Related Literature Assign#6

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RSH632- Assignment no.

Name: Beny B. Sahagun Jr. Date: June 6, 2021
Subject Specialist: Dr. Melito A. Baccay MSCM – 2A

Proposed Research: Opportunities and Challenges of Modular Construction in High Rise Buildings
in Metro Manila
Originality/Novelty of your
Author of Paper to Title of Paper/ Journal Major Findings/Conclusion or
No. Methodology used in Study Cited Proposed Study (similarity or
be Cited /Publication to be Cited Recommendation of the Paper you Cited

In comparison with traditional construction, modular

construction will offer a better quality finished product, Though both study aims to increase
significant savings in construction, improved health awareness on modular construction, This
The research adopted a mixed method
and safety and increased end-user satisfaction. The paper focuses on housing market in UK
approach which is predominantly
projects reviewed have shown excellent market and comparing the convention
Bert Ediale Young & Modular Construction Qualitative. Investigation was carried out
achievement. The authors have hence construction method to the modular one.
1 Rafiu Dimeji Seidu Innovation in the UK: The Case through using 3 case studies, within which
concluded,modular techniques will be the future home While my proposed study is to focus on
(2020) of Residential Buildings a combination interviews, questionnaires,
construction trend. To achieve this, increased opportunities that the Philippines
site observation and document review were
awareness and training opportunities in modular particularly in metro manila can take
used for data collection.
techniques are necessary to enlighten traditional advantage of the modular construction in
builders about the potential benefits of modular high-rise buildings

The study showed that China had the fastest This paper compared to my proposed
construction rate by manufacturing steel modules off- study uses case studies to compare the
Five case studies have been reviewed to
site. This was presumably due to the significant use of advancement of modular construction in
further highlight some of the analysis and
Advanced Modular Technology (AMT). Such new several countries and recommends
Case Studies in Modular discoveries related to modular
Koorosh Gharehbaghi technique can potentially be the next era of technology such as AMT in China to be
2 et. al. (2020)
Prefabrication: Comparative prefabrication. The data was sourced from
prefabrication construction in high-rise construction. adopted elsewhere. On the other hand,
Analysis and Discoveries available publications and then compared
Particularly, the corporations which are either my proposed study will just be limited to
and analysed. The overall finding was then
exploring or are using modular prefabrication should whats currently available in Philippines
evaluated and presented.
utilise AMT to enhance the design technique and for the opportunities in modular
assembly of prefabricated units construction

This paper then recommended strategies to maximize The study only focuses on building
performance of building enclosure design for modular enclosure design in modular construction
projects such as Weatherproof factory, Cosidering for wood-framed residential buildings to
usage of integrated designg process, use of non-paper inform building enclosure designers
The paper used detail lessons learned
faced gypsum to reduce risk of mold, measureing and about the considerations and challenges.
Tammy J. Harrel et. Building Enclosure Design for through design and construction of two
3 al. (2016) Modular Construction recently completed modular construction
review of module deficiencies prior to to placement for On my proposed study, I aim to inform
easier repair, inclusion of contingency for crew on-site other professionals and stakeholders on
to repare factory deficiencies, providing repetitive the benefits of modular construction on
simple design if applicable, allow training for high-rise buildings particularly during
numerous mock-ups in factory, develop a field QAQC this pandemic as an effective alternative
plan that include field review to prevent delays.

The study has highlighted the features and benefits of Both this paper and my proposed study
This study investigate the definition, modular construction and building in Malaysia where it aim for the adoption of modular
Towards the Adoption of
history, benefits, application and is still at the initial stage of adopting modular construction. The main difference is the
Modular Construction and
Muhamad Faiz Musa characteristics of modular construction and construction. Most of the modular building in Malaysia focus location while this paper focus on
4 et. al. (2016)
Prefabrication in the
the adoption of modular construction in the uses refurbished shipping containers as material for the the construction industry in Malaysia, my
Construction Environment: A
Malaysian construction industry through a modular buildings. the study is expected to provide proposed study will be in the Metro
Case Study in Malaysia
case study. guideline to improve malaysian construction industry Manila Area where there is a difference
in modular construction political environment and support

In this paper, several problems in modular construction

of high-rise buildings were addressed such as:
-Weight of a module constrained by the transportation
and lifting crane capacities: Lightweight
This paper and my proposed study, aims
concrete is introduced together with structural steel
tackles modular construction on high-rise
section to form lightweight steel concrete composite
buildings. However, This paper focuses
The study focused addressing known system to reduce the weight of the module without
Steel Concrete Composite on addressing what the author viewed as
problems in modular construction of high- compromising the strength and stiffness.
Systems for Modular challenges in modular construction in
5 J.Y.R. Liew et. al.
Construction of High-Rise
rise buildings in singapore and Introduced -Slow site assembly of modular units: Special joints are
high-rise buildings in singapore including
new concepts and ideas to solved such developed to resist the forces due to gravity and
Buildings Weight of module, Slow site assembly
problems horizontal loads. Fast and easy joining techniques with
and implementing automation to speed
acceptable tolerance control are essential to ensure the
up manufacturing modular units in
structural integrity and stability of the building.
-Finally, the innovation for productivity can be
maximized by implementing automation technologies
in the manufacturing and construction of the modular
This paper manifested that “Lack of coordination and
To reveal factors hindering the
communication among stakeholders”, “Higher cost”, The difference of this paper to my
development of high-rise modular
“Lack of government support”, “Lack of experience proposed study is my proposal aims to
buildings, a comprehensive literature
and expertise”, “Lack of building codes and focus on both opportunities and challenge
Constraints Hindering the review, coupled with a focus group study,
standards”, “Poor supply chain integration”, and in modular construction for high-rise
6 Yanhui Sun et. al Development of High-Rise were conducted. A questionnaire survey
“Complexity of connection” are the top barriers building while this paper focused on
Modular Buildings inquiring about all stakeholders was
curbing the uptake of modular buildings. The findings determing the barriers hindering the
implemented to quantify constraints. The
should provide a valuable reference for stakeholders development of modular construction by
results were further examined according to
adopting modular buildings, whilst mitigating risks means of focus group study
a real-life case study
amid modular construction.

For the modular walls tested, it was found that the

plasterboard and external sheathing boards effectively
This paper reviews recent modular
prevent minor axis buckling of the C sections, so that
technologies, and also presents load tests
failure occurred either by major axis buckling or local
and the analysis of light steel modular While this paper is also modular
Modular design for high-rise crushing of the section. Corner posts provide enhanced
7 R.M. Lawson et. al.
walls in compression. A design method for
compression resistance but their buckling resistance is
construction, this paper only focuses on
high-rise modular applications is presented its design for high-rise buildings
dependent on the sway stiffness of the wall panel. It is
taking account of second order effects and
also shown that the notional horizontal force approach
installation tolerances.
for steel structures presented in BS 5950-1 should be
increased for modular construction.

Relevant documents of different types were

collected from the existing literature. The
content of the collected documents was
analyzed with regard to title of the journal,
nature of the study, year of research, need
for modular construction, identification of The major advantages of modular construction
This research is only a comparative study
factors contributing to the project technique includes project schedules, project costs,
of modular construction and its
success/failure, and data collection safety of the laborers, project quality and productivity,
advantages compared to conventional
Modular Construction vs. practices. The advantages associated with and environmental. The major limitations included
construction methodin general, while my
Karthik Subramnya et. Traditional Construction: the implementation of the modular method project planning, transportation, public and expert
8 al. Advantages and limitations: A of construction were identified and acceptance, establishment cost and cost due to
proposed study aims to focus only on
modular construction specifically for
comparative Study classified into categories of project complexity, and coordination.
high-rise buildings in metro manila to
schedule, project cost, labor safety, project The results revealed that although modular construction
introduced it as viable alternative
quality and productivity, and has more advantages than limitations, further research
particularly during this pandemic
environmental. The limitations of is needed to mitigate or eliminate the challenges.
modularization in construction were
identified and classified into categories of
project planning, transportation, public and
expert acceptance, establishment cost and
cost due to complexity, and coordination.

Natural fibre material has quite a good performance in While we both aim to tackled modular
the development of materials for housing low income construction. This paper is another study
Method used is descriptive review of the
communities. Because the material is easy to find, then on improving modular construction in
concept based on references and material
The concept of sustainable prefab this would be very appropriate material for housing in housing projects using material called
test which consists of density, water
9 E. Setyowati et. al. modular housing made of natural
absorption, modulus of rupture (MOR),
Indonesia. NFRP material from water hyacinth and Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer
fiber reinforced polymer (NFRP) coconut fibers proved to have a good acoustic power, (NFRP). My proposed study focused on
tensile strength, absorption coefficient and
so it can be used for housing in the area is prone to high-rise buildings only and will not
Sound Transmission Loss (STL).
noise. The power supple and its elasticity can withstand introduce new materials for the
vibrations or earthquakes in areas prone to disasters. construction

The creation of prefabricated components is essentially

Based on the research on the design, the process of information creation, and the creation of
This study only focuses on the integration
production, construction and operation of information needs to consider the requirements of the
Research on the Application of of BIM technology in fabrication of
prefabricated components, the functional information depth level. On the basis of BIM
Feature Modeling of building components while my proposal
10 Yi ping Wang et. al.
Prefabricated Building
requirements of parametric modeling and technology, this paper puts forward the realization
will tackled on the general benefits and
production management systems are method of precast component parametric modeling
Components Based on BIM challenges in modular construction here
analyzed, and the modular concept is system and production management system, mainly
in Metro Manila
applied. focusing on the two parts of precast component
parametric modeling and production management.

This study shows that a combination of co-living

This research used a finished project
lifestyle and the application of MiC is a way forward
Social Cohesive Approach to through modular construction in a high-
In this paper, a project that use a MiC to achieve high-density community living, as it
Ying Sheng Zheng et. High-density Communities: Co- density area in Hong-kong much like
11 al. living and Modular Integrated
(Modular Integrated Construction) method achieves a good balance among fast construction
Metro Manila as a response for
was used as a subject for a case study process, modularised but convertible design, improved
Construction as a Way Forward increasing housing demand stressing its
living and environmental conditions and activated
social connections
The results showed that the combinatorial concept for
A collection of data is obtained through modular design has a potential to widened the This paper introduced a concept of
literature review in the aspects of IBS and opportunity for affordable housing in Malaysia as it combinatorial in modular construction
Modular Construction System
MCS development to achieve innovation in offers alternatives design layout, cost effective and system in malaysia. While my proposed
(MCS) in Malaysia: Mass
12 S. Aziz et. al.
Customization Through
green construction and the implementation time saving compared to the conventional system. study will not introduce any development
of combinatorial geometry. The data is Moreover, the product of MCS is highly reliable in for modular construction in the
supported using case studies and quality as the manufacturing process is under a philippines but only its use in high-rise
questionnaires. controlled environment involving tools and buildings

This paper cites advantages of modular

The research first screens and determines
construction and see it as sustainable
the critical sustainability characterization Results show that items “environmental protection”
alternative to conventional construction
Importance-Performance items of prefabricated buildings through and “construction civilization” are of high importance
method seeing as it reduces
Analysis of Prefabricated literature analysis and expert interviews. and perform well. “Construction cost” and “product
13 Linlin Xie et. al.
Building Sustainability: A Case Then, IPA (Importance-Performance quality” are considered high-importance items with
environmental wastes in Guangzhou,
China. My proposed study on the other
Study of Guangzhou Analysis) is used to analyze the correlation relatively poor performance; that is, these areas require
hand will not be able to discuss the
between importance and performance of urgent improvement actions.
sustainability of modular construction
prefabricated buildings in Guangzhou.
here in Metro Manila

Construction industry chain is in line with our

development principle of building a low-carbon energy
system and taking a sustainable development path.
However, relying on the development of prefabricated
construction industry, it is urgent to cultivate talents
that adapt to the development of enterprises, market
Application Research on The technical system, design concept, and future industries. Higher vocational colleges serve This research implies the need to train
Prefabricated Construction industrial development and talent demand as the main base for transferring talents, they should people on the modular construction
14 Tao Zhong et. al. Promoting Modernization of prefabricated construction are respond to the national and local policies, and combine method to promote modernization and
Development of Construction systematically studied, and coping with their own actual situation and enterprise sustainable development path for the
Industry strategies to solve problems are explored development, establish a complete training mechanism prefabricated construction industry.
for prefabricated construction personnel from three
aspects, respectively, strengthening the faculty, school-
enterprise cooperation and establishing training base.
Only in this way can they take the initiative to transport
high-quality skilled talents for the prefabricated
construction industry.

The use of offsite construction for the emergency

delivery of temporary and modular hospital is viable
This paper as well as my proposed study
for the post-pandemic recovery of materials. The
both aims to discuss one of the benefit of
proposed emergency offsite solutions, as well as the
This study evaluates the (Isolation Space modular construction which is its
suggested materials, are easily recoverable and restored
Offsite Construction for Creation) ISC measures and proposes advantage in building at a faster pace
to previous use. For example, the conversion of
Abdul-Quayyum et. Emergencies: A focus on Isolation offsite and modular solutions for the compared to conventional construction
15 al. Space Creation (ISC) measures construction industry and
caravans to mobile hospitals can facilitate the easy
process citing the construction of
restoration to previous use after rigorous post-
for the COVID-19 pandemic built environment to respond to emergency delivery of temporary
pandemic disinfection. Materials can also be
emergencies modular hospital as an example which I
recovered, reduced, reused or recycled for other
believe can also be applied to High-rise
purposes in the construction industry with the
consideration of crucial circular economy principles to
eliminate wastes.

This paper presents a critical review of Modular construction has demonstrated significant This paper the same with my proposed
recent innovations in modular construction benefits in terms of saving construction time, reducing study aims to review the benefits of the
technology for high-rise buildings with an cost and more importantly alleviating environmental modular construction for high-rise
A Review of Modular
emphasis on structural systems, joining impacts when compared with traditional onsite buildings . However, my proposed study
16 Dr. Huu-Tai, PhD Construction For High-Rise
techniques, progressive collapse and construction. The modular method possesses several plans to also discuss the challenges the
structural robustness. The developments of advantages which are well suited for high-rise contractors might face in Metro Manila in
design codes for modular construction are buildings and can thereby shape the future of the integrating the modular construction
also discussed construction industry. method for high rise buildings

Modular construction is beyond the limits of low-rise

construction and is extensively introduced into multi-
The paper describes the prospects and
storey and high-rise construction. In this direction
relevance of introducing modular This paper as well as my proposed study
Elena M. Generalova Modular buildings in modern energy saving construction technology is used. Material
17 et. al. construction
prefabricated units not only
resources, eco friendly production and the latest
aims to introduce modular construction
into low-rise but into multi-storey and high- on high-rise buildings
engineering equipment and materials are developed. It
rise construction as well.
allows modernizing modular systems and introducing
them in construction on a larger scale.
Compared to the materials used for conventional
construction projects, modular products generally are
Using the model outlined in this paper the
large in size. As a result, manufacturing factories and
authors seek to determine how factory
construction sites typically do not have much space to
manufacturing and inventory
store them. This issue is exacerbated when construction This paper focuses on logistics planning
management should react to variations in
sites are located in densely populated areas. To solve for modular building components using
Optimal logistics planning for the demand on construction sites. A two-
this issue, this study adds a warehouse into the logistic programming while my proposal will
18 Pei-Yuan Hsu et. al. modular construction using two- stage stochastic
system. Ideally, modular products are immediately tackled on the general benefits and
stage stochastic programming programming model is developed to
transported from the factory to the warehouse once challenges in modular construction here
capture all possible demand variations on
completed, and they are sent to the construction site in Metro Manila
site. The model is evaluated using
daily in response to the demand.
a case study from the residential
Here, the warehouse serves as a buffer; its purpose is to
construction sector
decouple the manufacturing facility from the
construction site.

Modular composite building in This paper as well as my proposed study

urgent emergency engineering This article took the construction of Using BIM technology to assist in the whole process of both aims to discuss one of the benefit of
projects: A case study of Leishenshan Hospital as an example to design and construction, presimulating the design plan modular construction which is its
accelerated design and illustrate how to adopt BIM technology and and construction plan, and using structural assembly advantage in building at a faster pace
19 Ling-Kun Chen et. al. Mountain/Leishenshan hospital other high-tech technology for the fast modular construction technology, large-scale compared to conventional construction
to COVID-19 pandemic construction of the fabricated steel construction process citing the construction of
construction of Wuhan Thunder structure systems in emergency engineering can be successfully completed in a relatively short Mountain/Leishenshan hospital as an
God Mountain/Leishenshan projects. period of time. example which I believe can also be
hospital to COVID-19 pandemic applied to High-rise buildings

Prefabricating building components off-site always

provide for more controlled conditions which
This paper focused on the potential of
invariably improve the quality and precision in these
modular construction as a safer and more
components. Off-site construction is the future for an
efficient construction method which is
This paper use case study samples and ultra-efficient way of building structures and it is
Off-site Modular Construction as the same with my propsoed study in
discuss the different aspects of the modular important that all professionals and stakeholders in the
20 Chrislyn O. Ogege a Method of Improving
construction including its history, building and construction sector be sensitized as often
discussing and proving its benefits.
Construction Quality and Safety However, the difference is that this
classification and attributes as possible about the potentials in the use of Modular
research only focuses on the advantages
Off-site Construction method.
of the modular construction and leaving
Standardization of a country’s building/construction
the challenges or risks that it may bring
industry can be improved through the adoption and use
of Off-site Modular Construction.

This paper shows that modular construction can be

While this paper tackles also tackles the
used for residential buildings up to 25 stories high,
application of Modular Construction in
provided the stability is achieved by a concrete or steel
high-rise building, it focuses on the
A review of modular technologies is framed core. The structural design of the modules is
structural integrity of high-rise(up to
presented, which shows how the basic strongly influenced by installation and manufacturing
Application of Modular 25floors) buildings built using modular
R. Mark Lawson et. cellular approach in modular construction tolerances and tying action between the modules. In
21 al.
Construction in High-Rise
may be applied to a wide range of building terms of layout of the modules, three modules
construction in only without considering
Buildings other external factors, my proposed
forms efficiently form a twobedroom apartment. Modules in
research wants to discuss the opportunity
and heights tall buildings can be clustered
and challenges in applying modular
around a core, or alternatively, they can be connected
construction in high-rise buildings in
to a braced corridor, which transfers wind-loading to
Metro Manila only
the core

In this paper, the authors propose a new product

development process called the F-HOQ. The F-HOQ
provides a tool for designers to reflect customers' needs
in the development of products systematically. By
This research again introduced a new
applying the proposed F-HOQ process to the
method on developing modular building
Development of an Exportable The study integrated a Quality function development of an exportable modular building
system compared to the traditional
Modular Building System by deployment to TRIZ method for system, the volume of modules for delivery and weight
22 Seri Oh et. al.
Integrating Quality Function development of exportable modular of frames per unit area were significantly reduced as
materials being used. while my proposal
will tackle only the general benefits and
Deployment and TRIZ Method building system compared to the existing system.The results of a case
challenges in modular construction here
study show that by applying the new method, the
in Metro Manila
volume of an exportable modular building system
compatible with ISO container shipping was reduced
by 48% and the weight of structural steel was reduced
by 30%.

The study evaluated accident cases related The analyzed results were compared with accidents in
to modular construction that general constructions to identify the characteristics of
Citing another benefit of modular
occurred in the United States from 2000 to safety accidents in modular constructions. There are
Analysis of safety risk factors of construction, this paper focus on safety
2018 and analyzed safety risk factors, such notable findings based on the analyzed results. In the
23 Gilsu Jeong et. al. modular construction to identify
as the types and causes of accidents in entire process of modular construction, falls accounted
risk factors in modular construction
accident trends compared to conventional construction
these cases. In the process of analysis, the for 35%, struck-by falling objects accounted for 25%,
method only.
causal map was developed and it was used crushes/crashes accounted for 22%, caught-in account
to identify the causes of accidents for 7%, and others accounted for 10% of the accidents.
Prefabricated modular box and container (box)
buildings have shown their advantages of high This paper as well as my proposed study
efficiency and safety both aims to discuss one of the benefit of
Application of prefabricated in many emergency projects at home and abroad, such modular construction which is its
A case study of pre-fabricated building
building in emergency rescue as military mobile command center, field operation advantage in building at a faster pace
construction during pandemic using Wuhan
24 Cong Peng project construction —— Taking
Huoshenshan hospital project as an
room, construction site mobile office, etc. On the one compared to conventional construction
Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital hand, it has the characteristics of high turnover and process citing the construction of Wuhan
Project as an example easy construction, on the other hand, it is easy to huoshenshan hospital as an example
transform and reuse, which provides a way of thinking which I believe can also be applied to
for low-carbon and sustainable development of High-rise buildings

While this paper and my proposed

Due to technology advancement, MiC projects may
research both aim to tackle the challenges
Multi-storey Modular Cold- The author use several types of Cold promote manufacturing technique in construction.
and opportunities in modular
Formed Steel Building in Hong formed steel Module that is used in There are some benefits in term of time, cost, and
25 Andy Prabowo Pho
Kong: Challenges & modular construction in hongkong while sustainability can be gained with modular building. In
construction, this paper only focuses on
cold-formed steel Building in hongkong
Opportunities citing its benefits and challenges terms of structural design, further studies are necessary
while I intend to focus on high-rise
especially for the feasibility in highrise buildings.
buildings in Metro Manila, Philippines

Proposed Research: Opportunities and Challenges of Modular Construction in High Rise Buildings
in Metro Manila


Unsatisfied Workers At Risk


Not Fully utilized

Higher project cost Time extension
Labor force and
due to logistics Claims

Scheduling Delays and Inefficiencies in

Construction of high-rise building

Insufficient Staging Imposed restrictions (in this

Lack of Space For
Area for materials and every personel to
case, due to pandemic)
Equipment effectively work on
their scope

Unsafe practices that Inefficient

may cause harm to construction
workers management

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