The Literature Review of Ollier Disease
The Literature Review of Ollier Disease
The Literature Review of Ollier Disease
Ollier disease is a rare disease with an incidence 1:100,000. It is a multiple benign hyaline-cartilag-
inous-forming tumor at metaphysis or extended to diaphysis of bone. This paper reviews the Ollier
disease and its general, pathogenesis, clinical presentations, investigation findings and the treatment
which still has no consensus. Chiang Mai Medical Journal 2013;52(3-4):73-79.
Keywords: Ollier disease, enchondromatosis, multiple enchondromatosis, dyschondroplasia
Address correspondence to: Witchuree Wejjakul, Department of Orthopedics, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University,
Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50200. E-mail:
Received June 26, 2013, and in revised form December 5, 2013.
74 Chiang Mai Med J 2013;52(3-4):
These suggest that mutant PTHR1 may contribute sented that the mass usually occurred in hand and
to but is not the actual cause of the disease [3]. foot [7-9]. It is less frequently seen in the foot
Moreover than mutant PTHR1, there are also than in the hand. Limb-length discrepancy pre-
other mutant genes found in enchondromatosis, sents as limb shortening causing gait abnormali-
which are FAM86D, PRKG1, ANKS1B, NIPBL ties, and is usually seen with angular deformity
and POUF51, but most of these genes have no such as varus, valgus, or distortion in longitudi-
important role in cartilage formation, [3] so there nal growth of bone [6, 10-12], and can cause the
should be the further studies to find out what is limiting of articular movement and pathologic
the actual pathogenesis of the disease that will fracture.
help us understanding more about Ollier disease. The importance of Ollier disease is that there
can be malignant transformation, which frequent-
Clinical presentation ly develop into chondrosarcoma; a malignant
hyaline-cartilage-forming tumor with no marker
Ollier disease can present with clinical features can indicate, about 25-30 percent of Ollier
of mass and limb-length discrepancy. The mass patients [1,9,10,13], and some develop into osteo-
or swelling occur closed proximity to growth sarcoma [10,14]. There are non-skeletal malignant
plate of long tubular bone (femur, tibia, humerus, lesions those are gliomas [2,13] and juvenile
fibula), small bone of hands or feet (carpal, me- granulosa cell tumors [2]. Patients are likely to die
ta-carpal, phalanges, tarsal, metatarsal bones), from non-skeletal tumor, so the examination of the
and flat bone (pelvis) [2,6]. It is rarely involved other organs that have a predilection to malignant
vertebrae and skull [1]. The distribution of the degeneration is very important for orthopaedic
lesions is usually asymmetric that localized uni- surgeons to get early diagnosis and give them the
lateral, if bilateral, there will be one dominant proper management.
side [6]. Three case reports of Ollier disease pre-
Figure 1. A 9-year-old girl presented with gait abnormality since she was 9 months. The physical examination
showed right genu varum with limb-length discrepancy of right femur and tibia.
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regarding the correction of limb-length discre- are flexion contractures, joint stiffness [21], in-
pancy in both benign tumors and focusing in complete fracture [4], and nonunion [19]. The
Ollier disease alone [4,11-13,18-24]. Most of cases lengthening rate is about 0.5-1.5 mm per day
are fully corrected the limb-length discrepan- [4,11,12,23]. The external fixation indexes are
cies and angular deformities by using asym- 26[4], 39[11], 49.2[19] days per cm respectively.
metric distraction at least one operation, but in The recommendation for the treatment of limb-
most cases, the second operation was neces- length discrepancy in Ollier patient should be
sary. The conversion of enchondromal mass into the surgical procedure; asymmetric distraction
normal new bone regeneration can be seen on osteogenesis with Ilizarov instrument, and better
radiographs at the follow-up time. Some studies be done as early as the diagnosis is done. Most
reported that there is the conversion of the ab- cases need more than one operation. Many studies
normal cartilage to histologically mature bone showed that this surgical procedure gave an excel-
[12,18]. However, there are some complica- lent outcome with correctable complications.
tions such as pain during distraction which can The postoperative rehabilitation play an im-
be managed by oral analgesic and temporary portrant role and need the patients’ cooperation.
stopping distraction or slowing distraction rate. There is a study showed that after one month of
Pin-track infection is also a common complica- rehabilitation treatment; taking analgesic drugs,
tion, but none of the patients got severe infection underwent physical therapy such as ultrasound,
which causes morbidity and mortality. All can cryotherapy, CO2 laser, with stretching, active
be cured by antibiotics either oral or intravenous mobilization, the pain is relieved with a signifi-
form with or without surgical drainage and fol- cant decreased dose of analgesic drugs and
lowed by the good pin care. Neurapraxia can be improvement of articular function, muscular
presented soon after surgery and spontaneously strength and resistance, and better Activity of
resolved. Other complications that can be found Daily Living [24].
Figure 2. An 8-year old boy presented with left thigh swelling with hip and thigh pain on movement. A, Pre-op-
erative radiographs showed multiple, radiolucent, well-defined, elongated shape lesions run parallel to bone axis
at metaphysis extended to diaphysis of left distal femur. B, After the operation (curettage with hydroxyapatite
bone graft), the lesions were filled with HA with little new bone formation around. C, Post-operative corrective
osteotomy with Ilizarov bone lengthening. (The patient is continuously retaining the Ilizarov)
Wejjakul W, et al. Ollier disease 77
Figure 3. A-9-year old girl in A, Pre-operative radiograph showed multiple radiolucent, oval-shape lesions at
metaphysis extended to diaphysis of right proximal and distal femur and tibia. B, Post-operative Corrective
Osteotomy right distal femur and tibia and fibula with nails and long leg cast. C, At the 3-year follow-up time.
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