Project Proposal Construction of A Two S

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Contact Details of the Project Site

Location of the Project Site St. Anthony High School, Kawangware
Postal Address P.O. Box 10231 – 00400 Nairobi
Telephone +254 731 260 001
Contact Person Mr. Anthony Mugo
Date 14th June 2019

Accessing Success i
Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................................1

1.0 ABOUT US ..............................................................................................................................2

2.0 NEEDS ANALYSIS AND JUSTIFICATION......................................................................................3

3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION, GOALS AND UNDERLYING OBJECTIVES ................................................4

4.0 PROJECT DETAILS ...................................................................................................................4

4.1 ILLUSTRATION OF THE PROJECT’S SPECIFIC GOAL ....................................................................5


5.0 KEY ELEMENTS TOWARDS ACHIEVING THE PROJECT GOAL ......................................................6



8.0 PROJECT RISKS AND CONSTRAINTS........................................................................................ 10

9.0 PROJECT IMPACT MODEL...................................................................................................... 10

10.0 MONITORING AND EVALUATION......................................................................................... 12

11.0 SUSTAINABILITY.................................................................................................................. 12

Accessing Success ii
Executive Summary
The purpose of this request for funding is to provide information on the need to construct a tuition
block in St. Anthony High School after carrying out a needs assessment within the Kawangware
Community through observation. This proposal gives an outline for the need of additional
infrastructure spearheaded by the school’s Board of Directors after identifying the locality’s high
demand for basic quality secondary education.
Kenya’s population is largely young. Persons aged 19 years and below account for more than half of
population while those aged 15 years and below form 45% of the country’s population (census,
2009). We are looking forward to Kenya Census Statistics 2019 regarding the same.
Education to the young population is the single most important means by which individuals and
society can improve personal endowments, build capacity levels, overcome barriers, and expand
opportunities for a sustained improvement of their wellbeing. It is the pillar of national
development, for it is through this that the nation obtains skilled manpower to serve in different
sectors of the economy. The emphasis on quality Education for Sustainable Development, (ESD) is
key to creation of Kenya’s comparative advantage in many areas and a sure means of effectively
coping with reduction in poverty, climate change, disaster risk reduction, gender equality,
biodiversity and sustainable consumption in achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals,
(SDGs). Education is of most significance in the confidence it creates within individuals to easily
adapt to changing environments socially, geographically, economically, politically and globally.
Despite the Kenyan Government’s initiative and the adoption of the Sustainable Development
Goals to make education affordable, many adolescents remain out of school due to general
inhibitory costs of tuition, stationery, boarding, school uniform and food. The specific critical factor
for adolescents remaining out of school is the inadequacy of school learning infrastructure. It is from
this need that the School’s Board explores the avenues to share and partner with the County and
National Government through this Project Proposal for the Construction of a Two Storey Tuition
Block to ensure the locality’s demands for Education for Sustainable Development to adolescent
boys and girls in Kawangware Community are met.

Accessing Success 1
1.0 About Us
St. Anthony High School was founded in 2009 by its Board of Members as a means of providing
quality Secondary Education for the adolescents in Kawangware Community, Dagoretti
Constituency. Our governance structure consists of 4 board members who are certified and
accredited from various professional backgrounds. We are governed by the schools’ Constitution
and Code of Conduct.
At inception, the school was single stream with a total population of 56 and today we boast of a
double stream population of 387. We are located within the densely populated Kawangware area of
Route 46 and we are the only center of secondary learning within a radius of 2 kilometers. We sit
on a three quarter of an acre plot and are endowed with a teaching staff of 18. The School has 6
permanent classrooms, 3 semi - permanent classrooms, an agricultural project, an administration
block, a kitchen, male and female student toilets and a borehole that supplies clean drinking water.
In our endeavor to make quality secondary education accessible to all adolescents in Kawangware,
we have the potential and feel obligated to partner with our National and County Government,
other Civil Society Organizations and persons of goodwill towards the realization of our mandate.
Mission Statement: We are committed to providing quality and affordable education to all
Vision Statement: To provide holistic education and promote moral values that will equip the
Student in facing and overcoming life’s challenges
Core Values

 Commitment
 Partnerships
 Integrity and Discipline
 Teamwork
 Responsiveness
 Respect
 Environmental Soundness
 Student Centered Development

Accessing Success 2
2.0 Needs Analysis and Justification
The Kawangware community is largely composed of urban semi-skilled and unskilled workers whose
income remains inadequate for provision of the much needed physical learning facilities. A big
percentage of the population within the area is a makeup of adolescents between ages 11 and 20. In
Kenya, only 50 per cent of adolescents transition to secondary school with high dropout rates,
particularly for girls (Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2018). We believe that our assumption
based on this statistic within Kawangware is not far from the reality. Further, improving student
retention in upper primary schools and transition to secondary school is a core component to be
addressed through provision of a Minimum Package of Safe School Infrastructure, (MPSSI) to the
vulnerable. (SEQIP VMGF Report July 2017)
Due to the infrastructural capacity constraints, our School is forced to turn away thousands of
adolescents who apply for admission every year since inception. A majority of these are also unable
to secure placements elsewhere due to the low income status of their guardians. The pressure to
mature and transition from primary school childhood to adulthood is extremely stressful for those
left out without secondary school placements as they have to take up responsibilities their minds are
not ready for. This effect creates a reaction in the form of idle time leading to vices ranging from
unwanted teenage pregnancies, violent criminal activities, substance and drug abuses, increased HIV
infections and child labor. Kawangware’s development grows at a marginal reduced rate due the
above ripple effects that disrupts local economic activity. These scenarios not only affect the
Kawangware Community but also have other negative diverse effects to the region as a whole.
The transformational power of education therefore cannot be underestimated or overemphasized.
As a mitigation measure to the vices and continued realization of our mandate, the current situation
clearly portrays the dire need for more adolescents’ uptake within the school and therefore the plan
and request for funds to construct the tuition block. Once implemented, it will accommodate a
minimum of 400 students and a minimum school population of 720. This request focuses on our
dream and commitment to share and provide Education for Sustainable Development to the
Kawangware Community in tandem with attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals and
County and National Development Goals of Kenya’s Vision 2030.

Accessing Success 3
3.0 Project Description, Goals and Underlying Objectives
Description: The proposed two storey tuition block will comprise 8 classrooms and a science
laboratory. It will have a capacity of holding a minimum of 400 students per sitting which will nearly
double the number of students enrolled at St. Anthony High School. The first phase of ground
breaking will commence once funding has been secured.
Specific Goal: The specific goal of the project is to support Kawangware Community in increasing
the uptake of adolescents getting placements into secondary schools through construction of the
proposed two storey tuition block. We aim to increase the school population by an additional 400
vulnerable Kawangware Community adolescents in secondary education coming from the lowest
income segment per year after implementation.
Underlying Objectives: We are committed and focused to making St. Anthony High School a
Centre of Excellence within Dagoretti Constituency and beyond in the provision of Education for
Sustainable Development. Our underlying objectives to our focus for excellence are:
 An increased student enrolment
 Service delivery within a conducive learning environment
 Establishment of a modern science laboratory
 Improvement of academic standards

4.0 Project Details

We plan to accommodate fifty students in each classroom of 1200 square foot area and retain the
Pupil to Teacher Ratio, (PTR) at below 25. St. Anthony High School, the Kawangware Community,
Parents and the Board of Governors will together contribute a quarter, (1/4) of the total project cost
indicated within the budget attached. The school’s administration has an architectural plan for the
tuition block hereby attached to this request for funding.
The school has an infrastructure committee that consists members of the Board of Governors and
teaching staff. This committee will monitor the implementation of the project on behalf of the Board
of Governors. The School’s Principal will play a key role in overseeing day to day operations of the

Accessing Success 4
project. The County and National Government Ministries of Public Works will provide Technical
Expertise. There shall be a project manager whose duty will be to ensure efficiencies are achieved,
overall supervision and completion of the project.

4.1 Illustration of the Project’s Specific Goal

Desired Result Key Strategic Activities Indicators Performance
Enhancement of  Consultations with  Minutes of  Commitment to
secondary school the school meetings held by increased number of
adolescents infrastructure infrastructure adolescents uptake
intake in St. committee committee through interviews and
Anthony High  Consultations with  Number of site merit from low income
School Government site visits made by families in Kawangware
engineer Government site community
 Appointment of engineers  Establishment and
project manager  Terms of reference furnishing of school
 Institution of the for the project laboratory
tendering and bidding manager  Better infrastructural
process for the  Tender documents education facilities and a
constructor for the conducive learning
 Construction of the construction award environment for
two storey tuition  Completed tuition students
block block  An improvement of
 Student attendance student academic
registers performance standards
 Serve as an incentive to
build up good moral
character to students and
the Community

Accessing Success 5
4.2 Timelines of Key Implementation Activities after Sanctioning
Key Strategic Activity Timeline Summary Activities
Construction of the 1st Month  Formation of Project Implementation Committee
two storey tuition  Briefing Meeting to PTA and Community on objective
block  Seeking construction approval from County Authorities
 Consultations with Government site engineers
 Appointment of project manager
 Tendering and bidding for construction

2nd Month  Selection of Contractor for construction work

 Ground breaking ceremony and excavation
 Purchase of building materials
 Laying of the foundation

3rd to 5th  Ground floor to 1st floor slab

Month  1st floor to 2nd floor slab
 2nd floor slab to roofing completion

6th Month  Windows and doors installation

 Floor and walls finishing
 Electrical installation

7th Month  Notification for admission of new students

 Beginning of classes in the new school tuition block
 Project report on outcomes, successes and lessons learnt

5.0 Key Elements towards achieving the Project Goal

Construction of the Tuition Focused on increasing the number of students within the school
Block and impacting on adolescents learning, community social
advancement and Sustainable Development Goals
Dosage of secondary school The project will serve as a catalyst in exposure to Education for
education to the community Sustainable Development to the community. The school is
committed on absolute quality services
We live in a Social Ecological Secondary education is aimed at influencing more than one level
Model of the social ecological model:

 Student: Education aimed at changing or influencing attitudes

and adolescent beliefs

Accessing Success 6
 Relationship: School activities aimed at influencing how
adolescents and teenagers relate with their peers and families.
The school encourages the students through peer education,
engaging influencers such as older youth, sports legends,
corporate executives, media personalities, mentors, teachers,
and parents to support them in building healthy relationships
and skills
 Community: We engage with parents, village elders and the
Local County Administration in mitigating adolescent vices
and assist in formulating early warning signs
 Society: We take pleasure at influencing larger macro-level
factors such as gender equality, poverty reduction, climate
change, biodiversity and sustainable consumption

Appropriateness The project is primarily targeted and tailored to the intellectual,

cognitive, and social development level of secondary students
Socio Culturally Relevant The project is relevant to teenagers and the local community
norms, cultural beliefs and practices
Immediate Stakeholders Direct:

 High school students aged 13 to 19 years


 Parents and guardians

 School staff
 Community members

Outcome Evaluation The school will generate the project evaluation report giving
details of results, outputs and intermediate outcomes together
with successes and lessons learnt

Accessing Success 7
6.0 Project Beneficiaries and Overview of Investment Area of Priority
Priority area of focus for the project is based on levels and numbers of teenage illiteracy within
Kawangware Community. For this reason, the focus population and primary investment is targeted
towards adolescents and youths aged between 13 to 19 years with specific focus placed on vulnerable
teenage youths from low income families and from diverse community backgrounds residing in
Kawangware. The school has experience of student cases ranging from victims of rape, runaways,
homeless teenagers and those in foster care, teen parents, teens exposed to domestically violent
homes, teenagers who have been pimped or who have traded sex for food and a place to sleep and
teenagers involved in gangs or at risk of gang involvement.
Developmentally, Lower classes, middle classes and secondary school are critical periods for
adolescents in terms of their social and emotional learning; it is the opportune time to learn and a
stage in life when they are still connected to future opportunities and virtues. We believe that acting
early to safeguard their education and triggering their dreams will go a long way towards achieving
regional and sustainable development goals.
The construction of the tuition block will directly benefit the Community and the society beyond

 Increased pupils placement in secondary school for a chance of obtain secondary education
for their academic and social advancement and that of the Nation
 Creation of jobs in teaching and non - teaching staff; The construction itself will be a boost to
the local economy providing employment to many youth and distract them from crime and
other antisocial behaviors
 The increase in student population will create demand for a greater variety of school supplies
all benefiting the community and beyond
 Greater educational access to the local community will translate into a more skilled workforce
that is a necessary catalyst for social advancement

Accessing Success 8
7.0 Our Commitment to a Culturally Responsive Education Service
We have vested principles that reflect our commitment in undertaking culturally responsive services
to create positive outcomes for our students. We demonstrate capacity to institute these principles
through routine tasks toward student centered services that are culturally:
Competent: We demonstrate this through a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that
come together in our teaching profession enabling us to work effectively in cross cultural situations.
We have the ability to honor, understand, and respect beliefs, lifestyles, attitudes, and behaviors
demonstrated by diverse groups of guardians and students, and to diligently act on that
understanding. We have functioned effectively in the midst of cultural differences. We are armed
with knowledge of cultural differences, are aware of individual cultural values, and ability to
consistently function with members of other cultural groups
Responsive: To cultural needs of diverse student population; we have the capacity to effectively serve
and engage students of diverse backgrounds. St. Anthony High School commits to practicing cultural
responsiveness throughout all structural levels including policy, governance, staffing, and service
model and delivery. We make every effort to recruit and retain a work force (paid and voluntary)
and decision making bodies that are reflective of the target student population
Relevant: We accommodate and address the cultural needs of diverse student populations whose
models of engagement or cultural standards differ from mainstream practices. We are staffed with
teachers who have the cultural capacity to create authentic and effective relationships and provide
congruent services for students from specific cultural groups and communities. Our commitment
and experience also reflects effective, mutually beneficial relationships with other organizations, (the
County Local Administration, Civil Society Organizations and Community networks) that are
reflective of the Community we serve
Accessible: Through location and delivery style; we have the capacity to overcome mainstream
barriers and provide effective teaching services that enable students to easily access a chance to
secondary education

Accessing Success 9
8.0 Project Risks and Constraints
The following issues may pose challenges to the construction:

 Delays in construction approval from the County or National Government. Approval has been
previously granted for other school buildings and we anticipate approval before the second
month after sanctioning of project
 Buy in of the project from village leaders: Given our experience with the community, we are
confident that this will not pose a challenge
 Class disruptions during construction: We anticipate to begin construction after securing the
necessary resources. Our counter measure is to put up semi-permanent classes away from the
construction site

9.0 Project Impact Model

We designed the impact evaluation model below to assist in measuring the outcome of increased
Stage Impact Evaluation Evidence Sources
Inputs  Identified target education population  Needs assessment observations
based on locality needs assessment made
 Instituted education service that provides a  Construction ground for the
basic quality and comprehensive secondary tuition block provided
education to the community  PTA and Community meeting
 Provision of construction ground for the minutes to inform on project
tuition block and identification of funding objective
partners  Potential donors identified
 Raised awareness of project objective to and donor contract signed
PTA and Community  Information on project
 Agreed processes, protocols and timelines provided to County and
for construction National Government
 Identified key players – Government site
engineers, project manager and constructor
Outputs  Partners in funding identified and on board  Consultations with school
 Construction location and funding secured infrastructural committee
 Publication of the project to all stakeholders through meeting minutes

Accessing Success 10
 Architectural plans designed  Funding contract agreement
 Tendering process undertaken and signed
constructor identified  Project manager and
 Inception of ground breaking and start of contractor engaged
tuition block construction  Minutes from project meetings
 Project contract tracking form

Intermediate  Supervision of tuition block construction  Monitoring to ensure project

Outcomes  Completion of tuition block construction success
 Increased uptake of pupils placement in the  Documentation on contract
School stages and costs of
 An increased Community confidence with construction
the School  Funding utilized to final
construction success through
 Publication of initial tuition
block opening
 Numbers of new student
uptake registered and
continuous attendance register
 Feedback from PTA and
Community leaders

Final  Increased long term student placement in  Class continuous registers

Outcomes the School  Laboratory class timetables
 Operational School Laboratory  Survey of parents, leaders and
 A more conducive learning environment for student attitudes to measure
the students attainment of project success
 Raised aspirations for students and families  School academic performance
within Community reports
 Increased academic performance and  Advocacy for replication of the
standards project to nearby Schools
 Increased positive attitudes and reduced  General Community feedback
cases of vices and risky behavior in locality and perceptions
 National education statistical
 Final Project Report

Accessing Success 11
10.0 Monitoring and Evaluation
The project manager will supervise the construction while the School’s infrastructural committee
will monitor its progress. The committee will assess the progress of the project through periodic
review meetings with the project manager and contractor. The Committee will conduct periodic
evaluation of the various parameters embedded within the Tender Contractual Agreement and Bill
of Quantities in assessing the progress in qualitative and quantitative terms. The committee will
provide monthly progress reports regarding construction to the School’s Board of Governors.
Internally, the Board of Governors will assess the project impact after completion of the New Tuition
block in terms of increase in pupil’s enrollment, performance of the new Science Laboratory, change
in the learning environment, status of academic performance and general improvement in the
infrastructure status of the schools. Externally, it will provide an evaluation of the project impact
within the immediate locality that will be used to gauge the success of future projects. It will give its
findings in the final report not later than 6 months after completion of the project.

11.0 Sustainability
St. Anthony High School charges school fees between the ranges of Kshs 4,000.00 to Kshs 9,000.00
per academic term. School fees collected from the additional number of pupils will not only cater
for the maintenance costs of the new tuition block but also for additional educational supplies and
payroll of the new teaching and non-teaching staff to be employed going forward.

Accessing Success 12

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