Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
1. Consider and LTI system whose response to the input signal x1 (t) is the signal y1 (t)
as depicted in Fig. 1(a) and (b), respectively. Find the response of this system to
the signals plotted in Fig. 1(c) and (d).
Figure 1: Plots of signals x1 (t) (a), y1 (t) (b), x2 (t) (d), and x3 (t) (c).
5. Consider the series connection of three causal LTI systems shown in Fig. 2. The
impulse response h2 [n] is
h2 [n] = u[n] − u[n − 2],
h3 [n] = h2 [n], and the overall impulse response is shown in Fig. 3.
7. Consider a continuous-time LTI system S and a signal x(t) = 2e−3t u(t − 1). If
x(t) −→ y(t)
−→ −3y(t) + e−2t u(t),
determine the impulse response h(t) of S.
(a) Find the impulse response h(t) of the echo generator system S0 .
(b) Find the condition for stability of this system.
(c) Find and sketch the step response s(t), −∞ < t < ∞, when S0 is a stable
(d) Propose a system S1 which when cascaded to S0 recovers the original signal
9. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) is one of the most local experimental probes
of electronic structure in solids. It basically comprises a metallic point-like tip
separated from a sample by vacuum barrier with a provision to apply a bias V
between tip and sample, see Fig. 6. The STM tip usually resides few angstroms
above the sample and can be moved in the three spatial directions. Applying a
positive (negative) bias on sample lowers (raises) its Fermi energy relative to the tip
and electrons preferentially tunnel from tip to sample (sample to tip). The resulting
tunneling current I can be measured. The differential tunneling conductance dI/dV
turns out to be proportional to the sample’s local density of states (LDOS) ρ(r, ω)
at the tip position r and energy ω = eV .
Figure 6: Schematic of STM [J. Hoffman, Rep. Prog. Phys. 74, 124513 (2011)]
where, A is a constant, f (ω) = 1/(1 + eω/kB T ) is the Fermi function, V is the applied
bias, ρt (r, ω) is the LDOS of the superconducting STM tip, and ρs (r, ω) is the LDOS
of the superconducting sample.
(a) Show that for T → 0, f (ω) = u(−ω), where u represents the step function.
(b) Show that
where, ∆s and ∆t are the superconducting gaps in the tip and the sample, re-
spectively, Ns,t (r) is the LDOS at the Fermi energy in metallic state of the tip
and the sample, and Re represents real part (note that these expressions hold
only for ω within the bandwitdh of the metallic state, beyond which LDOS is
zero). Sketch the normalized LDOS spectrum ρs,t (r, ω)/Ns,t (r) for the super-
conducting tip and the sample assuming ∆t = ∆0 /2 and ∆s = ∆0 as a function
of normalized energy −2 < ω/∆0 < 2. At what energies you find peaks (called
”coherence peaks”) in each spectrum?
(d) Assuming T → 0, sketch the normalized differential tunneling conductance
1 dI(r)
g(V ) =
ANt (r)Ns (r) dV
as a function of bias V for −2 < eV /∆0 < 2. At what energies you find peaks in
the conductance spectrum? (You can do this part analytically or numerically,
it’s your choice.)