Agrarian Reform in The Duterte Administration
Agrarian Reform in The Duterte Administration
Agrarian Reform in The Duterte Administration
President Duterte reactivated the PARC on Sept. 12, The CARP in the Philippine setting has a mixed record.
By: Luis M.C. Pañgulayan - @inquirerdotnet04:04 AM October 15, 2016. The PARC immediately revoked stock distribution We have successful agrarian reform cooperatives.
2019 option plans and agribusiness venture arrangements, Inversely, there are ARBs who are still waiting to be
The evaluation of the current land acquisition and distribution (LAD) which ran counter to the provisions of agrarian reform installed despite the fact that Cloas have been issued to
record under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) laws. them. We have ARBs in possession of their awarded
must be viewed in context, to see the true picture of CARP in this titles who have been removed from what they already
administration. own through violent means.
Aware of the restrictions imposed by the Carper
Previous administrations boast of high LAD performance simply deadline, the President issued Executive Order No. 75,
because CARP during the earlier periods focused on alienable and Series of 2019, to cover unused GOLs, thus making These are the challenges in CARP under the current
disposable lands of the public domain (A&D lands), and unused available at least 300,000 hectares to our landless administration. These problems have been in existence
agricultural government-owned lands (GOLs). These types of lands farmers and farmworkers. The inventory includes the since the previous administrations. What sets the
subjected to CARP were unopposed. Private agricultural lands Yulo King Ranch or YKR in Busuanga, Coron in Duterte administration apart from its predecessors is the
(PALs) occupy the last rung in the implementation ladder. PALs are Palawan (8,000 hectares), the Davao Penal Colony or fact that this presidency has agrarian reform in its heart.
difficult to cover under CARP due to the resistance of landowners. Dapecol in Davao del Norte (5,000 hectares) and the
The challenges from landowners have the net effect of dragging, if Aurora State College of Technology or Ascot in Baler,
not altogether halting, CARP implementation. Aurora (110 hectares). Luis M.C. Pañgulayan is the undersecretary for legal
affairs of the Department of Agrarian Reform.
Republic Act No. 9700 (CARP Extension with Reforms or Carper) The President mandated the DAR to parcelize all
sets June 30, 2014, as the deadline for the issuance of the notice of collective Cloas, and provided funding for this
coverage (NOC), which is the first legal step in the LAD activity. parcelization through the use of government and
Congress wanted to complete LAD by 2014, subject to a master international funding facilities. He also directed the DAR
plan to be formulated by the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council to complete the LAD process by 2022.
(PARC). It did not come to fruition because no plan was formulated.
PARC was in hiatus for 10 years (2006 to 2016) when the Carper The President is focusing on the distribution of Cloas to
deadline took effect. agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) nationwide.
Agrarian reform cooperatives and the unbanked
The majority of agrarian reform titles issued under the CARP were segment of the ARBs have increased credit access
collective certificates of land ownership award (Cloas). The through the Land Bank of the Philippines.
collective title is far easier to issue than individual titles. The DAR
simply cancelled the certificate of title and substituted it with a
collective Cloa. There was no field investigation and no partitioning
of the awarded land. In other words, CARP coverage, via the The Duterte administration is heir to an agrarian reform
issuance of collective Cloas, provided a “shortcut” to CARP program with several shortcomings. While it is a fact
implementation. that 4.8 million hectares of agricultural lands have been
distributed to 2.7 million ARBs, there is still a lack of
Despite the difficulties, the CARP under President Duterte is in a sufficient support services to ARBs and their
period of reawakening. This is the second phase of agrarian reform. dependents. The lack of support services is the
proximate cause why ARBs engage in illegal sales or
lease transactions.