication or double-point indication using the data-
object number in the PROFINET IO mapping. You can find an example of the data-object number in
Figure 7-16.

[dw_SOE_byte1, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-12 Byte 1: Identification in the Data Type Message Block

Byte 2: Value
Byte 2 in the message block contains the value of an indication and its identifier whether it is a single-point
indication or a double-point indication.

242 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_SOE_byte2, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-13 Byte 2: Value in the Data Type Message Block

• Value (bit 0 and bit 1)

– Single-point indication:
00 = OFF
01 = ON
– Double-point indication:
00 = disturbed state
01 = OFF
10 = ON
11 = disturbed state

• Indication type (bit 4 and bit 5)

01 = single-point indication
10 = double-point indication
Example: A change from ON to OFF of a single-point indication is transmitted with the value 00010000bin =

Byte 3 through Byte 10: Time Stamp

With the data of byte 3 through byte 10 shown in figure Figure 7-11, the real-time stamp is transmitted for the
instant of time the indication changed. Time and date are indicated in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).


i Correction factors for the daylight saving time and the local settings are not considered.

Meaning of the clock status (byte 9):

• 00hex = time is valid

• 20hex = time is invalid (clock failure)

7.1.4 IO Modules

The IO modules described in the following tables are available for the PROFINET IO configuration of the
SIPROTEC 5 devices in the IO controller. For this purpose, the GSDML file, which contains the description of the
IO modules, is loaded into the parameterization software of the IO controller.
For SIPROTEC 5 devices with Ethernet modules ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 1) and ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 1), the IO module
Event List data is not available.

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

Siemens parameterization software Step7 is used as the IO controller configuration tool. Figure 7-14 shows an
example for selecting the IO module of the SIPROTEC 5 device with Ethernet interface.

[sc_para_example, 3, --_--]

Figure 7-14 Parameterization Example


i If an RJ45 SFP module is used together with an ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2) or ETH-BD-2FO module, the IO
controller must be configured with SIPROTEC5 with electrical interface. If an optical SFP module is used
together with an ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2) or ETH-BD-2FO module, then IO controller must be configured with
SIPROTEC5 with optical interface.

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics


i If a single SFP is plugged to an ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2) or ETH-BD-2FO, the IO controller must be configured
according to the plugged SFP.
Siemens recommends not using mixed SFPs in one ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2) or ETH-BD-2FO.
If SFPs are in different types in the same module, the IO controller must be configured based on the SFP in
the channel 1.

PROFINET IO Interface DAP (Device Access Point)

The DAP module is always plugged in at slot 0 of the IO device and cannot be removed. The module describes
the physical device data such as interface and port. In addition, it is possible to read or write device-related
diagnoses and acyclic telegrams.
Cyclic data exchange None
Acyclic reading/writing of data • Reading of diagnostics data and I&M data25 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
(standard PROFINET IO services)
• Writing of I&M data 1, 2, 3, 4
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Single-Point Indications 16

Single-Point Indications 16
Category in the hardware catalog Input data
Data type 16 single-point indications, see chapter Data Type Single-
Point Indication (SPS, Input)
Data size 2 bytes
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Single-Point Indications 32

Single-Point Indications 32
Category in the hardware catalog Input data
Data type 32 single-point indications, see chapter Data Type Single-
Point Indication (SPS, Input)
Data size 4 bytes
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Double-Point Indications 04

Double-Point Indications 04
Category in the hardware catalog Input data
Data type 4 double-point indications, see chapter Data Type
Double-Point Indication (DPS, Input)
Data size 1 byte
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

25 I&M data is data for device identification and maintenance.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 245

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

IO Module Double-Point Indications 08

Double-Point Indications 08
Category in the hardware catalog Input data
Data type 8 double-point indications, see chapter Data Type
Double-Point Indication (DPS, Input)
Data size 2 bytes
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Measured Values 06

Measured Values 06
Category in the hardware catalog Input data
Data type 6 measured values as Float32 values (floating point), see chapter Measured Values
Data size 24 bytes
Acyclic reading of data Reading of 6 unit IDs as unsigned 16-bit values, see chapter Reading Unit IDs of Measured Values and Metered
Reading from:

• Slot: slot number of the plugged module

• Subslot: 1
• Index: 100
Acyclic writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Measured Values 12

Measured Values 12
Category in the hardware catalog Input data
Data type 12 measured values as Float32 values (floating point), see
chapter Measured Values
Data size 48 bytes
Acyclic reading of data Reading of 12 unit IDs as unsigned 16-bit values, see chapter Reading Unit IDs of Measured Values and Metered
Reading from:

• Slot: slot number of the plugged module

• Subslot: 1
• Index: 100
Acyclic writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Single Commands 08

Single Commands 08
Category in the hardware catalog Output data
Data type 8 single commands, see chapter Data Type Single
Command (SPC, Output)
Data size 2 bytes

246 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

Single Commands 08
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Single Commands 16

Single Commands 16
Category in the hardware catalog Output data
Data type 16 single commands, see chapter Data Type Single
Command (SPC, Output)
Data size 4 bytes
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Double Commands 04

Double Commands 04
Category in the hardware catalog Output data
Data type 4 double commands, see chapter Data Type Double-Point
Indication (DPS, Input)
Data size 1 byte
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Double Commands 08

Double Commands 08
Category in the hardware catalog Output data
Data type 8 double commands, see chapter Data Type Double-Point
Indication (DPS, Input)
Data size 2 bytes
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Binary Counters 04

Binary Counters 04
Category in the hardware catalog Input data
Data type 4 metered values as unsigned Integer 32 values, see chapter Metered Values (BCR, Input)
Acyclic reading of data Reading of 4 unit IDs as unsigned 16-bit values, see chapter Reading Unit IDs of Measured Values and Metered
Reading from:

• Slot: slot number of the plugged module

• Subslot: 1
• Index: 100
Data size 16 bytes
Acyclic writing of data None
Parameters None

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 247

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

IO Module Set Point Commands 04

Set Point Commands 04

Category in the hardware catalog Output data
Data type 4 set point commands, see chapter Controllable Analog
Process Values (APC, Output)
Data size 16 bytes
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Regulating Step Commands 04

Regulating Step Commands 04

Category in the hardware catalog Output data
Data type 4 regulating step commands, see chapter Binary-
Controlled Step Position Information (BSC, Output)
Data size 1 byte
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

IO Module Event List Data

Event List Data

Category in the hardware catalog Event list
Data type Message blocks and control bytes for event list, see chapter Data Type Message Block for Event List (SOE, Input)
Data size 32-byte input and 2-byte output
Acyclic reading/writing of data None
Parameters None

7.1.5 Assignment of IO Modules to SIPROTEC 5 Data Objects

The following components and dependencies are involved in an access to the device data via PROFINET IO:

• Mapping of SIPROTEC 5 data objects to PROFINET IO

• IO modules for PROFINET IO parameterization

248 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

[dw_example_assign_IO_SIP, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-15 Example of Assigning the IO Modules to SIPROTEC 5 Data Objects (Measured Values)

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 249

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[sc_example_assign_IO_SIP, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-16 Parameterization Example of Assigning the IO Modules to SIPROTEC 5 Data Objects

The SIPROTEC 5 device provides 18 measured values (MV#1 to MV#18). However, only 12 measured values
can be transmitted if one of the following options is set at the IO controller:

• 2 IO modules Measured values 06 from the GSDML file of the SIPROTEC 5 device

• 1 IO module Measured values 12 from the GSDML file of the SIPROTEC 5 device
To transmit all 18 measured values, set the IO modules with one of the following options:

• 3 IO modules Measured values 06 from the GSDML file of the SIPROTEC 5 device

• 2 IO modules, one with Measured values 12 and the other with Measured values 06 from the GSDML
file of the SIPROTEC 5 device

Mapping of SIPROTEC 5 Data Objects to PROFINET IO

The mapping describes all SIPROTEC data objects which are sent or received via communication, and defines
their position or identification in PROFINET IO.
Each PROFINET IO data object is assigned a PROFINET IO mapping data-object number, starting at 1 for each
data type (for example, MV#1, see Figure 7-15).

IO Modules for PROFINET IO Parameterization

For information in the maximum data volume per data type for the data exchange, refer to chapter
7.1.10 Amount of Mappable Information. The preset data-object assignments or the assignments entered
during parameterization in DIGSI define the data at the individual mapping positions.
Only such data is transmitted via PROFINET IO which is represented by the respective IO modules:

• For the IO module Event List data, the sequence of event is represented based on the data-object
numbers in the message blocks, see Figure 7-12.

• For other IO modules, the assignment of the data content to the PROFINET IO data object always starts at
the smallest PROFINET IO mapping data-object number, see Figure 7-15.
A maximum of 18 IO modules can be set in parameterization software of IO controller. Only 1 IO module for
event list can be included.

250 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

The IO modules of one type do not have to follow directly one after another in the IO controller parameteriza-
tion software.
IO modules which cannot be assigned to any PROFINET IO object are left unconsidered during the further data

7.1.6 Event List Overview
The event list is an autonomous ring buffer in the PROFINET IO communication module, in which value
changes (only single-point and double-point indications) are recorded with a time stamp. These time stamps
can be transmitted via cyclic data exchange using the handshake method (read/acknowledge) described in
chapter Handshake Mechanism.
The event list is empty after an initial start or restart of the SIPROTEC 5 device. Non-transmitted indications are
lost during the initial start or the restart of the SIPROTEC 5 device.
Only such indications of the SIPROTEC 5 device which are also included in the cyclic PROFINET IO telegram in
the input direction are recorded in the event list when values change.
The event list can contain a maximum of 500 entries. When adding a new entry to a full event list, the oldest
entry is deleted and the IO controller is notified of a buffer overflow with a bit in the handshake byte Control_I
in input direction.
The event list is not deleted when communication is interrupted. Entries for indication changes are still
stored and transmitted to the IO controller (including buffer overflow identification) after the communication
connection restores.
The event-list entries are transmitted to the IO controller in the message blocks of the PROFINET IO telegram
and must be acknowledged by the IO controller (see chapter Handshake Mechanism).
The data types and the handshake mechanism used are proprietary, because PROFINET IO does not offer an
event list by default. The event-list handshake mechanism is a part of the cyclic data exchange.
In the GSDML file of the SIPROTEC 5 devices, the event list is defined as an autonomous IO module, see
chapter 7.1.4 IO Modules. Input Direction

[dw_input_direction_event_list, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-17 Structure of the Event List Data, Input Direction (Read)

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 251

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

Message-Block Number of the Event List

The transmission of message blocks starts with message block 1. The message-block number increases by 1
for each transmission of message blocks until reaching 15. Then, the transmission starts again with message
block 1. In each transmission, a maximum of 3 entries from the event list is transmitted.
If the event list does not contain any entry when initializing or restarting the SIPROTEC 5 device, the message-
block number only has the initial value 0. After the first entry is transmitted to the event list and the associated
message-block number increases for the next entry, the value 0 is not assigned anymore.
If the telegram contains no entry or less than 3 entries in the event list, the unused message blocks are filled
with 0.
The message-block number remains constant when there is no indication change included in the transmission.
In this case, the message-block number in the last transmission is transmitted repeatedly until new entries are
made in the event list.

Buffer Overflow of the Event List

The buffer overflow of the event list sets a bit as 1. This bit is reset when the buffer overflow no longer exists.

Message Block #1 through Message Block #3

For more information, refer to chapter Data Type Message Block for Event List (SOE, Input). Output Direction

[dw_output_direction_event_list, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-18 Structure of the Event List Data, Output Direction (ACK)

Message-Block Number
The message-block number in the Control_O byte serves for reception acknowledgement and analysis of
the message block. After having analyzed the message blocks, the PROFINET IO controller copies the message-
block number of the Control_I byte of the input telegram to the Control_O byte of the output telegram.
The SIPROTEC 5 device repeats the respective message block until the IO controller correctly mirrors back the
message-block number of the Control_I byte into the Control_O byte. Handshake Mechanism

In the following example of the event-list handshake mechanism, the initial situation is defined as follows:

• 3 message blocks were last transmitted and acknowledged by the IO controller.

• The current message-block number is 14dec = Ehex.

• There is still one entry in the event list.

252 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

IO device IO controller
• The entry is taken over from the event list
into message block #1 of the telegram.
• Message blocks #2 and #3 (all bits) are set to • Analyze the cyclic indications, measured
0. values, and metered values
• Control_I is set to F0hex (message block no. • Recognize change in
+ 1). Control_I and then analyze the message
• Current indications, measured values,
metered values are entered in cyclic tele- • Set Control_O = Control_I = F0hex
• Send commands to SIPROTEC 5 device in the
IO device recognizes acknowledgment in cyclic telegram, if applicable
There are no entries in the event list:

• Message blocks #1 to #3 (all bits) are set to 0.

• Analyze the cyclic indications, measured
• Control_I remains F0hex. values, and metered values
• Current indications, measured values, • Take no actions to the message blocks
metered values are entered in cyclic tele- because message block no. does not change
There are 4 new entries in the event list:
• Set Control_O = Control_I = F0hex

• Send commands to SIPROTEC 5 device in the

• The first 3 entries are taken over from the cyclic telegram, if applicable
event list into message blocks #1 to #3 of the
• Control_I is set to 10hex (message block no. + • Analyze the cyclic indications, measured
1). values, and metered values

• Current indications, measured values, • Recognize changes in Control_I and then

metered values are entered in cyclic tele- analyze the message blocks
grams. • Set Control_O = Control_I = 10hex
There are 2 entries in the event list (one old entry
of the 4 mentioned previously, plus a new one):
• Send commands to SIPROTEC 5 device in the
cyclic telegram, if applicable
• The entries are taken over from the event
list into message blocks #1 and #2 of the
• Message block #3 (all bits) are set to 0.
• Control_I is set to 20hex (message block no.
+ 1).
• Current indications, measured values,
metered values are entered in cyclic tele-


i Several PROFINET IO bus cycles can lie between a new telegram from the IO device and the data analysis
by the IO controller. So the arrows do not indicate a bus cycle but the direction of the higher-level telegram

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 253

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

7.1.7 Acyclic Reading of Data Reading Unit IDs of Measured Values and Metered Values

An acyclic read telegram is defined for reading units. The order of the values in the telegram corresponds to
the order of the values in the IO module.

[dw_acyclic_data_telegram, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-19 Acyclic Data Telegram and Reading Unit IDs

Number of Values
There are 2 optional IO modules available for measured values: 6 or 12 measured values for each module.
There is only 1 IO module which is available for 4 metered values.

Unit ID #1 to Unit ID #n
The telegram always only contains as many unit IDs as entered in the byte Number of values. This also
determines the length of the telegram.
The definition of the unit IDs is described in chapter Unit IDs, Units, and Unit Multipliers.

7.1.8 Executing Switching Operations via PROFINET IO Command Output Types for Switchgear Control

The SIPROTEC 5 device supports Single command and Double command. They are controlled via PROFINET IO
consistently using 2 bits of the PROFINET IO output telegram (see chapter Data Type Single Command
(SPC, Output) and chapter Data Type Double-Point Indication (DPS, Input)).
A command can be issued in the SIPROTEC 5 device as persistent output or as pulse output.

Persistent Outputs
If a value transition (signal edge) from intermediate state or OFF to ON is detected via PROFINET IO for
the associated bit pair, the commands are issued in the continuous output mode (controlled). The commands
remain activated until a value transition occurs from intermediate state or ON to OFF via PROFINET IO.
You can find the definitions of the values for intermediate state, ON, and OFF in chapter Data
Type Single Command (SPC, Output) and chapter Data Type Double-Point Indication (DPS, Input).

Pulse Outputs
The SIPROTEC 5 device independently issues a control pulse for switching a switchgear, including the observa-
tion of the parameterized times.

254 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
7.1 Protocol Characteristics

The switching operation (pulse output via the assigned binary outputs of the SIPROTEC 5 device) is executed
when a value change of the associated bit pair is transmitted in the PROFINET IO output telegram:

• For double commands from intermediate state or ON to OFF or from intermediate state or

• For single commands from intermediate state to ON


i The switching direction OFF for single commands with pulse output is not permitted and is rejected in the
SIPROTEC 5 device. Recommended Transmission of Commands via PROFINET IO

If a corresponding value change is detected at the associated bit positions of the IO module in the PROFINET
IO output telegram, outputs are only set via PROFINET IO in the SIPROTEC 5 device. You can find more
information in chapter Command Output Types for Switchgear Control.


i A value change at the associated bit position in the PROFINET IO telegram triggers a command processing
operation in the SIPROTEC 5 device. However, this does not mean that the associated output actually takes
the set point value. For example, the setting of an output caused by interlocking can be rejected. The
feedback of a switching device should be read back for monitoring purposes.

If the bit combination for a command changes and the bit value for ON or OFF is still transmitted (statically)
in the cyclic output telegram, this has no consequences in the SIPROTEC 5 device while communication is
A statically set bit combination for ON or OFF may cause undesirable command executions when communica-
tion is restored in the event of communication interruptions (see chapter 7.1.9 Behavior When Communica-
tion to IO Controller is Faulted) or STOP of the PLC (see chapter PLC in STOP during Communication
with SIPROTEC 5 Device) or when the PLC switches from STOP to RUN.
Siemens therefore recommends transmitting switching operations in SIPROTEC 5 devices via PROFINET IO by
using a pulse over the bus:

• Intermediate state (00) → ON (10) → intermediate state (00) for switching on

• Intermediate state (00) → OFF (01) → intermediate state (00) for switching off
The pulse duration (period during which the bit combinations for ON or OFF apply) should be at least 3 times
the set cycle time of the IO device (reference value at least approx. 100 ms). Multiple Command Output

Command processing in the SIPROTEC 5 device operates in a 100-ms cycle. This includes:

• Command checking

• Command output

• Feedback monitoring

• Generating positive or negative command feedback

If a positive command feedback has been issued, which is also entered as a change of the value of the
switchgear position in the cyclic input telegram via PROFINET IO, command processing remains active for one
cycle maximum (100 ms).
As the SIPROTEC 5 device does not process several commands in parallel, an additional command, which is
received within an active command processing, is rejected and is not executed.
If it is desired that the IO controller issues 2 or more commands directly one after another, a time delay of
100 ms must be observed after reception of the positive command feedback in the cyclic input data until
issuing of the next command. This ensures that the subsequent command is executed in a reliable way.

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics Behavior During Special Operating Conditions

• The IO controller detects a change of the switchgear position not initiated by the IO controller (for
example, circuit-breaker trip) by the change of the value of the switchgear position in the associated bit
positions of the input telegram.
If, for example, the IO controller wants to restart the switchgear that was switched off locally, it must
first transmit the ACTUAL value (OFF) or intermediate state via PROFINET IO and can subsequently
restart the switchgear by setting the TARGET value (ON).

• The IO controller detects when a switching operation requested via PROFINET IO cannot be executed,
because the switching authority is set to LOCAL, for example, or the associated bay interlocking is
not satisfied. The IO controller recognizes this because the feedback of the double command/single
command in the PROFINET IO input telegram is not updated according to the TARGET switch position
(activate a feedback monitoring time in the IO controller if necessary).
Before a new switching attempt, the ACTUAL switch position for switchgear must first be transmitted
again according to the input telegram or intermediate state in the output telegram.

• You can find information on the behavior during communication interruptions in chapter 7.1.9 Behavior
When Communication to IO Controller is Faulted.

7.1.9 Behavior When Communication to IO Controller is Faulted

The following behavior is defined for SIPROTEC 5 devices when the communication to the IO controller is

After Having Recognized that the Connection Is Interrupted

• The marking Channel Live in the SIPROTEC 5 device is set to OFF (logging in the operational log,
processing in CFC possible).

• The state of the outputs or switchgear has not changed compared to the state before communication

After the Communication Has Been Restored

• The marking Channel Live in the SIPROTEC 5 device is set to ON (logging in the operational log,
processing in CFC possible).

• The data from the telegrams again received by the IO controller is taken over (if permitted by the
switching authority and the interlocking specifications).
If you do not want the switchgear positions of the SIPROTEC 5 devices to be affected after the connection
between the IO controller and IO device has been restored, intermediate state (value 00) must be issued
in the associated bit positions in the output telegram, or the switching authority must be set to (LOCAL).

7.1.10 Amount of Mappable Information

The following information can be mapped:

Information Maximum Mappable Amount
Indication + controllable at Tx (Tx: transfer direction) 500
Controllable at Rx (Rx: receive direction) 20
Settings at Tx Not available
Measurements at Tx 40
Metered values 10

256 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics


i Siemens recommends configuring the signals according to the table and the following suggestion.
If the addresses (value in DIGSI mapping matrix) of the same type signal are not continuous, the range
should be less than the maximum mappable amount in the preceding table.


i Avalanche scenarios with many process changes (for example, 100 per second) are supported.

7.1.11 Redundancy General
If a communication network which uses the PROFINET IO protocol implements redundancy, the selected
redundant topology is always a combination of the following redundancies:

• System redundancy

• Media redundancy
The 2 redundancies can be combined flexibly with each other. Therefore, there can be different redundancy
A communications system which includes both system and media redundancies is designated as a redundant
system. If there is an interruption of the cables or disconnection of the primary channel, the redundant system
can take over the work of the interrupted component.

Media Redundancy
Media redundancy is the redundancy of the electrical or fiber-optic cable and can be implemented with, for
example, the PRP redundancy protocol. Figure 7-20 shows an example.

[dw_medred_profinet, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-20 Media Redundancy


i SIPROTEC 5 devices do not support MRP redundancy defined in the PROFINET IO standard.

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7.1 Protocol Characteristics

System Redundancy
System redundancy is the redundancy of the IO controller or the communication interface of the IO device.
Figure 7-21 shows an example where 1 IO device connects to 2 different IO controllers. The IO device
maintains an active communication with one of the IO controllers as primary controller, and the other one as
the stand-by controller.

[dw_sysred_profinet, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-21 System Redundancy S2 Redundancy
S2 redundancy is a type of system redundancy. With the S2 redundancy, an IO device communicates via one
interface with 2 IO controllers. One IO controller acts as the primary IO controller while the other acts as the
backup IO controller.
The following table lists the functions of the primary and backup controllers:
Service Primary Controller Backup Controller
Command X –
Read process data X –
Read I&M data 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 X X
Write I&M data 1, 2, 3, 4 X –
Read unit IDs X X

In the ongoing operation, the backup IO controller can become the primary IO controller.
The switchover between the primary and backup IO controllers occurs in following scenarios:

• There is a cable interruption or a disconnection of the primary IO controller.

Then, the backup IO controller sends a primary request. When the IO device acknowledges the primary
request, the previous backup IO controller becomes the primary IO controller.

• The IO controllers request to execute a switchover.

Then, the backup IO controller sends the primary request to the IO device while the primary IO controller
sends the backup request to the IO device. The switchover finishes when the IO device acknowledges the
primary and backup requests.
At any time, the IO device recognizes only one controller as the primary IO controller. This controller is always
the one that most recently sends the primary request to the IO device.
For the S2 redundancy, no parameter needs to be set in the IO device. You can find the switchover settings of
the IO controllers in the GSDML file. In the parameterization software of the IO controller, you need to connect
1 SIPROTEC 5 device with 2 IO controllers.
For more information on the parameterization software and the configuration file, refer to chapter
7.3.1 PROFINET IO Configuration.

258 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.2 Settings and Properties

7.2 Settings and Properties

7.2.1 Settings

IO Device Name
The device name of the PROFINET IO is assigned via DIGSI and DCP. You can find more information in chapter
10.4.2 Network Settings and Device Name.

[sc_pro_settings, 1, en_US]

Figure 7-22 Protocol Settings

During the parameterization, make the following settings for the communication between the PROFINET IO
controller and the SIPROTEC 5 device via PROFINET IO.
Parameter Name Type Description Settings
Software revision Int16 Read only V01.00.01
Software revision of the Ethernet module
Device name String Name of the IO device –


i Siemens recommends configuring the device name without blank and underline characters. The first letter
of the device name must be a lower-case letter a to z. The word unassigned is reserved for internal using.


i On the module ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 1) or ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 1), the change of the IO device name takes effect
after the IO device is rebooted manually.

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7.3 Parameterizing IO Controller

7.3 Parameterizing IO Controller

7.3.1 PROFINET IO Configuration

The SIPROTEC IO device is configured using the parameterization software of the IO controller. For this
purpose, the GSDML file of the SIPROTEC IO device is loaded into the parameterization software of the
IO controller. This file contains the descriptions of the device properties, the configuration options of the
Ethernet module with PROFINET IO, and the parameters involved in system redundancy. The GSDML file
is available on the following Internet page:

The GSDML file loaded into the parameterization software must correspond to the communication module
and the firmware version of the SIPROTEC 5 device or the SIPROTEC 5 Compact device. The following table
shows the correspondence.
Device Type Firmware Version Communication Module GSDML File Name
SIPROTEC 5 V7.30 to V7.50 (included) ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 1) GSDML-V2.32-Siemens-
SIPROTEC 5 Higher than V7.50 ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 1) GSDML-V2.32-Siemens-
SIPROTEC 5 V8.20 and higher ETH-BD-2FO GSDML-V2.32-Siemens-
SIPROTEC 5 V9.60 and higher ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2) SIPROTEC5-V8.20-ETH-
ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2)
SIPROTEC 5 Compact V9.40 and higher ETH-YC-2FO Rev2-20230509.xml

7.3.2 Siemens S7 PLC and Step7 Overview
Observe the following information concerning the configuration when using the SIPROTEC 5 devices via
PROFINET IO in combination with Siemens S7 PLC and the Step7 parameterization software.
You can find more information for Siemens S7 PLC and the Step7 parameterization software on the following
Internet page: PLC in STOP during Communication with SIPROTEC 5 Device

If the PLC is switched from RUN to STOP or switches to STOP due to an internal PLC program response during
PROFINET IO communication with the SIPROTEC 5 device, the running PROFINET IO communication between
the IO controller of the PLC and the IO device of the SIPROTEC 5 device remains active. Cyclic data exchange
continues, that is, communication is not interrupted.
For all IO modules in output direction, however, the IOPS (IO Provider Status) from the PLC is set to bad and
the data of these IO modules are transmitted with all values equaling zero.
When changing from RUN to STOP, the status of the outputs in the SIPROTEC 5 device remains in the status
during RUN.
The tagging SysIntErr. in the SIPROTEC 5 device (see chapter 7.1.9 Behavior When Communication to IO
Controller is Faulted) is not set.
During transition from STOP to RUN, the data from the cyclic telegrams are accepted and output for the IO
modules in output direction once the IO controller has restored the IOPS for these IO modules to good.

260 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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7.3 Parameterizing IO Controller

If you want the outputs of the SIPROTEC 5 device to remain unaffected during transition from STOP to RUN,
the intermediate state (value 00) is to be output at the associated bit positions in the output telegram.
You can find more information on executing switching operations in chapter 7.1.8 Executing Switching
Operations via PROFINET IO). Periphery Access Commands

The S7-CPUs can access data received by the connected devices via PROFINET IO or write data to these devices
using periphery access commands in the CPU program.
To read a measured value (float value, 4 bytes, see chapter Measured Values) from the SIPROTEC 5
device, the command L PID x is used, for example, with x denoting the address of the measured value in the
periphery address space of the S7-CPU.
To read, for example, 5 measured values, the preceding instruction must be executed 5 times with the
associated addresses. After each reading operation, the values must be processed or copied in a data block for
subsequent processing in the program, for example:

• L PID x

• T DB10.DBD y etc.
The measured value read from address x is written to element y of data block DB10 assuming that DB10 is a
data block with inputs of the type REAL. Reading and Writing Data with SFC14 and SFC15

The S7 system functions SFC14 (DPRD_DAT) and SFC15 (DPWR_DAT) in the CPU program can also be used to
transmit data instead of periphery access commands. This is possible for data within an IO module.
To read, for example, all 12 measured values of an IO module measured values 12 in one call and transmit
them into a data block, proceed as follows:
² Create a data block to accommodate the data to be read (with 12 REAL values).
² Call SFC14:
LADDR: = W#16#200 // IO module address, for example, 512, hexadecimal
RET_VAL: = MW100 // for example, flag word 100 as return value
RECORD: = P#DB10.DBX0.0 BYTE 48 // 12 values = 48 bytes to DB10, for example
If the destination data block contains more information than only the 12 measured values and if these do
not start at data-block byte 0, you can also start copying at this offset, for example with:
LADDR: = W#16#200
RET_VAL: = MW100
RECORD: = P#DB10.DBX24.0 BYTE 48 // 48 bytes to DB10, for example, starting from byte 24 Reading and Writing Acyclic Data with SFB52

The SIPROTEC IO device offers acyclic datasets (see chapter 7.1.7 Acyclic Reading of Data) that can be read or
written with the following system function blocks in the S7 SPS:

• Reading unit IDs → reading with SFB52 (RDREC)

Reading the unit IDs of an IO module measured value 12 is illustrated using the following example.
The SFB52 operates asynchronously, that is, reading the acyclic data can last several PLC user cycles.
Define the structure of the dataset to be read in a data block, for example DB11:

SFB52 Call
The data block DB52 is required as instance DB for calling SFB52. If it does not exist yet, you are prompted
automatically whether to generate DB52 when entering the example shown in the following section.
You can use other flags or data blocks instead of those used in the example (DB11, M10, MD21, MW25, and

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 261

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7.3 Parameterizing IO Controller


REQ := M10.3 // Triggering the read job
ID := DW#16#200 // IO module address, for example, 512, hexadecimal
INDEX := 100 // Index of the acycl. data, see chapter 7.1.4 IO Modules
MLEN := 26 // Length of the data to be read, see chapter Reading Unit IDs of Measured
Values and Metered Values
VALID := M10.0 // SFB52 return value: TRUE = dataset was read
BUSY := M10.1 // SFB52 return value: TRUE = reading in process
ERROR := M10.2 // SFB52 return value: TRUE = read error
STATUS := MD21 // SFB52 return value: error code
LEN := MW25 // SFB52 return value: length of the read // Information in bytes
RECORD := P#DB11.DBX0.0 BYTE 26 // Destination for the read data

In the example, M10.3 = TRUE triggers reading of the unit IDs.

M10.1 and M10.2 are used to check in each subsequent PLC user cycle whether the reading process is still
running or whether an error has occurred.
If the reading process has been completed, M10.0 indicates that the dataset has been read successfully and
that the data are available in the destination data block.
Acyclic data (for example to preset metered values or statistical values) is accomplished with SFB53 in a
similar way to the SFB52 example for reading:

• Define the structure of the dataset to be written in a data block

• Specify the data to be written in the data block

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8 Optical PPS using USART Plug-In Modules

8.1 Receiving of Optical PPS 264

8.2 Generation of Optical PPS 265
8.3 Configuration 266
8.4 Application and Setting Notes 268

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Optical PPS using USART Plug-In Modules
8.1 Receiving of Optical PPS

8.1 Receiving of Optical PPS

A dedicated USART-AD-1FO or USART-AE-2FO plug-in module is required as interface to receive the optical PPS.
The connection of the optical PPS signal must be applied on the Rx interface (ST connector) of the selected

[dw_USART-AD-1FO_AE-2FO, 1, --_--]

Figure 8-1 Plug-In Module USART-AD-1FO (on the Left), USART-AE-2FO (on the Right)

PPS can be used for:

• Line-differential applications to stabilize unbalanced protection interface communication paths

• Sample synchronization of process-bus applications (merging unit/process-bus client)

Received signals at the Rx connector are immediately, without any delay, mirrored to the Tx connector. In this
way, several devices can be cascaded.

264 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Optical PPS using USART Plug-In Modules
8.2 Generation of Optical PPS

8.2 Generation of Optical PPS

A dedicated USART-AD-1FO or USART-AE-2FO plug-in module is required as interface to generate the optical
PPS. With the PPS Generator function, a free running optical PPS is sent on the Tx interface (ST connector).
The light-on duration is 0.1 s and the light-off duration is 0.9 s. The Rx interface has no functionality in the PPS
mode Generator.
The generated PPS is also used internally from the device for sample synchronization (rising light-on edge).
The PPS Generator function can be used to synchronize a couple of devices like merging units without an
external synchronization reference.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 265

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Optical PPS using USART Plug-In Modules
8.3 Configuration

8.3 Configuration
To use the optical PPS, you must configure the PPS function in your device.

Adding a USART-AD-1FO or USART-AE-2FO Plug-In Module

² Open the Hardware and Protocols Editor of your device.
² Select the tab Hardware catalog from the task cards.
² Drag and drop the USART plug-in module to the device.
² Select the inserted USART plug-in module, go to the Inspector Window and open the tab Properties.
² In the tree, navigate to Protocols > Communication.
² From the list box, select the PPS protocol. The USART-AE-2FO module provides 2 independent channels.
Select the correct channel before selecting the PPS protocol.

[sc_add_USART-AD-1FO_AE-2FO, 1, en_US]

Figure 8-2 Selecting the Protocol for the USART Module

Use as PPS Receiver

² In the tree, navigate to Settings > PPS settings and set the PPS mode to Receiver.
² Adjust the settings for Sync latency, Light idle state, and/or Assumed SmpSynch, if required.

[sc_USART-AD-1FO_AE-2FO_settings, 2, en_US]

Figure 8-3 Setting Sync Latency, Light Idle State, and Assumed SmpSync

Use as PPS Generator

² In the tree, navigate to Settings > PPS settings and set the PPS mode to Generator.
The Generator function has no settings.

[sc_USART-AD-1FO_AE-2FO_generator_settings, 1, en_US]

266 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Optical PPS using USART Plug-In Modules
8.3 Configuration

For a description of the parameters, refer to 8.4 Application and Setting Notes.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 267

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Optical PPS using USART Plug-In Modules
8.4 Application and Setting Notes

8.4 Application and Setting Notes

Parameter: Sync. latency PPS (only for PPS Receiver)

• Default setting () Sync. latency PPS = 0

With the parameter Sync. latency PPS, you can move the received PPS signal to the past. This is required
to compensate a possible delay during the distribution of the PPS signal. The PPS signal can be delayed, for
example, by cables or star couplers which are part of the distribution chain. The typical delay caused by the
fiber-optic cables can be calculated and is about 5 ns/m. For external PPS distribution equipment, you can find
the latency for PPS signals in the according technical data. The latency must be compensated. All delays must
be added and entered as Sync. latency PPS.

Parameter: Light idle state (on/off)

• Default setting () Light idle state (on/off) = off

The parameter Light idle state (on/off) defines, if the trigger for a new second is the light-on or
light-off edge of the received PPS signal.
Parameter Value Description
off Trigger light-on edge
on Trigger light-off edge


i In the PPS Generator mode, this parameter is read only and is set to off.

Parameter: Assumed SmpSynch

• Default setting () Assumed SmpSynch = global

The parameter Assumed SmpSynch defines the interpretation of a received PPS signal according to
IEC 61850-9-2, Edition 2.1, paragraph "9 Synchronization".
Parameter Value Description
global The PPS signal is assumed to be received from a device, synchronized to the
required accuracy to a global time reference.
Notice: The device is not able to distinguish between the PPS synchroniza-
tion states local and global. If the synchronization state of a received
PPS signal is not global, maloperation of protection functions is possible!
local The PPS signal is assumed to be received from a device, not synchronized to
the required accuracy to a global time reference.


i In the PPS Generator mode, the parameter Assumed SmpSynch becomes read-only and is set to local.


i If the Assumed SmpSynch is set to global, the PPS source must be parameterized to stop sending PPS
signals if the conditions for a global synchronization state are not fulfilled, for example, loss of GPS.

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9 Protection Interface

9.1 Information on the Protection Interface, PMU, and Web User Interface 270

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 269

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Protection Interface
9.1 Information on the Protection Interface, PMU, and Web User Interface

9.1 Information on the Protection Interface, PMU, and Web User

You can find a more detailed description of the protection interface and the Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)
in the following chapters of the device manual:

• Protection Interface and Protection Topology

• Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)

You can find a more detailed description of the browser-based user interface in the SIPROTEC 5 Operation
Manual in the chapter Operation with a Browser-Based User Interface.

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C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
10 Additional Ethernet Services

10.1 Activation and Ability to Deactivate the Services 272

10.2 Ports of the SIPROTEC 5 Devices 274
10.3 DIGSI 5 Protocol 275
10.4 DCP Protocol 277
10.5 SNTP 279
10.6 IEEE 1588 282
10.7 DHCP 306
10.8 RSTP 307
10.9 PRP 309
10.10 HSR 310
10.11 SNMP 311
10.12 SUP 324
10.13 Homepage 327

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 271

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.1 Activation and Ability to Deactivate the Services

10.1 Activation and Ability to Deactivate the Services

The following additional Ethernet services are available for the integrated Ethernet interface (Port J) of the
modular and non-modular SIPROTEC 5 device:

• DIGSI 5 protocol (always available)

Activates the Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol (DCP) for the integrated Ethernet interface
This protocol allows DIGSI 5 to find a SIPROTEC 5 device in the local network without an IP address.

Activates the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) for the integrated Ethernet interface
This protocol is needed for the time synchronization over an Ethernet network.

• SUP Ethernet (for connecting external analog units)

Activates SUP Ethernet (Slave Unit Protocol via Ethernet) for the integrated Ethernet interface
This protocol is used for the communication between the RTD unit and the SIPROTEC 5 device.

• Homepage
Activates the homepage for the integrated Ethernet interface
The integrated Ethernet interface provides a testing and diagnostic function. With the IP address/home,
these values can be read with a browser. During operation, the Homepage can be switched off (safety
function), and the http port disappears. Only read access is supported.
The following additional Ethernet services are available for the plug-in Ethernet communication module of the
modular and non-modular SIPROTEC 5 device:

• DIGSI 5 protocol (always available)


Activates the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Provides monitoring information about the
device to the network-management system.


• IEEE 1588
Activates IEEE 1588 for the module.
This protocol is used for time synchronization via the network communication.

• SUP Ethernet (for connecting external analog units)

• Homepage
Activates the homepage for the Ethernet module
Ethernet communication modules provide a testing and diagnostic function. With the IP address/home,
these values can be read with a browser. During operation, the Homepage can be switched off (safety
function), and the http port disappears. Only read access is supported.
The following additional Ethernet services are available for the integrated SIPROTEC 5 Compact Ethernet

• DIGSI 5 protocol (always available)



• SUP Ethernet (for connecting external analog units)

272 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.1 Activation and Ability to Deactivate the Services

You can select the following network redundancy protocols:

Activates the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) for the Ethernet module
This protocol will be needed for redundant ring structures in the Ethernet networks.

Activates the Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) for the Ethernet module
With the PRP structure, communication takes place simultaneously over 2 independent networks.

Activates the High Availability Seamless Redundancy Protocol (HSR) for the Ethernet module
With the HSR structure, the devices are arranged in rings.

• Line Mode
Activates the line structure
With the exception of the DIGSI 5 protocol, all additional Ethernet services can be switched on and off for each
Ethernet interface on the device. As a result, you can decide for yourself under security aspects whether the
device should react to SNMP access or not.
You can find more information on SUP Ethernet in the following manuals:

• SIPROTEC Transformer Differential Protection

• SIPROTEC Distance Protection, Line Differential Protection, and Overcurrent Protection for 3-pole Tripping

• SIPROTEC Distance Protection, Line Differential Protection, and Switch Management for 1-pole and
3-pole Tripping

Activating the Ethernet Service via DIGSI

² To switch on an Ethernet service in the device, activate the corresponding check box in the channel
settings of the Ethernet communication module or for the integrated Ethernet interface.

Deactivating the Ethernet Service via DIGSI

² To switch off an Ethernet service in the device, deactivate the corresponding check box.
You will find additional information regarding network security in the Security Blueprint.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 273

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.2 Ports of the SIPROTEC 5 Devices

10.2 Ports of the SIPROTEC 5 Devices

The following list of all ports used in a SIPROTEC 5 device should help with the firewall settings for a network
with SIPROTEC 5 devices.
Port Functionality
TCP Port 443 DIGSI 5 protocol
TCP Port 102 IEC 61850-8-1 MMS protocol
Multicast GOOSE
UDP Port 12326 SNTP
UDP Port 161 SNMP
Broadcast DCP
Port 50227 SUP
HTTP Homepage
TCP Port 2404 (not configurable) IEC 60870-5-104
TCP Port 20000 (configurable) DNP3
TCP Port 8080 to 8083 Homepage
See chapter 10.13.1 Content and Structure.
TCP Port 4443 Web user interface

26 UDP – User Datagram Protocol

27 Can be modified via DIGSI

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10.3 DIGSI 5 Protocol

10.3 DIGSI 5 Protocol

There are 3 ways to connect from DIGSI to a device:

• Via USB

• Via the integrated Ethernet interface (Port J)

• Via an Ethernet communication module.


i Only a SIPROTEC 5 device can be connected with DIGSI via USB.

Use the Ethernet interfaces for connections to several SIPROTEC 5 devices.

An IP-based internal Siemens protocol is used for data transmission between DIGSI and a SIPROTEC 5 device.
DIGSI and the SIPROTEC 5 device are authenticated via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). The necessary certificates
are contained in the device or DIGSI upon delivery.
You can find more information on the diagnostic pages in DIGSI in chapter 11.1.5 Diagnostic Information for
IEC 61850.

Security Settings
The security settings allow you to restrict the access rights for each Ethernet interface (Port J and Ethernet
communication module).
You define the security settings in DIGSI in the Project tree under Safety and Security → Restricted access.
You can assign the following access rights:

• No access:
This interface allows no DIGSI communication.

• Read-only access:
This interface only allows read access to the device.

• Read and write access:

This interface allows read and write access to the device.

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10.3 DIGSI 5 Protocol

[sc_security_settings, 2, en_US]

Figure 10-1 Security Settings in DIGSI

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10.4 DCP Protocol

10.4 DCP Protocol

10.4.1 DCP

The Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol (DCP) is used for automatic recognition of devices without a
configured IP address. DIGSI 5 can find all SIPROTEC 5 devices in the network using DCP.
DCP is not required for the functionality of communication protocols. The protocol can however in parallel be
configured for a DIGSI Life List functionality.
The DIGSI Life List shows the connected devices. You can monitor and process these devices via the DIGSI Life
If you also desire a DIGSI Life List functionality through the LAN, then you must activate DCP.
If you create a new device in DIGSI or add an Ethernet communication module to the device, DCP is activated.
If you change this recommended default and want to switch off the DIGSI Life List functionality in the device,
deactivate the DCP check box in the channel settings of the Ethernet communication module or for the
integrated Ethernet interface.


i If you have deactivated the DIGSI access via the communication module and the integrated Ethernet
interface in the security settings (see chapter 10.3 DIGSI 5 Protocol ), a DIGSI connection via DCP is also not

10.4.2 Network Settings and Device Name

You can change the network settings of the Ethernet module and the name of the PROFINET IO device by
using DCP. The DCP service is in conflict to the original one in DIGSI 5. If you configure the PROFINET IO
protocol on the communication module in DIGSI 5, you must disable the original DCP. Use the Primary Setup
Tool stated in Figure 10-2 for this purpose.


i The Ethernet module with PROFINET IO does not support the DIGSI DCP service.
The Ethernet module with PROFINET IO does not support DHCP.

If no valid configuration exists for PROFINET IO, access to the device via DCP is also possible.

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10.4 DCP Protocol

[sc_pri_setup_tool, 1, en_US]

Figure 10-2 Primary Setup Tool: Main Window

10.4.3 Reset to Default Settings

After having restored the factory settings, the Ethernet module performs a reset and a restart with the
following settings:

• IP address and subnet mask: IP address and subnet mask set in DIGSI

• Default gateway:

• No device name is assigned (empty device name) in Homepage, and unassigned in device HMI.

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10.5 SNTP

10.5 SNTP

10.5.1 Protocol Description

The Simple Network Time Protocol is used to synchronize clocks via the Internet. With SNTP, client computers
can synchronize their clocks with a time server via the Internet.
SNTP enables a time resolution of 1 ms. When considering similar runtimes, SNTP can determine the average
runtime of a synchronization telegram between the client and the server in the Ethernet network. This
transmission time can be taken into account in the terminal device and improves synchronization of terminal
SNTP is available for the integrated Ethernet interface (Port J) and in all Ethernet communication modules.
SNTPv3 and SNTPv4 are supported.

Time Server in the Network

For time synchronization via Ethernet according to SNTP, a time server must be present in the network. 1 or
2 time servers are supported. This time server must also be able to address the different time requirements of
the devices as defined in SNTP. Time servers can be reached through an IP address.
The following SNTP settings can be configured:
Parameter Name Settings Default Setting
Time source 1 IP address of the SNTP server
Time source 2 IP address of the redundant SNTP server
If no 2nd SNTP server is available, you can leave the default
setting for the time source 2 unchanged.
Time interval SNTP server inquiry time interval 15 s
Time interval: 15 s to 60 s
Start time The time reference when the device queries the time for the first 20 s
time after the device is started up.
Time interval: 1 s to 3600 s

If the 1st SNTP server configured in the network can not be reached, the 2nd SNTP server is automatically
queried with ARP requests. If the 2nd SNTP server is configured in a different sub-network from the 1st SNTP
server, make sure that ARP requests can be routed. If the 2nd SNTP server can not be reached via ARP requests,
the switchover to the backup server fails, and the device reports a synchronization failure.

10.5.2 Setting the Parameters for Time Synchronization

For the purpose of time synchronization, activate SNTP on the Ethernet communication module or on the
integrated Ethernet interface.
² To activate SNTP on the Ethernet module, select the Ethernet communication module in the Device view.
² Place a check mark at SNTP under Channel 1 settings in the Network protocols section.

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10.5 SNTP

[sc_tm_sync_SNTP, 2, en_US]

² If diagnostics is desired, place a check mark at Homepage and set the Homepage Mode to on in the
Homepage Settings.
² To access the SNTP settings section, click Channel 1 settings.
You can make the SNTP settings in this section.

[sc_tm_sync, 3, en_US]

Figure 10-3 SNTP Settings

² Select a device in the Project tree.

² Under Settings, select the Time settings section.
Here, you can select SNTP as the time source under Time source 1.

280 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.5 SNTP

[sc_tm_syn2, 3, en_US]

Figure 10-4 Setting the Time Source

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10.6 IEEE 1588

10.6 IEEE 1588

10.6.1 Protocol Description

The IEEE 1588 protocol is used for the synchronization of clocks via network communication.
SIPROTEC 5 allows 5 clock types:

• OC Slave Only (OCSO)

OC Slave Only stands for Ordinary Clock Slave Only. This kind of clock is used for high accuracy
time‑synchronization (1 μs). If there is OC Slave Only, the PTP (PTP Protocol) port or port pair never
changes into the master state.

• P2P TC
P2P TC stands for Peer-to-Peer Transparent Clock. This kind of clock corrects and forwards PTP event
messages within the PTP domain.

• OCSO and P2P TC

OCSO and P2P TC stands for Ordinary Clock Slave Only and Peer-to-Peer Transparent Clock. This kind
of clock is a composition of OC Slave Only and P2P TC. OCSO and P2P TC is used for the time
synchronization and the forwarding of PTP messages.

OCGC stands for Ordinary Clock Grandmaster Capable. This kind of clock is used as a grandmaster-capable
clock. If there is OCGC, the PTP port or port pair can either be in the MASTER state and become the
grandmaster of the PTP domain or in the SLAVE state. The MASTER or SLAVE state is determined as a
result of the execution of the best master clock (BMC) algorithm.

• OCGC and P2P TC

OCGC and P2P TC stands for Ordinary Clock Grandmaster Capable and Peer-to-Peer Transparent Clock.
This clock type is a composition of OCGC and P2P TC. OCGC and P2P TC is used as a grandmaster-
capable clock and to forward PTP messages.


i The SIPROTEC 5 devices do not support PTP messages that have VLAN tags.


i The time reference for SIPROTEC 5 OCGC and OCGC and P2P TC is from the device-internal oscillator,
rather than any external time source.
If multiple instances of OCGC or OCGC and P2P TC are used in one device, all instances are synchronized
from the same device-internal oscillator.

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10.6 IEEE 1588

The following table shows the possible clock types for the Ethernet communication modules and the
permitted combinations with various Ethernet redundancy protocols.

Table 10-1 Combination Options of Clock Types and Protocols on Ethernet Communication Modules

Clock Type Network Redundancy Protocol

OC Slave Only ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 1) ETH-BD-2FO – –
ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 1) ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2)
ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2) ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2)
ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2)
OCSO and P2P TC – – ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2) ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2)
ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2) ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2)
P2P TC – – ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2) ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2)
ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2) ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2)

The following table shows the characteristics of the IEEE 1588 protocol on the different Ethernet communica-
tion modules.

Table 10-2 Characteristics of the IEEE 1588 Protocol on the Different Ethernet Communication Modules

Characteristics Ethernet Communication Module

ETH-BD-2FO ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 1) ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2)
ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 1) ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2)
Accuracy 1 µs28 1 ms 1 µs29
Supported application Date and time synchronization Date and time synchroni- Date and time synchroni-
Sample synchronization for process zation zation
bus PMU data synchronization
PMU data synchronization
87L stabilization for unsymmetrical
PI networks
Type of time synchroniza- Hardware/FPGA Software Hardware/FPGA
Supported profile IEC 61850-9-3 – IEC 61850-9-3
IEEE C37.238:201730 IEEE C37.238:2017

28 With the RJ45 SFP transceiver, the accuracy is 1 ms.

29 For ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2), with the RJ45 SFP transceiver, the accuracy is 1 ms.
30 This profile is not supported if the clock type is OCGC or OCGC and P2P TC.

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10.6 IEEE 1588

10.6.2 Structure of the Protocol

After you enable IEEE 1588 on the module ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2), ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2), or ETH-BD-2FO, the
following function blocks are created:

• IEEE 1588

• IEEE 1588 TC

• IEEE 1588 Chan

These function blocks correspond to the following logical nodes:

• LTPC, Ordinary Clock model specified in IEC TR 61850-90-4:2020

• LTTC, Transparent Clock model specified in IEC TR 61850-90-4:2020

No matter which clock type is configured, all the 3 logical nodes (function blocks) are always visible and
However, corresponding logical nodes are enabled or disabled according to the clock type configured:

• The logical node LTPC represents the PTP clock type OC Slave Only or OCGC. For pure OC Slave Only or
OCGC configurations, the logical node LTTC is disabled and does not create any information. The signal
Health of a disabled function always has the value OK.
• The logical node LTTC represents the PTP clock type P2P TC. For pure P2P TC configurations, the logical
node LTPC is disabled and does not create any information. The signal Health of a disabled function
always has the value OK.

• LCCH is always enabled for downward compatibility.

If IEEE 1588 is disabled, the 3 function blocks and logical nodes are deleted.

10.6.3 Configurations of the IEEE 1588 Protocol in DIGSI 5 Activation
To enable the IEEE 1588 protocol on the communication module, proceed as follows:
² In the project tree, navigate to your device and double‑click Hardware and protocols.
² In the Device view tab, select an existing Ethernet communication module on your device.
If there is no Ethernet communication module on your device, drag and drop one from Hardware
catalog to the device.
² In the Properties tab of the inspector window, select General > Protocols > Network.
² Activate IEEE 1588.

[sc_IEEE_1588_activating_BD, 2, en_US]

Figure 10-5 IEEE 1588 Activation

284 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.6 IEEE 1588

² If a diagnosis is required, activate Homepage under Service and set Homepage Mode to On in the
Homepage Settings.
For more information on the diagnosis homepage, refer to Network Protocols – IEEE 1588 for
the Modules ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 1) and ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 1) and Network Protocols – IEEE 1588
on the Module ETH‑BD‑2FO, ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), and ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2).
For the instantiation of the IEEE 1588 protocol on the ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2), and
ETH‑BD‑2FO modules, further settings are required.
For the instantiation of the IEEE 1588 protocol on the ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 1) or ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 1) modules, no
additional setting is required.
You can equip a SIPROTEC 5 device with up to 4 Ethernet communication modules, and enable IEEE 1588 on
each module. Application and Setting Notes

Settings of the IEEE 1588 Protocol on the Ethernet modules ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2), and
The following figure shows the settings of the IEEE 1588 protocol on the ETH‑BD‑2FO module as an example.

[sc_BD_module_settings, 5, en_US]

Figure 10-6 IEEE 1588 Settings on the ETH‑BD‑2FO Module

Parameter: OC grandmaster-capable, Slave only, Clock type

• Default setting OC grandmaster-capable is unactivated.

• Default setting Slave only is activated.

• Resulting default setting Clock type = OC Slave Only

With the parameters OC grandmaster-capable and Slave only, you can select the PTP clock type. Do
not activate the parameters OC grandmaster-capable and Slave only simultaneously.
The IEEE 1588 protocol setting OC grandmaster-capable is only available on the module ETH‑BD‑2FO.
The read-only parameter Clock type automatically shows the resulting PTP clock type, which is composed
of the activating of the parameters OC grandmaster-capable, Slave only, and the selected Ethernet
redundancy protocol. The following table shows the possible resulting clock types.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 285

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10.6 IEEE 1588

Activated Param- PTP Clock Type based on the Selected Redundancy Protocol
eter Line Mode PRP RSTP HSR
OC grandmaster- OCGC OCGC OCGC and P2P TC OCGC and P2P TC
Slave only OC Slave Only OC Slave Only OCSO and P2P TC OCSO and P2P TC
None None None P2P TC P2P TC

When the redundancy protocol is set to Line mode or PRP, you must activate either the parameter Slave
only or OC grandmaster-capable. Otherwise, the parameter Clock type shows none and DIGSI 5
reports an inconsistency.
The following table shows the maximum allowed number of instances for the various PTP clock types,
depending on the Ethernet communication module.

PTP Clock Type Ethernet Communication Module

ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2) ETH‑BD‑2FO
ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2)
OCGC or OCGC and P2P TC Not available 1 (4)31
OC Slave Only or OCSO and 4 1
P2P TC 4 4

Parameter: Profile

• Default setting Profile = IEC 61850-9-3:2016

With the parameter Profile, you can select the PTP profile. A PTP profile defines requirements and PTP
features applicable to a specific domain, for example, power utility automation.
Parameter Value Description
IEC 61850-9-3:2016 Power utility profile
IEEE C37.238:2017 Power profile


i The clock types OCGC and OCGC and P2P TC do not support the profile IEEE C37.238:2017.

Parameter: Clock priority 1, Clock priority 2

• Default setting Clock priority 1 = 128

• Default setting Clock priority 2 = 128

If the parameter OC grandmaster-capable is activated, the parameters Clock priority 1 and Clock
priority 2 are available.
As the grandmaster-capable PTP clock supports the best master clock (BMC) algorithm, you can use the
parameters Clock priority 1 and Clock priority 2 to specify which of the grandmaster-capable
clocks takes over the active master role and operates in MASTER state. Among SIPROTEC 5 devices with clock
type OCGC or OCGC and P2P TC, the one with the smallest value of the parameter Clock priority 1
takes over the active master role, while the others are synchronized with the backup master role and operate
in SLAVE state. If the values of the parameter Clock priority 1 for multiple SIPROTEC 5 devices are equal,
the value of the parameter Clock priority 2 is decisive. If the SIPROTEC 5 device operating in MASTER
state is disconnected from the network or is defective, the device with the 2nd smallest value of Clock
priority 1 takes over the active master role. If the values of Clock priority 1 and Clock priority
2 are the same for multiple SIPROTEC 5 devices used as OC grandmasters, the GM identity determines via the
MAC address which device takes over the active master role. Siemens recommends using the clock priorities

31 More than 1 instance of OCGC is only allowed for the special case documented in Figure 10-20.

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10.6 IEEE 1588

to define which grandmaster-capable clock takes over the active master role, in case all OCGCs are up and


i Do not set the parameter Clock priority 1 or Clock priority 2 to 255. According to
IEC 61850-9-3, the value 255 is used for the slave-only clocks. If you set the parameter Clock priority
1 or Clock priority 2 to 255, DIGSI 5 reports an inconsistency.

If there are multiple communication modules with OC grandmaster-capable activated in a SIPROTEC 5

device, set the same value to the parameter Clock priority 1 for all the modules. The same applies to the
parameter Clock priority 2.


i SIPROTEC 5 devices with the clock type OCGC or OCGC and P2P TC are interoperable with external grand-
master clocks. The parameters besides Clock priority 1 and Clock priority 2 are evaluated
according to the BMC algorithmn to specify the clock operating with the active master role.

Parameter: Domain number

• Default setting Domain number = 0

A PTP domain is a logical grouping of PTP clocks where the clocks synchronize to each other via the IEEE 1588
You can adjust the value according to the recommended domain number of the selected profile. Siemens
recommends setting the parameter to 0 for IEC 61850-9-3:2016 and 254 for IEEE C37.238:2017.

Parameter: Seamless changeover

• Default setting Seamless changeover is deactivated.

With the parameter Seamless changeover activated, a recovered or reconnected grandmaster-capable
clock first synchronizes to the current PTP grandmaster before it takes over the active master role. In this way,
the grandmaster switchback can avoid the jump in the time base which can result in slave-clock resynchroni-
zation and intermediate protection-function blocking in process-bus applications.
Siemens recommends the following configurations:

• If there is only 1 SIPROTEC 5 OCGC in the network segment, deactivate the parameter Seamless

• If there is more than 1 SIPROTEC 5 OCGC in the network segment, activate the parameter Seamless
changeover for all the relevant OCGCs.

• If external grandmaster clocks are used in the network segment, deactivate the parameter Seamless


i For SIPROTEC 5 V9.60, Seamless changeover is supported for maximum 2 OCGCs, which are named
OCGC A and OCGC B in the following chapters.


i For more information on the use of OC grandmaster-capable clocks in a SIPROTEC 5 device for process bus
applications, refer to the application and setting notes in the SIPROTEC 5 Process Bus manual.

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10.6 IEEE 1588 Seamless Changeover

The Seamless changeover functionality is used for the sampled-value synchronization for process-bus applica-
When the parameter Seamless changeover is activated, the SIPROTEC 5 device enters into a Siemens-
specific mode. In this mode, the best master clock (BMC) algorithm can be operated to avoid jumps in the time
base during changes between the grandmaster clocks (GMC). Such jumps in the time base of the PTP time
source lead to a resynchronization of the merging units. Thus, on the corresponding SMV (sampled measured
value) subscribers, a temporary blocking of the protection functions occurs. These protection functions, for
example, differential and distance protection, depend on the correct synchronization.
The Siemens specific mode ensures that a GMC that is about to take over the active master role (according to
the BMC algorithm) synchronizes with the existing active master clock before switching to the active master
role and thus takes over the synchronization. In this case, the jumps in the time base and thus the temporary
blocking of the protection can be avoided. The availability of the protection system is therefore increased.
The operation of the Seamless changeover functionality is limited to a maximum of 2 SIPROTEC 5 grandmaster
The following table shows the operation when the parameter Seamless changeover is deactivated.

Device State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4

OCGC A Active master Out of service Returns and is active Active master
OCGC B Passive master, Active master Passive Master, Passive master,
synchronized to starts synchronizing synchronized to
Visualization of
OCGC time bases

Merging Unit Synchronized by Synchronized by Resynchronization to Synchronized by

OCGC A OCGC B time base of OCGC A OCGC A
Protection functions Operational Operational32 Blocked for up to Operational
17 s

The following table shows the operation when the parameter Seamless changeover is activated.

Device State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4

OCGC A Active master Out of service Returns and start Active master after
synchronization to completion of the
OCGC B synchronization to
OCGC B Passive master, Active master Active master Passive master,
synchronized to synchronized to
Visualization of
OCGC time bases

Merging Unit Synchronized by Synchronized by Synchronized by Synchronized by

Protection functions Operational Operational Operational Operational

For more information on the configurations for the Seamless changeover functionality, refer to the Process
Bus manual.

32 A blockage of protection for 1 s to 2 s can occur if the change of the time base does not happen simultaneously in the Merging Units
and the protection devices.

288 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.6 IEEE 1588 Signals
The signals for the IEEE 1588 protocol are defined according to IEC TR 61850-90-4:2020 and IEC 61588:2009.
The following tables list the signals with a description of their function and type. For more information on the
signals, refer to IEC TR 61850-90-4:2020 and IEC 61588:2009.

Table 10-3 Signals for the Function Block IEEE 1588

Signal Description Type

Health - ENS
Channel Live If any type of PTP telegrams is received, this signal is SPS
If no PTP telegrams are received for about 10 s, this
signal is false.
Clock accuracy Clock time accuracy INS
The value of Clock accuracy is defined in hex
format in chapter, IEC 61588:2009. The value
in SIPROTEC 5 is presented in decimal format.
22(hex) - 34(decimal) - The accuracy is within 250 ns.
FE(hex) - 254(decimal) - unknown
Clock class Clock class INS
Clock identity EUI-64 clock identity, in hex format VSS
Example: B4B15AFFFE11F266
GM clock class Grandmaster clock class INS
GM clock identity Grandmaster EUI-64 clock identity, in hex format VSS
Example: 94B8C5FFFE8B0F80
GM clock priority 1 Grandmaster clock priority 1 INS
GM clock priority 2 Grandmaster clock priority 2 INS
GM clock accuracy Grandmaster clock time accuracy INS
The value of GM clock accuracy is defined in hex
format in chapter, IEC 61588:2009. The value
in SIPROTEC 5 is presented in decimal format.
22(hex) - 34(decimal) - The accuracy is within 250 ns.
FE(hex) - 254(decimal) - unknown
Mean path delay Mean path delay, in nanoseconds INS
Number of ports Number of ports or port pairs on this clock INS
Offset from master Offset from master, in nanoseconds INS
UtcOffset valid If this signal is true, the offset from UTC is valid. SPS
UtcOffset TAI offset from UTC time, in seconds INS
Master-clock identity Master EUI-64 clock identity VSS
Example: B4B15AFFFE11F266
Steps removed The number of paths traversed between local clock and INS
grandmaster clock
Time source Time source used by the master clock. The value INS
is according to timeSource enumeration list in
IEC 61588:2009.
2-step If this signal is true, the clock is in 2-step egress. If this SPS
signal is false, the clock is in 1-step egress.

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10.6 IEEE 1588

Signal Description Type

Master-port identity Port identity of the master that issues the Sync VSS
Example: 94B8C5FFFE8B0F800001
GmClkVar Grandmaster variance INS
Example: 65535
Clock variance Clock variance INS
Clock servo status Status of the clock servo INS

• 2 - Locked (Offset from master is within 1 μs)

• 3 - Acquiring (Offset from master is more than 1
>Scov.GmIdInA Current GmIdentity from OCGC A during seamless VSS
>Scov.PreGmIdInA Previous GmIdentity from OCGC A during seamless VSS
>Scov.GmIdInB Current GmIdentity from OCGC B during seamless VSS
>Scov.PreGmIdInB Previous GmIdentity from OCGC B during seamless VSS
Scov.GmId Current GmIdentity during seamless changeover VSS
Scov.PreGmId Previous GmIdentity during seamless changeover VSS

Table 10-4 Signals for the Function Block IEEE 1588 TC

Signal Description Type

Health - ENS
Channel Live If any type of PTP telegrams is received, this signal is SPS
If no PTP telegrams are received for about 10 s, this
signal is false.

Table 10-5 Signals for the Function Block IEEE 1588 Chan

Signal Description Type

Health - ENS
Channel Live If any type of PTP telegrams is received, this signal is SPS
If no PTP telegrams are received for about 10 s, this
signal is false. Settings

Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting

IEEE 1588 clock type
_:118 IEEE 1588:OC grand- • no no
• yes
_:109 IEEE 1588:Slave only • no yes
• yes

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10.6 IEEE 1588

Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting

_:108 IEEE 1588:Clock type • OC Slave Only OC Slave Only
• OCSO and P2P TC
• P2P TC33
• OCGC34
• OCGC and P2P TC34
• none35
IEEE 1588 settings
_:110 IEEE 1588:Profile • IEC 61850-9-3:2016 IEC
• IEEE C37.238:2017
_:114 IEEE 1588:Clock priority 0 to 255 128
_:115 IEEE 1588:Clock priority 0 to 255 128
_:111 IEEE 1588:Domain 0 to 255 0
_:121 IEEE 1588:Seamless • no no
• yes Information List

The following table shows the signals for the function block IEEE 1588.

No. Information Data Class Type

_:53 IEEE 1588:Health ENS O
_:304 IEEE 1588:Channel Live SPS O
_:302 IEEE 1588:Clock accuracy INS O
_:303 IEEE 1588:Clock class INS O
_:322 IEEE 1588:Clock identity VSS O
_:305 IEEE 1588:GM clock class INS O
_:306 IEEE 1588:GM clock identity VSS O
_:307 IEEE 1588:GM clock priority 1 INS O
_:308 IEEE 1588:GM clock priority 2 INS O
_:309 IEEE 1588:GM clock accuracy INS O
_:310 IEEE 1588:Mean path delay INS O
_:311 IEEE 1588:Number of ports INS O
_:312 IEEE 1588:Offset from master INS O
_:313 IEEE 1588:UtcOffset valid SPS O
_:314 IEEE 1588:UtcOffset INS O
_:315 IEEE 1588:Master-clock identity VSS O
_:316 IEEE 1588:Steps removed INS O
_:317 IEEE 1588:Time source INS O

33 If both the parameter OC grandmaster-capable and the parameter Slave only are deactivated and the redundancy protocol RSTP or
HSR is selected, the value of the parameter Clock type is P2P TC.
34 This clock type does not support the profile IEEE C37.238:2017.
35 If both the parameter OC grandmaster-capable and the parameter Slave only are deactivated and the redundancy protocol Line
mode or PRP is selected, the value of the parameter Clock type is none. In this case, DIGSI 5 reports an inconsistency.

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No. Information Data Class Type

_:318 IEEE 1588:2-step SPS O
_:319 IEEE 1588:Master-port identity VSS O
_:320 IEEE 1588:GmClkVar INS O
_:321 IEEE 1588:Clock variance INS O
_:323 IEEE 1588:Clock servo status INS O
_:90 IEEE 1588:>Scov.GmIdInA VSS I
_:91 IEEE 1588:>Scov.PreGmIdInA VSS I
_:92 IEEE 1588:>Scov.GmIdInB VSS I
_:93 IEEE 1588:>Scov.PreGmIdInB VSS I
_:324 IEEE 1588:Scov.GmId VSS O
_:325 IEEE 1588:Scov.PreGmId VSS O

The following table shows the signals for the function block IEEE 1588 TC.

No. Information Data Class Type

_:53 IEEE 1588 TC:Health ENS O
_:304 IEEE 1588 TC:Channel Live SPS O

The following table shows the signals for the function block IEEE 1588 Chan.

No. Information Data Class Type

_:53 IEEE 1588 Chan:Health ENS O
_:304 IEEE 1588 Chan:Channel Live SPS O

10.6.4 Time Synchronization in Redundancy Networks

In the following sections, you can get some examples of typical network redundancy for the time synchroniza-
For more information about the supported clock types in Ethernet communication modules (ETH‑BA‑2EL,
ETH‑BB‑2FO, or ETH‑BD‑2FO) and the supported combinations with various Ethernet redundancy protocols,
refer to Table 10-1. Line Mode or PRP Network


i The OC grandmaster-capable supports the best master clock algorithm (BMC algorithm), so that multiple
SIPROTEC 5 devices with the clock type OCGC are allowed per Line or PRP network.

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[dw_non-redundancy_example, 6, en_US]

Figure 10-7 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via Line Mode, Using an External Master Clock

[dw_non-redundancy_example_OCGC, 2, en_US]

Figure 10-8 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via Line Mode, Using a SIPROTEC 5 Device as the Grand-
master-Capable Clock

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[dw_non-redundancy_example_multiple_OCGCs, 2, en_US]

Figure 10-9 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via Line Mode, Using SIPROTEC 5 Devices as the Grandmaster-
Capable Clocks

[dw_non-redundancy_example_OCGCs_GM, 2, en_US]

Figure 10-10 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via Line Mode, Using a SIPROTEC 5 Device and an External
Master Clock as the Grandmaster-Capable Clocks

In the following figures, the external master clocks and the SIPROTEC 5 devices connect to both PRP LAN A and

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The external master clocks natively support PRP network redundancy.

[dw_PRP_example, 9, en_US]

Figure 10-11 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via a PRP Network, Using External Master Clocks

If the external master clocks do not natively support PRP network redundancy, PRP RedBoxes are necessary.

[dw_PRP_extended_example, 8, en_US]

Figure 10-12 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via a PRP Network with 2 RedBoxes, Using External Master

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[dw_PRP_example_OCGC, 3, en_US]

Figure 10-13 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via a PRP Network, Using a SIPROTEC 5 Device as the Grand-
master-Capable Clock

[dw_PRP_example_multiple_OCGCs, 2, en_US]

Figure 10-14 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via a PRP Network, Using SIPROTEC 5 Devices as the Grand-
master-Capable Clocks

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10.6 IEEE 1588

[dw_PRP_example_OCGCs_GM, 2, en_US]

Figure 10-15 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via a PRP Network, Using a SIPROTEC 5 Device and an External
Master Clock as the Grandmaster-Capable Clocks HSR or RSTP Network

In the following figures, SIPROTEC 5 devices are connected in an HSR ring or in multiple HSR rings. You can
connect single attached master-clocks to the HSR ring with HSR RedBoxes or set the SIPROTEC 5 device as the
grandmaster-capable clock. In the HSR network, the supported maximum number of hops is 16 plus extra 2
RedBoxes, not to exceed 1-μs network time inaccuracy. In the RSTP network, the supported maximum number
of hops is 16.


i The OC grandmaster-capable supports the best master clock algorithm (BMC algorithm), so that multiple
SIPROTEC 5 devices with the clock type OCGC and P2P TC are allowed per HSR or RSTP network.
In a SIPROTEC 5 device, a maximum of 1 OCSO and P2P TC can be set. Therefore, if multiple PTP clocks
are configured in a SIPROTEC 5 device and one of them is OCSO and P2P TC, the clock type on the other
modules must be set to P2P TC, OCGC, or OCGC and P2P TC.

[dw_HSRB_example, 6, en_US]

Figure 10-16 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via an HSR Ring, Using an External Master Clock

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[dw_HSRB_example_MCs, 1, en_US]

Figure 10-17 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via an HSR Ring, Using External Master Clocks

[dw_HSRB_example_OCGC_1_HSR_ring, 1, en_US]

Figure 10-18 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via an HSR Ring, Using a SIPROTEC 5 Device as the Grand-
master-Capable Clock

[dw_HSRB_example_multiple_OCGCs_1_HSR_ring, 1, en_US]

Figure 10-19 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via an HSR Ring, Using SIPROTEC 5 Devices as the Grand-
master-Capable Clocks

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[dw_HSRB_example_OCGC_HSR_rings, 1, en_US]

Figure 10-20 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via HSR Rings, Using SIPROTEC 5 Devices as the Grandmaster-
Capable Clocks


i In the network configuration shown in Figure 10-20, the grandmaster-capable clocks must be located in
the same SIPROTEC 5 device to ensure synchronization of the multiple grandmaster-capable instances from
the same device-internal oscillator.

• The network has multiple HSR rings.

• There are multiple SIPROTEC 5 devices in the HSR rings.

• The multiple HSR rings are synchronized by a single SIPROTEC 5 device.

For more information on the time synchronization via HSR network, refer to HSR or RSTP

[dw_RSTP_example, 5, en_US]

Figure 10-21 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via an RSTP Ring, Using an External Master Clock

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[dw_RSTP_example_OCGC, 1, en_US]

Figure 10-22 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via an RSTP Ring, Using a SIPROTEC 5 Device as the Grand-
master-Capable Clock

[dw_RSTP_example_multiple_OCGCs, 1, en_US]

Figure 10-23 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via an RSTP Ring, Using SIPROTEC 5 Devices as the Grand-
master-Capable Clocks

The clock types P2P TC and OCSO and P2P TC receive and forward PTP messages to the next device.
Meanwhile, the correction field of PTP Sync and Follow_Up messages is updated by the calculated values of
mean path delay and the residence time. These corrected time values are considered in the end device and
improve the synchronization of the end devices. The clock type OCSO and P2P TC is synchronized by the
master clock.

300 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.6 IEEE 1588 PRP-HSR Network or RSTP-HSR Network

[dw_HSR_PRP_example, 6, en_US]

Figure 10-24 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via a PRP‑HSR Network


i PRP-HSR RedBoxes which support PRP‑HSR coupling in the combination of P2P transparent clock or boun-
dary clock function are mandatory. You can contact the vendor of RedBoxes for support.

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[dw_RSTP_PRP_example, 4, en_US]

Figure 10-25 IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization via an RSTP‑HSR Network


i HSR RedBoxes which support RSTP‑HSR coupling in the combination of P2P transparent clock or boundary
clock function are mandatory.

10.6.5 Time Source Configurations of the IEEE 1588 Protocol

For time synchronization of the system mainboard, you can set the time source to IEEE 1588 with the
following steps:
² In the project tree, double-click Time settings under Settings.
² Set IEEE 1588 to the time‑source parameters Time source 1 or Time source 2.
² If you select IEEE 1588 as the time source, set the respective Time zone to UTC.
² With the parameter Fault indication after, you can specify the time after which a time source is
categorized as malfunctioning and after which a switchover to the redundant Time source 2 takes place
if Time source 1 is faulty.

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[sc_IEEE1588 time zone, 5, en_US]

Figure 10-26 Setting the IEEE 1588 Time Source


i For the time synchronization of the system mainboard with an ETH-BD-2FO module, you can only use
IEEE 1588 protocol instances with the clock type OC Slave Only or OCSO and P2P TC.

10.6.6 Technical Data

IEEE 1588 Protocol Properties

Clock type • OC Slave Only

• OCSO and P2P TC
• P2P TC
• OCGC and P2P TC
1-step or 2-step operation Refer to Table 10-6
Transport type Layer 2 (Ethernet) transport
Supported profiles IEC 61850-9-3:2016
IEEE C37.238:2017

Accuracy of OC Slave Only

The accuracy of OC Slave Only was acquired via a test proceeded by using RUGGEDCOM RSG2488 (with
GPS input) as the master clock and using RUGGEDCOM RST2228 as the transparent clock.
Max. allowed number of traversed TC so that the 1-μs 15
network time inaccuracy is not exceeded. Condition: The inaccuracy introduced per TC is less
than 50 ns.

Accuracy of P2P TC or OCSO and P2P TC

The inaccuracy introduced by P2P TC or OCSO and P2P TC in an HSR or RSTP network is less than 50 ns
with an optical media.
If an electrical media is used and an RJ45 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) transceiver is inserted in
ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2) or ETH‑BD‑2FO, the time accuracy of IEEE 1588 can be degraded due to the uncertain

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latency introduced by the built-in PHY of the RJ45 SFP transceivers. This accuracy data can vary with RJ45 SFP
transceivers from different vendors.


i Siemens recommends using only optical SFP transceiver models approved by Siemens for IEEE 1588.

10.6.7 IEEE 1588 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)


i PICS, stated in IEC 61850-9-3:2016, only applies to the IEEE 1588 protocol instantiated on the ETH‑BD‑2FO,
ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), and ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2) modules.

The Base column shows the definitions and specifications in the base standard. Each entry in this column is
selected from the following list:

• Mandatory (m): The base standard mandates this capability and it is implemented.

• Optional (o): The base standard leaves this capability optional, but it is implemented.
The Condition column shows the condition for the capability. Each entry in this column is selected from the
following list:

• Conditionally supported (c): This capability is supported under the conditions specified in the corre-
sponding index in the PICS table.

• Unconditionally supported (–): This capability is not constrained.


Table 10-6 Precision Time Protocol Profile for Power-Utility Automation

PICS Proforma Capability Range of Base Condition Support

Reference Values
CLOCK_TYPE_OC Clock is OC according to this base. True, False m c.1 True
CLOCK_TYPE_TC Clock is TC according to this base. True, False m c.1 True
CLOCK_TYPE_BC Clock is BC according to this base. True, False m c.1 False
NR_PORTS Number of clock ports (total) Integer > 0 m – 1, 2
PORTS_STEP 1: All ports support 1-step on egress. 1, 2, 3 m – {1, 2}36
2: All ports support 2-step on egress.
3: All ports support both 1-step and
SLAVE_ONLY All ports of the clock are slave-only True, False m c.2 {True,
TIME_TRACEABLE Connectable to a time reference True, False m c.3 False
outside of PTP (for example, GPS)

36 The clock type OCSO supports 2-step on egress, and the other clock types support 1-step on egress. All clock types support both
1-step and 2-step on ingress.
37 This capability can be controlled by engineering. It is the other way around. For ETH-BD-2FO, it is True when the clock type is OC
Slave Only or OCSO and P2P TC, and it is False when the clock type is OCGC or OCGC and P2P TC. For ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 2) and
ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 2), it is True because OCGC is not available on this module.

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PICS Proforma Capability Range of Base Condition Support

Reference Values
FREQ_TRACEABLE Connectable to a frequency refer- True, False m c.3 False
ence outside of PTP (for example,
DAC Doubly attached OC True, False o – True
PORTS_PAIRED Paired clock ports for redundancy Identifier pair o c.4 {1, 2}
(for example, {3-4})
REDBOX_DATC Redbox as TC True, False o c.5 False
REDBOX_SLTC Redbox as Stateless TC True, False o c.5 False
REDBOX_TWBC Redbox as 3-way BC True, False o c.6 False
REDBOX_DABC Redbox as DAC BC True, False o c.6 False
MIB_SNMP Supports MIB of IEC 62439-3:2016, True, False m c.7 False
Annex E
MIB_61850 Supports IEC TR 61850-90-4 Clock True, False m c.7 True
MIB_OTHER Clock supports fixed values or a True, False m c.7 True38
mechanism defined by the manufac-
turer (if True, this list is appended to
this PICS)
ATOI Supports ATOI TLV as specified in True, False o – False
IEC 61588:2009 | IEEE Std 1588–
2008, 16.3
PPS Clock has a 1 PPS output True, False o – False
ACCURACY Design value of clock accuracy Nanoseconds o – 1000 ns
DEVIATION Design value of Allan deviation Nanoseconds o – 4 ns
HOLDOVER If it is the grandmaster and no longer Seconds o – N/A39
synchronized to its time reference
signal, the time length of the clock
is expected to stay in clock class 7.
c.1: At least one is supported (CLOCK_TYPE_OC and CLOCK_TYPE_TC can both be True).
c.2: Only if CLOCK_TYPE_OC = True
c.3: Only if SLAVE_ONLY = False
c.4: Is "m" (>1) if DAC = True
c.5: Support is only declared if CLOCK_TYPE_TC = True and DAC = True
c.6: Support is only declared if CLOCK_TYPE_BC = True and DAC = True
c.7: At least one is supported

38 You can enable or disable parameters and configure the domain number via DIGSI 5. The state values are displayed via the
39 The grandmaster-capable clock is not synchronized to any external time reference signal.

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10.7 DHCP

10.7 DHCP

10.7.1 DHCP

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) enables a client, in this case the Ethernet interface, to access
IP address and configuration data from a DHCP server. In this case, a DHCP server has to be available in the
network. If DHCP is activated, you do not have to configure the Ethernet interface network settings yourself.

10.7.2 Activating DHCP

² Select the Ethernet communication module.

² Navigate to the Ethernet Addresses section.
² In the IP Protocol section, activate the Automatically an IP Address (from the DHCP Server) check box.
- or -
² Set the IP Address to
The device then acts on the assumption that a DHCP server is available, and receives the addresses from
this server.

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10.8 RSTP

10.8 RSTP

10.8.1 Description

The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) serves for the reorganization of the network structure in the event of
an error. In other words, RSTP reroutes the data to another path after the failure of a network path.

10.8.2 Parameter Settings for Networks


i In this document, bridge and switch mean the same thing.

Parameter name Description Settings

Bridge hello This time determines at what intervals the Hello- 1 s or 2 s
time Time telegrams are transmitted. Default setting = 2 s
Bridge Bridge priority establishes the position of the Siemens recommends setting the
priority bridge in the network. The lower the value, the priority of the root bridge to 0.
higher the priority. The bridge with the highest Siemens recommends setting the
priority is the root bridge. priority of the replacement root
bridge, which should be located right
next to the root bridge, to 4096.
The replacement root bridge should
replace the root bridge in case of a
Siemens recommends setting the
priority of all other devices and bridges
to 32 768.
0 to 61 440, in increments of 4096
Default setting = 32 768
Bridge iden- The priority value of a bridge consists of the Siemens recommends not changing
tifier bridge priority and bridge identifier. the default setting of 2048.
The bridge identifier therefore provides a finer 0 to 4095
gradation of the switches. This enables you to Default setting = 2048
set the location of the alternate switches in the
Bridge max. The maximum-aging time is the number of Default setting = 40
age time seconds the bridge waits without receiving span-
ning-tree Hello BPDU messages from the root
bridge before attempting a to start a new
Bridge The forwarding delay is the maximum number of Default setting = 21 s
forward delay seconds that a port waits for the new topology
to be propagated across the RSTP network and
change their status from learning and listening
to the forwarding.
Port priority The Port priority port 1 can be set for Siemens recommends leaving the port
port 1 each port. The port priority goes into the valence priority to the default value.
of vectors on the recipient side and is taken into 0 to 240, in increments of 16
account by the port identifier. The port identifier Default setting = 128
consists of the port priority and the port number.

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10.8 RSTP

Parameter name Description Settings

Port priority See the parameter Port priority port 1 See the parameter Port priority
port 2 port 1
Auto edge The Auto Edge Port 1 value can be set individ- Siemens recommends keeping this
port 1 ually for each port and enables the automatic setting to off.
transition of a port into edge port state if no on/off
RSTP telegrams are received. Default setting = off
Then after the fixed migration time of 3 s, the
ports go into the forwarding state.
The enabling of this value harbors the danger of
circulating telegrams.
Auto edge See the parameter Auto edge port 1 See the parameter Auto edge port
port 2 1
Port path The path costs indicate the quality of a line. The Siemens recommends not changing
cost port 1 higher the value, the worse the line. In IEEE this setting.
Std 802.1D™ - 2004, this value is established 0 to 200 000 000
depending on the velocity. For example, for 100 Default setting = 200 000
Mbit, path costs of 200 000 are defined.
The setting is included in the valence calculation
of the vector.
Port path See the parameter Port path cost port 1 See the parameter Port path cost
cost port 2 port 1
Transmit hold Transmit hold count is a meter that applies Siemens recommends not changing
count to all ports of the bridge. It limits the number of this setting.
RSTP telegrams per port transmitted in sequence 1 to 10
and without delay. Default setting = 10
When this telegram is transmitted, only one
more telegram per second is transmitted.
For a highly meshed system, a Transmit hold
count that is set low will result in a significant
slowing of the reconfiguration when the root
switch fails.

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10.9 PRP

10.9 PRP
PRP (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) is a redundancy protocol for Ethernet networks. This protocol is specified
in the norm IEC 62439-3. In comparison to conventional redundancy procedures, for example, RSTP (Rapid
Spanning Tree Protocol, IEEE 802.1D-2004), PRP offers a switchover without interruptions. This avoids a dead
time in the event of a fault, and thus the highest availability.
Previous redundancy methods are based on mechanisms where the power-system components (switches and
bridges) agree with each other and find the best communication path for normal operation.
In the event of a fault, for example, in a cable, an optical fiber, or in case of a switch failure, the interruption
is detected and alternative paths are found in the network and connected. No communication can take place
during this switching procedure. Depending on the size and on the configuration of the Ethernet network, this
state can last for 10 ms up to around 1 s. A protocol extension in the end device is not necessary in this case
because the protocol is implemented in the switches.
PRP adopts a different approach.
The redundancy procedure is generated in the end device itself. The procedure is simple: The redundant end
device has 2 Ethernet interfaces with the same address (DAN, Double Attached Node). Then, the same frame
is sent twice, with PRP (parallel) via 2 separated networks. Both frames are unambiguously identified with a
sequence number.
The receiver takes the information that arrives first, stores the ID of the information in a duplicate filter using
the source address and the sequence number of the information. Thereby, the receiver recognizes the 2nd
redundant information and discards it. This redundant information is then discarded.
If the 1st frame is missing, the 2nd frame with the same information arrives via the other network. This
redundancy avoids a switchover of the network and is therefore a redundancy without interruption.
The end device does not forward any frame to the other network.
Since this procedure is realized in the Ethernet layer (same MAC address), it is transparent and can be used by
all Ethernet informative data protocols (IEC 61850, DNP, other TCP/IP based protocols).
In addition, it is possible to use one of the 2 networks for the transmission of not redundant frames. To do so,
connect a SAN (Single Attached Node) device to a network. In this way, a PRP end device can communicate
with a SAN end device (in a not redundant way). If you wish to connect a SAN end device in a redundant
way to a PRP system, use a REDBOX (redundancy box). This REDBOX provides PRP functionality externally as
an in-line device. However, the PRP procedure also presents a disadvantage: You are buying the increased
redundancy function at the cost of a duplicate network (2x switches, cables).


i Both networks must not be connected as this causes Ethernet double addressing and this can result in

There are 2 versions of PRP: PRP-0 and the successor PRP-1. Siemens implements PRP-1.

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10.10 HSR

10.10 HSR
Like PRP, HSR (High Availability Seamless Redundancy Protocol) is specified in the norm IEC 62439-3. Both
protocols provide a redundancy without switchover.
The basic function can be found in the definition of PRP. With PRP, the same indication is sent via 2 separated
networks. In contrast to that, with HSR, the indication is sent twice in the both directions of the ring. The
receiver gets the indication via 2 ways in the ring, takes the 1st indication, and discards the 2nd (see PRP).
Whereas a PRP end device does not forward any indication, an HSR node has a switch function. Thus, the HSR
node forwards frames that are not or not exclusively addressed to this node and which have not been sourced
by the node itself.
In order to avoid circling indications in the ring, special measures are defined in the case of HSR. SAN (Single
Attached Node) end devices can only be connected with a REDBOX in the case of HSR.
PRP systems and HSR systems can be coupled in a redundant way with 2 REDBOXES.

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10.11 SNMP

10.11 SNMP

10.11.1 Settings for SNMP

SNMPv3 (SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol) is available in the plug-in Ethernet communication
modules for the modular and non-modular SIPROTEC 5 device, as well as in the integrated Ethernet interface
in the SIPROTEC 5 Compact devices. However, for SIPROTEC 5 V8.80 and higher, you can activate SNMP only
for 1 Ethernet communication module in a device.


i Currently, only the Ethernet communication modules ETH‑BD‑2FO, ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), and
ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2) support SNMP trap.

By default, SNMP is deactivated. To switch on SNMP in the device, select SNMP in the Network settings of the
Ethernet communication module.

[sc_enable SNMP, 2, en_US]

Figure 10-27 Selecting SNMP as the Network Protocol

If necessary, you can change the UDP port where the SNMP agent (Ethernet communication module) receives
the queries. Siemens recommends keeping the default setting for the UDP port.

[sc_SNMP_settings, 3, en_US]

Figure 10-28 SNMP Settings, UDP Port

SNMP allows the state query of these modules. For displaying information of the MIB (Management Informa-
tion Base), an MIB browser and the description files are required.

10.11.2 SNMP Standard MIBs

The following standard MIBs are supported:

• MIB-II (RFC 1213)

• Interfaces MIB (RFC 2863)

• IP Forwarding MIB (RFC 4292)

• IP- & ICMP-MIB (RFC 2011)

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10.11 SNMP

• TCP-MIB (RFC 4022, formerly RFC 2012)

• UDP-MIB (RFC 4113, formerly RFC 2013)

• SNMPv2-MIB (RFC 3418)

• Framework MIB (RFC 2571)

• MPD-MIB (RFC 2572)

• USM-MIB (RFC 2574, 3414)

• Target & Notification MIB (RFC 2573, 3413)

• VACM-MIB (RFC 3415, 2575)

For more information, refer to

10.11.3 Siemens Enterprise MIBs

You can find Siemens SNMP MIB files at or

The following sections describe these MIBs and the supported features. SNMP SIPROTEC 5 Enterprise MIB

sip5Identity Group
The sip5Identity ( group contains identity information of the Ethernet communication
module. The information does not change at runtime.

• identityBmNumber:
Serial number of the Ethernet communication module

• identityProdCode:
Siemens item number of the Ethernet communication module

sip5Optical Group
The sip5Optical ( information is relevant only for an optical Ethernet communication

• OpticalTransceiverRxPwr:
Current transceiver receiver power in 0.1 µW increments

• OpticalTransceiverTxPwr:
Current transceiver transmission power in 0.1 µW increments

• OpticalTransceiverTemp:
Current transceiver temperature in °C

sip5Rstp Group
The sip5Rstp ( information is relevant only if RSTP is activated for the Ethernet commu-
nication module.

sip5Sntp Group
The sip5Sntp ( information is relevant only if SNTP is activated for the Ethernet commu-
nication module.

• sntpPrimarySvr:
Parameterized IP address of the primary NTP server

• sntpSecondarySvr:
Parameterized IP address of the secondary NTP server

312 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.11 SNMP

• sntpClockMaster:
Current NTP master clock (primary or secondary NTP server)

sip5Goose Group
The sip5Goose ( information is relevant only if IEC 61850-8-1 is parameterized for the
Ethernet communication module and a GOOSE application was activated.

• gooseTxConnConfig:
Number of parameterized GOOSE connections (Tx only)

• gooseTxConnActive:
Current number of active GOOSE connections (Tx only)

• gooseRxMismatchTel:
Current number of faulty GOOSE telegrams received

• gooseRxLostTel:
Current number of lost GOOSE telegrams (receive direction)

sip5PortStatus Group
The sip5PortStatus ( information is independent of the module and protocol parame-

• portStatusCH1:
Link status for Channel 1 (Up/Down)

• portStatusCH2:
Link status for Channel 2 (Up/Down)

sip5t104 Group
The sip5t104 ( group contains general information about and client settings for the
IEC 60870‑5‑104 protocol if the protocol is activated for the Ethernet communication modules.

• sip5t104Gen:
– t104GeneralProtocolName
IEC 60870-5-104
– t104GeneralProtocol
T104 version
– t104GeneralReportGot
Number of internal ACSI reports got from mainboard
– t104MappingReportDealed
Number of processed internal ACSI process data reports
– t104GeneralSettingReportDealed
Number of processed internal ACSI general setting reports
– t104TimeSyncSource
IP address of time synchronization master
– t104TimeZone
Time synchronization mode

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10.11 SNMP

• sip5t104Clt
– t104ClientSettingReportDealed
Number of processed internal ACSI setting reports for T104 client
– t104ClientChannelLive
Channel live signal of client
– t104ClientActiveMaster
The active time synchronization master communicating with the device
– t104ClientConnectedMainMaster
IP address of the connected main master
– t104ClientMainReceivedBytes
Number of bytes which are received from the main master
– t104ClientMainSentBytes
Number of bytes which are sent to the main master
– t104ClientConnectedBackupMaster
IP address of the connected backup master
– t104ClientBkReceivedBytes
Number of bytes which are received from the backup master; the number is updated continuously
– t104ClientBkSentBytes
Number of bytes which are sent to the backup master; the number is updated continuously
– t104ClientRedundancy
This object indicates if the T104 outstation supports redundant network.
– t104ClientEnableTimesync
This object indicates if the device expects and evaluates time sychronization from t104Client master.
– t104ClientCommonAddress
IEC 60870-5-104 station address of the device
– t104ClientDoubleTransmition
Indication event transmit twice, with and without timestamp
– t104ClientMVTransmitionType
Transmission-type options of measured values
– t104ClientCycleTime
Time for sending cyclical data
– t104GroupedTransTime
Transmission time duration of measured value group, where 0 refers to deactivation of group
– t104ClientMaxApduLength
Maximum APDU size
– t104ClientMainMasterIP
Main master IPv4 address, where means that the slave IPv4 is listening and contacting
any IP address
– t104ClientMainChannelT0
ASDU connection time-out
– t104ClientMainChannelT1
ASDU reply time-out
– t104ClientMainChannelT2

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10.11 SNMP

Time-out for acknowledges in case of no data messages and T2 < T1

– t104ClientMainChannelT3
Time-out for sending test frames in case of a long idle state
– t104ClientBkMasterIP
IPv4 address of backup master
– t104ClientBkChannelT0
ASDU connection time-out
– t104ClientBkChannelT1
ASDU reply time-out
– t104ClientBkChannelT2
Time-out for acknowledges in case of no data messages and T2 < T1
– t104ClientBkChannelT3
Time-out for sending test frames in case of a long idle state SNMP PRP/HSR MIB

The PRP/HSR MIB is a modification of the standard MIB according to IEC 62439‑3.

linkRedundancyEntityNotifications (1.0.62439.2.20) contains notifications related to LRE.

lreConfigurationGeneralGroup (1.0.62439. contains general information about LRE.

• IreManufactureName
Name of LRE device manufacturer

• IreInterfaceCount
Total number of LREs in the communication network

lreConfigurationInterfaceGroup (1.0.62439. contains an LRE interface configuration table. Each entry
in the table corresponds to a PRP or HSR LRE, and each entry represents a pair of LAN ports (port A and port
B). Basic devices supporting PRP or HSR can have only 1 LRE and thus there is 1 entry in the table. For more
complex devices supporting PRP or HSR, there are several entries for multiple LREs.

• lreRowStatus
Status of LRE table entry

• lreNodeType
Operating modes of the LRE, including PRP mode 1 and HSR mode; PRP mode 0 is not supported by this
MIB revision

• lreNodeName
Node name of the LRE

• lreVersionName
Software version of the LRE

• lreMacAddress
MAC address used by the LRE; MAC addresses are identical for all ports of an LRE

• lrePortAdminStateA
Specifies if the LRE port A is active or inactive by administrative action; the default value is active

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• lrePortAdminStateB
Specifies if the LRE port B is active or inactive by administrative action; the default value is active

• lreLinkStatusA
Link status of the LRE port A

• lreLinkStatusB
Link status of the LRE port B

• lreDuplicateDiscard
Specifies if a duplicate discard algorithm is used on the port receiving frames; the default value is

• lreTransparentReception
Only applicable for PRP LRE; if removeRCT is configured, RCT is removed when forwarding to the upper
layers. The default value is removeRCT

• lreHsrLREMode
Only applicable when the LRE is an HSR bridging node or a RedBox; there are 5 modes of HSR LRE:
– Default mode: the HSR LRE is in mode h and it bridges tagged HSR traffic.
– Optional mode: the HSR LRE is in mode n and the bridging between its HSR ports is disabled. Traffic
is HSR tagged.
– Optional mode: the HSR LRE is in mode t and it bridges non-tagged HSR traffic between its HSR
– Optional mode: the HSR LRE is in mode u and it behaves like in mode h. It does not remove unicast
– Optional mode: the HSR LRE is configured in a mixed mode. HSR frames are processed according to
default mode. Non-HSR frames are processed according to 802.1D bridging rules.

• lreSwitchingEndNode
Indicates the feature which is enabled in a particular LRE
– An unspecified non-bridging node, for example, SRP
– An unspecified bridging node, for example, RSTP
– A PRP node or a RedBox
– An HSR RedBox with regular Ethernet traffic on its interlink
– An HSR switching node
– An HSR RedBox with HSR tagged traffic on its interlink
– An HSR RedBox with PRP traffic for LAN A on its interlink
– An HSR RedBox with PRP traffic for LAN B on its interlink

• lreRedboxIdentity
Applicable to RedBox HSR-PRP A or RedBox HSR-PRP B; 1 ID is used by a pair of RedBoxes (RedBox A and
RedBox B) coupling an HSR ring to a PRP network

• lreEvaluateSupervision
The value is true if the LRE evaluates received supervision frames and it is false if it drops the supervision
frames without evaluating. LREs are required to send supervision frames, but not required to receive
supervision frames. The default value depends on the specific implementation.

• lreNodesTableClear
Indicates that the node table is to be cleared

• lreProxyNodeTableClear
Indicates that the proxy node table is to be cleared

316 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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• lreDuplistResideMaxTime
The longest time that an entry can reside in the duplicates list; the time is expressed in the number of
seconds multiplied by 65 536. The default value is 26 214 x 15 μs, or 400 ms; low value can cause
broadcast storms

lreStatisticsInterfaceGroup (1.0.62439. contains an LRE interface configuration table. Each entry
corresponds to a PRP or an HSR LRE. Every entry represents a pair of LAN ports (port A and port B) and a port
C towards the application or interlink. Basic devices supporting PRP or HSR can have only one LRE and thus
there is one entry in the table. For more complex devices supporting PRP or HSR, there are several entries for
multiple LREs.

• lreCntTxA
Number of frames sent to an LRE port A. Frames that are HSR tagged or have a PRP RCT are counted;
frames that are aborted during the frames transmission are not counted. The initial value is 0

• lreCntTxB
Number of frames sent to an LRE port B. Frames that are HSR tagged or have a PRP RCT are counted;
frames that are aborted during the frames transmission are not counted. The initial value is 0

• lreCntTxC
Number of frames sent to the application interface of a DANP or a DANH, or the number of frames sent
to the interlink of the RedBox; frames with and without PRP redundancy control trailer or HSR tag are
counted, but link-local frames are not counted; fames that are aborted during the frames transmission
are also not counted; the initial value is 0

• lreCntWrongLanA
Number of frames with the wrong LAN identifier that are received on an LRE port A; the initial value is 0;
this object is only applicable to PRP ports

• lreCntWrongLanB
Number of frames with the wrong LAN identifier that are received on an LRE port B; the initial value is 0.
This object is only applicable to PRP ports

• lreCntWrongLanC
Number of frames with the wrong LAN identifier that are received on the interlink of a RedBox; this
object is only applicable to HSR RedBoxes in HSR-PRP configuration (hsrredboxprpa or hsrredboxprpb)

• lreCntRxA
Number of frames received on an LRE port A; the following frames are counted:
– Frames that are HSR tagged
– Frames that are fitted with a PRP redundancy control trailer
– Frames that are not forwarded to anywhere
– Frames that are received completely without error
The initial value is 0.

• lreCntRxB
Number of frames received on an LRE port B; the following frames are counted:
– Frames that are HSR tagged
– Frames that are fitted with a PRP redundancy control trailer
– Frames that are not forwarded to anywhere
– Frames that are received completely without error
The initial value is 0.

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• lreCntRxC
Number of frames that are received from the application interface of a DANP or a DANH, or the number
of frames that are received on the interlink of a RedBox; frames with and without PRP redundancy control
trailer or HSR tag are counted, but link-local frames are not counted; frames that are received completely
without error are also counted; the initial value is 0

• lreCntErrorsA
Number of frames with errors that are received on the LRE port A; the initial value is 0

• lreCntErrorsB
Number of frames with errors that are received on the LRE port B; the initial value is 0

• lreCntErrorsC
Number of frames with errors that are received on the application interface of a DANP or a DANH, or on
the interlink of a RedBox; the initial value is 0

• lreCntNodes
Number of nodes in the nodes table

• lreCntProxyNodes
Number of nodes in the proxy node table; the node is only applicable to RedBox; the initial value is 0

• lreCntUniqueA
Number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port A for which no duplicate is received; the
initial value is 0

• lreCntUniqueB
Number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port B for which no duplicate is received; the
initial value is 0

• lreCntUniqueC
Number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on the application interface of the DAN or the
interlink of the RedBox for which no duplicate is received; the initial value is 0

• lreCntDuplicateA
Number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port A for which one single duplicate is
received; the initial value is 0

• lreCntDuplicateB
Number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port B for which one single duplicate is
received; the initial value is 0

• lreCntDuplicateC
Number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on the application interface of the DAN or the
interlink of the RedBox for which one single duplicate is received; the initial value is 0

• lreCntMultiA
Number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port A for which more than one duplicate is
received; the initial value is 0

• lreCntMultiB
Number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on port B for which more than one duplicate is
received; the initial value is 0

• lreCntMultiC
Number of entries in the duplicate detection mechanism on the application interface of the DAN or the
interlink of the RedBox for which more than one duplicate is received; the initial value is 0

• lreCntOwnRxA
Number of HSR tagged frames received on port A which are originate from the device; frames originate
from this device if the source MAC matches the MAC of the LRE, or if the source MAC appears in the proxy
node table (if implemented); this object is only applicable to HSR; the initial value is 0

318 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.11 SNMP

• lreCntOwnRxB
Number of HSR tagged frames received on Port B which are originated from this device; frames originate
from this device if the source MAC matches the MAC of the LRE, or if the source MAC appears in the proxy
node table (if implemented); this object is only applicable to HSR; the initial value is 0

• lreNodesMacAddress
MAC address of each node; each MAC address corresponds to a DAN

• lreTimeLastSeenA
Time in TimeTicks (1/100s) when LAN A receives the last frame from the remote LRE; the initial value is 0

• lreTimeLastSeenB
Time in TimeTicks (1/100s) when LAN B receives the last frame from the remote LRE; the initial value is 0

• lreRemNodeType
DAN type indicated in the received supervision frame

• IreProxyNodeMacAddress
MAC address of proxy node. Each entry contains information about a particular node for which the LRE
acts as a proxy for an HSR or PRP network

lreRedundancyEntityConformance Group

• lreDefaultGrp
Objects in the LRE default group

• linkRedundancyCompliance
Compliance for IEC 62439-3 SNMP DGPI MIB

The DGPI (Digital Grid Product Inventory) MIB is available only for the Ethernet communication modules
ETH‑BD‑2FO, ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), and ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2).

dgpiProdIdentity Group
The dgpiProdIdentity ( group contains information like vendor name, customer
name, product location, and geo position.

• dgpiVendorName
Vendor name of the product

• dgpiAssetUuid
Asset universally unique identifier of the deployed product

• dgpiCustomerName
Name of the customer that deployed the product

• dgpiLocationName
Location where the product is deployed

• dgpiGeoPositionLatitude
Latitude of the product
The geodetic reference system is WGS84 (World Geodetic System). The preferred format is decimal grad
with grad symbol and leading sign '+' or '-'.

• dgpiGeoPositionLongitude
Longitude of the product
The geodetic reference system is WGS84. The preferred format is decimal grad with grad symbol and
leading sign '+' or '-'.

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10.11 SNMP

• dgpiGeoPositionAltitude
Altitude of the product
The geodetic reference system is WGS84. The preferred format is meters with m symbol and leading sign
'+' or '-'.

dgpiProdComp Group
The dgpiProdComp ( group contains the product and components table dgpiPro-
ductComponentsTable which is the main object of the MIB. The product and its components are represented
by rows of this table. The first row is always occupied by the product, the following rows by its components.
The order of the components in the rows of this table is not prescribed.

• dgpiProdCompIndex
Index of the table row

• dgpiProdCompContainedIn
Identifies the containment hierarchy of the product and its components; it equals to zero in the product
row because the product is on top of the hierarchy.
In the component rows, it equals to the value of the dgpiProdCompIndex of the product row (if the
component is contained directly by the product) or of the component row of its parent (if the component
is contained in a parent component).

• dgpiProdCompClass
Class of the product or component which is represented by this row

• dgpiProdCompName
Name of the product or component which is represented by this row
If there is no name available or applicable, this object contains a zero-length string.

• dgpiProdCompDescription
Short descriptions of the product or component which is represented by this row
If there is no description available or applicable, this object contains a zero-length string.

• dgpiProdCompOrderNumber
Siemens order number (MLFB) of the product or component of this hardware or software
If there is no order number available or applicable, this object contains a zero-length string.

• dgpiProdCompSerialNumber
Serial number of this hardware product or component
If there is no serial number available or applicable, this object contains a zero-length string.

• dgpiProdCompVersion
Version of this hardware, software, or configuration component
If there is no version available or applicable, this object contains a zero-length string.

• dgpiProdCompHwSlot
Slot identifier of the parent hardware product or component which is occupied by this child hardware
If there is no slot identifier available or applicable, this object contains a zero-length string.

• dgpiProdCompManufactDate
Manufacturing date of the hardware product or component
If there is no manufacturing date available or applicable, this object contains the special value

• dgpiProdCompLastChange
Last change date and time of the component
If there is no change date and time available or applicable, this object contains the special value

320 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.11 SNMP

• dgpiProdCompTableLastChange
Last change time of the product and component table
The change includes creation of an extra row, deletion of a previously existing row, and modification of
an existing row.

dgpiNotifications Group
The dgpiNotifications ( contain the object that can control the sending of
security‑monitoring notifications. Currently, you can configure the parameters but it is not possible to issue
related notifications.

• dgpiNotificationsEnabled
Determines whether the SNMP agent is permitted to generate DGPI notifications

• dgpiNotificationProdCompChanged
Notification that the dgpiProductComponentsTable has changed
If dgpiNotificationsEnabled is set to yes and the value of dgpiProdCompTableLastChange is
changed, this notification is issued.

dgpiConformance Group
The dgpiConformance ( group defines if the DGPI MIB groups are mandatory or

• dgpiCompliance
Compliance statement for SNMP engines which implement the DGPI MIB

• dgpiProductIdentityGroup
Provides basic information about the product; the implementation of this group is mandatory

• dgpiProdCompGroup
Provides detailed information about the product and its components; the implementation of this group is

• dgpiNotifObjectsGroup
Contains objects for product or component-related notifications; the implementation of this group is

• dgpiNotifNotificationsGroup
Contains product or component-related notifications; the implementation of this group is optional SNMP DGSM MIB

The DGSM (Digital Grid Security Monitoring) MIB is available only for the Ethernet communication modules
ETH‑BD‑2FO, ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), and ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2).

dgsmNotifications Group
The dgsmNotifications ( group contains the object that can control the sending of
security-monitoring notifications.

• dgsmNotificationsEnabled
Determines whether the SNMP agent is permitted to generate security‑monitoring notifications; the
default value is no

• dgsmLogAuditNotification
Information that security-related events occur in the monitored system
If you set the object dgsmNotificationsEnabled to yes, notifications are issued.

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10.11 SNMP

dgsmLogAuditHist Group
The dgsmLogAuditHist ( contains dgsmLogAuditHistTable that stores the objects
of recent‑logged audit notifications.

• dgsmLogAuditNumEntries
Total number of entries in dgsmLogAuditHistTable
The value does not change at the running time.

• dgsmLogAuditEldestEntry
Index of the dgsmLogAuditHistTable entry with the currently greatest value of (current time stamp -
SNMP Managers may use this index value to start reading all log‑audit notifications in chronological order
from the table.

• dgsmLogAuditLatestEntry
Indicates the index of the dgsmLogAuditHistTable entry with the lowest value of the current time stamp
You can use this index value to read the most recent log‑audit notification or stop reading all notifications
from the table.

• dgsmLogAuditIndex
Index of the entry

• dgsmLogAuditNotifSeverity
Severity level of the log‑audit notification

• dgsmLogAuditNotifVersion
Version of the log‑audit notification
If there is no version available, this object contains a zero-length string.

• dgsmLogAuditNotifTimeStamp
Date and time of the issued log‑audit notification

• dgsmLogAuditNotifHostName
Name of the host that issued the log‑audit notification.
If there is no host name available, this object contains a zero-length string.

• dgsmLogAuditNotifAppName
Name of the application which issued the log‑audit notification.
If there is no application name available, this object contains a zero-length string.

• dgsmLogAuditNotifMsgId
Identifier of the log‑audit notification.
If there is no message identifier available, this object contains a zero-length string.

• dgsmLogAuditNotifMessage
Log‑audit notification.
If there is no message available, this object contains a zero-length string.

dgsmConformance Group
The dgsmConformance ( group defines if the DGSM MIB groups are mandatory or

• dgsmCompliance
Compliance statement for SNMP engines which implement the DGSM-MIB

• dgsmLogAuditGroup
Contains objects for security‑monitoring notifications.
The implementation of this group is mandatory.

322 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
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10.11 SNMP

• dgsmNotifobjectsGroup
Contains objects for security‑monitoring notifications.
The implementation of this group is optional.

• dgsmNotifNotificationsGroup
Contains security‑monitoring notifications.
The implementation of this group is optional.

10.11.4 SNMPv3 Features

Security is a weak aspect in SNMP versions 1 through 2c. These versions of SNMP do not support login with
password and user names; instead, communities are used. The disadvantage is that every user in the network
with a suitable program can read data and even change values.
SNMPv3 supplies encryption and improved authentication. For security, for SIPROTEC 5 devices, you cannot
change any settings or values of the device via SNMP, except for settings affecting SNMP.
By default, 2 users are created in a group which is named initial, with read and write access.

Table 10-7 Data for the ETH-BA-2EL (Rev. 1) and ETH-BB-2FO (Rev. 1) Modules

User Authentication Password Encryption Password

initial No No No No
templateMD5 MD5 12345678 DES 12345678
templateSHA SHA 12345678 DES 12345678

Table 10-8 Data for the ETH‑BD‑2FO, ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2), ETH-YA-2EL, and ETH-
YC-2FO Modules

User Authentication Password Encryption Password

templateMD5 MD5 12345678 DES 12345678
templateSHA SHA 12345678 AES 12345678

For security reasons, Siemens recommends removing these initial standard users, creating your own users,
and assigning passwords. The corresponding SNMP tree structures and tables for user management are
readable and writable (USM-MIB). You can find more information in the RFC documentation USM-MIB (RFC
3414, 2574) and VACM-MIB (RFC 3415, 2575).
If the parameterization for SNMP is removed and loaded in the device, all previous settings for SNMP on the
Ethernet communication module are deleted. The initial state applies when configuring the SNMP again. If
you modify the configuration of SIPROTEC 5 device without modifying SNMP, then SNMP remains as before.
For more information on the configuration of DGPI and DGSM notification in an SNMP agent, refer to https://

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Additional Ethernet Services
10.12 SUP

10.12 SUP

10.12.1 SUP

The Slave Unit Protocol (SUP) is used for communication between the SICAM AI unit and the SIPROTEC 5
device or between the RTD unit and the SIPROTEC 5 device.
SICAM AI units are used for the following purposes:

• Acquisition of analog signals from automation processes

• Transmission of measured values to a connected supervisory system or control center over communica-
tion protocol
For more information on the SICAM AI unit, refer to the device manual at the
Internet site
RTD units are temperature relays with the following functions:

• Measuring the temperature of up to 12 sensors

• Providing the data to an RS485 interface for external evaluation

Table 10-9 Communication Matrix between a SICAM AI-Unit or RTD Unit and a SIPROTEC 5 Device via SUP

Supported Protocol Plug-In Module or Integrated Module for Communication in

Modbus RTU via Optical Interface
Modbus RTU via RS485 Interface

Modbus TCP via RJ45 Interface

MLFB of AI or RTD Unit







7XV5674-0KK00-1AA1 – – ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – ■ ■ –
7XV5674-0KK00-2AA1 – – ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – ■ ■ –
7XV5674-0KK30-1AA1 ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■41 ■41 ■ ■ ■
7XV5674-0KK30-2AA1 ■ – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■41 ■41 ■ ■ ■
7XV5674-0KK40-1AA1 – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■41 ■41 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■41
7XV5674-0KK40-2AA1 – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■41 ■41 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■41
7XV5662-6AD10 ■ – – – – – ■ ■ ■41 ■41 – – ■
7XV5662-8AD10 – – ■ ■ ■ ■ – – – – ■ ■ –

10.12.2 Activating SUP

Activating SUP Serial

² Select the communication module.

40 It is necessary to use an SFP with electrical interface for the communication. For more information, refer to SFP (Small Form-Factor
Pluggable) with Electrical Interface, Page 43.
41 It is necessary to use the accessory 7XV5651-0BA00/BB for the communication. For more information on the accessory ordering,
refer to the Internet site

324 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.12 SUP

² Navigate to the Channel 1 Protocols section.

² In the list box Protocols, select the SUP Serial protocol.

[sc_auser4, 3, en_US]

Figure 10-29 Selecting the SUP Protocol

² Make the communications settings for the relevant serial channels.

[sc_auser5, 3, en_US]

Figure 10-30 Making the Communication Settings

² Set the port over which the SUP Serial protocol runs.

[sc_autcpslave, 1, en_US]

Figure 10-31 Setting the Port and Slave Address

Activating SUP Ethernet

² Select the Ethernet communication module or the integrated Ethernet interface (Port J).
² Navigate to the Communication section.
² Select the SUP Ethernet network protocol.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 325

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.12 SUP

[sc_autcp2, 3, en_US]

Figure 10-32 Activating the Protocol for the Ethernet Communication Module

[sc_autcp3, 3, en_US]

Figure 10-33 Activating the Protocol for the Integrated Ethernet Interface

² Set the port over which the SUP Ethernet protocol runs.

[sc_autcp5, 3, en_US]

Figure 10-34 Setting the Port and IP Address

326 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage

10.13 Homepage


i The homepage is not available for SIPROTEC 5 Compact devices.

10.13.1 Content and Structure

The homepage for communication modules is used for diagnostic purposes. On the homepage, you can find
information on the communication module as well as the network and communication protocols that run on
the communication modules.
The homepage is physically accessible using a Web browser via external Ethernet interfaces, for example,
http://<Module-IP>:Port. The following table lists the details for port configuration.
Port Number
J 8080
E 8081
F 8082
N 8083
P 8084

If you have configured Port J, you can reach all communication modules, that is, also the USART modules, via
the homepage.
You cannot download software using the homepage. It does not offer direct access to device parameters.
The 3 standard Web browsers Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox are supported.


i For security reasons, Siemens recommends using the homepage continuously only if there is a secure
network connection.


i The homepage is available only in English.

Homepage Content
The homepage shows system diagnostic values, various start/fault logs, and the accessible diagnostic values of
the activated communication protocols.
It provides diagnostic values for the following protocols:
Protocols Can Run on the Following Module Types or Slots
CPU (Port J) Ethernet Modules USART Modules
Network protocols SNTP SNTP –
IEEE 1588

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 327

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Protocols Can Run on the Following Module Types or Slots

Redundancy protocols – PRP –
Communication protocols IEC 61850 DNP3 Ethernet DNP3
SUP Ethernet IEC 61850 IEC 60870-5-103
IEC 61850 – GOOSE Modbus RTU
IEC 60870-5-104 SUP Serial
Modbus TCP Protection interface
SUP Ethernet
Process-bus client
Process-bus merging

Homepage Structure

[sc_homepage_port-J, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-35 Homepage Structure for Port J

328 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
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[sc_homepage, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-36 Homepage Structure for Ethernet Modules

[sc_homepage_USART, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-37 Homepage Structure for Serial Modules

The homepage is divided into several sections:

• Header
In the header, you can find a floppy-disk download icon. In case of a failure, this icon provides a
download with all relevant data for an error analysis. You can simply forward this download to our
customer service.

• Menu area
The menu area is divided into the following sections:
– Overview
– Application Diagnosis
– COM Module (Port J)
To display the values of the device in the right window section, select the Application Diagnosis field.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 329

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• Content section
The Content section contains the dynamic device information.

• Footer
The status is displayed at the lower left. The status indicates in which mode the module is running. There
are 2 different modes:
– Process
This mode indicates that the module is in operation.
– Fallback
This mode indicates that an error has occurred, for example, when starting up the module.

10.13.2 Homepage Activation


i For security reasons, Siemens recommends using the homepage continuously only if there is a secure
network connection.

Activation via DIGSI

² Check the Homepage check box in the channel settings for the Ethernet communication module or for
Port J.
An additional Homepage section is displayed.
The default setting for the homepage is off.

[sc_hom_dig, 2, en_US]

Figure 10-38 Homepage Section in DIGSI

If the check mark is not set, the homepage is not loaded to the module. The homepage is deactivated. In this
case, you cannot activate or deactivate the homepage in the on-site operation.
² To deactivate the homepage, select the off option in the list box.

330 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.13 Homepage

Activation on the Device

To be able to activate or deactivate the homepage on the device, the homepage has to be activated via DIGSI.
² Use the arrow keys to navigate from Settings to Communication.

[sc_devmn1, 1, --_--]

Figure 10-39 Menu Settings > Communication

² Select Homepage.
You can activate (on) or deactivate (off) the homepage there.

[sc_devmn2, 1, --_--]

Figure 10-40 Homepage Menu

Querying Diagnostic Data via the Homepage


i The homepage must be activated; otherwise, the diagnostic data are not visible.

² Enter the IP address of the communication module in the Internet Explorer. You can read the diagnostic
data via the homepage.

10.13.3 Overview Section Structure
The Overview section contains the following sections:

• Health

• Module Info

• Network Stat
(for Ethernet modules)

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10.13 Homepage Health
The Health page is structured as follows:

[sc_overview_health, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-41 Overview – Health Information (Ethernet Modules)

[sc_overview_health_USART, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-42 Overview – Health Information (Serial Modules)

The Health page provides information on the state of the modules and protocols.

332 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.13 Homepage Module Info

The Module Info page is structured as follows:

[sc_overview_module_info, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-43 Overview – Module Info (Ethernet Modules)

[sc_overview_module_info_USART, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-44 Overview – Module Info (Serial Modules)

[sc_overview_module_mainboard, 1, --_--]

Figure 10-45 Overview – Module Info (Port J)

General Information
The General Information section contains the following information:

• Module type: electrical or optical

• Device type

• Ordering number of the communication module

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 333

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• Manufacturing number (BF) of the communication module

• Firmware version of the communication module

• Communication-module slot in the device Network Stat

The Network Stat page is structured as follows:

[sc_overview_network_stat, 3, --_--]

Figure 10-46 Overview – Network Stat

Slot Status
The Slot Status section contains information about the state of the channels.

334 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Table 10-10 State Details

Entry Meaning
Link State of the connection
Tx State of the counter of sent telegrams
Rx State of the counter of received telegrams

Interface (for Ethernet Modules)

The Interface section contains the following information:

• IP Address

• Net mask

• MAC address

SFP Statistics
The SFP Statistics section contains the following values for each channel:
Entry Meaning
Vendor Name of the manufacturer
Identifier Transceiver type
Part Number Part number
Revision Revision number of the product
Temperature Internally measured temperature in the module
Unit: °C
Power Supply Internally measured supply voltage for the transceiver
Unit: V
Tx Bias Internally measured bias current
Unit: A
Tx Power Measured Tx output voltage
Unit: mW
Rx Power Measured Rx input voltage
Unit: mW


i The SFP Statistics section is only available for Ethernet modules with an optical connection.

The Routing section contains details about the configured routings.

IP Packets
The IP Packets section contains various counters.

Table 10-11 Meaning of the Counters in the IP Packets Area

Entry Meaning
Rx Counter of received telegrams
Tx Counter of sent telegrams
Multicast Counter for multicast telegrams that occur
Errors Counter for errors that occur

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 335

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10.13 Homepage

Inbound Data Transfer Rate

In the Inbound Data Transfer Rate section, you can find information on the current and maximum incoming
transmission rate.
Entry Meaning
Current Mbit/s Instantaneous incoming transmission rate
Unit: Mbit/s
Peak Mbit/s Maximum incoming transmission rate
Unit: Mbit/s

Status Events
The Status Events section contains information about special events on the Ethernet interface.
2 different events are displayed:

• Overload

• Receive error

Entry Meaning
Count Number of events that have occurred
Type Event type
Last timestamp begin Time stamp when event started
Last timestamp end Time stamp when event ended
If there is a receive error, this entry is empty.

10.13.4 Application Diagnosis Section for Ethernet Modules Structure
The Application Diagnostic section contains diagnostic pages for the following protocols:

• Network protocols:
– IEEE 1588

• Redundancy protocols:

336 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.13 Homepage

• Communication protocols:
– IEC 60870-5-104
– IEC 61850
– IEC 61850 – GOOSE
– DNP3 Ethernet
– Modbus TCP
– SUP Ethernet
– Process-bus client42

– Process-bus merging unit42


i The Application Diagnostic section is structured identically for electrical and optical modules. Network Protocols – IEEE 1588 for the Modules ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 1) and ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 1)
The Application Diagnostic > IEEE 1588 section contains diagnostic data about IEEE 1588 for the modules
ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 1) and ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 1).

[sc_IEEE_1588_application_diagnostic, 3, --_--]

Figure 10-47 Application Diagnostic – IEEE 1588 for the Modules ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 1) and
ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 1)

The State section contains information on the protocol.

42 Refer to SIPROTEC 5 Process Bus manual

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10.13 Homepage

Entry Meaning
Version Installed protocol version
Build Protocol build date
State Protocol bootup status

Slave Clock
The Slave Clock section contains information on synchronization.
Entry Meaning
State Receiving status of the Slave Clock
Receiver Information on receiving the time
No. of master clock changes No. of master logons (after failure or change)
No. of successfully processed No. of successful synchronizations
No. of detected errors in telegram No. of detected errors in the telegram
No. of ignored telegrams No. of ignored telegrams
No. of idle periods No. of inactive periods (no receiving from the Master for a longer time)
Current Master Clock Information on current Master Clock
Clock ID / Port Number Clock ID and Port number acc. to IEEE 1588
Announce Seq ID / number of gaps Display of the currently received Seq ID of the Announce/number of
recognized sequence gaps (brief telegram loss)
Announce Flag Field Display of currently received flags
Current UTC Offset UTC Offset (TAI to UTC) in seconds
Last Synchronization Information on current synchronization
Clock ID / Port Number Clock ID and Port number acc. to IEEE 1588
Seq ID / number of gaps Display of the currently received Seq ID of the synchronization/number
of recognized sequence gaps (brief telegram loss)
Date / Time UTC Received synchronization time (corrected)
OffsetFromMaster Calculated difference from synchronization time to local time
Steps Mode of synchronization
1: one-step
2: two-step
Correction Sync / FollowUp Contents of the correction information from the Sync and Follow Up

IEEE 802.3 Transport

The IEEE 802.3 Transport section contains information on the transmission of telegrams
Entry Meaning
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag Receive telegram with VLAN tag (tagged, info on priority and VLAN-ID)
or without VLAN tag (not tagged) Network Protocols – IEEE 1588 on the Module ETH‑BD‑2FO, ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), and ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2)
For the modules ETH‑BD‑2FO, ETH‑BA‑2EL (Rev. 2), and ETH‑BB‑2FO (Rev. 2), the Application Diagnostic >
IEEE 1588 HiAcc section contains diagnostic data about IEEE 1588.

PTP General
The section PTP General contains general information on the IEEE 1588 protocol.

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[sc_IEEE_1588_PTP, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-48 Application Diagnostic – PTP General Section

Entry Meaning
PTP enable Enabling the IEEE 1588 protocol
PTP profile Profile of the IEEE 1588 protocol
Transport protocol Selecting layer 2 (Ethernet) multicast transport for PTP messages
VLAN tag Not supported
Channel live state State of the IEEE 1588 traffic during the IEEE 1588 running phase:
On: The channel is available for the transmission of PTP messages
Off: The channel is not available for the transmission of PTP messages
Clock type PTP clock type

Slave Clock
The section Slave Clock contains information on the synchronization of the ordinary clock slave and it is
visible for the following clock types.

• OC Slave Only

• OCSO and P2P TC

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[sc_IEEE_1588_app_dia_BD_slave, 3, --_--]

Figure 10-49 Application Diagnostic – Slave Clock Section

Entry Meaning
General General diagnostic data on the slave clock
Slave clock ID 8-octet array clock ID
Domain number IEEE 1588 domain number
An IEEE 1588 domain is a logical grouping of PTP clocks that
synchronize with each other using the IEEE 1588 protocol.
Path delay mechanism Delay mechanism of the IEEE 1588 protocol
Two step flag Mode of synchronization:
False: 1-step
True: 2-step
P2P request interval Peer delay request interval

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Entry Meaning
Announce receipt timeout Time-out specifying the number of intervals that pass without receipt of
an Announce message43
Servo status Status of the clock servo: Holdover, Acquiring, Locked, and Free
Offset from master Offset between the master and slave clock
Peer mean path delay Mean propagation time between a requester and a responder
Current Master Clock Info Information on the current master clock
Master clock ID Clock ID according to IEEE 1588
Port number Port number according to IEEE 1588
Two step flag Mode of synchronization:
False: 1-step
True: 2-step
GM priority 1 The grandmaster priority 144
A lower value corresponds to a higher priority.
GM priority 2 The grandmaster priority 2
A lower value corresponds to a higher priority.
GM clock class Grandmaster-clock class
GM clock accuracy Grandmaster-clock accuracy
GM clock ID Grandmaster-clock ID
Current UTC offset UTC offset (TAI to UTC) in seconds
Current UTC offset valid True: The value of the current UTC offset is correct with certainty.
False: The value of the current UTC offset may not be correct.
Time traceable The grandmaster clock is traceable or not traceable to a primary refer-
Time source The source of time used by the grandmaster clock
Last Synchronization Information on current synchronization
Sync channel Channel of the synchronization
Sync seq ID Display of the currently received sequence ID of the synchronization
Date Display the date variables
Time UTC Universal Time Coordinated
Sync CF Correction field in Sync messages calculated in nanoseconds
Follow_up CF Correction field in Follow-up messages calculated in nanoseconds

P2P Transparent Clock

The section P2P Transparent Clock contains information on the transparent clock and it is visible for the
following clock types.

• OCSO and P2P TC

• P2P TC

• OCGC and P2P TC

43 The Announce message is used to establish the synchronization hierarchy.

44 A grandmaster is the ultimate source of time for the time synchronization within a domain.

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[sc_IEEE_1588_app_dia_BDP2PTC, 3, --_--]

Figure 10-50 Application Diagnostic – P2P TC Section

Entry Meaning
General General diagnostic data on the P2P Transparent Clock
Clock ID 8-octet array clock ID
Domain number IEEE 1588 domain number
An IEEE 1588 domain is a logical grouping of PTP clocks that
synchronize with each other using the IEEE 1588 protocol.
Path delay mechanism Delay mechanism of the IEEE 1588 protocol
Two step flag Mode of synchronization:
False: 1-step
True: 2-step
P2P request interval Peer delay request interval
Syntonization Status of the P2P TC syntonization:
Yes: P2P TC is syntonized to the master clock
No: P2P TC is not syntonized to the master clock
Peer mean path delay Mean propagation time between a requester and a responder

OC Grandmaster Capable
The section OC Grandmaster Capable contains information on the OC grandmaster-capable and it is visible
for the following clock types.


• OCGC and P2P TC

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[sc_IEEE_1588_app_dia_BDOCGC, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-51 Application Diagnostic – OCGC Section on the Module ETH-BD-2FO

Entry Meaning
General General diagnostic data on the OC grandmaster capable
Clock ID 8-octet array clock ID
Domain number IEEE 1588 domain number
An IEEE 1588 domain is a logical grouping of PTP clocks that
synchronize with each other using the IEEE 1588 protocol.
Path delay mechanism Delay mechanism of the IEEE 1588 protocol
Two step flag Mode of synchronization:
False: 1-step
True: 2-step
Sync interval Mean time interval between successive Sync messages
Announce interval Mean time interval between successive Announce messages
Priority 1 Priority 1 is used in the execution of the best master clock algorithm. It
is configured in the IEEE 1588 protocol settings.
Priority 2 Priority 2 is used in the execution of the best master clock algorithm. It
is configured in the IEEE 1588 protocol settings.
Clock class It shows the traceability of the time or frequency distributed by the
grandmaster-capable clock.
Clock accuracy The value is estimated by the clock to a precision consistent with the
value of the selected enumeration.
Current UTC offset UTC Offset (TAI to UTC) in seconds
Current UTC offset valid True: The value of the current UTC offset is correct with certainty.
False: The value of the current UTC offset may not be correct.
Time traceable The grandmaster-capable clock is traceable or not traceable to a primary
Time source The source of time used by the grandmaster-capable clock

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10.13 Homepage Network Protocols – SNTP

The Application Diagnostic > SNTP section contains diagnostic data about SNTP.

[sc_SNTP_application_diagnostic, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-52 Application Diagnostic – SNTP

Time Source Settings

The Time Source Settings section contains information on the time sources.
Entry Meaning
Primary Time Source Primary time source
Secondary Time Source Secondary time source
Clock Master Time source used
Interval Time Interval in seconds

The General section contains the following information.
Entry Meaning
Leap Indicator Leap warning
Version Number Protocol version
Protocol Mode Protocol mode
Stratum Server-relevant value as an indicator of the time source used
Poll Interval Poll interval
Precision Indicates the accuracy of the time-server clock
Negative 8-bit value, expressed as a power of 2, for example: 2-16 =
15.3 µs
2-5 = 31.25 ms
Additional details are available in RFC4330.

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Entry Meaning
Root Delay Server delay
Total runtime of the NTP telegram from the root through the individual
intermediate nodes
Root Dispersion Previous total errors produced through calculations in the intermediate
nodes Redundancy Protocols – PRP

The Application Diagnostic > PRP section contains diagnostic data about PRP.

[sc_homepage_PRP, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-53 Application Diagnostic – PRP

In the Application Diagnostic > PRP section, you can find the following entries:
Entry Meaning
Status Link status indication
txPacket Number of data packages sent from the port
rxPacket Number of data packages received by the port
txPacket 10s Number of data packages sent from the port within the last 10 s
rxPacket 10s Number of data packages received by the port within the last 10 s
Seamless Connections Number of modules to which a seamless connection exists. This value
must be < 512.
CorrectLan Number of PRP packages that were received with a correct PRP LAN ID.
WrongLan Number of PRP packages that were received with an incorrect PRP LAN
If this counter does not equal 0, there may be a wiring error. A wiring
error exists, for example, if all modules in the network do not have
channel 1 connected to LAN A and channel 2 connected to LAN B.
CorrectLan 10s Number of PRP packages that were received with a correct PRP LAN ID
within the last 10 s.
WrongLan 10s Number of PRP packages that were received with an incorrect PRP LAN
ID within the last 10 s.

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10.13 Homepage Redundancy Protocols – HSR

The Application Diagnostic > HSR section contains diagnostic data about HSR.

[sc_hsr_dia, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-54 Application Diagnostic – HSR

In the Application Diagnostic > HSR section, you can find the following entries:
Entry Meaning
Status Link status indication
txPacket Number of data packages sent from the port
rxPacket Number of data packages received by the port
txPacket 10s Number of data packages sent from the port within the last 10 s
rxPacket 10s Number of data packages received by the port within the last 10 s
Seamless Connections Number of modules to which a seamless connection exists. This value
must be < 512.
Deleted Duplicates Number of packages removed from the ring via the HSR duplicate filter
Deleted Duplicates 10s Number of packages removed from the ring via the HSR duplicate filter
within the last 10 s

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10.13 Homepage Redundancy Protocols – RSTP

The Application Diagnostic > RSTP section contains diagnostic data about RSTP.

[sc_app_rstp, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-55 Application Diagnostic – RSTP

The General section contains the following entries:
Entry Meaning
Maximum Age Time Counter that counts down with each pass through a bridge
Hello Time The time between configuration messages that have been issued by
the Root Bridge. With shorter Hello Times, there is a faster detection
of topology changes, at the expense of a moderate increase of STP
Forward Delay The time that a bridge requires to register MAC addresses on a rising
port before transmission can be started. With lower values, the port can
reach the transmission status faster but then, unregistered addresses
are transmitted to all ports.
Transmit Count The maximum number of BDPUs on each port that can be sent within
1 second. With a larger value, the power system can be restored more
quickly after failure of a connection/bridge.
Bridge ID Bridge Identifier
The bridge identifier provides a finer gradation of the switches. This
enables you to set the location of the alternate switches in the network.
Root Path Cost The total costs of the path to the root bridge, composed of the sum of
costs for each connection in the path.

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Entry Meaning
Topology Change Count Counter that registers changes of the network topology
This value must remain constant during operation. When it remains
constant, there has been no topology change in the network.
Time Since Last Topology Change Time since the last change of the network topology
This diagnostic value shows the time elapsed since the last topology
change. It must be incremented continually.

The Channels section contains the following entries:
Entry Meaning
Status Status of the channel (Up or Down)
State State of the port (Forwarding or Discarding)
Role Role of the port:

• Root
• Designated
• Alternate
• Disabled
Port Priority The Port Priority Port value is adjustable for each port. The port priority
considers the valence of vectors on the receiver side and is taken into
account by the port identifier.
Port Path Cost The path costs indicate the quality of a line. The higher the value, the
worse the line.
Neighbour MAC Address MAC address of the neighboring RSTP bridge on this port

BPDU Telegrams
The BPDU Telegrams section contains information on the last RSTP topology changes.

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10.13 Homepage Communication Protocols – IEC 60870-5-104

The Application Diagnostic > IEC 60870-5-104 section contains diagnostic data about IEC 60870-5-104.

[sc_IEC104_communication_protocols, 3, --_--]

Figure 10-56 Application Diagnostic – IEC 60870-5-104

The General section contains the following entries.

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Entry Meaning
Protocol Name IEC 60870-5-104
Protocol Version IEC 60870-5-104 version
Report Got ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface) report received by
MappingReport Dealed ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface) mapping report
GeneralSetting Report Dealed ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface) general setting report
SynSource IP address of the synchronization source
Timezone Time zone

The Status section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
MasterSettingReport Dealed ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface) master setting report
ChannelLive Indicate if each master is transmitting and receiving data on the module
Active Master The Master, which is the last to send STARTDT to the device
Connected Main Master Display the IP of the connected Main Master
Main Received Bytes Bytes received from Main Master. This number is updated continuously.
Main Sent Bytes Bytes sent by Main Master. This number is updated continuously.
Connected Backup Master Display the IP of the connected Backup Master
Backup Received Bytes Bytes received from Backup Master. This number is updated continu-
Backup Sent Bytes Bytes sent by Backup Master. This number is updated continuously.

The Setting section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Redundancy When redundancy is off, all settings for the backup master are ignored.
Enable time sync. Determines whether the SIPROTEC 5 device expects and evaluates time
synchronization from the IEC 60870-5-104 master.
Common address IEC 60870-5-104 station address of the SIPROTEC 5 device
MV trans. type Selection of the measured-values transmission type
Cycle time Time for sending cyclic data. Relevant if Cyclic only.
Grouped trans. time The time for measurement transmission as a group. Single changes
of measurements are stored and commonly sent out after this time.
Reduce of required bandwidth.
0 = deactivate group transmission
DoubleTran Double Transmission
Sends indications with or without time stamp. If double transmission is
switched on, the indication is sent twice to the Master. Once with the
time stamp and once without time stamp.
Max. length of APDU Maximum length of APDU (application protocol data unit) per master in
the monitoring direction

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Entry Meaning
Main master IP • When redundancy is disabled and there is only 1 master: Ipv4
address means that the slave can listen and contact every IP
• When redundancy is disabled and there are 2 or 3 masters: Ipv4
address cannot be or cannot be the same as the backup
master IP.
• When redundancy is enabled: Ipv4 address cannot be or
cannot be the same as the backup master IP.
Main channel t0 Connection establishment time-out
Main channel t1 ASDU reply time-out
Main channel t2 Wait next information transmission frame (I frame) time-out.
t2 < t1
Main channel t3 Idle time-out
Backup master IP Ipv4 address cannot be or be the same as the main master IP.
Backup channel t0 Connection establishment time-out
Backup channel t1 ASDU reply time-out
Backup channel t2 Wait next information transmission frame (I frame) time-out.
t2 < t1
Backup channel t3 Idle time-out Communication Protocols – IEC61850

The Application Diagnostic > IEC61850 section contains diagnostic data about IEC 61850.

[sc_IEC61850_communication_protocols, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-57 Application Diagnostic – IEC61850

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The Clients section contains general information on the clients.
Entry Meaning
Connection Number of client connections
IP Address Client IP address
Port Port address
Timestamp Time stamp of connection establishment

Client Disconnect Events

The Client Disconnect Events section lists in tabular form the most recent 10 IEC 61850 clients that have
logged off the server after a successful connection establishment.
Entry Meaning
No Sequential number of the Disconnect events
IP IP address of the client
Port Port number of the client
Connect time Time stamp of connection establishment
Disconnect time Time stamp of the connection termination
Uptime Duration of the connection

Every configured report is displayed with corresponding diagnostic values.

Table 10-12 Report Diagnostic Values

Entry Meaning
Report Sequential number of configured reports
CbRef Control block reference
RptID Report identifier
RptEna Report state
0 = Not active
1 = Active
DataSet Dataset reference
DataSetMembers Number of signals of referenced reports
ConfRev Configuration revision number
OptFlds Optional field:

• Bit0: Reserved
• Bit1: sequence-number
• Bit2: report-time-stamp
• Bit3: reason-for-inclusion
• Bit4: data-set-name
• Bit5: Data reference
• Bit6: buffer-overflow
• Bit7: entryID
• Bit8: conf-revision
• Bit9: Reserved
BufTm Buffer time in ms

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Entry Meaning
TrgOps Trigger options:

• Bit0: Reserved
• Bit1: Data-Change
• Bit2: Quality-Change
• Bit3: Data-Update
• Bit4: Integrity
• Bit5: Reserved
IntgPd Integrity period

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10.13 Homepage Communication Protocols – IEC61850 - GOOSE

The Application Diagnostic > IEC61850 - GOOSE section contains diagnostic data about IEC 61850 GOOSE.

[sc_IEC61850_GOOSE_communication_protocols, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-58 Application Diagnostic – IEC61850 - GOOSE

Rx Statistics
The Rx Statistics section contains general diagnostic values.

354 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.13 Homepage

Entry Meaning
Rx mismatch This field indicates that the parameterization is incorrect This is the case
for example when the control block has the correct subscriber address,
but the configuration does not fit with the expected signals.
Rx lost This field indicates a possible connection break or failure.
Rx ComLink Error Internal error counter

The Subscriber section displays all configured GOOSE receiver control blocks, each with the following diag-
nostic values.
Entry Meaning
Subscriber Sequential number of configured GOOSE control blocks
Control block Control block reference
Dataset Dataset reference
Goose ID Control-block identifier
App ID Application ID
MC Address Multicast address
Conf. Revision Configuration revision number
NeedsCom Indicator for state of parameterization
0 = OK
1 = Not OK
Signal Counter Number of signals in the referenced dataset
Rx Counter Telegram receipt counter

The Publisher section displays all configured GOOSE transmitter control blocks, each with the following
diagnostic values.
Entry Meaning
Publisher Sequential number of configured GOOSE control blocks
Control block Control block reference
Dataset Dataset reference
Goose ID Control-block identifier
App ID Application ID
MC Address Multicast address
Conf. Revision Configuration revision number
NeedsCom Indicator for state of parameterization
0 = OK
1 = Not OK
Min. Time Minimum time in ms
Max. Time Maximum time in ms
SigCounter Number of signals in the referenced dataset
Tx Counter Telegram transmission counter

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 355

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Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage Communication Protocols – PROFINET IO

The Application Diagnostic > PNIO section contains diagnostic data about PROFINET IO.

[sc_PNIO_homepage, 3, --_--]

Figure 10-59 Application Diagnostic - PROFINET IO

356 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage

[sc_PNIO_S2_homepage, 1, --_--]

Figure 10-60 Application Diagnostic - PROFINET IO S2 Redundancy

The Version section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Protocol name PROFINET IO
Protocol version PROFINET IO version

The IO-Device section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Status Status of the IO device
Device name Name of the IO device

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 357

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage

Entry Meaning
Device IP address IP address of the IO device
Device MAC address MAC address of the Ethernet module

In scenarios of none redundancy and S2 redundancy, the IO-Controller section contains the following
different entries.
Entry Meaning
None redundancy
Station name Name of the station
IO-Controller IP address IP address of the IO controller
S2 redundancy
System Redundancy Type Type of system redundancy
1st IOC Station name Name of the station for the 1st IO controller
1st IOC IP address IP address of the 1st IO controller
1st IOC Connection status Connection status of the IO device to the 1st IO controller
Primary/Backup Identifier of the 1st IO controller, whether primary or backup
2nd IOC Station name Name of the station for the 2nd IO controller
2nd IOC IP address IP address of the 2nd IO controller
2nd IOC Connection status Connection status of the IO device to the 2nd IO controller
Primary/Backup Identifier of the 2nd IO controller, whether primary or backup

IO Modules
The IO Modules section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Slot Slot number of the IO module (maximum 18 IO modules plus DAP can
be plugged)
Module name Name of the IO module
Module ID Identification number of the IO module
Subslot Subslot number
IO direction Data direction (input data or output data)
Submodule ID Identification number of the submodule type
Status Status of the IO module

• Plugged: the IO module is plugged and ready to exchange data

• Empty: no IO module plugged/parameterized
• Error: no mapping-file assignment for the IO module; no data
exchange with this module
IOPS Value of the local IOPS for DAP and input data or value of the IO
controller IOPA for output data
It has two states, good and bad. good means the slot is configured
with mapping matrix in DIGSI. bad means the slot is not configured
with any mapping matrix in DIGSI.

Statistics (SIPROTEC 5)
The Statistics (SIPROTEC 5) section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Report Got ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface) report processed
Report Dealt ACSI report dealt

358 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
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10.13 Homepage

Event List
The Event List section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Size(max number of entries) Maximum possible number of entries in the event list
Entries(buffered/for reading) Current number of entries in the event list/Number of entries trans-
mitted during the next handshake cycle (3 entries max.)
Entries overflow Event-list buffer overflow
Control_I/Control_O Current values of the Control_I and Control_O Communication Protocols – DNP3 Ethernet

The Application Diagnostic > DNP3 section contains diagnostic data about DNP3.

[sc_DNP3_ethernet_application_diagnostic, 3, --_--]

Figure 10-61 Application Diagnostic – DNP3 Ethernet

General State
The General State section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Channel Name Internal channel description
Is Running State display for the protocol
(current state)
Report Got Telegrams sent from device to module
Report Dealed Telegrams arranged from device to module

General Setting
The General Setting section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Slave Address Address of the slave
Unsolicited Message Unsolicited transmission
Mode Connection via Ethernet or serial connection

Master Setting and State

The Master Setting and State section contains the following entries.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 359

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage

Entry Meaning
Master Address Address of the master
IP Address Setting Setting of the master IP address
Port TCP/IP port number (only for Ethernet communication)
Connected Master IP IP address of the connected master
Received Bytes Received Bytes
Sent Bytes Sent Bytes Communication Protocols – Modbus TCP

[sc_dia_home_pg_modbus, 3, --_--]

Figure 10-62 Application Diagnostic – Modbus TCP

The State section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Connected master 1 IP address of the master 1
Master 1 recvframes Frames received from the master 1
This number is updated continuously.
Master 1 sentframes Frames sent to the master 1
This number is updated continuously.
Connected master 2 IP address of the master 2.
Master 2 recvframes Frames received from the master 2
This number is updated continuously.

360 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
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10.13 Homepage

Entry Meaning
Master 2 sentframes Frames sent to the master 2
This number is updated continuously.
Report got ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface) report received from
the mainboard
Report processed ACSI report processed

The Version section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Protocol name Modbus TCP
Protocol version Modbus-TCP version

The Setting section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Master IP1 Ipv4 address means that the slave can accept the connection request from
any master IP address.
Master IP2 Ipv4 address means that the slave can accept the connection request from
any master IP address.
IP port The TCP port that the communication module listens to for Modbus
Connection superv. time TCP/IP time-out
Slave address Modbus slave address of the device Communication Protocols – SUP Ethernet

You can find more information on SUP Ethernet in the following manuals:

• SIPROTEC Transformer Differential Protection

• SIPROTEC Distance Protection, Line Differential Protection, and Overcurrent Protection for 3-Pole Tripping

• SIPROTEC Distance and Line Differential Protection, Breaker Management for 1-Pole and 3-Pole Tripping

10.13.5 Application Diagnosis Section for Serial Modules Structure
The Application Diagnostic section contains diagnostic pages for the following protocols:

• DNP3

• IEC 60870-5-103

• Modbus RTU

• SUP Serial

• Protection interface


i The Application Diagnostic section is structured identically for electrical and optical modules.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 361

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage Application Diagnostic – DNP3

The Application Diagnostic > DNP3 chapter contains diagnostic data about DNP3.

[sc_DNP3_application_diagnostic, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-63 Application Diagnostic – DNP3

The State section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Channel Name Internal channel description
Is Running State display for the protocol
(current state)
Received Bytes Received Bytes
Sent Bytes Sent Bytes
Report Got Telegrams sent from device to module
Report Dealed Telegrams arranged from device to module
Uart ReTansmit Number of telegram repetitions on the interface

The Setting section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Mode Connection via Ethernet or serial connection
Master Address Address of the master
Slave Address Address of the slave
Unsolicited Message Unsolicited transmission

362 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
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10.13 Homepage

Entry Meaning
Baud rate Set baud rate
Parity Set parity
Data bit Set data bits
Stop bit Set stop bits Application Diagnostic – IEC 60870-5-103

The Application Diagnostic > IEC 60870-5-103 section contains diagnostic data about IEC 60870-5-103.

[sc_T103_application_diagnostic, 2, --_--]

Figure 10-64 Application Diagnostic – IEC 60870-5-103

The State section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Channel Name Internal channel description
Channel State Display of the state of the connection to the master

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 363

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Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage

Entry Meaning
Frames Sent Telegrams sent
The number of telegrams is updated continuously.
Frames Received Telegrams received
The number of telegrams is updated continuously.
Frames With Errors Faulty telegrams
The number of telegrams is updated continuously.
Max. Receive Latency [ms] Maximum latency for reception in ms
Max. Processing Time [ms] Maximum processing time in ms
Max. Response Time [ms] Maximum response time in ms
Max. Resp. TimeRecv. Latency [ms] Maximum latency for the reaction in ms
Response timeouts Reaction time-out
Settings / Reports Processed Statistics of the Reports Processed parameter
Settings / GI Starts Statistics of the GI Starts parameter
Settings / GI Started Statistics of the GI Started parameter
Mappings / Reports Processed Statistics of the Reports Processed mapping
Mappings / GI Starts Statistics of the GI Starts mapping
Mappings / GI Started Statistics of the GI Started mapping

The Setting section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Slave Address Device address
Baud rate Set baud rate
Parity Set parity
Data bit Set data bits
Stop bit Set stop bits

364 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage Application Diagnostic – Modbus RTU

[sc_dia_home_pg_modbusRTU, 1, --_--]

Figure 10-65 Application Diagnostic – Modbus RTU

The State section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Frames sent Frames sent to the master
Frames received Frames received from the master
Report got ACSI report received from the mainboard
Report processed ACSI report processed

The Version section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Protocol name Modbus RTU
Protocol version Modbus-RTU version

The Setting section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Baud rate The speed of the data transmission
Data bit The bit number of the valid data
Stop bit The stop bit number of the data
Parity The mechanism that checks the validity of the transmitted data

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 365

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10.13 Homepage

Entry Meaning
Connection superv. time Connection time-out
Slave address Modbus slave address of the device Application Diagnostic – SUP Serial

The Application Diagnostic > SUP Serial section contains diagnostic data about SUP Serial.

[sc_SUP_diagnostic, 1, --_--]

Figure 10-66 Application Diagnostic – SUP Serial

The State section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Active RTDs Number of active RTDs/20-mA units
Total Sent Bytes Sent Bytes
Total Received Bytes Received Bytes

The Setting section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Baudrate Set baud rate
Data Bit Set data bits
Stop Bit Set stop bits
Parity Set parity
Light Idle State Status of idle light

366 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage Application Diagnostic – Protection Interface

The Application Diagnostic > Protection interface section contains diagnostic data about the protection

[sc_protection interface diagnostic part 1, 1, --_--]

Figure 10-67 Application Diagnostic – Protection Interface, Part I

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 367

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10.13 Homepage

[sc_protection interface diagnostic part 2, 1, --_--]

Figure 10-68 Application Diagnostic – Protection Interface, Part II

368 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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10.13 Homepage

[sc_protection interface diagnostic part 3, 1, --_--]

Figure 10-69 Application Diagnostic – Protection Interface, Part III

The State section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Channel Name Internal channel description
Channel State State display for the protocol
(current state)

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 369

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage

Entry Meaning
ChLiv State State of Channel Live
CLiv Count Counter of Channel Live
Build Build date of the protocol

If Media Status
The If Media Status section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Baud Rate Set baud rate
Link State Link status
Transceiver Detection FO: N/A (always N/A) (NO transceiver detected, transceiver detected),
fault event: N/A

The Settings section contains the following entries.
Entry Meaning
ConVia Protection interface is Connection via
PdiBandwidth Bit rate (bit/s) for protection telegrams based on the parameter
Connection via
PdiFrameOverhead Overhead for every protection telegram in bit.

HDLC and ComLink

The HDLC and ComLink sections contain the following entries.
Entry Meaning
Com Status / RXHPFramesOK Number of the corresponding frames
Incoming telegrams, high priority, OK
Com Status / RXLPFramesOK Number of the corresponding frames
Incoming telegrams, low priority, OK
Com Status / RXHPFramesERR Number of the corresponding frames
Incoming telegrams, high priority, faulty
Com Status / RXLPFramesERR Number of the corresponding frames
Incoming telegrams, low priority, faulty
Com Status / RXHPSeqCountERR Number of the corresponding frames
Com Status / TXHPFramesOK Number of the corresponding frames
Sending telegrams, high priority, OK
Com Status / TXLPFramesOK Number of the corresponding frames
Sending telegrams, low priority, OK
Com Status / TXHPFramesERR Number of the corresponding frames
Sending telegrams, high priority, faulty
Com Status / TXLPFramesERR Number of the corresponding frames
Sending telegrams, low priority, faulty
Com Status / TXHPSeqCountERR Number of the corresponding frames
Bridge Status / Status Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / Bridge Status/ Action Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / Priority Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / Version Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / StatusRegister Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / RBdNum Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search

370 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Additional Ethernet Services
10.13 Homepage

Entry Meaning
Bridge Status / RBufLineNum Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / RBufLineSize Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status /TBdNum Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / linkBurstCount Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / linkBeatCount Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / linkBurstMaxBeat Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / linkRetriggerCount Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / linkRetriggerFlag Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / linkIRQTXReqCount Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / linkIRQTXConCount Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search
Bridge Status / linkIRQRXConCount Siemens-internal special diagnostic for fault search

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 371

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372 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual
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11 Commissioning and Diagnostics

11.1 Diagnostic Information 374

11.2 Signals to the Communication Modules 419

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 373

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Commissioning and Diagnostics
11.1 Diagnostic Information

11.1 Diagnostic Information

11.1.1 Prerequisite


i In this chapter, the commissioning procedure is presented in compressed form.

All components must be installed and operating properly.

Creating a List of Addresses


i With the aid of an address list, you can obtain an overview of the network topology. This list contains all
important information about the devices. In this way, you can find any errors quickly.
Siemens thus recommends that you first create a list of component addresses immediately.

The list must contain the following information at a minimum:

• Device type

• Product code

• Serial number

• Firmware version in the device

• Firmware version in the module

• IP address
IP settings can be read only after the devices have been initialized, that is, the parameter sets have been
loaded into the devices.

• Subnet mask

• Standard gateway

• MAC address
The MAC addresses can be read directly on the display of the device (Menu 5-5 Enter).

• IED name under IEC 61850 for each device

It makes sense to also obtain the above-mentioned information for third-party devices, for example, switches.
Supplement this list with a description of the network topology. This topology description explains how the
devices are connected to one another.
To obtain information about devices from the competition, follow the procedure in the Manuals.
Once the list is complete, check whether any IP addresses appear twice. MAC addresses do not appear twice
when network components are identified unambiguously.
Additional commissioning information is available at

Commissioning a Ring Structure


i Note that one part deals with the RSTP settings.

Prior to commissioning, check whether the system has been installed correctly.

374 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Commissioning and Diagnostics
11.1 Diagnostic Information

Startup proceeds in the following sequence:

• Switch on the switches

Siemens recommends waiting approximately 1 minute after switching on the power.

• Switch on the devices

Siemens recommends switching the devices on one after another in accordance with their location in the
ring and loading the new Config if necessary. After successfully loading the Config, wait until the device
has started up before you switch on the next device.
If Port J is used as the Config interface, all devices can remain switched on and be loaded all at once with

11.1.2 Additional Tests

Check Accessibility
After settings have been made and parameters loaded, all components must be accessible via their IP address.
This must be possible regardless of whether the ring is open or closed.


i Note that modules can operate both in Line and in Switch mode. The homepages thus differ accordingly.
You use DIGSI 5 to set the operating mode.

If a device cannot be reached, the following reasons can be the cause:

• A SIPROTEC 5 device connected to a switch via a Line connection is switched off.

• A SIPROTEC 5 device incorporated into an optical ring is switched off.

• A ring structure is cut at more than one point. As a result, some of the devices are no longer accessible.
The following reasons can be the cause of the break:
– Switched-off devices
– Broken connections
– Device in FW/Config loading/Fallback mode
Upon completion of these preliminaries, a ring structure is in operation. Additional settings are now possible.

11.1.3 General Information about the Diagnostic Information

The SIPROTEC 5 device offers various output options for diagnostic data.

• Diagnostic data at the device

The device display shows various information.
Main menu:
– Communication
– Test & diagnostics
Device information
Hardware/software information
System protocol

• Diagnostic data via DIGSI

Diagnostic data can be read out with DIGSI 5 and the DIGSI 5 protocol.
The diagnostic pages and the communication log provide assistance during commissioning or when
performing diagnoses during operation by providing important data online.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 375

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Commissioning and Diagnostics
11.1 Diagnostic Information

• Diagnostic data via the homepage

For more information, refer to 10.13 Homepage.
If you want to download the data, click the floppy-disk icon.


i The homepage is not available for SIPROTEC 5 Compact devices.

11.1.4 Communication Log

Opening the Communication Log

You can open the communication log via the following steps:

• In DIGSI, select the area Online Access in the Project Tree.

• Then select the interface to which the device is connected.

• Next, select Updating accessible participants. The local network is searched for SIPROTEC 5 devices.

• Next, select the device and click Get all data from device. The configuration and process data are read

• Next, select Test Suite and then Communication module. You can now open the communication log for
each communication module under the settings for the channels.

[sc_IEC_communication_log, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-1 Communication Log

Variables in the Communication Log

The communication log contains the following variables:
Variable Description
Force the module into fallback mode! The mainboard has sent a signal to start the fallback
mode only for a certain reason, for example, inconsis-
tent settings files DCF/CCF
The module has been rebooted for the 3rd time A fault remains in the 1st or 2nd start level after the
unsuccessfully! 3rd restart attempt and is in fallback (without the
protocols having been started)
-- MODULE STOPS WORKING -- Module stopped.
Too many initialization errors during 1st level com Start of the 1st level has failed.
Wrong module at... The module parameter settings do not match the
module that is inserted.

376 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Commissioning and Diagnostics
11.1 Diagnostic Information

Variable Description
Protocol45 found in configuration file Start of the 1st level OK.
ComObj available (DCF parsing successful)
Launching protocol (handle 0x%x) failed! Start of the protocol has failed. Possible reasons:
Delayed connection failed?
No .so file?
Protocol successfully launched. Start of the 1st level OK
ComObj available (DCF parsing successful)
Protocols have started
Too many initialization errors during 2nd level com Start of the 2nd level has failed
Set of module Health failed! No ComLink connection
Problems with SessionMngr
Wrong readiness path?
Startup finished ComBase-Start finished
Process mode: Protocols running
Fallback mode: Protocols not running
Module PCB type PCB type
Module46 detected in slot 1 (port F). Module is inserted in Port F
Module core running
NFS running!
Module detected in slot 2 (port E). Module is inserted in Port E
Module core running
NFS running!
Module detected in slot 3 (port P). Module is inserted in Port P
Module core running
NFS running!
Module detected in slot 4 (port N). Module is inserted in Port N
Module core running
NFS running!
CCF GUID(%s) check failed at slot%i! DCF and CCF are inconsistent, GUIDs are not identical.
CCF compKey(%s) check failed at slot%i! DCF and CCF are inconsistent, compKeys are not iden-

11.1.5 Diagnostic Information for IEC 61850

Diagnostic Data at the Device

Table 11-1 Displayed Values and Their Description

Name Values Description

Channel name Text Internal channel description
Protocol State Running/Stopped State display for the protocol
(current state)
Received Bytes Number of bytes Received Bytes
Sent Bytes Number of bytes Sent Bytes
Master Address Number Address of the master

45 For example, protocol IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104, Modbus, or DNP3

46 This is where the type of module is indicated, for example, USART-AE-2FO V1.00.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 377

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Commissioning and Diagnostics
11.1 Diagnostic Information

Name Values Description

Slave Address Number Address of the slave
Unsolicited Message On/off Unsolicited transmission
ReportDealed Number Telegrams arranged from device to module
ReportGot Number Telegrams sent from device to module
TCP or Uart TCP or Uart Connection via Ethernet or serial
Baud rate Number Set baud rate
(for serial communication only)
Parity EVEN/ODD/NONE Set parity
(for serial communication only)
Data bits 7/8 Set data bits
(for serial communication only)
StopBit 1 or 2 Set stop bits
(for serial communication only)
IPPort Number Number of the IP port
(for Ethernet communication only)
SubNetMask Number Subnet mask
(for Ethernet communication only)
Gateway Number Gateway
(for Ethernet communication only)

Diagnostic Data via DIGSI

[sc_dgclnt, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-2 Diagnostic Pages – Connections for the Client

Diagnostic indications regarding communication are displayed in a communication log. The communication
log displays, for instance, whether a module has started up successfully and communication services have
been initiated. The communication log can be retrieved from the device as an indication list by DIGSI 5.

378 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Commissioning and Diagnostics
11.1 Diagnostic Information

Diagnostic Data via DIGSI – GOOSE Control Blocks and Reports Generated
You can find the following information in the IEC 61850 protocol:

• Generated reports and GOOSE datasets that have been transmitted by the device are displayed.

• Once a connection has been established between the servers, objects that have been received via GOOSE
messages from other devices are displayed.
This allows you to recognize, for instance, whether configured GOOSE connections in DIGSI 5 are also
communicating successfully.

• Transmitted and received GOOSE messages are counted.

• Faulty telegrams are displayed.

The diagnostic pages are available for the GOOSE (Publisher, Subscriber) and Reports sections.

[sc_dgpubl, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-3 Diagnostic Pages for GOOSE – Publisher

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 379

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Commissioning and Diagnostics
11.1 Diagnostic Information

[sc_dgsubs, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-4 Diagnostic Pages for GOOSE – Subscriber

[sc_dgrept, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-5 Diagnostic Pages for Reports

380 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Commissioning and Diagnostics
11.1 Diagnostic Information

Diagnostic Data for Time Synchronization

Diagnostic data can also be retrieved online for the configured SNTP time servers. This allows you to check
successful time synchronization of the device.

[sc_IEC_communication_log, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-6 Communication Log

Diagnostic Data via the Homepage

For more information, refer to Communication Protocols – IEC61850.


i The homepage is not available for SIPROTEC 5 Compact devices.

11.1.6 Diagnostic Information for DNP3

DNP3 Ethernet Diagnostic Data at the Device

Table 11-2 Displayed Values and Their Description

Name Values Description

Channel Name Text Internal channel description
Protocol State Running/Stopped State display for the protocol (current state)
Slave Address Number Address of the slave
Unsolicited Message On/off Unsolicited transmission
ReportDealed Number Telegrams arranged from device to module
ReportGot Number Telegrams sent from device to module
TCP or Uart TCP or Uart Connection via Ethernet or serial
Master 1st Received Bytes Number of bytes Received bytes from the first master
Master 1st Sent Bytes Number of bytes Sent bytes to the first master
Master 1st Address Number Master address of the first master
Master 1st IP Setting Text IP address of the first master
Master 1st Port Number TCP port setting of the first master
Master 1st Connected IP Text IP address of the first connected master
Master 2nd Received Number of bytes Received bytes from the second master
Master 2nd Sent Bytes Number of bytes Sent bytes to the second master
Master 2nd Address Number Master address of the second master

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 381

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
Commissioning and Diagnostics
11.1 Diagnostic Information

Name Values Description

Master 2nd IP Setting Text IP address of the second master
Master 2nd Port Number TCP port setting of the second master
Master 2nd Connected IP Text IP address of the second connected master

DNP3 Ethernet Diagnostic Data via DIGSI

DNP3 Ethernet diagnostic data can be read out with DIGSI.

[sc_dia_DNP_ethernet, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-7 DNP3 Ethernet Diagnostic Data in DIGSI

DNP3 Serial Diagnostic Data at the Device

Table 11-3 Displayed Values and Their Description

Name Values Description

Channel name Text Internal channel description
Protocol State Running/Stopped State display for the protocol (current state)
Received Bytes Number of bytes Received Bytes
Sent Bytes Number of bytes Sent Bytes
Master Address Number Address of the master
Slave Address Number Address of the slave
Unsolicited Message On/off Unsolicited transmission
ReportDealed Number Telegrams arranged from device to module
ReportGot Number Telegrams sent from device to module

382 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Name Values Description

TCP or Uart TCP or Uart Connection via Ethernet or serial
Baudrate Number Set baud rate
Parity EVEN/ODD/NONE Set parity
DataBit 7/8 Set data bits
StopBit 1 or 2 Set stop bits
Uart ReTransmit 0 Retransmission times in case of the communication
failure via serial port

DNP3 Serial Diagnostic Data via DIGSI

DNP3 serial diagnostic data can be read out with DIGSI.

[sc_dia_dnp, 3, en_US]

Figure 11-8 DNP3 Serial Diagnostic Data in DIGSI

11.1.7 Diagnostic Information for IEC 60870-5-104

Diagnostic Data at the Device

You can find the diagnostic data in the HMI under Test & Diagnosis -> Siemens internal -> Runtime data ->
Analysis -> COM Port E/F/N/P -> CRTP -> Channel 1 -> T104.

Table 11-4 Displayed Values and Their Description

Name Values Description

Protocol Name String IEC 60870-5-104
Protocol Version String IEC 60870-5-104 version
Report Got Uint32 ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface)
report received by mainboard

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 383

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Name Values Description

Mapping Report Dealed Uint32 ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface)
mapping report processed
General Setting Report Uint32 ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface)
Dealed general setting report processed
SynSource String IP address of the synchronization source
Timezone String Time zone
MasterSettingReport Uint32 ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface)
Dealed master setting report processed
ChannelLive String Indicate if each master is transmitting and receiving
data on the module
Active Master String The Master, which is the last to send STARTDT to the
Connected Main Master String Display the IP of the connected Main Master
Main Received Bytes Uint32 Bytes received from Main Master
This number is updated continuously.
Main Sent Bytes Uint32 Bytes sent by Main Master
This number is updated continuously.
Connected Backup Master Uint32 Display the IP of the connected Backup Master
Backup Received Bytes Uint32 Bytes received from Backup Master
This number is updated continuously.
Backup Sent Bytes Uint32 Bytes sent by Backup Master
This number is updated continuously.

384 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Diagnostic Data via DIGSI 5

Diagnostic data that can be read out with DIGSI 5.

[sc_diagnostic_data_T104, 2, --_--]

Figure 11-9 Diagnostic Data via DIGSI 5 for the Protocol

You can display the routed fault record channels in a subdirectory.

[sc_103_rov, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-10 Diagnostic Data under Record Overview

This and all other displays under Disturbance Data contain internal Siemens information.

Diagnostic Data via the Homepage

You can find more information in chapter Communication Protocols – IEC 60870-5-104.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 385

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11.1 Diagnostic Information


i The homepage is not available for SIPROTEC 5 Compact devices.

11.1.8 Diagnostic Information for IEC 60870-5-103

Diagnostic Data at the Device

Table 11-5 Displayed Values and Their Description

Name Values Description

Channel name Text Internal channel description
Channel type Text Protocol configured for the channel
Channel version Number Protocol version
Channel location Number Channel number
Channel Mode ON/OFF/TEST Set mode for the protocol
Channel behavior ON/OFF/TEST State display for the protocol (current state)
Connection Status ON/OFF Display of the state of the connection to the master
CCF version Number Version of the communication mapping used
Parameter status OK/INVALID State display for parameterization
Device address Number Device address
Baud rate Number Set baud rate
Parity EVEN / ODD / NONE Set parity
Data bit 7/8 Set data bits
Stop bit 1 or 2 Set stop bits
Send frame Frame number Telegrams sent
The number of telegrams is updated continuously.
Received frame Frame number Telegrams received
The number of telegrams is updated continuously.
Error frame Frame number Faulty telegrams
The number of telegrams is updated continuously.

Diagnostic Data via DIGSI 5

Diagnostic data that can be read out with DIGSI 5.
You can display the routed fault record channels in a subdirectory.

386 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

[sc_T103_record_overview, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-11 Diagnostic Data under Record Overview

This and all other displays under Disturbance Data contain internal Siemens information.

11.1.9 Diagnostic Information for Modbus TCP

Diagnostic Data at the Device

You can find the diagnostic data in the HMI under Test & Diagnosis > Siemens internal > Runtime data >
Analysis > COM Port E/F/N/P > ComModule > Channel 1/2 > Modbus TCP.

Table 11-6 Displayed Values and Their Description

Name Values Description

Connected master 1 String IP address of master 1
Master 1 recvframes Int16 Frames received from master 1
This number is updated continuously.
Master 1 sentframes Int16 Frames sent to master 1
This number is updated continuously.
Connected master 2 String IP address of master 2
Master 2 recvframes Int16 Frames received from master 2
This number is updated continuously.
Master 2 sentframes Int16 Frames sent to master 2
This number is updated continuously.
Report processed Int16 ACSI report processed
Report got Int16 ACSI report received from the mainboard
Protocol type String Modbus TCP
Protocol version String Modbus-TCP version
Connection super. time Int16 TCP/IP time-out
Slave address Int16 Modbus slave address of the device
IP port Int16 The TCP port that the communication module listens to
for Modbus

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 387

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Name Values Description

Master IP address 1 String Ipv4 address means that the slave can accept the connection
request from any master IP address.
Master IP address 2 String Ipv4 address means that the slave can accept the connection
request from any master IP address.

Diagnostic Data via DIGSI 5

[sc_dia_dt_DIGSI_modbus, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-12 Diagnostic Data via DIGSI 5 for the Protocol

Diagnostic Data via the Homepage

Enter the IP address of the communication module in the Internet Explorer. You can read the diagnostic data
via the homepage.


i The homepage must be activated; otherwise, the diagnostic data are not visible.

For more information, refer to Communication Protocols – Modbus TCP.


i The homepage is not available for SIPROTEC 5 Compact devices.

388 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

11.1.10 Diagnostic Information for Modbus RTU

Diagnostic Data at the Device

You can find the diagnostic data in the HMI under Test & Diagnosis > Siemens internal > Runtime data >
Analysis > COM Port E/F/N/P > ComModule > Channel 1/2> Modbus RTU.

Table 11-7 Displayed Values and Their Description

Name Values Description

Frames sent Int16 Frames sent to the master
Frames received Int16 Frames received from the master
Report processed Int16 ACSI report processed
Report got Int16 ACSI report received from the mainboard
Protocol type String Modbus RTU
Protocol version String Modbus-RTU version
Baud rate Int16 The speed of the data transmission
Data bit Int16 The bit number of the valid data
Stop bit Int16 The stop bit number of the data
Parity Int16 The mechanism that checks the validity of the trans-
mitted data
Connection super. time Int16 Connection time-out
Slave address Int16 Modbus slave address of the device

Diagnostic Data via DIGSI 5

[sc_dia_dt_DIGSI_modbus_RTU, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-13 Diagnostic Data via DIGSI 5 for the Protocol

Diagnostic Data via the Homepage

Enter the IP address of the communication module in the Internet Explorer. You can read the diagnostic data
via the homepage.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 389

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11.1 Diagnostic Information


i The homepage must be activated; otherwise, the diagnostic data are not visible.

For more information, refer to Application Diagnostic – Modbus RTU.

11.1.11 Diagnostic Information for PROFINET IO

Diagnostic Data at the Device

You can find the diagnostic data in the HMI under Test & Diagnosis → Siemens internal → Runtime data →
Analysis → COM Port E/F/N/P → ComModule → Channel 1 → PNIO.

Table 11-8 Displayed Values and Their Description

Name Values Description

Protocol Type String PROFINET IO
Protocol Version String PROFINET IO version
Connection Status Int16 Connection status of IO device to IO controller
Device Name String Name of IO device
Device Mac Address String MAC address of the Ethernet module
Report Dealt Int32 ACSI (Abstract Communication Service Interface) report
Report Got Int32 ACSI report received
Event List Size Int32 Maximum possible number of entries in the event list
Event List Entries Buffered Int32 Current number of entries in the event list
Event List Entries for Int32 Number of entries transmitted during the next handshake cycle
Reading (3 entries max.)
Event List Entries Overflow String Event list buffer overflow
Event list Control_I Int32 Current value of the Control_I
Event list Control_O Int32 Current value of the Control_O
None redundancy
Controller IP Address String IP address of the IO controller
Station Name String Name of the station
S2 redundancy
System Redundancy Type String Type of system redundancy
1st IOC Station Name String Name of the station for the 1st IO controller
1st IOC Ip address String IP address of the 1st IO controller
1st IOC Connection Status Int16 Connection status of the IO device to the 1st IO controller
Primary/Backup String Identifier of the 1st IO controller, whether primary or backup
2nd IOC Station Name String Name of the station for the 2nd IO controller
2nd IOC Ip address String IP address of the 2nd IO controller
2nd IOC Connection Status Int16 Connection status of the IO device to the 2nd IO controller
Primary/Backup String Identifier of the 2nd IO controller, whether primary or backup

390 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Diagnostic Data via DIGSI 5

Diagnostic data can be read out with DIGSI 5.

[sc_diag_data_digsi, 3, en_US]

Figure 11-14 Diagnostic Data via DIGSI 5 for the Protocol

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 391

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

[sc_diag_data_S2_digsi, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-15 Diagnostic Data via DIGSI 5 for the Protocol in S2 Redundancy


i In case of high load on the communication module caused by changes of many processes, the performance
can slow down.

I&M − Identification and Maintenance

The PROFINET IO implementation in the SIPROTEC 5 device supports reading of I&M0 data plus reading and
writing of I&M1, I&M2, I&M3, and I&M4 data. The SIPROTEC 5 device only supports the I&M writing via

Table 11-9 Content of I&M0 Data

Name Content
Vendor ID 0x002A (PROFINET vendor ID of Siemens AG)
Order ID Identification of the device or module
Serial Number Serial number of the Ethernet module
Hardware Revision Hardware revision of the Ethernet module
Software Revision Software revision of the Ethernet module
Revision Counter Indication of the changes of hardware or of its parameters
Profile ID Profile of the item if applicable

392 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Name Content
Profile Specific Type Information about profile-specific details according to the respective defini-
tions of the application profile.
I&M Version Major Major version of the profile Guidelines Part 1 I&M Functions, you
can find more information on the following Internet page: https://
I&M Version Minor Minor version of the profile Guidelines Part 1 I&M Functions, you
can find more information on the following Internet page: https://
I&M Supported Bitmask defining which I&M objects (I&M 1-15) are supported

11.1.12 Diagnostic Measured Values of the Protection Interface

The following diagnostic data is provided via the protection interfaces by the devices in the constellation:

• Address of the device in the constellation

• Circuit-breaker switch position (open/closed/undefined) (only for protection interfaces of type 1)

• Availability of protection-interface communication within the last minute, as percentage

Availability of protection-interface communication within the last hour, as percentage

• Time delay in the send and receive direction of the telegrams between local and neighboring device
You can find this diagnostic data in DIGSI under the following menu structure (see Figure 11-16):

[sc_diagnose_wskanäle_geräteadresse, 3, en_US]

Figure 11-16 Protection-Interface Channel Diagnostic Data – Device Address

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 393

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11.1 Diagnostic Information


i You can use the following procedure to reset the measured values for the protection interface directly in
the device:
Device functions > x Device protection comm. > Protection interface y > Reset measured values.

Output Signals of the Protection Interface

Each individual protection interface provides the following indications for commissioning and diagnosing

394 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Indication Description
(_:5161:301) Status of The output signal gives you information about the state of session layers 1
lay. 1 and 2 and 2 (1: Physical layer, 2: Data-link layer). The following indications values
are possible:

• initialized:
The protection interface is not connected and is in the Initial state.
• PI connected:
The protection interface is connected to the protection interface of a
• PI data fault:
The protection interface has not received any valid telegrams for
the time set in parameter (_:5161:107) Disturbance alarm
• PI data failure:
The protection interface has not received any valid telegrams for the
time set in parameter (_:5161:108) Transm. fail. alarm
after .
• not existing:
The protection interface has not been assigned to a communication
(_:5161:302) Status of The output signal gives you information about the state of session layers
lay. 3 and 4 3 and 4 (3: Network layer, 4: Transport layer). The following indications
values are possible:

• no error:
The protection interface is operating correctly.
• SW ver.incomp.:
The firmware versions of the connected devices are incompatible.
Update the firmware.
• wrong dev. ID:
The device address of the partner device is incorrect. Check the
settings for parameters Address of device 1 to Address of
device n (_:5131:102 and following).
• const.sett.error:
Check that the same setting has been made for parameter
(_:5131:122) Lowest appearing bit rate in all devices.
• diff.sett error:
The line differential protection settings for the connected devices are
incompatible. Check whether both devices are set to operate with or
without line differential protection.
The rated current of the line (parameter (_:9001:101) Rated
current) must be set equal at all ends of the line.
If a transformer is installed in the line, the rated apparent power
(_:9001:103) Rated apparent power must be set equal at all
ends of the line.
• net mirroring
The protection interface is receiving its own data. Check the wiring.
• wrong dev. idx.
The device index in the partner device is wrong. Check the setting
of parameter (_:5131:101) Local device is device in the
partner device.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 395

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

In order to clarify faults, each individual protection interface provides the following binary signals:
Binary Output Signal Description
(_:5161:303) Signal Connection broken indicates that during a parameterized time (param-
Connection broken eter (_:5161:107) Disturbance alarm after) faulty or missing tele-
grams were continuously received. If the 'Connection interrupted' indication
occurs, the affected protection interface link will be terminated. This can cause
the blocking of an active differential protection or a ring topology can change to
a chain topology.
(_:5161:316) Error Signal Error rate / min exc. indicates that the set maximum error rate per
rate / min exc. minute (parameter (_:5161:106) Max. error rate per min) has been
(_:5161:317) Error Signal Error rate / hour exc. indicates that the set maximum error rate
rate / hour exc. per hour (parameter (_:5161:105) Max. error rate per hour) has
been exceeded.
(_:5161:318) Time Signal Time delay exceeded indicates that the threshold value for the set
delay exceeded signal-transit time (parameter (_:5161:109) Delay time threshold) has
been exceeded.
(_:5161:319) Time Signal Time delay different indicates that the threshold value for asym-
delay different metrical transmission times has been exceeded. The setting value results from
the setting value of the parameter (_:5161:110) Difference Tx and Rx
(_:5161:320) Time Signal Time delay jump indicates that the data transit times changed
delay jump abruptly. This is caused by switching the communication path in the communica-
tion network.
(_:5161:321) PI Signal PI synchronized indicates that the protection-interface connection is
synchronized synchronized with the opposite end.
(_:5161:340) Tele- Signal Telegram lost indicates that an expected telegram has failed to arrive
gram lost or a faulty telegram has been received.
If you would like to assign the communication failures or faults to other events,
move the signal Telegram lost temporarily into the operational log. Such
events can be switching operations in the primary system or operations on the
components of the communication network.
Note: If the signal is constantly routed, the operational log can overflow. Siemens
recommends routing the signal only for clarification of faults.

Measured Values of the Protection Interface

The protection interface provides the following measured value to diagnose the protection interface commu-
Measured Value Description
(_:5161:308) Tx tel/h Telegrams sent during the last hour
(_:5161:309) Rx tel/h Telegrams received during the last hour
(_:5161:310) Tx tel/min Telegrams sent during the last minute
(_:5161:311) Rx tel/min Telegrams received during the last minute
(_:5161:312) Tx err/h Transmission failure rate during the last hour
(_:5161:313) Rx err/h Receive error rate during the last hour
(_:5161:314) Tx err/min Transmission failure rate during the last minute
(_:5161:315) Rx err/min Receive error rate during the last minute
(_:5161:325) Aver.Δt Mean signal-transit time (average value of the transit time in transmission
and reception direction divided by 2, without GPS synchronization)
(_:5161:326) Rec. Δt Signal-transit time in reception direction (with GPS synchronization)
(_:5161:327) Sen. Δt Signal-transit time in transmission direction (with GPS synchronization)

396 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Measured Value Description

(_:5161:334) Number of telegram failures within the last minute
(_:5161:335) Number of telegram failures within the last hour
(_:5161:336) Number of telegram failures within the last day
(_:5161:337) Number of telegram failures within the last week
(_:5161:338) M. loss/d Longest lasting telegram failure within the last day
(_:5161:339) M. loss/w Longest lasting telegram failures within the last week


i You can reset the measured values of the protection interface directly in the device. Proceed as follows:
Device functions > x Device protection comm. > Protection interface y > Reset measured values.

11.1.13 Diagnostic Data for the Protection Interface

Diagnostic Data of the Channel in DIGSI 5

Different diagnostic data can be read with DIGSI 5.
For this, connect with the device via DIGSI 5 and query the device information. Diagnostic data for a module
whose channel is configured with the protection interface can be received by selecting the module slots (for
example, F) and the corresponding channel (1 or 2). The following figures show the extensive diagnostic
data for the protection interface. It is particularly helpful if data failures occur or other irregularities in a
communication connection (for example, transmission time fluctuations).


i The diagnostic data can also be read via the device control on the display of the device. The overview of
DIGSI 5 does not offer this option, however.

The following table describes the displays.

[sc_dia_pin, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-17 Diagnostic Data of a Channel Configured with the Protection Interface

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 397

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Table 11-10 Description of the Diagnostic Data under Protection Interface

Channel Type Name Values Description - Diagnostic

Information for Log PI
Protection interfaces - log Status Initial, Running, Error Runtime status of the log
Protection interfaces - log Build Date/time Date and time of the log

Diagnostic Data of the Protection-Interface Log in DIGSI 5

The following figures and tables describe the displays of the protection-interface log.

[sc_dia_med, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-18 Diagnostic Data of the Protection-Interface Log - Media Status

Table 11-11 Description of Diagnostic Data under Media Status

Protection Interfaces - Log Name Values Description - Media Status

Type Interface (in Direction of
Outside Interface)
Media Status Baudrate 64 kbit/s; 128 kbit/s; HDLC baud rate:
512 kbit/s; 2048 kbit/s; FO: 64 kbit/s to 2048 kbit/s
30 Mbit/s; <unknown> for 820-Nm USART modules
LDFO: 30 Mbit/s for 1300-
Nm/1500-Nm long-distance
Error case: <unknown>
Media Status LinkState N/A, UP, DOWN FO: N/A (always display N/A)
Media Status TransceiverDetection N/A, NO Transceiver FO: N/A (always N/A)
detected, Transceiver (NO Transceiver detected,
detected Transceiver detected),
Error case: N/A

398 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

[sc_dia_com, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-19 Diagnostic Data of the Protection-Interface Log - HDLC (Log - Layer)

Table 11-12 Description of Diagnostic Data of the Protection-Interface Log - HDLC (Log - Layer)

Protection Interfaces - Log Name Values Description - HDLC Link

Type Layer Diagnostic Informa-
tion (in Direction of
Outside Interface)
HDLC RXHPFramesOK Number of corresponding Incoming telegrams, high
frames (16 bit counter) priority, OK
HDLC RXLPFramesOK Number of corresponding Incoming telegrams, low
frames (16 bit counter) priority, OK
HDLC RXHPFramesERR Number of corresponding Incoming telegrams, high
frames (16 bit counter) priority, faulty
HDLC RXLPFramesERR Number of corresponding Incoming telegrams, low
frames (16 bit counter) priority, faulty
HDLC TXHPFramesOK Number of corresponding Sending telegrams, high
frames (16 bit counter) priority, OK
HDLC TXLPFramesOK Number of corresponding Sending telegrams, low
frames (16 bit counter) priority, OK

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 399

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Protection Interfaces - Log Name Values Description - HDLC Link

Type Layer Diagnostic Informa-
tion (in Direction of
Outside Interface)
HDLC TXHPFramesERR Number of corresponding Sending telegrams, high
frames (16 bit counter) priority, faulty
HDLC TXLPFramesERR Number of corresponding Sending telegrams, low
frames (16 bit counter) priority, faulty
HDLC Bridge Details Sub-nodes Sub-nodes Siemens-internal special
diagnostic for fault search

[sc_dia_hdl, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-20 Diagnostic Data of the Protection-Interface Log - COM Interface (Internal COM Link Interface
Between Module and Mainboard)

400 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Table 11-13 Description of Diagnostic Data of the COM Interface (Internal COM Link Interface Between
Module and Mainboard)

Protection Interfaces - Log Name Values Description - COM Interface

Type Layer Diagnostic Informa-
(Internal COM Link Inter-
face in Mainboard Direc-
COM interface RXHPFramesOK Number of corresponding Incoming telegrams, high
frames (16 bit counter) priority, OK
COM interface RXLPFramesOK Number of corresponding Incoming telegrams, low
frames (16 bit counter) priority, OK
COM interface RXHPFramesERR Number of corresponding Incoming telegrams, high
frames (16 bit counter) priority, faulty
COM interface RXLPFramesERR Number of corresponding Incoming telegrams, low
frames (16 bit counter) priority, faulty
COM interface TXHPFramesOK Number of corresponding Sending telegrams, high
frames (16 bit counter) priority, OK
COM interface TXLPFramesOK Number of corresponding Sending telegrams, low
frames (16 bit counter) priority, OK
COM interface TXHPFramesERR Number of corresponding Sending telegrams, high
frames (16 bit counter) priority, faulty
COM interface TXLPFramesERR Number of corresponding Sending telegrams, low
frames (16 bit counter) priority, faulty
COM interface Bridge Details Sub-nodes Sub-nodes Siemens-internal special
diagnostic for fault search

Table 11-14 Description of Diagnostic Data of some Setting Values of the Protection Interface

Protection Interfaces - Log Name Values Description - Protection

Type Interface Setting Values
Settings Connection via Integer number - display of Protection interface is
the internal coding of the Connection via
settings variant
Settings PDI bandwidth Bit-rate display Bit rate (bit/s) for protec-
tion telegrams depending on
the parameter Connection
Settings PDI Telegram.Overhead Display of bits Overhead for every protec-
tion telegram in bit.

11.1.14 Test Editor

For the protocol test, DIGSI 5 is used to set and reset specific values for objects that are routed through
communication interfaces. The object will always be transmitted using a test bit. If the objects are to be
designed with receivers, then the receivers must also be placed into the test state. A Test Editor is provided in
DIGSI 5 for this purpose.
You can set objects for IEC 61850. If this object is configured in a dataset that is to be transmitted as a GOOSE
message or report, then the object can be received spontaneously by a client or other server. In this way, you
can change states and test their response via the IEC 61850 communication.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 401

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

[sc_tested, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-21 DIGSI 5 Communication Protocol Test Editor

The time stamp of the change is transmitted.

11.1.15 IEC 61850 Switching off GOOSE Messages

Using an IEC 61850 client, you can switch off GOOSE messages in a device.

Controlling GOOSE Messages

A GOOSE message is controlled by a GOOSE control block. It is located in the LLN0 of the logical device in
which the GOOSE message was created. All relevant data for the GOOSE message can be found there.
The variable GoEna is needed to switch off GOOSE messages. The variable GoEna controls the transmission of
the GOOSE message. If a client sets this variable from 1 to 0, the device stops the transmission of this GOOSE
message and the objects it contains. You can now check the receivers of GOOSE messages to see whether an
interruption of data reception is detected reliably. An object that is not received is set to the value Invalid or
its state can be updated manually at the receiver.

[sc_goenab, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-22 Variable GoEna with Value 0

If a device transmits several GOOSE messages, then you must set all GoEna variables to 0 to switch off the
GOOSE messages completely.
The GOOSE messages are switched on by setting the value of the variable GoEna to 1.

402 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

For testing purposes, you can use the IEC 61850 Browser, as it displays and can set GOOSE control blocks and

Switching off GOOSE Messages in Information Routing

You can switch off GOOSE messages in the information routing by routing the >GOOSE Stop signal to a binary
input or function key. You cannot route this signal to a binary input and a function key simultaneously.

[sc_gostop, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-23 Routing the >GOOSE Stop Signal Quality Processing/Affected by the User for Received GOOSE Values

The properties of quality processing have changed with the introduction of GOOSE Later Binding. You can
find information about the former quality processing in Previous Quality Processing/Affected by the User for
Received GOOSE Values, Page 407.
In the Information Routing Editor, you can influence the data value and quality of all data types. The
following figure shows the possible influence using the example of a DPC data type. All setting options are
effective for the device receiving the data.

• In the DIGSI 5 project tree, double-click Information Routing.

• Select either the desired signal in the External Signals group or the signal of a function activated via the
GOOSE column.

• Open the Properties window and select the Processing Quality Attributes sheet.

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 403

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

[sc_LB_GOOSE_2, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-24 Influence Option When Linking a DPC Type Data Object

Depending on the selected data type of the object, various selection options are offered to you for the Safe
state item in the Common settings section. At this point, you select the manually updated values that allow
a safe operating state as soon as the data access via the communication path is disturbed.

• Select the property for the selected data object.

You can also set the Advanced quality attributes of the data object for GOOSE Later Binding.
The following figure shows the advanced quality attributes using the example of a DPC data type.

• Open the Properties window and select the Advanced quality attributes sheet.

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[sc_LB_GOOSE_1, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-25 Advanced Quality Attributes for GOOSE Later Binding

With the following advanced quality attributes, you can filter the transmitted GOOSE indications and check
and set their quality. The values that have been adapted, if necessary, are forwarded to the receiver.
For the tests, you can select from the following setting options depending on the data type.

Table 11-15 Value Definitions

Setting Value Description

Apply safe state value The value configured in the Safe state is forwarded as valid to the
application as soon as communication disturbance occurs.
Keep value The disturbed quality attribute is overwritten with good and the received
value is forwarded as valid to the application. If no value was received,
the output value is assumed being in safe state.
Keep last valid value If an invalid quality attribute is received, the last valid value is forwarded
to the application. If no value has yet been received, the output value is
assumed being in safe state.
Set value to "false" Applies only to Boolean communication objects. Every invalid quality
attribute causes the valid value false to be forwarded to the applica-
Set value to "true" Applies only to Boolean communication objects. Every invalid quality
attribute causes the valid value true to be forwarded to the application.

These settings of the Advanced quality attributes apply to the advanced quality attributes listed below. The
selection can vary depending on the data type.

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[sc_LB_GOOSE_3, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-26 Value Definition of a Data Object of the SPS Type

You can also forward the quality attributes unchanged. To do this, you must mark the Keep flag check box.


i By default, the Keep flag checkbox is disabled when the signal is routed to the LED or the binary output.

Functional Logoff by Operator Blocked

You have set the Operation mode to Device logoff = true in the transmitting device. As a result,
every indication issued from the functions and subject to Device logoff is transmitted with the quality
information operator blocked and Validity = good. The receiver recognizes this for this indication and
reacts according to the settings (Table 11-15). A different quality processing can take place only once you
have set the Operation mode to Device logoff = false in the transmitting device.

Communication Outage
There is communication disturbance (time allowed to live) between the transmitter and the receiver indicated
by the transmitter. The indication is set in accordance with the settings (Table 11-15).

The transmitting device sends this indication with the quality information Validity = invalid. The receiver
recognizes this for this indication and reacts according to the settings (Table 11-15).

The transmitting device sends this indication with the quality information Validity = questionable. The
receiver recognizes this for this indication and reacts according to the settings (Table 11-15).

Test Mismatch
The transmitting device or the function in the transmitting device that issues this indication is in test mode. As
a result, the indication is transmitted with the quality information test. The receiving function block recog-
nizes this for this indication and reacts, depending on its own test-mode state (specified in IEC 61850-7-4
Annex A), according to the settings (Table 11-15).


i Follow the sequence of tests. First, the Functional logoff by operator blocked is tested. Then comes
Communication outage and so on. If a case is recognized as active, the test chain is canceled with the
configured setting for the active case.

In the case of Invalidity, the tests are first performed for Functional logoff by operator blocked (not
applicable) and then for Communication outage (not applicable) and canceled with the configured action for
If an indication is routed into the log, manual updating of a value is also logged based on the conditions listed
above and on the reason for the manual update. Manually updating a value based on the conditions listed

406 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

above causes a change in the Health Warning function block, inherited up to Device health (specified
in IEC 61850-7-4).

Keep Flag
The quality attributes and values indicated by the transmitter are accepted without change. Quality processing
must be performed by the user via a logic diagram. The outputs of the logic diagram following the user-
specific quality processing can be connected to the function-block inputs as before.

Previous Quality Processing/Affected by the User for Received GOOSE Values

In the Information Routing editor, you can influence the data value and quality of all data types. The
following figure shows the possible influence using the example of a DPC data type.

• In the DIGSI 5 project tree, double-click Information Routing.

• Select the desired signal in the External Signals group.

• Open the Properties window and select the Processing Quality Attributes sheet.

[sc_GOOSE values, 1, en_US]

Figure 11-27 Influence Option When Linking a DPC Type Data Object

The setting options work for the device receiving the data. Supervision of GOOSE Connections

With the standard IEC 61850-7-4 Edition 2, a new logical node for monitoring GOOSE connections has been
introduced. This logical node can be used to easily monitor GOOSE communication at station level.
In order to be able to use GOOSE supervision, you must activate the setting Enable GOOSE Supervision in
DIGSI 5 under Settings > Device settings.

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

[sc_IEC61850_device_settings, 5, en_US]

Figure 11-28 Device Settings for IEC 61850 – Enable GOOSE Supervision


i This setting can only be done in Edition 2.

You can instantiate 1 LGOS logical node per GOOSE connection in an SCT conforming to IEC 61850. The
logical nodes LGOS contain the following objects:

[sc_GOOSE_connection_LN-LGOS, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-29 Objects in LN LGOS

In the logical node LGOS, you can request the status of the GOOSE connection with the following objects:

• NdsCom:
If the value is TRUE, this indicates that the parameterization of the subscription is faulty.
You can find detailed information in the object DiagErr.

408 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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• St:
If the value is TRUE, the GOOSE connection is active. If the value is FALSE, the GOOSE connection is

• SimSt:
If the value is TRUE, GOOSE messages with set simulation bit are accepted and received. For this,
you must switch the device to the GOOSE simulation mode. You can find more information in chapter GOOSE Simulation Mode. If GOOSE messages with set simulation bit are no longer received,
the value remains TRUE until the simulation is turned off.

• ConfRevNum:
This object contains the expected ConfigRev number according to GOOSE parameterization.

• RxConfRevNum:
This object contains the received ConfigRev number of the GOOSE connection. This number must match
the ConfRevNum, otherwise, NdsCom is set to TRUE and you must adapt the parameterization.

• DiagErr:
This object contains the following information in case of GOOSE-connection errors:
– 0: NoError
– 1: WaitingForTelegram
– 2: ConfRevMismatch
– 3: GoIDMismatch
– 4: DataSetReferenceMismatch
– 5: NeedsCommisioning
– 6: DataSetMemberMismatch
– 7: Initializing

• GoCBRef:
This object contains the object reference of the monitored received GOOSE control block.


i For the use of the IEC browser:

The logical device ComSupervision_GOOSE contains the supervision logical-node instances LGOS (1 LGOS
per GOOSE message). An IEC 61850 access point can process several GOOSE messages, so there can be
several instances LGOS (1 LGOS per GOOSE message). Each GOOSE message subscription is supervised by
The logical node CALH1 in the logical device ComSupervision_GOOSE offers the following grouped

• GrAlm:
At least 1 of all LGOS.St is False (at least 1 GOOSE subscription does not work).

• GrInd:
At least 1 of all LGOS.SimSt is True (at least 1 GOOSE subscription receives simulation telegrams). GOOSE Simulation Mode

You can switch the device to the GOOSE simulation mode using an IEC 61850 Client.

Controlling GOOSE Messages

In order to switch the device to the GOOSE simulation mode, the variable Sim is required in the logical node
LPHD. The variable Sim controls switching on and off the GOOSE simulation mode. If a client sets this variable
from FALSE to TRUE, the device can process simulated GOOSE messages. If a client sets the variable back to

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 409

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

FALSE, the device is no longer in the GOOSE simulation mode and only processes normal and non-simulated
GOOSE messages.

[sc_GOOSE simulation mode, 1, --_--]

Figure 11-30 Variable Sim of the LPHD in the IEC 61850 Browser

For testing purposes, you can use the IEC 61850 browser to control the variable Sim of the logical node LPHD.

11.1.16 Working in the IEC 61850 Browser IEC 61850 Browser

The IEC 61850 Browser is a PC program that allows the IEC 61850 structure of a device to be displayed online.
It is supplied as a debugger together with DIGSI 5 and provides valuable information about the IEC 61850
structure of a device during commissioning. The IEC 61850 Browser displays datasets configured in the device,
for example, for static reports or GOOSE messages, as well as the data objects they contain.
The Browser behaves like an IEC 61850 client and can, for instance, receive reports from a device.

410 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

[sc_iec_browser, 3, en_US]

Figure 11-31 IEC 61850 Browser

To display the IEC 61850 structure of a device, connect to the IP address of the device over the network. The
IEC 61850 Browser reads the entire IEC 61850 structure of a device online and displays it in a tree structure
with logical devices, logical nodes, and data objects. For test purposes, you now have read and write access to
the device.
If you have exported SCL data as ICD or SCD files, then you can import these files into the IEC 61850 Browser
and in this way trasfer the data in the IEC 61850 Browser. In this case, the browser displays the IEC 61850
structure of the device offline. In this offline display, you can also recognize the descriptions of the IEC 61850
objects. They are incorporated from the ICD or SCD files and improve reading of the IEC 61850 structure
noticeably. In the SCD file, you can see all devices and the IP addresses configured. You can now connect to a
device and browse through the IEC 61850 structure of this device.
You can finde more information on the IEC 61850 Browser in the Help system of the program. Dynamic Datasets

Creating Dynamic Datasets

The IEC Browser supports creation of dynamic reports as well. At the moment, this function is supported
by only a few servers and clients. SIPROTEC devices support this function, which may allow the temporary
creation of datasets. To do this, it is not necessary to create a dataset in the system configurator. In the
following example, a new dataset is created for protection indications.
² Select the Action menu, then click the Define VariableList ... context menu.

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[sc_dfdats, 1, --_--]

Figure 11-32 Creating a Dataset

A dialog with all logical devices contained in the server appears.

² Select the logical device in which the new dataset is to be created.
² Enter the name of the dataset.

[sc_nwdats, 2, --_--]

Figure 11-33 Entering the Name of the Dataset

In the example, the dataset has been given the name DsTest1.


i Only change the part of the name following the $ symbol.

² Click Next.
A list with all available signals will be displayed.

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[sc_sglist, 2, --_--]

Figure 11-34 Signal List

² From this signal list, select the signals applicable for the dataset.
² Click Create DataSet.
The dataset is created in the server and the data objects set to the current status.

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[sc_crdats, 2, --_--]

Figure 11-35 Dataset LLN0$DsTest1

414 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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11.1 Diagnostic Information

Reviewing Dynamic Datasets

In order to test a dataset, you must create a report control block. The buffered reports can be found in the BR
folder, the unbuffered reports are located in the RP folder.

[sc_bufrcb, 2, --_--]

Figure 11-36 Buffered Reports

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[sc_unbrcb, 2, --_--]

Figure 11-37 Unbuffered Reports

² Activate a free ReportControlBlock.

[sc_activate RCB, 1, --_--]

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² In order to connect the control block with the dataset, copy the path of the dataset into the DatSet field.
² From the Options menu select the option Enable write.
² Enter the password 000000.
² In order to activate the report, set the variable RptEna (Enable Report) to 1.
If a signal changes, a report is being generated.
² In the right column Write, insert a check mark for all fields you have changed.
² From the Action menu, select the option Write tagged Lines.
² Click the Auto Refresh button.
The signals will be reread. If any signals have been changed on the device, these changes will be visible. Activating the Reports

In order to subscribe to the report, the datasets must be defined. To do this, the datasets must be connected
to the report control block. Subscribing is described here using the example of the IEC61850 Browser.
² Click the respective datasets.
² Copy the path.
² Select the report control block.
² Click the Auto Refresh button.
- or -
² Select the Start Reporting menu and click the report control block with the right mouse button.
² Add the path.
² In order to activate the report, set the variable RptEna to 1.
² Activate the option Write tagged Lines for RptEna and the dataset
² Insert a check mark in the right column Write.

[sc_rpt_ena, 1, --_--]

Figure 11-38 Variable RptEna

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You have now subscribed to the report.


i You may subscribe to static as well as dynamic reports.

For static reports, all datasets are predefined, in dynamic reports, signal lists are always newly generated.

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11.2 Signals to the Communication Modules

11.2 Signals to the Communication Modules

Indications and Representation of the Interface in Information Routing
A function group is provided for the protocol in Information routing. The indication Channel Live is issued
there if the module is no longer communicating with the master (parameterized monitoring time has expired).

Description of the Signals to the Communication Modules

There are different signals for each communication module:

• Channel Live
The signal Channel Live indicates the data flow. Therefore, the signal indicates that the communication
service is transmitting and receiving data on the module.
Consider that multiple services can run in parallel on one Ethernet module.

• Redund. Channel Live (redundant channel live)

The signal Redund. Channel Live indicates whether the 2nd communication port can also transmit and

[sc_redundant_channel_live, 2, en_US]

Figure 11-39 Signal Redund. Channel Live in the Information Routing

• Module ready
The signal Module ready indicates that the module has started and the protocol applications have
started. You can reallocate this signal to LED or log. Then, you can recognize whether the IEC 61850
services, for example, GOOSE, are started on an Ethernet module and are working correctly.


i The communication modules are started after the protection device is started. For this reason, it takes a bit
longer for the communication protocols to be ready for operation.

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11.2 Signals to the Communication Modules

• Health
The signal Health indicates the state of the module. The following 3 states can occur in this case:
– OK
Module OK indicates, that the module is working.
– Warning
This state is not used.
– Alarm
The state Alarm is set when there is a failure of the module.
Each protocol application has a Health node. If a protocol has problems at startup – for example, missing
parameters, no mapping, no hardware support – the status is set to Alarm. An alarm in a protocol causes an
alarm of the module; that is, the higher-level element provides an overview.

Signal >Block monitoring direction

The signal >Block monitoring direction is provided for protocols with a master-slave architecture, for
example, IEC 60870-5-103.
For an IEC 61850 client-server connection, a general blocking of the reporting is not desired. For this reason,
the >Block monitoring direction signal is not available for IEC 61850. Other methods are available there.
To prevent too much incoming information during commissioning, there are the following options:

• Finish communication to the clients, for example, stop the device in the SICAM PAS UI – Operation.
To start and stop transmitting IEC 61850 reports from the server, the clients activate or deactivate the
report control blocks. In the SICAM PAS UI – Operation, you can use the Bay blocking function.

• Set the device into test mode (Mod/Beh=3=test), for example, by routing the signal >Test mode on in
In this mode, all data objects are set with a test bit (in the quality attribute). This sends these quality
changes by report to the client or via GOOSE.

• Disconnect the server physically from the network.

This step is usually of little help with Buffered Reporting since all messages are sent later, as soon as the
server is reconnected.

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12 Troubleshooting

12.1 Troubleshooting 422

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12.1 Troubleshooting

12.1 Troubleshooting
Information on the Communication Module


i If you wish to rectify faults, Siemens recommends using the information on the communication module.

• Refer to the documentation for information about the communication module or the display on the
device (see Commissioning and Diagnostics chapter).

Connection Not Possible

Proceed as follows during the troubleshooting:

• Check whether all connection lines are correctly installed:

– In the case of serial connections: between the device and the communication master
– In the case of Ethernet connections: between the device and the switch

• Check whether the device address and settings of the data-link layer (data bits, stop bits, and parity) are
set in the device (only applies for communication protocols DNP3 and IEC 60870-5-103).

• Check whether the correct protocol firmware is loaded.

Time Synchronization Not Possible

Proceed as follows during the troubleshooting:

• Check whether the master sends a valid time telegram.

• Check whether the time synchronization is parameterized via the corresponding communication protocol
in the device.

DNP3: Error Message Msg[transmit failed, will retry] Number: 5292


i The error message Msg[transmit failed, will retry] number: 5292 can occur. This error message is not
relevant. You can ignore the error message.

422 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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/1/ Distance Protection, Line Differential Protection, and Overcurrent Protection for 3-Pole Tripping – 7SA82,
7SD82, 7SL82, 7SA84, 7SD84, 7SA86, 7SD86, 7SL86, 7SJ86
/2/ Distance and Line Differential Protection, Breaker Management for 1-Pole and 3-Pole Tripping – 7SA87,
7SD87, 7SL87, 7VK87
/3/ Overcurrent Protection – 7SJ82/7SJ85
/4/ Overcurrent Protection – 7SJ81
/5/ Motor Protection – 7SK82/85
/6/ Transformer Differential Protection – 7UT82, 7UT85, 7UT86, 7UT87
/7/ Generator Protection – 7UM85
/8/ Busbar Protection 7SS85
/9/ High-Voltage Bay Controller – 6MD85/86
/10/ Paralleling Device – 7VE85
/11/ Universal Protection – 7SX82/7SX85
/12/ Merging Unit 6MU85
/13/ Fault Recorder – 7KE85
/14/ Compact Class – 7SX800
/15/ Hardware Description
/16/ Communication Protocols
/17/ Process Bus
/18/ DIGSI 5 – Software Description

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C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023

/19/ SIPROTEC 5 – Security

/20/ PIXIT, PICS, TICS, IEC 61850
/21/ Operation
/22/ Engineering Guide
/23/ High-Speed Busbar Transfer – 7VU85

424 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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IEC 61850 data type: Directional protection activation information

Data transfer acknowledgment

IEC 61850 data type: Protection-activation information

Cyclic redundancy check

Data unit
Information item with a joint transmission source. Abbreviation: DU – Data Unit

Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol

Configuration software for SIPROTEC

Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol

The DCP protocol is used to detect devices without an IP address and to assign addresses to these devices.

IEC 61850 data type: Double Point Status - double-point indication

Drag and drop

Copying, moving, and linkin function, used in graphic user interfaces. Objects are selected with the mouse,
held and moved from one data area to another.

Data Unit

General Interrogation
The state of all process inputs, of the status, and of the fault image are scanned on system startup. This
information is used to update the system-side process image. Likewise, the current process state can be
interrogated after data loss with a general interrogation (GI).

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Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event

GOOSE. Protocol of IEC 61850 for communication between bay units.

Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event

High-Availability Seamless Redundancy Protocol

Like PRP (Parallel Redundancy Protocol), HSR (High-Availability Seamless Redundancy Protocol) is specified in
IEC 62439-3. Both protocols offer redundancy without switching time.
The principal function can be found in the definition of PRP. With PRP, the same indication is sent via 2
separated networks. In contrast to this, in the case of HSR the indication is sent twice in the 2 directions of the
ring. The recipient receives it correspondingly via 2 paths in the ring, takes the 1st indication and discards the
2nd indication (see PRP protocol).
Whereas NO indications are forwarded in the end device in the case of PRP, a switch function is installed in the
HSR node. Thus, the HSR node forwards indications in the ring that are not directed at it.
In order to avoid circular indications in the ring, corresponding mechanisms are defined in the case of HSR.
SAN (Single Attached Node) end devices can only be connected with the aid of a RedBox in the case of HSR.
PRP systems and HSR systems can be coupled redundantly with 2 RedBoxes.

High Availability Seamless Redundancy Protocol

International Electrotechnical Commission - International Electrotechnical Standardization Body

Internet Protocol
An Internet protocol (IP) enables the connection of participants which are positioned in different networks.

Internet Protocol

Link address
The link address indicates the address of a SIPROTEC device.

Management Information Base

A Management Information Base (MIB) is a database which continuously saves information and statistics
concerning each device in a network. The performance of each device can be monitored with this information
and statistics. In this way, it can also be ensured that all devices in the network function properly. MIBs are
used with SNMP.

Manufacturing Message Specification

The standard Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) serves for data exchange. The standard is used for
the transmission protocols IEC 61850 and IEC 60870-6 TASE.2.

Metered value
Metered values are a processing function, used to determine the total number of discrete similar events
(counter pulses), for example, as integral over a time span. In the power utility field, electrical energy is often
recorded as a metered value (energy import/delivery, energy transport).

Manufacturing Message Specification

426 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Negative acknowledgment

If there is no communication connection between a PC program (for example, configuration program) and a
runtime application (for example, a PC application), the PC program is offline. The PC program executes in
Offline mode.

If there is a communication connection between a PC program (for example configuration program) and a
runtime application (for example a PC application), the PC program is online. The PC program executes in
Online mode.

Parallel Redundancy Protocol

Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) is a redundancy protocol for Ethernet networks that is specified in
IEC 62439-3. Unlike conventional redundancy procedures, such as RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol,
IEEE 802.1D-2004), PRP offers uninterruptible switchover, which avoids any downtime in the event of a fault,
and thus the highest availability.
PRP is based on the following approach: The redundancy procedure is generated in the end device itself.
The principle is simple: The redundant end device has 2 Ethernet interfaces with the same address (DAN,
Double Attached Node). Now the same indication is sent twice, in the case of PRP (parallel) over 2 separate
networks, and unambiguously marks both with a sequence number. The receiver takes the information that it
receives first, stores its ID based on the source address and the sequence number in a duplicate filter and thus
recognizes the 2nd, redundant information. This redundant information is then discarded. If the 1st indication
is missing, the 2nd indication with the same content comes via the other network. This redundancy avoids a
switching procedure in the network and is thus interruption-free. The end device relays no indications to the
other network. Since the process is realized in the Ethernet layer (same MAC address), it is transparent and
usable for all Ethernet user data protocols (IEC 61850, DNP, other TCP/IP based protocols). In addition, it is
possible to use one of the 2 networks for the transmission of non-redundant indications.
There are 2 versions of PRP: PRP-0 and its successor PRP-1. Siemens implements PRP-1.

Comprehensive term for all setting work on the device. You can set parameters for the protection functions
with DIGSI 5 or sometimes also directly on the device.

PB Client
Process-Bus client. The sampled measured values subscriber is designated as a process-bus client.

Protection device
A protection device detects erroneous states in distribution networks, taking into consideration various
criteria, such as fault distance, fault direction, or fault duration, triggering a disconnection of the defective
network section.

Parallel Redundancy Protocol

Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol

The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) is a standardized redundancy process with a short response time. In
the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP protocol), structuring times in the multidigit second range apply in the case of
a reorganization of the network structure. These times are reduced to several 100 milliseconds for RSTP.

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Rapid-Spanning Tree Protocol

Select before operate

Substation Configuration Description

Simple Network Management Protocol

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet standard protocol and serves for the adminis-
tration of nodes in an IP network.

Simple Network Time Protocol

The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is a protocol for the synchronization of clocks via the Internet. With
SNTP, client computers can synchronize their clocks via the Internet with a time server.

The registered trademark SIPROTEC designates the product family of Siemens protection devices and fault

SIPROTEC 5 device
This object type represents a real SIPROTEC device with all the contained setting values and process data.

Single Network Management Protocol

Single NetworkTime Protocol

IEC 61850 data type: Single Point Status

Programmable Logic Controller

Substation Configuration Description

A substation configuration description is an IEC 61850-compliant file for data exchange between the system
configurator and the IED configurator. The substation configuration description contains information on the
network structure of a substation. The substation configuration description contains for example, information
on the assignment of the devices to the primary equipment, as well as on the station-internal communication.

Temps Atomique International - International atomic time

Transmission Control Protocol

428 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

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Time stamp
A time stamp is a value in a defined format. The time stamp assigns a point in time to an event, for example,
in a log file. Time stamps ensure that events can be found again.

Transmission Control Protocol

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a transmission protocol for transport services in the Internet. TCP
is based on IP and ensures connection of the participants during the data transmission. TCP ensures the
correctness of the data and the correct sequence of the data packets.

Universal Time Coordinated

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430 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual
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C SNMP 311
SNTP 272, 272
Command direction 198 STMP 279
Command Direction 199 Ethernet Service
Communication Mapping DCP 277
IEC 60870-5-103 82 DIGSI 5 Protocol 275
IEC 60870-5-104 82 Event-recorder entries 205
Communication module 16, 22
Ethernet module 36
Module designation 19, 22
Serial 48, 162
Flexible product naming 105
Not possible 422
Force Multiple Coils 198
Creating a device 57
Force Single Coil 198
Functional naming 105
D IEC 61850-9-2 process bus 149

Data types
Routing 202
Configure 116
Dynamic 124
Application 116
Static 124
Communication 116
Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol 277
DEX5 111
DigDNP 111 H
DigT103 111, 111, 111, 111
Discovery and Basic Configuration Protocol Handshake Mechanism 208
DCP 277 Handshake Register 205
DSP5 111 Hardware catalog 57
Dual homing 25 Homepage
Electrical modules 331, 332, 333, 334, 361
Electrical Modules 336
Optical modules 331, 332, 333, 334, 361
Optical Modules 336
Homepage, electrical modules
Application diagnosis 361
Application diagnostic – Modbus RTU 365
Communication 157, 165
Communication protocols – DNP3 Ethernet 359
Module 96, 165
Communication protocols – IEC 60870-5-103 362,
Ethernet service
DCP 272, 272
Communication protocols – IEC61850 - GOOSE 354
DIGSI 5 protocol 272
Communication Protocols – Modbus TCP 360
IEEE 1588 272, 282
Communication protocols – Protection inter-
RSTP 307
face 367, 367

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 431

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023

Communication protocols – SUP serial 366 Monitoring Direction 198

Module info 333 Multi-Communication 209
Network Protocols – SNTP 344
Network statistics 334
Overview 331, 332
Redundancy Protocols – HSR 346 N
Redundancy protocols – PRP 345
Redundancy Protocols – RSTP 347 Naming 105
Homepage, Electrical modules
Communication protocols – IEC 60870-5-104 349
Communication protocols – IEC61850 351
Network protocols – IEEE 1588 337, 338
Homepage, Electrical Modules
Application Diagnosis 336 Open 110
Homepage, optical modules OSI model
Application diagnosis 361 Application layer 154
Communication protocols – IEC61850 - GOOSE 354 Data link layer 153
Module info 333 Physical layer 152
Network statistics 334 OSI Model 152
Overview 331, 332
Homepage, Optical modules
Communication protocols – IEC61850 351
Homepage, Optical Modules
Application Diagnosis 336
Parameterization 209
PEX5 111
Plug-in module position
I Base module 22
Expansion module with CB202 22
ICD 111 Plug-in modules
IEC 61850 104, 105 Fasteners 54
IEC 61850 Install 54
Edition 1 100 Plug-In Modules
Edition 2 100 Replacement 55
Edition 2.1 100 Project tree 57, 57
IEC 61850 Edition Protection interface
Edition 1 112 Diagnosis data 397
Edition 2 112 Diagnostic measured values of the protection inter-
IEC 61850-9-2 process bus face 393
Functionality 149 Protocol 397
IID 111
Integrated Interface
Serial 53
Quality processing for GOOSE Later Binding 403
Adaptation 75
copy 84
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
Customer-specific 73, 228
RSTP 307
Data Types 75
Read Coil Status 197
Records 86
Read Holding Register 197
Selecting 73, 228
Read Input Register 197
Standard 73, 228
Read Input Status 197
Message Blocks 208
MICS 111
Double structure 25
Modbus Slave 196

432 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023

Master 219 Port 274

Medium 219 Transmission Control Protocol 274
Single structure 25 TEA-X 111
Slave 219 Test mode 224
Report Time synchronization
Application 116 Not possible 422
Buffered 123 Parameters 88
Unbuffered 123 Transformer-tap Signals 198
Report control block 116 Transmission Control Protocol
Ring structure 25 Port 274
Double 25 TCP 274
Optical 25
RIO 111
RJ45 socket 47, 52
RS485 47, 52 U
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol 307 UAT 111
Settings 307 UDP
Port 274
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 274
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
S Port 274
UDP 274
SCD 111
Selecting the communication module 57
SEQ5 111
Sequence of Event 204 X
SIM 111
Simple Network Management Protocol XRIO 111
SNMP 311
Simple Network Time Protocol
SNTP 279
Slave Unit Protocol
SUP 324
Setting 311
Simple Network Management Protocol 311
Simple Network Time Protocol 279
Time server 279
Time synchronization 279
SSD 111
ST 111
Structure 104
Structure Editor 110
Slave Unit Protocol 324
SUP Ethernet
SUP serial 324
Switch function
Internal switch 25
Systems control 96

TCF 111

SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual 433

C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023
434 SIPROTEC 5, Communication Protocols, Manual
C53000-L1840-C055-H, Edition 07.2023

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