Module Overview:
Vital to the conduct of a quantitative research project is a deep understanding of its characteristics. When you
know its strengths and different classifications, you will be able to identify what kind of questions you should ask
and what approach is most suited to find answers to these questions. The identification of its weaknesses on the other
hand, aids in recognizing the questions or topics that are inappropriate to this course. At the end of this lesson, you will
have a good grasp of what is quantitative research that will prepare you in crafting a good research study and instrumental
to building lifelong skills.
Instructional Materials:
1. Sibs Publishing House, Practical Research 2 by Ador R. Torneo , pages 2-22
Before going further, let’s find out how much you already know about this module by answering the short test
below. Remember of the items that you are not sure of the correct answer and look for the right answer as you go
through this module.
Directions: Read the following questions below and choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Write it on
the space provided before each item.
_______3. Which of the following research questions could be answered by using quantitative research methods?
A. What is the most popular social media platform used by Senior High School students?
B. How has the Covid-19 pandemic affect career choices among college students?
C. What are the factors affecting depressive behavior?
D. None of the above.
Directions: Group the following word clues if they are characteristics of Quantitative Research (Box A) or Qualitative
Research (Box B).
1. Measurable 6. Text-based 11. Subjective
2. Behaviour 7. Intervention 12. Small sample
3. Statistical 8. Experimental group 13. Tables and charts
4. Narrative 9. Unstructured observation 14. Deductive
5. Objective 10. Inductive 15. Generalizable
Let’s try to find out how many of your initial ideas are valid and correct by doing the next set of activities. As you
learn in the next section, go over your answers in the previous section and compare your initial ideas with your
learned concepts.
SECTION 1 Overview of Quantitative Research One of the most popular techniques for collecting
This section provides an overview of quantitative quantitative data are through the use of surveys.
research and covers ... Descriptive statistics and interpretative statistics on the
Definition and characteristics of quantitative other hand are commonly used for analyzing data.
research. Many of the numerical information that we
Types of quantitative research. encounter in our lives are actually products of
Features of quantitative research quantitative research. In politics, we learn about the
Strengths and weaknesses of quantitative relative standing of candidates for the presidency, vice
research presidency, and the senate during elections from the
surveys of private polling companies such as the Social
Quantitative research may be defined as the Weather Stations and Pulse Asia. As well, we learn
systematic empirical investigation of social phenomena about the state of the economy and indicators such as
using tools of mathematics and statistics. The term employment from the studies of the Philippine Statistical
"quantitative" emphasizes that this type of research Authority (PSA), a government agency. Similarly,
involves quantification or measurement and usually organizations like the United Nations use quantitative
involves numbers. The term empirical means that this research to monitor development and poverty across the
type of research is concerned with things or globe.
characteristics that are observable. The term "social Quantitative research has many applications. It is
phenomena" emphasizes that it is concerned with people, very useful when we want to measure or evaluate
their communities, their organizations, and even their something or when we are looking for numerical
behavior. Quantitative research was originally used in answers to complex questions. It is used for testing
the natural sciences but was later adopted in the social theories, models, or hypotheses. It is also useful when
sciences. we want to develop quantitative models that can be used
Quantitative research uses quantitative methods and to project or predict future events based on past events or
these terms are often used interchangeably. Quantitative scenarios. Quantitative research is widely used in
methods pertain to the various quantitative techniques education, economics, business, management, political
for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data.
science, sociology, psychology, public policy, and other communities, or phenomenon. It is useful in answering
disciplines. research questions that deal with measurements, like
FEATURES OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH those that start with "How many...?", "How much...?",
"How often ...?", "How long ...?" and similar questions.
Quantitative research is differentiated from The subjects it deals with are complex and require
qualitative research by: (1) the kinds of research systematic research and measurement to be answered. It
problems it addresses; (2) its philosophical is not applicable to questions dealing with subjects that
underpinnings; (3) its adoption of the scientific method; can easily be answered by a simple search, observation,
and (4) its deductive orientation. The logical steps for or computation.
doing a research project using a quantitative approach For example, a grade school principal is interested
differs from a qualitative approach. We will go through in understanding the study habits of students in the
these features of quantitative research briefly. different grade levels and sections within the school. She
might ask the homeroom teachers to survey the parents
Measurement and quantitative research of their pupils on how the pupils spend their time in a
The quantitative research approach is best for typical week. Based on the answers, the principal can
addressing research problems or questions that require learn about the average time that students in each section
quantification or measurement. It is most suitable for and each grade level spends on homework, projects,
investigating human, social, behavioral, or reviewing for classes, watching TV, playing computer
organizational aspects or characteristics that can be games, surfing the internet, and other activities. She can
measured. For example, you are interested in studying then prepare a report and present this information to the
demographic groups. Certain traits can be empirically parents and teachers in her school, then make
observed, measured, and represented using a number--a recommendations based on her findings.
group of 18 year olds; pupils in Grade 11; self-employed
people who earn PHP 20,000/month. Correlational Research
However, not all aspects or characteristics of people Correlational research studies the relationship
can be easily quantified. For example, a person's between two or more characteristics of one or more
experiences, dreams, insights, feelings, or thoughts groups. It can verify or disprove a systematic
cannot easily be measured. Nevertheless, personal and relationship between two characteristics or variables. A
social phenomena are still legitimate topics for research, positive relationship means that high values of one
but these are better investigated and analyzed using variable correspond with high values of the other a
qualitative research approaches. negative relationship means that high values of one
variable correspond with low values in the other.
Empiricism and Positivism: The philosophies of For example, a grade school principal is interested to
quantitative research know whether the time spent by pupils playing computer
Most quantitative researchers subscribe to a games affects their grades. The principal can perform a
philosophy called positivism. In positivism, authoritative simple statistical test to determine whether there is a
knowledge is believed to come from empirical significant relationship between the number of hours
observation and the use of logic. The job of the spent by pupils playing computer games and the
quantitative researcher is to discover the patterns, quarterly grades of students in different subjects. A
frameworks, and laws that govern social phenomena positive relationship means that the more hours a pupil
through objective, careful, and systematic observation spends computer games, the higher their grades become.
and verification. Many quantitative researchers also Conversely, a negative relationship means that the more
believe in empiricism. What cannot be observed using hours a pupil spends playing computer games, the lower
the five senses cannot be reasonably studied. Thus, such their grades become.
researchers promote objective investigation as t provides
a common reference for evaluating data or evidence. Causal-comparative Research
Causal-comparative research compares one or more
TYPES OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH measurable characteristics of two or more groups to find
the similarities and the differences between them. The
Quantitative methods can be used for different types result of a comparison can be used to generate insights
of research including: causal research, relational about the characteristics of both groups. As well, it can
research, comparative research, and experimental be used to determine the possible underlying causes of
research. The type of inquiry and the methods used to these similarities or differences.
analyze data differentiates the varied types of research. For example, a principal might want to know why
Each is suitable for answering different types of students from two sections that have the same teachers at
questions and accomplishing different objectives. the same grade level in the same school perform
differently. One section is performing well, while the
Descriptive Research other is performing poorly. The teachers can collect
Descriptive research is generally concerned with information about their socioeconomic background, their
investigating, measuring, and describing one or more study habits, diet, and other activities. Once the data is
aspects or characteristics of one or more groups, collected, the information can be compared to see if
there are systematic differences between the two groups. methods are designed to minimize biases, influence, and
Once the differences between the two sections are subjective interpretations of the researchers. In
identified, they can proceed with investigating which comparison, qualitative research methods may embrace
differences explain the variance in academic subjectivity and accept the biases, worldviews and
performance. experiences of the researcher as an integral part of the
research process.
Experimental Research
Social science experimental researches attempt to On the other hand, quantitative research also has several
approximate methods used in the natural sciences in weaknesses and disadvantages.
social settings. Researcher’s conducting experimental
research actively manipulate conditions or inputs to 1. Some aspects of people, human behavior, and
observe outcomes. Experimental research, however, is interactions are often difficult or impossible to measure.
subject to more extensive ethical standards, especially Qualitative approaches help study these in greater detail.
when the experiment may cause physical, mental,
psychological, or environmental harm. 2. Emphasis on generalizability and trends hinders the
For example, a physical education teacher wants to deeper examination of nuanced factors that affect
know whether exercising in the morning three times a specific cases, especially those that deviate from the
week affects the length of sleep of pupils get at night. general trend.
The teacher invites 100 school pupils from the same
grade to participate 50 students exercise in the morning 3. Context and other information that provide a richer
for 45 minutes, three times a week. Another 50 students understanding of observed trends and patterns can get
do not exercise for one month. The pupils are asked to lost in the measurement and macro examination of data.
record how many hours they sleep per night. After one
month, the two groups switch. The first group will not 4. Errors in the measurement or modelling or the
exercise and the second group will do the same exercise. omission of data can easily lead to the misinterpretation
Using data from this experiment, the teacher can of results.
determine if morning exercise leads to longer sleep at
night. 5. Some tools utilized in this quantitative research (e.g.,
self-accomplished survey questionnaires) may yield
Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research limited or even inaccurate information due to human
nature. For instance, some respondents may fill up the
Both qualitative and quantitative research methods questionnaire with what they believe is socially
have their own distinct strengths, weaknesses, and desirable. Others may simply make errors in filling out
limitations. Which method is "better" is dependent on the questionnaire.
the nature of the inquiry, the resources, and the
preferences of the researcher. To aid you, below is a list of engagement in social media platforms of teens,
of the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative methods. percentage of consumers who prefer the
color blue for soap packaging, average daily Covid-19
patient recovery per region are just few
1. Quantitative methods offer breadth. With enough examples of research data expressed in numbers.
samples and data, it is easier to draw generalizable Some data on the other hand, are not
conclusions using quantitative research methods directly countable and thus require conversion from non-
compared to single-case or small population studies numerical information into numerical
using Qualitative research methods. information. For instance, determining which brand of
canned sardines is the best choice for
consumers in terms of taste cannot be expressed in
2. Studies using quantitative research approaches are
numbers unless we do a survey using a
generally easier to replicate compared to those that use rating scale. Several forms of rating scales are available,
qualitative research. Furthermore, the results also tend to e.g., the Likert scale that we can use
be somewhat more consistent when the same data and to quantify data. Usually, they come in a selection of
same methods are followed. numbers with a corresponding meaning
for each choice, for example: 1= tastes very good,
3. Communicating data, procedures, and results are 2 = satisfactory, or 3 = undesirable.
Numerical choices convert texts into numbers so the
easier because the statistical terminologies, analytical
researcher can perform mathematical
techniques, and procedures are generally consistent operations for faster, more accurate, and more objective
across disciplines. analysis.
Activity II
Yes or No
Direction: Write YES on the blank if the question requires for quantitative approach and NO if it does not.
__________1. Are high grades in Mathematics a good indicator for employment after graduation?
__________2. Will taking brain enhancers increase examination scores?
__________3. Are there changes in consumer behavior before and after online selling was popularized?
__________4. Do online learning materials enhance the computer skills of students?
__________5. Are there changes in the study habits of public school students before and after the Covid-19
__________6. What kind of pick-up lines are most appealing to both genders at the early adult stage?
__________7. Is there a difference in the academic performance of students using online, blended and modular
learning modalities?
__________8. Will student’s and parent’s attitudes towards distance learning change over time?
__________9. Which of the four SHS tracks (Academic, Tech-Voc, Sports, Arts & Design) is greatly affected
by the Covid-19 pandemic?
__________10. What are the factors affecting the delayed completion and submission of
assignments/tasks given to students using modular learning modality?
Processing Questions:
1. How do you develop a quantitative research question?
Closure/ Synthesis
You have gone through so many activities, read and learned concepts. It’s time to put your ideas into
writing. So, let us know what’s in your mind so far.
Putting it Together!
Directions: Complete the statement below.
Reflection Guide:
Directions: Reflect and connect the Bible verse below to the research methods. Apply the values in your life as a student.
Write your thoughts below the Bible verse.
Romans 12:2
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern
what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Directions: Study ten (10) different quantitative research titles and classify them as to which quantitative design
they belong.
Directions: Write your learning about the following:
1. What is quantitative research?
5. Describe each type of quantitative design and give one (1) example for each kind.
A. Descriptive design.
B. Correlational design.
D. Experimental design.
Congratulations! You have just learned so much about the introduction to Quantitative Research. I
hope the knowledge you have gained will remain and will be applied in real life situations and in the