Synthesis and Characterization of Cu ZRCL: A Thermochromic, Van Vleck Paramagnet
Synthesis and Characterization of Cu ZRCL: A Thermochromic, Van Vleck Paramagnet
Synthesis and Characterization of Cu ZRCL: A Thermochromic, Van Vleck Paramagnet
The solid state reaction of CuCl and ZrCl 4 yields the pale yellow crystalline solid of composition Cu 2 ZrCl 6 . This material crystallizes
in the trigonal space group P3¯m1 ([164) at room temperature with lattice constants a510.9092(4) and c56.1517, Z53. The structure is
shown to be related to ZrCl 3 , where every other Zr site has been replaced with Cu atoms that partially occupy the six tetrahedral
interstices surrounding the now vacant octahedral interstice. At room temperature, two copper atoms are disordered about three
crystallographically distinct sites. Two thermochromic transitions are observed for this material at 120 and 673 K, which appear to be
related to the movement of copper from the center of a tetrahedral interstice to a trigonal planar face. A second-order Jahn–Teller
distortion accounts for this structural variation. This along with the insertion of the empty Zr-4d orbitals into the already small copper (I)
based HOMO–LUMO gap afford significant mixing between ground and excited states resulting in notable van Vleck paramagnetism.
2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Metal halide compounds; Crystal structure; X-ray diffraction; Neutron diffraction; Magnetic measurements
0925-8388 / 02 / $ – see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0925-8388( 02 )00230-X
174 A.M. Dattelbaum et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 338 (2002) 173 – 184
ZrCl 4 (99.99%) was used as received from Aldrich. The was subsequently confirmed by the structural solution
CuCl was prepared from Cu metal and CuCl 2 (Aldrich) refined using the NRCVAX suite of programs [10]. All
according to literature methods and further purified by zirconium and chlorine atoms were located by direct
sublimation [8]. Powder X-ray diffraction measurements methods using the SIR92 program [11]. One copper site
were obtained using an Enraf-Nonius Guinier camera and (Cu(1)) was also observed in the initial direct methods
were indexed with respect to a silicon standard. Diffuse solution. Subsequent difference maps identified two addi-
reflectance spectra were taken using a Cary 3e UV–Vis tional sites that are partially occupied by copper atoms. All
spectrometer equipped with an integrating sphere and atoms were refined anisotropically. A full matrix least
measured with respect to a pressed polytetrafluoroethylene squares calculation using the 452 unique reflections (I.
powder standard. Reflectance spectra are plotted as the 2.5s (I)) gave a final refinement with R factors of R50.053
remission function F(R ` )5(12R ` )2 / 2R ` , based on the and R w 50.087.
Kubelka–Munk theory of diffuse reflectance [9]. Differen-
tial scanning calorimetry (DSC) data were collected on a
2.4. X-ray structure determination of Cu2 ZrCl6 at 157 K
Perkin-Elmer DSC 7 at a heat / cool rate of 108 / min.
Samples were placed into stainless steel, high-pressure
The crystal used for the room temperature data collec-
pans and hermetically sealed with gold foil caps. Magnetic
tion was removed from the capillary under a flow of argon,
susceptibility measurements were performed on a Quantum
covered in silicone grease, placed on the end of a glass
Design MPMS-5S SQUID magnetometer with a 5 T
fiber, and immediately transferred to the diffractometer
magnet in fused silica magnetic susceptibility containers
where it was cooled to 157 K under a stream of dry
and in DELRIN sample holders.
nitrogen. Data were then collected on an Enraf-Nonius
CAD4-Mach diffractometer with monochromated Mo(Ka)
2.2. Preparation of Cu2 ZrCl6 radiation. Lattice constants for the trigonal cell, a5
10.906(2) A,˚ c512.234(1) A, ˚ were determined from a
A sample of 0.200 g of ZrCl 4 (0.858 mmols) and 0.140 symmetry-constrained fit of 24 well-centered reflections
g of CuCl (1.72 mmols) was ground together in a mortar between 338,2u ,368 and their Friedel pairs. A unique
and pestle, then transferred into a fused silica tube (6 quadrant h, k, 6l, was collected with 2429 independent
mm3 8 cm I.D.). The reaction vessel was evacuated and reflections by v -scans for 08,2u ,608. These data were
sealed with a torch. The reaction was heated to 450 8C in a scaled to three intensity check reflections using a five-point
box furnace for 1 day, and then cooled at 1.0 8 / min to smoothing routine. An empirical absorption correction was
room temperature. A small temperature gradient in the applied using psi scan data. Systematic absences were
furnace caused the Cu 2 ZrCl 6 to crystallize on the cool end found to be consistent with the space group P3¯c1, which
of the tube. The bulk material was characterized by powder was subsequently confirmed by the structural solution
X-ray diffraction, DSC, magnetic susceptibility and diffuse refined using the NRCVAX suit of programs. In spite of
reflectance spectroscopy. the doubled c-axis and change of space group, refinement
of the low temperature data yielded essentially the same
structure solution as that found for the room temperature
2.3. X-ray structure determination of Cu2 ZrCl6 at 298 K
data, with a similar distribution of the disordered copper
atoms but a small variation in certain atom positions. All
A pale yellow single crystal (0.2430.2230.12 mm)
atoms were refined anisotropically. A full matrix least
covered in silicone grease was mounted in a Pyrex
squares calculation on 877 unique reflections [I . 1.5s (I)]
capillary and sealed under a N 2 atmosphere. Diffraction
gave a final refinement of R511.1 and R w 510.8.
data were collected on an Enraf-Nonius CAD4 diffrac-
tometer at 298 K using MoK a radiation ( l50.71073 A). ˚
Lattice constants for the trigonal cell, a510.9892(4) A, ˚ 2.5. Neutron powder diffraction
c56.1517(2) A, ˚ were determined from a symmetry con-
strained fit of 24 well centered reflections (338,2u ,358) Cu 2 ZrCl 6 (6.0 g, 0.014 mol) was sealed in a vanadium
and their Friedel pairs. A zero-layer Weissenberg photo- container of length 50 mm and diameter 6.0 mm (I.D.)
graph and axial photographs taken on the CAD-4 con- inside a dry, He-filled glove box. Data were collected at
firmed these lattice constants and gave no indication of any room temperature, and at 100 K using a closed-cycle He
superstructure. A hemisphere of data, 6h, k, 6l, with 2878 refrigerator for temperature control. Neutron powder dif-
independent reflections was then collected by the u / 2u fraction data were collected using the BT-1 32 detector
scan mode for 08,2u ,548. Data were scaled to the neutron powder diffractometer at the NIST Center for
intensity check reflections using a five-point smoothing Neutron Research reactor, NBSR. A Cu(311) mono-
curve fitting routine. An empirical absorption correction chromator with a 908 take-off angle, l 51.5402(2) A, ˚ and
was applied using psi scan data. Systematic absences were in-pile collimation of 15 min of arc were used. Data were
found to be consistent with the space group P3¯m1, which collected over the range of 3–1688 2u with a step size of
A.M. Dattelbaum et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 338 (2002) 173 – 184 175
Table 1
Crystallographic data for Cu 2 ZrCl 6 at 298 K and 157 K (single crystal X-ray), and 293 K (powder neutron)
Formula Cu 2 ZrCl 6
Formula weight (g / mol) 431.22
Crystal dimensions (mm) 0.2430.2230.12 Powder
Crystal system Trigonal
Temperature (K) 298 157 293
Space group (No.) P3¯ m1 (164) P3¯ c1 (165) P3¯ m1 (164)
a (A) 10.9892(4) 10.906(2) 10.9648(3)
c (A) 6.1517(2) 12.234(1) 6.1411(4
V (A˚ 3) 643.37(3) 1260.2(2) 639.41(4)
Z 3 6 3
R-merge 0.020 0.053
rcalcd (mg cm 23 ) 3.338 3.386 3.358
l(Mo Ka), A ˚ 0.71073 0.71073 1.5405 (neutron)
m (cm 21 ) 78.8 80.4
No. reflns measured 2878 2429
No. reflns unique 537 1218
Ra 0.053 0.111 R p 0.061 d
Rw b 0.087 0.108 wR p 0.071 e
GOF c 2.87 2.09
R 5 o(F0 2 Fc ) /F0 .
R w 5 [o(w(F0 2 Fc )2 ) /wF 20 )] 1 / 2 .
GOF5[o(w(F0 2 Fc )2 ) /(No. of reflns. 2 No. of parameters)] 1 / 2 .
R p 5 ouIo 2 Ic u / oIo .
wR p 5 œ(M / oI 2o ).
176 A.M. Dattelbaum et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 338 (2002) 173 – 184
Table 2
Atomic coordinates and isotropic displacement parameters for Cu 2 ZrCl 6 (1) at 298 K
Occupancy x y z Biso
Zr(1) 1.0 1/3 2/3 0.0244(2) 1.64(5)
Zr(2) 1.0 0 0 1/2 1.52(6)
Cu(1) 0.52(5) 0.2279(3) 0.7721(3) 0.4344(6) 6.2(2)
Cu(2) 0.32(1) 0.1083(4) 0.8917(4) 0.9122(1) 6.3(3)
Cu(3) 0.17(1) 0.4242(8) 0.5758(8) 0.609(2) 5.8(5)
Cl(1) 1.0 0.4405(1) 0.5595(1) 0.2539(4) 2.31(9)
Cl(2) 1.0 0.1070(1) 0.8930(1) 0.2716(4) 2.35(8)
Cl(3) 1.0 0.2261(1) 0.7739(1) 0.7958(4) 2.56(8)
Table 3
˚ for the room temperature structure of Cu 2 ZrCl 6
Bond distances (A)
Zr(1)–Cl(1) 2.481(3)33 Cu(2)–Cl(2) 2.340(7)32
Zr(1)–Cl(3) 2.478(3)33 Cu(2)–Cl(2) 2.211(6)
Cu(2)–Cl(3) 2.354(7)
Zr(2)–Cl(2) 2.474(2)36
Cu(3)–Cl(1) 2.204(9)
Cu(1)–Cl(1) 2.308(3)32 Cu(3)–Cl(1) 2.71(2)
Cu(1)–Cl(2) 2.511(6) Cu(3)–Cl(3) 2.226(7)32
Cu(1)–Cl(3) 2.223(4)
Fig. 5. DSC data obtained upon (a) heating Cu 2 ZrCl 6 from 25 to 500 8C
Fig. 4. Reflectance data for (a) Cu 2 ZrCl 6 , (b) [H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 and (c) and (b) cooling to room temperature (cooling data is offset by 230 mW
CuCl, plotted as the remission function, F(R ` ) 5 (1 2 R ` )2 / 2R ` . for clarity) at 10 8 / min.
178 A.M. Dattelbaum et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 338 (2002) 173 – 184
Fig. 8. A structural comparison of (a) ZrCl 3 and (b) Cu 2 ZrCl 6 . In (c) the links six different chains through long, apical Cu(1)–
lowering of symmetry from 6 3 in the ZrCl 3 chains to 3¯ and 3, ˚ bonds. Full occupancy of the Cu(3) site,
Cl(2), 2.511(6) A,
respectively, depending on which Zr atoms are removed is demonstrated.
Fig. 9c, results in analogous chains that are oriented in the
2c direction and are connected to each other by the
bridging Cl(1), which is apical to the adamantane-type
Cu(3) in Cu 2 ZrCl 6 . Independently, the Cu(1) and Cu(3) building block of one chain, Cl(1)–Cu(3)52.71(2) A, ˚ and
sites form rings of three corner shared tetrahedra which in inner to a similar building block of a neighboring chain,
turn are capped by an octahedral zirconium chloride unit Cl(1)–Cu(3)52.20(1) A. ˚ While adjacent chains are con-
creating the Cu 3 ZrCl 12 adamantane-type building blocks. nected by bridging halides, in this lattice model the
These adamantane-type building blocks are then stacked Zr(2)Cl 6 octahedra are completely isolated in channels
into chains pointing in the 1c direction for occupation of constructed from the network of chains. By contrast, when
the Cu(1) site and in the 2c direction for occupation of only the Cu(2) sites are fully occupied, as shown in Fig.
the Cu(3) site, Fig. 2a and c, respectively. By contrast, the 9b, three chains of bicapped trigonal anti-prisms are linked
Cu(2) sites surrounding a 3¯m octahedral interstice form to Zr(1)Cl 6 octahedra through chloride bridges, Cu(2)–
chains of bicapped trigonal antiprisms equivalent to the Cl(3)52.35(1) A. ˚ This connectivity also leaves three
superposition of the two adamantane-type chains formed terminal Zr(1)–Cl(1) contacts in the network.
by Cu(1) and Cu(3). Unlike the structure of ZrCl 3 where The structural solution described above suggests the
the chains are isolated by van der Waals contacts, occupa- possibility of a variable copper stoichiometry, up to
tion of the tetrahedral copper sites link these chains into Cu 6 ZrCl 6 . However, off composition loadings exhibit no
three dimensional networks through inter-chain Cu–Cl discernable change in lattice constants, thus providing no
bonds. These external Cu–Cl bonds that are elongated in evidence of any significant variation in stoichiometry.
Cu 2 ZrCl 6 , likely the result of a second-order Jahn–Teller Copper rich compositions (Cu 21x ZrCl 6 ), or even occupa-
trigonal pyramidal distortion commonly observed in cupr- tion of only the Cu(2) site by greater than 0.5 would
ous halides [2]. require quite close copper–copper contacts, |2.3 A. ˚ While
Full occupancy of any one copper site would result in such edge shared tetrahedral linkages are known for
the formation of one of the three different lattices shown in cuprous chlorides, connectivity through sharing tetrahedral
Fig. 9a–c; each with the same Cu 2 ZrCl 6 stoichiometry. corners is much more common. The requirement of such
The set of zirconium and chloride positions are equivalent close copper–copper contacts in the lattice resulting from
in each figure. When the Cu(1) site is fully occupied, Fig. the full occupation of the Cu(2) site leads us to suspect
9a, the lattice consists of chains of Cu 3 ZrCl 12 building that this structure is energetically unfavorable. Neverthe-
blocks running along the 1c direction, which are con- less, we find no reason why one of the ordered lattices
nected laterally along a and b by chloride bridges to resulting from the complete occupancy of either Cu(1) or
isolated Zr(2)Cl 6 octahedra. Each Zr(2)Cl 6 octahedron Cu(3) is not energetically favored over the observed
180 A.M. Dattelbaum et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 338 (2002) 173 – 184
disordered structure. Careful examinations of the diffrac- 4.2. Color and thermochromism
tion data provide no evidence for the twinning of crystals
with different copper site occupancies. To consider the The pale yellow color observed for Cu 2 ZrCl 6 at room
possibility of the in-registry growth of crystallite domains, temperature is a result of the onset of absorption at around
each with a unique copper site occupation, the calculated 20 000 cm 21 (500 nm) as seen in Fig. 4a. This absorption
powder patterns for the three lattices obtained by the originates from the insertion of the empty zirconium d-
occupation of individual copper sites (Fig. 10b–d) were orbitals into the copper centered (Cu-d 10 to Cu-s 0 ) band
compared with the observed powder diffraction (Fig. 3). gap of cuprous chloride. We previously demonstrated that
For each of these calculated patterns the (100) reflection is the electronic localization caused by alternation of Al (III)
observed to exhibit significant intensity. But this reflection and Cu (I) in CuAlCl 4 flattens the valence and conduction
is absent in the observed room temperature powder and bands and shifts the absorption deeper into the UV than is
single crystal data. Notably, the (100) reflection is also observed for the binary CuCl [3]. The lowest energy
absent from the diffraction pattern calculated for the model absorption in CuAlCl 4 was also clearly shown to be due to
based on the fractional occupancy of all three copper the Cu-d 10 to Cu-d 9 s 1 transition. Here we assign the broad
positions (Fig. 10a). By contrast, the 100 K X-ray powder absorption maximum at 35 000 cm 21 to the copper cen-
diffraction data (Fig. 3b) exhibits a reflection at Q50.59 tered transition in Cu 2 ZrCl 6 . (The Cl-lone pair to Zr-4d
Å that may be related to a (100)-type reflection. This transition in ZrCl 4 is in the vacuum UV.) Unlike Al(III),
reflection is calculated to be less intense in the neutron however, the octahedral Zr(IV) introduces the low-lying
diffraction given the difference between X-ray and neutron and empty t 2g -type non-bonding orbitals to the system.
scattering factors, and as a result is not observed in the low Under the C3v symmetry of the Cu 3 ZrCl 12 adamantane
temperature neutron data. The appearance of this low Q cage-type units the zirconium nonbonding orbitals trans-
reflection along with the splitting of the other reflections is form with a 1 and e symmetry, and, the set of copper
suggestive of a lower symmetry model in which the Cu d-based Cu–Cl s * orbitals transform as two orbitals of a 1
atoms are possibly localized in certain of the tetrahedral symmetry, one a 2 orbital and three sets of orbitals with e
interstices at low temperature. Nevertheless, we conclude symmetry. Several transitions between the Cu-d 10 to the
that at room temperature any ordering of copper atoms into Zr-d 0 are allowed, and sufficient orbital overlap is possible
domains with specific site occupancies does not occur over given the Cu–Zr distance of only 3.2 A, ˚ such that this
distances of larger than at most a few unit cells. Given the metal-to-metal charge transfer is responsible for the low
apparently insignificant difference in energetic preference energy band edge, and thus the color at room temperature.
for the three copper site occupancies, we speculate that the These assignments are further supported by Extended
copper atoms have significant mobility throughout this ¨
Huckel calculations, in which the projected DOS clearly
lattice. By contrast, at low temperature, the copper atoms shows a majority of Cu and Cl character with a small
are likely localized in specific sites. amount of Zr in the valence band, whereas the much
narrower conduction band is localized on the non-bonding
Zr d-orbitals. [18]
The abrupt color changes over small ranges in tempera-
ture at around 120 and 673 K, respectively, are characteris-
tic of discontinuous thermochromic transitions and suggest
that the thermochromism of Cu 2 ZrCl 6 is due to either first-
or second-order structural phase transitions. The low
temperature DSC measurements provide no evidence for
the phase transition, consistent with a very small and
reasonably a continuous change in enthalpy across the
phase transition. Thus the 20–30 8 temperature range over
which the structural transformation appears to occur
suggests that the low temperature transition is a second
order phase transition. In addition to the proposed localiza-
tion of the copper atoms into discrete sites, based on the
low temperature diffraction data, we suspect that the
copper atoms adopt a more ideal tetrahedral geometry at
low temperature, analogous to the phase transition be-
havior we have previously reported for ((bz)Cu) 2 ZrCl 6 [6]
Fig. 10. Calculated powder X-ray diffraction patterns for the lattices of
Cu 2 ZrCl 6 (a) with a fractional occupancy of all three copper sites, (b) and [H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 [7]. The movement of copper
with complete occupancy of Cu(1), (c) with complete occupancy of Cu(2) away from a tetrahedral face into the center of the
and (d) with complete occupancy of Cu(3). interstice will result in a slight lowering of the Cu–Cl s *
A.M. Dattelbaum et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 338 (2002) 173 – 184 181
Equivalent data are obtained for samples originating from perature independent. Thus we believe that the observed
different sample preparations. (2) Equivalent data are response is intrinsic to these materials and not an impurity.
obtained from samples sealed in fused silica and DELRIN The negative linear slope at high fields of the M vs. H data
sample holders, respectively. (3) Samples of Cu 2 ZrCl 6 are is equal to the diamagnetic susceptibility, xdia . The
EPR silent at room- and low-temperature. (4) Distinct, but diamagnetic susceptibility of Cu 2 ZrCl 6 , extracted from the
related behavior is observed for multiple preparations of average of the linear fits of the 2 and 10.4 to 5.0 T data
the related compound [H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 that was pre- obtained at temperatures between 5 and 300 K, are plotted
pared from the same CuCl and ZrCl 4 starting materials. (5) in Fig. 11, and are observed to be essentially temperature
The temperature effect on the M vs. H measurements are independent. The slight up-turn in this xdia below 100 K
distinctly different for Cu 2 ZrCl 6 and [H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 . may be a result of a small paramagnetic impurity. Similar
The molar magnetic susceptibility data for Cu 2 ZrCl 6 , at behavior is observed for [H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 . The mag-
applied field strengths of 0.05–5.0 T (Fig. 6), are essential- nitude of the measured xdia , 21.6310 24 emu mol 21 for
ly temperature independent. However, when plotted on the Cu 2 ZrCl 6 , and 21.7310 24 emu mol 21 for
expanded scale of Fig. 6 (two orders of magnitude less [H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 , are consistent with the values obtained
than a S51 / 2 system), subtle temperature and field effects from the sum of Pascal’s constants, 21.9310 24 emu
are observed. Immediately apparent is the field dependence mol 21 and 21.8310 24 emu mol 21 , respectively. This
of this data, and the jump in the susceptibility data at about diamagnetism can then be subtracted from the M vs. H
120 K. We note that at applied fields above about 1 T, the data to yield Fig. 12, for example, which is presumably a
‘paramagnetic susceptibility’ of Cu 2 ZrCl 6 is only a result picture of the field dependence of the van Vleck paramag-
of the measured diamagnetic susceptibility being smaller netism.
than the diamagnetic core correction. However, a para- The saturation magnetization of this van Vleck paramag-
magnetic susceptibility is measured directly under applied netism, Msat vV , can be readily determined from the y-
fields of less than about 1 T. Data obtained on the related intercept of the high field xdia curve of Fig. 7, and is
compound [H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 exhibit a similar field de- plotted as a function of temperature in Fig. 13. Only a
pendence, however, no transition at 120 K is observed. small decrease in this Msat vV is observed for
Thus, we believe that jump in the susceptibility of [H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 upon decreasing temperature from 300
Cu 2 ZrCl 6 is a manifestation of the low temperature to 20 K. A slight decrease in the y-intercept would be the
thermochromic, and structural phase transition. A similar expected effect of a small paramagnetic impurity (i.e. the
conclusion was proposed by Dronskowski [23] to explain measured slope, xdia 1 ximpurity , would be less negative
the observed magnetic response in In 2 ZrBr 6 . His conclu- resulting in a smaller y-intercept). By contrast the Msat vV
sion was later contested by Jansen et al. [24]. However, of Cu 2 ZrCl 6 is about twice the magnitude of that observed
when the data from the latter report are digitally scanned for [H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 and exhibits a remarkable tempera-
and expanded to the same scale as that reported in the
former (as well as subtracting the diamagnetic core correc-
tion), the two sets of data are seen to be very similar,
further supporting the idea that the structural phase transi-
tions may be manifest in the van Vleck paramagnetism.
Nevertheless, the impact of this phase transition on the
susceptibility appears to be masked at higher applied field
strengths, suggestive of a magnetic saturation.
To further probe the field dependence of this magnetic
response, we have measured the magnetization as a
function of applied field at several temperatures between 5
and 300 K for both Cu 2 ZrCl 6 (shown in Fig. 7) and
[H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 . These data exhibit a maximum in the
magnetization at applied field strengths of about 0.1 T. A
mixture of a ferromagnetic impurity and a diamagnetic
compound might account for such data. However, while
only 4.7310 27 g of iron (out of the total sample of 0.041
g) could account for a molar magnetization of 1310 24
emu mol 21 , it seems unlikely that multiple preparations
would yield the same very small amount of an iron Fig. 11. Lower plot: Diamagnetic susceptibility, xdia , extracted as the
slope of the M vs. H data between 0.4 and 5.0 T, as a function of
impurity. Furthermore, while the M vs. H data for
temperature. Upper plot: van Vleck paramagnetic susceptibility, xpara vV ,
Cu 2 ZrCl 6 exhibit a notable temperature dependence, inset extracted as the slope of the M vs. H data between 6200 T, as a function
of Fig. 7 (itself inconsistent with a ferromagnetic impuri- of temperature. (Note the order of magnitude difference in the scales of
ty), the equivalent data for [H 2 NMe 2 ]CuZrCl 6 are tem- these respective plots.).
A.M. Dattelbaum et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 338 (2002) 173 – 184 183
Coupling between the high-lying filled Cu–Cls* orbitals DOE BES contract (DE-AC02-98CH10886). This work
and the low lying and empty Zr 4d-orbitals (or to the low was supported by the National Science Foundation (DMR-
lying Cu 4s- and 4p-orbitals) provides a stage on which to 9501370, DMR-0072828, DMR-9703419 and DMR-
investigate the temperature independent paramagnetism 0108605) and instrumentation grants (CHE-9509532 and
said to result from the field induced mixing of the ground DMR-9601825). J.D. Martin is a Cottrell Scholar of the
and low-lying excited states described by van Vleck [20]. Research Corporation.
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that a weak magnetic response is due to impurities, the
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