Brochure Complete Plants Siempelkamp Eng 242909

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Complete plants

for the wood-based panels industry
Everything from one source:
An integrated portfolio for complete production plants

Siempelkamp products and services are reliable. 250 lines installed

and operating with ContiRoll® presses are a convincing reference.
The first step Page 5

Our equipment ensures customers worldwide competitive advan-

tages and has made Siempelkamp the world market leader. Engineering Page 6

The markets and general conditions in which our machinery is used

are highly diverse. The reasons why customers decide to purchase Material preparation Page 7–9
Siempelkamp equipment are similar: Our experience with the tech-
nology and engineering of machinery and lines for the production
of wood-based boards is unmatched, the quality of our products is Gluing Page 1 0 –11

high and our teams provide reliable results. Furthermore, all prod­
ucts and services are combined to an effective union under the
Siempelkamp umbrella.
Energy plants Page 12

Siempelkamp has coherent solutions for your needs. If you let us Drying Page 13
know what type of wood you are processing and how many cubic
meters of board you would like to manufacture, we will build you a
complete production line for particleboard, MDF/HDF, door-skins, Mat-forming Page 1 4 –15
wood-fiber insulating boards, transformer boards or OSB.

Full service is no empty phrase for us. Together with our subsidiaries
Presses Page 16–18

and stockholding companies we develop complete plant concepts.

If necessary, we also provide for existing plant components as well
Surface laminating Page 19
as customer-provided supplies. As our customer you benefit from
many compelling advantages:
Finishing lines Page 20–21

Your benefits: Plant automation Page 22–25

One single-source provider – uncompromising technology –
quick ramp-ups!
Special lines Page 26–27
No matter whether you order our complete scope of supply or
part of it, our support is reliable, efficient and can be customized
for both options: Start-up Page 28

• innovative machine concepts developed by our research and

development department Service Page 29
• technical and engineering know-how ranging from the project
planning to the design, production, assembly, start-up, and
optimization of your equipment Production Page 30–31

• best value chain – we manufacture by ourselves – we make

no concessions to quality and reliability!
• production facilities close to the customer (Krefeld, Kempen
Research and
and Bad Kreuznach/Germany, Colzate/Italy, Blatnice/Czech
Development / Training Page 32

Republic, Wuxi/China) and worldwide offices for after-sales

Siempelkamp Trade Page 33
The first step 5

You would not purchase a production line every day and if you Owing to our pre-engineering the first economic efficiency calcula-
concluded a contract, you would decide in favor of a long-term tions for the feasibility study and the business plan are also put on
business relationship. You should take your time to make such a a firm footing. We supply you with the exact total investment costs
commitment. as well as with the data that helps you calculate the budget for the
parts that are acquired locally.
During the pre-engineering phase our customers are offered the
opportunity of a first clear impression of our approach and compe- Build yourself a solid foundation for the assessment of your
tence in planning. Do you need the technical data that are necessary scheduling, financing, investments and rely on a trusty partner in
for obtaining your specific approval planning, for instance, in the the long run – make your decision in favor of Siempelkamp!
field of environmental protection? We can assist you in gathering
this data. We will also support you with the relevant information
needed to figure out the optimal share of parts that can be pro­
duced locally. Furthermore, we will adjust our machinery and lines
to your conditions at the construction site.

Financing support
In addition to plant technology, financing support is another often it is hard to find. We accompany our customers until financ­
support that we offer to guide your business in the right direction: ing is set, for example, by initiating contact with banks, public
Especially in current times, reliable financing is important, however, authorities and associations.

3-D product development on the screen

Strong financing from the start
Complete plants from one source, using MDF as an example
6 Engineering

Siempelkamp engineering: on the right track from the very beginning

Siempelkamp planning experts contribute decisively to the high For this purpose our specialists offer a complete program including:
technical level of our equipment for the making of wood-based • technological consulting
products. These experts also lay the foundation for designing equip- • pre-investment studies including raw material and energy need
ment that is economical and competitive. Our background includes calculations
over 60 years of experience and approximately 500 planned plants • planning of complete production lines for all wood-based
for the wood-based panels industry worldwide. materials
• technological start-ups
While sixty years ago the daily capacity on a flax line amounted to • optimized production processes from the technological and
120 m3 per day, today we design and build lines with a daily capac­ economical point of view
ity of 3,000 m3 and more. • modernization, extension and modification of existing plants

Your benefit:
• minimal start-up periods, quick start-ups, steep ramp-up curves due to our applied knowledge from the start
• best possible use of available raw materials and resources
• technologically and economically optimal plants
• full service from the concept to the start-up
Material preparation 7

From wood-yard to finished particles: Front-end technology for particleboard plants

Complete plants starting from wood-yard to packing of the finished Our screening and separating units excel due to their special
boards are Siempelkamp’s specialty. Material preparation is very cutting technology. Smooth handling of flakes is provided by
important within this arrangement based on the “all from one means of our disc, roller, oscillation and drum screens. Combined
source” principle. Siempelkamp offers the complete range of with innovative conveyor technology Siempelkamp operates as
machinery for the production of top-quality particles. Our drum full-range supplier in the field of production of excellent top and
flakers, knife-ring flakers, hammer mills or top layer mills help to medium layer flakes. For short-term buffering of the flakes bin and
ensure the production of premium chips and flakes. For shredding silo installations also form part of the scope of supplies as well as
recycled woods residual wood shredders and hammer mills are metering units feeding the downstream equipment.

Knife ring flaker

Top: Oscillating screen

Roller separator

Bottom: Dry chip cleaner

Your benefit:
• sophisticated complete scope of supplies
• coherent mix of longtime technical and planning know-how
• perfect synergy and long life cycle of all components
• low production costs
8 Material preparation

Production of chips for MDF boards

Also for the production of premium MDF boards Siempelkamp has owing to optimized chipping geometry and material feed. Short-
excellent know-how with regard to wood preparation characterized term storage is exclusively ensured by means of bins or silos with
by high performance, low production cost and top-quality chips. different discharge systems as push-floor or live-bottom dischargers
This know-how already starts with the milling technology: For including metering and rotating screws. An exactly controlled
debarking of round wood Siempelkamp provides special rotor discharge ranks first.
debarking systems; our drum chippers produce top-quality chips

Your benefit:
• low production cost and high availability
• easy to operate
• low wear and reduced maintenance

Knife of a drumchipper
Bottom: Drumchipper

Moving floor

Excellent milling technology for OSB production

For the manufacture of premium strands Siempelkamp developed the the Siempelkamp strander are shown by the new design. The front
world’s biggest strander. This “giant” (diameter of 2,500 mm – cutting carrier ring is equipped with a set of high-quality wear segments.
width of 850 mm – 56 knives) achieves a strand throughput rate of The improved knife arrangement additionally provides for improved
45 t/h bone dry with a chip thickness of 0.65 mm. Further features of strand quality. Best conditions for your OSB production.

Your benefit
• high throughput rate combined with top quality
• reduction of fines
•  aximum operating efficiency due to minimized
downtime and improved easier maintenance
• maximum cutting precision

Bottom: OSB strander OSB strander
10 Gluing

High-performance machines for efficient gluing

The modular concept of the Siempelkamp gluing and chemical Siempelkamp’s integrated chemical treatment systems serve the
treatment systems as well as metering and application systems purpose of exact treatment and metering of glues and other formu-
does not only provide for an optimal cost-benefit ratio, but also for lations. These glue mixing stations are stocked with load cells in the
the best possible finished product. A homogenous and exact mete- treatment area, equipped with latest flow meters and tested in the
ring of the paste as well as optimal wetting of the particles are pre- Siempelkamp laboratory.
requisites for a board with good mechanical properties.
Owing to our gluing mixers long intervals of exposure thus ensuring
Our metering bins are high-performance machines ensuring the the thorough mixing are achieved by means of an extended mixing
exact feed of the chips to the downstream gluing units. The im- chamber and reduced operating speeds. Due to reduced centrifugal
proved levelling of the filling height and precise scales to control forces chipping is minimized: new and easy-to-align mixing tools
the metering make gluing even more efficient. The different machine help to provide for quick and optimal guidance of the mixer adjust-
sizes are perfectly matched to the plant capacity. ment.

Top: Glue kitchen and dosing system Bottom: Blender for particles

MDF glue blending system: Optimal fiber wetting thanks to Ecoresinator

Owing to the innovative Siempelkamp glue blending system
Ecoresinator it is given proof that up to 20% of resin can be saved Your benefit:
through the special nozzle technology made by Schlick and the use • upgrade of existing plants within a very short time
of superheated steam in comparison with the traditional blow-line • optimal cost benefit ratio due to resin savings of up to 20%
gluing process. Siempelkamp is your supplier for your MDF plant • exact metering of the paste thanks to intelligent control
providing a ready-to-connect and complete glue injection system • optimal homogenous fiber wetting
including switch cabinet and automation software. As a result
thereof the classic advantage of the blow-line concept – very
homogenous glue distribution – is combined with low consumption!
In addition to that the Ecoresinator is suited for subsequent
upgrade of an existing plant and can be installed in your line
within a very short time.

Top and bottom: Ecoresinator Ecoresinator at Starwood, Turkey

12 Energy plants

Energy plants: The focus is on efficiency

Over 24 years of market experience and more than 60 operating for the refiner and flue gases for the dryer. To provide maximum
energy system concepts ranging from 12 to 85 MW are first-class efficiency, our plants can be fueled by anything from bark and
references: Büttner stands for integral engineering concepts for the start-up fibers to sander dust and rejected panels or low-grade fuel
supply of stable process heat in the form of thermal oil, steam and from outside the plant such as recycled wood material unsuitable
hot gas used particularly in the wood-processing industry. for production.

No matter whether they are used for the production of MDF, particle- Turnkey combined heat and power generation plants are also inte-
board or OSB: Our energy plant concepts are customized to your gral part of the portfolio. This is more than a trendsetting concept
needs and general conditions. This incorporates the economical because these biomass plants offer tremendous ecological advan-
handling of your resources because Büttner energy plants utilize tages. We provide all services ranging from the planning of these
waste materials from panel-board production to generate most of plants and preparation of the biomass to the steam turbine includ-
the energy required to run a plant: thermal oil for the press, steam ing training and documentation.

Your benefit:
• e conomical handling of resources – reduced costs by using waste material from
panel-board production
• higher efficiency for existing energy plants through targeted upgrade concepts
• l ower CO2 emissions by using biomass power plants – as a result thereof you
depend less on energy imports
Drying 13

Drying of particles and fibers: We have the right solution!

The Büttner range of products includes in the field of dryers flash- As part of the Siempelkamp portfolio the dryers also contribute to
tube pre-dryers, directly and indirectly heated drum dryers for parti- closing our service chain. Just as integrated is the related service.
cles and strands as well as single-stage and 2-stage fiber flash-tube From the planning and construction of individual dryer systems to
dryers which are used for industrial drying on a large scale. All the delivery of component parts and economic manufacture of large
systems focus on energy savings and a reduction of the exhaust air. components such as drums close to their final destination including
The components of a drying plant include our in-house developed assembly and start-up – an all-inclusive scope of supplies and
heating systems and burners as well as automation systems accord- services!
ing to the latest technology.

Your benefit:
• advance innovation due to in-house testing facility
• drying capacities of 3 to more than 60 t/h bone dry
• low specific energy consumption
• p roven component parts and dryers with high safety
• individual solutions for different exhaust gas cleaning
• r educed transport costs by manufacturing locally including
quality control
•  orldwide organization and specialized handling of
challenging transports to your construction site
• s hort assembly and start-up times due to our experienced
• increased performance and upgrades for your existing
equipment from all manufacturers

Fiber dryer
Energy system

Particle dryer
14 Mat-forming

The forming line with Siempelkamp forming systems

A wood-based board is only as good as the forming systems that Together with the ContiRoll® press these state-of-the-art systems
form the mat. No matter whether you process particles, fibers or represent technically and technologically matured machine units.
strands – we have developed comparably outstanding forming High-quality wood-based boards satisfying your most challenging
systems with comprehensive research effort for each material. customers are the result!

Surface layer wind

forming machine

Mechanical particle
mat-forming machine

Siempelkamp mat-forming systems: coherent concepts

System Surface layer Core layer Method
Particleboard WindFormer CageFormer classic
CrownFormer CrownFormer mechanical
CrownFormer CageFormer combination
WindFormer CrownFormer combination
MDF StarFormer – mechanical
OSB DiscFormer FinFormer classic
CSL/OSL DiscFormer – modified

Your benefit:
• high mat-forming precision and reliability for all systems
• homogenous core layers, finest surface layers during particle mat forming
• levelling head levels the fiber mat surface and makes scalping of excess fiber off the mat obsolete

MDF mat-forming machine with levelling head

Bottom: MDF forming head drives

OSB mat-forming machine

16 Presses

ContiRoll® technology: simply great!

Among continuous presses the ContiRoll® has had the leading With the new ContiRoll® generation 8 Siempelkamp has again
position for a long time and has made Siempelkamp the world raised the bar. The standard version was upgraded by means of a
market leader. The ContiRoll®, the centerpiece of a forming and new pressure distribution plate concept and an increased number
press line, is designed for all wood-based materials. In 1985 we of cylinders. Owing to the improved pressure distribution within
built the first ContiRoll®. The key data for this press were a length the press material savings of up to 15% can be achieved.
of 16 m (52.5 ft) and a daily capacity of 300 m3.
Depending on capacity and board size requirements, customers can
24 years and a series of developmental milestones later, the world’s select from three different design concepts. The presses are suitable
longest ContiRoll® press with a length of 77 m (252.6 ft) was put for the production of all wood-based materials such as particle-
into operation. Daily capacities of more than 3,000 m3 are no board, MDF/HDF, OSB/OSL, CSL and offer the same technical per-
longer visions of the future. In the course of the ContiRoll® history formance.
more than 250 press lines were ordered and put into operation by
Siempelkamp. The design principle has remained the same, the
technical details, however, were fine-tuned over the course of time.

ContiRoll® infeed

Top: 7 x 42.1 m ContiRoll® for

Bottom: 77 m ContiRoll ®

Design 1 (standard) Design 2 Design 0

Nominal press width 6 – 10 ft up to 12 ft, extremely high 4 and 5 ft
specific pressure profiles possible (5 ft adjustable to 4 ft)
Nominal hotplaten length up to 50 m (164.5 ft) from 50 m (164.5 ft) up to 40 m (131.2 ft)
to over 80 m (262.5 ft)
Hydraulic function beam supported by a platform supported by a platform installed next to the press
Board thickness 2 – 40 mm 2 – 40 mm 2 – 40 mm
Special feature – extraordinary stable operation for smaller capacities

Thin MDF
Siempelkamp is a world leader of presses for the production of thin be produced economically with a high quality. Thin MDF has been
MDF ranging from 1.5 to 4.0 mm. Due to Siempelkamp technology increasingly superseding thin fiberboards produced in a wet-manu­
allowing production speeds of up to 2,000 mm/s, this product can also facturing process and used, for example, for furniture rear panels.

Your benefit:
• short assembly times
• quick start-ups
• stable ramp-up curves
• high reliability
• lowest thickness tolerances – little material removal = your

Top: Mat spraying before Thin MDF line with

ContiRoll® compactor
Bottom: Pre-heater Thin MDF
18 Presses

Classic hydraulic single and multi-daylight presses for fixed panel length:
robust, established, efficient

Single as well as multi-daylight presses are an optimal solution Furthermore, we supply single-daylight steam injection presses
whenever the product range does not require size variations or with a hotplaten length of up to 25 m (82 ft). For wet-manufac­
whenever special process technologies require an alternative to tured products we offer presses with up to 30 daylights. We also
continuous press systems. They are used for the production of the provide forming systems, pre-presses, loading and unloading units
entire wood-based products range including particleboard, MDF, that are exactly tailored to the presses.
HDF, CSL or OSB. Our largest multi-daylight press achieves a maxi-
mum daily production capacity of up to 2,400 m3. Theoretically
even higher capacities could be achieved utilizing this technology!

Your benefit
• short ramp-ups resulting in time and cost savings
• high capability when processing large capacities
• high availability
• simple operation, use, and maintenance
• owing to robust design also suited for difficult general requirements

16-daylight press, size 8’ x 24’

12-daylight press, size 12’ x 34’
Surface laminating 19

Short cycle presses: highly precise and versatile

No matter whether single board, double board or multi-power Optimal pressure distribution with KT700
press: Our short cycle press plants for surface laminating of particle­­ Higher pressure equals an improved profile – based on this formula
boards, MDF or HDF became firmly established in the market. Siempelkamp developed the new multi-piston design for its short-
Siempelkamp offers a customized solution for every requirement: cycle press KT700. It has been uncompromisingly designed for
High-precision paper lay-up systems for laminate flooring or proven quality and has opened up new products in the field of surface
inline lay-up system – optimally suited for applications in the field laminating due to high pressing force.
of furniture panels. The main feature is – additionally to the multi-piston design – the
innovative cylinder design: The cylinders are arranged in three or
Since 2011 Siempelkamp has collaborated with the leading manu- more rows inside the frame opening. This design ensures an opti-
facturer in China: HAPCO, mechanical engineering company supply- mal pressure distribution also owing to the new adapted control
ing the wood-based materials industry. So we are well positioned technology. Thus relief panels significantly enhanced their profile
for production and sales of short cycle presses. Both partners by means of the KT technology. Due to their three-dimensional
benefit from the synergies resulting of their specific strengths in surface, the natural wood, rock or imaginative appearance of the
the production of short cycle press lines. product takes shape. Thanks to the new KT700 the look and the
feel of the material is very realistic!

Your benefit:
• high pressing force of up to 700 N/cm2
• optimal pressure distribution thanks to multi-piston design, three- and multi-cylinder rows as well as adapted control technology
• full size reduction
• precise parallelism due to innovative mounting of upper hotplaten

Precision paper lay-up for laminate flooring

Top: Hightech short-cycle press KT700

Bottom: The HAPCO short-cycle press
20 Finishing lines

Finishing lines: perfection last but not least

Cooling and stacking lines, sanding lines, cut-to-size technology, produce at the highest level – and that always tailored exactly to
high-stack, high bay or crane storage systems as well as packing the specific needs of the customer. We have been continuously
lines: Siempelkamp has the right concept for processing of wood- adjusting this portfolio to ever increasing production speeds and
based materials following the press. capacities.

All production processes downstream a press are managed by our

products. For each panel-type material we develop the optimal
finishing concept, design state-of-the-art system technology and

Cutting, cooling, stacking

High bay storage with fully automatic transfer cart


Your benefit:
• individual solutions customized to your needs and product portfolio
• high plant performance due to latest technology and high availability
• intra-logistics matched to the demands of the wood-processing industry provided by the
industrial specialist makes sure that both material and information flow smoothly in your production
• improved efficiency thanks to our upgrade and service packages

Top: Cut-to-size line
Bottom: Cut-to-size saw
Sanding, stacking
22 Plant automation

Automation technology:
Measuring, operating, controlling, and handling – all from one source

What would Siempelkamp machinery and plants be without our The high-quality engineering regarding our automation technology
experts for automation and control technology? These experts is also reflected in the optimal planning and production of switch-
combine control processes, feedback control tasks, operation gears including the latest production processes.
and visualization with capable automation solutions that can be
optimally integrated into your business processes. In respect of the use of electrical components, control systems,
network components, the drive technology, operation and monitor­
Your benefit is our focus, that is, the simple handling of the machines ing as well as the process control for the entire machine or line, our
as well as the metrological and technical interplay between machine automation solutions are standardized.
and control. These conditions make optimal product quality and
efficiency possible. Next to a high degree of standardization, we
offer concepts that are customized to your needs.

Your benefit:
• s tandardized automation technology for machines or
entire lines
• h igh-quality electrical component parts of well-
known control and drive manufacturers
• e ngineering that is always up to date in the field of
automation technology
• o ptimally customized automation solutions for your
machines and processes
• integrated measurement and control technology for
optimal product quality
• monitoring devices for preventive maintenance
• s witchgears that are matched to the automation
• competent start-ups

Control room inside a production

facility for wood-based products

Switchgear cabinet production:

Highly specialized industrial electronics made by Siempelkamp

Switchgear assemblies can be called the central nervous system of Siempelkamp switchgear assemblies contribute their part to in-
a plant. They supply all machines and line components with electri- crease the availability of your line and to improve product quality.
cal energy and generate control signals for the automated process As hub nodes they concentrate any information describing the
steps during production. present line and processing condition. You can select between a
standardized or customized solution.

Switchgear cabinet production

Your benefit:
We provide professional, economic and on-schedule order
management due to close cooperation and common location
with the electrical engineering department and the overall
project management for your line!

• a dvantage due to the many years of experience in the

production of switchgear assemblies
• p roduction of switchgear assemblies according to DIN ISO,
• CUL, UL-approval directly in-house by authorized personnel
• intelligent production processes and use of high-quality
components which in turn leads to an increase in plant
• delivery of switchgear assemblies only after inspection
24 Plant automation

SicoScan: following a comprehensive approach

We pay special attention to the interaction of automation technology All parameters fostering optimal board qualities are displayed
and measurement as well as process control technology. Only in through SicoScan. Highlight of the SicoScan concept is that not a
this way an integrated structure of automation solutions unfolding single measurement device is focused, but the complete system up
their full effect and efficiency in our lines can develop. to the data transfer with Prod-IQ®. SicoScan can be easily integra-
ted into existing systems.
Well-received among our customers is SicoScan: This Siempelkamp
product represents the integration of proven quality measurement
systems into the automation and process control technology.

Your benefit:
• high-level measurement technology
• combination of measurement technology and control engineering for maximum board quality and precision
• standardized operation through integration into the complete system
• configurable reporting for your application
• lower costs through the integration into your existing systems
• database with the process control system

Thickness gauge

Prod-IQ®: innovative process control technology with IQ factor

We have developed Prod-IQ® in order to analyze and optimize every We offer the following types of process control systems:
part of Siempelkamp plants for the production of wood-based • Every new ContiRoll® plant is equipped with Prod-IQ.basics.
boards. This process control system provides the essential tools Siempelkamp is thus able to prove the performance of the plant
for continuously improving process cycles and operation of to the final acceptance procedure.
Siempel­kamp plants. • Further details are provided by means of
includ­ing shift, day and month reports as well as management
The highlights are: and dryer reports.
• generation of reliable and up-to-date management key figures • Prod-IQ.quality allows for the safe and reliable online quality
(plant availability, performance, consumption, costs) forecast of quality features for particleboard, MDF and OSB
• online quality forecast which otherwise could only be deter- which otherwise would only be possible through destructive
mined through destructive material testing (e.g. tensile and material testing in a laboratory.
be­nding strength, thickness swelling) • Prod-IQ.maintenance optimizes maintenance and servicing of
• condition-based maintenance and service your plant.

Your benefit:
• a ccording to the aspect ”total cost of ownership”
the customer has access to all consumption and
capability data required for performance evaluation
• r eproducible optimal product quality after any
• e asy-to-handle automated implementation of
company-wide standards
• integration into existing plants possible, for an
increase in efficiency
• systematical increase of your savings potential
• preventive maintenance

Top: Management data

Bottom: Cost reduction
26 Special lines

Line concepts for innovative wood-based products

Siempelkamp’s pioneering as a specialist for plants for processing density, panel lengths as well as widths the wood-fiber insulation
panel-type products is based on our intuition for new markets and board can be manufactured in a highly flexible way providing for
the need for innovative products. optimal conformity to very different applications required.

Wood-fiber insulation board Siempelkamp presses also allow for the production of flexible
Siempelkamp has developed a new process for the production of wood-fiber insulation boards used for traditional common rafter
wood-fiber insulation boards used to protect against heat, cold insulation in the field of roof construction. A handling system matched
and impact sound. The new dry-manufacturing process allows the to the product completes the package – including diagonal and
production of boards with a thickness of 20 (0.8 in) to 300 mm cut-to-size saws, profiling lines, de-stacking and feeding units as
thus realizing savings of up to 30% of energy per ton in compari­ well as packing line.
son with the traditional wet process. By means of adjustable

Wood-fiber insulation board line

Insulation boards with a thickness of up to 300 mm Wood-fiber insulation board with tongue and groove

Door-skins Transformer boards

Door-skins are thin, compression-molded MDF that are glued to a Siempelkamp multi-daylight presses process the entire range of
wooden framework and, in this way, make it easy and economical wood-based materials in up to 30 daylights. They make wet-
to produce cassette doors. Siempelkamp builds the fastest lines manufactured products such as insulation material for high-voltage
with an annual output of up to 11 million boards. transformers. The characteristics of this product include high density,
consistent thickness, surface smoothness, high mechanical
strength, flexibility, aging resistance, and of course, excellent
electrical insulating properties.

Door-skin line Transformer board press

Door-skins for residential doors Transformer boards with different thicknesses
28 Start-up

Full speed ahead for three-shift operation: starting up and ramping up of the line
Knowing that time is money, a quick ramp-up is the foremost monitored manner so that the ramp-up can follow right after. Start-
objective of all plant operators. Our core competence includes car- up periods of less than six weeks from the beginning of commission­
rying out the start-up and ramp-up processes in the shortest time ing to full production are not rare. So you will save time and money
possible so that the plant can quickly start three-shift operation. providing a cutting edge to your business.

Three Siempelkamp teams bring out the best in your plant:

Mechanical, electrical as well as technological commissioning is
carried out through our specialists in a professional and closely

Your benefit:
• steep and stable ramp-up curve
• time savings = budget savings

Left: Start-up
Right: The first produced board

Ramping up the line

Top: Maintenance
Center and bottom: Modification and upgrading
Service 29

Service: Effective support around the world

“We need to go where our customers are settled” is Siempel­kamp’s service network. Through additional locations in more countries
philosophy. This also and especially applies to our service. No we plan to expand our direct customer contact and onsite service
matter whether you need spare parts service or modification in the future. Another advantage: our service business includes
packages, our service teams support you to increase the perform- targeted service experience in Küsters and Metso press makes.
ance of your existing presses with customized solutions. Thus, you
save time, money and downtimes. In the area of field service we An additional component of our sophisticated service is our spare
also offer worldwide support in case of problems, downtimes, parts inventory. We plan on expanding and optimizing the inven­
inspections or maintenance. tories in order to guarantee quicker delivery times.

Our growing number of new foreign offices and subsidiaries allows

you the advantage of being able to make use of a fine-meshed

Your benefit in the field of modifications and upgrading:

• b est possible optimization of existing plants – better product properties,
higher performance, less wear, higher availability
• higher plant safety

Your benefit in the field of spare parts:

• r eliability through original spare parts which are specifically built for your
systems – thus ensuring maximum highest reliability with regard to the
particular product and application-specific requirements
• quick identification of the appropriate parts as well as quick availability
• p revention of unnecessary downtimes through flexible production and
strong logistics
• reduced costs during downtimes due to local availability

Your benefit in the area of field service:

• best solutions for your problems due to the know-how of the maker
• expert support for inspections and maintenance
• reduced costs during downtimes due to local availability
30 Production

Worldwide production locations

Considering that innovative technologies shall become profitable to open two new production sites. Since 2004 we have been pro-
for you, the general conditions have to be right, that is, the produc- ducing with Wuxi Machinery Co. Ltd., Beijing, to meet the require-
tion locations. ments of our Asian customers quickly and in a targeted manner. At
Siempelkamp produces in several different locations: In Krefeld, this production site we have been especially focusing on the pro-
Germany, our head office, we have been present for over 125 years. duction of components with a high share of manual labor.
Here, we have largely invested over the past years in order to bring
our production up to date. At the end of 2008 we opened up another production facility in
At our subsidiary CMC Texpan located in Colzate, Italy, we have Blatnice, Czech Republic. Here a wide variety of forming line com-
been producing machines for forming lines for a long time and, ponents ranging from parts for the mat-former to the roller convey-
recently, started producing glue-blending systems there. or has been produced. Owing to the new facility we are able to
The necessity to produce a growing number of performance-increas- provide for quicker supplies to our European customers.
ing components closer to their markets has advanced the decision

Worldwide production locations:

Top and bottom: Krefeld / Germany Top: Bad Kreuznach / Germany, bottom: Blatnice, Czech Republic

Since 2009 Hombak Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH located

in Bad Kreuznach, Germany, has been part of the Siempelkamp Your benefit:
Group. Thus our scope of supplies and services – starting from the • short distances to customers
reduction of wood to the manufacture of wood-based panels has • reduced costs
been fully completed and optimally introduced in the market. • high quality due to a higher share of own production

The Ventapp group located in Kempen, Germany, has joined our

group of Siempelkamp Machine and Plant Engineering at the
beginning of 2012. From the integration of the Ventapp competen-
cies – metal processing, equipment manufacturing as well as
industrial radial fans – important synergies have been resulting
within the Siempelkamp portfolio.

Top and bottom: Wuxi / China Top and bottom: Colzate / Italy
32 Research and Development / Training

Research and Development Siempelkamp Academy

Our research and development center always thinks and works a To continuously enhance your knowledge is important for compe-
step ahead: Our objectives are better quality and higher capacities, tent plant operation and ensures the long-term success of your
on top of that the conservative use of resources and the exhaustion company.
of energy-saving potentials. Resulting thereof are consistently We support you by providing your employees with targeted train­
optimized processes, technologies and systems that make your ing in our products. For example in our real-life control room we
equipment fitter and more capable. will show you the authentic functions of your new equipment in
customer and subject-specific training sessions.
Examples: Customer-related analyses are carried out on existing
equipment. Prototypes, on the other hand, are checked under actual Furthermore, we offer the following training classes to you and
manufacturing conditions in our testing facility. Raw materials and your team at the Siempelkamp Academy:
panel-type products are regularly analyzed in our laboratory. • Basic training in hydraulics
Siempelkamp mobile and stationary instrumentation is dedicated • Training in the operation of your equipment in a real-life
to test machine functions as well as environmental conditions and control room
operational safety. • Training in equipment servicing and maintenance

Research and Development in Krefeld

Real-life control room at the Krefeld training center

Your benefit:
• new processes that ensure your market success
• innovative technologies developed through the intensive
exchange of information with universities and research
• knowledge transfer from different market segments
• s hort implementation periods by means of advance project
planning and design
• people and machines are in line with one another
• transparency of functions and modes of operation
• improved reliability
• practical transfer of knowledge
• helping people help themselves
Siempelkamp Trade 33

Siempelkamp used machinery: first-class – second-hand

Only Siempelkamp knows Siempelkamp plants exactly. For that We put the obvious into practice: we dispose of the largest
reason the pre-owned machinery department has become in­stalled base worldwide and know it like the palm of our hands.
something of an institution within our corporate structure. We Beyond the range of our own machinery you are provided with the
re-purchase field-tested machinery and match them in close complete knowledge of Küsters, Bison and Metso presses which
cooperation with the different specialized engineering departments may be particularly interesting at the time when you are looking
to the specific customer needs. Siempelkamp makes old equipment for a low-cost initial investment.
fit for state-of-the-art operation and additionally offers the new
operating company perspectives about what the future holds for
their in­creases in capability.

Your benefit:
• c oncentrated know-how in favor of a more complete
performance chain
• equipment trade based on a trusting business relation!
•  ell-founded expert reports for sellers – custom-fit
equipment updates for buyers
• g apless service ranging from the expertise to the
• c ustom-fit orientation on the buyer’s needs:
- by retrofitting with replacement components for the
fully functional status of your equipment
- optional, according to customer preference, by increasing
the performance through innovative upgrades
• s olutions that are in line with the budget and deliver
great performance Assembly and disassembly by expert teams
Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Siempelkamp CZ s. r. o. Hombak Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH
Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG


Siempelkamp Maschinenfabrik GmbH ATR Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Sicoplan N.V.

Siempelkamp Logistics & Service GmbH Büttner Energie- und Ventilatoren – Apparatebau
Trocknungstechnik GmbH

Machines & Handling

Siempelkamp (Wuxi) Machinery Manufacturing CMC S.r.I.
W. Strothmann GmbH
Co. Ltd., China

Sales companies/Representatives

Australia Russia
Siempelkamp Pty Ltd. Siempelkamp Moskau

Brazil Singapore
Siempelkamp do Brasil Ltda. Siempelkamp Pte Ltd.

China Spain
Siempelkamp (Wuxi) Machinery Manufacturing Siempelkamp Barcelona
Ltd., Beijing
France Siempelkamp Istanbul
Siempelkamp France Sarl
India Siempelkamp L.P.
Siempelkamp India Pvt. Ltd.

All rights reserved. No part/parts of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, edited or published in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission
from Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG. © Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG

Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG Siempelkampstraße 75 47803 Krefeld Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 21 51/92-30 Fax: +49 (0) 21 51/92-56 04

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