Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Vasculitis
Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Vasculitis
Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Vasculitis
Autoimmunity Reviews
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Keywords: Antiglomerular basement membrane disease (anti-GBM) is a rare life-threatening autoimmune vasculitis that
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis involves small vessels and it is characterized by circulating autoantibodies directed against type IV collagen
Alveolar hemorrhage antigens expressed in glomerular and alveolar basement membrane. The typical clinical manifestations are the
Pulmonary-renal syndrome
rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis and the alveolar hemorrhage. The diagnosis is usually confirmed by the
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody
detection of anti-GBM circulating antibodies. If not rapidly recognized, anti-GBM disease can lead to end stage
Goodpasture syndrome kidney disease (ESKD). An early diagnosis and prompt treatment with immunosuppressive therapies and plas
mapheresis are crucial to prevent a poor outcome. In this review, we discuss the primary form of anti-GBM (the
so called Goodpasture syndrome) but also cases associated with other autoimmune diseases such as
antineutrophil-cytoplasmic-antibody (ANCA) vasculitis, membranous nephropathy, IgA nephritis and systemic
lupus erythematosus (SLE), as well as the few cases of anti-GBM vasculitis complicating kidney transplantation in
the Alport syndrome.
Antiglomerular basement membrane disease (anti-GBM) is a rare in Caucasian and rare in African, although it may occur in all racial
life-threatening autoimmune disorder, clinically characterized by the groups [7].
triad: rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, pulmonary hemorrhage,
and circulating autoantibodies [1]. Anti GBM vasculitis can occur either 2. Outcome and prognosis
as a primary disease, as in the case of Goodpasture syndrome, or may be
secondary to different disorders, including antineutrophil-cytoplasmic- The clinical presentation of anti-GBM disease is characterized by a
antibody (ANCA) vasculitis, membranous nephropathy, IgA nephritis, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with hematuria, macroscopic in
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and may complicate kidney trans 40% of cases, non-nephrotic proteinuria and increase in serum creati
plantation in the Alport syndrome. nine. Hemoptysis and dyspnea of varying degrees are frequently present
at clinical onset or appear few days later. In a few cases, patients present
1. Anti-GBM disease with severe renal failure requiring immediate dialysis. The diagnosis is
usually confirmed by the detection of anti-GBM circulating antibodies.
In 1919, during a pandemic influenza, Doctor Ernest William However, atypical forms of anti-GBM disease can occur and lead to late
Goodpasture, an eminent pathologist and physician, described a patient or wrong diagnosis: kidney disease may precede pulmonary symptoms
whose infection was complicated by hemoptysis and acute glomerulo by several days or vice versa, anti-GBM antibodies may result negative,
nephritis [2]. For many years, this disorder has been called Goodpasture renal or more frequently pulmonary signs and symptoms may be absent
syndrome, but in the last years anti-GBM disease has been considered as [10–15].
a more specific term and is presently preferred [3–7]. Anti-GBM disease In most untreated or lately treated patients, the typical anti-GBM
is a rare disorder with a prevalence of 10 cases/million hospitalized disease can progress to end stage kidney disease (ESKD) or can cause
patients in the United States [8]. It may have a bimodal distribution, death from kidney or respiratory complications. However, rare cases of
with a peak at 30 years, when it mainly affects males, and a second peak spontaneous remission have been reported [16] and in patients with
at 60 years, when it preferentially affects females [9]. It is more frequent atypical anti-GBM disease the course may be indolent [17]. In most
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Calatroni).
Received 15 September 2022; Accepted 11 October 2022
Available online 14 October 2022
1568-9972/© 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.
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C. Ponticelli et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103212
3. Pathology
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C. Ponticelli et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103212
6. Treatment
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C. Ponticelli et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103212
nephrectomy of the native kidneys was performed to allow disappear vessel vasculitis is played by complement, which is mainly activated by
ance of antibodies. This intervention is not recommended today. Most the alternative pathway [82].
clinicians prefer to check the titer of circulating anti-GBM antibodies The fundamental renal lesion of ANCA associated vasculitis is the
periodically and wait for 6–12 months before transplantation until anti- presence of glomerular crescents. The clinical presentation of AAV is
GBM antibodies disappear. With such a policy, the recurrence of anti- characterized by a rapid progressive decline in renal function, associated
GBM disease has virtually disappeared. However, rare cases of recur with dysmorphic hematuria, erythrocyte casts, and modest glomerular
rent disease accompanied by reappearance of anti-GBM antibodies have proteinuria. Nephrotic syndrome and hypertension are relatively un
been reported 4–8 years after transplantation in patients in whom anti- common. In the absence of specific treatment, the disorder may rapidly
GBM antibodies had disappeared. In these cases, the prognosis is severe. progress to ESKD. Treatment is similar to that already described for
Most patients lost their allograft [63–66]. rapidly progressive GN.
As reported above, about 30% of patients with anti-GBM disease may
7. Secondary anti-GBM antibodies also present with concomitant ANCA (usually MPO-ANCA) and about
5% of those with ANCA vasculitis have concomitant anti-GBM anti
7.1. Alport syndrome bodies [50,51]. Patients with double positivity have severe renal disease
and lung hemorrhage at presentation. Half of surviving patients with
Alport syndrome (AS) is a hereditary disorder, characterized by double positive disease had recurrent disease during a median follow-up
sensorineural hearing loss, ocular abnormalities, and progressive renal of 4.8 years [83]. Renal survival in patients with double positivity is
failure. These disorders depend on the abnormal composition of similar to that of anti-GBM disease and is worse compared with patients
collagen 4, the main collagen component of basement membranes. The with MPO-ANCAs only [84] but the risk of progression to ESKD in
synthesis of collagen 4 is regulated by the genes COL4A3, COL4A4, double positive disease may be aggravated by the frequent relapses [85].
which reside on chromosome 2, and by the gene COL4A5, which is Intensive and prolonged treatment is required. Patients with dual dis
located on the X chromosome. There are three types of Alport syndrome: ease have an increased risk of malignancy related to the high doses of
X-linked dominant AS in which the affected gene is COL4A5, autosomal cyclophosphamide. Instead, a retrospective study found that rituximab-
dominant or recessive forms due to mutations of COL4A3 or COL4A4, treated patients had the same risk of malignancy than general popula
and digenic AS due to mutations of COL4A3 and COL4A4 in cis or trans tion [86]. In summary, patients with dual positivity for ANCA and anti-
or COLA3, COLA4 and COL4A5 [67]. Males with X-linked dominant AS GBM antibodies demonstrate an intermediate phenotype that lies be
will develop Alport syndrome and eventually ESKD, while females, with tween that of Goodpasture syndrome and AAV.
two chromosomes X, will have asymptomatic hematuria and rarely se In about 10% of cases, anti-GBM antibodies can develop later in
vere renal disease [68,69]. A multicenter randomized controlled trial in patients with pANCA vasculitis [87,88]. In these cases, one may hy
Germany showed that the renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (RASi) pothesize that the attack of anti-MPO antibodies to capillary endothe
ramipril decreased the risk of progression, diminished the slope of lium may cause GBM injury and increased the expression of GBM
albuminuria progression and the decline in glomerular filtration [70]. epitopes that trigger the development of anti-GBM antibodies.
However, the use of RASi can slow down but cannot eliminate pro
gression to ESKD. 7.3. Membranous nephropathy and anti GBM disease
Male patients with ESKD are young adults and have superior patient
survival while undergoing dialysis and superior patient and graft sur Membranous nephropathy (MN) is a glomerular disease clinically
vival after deceased-donor kidney transplantation compared with pa characterized by proteinuria, usually in a nephrotic range, and histo
tients with other causes of ESKD [71]. A major issue may be represented logically marked by an apparent thickening of the GBM, caused by
by the fact that in Alport’ patients there is an abnormal expression of subepithelial deposits of immune complexes. The etiology of MN is
alpha 5. Different isophorms of alpha 5(IV)NC1 epitope may be recog unknown, and the disease is called primary but in 20%–30% of cases
nized as antigen and initiate the immune response of the recipient with membranous nephropathy is secondary being associated with chronic
production of specific antibodies [72,73]. In the Alport syndrome the infection, systemic diseases, cancer, exposure to drugs or toxic agents
different alpha chains may associate to form a hexamer during the [89]. Idiopathic MN is an autoimmune disease in which autoantibodies
biosynthesis, with altered expression of alpha 3 and possible production are directed against epitopes of podocyte antigens. In about 60%–70% of
of antibodies against its epitopes [74]. However, after kidney trans cases the antigen has been identified as the M-type of phospholipase A2
plantation, most patients with Alport syndrome either show isolated receptor (PLA2r) [90], but several new antigens have been discovered
microscopic hematuria or do not present any specific problem. In about [91,92]. The disease may enter spontaneous remission of proteinuria but
10% of cases, it is possible to find faint linear deposits of IgG at immu in the long-term half of patients may enter ESKD or die from disease-
nofluorescence. Only in 2–5% of males with X-linked AS a rapidly pro related complications [93]. For patients at risk of progression (persis
gressive GN may develop [75–77]. This event usually develops in the tent nephrotic syndrome, reduced GFR, elevated levels of anti-PLA2r
first posttransplant year but may also occur after 6 years or later. It is antibodies, severe tubulointerstitial changes at kidney biopsy) treat
more frequent in patients who receive a second kidney transplant. The ment based on rituximab, corticosteroids, and cyclophosphamide, or
prognosis is severe. Despite intensive therapy most patients with anti- calcineurin inhibitors are recommended [94].
GBM antibodies lost their graft [78–81]. Patients with anti-GBM disease may develop MN. This association is
well documented [95–97]. Double-positive patients have a broader
7.2. Anti-GBM antibodies in ANCA-associated vasculitis spectrum of anti-GBM antibodies and lower levels of antibodies against
alpha3(IV)NC1 compared with that of patients with anti-GBM disease
The term ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) encompasses three [98]. Anti-PLA2r antibodies are undetectable in anti-GBM patients with
different vasculitis granulomatosis with polyangiitis, microscopic poly MN, suggesting that patients with dual positivity have distinct clinical
angiitis, and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis also known features and a different immunological profile of MN [99]. In addition,
as Churg-Strauss syndrome. In turn, ANCAs have been subdivided into most dual-positive patients with crescents develop a long-term decline
anti-proteinase 3 (PR3) or cANCA vasculitis, and anti-myeloperoxidase in renal function despite immunosuppressive therapy [100]. Experi
(MPO) or pANCA vasculitis. The pathophysiology of AAV is multifac mental study suggested that the subnephritogenic anti-GBM antibodies
torial and includes the role of inflammation, innate immunity, predis may cause an inflammatory environment in glomeruli that is amplified
posing genetic and environmental factors, aberrant response of adaptive by ANCA and neutrophils [101]. It is also possible that alterations of
immunity, and complement system activation A prominent role in small GBM caused by anti-GBM antibodies may unveil cryptic antigens with
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C. Ponticelli et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103212
development of MN. GBM serum levels were correlated with the anti-double-stranded DNA
More rarely, patients affected by idiopathic or secondary MN may antibodies and with anti-nucleosome antibodies. Alveolar hemorrhage
develop anti-GBM disease [102–104]. One may speculate that abnor was significantly more frequent in lupus patients with anti-GBM anti
malities of GBM in MN may favor conformational changes of α3(IV)NC1 bodies than in those without anti GBM antibodies. In addition, histo
that stimulates the production of anti-GBM antibodies. logical damage and prognosis were worse in patients with anti-GBM
antibodies than in those without anti-GBM. In Europe, anti GBM anti
7.4. IgA nephropathy and anti-GBM disease bodies were tested retrospectively in 100 SLE and in 100 Lupus nephritis
sera collected from 2011 to 2014 from a Franco-German European
Immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) is a primary glomerular biobank. The results were compared with that of 100 healthy people.
disease characterized by diffuse, and generalized mesangial deposition Most patients were Caucasians. None of the 300 tested sera at fluores
of IgA, typically of the IgA1 subclass. IgA1 molecules have an aberrant cence enzyme immunoassay was positive for anti-GBM antibodies at
structure of O-glycans that can cause the production of autoantibodies titer >10 U/ml. Three cases with a titer >7 U/m were re-tested by in
and circulating immune complexes that localize in the glomerular direct immunofluorescence assays but were found to be negative [126].
mesangium, with activation of mesangial cells, proliferation of extra The different results between European and Chinese study can be due
cellular matrix, and release of cytokines and chemokines acting to both to the different ethnicities and to the different methods for testing
initiate and perpetuate glomerular injury. Genetic factors are likely to anti-GBM antibodies. Indeed, the serum auto-antibody profiles and the
influence the pathogenesis of IgAN [105]. The disease is characterized frequency of proliferative lupus nephritis varies in the different ethnic
principally by episodes of glomerular hematuria often with persistent ities [127,128]. On the other hand, the specificity of the commercial anti
proteinuria of a variable degree. The natural course of IgA may be GBM assays may vary considerably [129]. Altogether, these data suggest
indolent or slowly progressive leading to ESKD in 30%–50% of cases in that anti-GBM antibodies should not be included in the routinary
the long-term. In rare cases the disease may have a rapidly progressive immunological tests for SLE except in patient's whit rapidly progressive
course. Promising results have been obtained with use of corticosteroids renal failure and in those with signs of vasculitis such as intra-alveolar
in IgAN [106,107]. There is little evidence that additional immuno hemorrhage.
suppression is helpful [108].
Apart from rare cases of anti-GBM disease with IgG4 antibodies, Ethical statement
concurrent cases of both anti-GBM nephritis and IgAN have been re
ported. Moulis et al. [109] described a case of IgA-mediated Good This article does not contain any studies with human participants or
pasture syndrome and reported the outcome for other 11 cases. Despite animals performed by any of the authors.
intensive immunosuppressive therapy, the disease progressed to ESKD
in many patients. Transplantation was not associated with recurrence in Declaration of Competing Interest
the kidney graft. Other cases of dual pathology with mesangial deposits
of IgA and linear glomerular deposits of IgG have been reported. In some All authors disclose that they do not have any financial or other re
cases, pulmonary hemorrhage was present. Patients were treated with lationships, which might lead to a conflict of interest regarding this
methylprednisolone (MPP), with or without cyclophosphamide and/or article.
plasmapheresis with different outcomes ranging from complete kidney
recovery to stage 4 renal disease [110–115]. The pathogenesis of IgA- Data availability
mediated anti-GBM disease is still unknown. This condition may be
considered a different disease. No data was used for the research described in the article.
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