EGF3023 Chapter 1
EGF3023 Chapter 1
EGF3023 Chapter 1
Food Analysis
Provide information
about what ?
These analytical procedures are used to provide information
about a wide variety of different characteristics of foods:
Food composition
Physicochemical properties
Sensory attributes.
Food Analysis
The most important reason for analysing foods from both the
To maintain the general quality of the food
consumers and the manufacturer's standpoint is to ensure that
they are safe.
To ensure the food industry provides
It would be economically disastrous, as well as being rather
consumers with foods that are wholesome
unpleasant to consumers if a food manufacturer sold a product
and safe
that was harmful or toxic.
To inform consumers about the nutritional
Food may be considered to be unsafe because it contains:
composition of foods so that they can make
Harmful microorganisms (e.g., Listeria, Salmonella)
knowledgeable choices about their diet
Toxic chemicals (e.g., pesticides, herbicides)
To enable fair competition amongst food
Extraneous matter (e.g., glass, wood, metal, insect matter).
It is therefore important that food manufacturers do everything
To eliminate economic fraud.
they can to ensure that these harmful substances are not
present, or that they are effectively eliminated before the food
is consumed.
Reason for Analyzing Food
The food industry is highly competitive and food In recent years, there have been significant
manufacturers are continually trying to increase changes in the preferences of consumers for foods
their market share and profits. that are healthier, higher quality, lower cost and
To do this they must ensure that their products more exotic.
are of higher quality, less expensive, and more Individual food manufacturers must respond
desirable than their competitors, whilst ensuring rapidly to these changes in order to remain
that they are safe and nutritious. competitive within the food industry.
To meet these rigorous standards food To meet these demands food manufacturers often
manufacturers need analytical techniques to employ a number ofscientists whose primary
analyse food materials before, during and after objective is to carry out research that will lead to
the manufacturing process to ensure that the the development of new products, the
final product meets the desired standards. improvement of existing products and the
reduction of manufacturing costs.
Type of Food Analysis
The sample is a portion taken for analysis that is
representative of the whole (population).
Do they meet your As a guide to processing Submitted by The sample was taken in the
specification? adjustment needed to customer market for developing new
Do they meet the produce an acceptable & How do the products.
required legal uniform product composition and What are its composition
specifications? Periodic checks of characteristics of a and characteristics?
Is the quality the finished products show complaint sample How can we use this
same as previous whether the food meets submitted by a information to develop new
deliveries? legal requirements, customer differ from a products?
acceptable to the sample with no
consumer problems?
Process of Define the population
Clearly define the population &understand the nature of the
Grinding is important both for sample preparation prior to
analysis and for food ingredient processing.
Various mills are available for reducing particle size to
achieve sample homogenization.
To homogenize, moist samples, bowl cutters, meat mincers,
tissue grinders, mortars and pestles, or blenders are used.
However, mortars and pestles and mills are best for dry
Some foods are more easily ground after drying in a
desiccator or vacuum oven.
Prevention Lipid Oxidation
Unsaturated lipids are sensitive to oxidative degradation
and should be protected by storing under nitrogen or
Use antioxidants because this may stabilize lipids and may
be used if they do not interfere with the analysis.
Light-initiated photooxidation of unsaturated lipids can be
avoided by controlling storage conditions.
In practice, lipids are more stable when frozen in intact
tissues rather than as extracts.
Therefore, ideally, unsaturated lipids should be extracted
just prior to analysis.
Low temperature storage is generally recommended to
protect most foods.
Enzyme Inactivation
Heat denaturation to inactivate enzymes and freezer
storage (−20 to −30 C) for limiting enzyme activity are
common methods.
However, some enzymes are more effectively controlled by
changing the pH or by salting out
Oxidative enzymes may be controlled by adding reducing
Prevention Microbial Growth
Microorganisms are present in almost all foods and can
alter the sample composition.
Likewise, microorganisms are present on all but sterilized
surfaces, so sample cross-contamination can occur if
samples are not handled carefully.
Freezing, drying, and chemical preservatives are effective
controls and often a combination of these is used.
Regulation of Nutrition
Labelling & Claims in Malaysia
Nutritional Labelling
A nutrition label is a listing of the level of
nutrient(s) as displayed on the food label.
It is meant to provide factual information
about the nutritional content of the product.
What is Nutritional Labelling
Nutritional Labelling
Some of the information that can be found
on food labels that help us in making food
selection includes:
Nutrition information panel
Nutrition declarations (Claims)
List of ingredients
Date marking
Information on manufacturers or
Sample Format for
Nutritional Labelling
Nutritional Labelling
The nutrients that must be declared on food
labels are:
Total Sugar
(For Ready-To-Drink beverages)
Sample Format for
Nutritional Labelling