Teacher’s Book
Sheila Dignen
08 Scope TB4 introduction.indd 1 23/04/2015 11:33
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Introducing Scope 4
Components of the course 5
Teaching tips 12
Mixed ability 14
Introduction to project work 16
Introduction to extensive reading 16
The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) 17
Assessment and evaluation 18
Evaluation template 19
Teaching notes
Starter unit 20
Unit 1 26
Unit 2 34
Review 1–2 42
Unit 3 44
Unit 4 52
Review 3–4 60
Unit 5 62
Unit 6 70
Review 5–6 78
Unit 7 80
Unit 8 88
Review 7–8 96
Unit 9 98
Unit 10 106
4 Introduction
The Workbook Pack contains a Student’s CD-ROM or Online Practice: The Class Audio:
The Student’s CD-ROM is an interactive The Online Practice is an online self-study The Class Audio CDs contain all the
self-study resource with additional practice. resource with additional practice. listening material for the Student’s Book.
The CD-ROM can be used without access The Online Practice is compatible for Selected audio is also available for
to the internet. use on computers or some tablets and students to download from
requires internet access.
The complete audio is available to
download from
• an iintroduction
t d ti withith iinformation
f ti on photocopiable worksheets and
mixed ability, project work and tests, provided as printable PDFs
assessment and evaluation. and editable Word documents.
• Teaching notes and Answer keys for all
the Student’s Book and Workbook material.
• ideas for extra optional activities. The iTools provides:
• grammar notes, background notes classroom presentation software
and cultural information. for use with an interactive
• Audioscripts. whiteboard or a data projector.
• five Lesson plan templates to speed up There is a video clip for each unit.
lesson planning.
Introduction 5
• The unit summary explains the language and skills
that students are going to study in the unit.
• The Start thinking questions encourage students to
start thinking about the unit topic.
• A reading text introduces the unit topic and
contextualises the vocabulary and grammatical
structures which students will study in the unit.
• The Study focus builds students’ study skills and
encourages autonomous learning.
• A Vocabulary section highlights key vocabulary from
the reading text.
• Think about it questions provide an opportunity for
students to relate the topic to their own experience
and develop their critical thinking skills.
• This lesson occupies two pages though it is still
designed for one lesson in class.
• Every lesson has an explicit learning objective,
beginning with I can … .
• Students can assess their own ability and tick the
emoticons: = I can do well. = I can do OK.
= I need more practice.
6 Introduction
Introduction 7
8 Introduction
Introduction 9
Test centre
The Tests are supplied as printable PDFs or editable Word
documents for you to customise to your own requirements.
Diagnostic Skills test, a Diagnostic Grammar test and
a Diagnostic Vocabulary test to use at the beginning of
the year.
• End-of-unit Grammar tests at two levels: Standard
and Challenge.
• End-of-unit Vocabulary tests at two levels: Standard
and Challenge.
• End-of-unit Skills tests, including listening, reading,
speaking and writing activities at two levels: Standard
and Challenge.
• Mid-term Grammar test and a Mid-term
Vocabulary test
• Mid-term Skills test
• End-of-year Grammar test and an End-of-year
Vocabulary test
• End-of-year Skills test
• Notes on assessment and evaluation
• Evaluation template
Photocopiable worksheets
The Unit Grammar and Unit Vocabulary worksheets are
supplied as printable PDFs or editable Word documents
for you to customise to your own requirements.
• Unit Grammar worksheets: additional practice
activities to review or consolidate the grammar taught
in each unit. The worksheets are provided at two levels
of difficulty: Standard and Challenge.
• Unit Vocabulary worksheets: additional practice
activities to review or consolidate the vocabulary
taught in each unit. The worksheets are provided at
two levels of difficulty: Standard and Challenge.
The other photocopiable worksheets are supplied as
printable PDFs.
• Reading to learn worksheets: additional reading
material with a variety of topics in a variety of genres.
• CLIL worksheets: further reading practice focusing on
topics relating to curriculum subjects.
• Communication worksheets: additional
communicative pairwork practice for the
• Oxford 3000™ wordlist
• Unit-by-unit wordlist
10 Introduction
Oxford iTools is software that allows you to
present and manipulate course content, including
pages from one or multiple books, audio, video
and other resources, in an interactive way. iTools
is designed to be projected in class. To take full
advantage of its rich interactive content, it should Go to a
be used on an interactive whiteboard, but may
also be used with a computer connected to a
screen or a data projector.
• Bookmarks
• Flipcharts
Bookmark a page Close menu
Scope iTools contains the complete content
of three books:
• Student’s Book
• Workbook Expand and collapse
• Teacher’s Book thumbnail menu
Once you select a book, you can click on a unit and then the page
you want to display on the screen. To move between pages, you Go to a page
can either use the arrows at the bottom of the screen, or just type
in the page number that you want to open.
The toggle button at the bottom of the screen will automatically
take you to a corresponding page in the Workbook and back again
to the Student’s Book.
Use the keypad to enter
a page number
In addition to the standard iTools functionality, the following
Click in the box to
features can be launched from Scope iTools by clicking the icons on launch the mini-keypad
the book pages:
Choose single or
double page view
Answer keys for the Student’s Book and Workbook Previous Next Back Toggle between books
Introduction 11
12 Introduction
Teaching speaking
Motivation Students may lack the language or confidence
to express themselves in English. It is important, therefore, to
ensure that the experience of speaking English is successful. Your
expectations should be both clear and realistic. You can encourage
students to speak by showing them that it is neither impossible
nor painful.
Preparation Students often need time to think about what they
are going to say. Many of the speaking activities in Scope are staged
and structured in such a way that students should be able to read
out answers or prepare a script if necessary. More able students
may need less support, and you can encourage them to memorise
lines or to look up from a script before speaking.
Modelling It may be helpful for students to have a model when
speaking. In Scope, the conversations on the Speaking pages
are recorded on the Class audio CD. For other speaking exercises,
model questions and answers with a strong student, or ask two
students to ask and answer while the rest of the class listens.
Correction Be careful not to correct students too frequently if
the activity they are doing is designed to improve fluency, such
as a discussion or role play. It is vital that students develop the
confidence to speak without interruption. A useful approach is to
make a note of errors that students make during the activity, and
only address them when they’ve finished.
Conversation There are many opportunities in this course for
‘free speaking’ in the form of short conversations or discussions.
Students can dedicate a section in their notebooks to ‘Everyday
phrases’ or ‘Conversation’, and gradually build up a stock of useful
phrases and idioms which they should memorise.
Introduction 13
14 Introduction
• Make a note of pronunciation mistakes and correct them as a
whole class after an activity has finished. First, model the correct
pronunciation yourself and then drill the word with the whole
class. Finally, ask individual students to say the word. Ask a
stronger student to go first. Then ensure that the student who
made the mistake also gets a turn.
• Be sensitive when correcting pronunciation. Focus on correcting
serious errors which would impede communication by
repeating the word correctly yourself and asking students to
repeat it.
• Be prepared to accept one word answers from weaker students
as long as they are in English.
• If students have to interview each other, get them to interview
you first with the questions.
• Allow students to keep their books open during interviews,
so that they can see the questions when they ask and
answer them.
• When students have to answer questions about themselves, get
them to write their answers first.
• Elicit dialogue phrases and write them on the board and leave
some words on the board as prompts.
Introduction 15
16 Introduction
Introduction 17
18 Introduction
Unit 1
Evaluation template
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
23/04/2015 11:34
Starter A
Vocabulary: Free time and interests
Grammar: Present and past simple
and continuous: review, Present
perfect simple: review
Communication: How to talk about
likes and preferences
Talk about my preferences and things
I’ve done
With books closed, ask individual students:
How much free time do you get each week?
Elicit a few answers, and then ask: What
do you like doing in your free time? Elicit
answers from individual students, and ask
follow-up questions to encourage them to
give more information, e.g. When do you
(play football)? Who do you (go swimming)
with? Why do you enjoy it? Encourage other
students to join in by asking: Who else (plays
football)? Encourage students to talk about
themselves and express their opinions.
1 $ 1•02 Students read the profile and
choose the correct words. Play the
audio for students to listen and check
their answers. Check answers, and
check that students understand all the
words and phrases. Ask who in the class
is similar to Ali and who is different,
and why.
2 check 3 on 4 round 5 over
6 out 7 spend 8 do 9 having
10 lie
Talk about it
2 Read question 1 with the class. Students
work in pairs to discuss it. Ask some With weaker classes, you could pause
students to tell the class which activities Optional activity
the audio after each phrase for students
they and their partner both do. Read out to repeat. Ask students which of Ali’s Ask students to write four sentences
question 2. Students work in pairs to list opinions they agree and disagree with, about their free-time activities using
as many free-time activities as they can. and why. the Key phrases. Tell them that three
Stop the activity after a minute, and sentences should be true, and one
ANSWERS should be false. Students work in small
bring students’ ideas together on the
Students’ own answers groups. They read their sentences to
board. Check that students understand
all the activities. See which pair listed 4 Students work in pairs to discuss what each other and guess which of the
the most activities. they like and dislike doing in their free sentences is false. Ask some groups to
time. Monitor and help while they are tell the class how many false sentences
ANSWERS working, and encourage them to use a they guessed correctly.
Students’ own answers range of Key phrases. Ask some students
to tell the class something surprising or More practice
How to talk about likes and
interesting that they learnt about their Workbook page 3
preferences partner.
3 $ 1•03 Play the audio for students to
listen to the Key phrases. Check they ANSWERS
understand all of them. Then play the Students’ own answers
audio from exercise 1 (1•02) again for
them to hear the phrases in context in
Ali’s profile.
20 Starter
Talk about it
7 Students ask and answer the questions
in exercise 6 using their own ideas.
Ask some students to tell the class
something about their partner.
Students’ own answers
8 $ 1•04 Students complete the
conversation. Play the audio for them
to listen and check.
2 was still writing 3 felt 4 took
5 was working 6 did you get up
7 were having
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 100 has
information about the present perfect
simple. You could go through this now,
before students do the exercises.
Starter 21
Discuss ways to be socially responsible
With books closed, write social responsibility
on the board and elicit the meaning
(= behaving in a way that shows you care
about other people). Ask: What examples
of socially responsible behaviour can you
think of? Elicit some ideas. If students are
struggling, give them some prompts,
e.g. What if an old person gets onto a bus
and there are no free seats? What about
choosing whether to drive into town or get
the bus? What is the socially responsible
thing to do? Why? Elicit a few more ideas,
and then ask: Why do you think some
people are more socially responsible than
others? Elicit a range of ideas.
1 Students read the questionnaire and
choose the correct words. Set a time
limit for the activity. Check answers, and
check that students understand all the
phrasal verbs. Students then answer
the questions in the questionnaire and
check their result in the key. Students
compare their results in pairs and say
whether they agree with the key. Ask
some students to tell the class what
results they got and whether they agree
with the key.
2 off 3 up 4 down 5 up 6 away
7 out 8 away 9 out 10 out
2 Students work individually or in pairs to How to make suggestions, agree
Optional activity
read the situations and write sentences and disagree
about what people should or shouldn’t Play the audio from exercise 3 (1•05)
3 $ 1•05 Read through the Key phrases
do. Stronger students or fast finishers again and ask students to note down
with the class and check that students
can write one more sentence saying the Key phrases that they hear.
understand them all. Pre-teach
what people should or shouldn’t do, recyclable. Read out the questions. Then
using a phrasal verb from exercise 1. 4 Students work in small groups to
play the audio for students to listen and discuss the activities and suggest
When you have checked answers, ask answer the questions. Check answers.
fast finishers to read out their extra ways to encourage their school to do
Then ask: Who do you agree with? Why? them. Ask groups to note down their
sentences, omitting the phrasal verb. Elicit a range of answers.
See if other students can guess the suggestions. Monitor and help while
missing phrasal verbs. ANSWERS students are working. Then ask groups
Maya and Jenna agree that people in turn to tell the class their suggestions.
SUGGESTED ANSWERS should use the recycling bins properly, Discuss as a class which suggestions are
2 He should take up a sport. and they should pay money to the most likely to be effective.
3 He should tidy his books away. school if they throw away recyclable ANSWERS
4 She shouldn’t drop it on the street. things. Yasmin disagrees because she
She should throw it away in a bin. Students’ own answers
thinks it’s better to encourage people to
5 He should switch his computer off to recycle, rather than punishing them if More practice
save energy. they don’t. Workbook page 4
6 She should cut down on sweets.
22 Starter
Talk about it
7 Allow students time to think about
their answers individually. Students
then work in pairs to ask and answer
the questions. Set a time limit for the
discussion, and tell students to note
down things they agree and disagree
about. Ask some students to tell the
class what they and their partner
agreed and disagreed on.
Students’ own answers
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 101
has more information on modal verbs.
You could go through this now, before
students do the exercises.
To reinforce the difference between
mustn’t and don’t have to, write on the
You talk during exams.
I can hear you. You talk so loudly!
Point to the two sentences and ask:
Which one is about something you’re
not allowed to do? Which one is about
something that isn’t necessary? Elicit the
correct modal verbs to complete each
sentence. Ask students to translate the
sentences into their own language.
Starter 23
Talk about my study goals
With books closed, ask: How do you
usually record vocabulary? Do you have a
vocabulary notebook? How do you organise
the vocabulary in your notebook? Elicit a
range of ideas from individual students
and make notes on the board. Ask: Why is
it important to record vocabulary? How do
you learn and remember vocabulary? Elicit a
range of answers from individual students.
24 Starter
Optional activity
Set a date for a progress review, in three
or four weeks. Ask students to set some
study goals for that time. Then keep a
note of which study tips they use, and
how effective they find them. You could
ask them to keep a diary of how much
they study and learn outside class
during that time. When you conduct
the review, students can work in small
groups to discuss which tips they have
found useful, and what ways they have
found to study and learn outside class.
Ask groups in turn to tell the class about
the best ideas. Encourage students to
take on board suggestions from their
classmates and keep trying different
ways to improve their study skills.
More practice
Grammar page 9
She mentions doing past papers, trying
Workbook page 5
Starter 25
Learning outcomes
Compare and contrast images
and activities
Describe a person’s life and
Start thinking
Read each question in turn to the class.
Give an answer yourself if necessary.
Then elicit answers from individual
students. Encourage students to give
reasons for their answers. Then ask other
students: Do you agree? Why / Why not?
Point to the photos on page 11 and elicit
a description of each one. Ask: Where
might you see photos like these? Elicit the
term social media and ask: Do you upload
photos to social media? What kinds of
photos do you upload? How often? Do you With weaker classes, read out each 2 Jameela is different from her friends
enjoy getting comments from friends? Why / statement in turn and ask students to because she doesn’t take photos all
Why not? Encourage students to talk about read the relevant part of the blog and the time.
their own habits and experiences. decide whether Jameela would say this 3 Jameela thinks it’s a bad idea to take
1 $ 1•07 Read out the question. Students or not. photos with a phone at concerts
then listen and read and answer the because: 1 it’s uncomfortable to hold
question. Check the answer with up phones; 2 it’s annoying for shorter
She would agree with 2 (I sometimes use
the class, asking students to provide fans; 3 the photos are blurry.
my phone to take photos) and 5 (If I lost
evidence from the text for their answer. 4 Jameela was concerned by Aziz’s
all my photos, I’d still have my memories).
comment because she thinks
3 Students read the blog again and memories are in your heart and mind,
C (She sometimes uses the camera answer the questions. Encourage
function on her phone at family get- not in a photo.
stronger students to use full sentences 5 Jameela thinks that people take
togethers.) in their answers, and to use their own photography too seriously and she’s a
2 Allow students time to read the words where possible. photosceptic.
statements. Check they understand
everything. Students then read the blog Vocabulary
again and decide which statements 1 Jameela didn’t comment on Kate’s
photo because she couldn’t think of 4 Students match the highlighted words
Jameela would agree with. Encourage
anything to say. with the definitions in the Word check.
them to provide evidence for their
Check answers, and check that students
understand the words.
26 Unit 1
Think about it
7 Allow students time to think about
their answers individually. Students
then work in pairs to ask and answer
the questions. Set a time limit for the
discussion, and tell students to note
down things they agree and disagree
about. Ask some students to tell the
class what they and their partner
agreed and disagreed on.
Ask some students to read their
online comment to the class. Ask if
other students have written similar
If you are short of time, ask these
questions to the whole class and elicit
answers from individual students.
Students’ own answers
WORD CHECK ANSWERS complete the sentences. Check answers Optional activity: Critical
2 the odd one out 3 blurry with the class and check that students thinking
4 despairing 5 prove 6 sympathy understand all the expressions.
Ask: Why do you think some people post
7 photosceptic 8 check out
ANSWERS a lot of photos online? Do you think some
Students then complete the sentences. 2 do 3 get 4 get 5 make 6 do people rely too much on photos to make
Check answers. Stronger students their memories? What other ways are
or fast finishers can write their own Study focus: Improving your there of remembering important events
example sentences for the remaining vocabulary in our lives? Why do people enjoy looking
two words in the Word check. Ask 6 Read the Study focus box with the class. at other people’s photos? Discuss the
them to read their sentences to the Students find another expression with questions as a class, and encourage as
class, omitting the target word. Other do in the blog, and then add others many students as possible to join in and
students can guess the missing words. that they know. They then do the same express their opinions.
ANSWERS for make and get. Students could work
2 blurry 3 the odd one out in pairs for this. Bring students’ ideas More practice
4 check out 5 prove 6 get-together together on the board, and check that Workbook page 6
5 Students complete the expressions students understand all the expressions. Reading worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
with the correct verbs, and then check If you are short of time, students could
their answers in the blog. With weaker do this exercise for homework.
classes, write the three verbs do, make
and get on the board to help students
Unit 1 27
Talk about appearance and personality
First impressions:
compound adjectives
With books closed, ask students to write
down three words to describe themselves.
The words can describe their appearance
or personality. Students compare their
words in pairs and explain why they chose
them. Ask some students to tell the class
which words they chose and why. Build
up a list of words on the board. As a class,
brainstorm other words for describing
people and add them to the board. Check
that students understand all the words on
the board.
1 Students complete the chart. They can
use their dictionaries to help. Check
answers, and discuss the meaning of
the compound adjectives. Ask: Which of
the compound adjectives would you use
to describe yourself? Why?
appearance: broad-shouldered, fresh-
faced, good-looking, middle-aged,
old-fashioned, well-dressed
personality: easy-going, free-spirited,
fun-loving, self-confident, self-conscious
2 $ 1•08 Students read the text and
choose the correct adjectives. Play the
audio for them to listen and check.
2 broad 3 middle 4 self 5 well
6 easy 7 old 8 free 9 fun 10 self
11 good 12 big
3 Students match the photos with the
descriptions. They can compare their
answers and discuss the questions in
pairs. Check answers. Then ask some
students to tell the class whether they
Vocabulary builder: Compound
agree with the analysis, and which Optional activity: Critical thinking
photos they like and dislike. Look through the book yourself and find
5 Students match the adjectives with
ANSWERS an interesting photo of a person. Ask
the definitions. They can use their
2 B 3 C 4 A 5 E students to look at the photo quickly and
dictionaries to help. Check answers.
write down their first impressions of the
With weaker classes, do the exercise
How to describe first impressions person. Ask students in turn to tell the
with the class, reading out each
4 $ 1•09 Play the audio for students to class what they wrote. Make notes on the
adjective in turn and eliciting the
listen to the Key phrases. Check that board and discuss as a class how similar or
correct meaning.
they understand all of them. Allow different everyone’s first impressions were.
students time to look through their ANSWERS Ask: Can you trust your first impressions
books and find a photo. Students 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 e of a person? Why / Why not? Have you
discuss their chosen photos in pairs. 6 Students complete the sentences with ever changed your mind about someone
Ask some students to show the class the correct compound adjectives. Check when you got to know them better? Why?
the photos they chose and describe answers. Refer Fast finishers to the Discuss the questions with the class and
their first impressions. Ask other activity at the bottom of the page. Ask encourage as many students as possible
students if they agree or disagree. some students to read a few of their to join in and express their opinions.
With weaker classes, do the exercise sentences to the class. Correct any errors.
with the whole class. ANSWERS More practice
1 well off 2 stressed out 3 worn out Workbook page 7
4 laid-back Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
Students’ own answers
28 Unit 1
Talk about it
5 Students ask and answer the questions
in pairs. Ask some students to tell the
class something about their partner.
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 102 has
more examples of the present perfect
with adverbs.
To reinforce the grammar, elicit an
example sentence with each of the
adverbs. Discuss the meaning of each
Unit 1 29
Life events
Ask: What do you want to do when you
leave school? Elicit some answers. Then ask:
What important things do you think you will
do in your life? What will you do when you
are twenty, thirty, forty, etc? Elicit a range
of answers.
1 Read out the example. Ask: Which
happens first, childhood or birth? Confirm
the answer (birth). Ask students to write
1 for the first event and 2 for the second
event. Students look at the remaining
pairs of words and decide which life
event happens first. They can use their
dictionaries to help. Check answers,
and check that students understand all
the life events. With weaker classes, do
the exercise with the class, eliciting the
meaning of each word and discussing
which comes first in each pair.
2 1 graduation, 2 employment
3 1 engagement, 2 wedding
4 1 promotion, 2 retirement
5 1 death, 2 funeral
2 Students complete the questions with
the correct words. Check answers, and
check that students understand all the
questions. Students ask and answer the
questions in pairs. Ask some students
to tell the class something about
their partner.
2 graduation 3 employment
4 wedding 5 retirement 6 death
3 Refer students to the photos. Students
discuss the questions in pairs. Discuss Study focus: Approaching a 6 $ 1•10 Allow students time to read
the answers as a class. Refer Fast listening task the statements. Play the audio again
finishers to the activity at the bottom 4 Read the Study focus box with the class. for students to listen and match the
of the page. Ask some students to read Elicit other ideas, e.g. Don’t choose an statements with the speakers. Stronger
their descriptions to the class. answer just because you hear a word that students can match the statements
ANSWERS is in that answer. Listen to the speakers’ with the speakers from memory, and
Students’ own answers tone of voice as well as to what they say. It then listen again to check.
can tell you a lot about how they feel. ANSWERS
Optional activity: Game ANSWERS Speaker 2 a Speaker 3 e Speaker 4 c
If you have time, ask students to write Students’ own answers More practice
definitions of three of the words from
5 $ 1•10 Read the task. Play the audio Workbook page 9
exercise 1. Give an example first, e.g. It’s
for students to listen and match the Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
when you get a better job. (promotion)
speakers with the photos. Check
Allow students time to write their
answers with the class. Ask them to
definitions, and then ask them to close
explain their answers and recall ideas
their books. Students work in pairs.
from the audio.
They read their definitions to each other
and guess the words. Students can ANSWERS
repeat with a different partner. Ask who 2 A 3 B 4 D
guessed all the words correctly.
30 Unit 1
Unit 1 31
Make comparisons
32 Unit 1
Writing guide
A Read the task with the class. With
weaker classes, do part A as a class,
brainstorming ideas and making notes
on the board. Students can then use the
notes to help with their writing.
The Focus on Writing on page 122 has
more information on time expressions,
and more help with the paragraph
plan. You could ask students to turn
to page 122 now and go through
the exercises in class. Students could
then complete the writing task
for homework.
B Students write their biography.
Encourage students to use the
Key phrases and time expressions.
1 Check that students understand Ask some students to read their
Writing page 17 biography and Barbados. Students biographies to the class. Discuss
read the biography and answer the any errors as a class and encourage
Aim questions. Check answers, and point
Write a biography students to self-correct.
out to students that they should use a
C Encourage students to read through
range of different tenses in their writing.
their writing and check for language
How to write a biography ANSWERS errors. They complete the checklist in
1 Students’ own answers part C.
Warm-up 2 (Possible answers)
Ask: What do you know about your parents present simple: I feel very proud to be
See page 118 of the Teacher's Book.
and grandparents? Where were they born? Arthur’s granddaughter.
Where did they go to school? What jobs did present continuous: He’s working in the More practice
they do when they were younger? Students photo. Workbook page 11
work in pairs to tell each other about present perfect: He’s inspired me to
their parents and grandparents. Allow be brave.
students to talk for a few minutes. Then ask Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
3 (Possible answers)
some students to tell the class something Teacher’s Toolkit
past simple: His life changed completely.
interesting they learnt about their partner’s past continuous: While he was training to
family members. Ask: Do you think it is be a bus driver …
important to know about your family history? present perfect: He’s the most fun-loving
Why / Why not? person I’ve ever known.
Unit 1 33
Learning outcomes
Discuss and compare cities
Make a recommendation to tourists
visiting a city
Start thinking
Read each question in turn to the class.
Give an answer yourself if necessary,
and then elicit answers from individual
students. Encourage students to give
reasons where appropriate. Then ask
other students: Do you agree? Why /
Why not?
Understand an article about urban
Read out the title of the text Urban Explorers
and check that students understand it.
Focus on the photos. Ask students to
describe what they can see in the photos.
Ask: What do you think an urban explorer is?
Where do you think they like to explore? Why?
Elicit a range of answers.
Study focus: Approaching a 2 Students read the article again and Vocabulary
reading task choose the correct answers. Remind 4 Students match the highlighted words
1 $ 1•15 Read the Study focus box with students that they should find evidence with the definitions in the Word check.
the class. Ask students to explain in the text to support their answers. Check answers, and check that students
the tips in their own words to check ANSWERS understand the words.
understanding. 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a WORD CHECK ANSWERS
Allow students time to read the 3 Students read the article again and find 1 familiar 2 maturity 3 permit
question, and then play the audio. evidence that the statements are false. 4 spot 5 motto 6 donation
Students listen and read the text. Check answers. 7 tragically 8 trespass
Remind them to focus on the general
ANSWERS Students then complete the sentences.
meaning at this stage, and not to try
1 Jack takes me through a secret Check answers. Stronger students
and understand every word.
side door. or fast finishers can write their own
Students answer the question. Check
2 There haven’t been any (trains) for example sentences for the remaining
answers, asking them to justify their
years. two words in the Word check. Ask
3 We want to explore hidden and them to read their sentences to the
ANSWERS unusual parts of the city. class, omitting the target word. Other
1 Ed: journalist 4 The urban explorer’s motto is “take students can guess the missing words.
2 Jack: urban explorer only photographs, and leave only ANSWERS
3 Gabriel: 13-year-old explorer who footprints behind”. 2 permit 3 familiar 4 trespass
died in Stockholm
5 spot 6 maturity
34 Unit 2
More practice
Workbook page 14
Reading worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
CLIL 1 worksheet, Teacher's Toolkit
Unit 2 35
Describe cities
36 Unit 2
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 104 has
a detailed presentation on modals of
permission and ability.
To reinforce the difference between
could and managed to, write on the
board: I could swim when I was five. and
I managed to swim to safety. Ask: Which
is a general ability? (could) Which is at a
specific time? (managed to)
Unit 2 37
38 Unit 2
Talk about it
3 Ask two students to read out the
example answer. Read out the remaining
situations and check that students
understand everything. Students work
in pairs to discuss the questions. Discuss
each situation as a class. Stronger
students or fast finishers can think of one
more situation and discuss it.
Students’ own answers
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 104 has
a detailed presentation on modal verbs
in the past. You could go through this
now, before students do the exercises.
Use the examples to reinforce the form
of modal verbs in the past: modal verb
+ have + past participle.
Reinforce the point that we use can’t
have not mustn’t have if we believe
something was impossible: He can’t have
eaten all the cake! NOT He mustn’t have
eaten all the cake!
Unit 2 39
Express opinions and preferences
Talk about it
3 $ 1•21 Play the audio for students to
listen to the Key phrases. Check they
understand them all. With weaker
classes, you could play the audio
again for students to listen and repeat.
Students work in pairs or groups to
discuss the activities and decide which
they would like to do. Ask the pairs or
groups which activity they agreed on.
and ask students to disagree politely.
See which activity is the most popular. Optional activity: Creativity
They then work in pairs and take it in
ANSWERS turns to read out the ideas and disagree For homework, ask students to
Students’ own answers politely. Monitor while they are working research activities in another city of
and note down any repeated errors to their choice and produce a ‘What’s
How to disagree politely correct in a feedback session. On’ page. Tell them they should give
4 $ 1•20 Students complete the Key a brief description of each activity.
ANSWERS Encourage them to make the activities
phrases with the words in the box. Play
Students’ own answers as interesting and exciting as possible.
the audio from exercise 2 again for them
to listen and check. Check answers, In the next lesson, collect in the pages,
Talk about it
and check students understand all the and then hand them around the class.
6 Read through the activities and check Students can work in pairs to discuss
phrases. Elicit what Sarah says about No
that students understand them. They the activities and agree what they
way! and Absolutely not!
work in pairs to discuss the activities and would like to do. Remind students to
ANSWERS agree which one they will do. Monitor use the Key phrases. Ask some pairs
1 sorry 2 sounds 3 rather 4 idea while they are working, and note down which activities they agreed on. Discuss
5 enjoy Sarah says that the phrases any repeated errors to feed back on. Ask as a class which cities it would be most
aren’t very polite. some students to tell the class which exciting to visit.
5 $ 1•22 Play the audio for students to activity they agreed on and why.
listen to the Key phrases. With weaker ANSWERS More practice
classes, play the audio again for them to Students’ own answers Communication 1 worksheet, Teacher's Toolkit
listen and repeat. Read out the first idea
40 Unit 2
Writing guide
A Read the task with the class. With
weaker classes, do part A as a class,
brainstorming ideas and making notes
on the board. Students can then use the
notes for their writing.
The Focus on Writing on page 123 has
more information on extreme adjectives,
and more help with the paragraph
plan. You could ask students to turn
to page 123 now and go through the
exercises in class. Students could then
complete the writing task for homework.
B Students write their City Guide using
1 Check that students understand their notes. They complete the checklist
Writing page 25 ostrich and sandboarding (a sport like in part C.
snowboarding, but on sand dunes). C Encourage students to read through
Aim Students read the recommendations their writing to look for language errors.
Write a visitor guide and answer the questions. Elicit answers Ask some students to read their visitor
from individual students. guides to the class. Discuss any errors
as a class and encourage students to
How to write a visitor guide ANSWERS
self-correct. Alternatively, pin the visitor
1 Students’ own answers
Warm-up 2 You must try …, you might need to guides around the class and allow
drink some water, Adventurous diners students to walk around and read them,
Ask: What do you know about South Africa?
ought to visit …, You shouldn’t go noting down any errors they spot.
Elicit a range of answers and encourage
home till you’ve tried sandboarding, Discuss the errors as a class.
students to share their knowledge. Ask:
What do you know about Cape Town in The beach can get absolutely packed. MODEL ANSWER
South Africa? Do you think it’s a good city 2 Read the Key phrases. Ask students to See page 118 of the Teacher's Book.
to visit? Why / Why not? Elicit a range of translate them into their own language,
to check they understand them. Ask
More practice
answers. If students have access to the
Workbook page 19
internet, they could quickly search for students to write three recommendations
Cape Town and find a picture to share with using the Key phrases. Students can Assessment
the class. compare their ideas in pairs. Ask some Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
students to read their recommendations Teacher’s Toolkit
Unit 2 41
Write the following headings on the board:
First impressions: compound adjectives, Life
events, Places and lifestyle: adjectives and
Excuses and explanations. Tell students that
these headings cover the vocabulary they
learnt in units 1 and 2. Give students two
minutes to look in their books and remind
themselves of the vocabulary. Then ask
them to close their books. Give them two
minutes to work individually and write
down as many words for each category
as they can. After two minutes, put them
into pairs to compare and combine their
lists. Bring students’ ideas together on
the board. See which group got the most
correct words.
1 Students read the text and decide if
the sentences are true or false. Ask
stronger students to correct the false
1 false 2 false 3 false 4 true
5 true
2 Students read the text again and
answer the questions. Ask stronger
students to answer in full sentences and
use their own words where possible. 4 Students complete the email with the
Check answers. With weaker classes,
correct words. Check answers.
give two points for each correct answer.
Wordlists ANSWERS
With stronger classes, give one point
for each correct answer and a second The Words to learn on pages 86–93 of the 1 inner 2 peaceful 3 bustling
point for a correct sentence and using Workbook lists all the vocabulary that 4 fun 5 well 6 retirement
some of their own words. students learnt in units 1 and 2. Ask them 7 wedding 8 track 9 caught
to revise all the vocabulary for homework 10 over
ANSWERS before you do the review in class.
1 Tanya’s been taking photos of extreme
weather since she was 14 years old.
3 With stronger classes, you could do this
2 Her photos are clear and not blurry. exercise as a test. Set a time limit, and Focus on Grammar
They’re amazing shots. don’t allow students to look at the main
3 She’s been interested in tornadoes The Focus on Grammar on pages 102
units. With weaker classes, encourage
since she was eight. and 104 reviews all the grammar that
students to look back at the units to find
4 She had to hide in her aunt and students have studied in units 1 and 2.
the correct words. Check answers.
uncle’s cellar because they heard a Encourage them to use those pages to
ANSWERS help them with the grammar exercises.
tornado warning.
1 self 2 easy-going 3 graduation When you check answers with the
5 You can see her photos at exhibitions
4 death 5 promotion 6 compact class, use the Focus on Grammar pages
and on her website.
7 contemporary 8 run-down to review grammar that students find
9 traffic 10 clue difficult.
42 Review 1–2
9 With stronger classes, do this as a timed
activity, and don’t allow students to refer
back to the units for help. With weaker
classes, encourage students to look back
at the units for help, and refer them to
the Focus on Writing on page 123. Collect
students’ work and give two marks for
each point below:
1 Email organised into three
paragraphs and includes opening
and closing phrases
2 Paragraph 1 gives details about the city
3 Paragraph 2 gives a description of
things he / she has done
4 Paragraph 3 describes plans
5 Uses present and perfect tenses
6 Uses narrative tenses correctly
7 Uses present and past modal verbs
8 Uses vocabulary from units 1 and 2
9 Uses extreme adjectives correctly
10 Uses grammar and spelling correctly
Hi Sarah,
How are things? I’m sending you some
photos of Paris. I’m spending the
weekend here with some friends. You
really should visit one day. It’s a bustling
modern city, and there are some beautiful
contemporary buildings, but there are
also some ancient parts to explore.
Anyway, have a look at the photos and
you’ll see some of the things we’ve done.
We’ve already been up to the top of the
5 Students complete the sentences with Listening Eiffel Tower – that was really cool! Then
the correct words. Check answers. 7 $ 1•23 Allow students time to read the we went on a boat trip on the river. The
ANSWERS questions. Then play the audio. Students only problem was that I was enjoying the
listen and answer the questions. Play the scenery so much that I took my eyes off
1 don’t have 2 couldn't 3 should
my bag. When I looked round, someone
4 need 5 able 6 managed 7 can't audio again if necessary. Check answers.
had walked off with it. Can you believe it? I
8 mustn't 9 must 10 ought ANSWERS really should have been more careful!
6 With stronger classes, you could do 1 Sam wants to go on a city break. Tomorrow we’re planning to go shopping.
this exercise as a test. Set a time limit His mum wants to go to the Paris is well-known for its fashions. You
and don’t allow students to refer to the countryside. see lots of really well-dressed people here!
units or the Focus on Grammar. With 2 They could go for long walks, explore Then we’re going to visit a museum – I’m
weaker classes, encourage students to the countryside and go swimming. sure that’ll be interesting!
check the rules to help them complete 3 They could look at the ancient I must go now as my friends are ready to
the email correctly. buildings and go to museums. go out for the evening. I’ll see you soon!
4 The nearest town is 20 minutes away. Amira
1 ’m sending 2 haven’t had Sam could get there by bus. More practice
3 went 4 was studying 5 There’s a surf school on the beach and Grammar and Vocabulary worksheets,
5 do you think 6 had been rowing he could learn how to surf. Teacher’s Toolkit
7 took 8 had stopped 9 know Assessment
10 has been calling Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
Teacher’s Toolkit
Review 1–2 43
Learning outcomes
Consider and speculate about the
Make enquiries about a summer course
Start thinking
Read each question in turn to the class.
Give an answer yourself if necessary,
and then elicit answers from individual
students. Encourage students to give
reasons where appropriate. Then ask
other students: Do you agree? Why /
Why not?
Read out the title of the text What will the
future 'bee' like? and check that students
understand the play on words. Focus on
the photos. Ask: Why are bees important
to us? What problems are there with bees
at the moment? Are there more bees now
than in the past, or fewer? What problems
might this cause in the future? Elicit a range
of answers. Use the discussion to teach
B They C Others, them D they 2 E (many plant species)
honeybee and pollinate.
E These F This 3 F (the prediction that honeybees will
1 Read through the topics with the class have disappeared for good)
3 $ 1•24 Ask students to read the first
and check that students understand 4 D (pesticides)
paragraph again and focus on the
everything. Students skimread the 5 C (honeybees)
example answer. Ask: What does the
article to identify the main topic. 6 B (research organisations)
pronoun ‘them’ refer to? (bees). Ask
You could set a time limit for this to
students to read the second paragraph 4 Students read the article again and
encourage students to read quickly.
and focus on the gap. Ask: What nouns answer the questions. Encourage
ANSWER are there in the sentence before the gap? stronger students to use full sentences
A (this process, many plant species). Ask in their answers, and use their own
students to read the options A–F and words rather than copying from the
Study focus: Understanding decide which one best fits the gap. (E) text. Check answers.
references Elicit that the pronoun these refers back
2 Read the Study focus box with the to many plant species. Students then read
1 We usually just think of bees as
class. Students read the sentences and the rest of the text and complete the
annoying insects that make honey.
underline the pronouns. They could work gaps. Check answers, asking students
2 They are essential. They help plants
in pairs. Check answers with the class. to identify which nouns the underlined
that we eat, such as fruit trees, to
pronouns in A–F refer back to.
reproduce. They also pollinate crops
that we feed to animals.
44 Unit 3
Think about it
7 Allow students time to think about their
answers individually. Students then work
in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
Set a time limit for the discussion, and tell
students to note down ideas that they
agree on. Ask some students to tell the
class what they and their partner agree
on. Discuss as a class what problems there
might be in the future.
Students’ own answers
More practice
Workbook page 22
3 Modern pesticides may be dangerous, WORD CHECK ANSWERS Reading worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
global warming could be a problem 1 reproduce 2 colonies 3 struggle
as bees struggle to survive in 4 aggressive 5 factor 6 expert
changeable weather, mobile phone 7 pesticide 8 buzzing with
signals might be confusing bees. Students then complete the sentences.
4 Other types of insects, such as Check answers. Stronger students
butterflies, can pollinate plants. or fast finishers can write their own
Engineers are working on creating example sentences for the remaining
robot bees. two words in the Word check. Ask
5 The writer thinks we’ll have to do them to read their sentences to the
without honey for breakfast in the class, omitting the target word. Other
future. students can guess the missing words.
Vocabulary ANSWERS
2 buzzing with 3 struggle
5 Students match the highlighted words
4 aggressive 5 factor 6 colonies
with the definitions in the Word check.
Check answers, and check that students
understand the words.
Unit 3 45
Make predictions about my future
46 Unit 3
Future perfect
4 Read the examples with the class. Then
read the rule and elicit the answer.
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 106 has
a detailed presentation on the future
To reinforce the difference between the
future continuous and future perfect,
refer to the timeline on the board and
add the sentence: At 9 p.m. we will have
finished dinner. Reinforce the point that
the future perfect refers to an action that
is already finished at a time in the future.
Talk about it
6 Read out the questions and elicit some
sample answers. Students ask and
ANSWER answer the questions in pairs. Ask some
Grammar page 31 an action in progress students to tell the class something
about their partner.
Aim Grammar note
Speculate about the future The Focus on Grammar on page 106 has ANSWERS
a detailed presentation on the future Students’ own answers
continuous. You could go through this
Future continuous How to speculate about the future
now, before students do the exercises.
7 $ 1•25 Play the audio for students
To reinforce the difference between
Warm-up to read and listen to the Key phrases.
the simple future and the future
Remind students about the article about Check they understand all the phrases.
continuous, draw a timeline on the
bees on page 29. Ask: What predictions Students write five predictions. They
board and write the following examples:
does the writer make about bees? What compare their ideas in pairs. Ask some
7 p.m. 7.30 ➞ 8.30 students to tell the class which of their
about honey? Elicit some ideas. Then ask
| | | partner’s predictions they agree with.
students to read the final paragraph again
get home have dinner
and find the two predictions. Write them ANSWERS
We will get home at 7 p.m.
on the board. Ask: What form of the verb Students’ own answers
At 8 p.m. we will be having dinner.
do they include? Elicit a few ideas. Then ask
students to turn to page 31. Ask: Which sentence describes an action More practice
in progress? (future continuous) Which Workbook page 24
1 Read the examples. Then read the rule
describes a finished action? (future simple) Grammar worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
and elicit the answer.
Unit 3 47
Innovation verbs
With books closed, say: Imagine life in 2050.
What things will be different? Elicit a few
ideas. Then write on the board: transport,
computers, education, medicine. Students
work in pairs and discuss what these
things will be like in 2050. Elicit ideas from
students, and discuss what new inventions
there might be. Use the opportunity to
revise the future continuous and future
perfect by asking questions, e.g. Will
scientists have invented a flying car? Will
students be learning at school or at home?
1 $ 1•26 Focus on the photos and elicit
what happens at a science fair (people
can see scientific innovations). Check
that students understand engineer.
Students read the advert and guess the
correct words. Play the audio for them
to listen and check. Check answers
with the class, and check that students
understand all the verbs.
2 showcase 3 observe
4 demonstrate 5 devise 6 uncover
7 launch 8 simulate
2 Students match the verbs with the
definitions. With weaker classes, do
this activity with the whole class, using
the definitions to teach the meaning of
the verbs. With stronger classes, check
answers, and then ask students to write
some example sentences. Ask some
students to read their sentences to the
class, omitting the verb. Other students
can guess the missing verbs.
ANSWERS their paragraph to the class. Ask other
2 showcase 3 launch 4 demonstrate Optional activity: Creativity and
students: Do you think you would enjoy
5 uncover 6 observe 7 simulate going to the Big Bang Fair? Why / Why not?
8 engage Students work in groups. Ask them to
ANSWERS think of an exciting new innovation
3 $ 1•27 Play the audio for students
2 quarter to five they could launch at the Big Bang Fair.
to listen and note down the order in
3 engineering or science 4 driving Tell them to plan their idea, and prepare
which the events are mentioned.
5 at 11 6 British schoolchildren a presentation. Brainstorm a few ideas
first if necessary, e.g. ‘smart clothes’ that
1 Tomorrow’s Engineers Talk about it
can change colour according to your
2 F1 For Schools 5 Read through the questions with the mood, new techniques for plugging
3 Think Digital class and check that students understand your brain into a computer. Monitor
4 $ 1•27 Allow students time to read everything. Allow students time to and help while students are working.
through the sentences. Play the audio prepare their answers. Then they work in Ask groups to present their innovation
again for students to listen and complete pairs to ask and answer the questions. Ask to the class. The class could vote for the
the sentences. Stronger students can some students to tell the class something best one overall.
complete the sentences from memory, they learnt about their partner.
and then listen again to check. Refer Fast ANSWERS More practice
finishers to the activity at the bottom of Students’ own answers Workbook page 25
the page. Ask some fast finishers to read
Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
48 Unit 3
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 106 has
a detailed presentation on all the future
To reinforce the grammar, ask students
to close their books. Write example
sentences from page 106 on the board in
a random order. Ask students to identify
the verb forms and explain why they are
used in the sentences.
Unit 3 49
Leave and take a phone message
50 Unit 3
Writing guide
A Read the task with the class. With
weaker classes, do part A as a class,
brainstorming ideas and making notes
on the board. Students can then use
the notes for their writing.
The Focus on Writing on page 124 has
more information on formal language,
and more help with the paragraph
plan. You could ask students to turn
to page 124 now and go through
the exercises in class. Students could
then complete the writing task for
B Students write their formal email using
1 Check that students understand their notes. They complete the checklist
Writing page 35 life-skills and day trip. Students read in part C.
the advert and email and answer the
Aim questions. Elicit answers from individual
C Encourage students to read through
Write a formal email their writing to look for language errors.
students. If necessary, briefly revise the
Ask some students to read their emails
future forms and check that students
to the class. Discuss any errors as a class
How to write a formal email understand their use.
and encourage students to self-correct.
1 Emma asks about accommodation,
Ask: What do you usually do in the summer See page 118 of the Teacher's Book.
holidays? Elicit a few answers. Then ask: which languages she can study and
Have you ever been on a summer camp? whether there are walking or cycling More practice
What do young people do on summer camps? trips. Workbook page 27
Elicit some answers, and explain that there 2 (Possible answers) I am going to
study …, I hope you will be able to
are different kinds of summer camps Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
offering different kinds of activities. Focus answer …, Will I be sharing a room?
Teacher’s Toolkit
on the advert and ask: What do you think I will have finished a beginners’
Mid-term Tests, Teacher's Toolkit
people do on this summer camp? Elicit a few French course …
answers. Then ask students to skimread the 3 Emma uses full forms because it's a
advert to check their ideas. Ask: What extra formal email.
information would you like to know about the
camp? Elicit a few answers.
Unit 3 51
Learning outcomes
Discuss ways of saving and
spending money
Consider positive and negative aspects
of advertising and consumerism
Start thinking
Read each question in turn to the class.
Give an answer yourself if necessary,
andthen elicit answers from individual
students. Encourage students to give
reasons where appropriate. Then ask
other students: Do you agree? Why /
Why not?
Spending and
saving pages 36 and 37
Understand a diary about saving money
Ask: How much money do you spend each
week? Give students a minute to write
down everything they have bought ANSWERS 4 Students read the blog again and
over the last seven days, including an 1 The main topic is an account of answer the questions. Encourage
approximate price. Ask individual students undertaking a challenge to live for a stronger students to use full sentences,
to tell the class how much they have month without spending any money. and use their own words rather than
spent. See which students have spent the 2 The text is a blog (an online diary). The copying from the text. Check answers.
most and the least. Ask: Do you think you writer uses an informal, friendly style.
spend too much money? Could you spend 3 Read out the first sentence. Ask students 1 She wants to stop wasting money so
less? Elicit a range of answers. to read the first paragraph again and that she can afford driving lessons.
decide if it is true or false, or if the text 2 She finds gaming / playing video
Study focus: Activating background doesn’t say. Discuss the answer with games less enjoyable, so she revises
knowledge the class, asking students to provide French instead.
1 Read the Study focus box with the class. evidence to support their answers. 3 She didn’t have any money, so
Students look at the blog and answer Students read the blog again and couldn’t buy a bus ticket. She had to
the questions. Discuss the answers with decide about the remaining sentences. walk home instead.
the class. Check answers, asking students to 4 Suzy thinks she might be arty and
provide evidence from the blog. should practise drawing.
ANSWERS 5 She watched a documentary about
Students' own answers
1 doesn't say 2 false 3 doesn't say poverty and now realises that her
2 $ 2•02 Play the audio. Students read challenge is easy.
4 true 5 false 6 true
and listen to the blog, and check their 6 She’s saved money, is fitter, has got
answers to exercise 1. better grades and has a new hobby.
52 Unit 4
Optional activity
Ask students to read the blog again and
find as many words and phrases as they
can to do with spending or saving money.
Bring students’ ideas together on
the board and brainstorm other
words related to the topic of money
(see suggested answers below).
Check that students understand all the
words and phrases, and ask students
to record them in their vocabulary
notebooks. Remind students that it is
important to use a range of different
vocabulary in their speaking and
writing tasks.
From the text: spend a fortune, waste
money, cost money, save money, buy
things, treat yourself / someone to
something, make money, can’t afford
Suggested extra words and phrases: run
out of money, be broke, throw your
money away (= spend it foolishly),
splash out on something, go on a
spending spree, cost a fortune, be
worth a lot of money, economise, cut
down on something, scrimp and save
Unit 4 53
Talk about advertising
Ask: Do you like watching adverts on TV, or
do you find them annoying? Why? Elicit a
few ideas. Then ask: What’s your favourite
TV advert at the moment? Why? Which
adverts do you hate? Why? Encourage as
many students as possible to join in and
express their opinions. Ask: What makes a
good advert? Elicit a range of ideas.
1 Read through the chart with the class
and check that students understand
the headings. Students use their
dictionaries to check the meaning of
the words and complete the table.
Weaker classes could work in pairs for
this exercise. Check answers, and check
that students understand all the words.
Model pronunciation of commercials
and persuasive.
2–3 billboards / pop-ups
4–6 brand / slogan / impact
7–8 advertisers / consumers
9–10 eye-catching / persuasive
2 $ 2•03 Students read the factfile and
choose the correct words. Play the
audio for them to listen and check their
answers. Check answers.
2 advertisers 3 persuasive
4 brand name 5 slogan 6 impact
7 commercial 8 billboards
9 eye-catching
Talk about it
3 Students complete the questions with
the correct words. Check answers, and
check that students understand all the
questions. Stronger classes could add of agent nouns to help students, e.g. 5 Students complete the sentences with
one or two more questions, using other teach – teacher, run – runner. Students use the correct words. Check answers.
words from exercise 1. Read out the their dictionaries to find the related words
first question and elicit a few possible and add them to the chart. With stronger
classes, you could do this activity as a 2 challenging 3 achievable
answers. With weaker classes, elicit 4 promotion 5 advertising
race. Weaker classes could work in pairs.
one or two example answers for each
Check answers, and check that students Optional activity
question. Students work in pairs to ask
understand all the words. Refer Fast
and answer the questions. Ask some Students work in pairs to prepare a
finishers to the activity at the bottom of
students to tell the class something description of a current TV advert, using
the page. They can use their dictionaries
about their partner. words from exercises 1 and 4. Tell them
to find the related words and add them
to the chart. Ask some fast finishers to not to say the name of the product
present the extra words to the class, and it advertises. Ask pairs in turn to read
2 brand 3 consumers 4 commercials
ask all students to add them to their chart. their descriptions to the class. Correct
5 pop-ups 6 billboards
any errors in the use of the vocabulary,
ANSWERS and see if other students can guess the
Vocabulary builder: Word families 2 advert 3 advertiser 4 consumer product.
Study focus: Recording word families 5 challenge 6 challenger
4 Read the Study focus box with the class. 7 challenging 8 promotion
9 promoter 10 promotable
More practice
Read through the chart with the class Workbook page 31
and check that students understand the 11 achievement 12 achiever
Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
term agent noun. Elicit a few examples 13 achievable
54 Unit 4
Talk about it
4 Read through the slogans with the class
and elicit one or two possible endings.
Students complete the slogans with
their own ideas. Stronger students
or fast finishers could write one more
slogan. Check answers and discuss
whose slogans are the best and why.
Students’ own answers
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 108 has
a detailed presentation on the second
To reinforce the difference between the
first and second conditional, write on
the board: 1 If I don’t spend any money,
I’ll be rich. 2 If I didn’t spend any money,
I would be rich. Point to the sentences,
and ask: In which sentence is it possible the
person will be rich? (1) In which sentence
will the person never be rich? (2). Reinforce
the point that the second conditional
describes unlikely or unreal situations.
Unit 4 55
Negative prefixes
Ask: How can you save money? Elicit a few
ideas, e.g. only buy things that you need,
buy things that are cheap. Write on the
board: Don’t buy things that are necessary.
Buy things that are expensive. Ask: Are these
good tips for saving money? (no) How can
you change the adjectives to make them
good tips? Elicit the negative forms of the
adjectives (unnecessary, inexpensive). Ask:
What other adjectives can you change in this
way? Elicit a few more examples.
1 Read through the words in the chart
with the class and check that students
understand them all. Students
complete the chart with the correct
prefixes. Weaker students could work
in pairs for this activity. Check answers
with the class, and check that students
understand all the negative words.
2 il- 3 in- 4 dis- 5 ir- 6 im-
2 Students complete the sentences with
the correct words. Check answers with
the class. Refer Fast finishers to the
activity on the page. Ask some fast
finishers to read their sentences to the
class. Ask other students: Do you agree?
Is this sentence also true for you? Why /
Why not?
2 illegible 3 unbelievable
4 disapprove 5 inaccurately
6 imperfections 7 inexpensively
8 impersonal
56 Unit 4
Talk about it
4 Read out the example and elicit one or
two more. Students write sentences,
and then discuss their answers in pairs.
Ask some students to read out their
sentences. Correct any errors.
Students’ own answers
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 108 has
a detailed presentation on I wish / If only.
Reinforce the point that we use the past
simple, not would, to talk about present
wishes: I wish I had lots of money.
NOT I wish I would have lots of money.
1 Read the examples. Then read the rules
Grammar page 41 and elicit the answers. Ask students to 6 Students complete the sentences.
complete the sentence on the board. Check answers.
Discuss imaginary past situations and ANSWERS
express regret 1 imaginary 2 present Students’ own answers
Grammar note How to express regret
Third conditional and mixed The Focus on Grammar on page 108 7 $ 2•06 Play the audio and check that
conditionals has a detailed presentation on the third students understand all the Key phrases.
conditional and mixed conditionals. Read out the first situation and elicit one
Warm-up To reinforce the difference between or two example sentences. Students write
Ask: How did Laila save money? Elicit a few the third conditional and a mixed regrets for the remaining people. Ask
ideas. Then ask: What event did she work conditional, write on the board: 1 If I some students to read their sentences to
at? How did she feel about it? Elicit that hadn’t lost my purse, I would have got the class. Correct any errors.
she worked at a football event and then a taxi home. 2 If I hadn’t lost my purse,
regretted choosing it. Write on the board: I would have plenty of money.
Students’ own answers
If she … (look) more closely, she … (choose) Ask: Did she lose her purse? (yes) Did she
a different event. Elicit a few ideas for the get a taxi home? (no) Has she got plenty More practice
correct verb forms. Don’t confirm the answer, of money now? (no) Ask: Which sentence Workbook page 34
but leave the sentence on the board. Grammar worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
Unit 4 57
Explain what I want to buy in a café
58 Unit 4
Unit 4 59
1 Students read the text and decide
if the sentences are true or false.
Ask stronger students to correct the
false sentences.
1 false 2 false 3 true 4 false
5 true
2 Students read the text again and
answer the questions. Ask stronger
students to answer in full sentences and
use their own words where possible.
Check answers. With weaker classes,
give two points for each correct answer.
With stronger classes, give one point
for each correct answer and a second
point for a correct sentence and using
some of their own words.
1 Young people get into debt by
spending too much money on ANSWERS
You could ask students to revise and
credit cards. 1 estimate 2 commercials
learn all the vocabulary for homework,
2 They stay in debt for years because 3 unbelievable 4 doubt 5 devise
before you do the review in class.
they can’t afford to pay back very 6 disapprove 7 advertisers
Alternatively, you could allow students
much of their debt each month. 8 engage 9 persuasive 10 illegal
to refer to the wordlists to help them
3 It is useful to borrow money to pay with the exercises in class.
for expensive things such as a car or Grammar
university education. 3 With stronger classes, you could do
4 It will take 14 years. Focus on Grammar
this exercise as a test. Set a time limit,
5 No, you can’t borrow money if you and don’t allow students to look at The Focus on Grammar on pages 106
open a young person’s account the main units. With weaker classes, and 108 reviews all the grammar that
because you only have a debit card, encourage students to look back at the students have studied in units 3 and 4.
not a credit card. units to find the correct words. Encourage students to use those
pages to help them with the grammar
ANSWERS exercises. When you check answers with
Vocabulary 1 feel sure 2 predicted the class, use the Focus on Grammar
Wordlists 3 demonstrate 4 launch pages to review grammar that students
The Words to learn on pages 86–93 of 5 billboards 6 brand 7 impact find difficult.
the Workbook lists all the vocabulary 8 il- 9 irresistible 10 inexpensively
that students learnt in units 3 and 4. 4 Students complete the conversation 5 Students complete the sentences with
with the correct words. the correct words.
60 Review 3–4
9 With stronger classes, do this as a
timed activity. With weaker classes,
encourage students to look back at the
units for help, and refer them to the
Focus on Writing on page 125.
Collect students’ work and give two
marks for each point below:
1 Email organised into three
paragraphs and includes opening
and closing phrases
2 Paragraph 1 gives details of what
he /she would like to buy
3 Paragraph 2 describes plans to save up
4 Paragraph 3 describes plans / feelings
when he / she has enough money
5 Uses future forms correctly
6 Uses conditionals correctly
7 Uses I wish and If only correctly
8 Uses vocabulary from units 3 and 4
9 Uses linkers of addition and contrast
10 Uses grammar and spelling correctly
Hi Kevin,
How are things with you? I’ve just got
back from the music shop and they’ve got
the most amazing electric guitar there.
It’s a Fender, which is a really good brand,
and it’s black with an eye-catching gold
pattern. Really cool! I’m starting a new
band with some friends, and it would be
perfect. It costs £240, but it’s definitely
worth it! I really wish I had enough money
to buy it. If I had enough money, I’d
definitely buy it right now!
I doubt my parents will pay that much for
a guitar for me, so I’m going to save up for
it myself. My mum says she’ll give me £10
a week if I do some chores for her – boring,
ANSWERS audio. Students listen and complete I know, but necessary! What’s more, my
1 going 2 'm 3 does 4 'll be walking the sentences. Play the audio again if grandma’s going to give me £5 a week if I
5 'll be 6 'll have had 7 'm going necessary. Check answers. cut her grass. So don’t call me on Saturday
8 'll 9 unless 10 as soon as morning – I’ll be working in my grandma’s
ANSWERS garden!
6 With stronger classes, you could do 1 check her account from home and top
this exercise as a test. Set a time limit With these two things, I’ll get £60 a month,
up her mobile phone online so if I’m careful with my money, it will soon
and don’t allow students to refer to the 2 for her phone
units or the Focus on Grammar. With add up. I guess I’ll spend some of what
3 great for shopping online I earn. Still, I predict that in four months’
weaker classes, encourage students to 4 it’s easy to get into debt if you use them
check the rules to help them complete time I’ll have saved up enough money to
5 it’s easy to remember go and buy the guitar. It will be great to
the text correctly.
use it on stage!
ANSWERS Speaking See you soon,
1 didn’t feel 2 stayed 8 Students complete the conversations Sam
3 would perform 4 was / were with the correct phrases. Check answers.
5 could 6 would be 7 have 8 feel More practice
Then students work in pairs to practise
9 had known 10 would have chosen Grammar and Vocabulary worksheets,
the conversations. Ask pairs in turn
Teacher’s Toolkit
to perform the conversations for the
Listening class. Award five points for the correct Assessment
7 $ 2•09 Allow students time to read answers, and five points for students’ Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
the sentences, and then play the pronunciation and fluency (1 = lots of Teacher’s Toolkit
Review 3–4 61
Learning outcomes
Consider the way the media is changing
Discuss and respond to media stories
and personal news
Start thinking
Read each question in turn to the class.
Give an answer yourself if necessary,
and then elicit answers from individual
students. Encourage students to give
reasons where appropriate. Then ask
other students: Do you agree? Why /
Why not?
Ask: Do you think that being a journalist is a
difficult job? Why / Why not? What qualities
do you need to be a good journalist? Elicit
a few answers. Then ask: Would you like to
be a journalist? Why / Why not? How could
you achieve this? What kinds of news would
2 $ 2•10 Allow students time to read ANSWERS
you like to write about? Why? Elicit a range
the questions and possible answers. 1 Citizen journalists’ stories often
of answers.
Remind students that for an answer to appear faster than those written by
Study focus: Dealing with be correct, it must be stated explicitly conventional journalists. They can
difficult texts in the text. Warn students not to also give a different viewpoint on a
be tempted to choose an answer national or global story.
1 Read the Study focus box with the class
because they believe it is true based 2 It has more emotional impact because
and check that students understand
on their own general knowledge. it’s dramatic and is written as the
everything. Ask students to read topics
Play the audio for students to read and event happens.
A–E first. Then read the article quickly
listen and choose the best answers. 3 Yes. Editors choose which stories
and match the paragraphs to the
Check answers, asking students to to publish, so they decide what we
topics. You could set a time limit for
provide evidence from the article. should see or read about.
this activity, to encourage students to
4 Citizen journalists’ stories appear more
read quickly for general understanding. ANSWERS
quickly and are easy to understand.
Check answers, and discuss what clues 1 c 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 b
Professional journalists can tell the
in the text students used to help them 3 Students read the article again and story from a different viewpoint and
do the matching. answer the questions. Encourage go into more depth. The writer thinks
ANSWERS students, especially stronger students, that the two forms of journalism can
B 5 C 2 D 1 E 3 to use full sentences in their answers, complement each other.
and use their own words rather than
copying from the text. Check answers.
62 Unit 5
Optional activity
Ask students to read paragraphs 1–3
again and note down all the different
collocations that are used with the
word news. Read out the first sentence
of the article to demonstrate, writing
on the board report the news and the
latest news. Allow students time to
find the collocations and bring them
together on the board, sorting them into
nouns, verbs and adjectives. Elicit other
possible collocations for each group (see
answers in brackets below). Check that
students understand all the collocations,
and encourage them to record them
in their vocabulary notebooks with
examples to help them remember them.
Remind students that learning typical
collocations can help them to produce
natural-sounding English.
verbs: report the news, spread the
news (hear the news)
adjectives: the latest news, breaking
news (good / bad news, exciting news)
nouns: news reports, news stories,
news articles (news programme,
a news flash)
Unit 5 63
Discuss news and media
Talk about it answer, and elicit that these suffixes are ANSWERS
3 Read through the questions, and check all used to form nouns. Students use 2 professionalism 3 readership
that students understand everything. their dictionaries to help them complete 4 likelihood 5 censorship 6 scepticism
Read out the first question and elicit the words with the correct suffixes. With
a few possible answers. With weaker stronger classes, you could do this Optional activity
classes, elicit one or two example activity as a race. Weaker classes could As a class, brainstorm some other
answers for each question. Stronger work in pairs. Play the audio for students words that use the suffixes in exercise 4,
classes could add one or two more to check their answers. Check that e.g. childhood, parenthood, optimism,
questions, using other compound students understand all the words. pessimism, journalism, ownership,
nouns from exercise 1. Students work in friendship. Write the words on the board.
pairs to ask and answer the questions. Ask students to choose one of the words
2 scepticism 3 likelihood
Ask some students to tell the class and write a true sentence. Ask students
4 professionalism 5 adulthood
something about their partner. in turn to read out their sentence,
6 censorship
omitting the target word. See if other
ANSWERS 5 Students complete the sentences with students can guess the missing word.
Students’ own answers the correct words. Check answers. Refer
Fast finishers to the activity at the
Vocabulary builder: Suffixes bottom of the page. They can use their More practice
4 $ 2•12 Elicit that we add suffixes to the dictionaries to find the correct suffixes. Workbook page 39
end of a word to form a new word. Read Ask some fast finishers to read their Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
through the suffixes and the example example sentences.
64 Unit 5
Talk about it
3 Read through the statement beginnings
and elicit some possible endings.
Students complete the statements with
their own ideas. Ask a confident student
to read out their first statement. Elicit how
to report it. Students then work in pairs to
report their statements. Monitor and help.
Students’ own answers
Reported questions
4 Read the examples. Then read the rules
and elicit the answers.
1 positive sentence 2 isn’t 3 if
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 110
has a detailed presentation on reported
Write a checklist on the board of things
students need to think about when
reporting questions: word order, tenses,
pronouns, if / whether. Write a range of
simple questions on the board using
different tenses. Elicit how to transform
them into reported questions, using the
checklist to help.
Unit 5 65
Reporting verbs
Write media on the board and elicit that
it includes newspapers, magazines, TV
and radio. Ask: What jobs can you do in
the media? Elicit a range of answers, e.g.
journalist, TV presenter, magazine editor,
sports commentator, DJ. Ask: Would you like
to work in the media? What job would you
like to do? Elicit a range of answers.
1 Focus on the photos and ask: What jobs
do you think the people have? Elicit a few
ideas. Students read the texts and check.
A DJ B magazine editor
C journalist / reporter
2 Students use their dictionaries to check
the meaning of the verbs in the chart.
Check that students understand them
all. Then read through the chart and
point out the different verb patterns.
Elicit one or two examples of each
pattern, using the verbs in the chart.
Focus on the first reporting verb in
exercise 1. Elicit the meaning, and then
ask students to look at the pattern the
verb is used in. Elicit where it should be
added in the chart. Students check the
meaning of the other reporting verbs
in exercise 1, and decide where to add
them in the chart. Check answers, and
check that students understand all the
verbs. Read the Remember note with
the class. You could ask students to look
in their dictionaries again for homework
to find other patterns that each verb is
used with.
Refer Fast finishers to the activity at
Point out that students need to think ANSWERS
the bottom of the page. If students
need a bit of help with thinking of about choosing the word with the ambitious, determined, keen traveller
more verbs, write on the board: admit, correct meaning, and also the word 5 $ 2•14 Allow students time to read
confess to, confirm, offer, order, refuse, that fits the pattern in the sentence. the biography. Play the audio again for
remind, vote for. Students can use Elicit the first answer as an example. students to listen and complete the
their dictionaries to find the patterns Students then read the texts again biography. Stronger students can try to
for these verbs and add them to the and choose the correct words. Play the complete the biography from memory,
chart. Ask some fast finishers to tell the audio for students to listen and check and then listen again to check.
their answers.
class which verbs they added to the ANSWERS
chart and where. Check that students ANSWERS 2 1864 3 teacher 4 15
understand the meaning of the verbs, 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 b 7 c 8 a 5 newspaper 6 working women
and elicit some example sentences 4 $ 2•14 Focus on the photo of Nellie 7 food 8 fashion 9 1887 10 72
from the class. Ask all students to add Bly. Ask: When do you think she lived? 11 6 12 11
the verbs to the chart in the correct (the 19th century) Elicit a few ideas, and
place. then ask students to read through the
More practice
Workbook page 41
ANSWERS phrases in the box. Check that they
Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
1 announce 2 convince 3 beg understand them all. Play the audio for
4 promise 5 boast students to listen and choose the three
3 $ 2•13 Focus on the first gap in text B phrases that best describe her. Check
and read out the three possible words. answers, asking students to justify their
answers from the audio.
66 Unit 5
Talk about it
3 Read out the first sentence beginning
and elicit some possible endings.
Students complete the sentences with
their own ideas. Students work in pairs to
compare their ideas. Ask some students
to read their sentences to the class.
Students’ own answers
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 110 has
a full list of time and place expressions
in direct speech and reported speech.
Point out to students that they should
learn the time and place expressions
that are used in reported speech.
Reported speech:
ANSWERS transformations
Grammar page 51 1 object 2 to
Study focus: Rewriting sentences
Aim Grammar note 6 Read the Study focus box with the class.
Report what people have asked The Focus on Grammar on page 110 has Read out the example answer. Then
and ordered a presentation on reported requests elicit another, using the checklist in the
and orders. Study focus box. Students then rewrite
Reinforce the point that we don’t use the sentences. Check answers. Refer Fast
Reported requests and that to report requests and orders: He finishers to the activity at the bottom of
orders asked her to leave. NOT He asked her that the page.
she leave. Also reinforce the point that ANSWERS
Warm-up we use not + to for negative requests 2 him not to talk to the reporters
Ask: What can you remember about Nellie and orders: They told us not to leave. 3 if he had seen any tweets from him
Bly? What did the head teacher say to NOT They told us don’t leave. the day before
her? Elicit some possible direct speech 4 that he had created all the fuss
sentences and write one on the board, e.g. 2 Remind students to think about 5 that he definitely wouldn't cause any
‘You must leave the school.’ Ask: How can pronoun changes. Students report the problems the following day
we put this into reported speech? Elicit a few requests and orders. Check answers.
ideas, but don’t confirm them. More practice
ANSWERS Workbook page 42
1 Read the examples. Then read the rule 2 My dad told me to pass him the Grammar worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
and elicit the answers. newspaper.
Unit 5 67
Give and respond to news
68 Unit 5
Writing guide
A Read the task with the class and check
that students understand everything.
With weaker classes, do part A as a
class, brainstorming ideas for two or
three different stories and making notes
on the board. Students can then use
the notes for their writing. The Focus
on Writing on page 126 has more
information on avoiding repetition, and
more help with the paragraph plan. You
could ask students to turn to page 126
now and go through the exercises in
class. Students could then complete the
writing task for homework.
B Students write their story. Encourage
students to read through their writing
to look for language errors. Ask some
students to read their stories to the
class. Discuss any errors as a class and
encourage students to self-correct.
1 Students read the story and answer the C Encourage students to read through
Writing page 53 questions. Check answers. their writing again and complete the
checklist in part C.
1 He felt sad because Mark’s parents MODEL ANSWER
Write a story for a newsletter See pages 118–119 of the Teacher's
had died, but fortunate because his
own situation was better. Book.
How to write a story for a 2 She said that she’d spent a whole day More practice
newsletter cooking. He told me that education
Workbook page 43
meant ‘future’. He also informed me
Warm-up that his parents had died. Assessment
Ask: Does your school produce a newsletter? 3 said, told, asked, informed Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
How often? What is in the newsletter? Elicit 2 Read the Key phrases. Students find the Teacher’s Toolkit
a few answers. If students do have a phrases in the story. Check answers, and
newsletter at their school, ask: Have you ask students to translate the phrases
ever written a story for the newsletter? What into their own language, to check they
kinds of things do students write about? If understand them. Read through the
students do not have a newsletter at their ideas in the box and check that students
school, ask: Would it be a good idea to have understand them. Elicit one or two
a newsletter? What kind of news could it sentences, and ask students to write their
include? Elicit a range of answers, e.g. news own true sentences. Ask some students
about sports teams, exams, school trips. to read their sentences to the class.
Unit 5 69
Learning outcomes
Discuss and describe the arts and
Critically review a book you’ve read
Start thinking
Read each question in turn to the class.
Give a few examples of resources for
learning, e.g. libraries, the internet,
and brainstorm others with the class.
Brainstorm things which represent
the students’ culture, e.g. types of
music, fashions, popular books and TV
programmes. Encourage students to
give their opinions, and to give reasons
where appropriate. Then ask other
students: Do you agree? Why / Why not?
The history
of books pages 54 and 55
Understand a text about the history
of books
Ask: What kinds of books do you enjoy
reading? Why? What was the last book you
read? Did you enjoy it? Why / Why not? Elicit
a few answers and then ask: Do you think
that books are still important nowadays?
Why / Why not? Would you rather read a
1 ✓ (books are reasonably priced today, 1 Gilgamesh was a mythical king. His
book or watch a film? Why? Elicit a range but were very expensive in the past) story dates from around 3000 BCE.
of answers. 2 ✓ (clay tablets, scrolls and wax tablets 2 The Egyptians made the first books
1 $ 2•18 Focus on the four photos and were all very early forms of books) from papyrus, a thick paper-like
elicit a description of each one. Use the 3 ✗ material. They made them by gluing
pictures to teach the words stylus (A), 4 ✓ (when two tablets were fastened scrolls together.
e-book (B), clay tablet (C) and scroll (D). together, they were called a codex) 3 The Greeks and Romans invented the
Students number the photos in order 5 ✓ (there was a spread of literacy after codex. Because it had 'pages' fastened
of age. Play the audio for students to the invention of the printing press) together.
read and listen and check their answers. 6 ✗
4 He invented the printing press.
Check answers. 3 Allow students time to read the 5 Books became cheaper to produce
questions. Check they understand and consequently a means of learning
everything. Students read the article for ordinary people. Literacy spread
1 C 2 D 3 A 4 B again and answer the questions.
2 $ 2•18 Allow students time to read amongst the masses.
Encourage students, especially
the topics. Check they understand 6 The main advantages of an e-reader
stronger students, to use full
everything. Play the audio again for are that you can store a large number
sentences in their answers, and use
students to read and listen and decide their own words rather than copying of books on them, and it is cheaper to
which topics are mentioned. Check from the text. Check answers. buy e-books.
answers, asking students to provide 7 They like to read a 'proper' book
evidence from the article. because they like the feel of it.
70 Unit 6
Optional activity
Ask students to find another
hyphenated compound adjective in
the article (best-selling). You could do
this as a race, to motivate students.
Check answers, and check that students
understand the adjective.
Think about it
7 Allow students time to think about their
answers individually. Students then
work in pairs to ask and answer the
questions. Ask some students to tell the
class what they and their partner agree
on. Discuss as a class what the future of
e-books might be.
Students’ own answers
Optional activity
To help students practise their scanning
skills, write the following numbers and
dates on the board:
1445 40 200 2400 1853 3000
Ask students to scan the article quickly
to find out what each number or date
refers to. You could do this as a race,
to motivate students. Remind them
that they shouldn’t read the whole
article again, but should just scan it to
find each number. Check answers, and
point out to students that scanning
is a very useful technique which they
should practise, to help them find useful
information in a text quickly.
Study focus: Reflecting on a text Students then complete the sentences.
4 Read the Study focus box with the class. Check answers. Stronger students ANSWERS
Allow students time to prepare their or fast finishers can write their own 1445 the invention of the printing press
answers individually. Then they work in example sentences for the remaining 40 the length in metres of the scroll
pairs to discuss their answers. Ask some two words in the Word check. Ask telling the history of Ramses III
students to tell the class their opinion of them to read their sentences to the 200 the approximate year (200 BCE)
the text, and what else they would like class, omitting the target word. Other when the Greeks and Romans
to know. students can guess the missing words. developed wax tablets
2400 the date (2400 BCE) of the oldest
surviving scrolls
Students’ own answers 2 fasten 3 evolution 4 scroll
1853 the date when clay tablet pieces
5 resemble 6 engrave
were discovered in Nineveh
Vocabulary 6 Read out the example answer and check 3000 the approximate date (3000 BCE)
5 Students match the highlighted words students understand that compound when clay tablets were first
with the definitions in the Word check. adjectives are adjectives that are made engraved with words
Check answers, and check that students up of two words. Explain that the two
understand the words. words can be joined together by a
hyphen, or they can be written as two
More practice
WORD CHECK ANSWERS Workbook page 46
separate words Students find compound
1 engrave 2 adopt 3 ensue Reading worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
adjectives in the article to match the
4 resemble 5 evolution 6 scroll
7 fasten 8 turning point
Unit 6 71
Describe the arts
The arts
Read out the heading The arts and ask:
What do you understand by ‘The arts’? Elicit
a few ideas and explain that the term is
a general one, referring to things such
as art, literature, music, films and theatre.
Ask: Which forms of the arts are you most
interested in? Why? Elicit a few ideas then
ask: Do you think it’s important to learn
about the arts at school? Why / Why not?
Elicit a range of answers.
1 Students use their dictionaries to check
the meaning of the words in the box
and complete the chart. Check answers,
and check that students understand
all the words. With weaker classes, ask
students to find each word in turn and
discuss the meaning of each word as
students find it in their dictionaries.
noun: blockbuster, masterpiece, smash hit
adjective: award-winning, best-selling,
chart-topping, fictional
2 $ 2•19 Students choose the correct
words in the quiz. Check answers.
2 chart-topping, smash hit
3 masterpiece
4 Award-winning, blockbuster
5 fictional, best-selling
Students do the quiz in pairs. Play the
audio for students to listen and check
their answers. See which pair got the most
correct answers.
1 b 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 a
72 Unit 6
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 112 has
a presentation on defining and non-
defining relative clauses.
Reinforce the point that we use who /
which in non-defining clauses, but not
that: Nineveh, which is in Iraq, was an
ancient city. NOT Nineveh, that is in Iraq,
was an ancient city.
Unit 6 73
Write entertainment on the board and
elicit different forms of entertainment,
e.g. comedy shows, music, films. Ask:
What kinds of entertainment do you enjoy
watching on TV? What live entertainment
events have you been to recently? What
events would you like to attend? Why? Elicit a
range of answers.
1 Students use their dictionaries to
check the meaning of the words and
complete the chart. Check answers, and
check that students understand all the
words. Model pronunciation of words
that students might find difficult, e.g.
audience, busker.
verb: perform, play host to, put on a show,
person: acrobat, audience, busker,
stand-up comedian, storyteller
2 Students read the leaflet and choose
the correct words. Check answers. Ask:
Are there any similar festivals in your
2 screening 3 perform
4 put on a show 5 buskers
6 acrobats 7 stand-up comedians
8 storytellers 9 improvise
10 audience
3 $ 2•20 Read out the question. Then
play the audio for students to listen and
answer the question.
The Edinburgh International Festival and 2 They often put on their shows in the to the activity at the bottom of the
the Edinburgh Festival Fringe street. page. Ask some fast finishers to read
3 You can rent a room at a university. It their adverts to the class.
Study focus: Listening won’t be very comfortable / luxurious.
comprehension questions 4 We learn that the city centre is quite
Students’ own answers
small, and most of the festival events
4 $ 2•20 Read the Study focus box with
take place in the city centre. Optional activity
the class. Allow students time to read
5 The audience should arrive at least half
through the questions. Check they For homework, students could look
an hour before the show.
understand everything. Play the audio online and find information about
6 The performance lasted for six hours,
again for students to listen and answer another important arts festival. Students
it was in Arabic, English and French, it
the questions. Encourage students, could present their findings to each
wasn’t difficult to understand, it was
especially stronger students, to write other in small groups in the next class.
very good, it included Arabic music.
full sentences and use their own words Discuss as a class which festival students
in their answers. Check answers, asking Talk about it would most like to go to and why.
students to justify their answers from
5 Allow students time to read the
the audio. More practice
questions and think about their
ANSWERS answers. Students then work in pairs to Workbook page 49
1 They refer to August as ‘Festival Month’ ask and answer the questions. Ask some Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
because there are seven different students to tell the class something
festivals in the city in August. about their partner. Refer Fast finishers
74 Unit 6
Talk about it
3 Allow students time to think about their
answers to the questions. Students then
work in pairs to ask and answer the
questions. Ask some students to tell the
class something about their partner.
Students’ own answers
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 112
has more information on verbs that
are followed by a gerund or infinitive.
You could go through this now, before
students do the exercises.
Point out to students that they should
try to learn verb patterns that are used
with common verbs.
Unit 6 75
Talk about memories and make
How to make
Ask: What places have you visited recently?
What did you do there? Did you enjoy it?
Elicit a range of answers, and encourage
students to talk about their own
experiences. Say: Imagine one of your
friends is going to this place. What activities
would you recommend? Elicit a few ideas.
1 Focus on the photo and ask the
questions. Elicit some possible answers,
but don’t confirm them at this stage.
2 $ 2•21 Play the audio for students to
listen and read and check their answers
to exercise 1. Check answers, and ask
who guessed correctly.
The people are looking at the painting the
Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
3 $ 2•21 Allow students time to read
through the questions. Check that they
understand everything. Play the audio
again for students to listen and answer
the questions. With stronger classes,
students could answer the questions
from memory, and then listen again
to check.
1 Amy had to queue for ages to see
the painting.
2 She says it is smaller than she
3 She went up the Eiffel Tower. Yes, she
enjoyed it a lot.
4 $ 2•22 Students complete the phrases
with the correct verb forms. Play the
audio for students to listen and check. Then play the audio again, pausing Talk about it
Check answers, and check that students after each phrase for students to repeat. 7 Ask two students to read out the
understand all the phrases. Elicit which Encourage them to use the correct example question and answer.
two phrases are recommendations. If word stress. Brainstorm some more questions that
you have time, you could play the audio students could ask, e.g. What did you
again, pausing after each phrase and ANSWERS
2 highlight 3 masterpiece do? What was it like? Was it fun? What
asking individual students to repeat. happened? Demonstrate the activity by
Encourage them to copy the intonation 4 unforgettable 5 experience
6 definitely asking a confident student where they
to sound enthusiastic. went for the weekend. Elicit their answer
6 As a class, brainstorm some possible
ANSWERS and ask more questions to find out
places for a weekend visit and some
1 Going 2 Seeing 3 waiting about their problem. Students then work
possible problems, e.g. the weather
4 believe 5 seeing 6 Going 7 go in pairs to have a conversation about
was terrible, a monument or museum
8 remember their weekend away. They then change
was closed. Make notes on the board roles and practise again. Monitor and
Phrases 2 and 7 are recommendations. to help students, and then allow them help while they are working. Encourage
time to prepare their ideas. Monitor and
Pronunciation: Word stress them to use different phrases from the
help while they are working. Key phrases box, and to use the correct
5 $ 2•23 Play the first word and point out
the stressed syllable. Play the remaining ANSWERS word stress. Ask some pairs to perform
words for students to underline the Students’ own answers one of their conversations for the class.
stressed syllables. Check answers. ANSWERS
Students’ own answers
76 Unit 6
Writing guide
A Read the task with the class and check
that students understand everything.
With weaker classes, do part A as a class,
brainstorming ideas for books students
have read and making notes on the
board. Students can then use the notes
for their writing.
The Focus on Writing on page 127 has
more information on linkers of reason
and purpose, and more help with the
paragraph plan. You could ask students
to turn to page 127 now and go through
1 Students read the book review and the exercises in class. Students could then
Writing page 61 answer the questions. Check answers. complete the writing task for homework.
B Students write their book review.
Encourage students to read through their
Write a book review 1 It’s about a boy at a detention centre
in Texas who decides to run away. writing to look for language errors. Ask
2 The writer thinks it’s very exciting. some students to read their book reviews
How to write a book review 3 Defining: It’s an adventure story for to the class. Discuss any errors as a class
teenagers which is set in a youth and encourage students to self-correct.
Warm-up detention centre in Texas. C Encourage students to read through their
Ask: What book have you read recently? Non-defining: Holes, which was writing again and complete the checklist
What’s it about? Who are the main published in 1998, was written by in part C.
characters? Did you enjoy it? Why / Why best-selling author Louis Sachar. MODEL ANSWER
not? Elicit a range of answers. Ask other 4 infinitives: They think it’s to punish See page 119 of the Teacher's Book.
students: Have you read this book? Did them; read it yourself to find out
you enjoy it? Why / Why not? Encourage gerunds: spend their time digging More practice
students to join in and share their holes; I’d recommend reading Holes Workbook page 51
experiences and opinions. Ask: Do you ever 2 Read the Key phrases. Students find the Assessment
read book reviews online? What information phrases in the book review and decide Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
do they give you about a book? Are they what they would be used for. Check Teacher’s Toolkit
useful? Why / Why not? Elicit a few answers. answers, and ask students to translate Mid-term Tests, Teacher's Toolkit
Unit 6 77
1 Students read the text and match
the headings with the paragraphs.
Check answers.
1 D 2 A 3 C 4 E 5 B
2 Students read the text again and answer
the questions. Ask stronger students to
answer in full sentences and use their
own words. Check answers. With weaker
classes, give two points for each correct
answer. With stronger classes, give one
point for each correct answer and a
second point for a correct sentence and
using some of their own words.
1 Twitter was created in San Francisco
in 2006.
2 The tweets arrived in New York about 30
seconds before the earthquake.
3 Tweets are sent as signals along fibre-
optic cables.
4 The children were in danger in Japan, 3 With stronger classes, you could do Grammar
and an adult with them sent a text this exercise as a test. Set a time limit,
message to her son in London. He sent and don’t allow students to look at Focus on Grammar
a tweet asking for help, which the Vice the main units. With weaker classes, The Focus on Grammar on pages 110
Governor of Japan saw. He organised a encourage students to look back at the and 112 reviews all the grammar that
rescue helicopter for the children. units to find the correct words. Check students have studied in units 5 and 6.
5 There was a false tweet about an attack answers. Encourage students to use those
on the White House. ANSWERS pages to help them with the grammar
1 account 2 pops 3 for exercises. When you check answers with
Vocabulary 4 encouraged 5 anthology 6 chart the class, use the Focus on Grammar
7 masterpiece 8 storyteller 9 host pages to review grammar that students
Wordlists find difficult.
10 audience
The Words to learn on pages 86–93 of the
4 Students complete the conversation
Workbook lists all the vocabulary that 5 Students complete the sentences with
with the correct words. Check answers.
students learnt in units 5 and 6. You could the correct words. Check answers.
ask students to revise and learn all the ANSWERS
vocabulary for homework, before you do 1 column 2 predict 3 blockbuster
4 insisted 5 fictional 6 put on 1 where 2 when 3 which / that
the review in class. Alternatively, you could
7 stand-up 8 award-winning 4 whose 5 which / that
allow students to refer to the wordlists to
9 promise 10 breaking 6 which / that 7 to download
help them with the exercises in class.
8 downloading 9 to go 10 going
78 Review 5–6
9 With stronger classes, do this as a timed
activity. With weaker classes, encourage
students to look back at the units for help
with vocabulary and grammar, and refer
them to the Focus on Writing on page 126
for more help. Collect students’ work and
give two marks for each point below:
1 Email organised into three
paragraphs and includes opening
and closing phrases
2 Paragraph 1 gives details about who,
where and when
3 Paragraph 2 describes the news
4 Paragraph 3 explains how he / she
5 Uses reported statements, questions,
requests and orders correctly
6 Uses defining and non-defining
relative clauses correctly
7 Uses gerunds and infinitives correctly
8 Uses vocabulary from units 5 and 6
9 Uses pronouns correctly to avoid
10 Uses grammar and spelling correctly
Hi Laila,
I had to write and tell you this amazing
piece of news! I was waiting at the bus
stop this morning when Tim Newbold
came up. Do you remember him? He
used to be at our school, but he moved to
Leeds. Anyway, I started talking to him and
it seems he’s going to be in a Hollywood
blockbuster! Can you believe it?
He was on holiday in Malta last month and
they were filming a new action movie with
some award-winning actors. He spoke to
one of the actors, who was complaining
that there was a delay. It seems they
needed a skateboarder for one scene,
but the producer who was in charge of
organising the actors had forgotten to get
one. Tim’s a really good skateboarder, so
he begged them to let him take on the
6 With stronger classes, you could do this 10 they could watch the programme
role. They said yes! So he spent three days
exercise as a test. With weaker classes, together
filming with them, which is amazing!
encourage students to refer to the Focus
I couldn’t believe it when he told me
on Grammar to check the rules. Listening all about it. I’d love to perform like that!
ANSWERS 7 $ 2•24 Allow students time to read the Anyway, he’s invited me to go to London
1 not to forget to watch East News that sentences. Then play the audio. Students with him next month when they screen
night listen and complete the sentences. Play the the film for the first time. I’ll be there in
2 what was special about the programme audio again if necessary. Check answers. the audience with all the actors! I’m so
3 that he was going to be on it excited – and don’t worry, I’ll remember to
4 that a reporter had interviewed some take some photos and send them to you!
1 putting on a show Love,
students there the week before 2 have enough to do 3 leave the club
5 if / whether he knew that their school Cathy
4 perform better 5 come to the festival
had got the best exam results in More practice
the country Speaking Grammar and Vocabulary worksheets,
6 that he had always known that Max Teacher’s Toolkit
8 Students complete the conversation.
was very clever
Check answers. Students work in pairs Assessment
7 if Max would remember him when he to practise the conversation. Ask pairs
was rich and famous Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
to perform the conversation. Award five Teacher’s Toolkit
8 him not to be silly points for the correct answers, and five
9 him to come round to his house that points for pronunciation and fluency).
Review 5–6 79
Learning outcomes
Learn and describe how things
are made
Discuss and describe cultural icons
Start thinking
Read each question in turn to the class.
Give a few examples of important past
discoveries and inventions, e.g. the
telephone, computers and antibiotics,
and brainstorm others with the class.
Ask: Which discoveries and inventions
have changed our lives the most? Why?
Encourage students to give their
opinions, and to give reasons where
appropriate. Then ask other students:
Do you agree? Why / Why not?
Museums and
heritage pages 64 and 65
Understand museum reviews
Ask: What museums are there in your town
or region? What can you see there? Elicit a ANSWERS 3 Students read the reviews again and
few answers. Then ask: Do you like visiting 1 The Frietmuseum decide if the sentences are true or false.
museums? Why / Why not? What museums 2 The Paris Sewer Museum Ask stronger students to correct the
have you visited recently? What did you see? 3 The Museum of Bad Art false sentences. Check answers, asking
What did you find most interesting? Elicit a 4 The Tareq Rajab Museum students to provide evidence from
range of answers and encourage students 2 Students read the reviews again and the reviews.
to talk about their own experiences and answer the questions. Check answers, ANSWERS
opinions. asking students to provide evidence 1 False (it’s in a residential suburb)
1 $ 2•25 Focus on the four reviews from the reviews. 2 True (it was informative)
and elicit that they are reviews of four ANSWERS 3 False (it was a relief to get back into
museums by teenagers. Check that 2 Khalid 3 Emma 4 Sam 5 Sam the fresh air)
students understand sewer. Allow 6 Amira 7 Emma 8 Khalid 4 True (it was modernised)
students time to read the questions, 5 True (they are ordinary people)
and then play the audio for them to 6 False (they had a quick look round)
listen and answer the questions. Check
answers with the class.
80 Unit 7
Think about it
6 Allow students time to think about
their answers individually. Students
then work in pairs to ask and answer
the questions. Ask some students to tell
the class about one of the museums
they discussed. Discuss as a class what
makes a museum interesting and fun to
Students’ own answers
More practice
Workbook page 54
Reading worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
CLIL 4 worksheet, Teacher's Toolkit
Unit 7 81
Talk about people and objects in history
82 Unit 7
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 114 has
more information on transformations
from active to passive.
Write some simple active sentences on
the board, e.g. A museum bought the
painting. Use arrows as in exercise 4
to elicit the passive sentences. Discuss
whether by + agent is necessary.
Unit 7 83
Ask: What was life like when your parents
and grandparents were younger? Was their
life easier or more difficult than teenagers’
lives now? What things were different? Elicit
a few ideas, then ask: What do older people
now say about modern teenagers? Do you
agree with their ideas? Why / Why not? Elicit
a range of ideas.
1 Read out the title values and check that
students understand it. Students read
the text and use their dictionaries to
check the meaning of the bold words.
Check that students understand all
the bold words, then discuss as a class
whether the stereotypes are true or false.
Students’ own answers
2 Students read the sentences and
choose the correct words. Check
answers. Refer Fast finishers to the
activity at the bottom of the page.
Students use their dictionaries to find
the values connected to the adjectives
(helpfulness, loyalty, patience) and check
their meaning. Ask some fast finishers to
read their sentences to the class. Elicit
similar sentences from other students.
2 humour 3 respect 4 compassion
5 wealth 6 creativity
Talk about it
3 Allow students time to think about their
answers. Students then work in pairs to
ask and answer the questions. Ask some
students to tell the class which values 5 $ 2•27 Allow students time to read
they and their partner both think are With weaker classes, you could
through the questions and possible brainstorm four or five questions and
important and why. answers. Check they understand write them on the board for students
ANSWERS everything. Play the audio again for to use.
Students’ own answers students to listen and choose the
Two pairs then work in groups of four
correct answers. Check answers, asking to ask and answer their questions. Ask
Study focus: Working out the students to justify their answers from some pairs to tell the class something
context the audio. they learnt about their classmates.
4 $ 2•27 Read the Study focus box with ANSWERS
the class. Point out to students that 1 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 b More practice
they can use clues such as the tone of Workbook page 57
voice and background sounds to help Optional activity Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
them work out the context. Play the Put students into pairs and ask
audio for students to listen and answer them to write four questions to ask
the questions. their classmates using the words in
ANSWERS exercise 1. Brainstorm some possible
1 The speakers are a teenage boy, Tom, questions first, e.g. Which famous
people do you have a lot of respect
and his grandfather.
for? Why? Would you like to have more
2 They are exchanging views about life
independence? Why?
now and in the past.
84 Unit 7
Talk about it
4 Students write four passive questions
about previous units. Ask some students
to read their questions to the class.
Students then work in pairs to ask
and answer their questions. Refer Fast
finishers to the activity at the bottom of
the page.
Students’ own answers.
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 114 has
a presentation on have / get something
Write some simple ideas for actions
on the board, e.g. build a house. Elicit
how to say the ideas using have / get
something done: have a house built.
Unit 7 85
Describe a process
Optional activity
Tell students they are going to try to
remember the stages of tea making. Give
students a minute to read the stages
again, then ask them to cover the text in
exercise 2. Students work in pairs to try
to remember the stages of tea making,
using the Key phrases as prompts. M: Does this look right? Can you show me ANSWERS
Students can open their books and what you mean? Now what? Like this? Students’ own answers
check how well they remembered.
Pronunciation: Emphasis Talk about it
6 $ 2•32 Read the information on 8 Demonstrate the activity by asking a
How to give and ask for instructions confident student to explain how to
emphasis with the class. Play the audio
4 $ 2•30 Read the instructions with the of the first phrase and elicit which words make their drink or dish. Encourage them
class. Then play the audio for students are stressed. Play the remaining phrases to use Key phrases from exercises 3 and 5.
to listen and answer the questions. for students to listen and underline the Play the role of a friend from another
ANSWERS stressed words. Check answers. Then country, and ask questions using Key
He asks Murat to pour the tea and cut play the audio again for students to phrases from exercise 5. Students then
some cake. listen and repeat. Encourage them to work in pairs and take turns to explain
5 $ 2•31 Students study the phrases and copy the intonation for emphasis. their dish or drink. Monitor and help while
decide which ones Andy and Murat they are working. Encourage them to use
used. Play the audio for students to listen a range of Key phrases, and to use stress
2 that, this 3 now 4 show 5 this
and check their answers. Check that for emphasis. Ask some pairs to perform
6 delicious
students understand all the phrases. one of their conversations for the class.
7 Students work in pairs to make notes on
ANSWERS how a traditional drink or dish is made. ANSWERS
A: Not like that. Like this. You’ve got it. You could brainstorm some ideas first. Students’ own answers
Let me show you. Try doing it like this. Monitor while students are working.
86 Unit 7
Optional activity
Ask students to close their books.
Dictate the following sentences, and tell
students to think about how they use
commas in the sentences:
1 We have a nickname for it – Big Ben,
which is actually the name for the bell.
2 It’s hard to choose one iconic British
dish, but roast beef is probably Britain’s
favourite meal.
3 It’s served with roast potatoes, vegetables,
gravy and a Yorkshire pudding.
Students can check their answers in the
text. Discuss how to use commas with
non-defining relative clauses, before
linkers such as but and in lists.
Writing guide
A Read the task with the class and check
that students understand everything.
With weaker classes, do part A as a
class, brainstorming ideas for icons and
making notes on the board. Students
can then use the notes for their writing.
The Focus on Writing on page 128 has
more information on punctuation, and
more help with the paragraph plan. You
could ask students to turn to page 128
now and go through the exercises in
class. Students could then complete the
1 Students read the article and answer writing task for homework.
Writing page 71 the questions. Check answers. B Students write their informal article.
Aim POSSIBLE ANSWERS Encourage students to read through
Write an informal article 1–2 Students’ own answers their writing to look for language errors.
3 was made, was first produced, Ask some students to read their articles
was named, was designed, is still to the class. Discuss any errors as a class
How to write an informal being produced, is eaten, is served and encourage students to self-correct.
article 4 have their photo taken C Encourage students to read through
2 Read the Key phrases. Ask students to their writing again and complete the
Warm-up find the phrases in the article. Then checklist in part C.
With books closed, ask: What do you think ask them to translate the phrases into MODEL ANSWER
of when you hear the word ‘Britain’? Elicit their own language, to check they See page 119 of the Teacher's Book.
a few answers, and make notes on the understand them. Elicit some examples
board. If students need help, prompt them of iconic people, traditions or things More practice
with a few ideas, e.g. the Queen, the Houses from the students’ own country. Workbook page 59
of Parliament, red London buses. Point to Students write sentences using the Key
the ideas on the board and teach the word
phrases. Ask some students to read their Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
icon (= a symbol of a place). sentences to the class. Correct any errors. Teacher’s Toolkit
Students’ own answers
Unit 7 87
Learning outcomes
Compare and discuss outdoor activities
Describe an exciting event using
dramatic language
Start thinking
Read each question in turn to the class.
Give an answer yourself if necessary,
and then elicit answers from individual
students. Encourage students to give
their opinions, and to give reasons
where appropriate. Then ask other
students: Do you agree? Why / Why not?
Understand two survival stories
Focus on the photos and read out the title:
Going to Extremes: True Stories. Ask: Where
do you think each story takes place? What
do you think happened to the people in
these stories? Elicit a range of answers and
encourage students to speculate. Use the
photos to teach Aborigine and Aboriginal,
fence, rope and summit. 1 $ 3•02 Ask students to cover the 3 $ 3•03 Allow students time to read
What happened next sections, and then the sentences. Play the audio for
Culture note read out the questions. Play the audio students to read and listen and decide
The story of Molly, Daisy and Gracie is for students to listen and answer the if the sentences are true or false.
told in a book called Follow the Rabbit- questions. Check answers. Ask stronger students to correct the
Proof Fence, written by Molly’s daughter, false sentences. Check answers, asking
Doris Pilkington. The book was made students to provide evidence from
Molly, Daisy and Gracie are far from
into a film, Rabbit-Proof Fence, in 2002. the stories.
home and want to return, but to do
Joe Simpson wrote the story of his so they have to travel 1600 kilometres ANSWERS
amazing survival in a 1988 book entitled across an arid landscape. Joe is injured 1 True (they decided to attempt the
Touching the Void. The book was made on a mountain, and Simon has to make journey on foot)
into a documentary film with the same the decision to cut the rope holding Joe 2 True (they almost gave up)
name in 2003. in order to save himself. 3 False (Gracie got caught, but Molly
2 Students discuss the questions in pairs. and Daisy got back to Jigalong)
Ask some pairs to tell the class about 4 True (the decision was extremely
their discussions. Ask other students: difficult)
Do you agree? Why / Why not? 5 False (Joe realised that Simon had to
save himself )
6 True (Joe has always defended
Students’ own answers Simon’s decision to cut the rope)
88 Unit 8
Think about it
7 Allow students time to think about their
answers individually. Students then
work in pairs to ask and answer the
questions. Ask some students to tell the
class which film they would most like to
see and why.
Students’ own answers
More practice
Workbook page 62
Reading worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
Unit 8 89
Describe different landscapes
Landscape adjectives
With books closed, ask students to close
their eyes and imagine a beautiful or
unusual landscape. Give them some ideas
if necessary, e.g. a mountain landscape,
desert, forest. Ask students to imagine
the details of their landscape carefully,
because they are going to describe it
to a partner. Ask more questions to give
them ideas, e.g. How far can you see? Is your
landscape empty, or are there buildings? Are
there trees and other plants? Can you see any
people or animals? Students then work in
pairs to describe their landscape to each
other. Ask some students to tell the class
about their landscape. Ask other students:
Can you see landscapes like this in your
country or region?
1 Check that students understand natural
wonders. Students read the factfile
quickly and match the bold words with
the definitions. Check answers, and check
that students understand all the words.
2 scenic 3 mountainous 4 rugged
5 rolling 6 sheer 7 stunning
8 barren 9 unbroken 10 vast
2 Students read the factfile again and
match the photos with the descriptions.
Check answers.
2 B 3 E 4 A 5 C
Optional activity
Ask students to cover exercise 1 and the
factfile, leaving just the photos visible.
Ask students to work in pairs and take
turns to choose a photo and describe Ask some fast finishers to read their 5 Students complete the sentences with
it to their partner, using some of the paragraphs to the class. Correct any errors. the correct adjectives. Check answers.
words from exercise 1. You could write Stronger students or fast finishers could
the words from exercise 1 on the board, ANSWERS
write one or two more sentences, using
to help students. Their partner must Students’ own answers
adjectives from exercise 4. Ask some fast
guess the photo. Monitor and help while finishers to read their sentences to the
students are working, and check they are
Vocabulary builder: Forming
adjectives from nouns + -ful class, omitting the target adjective, but
using the words from exercise 1 correctly. giving the base word the adjective is
and -less
formed from. See if other students can
Talk about it 4 Read the information on forming
guess the missing adjectives. If you are
adjectives with the class. Students
3 Allow students time to read through short of time, students could do this
then complete the chart and use their
the questions. Check they understand exercise for homework.
dictionaries to check the meaning of
everything. Students work in pairs to ANSWERS
the words. Check answers, and check
ask and answer the questions. Ask some 2 doubtful 3 powerless 4 fearless
that students understand all the words.
students to tell the class the other places 5 harmful 6 helpless
they would like to add to the list of ANSWERS
natural wonders of the world. Discuss as 2 hopeful, hopeless More practice
a class which places should be added to 3 harmful, harmless Workbook page 63
the list and why. Refer Fast finishers to 4 powerful, powerless Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
the activity at the bottom of the page. 5 fearful, fearless
6 doubtful, doubtless
90 Unit 8
Talk about it
4 Read out the sentence beginnings
and elicit one or two possible endings.
Students write their own endings, and
then compare their answers in pairs. Ask
some students to read their sentences
to the class. Correct any errors.
Students’ own answers
so / such … (that)
5 Study the examples with the class. Then
read the rules and elicit the answers.
1 such 2 so 3 so / such 4 such / so
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 116 has
a detailed presentation on so and such.
Reinforce the point that we use such
before an adjective + noun: It was such a
tiring day. NOT It was so tiring day.
Talk about it
7 Students write the questions. Ask some
students to read out their questions.
Students then ask and answer the
Grammar page 75
Grammar note questions in pairs. Ask some students
The Focus on Grammar on page 116 has to tell the class something about their
Aim a detailed presentation on inversion. partner.
Use emphasis to describe experiences Ask students to close their books, then ANSWERS
write on the board: We seldom have 2 Have you ever had such a good time
Inversion after negative such a difficult decision to make. He didn’t on holiday that you didn’t want to
know that Joe was still alive. Write the go home?
expressions first word of each inverted sentence on 3 Have you ever been so terrified that
Warm-up the board (Seldom … Little …) and, as you screamed?
a class, recreate the inverted sentence. 4 Have you ever felt so happy that
Ask what students can remember about
Point out that if there is no auxiliary verb you cried?
Molly’s story. Ask: How did the girls feel in
in the original sentence, we need to add 5 Have you ever had such a strange
the school? Write on the board: The girls
one in the inverted sentence: We seldom experience that no one believed
were lonely and homesick, then write: Not
have … ➜ Seldom do we have. your story?
only … but also. Ask if students can rewrite
the sentence. Elicit some answers. 2 Students complete the sentences with More practice
1 Read the examples. Then read the rules the auxiliary verbs. Check answers. Workbook page 46
and elicit the answers. Grammar worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
ANSWERS 2 do 3 is 4 did 5 had 6 has
1 changes 2 auxiliary 3 main
Unit 8 91
With books closed, ask: Where do you
usually go on holiday? Where do you
usually stay? What kinds of activities do you
enjoy doing? Elicit a few ideas, then ask:
What’s the best holiday you’ve ever had?
Why? Put students into pairs to talk about
their best holidays. Ask some students
to tell the class about their partner’s
best holiday.
1 Students read the adverts, match the
words with the definitions and check
their meaning in their dictionaries.
Check answers, and check that students
understand all the words.
1 all-inclusive
2 package holiday, eco-holiday
3 beach resort, tourist trap
4 guide
5 off the beaten track
2 Students read the sentences and
choose the correct words. Check
answers. Stronger students or fast
finishers could write one or two more
sentences, using words from exercise 1.
Ask some students to read their
sentences to the class, omitting the
target word. See if other students can
guess the missing words.
2 all-inclusive 3 off the beaten track
4 guide 5 package holiday
6 tourist traps
3 $ 3•04 Focus on the three photos and
elicit a description of each one. Ask:
Where do you think they are? What kinds listen and decide if the answers are true ANSWERS
of holiday do you think they show? Read or false. Check answers, asking students Students’ own answers
out the questions, then play the audio to justify their answers from the audio.
for students to answer the questions. Optional activity: Collaboration
and communication
ANSWERS 1 false 2 true 3 true 4 false
It’s about an eco-holiday in Egypt. 5 true 6 false Students work in small groups to plan
Accommodation B is mentioned. a two-week holiday which would
Talk about it appeal to their classmates. They should
Study focus: Preparing to listen 5 Allow students time to think about their plan where the holiday will be, what
to names answers individually. Students then the accommodation will be like, and
4 $ 3•04 Read the Study focus box with work in pairs to ask and answer the what activities there will be. Ask groups
the class. Allow students time to read questions. Ask students to note down in turn to present their holidays to
through the questions and pronounce their partner’s ideas and opinions. Ask the class. Encourage them to use
the names in their heads. Play the audio some students to tell the class some of vocabulary from exercise 1. Conduct a
again for students to listen and decide their partner’s ideas. Ask other students: class vote to choose the most popular
if the sentences are true or false. With Do you agree? Why / Why not? Refer Fast holiday (students must not vote for their
weaker classes, play the audio once finishers to the activity at the bottom own group’s holiday).
for students to listen and check the of the page. Ask some students to read
pronunciation of the names. Ask who their adverts to the class. Ask other More practice
predicted the pronunciations correctly. students: Would you like to go on this Workbook page 65
Play the audio again for students to holiday? Why / Why not? Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
92 Unit 8
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 116 has
more information on used to and the
past simple. You could go through this
now, before students do the exercises.
Reinforce the point that we cannot
use used to for something that only
happened once.
be / get used to
6 Read the examples. Then read the rules
and elicit the answers.
1 be 2 get
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 116 has
more information on be / get used to.
Reinforce the point that be / get used to is
followed by a noun or an -ing form of a
verb, not an infinitive: I’m used to travelling
by bus. NOT I’m used to travel by bus.
Unit 8 93
Take turns in a discussion
94 Unit 8
Writing guide
A Read the task with the class and check
that students understand everything.
With weaker classes, do part A as a
class, brainstorming ideas for natural
places in the students’ own region and
making notes on the board. Students
can then use the notes for their writing.
The Focus on Writing on page 129 has
more information on quantifiers, and
more help with the paragraph plan. You
could ask students to turn to page 129
now and go through the exercises in
1 Students read the email and answer the class. Students could then complete the
Writing page 79 questions. Check answers. writing task for homework.
B Students write their informal email.
Encourage students to read through
Write an informal email 1 kite surfing, having lunch on the
their writing to look for language errors.
beach, going for a walk along the
Ask some students to read their emails
Cliffs of Moher
How to write an informal to the class. Discuss any errors as a class
2 inversion: Not only are they sheer,
and encourage students to self-correct.
email they’re also stunning.
so / such: they’re also so stunning that C Encourage students to read through
Warm-up they’re often used in music videos, their writing again and complete the
With books closed, ask: Do you ever write because it's such a small place checklist in part C.
emails? Who do you write to? What do 3 you used to love 'regular' surfing, MODEL ANSWER
you write about? Elicit a few answers, and you’d practise most of the time, kite See page 119 of the Teacher's Book
elicit the idea of writing emails to friends surfing is fun – once you get used to
and family members. Ask: What kind of it, It’s no problem – we’re used to it More practice
language do you use when you write to 4 sheer, stunning Workbook page 67
friends and family? (informal). Discuss as a 2 Ask students to cover the email in Assessment
class the features of informal writing, e.g. exercise 1 while they do this exercise. Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
using contractions, informal phrases, etc. Ask them to read the Key phrases and Teacher’s Toolkit
number them in the order they would
Unit 8 95
1 Students read the article and
complete it with the correct words.
Check answers.
1 in two minds 2 rugged 3 melted
4 sheer 5 archaeologists
2 Students read the text again and
answer the questions. Ask stronger
students to answer in full sentences and
use their own words where possible.
Check answers. With weaker classes,
give two points for each correct answer.
With stronger classes, give one point
for each correct answer and a second
point for a correct sentence and using
some of their own words.
1 Some people doubt that it is natural
because it is so regular.
2 In old stories, a giant called Finn
McCool built it to get across the sea
from Ireland to Scotland.
3 You can see fossils of dinosaur
footprints on the Jurassic Coast. 3 With stronger classes, you could do Grammar
4 It was formed by melting glaciers at this exercise as a test. Set a time limit,
the end of the last Ice Age. and don’t allow students to look at Focus on Grammar
5 It is special because it is 9000 years the main units. With weaker classes, The Focus on Grammar on pages 114
old and is Britain’s oldest skeleton. encourage students to look back at and 116 reviews all the grammar that
A model of the original skeleton is the units to find the correct words. students have studied in units 7 and 8.
there now. Check answers. Encourage students to use those
ANSWERS pages to help them with the grammar
Vocabulary 1 heirloom 2 ancestors 3 integrity exercises. When you check answers with
4 responsibility 5 unbroken 6 vast the class, use the Focus on Grammar
Wordlists pages to review grammar that students
7 barren 8 guide 9 resort 10 self-
The Words to learn on pages 86–93 of the find difficult.
4 Students complete the postcard with
Workbook lists all the vocabulary that
the correct words. Check answers. 5 Students complete the sentences with
students learnt in units 7 and 8. You could
ask students to revise and learn all the ANSWERS the correct words. Check answers.
vocabulary for homework, before you do 1 eco-holiday 2 tourist traps ANSWERS
the review in class. Alternatively, you could 3 off the beaten track 4 scenic 1 Is 2 were 3 getting 4 Not only
allow students to refer to the wordlists to 5 mountainous 6 arid 7 stunning 5 No sooner 6 such 7 so 8 use to
help them with the exercises in class. 8 wealth 9 respect 10 artefacts 9 used to 10 get
96 Review 7–8
9 With stronger classes, do this as a
timed activity. With weaker classes,
encourage students to look back at
the units for help with vocabulary and
grammar, and refer them to the Focus
on Writing on page 128 for more help.
Collect students’ work and give two
marks for each point below:
1 Email organised into three paragraphs,
includes opening and closing phrases
2 Paragraph 1 gives details of the
3 Paragraph 2 gives facts about some of
the exhibits
4 Paragraph 3 describes the highlight of
the visit
5 Uses the passive and have / get
something done correctly
6 Uses inversion after negative
expressions correctly
7 Uses so / such correctly
8 Uses used to and would correctly
9 Uses vocabulary from units 7 and 8
10 Uses punctuation, grammar and
spelling correctly
Hi Tom,
Have you ever been to the British
Museum in London? They’ve got an
amazing collection of artefacts that have
been found by archaeologists all over
the world.
There are lots of fascinating things in the
museum. There’s an ancient skeleton,
that was buried in the sand in an arid
part of the world. Because it was so dry,
the skeleton is perfectly preserved! Not
only are there wonderful things from
other countries, but there are also things
from Britain. There’s a huge collection of
coins that were found by a member of
the public with a metal detector in a field
in England. As soon as he found them,
6 With stronger classes, you could do ANSWERS he had them sent to the British Museum
this exercise as a test. Set a time limit 1 Dan was told about the archaeological to be valued and cleaned. He must
and don’t allow students to refer to the dig by his history teacher. have been so excited! I’d love to make a
units or the Focus on Grammar. With 2 The archaeologists were uncovering discovery like that!
weaker classes, encourage students to an area in a field outside the city. The highlight of the visit was hearing a
check the rules to help them complete 3 Dan found some pieces of tools that talk about life in Britain in Viking times.
the factfile correctly. Check answers. were used by Roman farmers. I learnt a lot about how ordinary people
4 Dan took some of the artefacts to a used to live. Not only were they very
local museum. skilled, they were also very creative. A
1 is thought 2 was formed
5 The artefacts are tested by scientists lot of the ornaments they made are still
3 have been recorded 4 isn’t known
at the museum. considered beautiful today. I’m sending
5 was reached 6 has been climbed
7 is left 8 be carried 9 are used you a few photos, and I’ll show you more
10 be seen Speaking when I see you.
8 Students complete the conversation Phil
Listening with the correct phrases. Check answers.
More practice
Then students work in pairs to practise
7 $ 3•08 Allow students time to read Grammar and Vocabulary worksheets,
the conversation. Ask pairs in turn
the sentences, and then play the Teacher’s Toolkit
to perform the conversation for the
audio. Students listen and correct
class. Award five points for the correct Assessment
the sentences. Play the audio again if
answers, and five points for students’ Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests
necessary. Check answers.
pronunciation and fluency. Teacher’s Toolkit
Review 7–8 97
Learning outcomes
Discuss the problems of transport
in cities
Compare and evaluate various means
of transport
Start thinking
Read each question in turn to the
class. Give an example answer yourself
if necessary, and then elicit answers
from individual students. Encourage
students to give their opinions, and to
give reasons where appropriate. Then
ask other students: Do you agree? Why /
Why not?
Understand an article about car-free
Ask: How did you get to school this morning?
Elicit the different forms of transport
students used and write them on the
board. Ask: What other forms of transport
can you think of? Elicit a few ideas, and
then students work in pairs to think of as
many different forms of transport as they
can. They can use their dictionaries to 2 $ 3•09 Play the audio for students to Study focus: Answering true / false
help. Bring students’ ideas together on the listen and read and check their answers questions
board and check that students understand to exercise 1. Check the answer with 3 Read the Study focus box with the class
all the words. Ask: Which forms of transport the class. Then read out the questions and check that students understand
are the best for getting around in a city? in exercise 2 and elicit answers from everything. Read out the first sentence
Why? Elicit a range of answers. individual students. and point out the underlined qualifier.
ANSWERS ANSWERS Read out the second sentence and
Students’ own answers The places are in Morocco, Switzerland elicit the qualifier (hardly any). Students
1 Read out the task. Students then work and Italy. then read the remaining sentences and
in pairs to discuss. Ask some students What connects them is that they are all underline the qualifiers. Check answers,
to share their ideas with the class, but car-free areas. and check that students understand all
don’t confirm them at this stage. The writer is interested in whether it is the sentences.
possible to have a car-free city. Read out the first sentence again and
ANSWERS ask students to find the relevant part
The article is formal.
Students’ own answers Full forms are used. There are a lot of of the article in paragraph 1. Elicit that
facts, but no personal opinions. the sentence is false. Students then
check the remaining facts and decide
if the sentences are true or false. Check
answers, asking students to provide
evidence from the article.
98 Unit 9
Think about it
7 Allow students time to think about their
answers individually. Students then work
in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
Ask some students to tell the class
something about their partner.
Students’ own answers
More practice
Workbook page 70
ANSWERS Reading worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
1 False (A lot of ≠ a fifth of ) 5 Students match the highlighted words
2 True (Hardly any = a tiny number) with the definitions in the Word check.
3 True (a lot of (good things) = many Check answers, and check that students
advantages) understand the words.
4 False (Everyone ≠ skiers)
5 True (more = increase) WORD CHECK ANSWERS
6 False (only ≠ one of the) 1 peace and quiet 2 close-knit
3 exceed 4 carbon footprint
4 Read out the first sentence and ask
5 district 6 compatible 7 congested
students to find the relevant part of
8 combustion engine
case study 2 (to protect the spectacular
views from the possible side effects of Students then complete the text.
pollution). Students read the remaining Check answers. Stronger students
statements and match them with the or fast finishers can write their own
case studies. Check answers, asking example sentences for the remaining
students to provide evidence from the two words in the Word check. Ask
article. them to read their sentences to the
class, omitting the target word. Other
ANSWERS students can guess the missing words.
b 1 c 3 d 3 e 2 f 1
Unit 9 99
Talk about travel and transport
Focus on the photo and ask: Where do
you think this is? What problems does this
city have with transport? What do you think
it is like to drive in the city? Would you feel
safe cycling? Why / Why not? How easy do
you think it is to cross the road? Discuss the
questions with the class, then ask: In what
ways is your town / city similar? In what ways
is it different? Elicit a range of answers.
The city in the photo is Cairo, the capital
of Egypt and the largest city in the
Middle East. The population of the city
has grown rapidly in recent years, and
there are now around 19 million people
living in or just outside the city, many of
whom undertake a daily commute into
the city centre. The city is notorious for
its traffic congestion, and road accidents
are fairly common.
Talk about it
2 Students do the survey individually,
Check answers and ask: Would these ANSWERS
then compare their answers in pairs.
changes be a good idea in towns or cities 2 d 3 a 4 f 5 c 6 e
Discuss the answers with the class.
in your country? Why / Why not? 5 Students complete the sentences with
Read out each question in turn and ask
individual students which answer they ANSWERS the correct idioms. Check answers. If
chose and why. Ask other students: 2 congestion 3 charge 4 emissions you are short of time, students could do
Do you agree? Why / Why not? Encourage 5 vehicle 6 travel this exercise for homework. Refer Fast
as many students as possible to join in finishers to the activity at the bottom of
and express their opinions. See which Vocabulary builder: Idioms the page. Ask some fast finishers to read
answers the class agrees and disagrees beginning with in their sentences to the class. Correct any
on, and discuss the reasons for this. 4 Students use their dictionaries to errors.
check the meaning of the idioms and ANSWERS
Students’ own answers match them with the definitions. You 2 in place of 3 in the course of
could ask students to note down any 4 in case of 5 in favour of
3 Ask students to read the text quickly,
example sentences with the idioms in 6 in search of
ignoring the gaps. Ask: How much does
their dictionaries. Check answers, and
it cost to drive in central London now?
check that students understand all the
More practice
(£10 a day) How many public bikes are Workbook page 71
idioms. If students have noted down
there? (over 10,000) Students read the Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
any example sentences, ask them to
text again and complete it with the
read them to the class and discuss the
correct words.
meaning of the idioms in context.
100 Unit 9
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 118
has a detailed presentation on reduced
relative clauses.
Focus on the example sentences
again and elicit the full relative clauses
(people who enter the city …). Write the
sentences with full forms on the board
then demonstrate how to make them
reduced relative clauses.
Unit 9 101
Lost property
With books closed, ask: Do you ever travel
by bus or train? Do you ever leave things
on the bus or train by mistake? Elicit a few
ideas, then ask: What kinds of things do you
think people usually leave on buses or trains?
Elicit a range of ideas.
Culture note
London Transport’s Lost Property Office
deals with thousands of lost items each
year. These include around 35,000 books,
28,000 bags, 27,000 items of clothing and
over 20,000 mobile phones.
Optional activity
Say: They’re a kind of shoe. You wear them
in the summer. Ask students to guess the 4 $ 3•12 Allow students time to read ANSWERS
word (flip-flops). Ask students to write through the gapped sentences. Play Students’ own answers
three similar definitions of words from the audio again for students to listen
exercise 1. Monitor and help while they and complete the sentences. Stronger Optional activity:
are working, then ask them to close students could complete some of the Communication
their books. Ask students in turn to sentences from memory, and then Ask: What questions does the man ask
read out one of their definitions. Other listen to check and complete their Rob? (his name, his phone number,
students guess the words. You could answers. Check answers. which bus he was travelling on, where he
do this as a game, awarding a point to was sitting, a description of the objects).
the first student to guess each word. ANSWERS
2 wedding dress 3 holdall Ask students to work in pairs to prepare
Continue until all the vocabulary has a conversation between someone who
been practised. 4 three months 5 near the back
6 phone again has lost one of the items in exercise 1
and someone at the Lost Property Office.
3 $ 3•12 Read the questions, then play Talk about it Monitor and help while they are working.
the audio for students to listen and
5 Allow students time to think about Then ask some pairs to perform their
answer the questions.
their answers individually. Students conversation for the class.
ANSWERS then work in pairs to ask and answer
Rob has left his lunch box and flask the questions. Ask some students to More practice
on a bus. He’s calling the London Lost tell the class something they learnt Workbook page 73
Property Office. about their partner. Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
102 Unit 9
Pronunciation: Schwa
4 $ 3•13 Read the information on
the schwa with the class, and model
pronunciation of the sound. Play the
audio of the first question and elicit which
has the weak form of can, and which
has the strong form. Play the remaining
questions for students to identify the
weak and strong forms. Check answers,
playing the audio again for students to
hear the strong and weak forms.
1 a strong, b weak 2 a strong, b weak
3 a weak, b strong 4 a strong, b weak
5 a weak, b strong
5 $ 3•14 Students work in pairs to
practise saying the indirect questions
with a weak form. With weaker classes,
read through each indirect question first
and elicit which word they should say
with the weak form. Monitor and help
while students are working. Then play
the audio for them to listen and check.
Talk about it
6 Read out the first direct question and
elicit some possible indirect questions.
1 Read the examples. Then read the rules Students then write the indirect
Grammar page 87 and elicit the answers. questions. Ask some students to read
their indirect questions to the class.
Correct any errors. Students then ask and
Ask questions in a polite and formal 1 different from 2 don’t use
answer the questions in pairs. Monitor
way 3 question word
and help while they are working, and
Grammar note encourage them to use weak forms
Indirect questions The Focus on Grammar on page 118 correctly. Ask some students to tell the
has a detailed presentation on indirect class something they learnt about their
Warm-up questions. partner. Refer Fast finishers to the activity
With books closed, ask: Can you remember at the bottom of the page. Ask some fast
Write one or two simple direct questions
the questions that the man at the Lost finishers to read their indirect questions
on the board, e.g. What time is it? Did
Property Office asked Rob? Elicit some ideas, to the class. Correct any errors and see if
you get off the bus at the station? Write
then write on the board: Where were you anyone can answer the questions.
beginnings for indirect questions on
sitting? What brand is your flask? Point to the board: Can you tell me … ? Can ANSWERS
the questions and ask: Can you think of a you remember … ? Elicit the indirect Students’ own answers
more polite way of asking these questions? questions and write them on the board,
Elicit a few ideas, but don’t confirm or More practice
demonstrating how the word order
reject them. Workbook page 74
changes and how we add if / whether if
Grammar worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
there is no question word.
Unit 9 103
Prepare and give a presentation
Optional activity
Ask students to look at the presentation
in exercise 2 again. Ask: How many
paragraphs are there? What is the topic/
function of each paragraph? Discuss the
questions as a class. Elicit that there
are four paragraphs: an introduction,
a paragraph on issues with traffic
congestion, a paragraph on solutions
and a conclusion. Explain to students
that they will use a similar structure for
their own presentation.
3 Students find the Key phrases in the ANSWERS to the class, or they could give their
presentation and match them with issues: noisy and dirty; full at rush hour presentations to each other in small
the descriptions. Check answers, and solutions: buy green buses, such as groups. When students have finished,
check that students understand all the electric ones; use more buses at the discuss how easy or difficult they found
phrases. You could play the audio for busiest times the task, and what they learnt from it.
exercise 2 (3•15) again, for students to ANSWERS
Study focus: Making a good
hear the Key phrases in context. Students’ own answers
ANSWERS 5 Read the information in the Study
b 5 c 4 d 1 e 8 f 3 g 6 h 2 Optional activity
focus box with the class. Suggest to
4 Read through the word map with If students would like more practice of
students that they plan the ideas for
the class, pointing out the two main preparing and giving presentations, you
their presentation first, then look at the
sections of issues and solutions. Students could ask them to give a presentation on
Key phrases again and decide where
complete the word map with the correct cycling in their town or city, or a topic of
they can use some of the phrases.
points. Check answers, and check that their choice. They could prepare a word
With stronger classes, students can
students understand all the points. Elicit map like the one in exercise 4, with issues
prepare their presentations individually.
more points that could be relevant, and solutions, then prepare and give
With weaker classes, allow students to
e.g. issues: too much traffic congestion, their presentations either to the class or
work in pairs to prepare and plan their
buses too slow; solutions: introduce a in small groups. Discuss with students
presentation. Monitor and help while
bus lane to speed up the buses. whether this second presentation was
they are working. Students can either
easier or more difficult.
take turns to give their presentations
104 Unit 9
Writing guide
A Read the task with the class and check
that students understand everything.
With weaker classes, do part A as a
class, brainstorming ideas about electric
cars and making notes on the board.
Students can then use the notes for
their writing.
The Focus on Writing on page 130
has more information on connectors
of purpose, and more help with the
paragraph plan. You could ask students
to turn to page 130 now and go
through the exercises in class. Students
1 Students read the report and answer could then complete the writing task
Writing page 89 the questions. Check answers. for homework.
Aim POSSIBLE ANSWERS B Students write their report. Encourage
Write a report 1 In the 1500s, the Dutch used ice skates students to read through their writing
to travel on frozen canals. A Dutchman to look for language errors. Ask some
adapted them to be used on land in students to read their reports to the
How to write a report the 1700s. Rollerblades were then class. Discuss any errors as a class and
invented in the US in the early 1980s. encourage students to self-correct.
Warm-up They now have brakes, too. C Encourage students to read through
With books closed, ask: Where can you 2 It’s a good form of sustainable travel. It’s their writing again and complete the
read reports? (in newspapers, magazines faster than walking. It doesn’t create air checklist in part C.
and online). Elicit that a report can be pollution or cause traffic congestion.
about any subject, and it usually includes MODEL ANSWER
3 The origin of inline skates. The history
detailed factual information. Ask: Have of skating. A description of the skates See page 119 of the Teacher's Book.
you read any interesting reports recently, or and facts. The advantages of inline More practice
listened to any on the TV? What were they skates. The report doesn’t contain any Workbook page 75
about? What did you learn from them? Elicit phrases of opinion.
a range of answers. 4 The report is written mainly in the Assessment
present tense. There are a lot of Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
passive reporting verbs. Teacher’s Toolkit
Unit 9 105
Learning outcomes
Improve your exam techniques
Consider different types of success and
give your opinion
Start thinking
Read each question in turn to the class.
Give an answer yourself if necessary,
and then elicit answers from individual
students. Encourage students to give
their opinions, and to give reasons
where appropriate. Then ask other
students: Do you agree? Why / Why not?
Understand two book reviews
Ask: What would you like to do when you
leave school? What would be your dream
job? Why? Elicit answers from individual
students and encourage them to talk
about their own hopes for the future.
Ask: Do you think you will succeed in getting
your dream job? Why / Why not? Do you
think everyone can achieve success if they
work hard enough? Why / Why not? Elicit a
range of answers.
2 $ 3•16 Play the audio for students to 4 Students read the web page again
ANSWERS listen and read and check their answers and answer the questions. Encourage
Students’ own answers to exercise 1. Check answers. students, especially stronger students,
to write full sentences and use their
Study focus: Deducing genre ANSWERS
own words, rather than copying
1 Read the Study focus box with the class 1 It’s a book review.
from the text. Check answers, asking
and check that students understand 2 Description: outline of the book
students to provide evidence from the
everything. Students look at the layout Review 1: positive comments
web page.
of the text and the headings, and Review 2: negative comments
answer the questions in the Study focus 3 Students read the web page again ANSWERS
box. Discuss the answers as a class, but and choose the best answers. Remind 1 Gladwell believes that family
don’t confirm or reject them. students that for an answer to be background and where and when
correct, it must be stated explicitly in you were born affect success.
ANSWERS 2 According to Gladwell, older students
the text, but not necessarily using the
Students’ own answers are bigger and stronger and develop
same words as in the answer. Check
answers, asking students to provide sporting skills more quickly than
evidence from the web page. younger students.
3 Read&Learn is sceptical. We know
because he only gives the book 3
1 d (paragraph 1) 2 c (paragraph 2) stars, and by the language he uses.
3 c (paragraph 3) 4 a (paragraph 5) 4 Penicillin was discovered by accident.
5 b (paragraph 6)
106 Unit 10
Culture note
Malcolm Gladwell (born 1963) is a
Canadian writer, journalist and public
speaker. His book Outliers, published
in 2008, discusses in detail why he
believes certain individuals go on to
become extremely successful in life.
Gladwell concludes that many factors
contribute to this success, including a
person’s background and environment,
the time and place of their birth, and
the amount of personal drive and
ambition that they have.
More practice
Workbook page 78
Reading worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
CLIL 5 worksheet, Teacher's Toolkit
Unit 10 107
Talk about success
Talk about it
2 Allow students time to think about
their answers individually. Students
then work in pairs to ask and answer
the questions. Ask some students to
tell the class which slogans they and
their partner both like, and which they
disagree with and why. See which
slogans are the most popular and least
popular overall.
Students’ own answers
Vocabulary builder: Verbs with Ask some students to tell the class
3 Read through the problems with
prepositions something they learnt about their
the class and check that students
4 Students use their dictionaries to partner. Refer Fast finishers to the
understand everything. Ask two
complete the verbs with the correct activity at the bottom of the page.
students to read out the example
prepositions. Check answers, and point Ask some fast finishers to read their
dialogue. With weaker classes, read
out that a lot of verbs in English have slogans to the class. Discuss with the
through the problems again and elicit
collocating prepositions. Tell students class which are the best slogans, and
one or two pieces of encouragement
that dictionaries can help them if they elicit other possible slogans from other
or advice for each problem, using the
want to check which preposition to use students.
expressions from exercise 1. Students
then work in pairs, taking turns to with a verb, but they should also try to ANSWERS
explain their problems and give learn which prepositions are used with 2 describe as 3 succeed in
encouragement and advice. Monitor common verbs. 4 worry about 5 disagree with
and help while students are working. ANSWERS 6 depend on
Ask some students to tell the class 2 on 3 with 4 about 5 of 6 as
some useful advice or encouragement
More practice
Workbook page 79
that their partner gave them. Talk about it Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
ANSWERS 5 Students complete the questions with
Students’ own answers the correct verbs and prepositions.
Check answers. Put students into
pairs to ask and answer the questions.
108 Unit 10
Grammar note
The Focus on Grammar on page 120 has
more information on linkers.
Remind students that there is also
information on linkers on some of the
Writing pages.
Talk about it
5 Students complete the sentences with
the correct words. Check answers.
Students discuss in pairs which
sentences are true for them.
1 Students find examples of the verb 2 until 3 ago 4 while 5 since 6 yet
Grammar page 93 forms. Check answers and discuss the Students’ own answers
meaning of the different verb forms. 6 Students complete the sentences with
Aim relative pronouns and decide if they
Talk about my dreams and future POSSIBLE ANSWERS
are defining or non-defining relative
career plans 1 connects, played, were living, has made,
clauses. Check answers.
won’t succeed
2 putting, to enjoy ANSWERS
Tenses and verb forms: 3 can 2 who (D) 3 whose (ND) 4 where (D)
review 4 A good friend told me that I had to 5 when (ND)
read this. 7 Students complete the sentences.
Warm-up 5 have been described Check answers.
Write on the board: Our team wins the 6 If you work hard, you’ll develop better
game. In pairs, give students two minutes skills. He would never have discovered
it if his colleagues had done the 2 unless you try 3 although I tried hard
to rewrite the sentence using different verb
washing-up. 4 so I work hard
forms. Tell them to think about future and
5 also read motivational books
past forms, modal verbs and passive forms.
Elicit a few examples first, e.g. Our team won Grammar note More practice
the game. Bring students’ ideas together The Focus on Grammar on pages Workbook page 80
on the board and elicit the names of the 102–121 has information on all the Grammar worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
different verb forms. See which pair wrote tenses and verb forms in this book.
the most correct sentences.
Unit 10 109
Talk about it
2 Students choose the correct words
to complete the questions. Stronger
students or fast finishers can write one
more question using a phrasal verb
from exercise 1. Check answers, and
check that students understand all the
questions. Ask fast finishers to read out
some of their questions. Correct any
errors. Students ask and answer the
questions in pairs. Ask some students
to tell the class something they learnt 5 $ 3•19 Allow students time to read
Optional activity
about their partner. through the statements. Play the audio
again for students to listen and match Ask students to write a short paragraph
ANSWERS on a piece of paper about how they
the speakers to four of the statements.
1 sink 2 put, deal 3 stick, give Stronger students could attempt the usually spend the night before an exam.
4 fallen, work, catch 5 get, copying matching task from memory, then listen Tell them to include at least two phrasal
3 Focus attention on the posters, and to check and complete their answers. verbs from exercise 1. Collect in the
read out the questions. Students Check answers. papers, then distribute them around the
discuss the questions in pairs. Ask some class. Ask students in turn to read out
students to tell the class something ANSWERS the paragraph they have been given.
they learnt about their partner. Speaker 1 a Speaker 2 e Speaker 3 b See if students can guess who wrote
Speaker 4 c each paragraph. You could do this as
a game, awarding a point to the first
Students’ own answers
student to guess correctly each time.
4 $ 3•19 Read the questions. Then play
the audio for students to listen and
answer the questions. Discuss the More practice
answers as a class. Workbook page 81
Vocabulary worksheet, Teacher’s Toolkit
They are talking about the night before.
110 Unit 10
Talk about it
3 Students work in pairs and write four
questions about exams. Ask some
students to read their questions to the
class. Correct any errors. Students then
ask and answer their questions in pairs.
Ask some students to tell the class
something about their partner.
Students’ own answers
Transformations: review
4 Read out the example, pointing out
the clue, and elicit another example.
Students rewrite the sentences. With
weaker classes, students could work in
pairs. Check answers.
2 how she could improve her grades
3 've been studying maths for ten
4 had revised, wouldn't have failed all
my exams
5 was envouraged to study maths by
my uncle
6 not aiming higher in life
7 which is easy to learn, is my favourite
Unit 10 111
Give full answers to questions
112 Unit 10
Optional activity
Ask students to look at the essay again
and find:
1 one phrase for introducing a reason
(For this reason)
2 two words or phrases to introduce
a contrast (However, Despite this)
3 a phrase used to introduce the
conclusion (All in all)
Check answers, and check that students
understand the words and phrases. Elicit
other words and phrases that could be
used with these functions (1 this is why
2 on the other hand 3 In conclusion).
Encourage students to use a range of
linkers and other phrases in their writing.
Writing guide
A Read the task with the class and check
that students understand everything.
With weaker classes, do part A as a class,
brainstorming ideas about success and
making notes on the board. Students
can then use the notes for their writing.
The Focus on Writing on page 131 has
more information on error correction,
and more help with the paragraph
plan. You could ask students to turn
to page 131 now and go through the
1 Students read the essay and answer the exercises in class. Students could then
Writing page 97 questions. Check answers. complete the writing task for homework.
Aim POSSIBLE ANSWERS B Students write their essay. Encourage
Write an opinion essay 1 Adam doesn’t think that exams are students to read through their writing
the best way to test students. to look for language errors. Ask some
2 gerund: They shouldn’t spend all their students to read their essays to the
How to write an opinion time working. modal verb: students class. Discuss any errors as a class and
essay should have time to relax non-defining encourage students to self-correct.
relative clause: … they don’t sleep or eat C Encourage students to read through
Warm-up enough, which makes them unhappy their writing again and complete the
With books closed, ask: Do you think that and ill. passive: work done in class checklist in part C.
exams are the best way to test students? second conditional: it would be much MODEL ANSWER
Why / Why not? What are the advantages of better if students were given a final See page 119 of the Teacher's Book.
exams? What are the disadvantages? What mark for all their homework …
other ways could be used to test students? More practice
2 Students find the Key phrases in
Discuss the questions with the class. Workbook page 83
the essay, and find other phrases
Encourage as many students as possible for expressing their opinion. Assessment
to join in and express their opinions. Check answers, and check that Grammar, Vocabulary and Skills Tests,
Encourage them to give reasons for students understand all the phrases. Teacher’s Toolkit
their opinions. Mid-term Tests, Teacher's Toolkit
Unit 10 113
1 Students read the article and write true,
false or doesn’t say. Check answers.
1 doesn’t say 2 doesn’t say 3 true
4 false 5 doesn’t say
2 Students read the text again and
answer the questions. Ask stronger
students to answer in full sentences and
use their own words where possible.
Check answers. With weaker classes,
give two points for each correct answer.
With stronger classes, give one point
for each correct answer and a second
point for a correct sentence and using
some of their own words.
1 According to the writer, it will be
easier to be successful if you are doing
something that you love.
2 She has been playing tennis since she
could first hold a racket. 3 With stronger classes, you could do Grammar
3 She won Junior Wimbledon. this exercise as a test. Set a time limit,
4 He first attracted attention when he and don’t allow students to look at Focus on Grammar
was four. the main units. With weaker classes, The Focus on Grammar on pages 118
5 According to Ben, young people need encourage students to look back at the and 120 reviews all the grammar that
persistence in order to be successful. units to find the correct words. Check students have studied in units 9 and 10.
answers. Encourage students to use those
Vocabulary ANSWERS pages to help them with the grammar
1 congestion 2 carbon exercises. When you check answers with
Wordlists the class, use the Focus on Grammar
3 walking stick 4 brolly
The Words to learn on pages 86–93 of 5 headphones 6 make 7 through pages to review grammar that students
the Workbook lists all the vocabulary 8 true 9 in 10 deal find difficult.
that students learnt in units 9 and 10.
4 Students complete the conversation 5 Students complete the sentences with
You could ask students to revise and
with the correct words. Check answers. the correct words. Check answers.
learn all the vocabulary for homework,
before you do the review in class. ANSWERS
Alternatively, you could allow students 1 folder 2 traffic 3 rush 4 down 1 to have 2 It is 3 carrying 4 worn
to refer to the wordlists to help them 5 have 6 behind 7 out 8 with 5 whether 6 Do you 7 since
with the exercises in class. 9 pads 10 flops 8 unless 9 yet 10 Who did
Unit 9
1 2 are thought to pay more to travel
3 is understood that rush hour is the
busiest time
4 is believed to be the fastest in
the world
5 is known that green vehicles are the
future of public transport
6 is said to be safer than driving
7 was said that the world’s climate
would get hotter
8 is believed to damage old buildings
2 2 to have been 3 left 4 became
5 to have rescued 6 suffered
7 delayed 8 to have accepted
3 2 known 3 opened 4 carrying
5 designed 6 taking 7 travelling
8 trapped
4 2 why you have brought a holdall with
3 how often Sam walks to school
4 if anyone has handed in a folder
5 when the last train to London left
6 how you get to the station
7 if this is the train to Paris
8 if there are any first class tickets
132 Audioscripts
Speaking page 24
Unit 3 The future
Exercises 2 and 4 $ 1•20
Sarah Oh wow, there’s so much to choose from! What shall we do? Vocabulary and listening page 32
My guess is that the London Dungeon tour will be the best.
Mum Not for me, sorry. How about you, Phil? Exercises 3 and 4 $ 1•27
Phil Hmm, it sounds good, but I’d prefer to go on the Night Safari. Hassan Wow! This fair is huge!
It’s more … educational. Don’t you agree, Mum? Adam And it’s packed! Where shall we start?
Mum Well, I suppose so, but I’m a bit tired of museums! I’d rather Hassan I’m not sure. I’ll ask one of those guides over there. I’m sure
do something different. Like the London Eye, or even better, Les they’ll be able to give us some advice. Excuse me.
Misérables! Hmm …’ Guide Hi. How can I help you?
Sarah Hmm, that’s one idea, but … Hassan I didn’t anticipate the size of the event and I don’t really
Phil No way! Absolutely not! know where to start. What do you reckon?
Sarah Phil! That wasn’t very polite! Guide It is a large event, but you’ll definitely be able to see
Phil Sorry! But, to be honest, musicals aren’t my cup of tea. everything. Er, what time are you leaving?
So, what’s left? Let’s see … What about eating ice cream at that Adam Er, we’re meeting our teacher at quarter to five and our bus
crazy-sounding café? leaves at 5 o’clock.
Dad Well, I’d prefer to do that, I think. Yes, that would be my top Guide Well, you’ve got plenty of time, then. It’s only half past nine!
choice. Don’t you agree? I’m sure you’ll have seen everything by the time you go.
Mum I’m not sure I’d enjoy that. And we’re trying to eat healthily, Hassan We’ll have walked miles as well!
remember? Why don’t we go on the London Eye? That might be Guide Anyway, let’s have a look at the programme and I’ll give
a laugh. you some tips on how to get the most out of your day. OK. This
Sarah Sounds good to me. Do you feel the same, Phil? map shows you where everything is at the fair and explains what’s
Phil It might be a laugh. Dad? Dad? happening. For example, B45 is all about engineering.
Dad Huh? Sorry, still thinking about ice cream … Yes, the London Adam So, will there be actual engineers there?
Eye. Let’s do that.
Audioscripts 133
134 Audioscripts
Audioscripts 135
136 Audioscripts
Audioscripts 137
Unit 10 Success
Unit 9 Getting around
Vocabulary and listening page 94
Vocabulary and listening page 86
Exercises 4 and 5 $ 3•19
Exercises 3 and 4 $ 3•12 One
Man London Lost Property Office. How can I help you? Normally, I love gaming, so I miss it when I’m studying. It helps me
Rob Oh, hello, I’ve just got off the number 62 bus, but I’ve left my to relax, better than going for a walk in the park. Actually, gaming
lunch box and flask on the seat. Can you tell me if there is any way I a little the night before an exam probably wouldn’t be such a bad
can get them back? They’re quite new, you see. idea. Instead, I go crazy and study like mad. Even though I start
Man Well, you won’t be able to get them back today, but you could revising weeks before, I convince myself I’ve fallen behind and I’ll
try again later. All the lost property found on public transport in never catch up. I even go over my notes while I’m eating my dinner.
London ends up here. It’s just so hard to stop. I switch my phone off to stop friends from
Rob Do you know how long it takes found items to get to the office? calling or texting. I know that this doesn’t sound very supportive,
Man It depends, but they can take a day or two to find their way but I worry about wasting time. I also get my bag ready, so I don’t
here. Then we have to log them on our computer system. So it spend time looking for things in the morning.
takes at least three days before we can return the items. Two
Rob OK, I see. Do you get a lot of lost property? I’m looking forward to finishing my exams and hanging out with
Man You wouldn’t believe the amount of stuff we get! We had friends again. My mum thinks we just play games, but we support each
around 250,000 items last year! other, too. I often study with friends, which helps with my revision.
Rob Honestly? So you get a lot of lunch boxes, then? But the evening before an exam I can’t talk to anyone. I can’t deal with
Man Yeah, we get a lot of ordinary stuff like that. Brollies are one hearing how stressed everyone else is! I don’t deal with stress well. I’m
of the most common items – we had about 12,000 last year – and so nervous that I find it really hard to stop eating biscuits! I know that if I
we always get lots of keys, mobile phones, headphones and even go over my notes, nothing will sink in, so I usually walk around the park
briefcases. for a bit. That can help me to relax a little.
Rob Do you ever get any really unusual items?
Man Well, we sometimes get things that you wouldn’t expect
Every year, I have these good ideas. Like, this time I’m not going to
people to lose when they’re travelling, like false teeth, walking
spend any time gaming. This time, I’m going to stick to a revision
sticks and flip-flops, but I think the most unusual thing that was
plan. And of course, the opposite happens, and I get down to my
handed in was a wedding dress!
revision the night before the French exam; I’m getting stressed,
Rob Really? Was it new?
because I don’t remember a thing. So then I’m on the phone to
Man Yes, brand new. Anyway, fortunately, the owner got in touch
a friend for advice, walking round and round the room, trying to
with us, so she managed to get it back in time for her wedding!
work out what to do. I don’t even eat sensibly – loads of junk – and
Rob Do people hand in money, too?
then, of course, I find it hard to sleep. But this time, it’s going to be
Man Yeah, they do. People in London are very honest and hand in
different. No, really, it is!
wallets and purses or just cash. Once, we even had a holdall full of
money – there was £10,000 in it! Four
Rob No way! Do you mind me asking how many people get their The night before the exam, my room’s a mess. Books and notes I’ve
lost property back? copied out, stuff everywhere. I can never find the things I need for
Man Well, last year, over 52,000 people did. If items aren’t claimed the morning, so most of the evening has usually gone by the time
after three months, they’re sold and the money is given to charity I’ve done that, and then I feel cross and end up playing games just
or the items are donated to people who need them, for example, to calm down, which is not the best idea. I know some of my friends
we donate shin pads and football boots to a youth club or a small say they find it hard to eat before the exams, but the real issue for me
football club. is boredom. I find it hard to concentrate on revision, so sometimes
Rob That’s good. I give up too early. I want to look at the next thing, go for a walk,
Man Anyway, about your lunch box and flask … I need to take anything. Sometimes I go and chat to my mum for a bit of support..
some details from you … Would you mind telling me your name?
Rob It’s Rob Baker.
Man And could you tell me what your mobile number is?
Rob Yes, it’s 09211 482088.
Man OK. Now, you said it was the number 62 bus.
Rob That’s right.
138 Audioscripts
Exercise 2 $ 3•20
How much time do I spend with my best friend? I’ve never been
asked that before. Let me see … Um, that’s quite difficult to say,
really. Um … quite a lot? And, I like spending time with her because
we’re very similar. For example, my best friend and I both love
music, so that’s why we get on.
That’s a very interesting question. OK, so I think I’ll probably use
English quite a lot in the future, because, uh, I want to travel. For
instance, I’d love to go to the US. I’d love to work for an international
company, so good English skills will be really useful there. And I’d
really like to read books in English, such as Oxford Bookworms. So,
what else? Let me see … Oh yes, I’ll probably need English for work,
too, as I want to be a journalist.
Um, let me think about that … Well, I suppose my favourite
hobbies are sports, such as football and tennis. So, uh, you need to
be quite, uh, to be, uh. Oh no. I don’t know the word.
Exercise 7 $ 3•23
Ed Hi, Omar. Hi, Mike. What are you up to? Revising?
Omar Hi Ed. Of course we’re revising. We never do anything else
these days!
Mike It’s true. I seem to spend my whole life trying to prepare for
exams at the moment.
Ed It isn’t much fun, is it? I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling
pretty stressed about the exams. How are you doing, Omar?
Omar I’m actually feeling quite calm. Getting stressed just means
that I can’t concentrate. How about you, Mike? Are you stressed?
Mike No, I’m OK. I’m feeling fairly calm, too. I read some good
advice in a magazine the other day: drink lots of water, eat a
healthy, balanced diet, get plenty of exercise and plenty of sleep. If
your body’s healthy, your mind will be healthy, too.
Ed That sounds sensible! I’ve made myself a revision timetable, but
I’m finding it hard to stick to it, to be honest. Most of my free time is
in the evening, but I’m usually too tired to concentrate by then.
Omar I know what you mean. I find it difficult to revise in the
afternoon or evening, so I’ve been getting up earlier than usual and
revising in the morning. I’m much better at working early in the
Mike Do you listen to music while you’re revising, Ed? I find it much
easier to concentrate if I put on some relaxing music.
Ed Oh no! Music really puts me off. I need complete silence when
I’m studying.
Omar Me too. And I have to take regular breaks as well.
Ed That’s good advice, Omar. Our brains can’t take in too much
information at once, so you should have a break every half an hour
or so. It gives you time to process everything you’ve read.
Mike How do you two revise your notes? I colour code my notes for
each subject.
Omar Do you mean using different colours to divide notes into
different topics, Mike? That’s not a bad idea. I prefer to sort my
notes into tables and diagrams, though. You should see my
bedroom wall! I’ve put up loads of diagrams to help me remember
things! What do you do, Ed?
Ed I find it easiest to remember my notes if I read them out loud. It
sounds silly, but it really helps me.
Omar Everyone has different ways of revising, don’t they? I think the
important thing is finding what works for you.
Mike Well, I hope all these clever ideas work for us! The exams start
next week!
Ed I’m sure we’ll all be fine. Come on. Let’s get back to work!
Audioscripts 139
The lesson focuses on: • reading comprehension and reading comprehension skills
• presentation of the themes in the unit • discussion of the themes in the unit
• presentation of vocabulary and grammar in context • vocabulary practice and vocabulary building
Performance Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to: • give their opinions on the themes of the unit and the reading
• understand the reading text text topic: [Write the topics the students will discuss including
• use the Study focus to improve their reading skills: [Write a language and vocabulary you expect them to use here]
summary of the study focus here] • recognise, write and use new vocabulary: [Write the target
vocabulary items here]
Self-study / Homework:
Review Extension
[Tick if appropriate and write the task in more detail] [Tick if appropriate and write the task in more detail]
Workbook exercises Vocabulary research
Adapted the discussion to suit different abilities
Selected pairs / groups of students to benefit different abilities
Involved all students in different aspects of the class (no students not participating due to ability)
Differentiated expected outcomes from lesson for students of different abilities
The lesson focuses on: • vocabulary skills
• presentation of vocabulary • listening practice (some lessons)
• practice of vocabulary in context • listening skills (some lessons)
Performance Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to: • use the Study focus to improve their listening / study skills (some
• recognise, write and use new vocabulary: [Write the target lessons): [Write the listening / study skills here, e.g. listening for gist]
vocabulary items here]
Self-study / Homework:
Review Extension
[Tick if appropriate and write the task in more detail] [Tick if appropriate and write the task in more detail]
Workbook exercises Vocabulary research
Adapted the discussion to suit different abilities
Selected pairs / groups of students to benefit different abilities
Involved all students in different aspects of the class (no students not participating due to ability)
Differentiated expected outcomes from lesson for students of different abilities
The lesson focuses on: • grammar practice exercises
• formal presentation of grammar which students have already • skills: reading and speaking or writing
seen in context
Performance Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to: • use the target grammar in a speaking or writing activity: [Write
• understand the meaning and use of the target grammar: the topic of the speaking or writing activity here]
[Write the target grammar items here]
Self-study / Homework:
Review Extension
[Tick if appropriate and write the task in more detail] [Tick if appropriate and write the task in more detail]
Workbook exercises Vocabulary research
Adapted the discussion to suit different abilities
Selected pairs / groups of students to benefit different abilities
Involved all students in different aspects of the class (no students not participating due to ability)
Differentiated expected outcomes from lesson for students of different abilities
The lesson focuses on: • study of Key phrases
• presentation of speaking phrases in context • use of Key phrases in a speaking activity
Performance Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to: • use the Key phrases in a speaking activity: [Write the topic of the
• recognise, write and use some functional Key phrases: [Write the speaking activity here]
Key phrases here]
Self-study / Homework:
Review Extension
[Tick if appropriate and write the task in more detail] [Tick if appropriate and write the task in more detail]
Workbook exercises Vocabulary research
Adapted the discussion to suit different abilities
Selected pairs / groups of students to benefit different abilities
Involved all students in different aspects of the class (no students not participating due to ability)
Differentiated expected outcomes from lesson for students of different abilities
The lesson focuses on: • practice of the language in the unit
• presentation of a specific writing type • reading comprehension
• presentation of useful phrases for writing in context • skills: reading and writing
• presentation of language tips or study tips to help students
improve their writing
Performance Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to: • write a text of a specific type: [Write the text type here, e.g. email]
• understand the model text • recognise and use useful language for writing: [Write the specific
• use the Key phrases in context: [Write the specific phrases here] items here, e.g. linking words, time clauses, sequencing words]
• use the Language focus to improve their writing skills: [Write the • use the language from the unit in context: [Write the language
specific items here, e.g. when, while, as soon as] from the unit you expect them to use in the writing here]
Warm-up Production
• Ask students to look at the text. Elicit the type of text it is, e.g. • Focus students on the writing task. Check they understand what
email, narrative and elicit the topic of the text: [Write the topic, the to do by asking questions: [Write the questions you will ask here]
text type and questions you will ask the students here] • Students plan their writing, using the prompts in the Writing guide
Presentation and the Paragraph plan in the Focus on Writing section: [Write how you
• Students follow the reading exercises. will help them, e.g. brainstorm, make notes on the board]
• Focus students on the Key phrases. Check that they understand • Remind students of the grammar and vocabulary which has been
them: [Write the Key phrases here] presented in the unit so that they can use it in their writing.
• Focus on the Language focus. Check that they understand it: [Write • Students do the writing activity: [Write the activity here]
a summary of the Language focus here, e.g. and, but, because] • The teacher monitors during the writing stage and provides
Practice feedback. There is a model answer and marking scheme in the
• Students follow the practice exercises to practise using the useful Teacher’s Book for reference.
language for writing: [Write the specific writing language items and Closure
exercises here] • Give students the opportunity to feed back on how well they
• Use the Focus on Writing page: [Write how you will use this, e.g. work have learnt the grammar: If you feel you have done well, raise your
through the exercises in class or set as a separate homework activity] hand. On the scale of 1–10 how well have you done?
• Encourage them to complete the self-evaluation activity at
the foot of the Student Book page by ticking the appropriate
emoticon; Sad face: I must try this again, Neutral face: Quite good,
Happy face: Brilliant.
• Be sure to praise the students for their participation in the lesson:
Give yourselves a clap. You’ve worked really hard today. Well done.
Self-study / Homework:
Review Extension
[Tick if appropriate and write the task in more detail] [Tick if appropriate and write the task in more detail]
Workbook exercises Vocabulary research