Enkog Castillo1990

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Physica A 166 (1990) 505-516




R. C A S T I L L O and J.V. O R O Z C O
Instituto de Ffsica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de M~xico, P.O. Box 20-364,
01000 Mexico, DF, Mexico

Received 18 December 1989

Revised manuscript received 12 March 1990

A method for calculating the thermal conductivity of dense fluids and their mixtures is
described. This method relies on the results of the revised Enskog theory for hard-sphere fluid
mixtures, and the use of the temperature and density dependent diameters given by Mansoori
and Canfield, and Rasaiah and Stell. In addition, a correction in order to take into account
the internal degrees of freedom contribution was introduced. A comparison with the
conformal solution model, and with accurate experimental data was made. A very good
agreement was found.

1. Introduction

In recent years, there has been an increasing demand from industry for
transport properties information of fluid mixtures, and in particular for thermal
conductivity (A). However, it is clear that the acquisition of reliable data for
the great variety of mixtures and thermodynamic states can never be achieved
in a satisfactory way by direct measurements only. There are two ways out,
mainly in engineering calculations, to fulfill this gap of information. The first
one uses empirical correlation schemes. These usually are limited to narrow
ranges of temperatures and pressures and often mainly designed for pure
fluids. A review of these methods are given in Reid et al. [1].
The second way involves the use of predictive methods more or less related
to kinetic theory. In this case, the prediction of transport properties is more
reliable if the m e t h o d adopted is founded on a realistic physical model of the
fluid mixture, and if it is combined with a suitable theory. Even when neither
models nor the theories are exact, it is possible to give reasonably accurate
results depending little on measurements or empirical prescriptions.

0378-4371/90/$03.50 ~) 1990- Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

506 R. Castillo and J.V. Orozco / Thermal conductivity of dense fluids

In predictive methods there are two groups of procedures for obtaining A's in
the dense regime. The first one is mainly based on the conformal solution
model (CSM), which is related to the corresponding-states principle. The best
suited method for the prediction of A on non-polar fluid mixtures over the
entire range of PVT states was given by Ely and Hanley [2]. They realized this
method using a state equation, and a A surface for a reference fluid (methane).
Although some additional corrections are required in order to include the
internal degrees of freedom contribution, and deviations from the correspond-
ing states model, this method has good predictive features (for details see refs.
[2] and [3]).
The other group of procedures mainly used for predicting A's for dense fluids
is related to the kinetic theory of hard spheres developed by Enskog [4]. Some
examples can be found elsewhere [5-8]. Here, one procedure follows the
so-called modified Enskog theory [5] (MET), an ad hoc modification of the
Enskog theory to include attractive intermolecular forces. Until quite recently
[9] MET was generalized to the binary case, although its ability to predict A's in
binary mixtures has not been reported. Another procedure relies on the
revised Enskog theory [10] (RET) combined with a prescription to obtain
effective state-dependent hard-sphere diameters in terms of the parameters
associated with the potential chosen to model actual systems. We call this
approach the effective-diameter revised Enskog theory (EDRET). We will
show in this paper that this procedure can be generalized to the binary case, in
the same way as we did for other transport properties [11-14]. Here, the basic
assumptions are three: (1) particles in the fluid mixture can be modeled by the
Lennard-Jones potential. (2) The behavior of A in this regime is mainly
determined by the repulsive part of the interaction potential. (3) The hard-
sphere expression for A coming from the RET can give confident results if
some prescription to obtain state-dependent effective diameters is used in
order to reflect the somewhat soft repulsive part of the model potential.
The main purpose of this paper is to show the usefulness of E D R E T to
predict A's of one-component fluids and their mixtures, and to present some
comparison between our approach and the CSM. The paper is organized as
follows: in section 2, we present the details of our method. In section 3, the
numerical results are presented and compared with the CSM, and experimental

2. Theory

Our starting point is the set of coupled non-linear integro-differential

equations for the hard-sphere single particle distribution functions given in the
R. CastiUo and J.V. Orozco I Thermal conductivity of dense fluids 507

RET, first derived by van Beijeren and Ernst [10]. Here, the two hard-sphere
radial distribution functions are the same functionals of the number densities as
the radial distribution functions of a binary mixture in nonuniform equilibrium.
The R E T equations can be solved by the use of the C h a p m a n - E n s k o g solution
method. The molecular fluxes and the transport coefficients for dense hard-
sphere binary mixtures, up to the Navier-Stokes level, can be directly obtained
on the basis of the procedure used in ref. [15].
Thermal conductivity in a binary mixture, 3`, is defined through the following
expression [16]:

a T _ p T D T olx a (1)
Jq = - 3 , -~r Or

where Jq is the heat flux, T is the temperature, p is the mass density, D T is the
thermal diffusion coefficient a n d / z a is the chemical potential of component 1.
Here, we must have a comment. Diffusion and heat conduction in a fluid
mixture become inextricably coupled. In a uniform mixture, as time progresses
in the course of an experimental determination, concentration gradients appear
in the mixture and they themselves provide driving forces for opposing fluxes.
Eventually, in a steady state thermal diffusive flux is exactly balanced by this
back diffusive flux, so that there is no net molecular flow. Hence, to stress this
fact experimentalists define two A coefficients. The first one is 3`0, this is the
thermal conductivity of a uniform mixture (no concentration gradients), and
the second one is 3`=, the thermal conductivity corresponding to a fluid in the
steady state (no mass fluxes). Since many accurate experiments actually
measure 3`=, as in the transient hot-wire technique, we decided to calculate this
quantity. The formal definition of 3`= for a binary mixture is given by [17]

Jq = - A = 0---7 (Ji = O), (2)

where Ji is the mass flux for component i.

The explicit expressions for the linear transport coefficients in the R E T were
gathered and discussed in detail by Lopez de Haro et al. [15]. These will serve
to us as a point of departure for the calculations presented in this paper. So,
following their notation, the explicit expression for A= is

A = ~k. 1+ Pbi/Mi/M/ixq _n'

n a ') - (1 - 61,l)(d~l~ - ,4(') ~h
i=1 j=l k=l

+ kk n'n'
508 R. Castillo and J.V. Orozco / Thermal conductivity of dense fluids

Here, k B is Boltzmann's constant, Pbij = 2/3-rrtrij, M~j = r n i / ( m i + mj), where

m i is the mass of the hard sphere of diameter o-i, n i is the number density of
component i, and X~ is the pair distribution function at contact. T h e a~i) and
i,1 are the coefficients that appear in the Sonine polynomial expansion of the
one particle distribution function, in the so-called Nth Enskog approximation,
i.e., when the first N Sonine polynomials are taken into account in the
expansion. The a~') and ,4(~)
-~,1 are determined from a set of linear equations (for
details see ref. [15]). The coefficients d~h are given by the equations
(it(j) (,)
j = l \~i,0 - d i , 0 ) ( 1 - ~jl)djth = a{oi) ~3r log T (i # 1) (4)

th th
dj = d j ~rrl°gT" (5)

The evaluation of A for a given set of { h i } , {or/} , { m i } and T using eqs.

(3)-(5), requires knowledge of X ,c. An exact, explicit equation for Xijc in terms
of the number densities and the set of hard-sphere diameters is not available,
but several approximate expressions already exist. In particular, the so-called
Carnahan-Starling approximation [18] appears to be quite accurate when
compared to molecular dynamics data.
In order to use eq. (3) to obtain numerical estimates of A for real mixtures, a
prescription to obtain state-dependent hard-sphere diameters in terms of the
parameters associated with the potential chosen to model the actual systems is
needed. As mentioned above, we considered that each component of the
binary mixture is modeled through a Lennard-Jones potential

crPLJ(r)=4eiI(~2)12--(-~)6] , (6)

where Ei is the well depth and o-0i is the minimal separation of two molecules of
species i such that ~LJ(tr0i) = 0, and separately the effective diameters in terms
of o'0i, e i, and of the thermodynamic state of the system are determined. For
the cross interaction, we assumed it to be that of a hard-sphere mixture with
effective diameters, i.e.,

o',2 = o-2~ = ½(o', + o-2). (7)

The effective diameters can be obtained by several schemes well established

in equilibrium liquid state theory. The most widely used schemes coming from
a first order perturbation theory are those given by Barker and Henderson
R. Casfillo and J.V. Orozco / Thermal conductivity of dense fluids 509

(BH) [19], by Weeks, Chandler and Andersen (WCA) [20], and by Verlet and
Weiss (VW) [21]. From the schemes coming from a variational theory, we have
those given by Mansoori-Canfield [22] and Rasaiah-Stell [23] (MC/RS). All
these schemes give a hard-sphere diameter depending on both temperature and
density, except that given by BH that is temperature dependent only.
In order to obtain numerical estimates of A's for actual fluids using EDRET,
a correction to include the internal degrees of freedom contribution is needed.
But, until now, there is no formal theory to handle transport properties of
polyatomic dense fluids, although several attempts have appeared [24, 25] with
a very limited success. In this paper we will follow an heuristic approach
followed by some authors [5, 26], and suggested by a previous work of Mason
and Monchick [27] on the basis of the Wang Chang-Uhlenbeck-De Boer
theory [28]. This theory was developed by these authors to deal with the
transport properties of polyatomic gases in the dilute regime. Mason and
Monchick showed that the A can effectively be separated into two parts: a part
dealing with the transfer of thermal energy by the translational motion of the
molecules, and a part dealing with the transfer of energy to the internal
degrees of freedom of the molecules. Hence, we will assume that A of a dense
fluid can be split into a part due to the energy transfer by molecular motion
and collisional transfer (A'), given by EDRET, and a part due to the energy
transfer associated with the internal degrees of freedom of the molecules (A").

A = (8)

In addition, we assume that A" for the one-component fluid can be represented
by the first order approximation formula given by Mason-Monchick for
quasi-elastic collisions [5]:

h"= p D C v / M = h'o/X c , (9)

where D is the self-diffusion coefficient, and A'0 is the internal contribution to h

tt .

for the dilute hard-sphere gas, C v IS the molar heat capacity at constant volume
for the internal degrees of freedom, and M is the molecular weight.
For the case of the binary mixture the evaluation of h" has not been explored
from the point of view of kinetic theory. Hence, a mixing rule is the only way
out. This rule should keep a close analogy with eq. (9) in order to have a fair
density dependence. Hence, we modified the empirical mixing rule given by Li

)tmix(P, T, x,) =
(v xixjAi/. X12(P, T, xi), (10)
- /'=1
510 R. Castillo and J.V. Orozco / Thermal conductivity of dense fluids


1[( "--1 " -1 -1

"= aO,) +(aO,) ] (11)
Here, A0~is the internal contribution to thermal conductivity of component i in
the dilute regime.
t! tt
In order to obtain a general formula for the evaluation of A0 or A0~, given by
eqs. (9) or (11), we use the modified Eucken correlation for polyatomic gases:

X'o, = fint(C°,i - 5R)rloi/Mi, (12)

where B0i is the dilute gas viscosity, Cp, i is the ideal gas molar heat capacity, R
is the gas constant, M i is the molecular weight of component i, and f~nt has a
constant value of 1.32.
Cp,i values for different systems were obtained through a temperature
expansion up to 6th order, except for the noble gases where the internal
contribution was not considered (actually we used the expansions that appear
in the TRAPP computer program developed by Ely and Hanley [3]).

3. Numerical results and discussion

Values of a for several one-component fluids (noble gases, N2, 0 2 , C O 2 , and

some hydrocarbons), and some of its mixtures were calculated following the
method described above, i.e., h's were calculated through eq. (3), and the
state-dependent hard-sphere diameters were determined with the MC/RS
scheme. For one-component fluids we used eq. (3), but in the form given in the
standard Enskog theory [4]. The Lennard-Jones parameters were obtained
from ref. [1], except for the case of argon that will be mentioned below.
Our calculations were done in the dense regime mainly, i.e. at reduced
densities (Pr, density/critical density) greater than 1.1, and at several tempera-
tures. Figs. 1-5 are some examples of these calculations.
In a previous work, Karkheck and Stell [30] compared A calculations for
argon, xenon, and oxygen using the prescriptions to obtain the hard-sphere
diameter mentioned above, except for the VW one, with experimental data
along the liquid saturation line. They concluded that the MC/RS prescription
is the best suited for predicting h's. We confirmed this conclusion for noble
gases and some hydrocarbons using all the above mentioned prescriptions, but
not limiting our calculations to the liquid saturation line. As an example we
show fig. 1. Here, h calculations for argon using different prescriptions to
obtain the diameter are presented, and compared with the accurate correlation
R. Castillo and J.V. Orozco / Thermal conductivity of dense fluids 511

T r = 2.5 °o Tr=l 1
4O °'~° .~;;;
elll. _llit~l e~
20~Oot ° ". .".' ." . . . . . . 11
e~lol 0 .D°ooo. •
o....:;~,.,,s o;°
a o

-20 °
~ o
-40 o

Tr=2 T r = 09
oo ,1o 4
6<b 0 ooo o-

r20 o

-40 o

60 a+ +

Tr= 1.5 Tr = 0 7
2 0 ~, * e ° °
oo. ~o
0 - I : i i l l ~ l l t .l . .i. .J J ~oooo no •= a
-20 .
-60 J~, , ~, ,~L ,, . . . . . r ........ , t l l , l l l l l l l l l ~ l l I i t l l l , t l ~

o 1 2 pr3,O 1 2

Fig. 1. Percent deviation for predicted A's from experimental data, BA, versus the reduced density,
Pr, for six different reduced temperatures, and several prescriptions to obtain the state-dependent
hard-sphere diameters. (E3) MC/RS; (+) BH; (O) WCA; (A) VW.

of Younglove and Hanley [31] (Lennard-Jones parameters, cr = 3.405/~, e / k =

119.8 K), along the phase diagram. As we can see, our procedure increasingly
overestimates A as we progressively go to lower reduced densities. At lower
densities (below Pr ~ 0.7) the other schemes to obtain the hard-sphere diam-
eter ( B H , W C A and V W ) are better to fit the experimental data. At higher
temperatures they become more accurate. This is not surprising because these
schemes were built to fit the low density equilibrium properties, whereas the
M C / R S scheme was directed toward the denser regimes. The important point
to emphasize is that since the crossover occurs at a reduced density of about
0.7, our recommendation is that one uses the other schemes from reduced
densities below 0.7 and the M C / R S scheme from 0.7 onwards. The general
conclusion is: the M C / R S prescription gives better predictions in a wide range
of fluid reduced densities ( P r = 0 . 7 - - 2 . 7 at T r > 1), and at liquid densities
512 R. Castillo and J.V. Orozco / Thermal conductivity of dense fluids

(T, < 1). This is in close agreement with our previous work in other transport
properties [8, 11-14].
When a comparison is made between our A calculations, and accurate
experimental data for nitrogen, methane, ethane, and ethylene, we found a
better agreement in the denser or liquid region of the phase diagram than in
the moderate or low density one, confirming the conclusions given for the case
of argon.
Figs. 2 and 3 show A for liquid nitrogen and ethylene respectively, along the
saturation line. Here, we compare our procedure, the CSM, and experimental
data [32, 33]. In a general way, we can say that our calculations are closer to
the experimental data than CSM. On the other hand, in these figures we can
see that the internal degress contribution as implemented above is less im-
portant as density increases. This agrees with previous results where the role of
this contribution has been discussed [34].
Figs. 4 and 5 show A for mixtures. Fig. 4 shows a nitrogen/oxygen mixture
(X~2 = 0.78569, Xo2 = 0.21431, p = 0.6 g/cm3). Here, A calculations are com-
pared with CSM, and with experimental data for air [35], at several tempera-
tures. As we can see in this figure, EDRET without the internal degrees
contribution gives a better fitting to the experimental data than CSM. If we
include the internal degrees contribution to EDRET, we have a better fitting to
the experimental data at lower temperatures, but at high temperatures our
procedure overestimates A around 15%.

180 I
"~ 170 '
E 160 o

15o a o

140 ~.,. o
>- 150
I-- 120
> 110
~- 100
z 8O
<~ 50
oz 4O
uJ 30 I I J I I I J I I I I
-r 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 HO 115 120 125


Fig. 2. Thermal conductivity, A, of liquid nitrogen versus temperature, at the saturation line. (El)
experimental; dashed line, CSM; solid line, EDRET without the internal degrees correction; (O)
EDRET with the internal degrees correction.
R. Castillo and J.V. Orozco / Thermal conductivity of dense fluids 513


o 280
E 260 ~ ^ T
E 22O - ~.~
+ •
>.- zoo +

160 + •
0 - z; :, :,
80 ++
60 + +
LIJ 40 i L L i l
I 105 130 160 190 220 250

Fig. 3. Thermal conductivity, A, of liquid ethylene versus temperature, at the saturation line. (A)
experimental; solid line, CSM; (+) EDRET without the internal degrees correction; (O) E D R E T
with the internal degrees correction.

4- 4- 4- 4-
4- 4- 4- 4-
62 +
60 4- 4- 4- 4- + 4-

58 I [ 1 I I I 1 I [ I l I I I I
120 125 130 1,35 140 145 150 15,5 160 165 170 17,5 180 185 190 195 200


Fig. 4. Thermal conductivity of air at 0.6 g cm -3 versus temperature. ([~) experimental; (+) CSM;
lower solid line, E D R E T without the internal degrees correction; upper solid line, E D R E T with
the internal degrees correction.
514 R. Castillo and J.V. Orozco / Thermal conductivity o f dense fluids

X -- e~et
--- cS


0,02 I
~0 25 Pmolar



O.OZ i
0 Z5 Pmolar

Fig. 5. Thermal conductivity in W m 1K 1, of a mixture of m e t h a n e / e t h a n e (XcH = 0.68526)

versus the molar density.

In fig. 5, we show two examples of our h calculations for the m e t h a n e /

ethane mixture (XcH 4 = 0.68526). These calculations were done at two differ-
ent temperatures, 242.269 and 203.697 K. The experimental data come from
ref. [36]. As we can see in this figure, our procedure gives a better fitting to the
experimental data than CSM. The major deviation occurs near the critical
point, since our procedure at its present form cannot evaluate critical enhance-
ment. Although, the existence of critical enhancement in mixtures is under
discussion yet [36, 37]. At higher temperatures ( T > Tc), not shown in this
figure, our procedure underestimates h's, and in the high densities is better
than CSM, but not at values around the critical density. For lower densities,
until experimental data let us make comparisons, both methods underestimate
A by a few per cent.
The lack of accurate experimental data for several mixtures, along wide
ranges of densities and temperatures, do not permit a major test for our
procedure. Although it is promising, a more stringent test is needed.
In summary, the above results are encouraging since the described procedure
has quite good predictive features with very little input (the L - J parameters
and the C°'s), and it is an alternative method to the CSM as implemented in
the T R A P P computer program [3], that has a lot of experimental information
R. Castillo and J.V. Orozco / Thermal conductivity of dense fluids 515

Acknowledgements J,

We acknowledge the partial support from the C O N A C Y T and from the ,

TWAS, grants P V T / P Q / N A L / 8 6 / 3 5 8 5 and R G MP 88-70. J.V.O. acknowl-
edges the C O N A C Y T support to do this work. ' "


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