Mern Stack Chatting App in React and NOSQL
Mern Stack Chatting App in React and NOSQL
Mern Stack Chatting App in React and NOSQL
Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree
of Bachelor of Technology
Deepak Gupta
Himachal Pradesh
Candidate’s Declaration
I hereby declare that the work presented in this report entitled “MERN Stack: Chatting
Application” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering/Information
Technology submitted in the department of Computer Science & Engineering and
Information Technology, Jaypee University of Information Technology Waknaghat is an
authentic record of my own work carried out over a period from February 2022 to July
2022 under the supervision of Dr. Deepak Gupta
The matter embodied in the report has not been submitted for the award of any other degree
or diploma.
Ojaswi Awasthi-181391
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is true to the best of my
To begin with, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to almighty God for His divine
blessing, which has enabled us to successfully complete the project work.
Supervisor Dr. Deepak Gupta, Assistant Professor (SG), Department of CSE Jaypee
University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, deserves my deepest gratitude. My
supervisor's deep knowledge and keen interest in the field of "Data Science and Machine
Learning" made it possible to complete this project, as well as his relentless patience,
scholarly guidance, persistent and enthusiastic supervision, constructive criticism,
insightful advice, and reading many inferior draughts and correcting them at all stages.
I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Deepak Gupta of the Department of CSE for
his invaluable assistance in completing my thesis.
I'd also like to express my gratitude to everyone who has assisted me in making this project
a success, whether directly or indirectly. In this specific circumstance, I'd like to express
my gratitude to the numerous staff members, both teaching and non-teaching, who have
provided me with valuable assistance and facilitated my project.
Finally, I must express my gratitude for my parents' unwavering and unflagging love,
support and utmost patience in putting up with us.
Ojaswi Awasthi(181391)
Chapter1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Objectives 4
1.4 Methodology 5
1.5 Organization 6
3.9 Core components of React Javascript 35
Chapter 5: Conclusions
5.1 Conclusions 58
5.3 Applications 59
References 60
Appendices 61
This project is a full stack web development project that aims at building a chatting
application using the Frontend Technologies React (a framework built on top of the ever
popular and evolving programming language Javascript that has been ruling the IT industry
over 25 years) and many of the npm dependencies such as the React Fade –In and the
rsuite React library for the User Interface Part. The rsuite has several built-in components
in React that can simply be imported in the React component file using the direct import
statement after the dependency has been installed on the system. The rsuite library will
build a powerful UI with several stunning eye-catching features. The React framework is a
very popular framework on JS that is used by the leading companies across different niche
industries such as Instagram, Spotify, Netflix , Airbnb and many such platforms.
This app is not just a chatting application where the users can chat anonymously
but are only required to become the users after logging in. The users are required to log in
the application using either their gmail or facebook profile username and password. This
functionality is provided to the users using the popular NOSQL database platform from
Google called Google Firebase.The GoogleAuthProvider() and FacebookAuthProvider()
functions provide the authentication and login functionalites. This app uses other other
advanced react functions such as custom hooks and Context API. The user can send upto
five photos and files too. And of course, there is no limit on the number of chats sent on the
platform. The chats and files are also organized by date and time like they are in
professional platforms such as Whatsapp and Telegram. Also, there is the added
functionality of liking messages that the user wants. The users can create chatrooms too and
only the admin of the group has been provided the edit functionality to edit the name of the
group or the chatroom exclusively. Also, every logged in user can view his/her profile from
the dashboard section in the left drawer on the app. The dashboard shows the name of the
user, their image and the edit function for their profile. The user can upload their profile
image from the device that they are using the app on. Also, the user is provided the Sign
Out option in the dashboard to unsubscribe from the database.
Firebase serves as the database backend in the app that stores every detail of the
user including their login credentials, the chats sent and the messages liked as in a real
1.1 Introduction
The popularity of the MERN stack is ever increasing in the field of web development for
frontend and backend applications. The use of React stems from the fact that it was built on
Javascript and JS has been the most popular programming language amongst developers for
over 25 years. React was built on top of JS by developers from Facebook and made making
the UI so much simpler than the normal HTML. It made rendering the components so much
easier and faster. For instance, if we had to render a component time and again, we had to
hard code it as many times as we needed it. However, in React, we only have to make a
component just once and then import it in whichever component we need it.
MERN stack uses the Express JS and Node JS for developing the backend. Earlier, the
entire backend client and server part used to be handled by solely Node. However, sending
requests and getting back responses from the server was so much more difficult, tedious,
painstaking and more complicated. Then, Express was introduced as the de facto
application server for building backend API. The server and client applications were made
so much easier as there was no need to build the server but it was introduced by Express
itself. Using Express has become as easy as importing it in a backend file and creating its
instance using the const app = require(‘express’) and then listening it on a given port
number just like the backend. The syntax becomes much more simpler with Express than
using simple Node. Also, the react-router-dom provides us the Router functionality that
helps us define routes in the frontend application without creating a backend directory for
the routing part. The router consists of the routing endpoint and the handler function for the
request handling portion.
The fourth pillar of the MERN stack is the Node JS framework that has been discussed
before with the Express framework. Node JS revolutionized the running of Javascript
outside of a web browser. Earlier, it could only be run on the web browser and not in the
local run-time environment. Now, it has become easier to run Javascript in the local
terminal. Since, it is not a multi-threaded language, Javascript has the concept of promises
and callbacks to run code asynchronously and Node Js allows us to do that. The async
await syntax allows us to run code asynchronously and has been an improvement over the
normal promises and callbacks. Also, async await code makes the code look as though it
was synchronous.
This is because it leads to a very common problem in Javascript called the callback hell.
This problem makes the asynchronous code look really complicated and for someone who
has been using a synchronous multi-threaded language, it can get really difficult to decode
and debug it in case of errors. Hence, we use the async-await functional syntax for fetching
data from the API and handling it in React templates.
React hooks and custom hooks have been used to provide code reusability in the
application over the normal usual class programming. Functional components have been
built and are preferred to using class components in this application. Class components are
still used but the easy syntax of functional components in React make them easier to be
understood and easily applicable in the React apps.
Node JS has completely changed the way Javascript used to run in the browser. The
browser was earlier used to run Javascript but with the advent of Node JS, the run-time
environment has changed completely with Javascript running on the local run-time
powershell or git bash terminal.
1.2 Problem Statement
The internship project focuses on building a chatting application in MERN stack
using the frontend Javascript technology called React and Express and Node JS for
the backend for building of client and server part. Google Firebase is a free backend
service that stores the login credentials of the user and the chatroom information.
This app also gives primary focus to the admin and security permissions to the
users. Only, the admin of the chatroom has the permission to edit the name of the
chatroom and the chatroom description.
The project aims to be more than just a chatting application as it allows us to send
more than just chats in the server,We can upload upto 5 files in one go. The
Message File has the attachment icon to attach files and the send button to finally
send the files over on the server.
The user can login the app using the authenticator provided by the Google Firebase.
Also, when the user signs out from the app, the unsubscribe() function allows him to
be unsubscribed from the database, The timestamp is also added which keeps a
record of when the user logged in to the app.
The user can like certain chats in the chat window and can also remove those likes.
A heart emoticon will show up when the user likes the message. This is made
possible through the concept of post transactions in React.
The chats in the application are then organized by date and time when they were
sent on the server. After the chats have occupied a certain space on the window
screen, the Load More button will load the existing chats on the page that were
hidden below the most recent chats in the browser.
Figure showing the app with the dashboard screen after logging in of the user
1.3 Objectives
The most primary objective of this project is to understand the concept of building
applications with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React and Node). In this particular
project, the focus has been built on a chatting application.
The internship project focuses on developing a talking application in the MERN stack using
the frontend Javascript technology known as React and Express, as well as Node JS for the
backend. Google Firebase is a free backend service that keeps the user's login credentials as
well as chatroom data.
The admin and security permissions for users are also prioritized in this app. Only the
chatroom's administrator has the ability to change the name and description of the
The project aspires to be more than just a talking app by allowing us to submit more than
just chats to the server; we can upload up to 5 files at once. In the chat box, the user can
choose to like or unlike certain chats. When the user likes the message, a heart emoticon
appears. This is feasible because to React's concept of post transactions.
The user can log in to the app using the Google Firebase authenticator. The unsubscribe()
function also allows the user to be unsubscribed from the database when he logs out of the
app. A timestamp is also provided to keep track of when the user registered in to the app.
The attachment icon is used to attach files to the message file, and the send button is used
to transfer the files to the server.
Fig 1: The app prompts the user to sign in using either the gmail or the facebook id.
1.4 Methodology
First and foremost, we must set up our react javascript project. Then, using some specified
processes, connect our project to Google Firebase. On Firebase, enable Phone Number
Authentication and Real-Time Firestore. Connect to socketio and start the server. Also,
connect to the Google and Facebook servers. Create an express server and an API for real-
time data transfer among users. Allow geolocation and integrate react native maps to see
where your users are.
Initialise your project in the root directory with the following command after installing
Node, Express, NPM (Node Package Manager):
For styling and conditional rendering, we have used an improvement over the normal css.
The technology used for the css is Sass or commonly known as the SCSS. Also, the rsuite
library has been used for the rendering of built-in components in React. The React-icons
serve as the built-in library for the rendering of icons in the app, Also, styled components
have been used in the app almost everywhere. The react-router-dom from React has the
special Switch and Route feature to render the different routes in the app. The following
can be installed by the following commands using either npm or yarn package managers.
After making the necessary folders in Firebase, it looks something like this.
Fig 2: The figure showing the firebase chat and profile folders.
1.5 Organization
The organization of data and model in the algorithm is as follows:
The dependencies installed on the system are the following: react-dom, react-router-dom,
rsuite, timeago-react, node-sass and firebase. The dependencies installed for the app can be
replicated by going over to the github repository and cloning it using the given link:
Configure firebase on the system by adding a new project called chat-web-app on the system,
ii) Express:
iii) Node JS:
Once all the dependencies have been installed and all the project files have been initialized,
the file structure looks something like this:
Also, the project needs to be run on a terminal. We can do it in the following three ways.
One of them can be adopted for doing this:
1. Open the command terminal of your system and type npm start in the
directory of the project.
2. Run npm start from the VS Code terminal. It opens the project in the root
directory by default,
3. We can run the project by installing and configuring git on the system.
The file structure is as follows:
Fig 4: The file structure
3.) Chatting applications or rather the Teleconferencing chatting applications have been a
technique of getting together people across different countries and barriers. This technology
has existed in the tech domain but its acceptance has been quite new and recent. This
project builds a react chatting application hosted on Firebase for the database part and built
on node JS and react-router-dom. To begin the chatting application, the user needs to run
the npm start command which is entrusted with the responsibility of connecting to
localhost:3000 on the machine. This connects the app to a server on port 3000 which is by
default for React and in the range of 4000 for Angular.
5.) The firebase component works on the basis of MongoDB software or rather the
MongoDB Atlas which is a NO-SQL technology in the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express,
React and Node JS). The mongo intends to build a mongoose schema much rather like the
schema in a SQL table that comprises of rows and columns with the only difference being
the fact that the mongoDB or firebase focus on building a schema that does not have a table
consisting of tables, rows and columns, We can have constraints in the values held in the
database. We can insert the documents in the database inside a cluster of documents which
is also known as a collection of documents. The most common CRUD operations, that is,
the create, read, update and delete operations have been performed in the database on the
basis of the firebase or mongo schema. This schema creates a firebase.json file in the root
directory of the project and we can export several functions pertaining to firebase out of
this file. These exported functions can then be imported in other files wherever they are
needed and be used accordingly.
The Real-time Firebase database corresponding to the project called “Chat-web-app” has a
fixed set of rules that can be found at the backend on the rules page.
Fig 5: The figure shows the rules for the profiles and chatrooms files.
The figure shows the rules defined for the messages section and the status for user id
The connections, storage and downloads and other billable metrics are also shown on Firebase
in the Monitor Rules section of the database. The subscriptions are shown everyday on the
same Usage Page. This page is present in the Usage Section of Realtime Firebase. The figure
shown below shows the new number of users that logged in to the app.
Fig 6:Figure showing the billable metrics of the project
A socket is an object that represents a low-level IP stack access point. This socket can be
opened, closed, or in one of a few different states. Down disconnection, a socket can send and
receive data. For efficiency, data is typically transferred in blocks of a few kilobytes at a time;
each of these blocks is referred to as a packet.
The Internet Protocol must be used by all packets travelling across the internet. This means that
the packet must include the source IP address and destination address. A port number is also
included in most packets. A port is a number between 1 and 65,535 that is used to distinguish
between higher protocols. When it comes to designing your own network apps, ports are
crucial since no two applications can use the same port.
UDP and TCP/IP are the two types of packets that contain port numbers. UDP is faster than
TCP/IP, especially during startup. UDP can be easier to use than TCP when data integrity isn't
as crucial, but it should never be used when data integrity is more important than performance;
nonetheless, data received via UDP can sometimes arrive in the wrong sequence, rendering it
unusable to the receiver. TCP/IP is more complicated than UDP and has greater latency in
general, but it ensures that data is not damaged when travelling across the internet. TCP is good
for file transfers, because a defective file is more unacceptable than a slow download;
nevertheless, it is unsuitable for internet radio, where an occasional out-of-place sound is
preferable than long periods of quiet.
The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless protocol that employs an IP address to
identify the destination host and a port number to identify the destination application. Any
physical port on a computer, such as a COM port or a 1/0 port address, is not the same as the
UDP port number. The UDP port is a 16-bit address that exists solely to send specific sorts of
datagram information to the correct point above the protocol stack's transport layer. A UDP
datagram header consists of four (4) fields of two bytes each:
3. datagram size
4. checksum
Android is a Linux-based open source operating system for mobile devices such as
smartphones and tablets. The Open Handset Alliance, lead by Google, and other firms
collaborated to create Android.
Android takes a unified approach to mobile application development, which means that
developers simply have to code for Android, and their apps should run on a variety of Android-
powered devices.
Google published the first beta version of the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) in
2007, followed by the first commercial version, Android 1.0, in September 2008. Google
revealed the next Android version, 4.1 Jelly Bean, during the Google I/O conference on June
27, 2012. Jelly Bean is a step-by-step upgrade aimed at improving the user interface, both in
terms of functionality and efficiency.
Android's source code is distributed under free and open source software licences. The Apache
License version 2.0 covers the majority of the code, whereas the GNU General Public License
version covers the Linux kernel changes.
SDK stands for software development kit, sometimes known as dev-kit. It's a collection of
software tools and programmes that developers utilise to create apps for various platforms.
SDK tools will feature a variety of items that developers may utilise and incorporate into their
own projects, such as libraries, documentation, code examples, workflows, and instructions.
SDKs are software development kits that are tailored to specific platforms or programming
To create an Android app, you'd need an Android SDK toolkit, an iOS SDK toolkit, a VMware
SDK for connecting with the VMware platform, or a Nordic SDK for creating Bluetooth or
wireless products,etc.
Modified version of JAVA language is used for application development with the help of
Dalvik VM which is used to run the mobile app on Android devices. This Dalvik VM can be
viewed as the modified version of JVM which constrained in term of storage and processing
speed and convert the java bytecode in form of JVM compatible .class files to be compatible by
Dalvik VM and is converted in. dex which is executable before installation.
Fig 7: Figure showing a break-up of Android features
React Native is a JavaScript framework for creating real-time, natively rendered web apps that
can also generate a mobile view for iOS and Android. It's built on React, Facebook's JavaScript
toolkit for creating user interfaces, but it's designed for local environments and mobile
platforms rather than the browser. In other words, web developers can now create mobile
applications that look and feel fully "native," all while using the familiar JavaScript library.
Furthermore, because most of the code you create can be shared across platforms, React Native
makes it simple to develop for both Android and iOS at the same time. React and Native
applications, like React Native on the Web, are created with JSX, a combination of JavaScript
and XML syntax. The React Native "bridge" then calls the native rendering APIs in Objective-
C (for iOS) or Java (for Android) (for Android). As a result, your app will appear and feel like
any other mobile app, as it will be rendered using genuine mobile UI components rather than
web-views. React Native also offers JavaScript interfaces for platform APIs, allowing your
React Native apps to exploit features like the phone camera or the user's location. React Native
is now available for iOS and Android, with the possibility to expand to other platforms in the
future. Both iOS and Android will be covered in this book. We'll be writing cross-platform
code for the most part. And, yes, React Native can be used to create production-ready mobile
apps. Facebook, Netflix, AirBnb, Instagram, and TaskRabbit are among the apps that use it in
production for user-facing applications.
You'll be running your JavaScript code in two settings while utilising React Javascript:
1) JavaScriptCore, the JavaScript engine that underpins Safari, will be used in most
circumstances by React or React Native. Due to the lack of writable executable memory in iOS
apps, JavaScriptCore does not employ JIT on iOS.
2) When debugging with Chrome, all JavaScript code runs inside Chrome, connecting with
native code via WebSockets. The JavaScript engine in Chrome is V8. While both surroundings
are relatively similar, there may be minor discrepancies. We'll probably experiment with
various JavaScript engines in the future, so don't get too hung up on runtime specifics.
3.2.2 JavaScript Syntax Transformers
Syntax transformers make creating code more fun by allowing you to use new JavaScript
syntax without waiting for all interpreters to implement it.
The Babel JavaScript compiler is included with React Native. More information about Babel's
supported transformations may be found in its documentation. The metro-react-native-babel-
preset contains a complete list of React Native's supported transformations.
React is a popular Javascript framework that allows you to create user interfaces as a DOM tree
of discrete code pieces called React components. In React, a component is a mix of HTML and
JSX that contains all of the code needed to render a tiny piece of a larger User Interface. All of
these React components are stacked one on top of the other to create increasingly complex
elements of an app. The details are the rest.
React primitives render to native platform UI, which means the app uses the same APIs as
other apps on the platform.
Many platforms, one React. Create platform-specific components to share a single codebase
across many platforms. React Native allows a single team to manage two platforms while
sharing a common technology—React.
With React Javascript and React Native, you can build truly native apps without sacrificing the
user experience. It provides a platform-independent base of native components including View,
Text, and Image. directly to the platform's native UI building components.
Cross-Platform Integrity
React components wrap existing native code and interface with native APIs using React's
declarative UI. The paradigm and JavaScript This enables for the creation of entirely new
teams of native app developers.
This could speed up the work of present local teams.
Fig 8: Figure showing the break-up of App javascript file into header and body
npm, or Node Package Manager, is a command-line programme for interfacing with an online
repository for publishing open-source Node.js projects. On npm, there are thousands of Node.js
libraries and applications, and more are added every day. On, you can look for
these programmes. Once you have a package that you wish to install, you can do it with only
one command.
Let's pretend you're working on the Next Great Application one day. You run into a difficulty
and decide it's time to use that amazing library you've heard so much about - let's use as an
example, consider Caolan McMahon's async.
Fortunately, npm is really easy to use: simply execute npm install async, and the desired
module will be installed in the current directory under./node modules/. You can use need() on
them once they've been installed in your node modules folder, just like built-ins.
Consider the following example of a global install: coffee-script. The npm command is
coffee-script -g npm install This will usually install the software and create a symlink in
/usr/local/bin/ for it. This will allow you to launch the programme like any other CLI tool from
the console. Running coffee in this situation will allow you to use the coffee-script REPL.
Another important use for npm is dependency management. When you have a node project
with a package.json file, you can run npm install from the project root and npm will install all
the dependencies listed in the package.json.
· Create a new React Bootstrapped project (Note: this step may take a while):
One of the most primary features of VS Code is its very popular feature of debugging the code.
Visual Studio Code's built-in debugging tool helps us to accelerate and accentuate our edit,
compile, and debug loop. The very traditional way of debugging the code and finding the errors
has been commenting the coded part which contains the error portion, running the app again
and then looking for errors in the browser and then rectifying them from there. Testing the code
becomes redundant hence the React devTools is not preferred on the browser but is instead the
option of VSCode Degugger is rather preferred.
1. Click on the red gutter icon before the line number that you want to check for errors. This
will create a red bright spot called the break point.
2. Then click on The Run and Debug in the icon list.
3. Launch the run and debug by clicking on the green Play icon.
4. This creates a slider on the screen with many different options.
5. The variables, call stack and loaded scripts will appear in a Sidebar to the left to the IDE
6. The Debug Console will display all the errors in the console inside VSCode.
Run View:
In order for the user to bring up the Run View, use the short cut for it : Ctrl+Shift+D or select
the Run Icon in the Activity Bar on the top of the VSCode.
The Run view includes a top bar containing debugging commands and configuration settings,
as well as any information related to running and debugging.
VS Code displays the Run start view if running and debugging have not yet been configured
(no launch.json has been produced).
Click on the launch.json file. This adds a launch.json file and a configuration by default too.
We can also add another configuration also in the same file. The structure of the launch file has
been shown below:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"skipFiles": ["<node_internals>/**"],
"program": "${workspaceFolder}\\app.js"
Fig 9: The figure shows the launch.json file properly configured in the system
With the advent of the React technology, The Switch has been replaced by the Routers
component that can be imported as the BrowserRouter component. Each App file which is the
start of the process of execution will contain one Router (earlier Switch) and then a number of
different routes in the app will be present inside the Router tag.
Google Firebase is a Google-backed app development platform that allows developers to create
apps for iOS, Android, and the web. Firebase delivers analytics reporting, tracking and app
issue fixes, as well as marketing and product experimentation capabilities.
Google Analytics for Firebase provides free, limitless reporting on up to 500 different events.
Analytics gives data about user activity in iOS and Android apps, allowing for better
performance and app marketing decisions.
a comprehensive identification solution, including email and password accounts, phone
authentication, and Google, Facebook, GitHub, Twitter, and other social media logins.
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a free cross-platform messaging application that allows
businesses to reliably receive and send messages on iOS, Android, and the web.
The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that allows data to be
stored and synced in real time across users. The data is synced in real time across all clients and
is remains accessible when an app goes offline.
Firebase – Crashlytics Crashlytics is a real-time crash reporter that aids developers in tracking,
prioritising, and resolving stability issues that degrade app quality. Developers may spend less
time organising and investigating crashes and more time implementing features for their apps
with crashlytics.
To run the command on the terminal, here gitbash has been used. After merging the modules
you use with a package bundler, the Firebase JavaScript npm package contains code that can be
launched in the browser (e.g., Browserify, Webpack).
$ npm init
Access Firebase using:
The following screenshot shows an attempt using try-catch block to make a connection to
Firebase in the Sign In page.
Fig 10: The figure shows an asynchronous function using a try-catch block to make a
connection to the firebase server using the user’s gmail id
The full Firebase JavaScript client includes support for Firebase Authentication, the Firebase
Realtime Database, Firebase Storage, and Firebase Cloud Messaging. Including code via the
above snippets will pull in all of these features.
You can reduce the amount of code your app uses by just including the features you need. The
individually installable services are:
· firebase-firestore - Cloud Firestore (optional).
The figure shows the number and details of users that are currently signed in the App using
their Google IDs. The users can also use their Facebook IDs to login the app. The user can
remain connected to the app using both Google and Facebook IDs as well
The structure of nested messages is shown above in the following diagram where every
message contains the name of the author who wrote the message, his avatar profile image, the
timestamp of when the message was sent on the server and the user-id of the author which is
unique for every user. The number of likes I represented using the likeCount symbol that
toggles between 1 and 0 for liked and un-liked messages.
The file structure has been shown in the above figure from Firbase Realtime database. The
content type is shown in the first row: showing the type of content that file contains which in
this case is an application/json structure. The name of the file is shown in the file as the second
column and the url of the file is shown in case it has been uploaded on the server. The room ID
has been assigned to every chat room in the file.
3.8 API Terminology
When using or building APIs, you will encounter these terms frequently:
URL ( - A web address for a resource, such as a website. The protocol (http://) is the first part of a URL.
Optional path (/about) and domain ( A URL identifies a
website, a certain resource's location, such as a web page. When you're reading about
APIs, the phrases URL, request, URI, and endpoint are commonly used to denote
related concepts.
Fetch() is a great networking API that was chosen for React Javascript, but because it is
relatively and quite new, there are a few things to be aware of when using it. The React
Javascript Documentation does include a single example, which is a good start, but I want to
add a few more things that may not be readily obvious.
GET requests
Sending a GET request to a JSON API is the simplest use case. Just call fetch and supply it
with the appropriate URL. It returns a promise that can be parsed as usual:
{ return response.json()
POST requests
When submitting a POST request, supply the URL as the first argument and an object
containing the request information as the second argument.
1. Make sure you send the correct headers. Otherwise, the payload won’t get through.
fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
firstParam: 'yourValue',
secondParam: 'yourOtherValue',
3.9.1 Div :
View/Div is a built-in component in React. If we are familiar with HTML, view is similar to
div in that it's utilised in mobile apps. The div or rather a view from React Native is a content
section where your material is shown. This allows us to organize the content effectively.
Figure detailing the different uses of a Div in React or a View in React Native
3.9.2 State:
A component is controlled by two forms of data. They are state and props, respectively. The
state can be changed. It means that the value of a state can change at any time. Variable data is
saved in a state.
Create the state in a function Object() { [native code] } and modify the value as needed by
executing the function 'setState()’.
3.9.3 props:
Props (abbreviated for properties) are the second data type. It is unchangeable. It can be used to
transfer data between components. It establishes a connection the Container Component with
the Presentation Component.
The Container Component handles all of the states and functionalities, whereas the
Presentation Component is a passive region where Div is displayed.
The container component is responsible for state initialization and update. The result will be
provided to the presentation component, which will use the props to display the view or the div.
Flex Layout is provided to give a clean layout to the component. Children of a component
layout are specified using the Flexbox. Using the flexDirection, justifyContent, alignItems
properties we can archive the right layout.
The styled CSS or the scss files are a part of the Sass programming language which happens to
be a pre-processing scripting language that, at runtime, gets compiled and interpreted into CSS
or the Cascading Style Sheets. The scripting language is called the SassScript. The original
syntax is called the indented syntax. This syntax is synonymous with Haml.
Fig 11: The figure shows both the .scss and .sass types of files and compares them syntactically
The sass and scss are often used interchangeably. Both use the styled components that can be
installed from either the node package manager or the yarn package manager.
This is one of the most important structures in the React JS Framework that makes us fully
equipped to exchange unique and personal details. It offers a huge assistance in making the
stuck developers solve the process of prop-drilling that exist across all the levels of the
The usage of Context API becomes more important when there happens to be some data that
has to be made accessible to many different components in an application. This becomes more
important when these so called components in the app happen to be at different nested states,
However, the problem that is faced by them is that they make reusing the component more
tedious and we need to use it only where necessary or rather sparingly.
In our application, the context API has been used by three different files: namely the current-
room, the room-context and the profile.
Fig 12: Figure showing the Profile Context API
The database which is a NOSQL database needs to have certain rules, despite the fact that it
need not be present in the format of a table with rows and columns. These certain rules of
authentication are presented in a json file and incorporated into the app inside a file which is
labeled as the database.rules.json file. It defines a certain structure for the profiles, chat-rooms,
messages and status used in the app. Some of these objects can also be nested and the rules are
applicable inside the nested structure too,
For instance, in our app, rooms and messages are nested while profiles and status are not. Also,
the read and write permissions are also provided in the json objects.
This is the snapshot for the profiles(non-nested) and rooms(nested) objects
This snapshot elucidates the rules for the messages and status in the app
The @keyframes library serves as a nice way to provide animations inside the sass files. The
below example serves as a great example to show the key frames library in action.
In this chapter 4, we will talk about the different screens that are built into the app and how
they are related to each other. The most important screens of the Sign In Page that will appear
only when the user has to log in to the app for the first time or when the user has been signed
out. Once the user has been signed in, the user gets redirected to the chat screen and can either
chat in the existing chat-rooms or create a chat room by himself. The flowchart of the app has
been shown below:
The User’s flowchart has been explained in the following steps:
When user first logs into the app, the Sign in screen pops up for the very first screen(or
Splash Screen). In the backend, it checks if the user is already logged in.
The user is already logged in if there is a record of the user’s google or facebook mail
and password in the Google Firebase database. The match between the current entered
login credentials and those present in the database is made and checked for repetition.
If the user is already logged in, the user is prompted to choose from the available gmail
IDs to log in the app.
Once the login is successful, the user is redirected to the chat screen where he comes
across the dashboard with his details on it. It contains of an Editable Component so that
the user can change his profile photo, his nickname or an option to sign out.
The user can either chat in the existing chat screens or create a new chat-room. Also,
only the admin of the page can edit the chat-room information when he wants to.
The types of files that can be sent across the server include voice messages, text-
messages or atmost five files from the device.
There is a record of every message sent, profile created, chat-room created in the
Firebase server. The user has the ability to like a message and his like appears next to
the message in the shape of a heart and upon clicking the heart again, the heart
The messages appear on the screen according to the date and time when they were sent.
Also, the Load More Button at the top of the chat screen will load more the old
messages on the screen from the firebase server.
Rsuite library from React components has helped in building reusable components like
the Modal, Drawer, Sidebar, Checkboxes, etc. and props can be easily passed into them.
React hooks have been used to provide code reusability and make the code less
complex. Also, custom hooks can be made.
The SignIn page- This screen is the first screen shown on the screen before the user is
logged in.
The popup shown on the screen appears on the screen when we click on Contine With
Google. The Continue With Facebook Button will appear upon clicking on the
Facebook button and the popup that appears will be from the Facebook servers instead
of the Google ones.
After getting the user logged into the app, the Home Screen appears on the screen
which has been divided into the Sidebar and the main Chat.
The Dashboard:
This is unique for every logged user and contains the user information such as the
nickname of the user, the profile image of the user and the Sign Out option. These are
all controlled by Context API. The Dashboard is shown below:
The Dashboard
Upon clicking on the Pencil Icon next to the name of the logged user, we are shown an
Editable Component that replaces the normal text field and we can edit the name if we
want to. Similarly, we can upload a new profile image of our liking from our device.
This is the Editable Toggle Component.
Upon clicking on the Green button that says Create a New chatroom, we are shown a
React Modal on the Screen that prompts us to enter information to create a new chat
room. This is how it looks like.
Fig 14: The React Suite Modal for creating a new chat room on the server.
The newly created groups appear below the groups that are already in use. In the
example above, the First group called “Family Chat Group 12” is already in use and
the newly created group called “Friends Group” appears below the first one. Also, the
most recent message will appear in the chat-room div. The time next to the group name
shows the time when the group was created.
Upon clicking any of the chats or chat-rooms, we come across the Room Information
button that helps us to see the room description and room information. The Room
Information for one of the chat-rooms has been described below:
Fig 15: The Room Description Modal that appears on clicking Room Infromation
The Edit button at the top-right corner of the screen is shown only to the admin of the
chat-room and only the admin of the group can edit the room information. The Edit
button has been shown below:
The Edit Chatroom Modal that appears on clicking the red button called Edit is shown
below. Only the admin can change the information and not the other people from the
The ChatScreen has been divided into three types of chats that can be sent on the server,
The chats include:
Text Messages
Voice Messages
File Upload: The user can upload up to 5 files on the server from the device,
The user can only upload files whose size is less than 5 MB. This is an
additional check on the number and size of files uploaded on the server.
The complete chat screen with the different voice messages, text messages and the various
files uploaded on the server looks something like this when put together.
Fig 17: Figure showing the chats organized by date and time with the edit button
The messages are sent on the screen with the functionality of the Send button.
The react-router-mic has been used to record messages on the server and then
upon toggling it again, the message stops recording and is sent on the server.
The attachment icon helps to attach files and upload them on the server. They
serve as the Chat Bottom Screen.
The chat-bottom component with the mic, attachment icon and send icon
The user can like the chats that he wishes to using a toggle functionality from React.useState()
function. Upon clicking on the liked message, the like disappears. The like will appear next to
the component in the shape of a heart emoticon and upon clicking it again, it disappears.
If the user is online, the PresenceDot shows a green icon and if the user is offline, the
PresenceDot file shows a red dot instead of that. The Tooltip from React Suite helps us in
achieving this state.
The online tooltip from React
The schema shown below is the one used for messages present in the database. Each message
is stored in the database with a unique ID, the name of the author’s message, timestamp when
the message was created, the value of likeCount which could be 1 or 0 depending whether the
message was liked or not. Also, the chat-room ID is shown in the database server inside which
a particular message was sent.
The structure for the Profiles Section is shown below. Each profile is divided into the profile
image, the timestamp when the image was created and the name of the logged user which gets
picked up from the person’s Google Account.
The chat-rooms structure is shown below:
Each chat-room will contain a key-value pair for the admin of the group, the timestamp when
the group was created, the chat-room description and the most recent message that was sent in
the chatroom.
The fourth structure shown in the firebase server is the Status of the logged user. The
last_changed and the state is stored in the server which stores the information whether the user
is online or offline.
Hooks and Custom Hooks:
Hooks are an incredibly powerful feature in React that was introduced in React 16.8. The most
important feature of hooks is to write state, other functions and setState() without officially
declaring or writing code inside a class function.
In the example above: we declare a count variable using the useState() hooks in React. The
setCount() is a function that will update the value of count variable every time the button Click
Me is clicked. The count is initially 0 but gets incremented when the button is clicked. The
process of using hooks is much simpler than using the state in class. We do not need the this
operator or the bind() function to bind the state to our variables while using functional
It becomes incredibly complex to use stateful logical code across different components.
Also, all complex components that use the state and setState() functions become
difficult to understand for even the developer sometimes.
Hooks can be beneficial in break a bigger component into smaller chunks of code for
better understanding.
Firebase Login Success occurs when the authUser succeeds in authenticating the user’s login
credentials with any set of credentials present in the database, otherwise there occurs a Firebase
error. The figure below shows exactly that.
Fig 18: Firebase success and Firebase Error depicted in these figures
Fig 19: Figure showing the number of users logged into the app
The full-fledged version of the application has been made public on Github on the public
The aforementioned repository contains all the necessary files and folders that have been used
in the building the application. To run the application on your local system, we need to first
clone the repository using the git clone repository_name command and then to install all the
used dependencies in the project , use the npm init command to install the node_modules in
the project. The dependencies will take some time for installation depending upon the internet
The snapshot below shows all the files pushed onto github repository for the given project.
Fig 20: The github project repository for chat-web-app
5.1 The sole aim of the project is to understand the concept and basics of MERN stack web
development application by building an advanced chatting application. The way it is different
from the other applications is in the following ways:
This app also gives primary focus to the admin and security permissions to the
users. Only, the admin of the chatroom has the permission to edit the name of the
chatroom and the chatroom description.
The project aims to be more than just a chatting application as it allows us to send
more than just chats in the server. We can upload upto 5 files in one go. The
Message File has the attachment icon to attach files and the send button to finally
send the files over on the server.
The user can login the app using the authenticator provided by the Google Firebase.
Also, when the user signs out from the app, the unsubscribe() function allows him to
be unsubscribed from the database, The timestamp is also added which keeps a
record of when the user logged in to the app.
The user can like certain chats in the chat window and can also remove those likes.
A heart emoticon will show up when the user likes the message. This is made
possible through the concept of post transactions in React.
There is still a lot of backend that needs to be incorporated into making the app faster and more
reliable than other chat applications in the market. For example, the video calling feature needs
to be incorporated for multiple people to video chat at the same time. Also, chat reactions, dark
mode for the entire app are some of the features that need to be coded in the app.
5.2 Future Scope:
There is still a lot of backend work to be done in order to make the app faster and more
dependable than other chat apps available. For example, if numerous individuals want
to video chat at the same time, the video calling feature must be included.
Chat reactions, as well as a dark mode for the full app, are some of the features that
must be coded and incorporated.
Animation Libraries such as Framer Motion have to be used to provide UI strength and
more unique design to the app,
Alongwith Firebase database, the app needs to be tested on other NOSQL platforms
such as MongoDB Atlas and NOSQL Booster to see if is compatible with other
The app needs to load faster. Hence, useMemo and other hooks have to be used to give
the app speed and reduce the DOM complexity while loading components on the
screen and putting them together.
5.3 Applications:
The most basic application of this app is to be used as a chatting app and then later as a
video chat application.
The Like Message Functionality enables us to like or dislike messages,
Chats are organized according to their date and time and prevent the user from getting
all confused regarding when the chat was actually sent.
The chat application can be hosted on Google Playstore from where users can
download it in Native environment and use it accordingly.
Status to show whether the user is online or offline
The Sidebar Component which gets shown across all the components