Dhairya Application - Tender Document - V3
Dhairya Application - Tender Document - V3
Dhairya Application - Tender Document - V3
Telangana State Technology Services Limited (TSTS) on behalf of the Addl. DGP, Women Safety Wing,
Govt. of Telangana State seeks proposals from local experienced Software Development Agencies for
Selection of Service Provider for Development and Maintenance of Counseling Management portal
(Dhairya Application) as per the specifications forwarded by the client department and terms &
conditions mentioned in this document. The Application should be bilingual. It should support both
English and Telugu languages.
Bid Document Fee: Rs. 5,000/- (DD shall be drawn in favour of The Managing Director, TSTS, Hyd)
Time Schedule :
• Last date and time for Bid submission :18/08/2023 03:00 PM on eProcurement portal.
• Opening of Bids : 18/08/2023 03:30 PM
Email: rpushpa-tsts@telangana.gov.in, jithendra-tsts@telangana.gov.in
Any queries related to this tender should be communicated within 2 days from publishing of tender
document and queries received after the mentioned period shall not be considered/ entertained.
Bids should be submitted online on e-Procurement Website only. The Original EMD & Bid
document fees to be submitted to TSTS on bid closing date.
• Bid should be valid at least for a period of 90 days from the date of bid opening.
• Any deviations in format may make the quotation liable for rejection.
2 • Conditional & incomplete bids shall be liable for rejection.
If the technical offer contains any price information the bid will be summarily rejected.
EMD: Rs.1,00,000/- in the form of Demand Draft or BG from any Nationalized/Scheduled bank in
favour of The Managing Director, TSTS, Hyderabad with validity of 90 days. The scanned copy of
EMD should be uploaded on e-procurement website. The original EMD should be submitted before
opening of the Bid. The EMD will be returned to unsuccessful bidders after issue of Purchase order
3 to L1 bidder.
The bid security (EMD) may be forfeited: if a bidder withdraws its bid during the period of
bid validity (or) Provides/submit false or manipulated or forged information.
• in the case of a successful bidder, if the bidder fails:
➢ to sign the contract in time; or to furnish performance security.
Bidders Eligibility & Evaluation Criteria:
4 Pre-Qualification Criteria:
A. Legal Entity: Bidder should be a company registered/incorporated under the Indian company
Act 1956/2013 and must have not less than 5 years of existence as of the date of submission of
bids viz- Copy of Certificate of Incorporation, GST, PAN to be submitted.
B. Financial Turn Over: Should have an annual turnover of minimum Rs.5.00 Crore in each of the
last 3 financial years (FY 2020-21, 2021-22& 2022-23) from Information technology (IT)
Application design and development services/ ITeS. Balance Sheets Audited by a Certified
Chartered Accountant.CA certificate. For the FY 2022-23, Provisional Balance sheet can be
C. Certification: Bidder should be CMMi Level 3 company on bid submission date. Copy of valid
certificate to be submitted.
D. Past Experience: Should have Govt experience of at least “1” project involving design,
development, operation, maintenance and customizations including Mobile application for
any State Govt.,or State PSU during the last 3 financial years FY 2020-21, 2021-22& 2022-23.
The value of each order should be minimum Rs.1.00 crore or above with minimum 1000
Concurrent users. Should submit Work order copy/Agreement Copy from the Client
Department. Satisfactory performance report/work completion report duly signed by the
Client should be submitted
E. Local Presence: The bidder should have a local operational office in Hyderabad as on bid
calling date. Local GST number to be submitted. Self-declaration informing the local
presence/Details of Operational office along with Address and contact details to be submitted
on letter head.
If the bidder fails to deliver the Work/Services within the stipulated time schedule or the extended
date communicated, it will be a breach of contract and User Dept (WSW) /TSTS reserves its right
to cancel the order in the event of delay after giving a 2 days’ notice to the vendor.
8 Project Timelines& Implementation Schedule
# Particular Timelines (T*)
Deployment of Project Team, Project Kickoff Meeting& submission of
1 T+ 5 days
Project plan, Starting of detailed requirement gathering phase
Submission of PBG, Signing of Project MoU/Agreement with Addl.
2 T+ 7 days
DGP, Women Safety, Police Department, Govt. of Telangana
3 Submission of FRS, SRS, Scope Design Documents T+ 10 days
Approval from Women Safety Wing on the FRS,SRS& Scope Document
4 T+ 15 days
to initiate development.
5 Solution Development/Configuration/Customisation T + 45 days
5 UAT with reference to SLA & impart Training to Department T+50 days
6 Go Live declaration and initiation of Maintenance phase T+ 60 days
Maintenance of the Solution including continuous addition of the data 10 months from
sources Go Live
• Contract Agreement: Identified Service provider shall enter into agreement with Women Safety
Wing for 1 year and extended based on requirement and satisfactory performance.
• Transaction fee: All the participating bidders who submit the bids have to pay an amount @
0.03% of their final bid value online with a cap of Rs. 10,000/- for quoted value of purchase up
to Rs.50crores and Rs.25,000/- if the purchase value is above Rs.50 crores & service tax
applicable as levied by Govt. of India on transaction fee through online in favour of MD, TSTS.
The amount payable is non refundable.
• Corpus Fund: Payable Online.
• Failure to furnish any of the uploaded documents, certificates, will entitled in rejection of the
bid. The TSTSL shall not hold any risk on account of any delay. Similarly, if any of the certificates,
documents, etc., furnished by the Bidder are found to be false / fabricated/ bogus, the bidder
will be disqualified, blacklisted, action will be initiated as deemed fit and the Bid Security will be
General Conditions of Bidding:
1. Authentication of Bid
The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed. The original/copies shall be signed by the
Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the contract. A letter of
authorization shall be supported by a written power of attorney accompanying the bid. All pages
of the bid, except for un-amended printed literature, shall be signed and stamped by the person
or persons signing the bid.
4. Force Majeure
a. The Bidder shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, liquidated damages,
or termination for default if and to the extent that its delay in performance or other failure
to perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.
b. If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Bidder/bidder shall promptly notify the TSTS in
writing of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the TSTS /
User Dept. in writing, the Bidder/bidder shall continue to perform its obligations under the
Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means
for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
5. Termination of Contract
User Dept. may terminate this contract in whole or in part by giving the Bidder prior and written
notice under the following circumstances. The Bidder (or the implementation agency’s Team) is in
a position of actual conflict of interest with the interests of User Dept. in relation to any of terms of
the implementation agency’s bid, the tender or this Contract
6. Termination for Default:
The Police Department may at any time terminate the Contract by giving 30 days written notice to
the implementation agency without compensation to the implementation agency in the event of
changes in the technology, and on any other unviable conditions.
7. Termination for Insolvency
The CLIENT, Police Department/TSTS may at any time terminate the contract by giving 30 days
written notice to the Bidder, if the bidder becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent.
Termination for Convenience
• Both parties can terminate the contract for convenience citing the reasons and giving sufficient
notice period. In case of non-performance Termination, Invoke the Performance Bank
Guarantee and other Guarantees furnished hereunder, enforce the Deed of Indemnity, recover
such other costs/losses and other amounts from the Bidder may have resulted from such default
and pursue such other rights and/or remedies that may be available to User Dept under law.
8. Application of LD
Liquidated damages shall be assessed as per the millstones as per schedule, submission of
deliverables and its acceptance”. The Maximum LD shall be as per rules.
9. Applicable law
The contract shall be interpreted in accordance with appropriate Indian Laws and place of
Jurisdiction shall be at Hyderabad, Telangana State only. In the event of any dispute or differences
arising under these conditions or any special conditions of the contract in connection with this
contract, the same shall be referred to the Prl.Secretary, Information Technology &
Communications, and Government of Telangana for final decision and the same shall be binding
on all parties.
Managing Director, TSTS
Formats for Bidding
Bid Letter Form
(Registered name and address of the bidder.)
The Managing Director,
Telangana State Technology Services(TSTS),
2nd Floor, HACA Bhavan
Having examined the bidding documents, we the undersigned, offer to provide services/execute the works
for the following project in response to your tender call dated .......................
We undertake to provide services/execute the above project or its part assigned to us in conformity with
the said bidding documents for an estimated sum as quoted in Commercial Bid attached herewith. If our
bid is accepted, we undertake to;
1) Provide services/ execute the work according to the terms, conditions & time schedule specified in the
bid document.
2) Obtain the performance guarantee of a bank in accordance with bid requirements for the due
performance of the contract.
3) Agree to abide by the bid conditions, including pre-bid meeting minutes if any, which remain binding
upon us during the entire bid validity period and bid may be accepted any time before the expiration
of that period.
4) We do hereby undertake that in the event of acceptance of our bid, and the work shall be started at
designated places within as per the time lines from the date of Award of Contract.
5) We enclose the complete Bid enclosing all documents / information as required in the tender
6) We agree to abide by our offer for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for opening of the tenders
and that we shall remain bound by a communication of acceptance within that time.
7) We have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of a tender and the conditions of the
Contract applicable to the tender and we do hereby undertake to the project as per these terms and
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive, nor to give any
reason for the rejection of any bid and that you will not defray any expenses incurred by us in bidding.
Form – PQ#1 General Information of BIdder
Name of Bidder:
Name of the Project:
# Description Supporting Documents with page nos.
1 Name of the Company
Date of Incorporation (Registration Number &
Registering Authority) GST No. & PAN No.
Legal Status of the Company & Nature of
3 Public Ltd Company/ Private/
4 Address of the Registered Office in Telangana
DD No. & Date
9 EMD details
Name of the Bank:
Valid up to :
Receipt No:
10 Proof of purchase of bid document
Date of purchase:
Form - PQ#2Financial Turnover Details
Name of Bidder:
Name of the Project:
(All values in Rs. crores)
1. Turnover in areas other than mentioned above shall not be considered for evaluation.
2. Please attach audited Balance Sheets, CA Certificate and IT return statements to confirming the
figures mentioned.
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Form PQ#4–Manpower Availability& Details
Name of Bidder:
Name of the Project:
Skills & Experience
Employee Professional Previous with
# Designation Area of
Name Certification, if Exp. Service
any Provider
Note: The Service Provider should submit Self-Certification by the authorized signatory.
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP Document
[No._________________]. I hereby declare that my company has not been debarred/ black listed as on
Bid calling date by any Central or State Government/ Quasi Government Departments or Organizations in
India for non-satisfactory past performance, corrupt, fraudulent or any other unethical business practices.
I hereby also declare that our company is not entangled in Legal Dispute with any State /Central
Government/ PSUs and not having any legal cases pending against us.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Bidder)
Printed Name
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Bid Security (EMD) Form
(To be issued by a bank scheduled in India as having at least one branch in Hyderabad)
(To be used for submitting EMD in the form of BG)
(To be issued by a bank scheduled in India as having at least one branch in Hyderabad)
Whereas...................................... (Here in after called “the Bidder”) has submitted its bid dated ......(Date).
For the execution of........................ (Here in after called “the Bid”) KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that
WE ................... of ........................ having our registered office at........................ (Here in after called the
“Bank”) are bound unto the (hereinafter called “Managing Director, TSTS, HYDERABAD”) in the sum of
................ for which payment well and truly to be made to the said TSTS itself, its successors and assignees
by these presents.
The conditions of this obligation are:
a. If the bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity or
b. If the bidder , having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the TSTS during the period of
bid validity:
1) fails or refuses to execute the contract form if required; or
2) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the bid
c. bidder submits fabricated documents
We undertake to pay the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the TSTS
having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the will note that the amount claimed by
it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred
condition or conditions.
This guarantee of Rs. ----------will remain in force up to…... and any demand in respect thereof
should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
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Form TQ#1 - Understanding of the Project& Implementation Methodology
A Brief technical proposal by the bidder on Project Scope, Understanding of the project, technologies
proposed covering the following and other issues related to project:
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Form C#1 Commercial Proposal Submission Form
The Managing Director,
Telangana State Technology Services
HACA Bhavan, Hyderabad
Dear Sir
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Service for [Insert title of Assignment] in accordance with your
Request for Proposal dated [Insert Date], and our Technical Proposal.
Our attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of [Insert amount(s) in words and figures].
This amount is inclusive of the Domestic taxes such as --------- (Indicate the amounts against each).
We hereby confirm that the financial proposal is unconditional and we acknowledge that any condition
attached to financial proposal shall result in reject of our financial proposal. Our Financial Proposal shall
be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of
the validity period of the Proposal.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.
We remain,
Yours sincerely,
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Form-C#2: Application Development Cost
Name of Bidder:
Name of the Project:
Unit Rate Total Cost
Particular Qty Taxes
Rs. (incl. taxes) Rs.
Cost towards Design, Development/ Lump
Customization, Integrate and Maintenance of 1 sum
year of Counselling Management Portal (Dhairya
Application) including all related activities towards
Scope of Work.
Any other Cost << To be specified>>
Grand Total
In Words: _____________________________________________________________
1. The price quoted in Form C#2 will be considered for Overall evaluation.
2. Prices quoted by the bidder shall be fixed during the bidder’s performance of the contract and not
subject to variation on any account unless otherwise specified in the tender call.
3. All other tasks pertinent to the contract even though may not have been mentioned in the bid
document are assumed to have been included in the work.
4. Deduction of taxes at source will be made as per applicable laws from the payments to be made to the
Service Provider.
The above cost is being taken for information purpose and shall not be part of overall evaluation. This cost
shall be used for undertaken Change Management during the project period beyond the specified scope.
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Scope of Work and Other Information
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6. Data Security:
The software should provide robust data security to ensure that client information is protected at
all times. User access should have multiple levels of checks and balances.
7. Reporting and Analytics:
The software should provide counsellors and management with easy access to reports and
analytics to track client progress, appointment history, and other metrics.
8. Customization:
The software should allow for some customization to meet future expansion needs, such as
adding custom fields and forms.
9. User-Friendly Interface:
The software should have an intuitive interface that is easy to use, even for those with limited
technical skills.
10. Mobile Responsive
Some modules of the portal should be mobile responsive and should work on multiple devices
and browsers. These include “Session Update” Module, Calendar, Chat, etc.
11. WhatsApp Integration:
The software should allow for integration with WhatsApp to enable counsellors to communicate
with clients via WhatsApp.
12. SMS Integration:
The software should allow for integration with SMS gateways to enable counsellors to send
appointment reminders and other messages to clients via SMS.
13. Zoom/Google Meet/Teams Integration:
a. The software should provide seamless integration with Zoom/Meet/Teams to allow counsellors to
conduct online counselling sessions with their clients via Video.
14. Referral Management:
a. The software should have a referral management system in place to enable counsellors to refer
clients to support centers when needed.
b. This feature should allow counsellors to easily refer clients to other centers.
15. Forum Functionalities:
The software should have a forum feature that allows clients to access expert opinions and advice
from other clients and counsellors. This feature should also allow clients to ask questions and
share their experiences. Should allow Counsellors and Front Desk Executives to post their queries
that can be answered by experts.
16. Internal Chat Engine:
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The software should have an internal chat engine that enables counsellors to communicate with
each other and management in real-time. This feature should allow counsellors to share
information, discuss cases, and collaborate on treatment plans.
17. Data analytics:
The portal would use data analytics to help counsellors track their performance, identify trends in
client needs, and improve their practice. It will also provide centre wise performance reports.
18. Other functionalities as required by WSW dept.
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Roles & Hierarchy:
4. SMS/eMail Notifications
Upon successful registration, an unique grievance ID to be generated. Based on that unique ID, citizen
should receive periodic/status update notifications through SMS/eMail/both.
Department Officers should also get periodic reminders on pendency of the complaint.
5. OS compatibility for Mobile application
The proposed application must be compatible for Mobile viewing in Android& iOS operating systems.
Bidder shall have the overall responsibility for development, customization, integration, testing and
rollout and maintenance of Application including the Database. It is proposed that Solution shall be
designed, developed and implemented which should support any Database/OS/UI/ etc. The infrastructure
available with WSW Dept (or) SDC, will be used wherever required.
7. Type of Dashboard / MIS reports
The Portal should provide dashboard with statistics various parameters for WSW Dept to analyse the
nature of complaints received, no. of complaints, Addressed & Cleared, Pendency etc.
The details of MIS reports required shall be shared with identified Service Provider.
8. List of Applications to be integrated with portal
Dial 100,She Teams,Any other application as required by WSW
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a. If the software is not operational according to the SLA, the non-mere occurrence of a Level 1
dysfunctional issue, a penalty of Rs.10,000/- would be imposed. If the issue is not resolved within
the prescribed time frame, a further penalty of Rs. 5,000/- would be imposed for every additional
hour. For Level II issues Rs. 5,000/- for every additional day after the expiry of the prescribed time
frame is charged.
b. In security management, every occurrence of Level I security issues would attract a penalty of Rs.
10,000/-. If the issue is not resolved within the prescribed time frame, a further penalty of Rs.
5,000/- would be imposed for every additional hour. In Level II, a fine of Rs. 5,000/- for every hour
over and above the prescribed time frame, if the issue remains unresolved.
A. Uptime Calculation:
System Service uptime: {[(Actual Uptime in Hours + Scheduled Downtime in Hours) / Total No. of
Hours in a month] x 100}
Measurement of Service Level Parameter:
a. The service level would be defined in the number of days calculated from the date and time of
logging the call/raising the request with the Service Provider. The penalty would be calculated
quarterly and would be adjusted from the quarterly payment. The penalty per day is Rs. 1,000.
b. If the System goes down because of reasons other than those envisaged under the force majeure
clause, one day’s charges shall be deducted for every hour of downtime from the bidder’s claim.
If the call Centre remains unserviceable for a continuous period of 8 hours, then no payment shall
be made for services during the 6 days ending on that day.
B. Downtime
Down Time is defined as the time during which the systems and/or services running on it are not
available or are deemed to be not available to the users in part or full due to any non – functioning,
repairs / problems etc. The penalty for downtime will be counted from the time problem is reported
to the bidder electronically or telephonically or by such other means till problem is solved / rectified
to the satisfaction of user. Penalty shall be applicable once the admissible down time is crossed.
The admissible down time for Services running on Servers: maximum 12 hours calculated over a
period of three months.
1. Maximum down time in a day will be equal to run time even if system is down for 24 hrs. ie., if Service is
down from 9 am to 9 am (next day) the total down time will be 8 hrs. (10 AM to 6 PM) and not 24 hrs.
2. In case of intermittent failures and repetitive problems due to improper diagnosis or repair, the system, will
be treated as continuously down from the time of first fault reporting.
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b) Major Queries - Involves writing of queries to extract data by combing/joining two
or more tables and present the data in readable format
c) Complex Queries - Involves writing of queries where the data extraction involves more
than one major queries and present the data in readable format
Severity Levels Definitions:
1. Severity 4 (S4) - Major impact problem affecting the business. System function
down or problem occurs with a frequency that severely impacts normal affiliate or Dept Business
operations with respect to Social Audit. Failure of critical software component. Multiple
customers or Dept operations are affected.
2. Severity 3 (S3) - High impact problem effecting one or more business functions.
3. Degraded function of system or failure of non-critical process.
4. Severity 2 (S2) - Moderate impact with minimal impact to customer. Bypass or
alternate functions allows job to be performed.
5. Severity 1(S1) - Low impact problem or cosmetic issue that does not affect
functionality as designed or impact business operations with respect to Social Audit.
Service Level Target:
Following table defines Service Level Targets for Trouble Shooting Response and Resolution time.
Severity Response Resolution Calculation
Level Time Time Window
S4 10 min 30 min Monthly
S3 15 min 20 min Monthly
S2 20 min 30 min Monthly
S1 20 min 40 min Monthly
For enhancement/Modification and Query Response, the service level targets would be as under:
Measurement Metrics :
• The total deduction should not exceed 10% of the Project value.
• 2 consecutive quarterly deductions of more than 10% of the Project cost on account of any
reasons will be deemed to be an event of default and termination.
• The certifications would be obtained by the service provider latest by end of third Quarter of the
Operations phase failing which the subsequent Quarterly Charges will deferred till the
certifications is obtained.
Penalty Calculation:
1. Actual vs targeted compliance level for each of the respective service areas will be measured
separately in every month. Monthly shortfall in achieving SLA compliance, if any, for the respective
service areas shall be aggregated for the quarter.
Penalty amount = Penalty (%) x Total services Cost for the quarter.
Shortfall in Target/
Compliance by SLA
<= 1 % 1
> 1% and <= 3 % 3
> 3% and <= 5 % 5
> 5% and <= 6 % 6
> 6% and <= 8 % 8
> 8% and <= 10 % 10
4. Any issues related Application should be attended & resolved within 2 hours from time of reporting.
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5. Downtime of services on holidays or scheduled downtime will not be considered for calculation of
uptime and penalty. Failure to upgrade framework as per the milestones penalty of 1% of price
quoted for up gradation activity will be levied.
Department has right to terminate the services of the service provider if the SLAs are not met
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